#what reaction did she even exept?
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malithetacofan · 1 month ago
Happy Star jumpscare
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He's on my school backpack now✨
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I'm also going to make Animatic pin, if I can find markers that are not blurred by the rain
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heya...!!! Sweetypie, if you don't mind could you please do a headcannon for Murdoc and 2D with s/o Those who have a special motherly attitude towards children, I also want to know how they will react when they have children. And their kids love to help. You can ignore this request, if you feel uncomfortable . Love you and your blog ❤️❤️🌹
Murdoc and 2D with a GN! S/O who is motherly children + their recation to having kids + Helpful kids.(I gave up on the rainbow letering)
WRITERS NOTES: Hi I don't really have much to say this time around, exept sorry anon for taking so long, and sorry to every body else who has requested. But thank you for the love, I'm glad you enjoyed my works.
side note: And I know motherly implies female or fem S/O, but gender was never spisificly spesified in the reqeasts and in mt opion men and non gender conforming people can be motherly or maternal, and I just like doing GN! more unless it's key to the hc's themselves, so I'll be doing GN! with this.
[Another note: If you've seen my post before this, you know I'm debating on leaving Gorillaz tumblr and maybe shifting to AO3 so I'm gonna use this post and my next few to gage how active this comunity is and see if theres even an audience for my writing here, if not once I get my AO3 acount I'll move there as the Gorillaz comunity seems much more active there]
Requests: closed
Edited: no
Pairings: Murdoc x reader, 2D x reader
Phase: unspesified
TW: Murdoc's mommy issues, Murdoc is an ass, communication issues?, Oopsy baby, Murdoc is not happy about being a father, child abandonment, fear of becoming a parent, bad spelling, bad grammar, swearing, adoption, 2D is scared about being a dad, anxiety about being a parent, if I missed anything please do tell!
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S/O is motherly twords kids
Let's start off with pertty Murtty here
Listen I'ma be real honest with ya man, he could not give less of shit what you thought about kids beyhond Noodle
He's not exactly the paternal type here
And ya see, he probubly wouldn't see you act this way with kids besideds Noodle, because his life doesn't constatute him seeing kids a lot
He's a musition and he has centered a large portion of his life around it, and his hobbies outside of his job and music aren't exactly child friendly
So the most of children he see's is noodle when she she was a kid, the occational child on the street, or when kids parents bring them to their concert because the baby sitter canceld and even than he's seeing them from stage
Also most kids are scared of Murdoc so yeah
but for the sake of things lets say your in a situation where he sees with kids or more likely teens or pre-teens, and you are acting motherly
And first of all if they are teens/pre-teens he'll probably try and gage if their fans if there not and their not impressed by his status and bragging he has little interest in them
But when it comes to you interacting with kids
Murdocs reaction? unimpressed, than out right unplesant.
if there young children he'll just groan, and stare
And jealusy will slowly start bubbling in him
Not the 'pay atention to me' kinda jealusy but 'why wasn't any one as kind to me when I was a kid' kinda jealusy
and from there he'll probubly stomp off
Murdoc could feel himself tence as he watched to coddle that little twat, "Can ya shut'em up, all the little fuck did was trip, no need for the damn wambulance..." murdoc mocked under his breath. "He's 4 Murdoc, the hell are getting so pissy for..." you snap back, you two had stoped at a park because you wanted Murdoc to get out more, and while out a little boy had triped nearby- you heard and whent to help. Murdoc shifted uncomfortably where he stood, before shaking his head and starting his way to the street, "... I'm teird of this place I'm ready to go back to Kong, meet me outside the park when your ready or I'll leave without you.." his words were bitter but his threat was hollow and you knew it. You found him on the streat smoking a few minutes later after you had found the parents of the kid. You walked up to with your arms crossed, displeased with his behavour from earlyer. "What was up with you back there, that was totaly uncalled for.", you asked him somewhat stern. Murdoc srunched up his face and made a weird sound "mgh'well..." what Murdoc wanted to say was 'why did that kid get someone like you to be so nice to them, why wasn't anyone like that shown kindness tome when I was a kid, did I not i deserve it?', but he wouldn't, instead just it was nothing before starting the silent walk back to kong.
So as prevously stated Murdoc kinda struggles with a S/O who like to mom kids
He never knew his mom, he never knew anything resembleing maternal care, and it makes him bitter watching children recive the love he so despreatly needed as a child but never got
Murdocs reaction to having a child
I was originaly going to make this section of Murdocs HC purly with a Fem S/O purly because I couldn't see or invoision murdoc wanting or actauly trying to have kids, if he had it would be an acident and an unhappy one at that
I vary breifly mentioned at the start of my Dadoc with a Daughter HC's that Murdoc doesn't want and will never want kids of his of frouition
But to keep things G/N so anyone can read it lets go with if you have a functioning uteruise than it was an oopsy baby, but if you don't or don't want it be your kid, than one of Murdocs old hook ups droped a kid off at kong studios doorstep just like his mom did to his dad, and by extent you as his partner(if your chose to stay) take responsibility as the childs adoped parent anogside the actual father aka your boyfriend Murdoc
Why'd I go through all that explination crap?
Because the truth is in any situation Murdoc doen't want kids(I've said it so many time, I'm sorry for being repetative)
Young children kinda scare him, in his opion their grows and sticky
My opion on murdoc and his kids has changed some but not entirly since the Dadoc HC's so do mind any conradicting statments I may make
And that change is how Murdoc reacts when first met with the news of being a father, he isn't imeadity like 'I wanna be better than my dad was', he more or less goes through the stages of greif before he gets to that point
Denial: "The kid can't be mine!"
Bargening: "Maybe we can put it up for adoption, yeah?"
Depression: "I'm not ready for this, I can't handle being a father... I'll probubly fuck the kid up.."
Aceptance: "I have a chance... a chance to be better.."
And despite aceptance that doesn't meant he'll be dandy walking into parenthood, he'll be anxouise, hesitant, and inatentive for quite some time, very reliant on others help and assistance
He struggles with the more responsibility based parts unsure and unerved
Which all of this is kinda ironic because despite never wanting kids he sure as helll never took any prucotions to prevent them
Helpfull kids
Honestly makes him question if the kids are is or not
A Niccels helpful? Never
At least in Murdocs eyes
But regardless of his doubts, when the kids are young he'll take it as a pleasant surprise
Kinda gets a complex about it honestly
Like he thinks his kids(that includes noodle) are better than every one elses
"Your kids has a black belt in karate, well mine did the washing up last night, also another one is milataryly trained in kenjutsu, so suck it!"
But that does change when they become teenagers
He doesn't exactly trust teens persay
I mean he assumes his teen is gonna be like him as a teen so he doesn't acept their help assuming they have bad inentions
"Hey pops, I can help take out the trash"
"And what, let you throw it through the neighbors windows? Absulutly not!"
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S/O is motherly twords kids
Once more like Murdoc, 2D's life doesn't constatute him seeing kids that much, with the exption being Noodle- 2D hardly interacts with kids
He does so more than Murdoc though, probubly because 2D goes outs out the house.
but again for the sake of it lets say your in a situation where 2D gets to see you motherly with children(that isn't Noodle, sorry Noodle)
He's totaly A-okay with it, and thinks it very sweet of you
I mean hell this guy probably already thinks the world of you, it's kinda hard to make yourself more likeble, but some how you did it
but honestly, the truth is it doesn't ilisit much of a reaction from, him cuz the truth is it was kinda expected
Because unlike some people *cough* Murdoc *cough* he had a fairly good upbringing, with loving caring people, espeasly his mother who he has a solid relationship with even as an adult
So to him it's kinda expected for you to get along with kids, in his mind any adult person regardless of gender should be diecent twords kids
And S/O just being extra motherly is purly just a highlight for him it just makes you a litlle but better
Kindness, and caringness is what 2D wants in a partner so seeing this really solidifies that you two are ment to be in his nonexistent eyes
Side note though kids are scared of him, more or less when he had pits where his eyes should've been, but even the pure white freaks young kids out
Which sucks because when 2D sees you doting on some kids, he kinda gets a feeling of being left out
and he wants to say hi to the kiddos and just take it as an opertunity to bond with you
if only it ever worked out like that...
"Hi kiddies!" Stuart said with a wide smile as he waked up behind you
Cue a crying 3 year old and a crying 5 year old, as they were scared shitless by the tall blue hair man that towerd over them and looked at them with hollow eye socets
"wait, why are they crying?" Stuart turns to you caught off gaurd, "did something happen... was it somthing I did?"
But once most kids get to know him, they usualy love him
2D's reaction to having a child
I don't think Stuart ever wanted kids, but I don't think he's upset at the prospects, well at lest as upset as murdoc
Because 2D definity has his own doubts
And while Stuart is a bit ditzy, always seems to be stuck in his own head
when brought down to reality he's quite compitent
2D in my opion lives life with his head in the clouds, stated by his own wiki, but he has breif moments or peiords of clairity at times
I could see this being one of those moments
Kids are a big thing so if there was a situation where he had to think serouisly about being a parent it would be hard at first, whether that be an acident baby(that he has to take resposibity for) or his partner siting him down to have serious conversation about kids, whether concieving, adoption, or sergate.
like I said he's not totaly incompetent
He knows his situation isn't ideal for kids
His career takes up a large portion of his life wether that be traveling, recoding or writing songs, that doesn't leave time for kids
Not to mention relisticly with his situation with being being abused by murdoc throughout all phases makes the thought of bringing his child into the same building as Murdoc want to make 2D cry
So frankly he is more or less scared and anxouise because a child is a lot, and he understands his life would not permit that
not to say 2D hasn't thought about kids nesisarly, because I could see him enjoying being a father, and could see him with his expearence helping raise Noodle, become kinda fond of the idea of kids
But thats it, and idea, he never thought he would be given the opertunity
I could see 2D walking away from the situation of either the children talk or being told about oopsy baby
Not like abandoning, but like taking a step back to catch his breath and thing
I could see him talking to his mom for advice
She had and raised a kid after all
And she gives him pretty solid advice, if want to be a parent(or are going to be a parent), but your not ready, than get ready- over thinking wont help, and work with partner(S/O) to make the trasition easyer.
