#when to consult urologist
drmayurdalvi · 2 years
10 Signs You Need to See the Best Urologist
Urology, one of the most important branches of medicine, is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders affecting the urinary tract, bladder, and reproductive organs. Finding the right urologist can be a crucial decision, and selecting the best one can make all the difference in receiving excellent care and achieving the best possible outcome. In this blog, we will explore the top 5 reasons to choose the best urologist in Aurangabad, Dr. Mayur Dalvi.
Expertise and Experience
Dr. Mayur Dalvi is a highly qualified urologist with many years of experience in the field. He has specialized training in urologic cancers, endourology, and laparoscopic urology, and has performed a wide range of urological procedures. He has a reputation for providing expert care and is well-versed in the latest advancements in urology.
Compassionate Care
One of the essential qualities that patients look for in a urologist is compassion. Dr. Mayur Dalvi is known for providing personalized care to his patients and taking the time to understand their concerns. He strives to make every patient feel comfortable and at ease throughout their treatment, ensuring that they receive the best possible care.
Cutting-Edge Technology
With advancements in technology, there are new treatment options available to patients. Dr. Mayur Dalvi stays up to date with the latest medical technology and procedures, ensuring that his patients receive the most advanced and effective care. He uses state-of-the-art equipment to diagnose and treat urologic conditions.
Comprehensive Care
Urological conditions can often be complex, requiring specialized care. Dr. Mayur Dalvi offers a wide range of urological services, including the diagnosis and treatment of urologic cancers, kidney stones, bladder conditions, prostate disorders, and more. He provides comprehensive care to his patients and works closely with them to develop a personalized treatment plan.
Positive Patient Feedback
The opinions of other patients can be an excellent indicator of the quality of care provided by a urologist. Dr. Mayur Dalvi has received numerous positive reviews and testimonials from his patients, highlighting his expertise, compassion, and dedication to providing exceptional care.
choosing the best urologist in Aurangabad, Dr. Mayur Dalvi offers several advantages. He provides expert care, uses cutting-edge technology, offers comprehensive services, and has a reputation for compassionate care. If you're looking for a urologist in Aurangabad, consider choosing Dr. Mayur Dalvi for exceptional urologic care.
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 2 months
Hiya sex witch
Hope ur having a good one!
I have a sexual health question. Im 28yo M and am as far as i am aware overall healthy, but sometimes i have trouble orgasming during sex, but rarely during masturbation. Im aware that contrary to popular belief men dont always orgasm 100% of the time and that there is nothing wrong with having difficulty with "keeping it up" so long as its not health related (i dont usually have difficulty with this part specifically, i just feel from experience that some times this is forgotten among people so i wanted to mention that)
I enjoy sex with my partners and im mentally very in the mood for it! Im not really nervous and havent felt pressured with them but some times it takes a very long time for me to finish, like more that 1.5 hours and up to 2 or 3 one time, and understandably my partners dont usually want to go that long lol i also find it frustrating because i feel the need around the 30-40minute mark but like i dont get that final push if that makes sense?
I did online searching and most answers are kinda wishy washy about causes other than excess masturbation, ive cut down on masturbation because alot of places say that that can be a cause but i only masturbated like once or twice a week and now im down to twice a month but it still happens.
Ive also heard that a too tight circumcision can lead to desensitisation and is what im kinda thinking this might be, i was circumcised at birth and have what the forskin restoration website ( www.restoringforeskin.org ) says is a RCI-0 or maybe RCI-1 which are considered super tight or tight respectively, both of which can lead to lack of sensation. And am considering maybe working on restoring my foreskin due to this, but i wanted your opinion on how like legit this all is considering it kinda sounds idk farfetched to me? Like being able to just stretch the skin back out with tape, is that even a thing? And does this sound like a possible cause?
Thanks for all your hard (no joke intended)'work and ur also awsome!
P.S. tumblr is being fucky on my phone all the time so if this is not anonymous please ignore/dm me to say make it anonymous again or whatever tanks
hi anon,
thank you so much for your question! it sounds like you've put a lot of thought into it already, and it was very interesting to read.
I have some hesitation in declaring that something is physically the matter with your penis, mainly because you mention that orgasm tends to come at a much more typical speed when you're masturbating. in the case of a physical problem I'd usually expect to see similar results whether you were having sex solo or partnered, which to me suggested it might be more of a mental/emotional blockage here?
but, having said that: I'm not a healthcare provider! and it sounds like a visit with one to discuss your observations might be really beneficial at this point.
while foreskin restoration is a thing, it's also a thing that doesn't have much research backing it up, and long-term results aren't very well known. consulting with a urologist before attempting a restoration sounds like it would be a great idea for you, as they could help confirm whether your foreskin is the problem and advise you on safely practicing restoration if it's an appropriate treatment. or, if that isn't the case, they're likely to have a much better idea about what else might be causing your situation.
best of luck!
