#when i say i think about my story every 20 minutes i am NOT joking sjkfjsd
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softpine · 2 years ago
ahh hello! to satiate my insanity will u please answer some of my questions about your sims? i personally would love to know more about them, for example, do any of your sims have any small details/quirks that we are unaware of? like, lisps? stutters? do they walk really fast? waddle? limp? do they secretly have 6 toes? 3 nipples? do they believe in a certain superstition? ,etc. i must know pls 😔
ohhh i love these questions!! thank you so much for asking 💖 i'm just going to list them in random order as they pop into my brain fjksjds
casper has suffered many concussions which have caused him problems such as spacing out randomly and aphasia (difficulty translating thoughts into words), though that usually only happens now when he's stressed. it doesn't put a huge strain on his daily life, but it does freak him out whenever it happens.
caroline used to be able to cartwheel, but now she only attempts it when she's drunk. she's successful about 50% of the time.
asa talks to himself constantly. even before he started speaking to finn or other ghosts, he has always kept a running commentary for himself out loud. it's why most people at school think he's weird and don't try to talk to him :(
finn loved journaling when he was alive, and he used to write notes in the margins of books constantly. now that he can't really do that (he can write, but it would take more effort than it's worth), he also talks out loud. he did it even before asa was able to hear him (he was basically using asa as his journal lol). they really just... complete each other.
this will actually come up later, but jada thinks entirely in images rather than having an internal monologue, which explains why she loves painting & reading, because she can see it all clearly. elaine is the complete opposite; it's difficult for her to even conjure up vague mental images if she tries.
unsurprisingly, danny sings/hums to himself constantly. he's always making up silly songs especially for kids (this one is actually canon). the only problem is that he makes no effort to sound good when he's just goofing off, so he really just annoys the shit out of people.
beth does so much yoga that she's like constantly sitting in weird, seemingly impossible positions. and if she's standing, you can bet that she's taking the opportunity to stretch or do wall sits. she doesn't even notice she's doing it.
stevie's brain works faster than her mouth so she's constantly tripping up on words. as a result, it sometimes sounds like she has a lisp.
mikaela is a super fast walker, mostly because she's a nurse and she always has to be somewhere fast. but it's funny to watch her HUSTLE through the grocery store for no reason.
one of coco's front teeth is fake because she got her tongue pierced when she was a teenager and she didn't wait for it to heal before biting into a piece of candy and chipping the hell out of her tooth. but she kept the piercing at the behest of her dentist lol
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justkending · 2 years ago
It's just a hobby. (Drabble)
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Summary: You took up a new hobby, and Dean likes to poke and tease you for it, but you feel the need to seek a little revenge for the constant joking. 
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 3300+
A/N: I started this during the summer when I started five different crocheting projects (ADHD carried my summer hobbies) and decided to finish it before school started back up. I am currently still writing Found Memories, but I have to put a pause on it as the first month of school tends to take a lot of my time away from hobbies like writing… I’m moving to teach 8th-grade English this year and could use all the energy you’re all willing to send my way! Anyway, I hope you enjoy this short story, and I’m happy to have the inspiration to write for Dean again :)
(Also, this is the closest to smut I think I've ever written...)
“Seriously?” Dean grumbled as he looked in the rearview mirror seeing me pulling yarn to untangle a knot I had created. 
Knowing where he was going with his normal banter, I just laughed and continued to focus on the craft in front of me. 
“I pulled this out like 20 minutes ago. How are you just now noticing?”
“I’m watching the road,” he argued, and I rolled my eyes. As always, he had been sneaking glances to the back of the cab at me every other minute. “The hunt wasn’t even 40 minutes away from the bunker. Why did you bring that?” 
“Why do you listen to the same three Led Zeppelin songs when you're upset about a hunt?” I countered, and he opened his mouth to disagree, but I answered for him to skip the sarcastic conversation brewing. “Comfort Dean. It’s all about comfort.”
“Why are you so weirded out by a normal hobby?” Sam jumped in, smirking, and sporting one of the many beanies I had made him with said hobby, which he had come to love. He looked down at a newspaper in his lap, no doubt already scoping out a new hunt. 
“It’s not-” Dean stumbled on his answer. “I’m not weirded out by it. It’s just not a hobby I imagine someone like Y/N taking up.” 
“You just described why you’re weirded out by it,” Sam looked at him with a blank stare. 
He ignored him and rolled his eyes. 
“What kind of people do you imagine the crocheting community to be full of?” I smiled, still looking down at my hands and knowing his answer already. 
“Grandmas,” he replied almost immediately. 
“Hmm,” I hummed as if surprised by his confession, even if it was wrong. “Well, if that’s the case, I’ll stop wasting my talents on things for you.” 
I could see his eyes shoot up in the mirror and a look of regret ghost over his green orbs. 
Dean liked to make a big deal about this particular hobby I had started up a little over six months ago. I think a part of him just liked to tease me about it, but deep down, I knew he was proud of my growth. He was just bad at voicing it.
The first things I ever crocheted were just simple squares in different stitch work to learn a variety of them better. Those squares became washcloths and, surprisingly, were still used daily in the kitchen. 
I learned to make bags, socks, hats, sweaters, stuffed animals, and even a few blankets. 
“Just 30 minutes ago, you took down five security guards, wrestled three teenage vampires, and booby-trapped half of his nest. Now you’re crocheting a sweater for Charlie that says, ‘What’s up bitches?’ in the backseat. Mind you, with blood still smeared on your face,” he raised an eyebrow at me in the mirror. 
I looked up and leaned toward the front to get a better look at myself. 
“Oh, shit, I thought I got it all,” I groaned, seeing a smear on the side of my face I must have missed. 
“It doesn’t add up,” he shook his head, but I could see a joking smile on his lips. 
“Much to your surprise Dean, girls can have more than one personality trait. I know you boys are all, ‘Ugh, monsters! Kill, kill, kill! I need a scotch in my hand and The God Father playing on loop in the background to show how manly I-’
“Hey,” Sam cut me off and looked at me with his sad puppy dog eyes. “I’m on your side.”
“You’re right… You also like to read and share fun facts,” I winked, touseling his hair and getting a scoff of a laugh as he swatted my hand away. “See how hurtful it can be when you forget our brains have the capacity to do more than one thing?” I turned back to Dean with my arms crossed on the bench seat in front of me. 
“I don’t think you're incapable of having more than one interest in life; I just think it’s interesting that you chose a 90-year-old women's side gig as your hobby,” Dean countered, pulling into the garage. 
“Well, if you can’t appreciate it, then you can’t have the gifts my hard work creates,” I huffed, gathering my things and sliding back to the door as Dean parked the car.
Once the car was in park, I was the first out. I wasn’t actually mad at him, I was a hundred percent messing with him, but he deserved it for teasing me this long about it when I knew he loved everything I had made him this far. 
He had a favorite blanket that he preferred to sleep with now. He had a nice sweater he wore around the bunker when he was cold. He had a few pairs of socks he preferred over store-bought ones. He even had a miniature plush Batman figurine that sat on his desk that I had learned to crochet just for him.
“Y/N, you don’t mean that!” he called after me, standing in the door on the driver's side of the Impala and shouting over the roof of it where I was walking inside. 
“We'll find out soon,” I yelled back, never turning around. 
The next three days, I teased him like he had me about this whole ordeal, but in my own way. 
When we were cooking in the kitchen or doing dishes, if he grabbed one of the squares that now acted as our kitchen hand towels, I would steal it from his hands and say, “Sorry, merchandise can only be used by those who value it.” 
With which he would respond, “Wait! I need that!” with his hands drenched in water after washing his hands. 
Just for extra measure, I took all the towels and moved them to a new place only Sam and I knew. He was happy to join in on my little prank, and every time he had one, he made sure Dean saw him with it. 
“Where did you get that?” Dean would jump up from wherever he was and march over to him to try and steal it. 
“Only the VIP customers have access to these,” Sam would wave it above his head out of reach of Dean. 
Another time, after a hunt, it was freezing in our motel room, where the heater barely worked, and the hotel didn't have enough blankets. Luckily I had one packed in the trunk of Baby, and I used it for extra coverage.
Even though Dean and I shared a bed, I wrapped it around me as I slept and said, “Sucks that you hate this so much, or else I’d share with you…”
He stared at me with complete annoyance when I gave him an exaggerated “Oh well” face before stealing it all for myself. 
I did, however, wake up to sharing it, but only because he had stolen it, and I was too tired to fight him about it.
I think one of my favorite times I rebuked him of his privileges was when he was wearing a pair of socks I had made him for Christmas around the house. I may have gotten a little more intense than I needed to, but the look on his face made it worth it.
He had come into the movie room to binge a few episodes of a new series I got him hooked on, and after he called me in to watch with him, I noticed the specific socks he had on. 
I grinned once my brain had formulated a plan to make him regret ever giving me hell for a hobby he obviously loved himself.
“Claire said there was a show called Love Island we should watch. I have no clue what it’s about, but she said it was popular and what the kids are watching now,” Dean conversed as he grabbed the remote from the table and stood with a blanket (not one of mine, as I had relocated all of them so he couldn’t find them) around his shoulders. 
He was in the perfect position for my plan. 
I walked over and, instead of facing the TV, stood right in front of him and looked up at him. 
“You know what we could do?” I whispered in a low and sultry voice, bringing my hand up to his chest and inching my fingers up to the collar of his t-shirt before pulling at it gently. His eyes instantly darkened, and he was frozen in his place. 
“Wh-What, uh, what can we do?” he stammered out. Even after three years of dating, he still got nervous. I loved it. 
“I think you know what,” I said, tiptoeing upward to quietly say in his ear, bringing my hand from his chest to the back of his neck, softly pulling him closer to me. 
“I think I have an idea,” he replied more confidently, immediately bringing his free hand to my waist and squeezing it. 
I could have faltered there, but I held strong. I was going to make him pay for all his little ‘grandma’ jokes he had sent my way the last few months. 
I pulled back, sending him a smirk that I knew revved him up. He returned it with his own and started leaning down, forgetting his grip on the blanket and remote. Now both of his hands sat on my hips with a stronghold. 
Before he could lean down any further, I pushed him backward harshly on the couch, and at first, he was shocked, then he was excited. 
Slouched into the cushion, looking up at me, his tongue came out to lick his lips and ended with a bite to his lower lip as he eyed me up and down as I stood over him. 
“Dear God, Y/N,” he hummed under his breath. 
I guess it helped that I was wearing some of my shorter PJ shorts, ones he had told me were his favorites, and a shirt that was cropped and slightly falling off my shoulder.
He had a thing for me being in a disheveled manner like this. Reminded him of how I looked after we fucked around, and he held pride knowing he played a part in the kind of glow I gave off. 
I wasn’t sure how long I could do this without failing myself on the original mission. I came here to fuck with him, and now he was the fucker. Or at least he was going to be if I didn’t follow through with my plan in the next minute. 
“You know, you should be happy you were by the couch,” I smiled, stepping to him and strategically bringing my legs to straddle his hips teasingly. 
His breath hitched at that, and I knew I had regained the upper hand. 
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?” he hummed as he admired my hands pressing into his chest as I leaned in, bringing myself closer to him. 
“I was about to take you wherever I found you,” I whispered, looking him dead in the eyes with a soft smile. I looked him up and down and bit the inside of my cheek. That seemed to trigger his hands back to my hips instantly. This time a much more possessive lock on them. 
“I don’t know where this is coming from, but I can’t complain,” he said lowly, and I knew he was hooked. Now it was time for revenge. 
“Can I ask you a question?” I hummed, running my finger lightly over his hair down to his jaw, using the tip of it to push his chin up so I could see his eyes better. 
“Please,” he buzzed, drunk with lust. 
“Hmm,” I hummed, smiling more, dropping my gaze to his lips, then back at his eyes where he was drowning in dopamine by our current position. “Those socks you have on?” He didn’t catch on immediately and just furrowed his eyes as he processed what I asked. “They look familiar.” 
I leaned back from my seat, still straddling his hips, but not with nearly as much pressure as before. 
“What-” Dean started, but it dawned on him mid-thought. His eyes went from ready to tear my clothes off to annoyed realization. “Seriously.” 
“What?” I feigned ignorance and stood up, repositioning myself between his legs, both hands on his knees as I looked at him and leaned over. 
He couldn’t tell which way this was going for him, and that was the point. I was still winning this little game. 