So after talking with his mom, and smoking two packs of ciggarents, 2D comes to you with his mind clear, and ready to try and have a real conversation
and while still scared and anxouise he gets really exited eventualy
Stuart, at some point starts actauly looking forward to becoming a parent... a little to much
But how can you blaim him, Stuart can get really pasionate when he's doing them and can over do things very easily
Also in later phases if your looking into adoption I could see stuart semi-joking about trying to find the iligitimate kids he hd when he was younger and slept around a lot
But regardless 2D would be a loving parent
2D would also be really exited about giving his mom grand kids, and having his mom involved
But despite that Stuart is still a ditz and needs a lot of help with the whole parenting thing
"Sweatheart, you're making /Childs name/ their bottle, right?" You say entering the kitchen. "Yep I got it all well in done." Stuart beems happily at you pointing at the bottle on the counter. "Great thanks..." You nod grabing the bottle before pausing, the feeling of a cold bottle makes you frown and shake your head "...wait, you forgot to heat up the bottle again..." you sigh, at this point you should just expect it with how frequently he does it. Stuart's posture falters as he looks at you blankly "I'm suposed to heat it up?", "Yes stuart, yes you are- and it's suposed to be luke warm tempurate, don't put in the microwave for 5 minutes again.." You state mater afactly handing the bottle back to him, he needs to learn how to do this himself Stuart responds back with a chipper "okay", before trying to put the whole bottle in the microwave, "Wait, stuart, hon, you to trake off the the bottles and and nipple before you warm it" you stop him before he puts it in. "Wait, this parts called a nipple?"
He's trying but it's a bit of a struggle
Stuart with a helpful kid
Good, their dad could use the help
Stuart lucked out with a helpful kid, cuz while like I said it was a struggle at the start
It would probubly be a struggle though out
And I don't think 2D could handle rebellious kids, so it's good their well behaved and helpful
I could also see 2D picking up on this and trying to be more atentive himself
Sorry not much else to say
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idk how to start but I am SO confused about that last look of a flabbergasted Francesca when she meets Michaela? WHAT WAS THAT? i haven't read the books so excuse me for that 😭
some thoughts-
+ they are wasting away Benedict. they are wasting his potential and story and what all he could be. he felt so...out of place, confused and useless this season. half of his scenes were of him having sex that was not going ANYWHERE. i love Benny so much but i want shonda to treat this President of Pookie Nation with care and love. I want the story to respect Benedict because his character has so much potential and so much to offer. He hides behind his charming smiles and taunts but his eyes are always sad. As if he is looking for something-this one crucial piece of puzzle and he cannot seem to find it. shonda babes you better sharpen your quill.
+ all the instances that were supposed to be happy for Pen- the marriage, the engagement, the wedding night, ALL OF IT WAS RUINED BECAUSE of that stupid LW secret.
+Kate and Anthony still the best couple i do not make the rules. i don't think even Polin is topping them. tho Kate is certainly topping Anthony tonight.
+ the season was good don't get me wrong but it felt..a bit... rushed and its like the writers are focusing more on the future than savour the present. everything is happening because of the future seasons. idk if that makes sense
+i DID NOT like violet's treatment of kilmartin. i like violet most of the time but she didn't have to act so "unsure", distant and sloppy with kilmartin.
+Francesca gave some slippery vibes as if she is hiding something. or is it just me?
+I don't know why everyone is bashing Eloise so much. I pity her so much. She has kept the sword aside, she stopped fighting but she looks SO LONELY. she is not always the easiest person and she is whiny but i wish i could give her the tightest hug and talk day and night. maybe I see myself in her too much that i am defending her.
+i like they included hyacinth and Gregory this season, they are so precious.
+ i liked cressida's redemption arc but I think Lady Featherington might have won this one. She made peace with Pen in her own tight lipped fashion but i love that for her, i am not going to lie.
+ oh, cressida. i feel too bad for her. i do. but I do not sympathise with her. i actually do not know what to think of her at all.
+mr and Mrs mondrich yassssss slaying as always so cool so suave i love them
+once again, KANTHONY💅🏻🕺🏻✨🥰✨⭐✨💫❤️❤️❤️ ALWAYS AND FOREVER
+ Best acting this entire season- Claudia Jessie. She is just too good.
Honorable mention- Colin and his rage when he finds out the real LW
+did I mention KANTHONY?
+LADY DANBURY' storyline was TOO DAMN GOOD. Her pain, the sweet moments between violet and her, how she confronted her brother. She is simply sublime. One of my fav characters. Again, i love my boy Benny but Lady Danbury had a better storyline than whatever the heck his story was trying to achieve.
okay, i ll stop. i am so sorry for making you read all this. i may not be as interesting as Lady WhistleDOWN.
Abt benedict : i'm afraid they are just going to use him off but apparently next season is about him so we'll, but yeah, appart from the sex scenes we had nothing more of him 🥲
Abt LW secret and all : I absolutely hated colin's reaction to pen's power and his stupid jalousy that he has all bc she is more sucsesfull than he will ever be and that she was able to build all of it by herself and her own labour and NO ONE praised her for that exept mme delacroix
Abt kanthony : i loved them sm but why werd they randomly popping on and out. I honestly lost track of them at some point
Abt the season writing : after discussing with a friend, we thought that the season did not have the same pattern as the others, especially part 2 which seemed a bit weird, as if not wrote by the same person
Abt violet : i used to be always like " i could never hate her " but now she just pissed me off. Girl, u can see that your daughter is happy and she found someone she's confortable with so why being such a brat ???
Abt Éloïse : i understand that she felt lonely and all but she is such a bad friend, took cressida for granted, just using her and not even caring for anyone but herself
Abt lady featherington : i had the feeling her "redemption arc " was forced and unatural
And finally, i agree with pretty much everything
Thank you for interacting ❤️
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bindi-the-skunk · 2 years ago
There are other ways to make LxG film fics "closer to the comics" other than making Hyde a rapist, which, in the end, was done for no reason but to make Hyde seem more evil, heck, freaking Griffin in the comic was a pedophile raping schoolgirls and shit.
It serves no purpose, especially if you want us to at least partialy stomach them as part of the hero group and comic!Jekyll seemed like the type who couldn't even take a piss without asking permission first, much less have RAPE fantasies he wishes to live out through Hyde.
Hyde IS Jekyll, don't give us this weak and pathetic worm of a man and expect us to believe a rapist cannibal erupted from him! (And no just because Movie!Jekyll has more agency does not mean he can be labled a better canidate for a rapist, when sources say it is his TEMPER that made Hyde, not lust or anything like that) it serves no purpose to do this and should only be reserved for characters who will later get their testicles burnt off in a beaker of acid.
Nemo's comic version was very much a psychotic blood knight, perhaps have him enjoy fighting a few baddies a bit TOO much and start to slip back into his own ways and has to be pulled back by the rest of the League.
Heck, this could even apply to NemoxJekyll fics, Henry is BRITISH, from a people who Nemo spent almost his whole life despising and wanting dead (women and children might be an exeption to this given his movie reaction to the idea of using them as hostages as "monsterous" but movie!Nemo has a moral compass that seems like it would work most of the time)
Since even comic!Nemo paid Jekyll a compliment on his genius (and I don't think Captain Nemo of all people would use that word lightly) but I can see him sometimes slipping back into old habits on bad days, not out of malice, but old habits die hard as they say, and book!Nemo already suffered from a mental break once, so he could have moments of coldness despite legitamitly loving his new friends or drama from Jekyll thinking he might just be a replacement for Ishmael (or in MinaxHenry fics thinking he is a replacement for Jonathan) instead of being loved for himself
Movie!Quartermain could have had a drug habit after losing his wife and son, but got clean by the time of the movie but someone tries to lure him back into that life by bringing up bad memories
There are ways to make the story itself "darker' without having to go the rape route, or if there is rape, kindly do not make it someone we are supposed to ENJOY watching or reading about.
Or if you did wanted to toe other issues, Sawyer could mistake one of Nemo's crew for Injun-Joe in the dark and panic, having to explain the story and maybe bringing up his friend Huck helping a runaway slave (Sawyer did not seem racist in the film despite when he was supposed to come from so PTSD not racism would be the cause of the fear)
Or Nemo letting Janni think he is dead because he feels she would be happier that way (do people just assume ALL foriegn parents are sexist assholes to their girls? I do admit that several families are awful to girls, but I'm sure not ALL were like that even back when the story takes place, and especially not in modern!AU) And Movie!Nemo did not seem to mind Mina at all even before she revealed the ability to rip out necks, and even saved her life in the library scene )
Tom seems like the sunshine child, but he would be a PTSD ridden MESS after what he has gone though in both the book and in the canon backstory of his best buddy Huck finn being KILLED pre-movie )
Mina has lost EVERYTHING, her husband, her humanity and perhaps even her child and other friends from either time, illness or wanting to keep them safe from her condition, her taking Dorian and possibly others as lovers admittedly sounds on the surface like a woman embracing her sexuality and not fearing it.
And yes that can be seen as true, or you can look at her like another version of Nora Fries from the Harley Quinn show, as in taking lovers as a way to disconnect from the pain of losing her husband
So many ideas but people just choose to fall back on rape…ughhh
sorry just needed to rant...
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megashadowdragon · 2 years ago
Why Sanji Is Oda's FAVOURITE Straw Hat
youtube comment  About Sanji\Robin situation. It's both not so deep and layered at the same time, if you think about it. Black Maria specifically told him to call for Robin, not just any other person, so he clearly had no other option other than her. But him really doing that does show his character growth. In older times he'd rather die than put someone's life on the line instead of his own, let alone doing that to a woman.   But this moment works not only for Sanji, but for Robin as well, like they get each other. They were in the same situation, they tried to leave the crew and trade their lives for safety of who they cherish, because they thought that the enemy is to big and powerfull and they are not worthy anyway. But the crew fought for them and won, showing that together they are strong, that they can depend on each other and that the crew basically cherish them back. But not only that. The whole thing "you can do what I can't and I can do what you can't" is displayed here. Sanji can never defeat Black Maria. We know it, crew knows it, Sanji knows it very well. And strawhats reaction showed exactly that, exept for Jimbe, because he wasn't with them for that long to know what's up. And Sanji know that Robin is strong and can handle it and he has other shit to do as one of the main fighters on the crew. That's like a direct callback to fight with Kalifa when Nami asked him did he really do everythig to win it, and if he couldn't then he could run away. Nami did what Sanji couldn't do so he would ba able to do what he could. Now Robin can do that for him, and she knows that the crew got her back as well. Him not fighting women is arguably not the character flaw but a trait, even Oda told us that in SBS. He just wouldn't do it and that the way he is.
