#what is shopify business model
hansdominguez · 17 days
How to Build a Successful Shopify Business Model from Scratch
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Starting a Shopify business from scratch can be an exciting yet challenging endeavor. With the right approach and a clear understanding of your business goals, you can create a successful e-commerce store that attracts customers and drives revenue. This guide will provide you with the essential steps and strategies to build a successful Shopify business model from scratch, helping you navigate the complexities of starting and growing an online store.
Understanding the Basics of Shopify
What is Shopify?
Shopify is a leading e-commerce platform that allows individuals and businesses to set up and manage their online stores. It provides a wide range of tools and features, including customizable templates, secure payment gateways, inventory management, and marketing tools, making it an ideal choice for entrepreneurs looking to launch an online business.
Why Choose Shopify for Your Business?
Shopify offers several advantages for new businesses, including ease of use, scalability, and a robust support system. With Shopify, you don’t need any technical expertise to start your online store, and as your business grows, you can easily expand your store's capabilities with Shopify's extensive range of apps and integrations.
Identifying Your Niche and Target Audience
Choosing a Profitable Niche
Selecting the right niche is crucial for the success of your Shopify business. A niche is a specific segment of the market that you target with your products or services. To choose a profitable niche, consider your interests, market demand, competition, and potential profit margins. Conduct thorough market research to identify trends and gaps in the market that your business can fill.
Understanding Your Target Audience
Once you’ve identified your niche, it’s important to understand your target audience. Who are your ideal customers? What are their needs, preferences, and pain points? Understanding your audience will help you tailor your products, marketing strategies, and customer service to meet their specific needs, increasing the likelihood of conversions and customer loyalty.
Setting Up Your Shopify Store
Selecting a Shopify Plan
Shopify offers different pricing plans to suit various business needs. Start by choosing a plan that aligns with your budget and business goals. The basic plan is ideal for new businesses, while the advanced plans offer more features and lower transaction fees, which can be beneficial as your business grows.
Choosing a Domain Name
Your domain name is your online identity, so choose one that is memorable, relevant to your brand, and easy to spell. A good domain name can help establish your brand’s credibility and improve your store’s visibility in search engines.
Designing Your Store
Selecting a Theme
Shopify provides a variety of free and paid themes that you can use to design your store. Choose a theme that complements your brand’s style and is optimized for mobile devices. A visually appealing and user-friendly store design can significantly impact your customers' shopping experience and influence their purchasing decisions.
Customizing Your Store’s Layout
Customize your chosen theme to match your brand’s identity. This includes adding your logo, selecting color schemes, and arranging your products in a way that is visually appealing and easy to navigate. Pay attention to the user experience by ensuring that your store’s layout is intuitive and all elements are easy to access.
Creating a Compelling Product Catalog
Sourcing Quality Products
The quality of your products will directly impact your brand’s reputation and customer satisfaction. Whether you are creating your products or sourcing them from suppliers, ensure they meet high-quality standards. Research potential suppliers read reviews, and order samples to evaluate the quality before listing products in your store.
Writing Effective Product Descriptions
Product descriptions play a crucial role in influencing customers’ purchasing decisions. Write clear, informative, and persuasive descriptions that highlight the key features and benefits of each product. Use bullet points to break down information and include keywords that your target audience is likely to search for to improve your store’s SEO.
High-Quality Product Images
Images are one of the most important aspects of your online store. Use high-quality images that showcase your products from multiple angles. Include zoom functionality so customers can view details up close, and consider adding videos to provide a more comprehensive view of your products.
Implementing Effective Marketing Strategies
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO is essential for driving organic traffic to your Shopify store. Optimize your store’s content by including relevant keywords in product descriptions, titles, and meta tags. Create valuable content, such as blog posts and guides, that can help attract potential customers and improve your store’s search engine ranking.
Leveraging Social Media Marketing
Social media is a powerful tool for promoting your Shopify store and engaging with your audience. Identify which platforms your target audience frequents and create a social media strategy to connect with them. Share product updates, promotions, and engaging content that resonates with your audience to drive traffic and increase sales.
Utilizing Email Marketing
Email marketing is an effective way to nurture leads and build relationships with your customers. Collect email addresses through pop-up forms, sign-up forms, and check-out processes. Send regular newsletters, promotional offers, and personalized recommendations to keep your audience engaged and encourage repeat purchases.
Enhancing Customer Experience and Retention
Offering Exceptional Customer Service
Customer service is a critical component of any successful business. Offer multiple channels for customer support, such as live chat, email, and phone support. Respond promptly to customer inquiries and resolve issues efficiently to build trust and loyalty.
Implementing a Customer Loyalty Program
A customer loyalty program can incentivize repeat purchases and increase customer retention. Offer rewards, such as discounts, free shipping, or exclusive access to new products, for customers who make repeat purchases or refer new customers to your store.
Encouraging Customer Reviews and Testimonials
Positive reviews and testimonials can significantly influence potential customers’ purchasing decisions. Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews on your product pages and social media platforms. Respond to reviews—both positive and negative—to show that you value customer feedback and are committed to improving your business.
