#when life gives you lemons cry about it
sam-the-potato-boy · 10 months
Time, death, and the constant of impermanence
A thing I wrote that isn't quite poetry
Nothing is permanent. Everyone goes eventually. Things and people come and go, and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it.
Maybe it's just because I'm feeling angsty, but lately, it feels like everyone is going. And maybe if I had done things differently, they wouldn't have gone. And maybe I still have time to do things differently with those who haven't gone yet. But I always feel like I'm too late. I'm always too late. Things and people come and go, and I'm too late.
What does it even mean to be late? Late is just a word, two syllables, four letters, but it seems like the only permanent thing in my life. I never do anything on time. Whatever that means.
Time. It's such a subjective concept in our minds, but such an objective constant in our society. We organize everything by time, but we don't really seem to understand it. Yet still it passes, unaware, or perhaps uncaring, of if we want it to or not.
The biggest reminder of the passage of time that we all get is the death of someone close. Death. Another objective constant but subjective concept. We all view death differently, but we all know it happens, as much as we don't want it to. It happens to everyone. And when it happens, it hurts. And we mourn.
But mourning isn't just for death. We can mourn the loss of a loved one, but we can also mourn a shift in a close relationship with a friend. Mourning, for as unbending as it is, is very flexible. And I guess that can be true for life as well.
Life is cruel, strict, violent, absolutely unbending. But it's also beautiful, joyful, peaceful, wonderfully flexible. Just like people, are, I suppose.
My life has been going through an unbending phase, where everything goes and nothing ever comes, where everything feels like an objective constant, but I know a flexible phase will come eventually. And I know that, as always, it will be late.
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shuutingstar · 6 months
Welcome to your obligated dose of incorrect quotes!
Aiden: oh complain, complain! You know, when life gives you lemons—
Ashlyn: can you suggest me a book that made you cry?
Ben, typing on his notes app: general mathematics 6th edition.
Taylor: how do you tell someone their mouth stinks without being rude?
Aiden: I’m bored, let’s drink mouthwash.
Tyler: what do you have planned for the future?
Ashlyn: lunch.
Tyler: I meant long term.
Ashlyn: dinner.
Aiden: which is correct, seven and five IS thirteen or seven and five ARE thirteen?
Logan: neither, because it’s twelve.
Tyler: in your opinion, what’s the height of stupidity?
Ashlyn, turning to Aiden: how tall are you?
Aiden: if Ben and I were drowning, who’d you save?
Ashlyn: you two can’t swim?
Aiden: it’s a hypothetical question, Ash! Who would you save?
Ashlyn: my time and effort.
Taylor: you have to apologise, Tyler!
Tyler: fine.
Tyler: ‘unfuck you’ or whatever.
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millaaster · 7 months
How They Treat You During Periods - Jujutsu Kaisen
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Pairing: Gojo Satoru, Geto Suguru, Nanami Kento, Itadori Yuji, Fushiguro Megumi x Reader (Separate)
Summary: How some of the JJK men react to and treat you during periods!
Words: 1051
CW: SFW; Fluff; Domestic Fluff; Crack; Periods; Blood mentions.
AN: this a complex topic because everybody who menstruates has a different organism and a different dynamic, so this is very based on my own experiences, but i tried thinking about situations that could include more people ok :')
Please, do not repost or translate.
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GOJO SATORU - More chill than you thought he would be. The first time you talked about it was when you had cramps during a date and tried to talk him out of doing anything.
He just came right out "Hey, there's nothing to be shy about! I'm just definitely not letting my woman suffer in front of me just to save face!" 
He sits you down, holds you close and asks if you're ok. "If you don't have medicine on you, we can stop by a store to get it while heading to your place". Escorts you home, makes you tea and tucks you in to nap. 
After you've been together long enough he's started getting real good at tracking your cycles and adjusting whatever plans you have. "Hm... honey, I've been thinking of taking some days off and heading to the beach, but next week would be no good for you right? Should we wait a little?" 
He stuffs you in candy and treats if you're feeling down (sure he'll snatch some of those...). 
One day you get a message from him:
"Babe SOS   Do we have any first aid home?  My nose is kinda bleeding...hehe"
"Toru!! You ok??  There should be some cotton balls in the bathroom" 
When you get home you find him with a whole ass tampon stuck up his nostril...."Satoru!!! What the hell are you doing?!?"
"Oh hey, honey! Sorry, couldn't find the cotton balls but figured this was even better and it DOES work wonders!", he tells you with a proud grin on his face... 
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GETO SUGURU - Suguru may seem a little indifferent, but it's just that he doesn't want to step over your independence. He's trying not to overdo things and will only act after you actively ask for something.
That being said, if that's what you want, he's an expert in doing your chores and cleaning the house for you. 
He was once doing the laundry and you caught him staring at your sheets.
"Something wron-" you gasp, realizing there's a big blotch of blood in it.
"Babe! You don't have to wash this one!" you cry, feeling your face burn red.
"What are you talking about? I was just trying to remember how to take off blood stains", lifting it out of your reach as you try to grab it. "Was it vinegar or lemon..." he mumbles, walking over to your kitchen cabinets. 
He secretly enjoys that you get mellower and needy with him. You won't have to ask twice if you demand an extra tight hug. 
Loves aromatherapy and gave you a whole kit with a diffuser and oils that ease pain and help with relaxation. If you don't use it he'll pout and nag non stop until you turn it on. "Suuuguu...you're giving me more headaches than my uterus right now dear..." "If you had it on from the start there would be no ache whatsoever, dummy!" 
He's now GREAT with massages. You've always complained about how your back and thighs ache when you're menstruated, so he took some lessons to help you out with that. 
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NANAMI KENTO - With Nanami it's princess treatment all the way! This man thinks it's freaking amazing how you'll have to deal with this for so long in your life, through work and everything, and that you're badass for that. I mean, you're literally bleeding!!! That's concerning enough to happen to someone he loves. 
So he'll put all the effort he can to minimize any discomfort you have on those days. As soon as it became a regular thing for you to stay over at his place, he purchased all sorts of tea, heat pads and asked you to tell him what pads or tampons he should buy to stock some. 
He loves to have dates at home, so it's a win-win situation when you stay in; he cooks you something warm and lays around with you all day. "Is this position all right love?" While rubbing gently your stomach. 
He also loves to give you useful gifts, so once he even went as far as to surprise you with a new care kit from a high end brand in a box full of products to pamper you. 
The best to have around if you're out too. Never gets bothered if you have to go to the restroom too often and makes sure the place you're attending has good access to those. 
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ITADORI YUJI - Freaks out a little when you tell him you don't feel like going on a date because you're on your period. He forgot such things were a very real thing if he was dating you. Has the mindset that, as his S/O, your period is his period too!! 
You're totally lost for words when he first tells you that.....he just means he feels responsible for your well being throughout this time. 
Definitely asks Nobara for help on how to help you feel better. 
He's a really active guy and always wants you to tag along and spend time with him, so he researched a lot about exercises that'll be better to practice during that time. 
At some point in your relationship will text you:
"yo babe, I'm at the pads aisle what's your pussy size??" 
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FUSHIGURO MEGUMI - Also chill about it. An absolute angel when it comes to being patient to you, who turns into a SAINT if you're on your period. 
He just knows that there are better times to deal with any stressful matters than now, so it's only love with this guy for a few days. 
He prefers to talk to you in person instead of texting, but if you mention being on your period, you'll get the sweetest messages all day long popping up on your phone to check out how you're doing.
"Love, did you eat well?" "Hey, do you need anything?" "Sunshine, hope you're having a good day"  “Never forget you’re amazing”
Secretly, has also consulted Nobara and his sister to get some tips on what he could do.
Gets his dogs to cuddle with you in bed, to keep your belly warm, if he's busy around the house. 
He has a playlist with hours and hours of comfort movies you watch together when you don't want to leave the sofa/bed. He even watches your favorite shoujo with you if you ask!
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A/N: also, yes, I do think Gojo and Geto being good parents (to Tsukimi, Mimiko and Nanako) have helped them learn about periods.
Interactions are always appreciated ☆* have a lovely day!
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merlucide · 12 days
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notes: 101% self insert lmao 😭 I wrote this a few months ago I’m fine now
characters: Shidou, Sendou, Ness
warnings: mental breakdowns, sobbing ig, ness’s part
not proofread I’ll do it laterrrrrrr bllk mlist
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Shidou does a double take when he sees you crying alone. Immediately crouches down and takes your face in his hands. 
First instinct when he sees you is to go find the person who made you cry and beat the shit out of them. 
“Who the hell do I need to beat up ?!” and hastily wipes your tears when you just sob harder “Oh baby why ya cryin’?” 
When you don’t reply and just pull him closer he shuts up and holds you tightly.
Shidou puts you in his lap and rests his head against yours
shushes you while you soak his shirt, he doesn’t mind.
Its stresses him out that he doesn’t know the cause of your breakdown
When you calm down a bit, he’ll try to get some answers from you, but he’ll stop when you say you can’t talk about it right now.
In hopes of cheering you up he whips out some ice cream/comfort food
He’ll talk to you about anything and everything to take your mind off it— probably say some awful jokes while he’s at it
When you feel better and start talking/venting he just sits and listens
It breaks his heart to see you so distraught, Shidou would go to the ends of the earth and beyond for you happiness.
He will try to help you anyway he can (it’ll be a bit rough around the edges but he cares)
“You are alright sweets, this is nothin’ you can’t handle.”
“..Now if anyone makes you cry like this— I’ll go fuck em up”
literally freaks out when he finds you on the floor crying.
He immediately goes to you and holds your arms and panically asks what happened.
He’ll just pull you into him and hold you rubbing your back up and down while you cry.
He’ll repeat over and over again “It’s okay, you’re okay”
He will hold you for as long as you need.
Sendou is an emotional person, and he feels for you so so very much. It breaks his heart seeing you so distraught and tired. 
He knows the feelings— being overwhelmed, stressed, and afraid. 
And he will help you any possible way he can
Is panicking sm
runs a bath for you and puts some calming salts in
will wash your hair (if you’re comfortable— otherwise he’d order/make your fav food)
He puts your fresh clothes in dryer so they are nice and warm for you
Sendou brushes/dries your hair for you while you watch your fav movie/show
If you wanna talk about he will listen, if you don’t that’s fine too, and if you want comfort— well then he’s just the best for that
“You are doing so, so great, and I’m so proud of you. It’s okay to feel this way—this is only temporary, and you can and will get through this.”
eh possible tw ?? it’s just ness being crazy but yk // more about ness having a breakdown than reader 😭 yandere?? help i dunno
⚠️Also wrote his part when I wasn’t having a breakdown so it doesn’t have the same energy iykwm?? 🤷‍♂️😭
So like when ness sees you cry about something mundane, he simple wants to die
So when he sees you sobbing absolutely hysterically, clutched onto the floor. He’s completely and utterly shattered inside and out and suddenly oxygen does not exist
He falls to his knees desperately asking you what’s wrong
Though even though Ness is losing it rn, he still is very gentle with you
Trying not to be to loud— and always gentle with his touch
— His response isn’t exactly what you needed (at all) but when life give ya lemons .. 🫠
he isn’t even touching you right now, he wants to though, REALLY wants to
he is so ready to commit 1st-degree murder
When you grab his shirt he snaps out of his head and pulls you into him, petting your hair and soothing you
He is crying at this point btw
He’s like rocking you both back and forth softly
When you (both) have calmed down he’d start interrogating  you, which was not helpful
You’d tell him you don’t want to talk about it— which he’d understand but still desperately want answers
He’d take you to your bed and get you all comfortable
He’d light some candles and give you a massage
If you end up telling him what’s  the problem his heart breaks all over again
You shouldn’t ever have to feel this tired and distraught
He’d do anything he could to help the situation/you 
but just saying if it’s cause of a person …. Lmao they ARE not seeing the light of day 😭 (if your upset bc of someone, don’t ever tell him)
“My dearest are you alright now? If you ever feel like this again tell me. You should never have to suffer alone, lay your troubles on me my love”
bllk mlist
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help I added ness bc it felt to short to post with out another but Ness’s sucks ass 😭😭 sorry dawgs….
Made Sept 9th 2024
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pamicakery · 1 month
₊✩‧₊˚౨ You're not a THAT GIRL ৎ˚₊✩‧₊
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Let's have a real talk here, maybe people will disagree but I don't care, I want to be honest with you.
What is wrong with Law of Assumption on tumblr? Like.. You may not have noticed but the mix between LOA x Clean girlish Bad Girl Won-youngish pinkish stuff... We are leaving and distancing ourselves from the real main subject.
Loa is not having a bad bitch mindset who says '' fucks the world I'm gonna rule ''. There is a thin line between arrogance and confidence.
