#whatsapp call on pc
onlinebulletindotin · 2 years
WhatsApp Call: व्हाट्सऐप कॉल पर हो जाएगी वीडियो रिकॉर्ड, इन तरीकों का करें उपयोग, यहां जानें स्टेप बाय स्टेप पूरा प्रोसेस, गैजेट्स बुलेटिन | ऑनलाइन बुलेटिन डॉट इन
WhatsApp Call : नई दिल्ली | [ गैजेट्स बुलेटिन] | Video will be recorded on WhatsApp call, use these methods, learn here the complete process step by step.   कई लोग भुलक्कड़ होते हैं। किसने क्या ये याद रखने के लिए उन्हें कॉल रिकॉर्ड करने की आवश्यकता होती है। चैटिंग के लिए सबसे ज्यादा इस्तेमाल होने वाली ऐप व्हाट्सऐप है.   व्हाट्सऐप अपने यूजर्स के लिए हमेशा नए-नए फीचर्स लेकर आता रहता है. आज हम आपको…
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des8pudels8kern · 8 months
I went from I've been kind of sick since last week but I'm not sicksick to oh, look who's got a fever yesterday and am consequently spending today in bed.
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czteryd · 3 days
My guide to Internet warfare and taking back control
By which I mean minimizing screen time and wasting your life on making Zuckerber rich. Scrolling Instagram doesn't seem to be dangerous, but there is probably nothing less hurtful than wasting time of milliards of people on things they don't care about. Using willpower to work on this is a lie — you will need real weapons, technologies and strategy.
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^this is the lost future you are fighting for. Technology can be good.
Remember, that wars are rarely won in a week, I am in trenches since last summer when i ditched my phone, when i say "It takes time" i mean 5–10 months. It is still hard, but the improvement is amazing.
This is a list of things I have been doing for more than a year that improved my life. Ranked with ease (EAS) + effectiveness (EFF) from 1 to 10.
It is still not perfect, but this is a warzone and you will adapt and not be allowed to surrender, soldier!
Remove the smartphone – 5 eas + 15 eff
Sorry. This is a military grade weapon that milliards of dollars are put into to make you waste your time as easily as you can. You can move forward with your phone, but nothing is as effective in taking control back during your commutes, breaks, walks and free time etc. and it is a very important part of learning to deal with stress without mindless scrolling and games. There is no real phone hacks to help you. We and the enemy know that timers don't work. If you can enable all enemy weapons with one switch it is not enough.
You will need a dumbphone or a custom rom to use this technique and stay in society.
It is not as hard as it sounds, actually you don't need it that much. Check out #dumbphone or r/dumbphones for inspiration and support. Me and many of my friends who done it as well don't look back.
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Buuut i can't – 9 eas + 5 eff
Yes you can. But if you insist, still, buy a dumbphone or find one in the drawers and put your sim card there; carry them both. Now you can use the Internet only when you have wifi, but you can use offline maps, listen to downloaded music and watch downloaded movies, read pdfs etc. Check your email, bank, messages, memes at work or at home. You will regain control over walks, commutes and socialising. But if you still have any social apps, at home or during breaks, you are still cooked. It is still a very good first step to moving away from phone dependence.
Smartphone substitutes
Email, socials, work, school – all will now be done on a pc or a laptop. This is good. It allows you to distance yourself from stress, tiring family members, school, work and problems of others and engage with them only when you want to. It allows you to take a break. It is not your duty, to engage all the time and the ability to do so at your own pace is the biggest advantage you can get on the battlefield. If something important is going on — someone will call you, don't worry. Just inform others that WhatsApp is not a place to discuss emergencies.
Fun, music, reading – you will need to get a dumbphone that supports some music, pdf viewing, photos and maybe light web browsing, they do exist. Or just buy an mp3 player, some books and a notepad. An e-reader and a camera for the high tech soldiers. Y2K is back in fashion anyway, and you will be much cooler and people will start conversations. Having everything in one place was convenient, but, if it means having time–wasting hazards in your pocket, it is not worth it.
Libraries are here to support you on your journey.
Block the feed — 10 eas + 4 eff
Hopefully you got rid of your phone, the biggest danger now is your web browser.
Use LeechBlock to block or regulate access to the biggest dangers – youtube, instagram, fb, reddit. On the weak side it is no better than the timer in your phone, supportive, but not really effective and fills you with guilt. Guilt is bad.
On the strong side you will block all access, allow very rare and short usage, put as many defenses as you can, put blockades on your blockades. Your brain is very effective at overcoming barriers, but they need to be put in place.
It is the first step, but it is not enough to win the war. Real psychological effects will show only after months of usage and well adjusted settings that acknowledge how your brain works and as you adapt your barriers will need to adapt as well. On the flip-side it requires no real conscious work or wasting your willpower if your filters are good.
You will sometimes need to bend the rules, to fix something or watch a lecture or a tutorial or just for some well deserved Forgotten Vines Compilation. Remember to put them back in place later and spot the times where you never did — and do it then.
Warning: nerd shit! (3-6) eas + (7-10) eff
If your friends sent you a funny video — don't unlock the site to watch it. Use external software like MPV or VLC to watch this video using only the link, without getting rid of your defense line. This is easiest on a linux machine.
You also have the nuke – block websites on your router and gate settings. You will need the support of the rest of the war room members in your house to use it and it will cut access to actually useful things. But this is a war for your life and every sacrifice is worth it.
