sxfteynet-blog · 6 years
nathan shook his head, “okay, yeah. right behind you. lead the way.” nathan suddenly realized. “honestly, i live in the kappa house on campus, and i would say we could probably fit in the same size shirt. i could always lend you one of mine! i could run and get it so quick.”
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     “oh no, son. you don’t need to let me borrow a shirt.” gregory shook his head at nathan, not going to go as far as asking for clothes. he would much rather work on getting the stain out haphazardly instead of borrowing clothes. “let’s just head over to the lounge and we’ll take care of it there.” greg figured since they had a walk, it would be a nice time to catch up with the young man. “so, how have you been nate?”
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sxfteynet-blog · 6 years
dean couldn’t help but to find the irony in his dad asking for his help with a stain. “shouldn’t it be the other way around, pops?” his teeth shone white in a large grin. “you’re also up there in years. shouldn’t you be aware of how you eat pasta? that you make a mess? you should just have spare shirts on hand if that’s what you’re eating.” dean couldn’t help but to take the opportunity to be a smart ass.
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    of course his son felt the need to give him his usual wisdom. and since greg had been dealing with this for years, he gave dean his usual reaction and somewhat closed his eyes, taking a deep breathe to think about what he was going to say. “dean, now isn’t the time.” he shook his head a bit as he looked at dean, somewhat scolding himself in his head because he should’ve known dean was going to say something smart. “now can you help me?”
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sxfteynet-blog · 6 years
“um, sort of a weird question….but, i’m your daughter’s friend. and you know, she’s on the basketball team, and i just figured, if they won, i could maybe get her like celebratory flowers.” a quick rub to the back of their neck while they toed the ground, “do you know her favorite flower? i mean, it just wasn’t a thing that came up in conversation….”
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     hey, this tide stick is nice. where do i get one? i could really benefit from having this. greg thought to himself as he worked on the pasta stain, and while it wasn’t completely gone it was surely less noticeable. but what was noticeable was eden’s question. so they were friends with kasey! and while gregory was no expert, he didn’t think they just wanted to get his daughter flowers because she won a basketball game. but he let it go for now, simply biting his lip and thinking about what he knew his daughter liked. “well, she’s a fan of daisies. not a fairly common choice, but she’s always loved them!”
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sxfteynet-blog · 6 years
“well, usually i have like shout stain remover when i do my clothes.” he scrolled through his phone. “found an article though. which honestly, i could have told you this bit. start by rinsing the stain with water. oh, that one could be useful! do you have any dish detergent?”
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     he knew nathan was smart. greg has known the kid for years since he was friends with family and his children. but he didn’t think he wouldn’t be much of a help when it came to this stain. and when dish detergent was mentioned and recommended, greg couldn’t help but roll his eyes. “if you walk with me i can find some in the faculty lounge.” he knew students weren’t necessarily allowed in their, but greg was willing to break the rules. 
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sxfteynet-blog · 6 years
     “ everyone’s been there, sadly, ” he said. light-coloured shirts weren’t as much an outfit choice as a risky investment, especially with what the cafeteria menu around college used to be. good thing ale hadn’t worn anything lighter than beige in a decade.
  “ no, no, not at all ! ” said ale dismissively. in a way, it was going to be his own experiment, since he’d never once got the opportunity to get stains out with actual, pure peroxide before. a quick google search had yielded that it was theoretically a sound solution. and theory didn’t seem too far from practice, not in chemistry. another quick glance at the lab schedules revealed that a class was due in the lab in the next fifteen minutes.
    “ we better hurry. i can beg the chem department to hold off for just a little while ; those guys are ruthless. ”
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    greg was a man who loved his bright colors. pastels, whites, you name it and he had at least one color shirt to fit that description. but sometimes that really backfired on him, and that day was one of those days. pasta and pastel colors are not good mixes. 
     ale seemed to know what he was doing and where he was going, so greg found no reason not to trust him. which lead to greg easily following the other professor to the chem lab all so they could work on a pasta sauce stain. “do you think it’s going to take awhile before the stain comes out? or will it be like magic and it’ll just come out?” greg wasn’t wanting to be the man who held up a group of students and professors all because he was clueless on simple stain removals. but hopefully it wouldn’t take long, and whatever magic ale had would help him out. 
