#what on asgard
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cleabellanov · 1 year ago
It's a countdown!! (is it though?)
Last Thursday, thorofficial posted the first *oddly* related Loki thing from a series of such posts that had my kind spiraling, so welcome to me putting it here.
Last week, I thought we'd get a surprise and Thor would make an appareance in that post credit-scene already, but that wasn't the case. Instead, the clock started ticking.
This starts, as any other stories that we know of, at the beginning. It starts with two brothers that don't know a lot about the world and will, inevitably, shape it after the words of their father. They don't know they're not blood brothers yet, but are growing up as they were.
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Loki is being told that they were both born to be king, and he believes it, not seeing the lie in beLIEve yet. But it is true, he too was born to be king, only not in Odin's eyes. Odin, aware of this fact...doesn't really care. Not enough to treat his sons equally, only enough to keep Loki as a bargain for when times ask for it. In the first Thor movie, Loki's villain arc begins, once with the pain of finding out who he truly is. More than that, in this first movie, we get to see her rage unfiltered. The "What happened on Earth that turned you so soft" and "Tell me", for example. He is the God of Mischief, but mischief has its dark side as well.
That being said, it makes sense for these messages (so to call them, if I may) to start here. And the clock!! It is at 7:00, and how many days were there left to the finale? Seven. But hang on, it's set to drop more!
We all remember all too well (2 h 23 minutes version) that The Avengers 2012 was the next movie Loki was in. Now we are one hour/ day closer - see how the clock is now at 6 instead of 7. And it's a double countdown: to the season 2 finale AND to Loki's journey on the original timeline.
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The sequence that was posted is significant for the movie, it's when we first hear Loki say the famous: "I am burdened with glorious purpose". But with unusual blue eyes and sweat dripping off their forehead, not to mention the tripping and overall tiredness of these first scenes; this also seems to come with a lot of pain.
And ohhh lord, there is a lot of pain bottled up in their character in The Avengers movie. The desire for a throne (together with the need to prove himself), the revenge, the mentaining of the illusion by fear and hurt...the constant manipulation Th@nòs put him through.
But that could make a whole other post. The desire for a throne, remember? "What's wrong with wanting something, Loki?". Well, when he tried to get back promise to be king, something that was claimed and was, truly, his birth right, Loki was told his birth right was to die. It feels ME with rage to even picture that scene!!! Imagine being the one who is told this, then put in a cell "for the rest of your days", all after the battle of New York.
And this is the point where the clock in the caption is one hour/ day closer, at 5'oclock...
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Ohhh well, isn't this a beautiful image? The "your savior is here", Loki and Thor having a more lighted relationship, even though Thor thought his brother was gone at the start of the movie. This is a very important sequence, because it shows Loki finally turning back to his brother and to Asgard, on a ship to take them away from the ultimate destruction of Ragnarok. It's the first time we get a glance at the God of a Mischief using her villanous traits more for the good side, and it's amazing. With the time being 4 o'clock, there are only 4 days separating us from the finale. Just like the flow of time: never feeling regular, sometimes I wish I was closer, sometimes farther away.
6. 🕑
Oh, look at that! We're getting closer to midnight? But what does it mean? Once the clock strikes 00:00, what happens? Could it be hinting to a reset..?
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In today's post, we saw Loki picking up that Tessaract and escaping the avengers, which would ultimately cause the events of Season 1. This is the last time we saw him on the original timeline and the first introducing TVA, or variant, Loki. This right here was their nexus event, the something that changed everything. According to the TVA, that wasn't supposed to happen, it was wrong. But under who's rules? Season 1's socialist-like approach, hwr's script, the flow of time itself, those are all behind us now. Everyone can write their own stories, right?
bonus: mini-theory
My theory is that, instead of altering the story, they're going to ask all their different variants in these specific points in time for help. What would they do? And imagine the power of all these Lokis, or making them work on a team! Either way, I see it as a captivating thought.