Block the biggest hazards — 6 eas + 9 eff
Sorry, but you will need to use some nerd tactics.
Shorts, reels, tik toks, explore, for you pages. They need to be blocked immediately and for good. No access, no overrides, no fiddling in options. LeechBlock browser addon will allow you to block specific pages with harder barriers. Do it and never change them.
They are the biggest danger and you know it. Your brain will not be mad if it won't get dopamine this way, it knows you would never find the perfect 1 minute video that would make you happy. The urge to scroll some shorts will go away real fast.
This will allow you to fight only the easier fights — against the normal infinite feeds.
Is a double edged sword. Removing ads makes your life on the internet easy and fun. It is only a good thing to a certain extent – our fight is to make some parts of the internet as hard and painful to use – but it will help you keep your sanity.
Use it to block the feed! Click on Ublock icon and use the little pipette to add a rule that blocks the infinite feed on webpages of your choice.
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Select the area and click the blue button to create a rule on the main page. Now you will not be distracted with algorithmic content, but you are free to not block groups important for you or your work or still see notifications, messages and other functions.
Cons: sometimes your rules will break with time, you will need to make many of them. Removing ads from youtube is dangerous as the reward is easier to obtain, thus making the boobytrap more effective.
Don't use apps and don't use the browser. 10 eas + 6 eff
Minimize a chance of getting distracted while doing something else.
For messages, school and work remove the browser from the equation. Use desktop clients for messaging, microsoft office, Teams, email etc. They have exactly what you need and are often more convenient to use. No chance of opening Instagram in excel.
For social media and online entertainment use the browser, don't use the apps! You are going into the warzone, you will need the armor – Leechblock and other addons are here to help you. Time wasting apps are engineered to remove your personal defense – never use them.
No Screentime before coffee – 1 eas + 10 eff
This one is behavioral and requires actual brain work, but give yourself some time and it will give you great effects.
Do not check memes, messages, mail etc. before waking up. Easier said than done.
Going to school or work will be easier, waking up will be easier, you will start to eat and have more energy during the day.
It will require you to plan your day in advance, check the calendar and your plan for the day the night before. I never learned it as a child and it is very hard to work on it, but the effects on my psyche are immense.
If you got rid of your phone, you are halfway there. If you can remove your laptop from proximity of your bed — do it. If you have an ability to put your pc in a seperate room — it would be perfect, but not many are able to, including me.
Separate your working, from sleeping, from entertainment spaces, we worked on it during COVID soldier, don't forget your training.
Remove the noise — 1 eas + 4 eff
somewhat. You probably don't actually need podcasts and music to work, walk or sleep and regaining your ability to focus there is also important. Maybe substitute them with white/pink/brown noise at least sometimes, especially for brain heavy tasks this is very helpful to get work done in a reasonable amount of time. Blanket app is a good desktop noise generator that won't require the browser.
But I will not blame you if you won't, this is the least problematic part and humans have always met to do menial tasks while hearing others talk and many conditions are easier to live with some background noise.
Pick your allies
Internet is a meadow and a minefield. Place for art and support and knowledge filled with weapons designed to use you as an revenue generator. Watch content only from curated, quality places and people you follow. Never look at the algorithmic feed. Tumblr is a prime example of a site that can be your ally, but don't trust it – block the For You page.
don't lose your steam
Do not engage emotionally with things beyond your control. This was the twitter's weapon of choice. If you do not have the money or time to support a cause, you know about it and you know all your mutuals already support it – don't let the algorithm put it down your throat against your will.
Do not follow war hashtags, do not look at pages when you can see hate and violence against your will. Educate yourself, do as much as you can, follow people who inspire you and do real work, but allow yourself to move on if it is beyond your abilities or strength. Your local anarchist group will do more good in a month, than you reading political posts for years. If you honestly care – join them and focus on real work. If you can't contribute, just learn about it and move on. There will be more opportunities in the future and then we will need all your strength. This is the sad part of winning the war. Some sacrifices have to be made.
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^you soon
Wish you luck soldiers. This is a fight worth fighting.
share your weapons of choice if you can and tell me about your experiences.
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gougarfem · 8 months
Can I ask what dumbphone you got? What was your average daily screen time before getting one? Did you keep your old smartphone to switch back and forth or completely get rid of it?
Thanks!! I'm considering a switch too.
i have a doro 7030. i chose this specifically because it runs whatsapp in addition to regular calls and texts, so i can stay in contact with friends who live abroad or primarily use wifi (sms messages can get expensive if you don't have a good contract lol).
my average daily screentime was 11-14 hours, depending on how much i slept.
i initially kept my old smartphone for its camera, my banking app and spotify. my social media apps built up again, and i ended up migrating back over to it. i no longer have a smartphone because its battery completely died, but if you need to keep one, install an app that restricts you to the absolutely essential apps you kept it for, and only turn it on for emergencies (not every day/week). do not try to use both. our brains are programmed to get hooked on a smartphone no matter how much we try to limit it. they are deliberately addictive. (also, blue light is bad for you lol)
if i have to take a photo and send it instantly, i use someone else's smartphone. i also have a little digital camera which i take around with me to snap photos of surroundings, friends, etc. i scan college work onto my laptop with a printer (you can use public libraries for this usually if you don't have one). i use online banking on my laptop and do not bring my laptop with me when i leave the house or my room each morning. before i had a laptop i used the PCs at college or the library.
girl do it. make the switch. it genuinely will do a world of good for your mental health and social connections. you got this <33
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n30nd3m0n · 4 months
Currently laying on the floor in my unfinished living room because my partner is playing pc games and his discord is broken so he's gonna group call out loud over WhatsApp. I'm feeling sick so I just wanna watch a movie in peace and he keeps telling me to put on headphones. I'm tired and in pain and I donr wanna wear headphones I wore them all yesterday because of the same issue I just wanna relax. I feel like I'll only truly be able to relax when I'm dead
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blubberquark · 8 months
Wish List For A Dumb Phone
I have a dumb phone with 20 days of standby time. It's getting old. I might need to buy another one soon.
