#what the hell nyx
houseofzoey · 9 months
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Nyx: Good job maintaining this extremely difficult, draining spell, High Priestess who I admittedly have a close and long-standing relationship with. I'm not going to offer you any aid, or renew your strength, or even - spoilers! - warn you that this spell will ultimately kill you, even though I just provided this kind of warning for Kalona about an hour ago. Have fun!
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wintvies · 4 days
i think everyone should share their lip combo for scientific purposes
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oxen-nyx · 8 months
So this art is actually years old (and doesn’t really reflect my current artstyle all that much lol) and I cannot for the life of me remember if I already posted this or not BUT!!!
I shall post it (again possibly)
The fancomic below is of START AGAIN START AGAIN START AGAIN, the prologue of In Stars And Time to avoid confusion. So yeah.
I forgot I even made this. Ha.
SPOILERS FOR START AGAIN START AGAIN START AGAIN BELOW (I think, I honestly can’t remember but the general vibe is spoilery I think)
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kawaimoonshine · 8 months
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✨💃🏼Hit 'Em up Style💃🏿✨
Man this took long but I'm happy with the results!
Tho tbh I wasn't exactly sure what clothes they should have (and I need more exposure to Turian clothes), one thing was sure, I wanted my Ryder (Zoey) and Vetra to have something kinda matching, so checkered jackets it is
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mayoiayasep · 8 months
i just had someone tell me i looked like i personally identified with beast boy from teen titans go like you might as well shoot me
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gardenerian · 1 year
To add to the breakfast in bed thing, imagine Mickey going to wake Ian up once he's done but he ends up not being able to do it because Ian is just too cute when he sleeps. So Mickey lets the food get cold because he's too busy watching Ian's freckles dance on his face as the sun rises
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hey...... HEY. what the fuck???? i don't even. i have nothing to add here i am at my LIMITTTTTTT 😭 that is.... unfathomably sweet 😭 he'll go out for some sweet susan's when ian's lil sleepyface finally wakes up 😭
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sieglinde-freud · 11 months
“surely reina as a demote will be easy to pull” said the fucking dumbass who somehow pulled brave soren and ascended ced back to back but no hot murder wife
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parents just said barbie movie wasn't monumental (and they haven't even seen it)
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What Poptropica character besides the player could take down Zeus?
I'm still wondering how the Player was even able to do that! All they had were Poseidon's Trident and Hades' Invisible-Crown-Thingy.
I guess if some of the gods combined their power... but even then, Poseidon and Hades (the two most powerful gods besides Zeus) weren't able to beat him... but a child in a hotdog costume is able to beat him... and all they have is their trident and crown...
I can't think of anyone else logically, except the Titabs. The Player shouldn't have been able to beat Zeus in the first place XD
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houseofzoey · 1 year
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Pardon the extremely long quote, but it's necessary to get the full scope of what Shaunee is arguing here.
Nyx doesn't take away people's gifts when they mess up and hurt others because that would be controlling, and she loves unconditionally. Unconditional love means supporting people through all their decisions and letting them find the right path on their own. Just like a parent with a children.
Except this doesn't make sense because the author didn't engage with this metaphor in its full scope. Yes, vampyres and fledglings are Nyx' children. Yes, your children will make mistakes, and often learning from those mistakes means you can't rush in and rescue them from the consequence. That's all true and fair... if you're talking about a kid drawing on the wall with crayons. That's not what this situation is, though.
To make an accurate comparison, if Detective Marx gives his eleven year old a loaded pistol and she shot off her sister's ear, as a loving and responsible parent, he needs to take the gun away. Letting her keep the gun and preaching that she has to learn from her mistakes is not only extremely dangerous, but it's literally abusive to the wounded child.
Moreover, Neferet isn't a child. She's over 100 years old. She absolutely knows better and should face consequences accordingly. Nyx swooping in and dealing with her isn't cleaning up Neferet's mess for her; it's making her face consequences. The interference is the consequence! And as a grown-ass woman, Neferet should face full consequences for the harm she has done, up to an including having all magic power stripped from her.
Whether someone is an adult or a child, if they have a weapon and they maliciously hurt someone with it, the responsible and loving thing to do for the community as a whole is take away the weapon.
This sounds like the rest of the world is being punished for Neferet's mistake. If Nyx saves them from the actions of her child, then she's spoiling everyone else and letting them turn into brats. So they need to buckle up and fix this mess themselves. Do you hear how messed up that is?
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stygianoaths · 2 years
i know they were well aware of what was supposed to happen but sometimes i think about how exasperated the fates must have been when they saw the cords that were just cut snap back together during the time when the doors of death of were still open
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inutaffy · 1 year
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i left without saying goodbye and ily
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So our friend that doesn't have a Tumblr account [I'm looking at you, Colour] suggested that my arrival in the system didn't just change it, but also changed the whole wonderland, which now resembles something like a separate dimension. And, oh well! she's so right.
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theonyxranger · 1 year
Welp, I didn't approve a windows 11 "upgrade" bUT HERE WE FUCKING ARE I GUESS
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mayoiayasep · 10 months
what the fuck is going on on twitter why am i hearing about nicolas cantu bitch slapping d.ream
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hellishgayliath · 5 months
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