I eased myself lower, squatting with my knees going into the couch and in between his thighs. My hands went flat on his knees and slowly started working up his thighs. 
“I can’t tell what you’re doing here, Y/N,” he said in a breathy voice. I watched as he tried to control himself, looking up away from me but not being able to help react to my hands on him. 
“I’m not doing anything,” I said in a voice that made him lower his nervous wandering eyes back to me. The amount of green in his eyes disappeared slowly. 
“You’re teasing me,” he said shortly as if he was worried his voice would tremble if he didn’t get it out quickly. 
“Maybe, maybe not,” I shrugged with a pursed lip before bringing my hands slowly back down his legs. 
“You’re mad at me,” he stuttered the last word when my hands worked their way back up, but further up than before.
“Now, why would you think that?” I tutted, shaking my head with an exaggerated look of hurt. 
All he could do was take a slow, deep breath in as I tilted my head and smiled devilishly at him.
“Don’t what?”
“Don’t play innocent.” 
I grinned.
“You and I both know I’m far from that…” My tone was darker than before but in a seductive and tempting manner. 
He couldn’t hold back anymore. He shot up from his slouched position and leaned forward, grabbing my forearms in his hands and pulling me up in his lap with his nose mere inches from my own. 
“If your goal was to make me suffer, you won,” he whispered so quietly; if I wasn't this close, I wouldn't have heard it. He tilted his head up just enough for our noses to brush before pulling back. 
“Keep it together, girl… Keep it fucking together,” I repeated in my head. 
“Did I? Or am I just getting started?” I snarked, and that caused the new grip on my thigh to tighten, and I almost groaned at the pressure. 
“Don’t start a war you can’t win,” he smirked, feeling as though he possessed the power. 
Two can play that game. 
I smiled, bringing my free hand up and tracing it behind his ear before wrapping it slowly around the back of his neck. I brought his face closer to mine but stopped right when I could feel the brush of his lips. 
Our chests were pressed into each other, and I could feel his heart rate pick up. Perfect. 
I nudged our noses again and smiled as his eyes closed, and he naturally and lazily chased my lips. 
I rocked my hips in a measured manner, placed perfectly in the middle of his lap, and he sucked in a breath at the friction.
“Women don’t start wars. They finish them,” I whispered before promptly standing up and, in a swift motion, yanking the socks he had on off and walking to the exit. 
“Y/N!” I could hear his shout from the couch from where I knew he was with a full hard-on, unable to move just yet. 
“This granny is going to bed!” I shouted, speed-walking to my room in case he decided to run after me. 
“You little-!” the shout still seemed far behind me, and I quickly shut my bedroom door and locked it. 
Thankfully, I think I left him incapacitated for a second, and he didn’t follow me immediately. 
I actually didn’t hear from him for the rest of the night. I hoped I didn’t upset him, but also, the whole reason I had done what I had was because he had become a little ass about my favorite hobby. I don’t mind the jokes, but after a while, you want a pat on the back for learning something new. Especially from someone you care about. 
I went ahead and did my normal nighttime routine and got into bed before I started to read a book. I must have dozed off while reading because I woke up to the lights out, my book on the end table, and Dean crawling into the other side of the bed. 
Before I could say anything, his arms came around my waist, and he pulled me to his core. He was in his boxers and one of his soft t-shirts I made him wear to bed. 
For the record, I was perfectly fine with him in no shirt (or pants, for that matter), but when he did wear a shirt, I made him put on a certain kind cause his band and certain graphic tee ones were itchy on me when we cuddled. 
He took a deep sigh and nuzzled his face into the crevice between my neck and shoulder, one of his favorite places. 
“Why’d you lock your door?” he asked, already knowing I had woken up. 
He had definitely picked the lock.
“I thought you were going to hunt me down, and I forgot to unlock it,” I replied sleepily. 
There was silence for a minute, and eventually, he spoke up, whispering in my ear his apology. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“Why?” I sighed with a winning grin he couldn't see, knowing why but playing coy anyway. 
“I’m sorry I haven’t told you how much I appreciate your brain,” he answered. 
That was not what I expected, but I was intrigued. 
“Hmmm,” I smiled, moving my hands to his that were wrapped around my ribs and nuzzling my backside closer to him. “Don’t stop now; you’re on a roll.” 
He laughed and invited my attempt to fit into him like a puzzle piece.
“You’re ambitious with everything you want to learn to do, and I don’t tell you enough how much of a turn-on that is,” he hummed, rubbing his head into mine and peppering a kiss on my neck here and there. “And I know you know how much I love the skills you gain, but sometimes I’m bad about just saying how impressive you are to me.” 
“You like my crocheting skills, Winchester,” I chuckled, turning my body to face him now and throwing one of my legs over his hips, pulling back in some. “Just say it.” 
“I love your crocheting skills,” he replied with a wide grin and brought a hand up to move the stray hairs that fell on my face. “I love your baking and cooking. I love your impressive TV show-binging skills. I love the random facts you have stored in that beautiful brain of yours. I love your surprisingly nerdy side of Marvel and superheroes. I love your attempt at being a gardener.”
“Hey, I have three plants that are thriving right now!” I argued, poking a finger in his chest, which he grabbed and kissed the tip of. 
“I love everything you’re passionate about,” he finished off. “I don’t tell you enough, and sometimes I like to see that face you give me when I tease you.” I gave him a look. “Maybe more than sometimes… But! I do love all those things and more about you, Y/N.” 
“I don’t doubt it,” I replied, scooting in closer. “But it is nice to hear it from those captivating lips of yours.” 
We started smiling at each other, and I couldn’t help but feel a little guilty about earlier. 
“I’m sorry I teased you,” I sighed, moving to where I was embedded in his chest, and he wrapped himself back around me. 
“Don’t be. I deserved it,” he replied, chin on my head before he bent down and kissed the top of it. “I will say, though, I’ve never been mad about seeing that side of you.” 
“What side?” I looked up at him. 
“Don’t act like you didn’t know what you were doing,” he chuckled, pulling my head back to him. 
“Yeah, you’re right,” I agreed after a minute. “Hey.”
“You’re my favorite person. You know that, right?” 
“Feelings are very much mutual,” he answered, caressing a hand up and down my back. 
“Good. I’d have to kill you with one of my knitting needles if you said otherwise. Who said needleworking wasn’t dangerous, right?”
My Lovelies Forever:
@natura1phenomenon @lauravicente​ @kakakatey @traceyaudette @notyourtypicalrose  @laneygthememequeen @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @sandlee44 @thorne93 @thefaithfulwriter @marvelfansworld @essie1876 @greyeyedsmile14 @capsiclehan  @xostephanie @averyrogers83 @awesomenursingstudent @gh0stgurl @cs-please @carls1022 @jjlevin @rainbowkisses31 @carls1022 @anise-d-castle6 @deannotmoose @their-bibliophile @kitkatd7 @willowbleedsonpaper @mariaenchanted @snffbeebee @couldabeenamermaid @rebekahdawkins @alyispunk @drakelover78 @caruhleener
Supernatural Tags:
@flamencodiva @hobby27 @sucker-for-dean @deans-baby-momma @squirrelgirl67 @death-unbecomes-you @snffbeebee @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @spnbaby-67 @akshi8278 @musiclovinchic93 @vicmc624 @carryon-doctor-lock @perpetualabsurdity @herscrunchiehairtie @spnwoman @shamelesslydean @monkeymcpoopoo @winchestergirl82 @luciathewinchestergirl @deansyahtzee @thatgirl1456 @sucker-for-dean @atomicloverdonkeyperson @screechingartisancashbailiff @akshi8278 @supernatural3002
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icarustypicalfall · 1 year ago
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how cod men would use their phones
this is my first time doing head canons lmao if its bad just forget it 😭 i tried to be realistic but that was extremely dump lmaoo
warnings: none, totally sfw and maybe funny? 😀
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captain john price
honestly, i see him as the type of people who'll lecture you when they see you using a phone, while he plays candy crush and similar games on a loop when he's alone. he isn't much interested in social media, maybe he'll use Twitter for infos and What's up to talk with his team. Otherwise, he'd be a Facebook dad watching videos with that annoying laugh on full volume while cackling. Gaz tried to  convince him to use other platforms but it resulted in Price giving him a 10 minutes lecture on how bad social media is.
(john secretly watch tiktok video complications on YouTube)
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simon ghost riley
he doesn't use his phone much, he knows how it can be addicting and he has much things on his mind to worry about being social with others. although, he looks for dad jokes and have a laugh at them when he's alone. his camera roll is full of blurry pictures he took by mistake and screenshots of recipes.
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kyle gaz garrick
he's the youngest and the one who convinced price into buying a phone. i think Kyle is the the type of people who'd be popular on every platform, twitter, Instagram, you name it. he's funny (also really handsome 🤭) which makes it easy for him to have much moots and friends. He watches streams or horror stories at 2 am. (spoiler: he got scared more than once)
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johnny soap Mactavish
he watches shitty shows on Netflix to complain about them. he loves, and i mean really loves annoying people with stupid meaningless Messages when he's bored. if you are texting him, god be with you, this man makes 20 typos in a single word. he'd make comments on random posts to fight people for months.
"jus fer fun lass/lad"
(sorry if this isn't how Scottish people actually talk I've seen it around in fics 😭)
he looses arguments most of the time and asks Alejandro for some back up.
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Alejandro vargas
he uses his phone to call only, he despises texting and if he did, it'll be like this
you:"when shall i meet you tomorrow?"
although, he takes lots of pictures, sends them to you most of the time. rudy forced him to make an Instagram account and he ended by liking it.
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rudy parra
this cute man 🤭💕 he might be a military man, but he has a soft spot for cute videos of pepole taking care of animals. he'd watch them for hours. he doesn't use his phone much due to his job but he's keeps up with the trends and explains them to you if you're confused.
i can see him using this one a lot :3
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Phillip graves
he hates social media, he uses what's up to send to his shadows shirtless pictures of him. he'd drop the most heart wrenching pic ever and say"what's for dinner" (you sir 🤭)
he secretly loves watching those videos of reddit stories, he knows it's probably fake but he lives for the drama and enjoys it.
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i hope y'all like it, it's shitty and short lmao.
i Just got up from a nap lmao can't believe people actually liked my other work
shall i do other operaters from like Kor-Tac and ghosts? (and yes i know König is in Kor-Tac)
*just realized I didn't add tags im
✨d u m p ✨*
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dani-says-stuff · 2 years ago
Two Skeptics And A Believer Walk Into A Haunted Room...
❥ Back to the Control Center
❥ I'm so so so sorry for the shitty and abrupt ending on this one, I just got bored and kiiinda ran out of ideas on where to take the last 20 or so minutes of the video... who knows I might make a pt. 2 and finish the video at some point if I can think of something to add
Tommyinnit x fem!reader
Summary: Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke right? But, it just so happens to be a very accurate description of you, Tommy, and Jack entering the Ram Inn for your guest appearance on the Sam and Colby youtube channel
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: creepy stuff, hauntings, demons, language, probably an inaccurate spirit box session, inconsistent capitalization, shitty writing.. this is definately not one of my better ones
Dialogue Key:
James, the tour guide
The group of you began in a courtyard of the Ram Inn, Jack to your right and Tommy to your left while Sam and Colby stood before you.
Tom had originally just asked Jack to come with him for the video, assuming you'd want nothing to do with it after how annoyed you seemed during the entire 'uncle nasty' situation. He quickly realized his mistake when you followed him around the apartment for an hour begging him to ask Sam and Colby if you could come along. 
"And what about you?" Sam asked, eyes trained on you.
Jack had finished telling the story of his experience on stream and Tom declared his adamancy that ghosts aren't real, but you'd yet to speak. 
"Oh I believe 100%" you spoke with a smile, completely ignoring your boyfriend perched beside you staring at you as if you were insane, "I've always wanted to try something like this, I just couldn't justify spending all the money on equipment."
"Yeah" Sam drawled out scratching the back of his neck, "it does get a bit expensive." 
"Exactly!" you chirped, gesturing to the two older boys before you, "but since you already have it... now I get to do it free of charge!"
You quickly noticed, that despite his insistence that everything was fine, Tom was starting to get jumpier than normal inside the building.
Usually, whenever a camera is around, your boyfriend became a hyper-sugar-high-nighmare that would be bouncing off the walls and jumping all over the place. Now, however, it seemed he barely registered the camera being on at all.
