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oreenolivia968 · 9 months
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datascraping001 · 9 months
Massage Therapist Email List
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In the bustling world of wellness and self-care, massage therapy stands as an invaluable pillar for countless individuals seeking relaxation and relief from the stresses of daily life. Massage therapists play a vital role in this industry, offering their expertise to promote physical and mental well-being. Yet, in a competitive landscape, reaching out to these professionals with targeted marketing campaigns can be a game-changer. This is where datascrapingservices.com steps in, offering specialized Massage Therapist Email List services that can revolutionize how businesses connect with and market to these essential healthcare providers.
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practicebuildersus · 1 year
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xtruss · 2 years
Health: Why Doctors Can’t Name Female Anatomy
A vulva by any other name … causes confusion and unnecessary suffering.
— By Rachel E. Gross | March 22, 2023
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In season 4 of The Sopranos, Tony is struggling to understand the birds and the bees. He’s having a hard time dealing with the fact that Valentina, the well-coiffed art dealer he’s currently chasing, is also dating his rival Ralphie. Tony can’t stand the idea of sharing a woman and tries to break it off, but Valentina assures him that Ralphie doesn’t like sex in the traditional way. So Tony asks his therapist if that could be true: “A guy like that is going out with a woman, he could technically not have penissary contact with her Volvo?”
Tony is not the only one confused about female anatomy and what to call it. A tangled web of taboo, ignorance, and linguistic confusion conspire to make many of us uncomfortable with saying words like “vagina” and “vulva” out loud. And even if we don’t have a problem with the words themselves, we often use them incorrectly, conflating the vagina—the muscular tube that connects the uterus to the outside—with the vulva. Meanwhile, everyday words for this region skew vague and euphemistic: think “nether regions,” “private parts,” or “down there.”
But we can at least take solace in the fact that our doctors know what they’re talking about. Right?
If I say I have pain in my elbow, my doctor shouldn’t think I’m referring to my shoulder.
Not exactly. It turns out doctors are not exempt from society’s general lack of understanding around this part of the body. And in medicine, the consequences of such linguistic murkiness can be far worse. Today, some anatomists and women’s health doctors worry that a lack of standard terms for the female genitals may be contributing to worse healthcare and a plethora of miscommunication in medical research—as well as making it harder for billions of women, trans men, and nonbinary people to understand and care for their own bodies.
At the center of the debate is the word vulva, an ancient term that today refers to the entire outer female genitals (you almost had it, Tony!). Though lesser used than vagina, the vulva is actually a more expansive landscape, encompassing the mons pubis, clitoris, inner and outer labia, and openings to the urethra and vagina. Ironically, the word has taken off in recent years, in part because it highlights the outer genitals and separates them from the inner ones, helping us be more specific when we talk about our own anatomy.
Yet it turns out even vulva isn’t quite the linguistic savior we think it is.
At some point in medical school, doctors-in-training learn that vulva is the umbrella term for the external female genitals, and are shown a diagram of its major landmarks. But their education usually doesn’t go much deeper than that, says Maria Uloko, a urologist and vulva specialist at the University of California, San Diego. Besides a few specialized fellowships and continuing education classes, there is little formal training on the vulva beyond knowing, generally, where it is.
As a result, “We don’t think of it as a full structure, we just think of it as a sum of parts,” Uloko says.
In fact, the vulva is a unique, dynamic, medically important structure with a critical role in health. You might think of it as a tidal pool ecosystem: a motley crew of structures united by a shared capacity for change and adaptation. The vulva’s various parts must all contend with a dramatically changing landscape, responding to hormone tides, shifting microbial tenants, rising and falling acid levels, moisture fluctuations, and more. Together, they make up one of the body’s crucial barriers between you and not-you.
The vulva is also a powerful center of pleasure and sexual sensation—and, as many doctors and patients know, a site of potential pain and discomfort.
Doctors are not exempt from society’s general lack of understanding around this part of the body.
This region is central in a variety of common medical conditions, including urinary tract infections, painful skin conditions like lichen sclerosus, pelvic floor disorders, menopausal symptoms like vaginal dryness and irritation, and various genital cancers. Between 10 to 28 percent of people with this anatomy experience vulvar pain during their lifetime, and many wait years to get treatment. In the meantime, they are often redirected to psychological help or told to “have a glass of wine and relax,” as sexual health expert and urologist Rachel Rubin put it to the Washington Post.
