#what job they do or whatever
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ventbloglite · 3 months ago
Honestly I'll never get over how some people turned on Cavetown so quickly when it turned out he's not cis. Like I'm not saying that he never had people who didn't like his early music, because music is art and art is subjective and thus everyone's opinion is going to differ, just that it's very telling that he became a prime target for those who want to belittle trans mascs/trans men as a whole.
And it's frustrating that 'Boys will be bugs' is the song they point out as 'a stupid ukelele song about bugs' because like, I don't think he could have made it any more clearly NOT about bugs? Tell me you've only read the title without telling me you've only read the title.
The first verse clearly states a bunch of 'accepted' stereotypes about teen boys especially as perceived by a young teen boy who desperately wants to be seen as tough and 'a real boy/man' and directly tells us that this is bullshit thinking because the boy also admits that he can't admit that he is insecure about himself nor can he be open about needing physical contact with others i.e. toxic masculinity is already threatening his sense of self and place in the world and leading him down a road that doesn't benefit anyone except the patriarchial system whilst making him worse and his relationships worse especially with girls whom he's been taught are the enemy and it's ok to make them cry and aaaaaah
It's such a good song okay. The lyrics are so simple, on purpose, so that anyone could grasp the concept even if you're not a man (cis or trans), trans masc or weren't raised a boy (regardless of actual gender) so didn't experience any of this.
I just--- it's very telling that some have decided to not think about this message, a message which is valuable in a fight against patriarchy if nothing else --- and weaponise the TITLE and GENRE of the song to belittle trans mascs something that was not done when he wasn't out of the closet.
( btw before anyone is like oh boo hoo is this the worst trans mascs have to worry about??? no it's not but oppression is laid brick by brick my friends and every brick weighs down on the foundation)
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We all know the semi-canonical ‘all the Robins know to hide/duck inside of Batman’s cape, even as adults’ thing.
We also know that Danny ‘is LITERALLY a ghost’ Fenton sucks at remembering his own intangibility while ALSO forgetting to look ahead of him.
All I’m saying is, Danny Fenton (or Phantom, if you’d really like) would absolutely SLAM into Batman on accident while running on roof tops and Bruce ‘Brooding Instinct’ Wayne doesn’t even think twice about letting the kid hide and scanning around for danger before there’s a record scratch of ‘wait who tf is this?’ kicks in.
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erufin-art · 3 months ago
I really enjoy the idea of Godpoke just straight up not buying Inspekta's shit
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xxplastic-cubexx · 2 months ago
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pov: you are charles xavier and you have been invited onto asteroid m
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pricetagged · 1 month ago
I feel like the 141 pitch in and hire a maid service for their Captain as a Valentine's treat.
He gets home. He knows someone is already here, but when he sees you, he rolls with it.
Hair pinned back, apron pressed neatly and tied in a bow. Slight damp patch from where you'd been leaning over the sink. Tells you to stop fussing with the dishes, that's what the dishwasher's for.
He's tracked mud into the hallway, boots are scuffed and dirty. You'd be better off greeting him properly (happy, kneeling) with the scrubbing brushes and boot polish.
(Someone better tell him you were just hired for the day. He's already clearing out space in the wardrobe and googling joint bank accounts).
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magnificent-winged-beast · 5 months ago
November 5th first Aid Kit
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I'm recently unemployed, but I only can think It's November 4 and yet, I feel unprepared for tomorrow.
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proselles · 21 days ago
the start of witch hat atelier before u realize how fucked the whole thing is is funny because you'll be reading and coco and agathe and tetia and riche are so cute and the world is so beautiful with so much lore and symbolism and they'll be going on adventures and learning and making new spells and having fun and making magic and smiling and playing pretend and all. They deal with some big issues, but ultimately, friendship prevails, they cook they clean olruggio's there yes there's a big conspiracy but coco's gonna figure it out! everything's gonna be okay!!!
