0fthegh0sts-blog · 6 years
hey, i’m peter. here’s some personality (bio?) blurbs on luca and rosalie  
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quarterback, frat boy, music therapy 
mostly charming and warm, but on the flip side anxious and cold
really sucked at grades, really rocked at football (it’s what got him into college)
can play trumpet, guitar, and piano
tries to be super masculine but not in a toxic way
likes to be the center of attention
likes to pretend he's a fuckboy
100% is the guy who takes drunk girls home and like make sure their completely okay and have pills and water for the next day and a trash can by the bed
painfully straight
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cheerleader, community service frat, media arts & animation
witty and fearless but can become despondent and quiet
gifted child, hella intelligent
prefers to keep to herself despite being rather extroverted
hard shell, soft center 
will remember every small detail about you
totally an observer 
great listener
likes to stir the pot, be devil’s advocate sometimes 
bi bi bi 
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ofatheva-archive · 6 years
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oh boy, did you get natalie dormer for an eight a.m.? wait no, that’s poppy bryant. i heard the thirty-five year old is a professor who gives a pretty tough lecture in law. she tries to be effervescent and incisive but on the stressful days, they are erratic and disputatious. when they get a chance to relax, catch them at the local bar listening to drops of jupiter by train.
poppy turning up to her 8am: hey kids, you ever had a wine hangover?
is holly holliday 
or more hedonistic pepper potts
in every conceivable situation, she is the dark kermit
student: this class makes me wanna die 
poppy: bitch me too tf
wins every argument with it’s the law, i know this, as a lawyer
the first daughter, born poppy marie bryant, was raised in all the security and wealth expected of a greenwich trust fund baby. attended gala’s, gallery openings, charity dinners and just about every other get together the upper class of connecticut’s most cultured could come up with. an environment she’s always been at ease in, poppy flourished and from a young age was very aware of just how far a few well placed connections could get you. names she stashed away for a later date, a time where she might cast some thought toward her future, consider anything beyond giggling behind champagne flutes with her sister or ill advised trysts in gallery coat rooms.
after years of having everything provided, all her problems solved for her, the first big decision of her life had the eldest bryant packing up all those gucci shoes and heading not far at all to new york to study architecture at columbia. not meant to be, the ever unpredictable student chopped and changed her major four times before truly finding a fit. after spending the entirety of her life soaking up the arts, and convinced she’d follow the footsteps of her parents, poppy bryant graduated top of her class in politics. the surprises kept on coming. she went on to do her j.d., passed the bar, got her l.l.m. and finally got her first job as an attorney. 
years of hard work it may have been, but it didn’t slow her down one bit. stress had always rolled right off her, brushed off with an apathetic shrug and a healthy dose of gin. in between the many late nights and thousands of essays, poppy easily rose to the social queen too. her carefree ways and it’ll be fine tomorrow attitude won her plenty of friends and ensured she moved in plenty of the new york circles. and this, fortunately ( or unfortunately depending on how you chose to see it ), was how she met her future husband. 
though she’d had partners in abundance, poppy fell hard and fell fast. deeply in love, she found herself saying yes to proposals and a big white wedding to boot. it was only after the honeymoon dust had settled, that the pair broached the subject of children. his enthusiasm for a baby was met with a firm no from her, and thus the first crack was formed. she was desparate to hold onto a blooming career, one that was only on it’s way up. she had plans, for her own firm, for fortunes of her own, for christmas’ in bahamas. not taking nine months off to return to her replacement taking her promotion, not nappies and bickering with in laws. arguments became daily, but their love was just as strong. foolishly, poppy had thought that would be enough to make it. 
the pregnancy had come as a shock. always so careful, a surprise baby had been the last thing on her mind for the sudden sickness. and yet, her first thought hadn’t been to get rid of it. she’d been overjoyed. excited even. everything was different, they began to plan, they were going to make this work. but before the paint had time to dry on the nursery, it soon became apparent that it wasn’t meant to be. just shy off her second trimester, they were faced with the tragic truth that there would be no baby. so the clothes were thrown into storage and the nursery was rapidly converted back into the office. desks thrown up against walls where mocking giraffe stickers once were. 
