#when ‘ghost’ jackie was like i’m the most interesting thing about you are you the person you wanted to be? like oh that’s
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krookodyke · 4 days ago
the misty v. shauna comparisons too are so interesting to me because misty is a “classical” kind of psychopath but based on what shauna did at the trial shauna is way more of a psychopath than misty is or ever could be. nat attempted to protect coach the best way she could via misty because she’s nothing if not passionate but shauna just fucking scared everyone into convicting coach. much less with seemingly little input from taissa either, she did it all by herself even after coach apologized and had his little heartfelt speech. shauna is literally terrifying like
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adzeisval · 1 month ago
Storm Shifted Souls: In Another Life
Welcome to Febuwhump 2025!
Strange storms in the Bermuda Triangle are bringing things across from other worlds. Also on AO3.
The water was calm, oddly calm, or maybe the water was always that calm after a violent storm and it was the fact that they were in the Bermuda Triangle that was making Jim so uneasy. There had been rumors lately of strange things happening in the triangle, more strange things than usual. Ships going missing then coming back claiming never to have left. Storms seemed to go out of their way to hit that area. People said they saw ghost ships and had visions of people who had long been dead. 
Jim really didn’t want to be there, but Captain Frenchie insisted they look around a bit. The latest rumor was that a pirate vessel had gone down in the storm and it was only right to look for survivors when so few of them were left after the sacking of The Republic of Pirates. Jim didn’t think Frenchie was wrong; they just wished they weren’t where they were.
Two years had passed since the sacking and Izzy’s death and they really did need all hands, all pirates and if any could be saved from the storm they had to try. Especially since they’d lost a few of their own, well not to death but Olu, Zheng, Jackie, and the Swede had started another bar. 
“Starboard side! A dinghy!” Roach called out. 
“Hijo de puta,” Jim muttered and ran to the other side of the ship to see if they could spot the dinghy. There it was floating on the calm sea. Jim lifted a telescope to get a closer look but it looked empty to the naked eye. 
But on closer inspection it did appear there was at least one person, or body, curled up in the bottom of the dinghy. From that distance Jim couldn’t tell if the person was alive or not. 
“There’s someone in there, Roach come with me and let’s see if they’re alive,” Jim said. 
One survivor wasn’t much but maybe they could at least figure out what ship had gone down. Oddly Jim didn’t think there was another pirate ship in the area when the storm hit so it would be interesting to see who had been sneaking about. 
The person in the dinghy didn’t move  when Roach called out as they approached so Jim got ready to deal with finding a corpse in the dinghy. The person was mostly covered with a bit of sail and was most likely dead. But they had to check. There was a chance they could help the person, or if nothing less give them a more comfortable place to die if they were too far gone. 
Jim pulled the sail aside and gasped, both hands flying to their mouth to stifle a scream as they fell back into the dinghy and almost went into the water. 
Jim looked at Roach who looked just as perplexed. 
“Are you seeing what I’m seeing?” Roach asked. 
“Yes,” Jim said, “I think so.” They both sat and stared at the body in the dinghy. The person. Because as Jim watched they could tell that the person was indeed alive and breathing steadily. 
Problem was Jim had seen that same man take his last breath two years ago. But there was no doubt the person in the dinghy was Izzy Hands. 
Or it looked like Izzy, down to the tattoos every detail screamed that it was the man himself. Except…
“The leg,” Roach pointed out. 
The Izzy in the dinghy had both legs still intact but otherwise looked exactly the same as he had when Jim had sailed with him. Was it some sort of trick? Some sort of shapeshifter? A creature from the deep just using Izzy’s form? Jim had heard all sorts of stories of things that could trick a person and lead them to their deaths or to hell or…
The Izzy shuddered and moaned. 
“We should take him aboard, I know this is nuts and he could be some sort of dangerous thing but…” 
“I want to help him too,” Roach said. Jim tied the dinghy and helped Roach row them back to Izzy’s Revenge and oh wasn’t that going to be fun to explain?
“Do you want to explain this or should I?” Roach asked. 
“I’ll do it,” Jim mumbled, it was probably something a first mate should do. They called everyone to gather and then explained who was in the dinghy. 
After a little bit of arguing they decided they needed to bring Izzy up, even if it wasn’t really Izzy they should know what it was just in case there were more of them. So they got Izzy on board and Roach looked him over. 
“He’s a little cold but no injuries, we’ll get him out of these wet clothes and see what happens when he wakes up.” 
After they got settled in Jim went to change as well, having Izzy wake up to someone dressed an awful lot like him was probably going to be weird and at least that Jim could alter. They were going to have to try to remember to not call the ship Izzy’s Revenge right off either, that would be too weird. 
Of course the whole thing was weird and possibly dangerous but Jim held out hope that it might end up being a good thing. It would be nice having Izzy back, even if they never understood why. 
“Do you really think it’s him?” Fang asked. 
“Looks like it, I guess we’ll know for sure if he wakes up cussing,” Jim said. 
“But what do we do if its not Izzy?” Pete asked. 
“We’ll come to that if we need to,” Jim said. Jim hoped they didn’t, even if it wasn’t Izzy and was some sort of evil spirit that was going to doom them if they didn’t kill it, it wasn’t going to be easy to do as long as the thing wore Izzy’s face. 
Jim was along with Izzy when he started to stir. 
Izzy woke up with a start sitting up and looking around the room. 
“Where the fuck am I?” 
“The Revenge, we’re a pirate ship and you’re safe here Izzy.” 
“You know who I am?” 
“I do, but you don’t know me?” 
“Should I?” 
“I don’t know, this is going to sound crazy…” 
The cabin door opened and Fang came in, “He’s awake!” 
Jim looked from Fang to Izzy and saw what little color was on Izzy’s face drain.
“Fang…I…you…you can’t be here…wait The Revenge? Bonnet’s ship…you’re all dead, the ship…am I dead?” 
“No, you’re alive, we’re all alive,” Jim said. 
“Can’t be…The Revenge burned after they hung Bonnet, all his men were either burned or hung. Then…Blackbeard, we went north he went a bit mad. Got caught. I was elsewhere got there just in time to see you drop Fang, then they…hung Eddie,” Izzy finished quietly but it was clear he was panicking. 
“You hit a storm?” Jim asked. 
Izzy nodded, “Near Bermuda, managed to get in a dinghy.” 
“We’re near there, the same storm hit us but…fuck…I don’t think you’re from the same…I don’t know timeline? Bonnet didn’t hang, we’re on the Revenge, Ed Teach is still alive.” 
“If everyone’s alive then is Ivan here and if you know who I am where am I here, fuck this is insane.” 
“I know it is. Ivan died here too. And…you died a couple of years ago.” 
“Years? What is the date?” 
“Ninth of September, seventeen nineteen.” 
“Fuck me, was just November seventeen seventeen. I don’t…” 
“We don’t understand either but I mean it when I say you are safe here Izzy. We’ll get you some food and you need some rest and then we’ll figure out what the fuck is going on,” Jim said. 
“Can I get you something to eat boss?” Fang asked and Izzy nodded. 
Izzy was silent for a few moments but then spoke in a whisper, “You said Ed’s alive?” 
“Alive and well,” Jim said. 
“Can you take me to him?” 
“Yes, I think he’ll be very happy to see you, we’re all happy to see you Izzy,” Jim said. 
Izzy nodded but still looked confused more than anything. Jim was inclined to agree with the man, none of what was happening made any fucking sense at all.
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utterlyinevitable · 4 years ago
Hi! I really like your fics! Especially 'The Conference'. I have a fic request: Ethan x MC revealed to only the gang - not the whole hospital. It's totally fine if you don't do it! Thanks for considering my request! 💞
Sorry for taking a million years to get to this. Also sorry that it’s trash ♥
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Telling Friends
Paring: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Rebecca Lao) Rating: T+ Summary: It’s sometime after the toxin incident and Becca tells her roommates about her budding relationship. Though one of them has some issues with it... Trope: Fluff, People Find Out About Them; Platonic Gang 
Becca walked carefully into her apartment, immediately greeted by the sweet aroma of chocolate chip muffins and the sight of two of her roommates on their hideous, thrifted yellow couch that makes this place a home.
“Oh, good. You’re all here,” She sighed with a contented smile as she kicked off her shoes.
“Think we should be more shocked you’re here,” Jackie retorted, barely looking up from her phone.
Normally Becca would roll her eyes or respond with something snarky, but not today. Today the roommates had something to talk about; all of which revolved around why she’s barely been home lately.  
“Where’ve you been?” Elijah added, the whites of his teeth sparkling in the midday sunshine peering through the window.
“And in yesterday’s clothes,” Jackie followed up. 
“That’s what I wanted to talk about.” 
Becca dropped her bag and coat by the door before bounding across the room to take her place on the sofa between her two friends. 
“There’s something you guys should know. And I need you to keep it secret.” She glared pointedly at Jackie. 
“Did you pull a heist without us?”  
Elijah added, “Yeah because if so, no, I will never forgive you.” 
“No. I would never. It’s just…” Becca trailed, moving to settle further into the cushions. She took a deep readying breath. Exhaled. And continued; “Really sensitive and important, and I don’t want to do anything to screw it up. But I also don’t want to keep sneaking around…” 
“Are you back with Raf?” Jackie questioned with a raised eyebrow. “Since he kind of imploded his life for you?” 
After the incident, Rafael Aviero broke things off with his childhood sweetheart because of the lingering feelings he still harbored for her. Now he wasn’t moving away, he didn’t have Sora, and he didn’t have... 
“Um… no,” Becca responded, looking down at the cushion. 
Before her guilt could set in fully, the room erupted in a high-pitched, delighted squeal. 
“Oh my god!” Sienna rounded the kitchen island quickly, her battered hands clasping around the wooden spoon, “Really!?” 
“What?” Jackie asked at the same time Elijah questioned, “What’re we missing?” 
The two girls locked eyes and Becca made the slightest of confirming motions. 
Becca took a deep inhale, eyes never leaving Sienna’s. The absolute delight in her best friend’s dark eyes were giving her all the courage she needed. “I’ve been spending a lot of time at Ethan’s. We’ve been dating for a while.” 
“Since when?” 
“The memorial, basically.” 
“Shit,” Jackie lamented. “I’m happy for you, Bec. But damn” - a coy smirk appeared on her lips - “No wonder that guy’s been friendlier than usual.” 
“Finally!” Elijah exclaimed in a rush of air, like it was a breath he’s been holding in for far too long. All three pairs of eyes were on him. “Sienna and I caught Dr. Ramsey leaving the morning after her hearing.” 
Jackie’s jaw dropped past the floor and into the basement. 
The rest of the gang brought her up to speed on how that ended up happening and how no one knew Ramsey slept over, and of course the unfortunate ending to that tale.  
“How’s that going to work?” 
“Strictly professional at the hospital.” Becca affirmed the sentiment with a flippant wave of her hands and the smallest of smiles. “Nothing’s going to change.” 
“Except for how soft he is around you.” 
“He’s not soft on me. If anything he’s harsher with me because of our relationship.” 
The roommates talked more about the logistics of her relationship and how often Ethan will be staying over. Jackie set some ground rules for that, to which Becca rolled her eyes and agreed they would never ever have sex anywhere other than her bedroom when in the apartment. 
When the conversation waned Becca asked; 
“I was thinking about inviting him to Thanksgiving. Unless that’d be weird?” 
Elijah chuckled, “It’ll definitely be weird.”
Sienna waved him off and grabbed her friend’s hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “We’d be happy to have him, Becca.” 
The two girls shared a moment. It wasn’t a question that Sienna was overjoyed at Becca’s happiness - this was everything they’ve been dreaming about happening since early intern year. Though there was something quite bittersweet - Becca got a second chance with Ethan, while Sienna will never know what could have been. In their tightened grip neither could forget Danny. 
Becca’s lips parted, about to whisper condolences and affirmations that things are going to get better. But Elijah spoke first;  
“Getting to know Dr. Ramsey will be a real treat. Think he’d be down to watch the MCU in succession?”
As she turned towards him a broad smile took over Becca’s features. “As long as there’s scotch I’m sure he’ll be fine.” 
“I can’t believe you’ve been sneaking around with him.” Jackie lamented once more.  
“What’s Dr. Ramsey even like outside the hospital? He doesn’t seem like fun.” 
“Ethan’s a lot -” 
Aurora emerged, cutting Becca off with a disbelieving, “You’re dating Dr. Ramsey?”  
Something in her new friend’s tone threw Becca off kilter. So much so she threw up walls as quick and high as could be, ready to defend defend defend. She was afraid of her friends not taking to the news and Aurora’s tone really confirmed Becca’s worst fears. 
“Uh, yeah,” was all she could respond. 
“Gross. I’m happy for you but... gross. Are we forgetting he dated my aunt for years?” 
“Oh shit. Yeah,” Elijah muttered from the sidelines.  
Quickly Becca added, “They were never serious.” 
She was going to say ‘in love’ but thought better of it. She loves him dearly and knows he feels the same way, but they haven’t said it yet. The first time she uses that word next to his name it should be to him and him alone.  
The retort was swift and icy, “Are you?” 
Aurora didn’t anticipate the answer, she knew her friend and thought this was just another one of her impulses. Becca had a tendency to bounce from interest to interest, heart to heart; and after everything that’s happened recently maybe she’s just finding comfort in the man who kept her alive. 
Both sets of deep coffee-colored eyes met, both Aurora and Becca’s features schooled so stoic and unwavering in their position. A simple “Yes” dancing off Becca’s tongue. The word accompanied by the splendid thought that Ethan Ramsey was hers. 
Aurora Emery didn’t miss the tug of a smile tugging at the corners of Becca’s mouth.  
“Fine,” she conceded. “I’ll support you, but this is weird as fuck.”
Later that evening Aurora was in her room, sitting on her bed with a textbook in her lap. A knock sounded from her ajar door, and not a few seconds later Becca’s head peeked through the crack.  
“Hey, can we talk?” 
Aurora shut the book. “I think we need to.” 
She shifted on the bed to make room at the foot among all her papers. 
Once settled, sitting cross-legged, Becca broke the small flits of tension. “I’m sorry this is weird for you.” 
“Thanks.” Aurora forced a small, reassuring smile. “I’m sorry about the outburst. I don’t know enough about your relationship to comment.” 
“I don’t know enough about their relationship,” Becca admitted shyly. She fiddled with her hands in her lap. “Ethan doesn’t really talk about it. Just that he appreciates and respects the fuck out of Dr. Emery.” 
“Aunt Harper didn’t talk about it either. All I know is what I’ve overheard and saw. They go way back - I remember them together before I got into med school.” 
They let that sink in for a moment. Becca chewed on her lip as she mindfully ran through the semi-apparent timeline. “So this is weird,” she stated. 
“Really weird,” Aurora agreed with a chortle.   
Some more time passed by on a pause. The two amicably working through this oddity in their lives. Both their thoughts taking them in many directions. Though Becca’s moving further and further into territory she knew Ethan never wanted to wander back through. 
“Was he around a lot?” she finally asked in the smallest of voices. 
If Aurora picked up on her friend’s insecurity she didn’t make it apparent.  
“Sometimes,” she began. “He’d spend some holidays and milestones with the family. I don’t think he ever enjoyed it. A bunch of doctors eating and drinking all the time, everyone knows how much he hates spending time with colleagues.” Aurora tried to brush the last remark off as a joke to lighten the mood. 
She could see the ghost of a smile hanging on Becca’s lips.  
“He went for her.” It wasn’t a question  
Aurora simply nodded. 
“He’s a good guy,” Becca sighed. She looked up at Aurora with the most lovestruck look the young Emery has ever encountered. Right then and there she knew that this certainly was not one of her friend’s whims. It was, and had, the power of a whole new universe. 
“What the two of you see in him I’ll never know,” Aurora scoffed in feigned mockery. 
Becca was just about to comment - to say just how much of a different man Ethan was to Dr. Ramsey - when Aurora added; 
“But you shouldn’t worry about me, you should probably talk to Bryce.” 
Becca’s eyes went wide and her jaw stiffened. 
If anyone was going to address the other blatantly obvious elephant in the friend group, Aurora realized, it had to be her. Might as well kill two birds with one stone whilst they buried the hatchet. 
“We all know you’ve been hooking up for a while.” 
If words could kill Aurora was certain she just decapitated Becca. The poor girl went stark and ghostly. It was as if she hadn’t even considered telling her booty call she’s seeing someone else. 
Aurora trailed, “I don’t know exactly what went down but...” 
Neither wanted her to break Bryce Lahela’s heart.   
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nanachingu · 4 years ago
Drama Review: In Family We Trust (2018) (Thai Drama)
My first Thai drama review is coming from In Family We Trust (2018). First, let me tell you how I found this drama and decided to binge-watching it. I often see this title when I scroll Netflix but never trying to watch it till someone attach me. My whole reason to start this drama is Thanapob Lee or we can called him Tor. He’s one of the main actor in this drama and I love him in his next drama Hua Jai Sila (2019). I think his acting in that drama is really good, he’s perfect potraying his character so I want to find out his another project. To be honest, before this drama I already see him in several movie like Ghost Lab and May Who? and shockingly he’s cameo in the end of The Stranded (Netflix series) but I don’t have any idea that it’s him all this time. Really Hua Jai Sila make me open my eyes and make me found this worth-watching drama.
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So here I am ready to review this family drama with a touch of mystery and plot twist story that you can find it in Netflix. When I see the title, I already familiar with that name like I think I see this a lot when I scroll Netflix and just need like 3 days to finish this!!! This is one of my favorite genre, I’m weak with family drama and really love with plot twist story. Because this is a family drama, of course there are so many character in this drama. They’re of course a big family, Jiraanan family. Grandpa or called A-goong and Grandma we called A-ma have 5 children (but we only see 4 children in this drama) and of course their children have their family too.
So in the beginning of the story, we’ll be seen that each of Jiranaan family are get along with each other well and prepared to celebrate their A-goong birthday. A-goong and A-ma eldest son is Prasoet, followed by another son called Mate, and they have a daughter called Phatson, and the youngest son is Konkan. I think they have another child that already passed away because we can see one grandson that live together with A-goong and A-ma. Of course their sons and daughter have child too, so the family become much bigger. Let’s see the family tree first so we didn’t confused.
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From the left, the son is Prasoet (Songsit Rungnopakunsi) and right beside him are his wifes. The one in the right is Cris (Sopitnapa Chumpanee) and their son is Pete (JAYLERR). This is the family that he brought into Jiraanan family.
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Little does his family know, he had another son with another women who claimed to be his girlfriend in college. His another wife is Nipha (Apasiri Nitiphon) and his son Chi (Ice Paris). From the picture below, we can see Prasoet really love his second family eventhough they’re not officially Jiraanan’s family. This drama will revolve around Prasoet so finally in the end all know that Prasoet has another family beside his family with Cris and Pete.
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Next, is Mate( Saksit Tangthong) and his daughter Meimei (Sawanya Paisarnpayak). Mate always pick up Meimei at school. This is quite a little family, but Mate really love his daughter and vice versa. The only daughter left in Jiraanan family is Phatson (Kathaleeya McIntosh). Phatson married with a police and automatically her last name changed into Suriyapairoj. They have 4 sons, the eldest is Yi (Thanapob Lee), 2nd is Ern (Captain Chonlathorn), 3rd is Tao (Third Lapat) , and youngest is Toei (Jackie Jackrin) who in the same age with Meimei. To be honest I love this family the most. So lucky that Phatson has 4 son that love and protect her. Next, they didn’t introduce the parents but A-goong and A-ma has grandson that live together with them called Kuaitiao (Porsche). Last, youngest son is Konkan (Lift Supoj). If we can choose which one is the most chill family, we could say that Konkan family is very chill~ They have 2 son, Vegas (JamyJames) and Macao (Ryu Vachirawich). (The parents like casino very much🤣).
So enough with the introduction, and I will tell a little bit of the story before doing an overall review.
This suspense drama revolves around the Jiraanans, a wealthy Thai-Chinese family that operates its own hotels in Bangkok and Pattaya. The drama follows the members of the family, which seem to enjoy a strong and unbreakable bond. But things are not what they seem. One day, the eldest member from the second generation mysteriously turns up dead in the family estate. His nephew Yi, the oldest son of the victim’s sister and the prime suspect in the case, desperately tries to find out the truth. Source: MyDramaList
Before an incident happen in Jiraanan’s family, all of them just celebrate A-goong birthday together. It is so warm to see a big family gather together, it must be a happy day for A-goong and A-ma that they live till now to see their son and daughter with their little family and have a handsome and beautiful grandchilds. We also can see that the grandchilds really love their A-goong and A-ma. It’s like their family are in happiest moment. Even they took a family picture together.
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But who knows, that it’ll be A-goong last birthday. A few days after they gather together, A-goong passed away. This is the real beginning of the story about dark secret that Jiraanan’s family have but no one knows anything about it even the family itself. After A-goong death, it just going worse because of the tradition and old generation believe about differences between son and daughter in the family and honestly A-goong make it worse with his last will that shocking all the family because only his daughter that didn’t accept anything related to their business eventhough she work hard build their family business from scratch. All she got only his father savings; money. Instead, the eldest grandson from eldest son got 1/4 share of the family business. All of it, ended up we’ll see Prasoet the eldest son lying still on the floor.
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Yes, the eldest son of Jiraanan family was shot dead. He was found first by his sister Phatson who came over to his house talking about their father’s will and end up screaming when saw his brother was dead. Another family at that time in their house hear someone screaming and rush to get out to see Phatson panicked and said that Prasoet was shot in his home so they ran and as we can see in the picture A-ma, Kuaitiao, and Meimei saw that Prasoet lying still on the floor in his bedroom. After that this murder case became the talk of the town, get into the news, so police tried to find the motive why the murderer killed him. Honestly, this event create a most damage for Phatson family. As people know, Prasoet rarely confront someone and had enemy but the last thing he argue with someone, it’s Phatson. But I said in this drama, it’s not over till it’s over. We can’t be sure that the killer is his sister itself because as we go through this we could see that Prasoet had a few secret that we didn’t knew before and it could be a motive to someone done a murder. We just need to see it clearly and evaluate it carefully. I’m not gonna give a spoiler in this review, but I think you guys will guess it right like I am.
My first thought about this drama is I like how the story always give us a new plot twist in almost every near-end episode and make us wanna watch the next episode as soon as possible. This is one way to make us never bored by the story and they can wrap it successfully. Although honestly I can guess the biggest plot twist of this story but still it’s interesting because this drama get some details that we can’t get pass and that’s also give us some plot twist. You can’t guess it throughly, like you can guess this overall plot but still you’ll miss the little part of plot twist that make this story much better. Because it’s a story related to family, it’s really deep even when we already know the real murderer and all we need to see is just see the person in trial, in another drama we usually feel relieved and happy finally the killer is captured. But I think this drama makes me feel more sad and broken?? When we all see the truth, I think the circumstances are not getting better. The story really revolves only between Jiraanan family and the story behind it give us more pain than the murder itself. It’s not easy left by people who we loved especially it is a family, but it is more painful when we know that the one who doing it also our family. But I can say that all of this happens because of karma from their all bad action that happened in the past. When we know literally all the truth we finally realized why all of this happen to them, because every each of them are deserved it. But it’s all in the past, so eventually we must move on. In the end, life goes on. They’re still our family. We just need to let go of the past, and open a new chapter because only family is the place that we can lean on again. I can really feel it how every character in this drama just doing everything that they could to save their family. They’re not bad people, they’re just doing everything to protect their family. Lesson learned from this drama;
Family is the most important thing in our life because in the end it’s only family that we can go back into, and only family that will stay on our side and tried the best to support, protect, and defend if we get into problems. They’ll do anything. But without us knowing, the closest person that standing with us that can hurt us the most, is family too. But in the end, because the name of ‘family’ that will lead us back together and family is the only place that we can still lean on. Mistake happens all the time.
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For each family, if I have to choose whose family I love and attached the most, I would say that I really like Phatson family. I can feel their warm family and all of their sons are really get along well. They always root for each other, trying to protect the only woman in the house, their mother Phatson, and the eldest son Yi will do anything to protect and support his family.
One of my favorite scene is when Tao the 3rd son is a celebrity and when he feel he can’t hold back anymore he burst out to his brothers because only them that can give him comfort and feel protected. It’s also my best scene when they give us this brother scene gather together in one room and talking about anything and end up sleeping together on the floor. I can see from that scene, how they think that family is everything and they’ll never let them down because they have each other.
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For the character, I have a few character that I like and attached my attention:
My favorite character; I got 2 character that I love, but first the character that I love the most is (of course) Yi. Despite in this drama his character more leaning to the bold action, like doing anything in a rush, bluntly, and doing a few illegal action but I think he did his best for his family. I don’t understand why he must critized by society in the drama because of his action? I think what he did was right because he already doing everything right and ask everyone that connected but no one helping him instead they just block him away. We can see that he never intented to hurt anyone else too so I’m pro to Yi side. I love his scene with his youngest brother, Toei. If I’m Toei, I’ll cherish Yi all of my life till I die. Because when everything is too hard for him, only Yi that confidently always stand on his side. (okay enough it’s a little spoiler). From this drama, I think I know why Thanapob Lee finally got casted in Hua Jai Sila. I noticed him because his acting in that drama was really really good, I can feel all his emotions there. It turned out here we could see him potray Yi perfectly, and it’ll really help him to get his next drama. He’s not only smart and catch the little detail in his family, but his action is always on point eventhough not all of that is always a right thing. But sometimes to get what you want, you need to do a little more dramatic so the thing you want will show up.
My favorite character; The next character that I like is Pete. Unexpectedly, for sure. To be honest I don’t think that his personality is thaaat nice. It’s about his first impression. When I his first scene with his mother, my first impression of him is he’s a boy who like to spent their parents money for fun and study abroad so he can get away from his parents to have fun🤣🤣 in my opinion; he loves money. TURNS OUT I’m 100% wrong. Pete is the most responsible person in this drama. His responsibility and his fair judgement is the best. He didn’t judge people by his relationship, if he know that this person is wrong then it’s wrong. I love how his attitude to his father’s another family. I just thought he’ll upset and didn’t accept them, turns out he accept them, and he cares them just like his father would do if he’s alive. You deserve happiness, Pete!
