#ninth doctor x rose tyler
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ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose ninerose
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wait wait thinking about ten saying “if i believe in one thing i believe in her” and how nine is at roses feet on his knees when she’s bad wolf
#tenth doctor#ninth doctor#doctor who#dw#rose tyler#ten x rose#tenrose#nine x rose#ninerose#ninth doctor x rose tyler#tenth doctor x rose tyler
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aroace ninth doctor truthers unite
#technically it’s canon as of the nineriver audio#which makes me so unbelievably a happy#doctor who#ninth doctor#ninth doctor x river song#ninth doctor x rose tyler#TO CLARIFY I STILL SEE NINEROSE AND NINERIVER AS QPPS#but like aroace qpps makes so much more sense to me#if that makes sense#i just love that she’s canon aroace
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A Love Letter to Avians
Pairing: The Doctor/Rose Tyler
Rated: General
Summary: When Rose decides she wants the Doctor to take her to see the dinosaurs, she discovers that they're a bit more complicated than she originally thought. The Doctor takes her through time as he teaches her the history of avians and how 21st-century birds are directly descended from the dinosaurs of the Mesozoic era.
WC: 3.3k
hi everyone,
just a bit of doctor who tenrose/timepetals (could be read as either) fluff inspired by some readings done in my biological evolution class. most of the dating and geography is scientifically accurate, but of course the actual physical descriptions of the dinosaurs and flora of the Mesozoic era is all inspired by artist interpretations. hope you all enjoy!
p.s. the two main sources i used when writing this have been uploaded to my internet archive and are linked at the end for anyone who wants to read up on it for themselves.
“Right then, Rose, where’re we off to next? Your choice.”
“Well, you still haven’t taken me to see any dinosaurs, how about we go there? Plus, no people there to cause any trouble.”
“‘Yet to see dinosaurs’, Rose, we see dinosaurs every day,” he half-chuckled, scrunching his face in a slight mocking disapproval.
“We do not! How could we possibly see dinosaurs every day if we’ve never even gone further back than the 18th century on Earth?” Rose cheekily retorted.
“We just saw that pigeon eating outside the TARDIS before we came back in!” he exclaimed, dramatically pointing to the door as though the bird in question were still outside the box and not at least a few light years away by now.
“Pigeon? I said dinosaurs, not pigeons, Doctor. Have you gone mad?”
“No, I have not gone mad! Pigeons are dinosaurs. Crows, penguins, turkeys, ducks, that whole lot. All birds are dinosaurs. Every last one of them. You can’t possibly tell me you’ve never seen a bird before.”
“How can birds be dinosaurs? I’m talking about actual proper dinosaurs, like T. Rexes and Velociraptors and Pterodactyls, and that Loch Ness Monster-looking one.”
“Well see, those last two aren’t actually dinosaurs. Jurassic Park did irreparable damage to the dinosaur image,” he frowned to himself. “Right, but who am I to deny the brilliant Rose Tyler of Mesozoic dinosaurs, about 67 million years back should do it. Just about a million years before the big meteorite wipes ‘em all out,” he said, beginning to type the coordinates into the TARDIS console.
“Wait, but now I’m all curious about the birds and stuff. Are they really dinosaurs, or are you just taking the mickey? I mean they’re not really that old, right?” Rose asked, self-consciously biting her lip.
“Well your modern birds haven’t been around that long, but they’re direct descendants of mesozoic dinosaurs, and still just as dinosaur-y as their ancestors were. Some of them looked and sounded similar to the modern ones though,” he absentmindedly replied, still focused on the console screen.
“Wait, Doctor! I want to see them,” she spoke up. “The bird relatives or whatever they are, I mean.”
He cheekily smiled looking up from the screen and at Rose. Rose, who was fearless as ever.
“Quite right,” he gave her that signature crooked smile of his that made her melt. “Even further back then, 150 million years ago. Late Jurassic period, Rose, further back than we’ve ever gone before!”
He was right. It was the furthest back they had ever gone. Further back in time than any human, apart from Rose herself now had ever been. The trees were absolutely massive, and all had what Rose could only describe as fern-like qualities. The sky was bluer than she had ever seen it during their travels across various times in Britain, and she had never breathed cleaner air.