I only really need that phone for phone stuff. It's small and light. It's my backup in places where my smartphone does not have reception.
A replacement would need physical buttons, and have bar or flip phone form factor, preferably in a blight green or orange colour. It should be a dual-SIM quad-band with GSM for basic phone calls, SMS and MMS, and 4G or 5G connectivity. The web browsing or download speed doesn't really matter.
In terms of featurephone features, I don't need twitter, facebook, whatsapp, or any of those built-in apps. I want the ability to take pictures, play MP3 and OGG files, record audio, play audio, browse the file system, and assign audio files as custom ringtones. E-mail is optional.
The hardware features I want are an SD card slot, a 240p camera or better, a light, FM radio (DAB would be a plus), a replaceable battery, bluetooth for tethering and audio headsets, and USB-C for tethering, charging, and file transfer. It doesn't have to be USB-PD or USB 3.0.
There are some features that would be nice. It would be nice to have a playlist that I can sync with a desktop podcatcher application. It would be nice to be able to move contacts between the SIM card and the SD card in bulk, and to sync contacts with my NextCloud address book with a desktop application. It would be nice if I could mount my phone's file system via USB.
All these features boil down to this: My dumb phone is a bit beat up. I wish I could just replace it with a slightly newer model with USB-C, but otherwise it doesn't need apps or wlan.
There is no phone out there that is just slightly better than my old dumb phone, and can be charged via USB. Once you have all the hardware and features, you might as well slap Android on there, and a more powerful processor, and sell it on features.
It's sad. There are many dumb phones that are almost better than my old one. There is one that is just like my old one, but with 4G instead of 3G, but no USB-C. There is one that looks great, but all reviews say the software is buggy and bluetooth doesn't work reliably. There is one with loads of features that has a couple of days of standby time, not weeks.
There's also one that has all the features but costs more than a smartphone.
All I really want is a Nokia 215 with USB-C, tethering, and a comfortable way to sync my stuff to a PC.
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service-vip1 · 5 months
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novelcain · 10 months
Novel I have the funniest story
So I have Discord, right? And recently, my mobile Discord notifications haven't been sending. I don't know why, I have all the permissions turned on, but it won't work—whatever, right? As long as I check my phone regularly, right?
And it's been a really good day! I got the highest grade on my essay, I totally nailed a presentation, I made my favorite soup for dinner—a great day. It's around 6:50 PM and I'm cradling my soup in one hand on the couch, just relaxing from the day. It's my first break from homework for a while, and I'm enjoying it. I decide to share the positivity in one of my group chats on Discord with my close friends. So I send "@everyone love you" and I close Discord, thinking nothing else. I finish my soup, I do the dishes, and I go upstairs to play some video games on my computer.
All the while, I haven't checked my phone. I don't have Discord open on my PC, and I've been trying to cut my hours on my phone to focus on the real world (aka touching grass). I play a game, and while I'm waiting for another player to take their turn, I check my phone because I'm bored.
Strangely, I have one notification. I don't recognize what app it's from, but it looks like a text or call. I unlock my phone to check and find out it's my friend Catherine calling me on Whatsapp. Strange, right? We only use Whatsapp for sending videos that are too big for other applications and for when my internet kills Discord. (For context, Catherine is my best friend and basically the Novel to my Ritz. Also, my wifi is awful—probably why I've been struggling to receive notifications)
I think the call is weird, especially since there were no Whatsapp texts accompanying it. I try to call Catherine back, but she doesn't pick up. I reason as to why she did it—most likely I didn't respond to Discord fast enough so she tried to get my attention elsewhere. That makes sense, we do it all the time to each other. So I go and check Discord.
It opens to the channel I left it on, where I pinged my friends and told them love you. I notice I had 6 DMS, but I noticed my friends had replied and I was curious to see how they were. had already forgotten I did that, to be honest, so I go and read the responses. Let me just:
@everyone love you
love you too
You're the best! :)
Why the random love you tho?
Yeah, that confused me a bit too
Cam whats goin on?? Why the random love you?
And suddenly, it hits me why Catherine called.
And my first thought is: oh my god, they do not think I killed myself.
I open my DMs to Catherine, and sure enough I see: "are things mostly okay Cami? You haven't marked off anything from your accountability list, and there was the message you sent in the groupchat. I'm a little worried."
Which is literally the worst way you could ever respond to "love you" with, by the way
Anyway, I explained what happened and now it's going to be an inside joke with the group. I literally despise my friends, theyre the best😭😭😭
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LMAO GIRL NO! You be out here givin people heart attacks professionally istg 😭
But honestly as someone who's done this on accident too this is so funny 😂😂😂
Also my discord mobile notifs have been fuckin up too! What's up with dat? 🤔
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dragoneyes618 · 8 months
“From the river to the sea…”
Let’s talk about such a scenario in which Israel is erased.