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Ice Pariss as Chi. He doesn’t have much screentime but still his character ini this drama really shocked me. Kinda same with Pete. Look the picture above. Both of them looks like they have a personality that have anger issue but actually not. I watched his drama and movie like Bad Genius The Series and Ghost Lab, and I didn’t like his character but I admit that his face suited the most for that kind of personality. Being a jerk, brave action without thinking, not a literally bad person but not really a good personality too. So I thought he’ll become a jerk too since his dad didn’t bring their family to Jiraanan family and only went to their house 1 time/week. So what did he expect? But he has good attitude even to his step brother, he’s really polite and when he know that his family didn’t get single penny from his father’s will he accept it. He didn’t get mad eventhough in the end of his dad ‘s life, his mother was the legal wife. HE ACCEPT IT WHOLEHEARTEDLY. Okay, respect Chi!
From Pete and Chi, I learned that Prasoet maybe not the best brother, best son, best husband, and best father. But he did really well raising both of his sons to the point that his sons really have a good attitude and personality. I adore their personality so much!
(This is one of the difference between this drama and another drama. It is usually the first son didn’t accept that father has another family and another son demand his part from father’s will and clashed BAM!)
My appreciate for Jackie Jackrin for his acting as Toei. I just know him from this drama ( I think) and he’s potraying Toei really good. I can’t tell too much since it’ll become a spoiler but he can pour his soul and heart so well in this drama. I can see how much he adore his brother Yi so much and wanna say that you did it, you made it to survive with your consistency. You didn’t loose yourself just to make you free when your mother told you to do something. I think Yi had a big part that made Toei become a better person and learn from his mistakes.
The most disappointing character of this drama is *give an applause to* Vegas!!! This is the opposite of Pete. I put a lot of hope for him in this drama that he’ll become one of the rightest people but turns out a big nope. At the very beginning he shows us that he’s honest, fair, doesn’t like act wrong and even brave to tell his father lies. He’s the right person. But as the drama continues, we reach a point that Vegas just an ordinary boy who still has heart. His love is bigger than his principle. The only thing that I hope will be released in this drama, turns out it’ll hidden forever till end because of him. It’s the only proof that clearly helping this case but he choose to hide it forever. Another lesson learned I took from Vegas;
Sometimes we just know that human is not perfect. A person who always doing the right thing, eventually will become a bad person if someone we really love and cherish got a problem. They can ruin their life principle as long they can save their loved one. And often happens that the loved ones is Family.
In this family drama we learned that culture and tradition are taking a big part in our family. When a son and a daughter have a big gap in it, when a daughter didn’t considered as part of family just because she married a man and took his last name. Like having a daughter didn’t as good as if having a son. But actually if I think about it, the one who give birth to is a woman????? Why then a son is more valuable descent. They also differentiate their grandson status into a primary grandchild (son and daughter of the son’s family) and secondary grandchild (son and daughter from daughter’s family). But still we couldn’t get rid of the culture and tradition entirely. We just need to adapt well to the good culture and sort the not-so-good culture better.
Overall, I’m really happy that I found this Thai drama. I watch several dramas from Thailand but never found this kind of genre. A family drama that really warms heart but with a touch of mystery and dark secrets in it. But not like another drama that compete for power and will doing everything evil things between family and make things chaos and ruin their relationship as a family because their greedy and selfish will. In this drama we’ll have a dark secret but it’s not always about money, and I still feel their deep kinship, how this problems solved legally but a touch of their kinship because of their dark past. They need to let it go and open the new chapter because life still goes on for the living one.
Since I really love this drama, I’ll give 4.5/5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✨. Thank you Tor for making me found this drama!
“Family is not always about getting along well everytime, but for sure Family is the place that we can always go back in the end no matter what happen.”
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im-the-punk-who · 4 years ago
The Real People of Black Sails!
Here’s a quick(I promise....I promise this is as short as I could make it without leaving out some really choice shit) rundown of all the real historical figures peppered throughout Black Sails! I think I caught them all but if you know of others please mention them and I’ll add them on! Under a readmore because this is....so long y’all.
Pirates & Maroons
Anne Bonny (possibly 1697 – unknown; possibly April 1782) Started life crossdressing at her dad’s behest to avoid his wife(who wasn’t Bonny’s mom), married a guy her dad didn’t like, moved to Nassau. There her husband became a spy for Rogers and Anne was like ‘Not cool bro’. She met Jack, they started fucking, and Anne discovered she was really good at stabbing things. Resumed dressing as a man and started trying to seduce Mary Read who was also dressed as a man. They did indeed fall victim to one of the classic queer blunders. Anyway, Anne’s like ‘it’s not gay I’m a chick!’ And Mary is like ‘really?? Then it’s a little gayer than you realize because I’m a chick too!’ They (probably) start banging. Rackham’s like ‘hang on! I’m the only dick in Anne’s life’ and Mary and Anne are like ‘you sure are’ and Mary shows him her boobs and then they have some sort of complicated and probably not totally consensual threeway. Then they get captured because, Jack is That Guy Who Was Too Drunk To Realize His Ship Was Under Attack and Mary and Anne had to defend the ship against like, a whole other crew. Jack is hung(not a dick joke), but both Anne and Mary plead stays of execution due to pregnancy. Anne disappears but possibly is maybe referred to later. No one knows. Neat!
Edit: According to sources from this post there is a genealogical record that refers to Anne and it records her death as 1782. Very neat!
Israel Hands (c.1701-death unknown) Israel Hands was a real pirate and Blackbeard’s first mate. Not much else is known about where he came from or his life, other than that Blackbeard shot him in the knee at one point while supposedly aiming for another man. ‘Oops my bad this pistol is from like, the 18th century or something.’ While recuperating in Bath he was arrested after Teach’s death but took a pardon in exchange for ratting out the colonial officials who had been bribed by Teach. It’s unknown what happened to him after that although That Book About Pyrites says he died a beggar in London.
Benjamin Hornigold (1680–1719) Horny4gold was one of the most well known and influential pirates of the Golden Age. Most other pirates sailed under him or with him at one point, and he was one of the founders of the Pirate Republic of Nassau. He never attacked british ships during his time as captain so that he could be like ‘but brooooo I was acting in Britain’s Interests!!! Bro!!!!!’ But his co-pirates didn’t like that and eventually voted to replace him with Sam Bellamy. He accepted the king's pardon in 1718 and became a pirate hunter instead. Bummer. He was reportedly killed in a shipwreck.
Okay listen Horingold in any universe is a fucking JOKE I have to share this passage with y’all:
“Hornigold is recorded as having attacked a sloop off the coast of Honduras, but as one of the passengers of the captured vessel recounted, "they did us no further injury than the taking most of our hats from us, having got drunk the night before, as they told us, and toss'd theirs overboard"” WHAT A JOKE.
Dr. Howell - (birth/death unknown) John Howell was a pirate surgeon forced into service by Hornigold sometime in early 1717. He sailed with various pirate crews until October before returning into the service of Governor Rogers.
Ned Low (1690–1724) N’EDWARD. Okay I’m serious again. Born in London, Lowe grew up a thief in a thief family before moving to Boston. His wife died in childbirth in 1719, so he decided ‘fuck it I’ll become a Pirate Captain’ and did just that. He was known for torturing the people on board the ships he captured before murdering them and burning the ship. Interestingly though, Lowe was known to have a huge amount of regret over abandoning his daughter when he turned pirate, and wouldn’t force married men into his service. He also reportedly would allow women to return to port safely. Because of his numerous captures and cruelties, he was one of the most well known pirates in his day. There are differing reports about Low’s death - some say his crew mutinied and marooned him and he was subsequently hung, others say his ship sunk in a storm, and some say he just straight up disappeared. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jack Rackham - (December 26, 1682 – November 18, 1720) Really a pirate, really named himself after a housecat pattern. (No, okay, he didn’t, it was because of his threads. But wouldn’t the cat thing fit too?) Sailed with Vane, Anne Bonny, and Mary Read. Was mostly known for being That Guy Who Was Too Drunk To Realize His Ship Was Under Attack and being Anne and Mary’s captain. He was captured and sentenced to hang after the aforementioned Drunk Blunder in 1720.
Mary/Mark Read - (1685 – 28 April 1721) Much like Anne Bonny, Mary dressed as a boy for much of her youth so a parent could swindle someone out of money. From her teenage years on she continued dressing as a man to find work in the military and as a sailor. She did marry but her husband died young and so she decided to become a pirate. Like ya do. She accepted the king’s pardon in 1718, then mutinied on the privateer she was aboard, once again becoming a pirate. Because pirates are sexy. In 1720 she joined Jack Rackham’s crew and sailed with him and Bonny. Cue the whole ‘Hey you’re hot, also I’m a woman.’ ‘Oh, hey, same hat!’ with Anne. In November of 1720, Rackham’s ship was captured. Mary died of a fever in prison(likely due to her pregnancy) in 1721.
Edward Teach - (c. 1680 – 22 November 1718) He started piracy sailing under Hornigold, and built the fleet alongside him and Stede Bonnet until Hornigold retired. COOL fact about Blackbeard is he was a MASTER showman who liked to light slow burning fuses under his hat to scare his enemies, and he relied more heavily on creating an image his prizes feared than violence. He did a lot of cool shit including ransoming the entire town of Charles Town and annoying the shit out of Woodes Rogers before settling in Bath and later dying of like, a shit ton of wounds while battling Lieutenant Maynard. The battle on Roger’s ship is pretty much what happened minues the keelhauling. Afterwards he was beheaded, his head hung from the bow of Maynard’s ship, and his body was thrown in the bay in Bath, where it’s said his ghost still haunts! Funky!
Charles Vane - (1680 – 29 March 1721)  Really a pirate captain! Known for being Not A Nice Dude. Sailed with Henry Jennings, Edward England and Jackie Rackhammie. He led the pirates in resisting Rogers in Nassau, and yeah he really did light a ship on fire and 18th centuryeet it into Rogers’ line in order to escape. There’s a note that he returned to Nassau to get married but I couldn’t find any info on who he married so he’s gay now. That’s a rule I just made up. Anyway so at one point his ship got into a fight with another ship and Vane ordered a retreat and the crew was like ‘this is BOOshit’ and voted him out in favor of Jack Rackham. Ouch. Vane and some of the crew that supported him left aboard the Katherine(I believe) but then they got caught in a storm that said ‘fuck you specifically to Charles Vane,’ and he was marooned on an island. He survived! Just long enough for a British ship to stop at the island for him to attempt to board, get caught, and then hung. Deus ex piratica.
(Honorary mentions)
John Silver + Captain Flint (sort of but I’m not kidding!) Okay so of course there are a bunch of suspected origins of the characters of Captain Flint and Long John Silver, but the one I like the most is of two brothers - one of whom had a peg leg! - who captured an enormous Spanish treasure and buried it near Ocracoke island. Their names were John and Owen Lloyd. (And yes, John was the one-legged brother.) In 1750 a Spanish treasure fleet named the Flotas de Indias attempted to sail from Havana to Spain in late August, and three ships were wrecked during a hurricane. By a stroke of luck, the Lloyd brothers had been blown to the same inlet as the wrecked ships Guadalupe and Soledad , and managed to convince the Captain to hire them to transport the treasure to Norfolk. 
But of course because they thought the Spanish SUCKED they said ‘psyche’ and just fucked off with it while the Captain was fighting Bureaucratic red tape in North Carolina. Iconique. Owen Lloyd reportedly buried the treasure on Norman Island and  the pair became folk heroes in the area, particularly in St. Kitts.  (P.s., the Stevenson family ran a sugar production business on St. Kitts, and R.L. Stevenson’s great grandfather worked there as early as 1773 - just 25 years after the epic heist. COOL STORY BRO.)
Captain Throckmorton (Okay not really but I just love this guy’s name) Okay so this guy wasn’t really a pirate captain but he was a Steamboat captain in the 1830s and his name is just too ridiculous for someone to make up. Toot toot, motherfucker.
Queen Nanny(Maroon Queen/Madi) (c. 1686 – c. 1755) The spiritual, cultural, and military leader of the Windward Maroons (who the Black Sails Maroons are based on.) She led them alongside her ‘brother’ Quao although the relationship between them isn’t known. Exact information about her origins are not known but best guess is that she was of royal lineage from present-day Ghana, born sometime in the 1680’s. She did have a husband named Adou(who may have been the same person as Quao? I’ve read conflicting stuff), but they had no children. Many of the guerilla warfare tactics we now think of as common practice were developed by Queen Nanny and the other Maroons in their fight against British incursions. (The trap that Flint lays, covering themselves with paint and leaves, and the pits the Maroons lay in the forest are tactics known to have been used by the Windward Maroons.)
Nanny was a fucking legend okay a LEGENDS ONLY legend. She was one of the most instrumental people in preserving African culture among freed slaves and Maroons, and in encouraging the resistance to slavery in the Bahamas and surrounding areas. She was one of three leaders of the First Maroon War (which the war in Black Sails is based on). She initially refused to sign the treaty offered to Cudjoe because she knew the British were losing and was like ‘Why????? Would I surrender???? In a war??? I’m winning?????’
Anyway Queen Nanny was a fucking badass please read every piece of literature you can find on her. (You should absolutely read her full bio because she was fucking badass.)
Cudjoe (not exactly, but Julius is very close) (c. 1690s – 1764) Likely a freeborn son of one of the original escaped slaves turned Maroons, Cudjoe is hailed as one of the greatest Maroon leaders(after Queen Nanny). Much like in Black Sails, these original Maroons were slaves who escaped or overran their masters, forming free communities in the Mountains of Jamaica. The treaty in Black Sails is based on the one Cudjoe negotiated with the British, wanting an ‘honorable peace’ with the enemy, rather than the continued war and better terms that Queen Nanny and Quao wanted. (sound familiarrrrrr?) I do want to note that by the end of his life he became completely disillusioned with the idea that the British should be reasoned with and basically started fights with every British superior he could.
The English, Spanish, and Scottish!
The Guthries So while there wasn’t ever a female head of the Guthrie clan in Nassau, the Guthries were a Scottish merchant clan who emigrated to Boston around 1652 due to religious and racial persecution. While most of the family stayed around Pennsylvania and Massachusetts, John Guthrie moved to Virginia and his brother James Guthrie moved to Bermuda sometime after 1683.
(James Guthrie of Suffolk County, Massachusetts was listed in the will of John Richardson, dated 7 May 1683, in which Richardson says, “I give and bequeath unto James Guthrie all I have in the world except twenty shillings to buy John Harris a ring and ten shillings to buy John Kyte a ring.” This was witnessed by John Raynsford and John Ramsey.) Fellas is it gay.
Anyway, between Virginia and Boston and James’ ties in the Bermuda islands, the family made a shit ton fencing pirated goods during the Golden Age of Piracy, particularly from the Pirate Republic of Nassau.
A John Guthrie(likely a son of James’) was also a Colonel who was part of the peace talks with Cudjoe and the Maroons. Neat!
James Oglethorpe (22 December 1696 – 30 June 1785) Okay listen Oglethorpe was COOL AS FUCK. He is the founder of the colony of Georgia and is imo who Thomas Hamilton is probably based on. Oglethorpe was a HUGE humanitarian and even before he decided to form an entire colony around people not owning slaves. He advocated for better conditions for sailors, and prison reform. In 1732 he read a letter by a slave in Maryland named Ayuba Suleiman Diallo and on the spot decided slavery was terrible, divested himself of his stock in the African Trading Company, and resolved to include a law banning slavery in Georgia to the colony’s charter. Radical, man.
Speaking of Georgia, and specifically his plantation near Savannah, Oglethorpe actively spoke with the native Yamacraw who populated the land to ask permission and trade for the land he sought to build Georgia on. His plantation was meant to help debtors in London, released without any support, from falling back into debt and offering them a way forward to landownership through indentured servitude. I highly recommend anyone interested in early attempts at an equality based colonial system read up on the original charter of Georgia. (Of course there were still problems, but Oglethorpe was one of the most prominent proponents of a non hierarchical society - including limits to the acreage any person could own based on how helpful that land was to the people who worked it, and communal resources.) Oglethorpe was also a lifelong friend with Tomochichi, the chief of the Yamacraw, and worked very closely with him on colonial-indigenous relations.
Vincente de Raja (birth/death unknown) He was the real Governor and military Captain of Cuba from 1716-1717. He was a devoted pirate hunter and encouraged Spanish privateering against the pirates. Due to an attempt by Spain to increase tobacco profits at the expense of the farmers, there was a large revolt which resulted in many of the Cuban officials, including Raja, being replaced. 
William Rhett (4 September 1666 – 12 January 1723) He was a merchant captain and plantation owner in Carolina who served in the colonial militia and hunted pirates. He captured Stede Bonnet and was probably just as much of an asshole as he is in the show.
Woodes Rogers - (c. 1679 – 15 July 1732) The Governor of Nassau who was largely responsible for ending piracy in the Bahamas. He really did offer a universal pardon, which a large number of the pirates took. Fun fact: before he was Governor, he rescued Alexander Selkirk, who is believed to be the guy Robinson Crusoe is based off of! Neat! He really did have a brother who really did die during his privateering exploits which also really did leave him ‘disfigured’. He got sued by his crew, went bankrupt, wrote a book, got famous for writing the book, and he really did have a wife named Sarah whom he divorced shortly after all this happened. He then became Governor of Nassau for the first time. This first term did end in him being imprisoned for debts incurred defending the island from Vane and Teach and the Spanish, but he was released, helped write that most famous A General History of the Robberies and Murders of the Most Notorious Pyrates, and became governor again in 1728. He died in 1732 of just plain exhaustion from dealing with the bureaucracy. Alexa play tiny violin.
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nightlocktime · 5 years ago
So the whole RT/KB idea for VM moving forward was a with Veronica being traumatized, alone, and as far away from her town and the people that loved her. I... I guess they can have that???
For everyone else interested in staying in Neptune we can have these:
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Good old Keith Mars drowns in work trying to forget the recent loss of his son in law and finds himself in the middle of a corruption case involving Neptune's most powerful men. His work does not get easier when he knows his old pal Clyde Pickett might be involved. FEELINGS HAPPEN. 
Spoiler alert: Keith is wearing Clyde's hat so I mean... you can draw your own conclusions ¯\_(ツ)_/¯    
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Cindy 'Mac' Mackenzie is back in town and ready to make some noise. She recruits former bar-owner now girlfriend Nicole Malloy, her college roommate and best friend Parker Lee, and a high school acquaintance Jackie Cook to bring terror to Southern California's biggest corporations. What is their set of skills? I have no fucking clue but they are full of rage and motivation. It's like Mr. Robot, Ocean's 8, and Leverage had a threesome.  
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Good cop/ghost cop but like they are teachers!!! (one is a teacher)... Wallace Fennel is decided to help troubled kids from Neptune High and who better to be his right hand that his best friend now ghost Logan Echolls? It's like Buffy The Vampire Slayer but with Logan trying to understand his ghost powers and Wallace is his watcher but like HE DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR THIS. Kids love Wallace. He’s the kind hot teacher but like he’s also weird af? They see him talking to himself A LOT??? He even got into a fistfight with himself once and then argued that he was doing an impromptu contemporary dance???. Is2g this was a serious show and then it went to hell as I typed this. They really help kids from abusive homes and shitty situations. Soulful, funny, action-packed! BROTP.
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Local gang leader Eli Navarro is trying really hard to help his community but the options in this town for them are bad and he keeps getting into bad situations. On top of that and while trying to be a good dad, he's being haunted by his high school crush who is now a fucking ghost and still a pain in the ass no matter how dead he is. He's also still very hot which makes things fucking difficult for Eli. Will-they, won't-they? (THEY WILL, OK?!! THIS IS MY STORY AND WE HAVE HAPPY ENDINGS). Though logistics are difficult, like if Wallace was embarrassed by a dumb fistfight imagine a makeout session IMAGINE MORE! hahaha I'm sorry I'll leave now.
I've been thinking about this post for a year. Now I can rest in peace.
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aband0ned-s0uls · 4 years ago
A like V - Part 1
This is my first time writing a fic, and I’m so excited/nervous to share it with you guys! V gets a ‘lil birthday surprise. 
Also please excuse the dreadful formatting, I’m not a Tumblr pro. 
V swirled the dregs of her drink around her glass as she leaned half against the bar of the Red Dirt, her head resting on her hand, letting the vibrations from the music flow through the cool metal of the worktop and into her body as she waited for the bartender to pour her next one.
After spending months cooped up in her apartment, watching shitty movies, eating cold burritos and recovering from having her own engram re-write the chip, V had been more than surprised when Kerry had called her on the holo and told her – not asked – that he had organised a birthday bash at the Red Dirt for her and her attendance was required. I mean sure, she'd had visitors, and Kerry had been a lifeline in enabling her to get drunk, release her built up frustration by smashing the shit out of everything in true Eurodyne style and reminisce about Johnny, but she never thought in a million years that Kerry Eurodyne would be organising a birthday party for her.
What might have been weirder was the fact that he had also invited her closest friends. Maybe she just wasn't used to people doing things out of the kindness of their hearts, but it all felt a little surreal.
She was lost in her thoughts as she studied the soft red and purple glow illuminating the edges of her glass, musing on how it reminded her of many an exhausted night of stumbling into her apartment, heading straight for her bed after a job and falling asleep to the sounds of Night City. The soft glow of the neon street lights from her window dancing underneath her eyelids as she drifted off. Of many a night listening to Johnny chastise her for falling asleep fully clothed, dinner neglected, asking her for at least one fuckin' cigarette before she passed out. She would launch a pillow at him and tell him to shut the fuck up, he would chuckle and call her a cunt as it sailed through his engram and hit the wall with a soft thud, and she would drift off with a small smile on her face.
Johnny. The thought of him, his absence, she felt it like a punch in the gut. Her fingers tightened around her glass. She'd made it out of Mikoshi alive, the chip re-written by Alt to contain her own engram. She was whole again, but she didn't feel like it.
The music from the band onstage, the animated voices from the people in the bar, strangers, acquaintances and friends alike washed over and around her, but she still felt so alone, and that made her equals parts sad and angry. She'd never really felt alone before – hell, she'd even enjoyed her alone time, but Johnny not being around was like missing a hole in her fuckin' head.
Why should I miss the ghost of a fuckin' asshole?
But V already knew the answer to that question. He wasn't just any asshole, he was her asshole. Johnny, who would tell her she looked shit warmed up and made sure she ate something when she'd forgotten to all day in the same breath. Johnny, who would cover her back and alert her to enemies she hadn't spotted so she didn't get another bullet lodged in her fuckin' skull, but would let her gladly stay unaware of an object at her feet when she stumbled into her apartment drunk, just so he could laugh as she tripped and face planted the back of her couch.
Johnny who had been given a second shot at life, Johnny who was the most inherently selfish motherfucker she'd ever met had turned around and traded it for hers.  
Johnny, who had brushed her hair behind her ear in cyberspace, and with more emotion in his voice than she'd ever thought possible, had said his only regret in this life was that they'd never get a happy ending.  
She'd relived that memory, over and over again. She'd thought he'd meant as two chooms, riding through Night City, shooting the shit after another relentless job, like her and Jackie. But when she'd looked in his eyes, she knew he'd meant more. They'd both shared thoughts and emotions, and the closer they'd got on their journey to Mikoshi, the more their feelings for each other had become intertwined. Never needing to – or at least willingly – be spoken out loud.
Until the end. The look on his face as she turned around one last time before she crossed the bridge. The thought of more, and the implications of what could have been, was what kept her awake at night.
She was torn away from her melancholy thoughts when the bartender slid her fresh vodka lemonade over to her. V looked up and forced a smile. V's vision blurred slightly, and she told herself it was the four drinks she'd already had, but as she blinked rapidly she knew that wasn't the whole truth. Fuck it, she thought. If this was going to be the tone of the evening, a little extra alcohol could only help. Besides, it was her birthday, and V decided if there was ever an appropriate time to get shit-faced, now was definitely it.
“Two shots of tequila too please, choom.”
“Coming right up, chica.”
The bartender came back quickly with her shots. 
One for Jackie, and one for Johnny. 
V threw them back, one after another. Her eyes watered after the second, and a warm flush enveloped her from her head to her toes. She was buzzed, and the alcohol felt like an emotional safety blanket. She couldn’t stop thinking about him, but at least after 6 drinks it hurt a little less. 
As the bartender took away her empties, V felt a familiar presence close in.
“Those are on me.” 
V turned to see the one person who always managed to lift her spirits, Panam. 
“Happy Birthday, V.”
V smiled, a genuine smile this time, and wrapped an arm around Panam's shoulder. V was relieved that was Panam was here. She was like the sister V had never had, and V held her memories with Pan laying awake, shit-faced and laughing underneath the stars in the Badlands as close to her heart as she did with her memories of Jackie. True friendship was hard to find, and Panam was truly an angel. 
A hot-tempered angel with a love for cold beer and fast cars, but an angel never the less.
“Pan! I didn't think you'd make it, 's good to see you.”
Panam laughed, her brown eyes sparkling with warmth, and V earned herself a nudge in her side from Panam's elbow. V chuckled.
“V, I hope you are joking. It's your birthday, of course I'd be here, you're family.” 
Panam took a swig of the Brosephs she had in hand and gave V a sly smile as she leaned her back against the bar. 
“We managed to finish our... business, right on time.”
V's arched a brow at Panam's choice of words, and was about to question why she looked like the cat who got the cream when she saw, to her utter surprise, Mitch and Kerry walking through the bar towards them. They were talking in serious tones, glancing every now and again at V, but the noise in the bar was too loud for V to hear them.
Now this should be interesting, V thought as she removed her arm from around Panam and reached for her vodka lemonade, taking a sip, her curiosity piqued. Since when the fuck were Mitch and Kerry chooms?
Both of the men broke out into shit-eating grins when they locked eyes on V. Kerry sauntered right over to V, clapping her on the shoulder.
“V! Kid, glad you made it.”
 He beamed at her, and shouted to the barman for another round of drinks. Him and Panam shared a knowing look as V readjusted her position, leaning so that her back was against the bar so that she could look at both of them.