“That, Rose, is the earliest ancestor of your modern birds. It’s called an Archaeopteryx.”
Rose had met a lot of unfamiliar and uncanny creatures during her time with the Doctor, but this one by far had to be the most interesting. She watched attentively as the bird elegantly soared above their heads, gliding from tree to tree, hand clasped to the Doctor’s slightly nervous of any unknown dangers that may be lurking in the foliage surrounding them. It was a fairly small bird, not much larger than the average bird she’d see flying around London in the 21st century, but it was undeniably beautiful. Its short legs ended in clawed feet made for perching on the tall trees of its time, and its tail was decorated in the most brightly beautiful blues Rose had ever seen that matched its wings, which had the most noticeable difference from 21st-century birds. Unlike the birds Rose was familiar with, this one ended with long, spindly claws, making the bird appear as though its feathered wings were merely decorative sleeves it had attached to its arms. Its head though was long, with a relatively large and pronounced beak, forming a nearly perfect triangular shape with its vertices slightly rounded, that housed sharp teeth she had never seen on a bird before. The Doctor had been right though, it was undeniably a bird.
“So where exactly are we right now? I mean what country would this be in the 21st century?” Rose asked, still staring at the bird, seemingly unphased by their presence.
“150 million years from now, this is Central Europe. We’re more or less standing in Germany right now,” he answered, eyes solely on Rose as she awed at the creature.
“And where are the T. Rexes I was asking about earlier?”
“Not around yet. Archaeopteryx predates T. Rexes by about 80 million years, give or take a couple million.”
“So what came next then, if not the T. Rex? How did this become a pigeon?” she asked, finally meeting his eyes.
“Well why don’t we have a look?” he said smiling, cocking his head towards the parked TARDIS.
They walked hand in hand back to the TARDIS where the Doctor swiftly made work of the console and sent them a few million years closer to Rose’s time. In hardly any time at all, the TARDIS landed.
“Welcome, Rose, to the Early Cretaceous Period. Congratulations, you’re the only human to have seen the Jurassic Period and lived to tell the tale,” he announced, ceremoniously opening the TARDIS doors.
Rose stepped out to see what looked quite similar to the Jurrasic period they had just seen. There were more fern-like plants, and the trees differed slightly, trunks and leaves slightly thicker than their predecessors.
“This is now 129 million years before your time. And that,” he said pointing to a new creature “is Confuciusornis, in the flesh. Or rather, feathers. As you probably could’ve guessed by its name, we’ve now landed in what would be modern-day China,”
Once again, Rose thought, it was undeniably a bird. It was slightly smaller than the previous one and bore quite a few differences. Unlike the Archaeopteryx, this new creature had two thin tails, each bald except for a few short feathers at the ends. Its head and clawed wings were relatively similar to both the Archaeopteryx of the Jurassic period and the birds of her own time. This bird, however, had beautifully white feathers dusted with shades of pale yellows, oranges, and blues.
Not far off in the distance, a twig snapped, sending the poor bird flying away in fear. It was then that movement caught Rose’s eye as another creature moved into view, out from behind a tree. Now this creature was truly and utterly unlike anything Rose had ever seen. It was small, no bigger than a house cat or smaller dog, but it looked much more like the kinds of dinosaurs Rose had seen in films and television shows. It walked on two muscular, but short hind legs and had two even shorter arms, resembling a sort of mini T. Rex, with a tail that was about its own length and a half. What Rose found the most shocking though, was the feathers that coated its body head to toe, nose to tail. They looked nearly identical to those of the bird that it had scared off just moments before but with a distinct deep orange color mixed with patches of white.
“Doctor, what on earth is that?” Rose whispered nervously.
“Oh, that’s a Sinosauropteryx, how brilliant! It’s not a bird, but it does have feathers like one, and it is in fact a dinosaur. A few non-avian species, like this one, had feathers but none of them survived beyond the Mesozoic era. Right then, best be off so we don’t disturb it. Besides, we haven’t even gotten to the exciting stuff yet.”
It was a much smaller jump this time, only 5 million years into the future, and still in what would eventually become China. The Doctor explained to Rose the late great species of the Caudipteryx as they walked out of the TARDIS.
