#when people wanna touch me but then it goes on for too long and I’m like okay… I wanna be left alone for a bit.
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vampvore · 7 months ago
Hmm, might be getting slightly burnt out on IRL people. Might need a small break. Or, to tone it down a little. Yeah.
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animamii · 2 months ago
letter from lockedup!Toji that goes along with this drabble ‎♡‧₊˚
...Beautiful, I just want you to know; you're my favorite girl...
— Beautiful~~Snoop dogg + Pharrel
Hey, princess.
Got your letter today. Been reading it over and over, like I always do. I swear, these pages are the only thing keeping me sane in here. When everything else in this place feels like it’s closing in, I got your words, your handwriting, the way I can almost hear your voice saying all this to me. It keeps me steady. Keeps me from losing my head.
And that picture you sent? Fuck. You tryin’ to kill me in here? I swear, if these walls weren’t in the way, I’d be home already. You look good, baby. Too good. Almost makes me mad that other people get to see you like this when I can’t. But I know you’re mine. Always have been. Always will be.
You don’t even gotta try, and you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Sitting there, all sweet, all perfect. Makes me crazy knowing I can’t reach out and touch you, pull you into me, feel your skin, hear you laugh in my ear. It ain’t fair. But I guess nothing ever has been for me. Except you. You’re the one thing in this world that ever felt like it was mine. I don’t say this enough, probably don’t say half the shit you deserve to hear, but I need you to know that. You ain’t just my girl. You’re my peace, my home, the only thing I’ve ever been afraid to lose. And that’s saying something.
I laughed when I read about Megumi and his damn ramen obsession. Stubborn little punk. I wonder where he gets it from. (Yeah, yeah, don’t say shit—I know.) Tell him I said to listen to his stepma, eat a real meal, and quit acting like he doesn’t miss me. I know how he is. Pretends he don’t care, but I bet if I walked through that door tomorrow, he’d be the first one running to me. He won’t say it, but you can see it in his eyes. Just like his old man. Make sure he’s eating real food, alright? He might act like he don’t care, but I know he listens to you. Probably more than he ever listened to me.
And you. You better be taking care of yourself too. Are you sleeping? Eating? Taking care of yourself? I know how you get—running around, worrying about everyone else, not stopping to breathe. You always got so much to worry about, but you forget you’re supposed to take care of you too. I don’t wanna hear that you’re running on empty, staying up too late, stressing yourself out. You always act tough, but I know you, baby. I know when you’re holding too much inside. I know when you need me. And I swear to you, I’m coming back.
You tell me you’ll wait. That you don’t care how long it takes. But, baby, I care. Every second in here is a goddamn eternity. Every night I go to sleep thinking about you, and every morning I wake up counting down the days until I can get back to you. And I will. No matter what I gotta do, no matter how long it takes, I will get home to you.And when I do? You better be ready. Because I’m never letting you out of my sight again. You hear me? You’re stuck with me, forever.
Wait for me just a little longer. I love you. More than I’ll ever be able to put into words.
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changisworld · 6 months ago
Who ever said fours a crowd?
3Racha X reader
word count:6,400
Summary: You & your boyfriend, Changbin, have both just started dating & he brings up the idea of inviting his long time & your long time friend, Chris, into the bedroom to help teach him how to pleasure you just right, since he was still a bit 'new' to sex, but you all forgot Jisung, their roommate, is also home.
18+,MDNI! smut below the cut.
©ANY translation, copy & paste, posting of my work is strictly forbidden for ANY posts/ writing i post.
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->SMUT WARNINGS: mxmxmxf, mxm, frottage( mxm), mentions of past encounters, PIV, oral (f rec), manhandling(??), praise, protected sex, unprotected sex, cum eating, multiple orgasms, size kink, anal play (m rec), anal(m rec) reader has a WAPPP, shy binnie, fingering(f rec), perv!Jisung, nipple/tit play, spit, Binnie is insecure at the start but reader doubles down & calms him down, mentions of a second round<3
->What better way to thank you all for 1K, 1.1K ANNND 1.2K followers than to do a 3racha smut? But seriously thank you so much, I haven't even been posting on here for 8 whole months & despite so many breaks in between you've all been so patient with me so thank you thank you thank you<3
You have been talking to Changbin for over an hour by this point in his shared apartment's living room, trying to figure out some boundaries, the reason for this being because you were both making out while a random movie was playing & you took it upon yourself to try take it a bit.. further, as your hand moves down to cup over his bulge, before the poor baby squirmed away from you, leaving you confused.
"It's not that I don't want it, I do! I just, I'm scared in case I won't be good at it, I've only slept with two people four times & I like you too much to disappoint you in case you don't like it" he murmurs, sounding embarrassed of what he had just said, avoiding to look at you sitting against the arm of the couch, playing with a loose thread attached to a couch cushion.
"Binnie, we don't need to do anything I'm more than happy to wait, but don't think of yourself like that, you're being silly, is there anything I can do to make you more comfortable? cmere" you respond, pulling him towards you anyways until he shuffles himself forwards on the couch so both of your crossed legs knees are touching.
“It’s not a you problem so no there’s nothing you can do to make me any more comfortable, i’m just too nervous, i feel like i need someone to show me how to do it or something, wanna be good for you” he whimpers as he pulls you into him, his back landing on the sitting part of the couch & you landing on top of him & you cup his puffy cheeks in your hands.
"Binnie I wouldn't judge you for it, I've felt your cock before & I know you'd be just fine, promise! Why n-" you cut yourself off when the front door to your boyfriends apartment opens, his best friend of years & a now close-ish friend of your own, Chan.
"Ah, heya you two, why do you both look like you've seen a ghost, what's up?" he says as he tosses his backpack on the floor beside the messy, cluttered shoe rack & it's only when he says this you process how shocked you must look to have seen him, Changbin looking a bit startled too.
"Hi chan, you just gave us a fri-" "Hyung, we were both just talking about something n I wanna ask you something!" Changbin says, cutting you off, turning his body on the couch to look behind him enough to properly look at who he's talking to, & Chan just nods as he walks over & slumps himself on the couch, next to changbin as he angles himself so he can look at you both at the same time before crossing his legs.
"Okay so, I wanted to know if you'd, help me with something Hyung" he goes on & if you looked like you'd seen a ghost before, it must look like you've been placed in the centre of a haunted house at this point. You open your mouth to speak but Chan beats you to it by telling him to continue.
"Okay, so, Ah I don't know how to ask!" he tries to joke to shake off his nerves, before continuing on. "Me & y/n were talking pretty much, & we both already know that with our schedule it's almost impossible to have time for people & also, sex? & I don't wanna disappoint y/n with my.. lack of experience, so to speak & I don't want my first experience with her to be better than just good, so I want you to help us" he blabs out, his voice sounding 'normal' on surface level, but you & chan know he is exploding with nerves.
Chan looks at him & then at you with surprise, not really knowing how to react, 'if i say yes straight away will I look desperate?' 'what if this is just a prank?' races through his head multiple times & words semi permanently die in his throat.
"The offer is only there if y/n is okay with it too though! If it's a no, we can forget I even asked you, don't feel pressured at all, just an idea." he says to chan before turning to you & he rests his hand on your knee, caressing it, which helps calm yourself down & he offers you his cute, soft smile.
"Binnie, we really don't need to do this, stop getting into your own head, I don't want this to negatively affect you in any way." you finally speak up & Chan nods his head at your reply.
"It won't, I wouldn't offer or suggest it if it would, we really don't need to do it, it's all in your hands" he responds softly & you can't help but feel like he really is being 100% truthful, & of course he is, & you come to the conclusion that if he is ready to do all of this just to pleasure you right, you can't really not help out.
"Okay Bin, I'll do it, Only if you're also okay with it Chan, obviously, but also if you're okay with it Binnie, like.. fully okay" you speak & Binnie leans forward enough to take your hands, caressing those instead. "Of course i'm fine with it! What are your thoughts Hyung? If you don't wanna do it, it's completely fine, we can forget it ever happened" Changbin blabs, the both of you looking at Chan, his eyes already glued on you both.
"Lemme have a bit of a think about it & I'll come back to you a lot about it, it's a big thing to just say yes to" he replies before he stands back up & leans over to purposely mess up your boyfriends curly hair, chuckling to himself before he makes his way to his room, the dim, purple LED lights in your vision as you watch him close the door behind him.
It’s been a day since you, Changbin & Chan had that talk & in all honesty, it’s all you could think about. ‘Have you embarrassed yourself by saying yes so quick?’ ‘will changbin think differently of me for saying yes?’ ‘what if chan changes his mind & i look like a freak for agreeing without him agreeing’ are the three main things that race through your mind, no matter how much you try forget about it, it’s just impossible!
The guys are doing something in the studio at the minute, & you decide to try deep clean your boyfriend’s bedroom to take your mind off it.
You strip the bed, of course finding a pair of your underwear.. or two inside his pillowcase, but you don’t bother to even question it, honestly quite flattered that he is so nervous to do anything with you physically but doesn’t think twice about stealing your used panties to jerk off to.
You re-fold his messy clothes that have just been thrown into the drawers, not too many noticeable creases in them to the point you feel the need to iron them, before plopping yourself back on the now fresh sheeted bed, a bit worn out from all the work you’ve just done.
As if it could be called perfect timing.. or worst timing, you hear Chan & Changbin get back to the apartment & you quickly realise they sound completely like normal, giggling about stuff you don’t understand & you take a sigh of relief, thinking that it won’t be as awkward if & when you have to face Chan again.
They part ways as Changbin returns to his bedroom, his eyes widening slightly at the tidied room & he is quick to pretty much leap on top of you, pecking you all over your cheeks before holding his upper half with his arm muscles as he looks down at you, a hand of his on each side of your head, laying on the bed.
"Chan spoke to me by the way, he said he will help us, are you still okay with all of this? I don't wanna make you uncomfortable y/n & you can seriously tell me if you don't wanna do it, or if you have any doubts whatsoever we can just tell him we changed our mind, If i have to force myself to man up, i'll do it." he murmurs, a bit shy in what he says, not usually being so forward with you unless it's just flirting, his chubby cheeks flushed red & his hair still a bit damp above you with sweat from the gym not too long prior.
You are honestly surprised at the fact Chan actually said yes, especially with how long it took for him to come to a conclusion, not that you were rushing him in any way, but you mostly thought that because you hadn't heard anything, it would have been a no.
"It's fine Binnie, I haven't changed my mind, but I still want you to be involved, I don't wanna fuck another man in front of you & you not doing anything." you suggest, but it's not really a 'suggestion' & it will only happen if he is involved, your mind is completely made up about it & Changbin is quick to nod at your words.
"I was planning on that anyway! I don't wanna be a complete cuck y/nnie I still need to be taught!" He pouts before lightly knocking on your shoulder in the same way you notice he loves to hit his members when he's happy or flustered before he nuzzles himself in your neck, not caring that he is pretty much inhaling your hair, the faint smell of the shampoo he also uses coating the strands.
"So uh, when does he.. wanna do it?" you ask, taking the time to rake your fingers through his curly & slightly frizzy hair & Changbin leans into your touch, tensing when your fingers hit his sweet spot.
"He said to just tell him when we want it, why, you want it that bad?" he teases you & you jokingly push him off of you & he can't help but giggle.
"it's not like that Bin! Just wanna see you & also it makes sense to kinda.. do it now-ish? because Jisung is gone so there's more privacy & Jisung is usually glued to Chan's hip if not Minho's!" you murmur, your ears burning red as you avoid his eyes with your own as you then flip onto your stomach & your legs sway slowly back & forth as you reach to play with Changbin's poodle hair.
"That's true, do you want me to get him like... now? I don't know how to go around this, should I let you shower or something first if you want?" Changbin suggests, pulling you into him, hugging you & you move your head to give him a peck on the nose before eskimo kissing him, which makes you both giggle.
"I showered earlier, I don't know what to do either, we can just go with the flow mkay? It's Chan who's joining us, not the other way around so we have the power in our hands, if we don't like it or change our minds i'm positive he won't mind." you respond & Changbin nods beneath you.
"You're right, I'ma go get him, mkay? It only goes as far as you want it to, so don't be scared to tell Chan no!" he says as he wriggles from you & blowing a kiss to you which you pretend to catch before he leaves the room & you can't help but chew the inside of your cheek with anxiety.
A couple of minutes later, Chan is trailing in behind your boyfriend & he is wearing a lot comfier of an outfit than what you usually see him wearing to the gym, going for some plain grey sweatpants & a tank top & his wide shoulders & his big biceps that are so deliciously toned & the veins running up his arms, which you don't fail to miss.
Chan shuts the bedroom door behind him & Chan takes it upon himself to sit beside you on the bed, before signalling Changbin to sit on the opposite side, you now being sandwiched between them both.
"Okay so uh.. are you completely okay with all of this y/n? Don't be scared of hurting my feelings because trust me you won't, we just want everything to be completely clear." Chan speaks out, his australian accent decorating his voice which you can't help but take a lot more interest in now given what is going to take place.
"I'm sure, don't stress it, Binnie wants help & he trusts you to do that & besides, you're an attractive guy so why would I turn it down" you chuckle & Chan returns it, not being able to stop himself from blushing.
"So uh, Bin, what is it that you want me to 'teach' you?" he looks past you & over to your boyfriend, who is playing with a loyalty ring he bought you when he first asked you to be his girlfriend with his fingers.
"Uh, kinda.. everything? But I still need to be involved, y/n wants that." he says, a chirp in his voice as his hand tightens around yours & you smile at Chan, confirming his words & Chan nods.
"Okay, so what are your guys.. limits? Yes, no's & maybe's?" Chan questions, his voice trying to sound nonchalant but it's not hard to pick up on the fact he is probably even more nervous than you or Changbin are.
"Uhh, I can't really think of anything, oh wait, no cumming inside or wear a condom" you speak & Chan nods again, his eyes widening slightly, not expecting to have been having the opportunity to fuck you tonight.
"Okay, Changbin, I have condoms in my left side second drawer, can you go get me a condom?" he asks as he moves his hand to rest on your thigh & Changbin hums a yes response before leaving & Chan takes it upon himself to lean in & kiss you the second you look at him & both of your lips fall into place pretty much instantly.
You're quick to notice how soft his lips are around yours as he takes control of it, you get so lost in it you barely register the fact that your boyfriend had already made his way back into the room.
"You guys look hot together, I don't know if i should be extremely turned on or jealous" Changbin remarks, his dimples poking in his cheeks as he sits behind you this time before pulling you up the bed so you're sitting between his spread legs with your back against his chest & Chan is quick to follow, setting himself facing you between your own legs.
"Maybe you just have a kink for it, can see the edge of your cock under the side of your sweatpants" Chan replies, chuckling. "I can feel it too" you respond & Changbin tuts at your teasing, hiding his face in your neck as he starts kissing the soft skin, the faint smell of body wash still scenting it.
"So I'm right in saying you've obviously kissed before so I don't need to teach you both that, why not you try touching her, Bin? Watch." Chan says in a soft voice as he grabs one of Changbins hands that are resting on your waist & brings it up to your left tit over your clothes & Chan takes a hold of your right one & they both feel & then find your nipples from above your shirt & they both quickly notice you've not put a bra on & Chan subconsciously bites hit bottom lip, buzzing at the thought.