You don't value less than a Bad bitch because you have insecurities or you are scared of your manifestation not gonna happen. Stop shaming people about their '' Victim mindset ''. I know, I talked about that in a previous post. But I will never judge someone because they have it, it's normal to have a victim mindset but you shouldn't dwell in that. You can surpass that.
Waking up at 4 am, doing pilate, buying expensive products, drinking lemon water and eating fruits and yogurt won't give you a better self concept.
And NO
If everyone is THAT GIRL then no one is!
You just want to be like everyone and what about you?
If you want to be pretty, be pretty for yourself.
If you want your SP, they will love you for who you are with your flaws, your personality. I bet you don't want to be loved only for your look right? :(
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I am not belittling coquette, pinky girls. But let's not transform the Loa into a '' pretty popular and arrogant girl '' club.
The real glow up is inside, in your mind.
You need to grow from a '' I can't do it '' mindset to '' I can do it '' mindset. This is the real glow up.
There is no '' Better version of yourself ''. There is just one version of yourself and this version evolve.
The better version of yourself is not the version approved by society.
You are worthy, you deserve good things and you can evolve.
You can change your appearance, you can have your celebrity SP, be abundant, healthy.
Life is not True Beauty. You will not glow up physically and everyone will love you. You will be obsess with your appearance, and hide yourself behind diets, work out and when everyone will find out how you look without make up, your world will fall appart because you don't truly love yourself as who you truly are and your insecurities will blow out on your face making you realize that despite everything you don't like yourself.
Where is the confidence when you can't be yourself? For real? Stop thinking that you can't do this because you don't have that fire confidence, if you want to be shy be it, you want to be kind, be kind. Don't lower yourself, and don't look upon anybody because they manifested their dream life.
Be yourself.
I came at a point that, as long as I have myself, I have someone. The only one you should compare yourself is with yourself.
The real glow up, is in your mind. Accept yourself with your flaw and accept that you can change and have a better life, opportunities, love, beauty.
Loving yourself as who you are will be the best success you can achieve.
Macha latte and pink eyes patches won't give you your manifestation and your desire life. It won't.
Persisting and knowing you deserve better will.
Don't limit yourself upon what society call success. You can manifest huge mansion, ton of cars, being a model. I wanted to be that, a model, loved by many. Mostly because I have toxic parents who always criticized me. I'll be honest with you, I cry sometime, asking myself '' where is my desire? '', I am jealous, envious and I ask myself '' What's wrong with me? ''.
I wanted to be a model and be called '' the most beautiful woman in the world '' just to brag about it with my celebrity SP. Thinking that if I become a model, he will notice me.
But you know what?
I want to know my worth, I want to have confidence in my manifesting abilities, be healthy, have friends who love me for who I am, and my Sp accepting me as who I am.
know that you deserve the world no matter who you are.
Just like the gravity works the same for everyone. Don't destroy yourself thinking that you will manifest better, don't downgrade yourself because '' Only the pretty popular girls '' manifest.
The real glow up is accepting that you can have your dream life no matter what.
I want my mindset to be strong, I want it to believe that it can change my life, I want my mindset to know that it is powerful. I want to look into my imagination and be sure at 100% that it's true. I want to be myself, to believe in myself.
Be your own validation & believe in yourself.
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sabahs-stuff · 5 months
Manifest appearance change. (Weight loss/gain)
(Success story)
❏First and foremost, Yeah, I know you shouldn't let go of your manifestation. Like detaching from your manifestation bla bla..
However, I have noticed that actively affirming appearance change is difficult for me because I love looking at my reflection in the mirror all the time. And I've to constantly remind myself to affirm. Every time I affirm, one of my inner voices started stating the opposite.
I weighed 47kg (I'm 5'3; I know it's the ideal weight, but I wanted to gain a little more). It was difficult for me to eat more. I believe it was about April 14 or 15. I decided to quit trying to eat more. I started to joke that I was gaining weight without eating,"are u kidding me? I'm eating nothing and also skipping dinner these days, so how tf am I gaining weight?" Some of my friends even laughed at me.🙂
Then, out of nowhere, my sister began complaining that I had gained weight, then few days ago I went to the doctor for a checkup, and they also measured my weight, it's 51KG now. Mind you, I skipped a lot of meals and wasn't eating at all. It was during the Mercury retrograde. I was quite depressed and saddened also someone so close to me died. But it took me like 10 days to gain 4kg. If that's not shocking idk what is.
So, this is what I did (•_•)
Reminder : "If you could make yourself believe that you have the exact appearance you desire, it would change"
Every time I ate, I told myself, "I should be dieting." And look at what I'M doing. I should start working out before it's too late. And that is all. Then I didn't even affirm anything during the day, ( I believe that if you make your brain believe that you're prettiest little creature on the planet and your existence is a service to the humanity then that's how it would be. And my toxic trait is that I believe my presence is a blessing to the humanity.😂
every time I looked in the mirror, I said, "Wtf? I'm gaining weight . "Shit, I need to diet." And trust me when I tell you at that exact moment your brain is going send you a thought "Stop lying; you're still skinny bitch"
But don't forget that you get to select what happens in your reality. If your mind wants to offer you lemons, make lemonade.😂
I said, "Yes, that's correct. If I want to lose my weight I need to affirm I'm still skinny" and I kept on saying "I need to lose weight or I'll gain more weight" just tricked my brain into thinking that I'm chubby and attempting to manifest becoming skinny. And I didn't focused on the end goal; I wasn't obsessed with it; I didn't give a damn about it, but whenever I noticed a little change, I freaked out as if something terrible had happened. And believe me when I say I freaked out it was Oscar worthy😂
I Remember, the first thing I noticed was that my arm was looking a bit chubby. I was screaming and even fake crying, 😭 "Damn this is embarrassing, I need to work out, I'm gaining weight." I then searched and downloaded weight loss workouts online.
Trust me I was living the moment 😂. literally living in the end. It was easy at the time because my brain was literally blank. I had no feelings or emotions, so I fed my brain whatever I wanted, and it ate every thought I gave it. I'm happy with my weight now.
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I'm now 51kg this is just a photo I saved from Pinterest but this is my Desired type-
Here are some tips:
Your appearance is constantly changing with your affirmations and beliefs. So don't doubt whether this is going to work or not. 
Your manifestation will take time, depending on you and your beliefs.
And about mental health, I would post about it later, but it's important.
The more you visualize, the faster it will become a reality.Visualise everything; literally, everything you want, VISUALIZE 🙌 stay in your head
The amount of things I changed and manifested in my life is crazy; it's different for each person. But it took me a year to fully understand manifestation. So give yourself time. Spend time with yourself; the better you know yourself, the better you'll get in manifestation. Best advice: talk to yourself (in your head, of course, or others would think you're crazy, lol 😹.)  gossip with yourself; if you want to be tall tell yourself that you're tall and stick to it refuse to let go. ✊🏻
Hope you like it. It's my first ever post but clearly not the last 😉 feel free to ask any questions. 🩷
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nburkhardt · 7 months
Every Time You Shine, I’ll Shine For You.
Soooo this was originally going to be full one shot, but I’ve decided since it’s been sitting in my drafts for months, that I’m just going to post it as either an unfinished piece for now. I might try to come up with a second half but for now enjoy this soulmate au ✨
Having a soulmark wasn’t necessary for Steve. Sure, seeing the word- the nickname his soulmate will eventually call him is nice. But it’s not needed, not in his eyes at least.
At the age of five years old, everyone in the world gets a nickname on their wrist. It’s fate telling you your perfect match, that the other half of your soul is out there for you. It’s the ultimate fairytale growing up, that it burns when you hear the nickname said by your soulmate and there’s an instant spark, instant connection. It’s the bedtime story, the ultimate love story and something to wish for.
It’s a wish everyone wants but Steve Harrington.
He has a very good reason to not like the idea of having a “perfect match” out there for you. While he heard the stories and sees the potential in it, he grew up watching his parents be in love without being actual soulmates. Hears stories of their love and ideas of finding love on your own, deciding to show the world that they don’t need fate’s help.
It’s beautiful and he wants that. Wants to make his own story, find his own match. There’s no need for fate to help him.
On his fifth birthday, he watched ‘Dingus’ appear on his wrist, it made him pout while his parents laughed and kiss his head, told him not to worry. That he doesn’t have to be with whoever fate picked for him and joked about only being five.
It eases his five year old mind.
His parents aren’t surprised to watch him grow up to be a true romantic, isn’t surprised to see his love in everything and how having a soul mark doesn’t stop him from having crushes or falling in love.
Life goes on but after some failed relationships and the disaster of a relationship with Nancy; seeing the nickname give him some hope that somewhere out there, there is someone for him. Someone who fate decided is his match, which growing up he hated it.
At eighteen, he really thought he’d already be with the person he’d love forever (and who would love him). But instead of that, he’s single and not at all close to figuring out why fate’s pick for him would call him “dingus” of all things. To top it all of he’s stuck working at the new Scoops Ahoy until he hears back from the colleges he applied too.
The uniform is lame, it’s in the middle of the brand new mall and it’s leaning towards being too cold in the shop and he doesn’t even know his coworker yet, hopefully they’re not expecting him to be some big shot like he was in high school.
Those days are long gone, he’d rather be his lame and hopeless romantic self instead of the asshole keg king he was.
His first week of working is spent being laughed at by ex-teammates, being ignored by his only coworker and failing to get at least a date with someone. It’s not his longest week, but it’s real close.
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After a total of three weeks of getting ignored and laughed at by people he flirts with, his coworker, Robin decides enough is enough and- “maybe with this you’ll try harder”
Glancing behind him, she’s standing there with the whiteboard from the back but instead of the random doodles she drew, it looks like a score board with You Rule/You Suck on it.
There’s already three tally marks under ‘You Suck’ and he can’t figure out if it makes him want to laugh or cry, maybe both.
Definitely both.
“At least I’m trying here, you could find your soulmate with flirting!”
Robin rolls her eyes and hangs the board up behind her, “I’d rather suck on a lemon than flirt with guys”
It surprises him for all of three seconds before he rolls his eyes, whatever, he thinks. If she wants to miss the opportunity to find a soulmate, so be it. He’ll continue trying to find love, he doesn’t need whoever fate picked.
The board is definitely mocking him, he thinks several days later. Currently there’s five tally marks under ‘You Suck’ and a big fat nothing under ‘You Rule’. Robin thinks it’s the funniest thing on the planet.
He doesn’t find it funny, he finds it embarrassing and stupid, actually. Really embarrassing, especially when she brings it out when another girl their age walks in. It’s like she’s doing it on purpose.
Which is confusing, she told him explicitly that she does not like him and will only ever tolerate him. So, her practically chasing people away doesn’t make sense.
Her loud crackle of a laugh starts as his head nearly hits the counter, “That’s another one for the you suck column! Zero for the you rule, popeye!”
Standing up he turns around with a glare, “yeah I can read!”
“You sure about that one, Dingus?”
His wrist burns and he can’t stop his eyes from going wide. There’s no way, absolutely no way. This is a fluke, she must have seen his mark one day. That’s why his soulmate mate, fate’s pick, is his co-worker.
His disbelief and discomfort most show on his face because Robin shifts on her feet, “I’m uh, sorry. If I took that too far, really-uh I don’t think that way about you and, and- this is was” she looks uncomfortable now, tripping over her words.
Opening his mouth to calm her down, he find that his words are gone. The disbelief stopping him. He quickly shuts it and looks away from her. The shop is completely empty. When did that happen?
“Steve- I really didn’t mean to be well, mean.”
All he can do is nod back, “no, uh, I get it. Really- uh. It’s fine.”
How exactly is he supposed to do this? He’s never once called her a nickname! Unless she was his but he isn’t hers? He doesn’t know. Either way he’s still a little disappointed.
“You sure? Because uh, you’re looking a little pale there”
A laugh bubbles up and before he realizes it he’s on the ground with his back against the counter and tears on his face, “ye-yeah. Sorry.”
He hears her move around and then there’s a foot bumping his, he moves his head to look at her.
“We’re currently low on everything, did you know that? It’s unbelievable, just wiped clean.” Robin explains with amusement dancing on her face, “Scoops Ahoy is officially closed for the day”
That surprises a laugh out of him as tries to loosen the tension that built up, moving his arms he puts his chin on his knee, Robin copies him. They’re just looking at each other, comfortable in this silence.
Their eyes meet and both burst out laughing. This feels different, at least for Steve. There’s something soothing coursing through him now, he never felt on edge with Robin but he wasn’t always this comfortable either. A smile spreading on his face, he didn’t know about this feeling when you meet your soulmate.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
He snorts, “they might be worth more, Birdie”
Robin gasps and he looks at her, but her eyes are wide and locked on her wrist. He follows her look and he can’t exactly see what she’s looking at but he knows it’s her soul mark.
They really are soulmates.