This rather alarming state of medical ignorance isn’t that surprising. When it comes to the female body, medicine has long focused narrowly on the ability to become pregnant and bear children. “There’s a hyperfocus on reproduction and disease, but not actual quality of life,” Uloko says. That’s why medical students spend time learning about the ovulatory cycle and changes to the uterus during pregnancy—but not external components that contribute to protection and pleasure. “The emphasis is on internal structures,” agrees Jill Krapf, an ob-gyn and vulva specialist in Washington, D.C.
As a result, “there’s a general vagueness” around the vulva when it comes to medicine, says Uloko. But there may be another reason for the unbearable vagueness of vulva: a history of linguistic confusion stretching back millennia.
The term was once used far differently than it is today, says Matthew Zdilla, a clinical anatomist at West Virginia University who has been exploring the origins of vulva. His curiosity was first piqued after learning that it seemed to stem from the Latin for “to roll” (also the root word of the Swedish car brand Volvo, in a twist that somewhat vindicates Tony). In a field where most terms at least have a plausible origin story—e.g. the coccyx bone looked like the beak of a cuckoo, the Greek word for which was kokkyx—vulva “just made no sense,” says Zdilla, whose 2022 paper attempts to connect the linguistic dots.
In the earliest Western sources he could find, the word usually referred to the uterus—of a pig. The oldest known Roman cookbook, for instance, recommended seasoning sow “vulvae” with pepper, vinegar, and lovage, or coating it in bran and grilling it on the pan. Zdilla noted that a pig’s uterus, unlike a human’s, is fanlike and undulating, with distinct folds for each piglet to develop in. In other words, it does seem to “roll”—a clue, perhaps?
“If I and my doctors used vulva instead of vagina or ‘down there’ I might have got diagnosed with cancer much earlier.” — Nautilus reader Clare Baumhauer (@VulvalCancerUK) reacts to Rachel E. Gross’ story “Why Doctors Can’t Name Female Anatomy”
But the surprises kept on coming. A millennium later, the word cropped up in a more well-known Latin book: the Gutenberg Bible, first published in 1454. As it turns out, the world’s first mass-produced book is chock full of vulvas. However, “If somebody’s reading the Bible and they see vulva, it doesn’t mean what they think it means,” cautions Zdilla, whose years spent studying and teaching medical Latin were finally coming in handy. Once again, the word, usually spelled uulua or vulua, referred to the uterus—and sometimes, the uterus together with the vagina. In English, these all typically got translated into the nebulous womb.
So how did vulva emerge from denoting only internal parts, to being used solely for external ones? After the Gutenberg Bible, vulva rapidly blossomed to refer to anything and everything in the female genital area, from the cervix (the narrow bottom part of the uterus that connects to the vagina) to the space between the labia majora (sometimes called the pudendal cleft). To be fair, other terms were rapidly changing around this time, too: Nymphae, from the Latin for “bride” or “nymph,” at various points referred to the labia minora, clitoris, or the entire vulva.
It wasn’t until 1858 that the vulva definitively arrived at its current location. In that year’s edition of Gray’s Anatomy, Zdilla found a detailed diagram titled “The Vulva. External Female Organs of Generation.” The figure clearly labeled the mons pubis, clitoris glans, clitoral hood, labia majora, labia minora, urethra, “orifice of vagina,” and perineum (the area between the vaginal opening and the anus), along with a handful of curly pubic hair. Thanks to the widespread popularity of Gray’s, says Zdilla, this diagram likely helped codify the modern definition.
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WHAT’S IN A NAME: In the 19th century, Gray’s Anatomy finally offered what appeared to be a clear definition of the vulva and the parts contained therein (pictured above from the same edition). But even contemporary physicians were wary of keeping a term that still seemed “devoid of strict scientific meaning.”
Somewhat. While the matter may have appeared settled, doctors of the time still had concerns. Given its baggage-laden past, might all the previous incarnations of vulva continue to muddy its definition and hamper its utility? That was the thinking of one gynecologist who, in 1882, declared vulva “about as devoid of strict scientific meaning as any anatomical term can well be.” If this word were not expelled from medicine, he cautioned, “There will be trouble with it otherwise until the end of time.”