"Try twisting it like this, not too much but have a firm grip on it, rub your thumb over the bud, you can lick your fingers too, makes it nice n wet, can I lift your shirt y/n?" Chan asks, his other hand running along the hem of your... Changbin's shirt that you've stolen for yourself & you nod at his request.
"Bin, can you take it off for us?" he chirps, looking at the man behind you, who is looking not back at him, but instead down at Chan's fingers, following not only hi words but mirroring his actions, almost in a daze before he snaps out of it at the sudden question & nods his head rapidly & you raise your arms up to help your boyfriend strip you.
Your nipples stiffen up at the feel of the air around you all but you don't ponder on it as their fingers resume their place on your tits, & you melt into the touch as you lean further into Changbin, soaking yourself in the feeling, finding comfort in the rapid heart beats coming from his chest.
"Gonna go further now, alright?" chan speaks up & you nod your head, your eyes not bothering to open your eyes & you can feel your boyfriend nodding behind you, his fingers not stopping their actions on your hard bud.
Chan licks his fingers before bringing it back to your nipple before bringing his other hand to your skin, slowly dragging it down your naked stomach & waist, before bringing his hand to the waistband of your baggy shorts & Changbin takes the time to pat you on the cheek & when you open your eyes, Chan is looking up at you, nonverbally asking you if he can continue/
"Go on, please" you murmur as you spread your legs that tiny bit extra & Chan smirks up at you both before he makes quick work of removing your shorts completely, now leaving you completely nude now since you also so happen to have chose to not wear underwear & your legs quiver at the cold hair hitting your core, already dripping at this point, & Chan is quick to tell you how wet you are.
"Bin, come sit around here" Chan speaks & Changbin lets out a small whimper as he forces himself to detach himself from your nipple, which in his humble opinion, is probably the prettiest thing he has ever seen that isn't your face, but his opinion is quick to change when he crawls to sit himself down next to his friend as you help give them more room by shuffling upwards just enough so you can lay your head on the pillows.
You try to shut your legs, feeling awkward & shy at the two men staring at your naked cunt, clenching around nothing but Chan is quick to stop you from shutting them, holding them open.
"Keep em open pretty, look how wet you are, you're lucky Bin, gonna show you how to touch her & eat her, okay?" Chan speaks to Bin & when your eyes land on your boyfriend, you can tell how nervous he is & when he rests his hand on your knee, you stretch your arm to hold onto his.
"Speak Bin, just relax, it's just us, you need to focus if you wanna learn" he doubles down, tapping his friends arm, snapping him out of whatever trance he's in.
"Can't help but daydream, you're to pretty." not talking directly to Chan, but you instead & you hide your face in your arm.
"I know, like I just said you're real lucky, watch my hand mkay? You wanna tease a bit first, makes it more interesting." chan chirps as his fingers finish trailing down your skin, now landing on your outer lips of your cunt before he starts slowly spreading your wetness, not as if you'd even need it anyways since you're beyond gushing anyway & the sensation of his slightly calloused fingers dragging across your pussy but you physically twitch when his fingers finally directly land on your clit.
"Here's where the clit is, it's the easiest way to make a girl cum so make sure you actually remember where it is & find out, it's uncomfortable for the girl if you rub next to it, but don't do it too rough or hard because it's really sensitive, like this." Chan further continues as he starts visibly demonstrating as he speaks, his index & middle finger rubbing slow circles on your clit, making you whimper & both of their eyes shoot up to you at the sound, both of their cocks getting even harder if it was possible.
"You can tell if they actually feel good by their reactions, you can see her pussy clenching around nothing, do you know how to finger a girl Bin?" he asks, not bothering to let his eyes become unglued from your pussy, his fingers already drenched in your wetness.
"I've watched tutorials on pornhub & I've done it with the very few fucks i've had, i know how to" he stutters as he feels the need to bring his own fingers to your pussy, it looking far too inviting for him to keep his paws off & you instantly feel as if your skin is on fire.
Chan takes the opportunity to remove his fingers from your clit & you let out a whimper at the loss of contact as your hips try chase his fingers but it's short lived as your boyfriend's fingers take their place & start working at their own pace, different but not bad.
His fingers are a bit more clumsy than Chans despite him concentrating that tiny bit extra but your butterflies are intensified a billion times more by knowing it's him touching you & you can't stop yourself from looking down to look at the pretty boy in front of you playing with you like this & without him looking away from you, he leans down just enough so he can perfectly let a glob of spit land on your clit & you jolt.
"Binnie, want your tongue." you mumble, trying to keep your composure, nibbling on your bottom lip. "Wanna taste you" he replies, sounding more dazed than you are before he is moving his hand away from you & you quickly sit up & start tugging at his shirt & he quickly takes the hint & takes it off & you flop yourself backwards again as Changbin lays down between your legs, his face just centimetres away from your pussy, your wetness already causing a wet patch on the bedsheets.
Chan takes it upon himself to crawl up your frame & sits on the back of his knees before pinching a nipple with his right hand as he brings his left hand down to your cunt, pulling the skin upwards, exposing your already swollen clit just that tiny bit extra to help his friend.
Changbin takes a moment or two to just simply admire how gorgeous your pussy really is, & he has to mentally slap himself because of how long he's put off sex because of his own nerves, not knowing that literal perfection was so close to him.
Before he can doubt himself, he lets his lips suction onto your pudgy clit as he starts swirling his tongue around it & you instantly doubt the claim that he's bad at sex because he is acting like a natural.
"Fuck Bin, tongue is good" you whimper, your voice shaky as he slurps up your juices along with the pool of spit that's uncontrollably rolling off his tongue & your fingers weave into his curly hair.
"He making you feel good, babe?" Chan questions as he brushes the now damp hair from your face & he looks down at you with a cheeky smile, but you're too out of it to snap back at him, instead, you look down at his sweatpants that he's still wearing & you can easily see the huge boner he's sporting & you can't stop yourself from reaching to start pawing at them, & thankfully he takes the hint.
Chan takes his sweatpants off, leaving him in just his boxers. "Off cha, th-those too" you fight the words through your moans & but he does as you say & takes off his tank top too while he's at it, now totally naked too but instead of joining you both back on the bed, Chan is walking over to the bedroom door & opening it, & much to your shock, but not to chan or changbins, Jisung is standing right outside the door with his leaky cock in his hand, now frozen in place.
"I thought I heard you whining outside, we're busy & I thought you were with Leeknow?" Chan speaks, a complete monotone voice, almost as if he's not standing completely naked with his heavy, veiny cock in his hand.
"W-wanted to j-just listen, can I join? s-sounds pretty." he murmurs, his big boba eyes darting from you, to chan & then to changbin, just to repeat the motion over again & Changbin has detached his pretty lip from your clit, breaking the suction seal on your pussy before rubbing your clit with his fingers again, the feeling more intense with how sensitive his tongue has made it as you start grinding against him, unable to even think of a response to give Jisung.
"It's not my choice, it's y/nnies, but I don't think she's able to talk, I'm teaching Bin well, aren't I?" Chan asks, hinting a response for Bin & he let's himself enter not one but two fingers into your cunt before quickly setting a decent pace, his other hand's thumb flicking your clit at the same pace as best as he can.
"So well hyung, ask y/n it's her who to ask" Changbin chirps, his voice flushed out as he slows down the grinding on the mattress as he looks at the doorway & Jisung fixates his eyes on you, teary.
"Just c-come in -fuck bin, come in Jisung" you cry out & Jisung pretty much gallops into the room, past his naked friend & he pretty much hops onto the bed as he shakes his clothes off & chan makes quick work of following him, not bothering to shut the door behind him.
Changbin doesn't bother to ponder on the fact that Jisung is now here, instead completely focused on the way you're clenching around his chubby fingers, feeling your orgasm bubble up, it feeling different to when you're just masterbating on your own.
"Bin, think i-ima cum, so goodd" you squeak as you grip onto Jisungs arm beside you without thinking & Changbin's ego gets boosted by the words you spit out & he takes the chance to suckle back on your clit again, making sure to pull on the pudge of it to get better access, just like what Chan did & your legs convulse around his head as you try to force yourself to keep them open, but Jisung takes it upon himself to straddle you with his back facing you, holding your legs open, also giving himself a perfect view of his friends tongue & lips engulfing your pussy.
"Cum for us babe, if it feels good just let go" Chan remarks & you look up at him with glossy eyes, dazed & fucked out as you let out a squeal as you bubble over, your orgasm flushing throughout your entire body as your toes curl around him & your fingers clench so hard around his fingers he's force to pull them out, a white cream ring around the base of his fingers.
Jisung reaches down to grab at Changbin's wrist before pulling the fingers that just fucked you up to his mouth before licking your own orgasm off of them, groaning at the taste, his drool coating his fingers & he takes it upon himself to tease you all by gagging on his fingers but to not really anyones surprise, Changbin just looks up at him in awe, his fingers finally slowing down on your clit, letting you come down from your orgasm, which he learned to do from porn.
"Did so well for us y/nnie, do you wanna keep going? We can stop here if you're too worn out we can do this another day if it's too much, no stress." Chan speaks out as he pulls Jisung off of you & onto the place on the bed he just was, Jisung laying next to you now & he turns his head to give you a smile, which you mirror.
"Wanna keep going, want you Bin." you make grabby hands & Bin crawls up your frame to kiss you & that's when you feel that he still has his sweatpants on & he doesn't even need to be asked before he's taking them off along with his boxers, his thick cock hitting against his toned tummy, making you drool.
"Want to feel you so bad Bin, please binnie." you murmur as he holds himself above you before he leans down to kiss you, but you're both interrupted by the sounds of Jisung & Chan moaning beside you & when you turn to look, Chan has his own & Jisungs cock wrapped in his palms as they grind against each other, using their own precum as lube & with how wet their cocks are, they could give you a run for your money & you'd be lying if you said you aren't even more turned on now, Jisungs legs wrapped around Chans ripped frame as Chans thick cock almost hides Jisungs with the size difference as their sensitive tips bash & glide against one anothers.
You can feel Changbin freeze up a bit when you reach down to grip his cock with your hand when you try align it with your cunt & you reach to caress his cheek. "It's alright Binnie, you've already made me cum you're good!" you pretty much cheer, your voice soft & Chan can't help but overhear it & he has a bright idea.
"I'll guide you Bin, Jisung you're gonna help us, mkay?" Chan asks & Jisung already knows where it's going & he nods with stars in his eyes as he flips around so he's on his knees before dropping from his hands so he's arched, his already stretched hole on display for Chan & Changbin to see & you can't help but feel a bit left out that you can't see it from where you're laying down.
Changbin & you look over at the sight, honestly extremely surprised at how... comfortable they are to do this with one another.
"Are we missing something? Do you guys hook up & none of us knew this?" you giggle & Jisung lets out a pouty whine, turning his face away from you to avoid your gazes.
"There's nothing wrong with having fun on our own, like Changbin's said, being idols give us a horribly busy schedule!" he whips back at you as he makes quick work of grabbing the condom that Changbin collected earlier from the floor & he rips open the packet before rolling the condom onto his cock.
"it's easy Bin, promise. Everyone obviously has a G-spot & you need to try find it, it's more spongey but if you've felt it with your fingers, your cock will definitely reach it so don't stress, go in slow & then pick up the pace, & don't just have messy thrusts you gotta keep a rhythm" Chan instructs as he takes his own cock in his hand & aligns it up with Jisungs already lubed hole, from when he was actually prepping himself just before he started jerking off outside the door.
Changbin stumbles with his hands for a minute before he copies his hyung in the room, not only his heart but also your heart racing as he decides to beat Chan to the chase & he pushes himself inside you, the width of his cock a huge stretch to just his fingers, & Changbin stalls inside you half way, partly to let you adjust but also to stop himself from cumming on the spot with how tight & warm you are, the way you're clenching around him is suffocating in the best way possible.
Jisung looks at the reaction on your face & he can't wait any longer as he then starts shaking his ass on his dick, trying to persuade his hyung to just give him what he wants & Chan can't hold himself back any longer & slides himself in quite quickly, knowing Jisung loves the painful but pleasurable stretch from the roughness & he lets out a choked noise that makes you gush.
"Y-you're so tight jagi, oh my- oh my god" Changbin squeaks, his eyes struggling to not roll to the back of his head & you look up at him with love hearts in your eyes, your brain malfunctioning as you reach to hold onto his biceps that you love so much, the choked gurgles of Jisungs whines & squeals filling the room.
Changbin forces himself to piece his mind together again just enough to start fucking into you at a good pace & you're just so full you swear you can feel him coming out of your throat almost. "S-so big Bi-binnie, doing so good" you cry out & by this point you've genuinely forgot that your boyfriends two closest friends are literally fucking beside you & you won't be surprised if you dismiss the huge puddle of spit on the bedsheets as your own later.
Chan reaches down to start jerking off Jisung at the same pace as his cock is thrusting into him & literally just after a couple of pumps of his cock, he is cumming all over Changbin's bedsheets with a wail as he spasms & shakes beneath Chan, but he doesn't let up.
Chan takes a second to look at you & Changbin & deems his work as done in terms of getting him comfortable to fuck you, & he can tell you both need no more help & he scoops up Jisung & carries him by the inside of his knees, his back touching his chest as he takes them both out of the room to make way to whatever next surface he can fuck Jisung against, leaving just you & Binnie together, not that you could be paid to care at this point.
"Y-you're so pre-beautiful, so good" he babbles above you as he flops forward enough to kiss you, tongues wrapping around one another as he hits that gummy spot his fingers were rubbing against earlier & your whines jump up an octowave.
"Shit bin, wa-gonna cum, pl-please" you cry as you break the kiss to try catch a breath or two but you hold your breath in shock & happiness at Changbin's response.
"Cum, p-please, I- i love you jagi, ss-so much, so good" he gibbers as he brings his hand down to your clit again, rubbing more messy circles on your clit & your toes start curling but you force yourself to hold back your orgasm for the time being, as tense as a rock beneath him as squelching noises fill the room, his cock almost completely slipping out every time he retracts himself, your hand reaching own each time he does so just to make sure you can quickly slide him back into his probably new favourite place if it happened.
"I- love you too bin, prett-prettiest boy" you whimper & at those words matched with you then pulling his head from your neck once he nested it there & kiss him again with your hands cupping his chubby cheeks & he lets out a small squeal as he is cumming before he can warn you & at the feeling of him filling you up & the way he pulsates in you, your own orgasm hits you too & he accidentally bites down on it & you moan that extra bit louder at the feeling.
You both come down from your orgasm, panting & huffing on top of one another, only the sounds of Jisung being fucked by Chan just down the hallway, but your mind is too all over the place.
"I me-meant what I said by the way, sorry it took my friend to help me fuck you." he murmurs, his voice sounding raspy but chirpy.
"I meant it too, I looooveee you! & don't stress it, it was hot anyways." you emphasis it further by pecking him all over his face, his cute dimples plastered on his cheeks as he gets shy.
"I can still hear Chan & Jisung fucking, if you want we can go join them, since you think it's hot" he half teases, but you can tell he isn't really joking. "you'll need to climb off me if you want to go, hurry before Jisung is fully spent!" you snap back & you can feel his cock that was just starting to go limp inside you chub back up before he's pulling out as he picks you up & pretty much sprints to what turns out to be the living room & Jisung on his knees sucking Chan off & you're quick to land on your knees beside Jisung, poking your head in to get a taste as Changbin sits beside chan a Jisung switches places with you.