Instead, he seemed dazed, taking special care to analyze every corner of the room and register every individual item placed in the general area. If you didn't know about the demons that were said to call this place their home, you'd say the scariest thing was the way Tom was acting. 
The guide soon gathered the group in the center of the room to begin the tour, "There's two main demons, One's an incubus and one's a succubus. John, who owned the building, he was attacked by them quite a lot."
You closed your eyes, lowering your head slightly in embarrassment for what was to come. You'd been dating Tom long enough to know exactly where his mind was at.
"So was he like... into demon..." 
You didn't expect that though. 
"Why would you ask that?" you hissed slapping his shoulder, before looking back to your guide, "was he though? I am kinda curious now."
Jack mumbled, shaking his head similar to that of a parent watching their kids doing something they shouldn't, "Children."
"No." James responded, drawing out his answer as if deliberating in his mind, "No, no-no."
Tommy looked down at you right as you looked up at him. The both of you stared at each other for all of two seconds before nodding in conclusion. 
"-he definitely did."
As the rest of the group continued talking over the specifics of the demons in the Inn, it took all of your strength to keep from laughing at your boyfriend.
"So like" Tommy cut off the guide, "what are the boundaries sexually? like I'm not trying to be immature... this is just like really freaking me out-"
"Tom!" you gasped through laughter, "it's a demon! Love, I dont think it has boundaries."
The rest of the group began laughing, everyone but Tommy. 
"Well what about my boundaries!" he complained hands splayed across his chest, only making you laugh harder "Don't laugh at me! I'm being serious!"
James, the tour guide entered the conversation, "No, is not no."
Toms's facial expression dropped, one hand going for your wrist while the other continued gesturing out before him as he spoke, "I- Well, mate that's not how that works!"
By now, you were practically on the floor with laughter, the only thing keeping you up was your arm raised high above you in Tommy's grip. 
"They're a demon, I don't think they care."
"Well, I care!"
"This room by far is the most... decorated?" you spoke, looking around at all the creepy items placed around the room. 
"Yeah, it's like theyre trying to make this place scary" Sam agreed, looking down at a dusty mirror desplaying the words 'help me' at the back wall of the room. 
Jack took the singular chair in the room, while the rest of the group stayed standing, listening as the tour continued. 
Well, continued for all of a few minutes when a candle fell from the table behind where Jack sat. 
You jumped, grabbing onto Tommy, "I didn't like-"
You were swiftly cut off by a girl's voice coming from the window, "Nope. I really didn't like that."
The group began freaking out, Sam moving closer to investigate the noise and Tommy tugging your arm behind him, shuffling in front of you. Creating as much space from that general area and you as he could. 
"Hello?" he shouted, one arm holding you behind him and the other holding the Minecraft sword before him, "Hello? Can you check the window?"
Everyone began deliberating what was going on, trying to figure out an explanation for what was going on. By now, you were burrowing yourself into Tom's side, one of his arms securely wrapped around you, swinging the sword before the both of you as he tried to get the group to go check outside. 
Sam tried to bring up the candle, but Tommy had his mind set on figuring out what was going on. The candle could wait, but if there were people waiting outside messing with you all, they could easily leave at any second. 
However, after checking around several times, it became obvious that whatever you heard wasn't outside the hotel.
It had to have been inside.
You all decided to cut the tour short and begin the investigation due to the amount of stuff you all seemed to be experiencing.
So, you all began the night in the witch's room with the spirit box.
"Is there anything here that wants to talk to us?"
"Please just say Hi or something" Tommy spoke bouncing anxiously on his feet, "I'm really just not having a good time-"
Sam pointed down at the box, a smile growing on his face "Was that just a hello?"
Jack, on the other hand, wasnt as easily convinced, "Eh... it was a very faint something."
"Can you tell us a name? or who you might be?"
After a few moments of silence, Tommy and Jack made up an impromptu rap for the ghosts, and despite a few other unintelligible noises, nothing else seemed to happen in the room. 
However, before leaving the room, you set up the REM pod on the bed just in case. 
"I just remembered something" Sam spoke up when the REM pod began to go off in response to Jack, "The witch only likes respect..."
"Oh, thats right!" Colby shouted, "That's why we got the offerings-" 
You whipped around, facing the tall raven-haired man behind you, eyebrows raised high, "I'm sorry... the what?"
"Yeah! The witch will only talk to people if she wants to. because like, if you're being disrespectful or too stupid she's like 'I don't wanna talk'"
You turned back, clicking your tongue and shrugging with fake sympathy as you faced Tommy. "You hear that?" you sighed, resting a hand on his shoulder, "Looks like we're gonna have to kick you out of this investigation."
Tommy sputtered looking around, "Wha- Why?" 
Jack stepped forward, knowing where you were going with this, "Yeah mate," he added shaking his head sorrowfully, "You may have to wait outside for this one."
 You and Jack looked at each other with a smirk, 
"Ya know," you continued, "to keep you from acting-"
"-too stupid"
"-Too stupid" 
Tommy looked at the both of you, mouth agape. "Common now, that was just mean."
For the first Estes method run of the night, Tommy volunteered to go under as you all investigated the first floor. The rest of you now stood huddled around him as he sat in the rocking chair with the headphones on. 
"Is there anybody here with us? you were just making the REM pod go off earlier"  
Get Down.
"Were we being disrespectful upstairs?"
Me and You. 
"Is anyone upstairs?"
I need you.
You furrowed your brows at that. Both Sam and Colby brought up the succubus, but neither directly asked the question, so you decided you would. 
"Like the succubus? O-or Incubus I guess? I dunno one of the demons?"
"You said you needed something? What do you need?" you asked again, but still received no response. 
You laughed a little to yourself, "Welp I guess it doesn't like me then." your eyes widened, "Actually, uh, ghosts, please do not confirm or deny that statement... I think I'd rather you be silent on that one, I don't really want to know." 
The rest of the group, except for Tommy obviously, laughed a little under their breath at your words before continuing the investigation. 
"Is there something evil here? something that's keeping you here?"
Going on. 
"Something evil going on"
"That makes sense" you agreed, "It's the most haunted place in England right?" you asked looking between the two, "It has to have had something evil going on at some point"
"Yeah" Colby nodded, "this place has had "Evil" for around 5,000 years." 
"We hear there's demons here, is that true?"
Earth Under.
"Like... buried?" you asked.
Jack nodded at your words, adding another question for the two boys, "Yeah, because a lot of shit was like, dug up here as well, right-"
Tunnel to the left.
"oh my god," you breathed out, "Isn't that where they dug up that grave?"
"Oh yeah!" Sam exclaimed running over into the next room, "this is where they found the tunnel that used to be a grave, which would've been-"
"-to my left."
The three of you scurried back into the room where Tommy and Colby stayed to continue talking to the ghosts.
"Are you talking about the tunnel in the other room? where did that lead to?"
no response. 
Just as you were about to ask a question, Tom yelped, quickly grabbing the headphones and ripping them off due to a low, loud, and deep voice suddenly coming through the speakers. 
next under, was Jack. 
"What's your purpose here ghost? What do you want?"
The child
You and Tommy both began freaking out at that while Sam and Colby stood to the side somewhat confused. 
"Everyone used to call me the child!" he yelled, a vice-like grip on your arm as he spoke to the other two and the camera, "Everyone would call me the child!"
"Woah... whats even weirder" Sam explained, "was the bones they found underneath here were a child's."
"Well, uh, that's good" your voice shook slightly, "that means it might not be referring to you then." 
"Do- do you mean tunnel child or- or Tom child?" 
no answer.
"ya know," you spoke nervously, "I kinda wanted to try, but now I'm not too sure." 
"oh no." you laughed, "I-uh, I didn't like that at all."
"Are you sure you do not want to try?" Sam asked, laughter in his tone, "I think they want you to"
"Well..." you drawled, "I don't really uh, I don't really know... we seem to be getting a lot here without me doing that.."
"We are going back to the witch's room next to give her an offering" Colby mentioned, "you could do it there if you'd like. We didn't get much activity up there."
"True" you trailed off, thinking it over, "Yeah sure, I'll do it there."
Not too long later, you were now sat in a different chair up in the witch's room, getting ready for the Estes method after giving the witch her new Minecraft creeper and scrub-daddy offerings. 
"Nah" you spoke, waving Tom over near you, "You sit right there and give me your hand" you demanded pointing to the floorboards to your side. 
"Because I know how you are. No way I'm letting you float around this room to scare me and tap on my shoulders and shit- sit down."
And with that, Tommy sat on the floor, hand folded in yours as you put the headphones on and pulled down the blindfold. 
"Is anyone here with us?" 
"Elspeth, are you here with us?"
You jumped in your chair, not quite ready to hear anything come through the headphones.
"Have you found us disrespectful?"
"One of us was disrespectful?"
"Probably fucking Tom." Jack scoffed, rolling his eyes.
"AY! Why'd you say that!"
"Oh I don't know, you're the one that has been yelling at her!"
"Have not!" 
"you just were like two seconds-"
you squeezed Tom's hand, unknowingly cutting off Jack and Tommy's argument as you spoke,  "I don't know what it just said, but it sounded like laughing at the end."
Colby tilted his head, eyes furrowing, "laughing? why would she be laughing?"
'm not. 
"What do you mean you're not?" Tom pestered, "You just did so-"
Toms's brow crinkled further, confusion settling into his expression.
"Him?" Sam asked, "Do you mean it's not Elspeth anymore?"
"Yeah, are we talking to someone else?" 
your head quirked to the side, confused at the noise coming through the headphones, "It's like a bell?" you spoke, "Yeah like I hear a bell ringing."
"Oh!" Sam yelled, "Like ding ding, that's right!"
"Who are you then? who are we speaking to?"
"You're bad? Or is something here bad?"
"What do you mean evil?"
The next. 
Colby turned to Sam, realization dancing in his eyes, "The bishop's room. Thats our next stop, known to be a center for the demon-"
You yelped, tearing off the headphones when loud, evil laughter flooded your ears. You squeezed Tom's hand, yanking his arm to get a semi-awkward positioned hug from the boy. 
"That sucked" you spoke, voice muffled by his sweatshirt. 
"What happened?" he asked you, eyes wide and gaze quickly moving to each of the older guys in the group, attempting to calm you the best he can while freaking out himself. 
"There was loud laughter." you explained, gesturing around our head, "it was like thousands of people all laughing all around my head."
Once again.... so very sorry for the shitty ending- I couldn't think of anything else to put...
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matttgirlies · 10 months ago
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Matt & Me🎀
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a story heavily based on Priscilla Presley’s Book “Elvis & Me” based in the 1950’s - 1970’s.
fem! reader x singer! matt
disclaimer!! - in no way am i saying matt would ever support or do these kind of things, for the sake of the book certain unethical things do happen at times.
warnings - mentions of drug use
y/nn = your nickname for any confusion🩷
Chapter 11
Matt Sturniolo created his own world; only in his own environment did he feel secure, comfortable, and protected. A genuine camaraderie was created at Graceland. We lived as one big family, eating, talking, arguing, joking, playing, and traveling together.
Although I became friends with the guys in Matt’s retinue, he never let me, or anyone else, forget that I was his girl. I was never to get too close or become too familiar with any of the regulars.
One evening, after we came home from a movie, we said good night to everyone and went upstairs. Returning to the kitchen a few minutes later to get something to eat, I found Jerry Schilling, who’d just started working for Matt, making himself a snack. We started talking. A few minutes later, Matt appeared.
“What the hell are you two doing down here?” he shouted at us.
Intimidated, Jerry said, “Well, Matt, we were just talking. I was asking her how she felt, because she didn’t feel well this afternoon.”
“I came down to get something to eat,” I explained.
“y/nn, you don’t need to be roaming around here late at night,” he said, angrily ordering me upstairs.
Behind me, I could hear him lashing out at Jerry. “If you want to keep this job, son, you mind your own business. If there’s anyone who’s going to ask her how she feels, it’ll be me. You better mind your own goddamn business.”
I liked Jerry. He was warm, sincere, and very personable; just a couple of years older than I, he was one of the few people who I could relate to. But from that time on, it was a dodging match every time we’d run into each other. Now Jerry and I laugh about the “good old days” when we reminisce.
Most of the boys who worked for Matt had been around from the beginning and they knew all about him—his sense of humor, his sensitivity, and his temper. He stripped himself bare in front of them, and they accepted him for what he was.