Was that 19th-century doctor right? Does vulva have to go?
Ask an average women’s health care provider today to define the vulva, and they’ll likely do so with ease. But, oddly, their definitions don’t always line up—not exactly.
Among six vulva specialists I spoke with—two urologists and four gynecologists—there was striking disagreement on which structures are included in the vulva. (Note that vulva specialists as a group are ill-defined, but organizations like the National Vulvodynia Association estimate there are likely just a few hundred in the United States—for the 108 million adults in the country who have a vulva.)
Some believed the term included the entire clitoris, a deep structure that wraps around the vagina and urethra; others said only the glans clitoris, the visible part that is equivalent to the head of the penis. Some said the vulva included the hymen, a membrane remnant that can contribute to vulvar pain, while others considered that more of a boundary line between the vulva and the vagina.
The point of names in medicine is to facilitate communication and get providers and patients on the same page. If I say I have pain in my elbow, my doctor shouldn’t think I’m referring to my shoulder, or serious medical errors might result. While these nomenclatural quibbles may sound small, they point to a larger, more uncomfortable question: Does this word actually help us identify and treat this area of the body? If not, why are we holding on to vulva so tightly, anyway?
Krapf thinks the 19th-century physician calling for the field to retire vulva may have a point. In her mind, it never fully made sense to group the structures of the vulva together in the first place. (Which says a lot, coming from someone whose entire career revolves around this body part: “I look at the vulva all day every day,” she says.) It’s possible that vulva has become such a general, overarching term that it has eclipsed its components—and in many cases, prevented us from treating and studying each of its structures with enough care and attention.
Krapf notes several instances where it would help to refer to individual structures rather than the vulva as whole. First, the ring of skin that encircles the vaginal and urethral openings and lies between the labia, called the vestibule. (It is also the location of two sets of glands that contribute to lubrication and, possibly, protection from bacteria.) Once overlooked as just another part of the vulva’s ranging terrain, doctors have recently learned that the vestibule has remarkable and clinically important properties: It’s more similar to tissue of the bladder and urethra than the rest of the vulva, responds to testosterone more than estrogen, and is the site of up to 90 percent of vulvar pain.
When it comes to evaluating the actual source of pelvic pain, “It would be clinically beneficial to recognize the vestibule as distinct from the vulva and vagina,” says Krapf, who is co-author of the book When Sex Hurts: Understanding and Healing Pelvic Pain.
The world’s first mass-produced book is chock full of vulvas.
Another overlooked structure is the labia minora, or the inner lips of the labia. Given the way they’re often lumped in with the vulva, even doctors forget that they have a distinct function of their own: to protect the delicate glans clitoris and urethral opening and contribute to sexual arousal through their high blood flow and copious nerve endings. This lack of awareness may be why doctors often treat them with less care. Consider cosmetic labiaplasty, a procedure to trim the labia minora that has become one of the fastest-growing plastic surgeries. The procedure relies on the incorrect assumption that the labia perform no useful function and are just “extra skin”; in reality, removing them can lead to chronic pain, irritation, and loss of sensation.
Zdilla brings up a final problem: The inconsistent use of vulva in research papers can undermine doctors’ and scientists’ ability to communicate with each other. Scanning the recent medical literature, he found that some papers seemed to define the vulva as separate from the clitoris, perineum, or hymen. That meant that a researcher documenting the incidence of clitoral cancer would be stymied by the fact that “clitoral cancer” and “vulval cancer” are considered separate, despite the fact that the clitoris (or at least part of it) is reliably considered part of the vulva. This inconsistency makes it much harder to ascertain the true incidence of vulvar conditions.
Yet neither Krapf nor Zdilla are arguing that medicine should get rid of this term altogether. When it comes to communicating with patients, clinicians say vulva is still a valuable tool in their toolbox. “The definition is one thing, and then how it works clinically is another,” says Kiran Sigmon, an ob-gyn at Mission Hospital in North Carolina. In caring for her patients with pelvic pain, she often defines the vulva flexibly to include the possibility of pain or other conditions that radiate through the hymen, perineum, or even anus.