->I really don't think I like this im afraid</3 but I could potentially do a part two but it won't be until after kinktober & after i finish my part two to my felix smut so please be patient mwah x
->Taglist & anon list is open! @jisungml
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blairxbear · 20 days ago
Boyfriend Headcanons - Shoto Todoroki
What it's like dating Shoto Todoroki
A/N: The second of the MHA guys for boyfriend headcanons, let me know who you guys wanna see next! :)
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The Quiet, Protective, Deeply Loving Boyfriend
Dating Shoto Todoroki is an experience unlike any other. At first, he’s reserved, cautious, and unsure of how to express his emotions, but once he opens up? You become his entire world. He is a boyfriend who loves in quiet, meaningful ways, someone who doesn’t need grand gestures to show how much he cares—his devotion is in the little things. Every glance, every touch, every soft word carries a depth of love that only grows stronger over time.
1. The Thoughtful, Reserved Boyfriend
At first, dating Shoto feels like peeling back layers. He isn’t cold or distant, but he doesn’t always know how to communicate his feelings.
His love language is quiet acts of service. He may not always say he loves you, but he’ll make sure you’re comfortable, hold your hand when you’re anxious, and bring you warm drinks without being asked.
Observes everything about you. He notices the way you fidget when you’re nervous, the way your face lights up when you talk about something you love, the foods you dislike—and he memorizes it all.
Never half-hearted. If he’s with you, he’s all in. There’s no hesitation, no games—he’s fully devoted to making this relationship work.
2. The Protective Side – Quiet but Fierce
Shoto isn’t possessive, but he is protective. If someone disrespects you, he doesn’t need to say much—one cold stare is enough to make them back off.
Subtle but firm. If he senses someone making you uncomfortable, he’ll step between you and them, wrapping an arm around your waist or gently pulling you behind him.
Not afraid to step in if things get serious. If someone is actually threatening you, his flames flicker to life before he even realizes it—he doesn’t tolerate people hurting the ones he loves.
When he hugs you, his warmth is comforting. If you’ve had a bad day, he’ll pull you into his chest, letting his warm side radiate against you, melting away all your stress.
3. The Soft, Deeply Affectionate Boyfriend
Shoto isn’t overly expressive, but he loves in ways that feel so intimate. He traces patterns on your skin absentmindedly, tucks your hair behind your ear, rests his forehead against yours after a long day.
Loves holding your hand. It’s such a simple gesture, but for him, it’s grounding—it reminds him that you’re real, that you’re his.
His kisses are slow, deep, and full of emotion. He doesn’t rush—when he kisses you, he takes his time, pressing his lips to yours like he’s memorizing every second.
Surprisingly loves cuddling. At first, he’s unsure how much affection is ‘too much,’ but once he’s comfortable? He loves pulling you close, resting his chin on your shoulder, burying his face in your hair.
Likes to just sit in comfortable silence with you. You don’t always need to talk—sometimes, just being near you is enough.
4. The Jealousy He Doesn’t Want to Admit
Shoto doesn’t get openly jealous—he just goes quiet. His brows furrow slightly, his grip on your hand tightens just a little, and his icy blue eye lingers on whoever is getting too close.
He trusts you completely, but he doesn’t trust others. If someone is blatantly flirting with you, he’ll step closer and say something calm but final—“They’re taken.”
If you tease him about being jealous, he denies it immediately. "I’m not jealous. I’m just… watching." (Uh-huh, sure.)
However, if you flirt back with him when he’s jealous? Oh. He’s done for. The tips of his ears go pink, and suddenly he’s looking away like he doesn’t know how to handle it.
5. The Romantic Side That Catches You Off Guard
Shoto may not be overly expressive, but when he loves, he loves deeply. He won’t always say “I love you” out loud, but he’ll show it in so many ways.
Every date he plans is well thought out. He isn’t someone who just says, “Let’s go out.” Instead, he takes the time to make sure it’s something meaningful to you.
When he does say something romantic, it’s simple but profound. Out of nowhere, he’ll say, "I like who I am when I’m with you." And then go back to what he was doing like he didn’t just wreck your heart.
Loves stargazing with you. He’ll lie next to you, his fingers laced with yours, whispering his dreams under the vast, open sky.
If you tell him he’s handsome, he gets shy. He doesn’t know how to take compliments well, so if you call him attractive, he just stares at you in shock for a second before quietly saying, "Thank you."
6. The Little Things He Does That Make You Melt
Uses his cold side to cool you down in summer and his warm side to keep you warm in winter.
Keeps an extra set of chopsticks or utensils for you in case you forget yours.
Secretly loves it when you play with his hair. If you run your fingers through it, his eyes flutter shut immediately.
Remembers the little things you say, even if it’s just a passing comment. "You mentioned last week that you liked this dessert, so I got it for you."
Not big on nicknames, but if he ever calls you ‘love’ in a low voice? Instant weakness.
Takes pictures of you when you’re not looking because he wants to remember the moment.
If you fall asleep on him, he doesn’t move. He’ll sit there for hours, content just holding you.
7. The Vulnerable Side He Only Shows You
Shoto doesn’t open up easily, but when he does? It’s raw, unfiltered, and real.
He struggles with expressing his emotions because of his past. There are times when he doesn’t know how to put his feelings into words, but he tries—just for you.
You are his safe place. After a long day, when he’s exhausted and mentally drained, he doesn’t need anything but you in his arms.
When he finally tells you ‘I love you’ for the first time, his voice is barely above a whisper. He’s never said it to anyone before—not like this. And when he says it, he means it with every fiber of his being.
Final Thoughts
Dating Shoto Todoroki is like experiencing a love that is slow-burning, powerful, and unshakable. He loves deeply, quietly, and intentionally, making sure you never doubt his devotion. He’s a boyfriend who remembers every little detail, supports you in his own quiet way, and protects you without hesitation.
Though he isn’t the most expressive person, his love is evident in every touch, every glance, and every small gesture. You are his warmth, his balance, his safe place. And no matter what happens, he will always, always choose you.
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Ko-fi / Masterlist
blairxbear © 2024. do not copy, modify, or translate my work. you do not have permission to share my work outside of tumblr!
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restinslices · 10 months ago
If Aegon ii Targaryen Was A Sub
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I forgot I said I was gonna post this weeks ago so here it is. Also before we begin, I feel like I gotta say that I DO NOT condone some of the shit he did in the show. This is not that type of party. I just think he has pathetic looking eyes and I’m known to make men subs. Let’s all just be horny in peace Obviously MDNI
A very needy whiny whore 
Needs attention and validation constantly 
Will actually start buggin’ if you're giving someone else attention 
And when I say “needy” I really mean that shit 
He's constantly tryna convince you to sneak away with him for a quickie. And if you're alone together? He definitely wants to fuck 
He's extremely needy and badly wants approval and appreciation but he's also such a fucking brat 
This man is a spoiled ass Prince. Are we surprised?
He's bratty in the sense that he likes pushing buttons but also in the sense that he just sometimes doesn't feel like listening to you 
Behavior that you'll have to make sure to correct 
Now when I mention anal you may wanna say “oh but I have female anatomy”. To that, I say “pegging”
Now you may wanna say “strapons don't exist in this universe” and to that I say “they have literal DRAGONS. Use your imagination and pretend they've been invented”
Now let's continue 
Idk why I feel this way but I can see him enjoying sex from behind. Especially while getting his hair pulled
Also has a thing for titty sucking 
Sucks on you while you ride him 
Or if he's bored 
Kinks and/or fetishes I can see him having are anal, barebacking, biting, breath play, dacryphilia, face fucking, free use, fingering (possibly fisting too), impact play, loud sex, name calling (whatever you wanna go by), orgasm control, orgies, praise, rough sex, and probably some other shit 
I just feel like he can easily be talked into anything. As long as he's getting pleased 
Enjoys the risk of possibly getting caught 
Turns him on even more if he's the one getting fucked 
Possibly getting caught fucking you is one thing but possibly getting caught getting treated like a whore? He'll cum from the thought alone 
Loves being told how slutty he looks
If you can fill his ass with cum, do it! 
Also enjoys being eaten out
He'll reach around to grab your hair and push his ass against you so your tongue goes deeper 
I can see him having a bit of toxic masculinity so you calling his ass a “pussy” or “cunt” will irritate him 
But in the same breath it makes him extremely hard 
His eyes are expressive so it's easy to tell when he's horny 
I don't see him denying it either 
Despises dry humping so it's a good punishment 
He's just way too impatient for it 
Other punishments for him could be orgasm denial, edging or refusing to touch him at all. Not just sexually. Like, refusing to kiss him 
Or telling him he can't pleasure himself could be a punishment 
Cock warming probably isn't his favorite either. Like I said, he's impatient. He immediately wants to fuck 
Has a fantasy of being fucked at a pleasure house while other people watch 
Also has a fantasy of having his mouth full of cum and it leaking out while he's being fucked 
Someone remind me to write these out 
I know I've said a bath for aftercare with other characters but like,,, who doesn't love a good bath?
Quick afterthoughts
He's definitely vocal. I just don't see him being quiet 
Doesn't mind getting woken up with sex
Cannot fully express how much he loves dirty talk
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duc-kie · 1 year ago
Could you write about Lando after his p2 in Singapore and he goes full dominative on you? Maybe that you went out before with Carlos and a couple of the other drivers to celebrate the Singapore podium and you have been teasing him the whole night and he’s completely done with it?
Okay I know I took a really long time to answer and I’m genuinely sorry. I’ve been going feral over the video below. It also inspired me to make this blurb🤭
This looked better in my head tbh. Written it just feels really random and idk. Still hope you like it though!
You were enjoying yourself on the dance floor with some of your friends, while your boyfriend Lando was celebrating his podium with some fellow drivers. This whole night has been crazy, full of sexual tension and teasing touches between the two of you.
You've been craving Lando the whole day. All you wanted was his touch all over you and he knew it. You tried to seduce him but he wouldn't give in, so you decided to wear the sexiest dress you own to the after party for his Singapore P2 finish.
His eyes widened when you arrived with your girlfriends. You enjoyed a few drinks and were quite tipsy and consequently even hornier so you made your way to the table where Lando and his friends were chatting and having drinks. You greeted them all before sitting on Lando's lap and taking a sip of his whiskey. Licking your lips, you leaned down to kiss him.
When you started moving your hips and rubbing yourself against his already semi hard dick he had enough. He excused you both and basically dragged you to a just slightly more private corner and pinned you against the wall. His knee found it’s way between your legs, pressing on the spot where you’ve been craving his touch for a while. "You still wanna play games?" he asked wrapping a hand around your neck. "but what about all the people Lando?" you asked looking around to see if anyone is looking at you. "you didn't seem to care before, did you?" he asked and before you could answer he shoved his tongue down your throat.
You couldn't help but start grinding on his knee that was still between your thighs. letting our quiet moans.
You pulled away from the kiss catching your breath and looking around wondering how many people are watching you. he grabbed your chin and turned your head to face him telling you to keep your eyes on him. "these people are too drunk to care what we're doing, don’t worry" he reassured you before taking your hand and leading you through the crowd to the VIP area.
There was no one there so you felt slightly more at ease. Lando didn’t waste any time and quickly continued what you started. Pinned against the wall you felt his fingers drag your panties down your legs. He took them off and stuck them in his pocket.
His lips then quickly found their way to your neck. He knew where all your sweet spots were and he made sure he left a mark on every single one. Moans and needy whimpers left your lips from the wet and warm feeling on your neck. Your hands made their way up his arms to play with his hair.
Lando reached down to gently rub your clit, soaking his fingers in your pre-cum. "mmm so wet" he quietly murmured into your neck. "Lando please" you moaned out, desperate to have his fingers shoved deep inside you. "what do you want princess, use your words." he encouraged you, continuing to rub your pussy painfully slowly.
"I want you to finger fuck me" you said, adding a "please". That wasn't enough for him though. "beg for it" he said looking straight into your eyes. You were so desperate for at least just a little more friction in your sensitive areas, words and pleads just spilled out of you. When you were practically on your knees begging, Lando was finally satisfied.
He stopped rubbing your clit for just a minute to quickly taste you on his fingertips, humming in satisfaction. A finger quickly found it’s way into your pussy, and he was quick to add another one. They slid in with ease since you were so wet you were practically dripping on the floor from the buildup of desperation throughout the whole day.
You were clenching around his fingers, chasing release. It didn’t take long for you to reach your high and spill cum all over his soft fingers. Moaning his name you grabbed his shoulders for support, nearly collapsing. While you were trying to catch your breath he shoved a finger into your mouth expecting you to suck it clean, and you obviously obeyed.
After you regained balance he walked you out of the bar. Your cheeks were extremely red walking through the crowd of people that probably saw everything, not to mention you were in a really short dress without panties underneath.
You can probably imagine how the rest of your night went after you came home.
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 3 months ago
Hi bestie!! I have an idea for Seb. Your his best friend (almost brother like but not quite)
So y/n is over at his home in LA during a Christmas party and is wearing something that gets him turned on and he drags you away from the party and tells you how he loves you and you two fuck....hehe
Steamy Christmas Party » Sebastian Stan
Pairings: Best Friend!Sebastian Stan x Best Friend!Female Reader
Summary: Sebastian can’t keep his eyes off of you when you wear a new dress to a Christmas party, which leads to yours and his own steamy festivities.
Warnings: Fluff, Smut (18+), best friends to lovers, sweet/dirty talk, kissing, hickeys, unprotected sex, praise kink, Sebastian speaking Romanian, pet names
A/N: Thank you for the request @cevansbaby-dove ❤️💚
A/N #2: I used Google translate for the Romanian translations. My apologies if I got anything wrong.
Translations: Dragă: sweetheart |Te iubesu: I love you | Ești atât de frumoasă, prințesă: You’re so beautiful, princess
Written on my phone. My apologies for any mistakes.
Header made by @buck-star
Divider made by me
GIF IS NOT MINE! Gif credit goes to the creator.
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Sebastian’s eyes were on you the second you walked in the door. You were wearing a red dress. It happened to be backless, which is part of the reason why his eyes were on you. He bit his bottom lip the more he looked at you. Not in a creepy way. In an admirable way. He couldn’t help but notice your dress was hugging your curves in the most perfect way.
His mind began to wander… he wanted to get you alone. He just needed to find an appropriate way to do it. He needs you all to himself.
You were talking to someone when you felt a pair of familiar eyes on you. You glanced over the person’s shoulder to see Sebastian looking at you. You gave him a smile before excusing yourself from the conversation to go to the kitchen to get something to drink. Like if it were on cue, Sebastian did the same.
Sebastian walked in the kitchen at the same time you were refilling your drink. He approached you from behind, wrapping his arms around your waist. You hummed softly, leaning into his warm touch.
“You know how to drive a man crazy, you know that?” Sebastian mutters softly.
“There’s more than one man here, Seb. Care to be specific?” You say innocently.
“You damn well know which man I’m exactly talking about, dragă.” He whispers in your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.
You and Sebastian have been best friends for a few years. Yours and his has always been playful and sometimes flirty. Yours two are so close that people think you two are dating or hooking up. It’s been rumored many times. Truth be told, Sebastian is in love with you. Little does he know that you’re in love with him too.
“You wore this dress to get me going, didn’t you, dragă?” He says, lightly rubbing a finger down your back.
“Maybe I did. Maybe I didn’t.” You teased seductively, pressing your ass against his bulge, making him groan softly.
Sebastian spun you around so you were facing him. His blue eyes are now clouded with lust. He leaned in, his lips ghosting over yours.