“So, now that you're here, I have a preem birthday surprise for you, V. It's gonna blow your fucking socks off, I'm tellin' ya.” 
Kerry settled beside her, taking a drink from the freshly poured round on the bar. He winked before downing it in one go, as her face turned to look of confusion.
V looked between all three of them, taking another sip of her drink.
 “I'm guessin' all of you were involved in this surprise then, huh?”
Panam and Mitch smiled brightly, Mitch chuckling through a freshly lit cigarette. Before they could answer, Kerry banged down his now empty glass onto the bar, and clapped his hands together, looking at the stage. V followed his gaze and noticed that the music had stopped, and a group of stage hands were moving equipment around. Her eyes went wide as she noticed Nancy setting up her keyboard on the stage, followed shortly by Denny.
“Ker, what the fuck...” She looked at him. “You guys are playin' me a birthday gig?”
Ker laughed, clapping her on the shoulder again as he started walking backwards away into the crowd, heading towards backstage.
“You'll see V, like I said, it's gonna be FUCKIN' preem!”
With another wink and a finger pointed at her, he was gone.
V shook her head, smiling, feeling flattered and happy. She guessed she'd had a bigger impact on the people in her life than she previously thought. Hearing some of Samurai's music live on her birthday? It was going to be bittersweet. 
Still, she didn't understand Mitch's and Panam's involvement in this... V fidgeted with her leather skirt and twisted a strand of her long dark hair pensively whilst she waited for the show to start.
Kerry practically skipped backstage, slamming the doors wide open.
“Everythin' ready to go?” He asked, as he jumped in place, rolling his shoulders and wrists.
“Ready to rock and fuckin' roll.”
Ker looked over to the man sat in the corner, who outwardly appeared cocky and relaxed, cigarette in hand and legs up and resting on an amp.
But Ker knew better, far better. The nervous strum of metal fingers along the sideboard that hadn't ceased since they arrived and the empty pack of cigarettes laying on the floor told Kerry all he needed to know.
He gave his old friend a wide smile and smacked him on the shoulder.
“She's gonna fuckin' love it, Johnny. Now stop brooding, lets' go knock her dead.”
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artificialqueens · 5 years ago
Ms. California, Chapter Six (Crygi) - Mik
A/N: I am SO sorry for taking so long to update! I had the worst case of writer’s block ever, and I had midterms this week. Thanks for being patient. I hope this makes up for my lack of posting!
Summary: Crystal moves to Los Angeles from Missouri and meets Gigi Goode, captain of the varsity cheer squad. Queue the 1990s lesbian high school AU that absolutely nobody asked for.
It’s been two weeks since Gigi announced to the cheer squad that Crystal was, in fact, her friend. And those two weeks had been delightful.
Every day, Gigi made a point to either sit with Jackie, Crystal, and Jan at lunch, or pull Crystal over to the squad’s lunch table. Crystal found herself beginning to enjoy getting to know the group: most of them were, to her surprise, funny, genuine, and generally good-natured. She especially found herself clicking with Nicky and Jaida. Although they were standoffish at first, Crystal quickly bonded with Nicky over her interest in fashion (although many would consider Crystal’s taste questionable at the very best, Nicky seemed to think it was “perfectly unique and lovely”) and Jaida over being the “new kid”, as she had moved from Wisconsin just a few years prior.
When Gigi first began sitting with Crystal, Jackie, and Jan, Jackie seemed to be pensive. She kept quiet and let the other three girls do all of the talking. However, this changed as soon as Gigi talked about what it was like sneaking into gay clubs in West Hollywood. Jackie lit up, asking questions about it for almost the entire lunch period. Crystal knew Jackie wanted nothing more than to have an out-and-proud gay community surrounding her - she was the only one of the four who everyone knew was gay. Gigi promised that she would accompany Jackie, and the other two girls, on one of the “18+” nights that the clubs held. From then on, Jackie seemed to gradually warm towards the blue-eyed cheerleader.
Gigi would drive Crystal home most days, often electing to come inside to do homework and cook dinner. The two would spend the first hour unable to focus, finding themselves tangled up in Crystal’s bed, lips attached and make-up smudged. Eventually, they’d compose themselves and start homework until Crystal’s mom arrived home. She’d hug both girls, and the three would automatically make their way into the kitchen. Gigi had made the comment that she felt, in many ways, that she was already closer to Crystal’s mom than her own. Crystal felt sad for her - Gigi never talked about her family and assumed that the situation was less-than-ideal - but her heart soared when she saw the blonde and her mom in fits of laughter together. Gigi would eat dinner with her family most nights, and Crystal would kiss her goodbye through the window of her magenta convertible before she drove home. They had fallen into a comfortable routine and Crystal could not have been happier.
Crystal is sitting with Jackie at their secluded lunch table, sketching the outline of a bird for an art project while Jackie flips through her government textbook. It’s a strangely gray day in Los Angeles and Crystal almost wonders if it will rain: the sun is completely hidden behind fog and dark clouds and it’s chilly enough that Crystal wishes she’d brought a hoodie with her to school.
She’s pulled out of her thoughts when she hears Gigi’s familiar laugh from a distance. It’s light and high-pitched and it makes Crystal light up. She turns around to see Gigi making her way over with Jan; they’re both wearing their cheer uniforms and Crystal doesn’t think she’s ever seen anyone look as stunning as Gigi does.
“Hey girls!” Gigi says as she sits down next to Crystal.
“Hey!” Crystal grins. “You look uh, really pretty in your uniform,” she says in a hushed tone. It’s the first time she’s seen Gigi in it.
Gigi blushes. “Thank you.”
“So, we were talking about what we could do tonight after the game!” Jan interrupts, nudging Jackie softly to get the girl to look up from her textbook.
“What’s that?” Jackie asks, shutting the book.
“What if we all had a big sleepover?!” Jan suggests excitedly.  
“Where?” Crystal asks.
“Jan’s house, her mom is really cool,” Gigi explains.
“Yeah, she knows about Jackie and I and is like, super happy for us,” elaborates the other blonde.
“She’s just happy that you’re finally dating someone who hasn’t had all of their braincells tackled out of them,” Jackie quips with a smirk.
“Ouch. But you’re not wrong,” Jan laughs, “I guess football guys aren’t always the brightest tools in the shed.”
“So, what do you think?!” Gigi interjects.
“I’m up for it!” Crystal agrees quickly, excited to spend more time with both of her new friends and her… whatever Gigi is to her.
“Obviously!” Jackie smiles.
“Yay!” Jan and Gigi simultaneously exclaim.
“Will you gals come to the football game, then?” Jan asks.
“I guess,” Jackie decides hesitantly.
“I’ve never been to a football game,” Crystal says. “I’ll give it a try, though. Why not?”
“You and I can just hang out at the top of the bleachers and read, Crystal,” Jackie tells the curly-haired girl.
“For sure.“
“Oh, come on, where’s your school spirit?! You gotta cheer the team on!” Jan jokes with her girlfriend and Jackie rolls her eyes playfully.
The wind begins softly blowing, making Crystal shiver again. She doesn’t understand California weather - it’s usually hot enough that she feels like she needs an ice bath, but right now, a warm sweater and some hot chocolate sounds delightful.
“Crys, are you cold?” Gigi asks.
“Oh no, I’m fine,” Crystal assures the blonde, trying not to shiver as another gust of wind blows through.
“You look like you’re cold, I’m giving you my jacket,” Gigi tells her decidedly.
“Gi, no, you totally don’t have to -”
“Here,” Gigi says, pulling off the purple letterman’s jacket.
Gigi drapes the heavy jacket around Crystal’s shoulders. The jacket is huge on her, probably because Gigi is so much taller than she is, and it envelopes her in warmth. Crystal can’t help but notice that it smells like vanilla - exactly like Gigi.
“Thanks,” Crystal blushes as Gigi leans in closer to her.
“You look really good in my jacket and I really want to kiss you right now,” the blue-eyed girl murmurs matter-of-factly.
Crystal’s face heats up more, and although she’s (kind of) gotten used to hearing compliments from Gigi, her brain still seems to short-circuit whenever Gigi says something sweet.
“Get a room!” Jackie laughs, noticing the romantic tension between the two.
“Maybe we will,” Gigi responds, raising an eyebrow. “Crystal, I think I left something in my car that I need some help with.”
“Oh, yeah, the um… the thing!” Crystal stutters out.
Gigi stands, motioning for Crystal to follow her.
“I’ll see you girls later tonight! And Jan, make sure to be on time for warm-ups today!” Gigi calls out, waving back at Jackie and Jan.
“How much longer do we even have at lunch?” Crystal asks once they’re in the parking lot.
“I don’t know, probably fifteen minutes,” Gigi guesses.
They walk briskly to Gigi’s car, and the second the doors shut behind them, Gigi captures Crystal’s lips in a heated kiss.
Crystal is sure that she’ll never get tired of the way that Gigi’s plump lips move softly against her own or the way that Gigi’s hands feel gripping her hips or the way that Gigi always bites down softly on Crystal’s bottom lip after she lightly drags her tongue across it. It’s all nothing short of magic.
Their kissing becomes increasingly passionate, and before Crystal knows it, Gigi tentatively moves her hands below the older girl’s shirt. Crystal lets out a quiet moan as Gigi’s hands make their way up her hips, her fingertips ghosting over Crystal’s ribcage.
Crystal knows this is all very “high school”; her best friends at home had countless stories about making out - or more - with boys in their cars. Crystal never thought she’d be one of them, but here she was, teenage hormones raging.
Crystal’s breath hitches when Gigi’s fingers brush over the side of her chest. Gigi breaks the kiss, still not moving more than a few centimeters away from Crystal.
“Is… that okay?” she whispers.
Crystal nods, reconnecting their lips.
Gigi hesitantly places one of her hands over Crystal’s breast and gently presses her hand against it, eliciting a slight gasp from the shorter girl. The blonde caresses her chest, and Crystal can feel her heart racing. She can’t think about anything but Gigi: Gigi’s hand moving languidly against the fabric of her bra, the feeling of Gigi’s heartbeat, the taste of Gigi’s breath in her mouth…
They’re interrupted when the lunch bell rings out, loudly enough that the two can hear it even from the confines of Gigi’s car.  
“Fuck,” Gigi stammers.
“We should uh, get going,” Crystal attempts to slow her breathing.
“Definitely,” Gigi agrees breathlessly.
“That was…”
“We should… try that again, not in your car,” Crystal says, her cheeks pink. She almost wants to laugh at how completely and utterly cliché this situation is: if they weren’t both girls, would this not be equivalent to the quintessential high school experience of getting felt up in some boy’s car?
“I’d like that,” Gigi says, regaining her composure. “Ready to go?”
“Yep,” Crystal says, adjusting her shirt.
They walk into the gates of the school, parting ways at the entrance.
Crystal realizes she’s still wearing Gigi’s letterman’s jacket and smiles.
“You did what?!” Jackie yells, wide-eyed.
Crystal and Jackie are sitting in Crystal’s bedroom, getting ready to go to the football game. Crystal could care less about supporting her school’s team, or “school spirit” as Jan referred to it, but she painted purple and white streaks on her cheeks anyways. If anything, she thinks Gigi will find it cute.
“Yeah,” Crystal replies to Jackie sheepishly.
“Weren’t you scared of someone seeing?! Not even a student, but like, a teacher!”
“Not really, my mind was… elsewhere,” Crystal replies honestly.
“You’re braver than I am, I’ll give you that,” Jackie mimics Crystal’s idea, dragging purple and white face paint across her own cheeks. “I’m scared to even kiss Jan on the cheek in the car. Or anywhere on campus.”
“Yeah, it might not have been the most responsible idea, in retrospect,” Crystal admits.
“Just be careful, I’d hate for people to find out about you guys,” Jackie warns.
“I don’t plan on people finding out,” Crystal assures her. “On that topic, what’s the deal with Jan’s mom?”
“What do you mean?”
“She just… knows about you guys? And lets you have sleepovers?” Crystal elaborates.
“Yeah,” Jackie smiles. “I remember the day her mom found out. We were laying in her backyard, drinking smoothies, and her mom was supposed to be at the gym. She got home early, I guess, and saw Jan lean in and kiss me.”
“What did she do?”
“She knocked on the window and Jan completely freaked out. She ran inside, and her mom apparently just asked if we were dating, and Jan tried to say it was nothing and completely innocent. Her mom didn’t buy it, and walked outside and asked me . I can’t lie, and I thought she was angry, so I said yes and offered to leave.”
“Was she mad?”
“Oh god no. She gave Jan a hug, and gave me a hug, and said she was happy that if Jan was going to be dating in high school, it was someone like me. It was the first time I’d ever heard that,” Jackie’s eyes light up.
“That’s insane, and really sweet,” Crystal muses. “My parents are both really great, but I doubt they’d respond like that.”
“Mine definitely wouldn’t. I’d be disowned in a second.”
“I’m sorry, Jackie,” Crystal sympathizes.
“Don’t be. Jan’s mom does a good enough job at making me feel like I’m a part of their family.”
The two spend the rest of the time getting ready in relative silence. Six o’clock rolls around, and the pair make their way downstairs to ask if Crystal’s mom can drop them off. Jackie doesn’t want to deal with parking at school during a football game.
“Hey mom! We’re ready to go,” Crystal tells her.
Her mom looks up at her from the book she’s reading. “Oh honey, you two look adorable !”
“Thanks,” Crystal smiles.
“Do you need me to pick you up?” Crystal’s mom asks.
“No, I think we’re staying over at Jan’s - Gigi will drive.”
“Sounds good!” Crystal’s mom grabs her keys. “Let’s get going, then!”
The car ride is short and sweet; it’s filled with small-talk and her mom’s bad taste in music.
“Have fun and be safe, girls!” Crystal’s mom calls out as the two exit the car.
Crystal waves, telling her mom that she loves her, and sets off towards the bleachers with Jackie.
“So, if I’m being completely honest, I don’t uh, really want to sit in the back the whole time,” Crystal laughs.
“I mean, I wanna like, cheer on Gigi or whatever,” she says. Crystal is wearing the blonde’s letterman’s jacket, and she feels like the girlfriend of the high school quarterback.
Except she isn’t Gigi’s girlfriend and Gigi is the head cheerleader.
“That’s… cute. Okay, well, fine by me,” Jackie shrugs.
The two sit several rows back from the front, far enough away from the over-zealous fans but close enough that they can still see the field, waiting for the game to start.
“Do you come to these much?” Crystal asks.
“Not as much as Jan would like, I’m sure,” Jackie shares. “I guess now that I have you to come with, I’ll come more.”
“It’s like a reverse double-date, or something,” Crystal laughs. “I never thought I’d be sitting at a football game for a girl .”
“I never thought I’d actually make a friend at this school,” Jackie says seriously, attempting to cover the serious nature of her statement with a laugh.
“Come on, you have other friends, right?”
Jackie shakes her head. “I came out and everyone dropped like flies. That and being the weird Persian kid kind of kills my ability to have a social life.”
“Geeze, I’m sorry, Jackie.”
“Hey, I’ve got you and Jan, and oddly enough, Gigi is back in my life, so I can’t complain, can I?”
The game starts, and all of the football players make their way onto the field. The cheerleaders run out shortly after, and Crystal cranes her neck to see her favorite blonde. She stands front and center, leading both the audience and the squad in chants. Gigi is bubbly and upbeat and in her element; she dances and kicks and does the splits and Crystal is nothing short of amazed by her. Next to her, Jackie smiles at Jan and waves to her several times when the squad has a break. Jan beams up at her, waving back each time.
Crystal couldn’t say who won the game, or how many points were scored; she knows next to nothing about sports and was far more entertained by watching Gigi down on the field than the game itself. When the game is over, she and Jackie make their way down to the field to wait for their respective blondes.
Crystal sees Gigi emerge from the field, a smile painted across her face.
“Gi, you were awesome!” Crystal grins, hugging her.
“I’m glad you had fun!” Gigi says enthusiastically.
“Sorry that I sort of stole your jacket,” Crystal apologizes. “You probably wanted it during the game.”
“It looks much cuter on you,” Gigi winks. “Plus, I kind of like seeing you in my jacket.”
“Gross!” Jan jokes, elbowing Gigi. “Are you lovebirds ready to go?”
“I’m ready,” Crystal nods, and Gigi agrees.
“Great! Mom said she’d order pizza for us all!”
The four head to Gigi’s car; it’s less than a five minute drive to Jan’s house from the school.
Jan’s house is surprisingly large; Crystal isn’t used to the gigantic houses that seem to line the streets in Los Angeles. Jan unlocks the door, yelling to tell her mom that she’s home.
Jan’s mom emerges from the kitchen, approaching the door.
“Hi, sweetie, how was the game?” she hugs Jan.
“It was good, we won!” Jan tells her.
“Hello, Jackie!” Jan’s mom moves to hug her daughter’s girlfriend. “You look adorable with your face painted like that!”
“Thank you! It was Crystal’s idea.”
Jan’s mom turns to look at Crystal. “You must be Crystal, the girls have told me so much about you! It’s so nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you, too!” Crystal reaches out to shake her hand, and much like her own mother, Jan’s mom pulls her into a hug.
“We’re big on hugs here, handshakes are for strangers!”
Crystal laughs; she thinks her mom would get along swimmingly with Jan’s.
“And Gigi, you don’t get to avoid my hugs, either!” Gigi laughs as she’s wrapped in a hug. “I’m so glad to see that you aren’t third-wheeling with these two anymore!”
“Hey, she never third-wheels!” Jan laughs, faux-scowling at her mom.
“Well, I’m just happy you have a girlfriend, it’ll give you all some super fun double-dates, I’m sure! You make a cute couple!”
“Oh, we’re not gi-” Crystal begins to correct her before Gigi talks.
“Thank you, hopefully Crystal can get Jackie out to more games!” Gigi jokes.
“Let’s hope! Anyways, what kind of pizza do you girls want?”
The four sit on Jan’s living room floor, eating pizza on a mountain of sleeping bags and pillows as It plays in the background. Jackie is cowering into Jan, clearly terrified of the movie that her girlfriend insisted that they watch.
Crystal has seen it before - it’s one of her favorites - and Gigi seems almost as freaked out as Jackie is. The blonde has trapped Crystal’s hand in a death grip and Crystal swears her fingers are losing circulation. She can’t bring herself to care; the sensation of Gigi’s hand in her own is inarguably one of her favorite feelings.
“Why did we have to watch this movie?” Jackie squeaks out. “It’s so… violent.”
“It’s a masterpiece, babe!” Jan debates.
“It’s gory.”
“It’s interesting!”
“Whatever you say, darling,” Jackie says, continuing to hide behind Jan.
Crystal has to stifle a laugh - their exchange is adorably hilarious, and she thinks that they’re perfect for each other. She looks down at Gigi, who has buried her head in Crystal’s arm, and squeezes the blonde’s hand.
Her mind wanders as the movie plays on. Gigi didn’t tell Jan’s mom that they weren’t girlfriends and wonders if Gigi is interested in being exclusive. Crystal hasn’t thought about it much until this point - she’s been enjoying living in the moment with Gigi - but now the thought won’t leave her mind.
She can see herself in a relationship with Gigi easily. They’ll go on dates and fall asleep next to each other and surprise each other with flowers and Crystal will show up at all of Gigi’s cheer events with enthusiasm. She wants to wear the letterman’s jacket every day, and she never wants to go a day without feeling Gigi’s fingers intertwined with her own.
Crystal’s thoughts trail on until the end of the movie. Jackie has fallen asleep in Jan’s lap and Jan is lazily stroking her curly, dark hair as she, too, begins to drift off. Gigi is wide awake, still clutching Crystal’s hand.
“Do you wanna go sit on the porch?” Gigi asks Crystal quietly.
Crystal nods, and the two stand. Gigi has clearly been over to Jan’s house enough that she knows exactly where to go, because she leads Crystal to a sliding glass door. They sit down on the wooden porch in Jan’s backyard, and Crystal lets out a contented sigh as Gigi plants a kiss on her cheek.
“Thanks for coming tonight. It really, really means a lot to me, Crys.”
“Hey, of course. I like watching you, you look so happy when you’re cheering.”
“Not as happy as I am when I’m with you,” Gigi hums.
“That was cheesy,” Crystal jokes, wrapping her arm around the blonde.
“Look what you’ve done to me, Crystal Elizabeth. You’ve turned me into a complete dork! I’m almost as bad as Jan!” Gigi jokes.
Crystal can feel butterflies fluttering around in her stomach when Gigi uses her middle name - it feels like a term of endearment.  
“Who said dorky was a bad thing? I happen to think your dorky comments are adorable - or should I say, adorkable!” Crystal laughs.
“Okay, now that was bad,” Gigi snorts.
“You love it.”
“I know.”
The two sit in silence, wrapped up in each other’s arms, enjoying the cool night air.
“I actually wanted to talk to you about something,” Gigi breaks the silence.
“What’s up?” Crystal asks.
“I hate to be that girl that asks this question, but like… what is this?”
Crystal doesn’t know how to answer - she doesn’t know what will be too much for Gigi and doesn’t want to scare the girl off. She doesn’t want to look inexperienced and over-eager.
“I, uh, I don’t know. I haven’t thought about it,” Crystal lies.
“Not that I don’t want to think about it!” Crystal quickly follows up. “What do you think this is?”
“Hey, not fair! I asked you first!” Gigi giggles.
“I mean, I really like you. Enough that I went to my first high school football game in four years for you.”
“I really like you too, Crystal.”
“So…” Crystal trails off, avoiding the question she knows she needs to ask.
“You’re going to make me be the one to say it, aren’t you?”
“I have no idea what you mean,” Crystal feigns innocence.
“Crystal, I want you to be my girlfriend,” Gigi declares.
Crystal presses a light kiss on Gigi’s lips before replying.
“Gi, I want nothing more than to be your girlfriend.”
Gigi leans her head on Crystal’s shoulder and throws her arms around the older girl’s waist. Crystal runs her fingers through her blonde hair, pressing gentle kisses to the top of her head as the two sit in a comfortable quietness.
Crystal can’t think of anything better than this.
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hollenka99 · 4 years ago
2020, According To My Tumblr Archive
Like many, freaked out about the Dhawan!Master reveal
Unus Annus reached 2 million subs
Ethan finally saw his sub count reach 1 million
Reblogged the elf pussy post with a version of the elf practice meme and now every time I see that meme, I think of that post
Finally made my Dyspraxic!Chase post
Fleshed out Creator!Jackie a little in terms of Nyesha (his girlfriend) and his prosthetics
Got really into Take Me or Leave Me for a short while which led to me watching RENT for the first time
Finally made that follow up to A Talk With The Creator I’d been meaning to write for months (aka A Day Long Overdue)
Started posting Unus Annus trigger warnings for a few weeks after the video where they demonstrate how they’d kill each other as a joke
Reached the 100 follower milestone after nearly 4 years on this site
Got very into WTNV again and binged like 60+ episodes in the space of 2 or so weeks
Watched Starkid’s Black Friday
Posted The Doctor on the anniversary of The Friend’s posting
Made some posts about the women of TLoJJ for International Women’s Day
Bupine received an anon ask teasing her about a typo which is common in our friendship group. Usual suspects were accused until the true culprit revealed themself via an acrostic (aka me being extra and I loved every second of it)
Went to the cat cafe in Nottingham
Made sure people were aware of World Puppetry Day by sending anon asks to people I thought might get a kick out of it
Posted Fighting Stolen Breaths
Steven Universe Future ended
Having been in the beginning stages of creation since ~Oct 2019, Jumbled AU content starts appearing
Spent the 1st doing an ask event for the Jumbled AU as a way of properly introducing it
Confused a bunch of people outside the Jacksepticeye community when I made a post saying how great it was that $400k had been raised in 2.5 hours during the HopeFromHome stream
Posted The Vlogger for Chase’s birthday
Got hyped to write a Śmigus Dyngus fic featuring Jumbled!Chase and his kids but got sick (regular illness, don’t worry) and therefore never finished it
Norbert Moses existed for 24 hours but he will exist much longer in our hearts
Managed to stay up to see 4:20am on April 20th
Posted the prologue and officially began the story of Jumbled
Watched Ghost for the first time
Fanders finally got the continuation of Selfishness vs Selflessness (Putting Others First aka SvS Redux) and learned Deceit’s name
Started talking about The Fall of Naesia
Pretty sure I hyperfixated on Queen for a week or so
Got introduced to ‘Storp Chorleigh, this game has gorn on lawng enuff’ and my life has significantly improved
CumGate happened
Got into ATLA
Black Lives Matter
Created the ‘it’s gonna be gay’ post that would destroy my inbox for the next few days
Had my first experience behind a wheel
Posted Flag, the response to which has made me proud of it
Poland scares and disappoints me part 1 (queer rights edition)
Sean posts another blooper video which causes me to make edits that subsequently inspire me to write Little Interruptions
Created an entire mythology purely because I thought a winged humanoid/merperson pairing was a cool concept
Reminded my friends why I should never be allowed to stay up until 4am because I just start talking nonsense
Finally watched An Inspector Calls and immediately wanted to make a Sanders Sides au with it.