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dinosaursock · 5 months
You know what? Fuck it. I’m a transgender man, I had abdominal phalloplasty with Dr Curtis Cetrulo in Boston. He sold dozens of trans people on a new method of abdominal with all these promises of good sensation, good aesthetics, minimal scarring, and urethral lengthening without an arm graft (which is typically needed in abdo phallo for people who want urethral lengthening). I started having surgery with him in 2021 and had my SIXTH surgery with him early last year. For reference, phallo is often done in 3-4 surgeries, give or take with repairs/revisions and different surgical plans. When I consulted, he told me four surgeries, which then turned to five. And somehow turned to six and I still wasn’t done! I had thick knots of scar tissue and no sensation at all, not to mention I never even had a neourethra constructed. The plan was constantly changing and I made the mistake of trusting him and trusting the process.
In August last year he left Boston and moved to California to continue operating. It doesn’t seem he works on trans people anymore and is no longer offering phalloplasty, and I desperately hope he’s not. It was clear he didn’t know what the fuck he was doing, and the urologist was complacent and didn’t have proper training either. Cetrulo was allowed to experiment on us, under the guise that it was a successful and fully developed method of phalloplasty. He was not honest about its completion. And when it started to catch up with him, he abandoned his remaining patients and moved across the country. With NO repercussions for the way he treated us.
Now I’m waiting for a complete redo using a different graft site with a new doctor, who has taken on many of Cetrulo’s former patients.
See this article? It talks about all accomplishments and his innovations for people with skin burns and other injuries requiring microsurgical work. No mention of the transgender people he treated. The dozens of people he lied to and disfigured. What about us? Why does he get to pretended he didn’t ruin the lives of so many people. I am permanently disfigured because of the work he did on me. I have to live with that medical trauma from a man who didn’t really care about me, who dodged questions, and was inconsistent and unreliable.
And why is he getting away with it? This Harvard grad with a superiority complex. Because 1, we’re transgender, and the medical system has a history of failing us. Cetrulo is comparable to Kathy Rumer and Butcher Brown. Bailey Sarian has a video on Dr Butcher Brown, I recommend giving it a watch if you have an interest in true crime. And number 2, the medical boards and medical systems are fucked up.
I want my trans and nonbinary (etc) friends to know what he did to our community. The damage he’s done. And the lack of consequences for his actions. Word of mouth is so so important in LGBT spaces when it comes to medical care, ESPECIALLY in bottom surgery spaces.
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Attention trans guys, nonbinary people, or anyone else interested in or curious about phalloplasty!
My name’s Milo and I’m a trans guy (he/they) who is starting the process of getting phalloplasty. I’m planning to document my process on here and will be posting photos through the recovery process.
Any graphic images will be kept under a readmore with warnings. It’s incredibly hard to find post-op photos of phalloplasties, so I want to do what I can to contribute my experience for anyone else looking into it. I’ll be using the tag #phallojourney so it should be easy to search! Feel free to also send me questions about my experience as things go on!
So far, I’ve only had an initial consult with a urologist about starting the process. We talked about the type of surgery I wanted, some options for additional procedures, and a little about the timeframe I’ll be looking at. I debated between phalloplasty (phallo) or metoidioplasty (meta), but I ultimately decided that I wanted to go with phallo. One of my big goals is being able to stand to pee, which wasn’t a guarantee with meta, due to length. I also decided that I wanted a vaginectomy (closing of the vagina) but wasn’t interested in scrotoplasty (creating a scrotum). My doctor was great about showing me the different options and talking to me about what I might want. I also decided that I would want glansplasty (this creates the mushroom head look that people think of when they think of a penis) and will be getting urethral lengthening.
There are always risks of complications with surgery, but the two big things my doctor warned me are regarding the urethra. Essentially, it can get blocked or a hole can form and cause leakage. Both of these are fixable though, so if you’re interested in phallo, don’t let these possibilities dissuade you.
The form of phalloplasty I’ll be getting is called Radial Forearm Flap, or RFF. RFF uses the skin on your forearm to create the new phallus and extended urethra. One of my next steps is going to be undergoing hair removal on my arm to prepare it.
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As you can see, the hair I have is relatively light, but we still want to remove whatever we can.
I also will be scheduling with a plastic surgeon that my urologist is referring me to in order to go over more of the details. I’ll make sure to update once I have that appointment.
For now, thanks for joining me on this journey as I prepare for my phallo!
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Qualifying Life Events
Summary: Set in 2007, when Mulder finds a concerning lump, he and Scully discuss health insurance. 
Word count: 1405
This was insipred in part by this post by @unremarkablehouse
Read on AO3 or continue below
Mulder was soaping up his balls when he felt it. 
A lump.
On his testicle.
It was pea sized. Hard. And in forty-six years of ball soaping, he’d never felt it before. 
The edges of his vision darkened, and he leaned against the cold tile of the shower wall. He took deep breaths, trying to bring his panic under control. 