“Wanna go to my room?” Sebastian asks in a whisper.
“Everyone will see us.” You say shyly.
“They already think we’re fucking. We might as well make that rumor true.” He says with a smirk.
You bit your bottom lip at the thought.
“Take me.” You whispered seductively.
Sebastian grabs your hand and lead you to his bedroom. Surprisingly, no one noticed you two go to his bedroom. As soon as the door was closed and locked, Sebastian pinned you against it, kissing you heatedly. You moaned against his lips.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this.” He breathes.
“Me too.” You say.
Sebastian moved the straps of your dress off of your shoulders as he kissed your neck, his teeth nipping at your skin. You could feel his beard scratching against your skin. It’s a feeling you love very much. You moaned softly.
Sebastian took your dress off, exposing your breasts to him. He groans softly when he seen the panties you’re wearing. Red lace. It made him want you even more.
“You really do know how to drive a man crazy.” Sebastian says.
You giggled softly and bit your bottom lip. You stared up at him as you took off your heels. You then began to unbutton his shirt. You rubbed your hands against his chest to his shoulders, pushing his button up shirt off of him, letting it fall to the floor.
Sebastian picked you up and carried you to his bed, laying you down gently. He took his pants off before getting on top of you, hovering over you. He leaned down and kissed you with hunger. He then moved his lips down to your neck and collarbones, kissing your skin softly.
“I love you.” Sebastian murmurs softly.
“Say it to me in Romanian.” You said, running your fingers through his hair.
“Te iubesc.” He repeats in Romanian.
“Te iubesc.” You whispered.
You two weren’t sure if it was the heat of the moment or if that’s how each other feels.
Sebastian rubbed his hands against your sides and down to the waistband of your panties. He rubbed his thumbs along the lace material for a moment before looking at you for permission. You gave him permission by lifting your hips. He hooked his fingers in the waistband of your panties and took them off of you and threw them somewhere in his room.
He spread your legs, softly caressing your thighs. One of his hands move towards your pussy. His fingers felt how wet you are for him before blindly feeling for your clit. He found it with ease and began rubbing it. You bucked your hips against his hand, wanting more.
“Fuck me please!” You begged desperately, whining softly.
Sebastian kissed you softly before taking his boxers off and settling himself between your legs. You sat up on your elbows, biting your bottom lip at the sight of his cock.
“Are you gonna fuck me or what?” You playfully teased.
Sebastian softly chuckles at your little playful comment. He lined his cock at your pussy, rubbing it in your slick to get it wet before lining it at your entrance. He slowly slid his cock in your pussy. Your mouth fell open and a soft moan left your lips as you watched his cock slide in your pussy.
Sebastian, being the gentleman he is, gave you a moment to adjust to his size. You laid your back against the bed and nodded. He started a slowly and loving pace just to get a feel of it for a moment before speeding up his thrusts.
“Oh my god!” You moaned.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, locking your ankles behind his back. Your hands held onto his strong shoulders, your nails digging in his skin. One of Sebastian’s hands held onto your waist while the other one found its way to your breasts. He held onto one of them for a few seconds before rubbing his thumb over your nipple.
“This feels amazing!” You moaned.
“Yea.” Sebastian agrees, nodding his head.
Your moans I’d like music to Sebastian’s ears. His cock was hitting all of the right spots. Your nails left red line scratch marks on his shoulders. Sebastian rubbed his hands against your skin, loving how soft it is.
“Ești atât de frumoasă, prințesă.” Sebastian says softly.
“What’s that mean?” You asked.
“I called you beautiful, princess.” He says in English.
You know some Romanian from Sebastian teaching you, but you didn’t know what that meant until he told you. You were only focused on one thing at the moment and that’s Sebastian. You’re the only thing he’s focused on as well.
“We should’ve done this sooner!” You moaned.
“I know right.” He agrees.
You arched your back in pleasure. Your beasts were closer to him that he could mark them up and kiss them, which he did. Your hands found their way to his back, digging your nails in his skin.
“Fuck…” Sebastian moans against your skin. “I love you, dragă.” He softly says again.
“I love you too, Seb.” You murmured softly.
You tilted your head back and your eyes fluttered shut. You felt Sebastian’s hand on the back of your head, gently moving your head back up so you were looking at him.
“Eyes on me, dragă.” He said.
You bit your bottom lip and nodded. Your eyes never left his for a second. Only when his cock hit that one spot inside of you, making your eyes flutter shut for a second.
“Oh yes!” You moaned. “Right there!” You tell him. “Please don’t stop!” You moaned.
Your moans urged him on. He sped up his thrusts more. Your nails left red line scratch marks on his back.
“You feel so good.” He moans, leaning his forehead against your shoulder.
You took the opportunity to kiss his neck, nipping on his skin to mark him up. One of Sebastian’s hands moved down to your clit, rubbing it in circles. Your hip jolted against his at the feeling.
“Oh god, yes, Seb!” You moaned.
Sebastian smirks to himself, loving the sound of you moaning his name. He rubbed your clit faster, wanting to hear you moan his name over and over again.
“Moan my name again. I want to hear it.” Sebastian says.
“You’re making me feel so good, Sebastian!” You moaned.
Sebastian kissed you after you said that, needing his lips on yours. The kiss was a mix of hunger and passion with a bit of sloppiness. One of your hands moved to the back of his head, carding your fingers through his soft hair as you two made out.
Your orgasm built up the more he rubbed your clit as he fucked you. His orgasm was building up as well. Like the gentleman Sebastian is, wanted you to cum first, focusing on your pleasure.
“I can feel you getting close. You gonna cum?” Sebastian says against your lips.
“Mhmm, yes!” You moaned, tilting your head back.
“Be a good girl and cum for me, dragă.” He says.
It didn’t take long after he said that for you to fall over the edge. Your legs trembled a little bit as you came. Sebastian gave your clit one last rub before focusing on his own orgasm, which wasn’t too far behind yours. He came inside of you after a few more thrusts before slowing down the pace of his thrusts and pulled out of you.
Sebastian laid down next to you and covered the two of you up with a blanket. You two laid there panting and staring up at the ceiling with grins on your faces.
“That was fucking amazing.” You said after a moment.
“Yea.” Sebastian agrees.
That’s when you got to thinking. You realized that you and Sebastian said “I love you” to each other. You still weren’t sure if it was the heat of the moment or if that’s how you two actually feel about each other.
“Seb?” You turned your head towards him.
“Hmm?” Sebastian hums, turning his head toward you as well.
“What you said earlier…” You maneuvered yourself so you were laying on your side and your head was propped up against your hand. “When you told me you love me, did you mean it or was it the heat of the moment?” You asked.
“I mean it.” He answers. “I’ve been in love with you for a while, but I wasn’t sure how to tell you.” He tells you. “Did you mean it?” He asks.
“Yes.” You answered softly.
Sebastian smiles at you and leaned up, kissing you softly and passionately. You smiled against his lips, caressing his bearded cheek. You two leaned your foreheads against each other’s, gazing in each other’s eyes.
“You do know we have to go back out to the party, right?” You say.
“I know.” He says.
“Everyone is gonna know we left the party to fuck.” You said.
“They’ll also know we’ll be a couple when we go back out there.” He says.
“True.” You say, kissing him.
“I love you, dragă.” He murmurs softly with a smile.
“I love you too, Sebby.” You almost whispered, smiling back at him.
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-Bucky’s Doll
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mattyriddlesbitch · 11 months ago
Hiiiii! So, I'm Arab and I was wondering is you could do a y/n x Mattheo riddle(cuz y/n is so badass) where they're fighting about the girls that go to Mattheo. y/n goes into Arabic and mattheo goes hard and then. . . you can determine what you want to do with it. BTW I LOVE UUUUU
ps can u make them in a secret relationship?
I LOVE UUUUU TOO AAAA THANK YOU! Sorry this took so long!
All Yours
Mattheo Riddle x F!Reader
Warnings: Oral(female receiving), fingering, unprotected sec, cream pie, cussing.
18+ Minors DNI!
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There he was again. Your secret boyfriend. Mattheo Riddle. Surrounded by girls at one of the Slytherin parties. There were quite a few reasons to keep your relationship secret. His father. Your parents. His friends. Even your friends. He didn’t want you to be used against him as a weakness either.
Whatever the reasons, you were still fuming about how he spoke with the girls. Granted, he never did touch them or reciprocate their flirtations. But he didn’t push them away either or reject them outright.
He spotted you across the room, locking eyes with you and giving you his wicked smile that normally made you melt. When he got met with your crossed arms and eye roll, he knew you were mad and the smile dropped.
He was able to get away from the girls, redirecting them to his friends before he slipped away. He was pulling you away from everyone, skirting around the party to avoid anyone’s attention as he pulled you up to his dorm.
He closed the door behind you two before speaking. “Alright. What’s wrong, sweet girl?”
“Don’t call me that.” You said, crossing your arms over your chest again.
He sighed. “Fine. What’s wrong?”
You weren’t sure what to say, trying to figure out how to phrase it. You weren’t exactly prepared for this confrontation.
“Is it the girls?” He asked, stepping closer.
“Of course it is!” You nearly yelled. How can he be so stupid?
“Come on, princess. You know I can’t do anything about it.” He tried speaking softly as he touched your arm.
All that did though was piss you off even more. You pulled your arm from him and started yelling. “Yes, you can! You can tell them to back off! You can tell them you��re not interested!”
“I can’t do that. It’ll be suspicious. I don’t want people catching on that I have a girlfriend.” He said, keeping his voice calm.
You knew what he meant. He meant he didn’t want people to find out so they can use you against him or harm you. But you were mad, so of course the words were falling from your mouth faster than you were even thinking. “Oh, it’s so bad to have a girlfriend now? I’m that embarrassing to you?”
“No-” He tried interjecting, but you cut him off.
You were slipping into Arabic without even realizing it. You were just yelling and he was staring at you, stunned. It was the first time he’d heard you speak Arabic, let alone yelling it.
You stopped yelling after a few moments, looking at him to respond. “What?”
“That was so hot.” He said and his mouth was on yours.
The anger that you had was turning into desire for him as you guided you two towards the bed, lips pressed together still as you took off what clothes you could without breaking the kiss. He pushed you back onto the bed once you reached it and helped you out of your clothes, wasting no time to sink between your thighs and start licking and sucking like a starved man.
“Keep going. Talk to me.” He said, pushing two fingers inside you.
It took you a moment to start talking, rambling something about how good it feels and whatever else came to mind. It’s not like he knew what you were saying anyways.
“Fucking hot.” He groaned before licking at your clit again.
You kept your rambling, only breaking with moans and whimpers. His name falling from your mouth every few sentences as he was desperately trying to make you fall apart on his tongue and fingers.
“That’s fucking it. You gonna cum, princess? I wanna see you cum on my fingers. Look so pretty screaming my name.” He said, staring up at you between your legs.
You couldn’t deny him what he was craving, nearly begging for. You were falling apart for him only moments later, tugging his hair, trembling, crying out his name.
He flipped you over after riding out your orgasm, gripping your hips to pull back towards him. He slowly eased the head of his dick in, groaning as you moaned.
“You’re fucking hot when you’re mad.” He said with a slight struggle as he kept pushing inside you.
“My yelling turns you on?” You asked, gripping at the sheets.
“More than it should, probably.” He started thrusting, no longer being gentle, he gripped your hips with bruising force and fucking you fast and deep. “You can keep going if you’d like. Or would you rather scream my name?” He asked, leaning over to grab your hair, lifting your head from the bed.
“Fuck, Mattheo! I-fuck!” You cried out, finding it difficult to think with his cock hitting so deep inside you.
“Guess that’s my answer, huh?” He teased.
“Shut up!” You tried for an irritated tone, but it was hardly even halfhearted.
“Oh, but you love when I talk to you like this. Can feel how wet you get, love.” He leaned down so his chest was pressing against your back. 
He was fucking into you so deep, he moved his hand from your hair to rub at your clit, making you whimper from how sensitive it was.
“Maybe you just needed to be reminded that I’m all yours in another way to get rid of that anger, hm?” He mused, pressing kisses along your upper back. “Fucking clenching me, princess, you gonna cum again already?”
All you could do was nod in response, your voice occupied with moaning and crying out with his thrusts.
“That’s it. Be a good girl then and cum for me.” He said softly. “Cum on my cock, pretty girl.”
And you were trembling again, crying out his name and you gripped at the sheets.
He cursed as he came from the feeling of your pussy trying to milk him, filling you with his cum.
“I’m all yours, sweet girl. You’re all mine, too.” He said reassuringly as he pressed kisses where he could reach as your body relaxed.
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mammons-lover · 2 months ago
Therapy With Mammon
Therapist (smiling warmly, gesturing toward the seat): Hello, Mammon. Please, have a seat.
Mammon (flopping into the chair with a grin): What’s up, Doc? How ya doin’?!
Therapist (chuckling softly): I’m doing well, thank you. And you?
Mammon (leaning back, arms crossed casually): Me? Oh, I’m amazin’, as usual. So, uh, what’s this all about again?
Therapist (calmly): Well, I was hoping you could tell me. What made you decide to come see me today?
Mammon (scratching the back of his neck, feigning nonchalance): Oh, y’know... just wanted to chat. You’ve heard about what happened with Lucifer and Satan, right?
Therapist (nodding slightly): I’m aware of the incident, but I’d like to hear it from your perspective.
Mammon (avoiding eye contact, voice lighter than the weight of his words): Ah, it ain’t that big a deal... just, y’know, Lucifer losin’ it. Hurtin’ Satan. But nah, that’s not why I’m here. I just... don’t wanna end up like him.
Therapist (leaning forward slightly, tone gentle): And what do you mean by that?
Mammon (grinning nervously): I mean, I don’t wanna hurt him, obviously! Not like... not like he hurt Satan.”
Therapist (noting the shift in tone): Why do you think you’d hurt Lucifer?
Mammon (shrugging, trying to stay light): Dunno... maybe ‘cause I get it now. What he told Diavolo, ‘bout all that resentment. I got it too. For him.
Therapist (gently): You resent Lucifer?
Mammon (hesitating, his voice quieter): To an extent... yeah. But it’s not hate, y’know? It’s more like... Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if we didn’t fall.
Therapist (calmly encouraging): And how do you think you’d be?
Mammon (smiling wistfully, gaze distant): Different. Better, maybe. I wasn’t perfect, but I was a lot... kinder. People liked me, even when I messed up. I’d try to fix things back then. Now? Feels like everythin’ I touch just goes wrong.
Therapist: Can you give me an example?
Mammon (rubbing his face, voice heavy with frustration): Yeah, like when I tried to get Asmo that limited-edition makeup. He didn’t wanna camp out, so I did it for em'. The line was insane, so I... mighta found a way in. Long story short, I got caught, banned from the store, and couldn’t even afford the resold ones. He didn’t get it ‘cause I screwed up.
Therapist (softly): Do you think things like that would happen if you were still an angel?
Mammon (quietly): Maybe... but the old me wouldn’t’ve stopped ‘til I got it for him. No matter what.
Therapist: How does this tie back to Lucifer?
Mammon (voice hardening, anger creeping in): He’s the reason I’m not the old me anymore. Sure, I chose to trust him when we fell, even when I doubted him. But now, when I see myself in the mirror... in my demon form... I can’t stop thinkin’ about how beautiful my wings used to be. Or how my brothers looked the day we fell, cryin’, changin’, thinkin’ we’d lost Lilith forever.