It's more likely that this episode will center more around the TVA than the past and the Sacred timeline. But even so, the countdown is still there!!! WHAT ARE YOU UP TO MARVEL
As long as everyone is fine by the end, I am happy.
I hope you enjoyed my insomnia activities and thanks for reading ✨
Also thank you to the Gif creators, those look amazing
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worstloki · 25 days ago
I actually think it would be so funny if Thor adapted to Midgardian clothing and such, wearing t-shirts and jeans and after Asgardians start settling on Earth that's generally what has to happen. But Loki keeps wearing his complicated leathery Asgardian clothing for the apparent sole purpose of jump-scaring any visitors to New Asgard
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minjimunji · 10 months ago
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I drew Sam yesterday bc the last time I drew her 7 years ago, I had no understanding of how hijabs worked so I thought I would do her justice this time,,,,
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martianbugsbunny · 3 months ago
ngl one of Rick Riordan's weirdest choices was not having Blitz and Hearth be married. like Richard they're married, they have more chemistry and are more natural and at ease with each other than almost any other Riordanverse characters, they're not made for each other's environments but they both have ways to get around it when they need to and they're both more comfortable mentally in Midgard's middle ground anyway, they're outcasts in their societies, they see the strengths and beauties in each other that nobody else does
literally in every way they're the couple ever
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taw-k · 3 months ago
While I definitely think the mind stone had a massive effect on Loki in the first Avengers film he definitely wasn't under full control, in fact I don't even think that's how the mind stone really works, definitely not like Clint and Selvig were.
What I think happened was Thanos tortured the hell out of Loki, and here's a silly little gorey through for you, forced him to battle other beasts, and if he won, his prize would be dinner... He would be forced to eat his fallen opponent.
Anyway, this took a toll on Loki until he finally broke, and that's where Thanos stepped in with the mind stone.
See, Thanos is evil, but he's not stupid, and he knows that loyalty born from respect and admiration is stronger than that of fear, that's why people die for their loved ones as he's probably seen countess times while invading planets. So he took Loki's broken mind and twisted it, the torture, the pain, the suffering, removed everything, his entire memory of being tortured, but he kept the loyalty. He filled Loki's mind with peace, promises, and purpose because that's all Loki's ever wanted, to belong, all thanks to the glorious Thanos.
That's what the mind stone does, it grants you peace, and a purpose, it makes everything... quiet... it doesn't make you do things for the wielder, it makes you want to do things. That's why Loki never spoke up about his experiences, he doesn't know where the mind stone stops and he starts, and he doesn't remember the torture.
Whenever you disobey the influence you experience something like withdrawal, a deep sense of panic and fear, of loss, of losing yourself and your purpose. This was severely amplified with Loki as he already suffers from intrusive thoughts, hallucinations (when he's having a really bad episode) and having no sense of identity (especially after Thor 1).
Then years later on the ship after Ragnarok Bruce Banner gets the sneaking feeling that Loki wasn't behind the attack. He questions Loki, asks him things like "don't you remember throwing Clint off a building?" or "don't you remember when you held Natasha hostage?" things that never happened and Loki just agrees because it was all a blur to him. That's how Bruce finds out about Thanos sending Loki.
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lokidanger · 6 months ago
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He speaks to me
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more below
psst :
just saying.
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lokis-coconut28 · 24 days ago
Unbound - Chapter 1: The Keeper's Bond
(Loki x Magic Female Reader)
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(A/N) : Hi my lovelies! Apologies for my absence, I appreciate your patience with me...
*The last month has been particularly challenging. I continue to recover from surgery, I turned a year older, and I ended a near decade long relationship. As I continue navigating these emotions, I find comfort here, among you all, my friends 💚*
(I am hesitant to post this fic, it has lived in my drafts for quite some time. As a new writer, I'm scared to take on a multi-chapter fic! But - I hope that you enjoy where I'm going with it!) (It's not as elegantly written as I'd like, but indulge me...) & I am happy to be back! You all inspire me so much!