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vvarcrime · 3 months ago
HtaH Dashboard Simulator
🦆bitethehandthatpromises Follow
I will be honest keeping jean-luc in a room for 20 years was probably not the nicest thing to do to him but he DID directly cause thousands of deaths. It was that or killing him outright. At least this way he finally gets to live his shit dream of being mark van santen's loser boytoy in his 50s. Honestly i think the fact that he was still into him is what really needs discussing here. Is the grand archon okay.
🌅 patricides Follow
No way Manon Delaforêt is doing prison state apologia on my fucking dash rn
🦆 bitethehandthatpromises Follow
Oh hi there giselle "patricides" o'sullivan id love to hear more about what you think an appropriate, constructive reaction to violent murder is
🌅 patricides Follow
🦆bitethehandthatpromises Follow
Please tell me more about how you think i should have dealt with my dad
🌟vvarcrime Follow
I love learning about the Fall of the Rationalists' League, honestly. There is a nonzero chance that manon's dad having workplace relations would have prevented mass murder.
🫒unidentifiedbaby Follow
btw just so everyone knows whilst trading pows was absolutely in the talks. manon pulling jean-luc delaforêt our of her literal basement and selling him back to the ga for a full release of all coalition pows and then some was not discussed because she failed to mention that he was even alive. that level of resource cultivation would be so impressive if it wasn't basically land mutiny.
🌟vvarcrime Follow
Cranky cos u didnt get to grill him before he got traded off? 🥺
🫒unidentifiedbaby Follow
🌟vvarcrime Follow
🗿fiendberg Follow
My dick is NOT that good
🐠greyspawnofficial Follow
Jack Valerian has been coping and seething abt the Jean-Luc thing all day which would be hilarious if I wasnt also so miffed. About the Jean-Luc thing.
🌅 patricides Follow
Hey boss its ok im sure youre great at unlawful detention too
😈 vixiegracebignaturals Follow
o so NOW people care about illegaly ditaining ppl in basements? white man privilige smh when i was illegaly ditained in a basement nobody cared exept ophelia and she put me there 💀
🌟vvarcrime Follow
😈vixiegracebignaturals Follow
no. someone else. sorry vivienne lorelei grace, who i do not know
⁉️cassandyass Follow
I cant believe jean is still alive i hope mark rides his shiny new boytoy so hard he has a heart attack and dies
🥶likefromwaterhouse Follow
mark or jean-luc?
⁉️cassandyass Follow
🌅 patricides Follow
🫒unidentifiedbaby Follow
With all due respect, they have the same surname??
🌅 patricides Follow
Thank you for your input, Jack! Do you also think i am related to the fucking twins at st. Claire's
🥶likefromwaterhouse Follow
You know usually i get very annoyed thinking about the amount of work i did for the GA & the fact that they keep using it to make god-men out of war criminals but i do genuinely hope they devote the time and resources necessary to clone Jean-Luc new eyes, only to completely forget that 20 years of total blindness will have resulted in his brain completely overwriting the parts that he used to see with Other Stuff. & completely waste their time.
🌟vvarcrime Follow
That can HAPPEN?
🥶likefromwaterhouse Follow
Yeah 👍
🛫sanguineish Follow
Hholy shit jeanluc alive
🌟vvarcrime Follow
Hey man hows it going
🛫 sanguineish Follow
We should. Killhim
🦆bitethehandthatpromises Follow
🛫sanguineish Follow
My apologies! Did not mean to Qjestion yoir decision
🌅 patricides Follow
Anyone in this thread smoke weed
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calyssmarviss · 8 months ago
Okay i got obsessed again with star wars here for a minute, legit started working on tthat one fic again because my vpn was making the episode charge dreadfully slow but now i turned it off and BUCK WHAT ARE YOU DOING I MEAN YEAH I MEAN WHAT THE HELL IS EDDIE DOING THERE I MEAN GO IT FOR KING I MEAN NO YOU DON’T DESERVE IT AFTER THAT CATCH YOU LATER BUCK that was bitchy as fuck wow they’re both jealous and it’s incredible
(Much later: well this has turned into a whole ass shoke full of spoilers reaction post didn’t it)
That’s insane dialogue, what do you mean “jumping ship” and “keeping options fluids”, mhm, boys? Like on a surface level Eddie’s asking if Buck is thinking about a new career option, and the metaphor makes it not even sound that deep, but you know they have some history with the concept of leaving the 118 and it either did not go down at all or didn’t go well. So Buck’s answer is like, probably not the best one to hear if you’re Eddie Diaz, but it’s banter in front of a thir party so even if he’s thinking about that he has to let it fly. Then if you put your buddie goggles on, it can be him asking, are you interested in that guy?
That’s not Harry. Aintnoway he went through his whole ass puberty in less than a year!
Look, Bobby can spot the impostor too.
Hey girlies how does it feel to be so right and never lose? Ngl feels so good to me.
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He’s so revolted this was the perfect moment to pause at
Oh god the next frame tho.
The rope going down the pipe exept they’re both on top now
Eddie now you’re doing it on purpose. Buck just said “you never have enough friends” and you just… piled on top of it. Like. I get you, i really get you. All’s fair. But that’s Buck and you know he has abandonment issues, man.
oh Nooo
Oh you didn’t didn’t edmundo diaz
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Oh god i stopped to type and didn’t hear the dialogue yet this is insane Eddie you babby trapped him and he was your second choice and it’s your third date with Tommy already. *cough*whore*cough*/affectionate
No fr real Eddie Diaz pettiest bitch in Los Angeles. He’s gonna make Buck come to his senses the haaaaaard way.
Insane shit.
You bet he’s bothered and bewildered.
BITCHING TO HIS SISTER he’s so precious (Eddie it’s working)
Revenge of the Sith is the best Star Wars tho Buck, I’m in Tommy and Chris’s camp on this. Guess you’ll have to be the babysitter from now on.
“I didn’t have to (in the bitchiest tone Oliver Stark has ever used). Eddie, on his fridge (!) has a day calendar, under a take out menu: Thursday: BBPU, Double-U, back slash(okay you insane man), Tommy. And it’s circled.”
I’m dying and it’s from pure glee.
“Is it circled with a heart around it?”
“We have a problem.”
Yeah, that kid’s not Harry!
Lmao he’s on the run from the cops!
Yeah she can’t recognise her son because that’s not Harry!
Why is the show encouraging me???
Okay, that’s Harry, fine.
Oh now who’s inside looking in, looking through the glass closet locker room no less
Wait, isn’t that what leads to those stills i’ve seen of that convo? Are they gonna have a serious talk?
I need all the gifs from that episode.
Making sure he’s in line of sight, uh.
You’re not the one he wants Ravi, sorry.
asdfghjkl evan buckley you got it bad
Eddie stop it, you’re not looking but I’m going to have to look at Buck’s face next frame
Bros when no hoes i guess
Okay that faceblindness case is genuinely awful
Lmao are Eddie and Tommy gonna be there?
Oh yeah, here they are
This is about to get bloody
“So I’m your basketball beard. I feel so bonded.” pffFf
Oh this is both hot and kind of embar at the same time
So, what do you thought of that chest Buck, did it give you insecurities
You knkw what Eddie, you kind of deserved it FOR ONCE you shouldn’t play with the feelings of a guy that huge
Oh this isn’t good and I’m not talking about Eddie’s foot here
“So how’s he feeling?”
“I don’t know.”
That’s what i though you were going to say.
“I felt left out. I was trying to get his attention.” 😭
You know, he’s so valid for that, because Eddie’s attention on him is just… it’s always there, you know? And seeing it being, well, not there, it’s reall day and night. It feels unnatural, which is why i can’t think it’s genuine (but off brand haha). Whether it’s fully intentional on Eddie’s part or not.
Where the hell is this going. I mean the one spoiler i saw makes me think Tommy is coming onto Buck, but… look that episode went places that…. Okay I’ll just press play and see!
Buck now you’re the stop stepping a bit too close.
What is this episode guys.
Basically every line is taking me at the knees, this is so awesome.
That’s his flirting smile and i don’t know if i love or hate to see it rn.
They are so petty,
Evan Buckley you liar.
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O ye of little faith
911 is delivering
“Please call Eddie.”
And then his face did something complicated idk Buck’s got kissed by a dude and he liked it and we just got delivered an absolute mess of a situation in 42 minutes and i can’t fucking wait to see what’s next oh my god.
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mikeyelistsukasa · 2 years ago
Thanks me later🤩🤏
yashiro died, hanako didn't get over her death, and now she's dating s/o, and he forces them to be identical to yashiro 🤗🤗
Im so sorry that it took so long. I was too busy trying to find fanfics of my fav char since i requested too much in the past and felt guilty requesting others lol
That’s actually an intresting request ngl hope i wont mess up
Tagging @under-the-cherrytree bc she is the best hanako simp I’ve met
Hanako forcing his Darling to act like yashiro
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Ofc he would never get over yashiro‘s death
He blames himself for her death
She meant so much to him
They were best friends(if not more)
So when he met you
He just felt the urge to be with you
As if being with you will bring back yashiro
You reminded him so much of her
You noticed how he scilently stared at you while you were cleaning the bathroom
„Whats wrong hanako?“
He quickly snapped out of his thoughts
„Huh? Oh nothing nothing i was just dreaming“
„Dreaming about w-„
„Man You’re acting weird today“
Kou was just silently cleaning too exept HE has an idea of what or should i say WHO hanako dreamed about
He himself still can’t get over yashiro‘s death and also feels like its his fault
„Hey hanako.i know its hard b-„
„SAYYYYY s/o have i ever told you that i love your DAIKON legs so much?“
„Huh? Daikon legs? Heh i actually never thought of them being compared to daikons you’re a funny one hanako“
Wait what?