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This is where I’d put the continuation… if I had the idea for it! (Said in that fairlyodd parents meme)
Anyway! If this brought you some inspiration, you can totally take whatever piece you want and write something! But please know I had this ending up as Steddie with side of Rockie (Vickie&Robin)
Permanent taglist: @spectrum-spectre @mysticcrownshipper @artiststarme @thereindeerlady @justforthedead89 @ronniescontinuum @freyaforestafay @littlewildflowerkitten @gregre369 @zerokrox-blog @flustratedcas @carlprocastinator1000 @marvelmwah @solliesolesito @navnae @i-less-than-three-you @grimmfitzz @estrellami-1 @cartercaptainofthemoon @bookworm0690 @strangersteddierthings
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ressonancee · 1 year
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✦ LEE JIHOON/WOOZI - f!reader
✦ genre: Friends to lovers, Smut (minors don't interact)
✦ word count: 7.635
Also a big thank you to nia and eclavayne for giving this a look and soothing my insecurities about how Woozi was written in this.
Jihoon is a guy who likes to have answers.  
Someone asked him about music? Sure thing. On line 3 the rhyme is off. At bar 1.45 the beat needs to be more pronounced. Maybe in this song particularly, the music engineer can raise a bit of the vocal. Here at this moment you can change your tone and deliver the line faster.
Someone asked him about lifting weights? Of course, you just need to plant your feet more. You need to engage this muscle, not this one like you are doing. You count to three and lift one more time till the point of giving up. 
Someone asked him about life plans, and he had the answers. Someone asked him about finances and he had the answer - maybe because Mingyu gave him the number of the company for future investments, but still he knew! And even when the fields he was lacking, like communication and feelings he did his best, he used his others skills to make it through, like writing a song to his members when he didn't know how to say the right words. 
But if someone asked him how he ended up in this situation, he wouldn't know really. 
He knew how you two met - Minghao shocked everyone when he showed up with you to a Sunday lunch on Cheol's new apartment and everyone was silent and the first thing who actually interacted with you was Kkuma. 
He knew the moment when you two first hang out alone - after a few weeks of Minghao totally denying you were his girlfriend and saying you actually could cry because that one exposition at that one museum was closing up and Minghao was too sick to go with you, so Jihoon just got dressed and said he could go with you, which he knew it would make Minghao think about it, or even act a little bit surprised due to Woozi's habits of actively not going out of the house or his studio. 
He knew the first time he saw you cry - the very same day, looking at a painting, Woozi didn't quite understand it, it was beautiful - sure, but it didn't quite make him feel like weeping. He knew a lot of other things. Your favorite food? He had the answer to that - lemon pie, which made Woozi think that you were kinda of psycho. 
Your favorite time of the year? Summer oh how you loved summer and the hot sun - which again, kinda crazy if you asked him about it. What did you dread the most? Birthdays, not everyone's but yours, so when it hit up midnight and everyone sent you a happy birthday message and you didn’t reply it was okay, you could be sleeping. But when it hit 10 am and you showed no trace of life Woozi felt like he was going throw up, but he kept to himself, when it hit 2 o'clock in the afternoon and everyone was worried he felt a relief at least he was not going crazy alone. 
When it was six pm and Woozi was already packing his things up because he was just passing around his studio and mind resolute that he should go to the police he was actually aware that something in his mind didn't feel quite right. But then you showed up in his company hall with tear-stained face saying that you actually left your phone at home and didn't have how to hit him up and the security guy didn't let you in, he felt like he was actually going insane. So he just took you home, to your home, because you said you didn't want to be with anybody else but you said he could give Minghao a heads up because the boy was also worried. "Why?" you had asked "You guys are silly." you said with a little laugh that made Woozi's head spin full force, silly? He was worried crazy, almost filling a missing person report that he may googled about how he needed to wait 48 hours to do it and you called him silly?
So after that, he knew something was wrong with him. 
But if someone asked when his feelings changed, he wouldn't know the answer. If someone asked him why he didn't do something about it he wouldn't know the answer - and oh god how mingyu pressed him on that, and weirdly enough minghao too.
He told himself he was better off being your friend, the idol life being crazy enough - often, you two had late-night talks, and every time you said how the idol life was not something you would enjoy. Actually, you’d said you would probably drive you clinically crazy.
But lately, he was feeling like a damn high schooler, hormone-driven boy with a crush. Which made he feel completely pathetic. But he guess he could blame the summer. Or he could blame himself, he knew it was a bad idea getting out of the house on a Sunday afternoon, but what you asked that he didn't do?
So here he was, laying on your couch, watching the new episode of God knows what because he is really much not watching because your legs are spread out on the floor while you are painting something - really Woozi wouldn't even know what that was if you were dressed head to toe. But nope, you were wearing the tiniest jeans short paired with the silliest little blouse. And god, he did hate the summer, he hated how the hot time made his skin feel, and he hated how just going out was even more of a hassle when his clothes were clinging to him, but if someone asked right now he had a different answer, right now he loved the summer.
Fuck, he loved how your skin was out all the time or how you put your hair up more and your neck was always out for his view.
"Literally Mackenzie is crazy." You said getting his attention. Oh right, it was the newsroom you have been binge-watching. 
"hmm." He hummed.
"jihoon." You scolded him. "I told you I could rewatch the first eps with you, now you are just not paying attention because you have the excuse of not understanding the plotline."
"it's okay." He said, spreading his body on the sofa and hearing his back crack. And there you were eyes big and glued to him. "What?"
"Nothing." You said but Jihoon knew it was not nothing, not when you didn't blink your eyes and just stared at him like something was clearly not right.
"Just tell me." Woozi said getting up.
"I just-" You start and storm off, making Jihoon follow you around your apartment until you find your phone. 
"What is happening?" He asked, getting a little frustrated of your lack of answer.
"I'm on my fertile period." You answer and Jihoon can actually feels his head spin.
"Your what?"
"My fertile period, you know, horny jail time of the month." You say giving up and laying on your bed.
"I know what a fertile period is." Jihoon answered, he may be feeling like a high schooler, but he isn't actually one. He deep breaths trying to regain his consciousness because everything is just so weird right now he can't quite grasp everything that is happening when your boobs almost pour out of the shirt and he is thinking about how pretty they are and how soft they look and how he wants to grab at it, leaving his palm imprint on them or maybe kiss them until he has marked every tiny part of it - "I just don't know why you are bringing it up."
"You-" You don't quite finish, hiding behind your hands, and Woozi thinks everything is out of place, he has a weird feeling in the pit of his stomach - yeah he was having an internal fight with his dick because since he arrived he was almost spotting a semi hard on, thank gods he chose jeans today, but something was out of place and he can't quite pinpoint it.
"I?" He sits on the bed by your side, hands automatically going to your knee.
"You got bigger." You say voice small and Jihoon has to bend his body a little bit to hear it.
"Yeah, I'm lifting a few more pounds. I told you my pt is kicking my ass." And is not a question, but it sounds like one because for the first time, Woozi doesn't understand you. And that is weird because your friendship was built on the fact that you were one of the few person that Woozi actually felt it was easy to be around.
"You are almost rippin' your shirt." Your answer and Jihoon looked at himself, sure it is a thight shirt, he had it for a few years, he thought. His face tho must still be the same because when he looks at you, mind still looking for the last piece of the puzzle you answer. "You’re hot, okay?" You say abruptly, turning on the bed and hiding your face on a pillow.
"What is going on?" Jihoon says, which he regrets because it was not a question to you. It was a question to himself, but apparently, when your ass in your tiny short was in his point of view, he lost his mind-mouth filter.
"what is going on?" You retort. Changing your position again and looking at the ceiling. "what is going on is that I haven't gotten laid in like four months and I'm just going crazy enough that when my hot guy friend is over on my sofa my mind just goes straight to the gutter, in like five seconds I thought about kissing you, sucking you off, riding you, and I may be going crazy and straight to hell because your long hair makes me think about me sitting on your face 24/7." You saying without taking a breath. "that's jihoon is what is going on, really." You let out a small scream.
"What?" Jihoon answers because is the only thing he can think really, if before he was looking for only one piece of the puzzle now it seems like someone just tossed the whole picture of the table and he has to pick everything up.
"I'm not going to repeat myself, confessing that I kinda of have a crush on you is embarrassing enough" 
"What?" Jihoon almost shouts and his brain feels like it is on fire short circuiting, and he is not ok, he doesn't feel okay, he feels like he is having an out-of-body experience. 
"I know you don't feel the same way, don't worry." You say covering your face with your arms crossed like you can't even look at him, voice small that he can barely hear you. "mingyu and minghao told me that every time they bring me up, you go into your 'are you crazy mode'. I just-" You sit up on the bed and look at Jihoon. "I don't really expect anything from you, like..." you breathe loudly. "I just have been thinking, you know? Like I know you are my friend and that right now I may be ruining everything and making you uncomfortable, and maybe you never want to hang out with me after this shit show, but -" You pause again. "I just, I really need to be honest about my feelings, with myself, and with you, and I understand that you don't like me the same way I know that is just that -" 
And you get almost whiplash when your rant is cut short because Jihoon's lips are against yours and his hand is holding your head almost as softly as his lips and the feeling of being treasured almost breaks your heart in tiny little pieces. And Jihoon feels like he lost his damn mind, he doesn't quite know if he is on cloud nine or paradise if he needs to shout in the window so everyone can hear how happy he is, or if he needs to just get up and buy you a ring and ask you hands in marriage before you change your mind. But he just kisses you, because it was easier, it was the less weird option, and because kissing you has living in the back of his mind for quite some time. 
"what?" It was your time to ask.
"It doesn't make sense," Jihoon says, tugging his hair behind his ear, making you wish you were the one doing that silly little act. Again, he feels like he is so dedicated to his life in every aspect of it, and somehow all the pieces and all the answers just fall short, making him feel tongue-tied.
"What doesn't make sense?" and you are so out of your mind because of the kiss that you don't feel strong enough to act offended that he is answering your feelings like that. 
"that you have a crush on me." Jihoon almost laughs because if he was being honest, his answer would be that everything doesn't make sense. The hottest girl he ever met just said that she thinks about sitting on his face that doesn't make sense - check. You also said something about riding him, which makes him almost drop dead just remembering that words actually left your mouth, that too doesn't make sense to him - check.
"yeah, no shit jihoon is not that I have the ability to choose whom I fall in love with." Oh fuck, now things are just pilling up at his list and he feels like he is having a stroke or something, he can actually feel his blood on his head.
"love?" he asks 
"oh shit." You say, big eyes, surprised face, rose-colored checks.
"love?" Jihoon laughs, and oh god, how you love that sound. You were pathetic, really. 
"Yeah, but like I said I'm not saying it twice." And fuck, Jihoon actually looks at you. Hands on your lap, face down, and Jihoon thinks that is not always that you behave like you are ashamed. And something in Jihoon's mind clicks loudly. Maybe that is hard for you, so fucking hard, and Jihoon is just so shocked that he didn't actually thought about it. So he picks himself and put his mind into place.
"Do you remember that time when you just vanished out of the face of the earth on your birthday?" Jihoon asks, taking you out of a mental loop of being ashamed because you just confessed your feelings to your friend. You breathe deeply, remembering the exact day and how Woozi lay in this same bed with you, arms around you and stroking your hair so softly. You remember how his heartbeat soothed you and how he heard you every story of the book 'Why I hate my birthday updated version'.
"Yeah." You answered voice small, which makes Jihoon smile. "you said you were going to the police".
"yeah, I was." Jihoon takes one of your hands and grabs it, bringing it to his lap, making you change positions a bit and making you sit closer to him. "what I am trying to say is that-" he stops and gently caresses your hand. "I am not good at this fuck- what I am trying to say is that since that was the day that I knew that I was in love with you."
"what? That was ages ago." You ask almost like a whisper which makes Jihoon thinks is more a thought than an actual question.
"yeah I guess I feel first" He shrugs, and he probably feels harder, because god how he loved you. Know after saying that to you he kinda feels lighter, like a weight just fell off his back.
"that is crazy," You say, eyes traveling from your hand enveloping by his to Jihoon's face.
"I know." Jihoon gives you a faint smile, somehow he feels a little ashamed, a little guilty that he never really got the courage to tell you before.
"I mean we could be dating for like years now." You say again so faintly and scooting ever close to Jihoon. And you turn your body to him, one of your legs going behind him and he can actually feel your thigh pressed against his back, while the other one is almost on his lap.
"I know" He repeats because he doesn't have an answer and because you feel so close and you feel so hot against him, and if he goes to his highschooler-hormone-controlled mind he can actually look at your cleavage. And oh fuck, he is about to get hard.
"oh my God, we lost so many valentines day together." You say and Jihoon almost laughs because you look so damn cute with that pout on your lips.
