#what level of victimblaming is this?
miquella-everywhere · 1 month
am i the only one that thinks it's pretty messed up to have a narrative where mohg is very heavily implied to be doing bad things to a child and then two years later say no! actually! the victim is indeed to blame!
like idk elden ring doesn't exist in a vacuum and it's always been political. to have the character that represents hope and ending oppression and genuine effort to fix shitty circumstances be a child or childish alone is suck imo, but also to have that child character be presented in a way that makes it easy to dismiss him as not only morally reprehensible but as manipulative feels? politically charged. poor victim conservative warmonger radahn vs. manipulative monster socialist miquella? does this make sense? it feels gross.
Oh my god anon YES
I made a post about the exact same thing that you're saying a while ago, but my point seemed to have flown over a lot of peoples head and took it as a Mohg hate-post(which fair ig 🤷)
I just hate how the DLC does the ankle twist where it tries to shove down your throat that the child is the predator aktually 🤓👆. It's even worse imo since there was a two year gap were the community was able to fill in the blanks and a majority of the Base Game presents Miquella as the victim of a kidnapping at the hands of a blood cultist, and his actions towards Miquella were heavily framed as rapey.
But no... Miqlestor.
Its just nasty 🤮
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starrclownshazbinblog · 4 months
Have you seen the new Helluva episode? If not, watch it first!! I'm about to spoil some bits
Omg the victimblaming…… it was hard to get through but COLLIN MY BB COLLIN HE'S BACK I LOVE HIM SO MUCH HE'S THE LIGHT IN THE MIST THE BB BOY
I haven't atcually!
I get really bad second hand embarrassment and Helluva always gives me second hand embarrassment. Might just stick to watching season 1.
Dude I heard about that! I heard that apparently Stolas actually takes accountability then says something like "I didn't know you think so low of me."
I could be wrong but I think that was it.
I might just watch the end scene to get context. I'm scared what their gonna but my boy Blitzø through. The fans are already shaming him enough.
I might watch the episode yall, I'm scared 😭.
(Helluva Boss fans try not to blame all Stolitz problems on Blitzø: LEVEL IMPOSSIBLE.)
- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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visenyaism · 1 year
watched a video about the unpleasant subtext created by the Velaryons being black in HOTD and had a sudden epiphany:
what if it was the Hightowers who were black in the show
I think that on the surface level it would definitely be cool, the hightowers are an extremely unique and interesting house and I would love to see more diversity in ASOIAF. However, the showrunners would also have to handle that with a kind of care that they clearly did not demonstrate with the Velaryons either.
Could you imagine how much worse the already nasty fandom discourse about how Alicent‘s children aren’t true Targaryens because of her would be if they were Black? or the victimblaming and hypersexualization of 15 year old Alicent that we already see in the fandom. or anything with how they characterized aegon, really. The narrative casts Alicent as this outsider to the Targaryen’s and Velaryons, but that narrative element would take a distinctly racial (and racist) tone if the Hightowers were the only Black nobles.
If they cast the greens (and I’m including Criston here) as the only people of color in the show who are positioned as villainous scheming upjumped usurpers against team black which would then be all very white good guy Valyrians who go on and on about blood purity that would definitely be communicating something pretty bad.
None of this is to say that it couldn’t work or that there’s anything that would prevent the hightowers from being Black in canon. but I am saying that the showrunners would have to put a lot of thought into it to avoid problematic elements or making the narrative extremely racist. And based on how they have handled the Black Velaryons and how the narrative marginalized them so far for the development of white characters, I don’t think that they would be able to pull it off well. 
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[this is an apology btw]
ok um i realize now that i never should replied to mister-snickersnee's post, i did not realize how hurtful my ideas would be. sometimes i just say things without running them through a good enough filter, and i really apologize for that. i absolutely did not mean to victimblame sydney [i actually meant to blame jedidiah, but it really doesn't fucking matter]
i appreciate people talking about it b/c i obviously do not spend enough time talking about issues like these to know that i should not have said that. i also need to internalize the fact that my words can have an impact, even when i think it's obvious that i'm not the kind of person should listen to, even when i am talking about fictional characters. fiction affects reality, and reality affects fiction.
i have no idea how i could possibly rectify this and i don't even think i deserve that conclusion at this point.