Nonono thats not the reaction he wanted
He wanted you to punch him insult him be mad at him just like yashiro
„You aren’t mad that i called your legs like that?“
„Oh please its a harmless joke i can’t be mad at you for such little thing“
You were weirded out lately from hanako he asked you to do so many weird stuff
First he asked you to weird this weird looking skull on your uniform
Second To feed the mokke‘s around
Third Make you clean the toilets
Fourth Be bff‘s with aoi
Fifth to go on the weirdest adventures with him and kou
Then some cute 2 hairclips
You thought that he gifted you those things
Like maybe he asked kou to buy these things so that he can gift them to you
Oh how wrong you were
You got the chills after kou told you everything
You are wearing items from a dead girl??? Yickes
You don’t know if you should storm off and go home or have a big talk with him
Kou told you to better go home he will come up with an excuse on why you left early
You thanked him and went home
The next day you were not wearing the items of that girl
You were a bit worried on what will happen between you and hanako
But you don’t wanna stay in a relationship where your partner imagines a other girl every time he sees you
You were snapped back to reality after hanako suddenly showed up at your seat
„Heyyyy my beloved one~ wait…where are the items i told you to wear???“
You stood up and placed the items on the desk
„Im sorry…but i cant be the one you want me to be“
And just like that you left the classroom
While hanako couldn’t even move a bit
Only stare at yashiro‘s items and realising more and more of what he did
Its now all up to hanako wether he is ready to love the actual you or just let this be the last conversation with you
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Thank you so much for the request! Please visit again!!!
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The next day
Background: little teaser sequel from "A night out" out of Scott's view
-> Chris Evans, Scott Evans, mentioning of Zach Volin, female Y/N working in a field related to biology
Warning: slight swearing
Word count: ~1006
-not exactly a part two, but because some of you wanted to know what happens next, here you go... dont worry there will be more but I think I'm going to post a prequel next-
-> little reminder: I don't have a beta jet, so all the mistakes are mine and it's not my native language, still learning... -> do not repost or steal my story -> pleas feel free to like, comment or reblog <3
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-> no idea how or if you do this but picture is from: https://www.pinterest.de/leirys/chris-evans-33/
At about 1 o'clock in the afternoon he could not stand it any more, it was simply not possible for him to restrain his curiosity any longer, he had to know wether his brother had taken the girl, whom he immediately had begun to care about, home and wheter she was perhaps even still there.
He had tried to call Chris several times by now, but suspected his phone was on silent or had run out of power.
So he just left Zach in the hotel suite, called a cab and got a ride to Chris's house.
Once he arrived, he had to ring the bell three times before a very sleepy-looking Chris opened the door for him in just his underpants, shielding his eyes from the sun with one hand.
"Happy birthday brother" he said grinning, pushing him aside he just walked in and went strait for the bedroom, where he suspected Y/N would be, still wraped up into his brothers sheets.
A bit surprised he came to a halt in the open doorway, no one exept for Dodger laying inside the untidy bed.
"What are you searching for?" Chris asked confused.
"You should ask who I am searching for" Scott said, turning around and raised one eyebrow at his brother who was standing in the hallway, rubbing his face with his hands to get a grip on reality.
Chris' head shot up, "Y/N" he called out. He pushed past Scott to look for her himself, suddenly wide awake.
"You took her home then" Scott grinned, as he watched him search his house for a girl who was obviously no longer there.
"Hell yes I did" Chris called after him, Scott was already walking towards the kitchen.
"She's gone" Chris said five minutes later frowning as he, pulling a t shirt over his head while walking,  joined his brother, taking a seat behind the counter.
Scott put down a cup of coffe in front of him.
"Why she left?" asked Chris, staring down into his cup.
"Maby you snored?" chuckled Scott as he stood leaning against a kitchen cabinet, his armes crossed.
Chris didn't say anything, he just kept staring into his cup and looked like he was brooding about something.
"I want to see her again" Chris said determined lifting his head, his look very serious.
"What was that?" Scott asked with a mischievous look on his face. "You, of all people take a woman home from a party, she takes off before you're even awake, and you want to see her again?" Scott grinned teasing, waiting for his brothers reaction, testing out what feelings the man had towards the woman who had saved his ass several times.
"She's not just some woman I took home from a party, Scott" Chris positivly growled at him, getting to his feet.
"Yeah thats what I thought" Scott grinned, satisfied with the reaction he had gotten out of his brother.
"Well, ahm I suppose you could just call her" he said shrugging "or at least send her a message, you could ask her why she left oOor just ask her out" Scott thought aloud with evident excitement, while tipping his indexfinger to is lipps, eyes sparkling.
"Dammit" Chris blurted out suddenly and slammed a fist on the counter "I didn't ask for her number" he said visibly angry with himself.
Scott almost jumped by his brother's outburst.
Chris scowled before apparently remembering something, his eyes focused on Scott "You have her number right?" he asked walking over to him grabbing him by his shoulders "You were with her all night when I was not, you must have her number!" his face brightened with hope.
"Sorry Chris" Scott said apologetically "but I didn't ask her for her number either I'm afraid".
Scott could watch his brother's face becoming gloomy again, "I'm sure someone asked her for her number" he growled walking out of the room, a moment later he came back in, phone in hand. "I'm going to ask everyone, if anyone has it" he said firmly.
Scott who had watched his brothers actions motionless, got out of his trance, pulled out his phone and offered to help.
"Fuck" cursed Chris after he hung up his phone an hour later, he had even called the Pub to ask the barceeper if he, by any chance, had Y/N's number.
He couldn't believe it, how could it be that really no one had asked this incredible woman for her phonenumber.
He rubbed his face in frustration. Who was he kidding, really he was just mad at himself for not coming up with the idea himself when he still had the chance.
"Do you know what she's doing?" Scott asked "where she could be working, I mean?"
"She's doing something with biology" Chris mumbled "But I'v got no clue where she could be working".
Scott squeezed his brother's shoulder "I'm sure you'll see her again, you've run into her how many times by now? Four times? And in the most impossible situations, that sounds pretty much like fate if you ask me" he said in an assuring voice.
"last time it took "fate" two years until I met her again, Scott" He said in a grave voice "I don't think any of us will wait that long" he said with resignation. "I guess I just have to forget about her" Chris said and finally got up. "Let's just go to see mum and the others, they are surely waiting for us" he walked out of the room to get dressed.
Scott was pretty sure that his brother was thinking too negatively in this regard, he couldn't imagine that this would be the end of their story. Especially since she was now living in town and not thousands of miles away or on another continent. But since he felt that a discussion would not have been useful at the moment, he let it rest for now and trusted that fate would intervene again, as it had done before.
@dontbescaredtosingalong @beautifulrose0809 @gitasor @keyanasstuff
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namiikawaii · 4 years ago
Luffy x Nami: A thread Part 1
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Disclaimer: This is very long so be prepared to take some time & also if you haven't watched/read One Piece at all then don't read this if you don't want to read spoilers. Firstly I'd like to adress all the people who dont believe in a love romance in One Piece aswell as those who are against this ship or do ship Luffy and Nami with different characters: Please read the thread thoughoutly and don't jump to conclusions before you read everything. I will try to mention all of the issues that are underlying in regards to general things like love romance in One Piece and I want to consider counter arguments and create hypotheses in sight of other pairings like Luffy x Boa and Sanji x Nami (which I think are the other main ships when it comes to Luffy and Nami).   So it is important to be a little patient through all of this thread.
Let's start off with the question about love romance in One Piece... ''D: Doesn't anyone on Luffy's crew fall in love? Will there never be a tale of on-board romance? (Sanji is an exception in this case) I'm just wondering. -From Naoko- O: But they do... They're all in love...WITH ADVENTURE. (← good one)'' This is exactly the part of the SBS where Oda answered the question about romantic love in the Strawhat Crew. Firstly, this is obviously meant as a silly statement. It is definetly no confirmation but to see this as a serious statement is overexagerrating. Secondly, Oda wanted to answer this question by dodging it without nullifying it. What does that mean? He could have just simply said, there is no romance in One Piece and there never will be (this wouldn't be the first time that he would have answered a question in a direct and serious way). But no, he wanted to make sure that the audience understands that there is a difference between romantic love and romance (in an adventure) and that the Strawhats are on a journey of a romantic adventure which has nothing to do with loving each other in a romantic way. There are two reasons for that: -One Piece is a pure shonen/action Manga and it's target audience are teenage boys (at least this was the case when he made that statement, i don't know how that might have changed by now maybe) -For the other reason just imagine One Piece if there was active love romance going on...we wouldn't be near the story that we are now. Let's just say it would add so much more complications, to put it very simple (I don't want to go into that deep now). But now here comes the clue: All of this doesn't mean that Oda completely lefts love romance out. Because despite of all the points that I just mentioned there are pairings and there is also subtle (no explicite) love romance. Lets just look at the pairings, these are all pairings that I think the majorty of people wouldn't question: -Kaya and Usopp -Sabo and Koala -Shanks and Makino -Shakky and Rayleigh -Roger and Rouge -Oden and Toki
And yes none of these cases showed the love story between those people (maybe Kaya and Usopp if you really want) but THAT IS THE POINT! Only because Oda doesn't let the characters speak out ''i love you'' or makes them kiss all of the time doesn't mean there isn't any kind of romantic love connection between characters in One Piece (the kiss on WCI was an exeption though). This also doesn't mean that there is no possibilty of romance between the Strawhats. I get it that people see them as a familiy, and they truly are one. If there was romance between two of them during the story of One Piece the dynamic wouldn't be the same anymore, especially if there was a canon relationship between Luffy as the captain/ main protagonist and another crewmember. I mean we don't want to see Luffy prefering one nakama over the other. If he calls for his friends, he calls for everyone and not firstly for the person he's in love with. They are all equally as important as the others. But you have to remeber that they aren't blood-related and it wouldn't be weird at all if some of them are ending up together after the adventure of the One Piece. That's the reason why the hints that are given by Oda are really hints, not just merely coincidence.