In the end, the lack of a standard definition for vulva is a window into something deeper: The fact that, thanks to a history of deep-seated bias in women’s health, the vagina and reproductive organs often get the spotlight, while the vulva is relegated to the background.
After all, it took until 2012 for the National Institutes of Health to establish a branch dedicated to general gynecology, as opposed to just fertility and infertility. Research on the vulva has similarly lagged behind. The clitoris, part of the body often seen as sexual rather than reproductive, wasn’t fully defined until 2005. Only last month did Uloko and her colleagues reveal how many nerve fibers innervate the clitoris—disproving the much-circulated 8,000 number, which stemmed from a 50-year-old study on cows. Besides holding the potential to improve sensation for phalloplasty patients and others who undergo genital procedures, their findings highlighted how little medical information actually exists on this part of the body.
Ultimately, changing the focus of women’s health—acknowledging that comfort, pleasure, and sexual health matter at least as much as the ability to bear a child—will take more than changing terms. But what we can do, for now, is ensure that vulva has a clear, standardized meaning across medicine so that researchers, doctors, and patients can be sure they’re actually talking about the same thing. Both within and outside of medicine, terms like vulva help us expand our mental maps of our own bodies and shift the focus to broader notions of health and well-being, rather than just—as that 19th-century Gray’s Anatomy diagram put it—“generation.”
Rachel E. Gross is a Science Journalist and the author of Vagina Obscura: An Anatomical Voyage. She writes on reproductive health and bias in medicine for The New York Times, Scientific American, the BBC, and others.
— Lead image: Oleg Senkov/Shutterstock
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productsreviewings · 2 years
LIKE MOST PEOPLE, you in all probability don’t get sufficient sleep. You would possibly always get up groggy or wrestle to get via the day with no nap. This fixed lack of relaxation may trigger a lot of well being penalties, together with decreasing your testosterone ranges. Testosterone is the male intercourse hormone wanted to assist regulate many alternative processes within the physique, together with libido, bone and muscle mass, erectile functioning, and purple blood cell manufacturing, says John Lynam, D.O., an American Osteopathic Affiliation board-certified urologist. Many components can have an effect on your testosterone ranges, particularly age and weight, Dr. Lynam says. When your testosterone is simply too low, you may expertise a variety of signs, together with fatigue, depressed temper, erectile dysfunction, and decreased muscle mass. Extra From Males's Well being play iconThe triangle icon that signifies to playSleep impacts testosterone, too. Not getting sufficient would possibly lower testosterone ranges, nevertheless it’s possible not the one reason for that drop in T. A scarcity of sleep may also worsen different well being situations that may have an effect on testosterone. “Sleep problems together with a lower in sleep high quality, insufficient sleep length, disruption of circadian rhythm, and sleep respiration problems akin to sleep apnea can all negatively have an effect on the testosterone manufacturing cycle and lead to decreased testosterone manufacturing, and consequently decreased blood testosterone ranges,” Dr. Lynam says. It’s really helpful that adults get at least seven hours of sleep an evening. Together with decreasing testosterone ranges, an absence of sleep can improve your threat for weight problems, diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart illness, stroke, and psychological well being situations. Right here’s a take a look at the connection between a lack of sleep and testosterone ranges, and get a greater evening’s relaxation to enhance your well being. What’s the Hyperlink Between Testosterone and Sleep? Testosterone ranges improve whilst you sleep and are intently linked to your circadian rhythm, which is the pure course of that regulates your sleep-wake cycle. “Analysis means that, in wholesome males, testosterone ranges rise with the onset of sleep and attain a peak on the first REM sleep episode,” explains Darshan Patel, M.D., assistant professor of urology on the College of California San Diego’s Males’s Well being Middle. REM, or speedy eye motion, is the sleep stage related to dreaming and the consolidation of reminiscences, in keeping with the Sleep Basis. For individuals with conventional sleep patterns, peak testosterone ranges happen between 3 a.m. and eight a.m., Dr. Patel says. “Your testosterone ranges are highest within the morning,” says Justin Dubin, M.D., a urologist and males’s well being specialist at Memorial Healthcare