Yet working for Matt was a twenty-four-hour-a-day job, and the boys were at his beck and call constantly. They played when he played and slept when he slept. It took a certain kind of personality to put up with his demands, whether they made sense or not.
“Come on, y/nn, let’s go to Los Angeles. I’ll show you where I film movies.,” he said one afternoon when we’d only been up for a few hours. He called downstairs and told Alan to alert everyone that he wanted to leave within the hour.
Alan said, “Okay, Boss. I think Richard and Gene are still sleeping. I’ll give ’em a call and tell ’em to come right over.”
“Their lazy asses are still sleeping?” Matt asked. “I’ve been up for two goddamn hours. They should have been over here by now. Alan, from now on, when I call down for my breakfast, call the boys and tell them I’m up and to be ready for anything, and that may include me not even coming downstairs. I just want them here.”
Demanding? Yes, but Matt could be just as generous. By today’s standards the boys’ salaries were not high—the average paycheck was $250 a week—but if the boys ever felt the pinch by the end of the month, they would go to Matt. They’d ask him if he could help them out with a down payment on a house or the first and last months’ payments on an apartment. Matt always came through for them, lending them the one thousand or five thousand or ten thousand dollars they asked for. He was rarely if ever paid back.
There also was no limit to the expensive gifts he gave them—television consoles for Christmas, bonus checks, Cadillac convertibles, Mercedes-Benzes. If he heard someone was sad or depressed, he loved to surprise them with a gift, usually a brand-new car. When he gave to one, he would usually end up giving to all.
James didn’t have much respect for the guys. He said Matt just gave and gave and gave, and they took and took and took. He’d say, “Son, we have to save.” Matt would answer, “It’s only money, Dad. I just have to go out and make more.”
James resented the regulars acting as if Graceland was their personal club. They’d go into the kitchen at any hour and order anything they wanted. Naturally, everyone ordered something different. The cooks worked night and day keeping them happy. James felt, “To hell with the boys. Their main concern should be Matt.”
What was really outrageous was that the regulars were ordering sirloin steaks or prime ribs while Matt usually ate hamburgers or peanut butter and banana sandwiches.
I wasn’t too popular around Graceland when I started reorganizing the kitchen. I set down a policy of having one menu per meal, and anyone who didn’t like what was on it could go to a local restaurant. This new edict resulted in much grumbling from the guys, but the cooks were relieved, and James sanctioned my decision, announcing, “It’s about time someone organized the meals. It was beginning to look like we were feeding half of Boston.”
Matt was the boss, the provider, and the power. Both the boys and I had to protect him from people who annoyed or irritated him and were no longer in his favor. Before coming down for the evening, he’d have me call downstairs to check who was there. I’d run down the guests, aware that certain names would strike him wrong.
“Shit,” he’d say, his mood destroyed. “What’s he want? Bring me some more bad news?” He’d stay up in his room rather than spend an evening with someone he didn’t like. There was one particular regular who had incurred his disfavor, and Matt told everyone he didn’t want him around. “Don’t let him through those goddamn gates!” Matt ordered. “All I have to do is look at his face and I get depressed.” Matt barred him from Graceland for a number of years, saying, “If he changes his morbid attitude, maybe I’ll change my mind.” His perceptions were correct, as these “friends” eventually betrayed him.
Matt and James kept some of their relatives at a distance because, as Matt explained to me, they’d shunned him when he was growing up, ridiculing him as a sissy, a mama’s boy. Mary Lou stood up for Matt and told his tormentors to go their own way. Angrily, she had said, “Don’t bother us with these accusations.”
Then fame and fortune hit, and suddenly all the kinfolk came around, begging for jobs or crying that they needed help. Sometimes Matt got upset, charging, “The only time they visit is with their hand out. It’d be nice if they’d come around just to see how I was doing. But hell no, it’s always, ‘Ah, Matt, I could use a little extra cash. Could you help me out?’ Hell, I’ll bet when I’m dead and gone, they’ll still be taking advantage.” But Matt ended up slipping each of them a hundred dollars or more every time they came around. If it had been up to James, he would have gotten rid of every one of them. But Matt kept saying, “No, Dad, they don’t have any place to go. They couldn’t work anywhere. Keep them here.”
From the beginning of his success, Matt put many family members on salary, and all had titles. James was his business manager; Patsy, his personal secretary; uncles Vester Sturniolo and Johnny and Travis Smith, and cousin Harold Lloyd, gate guards; cousins Billy, Bobby, and Gene, personal aides; and then there was Tracy Smith, who seemed to go from brother to brother for support. Matt took care of everyone.
I remember one night at Graceland when Matt came back to the kitchen and saw Tracy pacing the floor. “Hey, Tracy,” he said, “How ya doing, man?” Tracy, his hands in his pockets, could hardly look Matt in the eye. “I don’t know, Matt,” he sighed. “What do ya mean, you don’t know? Everyone knows how they’re doin’, man.”
Tracy, shifting back and forth, mumbled, “I got my nerves in the dirt, Matt.” Matt staggered back, laughing. “Nerves in the dirt! Hell, I never heard it expressed like that before. You need some money, Tracy?”
Again, Tracy just shifted back and forth, as Matt called Nate over and told him to give Tracy a bill. A big smile covered Tracy’s lined face as he happily took his hundred dollars and walked out the door.
Matt knew that having his nerves in the dirt was Tracy’s way of saying he was down and out—and worried sick about it. He never forgot that phrase. “Poor ol’ Matt,” he’d say. “I’ll never forget the look on his face that night, poor ol’ guy.”
That was Matt—always caring, always sensitive to everyone’s needs, even while presenting a macho image to his fans and friends.
Anything I could think of doing for him, I did. I made sure Graceland was always warm and inviting, with the lights turned low, as he preferred them, the temperature in his bedroom set to his exact desire (freezing), and the kitchen filled with the aroma of his favorite meals.
Every night before dinner was served, I came downstairs first, checked with the maids to see that his food was just the way he liked it—his mashed potatoes creamily whipped, plenty of cornbread, and his meat burnt to perfection. I always had candles on the dining room table to create a romantic atmosphere despite the fact that we always ate with several of the regulars.
I loved babying Matt. He had a little-boy quality that could bring out the mother instinct in any woman, a beguiling way of seeming utterly dependent. It was this aspect of his charm that made me want to hold him, shower him with affection, protect him, fight for him, and yes, even die for him. I went to extremes in taking care of him, from cutting his steak at dinner to making sure his water glass was always filled. I enjoyed pampering and spoiling him and found myself jealous of others vying for his attention and approval.
But I didn’t always receive his approval. If something went wrong with his dinner, Matt blew up. “Why isn’t this steak done? Why didn’t you make sure the maids cooked it right? If you’d have done your job, it wouldn’t have turned out like this.” Obviously something else was wrong, and I didn’t recognize it at the time. Because of the continuous pressures and problems in Matt’s life, all magnified by taking prescribed drugs, little things would set him off. I took responsibility for everything in his life and always took it all too personally.
I wanted to be with Matt as much as I could, but while going to the movies or the fairgrounds every night might have been a wonderful way for him to relax, it posed an enormous problem for me. Often I wouldn’t get home until 5 or 6 a.m., and I’d have to be at school two hours later. Sometimes I never went to sleep. When I did, I could barely make it out of bed. I would lie there trying to drum up the strength to face the day, Matt making it even harder by suggesting that I sleep in and cut classes. It would have been so easy to go along with his suggestion, but hanging over me was the agreement I’d made with my parents. They trusted me and even though I was letting them down, I still had to keep up the facade.
Day after day I drove to school, attended classes till noon, then returned to Graceland to slip back into bed and cuddle next to Matt, who was still sound asleep. When he awoke at 3 or 4 p.m., I might never have left his side for all he knew. I was there to give him his usual order of orange juice, a Spanish omelet, home-fried potatoes, a mere two pounds of bacon, and—first and foremost—his black coffee.
Everyone who knew Matt was aware that it took him at least two to three hours to wake up fully. Asking him to make a decision, even a simple one such as what movie he wanted to see that night, was ill-advised. He was just too groggy and irritable from the sleeping pills, which were causing him to sleep as many as fourteen hours a day. It seemed only natural for him to take some Dexedrine to wake up.
I was always concerned about his intake of sleeping pills. His horror of insomnia, compounded with a family history of compulsive worrying, caused him to down three or four Placidyls, Seconals, Quaaludes, or Tuinals almost every night—and often it was a combination of all four. When I expressed my concern, he just picked up the medical dictionary, always near at hand on his night table.
“In here is the explanation for every type of pill on the market, their ingredients, side effects, cures, everything about them,” he assured me. “There isn’t anything I can’t find out.”
It was true. He was always reading up on pills, always checking to see what was on the market, and which ones had received FDA approval. He referred to them by their medical names and knew all their ingredients. Like everyone else around him, I was impressed with his knowledge and certain that he was an expert. One would think he had a degree in pharmacology. He always assured me that he didn’t need pills, that he could never become dependent on them. This difference in opinion resulted in many serious confrontations; I always compromised my integrity and ended up taking his viewpoint.
I began taking sleeping pills and diet pills too. Two Placidyls for him and one for me. A Dexedrine for him and one for me. Eventually Matt’s consumption of pills seemed as normal to me as watching him eat a pound of bacon with his Spanish omelet. I routinely took “helpers” in order to get to sleep after wild rides at the fairgrounds or early-morning jam sessions. And I routinely took more “helpers” when I woke up in order to maintain the fast pace and, more importantly, to study for my final exams.
During the last month before finals, I started popping more dexies than before. They seemed to give me the energy I needed to get through classes and homework. Every free moment was devoted to cramming a whole semester’s work into a few weeks. But my concentration was scattered; the strain of life at Graceland had finally caught up with me.
I had already been warned by Sister Adrian that in order for me to graduate, I had to pass all my subjects. During a talk in her office, I wanted desperately to confide in her and explained how hard it was to maintain my grade level with the late hours I kept: But how could I tell that to a nun?
I had no real goals after graduation, but I did sometimes dream of becoming a dancer or possibly enrolling in an art academy. Now I realize that I was deeply influenced by Matt’s casual attitude toward continued schooling. He figured I didn’t need it and I agreed. Just being with him most of the time would provide an education—not to mention experience—that no school could give me. He wanted me to be his totally, free to go to him in an instant if he needed me.
That sounded great to me. I’d never planned on a future without Matt. Therefore, while my classmates were deciding which colleges to apply to, I was deciding which gun to wear with what sequined dress. I was tempted to say to Sister Adrian, “Oh, by the way, Sister, does gunmetal gray go with royal blue sequins?” With that attitude it was no surprise that I was still woefully unprepared for my most hated subject, algebra, the week before finals.
On the day of the test, I sat in the crowded classroom, hyper from downing a dexy, trying to work out the problems. Despite my effort, I knew there was no way I was going to pass. I started to panic. I had to graduate. I had an obligation to Matt and to my parents, who I knew would yank me out of Graceland the minute I failed this test. I glanced at the girl next to me—and at her completed test paper. It’s my last resort, I thought. I’m going for it. I was not willing to face the consequences of being sent home for failing this test.
Her name was Janet and she was a straight A student. I tapped her on the shoulder and flashed my brightest smile, whispering, “Are you a Matt fan?” Taken aback by my question, Janet nodded yes. “How would you like to come to one of his parties?” I asked.
“Are you kidding?” she replied. “I’d love to.”
“Well, I know a way that it can be arranged.”
I eyed her test paper and explained. Janet instantly grasped my dilemma and, without a word, slid her paper to the edge of her desk. Now I had a full view of her answers. I spent the rest of the hour furiously copying them down and I not only passed, but I got an A on that test.
I hadn’t expected Matt to make much of my graduation. His attitude was, “A diploma’s not that important; life’s experiences are.” But to my surprise, he really looked forward to it and arranged to have a big party for our friends after the ceremony. There he presented a beautiful red Corvair, my first car.
On the big night he was like a proud parent. Nervous about what he should wear to the ceremony, he finally settled on a dark blue suit, and I put on my navy blue gown. I couldn’t possibly keep the cap on over that mass of teased hair.
Matt had a limo waiting for us out front. But there was one problem: I did not want him to come to the actual ceremony. It would attract a lot of attention, and all eyes would be focused on him instead of the graduating seniors.
