#when i regret the vator
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If you recognize the the venue this bathroom is from you get a gold star sticker, you deserve it for what you’ve been through just going in here.
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gavonosc · 7 months
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Woah…Bive from hit Roblox game Regretevator?!
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satureja13 · 6 months
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Jack eventually convinced the others to send him back to the Therapy Game. And even though Vlad had a (mostly) positive experience, they are so worried after Jack broke down when he returned from his last session.
Saiwa: "Be careful. Leave whenever you feel uncomfortable." Jack: "I will." Tiny Can beeped exitedly and started the Game.
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Jack was still locked up. But he kept himself from screaming 'OUT!' and tried to get himself together. This. Is. Just. A. Game. Breathe in through the nose and out through the muzzle. Just like Saiwa tought him. He managed to calm down a bit and looked around. There was NPC Barfolomew! And NPC Uncle Stefan on the stands! What a strange place. Is this a court hearing? They won't execute him, will they?
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NPC Barfolomew stood up: "Are you ready Boys?" A growl and a rattle from the cell next to Jack answered him ö.Ö' There is another wolf captured here. And from the stand Jack heard the crowd chant: "Wolfsbane! Wolfsbane! WOLFSBANE!!!" Just like last time. Barfolomew is obviously the bookmaker here.
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He opened their cells (finally!) and they stepped out. Jack looked around. Of course there is also an NPC Greg! He is so going to have a word with Tiny Can when he's back! At least there's no gallow or pyre.
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The Queen hissed: "Who is this pooch and why isn't he greeting his Queen?" Barfolomew: "Forgive him, Your Royal Highness! He probably grew up in the woods!"
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And to Jack: "Hey, Moonchild! Get yourself together!" And so Wolfsbane and Moonchild greeted the Queen and her entourage.
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Which consisted of no lesser than Noxee, Ji Ho and: Caleb! OMG! (The Boys met Caleb Vatore last Winter Solstice ^^') Even though Jack knows that these are only NPCs, he's so excited. Noxee! And Caleb! He already regrets that he left the game early last time. And Ji Ho looks so beautiful!
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Barfolomew went back to his table. Jack Moonchild and Wolfsbane stood opposite of each other. So these are wolf fights! Barfolomew shouted: "The bets are placed. Leeet's get ready to rrrumble!" And the crowd cheered and chanted their 'Wolfsbane!' fan chants...
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Wolfsbane hugged Jack Moonchild and whispered: "Don't worry, I'll go easy on you!"
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Caleb does not seem to like what he sees.
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Despite Wolfsbane's promise, it was a rough fight. But Jack Moonchild enjoyed it. He loves a good fight - and he's the Super Soldier after all :3
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Neither is giving anything away. Caleb's eyes are locked on the combatants.
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'Well, in the Euston Tavern you screamed it was your shout But they wouldn't give you service so you kicked the windows out They took you out into the street, kicked you in the brains So you walked back in through a bolted door and did it all again
At the sick bed of Cúchulainn we'll kneel and say a prayer And the ghosts are rattling at the door and the devil's in the chair, hey'
The Sick Bed of Cuchulainn - The Pogues I can't keep still when I hear this song! ^^'
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It was an equal fight but Jack Moonchild won in the end. And Caleb looks shocked. It seems he placed his bets on Wolfsbane.
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The Queen stepped down to congratulate Moonchild and extolled them for the enthralling fight. His beloved, beautiful Noxee. Best therapy ever! In this world he is not the damaged, mangled wolf with a bag full of disorders. Here he can show his talents and gather positive experiences in a safe surrounding. Good job, Tiny Can! And maybe, in this game, Noxee is not together with Greg and Jack can woo her and become her King! If Greg were her King, he would sit next to her, wouldn't he? Poor defeated Wolfsbane can't look pouting Caleb in his sulking eyes.
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To be continued...