It could be anything. 
It didn’t have to be cancer. 
He would have shouted for Scully, right there and then, if she’d been home. But she was at work. Mulder rinsed off, and in nothing more than his boxers, headed to his office to consult Doctor Google. 
When Scully arrived home, she was annoyed she didn’t smell dinner. They had discussed this: on nights she got home after seven, he needed to cook dinner. How hard was this to remember? She’d even put a schedule on the refrigerator to remind him. 
“Mulder!” She knew she sounded annoyed. She didn’t care.
“In here,” he called from his office. Scully put down her stuff and stomped across the living room. If he tried to explain to her how some shit about aliens had kept him from cooking dinner, she was walking right back out the door and going to her mom’s. 
She slammed open the door and paused. He was sitting there, in only his boxers, looking at the computer. If that wasn’t strange enough, when he turned to face her, she saw his panick face. 
Her anger dissolved and she crossed the room. “What’s wrong?”
He grabbed her hand. “I need you to look at something.” He stood, and started pulling down his shorts.
“Mulder, I’ve seen that before,” she said, trying to lighten the mood.
He grabbed her hand and placed it on his balls. “There’s a lump.”
Scully’s stomach dropped as she started palpating his testicles. She felt it. 
“Well?” Mulder asked. “I’ve been looking things up on the internet. It seems like the likelihood it’s nothing or I’m dying is fifty-fifty.”
“The internet isn’t good for you,” Scully murmured, continuing to feel the lump. Louder, she continued, “I’m not an expert, but I think it’s more likely a cyst than a tumor. But you need an ultrasound and a consult with a urologist.”
“Can you do the ultrasound?”
Since Mulder had been in hiding, Scully had been doing his physicals at home. A few times she’d brought him to the hospital for a blood draw, wanting to keep an eye on his cholesterol. But this — this she couldn’t do herself. 
“No. I’m not a radiologist. I’m not confident in my ability to tell a cyst from an early stage tumor.” She let go of his balls and stepped back. 
He pulled his shorts back up. “What do we do?”
She had long feared something like this would happen — that Mulder would need medical care and would have to come out of hiding for it. 
“We make you an appointment for an ultrasound.” She tried to keep her voice calm. Detach herself from this situation. He was a patient. Don’t think about anything else. “You can go with your Anthony Blake ID and pay out of pocket. It should be less than $500. It should hold up if no one tries to run it for insurance.”
“Then what?” 
“Then we will know what it is.”
Mulder started pacing. “What if it’s not just a cyst? What if they need to do a biopsy or something?” 
She grabbed his hand and pulled him to her. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. If the ultrasound isn’t conclusive, we’ll figure it out. Ok?”
He grunted. She patted him on the back before pushing away. “I’ll order some pizza. Go put something on the TV.”
“What if it’s not nothing?” he whispered to her. He’d been lying in the dark, unable to quiet his mind and sleep. 
She rolled towards him and put a hand on his chest.
“I know you want to wait and see,” he said, still staring up at the ceiling, “but my mind is going crazy and I need to know we have a contingency plan.” Mulder had looked up how much it cost to treat cancer. Sure, they could afford a $500 ultrasound, no problem. Even a $30,000 biopsy would be fine. Not how he wanted to spend 30 grand, but fine. A couple million for cancer treatment? They didn’t have that. “I’ll need health insurance.”
“I know.”
“Can we get me health insurance?”
She sighed. “I think the Gunmen could have figured something out, but I’m not convinced your I.D. will hold up. Plus, we need to get you the insurance before there is any record of this lump, or else it will be a pre-existing condition.”
“So ‘Fox Mulder’ needed health insurance yesterday?”
She stroked his chest. “This is why I want to wait. If it turns out ‘Anthony Blake’ needs treatment, then we can start the process of getting ‘Fox Mulder’ insurance. And then none of the diagnostic work will be on your chart.” 
He grabbed her hand, the one that was stroking his chest. “So, what will bring me down is a mass on my balls. Not the government, not the aliens… mother fucking cancer.”
“We don’t know it’s cancer. It’s likely a cyst.”
He rolled his eyes. That had to be the twentieth time she’d said ‘likely a cyst.’
“Well, I guess if I do come out of hiding and get arrested, the government will pay for my treatment in jail.” 
She sighed. “Mulder, they aren’t going to arrest you. If they wanted to, they would have already.”
He let go of her hand and scrubbed his face. “You keep saying that.”
“They know where I live. Yet they have never been out here to search for you. They. Don’t. Care.”
What she was saying was logical, even reasonable. But he couldn’t shake the fear. But he could shove it aside, for the moment. “Ok, assuming they really don’t care, how do I get health insurance without a job? Just call an insurance company?”
Scully retracted her hand from his chest. “We’ll get married and add you on my plan as a dependent. That will be significantly cheaper than purchasing individual insurance.” 
He froze. Slowly, he turned his head to look at her. He could just make out her face in the moonlight. “Did you just propose?” 