at thirty, poppy had been confronted with the tragic news that there would never be a baby. she’d laughed at it, laughed until she’d sobbed because, really, a hostile uterus they’d said. an environment that was supposed to be perfect, was instead something that had killed their child. and would take the life of any others they managed to conceive after it. news that broke her heart, was not shared with her husband. how could she tell the man that longed for children so much, that she couldn’t give them to him? that it was all her fault, that she’d failed in the one thing she was supposed to be able to do. she couldn’t, the thought was too painful, and she couldn’t keep that dream from him either. no, not even she was that selfish. 
so when the time came that he suggest they try again ( they’d been so excited before, afterall ), rather than share what she knew, she told him she’d meant what she’d said before. she didn’t want kids, didn’t want to be some brainless soccer mom that handed over her career to raise some thankless life. argument after argument, and she lit the flame to them all. kept pushing until there was no where left to go, until she’d backed them into a corner with no other option left to them. the papers were signed, she moved out and that was that. years spent together, over after vicious negotiations.  
returning to work after that should have been easy, she was good at shutting that part off and getting on with it. but after struggling on with it for three months, she was urged onto sabbatical. empty, and with nothing left to give, she disappeared for a year. went completely off the map as she slept her way through most of europe before returning to the states at thirty-three. in three years, she’d lost it all. husband, home, future. after it all, going back to work felt soulless to her. with no urge to get back to the rush of the city, it was poppy who followed her sister for once. followed her all the way to her new life in georgia where she accepted the offer for law professor. someone of her formidable experience had won the role easily enough.
it’s her second year teaching at riverbank and she’s now settling in. her classes have learned not to snigger at the name poppy on their timetable, and expect a gruelling lecture when she’s in the mood. she’s a pusher if she sees something in a student, and isn’t likely to let something drop until she’s satisfied with the results. with her firm pleading for her back, she’s no longer sure what her purpose is anymore. has she just been running for five years, or has she found a new place to belong? was this always to be her next step? to fill the emptiness her old life had left her with.
honestly, poppy is super fun
she’s literally a riot at parties
knows all the best anecdotes, always has incredible stories to tell, usually of her travels
thinks pink gin is the greatest invention of the 21st century
is pretty hedonistic but charitable af
donates to a lot of causes, has probably twelve benches and a fountain named after her by now
uses humour to cover up the fact that she’s highkey drifting
after such a rigorous lifestyle in new york, she’s found herself at thirty-five with really no idea what she’s supposed to be doing in life
mid life crisis 100%
chaotic good
could be slytherin, could be gryffindor, but is definitely reckless af
doesn’t matter how chaotic life is, she always looks a million dollars
even for the inevitable walk of shame every monday morning for her 8am
comes in hungover for most early classes 
usually sticks on a powerpoint and kicks back with a litre of coffee
is really fucking charming, would flirt with a mop tbh
when she’s Not Suffering she actually plans some pretty tough lessons and expects you to keep up or fall behind
out of office hours are strict
try and catch her outside of them? she’s gonna straight up mariah carey you
i don’t know her
if you’re not turning up then she’s not about to chase you, just fail, not her problem, she’ll get paid either way
owns way too many black dresses
has not worn a flat shoe in twenty five years
will be your pal if you’re not boring
divorced, hot and ready to mingle
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sxfteynet-blog · 6 years
      HEY HEY HEY can I literally just say that i’m so excited to be here ?? i’m jonas (est, they/them) and I brought you my wonderful, protective, handsome, homosexual professor so love him please ?? hit me up and/or like this to plot because he should be so much fun to play ??