"Yeah, we did," Jihoon says, feeling a little relieved that you both just go to the next page of your relationship together, feeling like you two are dating without even having to talk about it or ask you to be his girlfriend, but he makes a note on his head to actually take you on a date.
"And we could go totally together for that trip in Bali if we were dating back then I would make you go with me" You trail off like you always do, and even if Jihoon finds it so endearing he has other thoughts in mind and fuck Bali was not even on his top 10 right now.
"Baby?" jihoon says, catching your attention and making you feel whiplashed again. You could feel physically the pull in your neck. "Can I kiss you? We can totally make vacations plan and staycations plan, but I feel like if I don't kiss you right now, I might die." And oh fuck, seeing Jihoon ask so fucking prettily makes you almost go insane when you look at his pretty mouth, and his lips are chapped even though you gave him one of your lip balm but he never uses it.
But right now, you can't find the strength in yourself to complain to jihoon about how he doesn't take care of his lips. You throw yourself at him, arms going to his neck, fingers going through his hair.
Jihoon thinks that he has a lot of things to write down on his 'don't make sense list'; the way that your lips feel against his - so full and soft; the way that you let out a noise almost like a moan when his tongue enters your mouth; the way that your tongue feels against his or how he can feel your taste just with a kiss. A lot of things don't make sense. But Jihoon stops caring about them when he can feel you pressed against his, boobs pressed against his chest, his hand splayed on your thigh, his other arm going around your waist and trying to bring you closer to him. 
"Let me just -" You trail off, making Jihoon chase you, but he gives up really quickly when he realizes he can actually kiss your neck. He gives you an open-mouthed kiss on your jaw, tongue grazing on your skin, and then he turns into your neck. "I just-" you start again but is cut off by Jihoon teeth against your skin. He doesn't bite you, but deep down, you think he could sink his teeth, and you wouldn't care, really. Not when your fingers are in his black hair, not when you change positions and put your leg around him, caging him between your thighs. Jihoon gets out of the crane of your neck and looks at you, lips pink traces of your lip balm, and already looking a little bit puff. His arms go around your waist, holding you against his body.
"Hi" You say, looking at him because of the position, fingers tucking his hair behind his ears, and your inside twist a bit, butterfly on your stomach dancing with the simple action. 
"HI." Jihoon answers and gives your boob a peck, right at where your skin and the material of your blouse met. It was just right there, so close, right in his point of view and he couldn't get a hold of himself really, it was the first time that he could actually look at you without getting afraid of getting caught. "God-" He says, almost laughing. "Can I confess something?" Jihoon starts.
He kisses your shoulder, one of his hands leaving your back just so he can bring your blouse down. And Jihoon mind just go haywire really, in a way he feels so free that adds to the things that don't make sense.
The feeling of your body against him, the little hums you let out with every action that he does, how his fingers are gripping the flesh in your hips, the fact that your bobs are right there, or the feel of your thigh against his body just makes him go crazy. 
"Like-" Jihoon says, rubbing his face on your cleavage. "Fuck-" He tries again, but the way that your boobs are around his checks, skin so soft, finally bringing down the rest of your sleeve and tracing with his fingertips your cleavage. "I don't want to sound weird, but -" He deposits a faint kiss on you "God how I love your boobs." He says without lips leaving your skin, breath hot against it.
"is not weird." You say. Hands, not leaving his hair, running fingers through it, tugging slightly just to see Jihoon looking at your face not moving. And it is not that weird because god how you feel good hearing it.
"Every time you use that flimsy little blouse I just can't think straight because Im trying my best to not to get fucking hard because of your boobs," He says and sucks the skin, admiring the red blob on your skin.
"Can I?" Jihoon asks tugging slightly at your other sleeve. And he feels anxious for the first time, seeing you like that; disheveled on his lap, shirt almost giving up and showing you bare to him. He can see your nipples poke the flimsy material.
"Yeah," you say, nodding your voice already sounding so gone that you can feel Jihoon's other hand on your hips tighten. Bringing you back to earth, grounding you and securing you in place.
"Fuck you are so beautiful," Jihoon says while he brings down your blouse so damn slowly. Jihoon watches your boobs come to view, and he just gives up on trying to be calm and collected. He splayed both hands on your back to hold you and the shirt scrambled up on your waist and just bring his head in the valley of your breast, breathing hot against your skin. "I jerked off so many times this past couple of days because of you," Jihoon says, and he can feel the blood on his cheeks. He gives your sternum a kiss. "you are always wearing those silly shirts and it's so obvious that you are not wearing a bra." He says, looking at you and feeling literally crazy. Somehow it didn't make sense to him there you were right there, on his lap, boobs out and securing you in place.
"last time I was over? That white shirt?" He looks at you and you almost melt, his voice sounds so deep, and the way he is talking to you makes you twist a little because somehow it just feels different. "it was almost see-through" he says running his fingertip on your skin, making your chest feel oh so thigh. "I could see through it without even trying, and I just wanted to lick you," he says finger dancing still but his touch felt so feather-like that you were certainly going crazy and feeling things. "it almost felt like you were making me lose my mind, making fun of me," he says head against your chest again, looking concentrated watching his own fingers.
"i-" You start swallowing nothing. "I really picked that shirt for you i-" And your brain goes haywire a little. One thing was to confess how you felt but it was an entirely other thing to confess how you were picking every outfit thinking of him trying to make him twitch and look at you the way you have been looking at him. Tell him the efforts you've been doing, the little skirts you brought because you knew he liked in other girls, or wearing the most inappropriate clothing possible just excusing yourself by saying it was in your stay-home-alone pile, even though you were the one asking woozi over and that meant you were very much not alone. "I knew you could see, I wore it for you" you say voice small feeling the urge to hide again.
"fuck-" Jihoon mind freezes, and he asks himself what the fuck is going on. He is sure that his horny-induced brain is conjuring this image up because this is straight out of his spank bank. His hand travels and stops when it arrives in your ribcage, his thumb just below your boobs. "Have you been behaving like this? putting your beautiful tits out for me, sweetheart?" he says in a condescending tone, and you need to secure yourself on his shoulders because you feel like falling.
"yeah i-" You breathe deeply, and he can feel it against his hand. "I only use them with you, or at home or in your studio."
"fuck baby," Jihoon says finally giving up and holding your boobs on both of his hands, and he can feel your nipples hard against his palm. "You have been showing off just for me?"He says, and you just nod because your head is not even right here right now. You feel like you can't even say something because you feel so tongue-tied. "don’t worry I will reward you today"
Jihoon says and kisses your chest so tenderly, and something about the way that he seems so different from your usual Jihoon-friend-experience makes your head spin. The way you never heard his voice says things like that, the way that he is so full of contrast - hands hards against your ribcage, gripping and lips so sweet at your skin, tongue tracing till he found your nipple, and god when you look at him he looks so fucking starved it makes you break again, and you just let him lap at it, lick it, suck it like and act like nothing is enough for him.
And he acts like that because it is not enough for him, really. The way that you feel against him is not enough, the way that you feel against your tongue or the way that he can feel you twist in his arms. Is not enough the little whimper that he can hear you make it, and is not enough the way he can feel you hovering on his lap, and is not enough how he can feel his dick hard on his pants, and the way that everything feels so hot and his clothes are clinging to his skin. 
“can you-” you ask between breaths making Jihoon leave your boobs with a pop. 
“what?” Jihoon asks, eyes hooded, pupils blown out, panting. You cup his face, head leaning, while one of your hand caress your cheeks the other one grab his shirt.
“can you take this damn shirt off?” You say hands traveling to his neck in search of any amount of skin possible, feeling the need to have his skin against yours, feeling the need to touch him, to feel his firm body that he has been building in the gym. Damn fucking gym really, every time you asked him to a cafe or museum he was going to hit the gym and every time you set him a picture of a cute little coffee shop he would reply with a selfie drenched in sweat, hair fucked up, and face pink like he was now.
"sure baby." he says grabbing the back of his shirt and taking it off, while you finally feel free enough, without his strong arms against you to fully sit on his lap. The action makes Jihoon groans and god you feel already addicted to it, feeling the need to make him feel good. But fuck, you get a little distracted and to be honest a little crazy because Jihoon is just right there, hair messy and all pretty, and it is so unfair and it quite don't feel real. 
"god you are so hot," you say and you know that you sound so dumb because woozi just let out a little laugh, but he is right there, pecs out, strong arms, and nice shoulders paired with his abs and he looks so strong and so firm, and you are not the strongest soldier so you just start touching him. Hands grabbing his muscles, fingertips traveling across his collarbones, touching his chest making him quiver when your fingers just brush against his nipple, hands grazing against his abs. you let your head fall, doing the first thing that comes to mind; kiss his collarbone, thinking about how good he would look if you leave marks there but you won't do it because you don't quite know the boundaries, you don't know if he likes it and you don't know his agenda for the next days, so you jump to the next thought, take off his damn jeans, hands tugging at it. "fuck i really want to ride you just like this" you say moving your hips just a little, really, a barely there move, but god the way he reacts to everything makes you feel tight all over, make you feel wetter and make you feel impatient.
"yeah?" Jihoon says and you love how he just accepts every touch you give him, without rushing you up, just letting you explore his body while his hand just leaves imprints on your thighs. 
"Mm hm, wanna ride you and keep looking at you." You answer and Jihoon feels like he has never been closer to death before. The way that you say those things sound so resolute like you don't even have a doubt in your brain and that feels Jihoon feels so fucking wanted that he doesn't quite know how to react. Because everything is happening so fucking fast, the way you say those things acting like is not a big deal and Jihoon is not about to just cum on his pants like a teenager. Or how you place your open mouth against his skin, moaning in a low voice while you keep, your hips rolling against his.
"you can do whatever you want with me" Jihoon finally says getting out of his head and sensations. One hand going behind your neck finger spread around it and the other one going to your hips, guiding you, setting a pace, and intensity. "i know will you take me so fucking well" And Jihoon thinks he can crash and burn because everything seems so amplified he might be going crazy. 
"why didn't a wear a skirt and you those stupid adidas track thing" You say regretting everything really, the fact that you would have to get out of Jihoon's lap seemed like a tragedy, so you just hugs him, chest against chest, arms against his strong shoulders, Jihoon's hand traveling in your back, you hide your face on his neck, rubbing your face on it and god he smells so good.
"needed to hide the fact that i was getting a boner just looking at your legs baby" Jihoon says sincerely, the last time he didn't actually plan he just had to say he was staying over your sofa - you said nonsense go to the bed which was far worse and he just lied about how he needed to record this thing that popped up on his head before sleeping, again a lie because he mind was empty and the only thing he was thinking about was the fact that you quite didn't button your pajamas all the way. And Jihoon feels quite dumb, saying it all to you, just letting you in every part of his brain, let you know how he wants you. But every time he says something like that your body jumps and you melt on his lap, and somehow the way you touch him makes him feel that you want him just as much so he keeps going. 
"fuck now you can get a boner all the time, just go around the house showing your hard on" You say hand squeezing his dick and giving Jihoon a kiss, and it is messy but Jihoon couldn't care less really because your hand continues to grab his dick, going through his length, trying to map it even tho his jeans are thick but fuck Jihoon feels everything. But you finally get out of his lap, hands going to your own shorts, and Jihoon's makes a second mind note, first one - date - nice place, maybe fancy, a restaurant with a nice wine. Second one - next time - take his time to look at you, to really look at you, to just admire you naked and pretty and kiss every part of your body because fuck you look so beautiful right now, boobs out and heavy and Jihoon can see faint traces of his saliva on your body, a trace of him on you, and that just makes him go crazy conjuring up thoughts about make you his.
Jihoon helps you, while you open the buttons and the zip he is already pushing your shorts down because really he wants to go slow, and he wants to treasure it, but he knows this is not happening today. When your short pools around your feet you wish he just toke off your underwear with it because it is not lingerie and is just a simple everyday panty but he has other plans. Jihoon kisses your mound and grabs your ass.
"fuck you are so pretty," He says and he is already playing with the hems of the panty, tongue tracing it. Hands on your ass, holding your body against him. And you can feel your legs wobble, and you can feel the way your panties cling against your skin because they are already damp. And you just feel so empty and so cold without his body against yours, it's unfair really.
"just-" you say tugging his hair trying to get his attention. 
"its my turn," Jihoon says still playing with your pants. "you had yours right? just let me play with you a little bit you can be patient" He says looking at you and finally taking your underwear off. And Jihoon feels curious, he wants to know how you are going to react, how you like it, what makes you feel good, and what makes you cum.
"You are pretty all over," He says. "prettiest pussy I've seen" And Jihoon lets his curiosity win so he just bends himself and kisses your pussy, licks at it, tries to discover what you like and how you taste, tongue going between your folders grazing at your clit.
"baby please" You say feeling a little impatient, tugging at his hair, grabbing at his shoulder. 