Therapist (gently): Thinking?
Mammon (smirking, but it doesn’t reach his eyes): Yeah. Lucifer doesn’t know, I know, but I overheard him and Diavolo. She didn’t die, she became human.
Therapist (curious): Have you ever thought about telling Lucifer you know?
Mammon (frowning, shaking his head): Nah. He wouldn’t like it, and I don’t wanna end up like Satan.
Therapist (concerned): Are you afraid Lucifer would hurt you?
Mammon (voice lowering, fists clenching): You didn’t see him. The way he looked at Satan, like he was some enemy, not family. It was... cold. If he could do that to one of us once, what’s stoppin’ him from doin’ it again?
Therapist: Do you think he will?
Mammon (after a long silence, voice steady): Yeah. And when he does... I’ll be ready.
Therapist (watching him closely): Ready how?
Mammon (leaning forward, voice ice-cold): Last time, I was scared. I tried protectin’ Satan by throwin’ myself over him, but it wasn’t enough. If Lucifer hurts one of my brothers like that again... I’ll kill him. No hesitation...
Therapist (gently but firmly): Do you really think killing your own brother is the answer?
Mammon (gritting his teeth): If I could fight against my brothers and sisters in the Celestial Realm, I can do it here too. I’d lose, sure, but I’d do whatever it takes to protect my family. Even if it costs me everything.
A/n: I wanted to show how Mammon tries to mask his feelings at first, playing things off and acting playful, until the conversation turns serious. Unlike Lucifer, who’s cold and standoffish with the therapist, Mammon’s emotions slip through once they start talking about what happened. He also truly believes he might have to face Lucifer one day, and even knowing how difficult it would be, but he’d do anything to protect his family. Next up is Levi, then Lucifer, I’ve already got them written! Hope you enjoy!
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teslasucks37 · 1 month ago
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CW: NSFW under the cut (MDNI), Jerkin it (imaginings of sex), afab!reader (they/them pronouns and referral to them being Non-Binary), alcohol usage, Streamer!Reader, OnlyFans!Reader, Dom!Charlie I suppose, Lengthy descriptions of edits based on real edits I’ve watched 100 times, Cringy use of a song in a fanfic with the lyrics actually typed out but to be cringe is to be free, Named!Reader (Functions more like a Charlie x OC but oh well), Desperate!Charlie, Horny!Charlie, DownBad!Charlie, Despite his horny I made him pretty chill cause he’s definitely chiller irl than his normal online persona
A/N: Part 1/2! This is the fic that began my obsession with the Slimer so to see it partially completed fills me with joy. Also the formatting for the texting lines may be fucked up on desktop cause I made this in Wattpad and I’m posting it on mobile. This is around like 7k words… I think the next one will be shorter hopefully…
Charlie Slimecicle x Reader
Do You Wanna Touch Me (Oh Yeah) 1/2
Charlie loved his life. Making art and hanging out with his friends was all he could ever ask for. Going out on weekends, planning events, participating in projects, everything was perfect. The single life was treating him well. Of course, that didn't mean he wasn't interested in romance anymore, it just hadn't come up much, nor was he actively searching for anything. He wasn’t one to go searching for something like that.
So when Moonzy and Ranboo had sent him a link to an ongoing stream of someone he'd never seen before, he was intrigued to say the least.
The Squad ☝️🤓
@Char dude someone's about to thirst over u on stream 😏
They're doing a try not to blush challenge and their chat keeps threatening to send in edits of u
Omg Danny!
I know them!
We met at a creator thing one time
They're so kind and really funny
Charlie stared at the link, his curiosity taking over and causing him to press it. He wasn't disappointed. A freckled feminine face framed with a pastel strawberry-blonde wolf cut and light brown eyes filled the screen. They wore chunky purple skull earrings, a dark red lip, and eyeliner that enhanced their natural eyes so well that he almost felt himself staring.
"Now, sexualizing real people is bad, chat. However, he has not said anything about explicitly disliking it, so I think as long as we're not too horned up on main, it's fine." They prefaced, spreading their arms wide as if to gloat. "So give me your best shot. I still have all three lives."
Charlie glanced at the viewers, noticing they had quite a few, not that it mattered to him much, he was just curious.
They were screen sharing their phone to the stream, opening TikToks that their mods were sending them.
The first one popped up, an old music stream on Ranboo's channel. "The magic of music is that- oh, you're so wet." Charlie's face in the video contorted into a cringe after speaking, before the edit swapped between different parts of the stream.
Danny was wide eyed with a dropped jaw as it finished. They glanced at the camera, before muttering. "Surely not." Replaying it, the shocked look on their face turned to a light grin, before bursting out into a laugh. "You can see the instant regret on his face after saying it too." The swapping of scenes replayed and Danny paused it after the last one. "Is this who you guys were talking about? I'm sorry Slimecicle I was unaware of your game."
Charlie grinned at the apology, watching as they opened another one, covering his mouth with his hand in slight embarrassment as they opened the one where he'd gone skiing with friends.
"I got two feelings, slow and fast. And there's one I like more than the other." The edit swapped to slowed images of him smiling in the gondola, where he'd been told that he looked like a model. The memory made him grin.
Danny leaned into the mic. "Which one tho?" They chuckle as the chat goes crazy, before they clear their throat and lick their dark lips, motioning to their mouth. "I can feel myself salivating as I watch these."
Charlie grinned harder at that, finding it funny that he was affecting them that much.
The next edit was just a recording of him dancing at a club he'd posted on his instagram story. "Aw this one's cute. That's such a vibe. And what a fit."
Charlie bit the inside of his cheek, hearing their approval of his outfit.
"Actually I think going out with him to a club would fix me. Or maybe just going to a club in general." They joked, before moving on.
They opened another, this one from his animal Olympics stream. "Chat, do you have any tips? Do you have any tips at all? I've got a tip..."
"Proof?" Danny leans into the camera, before laughing off the joke. "He must know. There's no way he can't." They rambled about the innuendo.
Charlie snorts, his lips thinning in an attempt to keep his smile contained.
The chat begins going crazy again, spamming to watch what happened after. Danny reads closer, before shouting. "HE SMIRKS AFTER THAT?" They open the next edit frantically, practically the same as the other one, except it shows a small smirk after him speaking. Looking up at the camera dramatically, eyes wide and jaw open once again, they whisper. "So you're a slut."
Charlie snickers, covering his mouth again almost as a way to hide a blush that he feels creeping up his neck.
They open another, this one being filmed during the QSMP awards. Charlie leaned down and licked at the cake on the table with just his mouth in slow motion, before swapping to portions of him speaking and of his mouth covered in cake. His lips and tongue grazed over the treat sensually, possibly imitating what he would look like when eating something else.
Danny's hand jumped up to cover their mouth, saying nothing as the edit ran once, before they had to pause it, slamming their phone down on the desk. Their hands covered their face, before a squeal emitted from behind them. They removed their hands, their face flushed and pink. "Okay chat, you got me... Fuck..." They mumble, picking up their phone again.
Charlie's brows furrowed in thought, almost not believing that his visage could affect someone as gorgeous as them, and considering that Moonzy knew them, it was likely that streaming was the most family friendly portion of their life on the internet.
"DUDE MOVE PLEASE!" Danny replayed the edit, shouting desperately at Quackity, who was in the way of Charlie's mouth for a portion of the clip. "His jaw movements? Fuck." They exclaimed, before pausing the edit on the image of his face covered in cake, his eyes sleepy and satisfied, absolutely fucked out. "That's what I look like after I'm done eating pussy. I wonder what..." They pause, turning to their camera. "Actually, I can't say that." They grin guiltily as chat goes crazy, absolutely catching them lacking.
Charlie pushed his hair back with a hand, suddenly feeling aware of how he looked, even though he was very much alone.
Danny opened the next one where he had been playing a horror game, listening to the story where a character states that their dog could be "one noisy little girl sometimes."
Charlie felt a heat creep up his face as he was very aware what it was about to say.
"R- Really?" Edit Charlie chuckled, stuttering slightly. "I love noisy, noisy girls..."
Danny screamed, before taking a deep breath. "God. One night with him would actually fix me I think."
Charlie nearly choked on his spit at their words, caught completely off guard. It certainly wasn't that he found them unattractive or anything, he was just surprised at their boldness. But he supposed he probably shouldn't be, considering what they were doing for entertainment on their stream.
The next edit was one he hadn't expected, his Duolingo advertisement where he'd drank multiple mysterious liquids. The edit switched between clips, before one specific one caught Danny's eye.
"OH MY GOD! WHAT?" They paused the edit where it was, turning to face the camera. "Chat, something is pulsing. FUCK!" Their face was actively turning red as they processed what they'd just said and analyzed the image.
Charlie licked his lip at the confession, having a mere fleeting thought of what that pulsing would feel like. He shook his head, waving the thought away guiltily as he took in the reason for their words.
He had been pouring the purple drink into his mouth, lines of the liquid streaming down his throat and catching on the collar of his white tshirt. "You can literally see the veins in his neck." Their hand covered their mouth in embarrassment, turning to the chat to berate them. "Yes, I know that's another one. Fuck..."
Others in chat encouraged each other to send more Slimecicle edits, as they had seemed to be working.
With a worried sigh, they opened up another. This one showed Charlie with shorter hair in an episode of Just Roll With It, in eyeliner and a foam bat, or as everyone had called him during that video, Villian. He held the bat out, throwing it over his shoulder and the clips jumped between him grinning evilly with dark eyes.
They grinned, singing along to the song. "P is for pussy, p, u ,s, s, y." The edit finished and they turned to their camera without a second thought. "He can see my p u s- NOPE CAN'T SAY THAT." They tightened their lips, attempting to hide their laughter.
Charlie was fully blushing now, his teeth nipping at his lip absentmindedly.
They opened another, this one an amalgamation of images from him in a suit, to him in swim trunks sitting on a rock, to him in a tank top. It then switched to clips on him from a stream he couldn't remember, one of which was him pushing his thumb against his lip in absent thought.
They stayed silent, rewatching it, then swallowing thickly. Turning to the camera, they spoke plainly. "Sheet gripping, toe curling, back arching-" Danny bursted out into laughter, shaking their head and fanning themself to keep their face a neutral shade, albeit, a struggle. "I can't even get through that bit. I am so sorry." They grinned, moving to open another one.
The edit was a black screen, with captions across the screen of one of Charlie's immersive horror videos. "Okay, good girl. Ah, I know. I know, baby."
Charlie's own words played back at him made him pinch the bridge of his nose in embarrassment.
They replayed it with a slack jaw. "Oh it's massive..." Danny mumbled with wide eyes, the chat going crazy and spamming emojis. "He definitely talks you through it..." They say, almost absentmindedly.
Charlie's pants suddenly tightened, something waking up at the mention of itself. He shifted in his seat, trying to get comfortable again with the uninvited guest, but Danny's words rang in his head. Massive... Talking through it...
He couldn't believe he was hard just because of their phrasing. But maybe it wasn't just that.
They suddenly turned to the camera, their blush showing through as they processed their words. "I said that out loud." Slamming their hands into their face to cover it, they let out a squeal. "Dammit." They sigh, moving their hands and addressing the camera. "Well, I guess that's the end of the stream. I think I need to be put down."
Charlie closed out of the stream, chuckling to himself, before checking Twitter.
Danny @dannyphantom
Today we learned on stream that I am actually incapable of being chill
Most relevant replies ^
Danny @dannyphantom
Wtf do u meant he was watching 😟
Charlie grinned, liking their tweet reply. Little did he know, that one action would take his life to whole new heights.
The Squad ☝️🤓
How old is Danny?
They're 23 I think
Wait why? 😏
No reason
Should we invite them to our thing this weekend 😁
Omg yes absolutely
What do you think Charlie? 😏
Kk I'll message them <3
Knowing that Charlie was coming was eating them alive.
They were nervous to say the least.
The man that they had been caught thirsting over live on stream would be right next to them any minute.
The embarrassment they felt seeing that Charlie had, in fact, been watching during that small section near the end made them flush at the thought. Absolutely mortifying.
Ranboo was sat next to them in front of the vanity in Moonzy's room applying their makeup. They must have felt Danny's nervousness from beside them. "Are you excited to meet Charlie?"
Danny applied their highlighter onto their nose, scrunching it at the question in response. "Yeah, I guess." They downplayed their feelings. "I just don't want it to be awkward or uncomfortable for him."
Ranboo chuckled, shaking their head. "Don't worry, Charlie's really chill. I guarantee he wouldn't come if he was uncomfortable."
They nod silently, closing their highlighter pallet and uncapping their lipstick. That made them feel a little better. Danny tried not to flinch as the doorbell rang, finishing the application and recapping their lipstick.
"Charlie's here!" Moonzy cheered from the kitchen, fixing up the pregame drinks for them, racing to the front door.
Danny stood up with Ranboo to greet him, making sure their makeup was completely ready and everything was in place before seeing him.
Charlie smiled and greeted Moonzy, dropping his bag around the corner as he closed the door behind him.
"It's the sludge man!" Ranboo called out to him from another room, walking toward him with someone lingering in the doorway behind them.
Charlie's body froze, seeing the face of the person he'd binge watched over the span of a few days standing in the doorway in front of him.
His eyes raked down their body, gulping dryly.
Danny wore a light purple cocktail dress, sparkling and covered in mesh that hung just slightly longer at the hem than the base fabric beneath it. The dress was tight and the straps were thin, pressing lightly into the soft skin of their shoulders. It had a slight gathering of fabric in the chest area, making their tits look perky and supple.
The jewelry that decorated their neck and wrists and fingers was silver and beautiful. Their nails were painted black, just like his. That fact made his face feel hot for just a moment.
Their shoes were these light purple velvety platform heels, adorned with silvery chains and charms. He chewed the inside of his cheek, wondering how they could even walk in those. The heel was at least four inches, but it was also wide and blocky, probably making it easier for them.
He glanced back up at their face, spotting their glossy dark berry colored lips pulled slightly into their mouth with their teeth. Their face was powdered and blushed and preened. Glitter and stars and purple dusted their eyes, a dark purple wing elongating them beautifully.
He didn't think they could get anymore pretty.
Oh how wrong he was.
It took Ranboo slapping his shoulder in greeting to shake him from his staring. They were saying something that he didn't hear as they ushered him into the kitchen while Moonzy dipped into the room behind Danny and grabbed a makeup bag before grabbing their hand and pulling them into the kitchen as well.
The four shot glasses lined up on the counter, next to four empty chaser cups, made them grin.
Moonzy handed their makeup bag to Danny before moving to the drinks. "Can you do Charlie's makeup while Ran and I get your drinks ready?"
They nodded and sat at the table, turning to Charlie with an anxious smile.
He returned it with an awkward smile of his own and sat next to them, turning to face them.
Despite their best efforts to hide it, Danny was staring at Charlie just as hard as he had been earlier.
His blue-rimmed glasses were snug on his face, bringing out the blue in his eyes.
His hair was fluffed up, almost long enough to be a mullet, styled up at the ends in slight curls.
Jewelry embellished his fingers and neck, matching the simple stud earrings they hadn't noticed until that moment.
The shirt he wore was a dark green tank top, tight and sculpting to his form, covered by a black mesh tshirt that showed off his large biceps and vascular forearms.
He wore black jeans, cuffed and held up with a studded belt that cinched his waist.