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oh boy, did you get daniel dae kim for an eight a.m.? wait no, that’s gregory tyler. i heard the forty seven year old is a professor who gives a pretty tough lecture in criminal justice. he tries to be encouraging and comforting but on the stressful days, they are harsh and dangerous. when they get a chance to relax, catch them at the local bar listening to california love by tupac.  
gregory and his family immigrated to america from korea when they were very young so they could get away from the danger and corruption in their country. he had to learn English, but was very smart and learned quickly. 
needless to say, he was extremely smart in school and decided that when he went to college, he wanted to become a police officer. he did just that, and immediately got  job as an officer when he finished school. 
he always knew he was different. throughout his time in school, greg wanted to try and find a girl he could confidently say he loved but he never found one. he had always been attracted to men, and luckily one day he met that man who would later become his husband. 
gregory and his husband were doing just fine, and they had become licensed foster parents and potential adopters very early on. and given greg’s job he came across a lot of kids in need. 
there came a time where the kids were starting to go off to college and gregory wanted a change of scenery. so when his daughter, kasey, started school at riverbank and a professor position opened up so he took the chance and got the job. since then he’s been extremely happy and so much more content now that he’s closer to one of his kids. 
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jfcdeanyorkes-blog · 6 years
dean had a bad habit of sneaking out of the house when he wasn’t supposed to. that was how he met his girlfriend, hannah kawahara. dean continued to sneak out to see hannah. he wasn’t ready to introduce her to his family yet because it had only been a few weeks and he also didn’t want to admit to his dads he had been sneaking around on them.
the beginning of the end might had already happened but the true ending for dean occurred when he returned one night to a zombie infested house, including one of his dad’s and his younger brother; kasey and his other dad nowhere in sight. dean bolted from the house and went to hannah’s to see if she wanted to join him in his quest to hop to camp to camp to try to find his surviving sister and father (who he assumed would be together).
once she agreed, the two went from place to place, often depending on only each other for protection and other comforts. eventually they stumbled upon riverbank, where they both are very fresh newcomers, and to his surprise, both his sister and his father were at the camp. considering they thought he was attacked, dean gave them a surprise of his own. dean’s ready to start a stable (well as stable as it can be during the zombie apocalypse) life at the camp with his surviving family and hannah.
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jermcine-blog · 6 years
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oh boy, did you get hugh jackman for an eight a.m.? wait no, that’s jermaine parris. i heard the forty-five year old is a professor who gives a pretty tough lecture in theatre. he tries to be compassionate and encouraging but on the stressful days, they are impersonal and superficial. when they get a chance to relax, catch them at the local bar listening to somebody by the chainsmokers. ;
Hello, it’s me again with a new muse for you all to play with! He’s a theatre prof so you know he’s going to be Extra TM & Dramatic TM. I’m super excited to get to play someone like Huge Jackedman so I hope I can do him justice, and that you all will like my manchild. Anyway, onto the deets.
A former musical star (sort of), Jermaine’s been in the teaching business for he past ten or so years. He had a sudden realization that he was missing out on his daughter growing up and decided to ditch the unstable lifestyle of always waiting around for the next audition to roll around.
His daughter (wc incoming!!) is the most important thing in his life, just ahead of theatre of course. He’d probably move to Antarctica if she asked him to.
A true Dad! Probably a bit overbearing at times, but takes his students health seriously, honestly just wants the best for all of them. And he best is obviously to become Broadway stars, the lot of them.
Also: The show must go on! Will pep talk you but really has no idea how to help otherwise.
Do you want to see baby pictures of his daughter? He keeps them in his wallet. How about the first time she blew out her own birthday candles? Or when she got braces!
So he has a daughter but he never actually got married, and he and the mother of his child sort of drifted apart over the years. They’re still friendly, they’re just not romantically involved. He blames himself. It’s justified.
He really likes to dress fancy, for the show of it, but he knows when to be practical about it. It’s kind of hard to jump around on a stage if you’re wearing your best pressed suit.
Even though he definitely cares about his students, he has a hard time investing in their personal lives. He’d be a terrible counsellor.
Takes his job seriously and truly believes that anyone can learn to act well.
Not quite as good when it comes to the whole, manuscript writing thing. Definitely has more experience on the acting side of things.