"okay, but you really need to let me eat you out after this." Jihoon says mind resolute, licking his lip. He can wait because one; the option of you sitting on his dick is not even close to bad, two; he has been daydreaming and dreaming about eating you out, he waited for so long that he can wait just a little bit more.
"yeah you can do that later don't worry" you say kissing him on the lips, feeling the faint trace of yourself on his tongue. And you grab his jeans tugging at it. "can you take this damn thing off." And Jihoon laughs getting up so close to you and opening up his pants, and just he looks so good you stare without shame, kiss his chest, and tongue lapping at his nipple. And you feel Jihoon's hand at the nape of your neck, so you use the last of your brain to help him pull his underwear with him. 
Jihoon's cock springs free, and fuck you can quite understand him when you feel the urge to put your mouth on him too, the urge to call him pretty too, because he is, dick more on the girthier's side, leaking precum. Jihoon's seat on your bed, legs spread and arms open calling you.
You hover on his lap and you do the only thing that comes to your mind, you lick and spit your own hand and grab Jihoon's dick, feeling it against your hands heavy and hot. And Jihoon thinks it would be rude to not do the same, so he just put his hand against you too, fingertip exploring your folds, just barely tracing your hole and going back to your clit.
"baby i-" You start, feeling a little stupid because Jihoon is holding your thigh, mouthing at your neck, his hands playing with your clit and he dick hard against your hand. "I really need you inside me"
"yeah want me to let you ride it?" Jihoon asks mouth still in your neck, hand still playing with your pussy and the other one grabbing your boobs, pinching your nipple. And you almost lost it.
"did you bring a condom?" you ask him, using the last part of your brain to be a responsible adult.
"no?" Jihoon says freezing. "Wasnt thinking about fucking you" he says. And God yeah, Jihoon didn't ever imagine that he was about to get so fucking lucky today. Pretty girl naked on his lap, pussy wet against his fingers, tiny hand wrapping him, and his hips buckle a bit.
"we are so fucked" You say and you can quite understand how this feels the worst experience of your life because it feels so good. Jihoon's cock against your fold, his cockhead bumping against your clitoris, his strong hands holding your hips so thigh that "i just, I really want to feel you stretching me out" you can feel yourself almost cry.
"don't say things like that, I'm feeling like I'm going insane already," Jihoon says, feeling like everything is arms reach but he can't quite take it. And he feels insane, he feels dumb and fucked up in the head. "just-"  He starts, and he wants to do so many things at the same time, so he does what he can, hands going to your ass and squeezing, Mouth going to your tits. "please baby?" He asks, looking at you. "i can pull out, or I can-" He doesn’t really know what he can, he doesn't really know what he wants to do either. His mind is a mess and he is so close to losing it, he can feel him almost tripping "fuck baby i really want to feel you."
"just for a little bit?" You ask and Jihoon almost feels faint when you guide his dick to your entrance and the only thing you need to do is take, is to sit on his cock, and he can buckle up, or he can guide you down he knows he is strong enough for it. But he wants to you to give to him, he doesn't want to take it even tho it would be easier.
"i-" Jihoon breaths. "we don't need to- " He thinks, he wants to, but he doesn't need to if you are not comfortable with him fucking you raw, but god just the thought of it makes Woozi just bust against your daint fingers. "we can stay like this"
"no gosh" he hears you say, and you just do the craziest thing ever, you guide his dick to your pussy, making Jihoon's hand move, so he grabs your hips, and you just hold his dick against your pussy, moving his tip against your folds, the head of his dick going against your clits, and you just start moving your hips. "I mean fuck I think I might cry if you don't let me sit on your cock"
"oh fuck-" you say squeezing his strong arms and trying to anchor you. You continue to chase after it, but is not quite enough.
"I don't need much I swear I'm so close to cumming already," Jihoon begs because he is not above it, and you almost drool, because everything feels so fucking so surreal, because he is there - hair fucked up, lips pink and swollen against your skin, hands gripping you like you are about to vanish and he is trying so hard not to just let you slip out of his fingers.
"what if-" You hiccup. "what if you cum inside" you say already sinking on Jihoon's dick feeling him stretching you out. Feeling him fill you up, making you feel dizzy.
"fuck baby thats feel so good, god-" Jihoon feels his mind spin. "look it at the way you take my dick, fuck, pussy so pretty around me." Jihoon just keep babbling and he could tell he doesn’t know why, but he does - because everytime he says something you react in a way, a moan, a whimper, a buckle of your hips against him, or the way your pussy him thighten. "god you feel so thigh"
"can you-" You say and Jihoon comes to the conclusion that he never heard you sound like that, almost losing it, fucked up with every step a moan because you are bouncing on his dick, pretty around him, boobs jiggleing every minute of it,
"what baby?" he asks it, grabbing one of your bobs and the other one goes to your ass. 
"can you touch me" you ask - hips continuing to chase your orgasm, going a little bit harder, a little bit faster, moving your hips against him. And every time you change the way that your hips go against him trying to find a better angle JIhoon feels like his sanity is slipping through his fingers. He is so close, so fucking close, and is not like he can not reach it, he can - he just doesn't want to, he is holding himself back enough because he wants to see you cumming on his dick first. 
"i am touching you." Jihoon says holding you even harder. You take his hand that is on your boob and puts it where you want. 
"please." you beg, holding his hand against your pussy and that being almost enough to you just cum. 
"how can a pussy take my dick so well hun?" Jihoon marvels at it. The way that you look on his lap is out of this world. One hand on his knee, holding yourself up, other hand holding his against your pussy, hair disvelleshed and head leaning backwards. And Jihoon thinks he cant hold himself anymore, he is so close he can almost feel the taste in his mouth, but Jihoon is a nice guy, so even when he is almost cumming in you he is strong enough to take his dick off you, almost crying.
"just put it back in" you say body twitching above him, Jihoon’s hand thigh and strong against his dick and he wants to put back in but- 
"baby im gonna cum" Jihoon says and god he sounds so weak, almost giving up and just shoving his dick in you again just to feel how well you take him hot, wet, thigh all over.
"just, fuck" you say when your hips chase him. You put yourself up, arms around Jihoon’s head, pressing him against your chest and again - Jihoon is almost cumming against his hands "don't worry about it ok? we can buy plan b or something, just" You say moving around until you can feel his dick against you "I just really need to cum." you beg, and who is Jihoon to say no to you?
"okay, yeah, okay" Jihoon says breathing against your breath so he just guides his dick to your entrance and laps at your nipples, sucking it, when he can feel you descending on his cock, taking him again, and this time you don't go slow you just pick your pace taking Jihoon’s hand again and guiding to your pussy. And fuck everytime his fingers flick against your clitoris you moan so prettily, or every time he helps you guiding his hips up. 
And Jihoon can't take anymore, pretty girl moaning on his lap, tits barely in his mouth because there he is cumming on your warm pussy mouth open against it. And he can feel the way you just go with him when he burst, pussy and body thigh against him, curling your body in his direction and twisting every time he moves his fingers in your pussy because he is cumming but his girls deserve the best treatment so he keeps going - until you take off his hand.
For a few seconds or minutes, Jihoon dont know you two stay like that, bodies connected in a warm embrace until you can feel your body again and get his dick out without actually getting of his lap.
"fuck, look at the mess we made" he says scooping his cum and your juices and fucking it back inside you, because that the only thing he can think off and you twist a little because you are so damn sensitive.
"are we insane?" you ask spent enough.
"just a little." Jihoon’s answer, grabbing your face and giving you a sweet kiss. "I'm so asking for a delivery of plan b and a box of condoms"
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bbrissonn · 1 year
in which y/n attends the ears tour in detroit with cole and luke
lemon au masterlist
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liked by colecaufield, avazegras and others
y/nzegras best night of my life 🪩🐍🧣(last pic is my live reaction of hearing haunted and i almost do as surprise songs)
also shootout to coley for being the best photographer out there, and to lukey for running to the bathroom to get my toilet paper cause i was crying too much 😗
tagged colecaufield
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colecaufield t swift >> hs
y/nzegras @/colecaufield okay woah now, comparing mother to father is something we do NOT do here short stuff
lhughes_06 why wasn't the fit changed included...?
y/nzegras @/lhughes_06 shhh that's for another post
trevorzegras @/y/nzegras outfit change...???
y/nzegras @/trevorzegras yuh, you would know if you were an actual swifty and came with us loser
colecaufield i can confirm the statement abt the last pic, my ears still hurt from the yelling
y/nzegras @/colecaufield :))
friendsusername can't believe you decided to go to the one in detroit instead of coming with us...
y/nzegras @/friendsusername sorry loves, but mr coley offered me free tickets, can't say no to that <33
trevorzegras @/y/nzegras 1. you're such a fake friend, ditching them like that 2. stop using my friends for their money
y/nzegras @/trevorzegras 1. i was on facetime with them so shush 2. cole offered them to me as an early birthday gift. ur friends like me more than you, stay mad whore 😌
colecaufield @/y/nzegras ur my fav zegras
y/nzegras @/colecaufield this is why ur my fav
jamie.drysdale @/y/nzegras what about me...?
y/nzegras @/jamie.drysdale ur my west coast boy :D
jackhughes why do i have 20 million friendship bracelets in my room with weird letters on them @/y/nzegras
y/nzegras @/jackhughes it's part of my plan to turn you into a swifty
jackhughes @/y/nzegras what on earth does ATWTMVTVFTV mean??
y/nzegras @/jackhughes it's a song duhhh look it up jacky
jackhughes @/y/nzegras ITS TEN MINUTES WTH
y/nzegras @/jackhughes consider it ur song of the day :)
jackhughes @/y/nzegras wait when you'd even go in my room...?
y/nzegras @/jackhughes i have connections, lots of help from the inside
jackhughes @/y/nzegras WAS IT LUKE??
y/nzegras @/jackhughes im not saying it's him, but im not saying it's not him either 😃
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liked by lhughes_06, _alexturcotte and others
y/nzegras twinningggggg
view all 73 comments
trevorzegras this is the outfit change??
y/nzegras @/trevorzegras yuh
trevorzegras @/y/nzegras im a little dissapointed ngl
y/nzegras @/trevorzegras idc, go cry about it little baby
_alexturcotte @/y/nzegras i wanna be like you when im older
y/nzegras @/_alexturcotte purr as you should mr cactus 😽
_quinnhughes when'd the outfit change happen exactly...?
y/nzegras @/_quinnhughes i missed the end of cardigan to be ready for the 1989 set
trevorzegras @/y/nzegras isn't cardigan like one of your fav?
y/nzegras @/trevorzegras si, but i was sobbing and i only missed like the last minute of it
lhughes_06 security giving you a weird look when you explained why you had a whole other outfit with you was the best part of the night
colecaufield @/lhughes_06 "it's called an outfit change mister" -y/n zegras, 2023
y/nzegras @/colecaufield he obviously wasn't a swifty, i don't get why they hired him 🙄
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nocturnest · 5 months
okay why i am i OBSSESSED with ur works. Just had an idea. Maybe assassin reader is usually the sunshine golden retriever and tan is usually grumpy black cat vibes but when reader gets angry or is upset/ annoyed, tan turns into sunshine character cuz he doesn't like seeing reader upset and they switch roles for a minute. I kinda love the slow burn so i feel this dynamic is before and after they get together. idm if u do hcs for this. Loving ur writing atm :)))))
@12johnwick897 thank you so much for your kind words! love your support, my dear friend and i hope that you enjoy! feel free to send as many requests as you'd like! buckle up guys lol!
tangerine x golden retriever assassin reader headcanons:
tangerine is known to be extremely hot-headed and when he gets particularly angry, there is very little one can do to calm him down - somehow, though - your presence, your touch, and your voice all calm him down
if he's arguing with someone while on a mission, you'll put your hand on his shoulder and squeeze it gently, giving him a smile
he'll turn to you, brows furrowed and scowling, but his expression will soften and he'll become much more level-headed
you'll hold his hand too - the first time it happened he was cursing left and right, threatening the life out of someone. he didn't even realize your hand clasping his at first and when he does he becomes flustered and the anger just simmers out of him (i'm tempted to write a fic just for this scene 🤫)
from then on, he's much more open and vulnerable, going out of his way to seek your touch - whether it's the squeeze of your hand or the weight of your palm against his back
lemon catches on straight away and gives extremely knowing looks to tangerine, which you are oblivious to
lemon would be like "something to share with the class, tan? to which tangerine would merely reply with a "piss off..." and you would sigh thinking that they're just brothers being brothers
of course, you feel something beyond friendship for tangerine - you've always been drawn to him and felt something inexplicable for him; but, you're content with continuing this little dance of affection for fear of ruining your friendship if he doesn't feel the same (but of course he does)
now, you were usually his sunshine - you're like the light of his life, always hopeful, always positive. but every now and then, even you get upset.