[i go into reasons why i did what i did. you can just stop reading if you want]
i think the reason why posts like that bother me so much is because i felt the need to take sides for some reason when it came to jedidiah and elijah. my first reaction with jedidiah was geniune fear and it was jarring to see people give what he did a passing mention [his dynamic with sydney is much more domestic and much more familiar and that just fucked me up]. i was raised catholic + my family has way more problems on top of that, so i was able to forego that and absorb other people's takes on him. but sometimes i just lose it. yes, not all of sydney's problems are jedidiah's fault but he has the power to make his life more manageable and doesn't. he instead makes it harder. the way he treats sydney would hurt anyone, but it's even worse b/c of sydney's bpd and the fact that he is the only one he has, and has ever had, to be honest. and the situation forces sydney to keep it all down as well, which is not good on any level. and he acknowledges none of this. i could believe that he just doesn't have the emotional capacity to realize this, but still
i'm not saying that jedidiah deserves hate, but people should really acknowledge this more
i feel like people had the reaction that i had with jedidiah, with elijah. i never gave much thought to him, i've never been stalked or lovebombed or manipulated while drunk. i understand now that if you've experienced those things then obviously that would hit harder than what jedidiah did, even side by side. but yeah, i wrote elijah off as something much less harmful and i apologize. it led to some pretty distorted thinking and i see that now.
i think i need to take the time to ruminate on everything and replace what needs to be replaced
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babyawacs · 7 days
#thetruth #it #is #not #only #highpotential #chronsaeule_I #techgenius #secretive #stamps #but #all #kn ew #in #some #form #allalong #what #this #is ‎ @law .@law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @bbc_ whys @france24 @haaretzcom @scotus .@scotus @judges .@judge .@dw @bbcr4 .@bbcr4sundays @fisa .@snowden .@us_stratcom @us_stratcom .@iaeaorg @rosatom #keypoint o f c o u r s e w ed o n o t believe inthis system an d we mistrust their system and we serobullshit their trickery including gaming with clueless fools that take on support averting w hat them shuffled on harms. and we always demand precisely what is mine and them must compensate including for their germansolut iontrickeries and nothing else ‎ banks lawyers insurances we  must help some with one thing  namely p r e c i s e l y : some higher level attorneys that b e l i e v e inthe system willnot understand or struggle fight with it that they are part of a way too often plainly criminal controlsystem and thatthey are used over their c l u e l e s s n e s s simply #reframed a criminal control system that is w a ytoo often criminal for various causes is  u s i n g the cluelessness of attorneys for precise things such as mitigation of liabilities and victimblame  itis a d e f a u l t dirty trickery and some may believe inthe system #keypoint wemust highlight with letting them think themselves a lways where and howmany times this system was criminal inthis case including harming on others that averted and mitigated the effe cts of the monsters their system made and how them rule ‎ #keypoint wemust make them understand we are longterm good actors but their system is fuck and fraud and this precise case of th etruth is quell subject because of how them are and whatthey must quell to rule as a criminal controlsystem ///
#thetruth #it #is #not #only #highpotential #chronsaeule_I #techgenius #secretive #stamps #but #all #knew #in #some #form #allalong #what #this #is ‎ @law .@law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @scotus .@scotus @judges .@judge .@dw @bbcr4 .@bbcr4sundays @fisa .@snowden .@us_stratcom @us_stratcom .@iaeaorg @rosatom #keypoint o f c o u r s e w ed o n o t believe inthis…
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lovesick-nagi · 3 months
My abuser's posts about me and why I've been gone.
{ Part 1: What they claimed about me, what people exposed to be the truth }
!! VERY important, I ask that you read. Boosts are very appreciated, trigger warnings avaliable right before the cut !!
So, first off, I want to say sorry to everyone for being gone so long, and you're probably just as shocked as I am to be posting this. It's nice to talk to you all again, I really missed you all. The truth is, along with all the other reasons for my absence I've given, there was one that I have avoided talking about for the years of slow decline that happened, both to my content and myself. And I am sorry for leaving everyone in the dark.
I've thought about posting about this many times, but I always kept myself level-headed, saying it was irresponsible and unnecessary. Unfortunately, the abuser in question did not have the capacity to do the same, and because I still hesitated to speak out about what they were saying, they have since left their blog.
However, these problems and false claims still remain public, along with their lies attempting to villanize another set of victims, so I am forced to respond to this publicly if I want there to be any chance of them seeing it, as they no longer have access to their account.
