clementine-russo · 6 years
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clementine-russo · 6 years
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“honestly?” nate looked sheepish and he rubbed the back of his neck, “home. tonight’s the first night in a long while we haven’t had practice and i just want to go home to kappa and take a nap and avoid homework for a bit. you looked pretty pensive before i plowed into you. what were you thinking about?”
“god, I've never heard something that I've related more to in my entire life.” clementine said jokingly, though it was something she knew all too well. with her constantly rehearsing, putting on performances for the drama club as well as pledging the rest of her time to the rainbow bank - she was exhausted. “I don’t want to take up more of your night off. I’m walking in the same direction - might as well drop you off.”
she teased him, slinging her bag over her shoulder as they began to walk together. when he asked her about her thoughts, she couldn’t stop the sigh passing by her lips. “I don’t know, really. a lot of things. majority of my daily activities is wishing I could go back home. and I don’t mean home in Florida where my family. more like back to Italy.” she explained. “it’s weird, I’ve been really missing it recently. even though it really shouldn’t bring me much great memories.”
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clementine-russo · 6 years
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clementine-russo · 6 years
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this week was — difficult. for a student of business, scout had absolutely no mind of management. three different priorities for the week had become jumbled up with each other to the point where they permanently had a coffee in hand, and foundation was getting worse and worse at covering up their eye bags.
something slammed into their chest as they stormed through the halls, nearly enough of a physical jolt as to make them drop a folder they were clinging to. their facial expression as they looked down at the roadblock was one of sheer disdain, but it melted into neutrality immediately. “ clem, jeez, sorry — ” they weren’t going to be setting the best impressions for rainbow bank if they kept bumping into their own members without any concern.
      “ hey, wait — ” they murmured, like an afterthought. “ d’you have a second ? ”
“oh! scout, I'm sorry. I was lost in thought there....” she apologised, feeling relief washing over her that she had ran into somebody she knew rather than a complete stranger. at least they knew how easily she could get lost in her thoughts and that it wasn’t any personal. she took their hand and got herself back up onto her feet, “I promise this won’t become a daily occurrence. last thing we really need to do to damage one another.” she tried to joke, picking her backpack up from the floor and slinging it back over her shoulders. 
they immediately caught clementine’s attention, clearing her throat to compose herself before responding. “yeah, of course. what’s up?”
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clementine-russo · 6 years
for someone who was so quick and coordinated on his feet, nate was one clumsy guy. he often clipped corners of furniture, ran into things. this time he felt awful because it was another person and she was on the ground. he reached down and pulled her up. “oh god, i am so sorry.”
“no no, don’t apologise. honestly, it was my fault.” clementine stuttered the words out, completely frazzled by the entire moment. one moment, she was in thought. the next? winded on the floor. she took his hand gingerly and felt him pull her up with ease, offering a small smile back in response. “thanks.” she dusted the dirt off her jeans before speaking up again, “where you heading to in such a rush?” she asked, taking the time to fix her ponytail that was knocked out of place. 
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clementine-russo · 6 years
ari was almost certain that she ran into the other and not the other way around because ari had her nose in a pile of flashcards instead of paying attention where she was walking. she was about to apologize purfusely but the other girl already beat her to it even though she was on the ground. ari was pretty similar in structure so it was surprising they both weren’t on the ground. she offered a hand out. “you’re okay!”
clem immediately grabbed her hand and helped herself up, “thank you.” she gasped out, feeling herself slightly winded by the fall. she really had to save the daydreaming for when she wasn’t out in public or else this would become an occurrence. as she bent down to grab her bag, she noticed ari’s flashcards in her hand. “what’s the flashcards for? big exam coming up?” she asked out of curiosity. 
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clementine-russo · 6 years
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her lanky limbs often got the better of her. on stage, spinning around at a charity gala, in a pair of ballet shoes… she’s got natural grace there. but in any other scenario cora was practically a walking disaster waiting to happen, and about as clumsy as they came when she wasn’t paying attention. “oh no.” the brit shook her head, immediately offering her hands to help the other up with a sheepish smile on her face.