System. “After we inform individuals to get their testosterone ranges drawn, we wish to get the best ranges—often earlier than 10 a.m.” While you don’t get sufficient sleep, it will probably have an effect on your circadian rhythm and doubtlessly decrease your testosterone ranges, he explains.How Lack of Sleep Impacts Testosterone Sustaining regular testosterone ranges requires at the very least three hours of excellent sleep every evening, Dr. Lynam says. However you want at the very least seven hours an evening to get the remainder your physique wants to remain wholesome. A small research of 10 wholesome younger males discovered that getting simply 5 hours of sleep an evening for every week lowered their testosterone ranges by 10 to fifteen %. One other research confirmed that non-standard shift employees, who work outdoors the 7 a.m. to six p.m. timeframe, had been extra prone to have decrease testosterone ranges and worsened signs of testosterone deficiency, or hypogonadism. Sleep and testosterone have a cyclical relationship. Whereas lack of
sleep impacts testosterone manufacturing, analysis exhibits that low testosterone can have an effect on sleep high quality. Testosterone alternative remedy might help, but when your ranges get too excessive, your sleep length will undergo.That’s why it’s at all times necessary to work along with your physician on remedy for testosterone deficiency. The Age, Weight problems, and Sleep Cycle Age and weight problems are two fundamental components that decrease your testosterone. And, in addition they have an effect on your sleep, which might influence testosterone ranges. Your whole testosterone naturally drops between 1 % and a pair of % a 12 months as you age. Sleep patterns additionally shift with age. Older individuals report discovering it more durable to go to sleep and keep asleep, in addition to waking up through the evening and sleeping much less. Weight problems is linked to insomnia and sleep apnea, that are additionally related to decrease testosterone. Continual sleep loss can create a hormonal imbalance within the physique that may result in weight acquire. The best way to Get a Higher Night time’s Sleep Getting an excellent evening’s sleep might help preserve your testosterone ranges in steadiness, decrease your threat for a number of persistent situations, and simply make you are feeling higher all through the day. Listed below are some methods to enhance your sleep, in keeping with the Mayo Clinic: Stick with a schedule: Going to mattress and waking up on the identical instances each day helps you keep a wholesome sleep cycle.Keep away from consuming an excessive amount of proper earlier than mattress: While you eat a giant, heavy meal proper earlier than mattress, you would possibly wrestle to get snug, and it may disrupt your sleep.Avoid caffeine or alcohol: They've stimulating results, which might preserve you up and disrupt your sleep.Create a chilled house: Restrict display time, set your ultimate bed room temperature, put on earplugs, or use room-darkening curtains to make sure your sleep house is tranquil.Skip naps: Taking lengthy naps through the day would possibly intrude along with your common sleep schedule and make it laborious so that you can go to sleep at evening.Train often: That is essential for a wholesome life-style, which can assist your sleep habits. Simply keep away from being too lively too late, which could preserve you up.Scale back stress: Discover stress-relieving actions, akin to meditation, that may assist you calm down earlier than bedtime.Erica Sweeney is a author who principally covers well being, wellness and careers. She has written for The New York Instances, HuffPost, Teen Vogue, Parade, Cash, Enterprise Insider and plenty of extra. #Sleep #Impacts #Testosterone #Ranges Lack of sleep can decrease testosterone ranges, however there are methods to enhance sleep and keep wholesome testosterone ranges. Getting at the very least seven hours of sleep an evening, avoiding caffeine or alcohol earlier than mattress, and exercising often might help. Q1. What's the really helpful quantity of sleep for adults? A1. It's endorsed that adults get at the very least seven hours of sleep an evening. Q2. What are the results of not getting sufficient sleep? A2. Not getting sufficient sleep can result in a variety of signs together with fatigue, depressed temper, erectile dysfunction, and decreased muscle mass, in addition to growing the chance for weight problems, diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart illness, stroke, and psychological well being situations. Q3. What are some methods to enhance sleep? A3. Some methods to enhance sleep embody sticking to a sleep schedule, avoiding consuming an excessive amount of proper earlier than mattress, staying away from caffeine or alcohol, creating a chilled house, skipping naps, exercising often, and lowering stress.