Is the type who sings to himself in the shower and hums when he’s in a good mood.
Theatre students are the best students, if you think otherwise you’re just plain wrong. All of them are flawless and have never done anything wrong in their lives.
Hmu here, on Buster’s account, or on Discord if you want to plot! A man needs connections.
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kallinauxter-blog · 6 years
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hey, i’m rj. it’s been a hot minute since i’ve RPed. kallin was the first character i ever played. so she’s near and dear to my heart. i hope you all enjoy her, and i can’t wait to plot! (tw: drugs, tw: overdose, tw: death) 
in 1988, caroline levi, a sophomore in college, attended a concert at a local venue where the sound guy, jack auxter (all his friends called him bear), wouldn’t stop chatting her up. caroline thought bear was cute and funny, and the two exchanged numbers. it didn’t take long before the two started seeing each other romantically. 
 the year was 1989. they weren’t planning on settling down any time soon, caroline still had some college left and bear was working sound at the venue and was playing guitar and singing in a band of his own. but mistakes happen and the condom broke. kallin was conceived and her mother had no desire to do anything but birth and keep her baby. 
her mother did make it through school, and went on to become a teacher. 
however, since bear was focusing on his band, it left caroline and her family to actually raise a baby kallin. 
a few years later, bear and caroline had a baby boy, balien auxter. 
when kallin was old enough to take care of herself and keep an eye on her brother, her mother picked up more jobs because even though bear was becoming successful, he was distancing himself from the family and becoming wrapped up in the stereotypical rocker life style. which at first meant a lot of drugs, sex would come later and would ultimately cause the divorce of jack and caroline.
surprise, surprise. balien looked up to his father majorly and followed in his footsteps closely. drugs included.
kallin found his body after he overdosed on heroin after she and her mother returned from a weekend away. he was 16. kallin was only 18. it was this that caused her to pursue a career in the medical field. 
bisexual - if you’re doing percentages, she’s about 40%, 60% in favor of females
not a big fan of labels. don’t you dare try to put her in a neat little box.
very studious and sometimes gets really lost in her work 
an old soul
IDK, just get to know her 
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elixdavidson-blog · 6 years
Hey, I’m Sam and can’t wait to rp with y’all!
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who is that walking on the quad? that’s elliot davidson, of course. she may look like kaya scodelario but the twenty one year old is actually a junior studying chemistry. on game days, they’re enticing & fearless ; during finals week, they’re abrasive & secretive. if you catch them at a party, they’re probably dancing to rebel girl by bikini kill ; ( sam. 20. she/her. est. )
Here is just some general information, I’ll have a full bio up as soon as I get to it!
She’s got a sailor’s mouth and she uses it whenever she can
Was raised in a really messed up household as both of her parents repeatedly had affairs and put her in the middle
As a result, she has extreme trust issues, and lets very few people in
But once you’re in, she will be extremely loyal to you and will defend you with everything she’s got
Doesn’t really talk to either one of her parents, and refuses to pick sides in their fights now that she’s in college 
Probably suffers from depression, but would never admit it and refuses to get treatment for it, and instead uses alcohol and drugs to self-medicate
Some call her cruel, she calls herself honest; it’s probably somewhere in between
She’s willing to try anything once and believes in living life in the moment
Currently doesn’t know what she wants to do after she graduates, but figures she’ll probably end up working in a lab due to her major
Can actually be sweet sometimes, you just have to dig really, really deep
Bisexual as fuck
The one that kills the spiders
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clementine-russo · 6 years
“who is that walking on the quad? that’s clementine russo, of course. she may look like ariana grande but the twenty-two year old is a junior studying musical performance and production. On game days, she’s angelic and true-hearted ; during finals week, she’s vain and hot-headed. if you catch her at a party, she’s probably dancing to my my my by troye sivan.”