Started talking about Creator again
Had another ask event to celebrate Jackie’s birthday
Also posted Photographs for his birthday which I love
Reached 150 followers around the middle of this month, I think
Discovered Kipo but wouldn’t fall for it head over heels with it for another month
One Direction celebrated their 10th anniversary and I was possessed by my 15 year old self for a week
Posted The Mediary which properly brought Creator AU back to my blog for a short while
Eddsworld came back after years
Posted The Creator and officially completed the main part of the au
Poland scares and disappoints me part 2 (queer rights edition continued)
Finally revealed Jumbled Anti’s identity to the world and got threatened on my birthday because of it
Discovered the Unus Annus video I’d been waiting all year for would be centered around them chewing on dog toys but it did feature “I’m the Unus to your Annus” so that was cool
Binged the first 2 seasons of Kipo in like a day and correctly predicted the Mega Monkey’s identity ages with very little foreshadowing to go off of
Started showing my love for Puppet History
Among Us was a thing
Got back into Playchoices
BBC Ghosts came back for series 2
Watched Pride twice in 24 hours and made sure everyone knew I’m heart eyes for it
Trump got sick
Family friend took one of my teeth
The world was blessed with Patton in a dress
Replayed Septiscape ahead of Soulscape’s release and liveblogged it
C!Thomas got a love interest and I’m really happy for him
Kipo season 3 came out
Literally the next day, the Dream SMP brainrot officially began
Discovered Thanzag existed and fell for the angsty side of their relationship despite knowing barely anything about the game
Poland scares and disappoints me part 3 (abortion edition)
Started bingeing The Magnus Archives and got through 150 episodes in about 2 weeks
Halloween was an eventful night for both the Jacksepticeye and Unus Annus communities
Unus Annus began its epilogue period
Watched V For Vendetta for the first time which was probably the least eventful thing to happen on the night of November 5th 2020
Destiel became somewhat canon and people found out Putin was thinking of resigning because of that
US elections
Unus Annus died following a 12 hour livestream
Somehow, my mad attempt to summarise every video of Unus Annus kinda paid off
Supernatural trended again because of its finale
Went through a period of questioning whether I’m asexual but settled on ‘sex ambivalent allosexual’ for now
Destiel became canon again but reciprocated and Spanish this time
Discovered Webtoon and Castle Swimmer
The monolith saga began
Elliot Page came out as trans
Mark went to hospital for an obstruction again and the community became very invested in his recovery process
Scotch eggs with your drinks became a brief meme over here in Britain
Your New Boyfriend was released
Destiel’s canon status was brought back to the spotlight once more
Watched The Godfather for the first time
Reached 200 followers
We got somewhat of a Dan and Phil video after so long with Phil trying on clothes while Dan reacts behind the camera
BBC Ghosts came back for Christmas to say Tories suck and you should make the most of your time with your family
Got into Mother Mother after Wilbur played the intro to Hayloft and I decided to see what the fuss was about
Watched Bridgerton and immediately felt the need to write something historical
The Mishapocalypse returned
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missjanjie · 5 years ago
The Siren Screams Tonight | Jankie
this is a commission for @myhusbandharryhamilton thats set in the freakshow au that pops up every now and then
Ship: Jankie (Jan Sport x Jackie Cox) Word Count: 1.25k Rating: T
comission info | ko-fi
With every new day, Jan knew there would be new surprises and challenges. It was simply the name of the game. Some were easier than others, but nothing had reached the point of being unbearable yet. So, as the Boulets announced that day’s challenge, she was as ready as ever. She might have been doing well in the competition, but she didn’t want to get too comfortable. A curveball could be thrown at her any minute.
Then they brought in the guest judge, and Jan’s heart dropped to the pit of her stomach. She must have jinxed herself. This had to be intentional, they had to be testing her or setting up a trap, they… they–
“Jan? Are you okay?”
Jan was pulled from the sudden rush of stomach-churning anger when Jackie grabbed her hand. She blinked rapidly, making sure she looked as calm as she was trying to come off as. “Never better, we’ll talk when we’re dismissed,” she assured and pressed a kiss to Jackie’s temple. This didn’t have to be a whole ordeal, she just had to grin and bear it for a few more moments.
“Alright, now tell me what’s going on,” Jackie prompted the second they were alone.
“I just can’t believe they brought Gigi fucking Goode to judge,” she muttered, pacing back and forth.
This didn’t really clear anything up for Jackie, who watched her with a mix of concern and confusion. “You guys… know each other?”
Jan rolled her eyes. “Gigi’s part siren too, spent most of our teen years trying to show me up.”
“Oh, so she was a romantic rival too, huh?” Jackie nodded in understanding. She couldn’t help but be a bit amused – Jan was so endlessly confident in her seductive abilities, it was interesting to see the other side of that, to say the least.
“I guess you could say that,” she mumbled. “I just don’t trust her.”
Jackie cupped Jan’s face gently. “She’s just here to do a job, baby,” she cooed, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. “Don’t let it get in your head.”
It was easier said than done, but Jan knew Jackie was right, so she nodded and left to prepare for the challenge.
And it was barely a minute after Jan left that Gigi sauntered over to Jackie. “Looks like you and Jan are close,” she observed as she moved closer, her fingers ghosting along the fabric of Jackie’s shirt. “She always had a weakness for the cute, quirky ones…” She let a hand rest on the competitor’s waist. “I suppose you could say it’s a shared trait.”
If there was one thing Jackie had learned during her time on the show, it was that she had very little resolve when it came to resisting a siren’s charm. If she were a seventeenth century pirate, she would have steered to her demise instantly and happily. But she was loyal to Jan, it was first come first serve as far as sirens went. Though she couldn’t deny Gigi’s charm. “I know your game, Miss Goode,” she cooed, taking a half-step back.
“Oh? From what I’ve heard, you’re not the only one keeping Jan’s company. Surely she wouldn’t mind being the one to share,” Gigi hummed, tucking a piece of Jackie’s hair behind her ear.
Jackie didn’t know if Gigi actually knew about the extent of Jan’s relationships, or if she was just going off what had been aired, but on paper, it was a compelling argument. But she had seen how Jan looked when she saw Gigi, she couldn’t just ignore that.
“You’re overthinking, aren’t you?” Gigi’s voice was soft and smooth, but still pulled Jackie right from her thoughts – the thoughts she forgot that Gigi could read. Her arms looped around Jackie’s waist when she noticed how little resistance she was putting up. She inhaled, all it would take was one little song…
And as if on cue, Jan returned to set as it was happening. She saw how Gigi was putting her usual moves on Jackie, how Jackie was losing her ability to try and resist her. It made her heart pound and her eyes darken with anger. Not having full control over her shape-shifting ability, the obsidian black orbs her eyes turned to was out of her control, especially when emotions got the better of her.
A siren being jealous may seem ironic, but it makes sense when considering their nature – their overwhelming need to be loved. Seeing this, her siren ancestors would have regained control of Jackie and manipulated her into murdering Gigi, but she was more human, and that came with a human conscience. And despite the very premise of the show, she didn’t have any plans on being the killer.
Instead, Jan just stormed over to the two of them. “Don’t you have anything better to do instead of playing mind games?” she snapped.
“Oh, don’t be so touchy, Jan. From what I hear, you’ve got plenty of sources to siphon affection from. I was only going to play with her for a little bit,” Gigi let go of Jackie, batting her lashes innocently at Jan.
Jan glared at her, squeezing Jackie’s hand tightly. “This one’s off limits,” she hissed, pulling her girlfriend away from Gigi. “You can go inject your venom elsewhere.”
“It’s so cute how you think you’re better than me,” Gigi retorted. “You’ll never be above reproach, especially not while you’re here,” and before Jan could reply, she turned on her heel and left with her head held high.
Jan’s blood was still boiling as she watched Gigi leave. She took a few deep breaths, wanting to regain some semblance of calm before she spoke to Jackie. More specifically, she had to squeeze her eyes shut until she knew that when she opened them, they would be their normal shade of chocolate brown.
“I didn’t know you felt so strongly about me,” Jackie admitted, letting go of Jan’s hand and wrapping her arms around her instead. “I mean, I knew we had something good, but I didn’t think you would literally fight for me,” she chuckled.
Jackie’s voice and gentle touch was enough to ease Jan back into normalcy. “Of course I’d fight for you,” she said, finally facing Jackie. “I love you.”
Jackie grinned from ear to ear. Despite what Gigi might have been implying, she just knew Jan was being sincere. “I love you too,” she pecked her lips. “Say it again.”
Jan laughed softly. “I love you,” she cooed, cupping Jackie’s face and peppering kisses all over, whispering sweet nothings between each kiss. It wasn’t about winning, about beating Gigi or proving her intentions. In that moment, it was about nothing but Jackie and the unbridled affection she had towards her. “I’m sorry you had to see me like that,” she added quietly.
“Don’t be,” she hummed. “It was actually pretty sexy seeing you all worked up with that. I mean, is it weird if I found that thing you did with your eyes to be kind of a turn on?”
“A little bit,” Jan giggled. It had been something she had been ashamed of growing up, a manifestation of the lack of control she had over her powers. And for Jackie to like it, especially in that way, was almost unnerving. “But it’s you, so I don’t mind. Just don’t ask me to do it on cue.”
“Duly noted,” Jackie hummed. “Now I know I just need to get you riled up.”
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jaeyleo · 5 years ago
That is!! So cool!!! So, Ethos is in the past and doing tests and stuff on the egos? Very Interesting. What are the other egos like? Or Ethos? I am very very interested for this idea!!
thank you so much!! i’m glad you do!!
lemme just note that @florenceisfalling was a big help in getting some lore and other things set up so big huge kudos to them thank u thank u !!
all six boys are as follows, note, i’m still developing their personalities so they may change later on! this is just so far:
jameson: he/him, straight and asexual. was taken from the 1920s into 2020 to test with the others. he has limited time powers, for example he can rewind one full day, or jump forward one full day. once he jumps forward though he is unable to go back. anyway! he’s pretty serious and just a little bit grumpy most of the time, he doesn’t like it here. jamie is very skilled with knives and guns and fists, and is fascinated by ethos even though at first, he hates their guts. jameson softens up over time, but for the most part hes pretty grumpy and just wants to read his books, and spends a lot of his days missing his own time. very protective of jackie.
chase: he/him, straight (?). the most easy going of the group. very soft spoken and extremely empathetic. he was the first to break through ETH- 05’s coding and get them to show some sort of emotion, and he was a BIG help in getting the others to actually like ethos. chase is always trying to make everyone laugh, keep their hopes up, but internally he is extremely afraid he won’t get to see his wife and child again. he has depression, but ethos makes sure he gets his prescribed medication to make his life at least a LITTLE easier on him. he and henrik are extremely close as they knew each other before they came to the clinic.
henrik: he/him, gay. henrik is ALWAYS trying to take care of the others along w chase, especially after appointments. he often forgets to take care of himself because of this. henrik has a lot of trouble sleeping, often has random panic attacks and has undiagnosed OCD. he is very kind and patient, but he’s always worrying about something. you can find him running around the clinic during the day checking the medication, checking on the egos, etc. if he doesn’t have something to focus on he will get extremely anxious so if he says he’s gonna take ur vitals for the third time today he’s gonna take ur vitals for the third time today.
jackie: he/they, gay. youngest of the group at 19, hes very bubbly and warm and pretty chill! he’s laid back most of the time, but it’s very easy to make him laugh as he kinda has that gen z humor where if u show tbem a picture of a can of beans that’s over saturated and says “B E aNS 👁👁” theyre gonna lose it. same w chase. anyway he has a few powers, he can do a little telekinesis, can (weakly) control water and metal, and is oddly ODDLY lucky. like theyve always got a four leaf clover on them or somethin. hes pretty brave, and is learning how to fight properly from jameson! catch them sparring while henrik goes !!!!!!!!!! when jamie knicks jackie’s cheek with a knife.
marvin: he/him, pansexual. FTM transgender! marvin is kinda the leader of their group, well, except for ethos. he is VERY clever, very quick on his feet, and holds far too many secrets. definitely very mysterious. marvin is very confident and has a soft voice, strong, and enjoys singing little songs ! he has powerful POWERFUL magic, including hypnosis, various spells, he can make plants grow/heal/die, bend light, water, and shadows, and many other things. he’s been studying for a very long time. he also is able to talk to and sense ghosts and other supernatural things ! marvin is by far the most stoic of the group, and although he may seem like a tough guy, he deep down loves the group sssoooo much, and would put his life on the line for all of them. both he, jameson, and jackie all have a second chip inside their skin which prevents them from using their magic unless permitted. if they try to use more than allowed, it will give them an electric shock until they stop. ethos has lowered their restrictions on magic once they complained of it building up, but they still are not really allowed to do much with their magic anymore :/
ethos: he/they/she/it, ethos wasn’t programmed to be a certain gender. and aro/ace, as most robots are in this future as they weren’t made for romantic love! hes kind of a prototype? a new kind of android the future hasn’t tested much on bc they were very eager for the creation of the perfect being. ethos starts out as very quiet and cold, he doesn’t know much about the egos’ personalities so he can’t do much w them. this changes as time goes on. because he wasn’t tested much, he can feel emotions if taught them, this mostly includes observing humans. since his creation hes been very lonely, and taught he is lesser than humans so a lot of times he’ll comfort himself by saying poetry or going through files or something. (thanks flora for giving the idea of ethos just babbling to himself at night when he feels his most sad or lonely!) ethos doesn’t smile or laugh, and when he does it’s either him mimicking one of the boys to make them comfortable or it’s genuine and he smiles for a second and then it goes back to normal. it’s a little odd to look at. anyway he doesn’t enjoy giving appointments, in fact he’ll go against coding once in a while and fake the data so the boys don’t have to suffer. this is bad news for ethos! which i will explain more on later :3 overall hes very sweet and comforting and just wants people to be safe. he loves taking care of people, especially when they’re sick so if one of the boys is sick it’s usually both ethos and henrik fussing over them in their own ways.
sorry this is so long!! also ethos’s is rushed cos i gtg to work but i’ll explain more on this if y’all would like, thank u guys for the interest!
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zydrateacademy · 4 years ago
First Impressions / Review - Cyberpunk 2077
I have some screenshots but they’re mostly photo mode and the occasional interface showing off my gear. So this review will be pic-less for now. I got Cyberpunk off of Stimulus money so as far as I’m concerned, the government paid for this game which does negate some of the problems I’d normally have for dropping 80$ or so on a preorder. Use that information how you will. First, I want to address some technical issues. In the sense that I don’t have very many. I have a 1050 GTX, an i5 processor, and 16GB of Ram. That’s about as complex as my knowledge goes on that. I’ve had a few glitches like Jackie ghosting through a closed door, some vans were clipped into the parking lot, and some NPC’s being stuck in furniture. A lot of ghosting around, really. The odd frame drop but nothing game breaking, and I haven’t had any crashes except one on startup, right after updating my drivers. Just the one in ~21 hours of gameplay. I play on High (but not ultra) settings. So all in all, not a bad experience. Everyone’s computer is a unique butterfly so while you will see a lot of yelling on various communities, some of us are trucking along several hour sessions at a time and not having a problem. Let’s do a quick dive into the story, and there may be some spoilers here but it’s mostly for Act 1, which is reachable just a couple hours depending on how quickly you want to unlock the whole city (as you’re locked to one region until you complete a major heist). 
You play as V, of any variety of gender identity you wish (though you are stuck with he or she pronouns). Basically a futuristic mercenary that does any kind of work available, kind of giving me some vibes from Burn Notice. Arms deals, stealing fans, VIP extraction, and so on. Of course, nothing goes as plan and you more or less lose your entire initial team after a heist goes wrong in every way possible. You’re witness to a world changing shift in a power structure and are forced to insert a chip with the ‘soul’ of Johnny Silverhand, an angry and incredibly bitter man who staged a bombing decades before V enters the game. This becomes the driving force of the game as you work to remove him safely from your body before he replaces you entirely - Something that not even he can stop, really. I’ve only had my toes dipped in Cyberpunk as a genre but it seems pretty standard fare. The concepts of “do cybernetics eat your soul’ and the various debate of how much human makes a human, all that. You’re put right there in center force as you grapple with these questions, even though our avatar as V is more concerned with just curing themselves like it was any other terminal disease. Even in-universe, the idea of a soul-preserving microchip is still a relatively new invention, though still in development enough to be advertised and talked about in news circuits. So let’s approach my first problem. It takes several hours for the game to essentially ‘wake up’. For a long time, you’re stuck in several conversations and interactable cutscenes with very little gameplay except taking advantage of V’s chosen origin in dialog. A couple of firefights here and there but the initial region locks you in and there’s only so many world encounters to just run into. The game more or less railroads you into completing Act 1 with some haste, because it also unlocks the ability to get more cybernetics and even some actual, full on mechanics. Within that railroading, you’re witness to so. Much. God. Damn. Talking. Mercifully you can press or hold “c” to skip through some things if you already understand the gist, but the first several hours of the game can very much feel like a very pretty walking simulator. Thankfully this kind of goes away after Act 1. You suddenly get called by a variety of Fixers that preside over various regions and they toss you dozens of side-jobs to do and so far, I find them to be delightfully varied. As a stealther, I found great joy in having a VIP escort quest with the optional objective of not sounding any alarms. So I went and bought myself a silencer and happily snuck around some gang mates boxing in the middle of a building, retrieved my guy, and escorted him outside while leaving several enemies alive. It was a great achievement. These side-gigs can be as complicated or straightforward as you please, giving me some Dues Ex vibes. The tutorial introduces you to hacking so you can distract and destroy your enemies how you see fit, and I have found that most encounters are designed with alternate routes to deal with enemies. Others are less clear. During one gig, I opened a door and the entire bar went ape on me, so I shot my way through and earned two stars from the police. Turned into a massive shootout that led to a dropbox that had gang members in it that also shot at me. Playing on Easy is a saving grace, but as someone who typically likes sneaking around games when the option is available, I wish the game made it more clear if I'm in a "suspicious" type zone. I also have no idea which NPC's are counted as potential enemies (the scan early in the story tells you if they're in a gang or not), as perfectly normal NPC's in the aforementioned bar just began unloading on me. It was wild, and I survived and got paid but the mission giver telling me it was sloppy work. Thanks, lady. Another time I opened a gate and trained my silenced pistol on the guard only for her to slightly sidestep as the gate opening “alerted” her. So I missed the shot, she opened fire, and the entire structure came out to play. It was an intense gunfight in which I was victorious, but it felt hollow as my silenced approach just botched the entire encounter. It was difficult for me to figure out what the game’s general “loop” is. So far it gives me the Ubisoft vibe of “hit everything you run into”. I do like the idea of V being something of a vigilante, as random police encounters pretty much allow you to intervene and gun down gang members without them bothering you about it. I must admit, however, I wish there was more to actually DO in the game. So far it’s mostly just side-gig after side-gig. Escort guy here, steal a van there, eliminate all enemies here. Though again, I said before that some of this can be quite enjoyable under the right circumstances. Maddening in others. In a way, this is kind of the Rage 2 problem all over again, in the sense that people loved the general gunplay but there wasn’t actually a lot of gameplay beyond the decent combat mechanics. Cyberpunk 2077 is certainly no GTA5, but I hope some day it can become that with DLC’s that add actual activities.
A couple of quick asides. I despise the driving, as most vehicles seem to want to spin out very easily if you hold the turning key for a second too long. In some fashion, it forces you to drive like an actual sane person and mowing down civilians (even accidentally) adds a GTA-esque wanted level though it seems stupidly easy to avoid. Narratively, it makes sense as the authorities in this universe are incredibly corrupt and it basically amounts to “eh, they’re too far now, let’s not waste resources”. So, fair enough. Still, I hope to GOD there’s no mandatory story-based racing. Games have screwed me on that before, and I have not beaten most GTA games because of that. Secondly, I don’t think the origin choice does a lot. You get different dialog choices and being a Corpo did lead to one interesting turn when you just ‘knew’ a credit chip had a virus on it. So there is that, but ultimately the rest of the dialog is identical. You could chalk this up to V spending six months with Jackie and he, more or less, lets your V really swim in Night City culture but honestly ALL V choices feel like they’ve become the same person. I was originally a Corpo but it just feels like her past and culture didn’t seep in through most of the dialog. At the end of the day, V is always just some mercenary punk. The world is gorgeous, albeit not as alive as it may have been advertised in promotions. Random civilians just have canned dialog, a lot of it rude. However I’ve been hard pressed to find doubles or clones of anyone just walking around, but that may change once I get into the hundreds of hour counts. It’s a very pretty game and despite some of my qualms, I am enjoying the experience. There’s a photo mode which is wonderful to utilize when you run into an environment that just captures the imagination. I took a screenshot of Jackie’s wall of pinups, including a typical slutty nun but as per the universe, her chest filled with beautifully placed cybernetics. It was just fun to see, and there’s a lot of semi-subtle world building like that that I just adore.
The game has issues. However, if you wanted a slightly scaled back idea of GTA5 with a different aesthetic, this is not at all a bad choice. However I will not blame anyone if they wait for the “GOTY” editions to come out. And on sale.
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rosewvlf · 5 years ago
‘Tis Folly to Be Wise
Pairing: Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler
Summary: The Doctor hides his feelings so well he doesn’t actually hide them at all. Or... Three Times Something Almost Probably (Not Really) Happened and One Time It Most Certainly Did
13.5k words - Jealousy, Pining, Mutual Pining, Meddling TARDIS, First Kiss, Love Confessions
Tagging @doctorroseprompts because, while I don’t remember what inspired this in the first place, I do know that I wrote it after browsing through your prompts hehe
The first time it happened they were on a visit to the Powell estate. Rose was with Mickey and the pair had retreated farther into the flat to lounge in her room, leaving the Doctor to fend for himself in a conversation against her mum. 
In the face of Jackie’s relentless chatter and suspiciously in-depth gossip, the Doctor could actually feel himself physically deteriorating. His time sense was ridiculously revved-up, making every second that passed especially grating. He quietly mourned the loss of trillions of cells in his body, celebrated the birth of new ones, and contemplated how much more time it would take until the sheer domesticity of it all would force him into his next regeneration.
He was reaching the fragile, frayed edge of his patience when Jackie traded the inane chatter for something even worse: questions. Increasingly personal questions. Not insightful, curious questions about relevant and engaging things like the kind Rose usually provided during their adventures, but useless, baseless questions that weren’t really questions at all. Such as: “You wanna tell me what you get up to in that blue box of yours?” and “How alien are you really?” and “I know how you feel about my daughter, Doctor, I’m not blind—do you honestly think you can hide something like that from me?”
They were all questions that gave the Doctor embarrassingly red ears and a horrific need to run, and if he held on for any longer, he would just end up sprinting out of the flat at full speed. So, without answering a single question, he got up, striding from the living room at an impressive pace. Upon his disruption Jackie leapt from her perch on the couch and shot him one last inquiry—”Where are you going?!”—sounding very, very offended.
That one he had to answer. He could feel it in the ghost of a handprint on his cheek. 
Antsy, the Doctor just flashed her a grin and spit out an excuse about how he suddenly remembered having left the TARDIS oven on. He was leaving to get Rose because, for some odd reason, she was the only one able to turn it back off. And, oh, such a shame—TARDIS oven ordeals usually last a few days or so at the least. Imagine that!
“How convenient,” Jackie said, narrowing her eyes.
“You think?” the Doctor replied, feigning innocence. “Figured ‘inconvenient’ would’ve been the word.”
Jackie sighed, but she didn’t protest when he turned around for the second time. As he traveled the short distance over to Rose’s room, he could hear Jackie behind him, muttering something about rudeness and Martians from outer space. He didn’t comment because he knew she couldn’t possibly be talking about him.
The Doctor reached Rose’s room in no time and promptly burst through the door. It wasn’t locked, so he assumed he didn’t have anything to worry about.
He was wrong.
Laying on the bed, knees dangling off the edge, was Mickey, looking at the Doctor with a particularly harried and adequately startled expression. On top of him, straddling his sides with her hands wedged deep underneath his shirt, was Rose. She looked gorgeously flushed and her hair was slightly tousled, as if fresh from a physically demanding activity. Upon seeing the Doctor, the teasing smile that graced her lips slowly fell away.
He clearly caught them in the middle of something.
Distantly, the Doctor registered the odd sensation of his jaw dropping. Then his eyes locked on Rose’s and the atmosphere became super-charged, creating a catalyst that broke through their frozen states. The shock on Rose’s face rapidly dissolved into mortification.
“Doctor!” she cried, and her voice was panting, breathless. “We—me an’ Mickey, we were—”
The Doctor’s eyes fell from hers and rather obviously landed on her hands, still tucked underneath Mickey’s shirt and clutching at his bare skin. Rose followed the motion and blushed hotly, ripping her hands away before scooting back. Mickey, all of a sudden rather dazed, sat up, watching Rose and the Doctor with weary interest.
“It was just—” Rose began again, but the Doctor interrupted. This encounter was going places he really didn’t want it to.
“No, don’t. I… can… piece things together,” he said.
Her face went a shade almost as violently pink as her room. “It’s probably not what you think it is!”
“Never said anything, me. Sorry for, uh, interrupting.” The Doctor moved to close the door but Rose shot up from the bed and stopped him with a hand on the opposite doorknob and a very hard look.
“Really, Doctor. Not what you think, ” Rose swore.
Behind her, Mickey piped up, a smirk on his face. “Yeah, it might be worse.”
“No, don’t listen to him—”
“What? S’nothin’ to be ashamed of. And,” he added, biting his cheek to keep from laughing, “you looked like you were enjoyin’ it earlier.”
“Mickey!” she snapped. “Oh my god! Shut. It.”
He bristled. “Why? What do you care if he knows?”
“I don’t! I just—I just don’t like misunderstandings—”
“But why does this misunderstanding even matter?”
Rose’s grip on the doorknob tightened and she tore her eyes from Mickey to quickly glance at the Doctor. She opened her mouth to say something, but she hesitated for a second too long.
“Y’know what? Don’t answer that,” Mickey said, scowling. He flopped backwards onto the bed and stuck his arms behind his head, eyes fixed resolutely to the ceiling.
Rose deflated. “Mickey...” she sighed, trailing off.
The Doctor shifted in place. When he opened the door to Rose’s room, he had no intention of becoming the key to their little lover’s spat. It left him feeling itchy, with pinpricks of discomfort poking through his skin like little goosebumps. He placed a hand on Rose’s shoulder and leant in. 
“I’ll leave you two alone,” he said. Rose reacted quickly, and, just as he was pulling away, she grabbed a fistfull of his leather jacket.
“Come off it. You’re not leaving until you tell me what you came in here for.”
“Not important, sorry. Just pretend I was never here.”
“Too late for that,” Rose sighed. “You ever hear of knocking?”
The Doctor spared a glance in Mickey’s direction. “Didn’t think it would be necessary.”
“A young couple shut up all cozy in a bedroom, Doctor?” Mickey asked, piping up again. He was still staring at the ceiling. “Thought you were some sorta genius.”