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sxfteynet-blog · 6 years
rummaging through the bag a bit more, “no, no troubles. honestly. ah!” they made a noise of accomplishment. they pulled the stick out of their bag and offered it out to the professor. “i think you got to press it to the stain a couple times to get the fluid out of it and onto the stain. then rub.” they shook their head, “oh, you probably already know that. or at least could read it. i’m sorry.”
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     once he noticed the student in front of him finally found their stain removal tool, greg smiled down at them and took it from their hand. but he still couldn’t help but chuckle when they began explaining the process of using it. yeah, greg missed the years of his children being babies and toddlers, but he still knew how to operate something as high tech as a tide stick. so while he began using it on his shirt, he gave a thankful look to the student in front of him. “no, don’t apologize. i really appreciate you doing this. is there anything i can do?”
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sxfteynet-blog · 6 years
professors were always supposed to look put together, eden supposed. although, that seemed like a lie. they had totally had a professor that dressed like a hippie and went around bare foot all the time. he didn’t seem put together. however, professor tyler seemed to be against the idea of going to class with a pasta sauce stain on his shirt, and because he was kasey’s dad, they were more inclined to help him. “i think i got one of those little tide sticks in my bag.” eden threw their bag to the floor to start sorting through it.
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     he knew of other professors who liked to keep a very different image, and greg had nothing wrong with that. but personally he liked looking well kept, well groomed, and well put together. it made him feel good about himself and about the day he was going to have, so why not do something that makes you feel good? he watched as the student in front of him looked through their bag, and now he felt a little bad about asking them in the first place. “i’m sorry if i’m holding you up, if you can’t find it then don’t worry about it.” the more greg looked at them, the more he seemed to recognize them, but he didn’t know how. did he have them in a class? no, he would know. are they friends with either kasey or dean? maybe...
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sxfteynet-blog · 6 years
nathan had never been the most careful person when it came to things that could stain. when he would work on cars with his father, he had to make sure to wear a shirt and jeans he already stained with grease so he didn’t end up ruining his whole wardrobe. he was a boy; he fell into the stereotype of eating like an animal. so he was surprised when mr. tyler, a man who knew him seeing as how he was kasey’s friend when they were teenagers even if he wasn’t over a lot because of distance, asked him how to get rid of a stain. or maybe it’s why he did. maybe he figured he had tricks. “um, we can google it? that’s what i always do.”
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     greg knew nathan had experience working in environments with the tendency to get messy. so he figured that would be the right kind of person to ask when it came to removing stains. plus he had seen nathan eat before given he had been over the tyler house plenty of times before. his family had to have taught him something when it came to taking care of stains. but of course at his response, greg sighed a little bit and kept a fond smile on his face. “how have you washed your clothes before? you have to have something up your sleeve, nate.”
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sxfteynet-blog · 6 years
her dad’s office was the best place to study. not only because of the obvious, being that it was one of her fathers, but also because he just had an atmosphere about his office that was calming to her. the smell of his cologne wafted throughout the space, there was usually a faint smell of coffee as well, and his furniture was extremely comfortable. but no matter how calming or comfortable it was in her office, she was still going to get distracted. at his question, a sheepish look came over her face. even though she was an adult, she was still being told to do her homework by her dads. “i mean, i’m trying to.” she spun her highlighter between her fingers as she tried to focus again, but that was impossible. “i’m just hungry, dad. i’m always hungry.”
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    another paper graded. he thought to himself as he set aside the assignment he had just marked up with errors and corrections, but still somehow the student got a good enough grade to pass. but when he heard his daughter speaking again, greg looked at her with a soft smile and a soft shake of his head. “you know if you’re hungry you can open the fridge and get something. no need to spend money on pizza when i have stuff in here.” he always kept the mini fridge in his office stocked with snacks, whether for his kids, himself, or a student or professor coming in to talk. you could say being a dad made that a natural instinct, but he also did it out of the kindness of his heart. “if that doesn’t help out, papa and i are going to cook out tonight at home. you’re welcome to come over.”