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🕹️ 'Therapy Game' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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benatarrrr · 7 months
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who up regretting they vator
(guys pls dont let this flop my arts been doing really poorly on here when i post it pls im proud of this)
please ask to use AND credit if use /srs
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jrwiconfessions · 6 months
Thinking about Vyncent's character makes me genuinely upset and not in the way where it's because of how sad or interesting his character is. (This rant will have references to important PD episodes through-out the entire series)
Vyncent's character in PD was robbed. Almost every character moment was either a forced in flaw that took one episode to overcome or it relied on the other PD members to be there.
During the S2 Training Arc, Vyncent had a mini-arc about overcoming his trust issues. Trust issues that had never been brought up before that and still haven't been mentioned after. Even ignoring that, trust issues make absolutely no sense for his character and even go against his characterization.
Vyncent's biggest flaw wasn't ever trust issues, it was his indecisiveness. He'd always had somebody to listen to or turn to when there was a problem and because of that, he never made an effort to make decisions on his own.
This flaw makes sense for his character as it builds off of the fact that Vyncent had always been mimicking somebody or following orders from them and never was the one to decide his own actions. He had The Greats when he was younger, and S1 and early S2, to guide him. When he didn't have the Greats, he had William.
This flaw was also brought up in the S2 Grayscale Arc, where when William made the decision to help David, Vyncent wasn't sure if he agreed but went along with it anyways because he trusted William's directions. Vyncent was later shown regretting this while hiding in the elevator, and wishing he could think of a plan to fix things. (This is specifically brought up in the Vyncent in a Vator song.)
This moment could've been the perfect catalyst for an Arc about Vyncent's Inductiveness, but it was left there.
Not only that, but as I said earlier, trust issues actively contradicts his own characterization. He was actually very trusting throughout the entirety of PD, which also builds off of his indecisiveness and how he trusts others to make decisions for him.
He had a perfectly good flaw that made sense for his character, but instead they chose to railroad one in for some god forsaken reason.
I didn't even bring up how Vyncent has almost no meaningful dynamic with anyone besides William, how them going to his home world that he had been ripped away from lasted only a couple of episodes, how his character is often used to develop William's instead of his own, or how generally inconsistent his character is.
Vyncent Sol isn't even my favorite character.
Sincerely, Anonymous
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queeniecook · 1 year
June 1
Soon, Caleb's first child would be born into the world. The due date is June 21st but babies have a history of doing things on their own time clock.
After paying a quick visit to his sister in Forgotten Hollow, he takes the Vatore private jet to Sulani. He promised Vera he would check in on her brother and his family.
After ringing the doorbell, he hears a voice telling him to come in and that "Mr. Apollo" would be back from the store shortly. The voice sounds oddly familiar to him and he doesn't understand why until he walks into the home.
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He hasn't seen her this close since 1846 but he still knows his cousin anywhere. "Lily." He says in shock. He can't believe his eyes yet he knows they never fail him.
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Lily freezes. She senses the vampire the moment he walks through the door and hugs the toddler in her arms closer to her. She relaxes only slightly when she hears Caleb's voice. A voice she hadn't heard in so many years. It sounds the same as the last time she actually spoke to him over a game of chess in the living room of the Vatore Mansion before he and Lilith were ripped away from their human lives.
"It's time for his nap. Let me put him down then we shall speak." Lily says before heading upstairs, not glancing at her cousin. She's not quite ready to really look at him.
The clouds have moved in and covered the island by the time Lily gets AJ to go to sleep. She heads outside to find Caleb. She can smell him. Gone is the scent of horses and hay that she used to associate with her cousin Caleb, now it's replaced with the smell of death and expensive cologne.
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It's hard for her to look at him, he looks the exact same but he's not the same. She on other hand, has aged. Slower than if she was still human but she's an old woman now.
"I never thought I would see you again this close." Caleb admits, she had always stayed in Moonwood Mill all these years. Every so often he or Lilith would get close to the town to catch a glimpse of their cousin, just to see if she's still living. 