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nebris · 2 years
The clitoris has 10,000 nerve endings. Here's why experts say the discovery is 'just the beginning' for sexual health
When it comes to sexual pleasure, there’s one spot on the female anatomy that tends to get the most attention: the clitoris. Yet despite the clitoris's association with orgasms and female pleasure, not much is known about the organ. For years, the clitoris was said to have 8,000 nerve endings ��� stated as fact in the 1976 book The Clitoris by Thomas Lowry and Thea Lowry, who cited a study on bovines. Now, thanks to a new study led by the Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), which was presented at an Oct. 27 conference hosted by the Sexual Medicine Society of North America and the International Society for Sexual Medicine, we know that there are actually a lot more nerve fibers packed into the tiny sexual organ.
According to the new research, that number is a whopping 10,281. By comparison, the palm of one’s hand has 17,000 nerve endings — in a much, much larger area. Yet this study on the clitoris provides more than just a fun fact — it also can have major implications for sexual health.
Why look for nerve endings in the clitoris?
There have long been questions on the validity of the claim of 8,000 nerve endings in the clitoris. Activist Jessica Pin, who lost sensation in her clitoris after a labiaplasty and has been outspoken since about the lack of knowledge of female genitalia in medicine, penned a Medium article in 2018 suggesting that the bovine study should not be used as a source for human beings. Yet in order to really analyze just how many nerve endings there are in a human clitoris, one had to, well, actually count them.
Dr. Maria Uloko, one of the study’s authors and an assistant professor of urology at UC San Diego and a urologist who specializes in the treatment of female sexual dysfunction, says that the inspiration for the study came from frustrations she was feeling with the lack of knowledge about the clitoris.
“If we look at the difference between what we know about the penis and what we know about the vulva, it is a stark, very concerning difference,” she shares. “I treat a lot of vulvar pain, and if you look at that demographic of patients, it usually takes four to five providers before they even get a diagnosis. When you look at the healthcare cost to those patients, it’s in the billions of dollars. For very common, treatable conditions, why is there such a barrier to care? So that was the question. I’m a researcher, and I’m an advocate and I’m just also pissed because I keep seeing the same thing.”
She brought her frustrations to her friend Dr. Blair Peters, an assistant professor at OHSU and a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon who specializes in gender-affirming surgery. Uloko pointed out the “knowledge gaps” in what we know about female anatomy.
“I was like, ‘And they don’t even know how many nerves are in the clitoris! It’s from a cow!’ And Peters said, ‘I can get you those nerves ... let’s quantify it,’” recalls Uloko. “That’s how this project came to be: It was me ranting at the right person, and having someone as skilled as Dr. Peters, who was willing to do this work with us. Our goal is to establish, and reestablish, the knowledge gaps in our anatomy and physiology, and bring attention to the fact that there is this disparity.”
How were the nerve endings identified?
Peters, one of the study’s authors, says they were in a unique position to study the nerves in the clitoris. Phalloplasty, which is the creation of a penis as part of gender-affirming care, is the only surgical procedure that requires cutting into the nerves of the clitoris.
“In that procedure, it’s routine to connect nerves in the penis centers in the groin, so people that have that surgery will have sensation and erogenous sensation recovering the penis,” Peters shares. “And — at least to the best of our knowledge prior to this work — the most powerful donor for that surgery was assumed to be the nerves of the clitoris, given its well-documented erogenous function. I initially started out doing some work to kind of quantify all of the nerves that I use in that surgery to determine if there were nerves that were better used in different combinations because we didn’t have that information before and there hadn’t been any standardized way to connect to those nerves.”
Following the conversation with Uloko, Peters designed the study and collected samples, and then collaborated with scientists at Washington University in St. Louis to count the nerve endings.
“A lot of different staining techniques are used,” Peters shares of how the nerves were counted. “The nerve samples are sliced by what’s called an ultra microtome to these very, very minuscule sections, that are then magnified over 1,000 times and counted basically with an automated software system.”
What are the implications of this study?
Trans healthcare, Peters stresses, is an integral part of how this study was able to be conducted. Calling their work on gender-affirming surgeries “helping someone physically actualize their internal sense of self,” Peters notes that trans healthcare is a vital part of this study’s findings and is critical to talk about, as so much anti-trans legislation is brought forward.
“If we start limiting care for one group, everyone else indirectly suffers too,” Peters notes.
Gynecologist and obstetrician Dr. Jennifer Conti, who is an assistant professor at Stanford University School of Medicine, says there is a huge disparity between what we know about the male and female sex organs. Studies like this one are a way to close that gap.