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clementine elena russo was born on march 18th 1996 in the small town of arzignano, a small industrial town based in the providence of vicenza, italy. she was given into the arms of partners Davide and Simon Russo who had adopted her after her biological mother had left her at the hospital just a few hours after her birth.
despite this, she grew up in that household as an only child. she was spoiled rotten by her fathers, living the first few years of her life in the countrysides of italy. it wasn’t until she was eleven when her fathers had made the move to the united states for business. she spend her middle and high school years in florida before she moved to georgia for school. 
it‘s clementine’s belief that music had chosen her rather than her choosing to pursue music. her fathers had noticed her talent in singing and dance from watching her little performances she would put on in the centre of their living room. from the age of five, she began to learn different types of dance as well start to take vocal lessons in order to help her improve her voice. this would lead to clementine’s life long dream to become an artist, or at least a actress. she placed her time and energy into choir, dance and drama to align her in all areas of her chosen art. 
clem had always been a popular girl, a bubbly aura that follows her where ever she goes. however, she is extremely picky when it comes to who she actually lets into her life. people who know her might label her as a “bitch” because of this, but she honestly doesn’t have much will to care. 
she’s extremely protective of her family and fears of them being attacked over the fact that she was raised by gay parents. this only increased overtime when her fathers decided to adopt a little boy named eduardo. now seven, clementine strives to protect him and his fathers from the hate outside their family.
while clem has no recollection of her mother and has nothing else but a deep love for her fathers, her “abandonment” at birth is something that has stayed with and baffled her growing up. it’s left clementine with a vulnerable sense of self-confidence, feeling that most people in her life will leave her like her mother did.
since her time at riverbank, she’s become a part of both the drama club and rainbow bank. 
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comes from a single parent family; very poor; mom used her to help scam people; she’s killer at slight of hand
luckily, katherine is very bright, she worked her ass off in school, and despite having art classes (and excelling there), she got a high enough gpa and sat score to get a really nice scholarship to riverbank
kind of rocking that starving artist thing; she is selling her work though and doing animation for an online animated web series, but she’s not making a whole lot and is by no means famous; works at a local diner for some extra cash
wigs, wigs, wigs! the girl has a pixie cut that she rocks and often dyes, but she loves to switch up her hairstyles by wearing wigs. it’s a form of self-expression.
stable relationships? don’t know her. she’s bi and flirts and sleeps around. but she is working on more stability in her relationships; it’s just a slow process (that includes friendships, she’s working on becoming a better friend)
will talk about anything and everything with anyone
her sense of humor is odd
less odd, self-deprecation 
gets a kick out of arguing, but will not seek fights
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edenreese-blog1 · 6 years
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hey, i’m nancy! excited to be here! here’s my trash baby, eden! 
who is that walking on the quad? that’s eden reese, of course. they may look like brianna hildebrand but the twenty-one year old is actually a junior studying medicine. on game days, they’re honest and loyal; during finals week, they’re sarcastic and cynical. if you catch them at a party, they’re probably dancing to lolita by lana del rey.
their honesty only includes telling the truth when it comes to their opinions, because they’re a huge klepto, and that’s not very honest.
biromantic but asexual, they’ll love the shit out of you, but they won’t sleep with you. however, they don’t mind if their partners have sexual partners as long as said partner TELLS them who they’re having sex with. communication please. 
talking things out is very important to them
not here for your bullshit
a grudge holder, do not wrong them 
moody af
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astrcphiiles · 6 years
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oh boy, did you get gemma chan for an eight a.m. ? wait no, that’s elene keo. i heard the thirty two year old is a professor who gives a pretty tough lecture in history. she tries to be passionate and spirited but on the stressful days, they are blunt and evasive. when they get a chance to relax, catch them at the local bar listening to kiss it better by rihanna. 
what’s up squad fam, sorry this intro is utter rambly trash, but it makes sense because i’m introducing you to my trash daughter !!! i’m always up for plots so hmu on discord ( britty is shitty#6471 ) or my ims here --- feel free to give this a like and i’ll come to you ! under the cut is some more info on her 
originally elene was born in tianjin, china. however, her birth parents had wanted a boy - an heir to her birth father’s successful shipping company. due china’s one-child policy she was put up for adoption as soon as she was born. 