“my heads a little in the clouds today,” the redhead pauses then, crinkling her nose. “more so than usual at least.”
clementine smiled gratefully when cordelia held her hand out, taking it carefully and getting back onto her feet. she dusted herself off, in the middle of leaning down to get her bag when she heard her words. “trust me, you’re not the only one. it must be something in the air.” she said, although it was a joke - she was quite serious in saying it. 
she slid the bag over her shoulder, taking a moment of silence to think about what she was going to say next. considering all she wanted to do to communicate how she was feeling, she figured she could at least help someone else by offering her listening skills. “you okay though? I'm always up for a chat if you need it.”
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clementine-russo · 6 years
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kat had to take a moment not to yell at the girl who ran into her. katherine was in a bad mood for no reason. she hated when that happened because then there was nothing she could do to fix it. her expression softened when she saw how apologetic the other was. “hey, hey. you’re fine.”
clem bit her lip at first seeing how annoyed the girl was, almost preparing herself for a bashing of how she should be more careful. however, she quickly relaxed seeing her expression soften up. “I really should get my head out of the clouds, huh?” she said to break the silence, picking herself up the ground. she brushed the dirt off her clothes, sorting herself out before she fixated on the girl in front of her. 
“I don’t think I've met you. I’m Clementine, or just Clem.” she smiled softly. “I like to make an rough impression, it seems.”
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clementine-russo · 6 years
of all the things that clementine thought she was, she never expected to describe herself as “lonely.” she had always been a popular girl, the type of girl that would have her fair share of hugs and waves to everyone she came into contact with. she was extroverted, like that. however, she couldn’t help but feel a wave of sadness over the past month. all she had wanted was to see her fathers and her baby brother, though not in the way that most people would think. she had wanted to see her family but back home in Italy, she was missing her home country now more than ever. she didn’t know what had made her feel so nostalgic for her past. 
she was lost deep in thought when she accidentally bumped into somebody, her small frame causing her to fall down instantly. “oh god, I'm so so sorry.” she said embarrassingly. 
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clementine-russo · 6 years
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clementine-russo · 6 years
“who is that walking on the quad? that’s clementine russo, of course. she may look like ariana grande but the twenty-two year old is a junior studying musical performance and production. On game days, she’s angelic and true-hearted ; during finals week, she’s vain and hot-headed. if you catch her at a party, she’s probably dancing to my my my by troye sivan.”
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clementine elena russo was born on march 18th 1996 in the small town of arzignano, a small industrial town based in the providence of vicenza, italy. she was given into the arms of partners Davide and Simon Russo who had adopted her after her biological mother had left her at the hospital just a few hours after her birth.
despite this, she grew up in that household as an only child. she was spoiled rotten by her fathers, living the first few years of her life in the countrysides of italy. it wasn’t until she was eleven when her fathers had made the move to the united states for business. she spend her middle and high school years in florida before she moved to georgia for school. 
it‘s clementine’s belief that music had chosen her rather than her choosing to pursue music. her fathers had noticed her talent in singing and dance from watching her little performances she would put on in the centre of their living room. from the age of five, she began to learn different types of dance as well start to take vocal lessons in order to help her improve her voice. this would lead to clementine’s life long dream to become an artist, or at least a actress. she placed her time and energy into choir, dance and drama to align her in all areas of her chosen art. 
clem had always been a popular girl, a bubbly aura that follows her where ever she goes. however, she is extremely picky when it comes to who she actually lets into her life. people who know her might label her as a “bitch” because of this, but she honestly doesn’t have much will to care. 
she’s extremely protective of her family and fears of them being attacked over the fact that she was raised by gay parents. this only increased overtime when her fathers decided to adopt a little boy named eduardo. now seven, clementine strives to protect him and his fathers from the hate outside their family.
while clem has no recollection of her mother and has nothing else but a deep love for her fathers, her “abandonment” at birth is something that has stayed with and baffled her growing up. it’s left clementine with a vulnerable sense of self-confidence, feeling that most people in her life will leave her like her mother did.
since her time at riverbank, she’s become a part of both the drama club and rainbow bank. 
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clementine-russo · 6 years
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