#what is the acronym anyways
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boobilby · 5 months ago
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This is a joke about how when I first saw evbo fan art I thought he was Martyn
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wtftaylr · 11 days ago
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I MAKE MY TRIMPHANT RETURN with a bunch of outfits. I'm very happy they're finally done!! Click for higher quality!
A few notes under the cut bc i did not work on this since October to not yap about my thought process /silly (i say with peace and love)
Bounty Hunter's Duster: Her first love. She liked being able to shoot that guy right in front of Gomorrah on behalf of Francine Garret. She was loathe to part with the cool hat, but anything for Francine fr.
Daniel Sadie's Outfit: Sadie is the founder of the He-Man Daniel Hater's Club (most of the companions are part of it despite not knowing who Daniel is. It's difficult to get anything more than a sneer and, "a fucking asshole," from Sadie when asked, but for some reason we trust Sadie's opinion). Anyway, despite Daniel being Daniel, we like his outfit. I like to think she stole it off his back in the night before leaving Zion.
Dr. Mobius' Scrubs (+ Glasses): Something she wears a lot post-game while researching the Tunnelers. I just love this outfit. Also the glasses are, through some miracle, her exact prescription. She's never seen clearer.
Vera's Outfit Redux: I redesigned Vera's Outfit bc Sadie would not be caught dead with a giant flower on her hip, respectfully. I referenced a few of Marilyn Monroe's dresses! The jewelry is designed after the Tops logos, gifted by Benny. Sadie doesn't wear much jewelry but, unfortunately, she likes Benny enough to make an exception.
Courier's Duster + Wasteland Designs: Sadie sews and assembles clothing! Expanded on here, but tldr: she's 5'0" so she has to adjust a lot of things to fit her. The only outfit that's ever fit her without her needing to adjust it was the Courier's Duster that Ulysses made for her. She was both surprised and just a little creeped out. Anyway, she'll take parts and pieces from some outfits and combine them together, as seen in the last two designs.
She also made the other two New Vegas outfits from scratch, using fabric and clothing she found throughout New Vegas. A lot of clothing from the Ultra Luxe conspicuously went missing, but don't worry about it. If you tell on her she'll tell you on Benny (not the biggest threat in the world but if you piss off Benny, you piss off Sadie by extension so... not worth it.)
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front-facing-pokemon · 4 months ago
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quackle · 3 months ago
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it's jade 😭💕 jade dc4 😭💕 JADE TANKO FOLKS 😭💕
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pokimoko · 7 months ago
Hello!! i just discovered your blog and firstly i wanna say that your art is gorgeous! <33 and secondly, if youre still taking requests could i get a lesbian/non binary cheetah? /nf
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Thank you! Cheetahs be upon ye!
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ziekkfreak2-0 · 1 month ago
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From the moment Eva mentioned "Bastilles and Basilisks" in her FTE, I knew she was truly a failgirl nerd.
Anyhow, I just finished Chapter 1 of Project: Eden's Garden. I figure I should just leaves my thoughts on it here since I'm prolly not drawing the rest of the cast, lmao.
Spoilers below the cut!!
So. Pretty ballsy to kill off the two most loved and probably most plot important characters. I'm not mad about it though, it makes sense. Their talents were far too useful to be left alive that long.
I LOVED Eva though. Even if she was probably being fake friendly during her FTEs and during the actual game, I still loved her. From the little "bweh" she does and how her voice gives "Erm, akshually ☝️🤓" vibes, to her hatred of her Ultimate title and desperation to be recognized and loved.
In that desperation, though, she failed to see the people who WERE trying to understand and get closer to her. She dug her own grave by lying about her title, inciting people to distrust her. The explanation she gave Damon (why she lied about such a thing) being a farce is up for debate, but I like to believe she was telling the truth. Eva is a lot of things, but she is first and foremost a scared, lonely child.
Of course, she's not entirely innocent. Her ego is off the charts. If it weren't for her title as the Ultimate Mathlete, I think she'd probably become the Byakuya of the game lol.
Originally I didn't like her execution, but then I realized the whole fire thing is because of the phrase "Liar, liar, pants on fire". Very devious. Plus the whole "desperately running away from fated death" using an escalator and a fire pit is a very fitting punishment for someone who wants to run from their Ultimate title. Throwing math equipment at her was just salt in the wound lmao.
Overall, I'm satisfied with how Eva's story played out. She could've lived a better life, but that's what fanfics are for babyyy.