Finally I worked up enough courage to ask him to wait outside, and explained why. Smiling his funny little grin, the one that came to his lips when he was hurt or upset, he agreed without hesitation. “I hadn’t thought about that,” he said. “I won’t come in. I’ll just be outside in the car waiting for you. That way I’ll kinda be there.”
And that was what he did. I accepted my diploma with mixed emotions. I would have loved for him to have been watching, but only I knew what a physical, emotional, and mental strain it had been to get that piece of paper. To me, it represented freedom, freedom to stay out until dawn if I wanted and sleep all day if I wanted. It represented freedom from my school uniform and from the teasing the entourage subjected me to every time they caught me in it trying to sneak past them at Graceland. I was a big girl playing in the big leagues.
As soon as I could get away, I ran outside. In front of the church, Matt and the boys were standing by the long black limo, looking like the Chicago Mafia in their dark glasses and suits, each concealing a.38. Around them a group of nuns were clamoring for Matt’s autograph.
Excerpt from: "Elvis and Me" by Priscilla Beaulieu Presley. Scribd. This material may be protected by copyright.
a/n - so cute🎀
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sweethoneyrose83 · 4 months ago
Halloween dialogue prompts:
"Don't open that door. No, seriously… something screamed when I tried."
"The shadows aren’t supposed to move when there’s no one there, right?"
"I’ll trade you my candy for whatever’s in that strange book… unless you’re too scared to read it."
"What are you supposed to be? A witch, a ghoul… or something much scarier?"
"Look, if we make it out of here, remind me never to go trick-or-treating at haunted houses again."
"The invitation said ‘Midnight Dance with the Dead’—I thought it was just a theme!"
"Shh! If we’re quiet, maybe the creepy doll won’t follow us to the next room."
"Did you hear that too, or was it just the ghost whispering in my ear?"
"I think the candy might be cursed��� it's just a feeling, you know?"
"I dare you to spend one hour in the cemetery, alone, under the full moon. Think you can handle it?"
"Look, I know it’s Halloween, but I wasn’t expecting a real ghost at the party."
"You know, the last person who tried to summon something in this room never came back…"
"You didn’t invite the creepy figure in the corner, did you?"
"I think the skeleton decoration just moved. Do you still want to grab a selfie with it?"
"Promise me you’ll check the basement if I don’t come back up in five minutes."
"You can’t just walk into someone’s house uninvited on Halloween!"
"It’s Halloween, isn’t that what we’re supposed to do?"
"Wait, that’s not a costume, is it?"
"Nope. Now, care to guess what I am before I make you disappear?"
"I dare you to spend one night in the haunted house on Elm Street."
"One night? No problem. As long as you’re the one picking me up in the morning."
"What was that noise? It sounded like…laughing?"
"If I tell you, you have to promise not to run." 20."You seem suspiciously calm for someone who just saw a ghost."
"Ghosts don’t scare me. People do."
"Every year, one person goes missing on Halloween night. Guess who it's going to be this year?"
"You're joking, right? …Right?"
"Let’s make a deal. You keep me safe from whatever’s out there, and I’ll make sure your secrets stay buried."
"Deal. But if you back out, I can’t promise you’ll stay on this side of the grave."
"Do you believe in curses?"
"Only when they work."
"I didn't know you were throwing a Halloween party."
"I'm not. Those people just started showing up at midnight."
"Do you think the rumors are true? About that shadow that follows you home on Halloween?"
"I guess I’ll find out, won’t I?"
"I’ve worn this costume three years in a row, and this is the first time it’s come to life!"
"Better hope it goes back to being cloth by sunrise, or you’re going to have a new roommate."
"Why are we the only ones left at this party?"**
"Maybe they saw something we didn’t… and left."
"Have you noticed how, after Halloween, we never see half these costumes around town again?"
"What are you saying, that they’re real monsters?"
"Why do you keep looking over your shoulder?"
"It’s Halloween. I’m waiting for my own ghost story."
"You know, Halloween is the only night when the veil between worlds is thin enough to cross.
"I’d appreciate it if you saved the ghost stories until after we finish trick-or-treating."
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sweetmariihs2 · 4 months ago
Me randomly yapping about Toy Story and my process of restoring my Buzz Lightyear doll (I think I'm not very well)
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(very ugly gif I made from my video. That's.... my actual doll. That's my hand. Hi 👋)
2 days ago me and my brother were trying to find something to watch and we found the first Toy Story movie in our Disney+. It was more like a "lmao let's watch it again?" but then I got done it simply took over my brain
I literally couldn't sleep tonight due to hyperfocus. It's 06:30 am, help help help help help
I have a tendency to like hyperfocuses from my childhood. I mean, my 2000's- 2010's childhood. No, really, almost every single thing I like are stuff I liked when I was five. My room is full of collected stuff from my childhood because now I'm for example part of the Monster High fandom, or Sofia The First fandom, or Barbie Movies, or Ever After High, Undertale, the list goes on. When I did that "let a bot analyze your Instagram" trend the bot literally said "you seem like you're stuck in the 2010's" AND WELL MAYBE I AM
I have a big history with Toy Story, really huge, I grew up with it. I think it's the first hyperfocus I remember having, I was obsessed (as a young girl, in case you didn't notice, just a detail). My favorite character was Woody, but honestly I knew all the characters' names and I watched the movies over and over again, especially 2 and 3. One day my dad traveled to São Paulo for work (I live in Brazil, São Paulo here would be the equivalent of New York in the USA), he said he was coming back a few days later, and my mom stayed home with me to take care of me. I watched movies on her old laptop, and watched Toy Story 3 several times. It was on one of those times that I was watching when my dad came home from his trip with a gift, without warning, just gave me a huge Woody doll (it was the size of a toddler). My mom said that she had never seen me so happy actually
I carried that Woody everywhere with me. My mom even said I tried to bring him to the shower cuz I simply just couldn't stay away from him for a minute. I think I really took the "toys are alive" thing seriously. Actually I always took very great care of my dolls and that's why I can put my MH/EAH dolls in display in my room, they're very well cared. And my Woody doll is here too, I just don't want to take pics rn because it's very late, my room is dark and I'm lazy to take him off the shelf (I wrote this at 05am). If you call him ugly I'll rip you off in pieces, don't treat my son like that (got these pics from the internet)
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You know that trend where people say "you look like your childhood toy"? my childhood toy is this Woody here. Some people I know made jokes about him being ugly/scary etc but I'm not scared of him, he always treated me very well lmao. He's a very nice fella
Some years later I got a Buzz Lightyear doll, but I mean, the ACTUAL Buzz doll. From the movie I mean
I live in a small town in Brazil. There was a lady (an old lady I mean) who sold products imported from the USA here in my town. In general they were household items, at least most of them. My mom used to buy us (me and my brother) toys by surprise, like, went out to do something and suddently came home with gifts, and that lady sold north american toys for a very cheap price. I THINK they came from thrift stores, because they arrived in plastic bags and they were random most of the time, like, clearly second hand you know? My mom once showed up with a full bag of polly pocket sized pets and playsets, the bag had the size of a trash bag, like, really big actually. And we weren't rich. Recently, due to me restoring this Buzz doll I spoke to my mom and she said that the prices for those toys were around 20 brazillian reais. You know how much 20 reais would be in dollars? 4 dollars, or less, because were talking about the mid 2010's.
Well, I got that Buzz doll. Among other three action figures of Buzz, Woody and Jessie, but they were smaller, fully plastic and didn't had the same appeal as the movie ones... but still, I liked them when I was young. When you pulled Woody's string, his legs actually moved like he could walk (but he couldn't). Jessie I can't remember. And Buzz, I found out that the action figure I had of buzz is called "laser blast Buzz Lightyear", and that's him
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But well, my Buzz doll! The actual movie doll! At the time I didn't minded a lot about Toy Story anymore, even though I still loved to play with my Barbies/MH/EAH, so this Buzz was my brother's, and my brother was a small child when he got it. We got him fully working, pratically new; he could talk when pushing the buttons in his chest, his wings opened when pressing the red button, his laser worked, his helmet did a funny gas noise when opened, even the panel in his wrist had a sound effect, the guy was an amazing toy, truly amazing, and barely used.
Well, my brother and I played with him so much that we didn't think much about his fragility. We took his wings off and put them back on frequently, pressed the buttons non-stop, and after playing he was just thrown back into the toy chest, so he kept getting scratched, got dirty with play dough, dust, broke his wing, broke his arm, and so on... at least we played with him for a very long time. My brother didn't played with him anymore and I got Buzz for me (I didn't stole it, the toy was ours, it just had my brother's title in it and he didn't played with it anymore lmao), that man dated so many Barbies I swear. Funny fact: sometimes I would make blanket forts and put toys with flashing lights inside them, organize the dolls inside, put on music and call it a party, and Buzz would always be there flirting with everyone lol
But yeah going back to the subject, we played with him so much that he broke. Actually I'm surprised by the fact that Andy didn't broke them by the third movie. Time has passed, I restored my Monster High dolls and went on with my childish interests, but Toy Story wasn't something I really cared about revisiting. We moved into a new house and my brother put most of his toys in our "mess room" (basement), and so did I, except for my barbies/barbie sized dolls that are in a toy chest (the MH/EAH are in a shelf). Somehow this Buzz doll appeared again and I decided to put him in my barbie toy chest because I thought "huh I could restore you later actually"
And that's when this week arived, after 4 years living in this house. I'm rewatching all the movies and shorts, because of nostalgia and because I remembered how good those movies were, and I finally decided to restore my Buzz Lightyear. I'm recording the whole process and I'll post it on my YouTube channel. Honestly, I don't think I'll be able to fix everything and make him brand new. For example, the laser arm was ripped off, and even if I find the missing piece, I think it'll be hard to get it working again, especially because I don't know how to maintain the electronic part of the toy and my father, who knows, certainly won't help me with that. Besides, his helmet is very worn and I think it'll be hard to get it back to its previous shine and transparency. And his wings? Not even in my dreams, they have problems opening, problems with the lights, they don't have their "protective cover" outside anymore and the wires are exposed, forget it. What I want to do is bring dignity to the doll and restore him in my way. This means that even if he won't work again, or if he doesn't appears in perfect, what matters most is the fact that it was fixed and is in better condition. I want to treat him well, that is.
The kind of "fixing" I'm talking about is not making him work again completely, but for example taking his broken arm and putting a bandage on it, so we can pretend he broke his arm and he's healing, you know? I'll repaint him, glue his parts back together and... put him somewhere in my room. In a shelf
I know you're probably curious about what Buzz this is, and after doing some research I found out: "Buzz Lightyear Blue Cloud Thinkway Toys from 2009"
Probably collectors reading this are having a heart attack? Maybe. I'm sorry for breaking a very nice item :/
799,00 dollars is a good amount of money! Thinking about the fact that my mom bought him for 2-3 bucks... when talking to my mom about the price for a new Buzz doll that is just like mine (bad word choice: I meant, "how much a new doll of this type costs today"), she said surprised: "and thinking that these toys were junk, no one wanted them to the point of ending up here where we are and for such a cheap price. No one wanted them!" Which I found quite an interesting observation. How did a second hand, perfect, no sign of use, every single interaction working, clean, brand new Buzz Lightyear ended up in a (supposed) thrift store???
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This is my YouTube channel:
My videos are in portuguese so I would advise to add captions :/ I'm planning to make a video about this process and I hope I will (if my depression allows me)
I'm currently pretty much hyperfocused in this again, but I think it will be for a short amount of time. I don't love my other interests less. Buzz is now my favorite Toy Story character btw, sorry Woody. Ummm I kinda unburied from memory that Buzz had a TV show and I took a small look at the pilot but didn't watched it yet (it didn't caught much my attention but maybe I'm judging the book by it's cover). I saw that this cartoon has a fandom here on Tumblr but it's more focused on Buzz' crew then in Toy Story for itself. Anyways it's very nice to know that this fandom exists
Now it's 08:00 AM I'm so tired but now I can't sleep anymore
Edit: Buzz Lightyear of Star Command is an amazing show, go watch it, it's great!!!
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okiankeno · 9 months ago
2 Truths 1 Lie Reveal:
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TDLR: option 3 was my lie! The first love letter I did lose and never opened until 3 years later (funnily enough, this was from the academic rival's best friend btw) but my second letter, from a girl I knew, I opened right away after finding it. Hence, I lied.