“It’s a bit larger than the ones we’ve seen so far, at least a meter tall. Quite funny looking to be completely honest with you, but brilliant nonetheless, Rose.”
He was right, it was taller, and it walked on two long and sturdy hind legs. It reminded Rose of something like a turkey, except with the head and neck of what she thought a proper dinosaur ought to look like. It had a long tapered tail decorated with an elaborate fan of feathers at the end of it. The feathers that covered its body were dull shades of browns, but Rose thought they complimented the odd bird nonetheless.
“You know, I’ll never get tired of this. Seeing all these things, with you,” Rose smiled at the Doctor standing by her side. He returned the smile, about to speak when something caught Rose’s eye.
“Oh my god! Doctor, it’s a bird. An actual proper bird and it’s chirping,” she said, wide-eyed and staring just beyond his head.
“Oh, that’s a Sinornis,” he announced, upon directing his attention to the small bird perched on a nearby branch. “Almost a Cenozoic bird but still not quite yet. Sort of a transitional species.”
Rose watched attentively as the Doctor stuck his arm out and whistled to the bird. The bird, for the first time, seemed to notice their presence before curiously flying over to him and perching on his hand. It was the smallest bird they had come across so far and was about the size of a pigeon standing at only a few inches. Rose however, thought it looked a bit more like a sparrow, only with a much thicker beak.
“It’s a close relative of the Archaeopteryx that we saw earlier, and if you look closely, it has those same claws on its wings, just a bit smaller. Look there,” he said, holding it closer to Rose and carefully exposing the underside of its wings tucked into its side. He was right, the three claws at the end of its wings were there just as they had been on all the others they had seen. Rose reached out and gently petted the small animal. It leaned into the touch briefly before it finally flew away and back into the trees.
“Come on now, back to the TARDIS. How do you feel about digging out your winter coat for a short trip?”
“Why? Where are we going?”
The Doctor allowed the TARDIS to linger for a bit on the way to Antarctica, 6 million years into the future from where they’d previously been. He and Rose took to the various wardrobe rooms aboard the TARDIS as they fished out their warmest winter gear. According to the Doctor, Antarctica wasn’t anywhere near as cold as it is in the 21st century, in fact it wouldn’t even be frozen, but it was still the south pole nonetheless, and would certainly be chillier than Rose’s London.
To Rose’s surprise, not only was Antarctica not frozen, but it was thriving with life. There were actual plants and animals as far as the eye could see, and quite a diverse group of them too. Her and the Doctor had only made it a few steps out of the TARDIS when something suddenly landed a few feet in front of them. Rose had hardly even had the time to register the odd animal before it did the most unexpected thing.
“Doctor,” she whispered under her breath in an attempt to not startle the creature. “Did that thing just quack at us?”
“It did!” he whisper-shouted. “That Rose, is a Vegavis. Isn’t it brilliant?” He was carefully approaching it now. Attempting to get a better look.
“Doctor, that’s a duck.”
“Not a duck exactly, just looks like one. And quacks like one. But not a duck. Look, it has bigger wings than a Cenozoic duck.” He carefully reached out and gently lifted the bird's wings, extending them out for Rose to see as well. They were long, and its feathers were neither as colorful nor as slick as a ducks, but apart from that it had a similar shape and sound.
“Does it swim like a duck?”
“Oh yes! That’s why their wings are so long, good for diving and gliding through the water to catch food. Right now, back in your time, 2006, there’s a group of archaeologists that just discovered a Vegavis fossil for the very first time in human history a few months ago. They haven’t told the public yet, haven’t even thought to call it a Vegavis yet. They won’t know much about it for a while, but by the time you're about 30, they’ll have figured out just how similar to a duck it really is,” he said, looking at her with that smug smile of his.
“So you mean, I’m sort of like the first human to know what a Vagavis is?” she smiled back at him.
“Something like that.”
They’d spent a few more moments watching the Vegavis from a distance before finally deciding to head back to the TARDIS, this time with the Doctor’s promise that a T. Rex would be at their next stop. As the TARDIS drifted off into the future, she and the Doctor made their way back into the wardrobe room to shed their thick, warm layers and put on something a bit more suited for relatively temperate weather.
“America, Rose, in the summertime. Plenty of sun to soak up while we’re there, no need for coats and what not.”