I appreciate your support and comfort now more than ever. Please have grace with any errors - I forgot how to write amidst the chaos and heartbreak...
Please feel free to drop me a message about anything/a pic of Loki or David Bowie (I'm currently chokeheld by Jareth)
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Summary: Loki has been watching over you from his new throne... With his feelings on the line, he makes a bold decision to bond to your mind.
Word Count : 2.5k
Warnings: Slight touch of NSFW/Voyeurism in Ch 1
Happy Reading my Loves! 🖤
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A throne, buried in the infinite void of space and time, was not what Loki had expected for his life’s purpose. Never truly wanting the throne, yet in a twist of fate, finding himself tethered to it for eternity, was an irony that laughed at him in an endless echo throughout the multiverses. 
Exploring realities in the palms of his hands was a delicate craft. The responsibility, accepting the intricacies of overseeing an incalculable amount of timelines without interference or interjection was no small task. Observation had become a makeshift game to Loki, honing in on a multitude of lifeforms, seeking out what connection he could from afar, cherishing emotions of plenty in the vast cosmos which thrummed through his hands. 
A new desolate reality, ever flowing, impalpable, washed through Loki. A sobering wave crashed into him over and over again, reminding him that this was life now.
In the darkest of hours, he allowed his head to lower and rest, obsidian horns digging deep into his temples, a torment unlike any Loki had endured before. Despite the stillness around him, an unrelenting gravitational pressure crawled around his head, eerily creeping into a chokehold around his neck. A force strong enough to extract tears from a god. 
The weight of the crown had proven to be heavy, in more ways than one. 
The pull of the timelines forged on, wrapping serpent-like, circling Loki’s wrists; binding him to the seated throne. 
The intensity of holding limitless lives extracted a toll on Loki’s physical form. In secret, he wished he could put the weight down - if only for a moment. Knowing he could not, knowing he was destined to this role for eternity - these thoughts spiraled in his mind, plaguing his thoughts like a broken record with every passing second. 
Attempting to shake the burden of eternal responsibility, Loki let his eyes fall shut, concentrating on the only thing that brought the god solace in his isolation. Locating you. 
Loki had observed millions of souls in his quest to pass time. Asgardians, Midgardians, creatures from planets and realms that in all of his centuries he had never once discovered. He found comfort in busying himself with watching the lives of beings across the galaxies, across time, into the promise of forever. 
Yet, in his observation of the entirety of space and time, Loki had never encountered a living soul quite like yours. There was something particularly special about you, a unique aura standing out as a bright star in the atramentous eternal sky. Loki felt an unexplainable pull to your life force - a pulsing chemistry, as though you were two magnets coming together in an unyielding draw. 
Curiosity propelled Loki’s focus to you, solely. You were a powerful enchantress, a formidable force to be sure. Intrigue, he decided, was the proper feeling he had for you… at first. It did not go unnoticed, the way you effortlessly wielded your own powers, harmonious with the mysterious magic you possessed. Unlike himself, unlike most everyone in the multiverses, Loki could find no other variants of you. Scanning all of the timelines, he quickly realized you were a one of a kind entity - a rare anomaly that captured the attention of the God of Stories. 
Loki shifted in the throne, straining his forearms as he found you within the malachite cordage that resided in his grasp. Using all of his might, he concentrated on your energy, barely able to locate you through a thick veil of unfamiliar magic. Adjusting his grip on the timeline, the veins in his arm thrummed, focusing deeply, eyes finally landing upon your form.
For the first time, he could see your face clearly as you walked alone, your breath puffing into a small cloud of moisture as you exhaled into the cold night. Your hair softly fell around your face, bouncing delicately in tandem with each footstep. The clang of your black leather boots echoed with each hurried stride as you made your way across the damp cobblestone street. Your beauty was so effortless & charming, Loki found it hard to pull his gaze from you. Though out of reach, you were absolutely enchanting. 
To be near you - Loki imagined, slowly drawing in deep breath, inhaling at the sudden fluttering that had manifested in his core.