If you would like to learn more about me and the stories behind the options I picked for myself, they're under keep reading!
Most of Smoshblr voted for option two, which everyone dubbed Wattpad fanfic adjacent. It happened lol. I have a long explanation in response to @unknownteapot that I will reiterate here with some edits:
The academic rival was a guy I had a 'crush' on in grade 6 (my last year of elementary school in Canada). I say 'crush' in quotations bc I didn't understand the concept of sexual attraction or romance until the year after. Before understanding sexuality and attraction, I thought that picking the smartest person in the class would make me fall in love or something (spoiler alert: not really). We were compared a lot to each other as overachievers because of the extracurriculars like music and sports that we did, but I never thought we were rivals outside of school.
He and I were pretty good friends too, we ended up going to different junior highs (grades 7-9) but we texted and emailed each other every so often to keep in contact. The summer before high school started, he sent me a flurry of texts pretty much saying "Please go to x school with me, if you do we can date each other" (as if that was like a cool reward for going to the same school as him like??)
He is a nice guy but it was weird to me. He knew that I had a 'crush' on him years ago because I either told him or my best friend told him I can't remember tbh. I have no idea if he liked me tbh it just came out of the blue but what do I know, I miss flirtatious cues a lot so 😔😭😣 oh, and if you are wondering, I did not take up his offer because I thought it was really weird, plus I didn't have feelings for him.
Option one, stopping foreplay because of a joke that I never told my girlfriend? This too, is true.
My girlfriend and I took edibles before nightfall and when I'm high is that I get very bubbly and it's super easy for me to laugh. Additionally, it's very easy for me to get locked in on intimacy — so that's how I found myself in my girlfriend's bed, you know, bodies pressed together (there's a slew of other effects, but these are most integral to this story). But as I was touching her I could not stop thinking about how funny yet unsexy it would be if I cracked a joke. And this thought just kept repeating over and over in my head making me giggle and then into full-blown laughter. So naturally, sexytime had to come to a halt. She asked me what was going on and I told her, "I kept thinking about how funny but unsexy it would be if I made a joke right now," to which she asked, "What was the joke?"
There was no joke, just me laughing in anticipation of potentially making one during sex. Really lame, I know. I ended up getting frustrated at myself for a few minutes (my girlfriend comforted me with, "We don't have to do this right now if you're not in the mood") while we paused but then I locked in and got to home base.
Option 3, unopened love letters! This is my lie! These stories have a lot of sadness carried with them, so if you don't like hearing about heartbreak, prepare yourself!
The first letter, Valentine's Day, I'm the only gal that gets one from this guy. I misplaced it in my bedroom in one of my books and didn't find it again until I deep-cleaned my room three years later. I open it, it's a card that tells me about how cool I am and is filled with Naruto drawings (I doodled a lot of anime characters in class) and a $20 bill. $20 is a lot for an elementary school kid! So, yeah, I missed that signal. My best friend at the time even said to me on the bus home, "Oh I think [guy's name] likes you," and I went hm yeah interesting, not interested (I didn't care for or understand romance at the time - this was grade 6).
Second letter: An anonymously signed love letter was found in my locker in May, a month before I graduated high school. I opened it immediately because I wasn't gonna have a repeat of missing a confession from someone. It's typed in Times New Roman, and signed with an uppercase 'L'. It's from someone I knew because of the details included in the letter. They wanted to confess to me before we graduated but didn't have the courage to do so in person.
I spent a week trying to figure out who this could be, and unfortunately for me, I pegged down the wrong person, someone I had an ongoing crush on for 5 years since junior high, and wrote a letter to him. He reads it. He says it's not from him and he doesn't like me. I'm heartbroken and baffled.
Almost immediately after conversing with my crush, I knew who it was from: the girl who sat beside me in my physics class for the past year. Her last name started with an L, but I never thought it was her, because her words, to me, in the context of my delusional crush on a guy, sounded like him. So in my heartbreak, I write her an emotional reply letter overnight, bringing the one I wrote for my crush as well, and approach her at lunch break.
It's a sunny day, two weeks have passed since getting the letter in my locker, and I bring her to the end of a busy open hallway. She's sitting on the concrete floor, I'm standing above her, letters in hand; everything is bright, but I know the next thirty minutes will be anything but naught. I opened the conversation by telling her I received her letter and by mistake, thought it was from someone else. I let her read the letters. She starts crying, and I do too — she's a very sweet girl and my friend. A teacher walks by and asks if we are OK, and we both are sobbing, saying, "Yeah." We do not look ok.
I felt soo shitty, having heartbroken her heart from my heartbreak, and she tells me she has to write a math exam after this. I still cringe thinking about this story to this day because it fucked me up emotionally and I couldn't sleep right for the rest of the summer. Anyway, I think about the experience and think I could make a Webtoon about it and it probably would pop off because a high school love triangle that's unrequited on all ends? Pain.
Anyways thanks for coming to my story time 🫠✌️
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watchtheblog · 5 months ago
Cutting Slack
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hello to the hierarchy of my besties: irl besties, internet besties, fantasy besties; the hierarchy of my haters: just the three of you, followed by someone who goes by the alias k.s on google reviews; an ever dwindling number of exes who can read, a handful of people i’m just getting to know who are about to know me too well too fast, and anyone else who has stumbled upon this highly specific page on the internet!!
if you’ve been here before, you know the deal. i’m going to weave a web of little jokes into a somewhat coherent story and then as a reward for knowing me you get the opportunity to see 20 things i hope to receive for my birthday, which, i hope you know… is tomorrow (26 september); i’m turning 94.
The joke web:
In february 2023 after the company I co-created sold to one of the corniest companies on the planet, I quit because they wanted me to set forth eight hours a day I would be available to do work. Seven years into a job I’d put 8 hours a year into, this was a startling task.
Also, they wanted me to become a member of slack, or get on slack, or write to them in slack. Or do something, whatever one does, on slack. You can do a lot of things to me, but what you’re not gonna do is make me go on slack. Many have tried in the past and not a one has ever succeeded.
Not to sound like Mark Cuban - or myself in [redacted] years -  but an 8 hour workday was not for me. And I explained this. I told a woman alleging to be my supervisor that every morning I woke up, I did cult for 20 minutes, wrote in my journal for 45 minutes, went for a 1 hour walk, came home, showered, drank a little poison, read for one hour in my garden, did some dilly dallying on the internet, and then I went to an appointment*, and by the time I was done with all of that it was already 4pm and that’s wind down time in my culture. 
Where did she want me to find 8 hours?!
(*i realize appointment time is not a thing (everyone can understand) but I’m gonna have to save it for another post. appointment time is sacred in a directionless little bug’s life and it deserves to be explained properly.)
If you think I’m joking that I laid out this schedule to a woman who was born inside a human resources complaint folder and whose dearly departed soul resides within a ludicrously capacious bag somewhere, I beg you to get to know me better.
Fundamentally, she did not understand and spiritually I was not the messenger to enlighten her, so I decided to quit.
I am impulsive by nature but this decision was incredibly thought out. I wrote down a list of pros and cons and I titled the cons list “things I’m not aligned with” and I listed 11 things.
“I dont want to be managed!!!!!!” (this is a literal copy and paste) topped the chart.
To follow? “Corporate weirdness”, and, simply: “Slack”.
On the pros list I wrote: “Freedom”, “I will finally be free”. (LOL!) Underneath it, it says “Take a fucking risk.”
I sat with these lists for approximately three minutes, and then I wrote an email announcing my resignation. And then I quite literally never spoke to anyone there ever again.
This all leads me to one short pivot before we’ll arrive at our final destination of my birthday list. 
When I mentioned earlier that I am impulsive by nature, I mean that I quit my job because someone said there was a question posed to me in Slack and I needed to answer it came to Ohio to visit my dad’s (RIP) childhood home and my (then) girlfriend convinced me to call the number on a commercial real estate building and within 45 days I’d signed a lease and 90 days later I had packed, driven, and moved my entire life across the country. 
When I moved here, I knew no one so I did a lot of things you may think only people who are on reality dating shows do, like: go to an espresso martini making class, cook marshmallows over an open fire in a state park at night with strangers, slide down a snowy hill on a plastic saucer as an activity, or attend a local rat’s birthday party.*
*disclaimer for anyone here who doesn’t GET me bc I’m scared to be misunderstood: i loved all of these things I’m not mocking them; I’m simply holding a light to the absurdity of my *on the spectrum, agoraphobic weirdo* ass doing these things in earnest because i needed to not kms. ◡̈  kms stands for k*ll myself.*
(Of course all of these things on a reality dating show would involve two people, whereas in my case I did all of those things alone.)
As a treat for my efforts to be a member of society, the universe provided me with the unique gift of meeting the anthropomorphic version of my intrusive thoughts!! 
We’ll call her Gloria (for no reason) and in our first phone conversation she had called everyone in the state of ohio “fat, lazy and bipolar” and told me my business would fail.
One minute after we hung up, she texted asking if I wanted to sauna with her right now. Now mind you, I’ve been doing shit “for the lore” since before it was called “lore” and men were just telling me I was insane (simpler times!!) so I grabbed a bikini and drove 9 minutes ready to go in a sauna with a random lady I’d never met.
And go in a sauna with a random lady I did... fully clothed for a reason that both confused and relieved me. In that sauna, Gloria repeated the aforementioned phone topics and added a pointed “nobody wants to work out; you will fail” while staring at me in a box heated to 130 degrees.
“It’s okay. Everything is always working out for me” I told her as she persisted in her negativity, because I lacked the ability to just tell her to shut the fuck up (and also because that is true). 
I considered the possibility of her behavior coming from a good intentioned place, like when cars driving the opposite direction flash their lights to let you know they just passed a cop (as if that ever hits). I considered it was an act of humanity, one unstable woman to another; trying to save me from the hell she thought was inevitable given her own - self proclaimed - “failure”. (she had opened and closed a studio of her own.)
So I let her keep flashing her dumb lights at me, showing up to my studio uninvited in the middle of my buildout telling me I should see if my landlord would let me out of my lease, texting me little foreboding horror stories about the perils of being in the fitness industry, sending me local businesses that were closing as if to say “i told you so; i’m warning you.”
“You’ll see” she said multiple times, as if to predict my ultimate demise in a way I’d be able to reflect on in the future, remembering she’d warned me. 
In those moments and in the months of desperation and grind leading up to the opening of my business I had no other choice but to move forward blindly, confidently. Long before I met this psychopath I had prepared for the possibility of failure. Unlike this woman, however, that preparation involved the potential of having to say “I failed… now what?” rather than “I failed. I’m the rule, not the exception. The journey is impossible.”
It’s been almost two years since I left the career I thought would define me, and while I certainly haven’t failed, I’m not writing this from the other side. I’m writing this from the beginning of a long journey I’m prepared and excited to be on that began the day I decided to take a fucking risk.
Two years ago I couldn’t find 8 hours a day to work and now somehow I’ve found 14-18…
and not a single one of them has been spent on slack. 
The Gift Portion!!!  the intangible: for the dismantling of nextdoor dot com, for all my bad memories to be erased, to win the war against seed oils, for the ai to stop(!!!), that the person who sullied my google reviews finds God and healing bc going against me is a form of psychosis, for great deals on this upcoming amazon prime day, that natalia grace is ok, that i never hear a telephone ring again, for watermelon to be in season all the time, that nobody is ever mad at me, that all eggs would turn to donuts in a way that would not have negative implications for chickens or negative repercussions for farmers, that everyone bounces back from whatever inevitable side effects ozempic will have, that my frequently used emoji are all safe and sound after getting rearranged, and for everyone I know and love to read the source by dr tara swart, and that they are all happy, healthy, successful, and in love forever.
the ones you can buy: these shoes (size 38)  or these shoes (size 38) also these (and you guessed it! 38) i want to fix my brain here, a casual five day immersive neurofeedback experience this watch this large suitcase or this one i cant pick this gorgeana kind of urgently, this these shoes (great deal alert!!!!) (size 38) i think the trajectory of my life would change if i owed four of these and maybe some other things to go with it big year for shoes … huge a stunning linen spray this practical thing her this or something else from her(e) these, white, small also kind of urgently, these this definitely the max mara teddy coat in the absolute smallest size and this is the last time I’m gonna put it here!!!!!! ykto!!! (lol!!)