And then you glance out of the corner of your eye. And qifrey is over there and he's like. Having a manic episode
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electoons · 1 year ago
I love the college of winterhold. everyone there is casually deranged and there's like an alarming number of students and staff who threaten you immediately when they meet you. it's always one of the first questlines I do. which makes it even funnier when you get made the arch-mage of the college. I'm level 12 and got through this questline knowing exactly 3 spells. what do you mean you want me to lead the college. this school CANNOT be an accredited institution
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o-sunny-day · 5 months ago
GAAAAAHH posted this on tiktok forgot to post it on tumblr
also i made a work-in-progress overview on tiktok and the sound got removed so im gonna do that for this too 😭😭 BUT AUGGGHHHH THIS THING TOOK YEARS OFF MY LIFE/pos (tbf this comic in general is taking years off my life so LEMME GIVE A LITTLE BACK TO COMMUNITY♥️♥️♥️)
its hard to describe after its all “done” (its not exactly done- but i’m calling it here cause i’m happy with it)
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all the little ins and outs :3
since I can only post 1 video per pose ill post the works in progress’ after this- be on the look out cause I ALSO CANT JUST REBLOG THIS 😭😭 videos are weird on tumblr smh
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crossdressingdeath · 22 days ago
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Varric: But being a leader isn't about having all the answers yourself: It's about knowing who does.
See, this is why I really don't understand those posts whining about how Rook isn't the coolest member of the Veilguard and everyone else has much more useful skills and whatnot. Rook may not necessarily be the fastest or strongest or smartest member of the team, but what they do have is the ability to make plans, improvise when those plans go wrong, inspire their allies, earn their trust and love, encourage them to work together and put aside their differences, and use each one of them to the fullest extent of their abilities to further the team's goals. A leader doesn't have to have all the answers or be the best fighter or have the most interesting and detailed backstory (hell, you really don't want that last point for the PC of an RPG), they have to be able to lead. The best fighter or cleverest trickster in the world is useless in a position of authority if they can't use that authority effectively without alienating their allies. And Rook ultimately is able to lead, probably better than anyone else on the team could, because that's where their skillset lies. People really need to get rid of this idea that the role of The Leader automatically goes to whoever's "coolest". It's not a reward, it's an incredibly demanding job that for best results has to go to whoever is best suited to carry it out. Rook doesn't have the flashiest skills, but they do have the skills required to lead well and win loyalty, and for the leader of a team like this that is infinitely more important.
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findmeinthefallair · 2 months ago
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Mindscape, based on this post I made weeks ago
The yellow light is Flapjack's life force 😭😭😭😭
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kiddokori · 5 months ago
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emmavakarian-theirin · 2 months ago
soooooo i accidentally got lucanis killed trying to trigger new dialogue but i guess you could say i got a bunch of new dialogue anyway :')
[the epilogue slide]
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tordoise-x3 · 3 months ago
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Just my drawigs from today cuz I haven’t been finishing anything 😞
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housecow · 7 months ago
y’all will never see me as an actual bbw model or making scenario/stuffing content of any sort because i am a TERRIBLE actor.
no i cant do a cute little moan and rub my belly after a funnel session, im literally about to pass out and need to be tucked into bed
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harrowedsoup · 6 months ago
Honestly I would love more sugar mama Harrow because I think it’s a hilarious twist on griddlehark’s canon dynamic. Like, yeah, canon Harrow is actually poor because the Ninth House is super poor BUT she has all the power in their relationship and in a modern AU that could translate to Harrow being richer than hell.
Mostly I just think it would be funny to have Harrow being Rich and Proper (Always dressed to the nines because that’s what she’s Supposed To Do) but Gideon HATES Harrow actually being a Sugar Mama ( she wants to DO things for Harrow not the other way around) except in specific situations. Like yeah, Gideon will live in Harrow’s house for free while they’re dating (because Gideon takes care of the house) but she doesn’t like Harrow giving her a lot of money just because.
I also think the idea of Harrow being perfectly willing to do whatever Gideon wants if she expresses the smallest hint of a desire, since she doesn’t do that a lot, could be something that’s hilarious. 
Like; Harrow, dressed in a suit that costs more than a car, ends up following Gideon, who is wearing a t shirt that has the arms ripped off and shorts that say something offensive on the ass, into a McDonald’s at like 2AM to pay for her milk shake.
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