And i wouldn't be here if Oda didn't hint Luffy and Nami in the past and he will hint them in the future or even more. Let's beginn chronologically with the bond-forming between Luffy and Nami and why their relationship is special EAST BLUE SAGA -Nami was intended as a crew-member from the very beginning, even before One Piece was existing. That's the reason why Luffy and Nami saw each other in the first episode of One Piece. It was to pay hommage to Silk/Ann the heroines of the Romance Dawn Manga. (Just read into it if you want to know more) But what's important is that they were the inspiration for Nami as a character/ as the heroine.
-Orange Town: Luffy and Nami meet for the first time in the Manga Nami reveals her goal to Luffy - which is ''to buy a certain village'' (keep this in mind) Luffy tells Nami why the strawhat is so dear to him - he won't be telling anyone afterwards these details again -Nami tricks Luffy. Buggy captures him but when Nami is forced to fire a canon ball at Luffy she refuses, starts a fight against all the Buggy-Pirates and finally at the risk of her own life she burns her hands facing the pirates with her back in order to prevent the canonball to blow up Luffy (she does quite much for this pirate guy she just met) - you see that at this point Luffy did touch something in Nami's heart because when they have to escape she literally instantly fires the canonball at Buggy without hesitation. -Nami sewing Luffy's damaged hat. Since then it's always her who takes care of it if it takes any damage/ if there is something to sew in it like Ace's Vivre Card. Now I want to put in here my first hypothetical compairison for the LuBoa and SaNa shippers. Just imaging now this same situation happening between Luffy and Boa. Luffys hat is ripped apart - maybe she knows that Luffys hat is his treasure maybe not but lets imagine she does know. She will of course sew it, would probably blush and say something romantic about her doing this for him. And as a shipper this would be the most romantic thing for you wouldn't it? In reality it is Nami who precisely watches Luffy and understands the importance of his hat to him, she goes up to him and fixes his strawhat, with the only difference that it is just more natural and less lovey-dovey from Nami's part (because of course she would never act like that if she was in love with someone). I am already asking you now, which lovestory sounds more believable? -Syrupp Village: There are a few cute moments (Nami catches Luffy and cheers on him and so on...) but i wanted to especially point out that these two are are sitting/lying on the ground after the fight and Nami playes with the Strawhat, Luffy is of course unbothered. But this already shows how comfortable these two are at this point, they know each other only for a few days now. And also this image of them two talking and sitting together is a theme that continues throughout One Piece. -Namis leaves with the Going Merry, looking devestated that she has to leave ''Luffy and the others'', and Luffys reaction after Zoro says to just leave her: ''I want her to by our navigator no matter what'' (These words are enough, no comment needed and also look at Zoro's face as Luffy is stating these words) -Kokoyashi Village: Luffy already trusts and knows Nami so well that he is enraged to hear that she allegedly killed Usopp - the others are sure that she did it but Luffy insists, and even when Nami confirmes to him that she indeed sent Usopp to the ocean's ground Luffy refuses to accept it and immediatly goes to sleep. (I'm sure it's because he knew that something was wrong but he knew he had to wait for Nami to come up to him)
-The famous moment hits different (for shippers and non-shippers): Luffy giving Nami his precious strawhat! He wants to show her how much she is dear to him, his gives her his treasure because now she's his treasure too (and you can see this in a romantic way or in a platonic way but just remember that Luffy never did this ever to anybody in the past or in the future) Now i want to mention something that i said earlier: people often say that Luffy didn't care about Namis story but let me tell you something different. Luffy already knew what Nami's obejectif was (to buy a certain village) now Luffy also knows that there is a pirate called Arlong and when Nami is stabbing herself she shouts his name in devastion. Luffy is not dumb, he understood already some parts of Nami's history - later when he is in Nami's room he understands the impact even more. It is so far from truth that Luffy doesn't know Namis story, he may not know some details, but he could conntect enough points to understand Nami's pain. And my personal theory is that he didn't wanted to hear Nojikto telling Nami's story because maybe Nami wouldn't have wanted him to hear it and it could certainly be that he knew that maybe he couldn't hold himself back and intervene before Nami asked him to do so and finally rely on him! -Genzo and Luffy's conversation: just read/watch it - it is a father to boyfriend conversation (i thought so even before i shipped LuNa) So far these are the most important moments for the East Blue Saga, and of course there are other things you could mention but i just wanted to point out the key moments that really built their relationship and created the whole fundament. Since I don't know when I can continue writing on this, I am just going to show some colourspreads which contain hints in my opinion. (Like Nami being represented as a queen, or Nami holding and wearing Luffy’s hat)
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kirieshhhka003 · 4 years ago
Hey there!! Could I get uh.... a Bucci gang reacting to a really cute, tiny (uses uwu I unironically) S/O who has a stand that’s just. Nightmare material? Like the literal most terrifying thing and s/o rarely brings it out.... like their reactions to it? uwu have a good day Miss Kirieshka!! (I hope I spelt that right)
A/n: Omg, why does miss kirieshka sound so funny and cringy😭🤣 But yes, you spelled it right! Thank you for your request, my precious anon💚
Bucci gang x cute and sweet S/o who have terrifying stand
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Bruno Buccellati
As a capitan of his team Bruno knows everyone’s abilities, and S/o are not an exeption
And it confuses him very much. A stand abilities represent it’s owner’s soul and they depend on user’s personality. We all know that Bruno is a mommy and just a good person, so he’s worried about S/o. What have they gone through to get those abilities?
But he sees that S/o don’t like to use their stand and show it off so he just doesn’t talk about it
Leone Abbacchio
To be honest, Leone doesn’t care how did S/o get those horrible abilities. They are useful, and that’s enough to know for him
Their sweet appearance annoys him at first. He’s sure that they just want to show off and to look better than they really are. It takes him some time to understand that it’s just how S/o are: all sweet and uwu
But he’s okay with them: they are calm, don’t bother him, don’t try to get to know him better or become his friend(deeply inside they’ve already become his friend, but he’d never admit it)
Guido Mista
He was deeply impressed by S/o’s abilities when he saw it for the first time. He didn’t expect someone who is that sweet and cute to have such a terrifying stand
But like Abbacchio, he doesn’t care much about how they got it. He simply doesn’t think about it. Guido can talk for hours about how cool and powerful S/o’s stand is and doesn’t understand why they don’t want to show it often
Mista thinks it’s all because of their soft personality and S/o are simply shy of all the attention that their stand attracts. Guido likes them and thinks that their sweetness and uwu suit them very much(especially if S/o is a woman, she becomes even cuter in his eyes)
Narancia Ghirga
“Omg, your stand is amazing! Why tf is it so strong? Did you have some special trainings? Or you have special diet?”
While everyone else in a team understands that S/o aren’t comfortable with their stand and don’t want to talk about it, Nara just doesn’t see it. Somebody should tell him that S/o aren’t that enthusiastic about their abilities and he should probably shut up
Nara doesn’t understand all those “uwu stuff” but sometimes he loves to chill with S/o because he feels calm and peaceful when is around them
Pannacotta Fugo
His stand perfectly describes him and he understands that S/o’s abilities are representation of them and their inner world
He’s noticed that S/o don’t want to show their stand and talking about it makes them feel uncomfortable, but he simply says that it’s abilities are very powerful and S/o are very useful to the team
Like Nara, their presence calms him down a little and he loves to talk with them about literature and art
Giorno Giovanna
Pretty much like Bruno, Giorno understands that something totally horrible happened to them in a past
They’ve become a good friends with S/o, Giorno loves people like them. They are polite and have a soft and gentle personality, it’s easy for him to get along with S/o
When Giorno understands that S/o trust him, he asks them about their stand and what was the reason why they’ve become like that. He’ll keep this information in secret, and will try his best to help and support them
Masterlist | Smut Masterlist
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phonecallwithsatan · 4 years ago
That’s A Pretty Color
a.n.: Fred Weasley x y/n, just fluff in this one folks<3 How is everyone doing? I hope everything is well, and if it is not, don’t let anything stop you from sharing if you need to! I wrote this one up because it’s a scenario that I will NEVER experince in my life because all real life men are trash exept for Alex Lawther and of course, the rest of my thirty-plus celebrity boyfriend. Lord, I’ve come full circle from 2015. Enjoy, my beauties! 
Reader paints their nails but it takes a long time to dry. Luckily, a certain crush is able to help them with some tasks reader cannot do on their own. No specific gender or house is specified:) 2k words!
For the first time in what felt like forever, everybody in your year had no homework for the weekend, and students had free reign over their plans.
It was Saturday, and you and your friends went to Hogsmeade, where you had found the perfect nail polish. It was in your favorite color and it had a perfect wand for application. Not too dark, not too light. It was perfect and you couldn’t wait to put it on.
That activity would have to wait, though, because all your friends had convinced you to wash up way too early for your liking, as you liked to bathe a bit later at night, and attend a planned party by a friend of another friend, of yet another friend who was in your house.
Your house often had parties. Really often. And today was one of them. However, it was a strange one. Everybody showed up in their loungewear after coming back from the bathrooms, and there was no alcohol. It was just students in sleep shorts and slippers talking among themselves.
You actively participated along with your friend Luna Lovegood, who had just decided to turn in for the night.
“[y/n], I just am so tired. It’s one in the morning, can’t I see you at a more normal time?” She had a soft voice that deemed even softer when she was tired.
“Of course, Luna. Wait for me at the entrance tomorrow, okay?” You said, taking your legs off her lap as she got off the couch, only to curl them up to your stomach as you waved goodbye to your friend. 
You looked around to see who was left at the gathering and one by one people began to either go up the stairs or to just leave.
Now bored, you took the polish that was next to you on the table you had placed it on. You decided to paint your nails.
One by one, you dragged the brush along your nail beds to spread the gorgeous color you had found by surprise, deep in the back of the beauty store you and your friends frequently visited.