“I proposed a plan to get you health insurance. And anyway, you’ve already proposed to me half a dozen times.”
“Do you want to get married? Other than for the insurance?”
“I… I don’t know that getting married would change anything for us. I’m committed to you, and I think you are to me.”
“I am.”
“So,” she took a breath, “the main difference it would make is in health insurance and taxes. But none of it matters if you’re in hiding, so it didn’t make sense to bring it up.”
He reached out, taking her hand again. “I want to marry you. And not just for the health insurance.”
A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. “That’s very romantic.”
“What can I say? I’m a romantic guy.”
They settled into bed, him wrapped around her. His mind felt more at ease, now there was a plan. He drifted off to sleep, thoughts of their wedding displacing fears of cancer. 
A year passed. ‘Anthony Blake’ had his ultrasound, and it came back conclusive that the lump was only a cyst. Thoughts of weddings and coming out of hiding were put on the back burner, until one day the FBI approached Scully. They needed Mulder’s help, and all would be forgiven if he assisted them. 
It turned out coming out of hiding involved a lot of paperwork. New driver’s license, access to bank accounts. Setting up retirement crap again. Trying to figure out what to do with his life, now that he could do anything. 
One night, when he knew Scully wouldn’t be home too late, he cooked her favorite meal (that he could make) and put a cloth on their old table. He lit candles, and put on what could only be described as ‘make-out’ music. The table set, the food ready, he added the final touch. 
A print out. The form to add a dependent to a health insurance plan, due to a qualifying life event. And on top of the form, Mulder placed a ring. 
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patel55 · 19 days
Navigating Neurology: Finding the Best Neurologist in Jaipur for Your Needs
Brain health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being. Neurological disorders can significantly impact your daily life, from headaches and migraines to more severe conditions like epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, and strokes. For those living in Jaipur or nearby areas, finding the right neurologist in Jaipur is essential for diagnosing and treating these conditions effectively.
In addition to neurological care, Jaipur also offers access to some of the finest healthcare services, including the best urology hospital in Jaipur, best cancer hospital in Jaipur, and experienced specialists like the gastroenterologist in Jaipur. This article will guide you through the top neurologists in Jaipur and provide insights into other specialised care available in the city.
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Why Brain Health Matters
Your brain is the control center of your body, responsible for regulating all vital functions. When neurological disorders affect the brain, spinal cord, or nerves, they can cause debilitating symptoms such as memory loss, coordination issues, and chronic pain. This is where a neurologist in Jaipur comes in, helping diagnose and manage a wide range of neurological conditions.
Common Neurological Conditions
A neurologist in Jaipur treats various conditions, including:
Epilepsy: A disorder characterised by recurrent seizures. Neurologists work to manage seizures through medication and, in some cases, surgical interventions.
Parkinson’s Disease: A progressive neurological disorder affecting movement and coordination. Early diagnosis by a neurologist can help manage symptoms and slow disease progression.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS): An autoimmune disorder that affects the central nervous system. Neurologists provide treatment to manage symptoms and improve quality of life for MS patients.
Migraines and Chronic Headaches: Frequent headaches can severely impact daily functioning. A neurologist can help identify triggers and recommend effective treatments.
If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s crucial to consult a neurologist in Jaipur for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.
How to Choose the Best Neurologist in Jaipur
When searching for the right neurologist in Jaipur, there are a few key factors to consider:
1. Experience and Specialisation
Not all neurologists specialise in the same conditions. Some may focus on movement disorders like Parkinson’s, while others may specialise in epilepsy or stroke rehabilitation. Look for a neurologist with experience in treating your specific condition.
2. Patient Reviews and Testimonials
Reading patient reviews and testimonials can provide insight into the neurologist’s expertise and bedside manner. Positive reviews can help you feel more confident in your choice.
3. Hospital Affiliation
Ensure that the neurologist you choose is affiliated with a reputable hospital that offers advanced diagnostic tools and treatment options. Jaipur is home to many top-tier medical institutions, including the best urology hospital in Jaipur and facilities that cater to various medical needs.
4. Accessibility
Choose a neurologist who is easily accessible in terms of location and appointment availability. Neurological conditions often require regular follow-ups, so convenience is essential.
Other Specialised Medical Services in Jaipur
In addition to neurological care, Jaipur is a hub for other specialised medical services. Patients can access world-class treatment in urology, cancer care, and gastroenterology. Let’s take a closer look at some of these services.
Best Urology Hospital in Jaipur
The best urology hospital in Jaipur provides top-notch care for urinary and reproductive health issues. Whether you're dealing with kidney stones, prostate problems, or bladder issues, urologists in Jaipur offer advanced diagnostic tools and minimally invasive surgical options to ensure optimal care.
Urological Conditions Treated:
Kidney Stones: Common but painful, kidney stones are managed through medication or surgery.