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sxfteynet-blog · 6 years
“uh…” the man scratches at his beard for a moment, face screwing up as he tries and fails to remember one of the many pearls of wisdom his wife had left him with. “is it bicarb maybe or… maybe vinegar? white wine? no that’s for red wine… could try it i guess.” rafael shrugs, not even bothering to take into account that it’s midday, and there’s no white wine to be easily found in a canteen. “no! it’s the sun. sun gets out tomato sauce. breaks down the stain, or something. go lay outside.”
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     greg couldn’t help but find humor in rafael’s confusion. sometimes he found himself doing the same thing with his husband given he was the one to know everything and anything about stains, cooking, cleaning, you name it. so he let out a quiet chuckle as he rummaged through some cupboards in the staff room. “i mean, i know being a professor is a hard job. but i might have to look pretty hard for someone to have wine on them in the middle of the afternoon.” but once again, greg laughed at raf’s words. “i’m afraid if i laid out in the sun, i’d burn to a crisp. you don’t a tide pen or anything?”
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sxfteynet-blog · 6 years
raking the raven waves off her face, astoria let out an exasperated huff. more fool her, she supposed, for thinking she’d be able to work in blissful peace with a rambunctious puppy always nipping at her heels. “thank you.” she sighs, managing a smile before she’s reaching for the tinyterror. “honestly, it’s like she runs solar power or something. she never gets tired. never. and she runs about like this all the time at home.” how hard could a dog be, she’d thought. all she’d have to do is feed and walk it right? wrong. she’d never had to put this much work into anything.
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     he held onto the dog until the owner came over, smiling at her once she met greg and handing over the small piece of fluff. “no problem, honestly.” he watched the dog and couldn’t help but chuckle at her words, shaking his head after she finished and trying to relate to what she was saying. “puppies are like kids, they have so much energy that the only way to get it out is let them run it off.” greg learned that with his kids a long time ago. but now they were adults and they weren’t little anymore, so those memories seemed so distant. “is there a dog park nearby that you can bring her to? maybe she’ll be able to get her energy out there.”
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sxfteynet-blog · 6 years
raina glanced over him as he spoke, frowning just a bit at the impressive stain on his shirt, and belatedly wondering where she could get pasta for lunch herself. ( a thought for later, probably. ) getting up, she rummaged around the little kitchenette in the staff room; pulling out a clean rag and a warm bottle of club soda. “soak and dab,” she instructed, setting the items down in front of gregory, before settling back in her seat. lately, everything she owned was covered in stains. literally everything: her dresses, her shirts, her pyjamas, everything. her clothes had become the price she paid for having a newborn, and it had taken twenty minutes of googling to figure out how to get rid of stains in a pinch.
“i have a tide pen in here somewhere, too - ” she dug around in her bag, pulling the thing out with a small, victorious grin. “not that it’s gonna help much, but you never know. how much pasta did you get over yourself, anyway?”  
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    to say greg was surprised by raina’s quick reaction would be an understatement. he didn’t even know there was club soda in the staff room, and if he did then he probably wouldn’t have needed to ask for help. but then again, it was nice that his coworkers were so willing to help when he seemed to be so clueless as to not help himself. so he took the rag and soda with a thankful smile, starting to do as he was told and working on the stained spot on his shirt. “you’re a lifesaver, raina. really.” 
     he watched her pull out the tide pen, a small chuckle coming out of his lips when she did so and she seemed so proud of it. as he worked on the stain with the first few materials given to him, he noticed a small difference that would hopefully get him somewhere. “i don’t even know. i was just trying to eat my lunch and i guess my spoon had a mind of it’s own because it fell out of my hand.” greg shook his hand at his own silliness, knowing he should have been more careful witch such a dangerous food.
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sxfteynet-blog · 6 years
             “ jesus, what happened there ? ”
between adults, surely it was acceptable to have a little chuckle at the professor’s most terrible fortune that day. alejandro’s mirth was gone as quickly as it came, as his features sobered up into seriousness. stains. well, he wasn’t an expert at cleaning anything, but like any learned man, he knew that hydrogen peroxide was one hell of an agent for getting the job done. and people back at school thought he was bad at chemistry.