Lily breathes heavy at this words. This close - they must be the vampires that Kristopher worried about sniffing around every so often. She isn't sure what to say. "I didn't want to see my cousins as they monsters they've become."
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"I did not choose to become this!" Caleb exclaims with anger. No, it had not be his choice by any means. "Helena changed me without my consent!"
Lily finally looks up at him. She had her suspicions all these years about what had happened. "What about Lilith?"
Caleb frowns, despite his sister and wife both trying to ease his guilt, he still feels responsible for his sister being a vampire. "She asked Count Vladislaus Straud to turn her. She did not want me to be alone."
Lily slowly digests the information. On one hand, she couldn't understand anyone wanting to become a blood drinking creature but on the other, she gets it deep down. Lilith and Caleb had always had a strong bond with each other.
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"You two have still drank innocent blood over the years. How many have you two killed?" She asks him. She has to know. 
Caleb thinks of how to answer this. Does turning three people between himself and his sister count as killing? Ciara counts, even though he thought Vera was dead. "I have turned two people. Liberty Lee and Inna Cents. I thought I had killed Liberty but that is another story." Caleb pauses. "Lilith turned her ex-boyfriend, Jackson but he asked her to. As for her killing anyone, that is her story to tell, not mine."
Lily waits for him to continue, trying to keep her emotions in check.
"I killed a witch named Ciara Scott. She kidnapped Vera and I thought she had killed Vera." Caleb actually has regret over taking Ciara's life, despite everything she did to Vera - she was still a living being. 
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Things grow quite. Both cousins are seemingly hugging themselves in an effort to find calm in the midst of their current emotional situation.
"I regret the bad things I have done." Caleb says truthfully. "I am on a strict plasma fruit and plasma fruit juice diet now. My wife would not put up with me going around and drinking from unwilling people and I really do not want to be that person anymore."
Lily slowly nods. She has heard bits and pieces while working for Apollo and Naya. She doesn't doubt that Vera would put up with that behavior from Caleb. "Lilith?"
Caleb sighs, out of habit and because he doesn't want to answer the question. "She drinks human blood once in awhile but does not kill them."
Things become quiet again and the silence stretches until Lily speaks. "You're going to be a Father."
Caleb smiles for the first time since their encounter started. "Yes. Soon, Vera is due this month."
Lily nods, she was shocked, to say the least, when she learned of the pregnancy. She had to do some digging to find out how it's even possible. It seems magic can do many things. "Are things going okay with the pregnancy? Mr. Apollo says they are."
"They are outside of a warlock named James." Caleb says quietly, the smile fading from his face. "I think he may try something during the birth."
Lily growls low in her throat, if Caleb wasn't a vampire, he may have not heard it. "If you need my help..."Caleb looks at her in surprise but Lily holds up her hand. "The baby is my family. Whether he or she ends up being human, merfolk or...vampire. Still family."
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Caleb does something extremely risky for his kind as the rain beings to fall on Sulani. He grabs Lily and hugs her. It's a rare hug between a werewolf and a vampire, but Lily's offer of help means the world to him as does getting to see her again. He knows he's caught her off guard by how her body goes rigid. Lily thinks of throwing him off her briefly but she finds herself hugging him back. It has been over a hundred years since she's gotten to hug one of her family members. She lets everything go for the time being and simply enjoys the moment.
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flutteringfable · 8 months
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me when i regret the vator idk i never played the game. drawing roblox characters is so fun and regretevator has so many cuties <33 i think i wanna try my hand at split, infected, or pilby next!