later in life when she learnt of this it would lead to some fun abandonment issues, but none of that mattered at the time because it lead her to being adopted by keos when she was a couple of months old and living a childhood she is eternally grateful for. 
she was very much the baby of the family and absolutely idolised her siblings when she was little. would have 100% annoyed the fuck out of them, basically raina’s little copycat 
raina vc: i love math
elene, not knowing what math is yet: me too !!!!
she was the little sister who always wanted to do everything the same as them but loved her family very much
she was also very easy to please as a child, she always attended her mother’s high teas with a smile on her face and used to admire all the fancy dresses and be the cute little kid they would all ‘ooh’ and ‘ahh’ at even though the food was gross and she just wanted a cookie damn. 
though she really more fascinated with her dads work, and used to love all his stories and remained fascinated by them as she grew up. she took her first oe in cambodia and seeing the state the country was left in - it was one of main reasons why she chose to follow in her father’s footsteps.
she hated confrontation even as a child, whenever anybody was fighting at home she used to cry until they would stop yelling, just wanted everyone to be all happy and smiles !
however cue to when she was 12 and raina left and everyone was not all happy and smiles
she was really truly heartbroken when she left, probs cried for ages like a big ass baby and was afraid she did something wrong, didn’t really understand what raina was going through until she was much older but at that point she had too much built up rage and abandonment issues to forgive her. 
raina leaving was a big turning point in her life, and as she grew older and wanted to learn more about her birth parents, only to realise they were happy and healthy in shanghai still with the son they’d always wanted fucked her up a tad and between those two points she still has some major issues she doesn’t really want to address. 
after raina left she really wanted to become the perfect daughter™ for her parents - she wanted to make them proud and after knowing why she was adopted she felt a great deal of gratitude towards them for even wanting her and didn’t want them to be disappointed, since raina left she also felt like she had some sort of hole to fill for them. 
chose to follow in her father’s footsteps, she would have been far too bored as a trophy wife and pop out some kids, isn’t even sure she wants kids after everything that happened in her life. 
right out of college, she attended oxford majoring in history. classics is more of something she’s interested in, but again, perfect daughter™
during her first few years at uni she was a big old mess, a big party girl and she drank way too much, still not really sure how to deal with all the resentment she had bottled up inside and just kind of let it all out on friday night so she could be home for sunday dinners to keep up her facade. 
she jumped from relationship to relationship at this time, she’d spent her whole life trying to keep people happy and trying to please people and didn’t really know how to function without having that there.
v much bisexual
her hate of confrontation continued into her adult life and she would often break up with as soon as they fought, meaning she very rarely got close with anyone and if she did she would break up with them anyway, afraid they would leave her hurt like the other people she loved had.
eventually she chose to channel her anger into her humanitarian work, much like her father and in her breaks from uni she would accompany him around the world trying to raise awareness for causes she was passionate about.
cambodia and china are two causes she is particularly passionate about and visited both places many times in her life, involved in many education programs in cambodia and donates to try and aid land mine removal left over from the khmer rouge rule coup. very passionate about corrupt government and women’s issues in china as well. 
sometimes will just get really angry about the state of the world and cry about it or yell about it, or rant while drinking red wine, or all three.
she continued at oxford, completing her masters, focusing in on economics and history and went on to begin her phd at oxford.
she still continued her humanitarian work on behalf of her father in between her phd study and work as a ta at oxford.
this included going around the world doing awareness talks and guest lecturers at top universities around europe and the us. 