Abruptly, a frigid gust of wind commanded the hair on the back of your neck to raise, causing you to fuss with the herringbone scarf that stylishly looped around your collar. You took a moment to peer up at the night sky as you raised the hood of your coat to rest upon the crown of your head. The dazzling beauty of the stars twinkling above forced you to stop and appreciate the divine display. A brilliant wave of emerald light appeared overhead, dancing elegantly in a private show, eliciting a shy smile from your lips. 
Your eyes creased, squinting at a particularly bright star. Your gaze lingered on it with a subconscious level of expectancy.
“I’m not sure I’ve seen you before”, you remarked at the unfamiliar celestial orb, as if it would answer back if you asked it their name. 
Loki stilled as you tilted your head in wonderment, imagining you could somehow see him through the vastness of space, somehow sense his presence. He wanted to believe you could. 
“Stunning” you whispered quietly, letting out a contented sigh as you continued on your path into the darkness.
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As time went on, your voice became a symphony in the silence. Your expressions became their own motion pictures that played in an endless loop within Loki’s mind. Watching you cast your spells as deliberately and cautiously as a painter stroking a canvas, Loki never tired of watching you. He admired your skill, your intelligence, as you worked with magic that was foreign to him. Somehow, these stolen glances and sacred moments seemed like a secret kept between the two of you. 
Loki let out a disgruntled sigh, reminding himself once more that you did not, and you would not ever know him. He silently cursed, knowing he could never interfere. Yet, perhaps… 
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It had started as a simple trial, a test spell easily woven and rooted to your mind. A small magical connection tethering his mind to yours. Nothing more than to ensure your protection, to ensure your safety.
The moment that Loki had cast this spell upon you, practicing his illusionary craft became somewhat of a game, hiding himself from your mind, blending in with the shadows of your thoughts. 
Ilusion - an art form that Loki had mastered over centuries. Invisibility he found easy, but ignoring the intoxicating pull of the spellbound bond he had formed…This was much more difficult. 
He had not intended for the bond to grow so strong. At first, it was a fleeting trick, a slow dancing flame, a soft whisper that lived on the edge of his consciousness. Only a way to ensure your safety, a way to pass time. 
Yet each time he sensed your own mind within his, something inside of him tightened, even yearned for you. An undeniable ache that he refused to put a name to. 
As months time passed, the bond strengthened greatly. The lie that he told himself - of safety and precaution - seemingly dissolved, transforming into something…more. The sense of nobility, of being your protector from afar, alarmingly shifted to a forbidding feeling. Longing. 
The forged connection had become an addiction. Each night, Loki would find himself utterly intoxicated in your mind; voyeuristically watching you in your realm. Inhaling a breath of your conciousness and warmth. He let his eyes flutter shut, mesmerised by the comfort of your dreams. He would allow the sensation - of your joy and laughter - to quell a pain deeply buried inside of him.
While the burdened promise of protecting the timelines echoed throughout his mind, his focus was no longer entirely occupied by the task at hand - by the mission of being on the throne - but by you. Stolen glances into your reality, physical proximity cradled if only by illusion in his dreams and waking fantasies, lit a wick in his core - promising an explosion in his heart if he did not start to take precautions with his feelings. But... with your presence in front of him, his mind could rest, and he could be at ease. 
Loki often found himself wondering what it would feel like to hear your soothing voice call his name. He longed to be seen, not just by anyone—by you. It was a laborious struggle, this mix of euphoria and sorrow - wanting nothing but happiness for you, no matter which timeline you were in… yet.. still, in his quietest moments, he would let himself dream, selfishly wishing it was him you’d say goodnight to, if only just once.
When hope slipped away, time and time again, he would lower his gaze, seeking refuge from the relentless thoughts. But…he knew he would always come back to you.
‘How could I not?’...  