The Doctor had set the TARDIS’s coordinates to roughly 68 million years prior to Rose’s time, somewhere in the North West United States, up near the Canadian border. The more-or-less modern Wyoming-Montana area he had told her.
In just a few short moments, the TARDIS had gently touched ground, and finishing up their final touches on their respective outfits, they made their way out of the TARDIS and entered the world of the Late Cretaceous period. In all of Rose’s time spent with the Doctor, she had seen an immeasurable number of absolutely magnificent things, although she could definitely count quite a few of them that she had seen in just that singular day alone, but this was like nothing she had ever seen in her 20 years.
The sun was beating down on wide, long grassy fields that stretched out in every direction as far as her eyes could see, and although there were a bit fewer trees in this part of the world compared to some of the other places the Doctor had taken her to see that day, there were more animals leisurely grazing the fields than she could’ve ever imagined possible. Some of them were absolutely massive, their heads, reaching the treetops as they lazily munched on leaves pulled straight from the highest branches. Others, much smaller, zooming past her legs in the tall, swaying grass, hardly reaching the height of her knees.
Almost immediately, she realized the Doctor had kept his word, and there were a few of the strange looking animals that she could vaguely recognize and name herself without the help of the Doctor’s vast bank of knowledge. She could see T. rexes, running through the fields, some of them play-fighting with one another like they were a couple of stray dogs she'd see running through the streets of London, forget the fact that each one looked to be about the size of the Powell estate. A bit closer to where her and the Doctor stood, and only slightly smaller than the T. rex, she could see quite a few Triceratopses, each distantly spaced away and seemingly ignoring one another, their majestic crowns and massive horns looking even more colorful and spectacular than any picture she’d ever seen them depicted as in books and films.
Aside from those two, there were definitely a few that she couldn’t necessarily name off the top of her head, but they were certainly the type of dinosaurs she’d had in mind when the day had begun. Each longer than they were taller, with their bulging muscles and hunched backs. However, now that her eyes had been trained for it, she noted that there were in fact birds. More birds than she had seen in all the times and places she had been previously that day and they were everywhere, far outnumbering the T. rexes, and the Triceratopses, and what the Doctor had helpfully reminded her was a Brontosaurus. They came in every size, and every shape, and every color she could’ve possibly thought to imagine, and they were so undeniably bird-like, now looking like an odd mixture between the birds she knew from home, and the archaic ones the Doctor had introduced her to throughout the day. They had their wings, and their tails, and their feathers, and beaks. She was in absolute awe.
“There’s just so many of them,” she said, staring out at all the animals in front of her and around her, shock on her face.
“Well of course there are, Rose. Why’d you think they’re the only lineage of the dinosaurs to have survived. Each and every animal serves an individual purpose, a niche. Look at those T. rexes, and the Gryposaurus. Sure, they’re big and scary, but that’s limiting. It’s like the sharks and whales, and tigers in the Cenozoic era. They’re already at the top of their ecological pyramids, so confined by their environment’s expectations of them, although you humans definitely don’t help much either, but I digress. My point is, Rose, they have nowhere to go from the top but down.
“But these birds, Rose, these brilliant, beautiful, magnificent birds, they are putty in the hands of the world. Look at how diverse they are, each and every one of them unique in their own right. Not just these here in front of us, but each and every single one we’ve seen today. For a brief period of time, after the asteroid hits, the Earth becomes a sort of biological wasteland, but those that survived did so because they adapted. They had purpose, niches to fill, an entire world to repopulate. You humans go on and on and on bickering and arguing and going to war over diversity and differences, but this Rose, this is nature. This is life. ”
They had spent more time there in Montana than they had in any other place they had visited that day. The Doctor introduced to Rose and taught her about the Pectinodon and the Anzu and Archeroraptor as they freely wandered through the fields alongside the dinosaurs, occasionally stopping to look at a rather interesting tree or foliage that wasn’t being occupied by an animal at the time. By the time they’d made it back to the TARDIS, although still light out, the sun had already disappeared beyond the horizon, and Rose was right and proper knackered after all the travel.
“Thank you,” she sighed into the Doctor’s shoulder as she tightly clung to him as he sent the TARDIS into the time vortex to drift while they rested.