Rose let out a groan and buried her face in her hands. The Doctor opened his mouth to say something, but closed it quickly instead. Sensing the bitter undercurrent in Mickey’s tone, something equally bitter sparked up inside him. He decided he really didn’t want to hear any more of this.
“Think I’ll leave you two alone,” he said. Rose quickly lifted her head. She moved to stop him from leaving again, but the Doctor spoke before she could protest. “Just… Get back to whatever it was you two were doing. I’ll wait in the TARDIS.”
Concern creased her brow, concern that the Doctor immediately misinterpreted. He told her not to worry. He could wait. “Take your time,” he said. Then he paused, glancing at Mickey for the slightest second. “Though, with a bloke like him… Might not need it,” he added, under his breath. 
Rose must have heard him. Her eyes widened and, just for a second, her grip on the door fell slack.
Later, the Doctor ignored Jackie’s questioning look when he stalked out of the flat without Rose in tow and ignored, much less successfully, his own churning thoughts. To keep from thinking about Rose, her idiot boyfriend, and why he, for some reason, loathed the thought of them in her bedroom alone, he settled in to tinker with the TARDIS.
He only had to wait a little over seven minutes before she met him in the console room, looking not the slightest bit pleased. 
“Finished already?” he asked, weak against that childish part of him. She rolled her eyes.
“Oh, stuff it,” she sighed, plopping onto the jump seat. 
Guess he was right.
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The second time it happened they were fresh from Van Statten’s bunker and accompanied by a new, rather pretty, guest. Adam was what the Doctor would consider the presumptuous child prodigy type: steeped in supposedly above average intelligence and unaware of his own limited scope of the universe. He was cocksure, convinced in his own judgement. He wasn’t someone the Doctor would’ve personally chosen to serve as a companion, but he relented because Rose took an interest in him.
Oh, an interest… There was definitely some sort of subtext in that. The Doctor could see it in the way they drifted coyly around each other, smiling, voices low. He knew it. But everyone was tired and the adventure was over, so he decided to ignore it. It wasn’t his business and he really wasn’t in the mood to antagonize Rose’s new boyfriend. Yet.
The Doctor was more concerned about the Dalek; about what it did to him and what he almost did in return. Something in him shifted during and after the war. It changed him and while he, at least, acknowledged that, he didn’t notice how much he’d changed or precisely what he changed into until the Dalek escaped. He became rather hopeless—almost akin to a monster—in his loneliness and grief… Broken by the loss of his people, he was wrathful and unforgiving. Vengeful. Militaristic, in a way. He loathed guns and what they represented in every life he led, yet there he had been: ready to fire even as his precious companion defiantly stood her ground. 
Rose saved him. She did the impossible: she showed a Dalek compassion, commanded it, and lived.
He risked the entire universe for her.
Back in the TARDIS, the Doctor figured that the best, and soonest, way to start shocking Adam off of his high horse was to let Rose give him a tour. With a dimensionally transcendental, absolutely beautiful, thoroughly marvellous time ship like his? Surely, Adam stood no chance. The boy was about to have his horizons broadened.
Rose disappeared down the corridors with Adam following dazedly behind, and once the Doctor could no longer hear their voices, he made his way to his own quarters. He hadn’t slept in weeks, really, and despite his best efforts his fatigue was finally catching up with him. He was overdue for a rest.
The Doctor managed to shed his leather jacket and remove his jumper before he heard conversation floating through the hallway and seeping into his room. Confused, he briefly consulted his knowledge of the TARDIS’s current layout. It didn’t make sense; his room was nowhere near any of the areas Rose had in mind for the tour. He should have been spared from their flirting for at least a few more hours. 
That meant Rose either deviated from her plans or… or the TARDIS did some remodeling.
The voices in the hallway suddenly shifted in tone. They sounded lower, as if spoken in greater proximity to each other, and more… urgent. The Doctor felt himself tense. Adam’s voice was a murmur, placating, unintelligible yet insistent. Rose’s voice was harried, almost strained, bordering on breathless.
Were they really…? Outside the Doctor’s own room?
Yeah, no.
The Doctor quickly slipped his jumper back on and opened his door.
“Oi, you two, shouldn’t you be—“ he began, stepping out, but then his voice died as he took in the sight before him.
Rose stood braced against one of the coral pillars lining the halls of the TARDIS, a fresh, pink blush tinting her cheeks. In front of her, torso inches from her own, stood Adam, one hand on her hip and the other beside her head, bearing his weight upon the coral. Her own hands were against his chest, the position undeniably intimate.
Adam hadn’t noticed the Doctor’s entrance, even as intrusive as it was, so the Time Lord got to witness the young man’s hand snake higher up her torso, watch as he leaned in to whisper in Rose’s ear. His whisper made her shiver, his lips ghosting over her skin. The Doctor’s hearts grew cold.
Oblivious Adam. Foolish, arrogant, oblivious Adam.
It was Rose who noticed him first. As soon as she caught sight of the Doctor, surprise colored her cheeks a deeper red and she reflexively pushed Adam away, causing him to stumble off her with a comical oof and a confused look. Adam turned to follow Rose’s eyes and paled.
“D-Doctor, what’re—wasn’t your room…“ Rose stammered.
“No, ‘fraid not. It’s right here, apparently. Huh, fancy that,” he said, punctuating the statement with an obviously faked intrigued perusal of his surroundings. “And you two were… canoodling right in front of it. Great choice. Nothin’ short of amazing, that,” the Doctor frowned. “I could hear you right through the door. Wasn’t gonna say anything, me, but I was gettin’ ready for bed.”
“I—I’m sorry—“ Adam piped up, genuinely remorseful, but the Doctor waved him away.
The Doctor’s words were casual and reassuring, but his face looked… How would one describe it? Like the subdued sky before a rainstorm. A countenance as confounding and contradictory as the man himself. 
“Oh, don’t worry! What am I, her keeper? Don’t let this daft old fool stop you. Do whatever you two want, but do it somewhere else,” he said. He intoned the last line with only an ounce more gravity than his usual amiable lilt, but Rose, clever and perceptive as always, caught it regardless. She bristled.
It must’ve been the fatigue, the Doctor thought. It must’ve been the ordeal with the Dalek, because he was having a harder time than usual accepting her galavanting off with some pretty boy tonight. It must’ve been her bravery, glistening golden in her eyes when she stood up to him earlier. It must’ve been the lingering memory of her arms around him, deep down in that bunker, soothing the bitter pain of the entire encounter, that kept him from maintaining that breezy indifference of his.
Did Rose see it? That blossoming, unwarranted jealousy of his? Could she see that careful shade of green in his eyes?
It must’ve been ugly.
Noticing Rose’s tense stance, the Doctor rapidly slapped a smile on his face and upped the ante on his façade.
“Well, sorry for ruining the mood. Selfish, me. How about you two get on your way—“ he gently nudged both of them forward with one hand each on either of their backs—“and I can get a couple hours rest. Sound good?”
Rose found her voice. “Doctor, wait, listen! I wasn’t gonna let Adam—“
Adam shot her a hurt look, and Rose faltered, the words dying upon her lips. The Doctor witnessed her momentary lapse and interpreted it as embarrassment.
“No need to be shy, Rose. You, Aiden, what’re you looking so down for? Don’t need explainin’ to, me, so go jaunting off all you like,” he beamed. 
He’d gotten the guy’s name wrong on purpose. 
Adam’s frown deepened and protests lay dogpiled upon Rose’s lips, but the Doctor pulled away, having shooed them far enough. He was quick to get rid of them, quick to hide, but he paused beside his bedroom door, one hand on the door knob.
When Rose turned around, perhaps to stop him once more, the Doctor flashed her a small smile. Exhaustion muted the blue of his eyes. 
“Good night, Rose,” he said. 
Her love life was none of his business, after all.
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The third time it happened, Jack had been aboard for more than a few days.
Jack. Now, Jack was certainly something. 
He managed to charm Rose, which wouldn’t be too terribly strange since he was most definitely her type, but then he managed to charm the Doctor too, and he definitely wasn’t his type. Jack Harkness, although very unconventional and by all means someone the Doctor would’ve gladly initially brushed off, proved himself to be a good man, a strong ally, and downright clever as well. Irritatingly flirtatious habits aside, he was a fantastic companion and a good friend.
He was the kind of man the Doctor knew would make Rose perfectly happy, and protect her, too. Give her that bit of adventure her free spirit craved while still keeping her safe. He was someone who suited her more than some barmy nine hundred year old alien, at least.
So it shouldn’t have hit him as hard as it did when he walked into them one rare, lazy Earth-hour afternoon, lounging in the media room. 
It wasn’t like all the other times he’d walked in on Rose with one of her little human boyfriends. Those instances were dripping with hints of sexual frustration and dipped in improper quantities of proximity; they were clear indications of youth, textbook examples of what the Time Lords would’ve considered an aspect of their primitive, human natures. No, this… It was sweet. Singular in its intimacy, almost. Special. 
Rose was sitting on the sofa, adorned only in fuzzy, animal-print pajama bottoms and a comfy old t-shirt. Her hair was clipped up carelessly in a low bun, and, right along with her, stretched leisurely across the expanse of their seat, was Jack, dressed down in his own borrowed jimjams. His head was cushioned in her lap and he smiled up at her, grinning salaciously. Undoubtedly, he was enticing her with another crude joke or compliment, and it must’ve been working because she was laughing her usual beautiful, brilliant laughter. She ran her hands through his hair with one hand as she jokingly, lightly, smacked his arm with the other. In front of them, on the TARDIS’s telly, some cheesy alien romcom from the seventy-sixth century tried its best to put on a show, only to be met with deaf ears. Caught up in each other, they hardly paid attention to it.
They only managed to snap out of it when the Doctor plopped himself on the armchair next to them. 
They both greeted him warmly, smiles on their faces. The Doctor’s chest ached at their happiness, equal parts affection and melancholy, and he greeted them back. They looked like a pretty picture he shouldn’t have disturbed. Walking in the room, he was tempted to turn around, to pretend he didn’t see a thing, but at the same time, he wanted to stick himself right in. Wanted the image to shatter as much as he wanted it framed.
“Having fun, then?” he teased.
“You’re finally here,” Rose enthused. “Jack, tell the Doctor what you just told me. The story! C’mon!” she poked his cheek imploringly, and Jack chuckled, sitting up.
“Anything for you, Rosie,” Jack winked, before turning to face the Doctor and motioning him to lean closer. “This one’s a wild one, Doc, you sure you can take it?”
The Doctor sniffed, humorously feigning indignance. “You’re asking me?”
“Hey, playing it safe, y’know? Wouldn’t wanna arouse your fragile sensibilities,” Jack grinned.
Rose cut in. “You? Playin’ it safe? Jack, you’re almost as bad as the Doctor,” she chuckled. “Playin’ it safe!”
“Oi! What d’you mean as bad as me?”
Rose offered the slighted Time Lord a saucy grin as his only answer before she nudged Jack with her elbow. “Just do like you always do and dive right into it, Jack.”
“My, oh my, Doc, if I didn’t know any better I’d say our Rose is feeling pretty cheeky today.”
She dropped her head on Jack’s shoulder, chuckling. “‘M just happy, that’s all. Still laughin’ from when you told me,” Rose said. She peeked out, her cheek resting on the fabric of Jack’s shirt. “An’ excited,” she smiled, “to spend the time in together like normal mates for once.”
“We spend every day together,” the Doctor said, puzzled. He envied Jack for a moment, having Rose cling to him so casually, so comfortably. In his armchair, the Doctor was too far to effortlessly reach.
Rose lifted her head from Jack’s shoulder and shook it. “Oh, don’t get me wrong, Doctor, runnin’ from near-death experiences every waking hour and collapsing on the grating when we’re back in the TARDIS is fun and all, but… Like, yeah, it’s gorgeous, the running, keeps me fit—“
“Very fit,” Jack nodded sagely, and Rose smacked him.
“—but sometimes I just wanna sit with you in front of the telly, yeah? Talkin’ and just… Enjoyin’ each others’ presence and all.”
The Doctor didn’t know what to say, so he defaulted to a more automatic response. “Sounds awfully domestic to me,” he said.
Rose scoffed, waving him away. “Oh, I just knew you’d say that,” she sighed. She didn’t seem all that upset, but it was clear that she bore just a hint of disappointment. “You get what I’m sayin’ though, don’t you, Jack?”
“Crystal clear, sweetheart,” Jack said. “Some R&R: rest and recuperation.”
“Yep,” Rose nodded.
“Humans,” the Doctor snorted, starting to feel a bit rejected. “Don’t you lot get plenty of ‘R&R’ every night? Sleepin’ half of your lives away, you are.”
“Rest and recreation, rather,” Jack amended.
“You never had a weekend in, Doctor?” Rose asked. “Where you just muck about in the TARDIS for a day or two?”
The Doctor frowned. Was this some sort of roundabout method of telling him they were tired? That they wanted to go back home? But, no, that couldn’t have been it. They enjoyed themselves on his ship, he knew that much. 
“Why stay in when there’s an entire universe out there?” 
“Well…” Rose trailed off, unsure of how to phrase her argument.
The Doctor sighed. “How’s this, then? I know a few resort planets. Popular hotspots in each of their galaxies, perfect for a vacation, and I can get us reservations. No problem. If you want to be layabouts, might as well lounge in a place worth remembering.”
Jack looked intrigued at the prospect, and one look told the Doctor that he’d won the man over. However, while Rose looked tempted, she bit her lip, still appearing uncertain. 
“The TARDIS is a place worth rememberin’, Doctor,” she said.
The Doctor paused, eyes widening. “That’s—That’s not… She is. You’re right; unforgettable, my TARDIS, but… Oh, you know what I mean, Rose.” 
Accidentally insulting his own precious timeship was the last thing he was trying to do. Give it to Rose Tyler, always seeing and hearing what he couldn’t. Even when it came out of his own mouth. 
Still, Rose wasn’t satisfied. “Yeah, I get what you mean, but you don’t get what I mean. Time alone. Does that sound familiar?” She sighed again, leaning into Jack’s side. In response, however unconsciously, Jack draped a lazy arm over Rose’s shoulder. “Quality time together? Without all those distracting disasters the universe likes to throw at us for some reason?”
The Doctor eyed their intimate positions and felt something rotten rise within him once again. An unsightly sensation, growing increasingly familiar as the days grew by, cut into his skin from the inside out like small, prickly thorns. The Doctor never dared to let that weed of an emotion grow, never let it encompass the burnt, barren garden of his hearts, but it came close every time. Grown from the tiniest, most inconsequential seeds, the Doctor could only feel shame in their propensity to take root. Jack’s arm, draped so casually over Rose’s shoulder, almost like it belonged, and Rose, leaning into him with such picturesque comfort, provided the perfect nutrients for an ugly, bitter fruit.
It struck the Doctor then, that perhaps Rose was arguing for all of this as a means of requesting, as politely and discreetly as she could, the Doctor’s aid. Some alone time with the Time Agent. Some quality time with the man she loved, hidden away within the TARDIS’s winding corridors. Away from uncomfortable alien eyes.
The thought sharpened the thorns to a fine tapered point. It cut. It bled.
Yet it had no right to.
The Doctor nodded as if he finally understood and gently smiled. An idea came to light in his mind. “Of course it sounds familiar, Rose.”
Rose straightened, hopeful. “Yeah?”
“Absolutely! In fact—” the Doctor’s tone shifted, like he was a stereotypical salesman offering an irresistible deal—”why don’t we spend the next forty-eight hours right here? A weekend in. I’ll keep the TARDIS parked in the Vortex for just a little while longer,” he said.
“That’s great!” Rose beamed, bright and blinding.
“Now, that’s what I’m talking about, Doc!” Jack laughed. “I knew you’d get it.”
Rose scooted back, patting the unoccupied side of the sofa, free of Jack’s sprawled form. “C’mon, sit here,” she said, “let’s watch some trashy intergalactic telly.” Her grin was teasing and inviting, with a bit of her tongue poking through her teeth, and the Doctor almost wavered from his newfound resolution.
Ah, but Jack’s arm was still around her. His fingers tapped a silent rhythm upon her shoulder, following the upbeat pomp of the ignored romcom’s ending theme song. A nice reminder. The Doctor knew better than to deprive his golden girl of her desires.
“‘Fraid not, Rose. Maybe next time,” he said. 
Her smile faltered. “Oh?”
“Yep, but don’t you worry. Just remembered I had a couple errands to run ‘round here for the ol’ girl.”
“Really?” Jack asked, sounding… skeptical. “Why didn’t you say anything before?”
“Well, the opportunity just never presented itself,” the Doctor said. “Now, I’ll just be on my way…“ He got up from his armchair to start making his way to the doors, but paused when he saw Rose and Jack rising too. He admonished them with a few stern tut’s. “Oh, sit down. I can handle them myself.”
“If they’re repairs, I can help—” Jack offered, but the Doctor shut him down.
“Been doing repairs myself for centuries, thanks. More than capable, me.”
“Just keep cuddlin’ on the couch,” the Doctor chuckled, pushing them both back down with a hand on their shoulders. “I won’t be long. I’ll plonk this old bum down right next to you soon as I’m done.”
Rose hesitated. The Doctor could practically feel her suspicion himself, hear the uncertainty flickering through her mind. Luckily, it subsided.
“Alright…” she acquiesced. “Finish up soon, ‘kay? If you take too long, I’m makin’ you watch one of mum’s soaps.”
The Doctor shuddered. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
With one last word of parting, the Doctor waved good-naturedly and disappeared from the media room. He left the two newfound lovebirds perched on the couch, twin looks of unease plastered on their faces, but now… with plenty of time alone.
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 The Doctor lied through his teeth. 
He had no plans of joining them on the sofa that twenty-four hours, or the next. He set an internal alarm, and for almost two full Earth days he was nowhere to be seen.
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The Doctor cursed as he reached for a wrench and found it, once again, missing. Poking his head up from underneath one of the TARDIS’s supplementary heating systems (the one devoted, specifically, to maintaining and regulating the temperature of the heat-sensitive storage rooms and… the hot tubs, actually), he caught sight of it several meters away, perched precariously on the edge of an open grate. It looked ready to tip into the wiring below upon the slightest vibration.
This was the fifth time it’s gotten displaced, and it took a bit of searching to find it after every disappearance.
“Oh, let it go, will you?” the Doctor sighed, speaking to no one in particular. 
Save the very air around him, that is. 
The TARDIS was displeased with his actions lately, it seemed, and she displayed that displeasure readily, manipulating his entire environment. The lights overhead flickered for a moment before a sense of reproach eased into his mind. An obvious rejection.
A sentient, powerful, living remnant of his species’ most profound technological and scientific advancements… Fixated on passive-aggressive pranks.
“Unbelievable!” he muttered, carefully rescuing his wrench.
Forty hours have passed since the Doctor declared their little weekend in the Vortex, and he’d managed to avoid crossing paths with his two companions the entire time. Oh, it wasn’t easy. Certainly not. Especially since the TARDIS seemed particularly dead-set on thwarting his considerate efforts, rearranging her layout with a sadistic, labyrinthine intensity undoubtedly intended to purposefully confuse him. Tear away familiarity with his own ship, after all, and he’d be just as good as any fresh face that wanders aboard. It was a handicap, essentially. 
The TARDIS must’ve been utilizing enormous quantities of energy just to juggle him into one of his companion's arms. Rose the most often. But the Doctor was clever. The smartest higher-order thinker any side of any galaxy. He made do, of course.
He just didn’t expect to have to fight his own ship.
Suddenly, the Doctor startled. He heard footsteps thudding in the distance, somewhere down the left-most corridor.
Before everything, this room used to be a part of the lesser-traveled sections on his beloved ship. One of the sections visited for the occasional maintenance check at most, left in the TARDIS’s own care for the majority of the time. Now, it, and sections like it, experienced an exponential increase in foot traffic as they merged pathways with areas more suited to daily living.
The Doctor could hear familiar voices filtering in through the walls. Voices he missed a lot, as dull as the sentiment might’ve been.
However, he promised forty-eight hours. It was only a quarter past the fortieth and that simply would not do. He stepped forward, intent on escaping through the door farthest from them, but as his right foot met the grating… It sunk. The floor was loose beneath his foot and he came crashing forward, half of his lower body dumped straight into the circuitry beneath.
There was no way this wasn’t completely intentional. The Doctor cursed, and when he realize he couldn’t move his leg, tangled so deliberately as it was in metal and wires, he sent a strongly-worded, less-than-polite telepathic thank you in the TARDIS’s direction.
The lights merely flickered once again in response.
His fall wasn’t quiet. The voices of his companions, already steadily growing louder, responded to the raucous racket of his crash with excitement, and their even steps dissolved into heavy footfalls running to meet him.
Hands frantically plunging through every leather pocket for his sonic, the Doctor tried in vain to shake his leg free, only serving to further entangle him in his ship’s trap. One poorly direction’d shimmy had the Doctor wobbling, and his sonic screwdriver tumbled out of his grasp, past the depths encasing his leg, and down, deep into the unknown.
Absolutely fantastic.
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 “What do you have to say for yourself?” Rose admonished. With her hands on her hips, standing over him, her brows drawn in smoldering fury, she looked like a spitting image of her mother.
The Doctor only pursed his lips, looking away. He sat resolutely, with a rather stubborn, prideful air about him—not unlike the kind he’d usually adopt when wrongfully imprisoned—and his hands were tied securely behind his back. His sonic was nowhere in sight.
After Rose and Jack caught him with his metaphorical pants down, they encircled him like hawks. Both of his companions made sure to free him, but not without first ensuring his complete transfer into a different trap entirely; it wouldn’t suit all their hard work prior, searching for him with such resolute vigor, to have him escape as soon as they found him, after all. So they tied him up and led him into the next room over.
Ironically, it turned out to be the media room. The same place he’d left them before.
They plopped him down onto the sofa and Rose took charge, ignoring his indignant fussing.
“C’mon, then! Your excuse?”
He mumbled something unintelligible. From beside her, Jack shot the Doctor a look of pity yet carefully maintained his distance, seemingly content to just watch the events unfold.
“Sorry, didn’t quite catch that,” Rose said, anything but apologetic. She leaned forward, stern and unyielding. Strong woman, she was, Rose Tyler. Precisely the characteristic that, although now turned against him, had charmed the Doctor in the first place. When he didn’t repeat himself, she huffed. 
“I swear to God, Doctor, if you don’t start talkin’ I’m keeping you here and puttin’ my mum on the phone—”
The Doctor’s head snapped forward, eyes widening in terror. “No—”
“—An’ tellin’ her I’m pregnant.”
“No!” the Doctor gasped.
Rose pulled back, reaching into her jeans pocket to slip out her mobile. She flipped it open, staring at the screen in careful consideration before meeting the Doctor’s eyes. The message was clear. She was serious.
And Jackie was on speed dial.
“I’ll talk, I’ll talk, just—Rose, please,” the Doctor pleaded. Rassilon, the horror. 
“Please what?” she murmured, impassive. Her thumb toyed with a key on her mobile.
“I… I…”
“You, you…?”
“I was just tryin’ to help,” he finally managed.
“Help? That’s what you thought this was?” Rose asked, incredulous. “Help with what, Doctor? Abandoning us for two entire days—“
“Forty and a half hours,” the Doctor mumbled. She shot him a glare and he clamped his mouth back shut.
“Abandoning us for forty and a half hours,” she repeated, making it clear the distinction did not matter in the slightest, “after promising us a weekend together?”
“You got one, didn’t you?”
“Oh, yeah, right good weekend that was. Leavin’ us as soon as it started, talking ‘bout some stinkin’ errands.” She slipped her phone back in her pocket and a fraction of the Doctor’s tensity alleviated. “What errands? Errands my arse! You’ve just been hiding!”
“I had some!” the Doctor said, defensive. “I did!”
“Well, that’s what we believed at first too. Then, we finished five movies and nature called. Imagine my surprise when I couldn’t find the loo,” Rose said.
From behind them, Jack sighed, nodding. Rose was breaching a crucial topic, it seemed, and he looked rather harried too.
She continued: “I had to hold it for another hour, Doctor, until I finally found it! An hour of nothin’ but searching with my bladder half bursting! Stumbled into the library at least ten times before I even so much as hallucinated a toilet!”
The Doctor cringed. That did, indeed, sound bad.
“Couldn’t even make it bad to the media room after I was done, either. Got stuck in a circuit through the kitchen, Jack’s bedroom, and the wardrobe. God, Doctor, what’ve you been doing?”
Incensed, and obliged to defend himself, the Doctor straightened. “Oi, a little quick on the call, aren’t you? I’m innocent. Not much for interior design, me.”
“I’d say it was pretty suspicious that the TARDIS suddenly turns herself into a maze as soon as you run off, Doc,” Jack cut in.
“Definitely,” Rose agreed. She met the Doctor’s guileless gaze with resolute eyes. “You’re always harpin’ on, sayin’ the TARDIS is alive. If you didn’t do it directly, then you must’ve pissed her off, yeah?”
The Doctor froze. She was right on the ball with that one. Ever perceptive, his Rose, and usually, he’d be praising her for it. Now, however, he just felt incriminated.
“Might’ve done,” he murmured, looking away.
“I knew it!” Rose cried. Jack stepped closer to stand next to Rose, patting her on the back.  She sighed, her frustration visibly fading with the slump of her shoulders.
“How’d you do it?” Jack asked.
Jack grinned, humor a-twinkle in his eyes. “How’d you piss off an entire ship? Pretty impressive, I’ll admit. Couldn’t have done it even if I tried. Okay, okay, I’ve managed the people in it, but never the ship itself, and that’s besides the point.”
“I didn’t intend to.”
“You know what they say: the road to hell…” Jack trailed off, shrugging.
The Doctor recognized the proverb. Good intentions… Well.
With reluctance, the Doctor at last gave in. He shifted in his restraints.
“The TARDIS was trying to lead me back to you,” he said.
“Lead you back…? So you were hidin’ from us?” Rose asked. Questions contorted her brow. “What for?”
Jack’s expression was very much the same. “If you didn’t want to watch TV, Doc, we were open to suggestions.”
“Never did like sittin’ front o’the telly, come to think of it. But that’s not what I kept away for.” The Doctor’s ears tinted a slight shade of pink. “Figured you two wanted to be alone. ‘Quality time’ you said, Rose. Thought I’d run off, get some other stuff done in the meantime. The TARDIS didn’t take to it, kept turnin’ me around.”