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vicciouxs · 10 months
SIMBLR ASK GAME ! tagged by @machinegrl <3 tsym ily 💐
I remember leaving school, probably in the summer, and arriving at my grandmother's house, where my older cousin was with a friend. I always played with them and that day a classmate had lent his friend the sims (spoiler: they never returned the game to the classmate 🌞)
by my cousin's friend 🌞👍
the sims
many years, after that I played the rest pirated and the only one I bought was the sims 4 when they came out
the sims and the sims 4, I would also like to say the sims 2 or 3, but since I played them pirated sometimes my computer crashed and I couldn't fully enjoy them either 🤡 but well, the truth is that I enjoy the cas and the construction mode of the sims 4 and I love the sims because it was the first one I played
can I say all of them? like, before they were sims they are my ocs so I have a special affection for all of them, but, lately I love zahria, eiran and kaitlyn sm
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the goth family and the vatore siblings, like, even when I don't do anything my sims always have a love bar with lilith or caleb; and I love the goth family since the sims. I can't say much about the rest of the sims either because I focus so much on my little pixels that I don't pay attention to the lore of the sims, sorry 😭😭
I have it, but I don't post a photo because I'm remodeling it. and I play with ir, but in dress-up game way, I use it to recreate outfits and get an idea of ​​how to change my hair 🌞
every time I can because it relaxes me a little, like, I don't have to do anything, it doesn't have clear objectives, there are no missions, I can do what I want whenever I want without pressure, and don't forget that I really like to visualize my ocs and their stories, so every time I can I play
all of them, they all have a small part of me, but without a doubt, the ones who are most similar to me are knox and genji.
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none? like, idk, I am incapable of doing any because there are always things that I dislike or that do not inspire me and in the end I do not do any 😭😭
I regret not having studied astronomy every day, so I would choose astronaut. I love space and the universe sm
socially awkward, gloomy, art lover, bookworm and geek. I can't choose just three, sorry
I don't know how to draw, so I really like to recreate my ocs. also decorate and create sims in general
it doesn't matter if it's a game or real life, winter will always be my favorite season, especially because of the snowy scenarios. you don't know how much I love the snowy scenarios of red dead 2
not really 😢 sometimes we discuss new expansions or create our roleplay characters in the sims, but I can count those times on one hand and I have fingers to spare
86,2 gb 🤡
I don't know exactly why I did it, but a part of me wanted to find people to create our little sims together and talk about sims; I also feel like I've always liked watching other people play, we all play the same game, but none of our sims are the same, each one has their own style and aesthetics and I really like to see that, plus all the people I have met here are so nice 😭😭💐
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red-simulation · 2 years
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ❤️
I realized I got this pending since so long, so I wanna drop some facts about Vlad that I just made up for my story (not spoiler, I swear):
He's a grey character, although his character color is grey, it means that he's not good or bad. He has his own ways to deal with issues and to reach his goals.
Highly dislikes technology.
When he's sad, he will play his organ for undermined time (that's the way Vatore's sibling have to know his mood).
Def he's not ready for all the shit I'm gonna put him through.
He might seem cold, centered and severe but deep down he's very sensitive and full of pain and regret.
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lindyloosims · 2 years
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“My dear boy...” Vlad began with a mournful sigh, “...back when I was in the predicament you are in now, as I was shutting down the donor banks, I came across a young woman who had been captive in one particular den of iniquity for many years since she was a girl!”
“Miss Hell?”
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“Quite, young Marybell Smith was near death when I found her, the vampire who kept her as his daily food supply had drained her to the point of extinction! It was either let nature take its course or...”
“Turn her!”
“Exactly my boy, well I decided to give the girl a chance! But she turned out to be a ruthless creature who stalked a young Italian boy who had recently moved to Brindleton Bay with his sister, she herself had discovered what I was and had a morbid fascination with vampires!”
“Are you talking about the Vatore siblings?”
“Twins actually, but yes, Lilith would visit me often and take notes on my very long life. She found it a novelty to speak with someone who had lived through many events in history that were centuries in the past!”
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“But like every other young lady I had encountered after my transition, she wanted something from me...eternal life! Even more so when she found out that Marybell Smith was pursuing her gentle, wouldn’t say boo to a goose twin brother. She had a dark side, Lilith, she makes the perfect vampire you see...the perfect combination of fair and menacing!”
“So how did Miss Hell get to Caleb if you turned Lilith to protect him?”