“What for, Rose?” he dryly laughed as he returned the hug once his hands had finished with the console.
“For today, for everything. For just being you.”
They stood there for a moment, just enjoying one another's touch and their oh so rare moments of peace with one another.
“Right, off to bed, before you fall asleep standing here in the console room like a horse,” he said, both of them laughing as they finally let go of each other, Rose off to her bedroom, and the Doctor left to pass the time until his most beloved companion was rested and ready to set off on their next adventure together.
Sources for Further Reading if you're interested: https://archive.org/details/dinosaurs-that-didnt-die
#—︎ my posts ☕️#author is neurodivergent about dinosaurs#doctor who#tenrose#fanfic#doctor who fanfiction#dinosaurs#tenth doctor#rose tyler#the doctor#ninth doctor#the doctor x rose tyler#timepetals#tenth doctor x rose tyler#ninth doctor x rose tyler
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Hey I'm new and I'm a huge doctor who fan, You do not know much of a shock it was to go on to the Rose/Doctor tag and just see a basically a 100K story I got so excited! Until I realized it wasn't complete, So I'm jumping on here before I get by hopes up too much—because unfortunately I read the one shot where the doctor is a simp in all regenerations And I adored it, Like normally in these stories when they meet out of order Rose is the one falling in love and he's the one with all the info Which adds a difference to them power dynamic that I never liked. But I love the twist on it. And I always adore the doctor as a simp for Rose in any context! is this just you reposting an old story that you don't intend to finish or reigniting an old passion for an old work? And please don't take this the wrong way, I am in no means trying to be nosy or pushy. And I'm truly sorry if this comes off that way! (You can't really get tone from text, So I'm always a little bit nervous when asking these questions) Thanks for answering if you can! 😁
Hii!!! It has been a while since I've been able to go on either ao3 or tumblr. (Life got in the way big time 😬😬) When I logged in yesterday, I saw that there were a bunch of messages asking about my dw fics, daffodils in particular,
I honestly thought, at the time, that deleting those fics was the right thing to do. I had given up on becoming a writer, and i did not want any reminders that would make me feel bad for giving up.
It was such a stupid decision, especially since I did end up writing again, and now am alhmd writing professionally.
There were wayyy too many asks in my inbox for me to answer them all, and some were so old that I would just feel awkward replying to them all. So, instead I mass uploaded all of daffodils that I had saved on my drive.
I do miss writing for the dw fandom, but I am also currently working on an original fiction that takes up most of my brain space. I remember daffodils in particular took a lot of time to plan and write. I cannot definitively say if I will update it or not. I'm sorry I can't give you a straightforward answer.
Though, I will say I did leave the fic on a good enough note that you won't be frustrated by a cliff hanger or anything like that even if it takes me a while to update.
Again, thank you for reading my fics!
(To all the people who did write to me about the fics, I am so sorry if it felt like I was ignoring you. I saw most of the submissions just yesterday and the first thing I did was reupload daffodils. I will also reupload all the rest of the fics in due time. Thank you for reading. You guys have literally made me the writer that I am. I love you, and though I could not answer you all individually, just know I read every single one of your asks, and I will try my best to be a lot more active on here from now 😘😘)
#the doctor/rose#the tenth doctor/rose tyler#doctor who#rtd era doctor who#rose tyler#the doctor/rose tyler#ninth doctor#ninth doctor x rose tyler#daffodils#ao3#doctor who fanfiction
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Roxanne Chapter 1 (Doctor Who (2005) fanfiction)

Story Summary
Feeling as though her life is going nowhere and that her job at Henrick's is a dead-end, Rose Tyler seeks out a position as a stripper at The Underground. There she meets the mysterious John Smith - a tough security guard who is sweeter than he looks. As the pair develop a strong friendship, feelings begin to arise between them, and so do questions about whether to toe the line or not.
1/10 chapters
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler
Word Count: 5291
Chapter Contents/Tags: Strangers to friends; first meetings.
#doctor who fanfiction#ao3fic#ao3 works#read on ao3#doctorrose#cross posted on ao3#ao3 link#timepetals#ao3 author#ninerose#doctor x rose#ninth doctor x rose tyler
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I've been going back and editing all my old work. No major changes to this fic, just cleaned up a bit.