   “ vinegar and peroxide should do it — ” he said, with confidence he did not feel. “ the chem lab is two storeys up. we have the time. ”
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     “i thought pasta was a good idea for lunch...i was really wrong.” if greg wouldn’t have asked alejandro’s advice on the stains, he never would’ve known how to even begin in removing the stain. you would think that by having three kids he would be an expert in these things, but greg and his husband had missed the years of his kids being babies and toddlers where they were more susceptible to making messes of themselves. so asking a professor seemed like his best bet in the moment. 
     “i hope i’m not being a pain by asking,” he sighed as he waited for ale, knowing it would be best to go with him to the chem lab. “i’m just flustered and i need to try something before class.”
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sxfteynet-blog · 6 years
     gregory had always been meticulous with his appearance. being a police officer for years on the pittsburgh police force meant he was trained to look a certain way and he wanted to keep up that appearance. but now that he was finished with his lunch and he realized how much of a mistake it was to have pasta, greg realized the stain on his shirt and had to quickly figure out how to bring back that clean cut image he liked to uphold. and as he spoke to the nearest person, he was hoping they would be able to help him. “what’s a way to get rid of pasta stains when i have class in twenty minutes?”
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sxfteynet-blog · 6 years
     everyone was welcome into greg’s office, especially his children. sometimes they just needed a quiet place to study, and he could give them that whenever they needed it. usually kasey took advantage of that more than anyone else, and he wasn’t complaining. he’d rather the students be somewhere quiet where they can focus instead of being somewhere that’ll be a distraction. “i thought you were studying, kase.” he looked up from the paper he was grading at his daughter’s question, already knowing she was getting distracted when she was supposed to be doing her work. 
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“okay, quick question.” kasey had wanted time to sit and study for a really long time. she was always one to get ahead in her classes, and she liked to study when she had free time. it was fun and relaxing to her. and to study with someone else was even more fun. so as she looked over to the other person, she was about to ask them what kind of pizza. they wanted. studying was better with snacks. “please tel me you’re not someone that likes pineapple on pizza?”
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sxfteynet-blog · 6 years
     he had always been a dog person. gregory spent years trying to convince his husband to get a dog for their children, but alas michael had to be allergic to the furballs. but he got his fix of puppy cuteness from working at riverbank, people always walking their dogs and some students even bringing in their pets when they weren’t in class. but apparently today greg’s wishes came true, because when he heard his student government president yelling to catch the small ball of fur she ran right towards him. he bent down and picked up the dog, smiling at her and trying to take away the paper from her mouth. “i think you lost something, miss lockwood.”
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“lady, bring it back!” the raven haired senior calls to the zooming ball of fluff that clearly has no intention in bringing back the designs she’d snatched from her notebook. with a huff, astoria throws the sketchpad aside to try and tackle the puppy down. wide brown eyes landing on the nearest person as she tries one last ditch attempt, “grab her!”
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sxfteynet-blog · 6 years
“then go.” she’s the enemy as much as the zombies that crawled the compound. the appointed had always made a show of being something to fear, and now it could be argued this entire breach was their fault. one guard, pushed too far, asleep on his post because they hadn’t stepped off the camps neck. but she’s not a monster. she does want to keep them all safe, save as many as she can, but she can’t force someone to leave family. that was why she was mostly out here, wasn’t it? for cam. “the safehouse will seal up eventually, so you’d better make sure you’re in it when it does.”
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     normally greg wasn’t someone to go off on the appointed or show them any disrespect. being a man in his forties, almost his fifties, he didn’t think three people, two of them being probably half his age, would be able to cause so much fear but they did. and he wasn’t going to do anything to go against what they said. but in that moment he needed to, because his family was in danger and he needed to find them. “i don’t care if it seals up, i need to find my children. have you seen them? one is kasey, and he has waist length brown hair. about this tall?” he held up his hand to right below his nose, given his daughter was quite tall. “the other one is dean, and he’s about the same height with blonde hair?”
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