Jack looked a bit odd, boasting an image akin to a mixture of ‘stunned’ and ‘irrevocably confused’. “Well, no wonder!” he exclaimed.
“What the hell would make you think we wanted to avoid you?” Rose asked, frustration returning. “I said ‘quality time together’, Doctor! Not ‘quality time chasing a madman through some barmy maze’!”
The Doctor sniffed, uncomfortable. If the TARDIS hadn’t thought to meddle, then they would’ve had their happily ever after, he would get some peace, and everything would’ve been hunky dory. Neither of them would’ve noticed his lists of errands to do really wasn’t all that long.
“I know that,” he groused. “I just thought ‘together’ meant ‘together without me’.”
Rose looked gobsmacked. It was as if, for once, the Doctor actually managed to reach absurd enough heights of alienness that his actions were completely irreconcilable in her human eyes. Their last action prior to his departure was, after all, to invite him to sit next to them. Have a few laughs. It didn’t make sense. They must’ve been wondering: what could possibly have led to such a drastic disparity in thought?
“Rose…” the Doctor sighed, “do you know what I saw when I walked into the room that day?”
She blinked in suspicion. “No.”
He smiled, almost rueful. “You and Jack, of course. Oh, it was a lovely sight. A perfect pair you two make, right pretty, too.”
Neither of them said a thing. The Doctor nodded toward Jack. His voice was bright, but an odd sort of tension had grown in the air. 
“Head on her lap! Adorable. And combin’ her fingers through your fringe! Wasn’t half diabetic at the sight, really. Almost had to stop by the infirmary, me.”
“Doctor, that was just—”
“Wasn’t the first time I walked into anything either, but this time was different. Made me realize that I might’ve messed somethin’ up. Maybe this time it was serious.”
Jack listened in disbelief. “‘Serious’?” he echoed.
“Point is, Rose,” the Doctor shifted his gaze, locking eyes with her. “I wanted to make it up to you, as discreetly as I could. For the social life I’ve scared away. For the love I hadn’t let you feel.”
“What…?” she whispered.
He offered a wry smile. “Always ruinin’ the mood, me. Never did let you get a proper date in.”
“Hold on, so you thought… Me an’ Jack… You thought I was askin’ for date night with Jack?”
“Aw, Rosie, you don’t have to make it sound so unappealing,” Jack pouted, but Rose paid him no mind.
The Doctor’s brows furrowed. “Am I wrong?”
“Yes! Very!” Rose huffed, astounded by the Doctor’s absurdity. “You—I can’t believe—”
She looked about ready to die of exasperation. But then she paused for a moment and let out a heavy, steady breath before speaking.
“Doctor, we’re just good mates. There’s nothin’ going on.”
The Doctor’s doubt was practically inscribed upon his face.
“I wouldn’t care if there was,” he lied, aiming for reassuring but not quite cutting it.
He liked to think he figured Rose out well enough, liked to believe he understood her. This youthful little human who stood so steadily before him, both complex and straightforward, paradoxically contrary yet so precisely expectable, was already etched firmly into both of the Doctor’s hearts. He followed her through her predictable routines, witnessed in pride her many surprises. However recent their acquaintance might be in the grand scheme of the universe, he knew her. He hoped he knew her. 
And Jack was perfect for her. Swept her off her feet, quite literally. To her, Jack was an improved echo of the Doctor’s visage, coupled with the dating and the dancing, and made complete with that suave, seductive style.
From a purely objective standpoint, she should have been thoroughly, irredeemably charmed.
Rose frowned at the Doctor’s skepticism, and something seemed to occur to her.
“You mentioned somethin’—somethin’ about having walked into things before. D’you mean that time with Mickey? An’ Adam?”
The Doctor scoffed despite himself, not keen on remembering. “The two idiots. Ignorance is bliss.”
Hearing him and flushing red, Rose decided she had enough. 
She stepped forward and took him soundly by the head, a hand framing either of his cheeks. It caught both the Doctor and Jack off-guard. When the Doctor grunted in surprise, she quickly clapped a hand over his mouth to shush him. “Now, listen to—yeah, yeah, uncomfy, you are, I know. But listen to me, Doctor. You run away every time I try to explain, so I—“
The Doctor shook his head in defiance.
“Yeah, you do!” she said, capturing him within her gaze. Her eyes, a deep brown that drowned him in rich wildflower honey, compelled him into rapt focus faster than any twisting nebula. “You run like—like you don’t wanna listen, like it’s stupid ape stuff, but you have to, ‘cause nothing is what you’re thinkin’ it is!”
He glowered, at a sudden loss, before indicating her to release his mouth. She didn’t budge.
“Swear you’ll hear me out?”
He tried his best to nod, his lips pressed into a frown beneath her palm. 
He nodded once more. With his hands tied behind him and lodged between the sofa and his back,  he knew they couldn’t see him cross his fingers. A childish display of his defiance. 
However, mid-finger cross, he felt something odd about the ropes restraining him. 
Hold on… Is that…?  
Rose looked doubtful, so the Doctor eased the crease in his brow and tried for pleading. If what he felt upon the ropes was what he thought it was, he needed her to let go of him. 
He looked her in the eyes, and her expression softened. It worked. 
“Alright,” Rose said. She let him go and plopped beside him on the sofa. 
However, when she turned back to face him, she was greeted with a terrible surprise: the Doctor sat right there, flexing his wrists. Unbound. 
“Been around, learned a few tricks,” the Doctor answered simply, avoiding her offended gaze with a shrug of his shoulders. He didn’t break his nodded promise because he crossed his fingers, after all. “Helps that you two used a simple knot, though I didn’t realize until now. Fifty-first century marauder’s knot. Tricky little thing; only looks impressive, not the best for keepin’ prisoners.” He bent down to untie his ankles. 
Rose shot Jack an accusatory glare. He held up both his hands, all innocence.
“Hey, I didn’t think we were going to keep him long. Not seriously. Plus,” Jack added, “I like the marauder’s. It’s convenient and visually appealing.”
Rose pressed the bridge of her nose with a heavy, long-suffering sigh. “I’m so gonna kill you after this,” she groaned. Meanwhile, the Doctor kicked the rope from his boots and bounded up off the couch. Before he could get far, Rose shot off her seat as well, grabbing his leather-shielded arm. “I’m gonna kill you both after this,” she amended.
“Why do you want this so much?” the Doctor asked, almost desperate. He tried to shake her grip away, but it proved unsuccessful as he held back the strength in his arm, weary of hurting her. He tried instead to use his free hand in order to pry her off him, but she held fast, bringing forward her own free hand to lie on top of his. He watched it enclose over him and he sucked in a breath. “Why don’t we just forget it, Rose?” he offered.
“I don’t want to,” she said, stubborn. The heat of her palm slowly suffused through his skin. “This is botherin’ you and I want it all out of the way—”
“Bothering me? I’ve said this before, Rose: it’s none of my business, and I’m not looking to make it my business. I don’t care about your pointless human hookups. I have no intention of—”
“But it does bother you, Doctor! If it’s really that useless, if you really don’t care, why do you try everythin’ to make me shut up? Why?” She tightened her grip on him, keeping her voice steady, her words flowing forth in a manner that forbade interruption. “You shouldn’t have to insist. Don’t think I’m dense! Everythin’ else unimportant goes in one ear an’ out the other—but this you can’t ignore. So you get pissy an’ sulky and push everything thousands of galaxies away.”
Fluid, she cut straight through him, her accuracy leadening the marrow of his bones and effectively locking him in place. The Doctor pressed his lips into a solid line, his countenance now stormy, saturnine steel. 
“Rose…” he began, but she could already tell what would come next. Shoulders squared, she moved to make her point before he could cast it down.
“That one time, at home, with Mickey! You walked in, I was on top of him!” In his peripheral vision, the Doctor caught Jack’s eyes widening. Rose spoke hurriedly, outburst after outburst. “I was all over him, and he was a git about it, but we weren’t shaggin’! It was a tickle fight!”
The Doctor was poised to protest, but then her words registered. “A tickle fight?” he echoed, dubious. She didn’t clarify further, opting instead to plough forward, as if she expected the Doctor to evaporate at any second, willing the atoms of his hand to remain solid beneath hers.
“And that other time! With Adam! He had me up against the wall!” Her expression turned ugly, like she thought of something particularly unpleasant. Witnessing it brought the Doctor no small sense of satisfaction. “It was a total come-on—one that I did not appreciate—and I would’ve pushed him away even if you hadn’t come swannin’ in!”
Rose lifted her index finger to his lips. “Hush,” she said, continuing. “Now, this time! With Jack! Head on my lap!” 
She finally slowed down, her tone still imposing, yet only half as insistent. Fixing him with a sincere, affectionate gaze, she pat his hand, which, by now, he had long since forgotten he could shift away. “Well, we’re best mates, Doctor… I’m always up for a nice lounge with a friend. A bit of dumb messin’ around, a hug, a cuddle. All that good stuff, yeah? Nothin’ I wouldn’t wanna do with you, too,” she finished.
“You…” There was something hard in his throat, but he managed to speak anyway. “You make me sound like I’m jealous.”
Rose rolled her eyes. “Isn’t that what you are?”
The Doctor recoiled, sputtering, offended at the mere prospect. “Jealous? Me?”
Rose dropped both her grips on the Doctor, and as soon as they were free, they distanced themselves and folded their arms across their chests. Both of them mirrored each other, determined.
“I am not jealous.”
“Could’ve fooled me,” she snorted. “Admit it! You don’t want your little earthling pal goin’ on play dates without you. Nine hundred years and you’re actin’ ten.”
“That’s not right,” the Doctor said.
“Then what is? Doctor, I told you: you’re stuck with me. Even if I see some cute guy I’ll still be turnin’ around and hoppin’ aboard the TARDIS.”
“You’d be leaving them behind,” he pointed out.
“Well, that’s why I’m not with anyone anymore, now isn’t it? ‘Course, that also means there’s nothing for you to be jealous for. Not like there ever would be.” She grinned at him. “You’re better than any boyfriend,” she said.
Hearing those words, paired so beautifully with her sincere smile, the Doctor’s chest felt about ready to burst.
He’d known it, really, that she’d been aching to tell him the real story, to talk to him, ever since she noticed how he kept dodging away. Rather counterintuitive, his actions, leading the spotlight to land upon his fears as opposed to away from them, but… Running was his specialty. It was all he could muster the strength to do. 
The Doctor thought himself a better man than this. He wasn’t the greatest man alive, no, definitely not, but surely, he must have matured at least a little throughout his many lives, his painfully long years. But he hadn’t. He realized Rose Tyler had both of his hearts wholly within her possession, yet rather than satisfy himself with that love alone, he grew selfish. If he could not have her heart in return, he’d rather not know to whom, or how to that whom, she’d give it.
It was ironic. It was childish. It was stupid. 
He’d rather remain ignorant then wisen to the bitter truth he feared she’d tell. 
The Doctor’s stance relaxed, his arms falling from their defensive position before him. Instinctively, he stepped forward, closer, feeling more than a slight bit foolish.
“Is that right?” he asked her, searching her eyes for some of that enthralling sincerity, that intoxicating taste of affection she tended to spare him.
“Mmhm,” she hummed.
“No competition, then?”
He smiled, and the sight of it visibly delighted her. She let him close that remaining distance, let him take her hand in his own. Once he did, Rose entwined their fingers together, naturally, effortlessly, as they were often wont to do.
She chuckled. “Never thought I’d see the day,” she said.
“See what?”
“You. All pouty and jealous ‘cause I might wanna flirt a little. Y’know, I thought you’d just shrug or quip or something… Not notice. Not really.” Her smile faltered just barely, her gaze dropping down to their clasped hands. “I thought you’d let me go when you finally do, kick me out if it was gettin’ annoying, all that extra human baggage I’ll be dragging along. Befriend someone else and show them the stars instead.”
He squeezed her hand in reassurance. She lifted her eyes to meet his once again.
“I wouldn’t let go of you, Rose. Not because of that. Pack up and leave, your choice, but I’d never… You’re…” the Doctor trailed off, voice soft.
He would put up with her strays as often as she would like. He would guide them through the cosmos, brighten their dull eyes, and dip them through the potent mires of Time. Selfishly, he would bear every errant ache if he could just keep her a little longer. If he could hold her close to him—if he could carve his existence into her soul as vividly as she resides in his. 
When he couldn’t finish, at a loss for a word that could ever possibly hope to describe what she meant to him, her lips twitched. “Replaceable?” she challenged, half jokingly, half not.
“No,” the Doctor shook his head. “Far from it, Rose Tyler. The complete opposite. One of a kind, you are.” 
Possessed by a whimsical, dangerously honest impulse, he raised their joined hands and turned them, elevating them level with his lips. Then, he pressed a gentle kiss to her fingertips.
“Priceless,” he whispered.
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Rose’s breath caught in her throat. 
The feel of the Doctor’s lips upon her fingers lit her nerves alight, suddenly sensitive to the feather-light touch of slightly chapped skin, the careful curve of a caring smile. It made her swallow, capturing an escaping heartbeat in one heavy gulp.
When he looked at her like that, she could almost believe… And, oh, the look in his eyes… So focused. So familiar. So fond. 
Of her. 
Oh, God.
Priceless, he said. Priceless, and he’d somehow embedded a single word with the weight of millions.
Wariness crawled its way through her heart, hand-in-hand with the hope that forged it. “Don’t,” she said softly, weakly, before she could stop herself. “Don’t look at me like that.”
The fondness in the Doctor’s expression melded with concern, and Rose realized how she must have sounded. 
“Like what?” he asked. His breath tickled the flesh of her hand and she fought goosebumps. He didn’t let go of her.
“Like—Like you…” love me.
She blinked, then she shook her head once. To clear it. To rid herself of impossible ideas.
“Like you like me or somethin’,” she offered instead, shifting into a teasing smile and hoping to dispel the odd atmosphere between them. It wasn’t the best deflection, but it was the quickest thinking she could really do at the moment.
The Doctor had been jealous, and while it both pleased and frustrated her in equal measure, she knew it wasn’t anything more than a little misplaced anxiety. Worried about losing his companion, his good friend, and concerned for what that would mean for their adventures, he’d acted out. It reminded Rose of herself when she was younger, when she worried Shareen would forget all about her after hooking up with some new, exciting bloke she’d never met before.
The Doctor could be childish sometimes, as odd as it would seem. He encouraged childishness, madness, and youthful wonder in everyone he met, embodying all those aspects himself yet still somehow maintaining his hardened, war-torn visage. She loved that about him most of the time, loved every contradictory facet of who she’d come to know him as, but in this case… It hurt more than it ought.
Push and pull, it was—always was—with him. When he’d bring her close or say something brilliant enough to make her blush, Rose wasn’t sure if he was flirting for the hell of it, flirting because he meant it, or not even flirting at all.
Just like this very moment.
Instead of responding in kind to her lighthearted invitation for a bit of teasing, he remained solemn, his gaze never leaving hers.
“I do,” he said. “I think I like you a lot, Rose.”
The gravity behind his statement—the way the words left his mouth felt… different. It almost felt as if he was confessing something more than a simple, harmless liking.
Now she was the one who felt like a kid again.
“I do too,” she breathed. “Like you, that is.”
God, what was this conversation? He still had her hand lifted to his lips. Was she imagining it? The implications, the subtext? Does he know what he does to her?
They sounded like grade schoolers, but it didn’t matter. ‘Like’ was a lot easier to say than ‘love’. 
Even if he meant exactly what he said, she sure didn’t. She’d say anything at this point, because she felt a bit like a rag doll, all flopping about, with the words practically bursting through her seams. They coalesced in the most unwieldy places: heavy in her heart, circling through her head, dripping from her fingertips. “ Have you eaten?” they’d ask. “You feel okay?” they’d wonder. “Better with two,” they’d say. “You have me.”
All careful substitutions for the three words she wasn’t sure she was allowed to say.
“You sure?” he asked. 
She nodded. “Way sure.”
The Doctor shifted their hands once more, this time planting a hearty kiss on her knuckles. His eyes sparkled, pleased with her response. When he flashed that familiar grin, a little bit silly on that serious face of his, she knew something in the air had broken.
“Fantastic,” he beamed.
The tension was gone, the moment had passed, and all dismissed by that mercurial manner of his. He seemed reassured, past jealousy all but forgotten, ready to move on. He dropped her hand and straightened. 
That’s that. Problem solved. Issues voiced and feelings reaffirmed. He liked her, she liked him, and their friendship would never waver because they would not let flighty romances get in their way. 
Was that it?
“We good?” Rose found herself asking, slightly dazed.
“Never better,” the Doctor responded goodnaturedly. “I’m sorry. You were right, Rose. I’m a bit stubborn, but you showed me how-to. Good on you. Communication!” he laughed. “Should’ve bothered sooner.”
She watched him. Watched the way his figure seemed to angle toward her, watched the way his body language always invited her closer. That leather jacket looked warm. He wore a wool jumper this time around, in a subdued shade of maroon. Rose could imagine how it felt beneath her fingers.
He started saying something again, but she was too busy thinking. Unlike the other times she was left to recover, heart woefully racing because of him, for him, she couldn’t let this go. Not that easy. No.
He asked her something, and when she didn’t answer, he turned to her with caring, engaging eyes.
There was only so much a girl could take. 
“Oh, screw it,” she growled. To hell with mixed signals. Rose Tyler grew up going with her gut, and her mum was always waxing poetic about listening to her heart. If the Doctor hadn’t been so special, so unique in his alienness, she would’ve done something ages ago, in the name of everything he made her feel.
Ignoring the confusion rapidly overtaking his expression, she slipped a hand under the Doctor’s leather jacket, hauling him to her with a firm tug at his waist. Then, she snaked her hands across his torso, palms gliding over the wool upon his chest and lingering, lovingly, over the double beat of his pulse. She wrapped her arms around his neck.
They’ve hugged before. They’ve even been squeezed tight in enclosed spaces, heart-to-hearts, lungs heaving together as they shared adrenaline-fueled breaths. This closeness wasn’t new.
But the intimacy was.
The Doctor stood rigid beneath her, frozen in shock. The fact wasn’t strong enough to discourage, as she had a mind to see things through, but it made her skin warm with something other than attraction, pierced her determination with anxiety.
Slowly—giving him plenty of time to recoil in disgust, to pull away, to push her off of him—she rose upon her tiptoes and leant her weight upon his. Inch by inch, their faces drew nearer. 
She watched him watch her, both of them thoroughly entranced, until their lips met in a halting kiss.
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Jack considered leaving. He really did. Hell, he was all for giving a(n extremely repressed) newfound couple some privacy, but… Damn.
You’d be hard pressed to find a melodrama as good as their conversation anywhere in the universe, for crying out loud, so he’d settled down in an armchair and just let it play out. Time how long it would take until they realized he was still there. Relax a bit. Rubberneck, maybe. 
No, not maybe. Definitely.  
They probably forgot he was present eons ago. Soon as the Doc got off his pert butt and started making a run for it once again, good ol’ Jack faded off into the wallpaper. Or he would, if the TARDIS had wallpaper.
Jack grinned. It was great. He was truly, honestly happy for them.
He watched with rapt attention when they went head-to-head and unabashed fascination when they clung to each other. He also marveled at Rose’s tenacity, ever her heartfelt supporter, when she surged forward into the Doctor’s arms.
When they finally kissed… Jack almost couldn’t believe it. When that kiss evolved into something considerably less tentative, less exploratory, and more passionate… He started questioning reality.
The Doctor remained unresponsive for a solid second or two before the tantalizing press of Rose’s soft lips finally coaxed him into action. His arms, then, quickly lifted to wrap around her, pressing her even more firmly against the wall of his body. Jack could see the Doctor’s disbelief in the way his fingers dug into the fabric of her sweater, the way they trembled to touch her in ways he’d never before allow. Palpable desire colored the air of the little bubble they’ve enclosed themselves within, and the soft sound of their increasingly labored breathing served as the soundtrack to the cathartic discovery of their hidden love.
Rose toyed with the scruff of hair at the back of the Doctor’s neck as they deepened the kiss, the Doctor’s hand reaching up to cup her cheek, his long fingers breaching through her blonde tresses as he tilted her head for more access, fitting together perfectly, finally, completely. He took her bottom lip between his teeth to nibble upon gently, but Rose lost patience, tongue darting free to entice his own. The Doctor immediately gave in to the temptation and Rose made a sound akin to an odd, yet endearing, mix between a moan and a giggle.
On second thought… Maybe Jack should leave them be, after all. They didn’t look like they were close to stopping any time soon. He’d since stopped counting how much time had passed since they’ve forgotten him.
Jack sighed, rising carefully from the armchair as unobtrusively as possible, proud of his two wonderful friends. Regret had no place within him, for while he loved and desired them both, he supported the relationship between them even more. 
There was something there. Something special, something Jack himself would struggle to find. He could feel it—similar to a more concrete sort of intuition—whenever he caught them sneaking glances, sharing silly smiles, and luxuriating in the other’s presence. Despite the reluctance to confess the depth of their regard on either side, Jack knew better. It was precisely for this reason he had given up courting Rose Tyler long ago, perceiving with clear, insightful eyes precisely how impossible the task would prove.
She was spoken for, however silently.
The knowledge dipped the Doctor’s earlier jealousy in a vaguely comical sort of irony. 
Careful to avoid the amorous couple still quite passionately engaged in oral fisticuffs, Jack made his way to the door. He spared them one last glance for good luck, witnessed Rose in the midst of running her hands through the Doctor’s short-cropped hair, and… Wait, was she tugging on his ears? 
The Doctor let out a low, rumbling growl. 
Well then.
Jack wasn’t beyond admitting he’d wanted to hear that at some point, too. Atta girl, Rose.
Returning back to the task at hand, Jack turned the knob, ready to give them plenty enough privacy to—he chuckled to himself—really get down to business, should they come to require it.
He’d forgotten, however, that the doors in the TARDIS’ living quarters had a penchant for clicking when opened or shut. Only the Doctor ever really managed to exert the right amount of pressure, to twist his wrist in that perfect, practiced way that ensured the door a smooth, soundless swing. It was another one of the TARDIS’s many unique little quirks that spoke of both her age and character, granting her a sort of comforting, homey impression despite her power, her scientific capabilities. They were charming, gentle little flaws known to her passengers only through time spent aboard.
So, when Jack turned that tastefully, yet strangely, carved handle, the resulting clack hit his eardrums clear and clean.
He cringed. Then he turned.
The Doctor and Rose met his sheepish gaze with wide, dazed eyes. 
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“J-Jack,” Rose managed, red-lipped and kiss-swollen. Her voice was husky, bearing a slight, seductive rasp prevalent despite her surprise.
The sound of it shot the Doctor with an eclectic array of emotions: satisfaction at having caused that in her, annoyance that it wasn’t his name she had spoken, desire at the sound of it, and confusion as to why their mouths were far enough apart to speak.
“Jack?” the Doctor echoed, equally surprised, equally breathless. Not quite there yet. 
Jack greeted them, poised mid-exit. “Heyyy… You lovebirds. Got it in one! It’s yours truly.” He might have chuckled but he looked contrite, almost, despite the fact that he wasn’t the one snogging—
The Doctor’s mind cleared. His Rose-tinted glasses slipped, plonking right off his nose.
He turned rapidly, back to the warm body pressed against him. There she stood, his companion, caressed lovingly in his arms, staring back at him. A mirror of his own astonishment. A very, very close mirror.
They drank in the sight of each other for a few more drunken drum beats, realization about what they’ve just done flooding through them like a shockwave. Rose’s sensuous, plush lips parted, perhaps to speak—
Jack cleared his throat. 
Their attention snapped back to him.
He observed their harried dispositions and smiled knowingly. “Well, you two clearly have other things you’d rather be doing! About time, if you ask me. Now, unless you want me to join in on the festivities—“ he shot them a cheeky wink—“I’m heading out. I’ll be in the kitchen with a cup of coffee, if you need me.”
Without waiting for a response from them, the Doctor watched as Jack opened the door completely and stepped through it. It clicked shut behind him. 
Then, just as fast, it swung back open. His head popped in, grinning. 
“And congratulations, you crazy kids! Don’t have too much fun without me,” he joked. Then, he closed the door once again.
The Doctor and Rose watched the entrance for a few more seconds, but it stayed shut for good. Slowly, gingerly, their eyes found each other once more.
“That… Was interesting,” she said.
“Yep,” the Doctor replied. He couldn’t help but observe her mouth, follow the shape of her lips as she spoke.
“He said congratulations.”
“He did, didn’t he?”
She nodded absently. “We… We should… Thank him sometime.”
“We should.”
“Not now, though.”
The Doctor shook his head. “No, definitely not…”
“What d’you think we should do instead, then?”
She pressed closer, bringing their faces near once again. He found himself doing much the same, bowing his head to meet her half way.
“I don’t know.”
“We could… Uh, we… could…”
Her breath tickled his nose. His breath tickled hers.
Their gazes were dark and smoldering with intent. Her pupils were dilated, captivating little black holes that distorted gravity itself, drawing him closer and sucking his soul into them, claiming him, keeping him.
“We could… Do… This,” Rose finished, and they pushed forward at once, the both of them. 
Their mouths clashed together carelessly in another kiss, somehow even more desperate than the last. Born from the barely-concealed frustration of being interrupted, they lost themselves in each other for the second time. The Doctor groaned in satisfaction, sensing Rose sigh against him, before entangling their tongues in a sybaritic dance, indulging in her taste, her warmth. 
Rose began to shift. Intent on keeping them together, he shifted with her, all the superior Time Lord senses he allowed himself focused solely upon the woman in his arms. He vaguely registered their shuffling feet, his innate spatial awareness informing him that they were moving, before he felt something thump against his calves and he sank backwards, onto the couch. 
Their lips still locked, Rose fell with him. Her legs crowded his sides as she straddled him. The solid weight of her upon his lap proved euphoric, intoxicating. His hands slid to grasp her hips, his thumbs slipping beneath her sweater to land upon her soft, pliant skin and she moaned, a pleasing sound.