“Lilith’s transition was...let’s just say...traumatic for us both! I nearly lost her, not all humans survive the turn! Only vampires who don’t know what they are doing choose the ones who cannot withstand the bite!”
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“But if she makes the perfect vampire then...”
“How did she almost perish? Well that is a mystery no one has been able to solve for me. Not the Beakers, not the Sages...not a soul! But Lilith is still here to tell the tale! Sadly as she was fighting for her unlife, Marybell made her move and swooped down upon young Caleb, seducing him, he didn’t know what hit him! It’s perhaps a blessing that they were turned so closely together, such is their sibling bond, neither could live without the other!”
“So what happened after Miss Hell turned Caleb? I’d have thought that Lilith would’ve kicked her ass!”
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“Oh she did, once Caleb transitioned, he took off into the night, terrified! He had no idea what had happened! He sought shelter from a sweet young girl he was courting, Inna Cents, she took care of him but alas his bloodlust came to the fore and he drained her almost dry! When Marybell found him, she found the entire thing highly amusing! Lilith arrived to witness her brother sobbing, holding a limp Inna covered in blood. She went for Marybell right there, but like the coward that she is, Marybell fled! Lilith forced Caleb to turn Inna as atonement for almost killing her! Miss Cents survives to this day!”
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“So Miss Hell has been raising literal hell since you turned her?”
“As you youngsters say, pretty much, yes! So I apologise for my part in this, if I’d known what an evil wretch Marybell would have turned out to be, I’d have left her to die in her own filth that night!” Vlad was torn up about the whole thing, Miss Hell seemed to be his biggest regret, and this man had very few regrets over his long life. I got the impression that he wanted to destroy his mistake, like I had wanted to destroy Grayson Chambers. Did I have another battle on my hands? A President’s work is never done!
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satureja13 · 10 months
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The Morning after Winter Solstice
When Ji Ho woke up, Vlad had already left. And Ji Ho was glad he did. It would have been too awkward to wake up next to him. There was a lily on the bed. A symbol of Vlad's love for him. All obstacles are out of their way now. No curse and no need to cut the Bond anymore. They have a home now in the Otherworld and they are save there. Only thing Ji Ho has left to do is to learn how to love Vlad...
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Vlad stepped out of the sanctuary. Dtui and Rubyn are already up and busy with the pedestals. They are trying to figure out how to send the Boys back and forth between their home in the Otherworld and this world. Dtui: "Morning Vlad! It went very well as I see. You have your eyes back! The others are at Ichiraku's." Vlad: "Morning. Ah, yes ^^' and thanks!"
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Jeb and Jack noticed Vlad's good old eyes: "Oh my finally!" (Saiwa is sulking because neither Vlad nor Jeb told them why they showed up without their shirts yesterday... Jeb even in his hot cowboy outfit...)
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And really, Vlad regained his black eyes! It seems the Bond has forgiven him for trying to bond with Morgan and murder the Bond...
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A little later Ji Ho joined them. Jack: "Ji Ho! How do you feel after you shoved Caleb Vatore from your bed and your neck? For Vlad ^^' "
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Ji Ho flushed. But he sat next to Vlad <3 Saiwa to Vlad: "You must be a very good boy now to not make Ji Ho regret his decision ;)" Jack: "Ah lucky Genji! He left together with Lady Demon and Caleb in the limousine!"
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They indulged their breakfast and chatted for a while. Knowing they'd return to their new home soon. Together. Ah, it's been a while since I've seen them so carefree and happy! Only - Kiyoshi's place is empty. Let's hope they get him out of that tree soon.
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Saiwa: "You still haven't told us why you showed up without your shirts yesterday..." Vlad: "What happens behind the fence, stays behind the fence." Saiwa: "Yeah? What if I kill you behind the fence?" Jeb: "Vanië, such things happen when riding the fence. I told you it's dangerous. You never know from which leg of the Trousers of Time you'll emerge when you hop in the waistband. Let's just forget about it, hm?"