You had just finished your first coat when you felt the couch shift a bit. Fred Weasley.
“Hey, George.” You wanted to mess with him.
“Not Geo-” He was interrupted by you.
“I know, Fred. I’m just messing with you.” His reaction softened when you said that. He shook his head and smiled, looking down and then back up at you, running his hand through his short red hair.
You knew the difference between the two brothers. You only knew it because you’d always had a thing for Fred. It made you mad when people mixed the two up, even though they would never know that.
“I don’t know how you do it every time [y/n]. It’s a skill very few possess, even my own family can’t tell the difference like you do sometimes.” He made you blush similarly to the color of his hair, hoping he would never, ever, be able to feel the heat rising to your cheeks. You shrugged and continued onto your second coat of color.
You’d talk with Fred from time to time. Whether it be at a party like this one, or just in class, he was always engaged and interesting- and bloody good to look at, too.
You didn’t know if it was the way his eyes would shine when you told a joke, or when he’d walk you to class just to put a hand on your lower back and waist to say goodbye, but you could say you had a small, teeny, tiny, crush on the boy who was sitting beside you.
“That’s a pretty color.” He leaned over to look closer and smiled as he pulled his head back.
“Thanks, Freddie. I bought it today at Hogsmeade.” 
“Yeah, I know.” You were so confused by that statement.
“What?” You looked up and you saw him slightly scratch the nape of his neck. He brought his hand back down and pointed at the bottle on the table beside you. 
“Well, I saw you today, Y’know, at Hogsmeade.” Now he was turning red. This was something new coming from Fred, you’ve never seen him flustered. You were just so- confused.
“Why didn’t you come over and say something?” You laughed at the boy in front of you. It was more of a nervous laugh rather than a ‘you’re-so-lame-for-not-saying-anything’ laugh.
“Well I’m here now, aren’t I?” He grinned over at you and you shot him a grin back, kicking the leg that was now facing him. He ducked and caught it instead, putting it in his lap just like Luna did.
A short amount of silence bestowed among you two and you dropped your other leg so both of them were draped across his lap. He placed his hands on your upper knee and asked you if this was alright.
“Is this okay, love?” He asked you and slightly shifted his thumb across your knee, not daring to go up unless you had told him so.
You grinned at the replacement of your name.
“It sure is, but just so you know, I’m almost done with these nails.” You raised your hand and waved and wiggled your fingers at him to show off the new color. They made your skin tone pop beautifully.
“Leaving so soon even when I am here? That’s just a mistake, [y/n].” 
“No, Freddie. The mistake was when you came to talk to me so late!” You smirked at your comment as you looked up from your focus. He was full-on cheesing at you at this point, and you felt as if your day was made with that smile.
You were not one to put a crush ahead of agenda, but Fred was just so bloody cute and sweet. You couldn’t help but gush at him. And plus, your legs were currently laying over his lap, slightly bent at the knee, what could you do? Not think about him?
Finishing up your left hand, you screwed the bottle shut and put it on the table behind you. You lifted up both hands to view your work and Fred did the same, his eyes following your hands. You flipped them over so they were now facing palm down on the couch.
He removed his hands from their placement on your knees and he took your hands in his, viewing the art meticulously.
You were now geeking out. Again, you couldn’t help it. It just happened. 
The common room was now only full of maybe five people or so, that included you and Fred on the couch, a kid passed out on the loveseat across from you, and a couple on the stairs just chatting.
“I should get going, Fred. Maybe I’ll see you at breakfast tomorrow?” Unfortunately, you removed your hands and legs away from him and he helped you by lifting your legs up.
“Yeah, for sure.” He was visibly disappointed that your conversation was cut short and his eyesight moved down to the gorgeous chain you had displayed on your neck. It was a thin, gold chain that hung right below your neck but right above your collar bones. It was one of your favorites from Holiday a few years back and you had forgotten to take it off after your hangout at Hogsmeade. “That looks really nice on you. I hadn’t noticed it until now.”
Why was he telling you all this. You shifted your hand to touch it and you thanked him for being sweet.
You reached back to unclasp it, but it was unsuccessful. Your manicure was not dry yet, so if you played with the clasp, it would most likely lead to a smudge on your perfect craft.
“I totally forgot to take it off and now I can’t.” You huffed and dramatized the puffing of air, a deep sign escaping you which in the end both made you laugh.
“Here, let me help, [y/n].” He motioned with his hand but you refused. 
“It’s okay, Fred, really.” But he insisted.
You were not in the mood for an argument, so you complied. You shifted on your seat so your back was towards him, and he scooted a bir closer to you.
He moved a bit of your hair out of the way and his fingers grazed the back of your neck. Only then did you realize how close he was to you. He took the delicate necklace in his fingers and easily unclasped the claw, bringing it down your chest into your hands. His arms were on either side of your head as he brought it down.
You turned around and you thanked him.
“Thank you, Freddie, now my art won’t get ruined!” You were still very close to him, and it made you jumpy in a way that was new for you.
“I only like it when you call me Freddie.” He blurted out. 
You were so confused as to why this boy was being so flirty towards you. You smiled at him and began to stand up.
“Goodnight, Freddie.” He stood up with you and in a burst of spontaneity, you raised yourself on your toes a bit to kiss him on the cheek, holding it for just a second before you came back down to look at him. 
He held his hand by his cheek and looked at you in awe, and you finally realized what you had done. 
The boy was obviously going insane in his brain right now and granted, maybe this wasn’t the best decision. 
You decided to just absolutely make a run for it, and you turned around to head to your dorm room, not a chance in hell you were to look back. You went around the couple that was now making out on the stairs and you made your way up before you felt a hand surround your forearm.
Fred was smart to reach there, as he had remembered that you had just painted your nails.
“Why’d you just leave like that, [y/n]?” He was confused and you were too. He was now at the same step as you and he just looked at you with fire playing in his eyes that gave you butterflies as you looked into them.
“I don’t really know, Fred. I’m sorry.” You began to go up but you were cut off by his lips attaching to yours. You sank into the kiss, indulging in the smell and new-found memory implanted in your brain for life. You tore apart and you just looked into those eyes, again. Fred scanned your face for any sign of displacement and he shifted his hand to your waist again, the same feeling you got when he walked you down the hall.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a really long time, [y/n].” He murmured towards you. Your faces were close together and it didn’t take much to hear it. You leaned in again and kissed him softly, cursing at the fact that you ran your hands through his hair. You looked down to check if your manicure was ruined, and luckily, it was still in tact.
He chuckled at your panic towards the art and you looked up confused. Realizing, you began to laugh along, bringing the hand you checked up to his cheek to hold it. He sank into it and you smiled at the boy in front of you, still not believing that had just happened to you.
“Goodnight, [y/n]. Thank you for, well, that.” He was unusually sweet, and not as snarky as usual. Not that you missed the snarkiness Fred owned, you were just excited to see this new side of him.
He let go of you and put one leg down just as you leaned down and grabbed his shoulder.
You were being impulsive, but you truly did not want him to leave. Plus, you knew he had no bad intentions.
“Don’t go. At least not yet.” He turned around and you looked up the stairs and down the hall to your dorm. It was one of the closer ones. “Why don’t you maybe, I dunno, stay?” You were risking it all. “I mean, you’re already here, and you’re wearing that, and-” You were rambling so you cut yourself off.
“If you’ll have me,” Fred said with enthusiasm. “Can’t get enough of me in one night, can you? Sleepover it is, I suppose.” You were so happy that your plan worked so you quickly grabbed his hand, nonchalant about your maybe-dry nails, and you ran up the rest of the short stairs up to your room, where you only saw two out of the five of your roommates in your dorm. One of them even had someone laying next to the other, a result of the party, you supposed. 
You placed the necklace on your nightstand in a tray that was it’s usual resting place.
Fred shut the door behind you and you led him to your bed. Just as you were pulling back your sheets, he leaned behind you and placed his body to yours, arms snaking around your waist and his head leaning just a bit down, enough to kiss your temple, moving down to your neck, where he bit slightly but not enough to mark up.
You brought your hands up and you touched him, leaning to your left to look at him behind you.
“I’m really tired, Freddie.” You said. Your voice was now a lot more tiresome than before.
You knew Fred was strong, but this was the last thing you were expecting.
In a matter of seconds, Fred had picked you up bridal style and he laid you on the bed softly, letting your head hit the pillow and your legs to hit a part of the bed that was yet to be pulled back. He slid his hands out from under your knees and back to pull some of the duvets back to cover you up.
“We don’t want to get that manicure ruined, now do we?” You smiled at him and reached for his hand, pulling him.
“You’ll stay?” You looked at him from under and he was unsure about what you had said.
“Are you sure?” He asked you mid-stride to the other side of your bed, longing for your hand once more.
“Yes, now come on, I’m seriously going to pass out.” The window in your room was closed off with curtains, but you could still see the boy’s face in the dark.
“Your wish is my command.” He said kissing the back of your hand and sliding next to you. You let him get positioned comfortably before squishing up next to him so your head was on his chest, where you would dream for the rest of the night about the morning.
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tetrakys · 4 years ago
Am I the only one who thinks that the episode was boring (exept that Lance showed up)? I mean the episode Start. Training with Jamon. Screaming, Screaming screaming. Lance appears. Screaming screaming screaming. A fight with Our friends. Sunrise. New Mission. End.
Thats a bit boring so I think the next episode will be better.
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Ok here is what I think about the episode:
I liked it. I didn’t find it boring, I liked all the interactions with the characters, I enjoyed the friendly party/training whatever it was, and also the little romantic moment at the end. I of course LOVED the whole scene with Lance, I didn’t mind the characters’ reactions to Erika’s rage because I could see they were more resigned than anything. The general thought was ‘I knew this was coming but there’s nothing we can do about it’.
The second thing I loved the most was Jamon 💕 I’m happy this writer gave him so much depth and character, he was really underdeveloped in S1.
And I also liked Koori, I like her attitude and mental games, I find her interesting for now.
I EVEN liked Aldaric, I couldn’t stand him in the first two episodes. He was useful this time.