the first time tangerine sees you truly, truly angry is when you two come across another assassin after the same job as the both of you; the assassin makes some comment about one of your prior friends
she and you had joined the agency at the same time, becoming assassins at a very young age. the two of you were inseparable until she had been killed on a mission. her death was a sore spot for you.
this assassin you faced had been her ex-boyfriend and a rather terrible one at that - he admitted with pleasure that he had been the one to kill her
with that one comment, your happy demeanor fades and you become a complete force to be reckoned with; you're beating this guy up before tangerine can even reach for his knuckle dusters
by the end of it, when the assassin's a bloody pile of a mess, tangerine is filled with a sense of awe but his heart also aches for you
he wishes to comfort you so he takes his hand into yours and doesn't let go. not even while he's driving back to the safe house after the mission, not when you get inside.
you're unbelievably silent and tangerine can make out the mixture of fury and sadness in your teary eyes. he takes you into his arms as if you're the only precious thing in this world and you fall apart. you're kenning, sobbing - you're mourning for someone you practically considered your sister
he understands the pain and runs his ringed hands down your back - you're holding him like you never want to let him go and he lets you; he wants to be there for you - always
when you've calmed down, he looks down at you and hesitates. even though you've been crying, tangerine thinks you look so beautiful. he fights the urge to kiss you right then and there and instead places a kiss on your forehead.
from then on, tangerine considers it his mission to ensure that whenever you're upset, he makes sure to be extra soft and caring with you - in a way that he's not with anyone else, not even lemon.
of course, he's still the same - easily infuriated and curses like a madman but you're there to calm him down and he's more thankful than ever for your presence.
things have changed though since that night when you got upset. tangerine has started to look at you differently - you'd find him gazing at you for a few seconds too long and when he'd look away, clearing his throat, you swore his face was slightly flushed.
lemon was beyond frustrated. he could tell- clear as day - that you were already in love with tangerine. similarly, he watched his brother long for you, fall in love with you.
how could both of you be so oblivious?
things changed on the bullet train. the tension between you and tangerine was palpable - so much so that even ladybug could sense it.
ladybug and maria start a bet on when you both will get together when he finds out that you and tan aren't together yet
ladybug only referring to tangerine as your "boyfriend" which irked you beyond belief - probably only because it upset you that it wasn't true
when ladybug and tan are fighting, ladybug would be like "woman, calm your psycho boyfriend down!" or "this is the same man i saw practically cuddling you when i walked past you earlier?!" or " i know a great therapist for couples' therapy, if that's something you'd be interested in"
when tan gets pushed off the train, you were furious at ladybug and terrified for tangerine. you definitely beat the shit out of ladybug before he managed to slip away.
when you bump into tangerine again after he makes his way back onto the train, you're in shock and then so thankful - you jump into his arms and hug him, tears in your eyes.
you thought you and lemon were going to die on this godforsaken train, leaving tangerine completely alone in this world.
and he's beautiful, even when he's all bloody and covered in broken glass. you can't help but notice that to the point that you realize you're just staring at him in silence.
he's looking at you with so much longing in his eyes and he leans toward you, his forehead against yours, and asks, "can i kiss you?"
you happily oblige and one thing leads to another - maybe a trip to the train bathroom for something a little more 😉
then you and him find lemon, who's thankfully still alive, but not without scaring the fuck out of you and tangerine at first when he practically arises from the dead.
then, the three of you decide to hop of the train - with or without ladybug, who - if he came along - would be thrilled to have won the bet over maria and would call her gleefully.
tangerine would be annoyed as hell by ladybug's antics but secretly thrilled because tan ended up with you in the end
and as your relationship continues to develop, you'll always be there to calm tangerine down with a simple touch and he'll do the same when you're upset
but he doesn't only become completely soft for you because he doesn't like to see you cry - it's because he realizes that you make him want to be a better person - you complete him.
AHH hope you guys enjoyed this and sorry it was so long!
@kpopgirlbtssvt @little-miss-dilf-lover @idontknowwhattohaveasmyuser @j23r23 @spookyspecterino @liukangsgirl @azureseacloud
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When Skeleton goes to kiss S/O, S/O manages to block it with half of a lemon. So Skeleton just kissed a lemon.
Undertale Sans - He jumps in surprise, before doing the most disgusted expression you ever saw him do. He HATES lemons. You never thought you would find his weakness like this but here you are. He's cringing for two hours, desperately trying to get rid of the taste as you laugh at his misery.
Undertale Papyrus - He grabs the lemon, confused, and looks at you. ???? Why? Where does this lemon come from? Since when was it in your pocket? Who carries half-lemons in their pocket in the first place? He doesn't understand your logic and now he's deeply agitated all day long trying to make sense of what he just witnessed.
Underswap Sans - Oh come on! That's not funny! He's pouting like a child, frustrated you refused his love. You're not going to find this that funny anymore when he puts vinegar in your coffee later that day.
Underswap Papyrus - You forgot Honey is allergic to citrus fruit... He's not too happy about this, as he won't stop crying all day long, trying to calm the crisis. Why would you even do that? Normal people don't stick a lemon in other people's faces! He's upset.
Underfell Sans - He hisses and instinctively headbutts the lemon, and so your face right behind, because he hates the smell. You end up on your butt with a broken nose, but good news, the lemon is safe!
Underfell Papyrus - He gives you a dark stare. You're mocking him? He'll show you how he's mocking you. He snatches the lemon from your hands and squeezes it in your face, before leaving like a prince while you're crying on the floor because your eyes hurt. He doesn't regret anything.
Horrortale Sans - He gives you the sad puppy eyes, then leaves, staring at you the whole time like you slapped him. Do you feel guilty enough? Good. Because he's going to make you feel guilty for three days.
Horrortale Papyrus - Is that one of the lemons he bought this morning? Don't you know these things cost money? He starts to lecture you about the price of life and wasting good food, right here, right now. You did that to yourself.
Swapfell Sans - Ah, ah, very funny. He gives you the cup of coffee he prepares for you WITH LOVE and then he squeezes your lemon in your cup before giving it to you with a big smile. You would not dare to refuse his love, are you? Drink. All of it. He's watching.
Swapfell Papyrus - He gasps dramatically. How dare! He grabs a pillow on the couch and slams it in your face. It's a declaration of war and he's going to win the battle. Now cry.
Fellswap Gold Sans - The lion, the witch and the audacity of this b*tch. Wine took that personally. He goes back home, slams the door in your face, and locks it. Good luck to find a way inside now. Soon after, you hear very loud dark metal music from the window of his room lol. What a drama queen.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Oh! Lemon! He grabs it happily and then takes a huge bite of it as you stare at him with horrified eyes. Coffee is confusing why you think it's weird. He loves lemons! Do you want some? Take a bite! Ew. Hell no.
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redtsundere-writes · 3 months
Tyrant's Favorite | Sukuna Ryomen
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Chapter 6 “Harvest Season” is available now!
King!SukunaRyomen x Servant!FemReader
Summary: You used to be just another servant among the army of humans operating under the command of the terrible king, Sukuna Ryomen. An ordinary human who only knows how to wash, clean and cook. Until one day, he notices something in you that you hadn't seen before.
AO3 or Wattpad?
Preview ↆ
“Welcome to this year's harvest. Thanks to your relatives or communities, you have been chosen as the most useless beings of this year. So the great king Sukuna has decided to give you the opportunity to work for him as servants,” The person began to read the scroll aloud in front of everyone. 
A collective sigh was heard when he read the word “useless”. Most of them, being elderly, already knew that they were only a burden to their families. Therefore, there was no need to stress it further. It was like squeezing lemon on an open wound. 
“As every year, we give those who are completely useless a chance to leave. King Sukuna needs real servants and not stupid dogs.” Along with that announcement, the castle gates opened.
There it was, the door that would lead them to freedom right under their noses. Hearing that, most of them ran towards their escape route, desperate to return home to their loved ones. You took the child in your arms and were about to run away until the thought that the offer was too good to be true settled in your mind. “Those who go in, never come back” you thought. 
“Come on, dear, let's go,” the kind old woman asked you while she pulled you by the arm to escape quickly. 
“If they do this every year, why doesn't anyone come back home?” You asked her. “It's a trap, I can feel it.” The old woman looked at you puzzled at first, but understood your point after processing it for a couple of seconds. She was so blinded by the brilliant exit that she hadn't boasted about it. 
Once the first to escape was about to reach the door, the grille slammed shut. The evil laughter of hundreds of curses echoed through the place like a war chant. In less than a second, a gigantic flock of armored curses began to eat all those who were about to flee. A massacre, desperate screams and blood spraying everywhere. You had never seen anything like it in your life. You knew the curses were evil and ate humans, but you never thought it would be such a disastrous sight. You covered the child’s eyes. The lady covered her face as she realized the hell they had been sent to. 
“Traitor dogs do not deserve to live,” the white-haired person said as soon as no human who had tried to escape was left alive. 
“You were right…” the old woman whispered next to you between silent sobs. 
You looked back at the front of the castle while your eyes were still drowning in tears. The person who was summoning you was glaring at you, as if offended by your mere presence. You looked around, less than half had stayed. The other elders were crying, vomiting and some lucky ones hadn't even turned around to see what was happening. Your arms were shaking from the cold of the morning and the terror that consumed you whole. You squeezed the child against your body to protect it. A little creature was not to blame for being in a place like that. You had to protect him, it was the only way he would have a chance to survive. 
“I congratulate you for surviving the first round. My name is Uraume, and I am the right hand of your king, Sukuna Ryomen,” they introduced themselves in a loud, monotone voice so that we could all hear them. “Next you will introduce yourselves to the king. He will have the final word as to your fate,” they explained before returning to the castle. 
Open fanfic commissions!
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accio-victuuri · 6 months
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this post is connected to the whole cotti drama that i talked about here & here. the brand has since then posted their statement and apologized, and make no mistake, this has nothing to do with cpf and even if they are szd. it’s all about pr damage control and wanting to gain back the loyalty of wyb’s core fans. i wanna say (sadly) this is not something new in c-ent. so/o fandoms do this all the time, they want the “best” for their idol so they throw tantrums and stage boycotts. what a lovely group of people, nope. brands (should) know this. that popular idols bring in their fandom/money, but one misstep can be a huge problem. for example with cotti, they had a collab with dove last year (august 2023) , xz was already endorsing them at the time but wyb wasn’t. so it’s not like this was done out of nowhere. they just did a repeat collab. but we all know the difference now.
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i made a boxiao endorsement cpns post before and consider this as a continuation. cause funnily enough, some so/os started digging up previous “incidents”. thank you for giving us more examples i guess…. 😂😂😂
lemme make a lemonade out of this then!
i will start with this reaction from a passerby because of the hs tag that went on earlier:
There is Cotti downstairs in the company, ever since WYB’s endorsement, there are so many people who buy itevery time. My children also like Dove chocolate.
I saw the hot search today and I was very curious, so I checked 1005. Why can't it be stuck? Isn’t business cooperation normal? Why do fans keep making trouble?
I'm just very curious, so I searched about the product again. WYB and XZ are tied. That’s it! I didn’t know they were in love before!
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LOL OMG HAHAHAHAHAAH IM CRYING 🤣🤣🤣 Please!!! If some people just kept quiet then it would be fine. CPFs are such a small group of people that were only commenting on the collab and buying products. So i don’t know what’s the problem. I understand how some fans are sensitive with how WYB is perceived in relation to XZ. and that they don’t want him to appear like he needs XZ to succeed. but aren’t these toxic fans the very people who should know that it isn’t true? both boys are where they are now because of their own merit.
It’s hilarious cause the normal passerby just found out that WYB and XZ are “in love” lol all because of people over reacting.
These are legit brands doing this. CPNs are for CPFs. you know what, sometimes, so/os are so much better at picking up cues like this 😂😂😂😂
THIS SISTER GAVE EXAMPLES OF WHEN WYB ENDORSED BRANDS USED 10:05. cause apparently, XZ owns this number and time.
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Redmi (p2) posting at 10:05 for the new year greeting and K70, Lowen (p3) doing the same and setting 10:05 as the time for sales to be opened. I already talked about shu uemura in my old post so better refer to that instead. Chanel (p7) selling perfume and how you can customize it, the example on their website is 肖战. i didn’t even know that happened. lol. i’m such a bad cpf. 😅😅😅
let me expound on p6 cause the photo is too small.
it says WYB got stuck at 10:05 card point 9 times.
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so the examples are ariel (bilang), redmi, stride, ping an and then yibo himself. i think the example could the legendary colgate post ( if you know, you know. it’s a big fandom cpn ). and last is richora using 10:05 on their watch. so suspicious lol. must all be connected to XZ! i don’t get it! who is the cpf now??? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
here are some more! this time, XZ brands/magazines trying to associate themselves with WYB by using the time 18 ( yibo ) or 08:05 p3 is crest. p4 is kxz and p5 is zhenguoli.