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scooby-review · 3 months ago
Every The New Scooby Doo Movies Episode Ranked
Individual rankings can be found on my profile :)
Perfect!; Great!; Good!; Okay!; Meh!; Bad!
24. Ghastly Ghost Town (S1E1)
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23. The Mystery of Haunted Island (S2E1)
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22. The Ghost of Bigfoot (S1E10)
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21. Mystery in Persia (S2E3)
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20. The Frickert Fracas (S1E4)
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19. The Haunted Carnival (S2E8)
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18. The Phantom of the Country Music Hall (S1E14)
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17. The Spooky Fog of Juneberry (S1E9)
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16. Guess Who's Knott Coming to Dinner (S1E5)
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15. The Ghostly Creep from the Deep (S1E12)
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14. The Loch Ness Mess (S1E12)
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13. The Haunted Candy Factory (S2E7)
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12. The Ghost of the Red Baron (S1E11)
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11. The Exterminator (S2E5)
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10. Weird Winds of Winona (S2E6)
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9. The Spirited Spooked Sports Show (S2E4)
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8. The Haunted Showboat (S2E2)
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7. The Dynamic Scooby-Doo Affair (S1E2)
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6. The Caped Crusader Caper (S1E15)
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5. Sandy Duncan's Jekyll and Hyde (S1E7)
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4. The Secret of Shark Island (S1E8)
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3. Wednesday is Missing (S1E3)
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2. A Good Medium is Rare (S1E6)
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1. The Haunted Horseman of Hagglethorn Hall (S1E13)
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The New Scooby Doo Movies is pretty evidently not my favourite iteration of the Scooby franchise. Having read others opinions online, most people appear to enjoy the series. In fact, looking on IMDB any negative reviews are heavily disliked which just feels silly to me.
For me personally, the series just doesn't capture what I love about Scooby, the horror aesthetic is ditched for the most part, the mysteries often feel unimportant (or non existent in many cases), the villains are fairly unmemorable and the gang aren't characterised deep enough to fill out the runtime.
Of course, this final complaint is where the guest stars come in, but they too are often not enough to save an episode, with celebrity casts frequently repeating the same joke about themselves for forty minutes before calling it a day. I think I would have a better time if this were released in the modern day, I think the longer run time would be filled out better and there would be a clearer vision of what Scooby Doo is. For the second series in the franchise, it breaks beyond the mould crafted by Where are You, yet never enough to truly craft its own identity and to guide the series forwards. The subsequent series The Scooby Doo Show has a far darker tone, returning to the horror/mystery genre with certainty. Even when this series aired, it was swiftly replaced by reruns of Where are You for several years as apposed to airing this new show.
I think, for me, the episode length and lack of direction is what strikes me. Forty minutes is fine, but even in my favourite episodes, I felt that runtime, it plagued so many of these stories. Every episode feels padded, jokes run too long and very rarely do they use this extra runtime to craft a more extravagant mystery. If these were twenty minutes, even thirty, I would enjoy all of this so much more.
Despite my favourite episodes coming from Season One, I think Season Two is stronger as a whole. There's no evident change, but the episodes feel more sure of what they're doing - they're mysteries that the gang are either working with the guests to solve, or working for the guests. It's more consistent at least.
This is not to say that the series doesn't have its merits, I do enjoy the guest star aspect, especially when we see fictional characters brought into the world, or when they use the guest in an interesting way, for example Sandy Duncan's episode takes place on a film set, which is so great!
This isn't the last time we will see this concept used, in 2019, Scooby Doo and Guess Who was released, and it acts as an homage to early Scooby, taking great inspiration from this series in particular. It's one that I am particularly excited to properly watch.
All of this is to say that, while I appreciate a lot of what this series does, it doesn't work for me. I'm glad I've watched all of these episodes, it's been fun being able to see where the intro clips came from which was a question that I always had as a child. And there are some good and even great episodes in here!
Next: The Scooby Doo Show S1 E1-4 (Coming Soon!)
Previous: The New Scooby Doo Movies Villains Ranked
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fashion-foxy · 8 months ago
Ok, Descendants fans, genuine question: Arent a majority of cast useless and could just be Ben and Harry with little to no change in the story? (I'm using them because that scene with Ben kidnapped on the boat and Harry fucking with him was peak dynamic. ) Like :
Mal : Leader of original VK group, sarcastic, and insecure,and acts as Isle figurehead; being the 'bad' and more negative to Ben's more positive and 'good'. Ben is ~16, and his parents are very closed-minded and see in blank and white. Ben being that young and having no one around him who shares his view of the world would (in my opinion make him relatively insecure). I don't think I really have to explain Harry fitting sarcastic. Harry could just as easily fit into being a figurehead to the Isle. I think he embodies the Isle a bit more because he has a much more free spirited personality and demonstrates a lot more how being on the Isle is "every man for himself"
Evie : Optimistic, friendly, smart business minded. Ben is, tying back in with the last statement, a very positive person. He will always see the good the good in everyone and everything and because of this he's a very friendly guy. The 'smart business mind' can totally also factor into running a kingdom. Considering every possibility and factoring what that would mean for you and your people.
Jay : Charming, Kleptomanic tendencies (it's a personality trait in the sims 4, I genuinely couldn't think of anything that wasn't already covered by 'charming') Harry has a scene where he flirts with 4 women in ~1 minute. He also has 'was in a situationship that ended horribly, and neither of them want to admit it ended or even happened' energy with everyone. He is like the definition of charming. I don't have to really explain Kleptomanic tendencies, but I think it also builds the 'knows what it takes to survive on the Isle' that I think would bring a lot more to the table than when Mal said that they should close the barrier for good and BEN (someone who has no reason to care about the Isle and only does because he genuinely wants to do the best thing for the people) was the one who advocates for the Isle. Harry would never turn his back on the Isle like that.
Carlos : quick-witted, and awkward has this played for laughs a couple times(I may be misinterpreting the situation because Dude being comic relief is not funny at all to me but I assume most things he says are supposed to be humorous) (Sidenote : Rest in peace Cameron Boyce.) This one isn't even really specific to Harry because basically all of the VK's and quick-witted and very good at thinking on their feet. (Growing up on the Isle will do that to a motherfucker) but I think Harry is probably the best at it. I mean, just take the exchange where he says that there's 20 minutes left to noon, and Ben corrects him. He doesn't get hostile he takes the situation and makes it into a joke and like it's part of him messing with Ben. Obviously the awkwardness is something that Ben possesses. The man is the human embodiment of a hurt puppy. If he's trying to be nice and friendly with someone and they are rude or ignore him, he just freezes. He's got nowhere to take the conversation, so he awkwardly laughs and walks away.
Uma : Pirate gang leader. I think that she and Mal have very similar personalities, and a lot of these points are going to be building on my talking points with Mal but I will bring up that Uma is a lot more stubborn and vengeful than Mal is/was. Harry and Ben aren't exactly that stubborn. What I would say is that if anything, Harry is more self-assured, and Ben just has very strong views of the world that he won't compromise on.
Gil : The most friendly dude, caring, little dumb sometimes, but he means well. Gil literally is just the Isle equivalent to Ben, in my opinion. Like they just share most of their traits.
So, how grossly did I oversimplify them? Are there more strong character moments in the book? What am I missing here?
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watched the first episode of the live action atla adaptation and took notes:
-what is this opening. who are these people. am i expected to care about this random earth kingdom man because i really don’t
-opening fight is kinda meh :/
-sozin looks weirdly… nice? like he has “harmless old man” vibes. i don’t actually dislike this casting choice i think there’s a lot of potential to having him look friendly and approachable even as he does war crimes
-seriously did someone in the writer’s room watch rogue one before coming in and then go like “HEY I KNOW WHAT WE SHOULD ADD” WHAT is this plot doing here
-where is katara’s opening narration. like i get they aren’t adapting one to one but that’s such a loss. the opening cutscene from the original series was so good
-all of these people are so fucking sweaty what is this
-sozin’s outfit is appropriately fuckable
-“my sights… are set… higher… because… it is… our time…” “[screaming]” wow very emo
-why did they change the narration. this is objectively worse.
-oh no this isn’t katara is it… dang :(
-air temple looking neat. why are we here tho. where are katara and sokka
-why is everyone watching aang jumping around like he’s a fucking celebrity. have they never seen an airbender before in the fucking air temple
-at least they say aang’s name right. step up from shamalalalam or whatever his name is. of course that bar is so low the devil declared it a tripping hazard, so
-these people do NOT talk like actual humans. have these writers never had to write natural exposition before
-genuinely what was the point of that first scene. WHAT does it add
-“when yangchen died the next avatar was born into the water tribe” what, does aang not know this. my fucking god this exposition is shit
-aang didn’t know he was the avatar?? and then didn’t immediately get an ego about it when gyatso told him??? who is this and what did you do with my BOY
-the acting isn’t bad but the lines are so shit it’s hard to tell
-aang is NOT sufficiently goofy
-appa’s kind of ugly :(
-TEAM ROCKET’S BLASTING OFF AGAIN (<— my unfiltered reaction to sozin going jetpack mode)
-unnecessary airbender fight scene. i think this is literally just here to look cool and honestly? 6/10
-aang just fuckin… wandered off? instead of willfully running away? bro you can’t take my boy’s agency like this
-i want a video of appa’s va making those noises into the mic. come on netflix do it it’ll be funny
-WHY is everything so WET all the time
-20 minutes in and i have yet to see the south pole. literally none of this is necessary to the story. you could cut all of it and nothing would change
-no funny boat scene with sokka? insert no bitches megamind here
-oh they still have a boat scene. unfortunately it sucks ass
-seriously. they’re removing all the good scenes to fit more unnecessary action and/or melodrama filler in
-shitty zuko cameo
-WHAT is that scar. why is it so small. did he fall and get a scrape on his face? looks more like a scab than anything. 2/10
-baffling why the iceberg even reacted to katara when she’s apparently so fucking incapable she can’t even lift a water orb. they’re massacring my girl
-why does sokka want to leave this random child to die
-“it can’t be… this… is an airbender…..” i am rolling my fucking eyes
-iffy on this iroh so far but i’ll reserve judgement
-tumblr was right. zuko’s actor is absolutely putting his whole pussy into this. he can have rights
-how are NONE of these jokes landing. even the ones they directly crib from the original just… lose all impact
-why is kanna saying the intro dialogue randomly with no prompting. seriously these writers are SO. FUCKING. SHIT
-every emotional beat in this comes off more wooden than a fucking tree
-seriously. everything i could say about this just boils down to the wooden writing, unnecessary and poorly executed exposition, the action scenes shoehorned in for no discernible reason, inability to create any impact from anything ever, and the removal of all the good scenes from the original in favor of more unnecessary poorly written TRASH
-oh one more thing actually
-they took all the good stuff out to fit in more melodrama and action, but their writing (and directing. and acting) is too shitty to actually sell said drama and their fight scenes are mid at best
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gobbluthbutagirl · 1 year ago
coming back on here temporarily to say Does anybody have a spotify playlist of favorite songs or whatever that they are willing to share with me. i was so excited about how normal my spotify wrapped was this year until i noticed my top 5 artists are all over 70. Like i have a MAJOR old man music problem it would seem. i do not nor have i ever wanted to fuck that old man but i DO want to listen to his music so bad it makes me look stupid. i started counting how many of my top 100 songs were by old men and guys it was really bad. it was like more than 50. and i was listening to the ai dj wrapped thing and he was all “here’s your typical friday mood” and then he played me a 74-year-old man followed by a 76-year-old man followed by a guy who’s been dead for 20 years followed by ANOTHER guy who’s been dead for 20 years. And then he told me that my #9 artist this year was paul simon. and then he went “here’s some songs i think you’ll love” and it was all shit that my boy earle bailey already plays for me every night on sirius xm channel 26 classic vinyl. So long story short i am looking to diversify from old man music. i have already listened to bits and pieces of several random spotify users’ “best songs ever” type playlists in the weeks since and they were kind of a mixed bag. some good, some bad, some songs that were literally 25 minutes long and i didn’t notice until 21 minutes in when i felt like the song had been going on for kind of a while because i’m fucking stupid(in my defense i was in the middle of making a bûche de noël when this happened. Also you can tell i’m an intellectual because my phone tried to autocorrect noël to nosleep). i will listen to literally anything btw. Unless it sounds like it would be playing in a forever 21 in which case i probably won’t like it. also preferably those who will answer this call are into stuff that’s LESS mainstream than i am and not MORE mainstream. Because like no offense to swifties or whatever but like. I already know about her and i want stuff that i don’t already know about. And i’m also not really into country except like johnny cash and the chicks and a few others which yeah yeah cliche boring whatever but keep in mind i was literally born and raised in south carolina so that was fighting for country music dislikers’ rights and people died. oh yeah and i don’t like songs where the entire lyrics are just about a man and a woman having sex but if the entire lyrics are about gay sex then that’s fine. But also keep in mind i listened to “i started a joke” by the bee gees 1759 times in six months in the year 2022 so not only am i contractually forbidden from judging anybody else’s taste in music but also if i even so much as try then you dear reader are contractually obligated to print that little factoid out and tape it to a brick and come to my house and beat me with it. Thanks
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Sorry I Am Late: My Dog Needed a Hug
You know how some people just have it together every morning? They’ve got a Starbucks in one hand, and they stroll into class like they own the world. Yeah, I am not one of those people. Let me paint you a picture: the start of the quarter, me rolling into Mrs. Storkenson’s class, 20 minutes late, every single day. And every single time, she’d greet me with the same, “Hey, Anna! You’re late.”