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This particular night, when the weight of your own day had been laid to rest, Loki sought out your mind in the dark. An intense wave of sensual indulgence erupted through his body as he allowed himself to siphon the sensation of your solitary pleasure. Pleasure. A feeling that had been lost in the spacial abyss for quite some time. He would not turn his gaze upon you, as you allowed yourself to be consumed by self gratification... your most intimate moments. Closing his eyes, as if to give you privacy, he tried to remember how long it had been since he himself had had an intimate moment. He could only imagine the pleasure of being able to truly hold you, gently kissing your lips, moving together in perfect harmony. A passionate embrace, bodies gently entwining in the most sacred of acts, whispering promises of love to you between soft moans.
Love. Love?
Loki suddenly froze, eyes snapping open at the realization of the emotion he had nonverbally named. He slowly straightened his posture against the back of the cold seat, timelines clawing heavily at the lines in his palms. Feeling a heated dagger in his heart, ignoring the way his anatomy had betrayed him having been lost in the forbidden sensation of your reality, he scolded himself for imagining something so real. His throat bobbed as he inhaled a breath of the emptiness surrounding him, immediately reprimanding himself once more for indulging in your pleasure, and crossing the boundary he swore he would not. 
Loki scoffed defensively, bringing himself back to reality. No longer did he get the privilege of feeling love, care, companionship. Sacrifice - a heavier toll than he ever would have imagined. A familiar sadness wrapped around his throat, threatening to extract tears.
The reality was, no matter what realm you were in, no matter what he felt, how much he wished he could speak to you, just once - it was impossible now - given his choice and commitment to guard the timelines, for freedom. 
For them. For you. 
Loki repeated this mantra to himself, a reminder of his motives, remembering the god he wanted to be. 
The chokehold of grief elicited a small sob from the deepest shadows of his soul, in part from the guilt of using his own power to feel companionship, to feel love, under the guise of protection, and in part from the sorrow of never being able to return back to life in the timelines. Never getting a chance to be near you, even if only as a stranger passing by in the bustle of your daily life.
Purpose. A heavier burden than he ever knew to be possible. 
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On a particularly quiet night, lost in a deep slumber, you dreamt of a distant soul, calling to you in a soft, fleeting whisper. The stranger seemed gentle, but their voice was heavily laced with pain and agony as they cried out to you, calling your name, in a desperate plea to be heard.
You were abruptly jolted awake by a searing burn on your skin, branching through your hands like lightning, leaving a scorching imprint in the flesh of your trembling palms. You inhaled sharply as you inspected the marks that remained. 
“Magic.” You whispered, quickly swinging your legs to the side of your bed, sitting upright as you studied the light coursing through your hands.  
A power unfamiliar to you, almost alive, flared from the tips of your fingers to your wrist. A bright green rope-like illumination emanated from your upturned palms.
The magic throbbed, as if fueled by someone else’s spark. Your hands ached as the heat ripped through your skin, sinking deeper into your flesh. In the silence of the night, the foreign magic coursed through your veins, the power pulsing in a heartbeat that was not your own. 
You willed your own frost-blue glow to spill from your fingertips. Shimmering wisps curled around each digit, delicately twisting around the emerald that had been etched onto your body. Instinctively, you closed your eyes and willed your own strands of magic to reach out to the power that had called to you in your sleep.
Then you sensed him. A stranger's soul, ethereal, almost faint. With forceful intention, you strengthened the bond to his magic. His presence was a distant echo, lingering in the air around you, but veiled in the mist of time and space. The presence was elusive and fleeting, barely detectable in your mind and senses. Persisting, you extended your power, finally reaching the source you had been searching for. 
A smoldering silence lingered in the air for a moment. You felt the unmistakable weight of eyes upon you. With a swift motion, you spread your hands, lighting the room, your gaze searching for the shadowed figure watching you.
“I know you’re here,” You cautiously broke silence, your words bouncing off of the walls in the empty room. “Physically or not.” 
Another empty moment passed. 
“Please, say something…” Your words brushed against the air like a feather, soft and pleading, a hushed request that somehow seemed to carry more weight than any shout ever could. 