7:00 a.m.: You wake up and try to unlock your iPhone to read email, but it won’t unlock.
Why? Because Face ID is Israeli tech. It was invented by PrimeSense, and acquired by Apple.
7:30 a.m.: Before heading to work, you go into your garden to make sure your grass is being watered.
Nope, can’t use drip irrigation. That’s an Israeli invention.
8:00 a.m.: You get into your car and try to turn on Waze so you can know where there is traffic.
It won’t open because Waze is Israeli.
8:30 a.m.: On the way to work, you almost lose control of your car because it didn’t notify you that you were swerving out of your lane.
That’s because Mobileye is based in Jerusalem.
9:00 a.m.: “Fine,” you say to yourself, “I don’t need Waze or Mobileye anyway. Soon my car will be autonomous.”
Nope. Innoviz is Israeli.
9:30 a.m.: You get to work and get ready to have your first meeting on Microsoft Teams. It won’t work.
All the AI on Teams? Built in Herzliya.
10:00 a.m.: You try to use your USB thumb drive on your computer. No go.
Thumb drives (a.k.a. flash drives or memory sticks) were invented by Dov Moran at Msystems, and acquired by SanDisk.
11:00 a.m.: You need to access some classified information but it’s behind a firewall. No way around it.
Firewall technology? Invented in Israel.
12:00 p.m.: You look out your office window and the sky is so beautiful, you want to take a photo.
Nope. Smartphone dual lens technology was invented by Israeli company Corephotonics.
1:00 p.m.: You have a lot of work to do. You fire up your PC but it won’t boot up.
Is it running on an Intel processor? Oh, yeah, that was designed in Israel.
2:00 p.m.: You’re getting really frustrated. Nothing is working! So you turn to Google, but even that won’t work.
Google builds many of its products in Tel Aviv.
3:00 p.m.: You decide to FaceTime your wife to vent your frustrations. Why won’t it work?!
Because voice over IP was invented in Israel.
3:30 p.m.: You’re really losing patience, so you go to your favorite instant messenger program to speak to a friend.
Nope, instant messaging was invented in Israel.
4:00 p.m.: You give up and decide to focus on work exclusively – you need to build a website.
Sorry, Wix is Israeli. You can’t use it.
5:00 p.m.: You get a call from your doctor. He wants you to come in because he saw something troubling in your last check-up. He wants to use the PillCam.
You have to inform him that’s a no-go. That’s Israeli tech.
6:00 p.m.: Since your car is unreliable, you decide to take public transportation. But your Moovit app won’t load for some reason.
It’s Israeli.
6:30 p.m.: You decide to do some shopping for a new car because it’s time to go electric.
Sorry. Better Place CEO Shai Agassi pioneered the infrastructure for electric cars in 2012.
7:00 p.m.: You get a call with bad news – your relative was recently diagnosed with cancer. He needs your help finding the best treatment.
Unfortunately, you can’t help him because many of the leading cancer treatments were developed in Israel by companies like Novocure and Vascular Biogenics.
8:00 p.m.: You’ve had a hard day and just want to chill out in front of your social media feeds. But none of your feeds will load.
Meta, parent company of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, has many offices in Israel.
9:00 p.m.: Time for a late dinner. You want to prepare alternative meats or dairy products.
Your supermarket doesn’t sell them, however, because Redefine Meat and Remilk are Israeli startups.
10:30 p.m.: You decide to read your book, but you can’t find your glasses anywhere.
That’s because you bought them on GlassesUSA, an Israeli company.
11:00 p.m.: Your last resort: Watch some TV. Wait – your Samsung TV won’t turn on!
Samsung has many offices in Israel, including Samsung Next, a fund that invests in tech.
You go to sleep and hope tomorrow will be a better day.
Here, try this new rhyme instead: “From the river to the sea, if Israel is gone, what will be with me?!”
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1americanconservative · 9 months
“From the river to the sea…”
Let’s talk about such a scenario in which Israel is erased.
7:00 AM: You wake up and try to unlock your iPhone to read email, but it won’t unlock. Why? Because Face ID is Israeli tech. It was invented by Primesense, acquired by Apple.
7:30 AM: Before heading to work, you go into your garden to make sure your grass is being watered. Nope, no drip irrigation. That’s an Israeli invention.
8:00 AM: You get into your car, and try to turn on Waze so you can know where there is traffic. It won’t open because Waze is Israeli.
8:30 AM. On the way to work, you almost lose control of the car because it didn’t notify you that you were swerving out of your lane. Why? Because Mobileye is based in Jerusalem.
9:00 AM: “Fine”, you say to yourself, “I don’t need Waze or Mobileye anyway. Soon my car will be autonomous.” Nope. Innoviz is Israeli.
9:30 AM. You get to work and have your first meeting on Microsoft Teams. It won’t work. All the AI on teams? Built in Herzliya.
10:00 AM. You try to use your USB thumb drive on your computer. No go. Invented by Dov Moran at Msystems, and acquired by Sandisk.
11:00 AM: You need to access some classified information but it’s behind a firewall. Sorry, you can’t do anything about that. Firewall technology? Invented in Israel.