Prostate Enlargement: A prevalent issue among older men, prostate enlargement can be treated with medication or surgery.
Bladder Infections: Recurrent bladder infections are managed through specialised care, ensuring long-term relief.
Patients seeking treatment for these conditions can rely on the best urology hospital in Jaipur for comprehensive and personalised care.
Best Cancer Hospital in Jaipur
Cancer treatment requires a multidisciplinary approach, combining surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. The best cancer hospital in Jaipur offers specialised care for all types of cancer, including breast, lung, and colon cancer.
Why Choose the Best Cancer Hospital in Jaipur?
Advanced Technology: The hospital offers cutting-edge treatments like robotic surgeries and targeted therapies that minimise side effects.
Expert Oncologists: Patients benefit from the expertise of oncologists who specialise in different types of cancer, ensuring tailored treatment plans.
Holistic Care: The hospital also focuses on palliative care, providing emotional and psychological support to patients and their families.
Whether it’s early detection or advanced cancer treatment, the best cancer hospital in Jaipur ensures that patients receive world-class care close to home.
Gastroenterologist in Jaipur
Digestive health is critical to overall well-being, and a gastroenterologist in Jaipur specialises in diagnosing and treating digestive disorders. From acid reflux to more severe conditions like Crohn’s disease and liver problems, gastroenterologists offer comprehensive care to ensure proper digestive health.
Common Conditions Treated:
Acid Reflux and GERD: Frequent heartburn can lead to more severe conditions like GERD. A gastroenterologist can provide treatment options, including medication and dietary changes.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): A common but complex condition, IBS is managed through medication and lifestyle modifications.
Liver Disease: Liver problems, including hepatitis and cirrhosis, require specialised care and regular monitoring.
Consulting a gastroenterologist in Jaipur is essential if you are experiencing persistent digestive issues that interfere with your daily life.
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When it comes to specialised healthcare, Jaipur offers a wide range of options to meet every medical need. Whether you're looking for a neurologist in Jaipur to address brain health concerns, seeking care at the best urology hospital in Jaipur, or exploring treatment options at the best cancer hospital in Jaipur, you can be confident that you will receive high-quality, patient-centric care.
Additionally, with access to skilled specialists like the gastroenterologist in Jaipur, Jaipur residents have comprehensive medical services at their fingertips. By choosing the right healthcare provider, you can ensure that you receive the best possible treatment and care for your health needs.
For neurological concerns, early diagnosis and treatment are key to maintaining your quality of life. If you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms of a neurological disorder, don’t hesitate to consult a neurologist in Jaipur and take the first step toward better brain health.
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ukrfeminism · 1 year
One in every two women will suffer a urinary tract infection (UTI) at some point in their life. 
But for women like Angela Dullaghan, what is usually an easily curable infection has ruled her life. 
The 61-year-old has suffered with chronic UTIs since childhood and estimates she has spent £9,000 on treatment.
"For years, I thought it was my fault," said Angela. "It impacted on my work, my relationships and my social life." 
Angela, who lives in Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, said she had seen five NHS urologists since attempting to get treatment for her condition over the past two decades, and has often felt dismissed. 
Angela Dullaghan says she tried everything she could think of to get rid of her UTI
"One consultant said to me, it sounds as if you know more about this condition than I do," Angela said. 
Another high-fived her after she acknowledged it was unlikely he could help her, she added.
The Chronic Urinary Tract Infection Campaign (Cutic), an organisation campaigning for better recognition of the condition, said this lack of medical awareness is what pushed them start their work. 
"Around the beginning of 2016, a group of patients got together and decided that we really needed to do something," said Carolyn Andrew, one of Cutic's directors. 
Its first objective was to address UTI testing, as the tests available often fail to pick up on chronic and recurrent infections. 
This is something that Angela has experienced first-hand: 
"There have been times when I have been absolutely crying and pain and discomfort, send a urine specimen to the GP's surgery and there's nothing abnormal detected," she said. 
Christine Terzo says it is 'about time chronic UTI sufferers are listened to'
Christine Terzo, from Ruthin, Denbighshire, has also suffered with chronic UTIs at several points during her life, most recently for the past nine years. 
The 64-year-old, who was forced to retire early due to her condition, said it has "shaped her whole life."
Christine also said she was being told there was no infection in her bladder and denied antibiotics when she was in serious pain. 
"I had steroid cream. I had pessaries. I had oestrogen cream. I had all sorts of things when really all I needed was antibiotics," she said.
Prof Jennifer Rohn is part of a team trying to develop better testing and treatment for UTIs
Prof Jennifer Rohn from University College London, whose research focuses on chronic and recurrent UTIs, added "old-fashioned" tests used for UTIs can be especially bad at picking up on chronic infections. 
"Basically, the bacteria have ways of getting through the [bladder wall] and setting up shop inside the cells.
"And of course, when they're inside the cells, the immune system can't see them. Also antibiotics - most of them cannot get in there."
What is a UTI?