And, of course, I always had a reason. One day, it was, “Sorry, I was up early and getting ready for school, but then I started petting my dog and realized I needed to research if dogs actually hate hugs. Sorry, I got distracted.” Another day, it was, “I’m sorry I’m late, I was up on time, but something happened. I don’t remember what, I’m just late for some reason.” Or, “I’m sorry I’m late, I was up early this morning, and while I was getting ready, I went downstairs to get a glass of water, saw the TV, and started binge-watching Barbie and the Dream House." Oh, and her favorite: “I’m sorry I’m late. I was up early because I had to do my lashes, but then I got distracted by my eyebrows, so I went to get a brow wax. Halfway through, I remembered I still had to get to school… and I didn’t.” Yes, these are all true stories. My life is basically a series of chaotic detours.
Here’s the thing: having ADHD means you have this little problem called time blindness. Basically, you’re terrible at knowing how long things take or when you need to move on to the next thing. Getting up early sounds like a solution, right? Nope. It just gives me more time to get distracted. If you’ve never stared at the clock and thought, “Oh, I have five minutes. That’s enough time to stroll TikTok, check Instagram, and clean my entire room,” congratulations, you do not have time blindness.
After weeks of showing up late, I finally realized I needed a better plan. Alarms. Lots and lots of alarms. My phone goes off every five minutes in the morning, telling me exactly what step I’m supposed to be on. I’m not joking when I say I have an alarm that says, “Go get water,” five minutes later, another alarm says, “Wash face.” Without these reminders, I’d probably still be petting my dog and Googling random facts about dog hugs.
Even when I make plans with my friends, I set alarms before leaving. One alarm tells me to get dressed, another reminds me to grab my stuff, and a final one tells me to put on shoes and actually walk out the door. It might sound over the top, but it works. By the end of the quarter, Mrs. Storkenson actually thanked me for being on time. Okay, fine, I was still usually racing in at the bell, but at least I wasn’t 20 minutes late anymore! At most, I was only five minutes late. And she celebrated that improvement, even though it wasn’t perfect. I love her for that.
I think part of why she was so patient with me is that this wasn’t just any class; it was my GLOmies class. GLOmies is a peer-to-peer mentorship program where we work with students in a special education class, doing activities and learning together. Even though time blindness is a total curse of ADHD, creativity is definitely my superpower. Every week, I was in charge of the art activities. Mrs. Storkenson always told my parents I was the most creative and fun student she’s ever had in eight years of running GLOmies. That means a lot to me.
Oh, and you should know: I was never late on Thursdays. Thursdays were arts and crafts days, and that was my thing. After all, when my ADHD brain is passionate about something, hyperfocus kicks in! That’s a blog for another time. 
So, yeah, I’m still working on being on my time blindness, one chaotic morning at a time.
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afr0-thunder · 1 year ago
[Poor Chronicles Pt. 37]
Topics: Baby Mommas and their Types/Work (“Off Days”)/Photography/Girls/Read, Reply or Delivered (RRD)/Shopping/Work (Personal Image)/Weed/Football
I’m so sick of one of my future baby mommas. I had replied to her story, telling her, that her ass was ugly. I was not lying, bitch. You are so fucking ugly. You and your little gremlin ass boyfriend. She fucking left me on read. What a bitch? I hate her ass. Imagine your bitches…in bed…with some *triple disrespectful African American explicatives*. Now I COULD do something about this (for her), HOWEVER…I’m not stepping out of bed for a bitch, an *African American explicative* or anybody else. Y’all bitches are hopping out [*sparkles* ~ for me ~ *sparkles*]. I’m sure one day this feeling will be owned by them, but that’s not hitting. Retaliation does not soothe over being in bed with my bitch and and her wasting your time and money does not make me less mad about it. How could I let someone get under my skin to the point where I seek revenge though?
Another one. Shared a white influencer’s shirtless picture. Yuck! I asked if that was her type.
These bitches drive me insane.
I was off yesterday, they called me to come in. I intended on taking pictures. Exactly one month from my last photo shoot. I intended on starting a monthly 17th post (and because being 17 was so lit, ironically). Weekly or more, honestly. This foiled my plans. Imagine awakening stiggity-stoned from an hour to two hour long nap to your manager asking if you’re available, an hour ago. I say, “What time?”. I arrive 20 minutes early. My hispanic manager (not the one who says “Nigga”), joked with me about becoming a manager at the other location. I don’t see this for myself, but others do. This will make for 8 straight days of work. Amazing. I will follow this up with a 13 day long vacation. What the fuck am I? In high school? I presume I’ll be called in or a shift may arise. I hope not. I can use this time to take those pictures. It is rather piercing outside though.
I was asked to visit my regular location today. I was asked to work with the most flirtatious bitch alive (manager) and the tall girl. We’ll be calling her Horndawg, not only due to her last name, but feeling, although concealed, she LOVES to get off. Every time I see her I wonder when she’ll stop flirting with the world.
Horndawg, on the other hand…is there a name for sexual attraction based on scent? I damn near lose track of time when in arms reach of this bitch. I wanted to ask her if she was 5’8 or 5’9. Our coworkers watch us very aggressively, it’s almost dead silent, so I throw in a few interactions. I think they think the height thing is “cute”. Otherwise I would tip the manager off to how she had me fucked up. Also, presumably homosexual for a wage. Other than that every time we get too close, I want to kiss on this bitch’s neck and I think she wants to put a hickey on mine. It’s a very aggressive feeling. I asked her a question. Not only did she almost pop a blood vessel in her eye trying to respond, but she gave me the “Hey Daddy” eyes. She’s tall, but not taller than I. Also, I assumed she was a student…she is still around currently, this thickens the plot. A local? Anyway, in 2016, I told my friend (married woman who I said isn’t taking our relationship seriously) that my dream woman has to be the baddest bitch…with the FATTEST ass. She has to be so bad, I’d eat her ass. This is her, I’d spit right in her butt.
I replied to this one girl’s story. Pushed my last DM right through. Said she had gorilla grip coochie (not verbatim, how the fuck would I know), I never considered this likely. She just might be the perfect bitch, if so. She liked it. She frequents Chicago, so this would be fun. She fucked this other guy I used to be friends with. I don’t have any doubts. I just want to prove his dick game is terrible. This bitch’s ass is fat from the FRONT. Commented on this asian girl from high school’s post (wholesome). Never really thought she was cute, but now I want her squirting all over my dick. Outrageous. I’ve been going crazy about some asian pussy lately. Like I want her to look REAL asian, like straight out of a 90’s movie.
Shopping! Oh shopping. I decided I would give hoodies a run (if there’s good enough options). I have quite a few newer clothing options that are for colder weather, but I may empty stock quickly. Either hoodies or plain tee shirts next, but hoodies are limited due to color theme. Tees are even more limited for designs due to there being none and the only option being repetition in colors. Which is what I wanted to do anyway.
I see nice clothing and accessories for my whores. Feels like it’s their style, but this is designer drip baby. Chicago only rocks designer, bitch.
My former favorite coworker got a neck tattoo. I said I’d avoid getting mine to remain professional and the other one would be a terrible marketing strategy.
I may have to slow down on the weed (unfortunately). I am seeing a problem in my ways. He has now missed *$180 of my money. Even though he sold me thorns, last. I may use this for my hoodies. I may just starve and smoke less weed. That wouldn’t save so I may just stop smoking. To be determined.
- MH (2023)
[12/18/2023 - 8:00PM]
Go Lamar Jackson, Lions could beat any NFC team except the Eagles. 49ers could lose to the Cowboys. Eagles over everyone. Texans making a push without CJ Stroud.
Ravens to Super Bowl
#3 Texas to CFP Championship #GoHorns … side note thought this content creator I followed was delusional rooting for them…but then they washed Alabama. They haven’t been good since like fucking Vince Young in ‘07. I’m rooting for the 2016 “Juju On That Beat” Texas Longhorn to make a comeback now.
0 notes
etrosgate · 3 months ago
for fun here's a kh analysis rec list. that also happens to double as a “what convinced me that soriku endgame actually” list? but it's not exclusively about that.
Stuff for Everyone
Constructing Kingdoms
a video series analyzing all sorts of aspects of KH from a literary perspective. there's 20 episodes so far and every single one is a banger. it's difficult to articulate just how much this series increased my understanding and appreciation of KH's narrative. and while most of the essays on this list are Really long, the videos here are pretty short (most are under 30 minutes, and the longest is still just around 40). and a lot of entries on this list are covered in some capacity on this series too! it's a must-watch, and the perfect place to start.
youtube [playlist]
Riku is Gay (and why it matters)
it's not super concisely written, but this video is a fantastic compilation of all the evidence for why riku is, in fact, gay. textually. and not potentially gay in the future, but how he's already canonically intentionally gay. right now.
youtube [main essay] [addition 1] [addition 2]
“That Person” How a Pronoun Revealed the Heart of a Story
a two part essay that presents some major aspects of sora's side of chain of memories that were almost entirely lost in translation (largely due to the nuances of jp pronouns), and extensively analyzes the implications of that source material.
[btw... i am currently working on a patch for gba CoM that attempts to reinsert these elements into the game's english script...so stay tuned for that...]
anyways, im not joking when i say reading this may completely change your perception of CoM. it's now my definitive favorite kh entry (narratively), and i just become more certain of that the closer i look into it. it's so damn clever.
google docs [essay part 1] [part 2] article from "the gamer", abridged [link] and if you think you can debunk it, you're Required to read the Entire original essay first. cause i can assure you, they're probably spent more time evaluating that point than you have.
Necklace Theory
this one should probably be in the section below, but it just ties in so much to the previous CoM essay (and has enough basis) that i'm putting it here. do you remember the meteor shower memory from CoM? this theory posits that in the true version of the memory, the "charm" was sora's crown necklace, given to him by riku.
tumblr masterpost [link] youtube, abridged [link] article from "the gamer", abridged [link]
The Music of Kingdom Hearts
what it says on the tin, an analysis of the music throughout the series, the connections between tracks, and how they're utilized in the narrative.
youtube [playlist]
Stuff for Theorists
The Sleeping Realm Theory
you might've heard about this one. though presented as a singular theory, it's also just a really fantastic documentation of a lot of the Weird Shit that's in kh3+remind. speaking of which, if you know of any other good theories about the puzzle box that is kh3, please tell me.
google docs [essay] youtube, comprehensive+additional discussion [playlist]
A Type-0 Fan's Guide to the Foretellers
this essay establishes the definitive connections between kh (specifically, the χ[chi] saga) and the game final fantasy type-0(+its mobile game), and uses that as a springboard for speculation. it happens to also lend some genuine credibility to "demyx is the MoM" theory? it's a fun read.
google docs [essay]
False Light: A Master of Masters Analysis
an essay compiling all the known info about the MoM, and then providing some speculative theories as to his identity and future in the series. a lot of great stuff to chew on, highly recommended
google docs [essay]
+i've got some really good reblogs in my kh tag
and if YOU have kh analysis/theory recs (in any format, on any topic and arguing any position, so long as its well reasoned/gives you stuff to think about) PLEASE GIVE THEM TO MEEE <3 <3
discussing soriku endgame actually with fellow believers
Tumblr media
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