It is also because of that, I will share that their blog is @stylusscomms , also known as The Labyrinth.
They made xenogender coining, custom emojis/emotes, stimboards, and more. In this first post I will go over what they have been exposed to do and have admitted to regarding their abuse to me. In following posts I will detail the fallout, along with their VERY recent behavior, proving this is not something of the past.
You guys better strap in, because the story of what happened is a wild one. All proof of this is clear on their blog.
I may not provide the proof I personally posess for these claims due to the fact that they have already admitted to most of this, { here } and { here } and I don't want to expose the transcripts of my trauma in cases where I don't have to.
TW: Biting/licking, Physical abuse, Emotional abuse, S/A, Trauma invalidation, Gore mention.
Because of the state of their profile and how they left it how it was, pretty much everything is laid out pretty clearly in these posts, as I will detail: here, here and here.
Stylusscomms started by detailing to their askers how the friendship was "hurtful on both ends", making the allegations that I fakeclaimed them, isolated them after I cut them off, and they never once bit me.
This was followed by a long interspersement on posts regarding matter, which the askers slowly revealed that, one, I never could have fakeclaimed them because they never even told me they were a system { here }. On top of this, prior to asking me about it, they said they had "trauma from not having trauma", so I was a bit hesitant to talk about the possibility, especially in a friendgroup where this was enabled. They also talked over me about a lot regarding my disorder, so I at least wanted to speak up about this. Despite it being one of the only things I could ever bring myself to contradict them on, they still villainized me for it, as they did with anything that I said that was even remotely different from what they wanted me to.
Two, it was both victimblaming to say I isolated them after I cut them off due to them screaming at me, and untrue. Only one person of our friendgroup stuck by me and two of the others went on to date them. And finally, three, they had bit me without my consent countless times.
This directly went against the very extensive asks of people talking about their responses to { a certain mcyt/singer's } allegations and their trauma with biting, Stylus being very outspoken that they would never do such a thing, all of which caused the askers in question feel betrayed. Slowly, the askers exposed even more.
Some people I previously knew offered up their accounts of what actually happened, along with the fact they had proof, detailing how he had physically and emotionally abused me during the course of our entire year long friendship, along with something even worse.
This included him biting me extremely hard, screaming at me, hitting me out of anger, hitting me for sadistic entertainment, holding me down while doing these things, getting others to hold me down, stabbing me with safety pins for fun, laughing at me when I flinched away from them, belittling me, victimblaming me for various things, guilttripping me, sending me beheading and gore videos, and finally, taking away my phone while this took place so that I could not document these instances directly and could not reach anyone.
These claims would further be cooberated by sources we will discuss in the next post.
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But the worst of all was the relation of all this to my SA experiences and their more sexual behavior towards me. At this point I had shared my experience with it, but that did not stop them from holding me down or getting others to do so. After he was told to stop biting me, he continually licked me before returning to biting AND licking not long after. On top of that, they not only tried to convince me that my SA was a dream, very insistently, but he blurted out the story of my SA to our mutual friend.
Furthermore, they did not stop there, throughout the whole friendship they did not stop making sexual comments to and about me, and on one occasion, during one of these inappropriate expressions towards me, knowing full-well of my assault, they inappropriately grabbed and touched me directly under the belt.
These were all exposed to them by their askers and they ADMITTED to them.
They came up with a number of different ways to defend themselves, citing that they forgot, they thought the biting was consensual, that he did it as a joke and found it funny, victimblaming me and saying I could have stopped him, and blaming their partners, who had also accused them of abusing them, for their abuse against me.
We will get to the last one in the next post, as it is extensive, but first I will disprove every single one of these.
An asker cited a situation where they lied about forgetting something in order to avoid my confrontation to him regarding their abusive behavior, and this is true, not only that, but I caught them in this same lie multiple times, so I dont, and no one does, have any reason to give them the benefit of the doubt anymore. This was cooberated also.
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The biting was never in ANY WAY consensual, I have a hypersensitivity condition with my skin which just made the horrific bite marks and bruises even worse. When my partner, absolutely furious for me, learned about what happened and tried to defend me from his abuse, was villainized by the rest of the friendgroup, and they framed him as possessive, overbearing and weird for simply trying to defend me from Stylus' biting, licking, attacking and sexual comments towards me, along with everything else. NO WONDER why he wouldn't like them!