I have seen players mad at Huang Hua but honestly I’m not.
Was she stupid? Yes, she could’ve prepared Erika, she could’ve done something, but I don’t disagree with her logic about Lance. She can see auras and read people’s minds, she new that there was nothing else to worry about Lance so she might as well use him since he’s the best warrior by far. She did the same exact thing with Leiftan, he was first imprisoned, then Huang Hua and Miiko read his mind, saw that he wasn’t dangerous anymore and released him so they could use him for his fighting skills. Erika initially freaked out and talked with everyone else about it. It’s the same exact plot. At least she was consistent.
Could she be fishy? Uhm.. maybe. But at this point it doesn’t feel like it. However she lost her apprentice Phoenix position so something must have happened and sooner or later we will find out.
Now there is ONE thing I didn’t like. I think that using the poison as an excuse for Erika blowing up and getting angry was a coward move. Erika was in her full right to get angry without the poison, which I think only amplified her feelings rather than created them, so she could’ve just shouted at people without this ‘justification’. Yes she was rude and I don’t mind that she apologised because it was fair and mature imo, but using the poison as an excuse somehow makes her less flawed and this is not right, Erika can be flawed like everyone else. 
This is actually something recurring in male writing women, women heroes have to be perfect and pure, which is complete bollocks of course. I hope the writer will not be afraid to show Erika’s ‘humanity’ in the future.
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hellerism · 3 years ago
I have a weird script about how Supernatural can restart. So as we know, Sam and Dean are in heaven and as someone we have been introduced before and is aware of the stuff nd all (hopefully) but still outside of the hunting business is Sam's son, Dean. Who is kinda like Sam himself before Dean interups him and Jessica the first episode sayin "Dad's on a hunting trip, and he hasn't been home in a few days". So I think we can introduce a new character. Daughter of Cassie and Dean Winchester, who's existence we (nor Dean) never knew of (exept Cas) until now. So she returns, with the news of a brand new threat to the earth, much worser than they'd dealt with. So she gets to the new Dean and plans to get our Sam and Dean back from heaven with the help of Jack this time. You know, "We got work to do", all over again. But she is as and more fiercer than Dean, her father was. But she had to be covert for keeping herself safe from the threats from all those other demons our Winchesters dealt with.
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i am very much a known sucker for deancassie so obviously i love the secret deancassie daughter part of this. it can kinda work with my own cassie lore, where she’s active in the supernatural world as an anthropologist of sorts, so even though dean wasn’t there cassie would know and be able to teach their daughter the necessary skills and knowledge to keep them both safe. on the other hand, i hate dean jr and would punt him into the sun if i could. so i would love this concept with idk maybe claire or someone in dean jr’s place. or if it needs to be a sam parallel character then maybe patience. ooh or it could be both of them and they could be a little trio
plot is secondary to characters and their relationships to me but how does the deancassie daughter know about jack? did she come upon the bunker somehow? did jack appear to her? is she part of the hunting world? how does she feel about dean? also what’s her name? wait i just noticed the part about cas knowing about her how does that work
also after they resurrect sam and dean i’d love to see deans reaction to finding out he’s had a daughter this whole time. and reuniting with cassie and seeing their littol family 🥺 please 🥺 even though their time to be together has passed they’re still important to each other and get along perfectly as co-parents. i can see a scene of the daughter wanting to do something dangerous and both dean and cassie turning to her and sternly telling her no at the same time like they’ve been doing it for years
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coco96 · 4 years ago
LDAF - MCU Other
Scott Lang/Antman
Dating Tips (Scott Lang X Reader) Request: Scott Lang being a cute bean and really liking the Reader, he hasn’t been in a relationship in a while and his daughter gives him these typical date-tips (she probably saw these in movies) and Scott actually using them …
Domestic Time (Team Cap X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Civil War Request: ... soft, fluffy, domestic fic with team cap after civil war (Steve, Bucky, Sam, Wanda, Nat, Clint, Vision, Scott) where the reader is a new addition and she’s just making sure that everyone is okay and that what they did was the right thing and that it’ll all work out ...
Sam Wilson/Falcon
Afterwork Cuddles (Sam Wilson X Reader) Request: … where it’s just them coming back from mission and cuddling on the couch until they fall asleep? And like, SUPER fluffy …
Domestic Time (Team Cap X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Civil War Request: ... soft, fluffy, domestic fic with team cap after civil war (Steve, Bucky, Sam, Wanda, Nat, Clint, Vision, Scott) where the reader is a new addition and she’s just making sure that everyone is okay and that what they did was the right thing and that it’ll all work out ...
Sharon Carter/Agent 13
One Big Puppy  (Sharon Carter X Fem!Reader) Request: … Sharon (who’s joined the avengers at this point) has a girlfriend who REALLY wants to get a puppy and is high-key short. Sharon low-key wants one too but wants to make sure that they can properly take care of it, so it seems like she doesn’t want one. ...
Harley Keener
Keeping It Together (Harley Keener X Stark!Reader) Warnings: Spoilers of Endgame, mourning Request: Hi could I request a tony stark x daughter!reader / harley keener x reader , where she has to see her dad die in endgame and how she copes with it after. More so how she doesn’t cope with it. Super angsty and sad?
Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver
Calm Time (Pietro X Fem!Reader) Requests: ... reader grew up with 3 brothers so she knows how to deal with pietro and he kinda fall in love with her? thank you x
Passing The Test. (Pietro X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Death threats, unplanned pregnancy, minor violence. Request: … reader being Tony´s sister. She dates Pietro for a long time and gets pregnant, and the avengers find out (exept tony) and their reaction, and at the end Tony realize because of her tummy and wants to kill pietro but at the end he is proud …
How Do You Ask? (Pietro X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Mention of sex and mild swearing Request: … She is dating Pietro and he wants to take their relationship to the next level (have sex), as she is super nervous go to ask the other older avengers for tips to be more cool when it happens, which lead to the avengers freaking out telling her that she is still too young and confronting Pietro about leaving reader alone …
Brock Rumlow/Crossbones
Home Early (Rumlow X Daughter!Reader) Warnings: Swearing, fighting Request: ... He kept her away from his work in hydra and they don’t even know she exists. But one day while she was supposed to be in school he has the winter soldier at his house between missions. Being the typical teenager she is she just walks in the room and sees them. ...
Being the daughter of Maria Hill and Brock Rumlow would include… Request: Being the daughter of Maria Hill and Rumlow would include ...
Brock Rumlow having a crush on you would include…
Maria Hill
Being the daughter of Maria Hill and Brock Rumlow would include… Request: Being the daughter of Maria Hill and Rumlow would include ...
T’Challa/Black Panther
Happy Anniversary (T’Challa X Wife!Reader) Request: Being T'Challa’s princess? …
Being T’Challa and Nakia’s Daughter and Being Best Friends with Bucky and Wanda’s Daughter Would Include…
Sisterly Assistance (Bucky X Male!Reader) Request: ... Reader is older than Shuri but younger than T’Chala… He was taking care of Bucky with Shuri, and developed a crush on the White Wolf… He decides to tell Shuri about it and she plays match maker with them, because she knows that Bucky likes her brother, too…
Stephen Strange/Dr. Strange
Staying Up (Dr Strange X Fem!Reader) *PLATONIC Request: Dr Strange as a mentor , with an apprentice reader who wants to earn his approval so bad she stays up nights in the libary learning. He realizes this because his cape tries to warm her and vanishes each night to do so?
Meaningful Talk (MJ X Male!Reader) Warnings: Mention of violence Request: MJ x male reader with them cuddling and having a meaningful talk
Prom Date (MJ X Male!Reader) Request: Could you do a MJ(zendaya) x male reader where she introduces the reader and everyone’s astonished that she’s in a relationship
Mirror Image (MJ X Twin!Reader) Request: … Peter sees MJ’s twin (Y/N) and mistakes her identify and leaves embrasssed after declaring she looks prettier today…After feeling embrasssed he walks into the real MJ and MJ bring the snarky person we love, explains why Peter was distracted and later on Peter realizes she has a twin …
Singing and Cooking (Vision X Fem!Reader) Request: ... reader always sings and plays the guitar while Vision is cooking. Sometimes he stares at her because he can’t sort out what he’s feeling. One day she catches him and asks what’s wrong and he kind of confess his love to her? ...
Domestic Time (Team Cap X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Civil War Request: ... soft, fluffy, domestic fic with team cap after civil war (Steve, Bucky, Sam, Wanda, Nat, Clint, Vision, Scott) where the reader is a new addition and she’s just making sure that everyone is okay and that what they did was the right thing and that it’ll all work out ...
Being T’Challa and Nakia’s Daughter and Being Best Friends with Bucky and Wanda’s Daughter Would Include…
Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel
Natasha’s Brother (Carol Danvers X Male!Reader) Warnings: Mention of trauma, mild swearing Request: ... reader is Natasha sibling and a formidable fight so Carol likes to spar with the reader and they both spend ours sparring because reader doesn’t fight fair like Carol and it’s always ends up in them with teasing each other before the reader makes a move.
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radiorenjun · 5 years ago
Lavender Antics
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→ Pairing: Han Jisung x Reader
→ Summary: Shooting in a drama with him was your absolute nightmare. Working with your enemy and pretending that you were love interests has been the most frustrating experience of your life. Though, after saying your farewells, the scent of lavender never leaves.
→ Warnings: Explicit Language. Antics. Mentions of insecurity. Alcohol, Making out. Suggestive?
→ Chapters: 4, 5, 6
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As Jeongin continued to play with Jisung's switch, Jisung stared at the ceiling with his hands behind his head as he layed down on the bed next to his best friend. Jeongin noticed how disturbingly quiet Jisung had gotten since he called him out at the bus stop.
Jeongin tried his best to get a reaction out of Jisung without him being too obvious to see if he was just spacing out because of a horror scene he probably came across on YouTube or if something had really upset his friend to get him sighing exasperatedly every 13 seconds.
Jeongin gave out loud reactions as he played his game, chewing his snacks as loudly as possible and fidgeting around the king-sized bed next to the spaced out boy, but nothing exept an exasperated sigh was released from the squirrel-looking boy.