12:00 PM: You look out your office window and the sky is so beautiful, you want to take a photo? Nope. Smartphone dual lens technology was invented by the Israeli company Corephotonics. 1:00 PM. You have a lot of work to do. You fire up your PC but it won’t boot up. Is it running an Intel processor? Oh, yeah, it was designed in Israel. 2:00 PM: You’re getting really frustrated. Nothing is working! So you turn to Google but even that won’t work. Google builds many of its products in Tel Aviv.
3:00 PM: After a frustrating hour trying to get things to work, you decide to FaceTime your wife to vent. Why won’t it work? Because voice over IP? Invented in Israel.
3:30 PM: You’re really losing patience so you go to your favorite instant messenger to speak to a friend. Nope, instant messaging was invented in Israel.
4:00 PM. You give up and decide to focus on work exclusively. Do you have to work on building a website? Sorry, Wix is Israeli. You can’t use it.
5:00 PM. You get a call from your doctor. He wants you to come in because he saw something troubling in your last check-up. He needs to use the PillCam. You have to inform him that’s a no-go. It’s Israeli tech.
6:00 PM: Since your car is unreliable, you decide to take public transportation. Your Moovit app won’t load for some reason. It’s Israeli.
6:30 PM: You decide to do some shopping for a new car because it’s time to go electric. Sorry, nope. Better Place CEO Shai Agassi pioneered the infrastructure for electric cars in 2012.
7:00 PM: You get a call with bad news, your relative was recently diagnosed with cancer. Unfortunately, you can’t help him because many of the leading cancer treatments were developed in Israel by companies like Novocure and Vascular Biogenics.
8:00 PM: You’ve had a hard day and you just want to chill out in front of your social media feeds but all of your feeds won’t load. Meta, the parent company of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, has many offices in Israel.
9:00 PM: A late dinner. You want to prepare alternative meats or dairy products. You can’t find them in the supermarket because Redefine Meat and Remilk are Israeli startups.
10:30 PM: You decide to read your book. You can’t find your glasses anywhere. That’s because you bought them on GlassesUSA, an Israeli company.
11:00 PM: Your last resort, watching some TV. Your Samsung TV won't turn on! Well, that’s because Samsung has many offices in Israel including Samsung
Next, a fund that invests in tech. You go to sleep and hope tomorrow will be a better day.
Here, try this new rhyme instead: “From the river to the sea, if Israel is gone, what will be with me?!”
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celltophone1 · 6 months
For Purchase Contact:
Send us an Enquiry at
Ph-8285641156 / 7838599109 (Call+Whatsapp)
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blogpreetikatiyar · 2 years
WhatsApp Clone Using HTML and CSS
What does cloning a website means?
To make a copy
Cloning a website means copying or modifying the design or script of an existing website to create a new website. Website cloning allows a designer to create a website without writing scripts from scratch.
Any website can be cloned. You are also free to integrate some additional new features while cloning your website.
Cloning a website is one of the proven methods you can use to learn web development faster. It provides basic to advanced ideas about how websites work and work, and how to integrate them.
Let’s learn how to clone a website just using HTML5 and CSS in a simple way. 
Will take an example of WhatsApp Website and will clone it. 
WhatsApp is a free cross-platform messaging service. iPhone and Android smartphone, Mac and Windows PC users can call or exchange text, photo, voice and video messages with anyone in the world for free, regardless of the recipient's device. WhatsApp uses Wi-Fi connections to communicate across platforms. This differs from Apple iMessage and Messages by Google, which require a cellular network and Short Message Service (SMS).
Key WhatsApp Terminology 
Cross Platform
Messaging apps
End-to-end encryption
Video & Audio Calls
WhatsApp Business
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) –
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language that is standard markup language to create web pages and web-based applications
It represents the structure of a web page
It comprises of series of elements which tells the browser how to display the content
Basic Structure of a HTML Document –
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>WhatsApp Clone</title>
    <h1>let's learn Web Development</h1>
    <p>My first project - WhatsApp Cloning</p>
Let’s Explain the above code –
- It is used to defines that the document is HTML5 document
- It is the root elements on an HTML Page
- It contains all the meta information about the HTML Page
- This element contains all the visible content of the page, such as paragraph, headlines, tables, list, etc. 
- It defines the largest heading for any topic, it ranges from -
- It defines a paragraph in the HTML page
Elements – 
It is the collection of start and end tag, and in between content is inserted between them. 
It major components are– 
Opening Tag – Used to tell the browser where the content starts. 
Closing Tag – Used to tell the browser where the content material ends. 
Content – Whatever written inside the opening and closing tag is content. 
Some Most Commonly used tags are – 
– Used to define a document or section, as it contains information related to titles and heading of related content. 
– The navigation tag is used to declare navigation sections in HTML documents. Websites typically have a section dedicated to navigation links that allows users to move around the site
– Anchor tag is used for creating hyperlink on the webpage. It is used to link one web page from another. 
– It is used to define a paragraph. Content written inside tag always starts from a new line. 
– It is used to define heading of a web page. There are 6 different heading h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6. H1 is the main heading and the biggest followed by h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6.
- It is used to group multiple elements together. It helps in applying CSS. 
- Image tag is used to embed an image in a web page. 
CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) – 
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, that describes HTML elements that appear on screen, paper, or other media. 
It used for designing web pages, in order to make web pages presentable. 