“Until only recently, everything we knew about sexual desire and function was based on historical works like that of Masters and Johnson, which largely centered on the cis-gendered heterosexual male perspective. Only recently have researchers begun to unpack how this is hugely different for different people,” she explains. “We are truly just beginning to understand the comprehensive picture that is female sexuality, and that includes our understanding of the clitoris. We didn’t even realize the full anatomy of the organ until 2005, which is embarrassing as a medical community.”
Dr. Rachel Rubin, a board-certified urologist and sexual medicine specialist, says historically, medical textbooks focused on male genitalia, while female genitalia was more of a “sidebar.” Female sexual health was almost always focused on the reproductive nature — not on sexual function. This study, she notes, could help change that. It also means people like Pin, who has not regained feeling following her labiaplasty, may be able to find proper healthcare, thanks to more knowledgable medical professionals.
“What this study does is that it shows that this work is possible,” she says. “When you understand something, and it’s exposed and people are aware of it, it will stimulate more research. This is just the beginning of the many questions we have to answer. How can we learn more about female sexual medicine and treatment options for arousal and orgasm disorders, anorgasmia, people who have been harmed by different surgical procedures and lost function — there’s a lot of work to be done. What this study shows is how incredibly dense the nerves are in the clitoris, similar to the nerves in the hand, even — this shouldn’t be ignored and forgotten.”
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Proven Technique For Finding People To State "Affirmative"
Explanation: Learning different exercises for male organ enlargement (how to get a bigger male organ). If the erection can be as well curved to enable treatment after that a urologist may be able to execute an operation (known as Nesbitt procedure) to correct the penis stormcum. stormcum recenzja or verified method to increase sales or generate leads or strategic plan in included in (logical) DECISION MAKING, mainly because are structured on re-active tactical MARKET behavior, anticipating PAYOFFS” as their inspiration power” in the discount ………………………………………………. Scientific research has it that penis exercises may increase male organ size and width practically. If you adhere to fundamental safety measures, like heating up before you begin to jelq, hearing to your body cues, and avoiding over training, jelqing is definitely completely STORMCUMopinie.pl secure then. When executed regularly and often plenty of over time, the workout will permanently expand the blood chambers in your penis to consequently trigger lasting raises in the size of the penis. From all the choices obtainable, male organ exercises, like the jelq, can be one effective way to reach those goals. Guys who used a penile extender Tim: I have always been starting these "jelq" excercises to make my male organ bigger. Spending hours for penis exercises is definitely not the right method to obtain a larger opinie penis. 4 instances a season in San Diego, the full time before general Peak occasions, Royal users will go to a closed-door” 1 full day sessions consist of organized masterminding at the highest level along with the various other Royal users and personal on-the-spot training from Allison. The men in the study stretched their penises for three weeks- up to nine hours a day. A male organ is regarded unusually little just if it measures less than 3 in opinie . (about 7.5 centimeters) when erect, a condition called micropenis. The veins are what present the bloodstream considerably from the human body and as a result are located nearby the ground of the penis. Jelqing is an ancient Arabic technique of making the male organ much longer and thicker in a mild method. According to Dr. Elist's internet site , people who have got acquired the Penuma process done survey raises in duration and width, or measurement around, their male organ opinie of about 1.5 to 2.5 inches, both while set up and flaccid. In truth, a great deal of the period, penis enlargement just isn't also required, so jelqing penis enlargement exercises aren't required, either. This is sometimes used as a treatment for erectile dysfunction, but has not really been confirmed to in fact boost the size of the male organ. A 2015 study found that 89% of respondents reported email as the most-used channel cena for generating network marketing leads, adopted by content material advertising, search engine, and events finally. This vegetable is used to improve storage, and also This penis enhancement was my personal cutting-edge to achieving my ideal male organ, growing it with minimal time, properly and without it acquiring over my life. This publication is definitely all you'll ever need to help you reach your goals for thicker penis dawkowanie and Features a complete plan of exercises. Jelqing is usually a physical-therapy technique, designed to achieve "normal penis enlargement" by raising bloodstream pressure and stream. Although there may be little analysis on jelqing as a penis enlargement method, it wouldn't harm to figure out how to perform appropriate penile enhancement exercises. that male organ has to be in a semi-erection state for the workout. The exercise gdzie kupić contains applying an Alright style thumb and forefinger grasp encircling the base of the lubricated partly erect penis, limiting blood flow, and tugging this grip forward toward the glans. Regarding to the Mayo Medical clinic , the typical male organ is certainly 3 to 5 ins, or 8 to 13 centimeters, long when flaccid and 5 to 7 inches, or 13 to 18 centimeters, long when erect. Using our proven technique for delivering application cena software solutions, we function closely with your team to, 1st, understand the business problem you are attempting to resolve and after that design and develop a technical solution for that issue. Male organ pushes can, in reality, enhance your girth and duration, regarding to Paduch. Allison's been presented in Achievement, Lot of money, Inc, Fast Business and Forbes journals is certainly a regular contributor STORMCUMopinie.pl to Entrepreneur newspaper and a featured expert on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN across the US. She owners her weekly video podcast also, Allie & You: The Business Success and Life-style Present.