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Pff. Sai went over to Dtui and Rubyn to discuss when they are going to send them back home. Rubyn: "We still have no idea how to send you back and forth by yourself. If we send you back now, either Vlad or Ji Ho has to stay here with their meteorite." Saiwa: "Oh. No that's not an option. Other Jeb urged us to stay together..." Dtui: "While I cast my spells here yesterday, I figured a few things out. We already know that the meteorites, together with the crystals, allow you to teleport to certain places. Rubyn could be able to build a portable device for you. But we need more information about the powers of the crystals."
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Saiwa: "Oh we'd found an amazing website with all the information about the crystals when we were on the clue hunt in Selvadorada!" Dtui: "Unfortunately we need information from a specific old book. This wisdom is not shared on the internet. Saiwa. We can't send you home yet. We need you to go to the library in Windenburg to find this book. Make sure nobody recognizes you there. The Council is still after you. I'm sorry." Rubyn: "Hey, you've already managed harder stuff, right?" Oh no...
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Then poor Saiwa went over to the Temple with Dtui to discuss Kiyoshi. Saiwa: "We've made good progress and I'm positive we'll get him out of that tree. Little Goat already shows up from time to time. I'm just not sure how to interpret Other Jeb's message. When he urged us to stay together, did he also mean Kiyoshi? And If yes, how is he supposed to stay with us in the Otherworld when he has his duties here at the Temple. And for the Resistance?" Dtui: "I fear Kiyoshi can't return back here anyway. Kōjin banned him from the Temple. And he's of no use for the Resistance either as it is. Keep him with you and look after him. He still has so much to learn." Oh no...
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Ji Ho: "I hope Genji isn't sad I chose Caleb. Over him..." Jack: "Don't worry. He also chose Caleb ^^' Anybody would ;) " Vlad: "Tch...this bigheaded goth kitten. And what is even going on with his hair?..."
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🛺 'Home crappy Home' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: 🌴 'The Expedition' from the beginning ▶️ here 🎤 'Putting the Boys Back together' from the beginning ▶️ here 🥀 'Disbandment of the Group' from the beginning ▶️ here
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raynblaze · 2 years
Emilia was starting to sober up after a long night of dancing and talking to old friends. She decided to head upstairs to the balcony bar.
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Her bartender, Phoenix, also helped managed the bar when Emilia was away. Phoenix is a vampire that originally came from Willow Creek. He had a sort of southern charm about him that Emilia liked and thought would be a good fit for her bar.
He saw her crying and decided to comfort her. He definitely had a way with words to help cheer her up, and with Emilia feeling desperate to get over Farkas....well, things got steamy.
Her and Phoenix slept together.(don't worry, Emilia uses birth control ) The next morning, Emilia instantly felt regret....she thought Phoenix was a very sweet guy but the pain she was feeling inside was even greater now. "How could I do this!? What about Farkas!?" She thought. Even though they aren't together anymore, she could never get over him. As charming as Phoenix was, and even being a fellow vampire herself, she told Phoenix that she felt like this was a mistake and didn't want this to continue. 
He was a little bit sad, because he's had his eye on Emilia since they first met, but thankfully he understood and promised not to get in the way of what Emilia wants.
She asks him to look over the bar, and heads over to the Stormsong residence after cleaning herself up.
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"Look. You are a strong, beautiful, vampire who can figure anything out. I know it's rough right now, but you got a lot of friends willin' to help. Hell, I'll take out Vlad myself if I have to." Emilia chuckled to herself and looked up at Phoenix. He was very handsome, and Emilia was feeling so alone. She leaned over and kissed him.
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"Do you want to test out the hot tub?" Emilia asked. "I haven't used our since...." Emilia looked down. She remembered spending so many nights looking at the stars in the hot tub at the Vatore manor with Farkas. She started to get sad again, but Phoenix grabbed her and looked into her eyes. "I'd love to."