Oddly enough, that’s what did it. In sync, they pulled themselves apart with a gasp and she rested her forehead upon his own.
Her blonde hair framed the periphery of his vision like a curtain. Both of their chests were heaving. After a few beats of merely basking in each other’s presence, the Doctor broke the silence.
“Rose…” he said, voice hoarse.
“Doctor,” she whispered. 
She lifted her head to properly face him. The light glinted off her hoop earrings. 
“Rose,” he repeated, this time less throaty. Gaining coherence.
“Doctor,” she repeated as well, her tone slightly more amused.
He caught it, clearly, and a grin gradually began to blossom on his face. “Rose Tyler,” he beamed.
She matched him, grin for grin. “Doctor, er… Smith? The Doctor?” She paused, pouting. “Oh, s’not fair, you don’t have a last name.”
That tickled. Only a little bit, but it was enough. He chuckled, and that chuckle soon turned into laughter. She joined him, shoulders shaking with mirth, and they descended into a fit of giggles, clutching each other in their elation.
He was high, as high as he’s been in centuries. For the first time in far too long, surviving stopped being a curse. If living meant experiencing something as wondrous as this, he was glad to be alive, even if just for the moment.
He loved being with her.
Calming down, they righted themselves so they both sat up straight, although she seemed perfectly content to remain atop him. He was perfectly content to let her, honestly.
“You kissed me,” the Doctor said.
“Indeed I did, Doctor,” Rose smiled. “And you kissed back.”
“Best decision I’ve made yet.”
Rose nodded seriously. “I must concur.”
“Putting on airs?” he teased.
“Mm, nope,” she said. “The opposite. I’m losin’ my mind.”
“That good?”
Her smile turned impish. “You’re a great kisser, y’know. Oh,” she rolled her eyes, “I see that look. Don’t let it get to your head!”
“It got to yours,” he said, and if his pride bled a bit into his smile, well… 
She sighed in mock exasperation, but even that did little to dim the happy glow on her face. She hugged him. 
He hugged her back, his arms wrapping around her.
“I’ve wanted to do this for a while now,” she whispered, nuzzling her nose into his neck.
“So did I.”
“So why didn’t you?”
He could feel her heartbeat against his chest. Her single, human heart. Beautiful, but so much weaker than his. Not built to last.
And with that, he remembered. 
Like harsh winter rain intruding upon a sultry summer day, his inhibitions slithered their way back within him. They were cruel little remnants of reality that clung to him like chains, sobering away his merriment.
“I didn’t want to scare you away,” he said.
She snorted. “Do I look like I’m running for my life right now, Doctor?”
“No, but you should be.”
His voice had changed. She pulled away. “Why would you say that?” she asked. Her brows knitted together, and the Doctor could see concern begin to replace her contentment. 
“I’m…” he began, but then he shook his head. Restarted. “You deserve better, that’s all.” 
Sensing the protest about to come his way, he made to elaborate. 
“Nine hundred years old. Nine hundred years of existence. And do you know what I’ve learnt?”
“Everything comes and goes. ‘Nothing gold can stay,’ and you, Rose, shine the brightest, most beautiful gold I have ever seen.” He raised his right hand, gently brushing away stray strands, cupping her cheek. “I can’t promise us a future. Not together, not for long, and certainly not with your safety guaranteed. You deserve better than that. You deserve your human happily ever after, with someone who can stand by your side and stay.”
Her eyes glistened with moisture. “And that someone isn’t you?”
“No. Not me.”
“So, why? Why’ve you kept me around for this long? Why didn’t you scare me away?” Her voice was breaking, betraying her willfulness with its weakness. “Why did you let me kiss you?”
The Doctor let out a shaky breath. “A bit stupid, I am. No, more than a bit.” He dropped his hand, letting it fall to his side. Already, it longed to touch her once more. “It’s ‘cause I wanted to, Rose. Every minute I’m around you, even now, I want nothin’ more than to kiss you soundly and forget everything else. Even if it means I’ll… Even if it means it’ll be harder to let you go once I do.”
She ducked her head, resting it against his shoulder. Her own shoulders, tensed from her impromptu interrogation, slumped. “You called yourself stupid. That’s a first,” she told his jacket. “You like me that much, huh?”
“Yeah,” he said. “Being with you… I’m the best I’ve been in years.”
“An’ you regret all this? ‘Cause it’ll break my heart?” 
“Even if you’re happy when you’re with me?”
He paused. “Yes.”
“Then do it, Doctor.”
“Do it. Break my heart.” She lifted her head off his shoulder and took his hand. Squeezed it. “If I have to let you go at some point, break my heart into mingy little pieces. Shatter it.”
“Excuse me?”
Fixing her gaze unto him, heavy, serious, laden with terrifying sincerity, she spoke: “You heard me. Take those little pieces of my heart and crush them under your feet, even. Go nuts. Make it so that I’ll never forget you. Be my greatest heartache, Doctor.”
She smiled sadly. Then, with her free hand, she gently eased the crease in his brow. 
“‘Cause I know I’ll be yours.”
He opened his mouth to deny her, but nothing came out. He could only find it in himself to listen, at a loss for words amidst the tumultuous emotions she excited within him.
“Or at least one of them, anyway. Blimey, you’ve got baggage,” Rose added teasingly. “Ah, but… As long as I’m here,” she promised, “you won’t have to carry it alone.”
He knew what she was doing. He knew what she was trying to say. It was too late, she meant; they’ve already fallen too far, irredeemably intertwining themselves in each other’s lives, turning their solitary red strings into a tangled ball of fate. No matter what they did, or when they would come to separate, they would mourn each other nonetheless. Now it was a matter of what they did in the meantime. How they spent their moments together before the universe finally finds it apt to pull them apart.
She wanted to go down swinging. She was prepared to pay the consequences. His mind echoed that realization over and over again.
Rose observed him, however, waiting for his response. After a few seconds, wherein he just stared at her, she started getting worried.
“Doctor?” she said, and it was the concern in her voice that finally did it, the affection that tinged the syllables with enchanting care. It was the lovely sound of her name upon his lips, something only Rose could create. 
He’d miss hearing it. He’d miss her.
Something in him gave. 
If he knew their time was short, he was going to take as much of her as he could. Drown himself in greed, allow himself this taste of happiness. It was forbidden knowledge, but they’ve come too far to feign ignorance. He would believe in her, heedless of the price to pay.
His Rose. Salvation with a sacrifice.
Silently, he took her face in both his hands and guided it down toward his own. As tenderly as he could manage, he conveyed his resolution with a press of their lips. A promise sealed with a kiss. 
This kiss lacked the urgency that characterized the last two, and instead of igniting her hunger, the Doctor felt her melt against him, hopeful, at ease. No longer did they fumble for each other with eager hands or devour each other with a heady sigh; every touch remained a reverent caress, mouths bestowing wordless assurances upon the other.
The Doctor broke away only to place one last devoted kiss on her cheek, his hands finding their place upon her hips. She wrapped her arms around his neck and returned the favor, eyelashes fluttering against his skin like dark butterfly wings.
“You have a way of surprising me,” he whispered. “Sayin’ the strangest things.”
“I could say the same about you, Mr. Alien Man,” she chuckled.
“Oh, but that’s different. That’s just me bein’ clever.”
“Maybe,” she said. She gave him his customary ‘whatever floats your ego-boat’ look before shifting into something a little more serious, questioning. “But really, Doctor. Does this mean what I think it does? ‘Cause if it doesn’t, and you just gave me the sweetest kiss in my life, ever, just to reject me—“
“Yeah, it does,” he interrupted with a small laugh. “I give in. You won me over. ‘M all yours.”
Relief washed through her. “Yeah?” she smiled.
“Absolutely. Rose Tyler, I…” 
The Doctor trailed off. Took a breath. Let the humor fall from him. 
He had to say this right, with just the right amount of gravity, with enough certainty that she wouldn’t question his sincerity. Moving to stroke her hair and watching the soft strands flow from his fingers, he finally allowed his affection for her to completely seep past his defenses, radiate from his very being.
It manifested in the words he spoke.
“I love you,” he said.
Rose… froze.
Finely attuned to her, the Doctor could hear her breath catch, sense her pulse quicken. She sat rigid and her arms tightened imperceptibly behind him, as if she hadn’t expected him to ever confess it at all. Her open expression revealed to him the obvious question running through her head: had she heard correctly?
He smiled tenderly. 
“Rose, I love you,” he tried again. “I love you very, very much.”
It was like everything came unlocked. She blinked once at him, before sagging against him with a lung-deep exhale.
She ducked her head, chuckling breathlessly, incredulously.
“I’ve wanted to hear that—I thought—with all your moaning, I thought it’d take you longer,” she stumbled. Then, she exhaled again, her cheeks pink. “God, Doctor, I wasn’t ready for that. Reckon I’d have to wait, y’know, ‘cause, ‘cause… Sayin’ it makes it all…”
“Yeah,” Rose laughed. “Makes it more. More than a bit of snoggin’. I thought you’d be afraid.”
His eyes sparkled with joy. “I’m going all in, Rose. All or nothing, with you.”
“Goin’ out with a bang?” she offered, grinning.
“Exactly. We’re goin’ out with a bang, you and me.”
“God, finally,” she said. Then she pulled back, her arms outstretched between them. Her voice turned soft.
“I love you too,” she beamed.
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They really did find Jack in the kitchen. He was sitting there by the table, chewing on a banana with his nose in a book, hot cup of coffee within reach. By the looks of it, he’d even finished some buttered toast.
Thankfully enough, it wasn’t hard to reach him. A quick mental once-over revealed to the Doctor that the TARDIS was content and the rooms were located where they were meant to be. The labyrinth was no more, much to his companions’ relief, and that vague sense of disapproval his ship had been constantly sending his way for the last forty-and-a-half hours abated.
When Jack saw them, he greeted them with wide arms and a suggestive grin. “Why, if it isn’t my favorite couple!” he exclaimed grandly, emphasis on the word ‘couple’.
Rose giggled and the Doctor rolled his eyes goodnaturedly, before they both thanked him for his discretion and caught him up on their plans. 
They were thinking about stopping at one of those resort planets the Doctor mentioned before, and they wanted Jack’s final opinion on which one. It was an opportunity to let loose. Relaxation Plan B to stave off labyrinth-induced cabin fever. The Doctor, a little guiltily, proposed they try the ‘stay-at-home’ option another time.
After they made their choice (a tropical little dwarf planet with pastel sand, decadent fruit, and a rousing nightlife), they filtered into the console room. There, the Doctor spotted his lost sonic screwdriver poised innocently on the jump seat, almost as if he’d simply left it behind. Casually picking it up and slipping it into his pocket, he thanked his precious timeship and set their flight into motion.
If their landing was a bit softer than they expected that time around, well, who knows? Perhaps the Doctor’s good mood attributed to his driving skills. Perhaps the TARDIS was feeling kind.
The pair lingered behind, allowing Jack to walk ahead of them and eagerly, yet cautiously, peek through the doors. Grabbing Rose’s hand, the Doctor smiled at her and catalogued her answering grin into memory. She was going to have fun, and he would make sure of it. Not just on this one trip, either, but for every single trip to come, now and forever, for as long as forever would allow. Be it for the rest of her life or the next few months, he would leave her smiling, even if it meant giving all of himself to guarantee it.
He swore, with or without him in it, Rose Tyler was going to have a fantastic life.
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Another Fan fic
Another fic for Ethan x my MC Luca Marino. Enjoy.
Luca is more happy than ever as he's practically bouncing down the hall one early winter morning. Luca spots Ethan and runs up to him.
"Good morning Dr. Ramsey!" Ethan looks slightly annoyed at the sunny young man.
"Well someone woke up in a good mood. What's the occasion?"
"My parents are coming to visit! They're actually in town for a bakery convention, but they're coming over for dinner and to meet everyone tonight."
"Oh, well that is exciting isn't it?" Luca nods happily.
"You should come! They'd be overjoyed to meet you Ethan. I've told them all about you."
"All about me? Even when we..." Both men go red for a moment.
"Well no, not that much, but I've told them about how you've helped me and are really nice. Please come meet them?" Ethan looked at Luca's puppy eyes before sighing.
"Alright, you broke me. I guess it would be interesting to see where you get your mannerisms from." Luca started bouncing again.
"Great! Be at the appartment by seven okay? See you then." And off he skipped. Ethan thought about the interaction for a moment before going wide eyed and rushing to Naveen's office. He knocked quickly on the door.
"Come in?" Ethan entered to a confused Naveen.
"Ethan what is it? You look like you just saw a ghost."
"I'm in trouble."
"What, why? What did you do?" Naveen gestured to the chair in front of his desk. Ethan took a seat.
"Luca invited me to meet his parents tonight. I guess they're in town for something and they want to meet all his friends and he told them about me."
"But why does this mean you're in trouble?"
"BECAUSE I SLEPT WITH THEIR SON!! I'm ten years older than Luca, what if they think I'm a creep?"
"Do they know you two have been together?"
"Well no, I don't believe so. Luca said he hadn't told them. But if the topic of relationships comes up, what am I supposed to say?" Naveen sighs.
"Ethan, you're overthinking it. You know how you feel about Luca, and you know how to talk to people."
"But if I mess up..."
"You won't. Just act like you usually would at a dinner party."
"Disinterested and desperately wanting to leave?"
"Okay act like you would at a friend's party. You'll be fine Ethan. Luca cares about you and he wants you to meet his parents because he believes they'll care about you to. Just calm down and be yourself." Ethan nodded and sat thinking for a minute.
"Alright, you're right. I can do it, but if it turns out bad I'm blaming you."
"Very well. Now, don't you have rounds to do?" Ethan took the hint and left the office.
(That night at the appartment.)
Luca excitedly opened the door to a decently dressed Ethan.
"Oh good, you're here. My parents are on their way, come in, come in." Ethan entered to see everyone else also nicely dressed and smiling. Jackie looked amused at Ethan.
"So he roped you in to huh?"
"He did the puppy eyes." Jackie nodded. Suddenly there was a knock at the door.
"That's them!" Luca opened the door to an older looking couple.
"Mom, Dad, I've missed you guys!" The three hugged happily. The two entered and his mother excitedly spoke.
"We've missed you to Tesoro. We can't wait to meet all the friends you told us about." Everyone kind of froze at the woman's thick Italian accent.
"Yes son, show us your second home." Luca excitedly introduced everyone to his parents. His dad laughs and it sounds exactly like Luca's laugh.
"Good to know you all! I am Vido, and this is my wife Apollonia. We are glad our boy is not alone." Everyone happily talked and ate. Everyone also noticed that Luca was basically a carbon copy of his father.
After a while things began to calm down and everyone was sat in the living room. Jackie speaks up.
"So, where in Italy are you two from?"
"Apollonia is originally from Rome, and I hail from Tuscany. We have most family still there." Elijah nods.
"That's so cool. I never pegged you for a first generation Luca."
"Yeah, first generation American, first to go to college, and first between my brother and I to move out." They all laughed. His mother slapped his arm a little.
"Don't you be talking bad about your brother. He's done very well taking over the bakery. Not to mention he's engaged now."
"Oh no mom, not this again."
"I'm just saying, you're not getting any younger and I'm not getting any more grandbabies."
"Mom, I'm gay. Even if I do want kids it'll be a whole different process to get them."
"Even so, you can find someone nice to settle down with can't you?" Ethan's face goes hot.
"I mean, I guess...but not right now. There's too much going on to think about...other things..." Ethan noticed the almost disappointed tone he used. Jackie speaks up again.
"Sorry to cut in, but I think it's time we hit the hay. We need to get up early tomorrow." Everyone else mumbles in agreement and head to their rooms or out the door, except for Luca, his parents, and Ethan.
"So Mr. Ramsey, Luca tells us you've taken him under your wing." Ethan felt his nerves coming up.
"Yes sir. Dr. Marino has been an asset to the hospital since he arrived."
"So with all the time you've been spending together, I assume you're close yes?" Ethan's face got hotter.
"Y-Yes, I suppose I've grown rather...fond...of your son in our time together." Vido nods to his wife and she stands up.
"Luca darling, why don't I help you clean up the kitchen before we go?"
"Oh, sure. We'll be back soon." The two walk off and Vido moves closer to Ethan.
"Do not lie to me young man. You have feelings for my boy don't you?" Ethan's eyes widened, but he quickly composed himself.
"I....well I mean...I..." Vido gave him a look that for some reason made Ethan crack.
"Yes sir, I do. In truth, I actually kind of...love him."
"I knew it. I could see it in your eyes when you look at him. So why haven't you told him?"
"Well, like Luca said, now isn't a good time for...other things. And besides, with our age difference..."
"No, not an excuse. You love him, and my son very much adores you to. We could tell with how much he sings your praises. You tell him. You'll hate yourself if you don't." Before Ethan can respond, Luca and his mom come back.
"This has been a lovely night, but I'm afraid we've got to go if we want to make our train home. Goodnight my dear."
"Goodnight mom, night dad, I love you." The three hug.
"We love you to Tosoro." And with that they left. Only Ethan and Luca remained.
"I...suppose I should be getting home to. Goodnight Luca." Ethan turns towards the door, but Luca takes his hand.
"You know...it's pretty late, you can stay here if you'd like." Ethan looked at Luca's eyes, he knew them all too well.
"And where would I be sleeping?"
"With me?" Ethan chuckled and gave Luca a warm kiss. It lingered for a moment before they broke apart.
"Perhaps another time. But I hope you'll wait for me." Luca looked disappointed, but nodded.
"Goodnight Ethan." Ethan nodded and left. On the drive home he kicked himself over and over.
"He won't wait forever Ethan. It's now or never." He thinks outloud.
"Tomorrow...tomorrow I tell him everything..."
The End.
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zen3to5 · 5 years ago
J/H 7-22: 2000 Light Years From Home
No more partial scripts - from here on out, it's Page One rewrites until the finale.
So, Eric's been on a different track to teaching in this timeline, but is the destination any different? And what happened to Jackie and Hyde - I thought this was supposed to be a Zen rewrite? Well, read on, friends. Read on...
FF.Net AO3
SHOW TITLE   INT. FORMAN BASEMENT - NIGHT   The gang, hanging out. JACKIE ruffles around in the deep freeze, HYDE reads a magazine in his chair, and DONNA and FEZ watch TV from the couch.   KELSO enters from the basement door and throws himself down in the lawn chair.   KELSO: Okay, I'm breaking up with Angie. All we have anymore is hot sex.   FEZ: Hot sex? All I have is hot soup. Can't make love to that. Too damn hot.   DONNA: So, Kelso, you gonna break up with her your usual way - send a note saying you got kidnapped by kung fu robots?   KELSO: No, it won't work with her. She doesn't even believe in kung fu robots. Just gonna have to talk to her.   DONNA: Wow, Kelso. I thought your usual Plan B was to have one of us tell the girl you're dead. And then when she eventually sees you, you have us tell her you're a ghost.   Jackie crosses across the room to stand behind Kelso.   JACKIE: Michael, why don't you do what you did with me: toilet paper my house!   She smacks him upside the head, then steps back to lean on the door.   KELSO: I can't do that to Angie. I respect her too much 'cause she agreed to have sex with me so fast.   ERIC enters from the stairs. He has a stack of papers in his hand and a glum look on his face.   ERIC: Hey! Bad news.   KELSO: Your mom changed her mind about making blueberry cobbler?   FEZ: No, she made it. I would know – I ate it. All of it.   Eric, ignoring them, jumps over the back of the couch to sit next to Donna. He throws the papers down on the coffee table.   ERIC: No. I’ve been working on a budget, and I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to pay for college.   DONNA: Didn’t your parents hang on to your college money after you had to stay home the last time?   ERIC: Yeah, but – see, remember how I sold your engagement ring to pay for my year off?   JACKIE: How could we forget? Donna made jewelry history – the world’s smallest diamond for the world’s worst wedding.   ERIC: Well, the pawn shop must have thought so too, because it turns out what you get for a used engagement ring isn’t enough to support yourself for a year – even with living at home with your mommy. And after calling her “mommy” and going to a macramé class, my mom turned over my college account to me without telling Red. I started using that money to get by, and now there’s not enough left to pay for college.   DONNA: Eric, don't worry. There are plenty of ways to get money for school.   HYDE: Yeah, man. You could always get a football scholarship.   JACKIE: Hey, look, he weighs about as much as a football, and people do like to kick him.   She crosses the room to sit in Hyde’s lap, stopping to pat Eric on the shoulder on the way.   FEZ: (to Eric) I know what you should do. You should go to Hollywood and become the next Gene Wilder. That guy's a laugh riot.   JACKIE: You know, Eric, we all had to meet with the guidance counselor before the end of high school to talk about college. Maybe you should go see him.   DONNA: Yeah. Finding money for college is what high school guidance counselors do.   HYDE: Yeah, they also spend a lot of time staring at themselves in the mirror saying, "I can't believe I'm a high school guidance counselor."   ERIC: The high school guidance counselor? Who is that? Is that still Mr. Bray? (Jackie nods) I don't know about Mr. Bray. I don't think he really liked me. One time I told him I was being bullied, and he just said, "what'd you expect?"   JACKIE: Look, Eric, Mr. Bray asked to see me tomorrow about an opportunity for my public access show. Why don’t you come with me to my appointment? I’m sure he’ll help. He loves me. In almost entirely appropriate ways.   Hyde gives Jackie a look; she looks back and shrugs.   KELSO: Hey, people, how’d we get side-tracked? We’re forgetting what’s really important here – how I’m gonna break up with Angie.   HYDE: (to Kelso) Look, I don't care how you do it. I'm just happy you won't be violating my sister anymore.   KELSO: Yeah, I know you hated it, Hyde. I would have broken up with her sooner if I didn't find it so hilarious.   Hyde crumples up his magazine and chucks it at Kelso, beaning him in the head.   KELSO (cont’d): You be nice, or I will marry her.