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gomerblogworld · 6 years
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Read more: http://bit.ly/2QeLcvp
Urologist Anxiously Awaits Cryptorchid Ball Drop
San Diego, CA – Local Urologist, Aric Triwenga MD, has an eccentric tradition that he carries out every New Years while hundreds of millions around the world tune in to New Years Rockin’ Eve to watch the ball drop in Times Square. Dr. Triwenga instead will be on the Peds ward surrounded by bab...
Read more on https://gomerblog.com/2018/12/urologist-awaits-ball-drop/?utm_source=TR&utm_campaign=DIRECT
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datascraping001 · 1 year
Massage Therapist Email List
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In the bustling world of wellness and self-care, massage therapy stands as an invaluable pillar for countless individuals seeking relaxation and relief from the stresses of daily life. Massage therapists play a vital role in this industry, offering their expertise to promote physical and mental well-being. Yet, in a competitive landscape, reaching out to these professionals with targeted marketing campaigns can be a game-changer. This is where datascrapingservices.com steps in, offering specialized Massage Therapist Email List services that can revolutionize how businesses connect with and market to these essential healthcare providers.
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hell-yeahfilm · 3 years
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Written before the Covid-19 pandemic, this book navigates the implications of a global pandemic on seven midcareer doctors who first became friends in med school. Kira Marchand is an infectious disease specialist who works for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta; Candee Compton-Winfield is an emergency room doctor in New York City; Hannah Geier is an OB-GYN in San Diego, California; Georgia Brown is a urologist in San Diego; Vani Darshana is an internist in Berea, Kentucky; Zadie Anson is a pediatric cardiologist in Charlotte, North Carolina; and Emma Colley is a trauma surgeon in Charlotte. The friends are on vacation in Spain and Morocco when the pandemic first strikes, and the story follows them and the impact that the artiovirus, CARS-ArV, has on their group, the cities they live in, and their families. Kira, Candee, and Hannah are point-of-view main characters. The narrative arc of the story follows Kira, the infectious disease specialist, who finds herself in a situation in which she has to choose between the lives of her two children. Covid-19 does not exist in these pages, but it will be impossible for readers to divorce their own pandemic experiences from those they are reading about. Much time is spent discussing the virus and its effects, both initial and long-term. For some readers, the lengthy descriptions of the artiovirus and its medical effects might be too much, while others will find the details just right. The idealized societal and governmental response, however, will ring false to many.
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westcoastmenhealth · 3 years
Acoustic Wave ED Treatment
Erectile Dysfunction affects many people and treatment may often appear to require surgery or drugs. Acoustic Wave Therapy is the safest and most effective treatment available. West Coast Men's Health is the leading provider of Men's health services in San Diego County. Our urologist in San Diego CA specializes in erectile dysfunction treatment including men's health issues and surgical treatments for ED in our ED Clinic in San Diego CA.
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covid19worldnews · 4 years
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Advances in imaging, genomics and new therapies have changed how UC San Diego Health treats prostate cancer During Brian McCloskey’s first-ever visit with a urologist, he was prescribed antibiotics for what was thought to be an infection of the prostate. When symptoms did not resolve, the urologist suggested the 51-year-old McCloskey undergo a biopsy. “You’re…
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datascraping001 · 1 year
Smoke Shop Email List
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