The excuse that they found humor in their abuse of me. That much was obvious from them both laughing at me flinching away from them and giggling while stabbing me with safety pins. Though his claim that it was never intended to be in a harmful way is also wrong, because he would also physically abuse and scream at me out of anger.
And of course, their victim blaming. They knew full well of my extreme people pleaser tendencies, and took advantage of them. Before this I had NEVER cut anyone off despite countless friendships being very harmful to me, as I have referenced before on my posts, one even involved the police, and I can say that Stylus was by far the worst I have ever gone through. They literally abused me in any way they could and when my partner called them out and told them to quit it, they were dismissed by the friendgroup and Stylus tried to guilttrip him about feeling terrible about it, only to get right back on their behavior with no remorse.
Yet despite all of this, we were "both at fault", and despite everything they said against me being disproven, along with being exposed to have abused and sexually assaulted me, THEY are the one afraid of seeing ME again. THEY are the ones made to panic when I am brought up.
They are afraid to face their abuse victim, they are afraid to face their actions.
The worst part is, this isn't even where it ends.
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marydawson · 2 years
What a shit Christmas Day with the in laws
What happened: Whew, privileged white people discussing things they don't understand and respect, not checking their own privileges and not recognizing their racist statements. When I tried to stop the discussion because everyone was talking over each other and it was getting aggressive in tone - because it was being discussed in a pushy way - they had to justify themselves - in more aggressive tone, that it wasn't true.
They could stand, that I said something as an adult on eye level. I drew boundaries that were ignored until I cried out, that I'm afraid because I was beaten as a child and have a fucking anxiety disorder. Not even then did an apology come, just a 'how are we supposed to know? Justification. Lene's father then tried to stop us leaving, which of course was completely wrong because we are adult women and when we want to leave we could do.
There was zero self-reflection, but only a 'Yes but the other side must also be taken into consideration', victimblaming and a speech of all 'you can not just run away from such situations'.
Which fuck you. I can.
And now I feel like shit. In my panic I told them stuff about myself I didn’t want them to know (e.g the Panic disorder and the beating as a child).
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rachelbethhines · 4 years
Tangled and Validation
Tangled the Series holds validation as a central theme of it's plot. 90% of the conflicts in the series, both large and small, feature validation as a core conceit of said conflicts. Yet it fails to understand how motivations, goals, and actions intersect with one another and so the theme falls flat.
Varian initially wants his father's validation and as the series progresses it continues to treat this motivation as Varian's driving force even when it no longer is his goal.
After the amber Varian becomes a 14 year old orphan on the run for his life from a corrupt government. At that point his goal is survival and saving his father. Yet the narrative constantly tries to crouch these serious issues as only being about his personal validation in order to invalidate his struggles. It then goes on to further undermine his conflict by rewarding him with empty compliments instead of addressing his real concerns.
Meanwhile Cassandra's only goal is validation. Her motivations for why become muddled in the confused writing, but it's the end all and be all of her actions.
But her actions do not logically line up with this goal. In fact they actively undermine what she wants to accomplish. As a 24 year old woman who was raised to be a guard most of her life she should be intelligent enough to realize this fact, but the show dumbs down what was once it's smartest character in order to force drama.
It then throws Zhan Tiri in there to try and distract from Cass's weak motivations and explain away her inconsistencies as 'manipulation'. Even though that's not how manipulation actually works and claiming such steals agency away from her actions.
Afterwards her 'redemption' amounts to Rapunzel patting her on the back rather her owning up to what she did wrong.
Then there's Rapunzel herself who also seeks validation above all as well. All her 'compassion' is things that can be visually seen by others and receive praise for. Shallow actions, like toy drives for orphanages, while ignoring actual systematic change, like paying for the orphanage's needs herself. All her 'forgivness' comes with the strings attached because she needs something from that person.
Anything that requires actual effort or emotional growth is avoided to the point where it becomes a problem. This is even the inciting incident of the main conflicts of the first two seasons.
However the show never calls out this flaw, unless it concerns Cassandra (And after S3 even this is then ignored for victimblaming her for things she had no control over. Once again stealing agency away from her. ) Rapunzel is rewarded by the narrative for doing the bare minimum or even for endangering others for her own benefit.
Favoritism and a refusal to address deep problems means that everyone's character arcs are sabotaged to some degree or other. It also winds up supporting bad messages about accountability, oppression, abuse, and selfishness.