His shoes were those same cute black converse that'd they'd seen him wear in so many videos. At least the amount of videos they were able to watch in a few days.
Danny carefully grabbed his glasses, setting them on the counter next to them. "So, how does it feel being the only binary one here?" They joked in an attempt to break the tension, opening up the bag and sifting through what was in it.
Charlie chuckled to himself. "Just don't spill any water on me, I might short circuit. You know, with being binary and all."
They thinned their lips at the pun to hold back a smile, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of a laugh.
"Not my best work." He shrugged with a pained smile. "I'll think of something better later."
Danny let their smile shine through, nodding in agreement.
"What do you guys want to drink?" Moonzy asked, pulling out different bottles of alcohol out of a cabinet while Ranboo grabbed a few bottles of juice.
"Vodka if you have it?" Danny grinned at the two of them.
"Pink Whitney okay?"
"Ugh..." Charlie cringed at the mention of the drink.
Danny gasped sarcastically. "You don't like Pink Whitney?"
He shook his head with a smile. "It tastes like a mix of rubbing alcohol and red 40."
They just shrugged, watching Moonzy pour a shot and slide it over to them before gulping it down with a grin. "More chemicals for me, then."
"Here, Char." Moonzy poured a shot of Bacardi for him and slid it over, then turned to Ranboo to fix them all another drink.
"Char?" Danny leaned in, giggling lightly at the nickname. It was cute, just like him.
He held back an embarrassed smile as he swallowed the shot, clearing his throat after.
They rummaged through "What do you want for makeup?"
He simply pursed his lips and shrugged. "Whatever you want."
Danny raised their brows, glancing at the two other people in the room who had similarly done up faces. "You sure?"
Charlie simply nodded, closing his eyes and submitting his face to you.
Danny grinned, hesitantly grabbing his chin with their fingers.
Charlie's heart leaped into his throat at their touch, knowing he couldn't open his eyes or he would blush at their closeness.
Danny applied eyeliner carefully, swiping across his lids with precision and care. "Do you want a wing?" They asked gently, swiping across his other eyelid.
He just shrugged.
They grinned, putting a small wing on each side.
Moonzy and Ranboo shared a look, before cheers-ing their pre-made glasses and drinking their shots with smug grins.
They all downed more shots, tipsy by the time the Uber showed up to the apartment. The ride was cramped and hazy, but before long the four of them were at their destination.
The club was packed, lights strobing across the ceiling in time with the music.
Danny immediately ran in, already pretty drunk, jumping and dancing and singing along to the music, a classic pop song from the early 2000s.
Charlie shoved through the crowd of people to reach them, the other two following behind him.
"This is so fun!" Danny shouted over the music to Charlie, a wild grin on their face.
Charlie chuckled and leaned closer, his mouth coming closer to their ear so he could shout back audibly. "What?"
They just shook their head with a laugh. "Never mind!"
Moonzy crashed into them, grabbing Danny's hands as the two of them jumped to the music.
Ranboo followed close behind, placing an arm around Charlie.
"They're so fucked." He chuckled, before watching Ranboo pull out a flask from their jacket.
"Doesn't mean we can't get more fucked!" They shouted from behind their mask, handing the flask to Charlie.
He smiled, taking a gulp, before cringing lightly and handing it back. "Is that just vodka?"
Ranboo nodded, lifting up their mask just enough to get to their bottom lip and took a sip as well.
Charlie's eyes drifted to the other two, dancing and whipping their hair around carelessly. He unconsciously thinned his lips in a small smile.
"So, how was meeting your internet crush?" Ranboo asked, causing Charlie's head to snap to them.
"What?" He asked incredulously, a flush coming over his face. "They're not... I don't..." Charlie couldn't seem to find the words in his buzz.
Did he?
"Uh huh, sure..." Ranboo grinned, taking another gulp of their flask. "They were worried that you might be uncomfortable. Cause of the stream."
Charlie turned to Ranboo, who was fully letting the alcohol guide their conversation. "Well... I'm not."
"You should probably act like it then." They joked with a smile, taking another swig and recapping it.
"They're just... It's hard to talk to them. They're so..." Charlie found himself at a loss for words again, glancing at Danny who was swaying their hips to the music. A thought flashed through his mind about what it would be like to be behind them as they ground their ass against his hips. "You know?"
Ranboo scoffed, grabbing Charlie's hand and dragging them over to the other two dancing.
"Charlie!" Danny cheered in a tipsy stupor at his presence, lifting their arms in excitement before wrapping both around his arm.
He grinned, trying not to let his face get red at the press of their half exposed tits around his bicep.
The four of them danced and drank and laughed the night away.
It was about 1 am when they all stumbled into a fairly packed bar, a karaoke bar specifically.
A long couch wrapped around the front of the stage and they practically fell into it.
"Ooh karaoke!" Danny shouted, climbing onto the stage and picking out a song.
Charlie chuckled between Ranboo and Moonzy as they all watched Danny dance to the introduction of the music. The harsh guitar riffs and drum beat echoed through the bar. He'd remembered this song while Ranboo and him had done a pole dancing lesson, enough to recognize it until the lyrics came on screen and they began to sing, surprisingly well for how inebriated they all were.
"We've been here to long, tryna get along, pretending that you're oh so shy~" They leaned into the wireless microphone, taking it off the stand and walking slowly toward the crowd, feeling the music. "I'm a natural man, doing all I can, my temperature is running high~" They swiped a hand down their hips, swiveling to the beat.
Moonzy cheered, the alcohol clearly showing in their volume.
"Cry at night, no one in sight, and we got so much to share~" Danny's hand slid up their waist with the lyrics, and Charlie could have sworn they locked eyes with him for just a moment. "Talkings fine, if you got the time, but I ain't got the time to spare, yeah~"
Apparently the rest of the bar was enjoying the song as much as him, due to their loud cheering at the chorus.
"Do you wanna touch? Do you wanna touch? Do you wanna touch me there? Where?"
The bar shouted out "yeah"s in sync with the music.
"Do you wanna touch? Do you wanna touch? Do you wanna touch me there? Where? There? Yeah~" Danny began to clap, encouraging the rest of the bar to clap along with them.
"Yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah~" Of course they did, but not because of their love for the song like Danny, most likely because there was a beautiful person singing for them about sex. Not that Charlie didn't also think they were beautiful, so he sung along too. "Yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah~"
They must have seen him singing along, because as the song continued, Danny stalked toward the front of the stage where the other three in the group were sitting. Danny bent over the three of them, unaware of the massive amounts of cleavage they were revealing to everyone. "Every girl and boy, needs a little joy, all you do is sit and stare." They seemed to be looking right at him, Danny's pretty brown blown-out pupils practically raking down his body. And suddenly Danny got down on their knees in front of them, running a hand up their body. "Begging on my knees, baby won't you please, run your fingers through my hair~" They did just that for him, threading their own fingers through their hair before shaking it out.
Anyone could have easily mixed what they were doing as just enjoying the song, but Charlie's brain thought for just a second they were calling out to him, begging him to touch them, but a tightness in his pants brought him out of that thought. He looked up to them, but they turned to Moonzy, completely unbothered. Was he just imagining it?
"My my my, whiskey and rye, don't it make you feel so fine?" They sang, holding a hand out to Moonzy. They obviously took it, being hauled up onto the stage. "Right or wrong, don't it turn you on, can't you see we're waiting time? Yeah~"
They sang the chorus, the rest of the bar shouting out their "yeah"s.
"Do you wanna touch? Do you wanna touch? Do you wanna touch me there? Where?" Danny spun around, back facing Moonzy as they felt them grab their hips. Danny grinned, bending over slightly against them as the bar erupted into cheers. "Do you wanna touch? Do you wanna touch? Do you wanna touch me there? Where? There? Yeah~"
Charlie glanced over at Ranboo, who was recording the whole thing with a hand over their mask to hide the noises of their drunken laughter, before returning his attention to Danny as they swung their hips back into Moonzy. He almost felt a hint of something in his chest, frustration, jealously? He ignored it and sang and clapped with the rest of the bar. "Yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah~"
"Do ya? Do ya?" Danny let the tone of that lyric inflict up, singing almost like a moan, making Charlie shift in his seat.
"Yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah~"
Their hands slid down their thighs, past the hem of their dress, and back up again. "Do ya? Do ya?" A grin fell upon their lips, almost as if they knew exactly what they were doing, before slipping into the bridge of the song. The chorus of the rest of the bar's singing and clapping continued. "Do you wanna touch, do you wanna touch me there? Do you wanna touch, do you wanna touch me there? Yeah~ My my my, do you wanna touch me there?" They stood up with Moonzy, dancing around together for the rest of the bridge, head banging and laughing and smiling.
Charlie felt the fondness that had been growing into something bigger, that he simply couldn't fight anymore. Seeing how carefree they were, maybe due to the alcohol, but also just in general, made him want to be more like them. They inspired him to want to live, have fun, take risks.
"Touch me there, you know where, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah~" Finally, they joined with the rest of the bar in singing and clapping for the final lyric. "Yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah~" The song ended in a slide out of the guitar. Danny practically dropped the mic, lifting their arms up and shouting in exhilaration. "Woo!"
The bar erupted in applause, older men hooting and hollering and whistling.
Moonzy placed their arm around Danny and walked back down to the couch together, practically collapsing onto it. They giggle, the alcohol finally beginning to slow its effects. Danny was pressed between Moonzy and Charlie.
"You good?" Charlie whispered to Danny.
They nodded wordlessly, eyes closed and content.
He turned to Ranboo, who was snickering as they replayed the footage of the performance on their phone. "Could you take Moonzy and get all of us some water?"
They nodded, reaching behind all of them and tapping Moonzy on the shoulder, before standing up with them and walking toward the bar.
Danny pouted, leaning their head on Charlie's shoulder. "Where are they going? I miss them..."
He turned to them on his shoulder, a corner of his lip twitching up at the pout that they were giving him. "They're getting some water, they'll be back."
Suddenly a man came out from behind the couch, rounding the corner to stand in front of Danny, utterly too close for Charlie's liking.
They lifted their head, addressing the man standing in front of them. "Hiiii~"
The man grinned, a sickly sweet smile. "Hi, sweetheart. Just wanted to come over and see if I could buy you a drink."
"We're good." Charlie spoke for them in their inebriated state, as politely as he could manage. He could tell he was attempting to get them more drunk than they were, which was already a lot.
The man glanced at him for a moment, as if to size him up, before turning back to his original target. "What, is he your boyfriend or something?"
"Pfft..." Danny giggled, glancing at Charlie bashfully, who was not smiling. "Nooo?"
Charlie rolls his eyes. "Look, man, just fuck off." He snaps, harsher than even he meant to say.
The man lifts his hands in defense, backing off. "All yours, bro."
Charlie scrunched his nose in disgust at the way the man spoke about Danny, like they were something to be passed around. He glared at him as he walked away until he was out of sight, turning back to the one sitting next to him. "Are you okay?"
"Hmm?" They ask, as if they hadn't even seen what happened.
"Okay, we should probably go." He mumbled, glancing around for Ranboo and Moonzy, who were on the way back from the bar with four water cups.
When they had all gotten back to Moonzy and Ranboo's apartment via an Uber, the two owners had promptly fallen asleep in their respective rooms. Charlie practically heaved Danny into the apartment, leading them to the couch.
Danny frowns absentmindedly, falling into a sitting position against the cushions as Charlie takes a seat on the floor in front of them.
Glancing up, he notices their frown. "What's wrong?" He mumbles, attempting to stay quiet and let the other people in the apartment sleep.
Danny frowns deeper, reaching down futilely to unbuckle their heels. "Nothing..."
"It's obviously something if it's bothering you." Charlie takes over, gingerly cupping the back of their heel and unbuckling the first shoe.
They straightened up again, before leaning back further into the cushion. "I had too much to drink. And now you have to take care of me."
Charlie just pursed his lips, taking the first shoe off and moving to unbuckle the other. "I don't mind. As long as you had fun." He smiles to himself, before looking back up at Danny. Their eyes were trained on him as he slipped off their other heel.
Danny's eyes were heavy with sleep, drunkness, and maybe something else. "Did you have fun?" They asked softly, as if his answer was life or death. Like it really did matter to them what his response would be, like it was the only thing that mattered in the entire world.
Maybe it was just his own brain still buzzing from the alcohol, but he almost felt bashful at their question, like it was the first time all night he'd really felt observed by them, like how he'd shamelessly watched them all night. Like he was in the warm glow of a spotlight with butterflies in his stomach. He simply nodded, his hands folded in his lap.
Danny smiled, looking gorgeous above him, despite their disheveled hair and faded lipstick. Their hand lifted to cup his cheek, and Charlie felt himself almost melt into their touch, before their fingers pushed a stray piece of his hair behind his ear and then pulled away.
Charlie's neck nearly craned to chase their touch, but he refrained. His face felt suddenly softer, the feeling of their nails lightly trailing his skin for just a moment making his whole body radiate warmth.
"Good." Danny mumbled, kicking their feet up slowly onto the couch as Charlie took off his own shoes and attempted to regain his composure. They passed him the throw pillow near their feet and one of the blankets thrown over the back of the couch, before flattening the other throw pillow beneath their head. They pulled the other blanket to their chin as they watched Charlie set up his own makeshift bed. "I would feel bad... If it was awkward for you."
"Why would it be awkward?" He asked without thinking, before remembering.
"Because of the stream I did."
Charlie paused his movements in thought, before shaking his head and continuing. "I didn't mind, really. I thought it was..." He paused again, his breath bated and shy. "I thought you were cute..."
His heart pumped fast at the confession.
He couldn't believe he'd just said that.
But there was no response.
His mind went wild with the worst thoughts.
Did they think he was creepy? Did he go too far? He shouldn't have said anything.
Charlie turned to apologize and correct himself, but when he turned he saw Danny passed out on the couch.
Their mouth was open, a bit of drool beginning to form at the corner. Steady breaths inhaled, before light snores exhaled. They looked adorable.
Charlie bit back a smile at the sight.
Maybe they didn't hear.
Maybe his dignity was preserved.
He simply tucked himself in and followed into sleep.
But of course, cause god hates him, he couldn't stay asleep for long.
He was having a bit of a... Problem.
He stumbled to the bathroom, staring down in contempt at the bulge in his pants.
With a sigh, he leaned against the counter and took out his phone, simply waiting for it to go away.
He swiped on instagram, until an account popped up.
Followed by Moonzy and Ranboo.
He smiled lightly, clicking the follow button.
Scrolling through their posts helped him feel better, maybe not less hard, but better. They'd posted slice of life photos when they were out with friends, cosplays, streaming announcements in their highlights, and oh god...
They had Only Fans teasers.
That did not help his boner at all.
They weren't too explicit, just pictures of Danny in slightly revealing clothes.
One had them in a grey sweater like material that was practically a turtleneck dress with a large cut out in the middle exposing their upper abdomen and the very bottoms of the curves of their tits. He swiped on the photo, the next showing how the back was also cut out, leaving only the material that dipped teasingly low. The curvy globes of their ass were barely covered by the fabric.
Charlie's breath deepened as his hips involuntarily shifted to try and be more comfortable, but he could only be so comfortable in jeans. He decided to unbutton them with his free hand, sighing at the restrictions around his crotch being loosened.
He swiped to a different post, just out of curiosity, and maybe a little bit of hunger, courtesy of the head he wasn't thinking with at the moment.
