#whatever podcast
safije · 3 months
Any dumbass who can afford a microphone is making podcasts these days. I saw that guy from the Whatever podcast say women are privileged because we get asked out and complimented more..
No Kevin, I don't think the heroin addict and the guy who smells like pee at the bus stop asking for my number is a privilege. A lot of the attention women get is UNWANTED and I know that's hard for you males to believe because many of you would jump at every chance to stick your willy in any vag!na, but we prefer to be more selective because we just aren't that horny.
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cottoncandiescupcakes · 7 months
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It's not 'making women look dumb'
They only invite insta models and onlyfans on purpose and are like ALL WOMEN ARE DUMB SLUTS LOL while only inviting women they know will be dumb
Put this guy with Harvard graduates, female professors and career women and no one looks dumb. It's a cheap tactic to only invite either obviously ditzy girls or really young 18 year old naive girls to hate on all women. This podcast really shouldn't be allowed. This is like a kind of fetish for these men tbh
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souvlakicocaine · 9 months
alpha male podcasters say onlyfans girls r preying on desperate men by taking their money then take $100+ from those same men in return for reading their retarded little comments out loud
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cherrysoldier · 1 year
watching the whatever podcast ep #89 and as a radical feminist in NZ i am SHOCKED by the lack of education about the patriarchy and misogyny and how they affect dating and women’s and men’s expectations while dating like im literally experience brain cell die off. Carly & Ariel are they only girls on there with some brains and even then it hurts to see Brian mansplain shit and because Carly literally couldn’t find the words to explain what she meant and like i KNOW if those girls even the girl with the pink tank top like if they HAD seen and read the studies and stats that i have read then they would realise they’re literally on the right track with a lot of what they’re saying but because they don’t have specifics some weird 34 year old man can “out explain” them by using more eloquent sounding speak. it’s sooo frustrating seeing women being treated like this.
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gettothestabbing · 1 year
Lila Rose, founder and president of the non-profit Live Action, was a guest on "Dating Talk" and had the opportunity to ask J. Waller some questions about his refusal to be monogamous. He says he just isn't wired that way, and he spent the better part of his 20s trying to change, but it just didn't happen. He will never commit to just one woman.
"But you're a man of self-control. You work out, you do business. You possess your own power and direct it the way you want to direct it," Lila says.
"It's not how I am," he says, not even making eye contact with her.
"You think that might be a limited mindset?" she responds.
He becomes visibly angry at the line of questioning and launches into a tirade of ad hominem insults rather than actually defending his position.
"I think it's none of your business," he snaps. "I don't want you to think I'm triggered by you, I'm not. I saw somebody say that, and I think that's interesting. I think you're annoying, but I'm not triggered. You are, you're annoying, in like this goody-two-shoes type way, and that's fine. I'm going to live my life on my terms, unapologetically, truly, so you can ask me this 85 different ways. At the end of the day, I'm going to walk out of here the same man."
Lila simply smiles and allows him to insult her, knowing that she has taken the high road and has clearly struck a nerve. Throughout the conversation, he is never able to make eye contact with her and is slouched over the microphone. Many people online identify his behavior and body language as a person who is not fully confident in his own beliefs and decisions. Meanwhile, Lila is sitting straight up and doesn't appear to be phased, not even by his insults.
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
To Those Who Hate the Red Pill but Want the Philosophy Picked Apart:
I present this vid: the Red Pill deconstructed through the lens of a man who is happily and successfully married for almost 30 years.
(It's not as cringey or out of touch as the thumbail looks, fyi~.)
The vid may be over an hour long, but there is a TON of information in the first 25 min., breaking down how the philosophy is a cheap fix for broken people and who/what it attracts.
Give it a listen, so worth it! I'd briefly gone down the Red Pill hole (call it an explorational phase~) but came away dissatisfied and sneery at how childish it is. He condenses the material, streamlines it, and has an incredible GoW Kratos presentation to break it all down.
It's completely politically neutral: the presenter is an atheist who simultaneously abhors established religion and makes space for others to live their religious beliefs however they choose.
Quote: "Spraying cologne on a turd isn't going to make you not a turd. You can attract all the women in the world; but if your personality is garbage, why would any of them want to stay with you? Someone is not going to stay with you for 60+ because you have a nice car or a sexy body. You have to have some other reason that people want you in their life-- and that's very good news if you're not conventionally attractive but you're confident, likeable, and selfless. It's very bad news if you're resentful, entitled, and jealous."
Great news! It seems the Red Pill is vastly unpopular IRL; and its popularity is sinking now that Andrew Tate called it cringed (and got charged for crimes, woo!) and the "godfather" Rollo Tomassi had a cringey baby fit and embarrassed himself and his ideas.
More great news! I've read countless stories from men who were lonely or depressed or sad or scared that fell down these rabbit holes, thinking the validation they were given was correct because the red pill capitalizes on their "pain points" (this vid covers that, too); but when they got into real relationships, they tossed the philosophy aside-- because it's only a philosophy that can thrive in solo, toxic environments devoid of outside criticism or other ways of life.
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dragonofdarkness666 · 7 months
Sassy men apocalypse?? 😂
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collgeruledzebra · 3 months
the thing about trying to recommend fiction podcasts to someone who isn't familiar with them is that not only are so so many genres represented but also the level of production can fall anywhere from "basically an audiobook" to "major motion picture minus the pictures"
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michaelworthy25 · 1 year
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Whatever Girl
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potato-lord-but-not · 19 days
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what if…. Noel centric angst? ever think about that?
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saragrosie · 28 days
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I have been sketching. So much tma. Here's some expansions on my Jon and Martin designs I've been doing.
Another note I forgor to mention is I love how after hearing Simon go "it's enough to make your hair turn white" about Martin's office in s4 many of us collectively agreed his hair turned white because of his association with the Lonely. The shared consciousness is real and we use it to play hot potato with the communal brain cell dedicated to the sillies.
Closeup of apocalypse boyfriends (also to the person who said they love my s5 Jon's fancy white girl updo: I think about that every day)
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apostle-of-locusts · 15 days
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Worlds worst seeing eye dog
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eva-birdman-art · 6 months
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I finally caught up to malevolent and omg these two!!!! THESE TWO ISTG
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souvlakicocaine · 1 year
I want to rip out Brian Atlas’s jugular with my teeth
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masdane · 3 months
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*twirls hair* so there's this horror podcast....
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no-tengo-ojos · 3 months
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Another Starry Night piece but this time Welcome To Night Vale!
You all seemed to like the last one and these are fun to do so why not?
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