If you still like the characters or the show, that's fine. If the problems aren't enough to damper your enjoyment that's great! Maybe you even managed to find something positive that stuck out to you in amongst the bad writing and spoke to you on a personal level. Which is cool.
But to ignore these issues completely. To block out any and all negativity to the point you'll shut down any voice that disagrees with you or ignore why someone might be dissatisfied with the show, is to prove that you agree with the show's own poor message that validation means more than actual real people.
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fedonciadale · 6 years
I love fandom. But sometimes I really hate it too. Did you hear that now antis are claiming that it was a Jonsa that hacked the other jonsas on twitter to try and make the anti/j0nerys fandom look bad? As if we need to do fake shit like that for them to look bad? I’m sure there are loads of nice people in their fandom, but quite a few of them don’t seem to be able to separate fictional characters from real people. I’m sick of it. I just want to love Jonsa in peace.
Dear nonny,
yes I heard that and I’m really quite angry about it. Not only is it accusing a REAL person of an illegal act (and only sort of ‘censoring’ their url), but it is also incredibly far-fetched. I mean it is quite an act to hack twitter accounts and to think that anybody would go to that length just so they can play the victim? How? Reason anybody?
A Jonsa Anti hacks Twitter accounts (someone who calls himself Jonsa moron is clearly a Jonsa anti), and real people are upset, are invaded in their privacy… What would be the natural reaction? The natural reaction would be:
OMG, this is so bad! I really hope it was not one of us and if it was I feel second-hand embarassment and I wish they were not part of our fandom.
What happened? Nobody said anything. Now, let’s just assume that some of them live in their happy bubble and did not realise something happened…. The only thing I am aware of was an anon GLOATING about the hack and the answer they got was just “I don’t really know how I feel about this.” How can you not know how you feel about this?
But apparently some (again trying not to generalise here) had their narrative ready. Since it is the Jonsa fandom that is so ‘toxic’ as everybody knows, it could not have been a real Anti. It must have been someone from the Jonsa fandom who did this so we could play the victim. Just makes sense. Because if something does not fit into the narrative you made for yourself that something clearly is fake  news? (Disregarding the fact that there is proof,  @undeadmanbun posted the proof).
This is classic victim-blaming, and I’m really, really angry about this.
I would @ the person who indulged in this by answersing to that ask if I had not seen that they have no awareness whatsoever that they did something really shitty judging by how they reacted then someone alerted them to the fact that there is proof that the hack was real.
Again, if you get an ask like that: Did you know that so and so (url censored) hacked twitter accounts so they could blame our side of the fandom, your answer should be:
How did you get that far-fetched idea anon? Is there any proof for that?
Instead that person turned around and joined in the victimblaming…. Instead of just admitting that like every fandom theirs has also shitty people. It is statistics, Vanessa, Susan or whatever your name. Any fandom bigger than say 100 has shitty people. We have as well, but most of us call others out for cross-tagging etc. - Honestly I would not realise if people send anons or jump on posts because I have Jon€rys blacklisted, I guess it happens, but hacking twitters or slandering real people is some next-level shit.
When I ask for receipts I never get an answer and some have the audacity to claim that you should just browse the Anti-dany tag for receipts, when D is a fictional character. And even if people outright hate D they do not hurt any real people by that.
And honestly, some of them really, really have a problem seperating their fictional favs from the actors, and I’m not talking about shipping real people like K1milias do - yikes - but also about the fact that the whole twitter disaster started because a D stan was angry that Sophie was doing promo, and Emilia not. Hello? Anybody there in that brain of yours?
When D&D go out with Emilia and have a nice dinner, this is somehow proof that D can’t die in season 8, because Emilia would never forgive D&D for killing off D? That is how some of them mush up fictional characters and the actors….
You know I’m sure there must be some nice shippers, and I even had the odd civil talk with some of them, but somehow I’m very close to conclude that these must be the exceptions that prove the rule.
And yes, I would like to love Jonsa in peace as well. But we are not going to get it. As I see it there are three possibilities:
Jonsa becomes canon in season 8. Then they will tell us. Don’t be bad winners. Don’t you dare be happy about this. You were just lucky you got canon because D&D love Sansa, because you paid money to HBO or you made a lucky guess based on your shipper goggles. And anyway the BOOOKS WILL BE DIFFERENT.