They were now clad in a cow print turtleneck dress, another soft material that he involuntarily imagined the texture of beneath his hands. Thigh highs with the same cow print covered the skin just inches beneath the hem on the dress. The photo was complete with little cow ears and horns on a headband, their tongue sticking out in an aggressive manner, their nosed scrunched cutely. He swiped with reckless abandon, fully accepting that he was looking just to look. The back was similar to the other picture, with that same tantalizing drop of fabric to their rear. Their thighs were pressed together, the meat of them just barely obscuring what was between.
He wanted to see what was between so bad.
"Fuck..." Charlie sighed quietly, reaching a hand into his boxer briefs and pulling out what had been bothering him for practically the whole night.
His cock was hard, really hard, leaking pre-cum out the pink and swollen tip. The lack of stimulation was clear from how it twitched, practically fucking begging to be touched.
Charlie couldn't stop himself, it was like a reflex. He grabbed the head of his cock, swiping the precum down and around the head, followed by a small jolt of relief. Not at the kind of intensity he needed, but it was something.
He swiped to another picture. They donned a beautiful red dress, the fabric looking almost velvety. Rhinestones sprinkled the front and back, Danny's arms were crossed with their palms on their waist, pressing their tits together slightly, practically spilling out of the straps around the sides and the skinny triangles covering the peaks of both. Gold chains draped between the mounds and around their waist, adorning the skin peeking through the hip windows built into the dress.
They looked so fucking gorgeous.
Charlie's head fell back lightly as he stroked himself once, then again.
He just couldn't help himself.
How could he when they were right there?
He'd barely managed to restrain himself from jacking off to clips of Danny's stream over the past few days, watching them make themself flush and spout out all kinds of naughty things at just the sight of him.
Thoughts of their stream rushed through his clouded mind. How they'd jokingly asked for proof of his tip, how they said they were pulsing for him, stating that he was massive, especially when they guessed that he would talk them through it.
God, he wanted to talk them through it, whisper in their ear while he touched them. If they'd let him Charlie would drop to his knees and get them off in an instant.
His cock twitched at the thought. Stroking faster, he opened another photo, this one of Danny in a black dress, the fabric beginning at their neck, around their torso, then splitting at their hips and flowing down their front and back in two separate sheets. They wore two black leather garter belts, one on each thigh, studded and connected to smaller ones right below them. His eyes locked onto the strings of some kind of black thong seated just below where the dress split off. He swiped, his heartbeat accelerating as they sat with spread legs out for the camera, the front sheet of fabric barely covering the apex of their thighs. And even more, the strings of the panties were gone. Danny was completely bare beneath the dress.
The thought drove him wild.
What he would give to lift the fabric up and slide his cock in, making them cum over and over and over again on it.
Making them scream his name while they shook uncontrollably and kissed him and praised him.
Charlie felt a familiar tightness in his groin, but images wouldn't stop cycling through his head from tonight.
Danny in that perfect little dress, the way they looked at him when he helped take their shoes off, the way their hips swayed to the music in the club, the way they looked at him when they sang that fucking song. They were begging for him to touch them, touch their perfect body in front of all of those people, everyone who wanted them, but couldn't have them.
Cause Danny wanted him.
His eyes fluttered shut as his cock spurted ropes of hot cum all over his hand, coating it proficiently.
Charlie panted, thanking gravity that none of it got on the floor or his clothes.
There would be no way to explain that mess.
He stood, washing his hand off with a grimace, the thick stickiness not receding until two rounds of scrubbing with soap.
Then the post-nut clarity began to hit.
Jesus Christ why did he do that?
He couldn't fucking believe himself. That was such an invasion of privacy. He was just like those weird gooner incels online. Well, maybe not just like them. They could never appreciate Danny like he did.
It's not like he went on their Only Fans or something.
Charlie paused.
They were probably naked on their Only Fans. His face felt hot, causing him to turn off his phone immediately.
Absolutely not, that would be an actual invasion of privacy.
But if he did pay for the service...
He shouldn't even be thinking about them like that. It was downright disrespectful.
Maybe he was still a little drunk.
Maybe he just needed to go back to sleep to take his mind off it all.
And so he stumbled back out of the bathroom.
But nothing made the burning in his cheeks go away.
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fireside-fanfics · 19 days ago
Ain’t Gotta Be You
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Based on this prompt.
The world had been unforgiving for so long that Peach had forgotten what it felt like to be warm. Not in the sense of a fire crackling at night or the fleeting sunshine between battles. No, it was something deeper—something she had found in Daryl Dixon, the least likely source of comfort in a world built on survival.
They had been fighting their way through the remnants of an abandoned outpost, looking for supplies when Daryl snapped. It had been brewing for days, ever since the last mission where Rick’s latest plan nearly got them all killed. He was wound too tight, the tension of the war against the Saviors eating him alive. When Peach had pulled a move that nearly cost her her life—darting into the open to draw out a sniper so Daryl could get a clean shot—he had finally hit his limit.
"The hell were ya thinkin'?!" Daryl snarled, shoving his crossbow over his shoulder as they stomped through the woods back to camp.
"I was thinking about keeping you alive, dumbass," Peach shot back, unbothered by his anger.
She had seen it before. Daryl didn’t know how to process emotions unless they came out wrapped in barbed wire and curses.
"Ain't your job to do shit like that," he muttered, refusing to look at her.
"Oh, so it’s fine when you do it, but when I do, it’s reckless?" she scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Don’t be a hypocrite, Daryl. It’s not a good look on you."
"This ain't a joke, Peach! You coulda gotten yourself killed!"
"And?" she snapped, spinning on her heel to glare at him. "What the hell else are we supposed to do? Hide? Run? Let them take everything from us? If I have to put myself in danger to make sure these people—our people—survive, then that’s exactly what I’m gonna do."
Daryl’s nostrils flared, jaw working as he fought for words. "It ain't gotta be you, Peach!"
"It ain't gotta be you either, but you keep throwing yourself into the fire every damn time! And what?! I'm just supposed to sit back and watch? No thanks, asshole."
He shook his head, stepping closer, his voice rough but quieter now. "I don't wanna lose ya."
Peach’s heart clenched, but she was too pissed to let that sink in yet and fired back the words, "Then be a better person."
Daryl blinked and sputtered out, "Why?!"
She huffed, throwing up her hands as she shouted, "Because someone needs to have morals in this relationship, and it sure as fuck ain't gonna be me, sweetheart!"
Daryl stared at her for a long moment, something unreadable in his expression. Then, to her utter disbelief, he huffed a laugh—small, brief, but real. He shook his head, rubbing a hand over his face.
"Ya drive me nuts, y'know that, Peach?"
"That’s kinda the foundation of our relationship," she quipped, the tension between them thinning, shifting into something softer.
He sighed, stepping forward and hesitating before resting his forehead against hers. She let him.
"Just be careful, alright?" Daryl mumbled, kissing her temple. "I ain't ready to lose ya, doll."
"Same goes for you, Daryl." Peach reached up, brushing her fingers along his jaw, her touch light but grounding.
They stood like that for a moment, just breathing, before a distant gunshot reminded them of the war they were still fighting. Peach stepped back, nudging his shoulder with hers.
"C’mon," she said, "let’s get back before Rick starts thinking we eloped."
Daryl scoffed but followed her, shaking his head. "Like hell that’d ever happen."
"Never say never, sweetheart." Peach smirked, tossing him a wink.
And just like that, they walked on, side by side, into whatever hell awaited them next. Despite the battles still to come, despite the bloodshed and the heartbreak that war demanded, there was something unshakable between them. In a world where nothing was certain, where survival was the only currency that mattered, they had found something rare and worth fighting for: each other.
No matter what came next, they'd stand together because love—even in the end of the world—was still worth the risk.
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gracie-eilish · 2 months ago
I saw your post about the Taylor Billie crossover and that’s such a cute idea!!!! I thought maybe you could write a fic inspired by seven. (smth about homophobic parents and reader goes to live with Billie. Like the bridge)
Please don’t feel pressured to write this xx
i think you should come live with me… and we could be pirates ✨🌿🌙🤍🪐
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warnings: mention of homophobic parents, i tried to keep it as light and fluffy as i could!!it’s kinda long as well! i didn’t wanna break it into two parts lol!
an: thank you for the request!! i’m so sorry it took so long to get out😭😭 this song means a lot to me and my friends as i’m sure it does to a lot of people so i wanted it to be good!! i hope you like it!🫣🤞☺️
an: two fics in one day!! woo!! i’m working my way through requests and tryinggg to finish up some other long fics (my peachy babies i see you and it’s happening i promise!!) thank you as always for ur patience. also just wanted to say thanks for the love this last month!! it’s been almost a month since i started posting and i love it here:) anywhosies!! here’s seven.
august 13th, 6:57pm, Coopersburg, PA.
the babble of the creek beneath you, the squeaking of the tire swing, and the birds chirping created a melody, sweeter than any song billie had written before. and mixed with the sound of your sweet giggles, billie was sure she was in heaven.
the sun was starting to drift under the horizon giving the sky a gorgeous coral hue, mixed with a hint of violet and navy, but not too dark yet. the air was warm, like a fluffy blanket straight out of the dryer.
“billie!! you’re going too high!! i’m too scared to jump!!” you squealed, giggling furiously. your braids billie had done for you earlier flew behind you as billie pushed the swing again, sending you higher, making you feel like you were flying amongst the trees.
billie grabbed the rope, slowing down the swing so she could be level with you again. you looked over at her before grabbing her arm and pulling her closer, before sealing the gap between you with a kiss. billie wrapped her arms around your waist, melting into your arms, only pulling away when you both smiled into the kiss. you tasted like the sweet tea you had been drinking, your mason jar now sat forgotten on a rock nearby.
“hi mama,” she whispered onto her lips, making you blush furiously and scrunch your nose. she pecked your nose before maneuvering you on the swing so she could sit too, pulling you onto her lap. one arm draped around your waist and the other holding the swings rope.
“baby can i talk to you about something?” billie started, a nervous edge to her voice. you turned your head, a curious yet concerned look in your eye, nodding for her to continue.
“how umm… how are your parents lately?” she held her breath waiting for you to answer.
your parents. how you loved them dearly.. until they stopped loving you. they said they still did, but their words and actions and beliefs said differently.
a few years back you had innocently asked your mom about how she knew she liked boys. your mom just looked at you funny, saying that every girl likes boys… there’s no question about it. that’s how god made girls. girls grow up and fall in love with boys, and become wives, and mothers, and that’s how it goes.
sensing her edge you backed off, retreating to your room that night feeling more confused than ever. if you weren’t supposed to like girls… then why did you feel this way?? why did your heart beat faster around them, and why do your hands get so sweaty near them, and why do you get nauseous thinking about being a man’s wife one day, but melt into a puddle thinking about being a woman’s wife one day….
falling in love with a woman, sleeping next to a woman, holding her, touching her, kissing her, making love to her…. walking down the aisle to her, holding her hand while bringing your babies into the world with her, raising those children with her, growing old with her…
as you got older it became harder to hide. it was obvious to anyone with eyes. especially after you met billie. i mean who wouldn’t fall in love with her?
you’re parents found out about you and billie when they caught you kissing one night out back. you had told them that you two were gonna go look at stars, and planets, and you did… just the ones in her eyes instead of the sky.
because they “still had love for you,” they sent billie home and had a long talk with you about your choices. and though you don’t try to recall them, you’ll never forget the things your parents said to you that night. you hid in your room and called billie panicking. you didn’t want to love anyone else, you couldn’t…
so you and billie continued dating in secret. only meeting up in secret locations and having perfect alibis if your parents caught on. while you still lived at home, and luckily your parents didn’t suspect a thing, you cried every night. you wanted so badly to escape, to be free from them. to be free…
“umm.. they’re good i guess. getting older sooo you know. they’re getting weird with me growing up and all that i guess. i’m looking forwards to moving out one day though.” billie nodded and gave your waist a squeeze before setting her chin on your shoulder.
you let out a watery laugh, “my mom keeps trying to set me up with all the church guys. even if i wasn’t gay they’re sooo just not cute.” billie raised her eyebrows and laughed with you.
“really? and what do you find cute missy?” billie teased. you played this game a lot. one of you would describe what you wanted in a girlfriend… and it was just you describing the other.
“wellllllll, i love a girl who’s kind and funny, and she would have these big blue eyes, like little sea crystals, and dark hair that compliments her skin so perfectly. and the cutest little button nose you could ever imagine, and it’s decorated with teensy little freckles. and she would have pink pillowy lips that are impossible not to kiss. ooh and if she could have little dimples that would be a great bonus. WAIT omg and she would sing.” you finished with a smile that said “ta da!!” billie smiled back, cheeks flushed before kissing your own cheek.
“mmm i love you to the moon billie eilish pirate baird o’connell,” you sighed, leaning back into her.
“and i love you to saturn y/f/n y/m/n o’connell,” she murmured back, nose grazing your jaw. you sat back up in shock, turning to face her with the biggest smile on your face. you were totally speechless though, trying to get out a thought.
“i think you should come live with me… and we could be pirates,” she added playfully.
“then you won’t have to cry… or hide in the closet,” she said softly. your smile faltered a bit, not in disappointment but in shock. you knew billie’s family loved you, and you were old enough to be on your own.
“really?” you whispered. billie nodded with a small smile.
“run away with me lovey. pack your jellycats and a sweater. we’ll move you away from there forever.”
you practically pounced onto her, kissing her so fiercely.
“we can’t tell anyone. other than your family of course.”
“cross my heart, won’t tell no other.” billie promised, crossing over her heart with her finger.
your love would last so long…
years later…
august 22nd, 6:48 pm, Los Angeles, CA
you and billie were laid out among the weeds in the grass, billie sat with her hands behind her, while your back was to her front, sitting in between her legs.
“you know, i still remember hiding in that field back in PA. i can still picture you in the trees… high in the sky on that old swing.”
you hummed a small laugh, closing your eyes at the memory. your little hiding spot all those years ago. you now both lay in a similar spot, near your home in LA. after living with Billie’s family for a few years, the two of you moved out together to your own place.
“mama!!” you opened your eyes at the little voice.
“mama look!! im a pirate!!” your little baby boy, not so little anymore, had one of billie bandanas tied on his head and a stick in his hand as his sword. he showed off his best pirate poses making you and billie giggle.
“buddy you are the best pirate out there!!” billie said to him, fixing the much too big bandana on his little head.
“do you think sissy will wanna be a pirate?” he asked, tilting his head to the side.
your hand went to your baby bump where “sissy” resided.
“you know buddy, i’m not sure yet. but i’m sure she would love to,” you said, softly caressing his little face. he smiled before running back to his spot, continuing his pirate adventure.
as the two of you watched your little boy play around, billie leaned down to press kisses to your cheek, your eyes closing in total bliss, and she brought her own hand to your growing bump.
“i love you to the moon mrs. o’connell,” she whispered into your ear. the name still making you blush after all this time.
“and i love you to saturn.”
your love would last so long…
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xenteaart · 10 months ago
contemplating mediocrity
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pairing: idol!chan x reader (gn but written with f!reader in mind) word count: 0,9k genre/warnings: er, hurt to comfort, use of "baby", self-doubt, honestly not much else, pretty pg-13 author's note: heavily inspired by @withleeknow 's last seungmin fic, i couldn't handle the angst and needed to comfort myself fkdjfkdjfk. also it kinda made me reflect on why it hurt so bad so i guess this fic is a little support and comfort thingy for everyone who might not be feeling "enough". before reading you might wanna check out the inspo fic itself <3
“baby? what’s wrong?” 
ah, he’s always too quick to notice. 
you take your eyes off the laptop and put a video of 3racha’s festival performance on pause.