I somehow have posted my fics under two different names on AO3, so you can find my stuff at both quirkygirl242 and whoficky.
Words: 11,999 Chapters: 9
Rating: T
Relationships: The Ninth Doctor X Rose
Work Summary: Rose is excited about the next stop on their Christmas Tour of wintery planets, but some unfriendly locals put her fun, and her life in jeopardy. The Doctor has a plan, but it could change everything between them.
#ficandchips#doctor who#fanfic#ficandships#rose tyler#ninth doctor#ninth doctor x rose tyler#ninerose#christmas fluff
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Resonate concrete.
Show Rose Tyler your moves.
DOCTOR WHO (2005) 1.10 The Doctor Dances
#doctor who#gifs#rose tyler#ninth doctor#rose tyler x the doctor#ninerose#nine x rose#ninth doctor x rose tyler#you got the moves?#show me your moves#that line lives forever
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#it’s here#it’s happening#doctor who#ninth doctor#rose tyler#ninerose#9th doctor#the doctor#timepetals#ninepetals#nine x rose#christopher eccleston#billie piper
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me during every episode of doctor who ever produced
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The way that Jack, Rose, and Nine feel far more like a poly trio in late Season 1 rather than any sort of love triangle is INSANE. The vibes are FERAL and IMMACULATE. The kisses in Parting of the Ways. The sharing-story banter in Boom Town. The flirting. "Buy me a drink." "Continue on with whatever you were doing." The dancing. Jack dancing with Rose. Rose dancing with Nine. Nine offering Jack a dance. Everything Ninerose related. "Before you, I was a coward." The fact that Jack only makes sure that Rose is safe before dying for them, Rose brings him back to life, Nine's every interaction with either of them in the finale...honestly the way that Ten interacts with Jack in Utopia (ESPECIALLY the scene in the radiation room/Jack's reaction to hearing Rose is alive) makes even more sense if you realize that he and Jack are exes and that they once loved each other and Rose equally and then the Tenth Doctor WRECKED that by leaving Jack behind
#ninerose#ninth doctor#captain jack harkness#tenjack#tenth doctor#rose tyler#nine x jack x rose#ten x jack#tenrose#i was picking up ot3 vibes at age 13 before i even knew what polyamory was#doctor who#jack harkness#the parting of the ways#utopia
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I am so incredibly excited for this!!! 💙🌹
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Doctor Who The Unquiet Dead | 1.03
#doctor who#dwedit#tvedit#rtdedit#scifiedit#nine#rose#ninth doctor#rose tyler#nine x rose#christopher eccleston#billie piper#mine
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#in the end i wanna be standing at the beginning with you#*#dwedit#dwgif#rtdedit#doctor who#dw#timepetals#doctor x rose#ninth doctor#rose tyler#ninerose#nine x rose#scifiedit#scifigifs#otpsource#userbbelcher#chewieblog#userstream#cinemapix#tvarchive#junkfooddaily#usertennant#usersugar#uservik#userdiana#userrlaura#tuserjord#useraurore#omgari
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Bro were you the one who wrote that doctor who fic “tolerate it” cause I fucking loved that one so much 😩😩 i still be thinking about it😭 it hurt so good. If you wrote it would you be willing to re-upload it on ao3?
hi anon!
the fic you are talking about has already been reuploaded on ao3! you can find it here.
thank you for reading! I don't usually write angst (life is already depressive enough without me having to add to it) but, I am always surprised by how my people like this particular one shot. enjoy!
#doctor/rose#doctor/rose tyler#tenrose#tenrose fanfic#rose tyler#doctor who#ninth doctor#the doctor/rose tyler#ao3#ninth doctor x rose tyler#rtd era doctor who#gitf
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He's not really a captain, Rose.
#*#dwedit#dwgif#doctor who#dw#doctor x rose#timepetals#nine x rose#ninerose#ninth doctor#nine#rose tyler#rose#otpsource#romancegifs#scifigifs#userbbelcher#chewieblog#cinemapix#tvarchive#usertennnant#usersugar#userdiana#userhayao#miatendos#userrlaura#uservik#useraurore#tuserjord#one of the h*rniest scenes
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