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"I'm so sorry, Phoenix. This was a mistake." Emilia started to cry. It was a wonderful night of passion with a handsome man, but Emilia still felt empty the next morning. 
Her love for Farkas was too strong. She knew there was no way she could get over him. Even with how understanding and caring Phoenix had been. He told her he would always be there if she needed a shoulder to cry on, but understood there couldn't be anymore nights like last night. "I'm going to see Cyrus. Please look over the club until I return. I don't know how long I will be."
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mosneakers · 3 years
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Morgyn struggled to speak the words of that regretful night, but their silence was all the context Coraleye needed. She could have sworn she could physically feel a jagged, uneven line split her heart down the middle.
Coraleye: No...
She muttered softly in disbelief. Her voice was raspy and strained, much like her spirits. Morgyn couldn't even bring themself to look at her. They knew when they did, that expression would be burned into their memory for the rest of their life.
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Morgyn: I...
Coraleye: Who was it? L. Faba? Lilith? Who? Please, look at me and just tell me. This is the part where Coraleye was hoping Morgyn would look up at her and laugh at her for completely misunderstanding what they were trying to tell her. But their silence overwhelmed her with dread and only confirmed her conclusion. Morgyn was unfaithful.
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Morgyn: It was Caleb. Caleb Vatore.
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simmingsorah · 3 years
5, 13, 21 for the ask game :)
STORMMMMM!!!!! 💖💖 Thank you!!! 
5 - What made you want to create a simblr? 
I was doing recolors and figured I could share them, ironically 90% sit in my WIPs folder because I was super inconsistent with swatches. Also I was thinking it would nudge me along to learn Blender (the regret!!) 
13 - What are your favorite Sim names? 
I like the Vatores - sounds cool! 
And when I make a sim I name them like Kori or Lacey or something, cause it's cute! 
21 - Describe your favorite Sim. 
Uhhh Red hair, 5'8", single and not interested in mingling! (fate’s a bitch that way) Loves baggy shirts and generally dresses modestly. 
And headcanon rambles: she was on the track and swim team in high school so she's athletic AF but now that she's in university for Civil Engineering she spends her free time making paintings and watching movies and she's a freelance fabricator. She loves doggos and playing video games. 
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queeniecook · 1 year
June 2 - Part 2
A few hours after his talk with his wife about Lily and Lilith's behavior at the baby shower, Caleb arrives in Forgotten Hollow. If it were night time, he would have just flown himself in his bat form but today he opted to use the Vatore private jet once again. It had been earning it's keep lately.
Caleb tracks down his sister after stopping by the estate, briefly talking to Lurch about Lilith's possible whereabouts.
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"You had sex with that excrement of a vampire?!" Caleb exclaims after he asked Lilith about her behavior at the baby shower. "I had a feeling this would happen someday..."
"You don't think I haven't beat myself up enough over this?" Lilith asks him "I hurt Jackson."
Caleb isn't sure what to say. He's trying to use his mental toothbrush to scrub away the image of his sister and the Count going at it. It unfortunately popped into his head the very moment she admitted what she did.
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The silence stretches until Lilith breaks it. "It was a one time deal."
"Are you sure about that?" Caleb can't help but ask. 
He receives a look from his sister that looks murderous. He holds up his hands and decides to switch the topic to a much more pleasant one.
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"I saw Lily."
"In Moonwood Mill???" Lilith asks in confusion. She gets ready to read her brother the riot act for going near that town without her. It's far too dangerous for one vampire to go there alone. 
"No. In Sulani. It turns out that she is working as AJ's nanny." Caleb explains, still in a bit of disbelief. Lilith remains silent so he continues. "We made amends, for the most part. She has also offered her help during the delivery of the baby, if needed."
There's silence again as Lilith mauls over what Caleb has told her. Lily, they had been so close once upon a time. Back when they are all human and not natural enemies.
"You should go see her." Caleb insists to her. "I am not certain how many years she has left."