UTIs are usually caused by bacteria, most commonly from a person's own bowels, entering the urinary tract through the urethra, the tube that carries urine out of the body
Symptoms of UTI include a burning feeling on passing urine and the sensation of needing to pass urine frequently, fever, shivers and pain
Chronic UTIs can be caused by that bacteria entering the lining of the bladder
It was due to this lack of adequate testing and treatment available Dr Catriona Anderson set up her private clinic, Focus, where she often treats patients with chronic UTIs. 
There, the team uses more detailed tests which can identify bacteria in lower numbers. 
Cutic estimated 1.7 million women across the UK suffer with chronic UTIs, and Dr Anderson said it would be possible to run these sensitive tests in the NHS for that amount of people. 
"It's not easy to apply this sort of test to huge populations, but actually you can run it for the number of patients that have this condition," she said. 
'I felt listened to' 
Both Angela and Christine found relief in the past few years upon discovering Cutic's Facebook support group. 
They pursued private treatment with Prof James Malone-Lee - an expert in chronic UTIs - and other consultants at the Harley Street Clinic in London on the advice of other sufferers. 
"Finally, after 30-odd years, I felt listened to," Christine said of her first visit to the clinic. 
However, while both Angela and Christine are both now in treatment, their condition continues to impact heavily on their lives. 
Angela said that factoring in travel, accommodation, medication, and consultation, she has spent "in the region of £9,000" over the past seven years on her UTI, and still budgets about £100 a month to go towards medical expenses. 
Christine was referred to the only NHS specialist clinic in the UK, at the Whittington Hospital in London.
While this eliminated some costs, she still had to pay for the train fare to London and back to north Wales for her appointments, something that she acknowledges many people would be unable to afford. 
"I'm very fortunate, but it's still a chunk out of my money," she added. 
Christine Terzo says that before she began treatment, she thought she was having a mental breakdown due to doctors dismissing her condition
Raising awareness and making treatment more accessible is one of Cutic's main aims going forward, after they successfully helped have chronic UTIs added to the NHS advice page earlier this year. 
The group are also focused on raising recognition of the condition in children, with zero specialists being able to treat them. 
The Welsh government said: "Where possible health boards provide treatment locally but sometimes more specialist treatment elsewhere is needed.
"NHS Wales is developing a 10-year plan to detail how it will meet the standards set out in the Women and Girls Health Quality statement."
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Best Hospital in Lucknow for Urology & Kidney Transplant- Wellsun Super specialty Hospital
Urology is a medical specialty that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the urinary tract system in both males and females. This includes the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra. Urologists are trained to manage various urological conditions such as urinary tract infections, kidney stones, prostate problems, and urinary incontinence.
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Kidney transplant, on the other hand, is a surgical procedure in which a healthy kidney from a donor is transplanted into a person with end-stage kidney disease. This procedure is typically performed when other treatments, such as dialysis, are no longer effective in managing kidney failure. Kidney transplant offers the potential for improved quality of life and long-term survival for individuals with kidney failure.
It's important to consult with a qualified urologist or transplant surgeon for personalized advice and treatment options related to urology and kidney transplant.
What our expert say’s
Urology is a medical specialty that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the urinary tract system in both males and females. This includes the kidneys, bladder, urethras, and urethra. Urologists are trained to manage various urological conditions, including but not limited to:
1. Urinary tract infections (UTIs): Symptoms may include frequent urination, pain or burning during urination, cloudy or bloody urine, and a strong urge to urinate.
2. Kidney stones: Symptoms can include severe pain in the back or side, blood in the urine, frequent urination, and pain during urination.
3. Prostate problems: Common conditions include benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate cancer. Symptoms may include difficulty urinating, weak urine flow, frequent urination (especially at night), and blood in the urine.
4. Urinary incontinence: This refers to the involuntary loss of urine. Symptoms can vary depending on the type of incontinence but may include leakage during physical activity, coughing, or sneezing, frequent urination, and a sudden strong urge to urinate.
5. Erectile dysfunction: This is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. It can be a symptom of various underlying conditions, including vascular disease, diabetes, or psychological factors.
It's important to note that these are just a few examples, and there are many other urological conditions with their own specific symptoms. If you are experiencing any urological symptoms or concerns, it is recommended to consult with a urologist for proper evaluation and diagnosis.
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drchiraggupta · 2 years
The Best Approach to Male Infertility Treatment Depends on the Cause
Infertility is the term which is commonly used to describe the inability to conceive a child. If you and your partner have been trying to get pregnant for a period of one year or longer then you may wish to consult your doctor and ask about fertility assessment. Male infertility accounts for around forty percent of the 2.6 million couples who have tried without success to conceive a child here in the United States. Unfortunately around half of these men will never be able to father children. However, the rest of these men may be able to become fathers with the help of male infertility treatment.