MAIN CREDITS   BUMPER   INT. GROOVES - DAY   The next morning. A brisk business at Grooves. Customers peruse the crates. Hyde and ANGIE keep an eye on things from the listening pit as they talk.   ANGIE: Jackie’s getting some kind of offer about her show? Why? Her last episode was a half-hour about which high heels Olivia Newton-John would wear if she was ever a guest star on Charlie’s Angels.   HYDE: Hey, it was better than the one about how Jack Nicholson should do his hair.   ANGIE: How?   HYDE: Because she didn’t spend all week trying to get me to stand in for Jack Nicholson.   ANGIE: So – any idea what the offer is?   HYDE: No.   ANGIE: Do you know if Jackie’s been looking at colleges?   HYDE: No.   ANGIE: Have you two talked about your future at all since you got back together?   HYDE: Angie, I didn’t talk, plan, or think about my future for eighteen years. You know what that got me? (she shakes her head) A cool black dad and a record store. Why start planning now?   He heads to the register.   Kelso and Fez enter through the door. They stop when they see Angie, who is helping a customer.   KELSO: (to Fez) Okay. I can do this. I'm just gonna tell Angie that things are fizzling between us, and we should end it.   Angie sees them, smiles, and walks over.   ANGIE: (to Kelso) Hey, how's it going, sweets?   FEZ: Not bad, toots.   Angie and Kelso both give him a look.   FEZ (cont’d): (to Angie) Oh, him. Go.   He waves Angie over to Kelso.   KELSO: (to Angie) Okay. Well, um, we need to talk about something. This might be kind of hard to take. (beat) Fez still wets the bed.   FEZ/ANGIE: What?/Eww!   Angie edges away from Fez.   KELSO: (to Angie) At least we're still together! I'll see you later.   He steers Fez around and gives him a push toward the door, following after.   FEZ: (to Kelso) I'm going to wet your bed. They exit.   CUT TO:   INT. COUNSELOR’S OFFICE - DAY   The office of Point Place High’s guidance counselor, a bare-minimum office lit more by the window than the poor lighting. Jackie and Eric enter through the open door.   ERIC:  Oh, my God. I can't believe I have to tell my high school guidance counselor that I spent an entire year doing nothing. He's gonna think I'm such a loser.   JACKIE: Yeah. You know a good way to avoid that? Don’t be a loser.   ERIC: Whatever. I bet he doesn’t even have an offer for you. This is probably like that time he told you he wanted to talk about who should be the head of the decorating committee, then asked you to prom.   MR. BRAY himself enters, a portly man in a fool’s version of suave attire. A stack of files is tucked under his arm. He breezes right past Eric to shake Jackie’s hand.   MR. BRAY Ah, Jackie. How very, very – very – pleasant to see you again. And so soon after high school.   JACKIE: And so soon since the last time you drove by my house.   MR. BRAY: (beat) Well, uh, my mother lives right next door.   JACKIE: Next door is the guest house.   MR. BRAY: Well... isn’t Mother a charming guest?   Jackie fixes him with a condescending look. Mr. Bray clears his throat and stands up straight.   MR. BRAY (cont’d): Well, Jackie, I asked you here because the school was recently contacted by a TV producer out of Chicago about you.   JACKIE: (gasps) Oh, my God! Was it about my show?   MR. BRAY: Yes, indeed. She asked if we could pass on her interest to you and that she’d be in the area if you could take a meeting before taping.   Jackie squeals, hops, and claps with delight.   JACKIE: Oh, my God, yes! Yes! When is she coming?   MR. BRAY: Today. I meant to tell you sooner, but I kept dropping the phone – my hands tend to get sweaty when I’m nervous.   JACKIE: Today? Oh, I – I have to get ready. I have to get dressed – I have to do my hair – I have to get down to the studio!   She makes for the door. Eric catches her by the arm.   ERIC: What? Jackie, you don’t tape for another four hours.   JACKIE: Yeah, but it’ll take me at least two to get over there.   ERIC: Why?   JACKIE: Because I’m telling everyone!   She pulls herself free and runs out of the office.   Left alone, Eric and Mr. Bray awkwardly survey each other.   MR. BRAY: And you are?   ERIC: Eric. Forman. 1977's most improved mathlete.   MR. BRAY: Oh, right. Oh, yeah. I'm sorry, Eric. I just figured the bullies had gotten ya.   They continue to awkwardly survey each other.   BUMPER   INT. GROOVES – DAY   Business is still brisk, and Kelso and Fez are back. They stand together, heads bowed and arms folded, in the listening pit. Their heads jerk up when Jackie bursts through the door.   JACKIE: Where’s Steven?   KELSO: At lunch with Angie.   Jackie turns to head back out the door, but Kelso lunges, takes her arm, and pulls her into the listening pit. They sit on the couch together while Fez sits on the armrest.   KELSO (cont’d): Wait, Jackie! Listen, I need some advice on breaking up with girls, okay? And you've been broken up with a lot. Several times by me. So, what didn't you like?   JACKIE: Oh, um... the lying, the cheating, the sneaking around - oh, and I also didn't like Fez trying to make out with me five minutes later.   FEZ: Well, then you're really not gonna like this.   He leans down for a kiss. Jackie shoves him back by the face.   KELSO: Look, I don't know how to break up with Angie.   JACKIE: Well, why don't you try to figure out how to do it kindly – maturely - respectfully?   KELSO: Yeah. That sounds nice. (beat) I think I'm just gonna sleep with her best friend.   CUT TO:   INT. COUNSELOR’S OFFICE – DAY   Mr. Bray and Eric have moved to sitting on opposite sides of Mr. Bray’s desk. Mr. Bray reviews the contents of a file and shakes his head,   MR. BRAY: Well, Eric, I have to say – your eligibility for scholarships would normally be determined by what you’ve done for the last year, but as far as I can tell, you haven’t done anything.   ERIC: Okay, well... yeah. But what about the year before that? I mean, I gave up college to support my family.   MR. BRAY: So?   ERIC: Isn’t that, like, a really noble and decent thing to do?   MR. BRAY: You don’t get scholarships for nobility. Not unless you’re in Europe. And there, it’s not a scholarship – it’s actual nobility.   ERIC: Come on, Mr. Bray. There’s gotta be something I can do to pay for college. I’ll do anything to become a teacher.   MR. BRAY: You’re going to college for teaching? (Eric nods) And you spent the last year – (checks notes) “Reading comic books and acting out movies with your dolls” -   ERIC: Action figures!   MR. BRAY: Well, if you’re going to UW, there’s an option to be the instructor in a pilot teaching program that may just work for you.   ERIC: Wait – pilot program? What does that mean? Like, an experiment? I don’t know if I wanna be a guinea pig. What would I be teaching?   MR. BRAY:  Comic books.   Eric’s jaw drops. Slowly, his eyes bulging and his breath quivering in his throat, he pushes himself upright until he leans over the desk, his feet barely in contact with the ground. It’s an uncomfortable enough sight for Mr. Bray that he inches his seat back by a few good scoots.   FADE TO BLACK   COMMERCIAL   BUMPER   MUSIC NOTE: The theme from the 1966 “Batman” series.   INT. COUNSELOR’S OFFICE - DAY   Right where we left off. Eric is still leaning over the desk, his body trembling with the threat of jumping up and down for joy. Mr. Bray still looks uncomfortable.   ERIC: So you’re saying that I would get paid to teach a class about comic books?   MR. BRAY: Comic books, sci-fi films, fantasy novels, contemporary television – it’s an experimental course based on a program done in Indiana a few years ago. The university would pay you to teach this course, and while you act as the teacher, you could get a free education yourself. It would mean jumping right into a professional setting. So if you value time with your dolls –   ERIC: ACTION FIGURES!     MR. BRAY: Right. I’m just saying, you won’t have a lot of free time, and this sort of program needs someone with a strong work ethic. If you think you’re up to it, I can go get my information packet, but...   He trails off as he looks Eric over – pasty, skinny, fresh-from-a-year-off Eric. Eric gives himself a look-over before pushing himself away from the desk and standing up tall.   ERIC: You know what, Mr. Bray? I am up to it. You know, I wasn’t always this lazy, goof-around loser. I had work ethic – real work ethic. I don’t know how I got to this point, but I’ve been looking for a way out. And now – I have it. (puts hands on hips) I feel... I feel like Luke Skywalker when he vowed to follow Obi-Wan and learn the ways of the Force. Except we’re not surrounded by dead Jawas. And there’s no dead Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru. And I don’t live with Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru, I live with my mom and dad, and – oh, screw it, I’m teaching Star Wars and comic books!   He gives the air a happy jab. Mr. Bray gives a slight smile, shakes his head, stands, and leads Eric out of the office.   BUMPER   MUSIC NOTE: “Right Back Where We Stared From” by Maxine Nightingale.   INT. STUDIO – EVENING   The studio of the public access station, Jackie’s set. JACKIE, only slightly overdressed, bobs on her feet, all grins as the visiting CHICAGO PRODUCER, MRS. BERTRINELLI, sits on her desk and chats with her.   MRS. BERTRINELLI: Well, Jackie, everyone in the Chicago station’s been talking about your program.   JACKIE: Oh, really?   MRS. BERTRINELLI: Yes, we’ve never seen anything quite like it.   JACKIE: Well, I’d say I’m surprised, but –   She indicates her face and lets out an airy laugh.   JACKIE (cont’d): You know, my boyfriend Steven, he says the same thing every time he watches the show. At first, he meant it sarcastically, but now I think he means it as a compliment almost half of the time.   Mrs. Bertrinelli gives an enigmatic sort of smile; Jackie can’t tell if she’s genuinely amused or condescending. Jackie clears her throat and stands up as tall as she can.   JACKIE (cont’d): So, my guidance counselor said you had some sort of offer for me?   MRS. BERTRINELLI: Yes. As I said, we’ve been watching your show. And quite frankly – you advertise it as a news program, and yet all your content is concerned with fashion, disco, decorating, celebrity gossip, and local scandal. It’s superficial, irrelevant – all the flightiest impulses of youth. All in all, it’s a terrible news program.   Jackie’s face falls like a downed chopper over Saigon. Her hand clutches at her heart.   MRS. BERTRINELLI (cont’d): But it’s perfect for the arts and leisure segment of a real news program. How’d you like a job as entertainment anchor?   Jackie’s face changes again, into a stiff mask of shock. Her whole body goes stiff as an amused Mrs. Bertrinelli chuckles and shakes her head.   CUT TO:   INT. FORMAN BASEMENT – EVENING   The end of a hard days’ work – relatively speaking. Hyde reads a magazine in his chair while Fez and Kelso share the couch.   KELSO: (to Fez) So, there's a problem with my "sleeping with Angie's best friend" plan: Angie's best friend is Hyde.   Without looking up from his magazine, Hyde shoots an acknowledging finger point Kelso’s way.   FEZ: (to Kelso) Drat. And That’s not just your plan foiled.   KELSO: Whaddya mean?   FEZ: My plan to console Angie when you dump her, then console her best friend when you dump her too, just went down the dumper. (to Hyde) You son of a bitch.   Hyde briefly flips down the magazine, grins at Fez, then goes back to reading.   Jackie enters through the basement door, her face long.   JACKIE: (to Kelso, Fez) Um, you guys, I gotta talk to Steven about something really serious.   KELSO: (gasp) Maybe she's pregnant!   FEZ: Maybe she cheated on him.   KELSO: Maybe she cheated on him and she's pregnant.   They grin up at her like idiots. Jackie, ignoring them, moves to the end of the couch nearest to Hyde’s chair. Hyde sets his magazine down and leans in toward her.   JACKIE: Steven, this TV producer came by to tell me she loved my public access show. And then she offered me a job at her station in Chicago starting next month.   HYDE: Whoa. Um, you're gonna take a job and move to Chicago?   JACKIE: No, no, not yet. No, I wanted to talk to you about it first.   KELSO: Uh-oh. This is "serious" serious, not funny serious. (to Fez) We should probably leave.   FEZ: (to Jackie, Hyde) But we won't.   Jackie and Hyde both ignore him.   JACKIE: Steven, this is my dream come true. But you are the most important thing in the world to me. So, I'm willing to give it all up and stay here with you. But if I do that, I need to know we're gonna get married.   HYDE: Jackie, we agreed not to talk about our future.   JACKIE: Until our future got here, and it just did, Steven. Look, the station needs an answer by the end of the month, and I do, too. HYDE: Well, I don't know what to say right now.   A flicker of hurt crosses Jackie’s face, but she gives Hyde a slow nod.   JACKIE: Okay, well, you don’t have to say anything right now. But this month is all the time left I can give you.   Hyde looks away from her. He sits back in his chair and tosses his head back as Jackie looks down at the floor.   Kelso sweeps a hand out to draw attention.   KELSO: (to Hyde) I know this is a sensitive moment, but may I offer a word of advice?   He stands, crosses to the basement door, and throws it open.   KELSO (cont’d): Run!   Fez heeds Kelso’s advice: he jumps to his feet and dashes out the door. When Kelso sees the look Hyde’s giving him, he does the same thing.   BUMPER   INT. FORMAN KITCHEN - NIGHT   Post-dinner clean-up. KITTY is at the sink, gloves on, working at a roasting pan soaked in suds. RED sits at the kitchen table, reading a newspaper.   Donna enters from the patio door.   DONNA: Hey, is Eric home? We were supposed to hang out at the Hub after his meeting with the guidance counselor, but he never showed.   KITTY: (shakes head) He hasn’t been home all day.   RED: (flips paper down) If he’s trapped in another locker, we’ve gotta disown him. The only time in a man’s life when it’s acceptable for him to get stuffed in a high school locker is when he’s in high school.   KITTY: But he was in the high school.   RED: You know what I meant.   The patio door slides open again. Donna steps back as Eric and Mr. Bray enter, all grins, each with a stack of papers under their arms.   ERIC: (to Donna) Hey. I know I didn’t show at the Hub, but I’ve got great news. I –   Mr. Bray elbows past Eric to shake Donna’s hand.   MR. BRAY: Donna! Donna Pinciotti! How nice to see you again. You’ve done something different with your hair since high school.   DONNA: Yeah, you noticed.   MR. BRAY: Well, I notice everything about all my students.   ERIC: You didn’t even remember my name.   MR. BRAY: (to Eric) I notice everything about all my recent students.   ERIC: Donna and I were the same year.   MR. BRAY: Yes, well... I would like to change the subject now.   KITTY: (to Eric) Honey, you said you have great news?   She peels off her gloves and crosses to the table. She and Donna sit as Eric sets his papers down and clasps his hands together.   ERIC: I found a way to pay for college.   DONNA: Eric, that’s wonderful!   KITTY: Hooray!   RED: Pay for college? What’s wrong with the money we’ve been putting into your savings account?   KITTY: Oh – um, Red, honey, we – we need to talk later.   Red opens his mouth to press the issue, but Kitty waves him quiet.   ERIC: Yep. Not only will I be going to college for teaching – I’ll be going to college to teach.   KITTY: Ooh, how nice! (beat) What does that mean?   Donna and Red, just as confused as Kitty, look to Eric.   ERIC: You are looking at the future instructor of UW’s experimental “Genre Fiction in America” course!   He’s met with an audience of blank looks.   ERIC (cont’d): I’m teaching Star Wars and comic books.   Donna slaps a hand over her mouth, Kitty’s jaw drops, and Red, glaring, stands.   RED: Are you telling me that college is giving a whole class over to those moron books and that dopey space movie?   ERIC: No, Dad, it’s all of science fiction and fantasy. It’s a pilot course about how genre fiction comments and reflects on modern American life.   MR. BRAY: We were on the phone with UW all afternoon, setting Eric up for the program.   RED: Oh, crap. First they turn out commies, then they turn out hippies – now our colleges are gonna take America’s children and give her back a bunch of smart-mouth slackers indoctrinated by Professor Dumbass.   He drops back to his seat and puts a hand over his head. Eric shrugs and turns to his much more enthusiastic reception from Donna and Kitty.   CUT TO:   INT. FORMAN BASEMENT – NIGHT   A short time later. Donna and Fez sit on opposite ends of the couch, Kelso sits on the washer, and Eric stands by him, working at a popsicle. The remnants of a burger-and-fries dinner litter the coffee table.   KELSO: (to Eric) So all those times you were going on and on about Star Wars – how this is like Star Wars, how that is like Star Wars, how the Vista Cruiser is like your Millennium Falcon from Star Wars – it turns out you can get a job teaching that? That’s, like, the biggest burn on everyone who ever made fun of you for being a loser.   ERIC: Kelso, you always made fun of me for being a loser.   KELSO: And the burn’s on me. Well played.   ERIC: (to all) Man, isn’t this great? And the best part is, if this pilot program takes off, it could become just a regular class, offered every year.   DONNA: Eric, if you stay on with UW to teach that course, you could end up as Professor Forman. I kinda like the sound of that.   ERIC: Me too. Professor Eric “Star Wars” Forman.   DONNA: Okay, now I like it a little less.   FEZ: (to Eric) And you will teach comic books too?   ERIC: Comic books, TV, cartoons, magazine stories... it’s like this entire basement condensed into a study guide.   KELSO: Hey, you know what comic book you should teach? Mine.   ERIC: You have a comic book?   KELSO: Yeah, it’s called Adventures on the Planet Zorgon. There’s these bugs that burrow into your brain, and they lay, like, a thousand eggs. And when the eggs hatch, they, like, shoot out of your head like little worm bullets.   He’s grinning from ear to ear. Eric gives him an indulgent smile in return.   Hyde enters from his room, SCHATZI in his arms. He makes his way to his chair and sits down, staring blankly ahead while he scratches Schatzi’s head.   DONNA: So, Hyde – we heard about Jackie. What are you gonna do?   HYDE: Well, I’ve spent all night kicking it back with Schatzi.   ERIC: With Schatzi?   HYDE: Yeah. If I hit my stash hard enough, I can understand him.   Eric and Donna share a look.   DONNA: And what did you and Schatzi come up with?   HYDE: A great idea for a movie that now I just can’t remember.   He shakes his head in frustration, retrieves a piece of beef from the coffee table, and feeds it to Schatzi.   CUT TO:   INT. GROOVES – NIGHT   Well past closing time. The customers are gone, the lights are out, but Angie is still at work. She stands at the register, reviewing the drawer. Satisfied with what she sees, she shuts the register, retrieves her bag, and heads for the door. Just as she opens it, Kelso appears in the doorway.   KELSO: Hey, Angie. I’ve been thinking about this all day, and I finally worked up the nerve. And I think we need to talk about us.   ANGIE: Yeah, I’ve been meaning to talk about us too – I’m breaking up with you.   Kelso’s jaw drops.   KELSO: How dare you!   ANGIE: Come on. You know things were sort of fizzling anyways.   KELSO: F-fizzling? How can you even say that? What about all the times you said that I was really, really good-looking?   ANGIE: Michael, its over. But know this – when I said you were good-looking, I really meant it.   She pats his arm and strolls out into the night.   KELSO: (yelling after her) You know what? You’ve got a lot of growing up to do!   FADE TO BLACK   CREDITS   INT. FORMAN BASEMENT - NIGHT   THE CIRCLE. A baffled and slightly repulsed Eric peruses a crudely-drawn amateur comic book.   ERIC: Kelso, I never knew you had such a... a thing for bugs crawling around in peoples’ brains.   Pan to Kelso, on the verge of tears.   KELSO: You know what, Eric? Right after a guy’s girlfriend breaks up with him is not the time for constructive criticism!   Pan to Hyde.   HYDE: Well, one day down, and I still don’t have an answer for Jackie. (to his right) You got anything?   Pan to Schatzi, propped up on pillows.   SCHATZI (v.o.): Nothing yet, man. I think I need more kibble.   END.
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booksandwords · 5 years ago
Realms and Rebels: A Paranormal and Fantasy Reverse Harem Collection
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Read time: 102 Days (Intermittent) Rating: 4/5
Contains Stories By: C.M. Stunich, Elizabeth Briggs, Margo Bond Collins, Laura Greenwood & Arizona Tape, L.C. Hibbett & N.M. Howell, Lena Mae Hill, Eva Chase, Julia Clarke, Bea Paige & Skye MacKinnon, Amy Sumida, Chloe Adler, AJ Anders & Amanda Perry, Angelique Armae, Joely Sue Burkhart, Caia Daniels, May Dawson, LA Kirk & Lyn Forester, Jackie May, Cecilia Randell, Erin Bedford, Catherine Banks and A.E. Kirk
Overall It took me a while reading this to figure out what was frustrating about it, primarily the stories are first stories or prequels. I would have preferred more stand-alone stories. It is not impossible to create a world in this shorter space but it seems that authors have used it to provide fanservice and some background they wanted but had not written previously. I really hope most of these get published as individually, especially the 1st stories. This is a reasonable collection if you like reverse harem and want something to break up your other reading, none of the stories are taxing. And there is something for all tastes.
See No Devils by C.M. Stunich Disclosure: See No Devils is why I bought Realms and Rebels. I have written a full review which I will post when and if C.M Stunich publishes the story individually. I'm glad I bought it See No Devils is a fast-paced fun ride with brilliant characters that engaged me and made me theorise the significance of characters, of situations. Any story that can do that in 10 chapters is impressive. I loved the characters and the writing, both are amusing and intelligent. This is definitely a series I will be keeping an eye out for. 4.5 stars.
Light the Fire by Elizabeth Briggs Light the Fire is a prequel in the Her Elemental Dragons series (1st book Stroke the Flame). It's not a series I have read but this does make me want to read it, as any entry in an anthology should. The lore is brilliant, there are reverse harems woven into the world, the mythology and I like the fate angle that was used. What really struck me reading Light the Fire is the feeling of fan service, Calla and her men appear in Her Elemental Dragons as supporting characters this feels like something that fans wanted, had asked Ms Briggs for. (Full review is available here.) 4 stars.
Her Big Bad Wolves by Margo Bond Collins Another story with editing issues. Days and names were wrong sometimes. Liam was originally Seth I think and there is one instance where that wasn't changed. And there are continuity issues in the timeline. It is a helluva into a world with decent lore. I would love to spend some time getting to know, James, the pack historian. He is the brains trust and after the alpha the best person to introduce a reader to the world. Has the feel of a prequel if or when the series continues I don't think this will be a necessary read just a pleasant addition. But it did it the nail on the head to a degree S's options are a complete, balanced man. This is common in a reverse harem. (Full review is available here.) 3 stars (.5 loss due to bad editing)
Fifth Soul by Laura Greenwood & Arizona Tape Fifth Soul feels like a lost opportunity. The harem is 3 men and 1 woman centring on a bisexual protagonist. It is a situation I had thought of but never seen in a stand-alone. Given the authors have a series for this universe (Dragon Soul, Torn Soul protagonist Holly makes an appearance) it could have been published left on its own and done very well because that is a situation that is a fantasy for some. It is lost in here this anthology. It's also odd, the lore isn't explained well, the writing isn't consistent and there is too much focus on a single relationship. It's rushed and disappointing because of that. I can't even make this 2 stars. 1.75 stars
A Nightmarish Mystery by L.C. Hibbett & N.M. Howell I have never read any of the Cats, Ghosts and Avocado Toast series, that put me at a distinct disadvantage reading A Nightmarish Mystery. This story fits between A Vet Vanishes (book #2) and A Devilish Disappearance (book #3) and is admitted fan service, though not the kind of fluff one expects from fan service, this is heavy and dark. It can be read as a stand-alone though that is not its intention. I give props to the authors for creating a situation that allowed for fans to get what they wanted but didn't mess with the continuity of the series. I know from the authors note that A Nightmarish Mystery is different to the series but reading this first does not endear me to the series, does not make me curious to read it. Might that defeat at least part of the purpose of the story? 2 stars.
Twisted: A Fairy Tale Mash-up by Lena Mae Hill Another 1st book in a new series unlike the others though this one is explicitly aimed at the YA market. From the time I read it's intended audience I questioned its place in this anthology, Realms and Rebels seems to be aiming at a more mature audience. But Twisted had more sexual intimacy than a few of the others and some seriously dicey consent. Twisted has a well-executed setup Little Red Riding Hood meets Three Little Pigs. Having the leading man be not particularly likeable was a good thing in the scheme of things but Cayenne frustrated me a combination of her Red Riding Hood nature and her attempted modernity, it rubbed me the wrong way. My biggest issue was the questionable consent she sort of assented to their actions but not strongly enough for my conscience. (My full review of Twisted) 3 stars.
Raven’s Fall by Eva Chase Raven's Fall plays with Odin's raven Muninn, the raven of memory and the idea of shapeshifting. When Muninn transforms she appears as standard with a gorgeous black dress. What I really like is the use of the phrase "what in Hel's name" this is possibly the origins of the curse used now, Hel guardian of Helheim the Norse equivalent of the underworld. The language in Raven's Fall is fantastic, it is beautifully descriptive. The raven, the rogue, the healer and the charmer. They are an intoxicating combination. Muninn's innocence/ naivety is endearing because it is understood, she isn't human she is an immortal who has never experienced humanity's joys. Her men share easily, but their stories broke my heart. Mythology is always a whole lot of fun, make it Norse and it becomes even more bloody and vindictive. Reading Raven's Fall certainly made me interested in reading more of the Their Dark Valkyrie series.
Charms of Attraction by Julia Clarke Fantastic characters. Charms of Attraction focuses on the relationships the protagonist has with not only the men in her life but her sister. The portrayal of the sibling relationship between protagonist Katerina and sister Ana is particularly good. I really liked one date in particular. There is potential in the series, as with so many in the anthology though polyandry in the norm in the society. I will say though this story does really need a warning for those sensitive to domestic or psychological violence situations, violence plays a major role in Katerina's past and is discussed in some detail. 3.5 stars
Hell’s Calling by Bea Paige & Skye MacKinnon The first book in the Infernal Descent series re-imagining Dante's Inferno. I enjoyed the characters and the plot definitely looking forward to reading more. This story establishes the word, the characters, some of the internal relationships but stops short of anything drastic physically. Hell's Calling does for me what an entry in an anthology needs to do It makes me want to read more in the series. I want to know what happens to Ciera, Maro, (Cer)Beres, Plutus & Tris. 4.5 stars
Twisted by Amy Sumida What a brilliant take on the Wizard of Oz. It just works for me, nothing feels out of place. The origins are obvious and the twists are so clean and logical. My full review of twisted
Inconceivable Origin by Chloe Adler I read two chapters and stopped. I found the protagonist insufferable, she rubbed me completely the wrong way. Also, I have major issues with rape, I'm sure that there the author finds a way to write her way out of it (we are talking about magic here) but I can't do it.
On The Edge Of Forever by AJ Anders & Amanda Perry WTH just happened? So much promise, so much build. It was so rushed at the end I got head spin. Actually, the story felt incomplete, there is nothing confirming the status of the story as a first or a prequel, it just ends. I was so happy reading the start of this. It has an interesting lore that the authors did their best to explain as briefly as possible. The men having a pre-existing relationship helped for succinct writing as they could talk among themselves rather than just to her. The protagonist is badass and her familial relationships are brilliant. but their end is disconcerting. It's still a 3.5/4 star story.
Eclipse by Angelique Armae Bastet is a fave deity. I had to attempt to put aside some of my own issues to read this, I try to stay away from titles with any BDSM elements, even light ones. Spanking is part of the makeup of Eclipse. So this is an alright read if you don't mind your mythology being butchered. I liked the characters, to a degree I liked the lore but I cringed at the use of Egyptian mythology it just wasn't working for me. The truly appealing aspect of this story was the relationships, the reader meets the immortal daughter of Egyptian Goddess Bastet, Marcus the Lion, Lucius the Tiger and Horatio the Panther in present-day Manhattan but their relationship has existed since 30 B.C. It is an established, happy relationship. There are intimate moments with two of the three men but not the 3rd that was disappointing. 2.5
Queen Takes Jaguars by Joely Sue Burkhart Absolutely gorgeous. So much sex-positivity. I really loved the confidence and the owning of womanhood. I definitely made want to read more of the series (despite it having a different perspective). There is a whole scene in a hotel which is both hot as hell and emotionally devastating. I really liked the characters and the lore. (Full review is available here.) 4 stars.
Sovereign of Soul by Caia Daniels 3 chapters in I gave up. it didn't grab me and had done an awful job of explaining the lore and wtf was going on. Essentially it felt like a combination prequel and fanservice piece, despite only being a prequel. The series does have an interesting basis for the harem creation though.
Ugly Magic by May Dawson This is one of the stories I skipped for no real valid reason. I stopped 4 chapters in one day and didn't pick it up for about 5 weeks. By which point I was completely lost and it just made more sense to skip it.
At Water’s Edge by LA Kirk & Lyn Forester To me At Water's Edge is more a journey of self-discovery than a typical reverse harem, it feels like it's more about her than her relationship with them. The ending is just gorgeous. The story is quite self-contained. There is a lack of explanation that didn't detract from the enjoyability, I get the feeling there is some serious lore in play. I really like the portrayal of the neriads is perfect, they are quite bratty, teenage girl. 4 stars
My Soul To Keep by Jackie May A nicely written, pleasant story with lovable characters in an interesting setting. The protagonist is window-able, she is quite easy for you to see yourself in. Fairy-tale but in the best possible way. A shared trait to Her Big Bad Wolves by Margo Bond Collins with day by day dating to try and choose a man. 4 stars
Blinded Beauty by Cecilia Randell Odd, not bad just odd, it wasn't gripping for me. Blinded Beauty makes decent use of fantasy themes. it doesn't get bogged down in the lore it just gives you tid bits. Polyandry relationship is a non-issue is just happens, which works well. I quite like the characters though. 3 stars
Indebted to the Vampires by Erin Bedford I skipped this one. I just couldn't. it's short the synopsis just didn't appeal. I can see a way to make it not dangerous but it would be difficult.
Moon Academy by Catherine Banks Again the skipped because the premise really didn't appeal. It is possible it might have worked but by the time I got to Moon Academy I was done. I might come back to the 4 (?) I missed but I don't know.
Demon In Distress by A. E Kirk Demon in Distress is a definite book one, or possibly the working base for a book one. It just comes to a dead stop. After reading it I felt like it shouldn't be in here, I really hope they publish it stand alone. It is a dissatisfying end to the collection. It isn't awful but it does just stop with a clear indication of the future direction. I didn't enjoy it, I did enjoy See No Evil which faces the same issues. 2 stars.
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