Uhhh okay less on Eva. Wolfgang and Grace?? Never saw that coming. They're pretty cute though! I saw their room and jokingly said "Oooo getting freaky, are we?", so I was shocked to find that they were indeed, getting freaky. Still adorable!
SPRAKING OF ADORABLE!! Kai and Damon. Kaimon. They were literally roommates. I didn't get it at first when it was only the prologue, but I have seen the light. RIP to all the Wolfgang x Damon and Eva x Damon shippers though, lmao.
I feel like we have a new opportunity for a tragic yuri ship with Diana and Eva, though. They weren't together a lot, but I feel like in a different universe, Diana could've been the one to reach out to Eva and give her a friend. *points at Eva* Lesbianism could save her.
Ough okay that's all the thoughts I have rn. Maybe I'll come up with more later, when I'm more awake to verbalize stuff. For now I crawl back into my hole and read ao3.
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kittycity · 3 months ago
Thinking about Sinbad (2003) and how from Proteus' perspective it's a tragedy.
Like imagine that completely by fate, you meet your childhood bestie (love of your life ?) after not hearing from them for 10 YEARS and (other than a few hiccups) your dynamic is almost exactly the same as you remember it. You laugh, you tease and make banter so easily, you have so much fun together, more fun than you've had in all these years because you've been stuck training and preparing to run a kingdom and suddenly you're a kid again. It feels SO GOOD.
But then reality hits again and you're disappointed, but you understand how this goes, this part is familiar. You part ways, but not before reaching out one last time to your best friend (and, again, perhaps the love of your life), one more hopeful shot that they could stay this time. Still, you're not getting your hopes up.
To your surprise, they take the invitation. They show up in your life again and you feel so much joy and color return in the blink of an eye. You know they probably won't be interested in your comparatively boring life, but you show it to them anyways. You welcome them (and their weird new friends) into your home. You introduce them to the people who are important to you, including the person you're bound to marry.
Then, it all goes to shit. Your friend is accused of betraying you, but you love them. Like a fool, you still love them so much. So, you put all your faith in them like you did so long ago and sacrifice yourself to give them a chance.
And then you're stuck, literally locked away for God knows how long while you hope you didn't just make the worst mistake of your life for someone you haven't seen for a decade.
And then your fiance, one of the most important people in your life, someone you love and care deeply about, disappears. No one knows where she could have gone.
And then, you're alone. Again. And you know you could actually meet your end like this, surrounded by voices telling you you're either a fool or a traitor. Maybe you're both.
When the time comes, you really believe that you are a fool. You're about to die and you must have been delusional to believe the love you felt was real, that it mattered.
But it does, in the end. You don't die. Your best friend and your fiance are back in your life and you're all safe and together. You think for a moment that maybe you can find that joy again, after everything. That things can be different now.
Then, you realize that it won't. Because the people you love most now love each other and you could never deny either of them their happiness. So, you give them your blessing and watch as they leave, pretending that your heart hasn't been left in pieces.
In the end, you're alone, and even being King couldn't give you what you really want.
What the hell.
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gahhhb · 11 months ago
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wip about dwarves👀
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grimark · 12 days ago
feeling the overwhelming urge to write a deeply self-indulgent doctor who/star trek crossover fic right now, because you know who else would fall so fucking hard for the master's goofy little spy schtick? julian bashir, that's who.
#dw#it would have to be early seasons bashir though#bc he's like 'oh boy an evil bisexual alien that's exactly my type'#whereas later seasons bashir would be like 'i already have multiple morally ambiguous secret agents gagging for my dick'#'plus there's a war on and i'm busy. pass'#it practically writes itself#while escaping from the crashing plane the master accidentally teleports himself to some random human occupied space station#crashes to the ground in a flash of white light and knocks himself out. he's wearing his tux from the party fucking OBVIOUSLY#gets carted in to sickbay. they may or may not be able to identify him as an alien but he sure LOOKS human#and when he wakes up he's like. i'm agent o from mi6. from the year 2020. i'm very confused but harmless for sure!#and dr julian 'james bond fanboy' bashir is like I RECOGNISE THAT ACRONYM‚ IT'S MY TIME TO SHINE#this mysterious time displaced 'human' is my new best friend and also there's someone i've GOT to introduce him to#there's a bit of a hiccup when it turns out o is very well aware of aliens and in fact keeping track of aliens is his whole job#seems like he's from an alternate timeline where first contact happened WAY earlier#but julian 'geek social fallacies' bashir introduces o to garak like you guys are both spies so you'll get along right?#and garak (who knows a liar when he sees one) picks up on some bad vibes immediately#and is like doctor i can't get a read on what his deal is but do NOT trust this man#plot twist though the master talks him around and it's actually garak who sews that plaid suit of his.#anyway. this is very silly#under no circumstances am i actually going to write this i'm just rotating it in my mind
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odd-critter · 1 year ago
"do you remember what happened the last time i invited you to a party?"