 Different Causes
 A doctor cannot decide on the right course of male infertility treatment until the cause of the problem has been determined. Male infertility can be caused by a variety of factors such as disease, sexual dysfunction, hormonal imbalances, injury, infection, poor lifestyle choices and medical treatments such as chemotherapy.
 Before deciding on the appropriate male infertility treatment the doctor will check the medical history of the patient to look for underlying causes. The patient will also be given a thorough medical examination and his semen will be analysed in order to establish the number and quality of his sperm cells. Best Urologist in Jaipur
 Various Options
 One the doctor knows what is causing the problem then a course of action can be chosen. In some cases natural infertility treatment is the best option. For example, the patient may simply need to stop smoking or take certain supplements to correct a deficiency. Living an unhealthy lifestyle and eating the wrong foods can seriously impair the fertility of both men and women. Kidney Stone Surgery in Jaipur
 In other cases male infertility treatment may be as simple as taking a certain medication. If the problem is one of sexual dysfunction the doctor may prescribe sexual enhancement drugs and recommend a course of counselling. If the patient has a low testosterone level then the problem can be rectified with injections or oral pills that contain this hormone. In the event that that the infertility problem is due to an infection, the treatment might come in the form of a course of antibiotics.
 When the cause of the problem is serious, male infertility treatment becomes more complicated. If the patient has a low sperm count or an obstruction, male infertility treatment may comprise of sperm retrieval. With this process an opening is made into the scrotum and sperm cells are collected from the epididymis, which is the part of the male reproductive system in which spermatozoa mature.
 Sperm washing is another male infertility treatment. This practice involves the separation and concentration of the patient's strongest and most vigorous sperm in order to inseminate it into the female's uterus. During sperm washing prostaglandins and white blood cells are also removed from the semen to boost the probability of conception.
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sankalphospital · 2 years
What is Hydronephrosis?
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Hydronephrosis is characterized by the enlargement of one or both kidneys. Kidney swelling occurs when urine is unable to flow from a kidney and accumulates in the kidney as a consequence. This might happen because of a blockage in the tubes that drain urine from the kidneys (ureters) or an anatomical flaw that prevents urine from flowing adequately. Hydronephrosis may affect anybody at any age. Hydronephrosis in children is occasionally detected during infancy or during a prenatal ultrasound before the infant is born. Do you have any more questions about hydronephrosis? The experts at Sankalp Hospital are here to help! Consult Dr. Amit Doshi the Best Urologist in Vadodara.
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crossborderscare · 22 hours
Erectile Dysfunction: Exploring the Treatment Options
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Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a most common issue reported by many men by the top urologists in India. It affects millions of people, which directly impacts both men's and women's relationships and self-esteem. 
Talking about technology and humankind researched and found different types of Erectile dysfunction treatment available in the world. And some of them are highly recommended by patients themselves. We will further discuss everything about ED in detail. 
So let's discover the types of Erectile dysfunction treatments to find out which is the best option among all. 
Major Treatment Options Available for ED
Oral Medications or ED Pills
Oral medications are the first go-to option that a person thinks about. To increase the blood flow in the penis or for erection, patients take different medicines such as sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis), and vardenafil (Levitra). The oral medication ED treatment option is not adequate for the long term, and it also has side effects like headaches. 
Dr. Nadeem Khan, the esteemed owner of Cross Border Care and a leading medical consultant in India, is renowned for his exceptional expertise in brain tumor surgery in India, pituitary tumor surgery in india, Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery in India, Best Kidney Transplant Surgery in India, and robotic prostatectomy surgery in India. His commitment to excellence extends beyond diagnosis and treatment; he adeptly connects international patients with top doctors and hospitals in India, 
If you are thinking of choosing oral medications then you should also check out the other options first. Ensure before selecting any of the treatments for your erectile dysfunction. 
Vacuum Erection Device (VED)
Vacuum Erection Device is a non-invasive device also known as a penile pump. It helps to achieve an erection by creating a vacuum surrounding the penis, which draws blood into it. To keep the erection going, a constriction ring is then positioned at the base. For many men, this is a safe and effective procedure. 
Sometimes, men don't like the concept of a vacuum. However, it is a reliable option one can opt to restore erection function without oral medications. 
Penile injections
To improve penile blood flow, injectable medications that are directly used are called penile injections. The procedure is used primarily by those who don't want to take oral meditation. This treatment also has side effects like pain or bleeding in the injection area. 
Testosterone Replacement
Temporary stress or long-term circulatory disorders that lower blood flow to the penis are the causes of ED. Low testosterone, however, may be a factor in problems getting and keeping an erection. 
If your testosterone levels are low, reach out to a doctor to determine whether beginning a testosterone treatment would assist your ED symptoms. Depending on your specific symptoms, your doctor may advise testosterone replacement therapy or attempt it in conjunction with another ED treatment option, even though it is not recommended as a first-line, stand-alone treatment for ED.