Jeongin gave out a dramatic exhausted sigh, putting down the switch on the table and sitting up on the bed with a snack on his lap. "Alright, hyung. What's wrong? This is literally killing me." Jeongin asked, with a perplexed expression.
"What? Seeing me all sad boy?" Jisung mumbled, not tearing his gaze away from the ceiling. "No, you're literally killing me in this game because of your loud ass earthshaking sighs." Jeongin stated simply, laying his chin against his palm cheekily.
Jisung's brows furrowed as he turned his head to look at his friend smiling innocently. He rolled his eyes and continued to stare at the ceiling, getting lost in his thoughts once again. "Alright, all jokes aside. What's actually wrong, hyung? You haven't been this quiet since Minho and Felix got eliminated in the survival show." Jeongin asked.
"Promise not to be a childish dick about what I'm bout to spill?" Jisung muttered, avoiding his friend's eyes. "Unless you did a really hilarious stunt that caused you to slip and fall, no promises." Jeongin joked, earning a small hit from his friend.
"I'm serious, dude!" Jisung exclaimed, sitting up on his bed. "Okay, okay! What's up?" Jeongin raised his hands up defensively with a shocked expression. "I.. I made y/n upset." Jisung spoke hesitantly.
Jeongin's brows furrowed as his lips formed into a small frown. "And your point is?" he asked, confused at what's the problem. "What do you mean 'my point is'?! I made her upset!" Jisung exclaimed, giving Jeongin a nudge.
"Come on, hyung. I know you're a dumbass but surely your ass isn't dumb enough to not realize that you make her upset basically on a daily basis." Jeongin shrugged as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Which, it was at that exact moment.
"No, you prick. I made her cry!" Jisung exclaimed, falling back into his pillows and burying his face into the soft fabric. Now, this got Jeongin's full attention.
"What? How? Did you make her smell your feet or something?" he asked, earning an annoyed look from Jisung. "Okay, okay! I'm sorry. But what happened?" he exclaimed, taking a pillow as a shield as he saw Jisung ready to go out on him.
"Well," Jisung sat up again, pulling his hood on and pulling on the strings as he plays with them in between his fingers. "She was being rather quiet and I got bored, I tried to get a reaction out of her like always but she kept quiet. So I pestered her the whole day until she finally snapped."
"And when she snapped, I just kept on going and going but then she screamed at me in the middle of the streets and she was crying. Then she just stomped away to walk to the hotel herself." Jisung shrugged sadly, guilt filling his stomach as he recalled your teary eyes.
"Dude. That's fucked up. Didn't you know the poor girl's grandma passed away?" Jeongin tsked in disappointment, folding his arms and shaking his head. His actions reminded Jisung of Bang Chan in this sort of situation. Man, he misses that guy.
"What? Her fucking grandma died?!" Jisung exclaimed in shocked, guilt filling him up even more. "Dude, no one told me!" Jisung ran a hand through his hair in frustration. "Didn't you hear Yeoreum telling us, more specifically you, to leave her along to grief this morning at the makeup room?" Jeongin scolded.
"I couldn't hear shit! I had airpods on!" Jisung groaned. "So that's why she was so damn sad the whole day! Fuck, I should've just left her alone before she snapped." Jisung whined, collapsing to his pillows once again. He felt like shit. He was the type to joke around but he didn't mean to make people cry when doing so.
"You fucked up bad, buddy." Jeongin patted his hyung's back, grabbing the switch as he leaned against the headboard to leave his friend wallow in the pit of guilt of his own actions. Jeongin's eyes darted from his switch to his friend who was dramatically sulking into his pillows.
"I fucking said, 'you're acting as if somebody fucking died'. I'm a jackass, fuck." Jisung's voice was muffled by the thick fabric but audible enough for his maknae to hear him. Jeongin let out a groan, "my fucking God."
He scratched his head, "if your dramatic ass really feel that guilty, you could just be a normal person, which I doubt you are, and you know. Apologize." Jeongin suggested in a tone that stated the obvious.
Jisung's head shot up in excitement, his eyes wide. "Right! Apologizing existed! Dude, you're a genius!" Jisung grabbed Jeongin's shoulders and shook him vigorously. Jeongin gave him a double chin disgusted frown, pushing his friend's hands off of him.
"It's called thinking. You should try it sometime." he replied shortly. "Wait, but how am I suppose to do that?" Jisung asked with a pout. "I don't know man. That's your problem. Seriously, I came here to hang out and use your switch as if it were my own. Not act like Channie-hyung and become a dad, ew gross." Jeongin shivered in disgust at the thought.
"Don't you have your own switch, though?" Jisung's brows furrowed in confusion. "Well yeah, but you have more games." Jeongin shrugged with a grin. "Bruh, if you want my games so much just borrow some." Jisung shoved Jeongin who gave a small laugh.
"Really? Okay, then. Adios, my dude." Jeongin grabbed Jisung's switch and quickly exited his room before his friend could chase after him. "I didn't mean you could take my switch! JEONGIN. HEY-" Jisung shouted before he heard the door click shut.
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Jisung bit his lip as he stood in front of your hotel room door with a bag of your favourite drink in hand and some onigiri and mochis in the other bag. Without wasting another second, he knocked on your door and patiently waited for you to open the door.
His foot tapping against the carpet floor as he heard small footsteps from the other side of the door. The door clicked open, revealing you in your pajamas looking all sleepy. You looked at him with a blank unamused expression, gazing at him from his small smile to the sole of his sneakers tapping impatiently on the carpet floor.
You closed the door as if he was just a person walking by, but he stuck his foot in to hault the door from closing. "Y/N-" Jisung started before he let out a small noise as he felt you push harder against the door. "Fuck off." you mumbled in a hoarse exhausted voice.
"Y/N, hear me out." Jisung tried to reason as he pushed the door back with his foot as hard as he can as you both fought against the door. "No, you and your donkey personality can just fuck off!" you exclaimed, putting your back into closing that damn door.
"I brought you your favorite drink, mochis and onigiris! What more do you want in order for you to hear me out for just two seconds?" Jisung exclaimed, feeling you hault your movements at the mention of your favorite foods.
"You what?" your head poked out of the doorway as you eyed him suspiciously, realizing that he was carrying a bag of your favourite foods in his hands. "Why?" you asked with a raise of your brow.
Jisung opened his mouth to say something but closed his mouth when he realised that he doesn't know what to say now that he finally grew some balls to apologize after sulking for thirty minutes in his room. 'Fuck,' he thought, 'I didn't fully think this through.'
"Well?" you raised your brow, gesturing him to continue with his words. "I... I heard bout your grandma and I just wanna say I'm sorry for being an inconsiderate asshole and I want to say my deepest condolences to you. Please accept these foods as a token of my apology so we can go back to being friends again." Jisung blabbered, avoiding eye contact as he shyly spoke, his ears turning red involuntarily.
Your eyebrows raised in surprise as he stretched out his hand to give you the bags. "You're here for that? And you consider me as your friend!?" you exclaimed, dumbfounded at the boy's actions infront of you.
Jisung's brows furrowed as he looked up at you with an offended look, "of course I consider you as a friend! You don't consider me as one?" he pouted, his hands going down as his expression saddened.
"Well, with your fucking attitude towards me I thought you had some sort of grudge against me as if my ancestor killed yours or something." you shrugged. "The ancestors thing might be a possibility. But you're funny when you get riled up. I never hated you, y/n. I felt like shit when I saw you cr-" he whined.
"Don't even say that word, I was being sentimental and emotional." you cut him off and cringed the embarrassing memory of crying dramatically in public. "Okay, sheesh. What Im saying is, I'm sorry for going too far with my antics and I want you to have this." he handed you the bags with a small smile.
You bit your lip as you accepted the bags in your hand and gave him a smile. "You're alright, Jisung." you nodded. "Does that mean you forgive me?" Jisung grinned, stepping closer to you as he practically towered over you.
"Dude, I forgave you three seconds ago. Go to sleep its like 11 PM, we have to shoot scenes first thing in the morning tomorrow." you chuckled, putting down the bags on the floor and gently pushed him, eliciting a laugh from him.
"Alright. Alright. Good night," Jisung giggled as he walked towards his door. "Goodnight to you too, Han. Thanks for the food by the way." you smiled, leaning so you could see him standing infront of his doorway, giving him a small wave before getting inside and closing your door.
You picked up the bags and lay them on your nightstand, checking to see what that ridiculous boy had bought you. Something inside caught your eye as you reached a hand down the bag and pulled out the object in sight.
You bit your lip, smiling as you saw a bouquet of lavender wrapped together with a small silk, some small carnations adding some colour to the bouquet. That boy really is something.
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Jisung leaned back to see you pick up the bag he brought you before closing your hotel door. He sighed to himself, biting back a smile as he thought bout your reaction to his small gift inside.
He noticed how you kept looking in awe at the lavenders nearby, longing to pick one of them so he went down to the nearest bouquet shop and bought the most eye-catching lavender bouquet they had.
He chuckled to himself, wishing he could see your reaction when you see his gift as he fidget his hands around his pockets to pull out his key card to his room. He soon frowned when he doesn't feel his card anywhere in his pockets.
He pulled out his wallet to check if his card was there. Unfortunately, it wasn't there. He locked himself out. 'Fuck my life.' he thought before jogging down the hall to Jeongin's room where he knocked nervously.
Jeongin opened the door with his bed hair looking like an untamed mane as he squinted sleepily at his friend. "Hey Jeongin-" Jisung greeted nervously before Jeongin shut the door to his face.
"Asshole!" Jisung exclaimed in a soft voice but loud enough for the younger boy to hear him from the other side of the door. Jisung clicked his tongue as he pulled out his phone and dialed the only person he knew who could help him.
"Manager-nim! My favorite hyung! How are you?" he laughed as he walked towards his manager's room nervously. "You're gonna be laughing your eyes out when you hear me out. So. I got a little problem..."
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I was so motivated to write with all the comments that wanted me to make more of Lavender Antics like Bruh I didnt think this would be so popular💞💞😳😭
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