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next is this one they dug out for GUCCI. it’s a customized tag. dude. why? do people really think this is a backhanded way from GUCCI trying to tie XZ and WYB? lol. This is obviously a CPF who bought from them and wanted that to be on there because they are a customer! Should GUCCI screen that? make sure every single customer doesn’t associate XZ with others? Make it make sense 🤪🤪🤪
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li-ning using a design of someone skateboarding. lol. the brand has had their own street wear and skateboard line for some time now. and then breo japan tagging wyb on their twitter. which is i guess, more of a mistake on whoever their social media person is. they wanted more likes and saw xz and wyb are usually tied together so they added wyb.
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lastly, the game xz was promoting before using 85. and then pokemon x dove collab. which is again — makes me go what??? pokemon is such a huge brand that companies love to collab with. as a cpf, i have boundaries when it comes to cpn, i even have disclaimers but i guess solo fans don’t. everything must be related! 👀
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i guess there are more examples but these are the ones i have been seeing from so/o fans as proof. of what exactly? i don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ coincidences for a lot of these and not an attempt to associate with someone. i can understand why some brands will do it back in 2019, during cql promos, because it was expected and they were actively promoting a show together.
so what are cpfs doing now? well. supporting cotti ( sample video here ) coffee as fans should and enjoying the unintentional candies the solo fans have prepared for us 😌😌😌
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mxlfoydraco · 2 years
do you know any fics where harry is jealous of blaise cause he and draco are really close and/or touchy friends?
Thank u 😩
I can give you jealous Harry in general, adding on to this list Jealous Harry
Jealous Harry
Around You Moves by ignatiustrout (29k)
Harry knew Draco was gay when he invited him to move in. He’s never had a problem with this. So why does he feel so weird about Draco bringing men home all of a sudden?
Here’s The Pencil, Make It Work by ignatiustrout (49k)
Harry thinks “Why is Malfoy working in a coffee shop in muggle London?” is a much simpler question than, “Are you going to accept that auror offer and, if you don’t, what will you do?”
keep it down by warmfoothills (13k)
Malfoy’s an inconsiderately loud roommate and Harry’s over it.
If It Takes All Night by @tackytigerfic (10k)
It’s not the first time Harry’s been the victim of a botched curse (that’s one of the reasons he doesn’t like crowds), but he feels bad that Malfoy had to get caught up in it too. So they’re bonded. That’s ok, they just have to make sure to be touching at all time. No problem. Because Malfoy smells so nice, and has such lovely shiny hair, and his skin is so very warm. But this isn’t going to be a problem for their friendship at all. Is it, Harry?
Modern Love by @tackytigerfic (61k)
Harry Potter, of all people, knows that life isn’t always fair. And no one gets to be happy all of the time. But surely there’s something more—something better—than a rubbish Ministry job, and a lonely old house, and that feeling that everyone out there is doing a better job of living than Harry is. And it really doesn’t seem fair that Draco Malfoy is back in Harry’s life, all of a sudden, and even though he’s wandless, and living with Muggles, and making his mother cry with his lifestyle choices, he’s happy. So what’s he doing right, that Harry isn’t? Because things don’t really change, do they? And if Harry can’t be happy, he’ll settle for a good night’s sleep, some posh antiques, and the opportunity to find out what Malfoy has been up to for all these years. And that’s what starts it all.
Make This Leap by @oflights (118k)
Harry owns a struggling restaurant which is running out of money, and his Head Chef has just handed in notice. He's at a bit of a loss as to what to do until Narcissa Malfoy presents an obvious solution: bring in Draco Malfoy as Chef and part owner. Harry does.
Who we are in the shadows by @quicksilvermaid (99k)
What happens when you’re forced to become the very thing you despise? Ex-Auror Harry Potter, tossed out of the Ministry for something he had no control over, has been looking for a way back to his former life. When he comes across Draco Malfoy in the criminal underbelly of Wizarding London and in need of protection, Harry figures bringing him in to face the Ministry’s justice is his ticket back to everything he’s lost. But nothing is exactly as it seems. Not even Harry himself. And as he gets drawn further and further into Malfoy’s world of honour and deception he finds himself questioning everything he thought he knew—about his childhood nemesis, the Ministry job he misses so much, and most of all, about himself. What happens when you’re forced to see that you were wrong?
Grounds for Divorce by Tepre (122k)
Malfoy finds a coin. Harry finds a letter. A story about histories, a story about families. A story about a lemon tree somewhere in Upper Egypt.
Two of Us by @sorrybutblog (5k)
The gang goes to a gay bar. Or: five times Harry accidentally pretended to be Draco’s boyfriend and one time Draco told him to put out or shut up.
You Know the Feeling by @sorrybutblog (12k)
Harry waits, but the hex never comes. In the mirror, Malfoy’s eyes dip shut, and he lets out a soft sound that goes right through Harry, heat rising in his body, pushing out against his chest. Malfoy turns slowly, careful not to dislodge Harry’s hand. He swallows, Adam's apple bobbing, then speaks, his voice low. “Don’t start something you won’t finish.” *** Harry’s not sure why he’s started hooking up with Malfoy. Boredom, or the heat of the summer, maybe. Whatever it is, it’s nothing too complicated. Right?
He Comes Like a Thunderstorm by @korlaena (140k)
Draco is doing his best to balance the life he wants to live and the life he’s forced to live. He’s nearing the tail-end of a long, post-war probation when Harry Potter crashes back into his life with all the grace of a charging Erumpent, breaking through his carefully constructed rules and routine. Caught up in a whirlwind of sex and lust, Potter unwittingly shows Draco that his life as an Incubus doesn’t have to be as lonely and unfulfilling as he thought, but how long can it last?
Scaredy Cat by GallaPlacidia (53k)
Google drive link by @geesenoises
Draco is cursed and starts uncontrollably turning into a kitten whenever he's stressed. There is, of course, only one logical solution: he must move in with Harry until they figure out how to break the curse.
The Nightmare Club by @diligent-thunder (85k)
Hermione and Ron are going back to Hogwarts to do N.E.W.T.s, Ginny isn't. Harry hasn't decided, until he has, in front of the Wizengamot and now he's responsible for Malfoy as well. A tale of enemies who learn to get along, get it wrong and get it on. Everything is purple, some things are on fire and no-one is sleeping properly. But don't worry, there's tea!
The Arrangement by @thegertie (65k)
It's worked for years. Why change it now?
Under Giant Mountains by @wolfpants (33k)
Harry doesn’t know where he’s going. Everyone else has their life paths figured out; he doesn’t even know where his map is. Who’d have thought Draco Malfoy bathing in a Norwegian forest would be the guidepost Harry needed? In which Harry’s trip to Norway to visit dragon-wrangler Ron introduces him to hikes from hell, mysterious natural magic, foraging, magical bathing, a new and bizarre friendship, and the frustrating, heady allure of his former nemesis turned sexy globetrotting field researcher.
Hook(Up) by @keyflight790 (5k)
Harry wasn't jealous. Not at all. He just wishes his damn assistant would focus on his fucking job rather than flirting with Zabini.
Title of Their Sex Tape by @cibeewastaken (12k)
What are the Wizarding world's most elite law enforcers doing when they aren't catching criminals? It seems Auror Malfoy is often caught throwing food into Auror Potter's mouth when he's mid-yawn. This story isn't about Draco throwing food at Harry. What it does have is: Undercover! Heists! Draco pining for Harry! Harry being oblivious, but also can't help noticing how good Draco smells! Banters and jokes! That's about it.
Graceless Heart by @orange-peony (132k)
Harry is lost and broken after the war. He has gone to countless funerals, broken up with Ginny, moved back into Grimmauld Place—which feels darker and dirtier than ever before despite how much he tries to fix it. He feels lonely and desperate, but he won’t ask for help, and he still can’t cry. When he agreed to help the Aurors at Malfoy Manor over the summer, he thought that he would be breaking dark curses. Harry never thought that he would actually spend his days sorting out dusty books with Draco Malfoy, or teaching him how to cook. Little by little, as they begin to navigate their life post-war, Harry and Draco become intimate…in more ways than Harry could have ever expected.
Two to Lie and One to Listen by @fluxweeed (84k)
It’s weird when Hermione announces that she and Ron have broken up. It’s weirder when this is followed by the revelation that she’s already moved on—and the new object of her affections is Draco Malfoy. Things only get worse from there.
All the Small Things by @bafflinghaze (12k)
Harry didn't know why, but when he saw Ginny and Draco together being so friendly, he had these feelings that he just couldn't understand.
Time Will Tell by @digthewriter (6k)
Harry needed a place to crash and hide, Draco provided that and eventually, he provided more than just a sofa to sleep on. Harry found a way to Draco's bed, but will he ever be able to find his way into Draco's heart?
Constellation Prize by @andithiel (12k)
Harry’s been pining for his friend and Auror partner for almost a year. But despite what his friends say, he and Draco aren't an old married couple...Draco has a boyfriend, there's no way he'd ever be interested. Right?
Break-Up Sex by @gracerene (2k)
Harry doesn't miss the bond, but he does miss Draco.
Head in the Game by @samyistrying (16k)
Harry and Malfoy shagged. But it’s fine, Harry doesn’t have feelings for him or anything. Yet he isn’t too thrilled when Malfoy gets hired as a Sports Therapist for Harry’s team – Puddlemere United. Of course, he gives massages. And of course, Harry has to bear witness to Malfoy making player after player groan in pleasure.
The Matchmaker's Spell by @kbrick (20k)
Thanks to a spell cast over all of wizarding Britain, Draco is forced to marry Harry Potter, who still hates him. But Draco refuses to live a cold, sexless existence, choosing to fill the emptiness in his life and his bed with a parade of lovers. And while Harry may not be able to stand Draco, he despises seeing him with anyone else.
Historians by @oknowkiss (29k)
It’s the Dumbledore’s Army Reunion Holiday, and Harry’s found himself in hot water with his friends once again, after telling them he has a boyfriend he definitely does not have. In an attempt to fix things, he’s made it his colleague on Level Nine, Draco Malfoy’s problem too. Featuring a ski chalet in Switzerland, a pair of bunk beds, and an agreement that should’ve been simple, were it not for all the bloody feelings getting in the way.
Intention by @the-sinking-ship (6k)
Harry really ought to listen to whatever Ron is saying, but it becomes impossible to focus when a familiar figure across the pub curls his fingers around another man’s tie. And when that man leans in with a wolfish smile, Harry sees red, and all he can think is mine.
Peeking behind the Curtain by @wellhalesbells (23k)
Draco sees things he really, really wishes he didn't. If only to get out of all the homework that comes with it.
Take the Air by dysonrules (51k)
Someone or something is attacking Muggles and leaving them for dead. Auror Harry Potter is assigned to the case, but with his usual partner unavailable, he is stuck with the most annoying Auror ever to walk the halls of the Ministry.
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soulofapatrick · 1 year
Birthday Surprises - Pedro Pascal x Reader
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Summary: Oscar gives you the task to distract Pedro so they can break into his  apartment and set it up for a surprise birthday party - both you and Pedro get more than you planned for
Words: 2.4K
Warnings: none I think
My heart pounds in my chest as I knock on Pedro’s door, Oscar having given me his address with one specific detail: get Pedro out of the house by 1pm and keep him out until 6pm. It’s his birthday and we want to surprise him with a small gathering, knowing he’s been stressed recently with The Mandalorian and The Last of Us press tours and the fans wanting to know his every move. 
Before I can have any doubts about this the door swings open and a very sleepy Pedro appears. He looks fucking amazing in just his shorts and a loose lakers tee shirt, fluffy hair standing up in all different directions as if he’s just run his hands through it. He seems to light up when he sees me, the frown slipping from his soft features as he ushered me in. The door shutting with a soft click and he’s herding me to the kitchen where I see a massive stack of pancakes ready to slide off the plate. 
“Happy Birthday Pepsi,” I laugh softly, turning to face him and pull him into a hug. I’m not much of a hugger but Pedro… I will never say no to a Pedro hug. His chest rumbles with laughter as he wraps his strong arms around my shoulders and rocks us on the spot as he presses a smiled kiss to my temple. I don’t know how long we stand there but we only separate when Pedro suddenly lets me go with a cry of ‘save the pancakes’ and I’m just watching him race around the island and steady the pile with one fatality. 
He’s laughing and pointing towards a cupboard for me to get another plate, “Come on sweetheart, we’ll share the birthday pancakes. I made too many for myself anyway!” 
“Alright but I have an afternoon planned for us and you can’t say no.” I shoot back, grabbing another plate and helping Pedro dish out the pancakes before both plates get placed on the island. He buzzed around the kitchen, grabbing all sorts of things like whipped cream; sugar; lemon juice and syrup before joining me, “That’s a lot of sugar.” 