Jonsa is still only a possibiltiy after season 8, or Jonsa is just political, not romantic: Nothing will change, we will stay delusional teenage soccer moms without a job. .
Jonsa does not become canon: Why do you still ship it? You delusional teenage soccer moms….
They dynamic of hating Jonsa (assuming the worst without receipts, condoning behaviour from the Jon€rys side of the fandom like fake blogs, hate blogs - whose sole purpose is to crosstag - and even invading personal spaces and illegal acts, and calling out Jonsas for daring to do things like posting in the Jon Snow tag or the Arya tag) is so set by now, that it is like a train. The Antis won’t change track, whatever happens. It is sad.
All we can do is not to generalise however great the temptation, block the assholes, blacklist and produce positive content for our ship. And honestly, probably just don’t interact with the people who have no self-awareness whatsoever.
Some people stan a character who has no self-awareness or any remorse and it shows.
And I’m writing this with gritted teeth tbh, because I’m mad.
Thanks for the ask!
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iomontecillo · 3 years
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Paragraph 243 of the penalcode (dk) came into effect April 1st 2019 (earlier that year), and these events I’ve been describing took place before the last approach to see a counselor for depression - which the counselor(s) escalated in more than one way, several times in more than one location. The behaviours I’ve been describing have continued; in the bus, stores, cafe’s. Just the day before Yesterday, after returning from the library, I noticed the girl who crossed the street behinde after I exited the bus walked behind me and looked several times after where I was going before entering the main House my building is part to the estate of. Shortly after that I went to Pick up a package at the local builder’s supply chain, and there was an obese man, who thought he should entertain himself with sneaking behind me - as if he thought this was somehow “a good joke” to be so heavy and believe this is somehow entertaining or even remotely possible to pull off. But what the behaviour demonstrates is how multiple individuals Can jointly practice form lf abusive which is highly manipulative and controling in Nature with which a clearly malicious intention is backed up with political disenfranchisement through institutional and financial means - such as punishing active pursuit of employment; further punishing actually achieving employment and intensifying deprivation according to the levels of freedom and autonomy attained - then followed up by blatant denial of the abuse and escalating the denial to victimblaming. https://www.instagram.com/p/CWcr71GMGJQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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vasilinaorlova · 8 years
Monstrous Abbess. 27. On Vagina Dentata
I am hoping there will be invented a way to implant jaws in vaginas to make vagine dentata finally a reality. what diversity it would bring, sister Amanda, what new levels of danger and ways to heal. I see already the workshops for traumatized males and therapists specializing on women wanting to install said teeth in one of the arguably still most intimate part of their bodies, as well as therapists helping those unwanting to perform such surgery. and this of course is merely a tip of the iceberg. one might think about slutshaming discouraging women to become doubly teethed, and the victimblaming flourishing rampant in regard to those who refuse to transform their bodies and perchance get involved in questionable situations, to avoid using a trigger word. imagine the new beauty standards, the new fashions, the skyrocketing of vaginal dentistry! I will of course instal an excellent, perhaps three-row device full of diamond rhombus-shaped snark-mimicking teeth. along with a nice bald pink long tail. it is too boring to be a mere human, sister Amanda; anything but that! anything but that. the dream of humanity must come true at once.