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(I AM LORD BARGLEBROTH, COME FOR YOUR SOULS! ALL WILL KNEEL BEFORE MY STYLE!) .......... "no, not really.." "that figures!"
extra crap under the cut!!!!
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im normal about him grins :-]
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years ago
the audacity of Josh to be like “I can’t believe Sophie betrayed me…” when SHE was the one holding out a hand reaching and HE was the one who turned away. dude
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ummmuhhidk · 4 months ago
getting back into a series my dad got me into as a kid and one of the most recent developments is that a character has come out as transfem to her sister (who is/was a very christian very sheltered typa girl) and was accepted. literally like maybe 10 days ago. fucking ten days. the comics been goin on since uhhh like when, 2010? yeah 2010. the character was revealed to be a heavily closeted transfem person in TWENTY FUCKJNG THIRTEEN THIS WAS A 9 YEAR WAIT AND IT FUCKING HAPPENED!!!!!! also let me fucking tell you when i first read the comic where she came out (shes a writer, sent a link to her work to someone and it had her name as opposed to her deadname) to someone i . okay well it seems i had the physical book version of some of the story and i uh. i flipped back to that page so much that the book may have uhhh fallen the fuck apart . jesus
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astradyke · 9 months ago
okay hi i'm Back Here again general thoughts of my own :3
I - i think the board game is going to be a definite thing happening, possibly alongside or in lieu of a new merch drop, but i don't think it's going to be the big project. if we're going off of dan's later and a little bit after that or whatever strange thing he said, i could see this as being one of those two, alongside something bigger. i know someone said in someone's inbox (sorry horrid memory) that Relatable took on new copyrights so i think this is near definite
II - i could see how they're gearing up for a tour in the sense that we're in the d&p renaissance but i genuinely don't think they'll even start ramping up for a tour until at least next year. dan wrapped up WAD like a few months ago and we're so new into the consistent content gig that switching into the rhythm of a tour feels weird. that being said i think most likely, 2025/6 d&p tour that is (potentially) their last collab tour.
III - i think if DINOK is going to happen it's gonna be a book and i'm pretty confident on this? in which case i would actually genuinely read it; i love d&p so bear w even though this sounds like a haterism but i actually don't love their on stage scripted comedy sometimes so it would be a win for me if DINOK was a book (also think he's maybe hinted at this?)
IV - i think the odds of them doing a film/series of some kind is HIGHLY LIKELY and personally i would annihilate this i would be ripping at it with my teeth you understand me. i could see this mostly being some kind of fictional though or maybe half fictional half biopic (you know what i mean?) but i know these guys have got Creative Ideas and i think whether it's original concept they act, or them riffing off their own lives with something (kinda DINOK-esque), it'd be something they haven't really done before and would definitely qualify as like New Project
V - bonus: it takes two #2 before the end of june. i believe this. it might be the 29th it might be the 30th but i think it'll be pre-announcement, and i'm expecting announcement early july
tldr: merch + board game, then film or series; tour in 2025 or 2026
anyway! i yap more than daniel james howell sorry (i'm always saying this) but lmk thoughts if u have them!! especially about what the film/series might be because if u can't tell i'm kinda waffling lol idk what it might be
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olberic · 1 month ago
im watching the guild receptionist show and its so fucking GOOD. shes just like me frrrr
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diltonsstrangescience · 6 months ago
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jackals-ships · 7 months ago
another mush But Also is that i think part of it is pro anti etc arguing bc like ive touched on the fact that for me it triggers The Hell Spiral bc there's conflicting "x means this to y" and "a means that to b" and in turn that makes some of yall (not my mutuals ily mwa) just. fucking Mean esp to ppl who refuse to use either label
like i up and down b4 i filtered em out refused to rb posts that had a whole bunch of threats towards whatever group in the body of the text or the tags bc that's just. Idk I Don't Like It !! ur just kinda being mean bc u can at that point
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