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Lilith looks away from her brother, deep in thought. "Are you sure she'll want to see me?"
"I am not saying it will be a visit full of pleasantries but it is long overdue. One day, she will pass. You will still be here. Do you want more regrets to fill your immortal years with?"
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alchemysage · 4 years
The Mordere Legacy is coming back!
Hey everyone!
I’m going to start posting my Mordere legacy again (tomorrow!), but since it’s been nearly a year since I last stopped, I thought everyone could use a bit of a refresher. Below the cut are all our recurring characters and where we last left them--also in case anyone is wondering what’s going on but doesn’t want to read from the beginning (because it’s truly terrible until gen 2 oof). I’m excited! The reboot will pick up from where we left off but with better planning and better editing :)
But first, let’s re-introduce everyone:
Lenore Mordere
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Our gen two heir, Lenore has always wanted to embrace her vampire nature more than the rest of her family. After years of conflict, she ran off with her girlfriend, Ellie, to live in San Myshuno with Miss Hell and the rest of her clan. While she starts off excited to learn things her parents never taught her, she struggled to get comfortable with the more bloody aspects of the life. Where we left off, Lenore has just found out that Ellie has spent the last decade manipulating her under Hell’s orders to join the clan. 
Lorelei Mordere
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Lenore’s twin sister. The two were inseparable until high school, where Lorelei fit in easily with the human teens. Where Lenore struggles to make and keep friends, Lorelei is popular, even having a boyfriend, and wants no part in the vampire world. The sisters haven’t spoken since Lenore left for San Myshuno. Her boyfriend, Leo, came down with a mysterious illness at a party in San Myshuno, but seems to be recovering okay. 
Ellie Bates
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Ellie is half demon, something that made the vampire council deem her an “abomination” and send her to a home for abandoned supernatural children. In her early childhood she was adopted my Miss Hell, who capitalized on her desire for love and acceptance and trained her to manipulate Lenore into joining her clan. Despite it all, she does love Lenore deeply, and actively wants to be a better person.
Wallace, Maura, and Matthias
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Three of the other San Myshuno vampires who were recruited by Hell, her wife Kat, and Markus. Matt and Wallace were outcasts before being turned, Maura was born a vampire but never had a home until she stumbled into Hell’s door. Largely victims of their situations. 
Miss Hell, Kat Cave, Markus Crow
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Miss Hell, one of Vladislaus Straud’s brood who went rouge, leads the San Myshuno clan with her wife Kat and their lifelong friend Markus. As soon as she heard of the Mordere twins she set a plan into motion to convince one to join her--both to have a vampire of noble blood join her ranks and also as revenge against their father, Caleb, who she sired but now considers her greatest disappointment.
Adeline Mordere
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Our founder, mother of Lenore and Lorelei and (formerly) the last Mordere. Once among the vampire elite, the Morderes were hunted down by a ruthless family of vampire hunters. A younger Adeline was sent to the well-hidden, aptly named Forgotten Hollow to restart and preserve the family lineage. Someday, she hopes she and her descendants can take back their family lands and title. 
Caleb Vatore 
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Caleb was turned by Miss Hell but quickly rejected the traditional lifestyle, instead choosing to drink exclusively from plasma packs and fruits and attempting to retain humanity. He moved with his sister Lilith in Forgotten Hollow, where they could live their vegetarian lives in peace. When Adeline moved in he became her first friend, convinced her to give up drinking from humans, and eventually marries Adeline and fathers Lenore and Lorelei. He wants his daughters to also love humans and hopes they can live in harmony with them--the driving reason for giving them a human education rather than a vampire one. 
Lilith Vatore
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Caleb’s sister, Cool Aunt to Lenore and Lorelei. Honestly I did her dirty in the past. I have plans for Lilith that make her less of an extra! I love her. Lilith agrees with her brother’s ideals of loving humans and staying vegetarian but thinks he takes it too far--she deeply regrets not intervening to give the girls a vampire education when their parents were slacking. 
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