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babyawacs · 3 months
#itisgermany #whobelievesyou #germany #criminal #incompetence #intel #10 1 #mistaken_pox_box_address #is #lessthan #nuisance  @bbc_whys @all @world @law .@law @harvard_law .@harvard_law  @deutschland @bbcr4 lawyers banks insurances what is figuredout what the toplevel intel pro s verfassungsschu tz and co top foodchain timecontroller accomplices did tokeepthe case day time including that 8.1x fold times chemically susceptible 8.1x fach chemis ch labil making itis reefforted mayntimes in that way that the verfassungs schutz many times misery trickery selfconfirmationed them we can fool it as zombi still alltheir efforts to are selfevidence theyknew itis daytime i t isnot only where should the civillian buy a once and for all time change thing not ever an onagain offagain thing but a top level thing once change d is forever that agaisnt what top level intels did tokeepthe case daytime a nd themother in contrary to: twisted and teenie tossed onthe case todowha t and perception is reality frameit trickery each ofthese a german crime ge rmandeserve as consequence evernmroe victimblame germandeserve from their crimes twist any angrymoment howmany knew allalong whatthery do it is germany
#itisgermany #whobelievesyou #germany #criminal #incompetence #intel #101 #mistaken_pox_box_address #is #lessthan #nuisance @bbc_whys @all @world @law .@law @harvard_law .@harvard_law @deutschland @bbcr4 lawyers banks insurances what is figuredout what the toplevel intel pro s verfassungsschutz and co top foodchain timecontroller accomplices did tokeepthe case daytime including that 8.1x fold…
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babyawacs · 2 years
.@law @laws @lawyer @harvard_law @bbc_whys @snowden @haaretzcom itis germany they germancure aids with drink enough as long as they deserve sth then and alltheir crimes are then thatguy //// criminal lawyerspin is to fool courts not what really is or really was spoiledbedsheet level of criminal lawyerspin is a case that is simple: the causing govt and causing controlsystem that betrayit as dayfool simply allowed victimblame by aaaaaaall the scums ‎they host cause invite and immunised todowhat ///
.@law @laws @lawyer @harvard_law @bbc_whys @snowden @haaretzcom itis germany they germancure aids with drink enough as long as they deserve sth then and alltheir crimes are then thatguy //// criminal lawyerspin is to fool courts not what really is or really was spoiledbedsheet level of criminal lawyerspin is a case that is simple: the causing govt and causing controlsystem that betrayit as dayfool simply allowed victimblame by aaaaaaall the scums ‎they host cause invite and immunised todowhat ///
itis germany they germancure aids with drink enough as long as they deserve sth then and alltheir crimes are then thatguy //// criminal lawyerspin is to fool courts not what really is or really was spoiledbedsheet level of criminal lawyerspin is a case that is simple: the causing govt and causing controlsystem that betrayit as dayfool simply allowed victimblame by aaaaaaall the scums ‎they host…
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babyawacs · 2 years
.@law @laws @lawyer @harvard_law @bbc_whys @snowden @haaretzcom criminal lawyerspin is to fool courts not what really is or really was spoiledbedsheet level of criminal lawyerspin is a case that is si mple: the causing govt and causing controlsystem that betrayit as dayfool simply allowed victimblame by aaaaaaall the scums ‎they host cause invite and immunised todowhat ///
.@law @laws @lawyer @harvard_law @bbc_whys @snowden @haaretzcom criminal lawyerspin is to fool courts not what really is or really was spoiledbedsheet level of criminal lawyerspin is a case that is si mple: the causing govt and causing controlsystem that betrayit as dayfool simply allowed victimblame by aaaaaaall the scums ‎they host cause invite and immunised todowhat ///
criminal lawyerspin is to fool courts not what really is or really was spoiledbedsheet level of criminal lawyerspin is a case that is simple: the causing govt and causing controlsystem that betrayit as dayfool simply allowed victimblame by aaaaaaall the scums ‎they host cause invite and immunised todowhat mercyalways dont doomanyone icourt demanded access whatismine /// klieglight onthe richest…
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babyawacs · 5 years
@law @law @lawyer @lawyercom @harvard_law @snowden @bundestag #all #this #mess. #is #german #made these criminal systems and governments had  nineteen years time to say i did nothing wrong that their hyperactivated sickos that breach barricades and use kids to rape that them are the scums but they gladly letem did they try to taxme for hunting the scums they enabled? instead? decoy and victimblame ? theyre guilty liable daytimecharged authorities that made this system and itis daytime charged how nuts is thecase for being raped onintelcoma catapulted gased poisonroofhole gasvalved mengeled staying dammages srugeries expeirmentsurgeries and worse alldaytimecharged theyhad n i n e t e e e e e e n y e a r s time to say ididnothing wrong that themmmmm sneak aroundbarricades and quell immunisationformality for theft fraud even t o d a y what did they effort instead ‎that hating them reminds them of satanism? ‎ ‎ //// ‎ ‎lawyers. did you brief cop level andso that allknow wh at they knew by when. dothat. thefollowing the cops knew: then: before which incidents howmany years 
@law @law @lawyer @lawyercom @harvard_law @snowden @bundestag #all #this #mess. #is #german #made
these criminal systems and governments had nineteen years time to say i did nothing wrong that their hyperactivated sickos that breach barricades and use kids to rape that them are the scums
but they gladly letem
did they try to taxme for hunting the scums they enabled?
instead? decoy and victimblame…
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