Penile Implants
Penile Implants are one of the most popular choices among patients with erectile dysfunction. It is a surgical procedure that takes 40 to 50 minutes, where a two-piece or three-piece device is placed in the erection chambers of the penis. 
As per top urologists in India, it is not a complex surgery and takes minimal time. One of the advantages of Penile Implants surgery is it enables patients to control precisely when and how long an erection lasts reliably. And it has a high satisfaction rate as compared to other treatments. 
Men who are dealing with erectile dysfunction treatments sometimes get confused about which type of treatment is best. Understanding each type and how it works can help you in making the right decision.
Each treatment option has its pros and cons. The choice depends on the patient's health condition and preferences. If you are dealing with erectile dysfunction and want to consult with a healthcare provider, then connect with Cross Border Care. Our team will guide you to find the best solution and regain confidence in your sexual health.
Schedule your first consultation today at Cross Border Care!! 
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Why Finding the Best Urologist in Gurgaon is Crucial for Your Health?
When it comes to urological health, choosing the Best Urologist in Gurgaon is essential for receiving expert care and effective treatment. Whether dealing with kidney stones, urinary tract infections, or prostate issues, the Best Urologist in Gurgaon offers advanced diagnostic techniques and personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s needs. With years of experience and access to state-of-the-art facilities, they ensure comprehensive care and successful outcomes. Consulting the Best Urologist in Gurgaon can help you manage your condition with confidence and get back to a healthy, active lifestyle.
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drtarunjindal · 2 days
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drjayeshmital · 2 days
Best Urology Surgeon in Kota
When it comes to urological health, finding a skilled and experienced surgeon is crucial. In Kota, a city known for its educational institutions and emerging medical facilities, there are several top-notch urology surgeons who stand out for their expertise and patient care.
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Understanding Urology
Urology is a specialized field of medicine that focuses on the urinary tract system and male reproductive organs. Urologists deal with a wide range of issues, including kidney stones, urinary incontinence, prostate cancer, and other conditions affecting the bladder and male reproductive system. Given the complexity of these issues, having access to a qualified urologist is essential for proper diagnosis and treatment. Our services Best Urology Surgeon in Kota.
Criteria for Choosing the Best Urology Surgeon
Qualifications and Experience: A reputable urology surgeon should have a solid educational background, including a medical degree from a recognized institution, along with specialized training in urology. Additionally, experience in performing surgeries and treating various urological conditions is vital. Surgeons who have been in practice for several years often have refined their skills and developed a deeper understanding of patient needs.
Patient Reviews and Testimonials: One of the best ways to assess a surgeon’s capability is by looking at patient reviews. Feedback from previous patients can provide insights into the surgeon’s bedside manner, the effectiveness of treatments, and the overall patient experience.
Technology and Facilities: The best urology surgeons operate in well-equipped facilities that utilize advanced technology. Minimally invasive techniques, such as laparoscopic surgery, are often preferred as they result in quicker recovery times and less postoperative pain.
Comprehensive Care: A good urology surgeon should not only focus on surgical procedures but also offer comprehensive care that includes pre-operative consultations, post-operative follow-ups, and holistic patient support.
Choosing the best urology surgeon in Kota is an important decision that can significantly impact your health and well-being. By considering qualifications, experience, patient feedback, and the facilities available, you can make an informed choice. Dr. Jayesh Mittal exemplify the high standards of care and expertise you should look for in a urologist. With their commitment to excellence, you can feel confident in seeking their services for your urological needs.
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worldofurology123 · 3 days
Best Urologist in Bangalore | World of Urology
Looking for the best urologist in Bangalore? World of Urology is home to some of the top specialists in the field, offering advanced treatments for kidney stones, prostate issues, urinary incontinence, and urological cancers. Our team of highly experienced urologists uses state-of-the-art technology to provide personalized care, ensuring effective results. With a patient-centric approach and a track record of successful surgeries, World of Urology is your trusted destination for urological care in Bangalore. https://www.worldofurology.in/blogvats-14-consult-the-best-urologist-in-bangalore-for-men-related-urological-problems
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hypospadiasclinic · 3 days
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Frequent UTIs are a common issue for individuals with a history of hypospadias, even after corrective surgery, due to long-term complications like fistulas.
So, is it important to get tested for a UTI when symptoms appear, even if you've recently recovered?
Absolutely! Ignoring UTI symptoms can lead to serious complications, such as:
Kidney Damage: The infection can spread to the kidneys, affecting their function.
Sepsis: If the infection reaches the bloodstream, it can lead to life-threatening sepsis.
Urethral Stricture: The urethra may narrow, restricting urine flow, worsening bladder issues, and aggravating the hypospadias condition.
Prostate Infections: It can also lead to acute bacterial prostatitis, affecting prostate health.
If you have UTI symptoms but a negative urine culture, don't assume you're in the clear. Some bacteria may not show up in the test, leading to a false negative. It's crucial to consult a urologist, who may recommend further tests, such as blood work, to ensure accurate diagnosis and treatment.
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