It is standardized across Web Browsers and is one of the core languages of the open web system/technology.
CSS Selector – 
CSS Selectors are used to select or target the element that you want to style. Selectors are part of the CSS ruleset. CSS selectors select HTML elements by ID, class, type, attributes, etc. 
Types of CSS Selectors – 
Element Selector – It selects the HTML elements directly using name 
ID Selector – It selects the id attribute of an element. ID is always unique, in the code. So, it is used to target and apply design to a specific or a unique element. 
Class Selector - It selects the class attribute of an element. Unlike ID selector class selectors can be same of many elements. 
Universal Selector – It selects all the elements of the webpage, and apply changes to it. 
Group Selector – It is used when same style is to be applied on many elements. It helps in non-duplication of code. 
Different ways of applying CSS - 
CSS can be applied in different ways – 
Inline CSS – 
Styling is done using different attributed inside an element itself. It can be used to apply unique style for a single element.
<h1 style="color:blue;">Let's learn Web Development</h1>
Internal CSS –
It is defined or written within the <style> element, nested instead <head> section of HTML document. 
It is mainly used when need to apply CSS on a particular page. 
<style type="text/css">
    h1 {
External CSS –
It is used to apply CSS on multiple pages. As all the styling is written in a different file with an extension “.css” Example style.css.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"> 
It is written instead head tag. 
For more detailed guide – Click here 
Let’s implement the above learnt concepts – 
In this example will clone a static page of WhatsApp using Internal CSS- 
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <style type="text/css">
    :root {
      font-size: 15px;
      --primaryColor: #075e54;
      --secondaryColor: #aaa9a8;
      --tertierColor: #25d366;
    * {
      margin: 0;
      padding: 0;
      font-family: inherit;
      font-size: inherit;
    body {
      font-family: Helvetica;
      font-weight: 300;
    img {
      object-fit: cover;
      width: 100%;
    .container {
      margin: 0 1.2em;
    header {
      background-color: var(--primaryColor);
      padding: 1.4em 0;
    header .container {
      display: flex;
      justify-content: space-between;
      align-items: center;
      color: white;
    header .logo {
      font-size: 1.5rem;
      font-weight: 300;
    header .menu {
      margin-left: 18px;
    .nav-bar {
      background-color: var(--primaryColor);
      margin-bottom: 8px;
      display: grid;
      grid-template-columns: 16% 28% 28% 28%;
      justify-items: space-between;
      align-items: center;
      text-align: center;
      box-shadow: rgba(50, 50, 93, 0.25) 0px 2px 5px -1px,
        rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) 0px 1px 3px -1px;
    .nav {
      color: var(--secondaryColor);
      text-transform: uppercase;
      padding: 1em 0;
    .nav.active {
      border-bottom: 3px solid white;
      color: white;
    .chat {
      padding: 1em 0;
      display: flex;
      justify-content: space-between;
    .chat .info {
      display: flex;
    .chat .username {
      font-size: 1.2rem;
      margin-bottom: 5px;
      font-weight: 300;
    .chat .recent-chat {
      color: gray;
      max-width: 200px;
      text-overflow: ellipsis;
      overflow: hidden;
      white-space: nowrap;
    .chat .recent-chat .read {
      color: #34b7f1;
    .chat .photo {
      width: 55px;
      height: 55px;
      border-radius: 50%;
      margin-right: 18px;
    .chat .recent-chat-time {
      font-size: 12px;
      color: gray;
    .contact-button {
      padding: 1em;
      border: 0;
      border-radius: 50%;
      color: white;
      transform: rotate(0deg);
      font-size: 1.3rem;
      position: fixed;
      bottom: 20px;
      right: 1.2em;
      background-color: var(--tertierColor);
  <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="wp.png" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/font/bootstrap-icons.css" />
<!-- Body section starte here -->
    <div class="container">
      <h1 class="logo">WhatsApp</h1>
        <a role="button" class="bi bi-search icon"></a>
        <a role="button" class="bi bi-three-dots-vertical icon menu"></a>
  <nav class="nav-bar">
    <span class="bi bi-camera-fill nav"></span>
    <a role="button" class="nav active">Chats</a>
    <a role="button" class="nav">Status</a>
    <a role="button" class="nav">Calls</a>
  <!-- Chat section starts here -->
  <!-- chat 1 -->
  <section class="chats">
    <div class="container">
      <div class="chat">
        <div class="info">
          <!-- <img class="photo" src="user-2.png" alt="User" /> -->
          <img class="photo" src="user-2.png" alt="User" />
            <h6 class="username">Anurag</h6>
            <p class="recent-chat">
              <i class="bi bi-check2-all"></i> Yes, i remembered that! 😄
        <small class="recent-chat-time"> 04:20 PM </small>
      <!-- chat 2 -->
      <div class="chat">
        <div class="info">
          <img class="photo" src="user-2.png" alt="User" />
            <h6 class="username">Cipher</h6>
            <p class="recent-chat">Do you wanna hangout?</p>
        <small class="recent-chat-time"> 10:20 AM </small>
      <!-- chat 3 -->
      <div class="chat">
        <div class="info">
          <img class="photo" src="user-2.png" alt="User" />
            <h6 class="username">CipherSchools</h6>
            <p class="recent-chat">
              <i class="bi bi-check2-all read"></i> Hey bro, time to band!