“It’s my birthday.” He grins around a mouthful of pancake and whipped cream, bright and bubbly like a child. I can’t keep the fond smile off my lips, shaking my head fondly at him as he giggles. Fuck me he’s so cute and I wish this was everyday life for me, getting to wake up and have breakfast everyday with him and be able to kiss the bit of whipped cream from the corner of his mouth but this isn’t my life. I’m just here to help a few friends out and before I can stop myself I’m swiping the cream from his lips, going to wipe it on my jeans when those very same lips wrap around my thumb and his tongue darts over the pad of it before he’s pulling back with a ‘pop’ and a cheeky grin, “I’ll go get dressed.” 
Despite being spring the breeze was still cold and harsh, rustling hair and tugging at our coats that are tightly wrapped around ourselves. Pedro is telling me how last year he had a quiet birthday with his family who came to visit him and he made them a traditional chilean meal, it was apparently his mother’s favourite meal. My hand found his when he told me that, the sadness in his voice evident despite how hard he’s trying to hide it, gently squeezing his large hand comfortingly and getting that softest smile in return. 
I had definitely had reservations about becoming an actress when I had seen how pompous and self-centred they could be, scared I would end up just like them but I quickly found my group of people who I couldn’t live without. I met Pedro through Oscar Isaac after being an extra in Star Wars, not sure why Oscar decided to become my friend but here we are now years later. I owe a lot to Oscar as he got me my role as Bobbi Morse aka Mockingbird in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and it was my breakout role really. I wouldn’t be where I am right now, having worked with major stars I could only have dreamt working for, and currently walking along side the most humble and warmhearted celeb I have ever met. 
Pedro is currently eyeing up a cafe across the street from us, eyes flicking between the cafe and me with his bottom lip jutted out in a pout and his honey eyes all wide and innocent as he flutters his eyelashes at me. A simple look would have gotten me to say yes but what he’s doing in making me weak at the knees so I just fake sigh and pull him towards the cafe, hearing the triumphant sound he lets out. 
The coffee shop is a cozy haven tucked away on a quiet street corner. Pedro moving closer to me in excitement as we step inside, the sweet aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling my senses, instantly calming me. The shop fills with natural light streaming through the large windows, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere and none of that fake brightness lightbulbs give in quaint places like this.
The walls are adorned with local artwork and framed photographs, giving the space a personal touch. The wooden floors creaking underfoot, adding to the charm of the place. The furniture is an eclectic mix of cozy armchairs, wooden tables, and benches that looked like they had been there for decades. Behind the counter, a barista greets us with a smile, ready to take our order. The menu written on a chalkboard, which I take the time to look art despite knowing exactly what Pedro and I will have to drink. We get the same things every time so I go ahead and order.
“Hey! Could we get a caramel macchiato and an iced quad espresso with extra ice and six shots please.” I tell him and he raises an eyebrow at Pedro’s six extra shots but a warm smile replaces it when he sees Pedro staring at the pastries and small cakes with his face and hands practically pressed to the glass. It catches me off guard as it’s the smile you give a couple when you see them do something cute and deeply romantic. I should correct him and tell him he’s wrong but instead I add to my order. “Could you add two caramel doughnuts to that.” and I don’t regret it when Pedro’s face lights up even more. 
Pedro is practically bouncing on the spot as we wait for the coffee and doughnuts, watching the barista prepare them with such love and care while I scan the cafe, It’s quiet and calm with the only other occupants being a group of friends huddled together in a corner, chatting and laughing and a couple sat across the cafe, lost in conversation. The sound of clinking cups and spoons fill the air as I thank the barista and grab our cups while Pedro practically snatches up the doughnuts, having already taken a bite out of one of them before we can sit down. 
“Mmmmm, so fucking good, we - me and you -“ He waves a hand between us, almost knocking his coffee over, “We are coming here very often.” 
“I can get behind that.” I agree as I take my first sip of my macchiato. It’s the best macchiato I’ve tried, the rich and complex flavours making me groan lightly into my cup and I don’t miss the way Pedro’s honey eyes sparkle with amusement. It’s too damn good to care, I’ve made my fair share of coffees as a barista before I became an actor and no way have I ever been able to make one this good. The smooth and velvety texture of the steamed milk adds a layer of creaminess that beautifully balances the espresso's bitterness. It is like a dance between the two flavours, with each one complementing the other perfectly. But the real star of the show is the caramel syrup. It is sweet and slightly nutty in flavour which adds such a warm and decadent sweetness that lingered on my taste buds. 
“You’re making out with that coffee.” Pedro smirks and I’m spluttering. 
“Just because I have actual coffee and not six shots of hyper,” I retort, sticking my tongue out at him, “Whatever this barista has done it’s really fucking good. Like a fucking work of art, a symphony of flavours perfectly crafted and blended to make this-“ 
“You’re cute when you nerd out. You know so much about coffee.” 
“I was a barista before I became an actor.” 
The afternoon continues like that, Pedro and I finding topics to discuss or bicker over but each of us avoiding the topic of our shows and movies. We have an agreement that we talks about normal things, like we aren’t famous or noticeable. Pedro tells me all about his family and I always listen intently as they’re such great people and he seems so close to them it makes me a little jealous as I broke a lot of bonds with my parents when I became an actress. I think out of everyone in his family I would love to meet Lux as she is crafted by the gods themselves and she just seems such a strong and passionate woman with a lot to say and no fear in saying it. She seems dedicated to what she does and seeing pictures and videos of her and Pedro I can see an unbreakable bond that I can’t wait to see in person if Pedro would ever allow me. 
I had told Pedro about my parents and how they had reacted badly to it all. My dad wanted me to become a machine and sit at a desk doing a nine to five job until I get old and die. My dad kicked me out while my mum had shook her head and let me pack my bags, not knowing that I had sent a message to my older brother. My brother had become my pillar of support and Pedro had sat there with pain in his eyes and a hurt look on his face when I had told him everything. He  had promised me that he would always be there for me and I could always find him if needs be which really solidified the growing feeling I have towards him. 
We were on our second round of drinks when my phone buzzes with a message from Oscar. 
‘Mission birthday boy is go.’ 
Then another comes through before I can text back, shielding my phone from Pedro despite the small pout on the older man’s lips as I never hide my phone from him, I could never as I have nothing to hide from the man I am head over heels for but right now Oscar needs me to be secretive. 
‘That means get your asses here now.’
‘Be there in 10.’ 
Pedro turns his key in the lock and swings the door open to darkness. He frowns at me, raising an eyebrow in question as we step inside but I stay silent, seeing the smallest amount of movement as I shut the door. As soon as the door clicks shut the room lights up and erupts with cries of “SURPRISE!” 
The birthday boy lets out a shriek of surprise before accepting the hug Oscar pulls him into, the pair laughing and hugging. I think they probably would have stayed like that for longer if Sarah hadn’t wrangled Pedro out of Oscar's arms. All I can do is watch: the apartment filled with weighed down balloons; birthday banners strung up and a small feast of food spread out upon the kitchen island while Oscar joins me leaning against the wall by the door. 
“You did good,” He bumps my shoulder and I laugh softly, taking the beer he’s holding out and leaning my head on his shoulder. There’s not many people here, around 25, and they’re all giving their birthday wishes to Pedro who is practically bouncing off the walls with excitement. I can’t stop the fond smile as he is so happy, eyes sparkling and hands flailing excitedly while Oscar turns his head and presses a kiss to my hair before mumbling, “There’s a surprise for you too.”
“For me?” I frown up at him but I don’t get to pry more when Pedro makes his way back over, a grin so wide I think his face may split into two. He pulls me away from Oscar who takes my beer from me, shrugging with fake innocence when Pedro stops us by the floor to ceiling windows he has in his top floor apartment. His large and soft hands slide up my arms, stopping when they’re cupping my jaw. 
“You organised this for me?” His voice is low and gentle, eyes wide in awe and I go to protest but I realise what Oscar meant so I just nod, scared to see his next move. His ducks his head a little, nose bumping mine a little and I can’t stop the squeal of surprise when his nose is cold and the feel of his warm breath ghosting my face is almost overwhelming. My heart jackhammers in my chest, my eyes slipping shut at the first brush of his pillowy lips in mine. It’s a gentle kiss, full of tenderness and love, nearly knocking me off my feet and how he can make it feel like nothing else matters as I melt into his embrace. It’s just him and me, lost in the passion that comes with a first kiss. 
But the cheering and whooping brings me back to reality, my face heating up and I’m hiding in Pedro’s shirt as he chuckles. Mixture of emotions fill my chest: excitement, nervousness and a rush of adrenaline. His heart is racing just as fast as mine, a small moment of pure intimacy despite the many people observing our interactions. The hug is long and lingering, and as we pull away, I look up into his warm honey eyes and see a mix of emotions there as well. It’s like we both know that something special had just happened between us, and we are both feeling the weight of the moment, knowing we’re in this together and all of our friends couldn’t be happier for us. 
“Happy Birthday Pepsi.” 
“Best birthday present mi cariño.” 
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atom-writings · 5 months
tangerine with an autistic s/o
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0.7k words ~ gender neutral headcanons
tw: mention of ableism and subsequent violence
a/n: its my account i write what i want
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Being somewhere on the neurodivergent spectrum himself (don’t @ me,) along with his brother being autistic, it’s unlikely that Tangerine would end up with someone neurotypical anyway.
Constantly nicks you stim toys. It’s like a challenge to him since they’re usually bright and loud somehow.
He finds it so cute when you miss social cues, but he’d never say anything about it to you. He knows it can be embarrassing, and he doesn’t mind explaining what people mean.
He’s endlessly paranoid about the people he loves, so expect constant check-ins. Whenever you’re in public, he likes to hold your hand tight so he knows you’re safe (which is so, so nice when you’re in a crowd.)
When you’re on the verge of going non-verbal or having a meltdown, he notices immediately and gets you out of there. If anyone tries to say anything, he doesn’t even give them the time to do so.
“An’ who are you now? Nobody, tha’s right, fuck off.”
Whenever you talk about your special interests, he pretends he isn’t interested. He’ll sigh and make stupid snarky comments, but if you look closely, you can tell he’s still smiling a little. In reality, he doesn’t mind.
“Right, calm down luv, it’s really not tha’ big of a deal,”
“It’s a big deal to me!”
He sighs heavily and leans back in his chair before speaking again, “An’ by extension… me, now?”
“Yes!” Your ecstatic expression makes him groan, but he still has to cover his mouth to hide his smile.
But still, you might not notice he was really listening until he offhandedly makes a comment that only someone who had been paying crazy close attention would know. 
He might even know things you don’t, just because he comes to associate whatever you love with you. It comforts him to engage with your interests when you’re separated.
As you already know, Tangerine is a prickly person. Normally, he’s quite prone to anger and fits; but with you, he does his best to always remain level-headed. He doesn’t want to hurt you, especially he knows how sensitive you can be to anger. But he can’t help it sometimes. He’d never yell at you, at least. Anything too harsh is apologized for quickly. 
He’s working on it. You are one of the two most important people in his life, after all.
Speaking of which, expect to spend a lot of time with Lemon. Especially at the beginning of your relationship. He’s very nervous to make the wrong move and scare you off, and knowing that Lemon (also autistic) is there makes him worry a lot less. 
Generally, he doesn’t take criticism very well… especially when it comes to his behaviour… but he does try to be as receptive as he can when you’re the one criticising him.
Ableists get the shit beat out of them. Every time. Without fail. He will not stop this even when you ask. Although, if it makes you cry seeing him do that, he might stop himself early just so he can take you home and comfort you. 
Making you cry is the ultimate sin to him.
Even more “extreme” stims and tics don’t bother him. He just tends to tune them out like he does anything else.
He also might be even more vigilant about bringing along your comfort/accessibility items. Before you leave the house, he grabs you by the shoulder and checks you have everything. Again, paranoid.
Along with that, he may be a little infantilizing sometimes. He wants to always be by your side to make sure you’re alright, which can become… frustrating.
Like yes, it’s nice that he wants to drive you everywhere so you don’t have to worry about driving yourself or taking public transportation, but also you’re perfectly capable of doing those things by yourself (or if you’re not, I guess he’s just your knight in shining armour.)
If you’re otherwise incapable of doing some things, like speaking or cooking or whatever, he really doesn’t mind doing them for you. It makes him feel even more like your protector, which makes him so, so happy. As long as you pay him in affection, he won’t complain.
Actually, that’s not true. He complains about everything. But you’ll quickly learn what is “real” complaining, and what is just him being like that.
“Sweetheart, I wan’ you to know tha’ if anyone ever said anythin’ about you tha’s like- rude, in any way, I woul’ personally blow their brains out, understand?”
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