this was what first brought her to riverbank, doing a guest lecture on behalf of her father and it was here when she was introduced to ty and elene was major eyes emoji at him and eventually she ended up transferring from oxford to riverbank to riverbank to finish her phd which is something she said she’d never do bc a hoe loves london
and that was definitely not because of ty
or that raina happened to be there and deep down under all the rage at her she still loves her sis so much haha what ur crazy :))
ty was probably her first proper major relationship she didn’t scare herself out of ( or so she thought haha psych bitch ) probably because being in the us was her first chance to escape that image of being a perfect daughter image she tried so hard to work at and for once she was with someone she felt comfortable around and accepted her for herself, not what they wanted her to be
she really truly loved him
promise :)
they got engaged when she was finishing her phd and she was really excited to continue learning and growing with him until it all came crashing down and she panicked like the weak hoe she is smh
it was when ty starting bringing up starting a family and their future together that she began to freak out about it all. she realised that she doesn’t even really know what she wants herself. her whole life has been shaped by what other people wanted of her from her parents and her other numerous relationships growing up that she has a major freak out her fun commitment and abandonment issues coming out to rear their ugly head and she left ty just before summer break
her break up only lead to more pent up rage at raina because even though now she understands why she left, the damage has been done in her eyes. she’s tried so hard to be the perfect daughter for her parents, the perfect girlfriend etc. that she lost herself in the midst of it all and she’s afraid everyone will leave her when she stops that facade and unfairly blames it all on raina tbh
it is rational? no. is elene rational though? also a no.
basically at this point she is a giant ball of rage and confusion and regret but decides to go around the world in an attempt to try and find herself, went back to china, tried to confront her birth parents but babied out so instead basically went to all the classical ruins around the world, drank a lot of wine and cried a lot.
for once, kind of felt good by herself but as soon as she came back to riverbank for this year she : ) still got those feel
her: im doing great, i can survive on my own her: sees ty her: fuck
personality wise she is usually a pretty spirited and lively person, however whenever she’s upset or stressed she can get super blunt and a little harsh at times ( which is a lot rn oops )
obviously has some sever avoidance issues bc she just bottles that shit up !!
gets very riled up quite easily on her personal views so don’t test her
very liberal views, hates corrupt government systems, thinks current government is failing
hates the american government system with a passion
don’t tell her to stay out of it bc she’s british because maybe if nixon had stayed out of cambodia they wouldn’t have 40,000 people dying from unexploded bombs in cambodia from when they bombed then during the veitnam war huh, or maybe cambodia wouldnt be fucked up from french rule in the first place huh or maybe palestine wouldn’t be so fucked up atm if overseas governments like the us kept to themselves HUH
will fight you but also hates confrontation and will cry abt it
very much an adulting is hard mood
tired all the time but smiles through it
the one thing she prides herself in is being well dressed, her life might be falling apart at the seams but she’ll be damned if a good coat, heels and red lippy can’t make everyone think that it isn’t !!!
speaks chinese and english fluently, some khmer, some french but lost interest in it, languages were never her jam and drain her how does one conjugate a verb
avoids any and all issues w/ a 10 foot pole
has a weakness for chocolate cake 
an ideal night ? a intellectually stimulating convo, some good wine, some good cake and some good sex a+++
teaching wise, she really loves educating other people on things that are important to her, believes the world would be a better place if everyone learnt from the past and wants everyone to know that
a pretty chill teacher and perhaps gets overexcited at times
she always wanted to be an educator whether it was this way or through her humanitarian work
definitely has favourites
stationary geek for sure
this vine
i think i should stop now this is getting way too long good god
im down for whatever connections wise gimme them all and as i said, hmu or give this a like and i’ll come to u !!!
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kolharlow-blog · 6 years
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who is that walking on the quad? that’s kol harlow, of course. he may look like kj apa but the twenty year old is actually a soph studying architecture. on game days, they’re adaptable and happy-go lucky; during finals week, they’re flighty and superficial. if you catch them at a party, they’re probably dancing to blow your mind(mwah) by dua lipa.; ( ooc chris. 22. he/him. est.)
born june 17th, 
a gemini 
wide eyed and eager to please in any way possible
very malleable, can be corrupted easily
moral compass? more like gray areas but he does his best to be pure™
“everything once, yeah?” 
came from a loving middle class home 
can’t really complain about life 
talkative, will talk your ear off if you let him about the least important things
likes pretty things (and people) 
in summary; a big hearted goof who can get a little bit shallow at times
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