        <small class="recent-chat-time"> Yesterday </small>
      <!-- chat 4 -->
      <div class="chat">
        <div class="info">
          <img class="photo" src="user-2.png" alt="User" />
            <h6 class="username">Schools</h6>
            <p class="recent-chat">Hey, where are you now? 🙄</p>
        <small class="recent-chat-time"> 7/22/21 </small>
      <!-- chat 5 -->
      <div class="chat">
        <div class="info">
          <img class="photo" src="user-2.png" alt="User" />
            <h6 class="username">Anurag CS</h6>
            <p class="recent-chat">
              <i class="bi bi-check2-all read"></i> May i borrow your games
              for 2 weeks?
        <small class="recent-chat-time"> 7/22/21 </small>
      <!-- Contact button on the whatsapp -->
      <button type="button" class="bi bi-chat-right-text-fill contact-button"></button>
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sojust · 2 years
Waltr crack
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Hackers can use this backdoor to take control of your computer, copy data from your computer or to use your computer to distribute viruses and spam to other people.
WALTR 2 2.6.7 keygen or key generator might contain a trojan horse opening a backdoor on your computer. These infections might corrupt your computer installation or breach your privacy.
While you are searching and browsing these illegal sites which distribute a so called keygen, key generator, pirate key, serial number, warez full version or crack for By Softorino WALTR is a 3rd party software that exists for the sole reason of hassle-free transferring of media (audio and video files) from your PC to your iPhone and iPad, without worrying about. Your computer will be at risk getting infected with spyware, adware, viruses, worms, trojan horses, dialers, etc Including WALTR 2 2.6.7 Rapidshare, MegaUpload, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe, YouSendIt, SendSpace, DepositFiles, Letitbit, MailBigFile, DropSend, MediaMax, LeapFile, zUpload, MyOtherDrive, DivShare or MediaFire, WALTR 2 2.6.7 torrent files or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, Download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website,
WALTR 2 2.6.7 license key is illegal and prevent future development of WALTR 2 Key is a program that allows you to use iTunes-free file transfers of music.
Using warez version, crack, warez passwords, patches, serial numbers, registration codes, key generator, pirate key, keymaker or keygen for WALTR 4.0.114 Key Free With Fully Crack For Windows Latest Version Free.
→ How to add music to your iPhone without iTunes using WALTRįor those wondering, the name of the app is inspired by Walter White from the legendary crime drama series, “Breaking Bad”. Available for macOS and Windows, WALTR PRO is compatible with Apple Music, supports all the latest iPhone 12 models, as well as iOS 14 and Big Sur.įor more information on WALTR PRO, visit the official website.Top 4 Download periodically updates software information of WALTR 2 2.6.7 full version from the publisher,īut some information may be slightly out-of-date. The app packs in a bunch of other features that are outside the scope of this article, so I’ll only list them here: trim-less ringtones, audiobooks, smart encoding detection, high-resolution audio, 4K video, video content detection, forced subtitles, Light/Dark theme and more. You’ll be able to stream FLAC from any device, including the new HomePod mini. And for the audiophiles with FLAC music collections, WALTR PRO can safely convert your files into Apple Music (without losing quality). With iCloud enabled, your music will be backed up and ready to play from HomePod. Using WALTR PRO, you can add files to Apple Music. Siri on HomePod is great-but there are times when Siri cannot access or play our high fidelity music collection. Yes, you can can manually select the target app for the transfer. freeload Softorino WALTR 2 full version standalone offline installer for Windows, it is used to copy music, video & Epub files to iPhone without iTunes. And while the original WALTR was limited to native Apple apps, its Pro counterpart allows you to send virtually any file to your iOS device, like comics, Microsoft Office documents, VLC videos, Kindle books and so forth. WhatsMessage (Bulk WhatsApp Marketing Software) With Crack. In addition to automatically scanning and filling missing metadata like before, WALTR PRO gives you full control of the way your media looks by allowing you to manually edit your cover artwork and metadata. Softorino WALTR 2.6.7 2018 WALTR 2 helps you wirelessly drag-and-drop any music. The items will be automatically converted into iOS-friendly formats on the fly and transferred to the right app on your connected iPhone or iPad. Like its predecessor, WALTR PRO is a simple app that allows you to drag and drop a bunch of media files onto its window. WALTR PRO brings several new pro-grade features, plus such perks as a standalone media converter, beautiful design, vastly more control than before and much more. We wanted to challenge ourselves and redefine our product approach entirely. Download Latest Version of WALTR PRO https://softori. We didn’t want to make ‘just’ an incremental improvement. Introducing WALTR PRO packed with powerful features, beautiful design & vastly more control. WALTR, an awesome Mac app for converting and transferring videos, music, ringtones and other media types to iOS devices, just got more awesome with the release of WALTR PRO.įor the past four years, we’ve been collecting your feedback and learning from our customers’ experience.