“nothing. you guys did a wonderful job, truly. ’m just… contemplating my mediocrity.”
“what?” he’s more just taken aback than anything else but you read it as irritation.
it’s one of those days when everything feels extra sensitive, even the things you can deal with well on a regular day.
“what? chris, baby, i’m not being self-deprecating, it’s just a fact. i truly could not be more proud of you, but sometimes i just can’t shake off the feeling of not doing enough compared to you. 
it warms my heart to know that you are so so loved and respected, it really does. but, i guess.. it’s a little humbling too? i haven’t achieved anything nearly as grand and i don’t have thousands of people cheering for me after i do as much as breathe. which you totally deserve, by the way, i’m not saying you don’t.”
long silence follows as chris frowns, carefully crafting his next response while you’re already starting to regret you opened your mouth at all. maybe, some things should be kept to yourself. maybe, it’s not really necessary to share every dark thought that comes to your pained mind after midnight. maybe, it’s safer for your relationship to just move those conversations to a cozy zoom meeting with your therapi—
“that’s a skewed perception of our dynamic though, baby.” 
oh, shit. he has the look. you know this one too well, and it says “i’m not letting this slide and we’re talking this through”. 
“how so?” you feel tired and discouraged already, mostly annoyed at yourself for making your boyfriend come up with some nonsense points to make you feel better now. 
“don’t put me on a pedestal. firstly, i think you’re forgetting how many people there actually are behind what we’re doing. daily. i’m talking all the staff and production teams, makeup, hair, clothes, art direction, schedule management. everything. there is literally a whole division for us that makes us look the way we look and helps us do what we love.”
you stay quiet, blinking slowly and pursing your lips together. 
“which isn’t to say we don’t work hard or that we haven’t achieved anything, but it wouldn’t have been possible without all that help. 
secondly, in my daily life i’m just a guy, baby. literally just a guy who loves music. nothing fancy,” chan gives you one of those wide soft smiles, and you hear your heart break a little. 
“yeah, well, not every guy who loves music has the amount of awards and recognition you do, baby.”
“okay, where is this truly going?”
there it goes.
“sometimes i worry i just can’t match it? that you’ll get bored of me because i’m not over the top extraordinary or... whatever.”
you feel stupid. 
“so you think i’m with you for your so-called achievements?”
you can’t come up with a response, so he continues, gently hugging you from behind and resting his chin on your shoulder. his favorite way of making you feel loved. 
“i’m with you because you’re my sense of normalcy, baby. you calm my mind when it’s racing too fast. you’re my safe little harbour where i can find peace after hectic schedules and loud noises and crowds. you ease the weight i carry on my shoulders every day.” 
you stay silent, focusing on the feeling of his warm breath on your cheek. the tip of his nose is touching your skin lightly.
“you love the regular channie. you kiss my puffy swollen face in the mornings, and those kisses make me wonder if i’m actually not that bad without all the makeup on after all. you laugh at my jokes and cuddle me when i get needy. you listen to my darkest nastiest thoughts and never judge me for feeling whatever it is i’m feeling. 
what i’m getting at is that... i can just be me around you, you know? that’s why i’m still here. and i feel so proud to have a partner with a big warm heart and a strong mind, honored to be cared for by someone so neat and beautiful in the most mundane things.
do you really think i’d measure my love and respect for you by something like fame or... some noble achievements?”
“i don’t know,” you sound even more confused than at the beginning of this suddenly serious conversation, caught off guard by chan’s words, but mostly — his tenderness towards you. his patience and the way he's willing to spell it out for you if you're feeling too low to see the whole picture yourself.
"well, then i’m telling you. that is just not the case. you’re already everything i could ask for, baby. someone passionate, honest, reliable, loving and kind. someone who holds my hands through the hard days and makes me laugh on the good days. simple as that."
the pressure on your chest is slowly fading as chan's words finally sinking in, finding their ways into your system and rendering as the truth. the ache isn't completely gone but you know it will be in the morning, when the sunrise washes the rest of your worries away.
for now, you turn around in chris's embrace and hide your nose in the crook of his neck, simply breathing and enjoying the lingering scent of his soap. skin to skin.
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casanovawrites · 3 months ago
random sentence prompts  ━ from various tv shows, part 18
you don’t have to believe me right now, i just need you to promise me that if things get bad, you’ll put an end to things before it goes too far.
anytime you say that we’re fine, it means that we’re not fine.
some stains you can’t wash clean.
she’s mean. and hot.
not every story gets a happy ending.
am i too damaged to be with somebody?
when i have something good, i feel compelled to ruin it.
there’s a nightmare happening under my skin.
fear is something that lives inside us. just like hope or joy or love.
there’s some hard choices coming, and no one here seems willing to make them.
i don’t know. and that is fucking terrifying.
how is it that you get to fuck everything up and still have everything, always?
oh, i’m sorry, did i hit a fucking nerve?
we were a safe space on a bad day.
i didn’t think that i could find myself unless i left.
i hate sappy movies. i find them torturous. 
people leave because they find something they like better.
i really don’t like who i’m becoming right now.
don’t get involved in other people’s bullshit. that just gets in the way.
no one in their right mind would want to be with the person you’ve become. 
i washed down a bad day with sex.
why are you so competitive?
you have so much you haven’t dealt with.
i’m really sorry that i fucked your life up.
do you, like, prey on people’s whose lives are already falling apart?
i think you should probably go find yourself a new hero.
it’s safer for you to stay away from me.
being around you right now really messes me up.
don’t ever fuck with me. i will know.
is there any point in fighting it? 
i’m wide awake. i’ve never been more awake in my life.
you asked me out. you know, just saying.
you’re a sucker for a sob story.
i like you, but you’re scary though.
i’m not betting my life on your fucking hunch.
stay alive, you piece of shit.
i stayed because you were hurting, and now i’m hurting. 
you wanna thank me? bury your old self and don’t look back.
what’s the point of being friends if we can’t be friends?
i like you a lot better when you’re not yelling at me.
we’re all gonna fucking die.
i’m the person that when i get too close to someone, i push them away, and i don’t trust myself not to do that to you.
that other night is how i know i lost myself for a minute.
no wonder your family’s a fucking mess.
i’m not planning on dying here tonight, so shut the fuck up.
so you led a pig to shit, and now you’re surprised you made a mess?
i’ve gotta get back to my family.
i want you to be just a little more thoughtful sometimes.
what do i do wrong? why is it so fucking hard to be in a relationship with me?
we can’t sit here hoping for the best.
you met your match. she’s as strong as you are. can you handle it?
i’m so into you, and i can’t handle it. i don’t want to feel this way.
i don’t need a fucking reminder of what’s at stake. 
if this is the end, then i want it to end with you.
my heart’s belonged to you since the moment i met you.
you’re the love of my life, for as long as that life may last.
it’s not your fear that feeds the forest, it’s hope.
what starts in chaos ends in chaos. 
i’m your friend, and i’m not going to let you treat me like shit too.
i have come at it from all the strength that i have.
i don’t want you in my bed anymore.
i don’t need you. i just want you. so, no pressure, or anything like that. 
look at me, i’m disappearing.
you need to work on your own shit. you have deep wounds, and i don’t know who hurt you, but somebody did.
you don’t love me. 
you got people out there that you care about?
today was intense.
since we already did the time, we might as well do the crime.
even your friends think you’re bad news.
you know me more than anyone else in this entire world. you’re my best friend i’ve ever had.
you’re not a waste of time.
how hard is it to be faithful to someone you’re in love with?
every good thing in my life ends up broken because of me. 
i hurt everyone and everything i touch. it doesn’t matter what happens to me anymore.
what is your thing? what’s going to make you happy these days?
it smells like stress sweat in here. is it me?
all i do is give you fucking space.
everybody fucking wants something from me, and it’s exhausting.
we don't have time for this. 
you don’t know how to do nothing.
i’ve had a fuck sandwich of a week.
no one is ever going to love you because you’re incapable of loving anyone but your fucking self. 
what about you? what do you deserve?
that’s shame. you have to address that.
love? i don’t even like myself right now, like at all.
it’s okay, you know. to be sad.
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impishjesters · 1 year ago
I’m devouring the nonsexual intimacy with Jax dawg- oml we eatin good
How would Jax be with an s/o who enjoys leaning on him? I adore physical touch but sometimes if I can’t use my arms it feels like I’m trapped, so it’s nice to just glomp people lmao (s/o is ticklish too- Jax would have a field day with that one)
If you need a little more substance, maybe s/o like randomly serenading Jax in private! Like those old 80s jazz love songs (complete with slow dancing)
Thank you and have a wonderful day/night!
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Leaning on one another
warning(s): none unless you count jazz note(s): I joke about it but I actually quite like jazz, maybe not all jazz but it's definitely not the worst type of music. I'm looking at you country music.... A/N: I included a bonus because I thought the idea of cornering this man in his room with jazz music was absolutely hilarious lol
Jax doesn’t have a physical battery per say, but there is definitely a limit to how much he can tolerate at a given time—whether it’s in public or private.
He doesn’t like sitting still for long periods of time and there’s a limit to how vulnerable he’s willing to be at any given time if at all.
So having a s/o that understands this and goes for physical touch like leaning on him or something that’s not inherently seen as romantic and mushy is a win in his book.
Don’t get me wrong, he loves you but it’s a lot and he’s not really used to it. He’s still trying to wrap his head around the fact you two are dating, that you like him.
He’s all for being leaned on or having you loosely hang off him in public, sometimes regardless of what side of him you’re leaning on, he might lean back.
Little shit might only catch himself though if you can’t hold him/he catches you off guard and/or lose your footing, he’ll make the attempt to stick an arm out and catch you—but whether you crash or not depends on your own reflexes. (he doesn’t make the rules, sorry babe)
If you wanna be held but not feel restricted, as long as he’s not doing anything he’ll let you stand in front of him, lean back, and drape his arms over you—totally not to just lean on you and be an absolute menace.
In fact, that’s probably how he found out you were ticklish—and that knowledge is far too much power in his hands.
Sure he can do it whenever he wants, but he tends to save it for other unsuspecting situations—like if the two of you get into a little spat and you’re not speaking to him—two can play that game.
He won’t completely restrict your arms but he’ll throw his arms around you and tickle you, it doesn’t always work to ease whatever the spat was about.
That said Jax doesn’t do it when the situation is serious and calls for an actual discussion, he knows at least that much when it comes to reading the room. (That and you’ve probably gotten onto him about it at least once before…)
He also may or may not have tickled you to get you up, you don’t need to sleep but you can still lie down and whatnot. And if you aren’t budging? Tickle time baby.
Jax isn’t a dancer by any means, so when he opens the door to his room to find you standing there with music that’s—very much not the repetitive cartoony music that usually plays in this hellscape—he’s a little surprised.
The first question out of his mouth is:
“Is that fucking jazz?”
“No, just normal jazz.”
That response gets a good hearty chuckle out of him.
When you try pulling him in for a dance he’s a little nervous though it comes off as looking irritated, he’s uh, never danced to jazz of all things let alone with someone else.
You’re gonna have to take the reigns on this one, regardless of whether you can dance or not, you started this.
Despite the fact it is jazz playing, he enjoys the situation as a whole, your weight leaning on him the subtle holding one another. And the fact it’s in private? He can comfortably(ish) let himself feel a little vulnerable around you with no risk of having an audience.
Regardless of the fact it’s jazz, if you happen to sing along he considers himself impressed and will jokingly (read: obnoxiously) comment how he feels utterly serenaded, completely wooed, absolutely swooning—it goes on until you stop him, please stop him he’ll just keep going.
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bubblergoespop · 1 year ago
My Top Geordi Quotes
geordi come home i swear i’ll treat you better
“Oh. Cute. Hot. There’s a difference. There is a difference, but they’re both. How are they both? That’s not fair, you can’t be both!”
“It’s our bedroom, it’s our bed.”
“Smiling. Pretty smile. Don’t smile at me, that’s not fair.”
“My cutie.”
“It’s not a nickname it’s my full name, yes, it’s from Star Trek, yes, my parents were total nerds hahaha I like the show too, yes, I’m also a total nerd.”
“Nervous? Ya think? That’s a bit of an understatement, hot stranger. “
“Their face goes all soft when they smile.”
“Is this flirting? This feels like mental warfare. It’s kinda hot though.”
“That’s cool. That’s great. That feels good. I like this and I’m having a good time and uhhhh they want my number—”
“Just focus. Just run. Running’s fun, right? Run back to your car. Fast. Very fast. So I can have a panic attack in the comfort of my own home.”
“Have a good day, what am I, a drive thru employee?!”
“I don’t wanna hook up. Well… I mean—“
“Thanks. Oh my god, they kiss me and I say thanks?“
“Fuck they look cute. I love when you look at me like that. That little half smile. Like you can see right through me.”
“I don’t actually know how to play poker. But I sure know how to strip—“
“I’m not normal people. I’m a panicking mess.”
“You give good kisses. Except for that time where you sneezed in the middle of one.”
“I’m dating a crazy person. Oh my god they’re like those people who think they’re really vampires.”
“How did I not know they believe shit like this? They seem so normal!”
“Say… fucking… uh… ‘you asked for it, a whole video devoted to the Rainbow Sponge’!”
“I mean the two of us? Cuddling? Keeping each other warm? It’s scandalous! What’ll the neighbours think? I mean I’m pretty sure I saw your knees the other day, I mean we’re already gonna bring shame to our families at this rate. Oh and fucking on the couch yesterday probably isn’t helping our case either.”
“They come out as a Telepath and my fucking rat brain says ‘oh we don’t get to play video games?’”
“Shut up—! Call me out on it.”
“What are words? Don’t know them never met them. What am I saying? “
“This is a bad idea— This is a really good idea.”
“I don’t have a chance to refine my thoughts into beautiful prose, you just get monkey-brain going—‘You? Me? We fuck now?’”
“We’re gonna fuck— Yes thank you hindbrain. The evolved parts are trying to be at least vaguely romantic— [moan] Nevermind.”
“Why does that song always get stuck in my head?! God, it’s like a soundtrack to my insanity.”
“But it’s more than that. It’s you. It’s you in here with me. Sharing everything. No walls. I don’t have to have walls with you. I’m safe with you. Finally safe.”
“I love you. I’m glad your smile is back.”
“Hell is real and it’s here in this brain.”
“You make this all feel safe. And honest. I didn’t know it could feel like that again. Until I met you.”
“I can’t fix this, but I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. I got you. And I’ll hold you as long as you need.”
“Don’t smirk at me like that! But do, cause it’s cute. Rude. But cute.”
“Yeah, I’m all weeetttttt unnhhhh”
“Oh my god. You are a nightmare. My favorite nightmare. “
“Why haven’t we done this before—? Do not encourage them!”
“It’s really fucking hot. It’s also really fucking dangerous! Which is kinda hot… Oh my god why do I like this. “
“Touch me. I don’t care where we are, just touch me, fuck, please.”
“I see how much you struggle with this, and I want you to have peace from all that.”
“I want you to heal.”
“I love you. I loved you then and I love you now. You are worth work and effort.”
“Drinking this really bad bad coffee. [his laugh here brings tears to my eyes] That felt good.”
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