Rippling through the silence, his voice reached you. Soft, low, coming from nowhere yet surrounding you everywhere at once. Time stood still as a hum so low and delicate found you.
“I... am not supposed to be here..." 
“Please, don’t leave...” you pleaded gently, your voice laced with a quiet reassurance. “You don’t have to say a word… just stay, if only for a moment.”
The silence was suffocating, thick enough to feel, as if the air itself had frozen in place. It pressed against your ears, louder than any noise, almost deafening in its stillness.
“You don’t understand what this means…”
The voice pressed through the hushed air. Your heart ached at the way his voice cracked with desperation. His emotion was raw, the mix of regret and longing, the weight of the forbidden moments spilling in a tremble from his lips like honey.
“For either of us.” 
The room grew colder, yet your blood coursed with a fierce heat through your veins at the intensity of the unspoken warning. Whatever this connection was, you knew it was not meant to exist. But now... it did. 
And there was no turning back.
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Taggies as requested : @mochie85 @lokisgoodgirl
Divider Credit : cafekitsune
Xoxo - L 🖤
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kaetor · 9 months ago
Loki + aroace colors. Make him blue
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fucking blues her
(send me a character + a flag!)
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its-a-me-loki · 7 months ago
𝐵𝒾𝓈𝑒𝓍𝓊𝒶𝓁 𝒷𝒾𝓇𝓉𝒽𝒹𝒶𝓎
y/n: Goddamn it, the printer broke while printing out Loki's birthday invitations.
Thor: Well, what are they supposed to say?
y/n: "Loki's birthday".
Thor: So, what do they say instead?
y/n: "Loki's bi". 
Thor: Works out either way.
y/n: True.
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lokisarium · 1 year ago
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muscariiaart · 2 months ago
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not the best thing I've made but I had to rush it. happy birthday magnus chase you would've been 26 if you weren't dead as hell
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sylibane · 4 months ago
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AUtober Day 11: Animal-Based
Prompt from @autober
Alan Wake/Control daemon AU. I spent way too long on this. Details under the cut:
Alan - great horned owl. Just used his canon animal motif.
Odin and Tor - raven and goat respectively. Based on their mythological namesakes, with Odin having raven servants and Thor's chariot pulled by goats, and I felt an aggressive, grumpy goat really fit Tor.
Alice - Eurasian skylark. Larks are associated with the dawn, love, and beauty. (I was stuck on Alice the most and also considered snowy owl and hummingbird for her before settling on lark.)
Jesse - American kestrel. Thought a small but predatory bird fit her vibe, especially with the orange and blue color scheme.
Darling - burrowing owl. I thought it really fit his dorky mad scientist vibe and also wanted him to have an owl to parallel Alan's.
Trench - German Shepherd. Wanted something that would seem businesslike and intimidating and also for both him and Casey to have canine daemons.
Casey - husky for the real one and wolf for the fictional/Dark Place one. Again thought a big working dog fit the vibe, while Alan probably gave the fake Casey a wolf instead to seem cooler. Plus there's already some wolf imagery tied with the Dark Place.
Saga - deer. Again just went for her canon animal motif.
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worstloki · 7 months ago
"Thor cared about Jotunheim!" "Thor cared about Coulson!"
Nah sorry I think he cared that it was Loki acting so abnormal both times. Not about the people just yet. Still growing. Sorry.
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tsartistry · 7 months ago
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Listen I know Blitzstone will be in our collective hearts forever
but I need you all to understand my vision when I say Blitzen/Amos Kane.
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magnus-falafelking · 1 year ago
are you a top or a bottom? like, does it depend on what gender alex is at the time? when she’s female are you top and then you’re a bottom when he’s male?
no comment.
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taw-k · 2 months ago
The whole Loki being like a magpie confused me for so long because I live in Australia and anyone else in Australia would know... Magpies are straight up evil. No redeeming qualities. Try living in Australia during swooping season. Ask any Australian, Magpies are MEAN.
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