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joackbagamoyo · 9 days
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Call/Text/WhatsApp: 0714 63 63 75
@joackcompany @kilimo_tz @mifugo_tz @afyakiganjani @joackagrovet
Muda wetu wa kazi ni saa 1 Asubuhi hadi saa 5 Usiku / 7:00am - 11:00pm
Bei za vyombo kuanzia pc 0-9
1. Small Chicken feeder Vyombo vidogo vya chakula 5,000Tsh
2. Large Chicken feeder Vyombo vikubwa vya chakula 8,500Tsh
3. Small Drinker Vyombo vidogo vya maji 5,000Tsh
5. Large Chicken Drinker Vyombo vikubwa vya maji 8,500Tsh
6. Long Chicken feeder Vyombo vidogo vya chakula kwa vifaranga 4,500Tsh
7. Plate Chicken feeder Sahani za kuwekea chakula kwajili ya vifaranga 5,000Tsh
8. New Small Chicken Drinker Kibuyu kidogo 6,500Tsh
9. New Big Chicken Drinker Kibuyu Kikubwa 8,500Tsh
10. Keni za kumwagilia 14,000Tsh
Bei za vyombo kuanzia pc 10
1. Small Chicken feeder Vyombo vidogo vya chakula 4,500Tsh
2. Large Chicken feeder Vyombo vikubwa vya chakula 8,000Tsh
3. Small Chicken Drinker Vyombo vidogo vya maji 4,500Tsh
5. Large Chicken Drinker Vyombo vikubwa vya maji 8,000Tsh
6. Long Chicken feeder Vyombo vidogo vya chakula kwa vifaranga 4,000Tsh
7. Plate Chicken feeder Sahani za kuwekea chakula kwajili ya vifaranga 4,500Tsh
8. New Small Chicken Drinker Kibuyu kidogo 6,000Tsh
9. New Big Chicken Drinker Kibuyu Kikubwa 8,000Tsh
10. Keni za kumwagilia 13,500
#feeder #drinker #vyombovyakuku #vyombovyachakula #vyombovyamaji #vifaavyaufugaji #vyombovyaufugaji #chakulachakuku #layers #broiler #kukuwamayai #kukuwanyama #kukuchotara
Office zetu zipo Tegeta, @tegetawazohi - Barabarani ya kwenda kiwanda cha @twigacement, opposite na kota za kiwanda - Dar es salaam, Kwa wanaohitaji bidhaa zetu au huduma yoyote fika ofisini au wasilina nasi kwa
+255 714 63 63 75(WhatsApp)
+255 692 43 02 63
YouTube: https://youtu.be/Yd1kfmho0ac
Website link: https://joackcompany.business.site/
#joackcompany #kilimo #mayai #mayaiyakisasa #mayaiyachotara #kuku #kukuwamayai #layers #kukuchotara #dodoma #tunauzamayai #tanzania🇹🇿 #wauzajiwamayai #mifugo #mifugotz
0 notes
joackcompanytz · 9 days
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(Vifaa vyote)
WhatsApp/Call/Text: 0714 63 63 75
@joackcompany @kilimo_tz @mifugo_tz @joackagrovet @afyakiganjani
Vifaa hivyo vyote ambaovyo vipo kwenye hii kiti (BASIC SURGICAL KIT) ni:
1. Kidney dish big size pc 1
2. Kidney dish medium pc 1
3. Kidney dish small size pc 1
4. Forceps big size pc 2
5. Forceps medium size pc 2
6. Surgical scissors pc 2
7. Suture material pc 2
8. Suture needle pc 2
9. Digital thermometer pc 1
10. Surgical blade Pc 2
Surgical kit ni mjumuisho wa vifaa vinavyotumika katika kufanya upasuaji(surgical operation).
Vifaa hivyo vina kazi kama ifuatavyo; kuandaa sehemu ya upasuaji( surgical site preparation), kufanya upasuaji ( surgical incision), kuzuia kuvuja kwa damu ( hemostasis) na kufunga kidonda( suturing).
Lakini pia tunauza kifaa kimojakimoja na kumuandalia mteja Surgical kit kulingana na mahitaji yake, kwa gharama nafuu.
Mbali na hapo tuna vifaa vingine tofati na vifaa vya upasuaji (Surgical instruments) ambavyo vinavyotumika kwenye kazi mbalimbali za tiba ya mifugo.
#vifaavyaupasuaji #surgicalkit #surgicaltools #vifaavyamifugo #examinationgloves #surgicalequipment #vifaavyasajari #vifaavyaoperation #veterinaryequipment #dawazamifugo #dukaladawazamifugo #dawazamifugo #daktariwamifugo #magonjwayamifugo #matibabuyamifugo
Office zetu zipo @tegetawazohill - Barabara ya kwenda kiwanda cha @twigacement, opposite na kota za kiwanda - Dar es salaam, Kwa wanaohitaji bidhaa zetu au huduma yoyote fika ofisini au wasilina nasi kwa
+255 714 63 63 75(WhatsApp)
+255 692 43 02 63
YouTube: https://youtu.be/Yd1kfmho0ac
Website link: https://joackcompany.business.site/
Google location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/C2XiH7ppmYe6pq7Q9
#joackcompany #mifugo #mifugotz #ufugaji #broiler #arusha #mbeya #kilimanjaro #sungura #mbuzi #maziwa #dodoma #tanzania #tanzania🇹🇿 #morogoro
0 notes
service-vip1 · 5 months
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Meilleur abonnement IPTV Permium Android Smart TV M3U MAG FIRESTICK TOUTES LES APPLICATIONS. ✅Lien WhatsApp : https://wa.me/212623243029 ✅Ou lien télégramme : https://t.me/iptvpro12
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Meilleur fournisseur de services IPTV
Fournisseur de services IPTV
Meilleur service IPTV
Fournisseur IPTV
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