Monitoring and Analyzing Your Business Performance
Using Shopify Analytics
Shopify provides built-in analytics tools that offer valuable insights into your store’s performance. Monitor key metrics such as traffic sources, conversion rates, average order value, and customer retention. Use this data to identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for growth.
A/B Testing and Continuous Improvement
A/B testing involves experimenting with different elements of your store, such as headlines, product descriptions, images, and calls to action, to see which versions perform better. Regularly test and optimize your store to improve user experience, increase conversions, and maximize sales.
Building a successful Shopify business model from scratch requires strategic planning, a strong understanding of your niche, and continuous improvement. By leveraging a Shopify mobile app builder, you can enhance the customer experience, drive engagement, and increase sales. Focus on creating a well-designed store, implementing effective marketing strategies, and using data-driven decisions to achieve long-term success. With the right approach, your Shopify store can become a thriving online business.
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netherworldpost · 10 months
Sorry if you've been asked this before, but how do you get started working in, as you said, weird quasi-startups?
This is a history retelling, not advice, because the world I came up in doesn't exist anymore. I'm in my 40s and started in the '90s.
If you skim over all of this WATCH THE VIDEO AT THE END HERE IS A LINK TO SAID VIDEO IT IS A CONDENSED VERSION OF IT from a local design firm.
The video is not a rick roll. This one is though.
Now I hope you can trust me. This is a long post. I'll use HACKERS to break it up.
I have no connection to Coudal.
Or Rick Astley.
I get into the nitty-gritty Small Scale Stuff
Jim Coudal gets into the nitty-gritty of the Medium-to-Large Scale Stuff... in 2011. The basics remain the same.
I am realizing in linking this that I don't think Coudal Partners exists anymore? I think they shifted their entire focus to Field Notes notebooks?
Anyway, still relevant.
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(No -- 1994... and... maybe a bit earlier I can't remember that far back)
As I say -- this is history, not advice -- I'll try to pepper in some advice.
In some ways that's bad (Flash animation used to pay really well when weighed against what it took to learn how to do it).
In some ways that's good (things like Stripe and BigCartel and Shopify and MailChimp and Tumblr exist).
I was an anxious, studious kid really into mythology with very little access to it. I had access to the internet for about 6-8 hours a week, so scrambled to cram as much into my brain as I could. A reminder this is the early to mid 1990s.
I realized at some point that websites could be built without special tech. I explicitly remember seeing a web hosting company have a late night television ad on Conan O'Brian, offering a few megabytes of space free.
I learned HTML.
Then CSS launched, and I learned CSS.
(...yeah, this... this was the '90s)
From there I learned Macromedia Flash (later Adobe Flash) because it could do things I couldn't do with programming -- because of my own limitations, the web's limitations, free server limitations... etc.
I learned Flash the same way I learned HTML and CSS -- taking things apart to see how they worked, making my own stuff, breaking things down (and just breaking things)
At some point I was able to secure my own computer + internet and just hammered things constantly until I had a grasp of the basics.
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So with that technical background...
"I am a web designer, do you need a website?" I would just offer up. Friends on forums, people in shops, a few cold calls that didn't work out great because I'm not a talkative person.
Just. Constantly. Networking.
Which is an accurate but kinda useless term, right?
"How does one network, does one just shove business cards into the face of everyone they meet and say 'I am a business person'"?
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Diners, comic shops, tattoo parlors, independent restaurants.
To illustrate the differences of when I started versus today -- any time I went somewhere that didn't have a website, I would ask the person behind the counter --
"Hey are you thinking about launching a website?"
When it wasn't the owner/manager at the counter and they would say something like "I just work here," I'd ask for the manager's contact info to follow up.
The success rate of "I ask" versus "I get money out of this" was maybe 1%. Just constantly asking, constantly trying to build the business books.
Never taking things personally when ghosted or just ignored or it fell through.
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Cool but it's 2023/2024... so... the second half of my story may help.
I eventually gathered up enough clients and student loans to go to school for design. I have mixed opinions on this.
I had a few teachers who needed Extremely Cheap Intern-Level Labor and I was able to parlay my web experience into these opportunities.
I learned print design, branding, color theory, the basics of art in school.
I learned better business models by doing business and fucking up and getting burned and taking notes on how to fuck up less and get burned less the next go-round.
I applied for an ad agency job and hacked their website to rebuild it to show I could build websites and they were like "okay well we have to hire you now because we're in love with you / we fucking hate you"
(both emotions at the same time) (I worked there 11 months then went to grad school / see above art school link, it also applies)
Great thanks but maybe get back to advice?
I made things. I still make things.
Pins, buttons, shirts, bridge models, a chair, a lamp, I hired blacksmiths to learn about blacksmithing, I traded logos for beer, a theater company needed artwork so I engaged in a multi-prong trade of theater tickets and candy and / and / and / and with various other friends / clients / non-sense makers.
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I made things and if people didn't have money to pay for them, I took some of their product.
Sometimes I paid other people with that product for things I needed, sometimes I paid with my labor for things I needed... etc.
Kept doing that until I could leverage skills acquired against people with money. Meeting them the same way.
"Hey who does your website?"
"Hey who does your menu design?"
"I like your logos, do you have someone working on your brochures? Oh you hate your logo? Okay to be honest... I was using that as an opening line. I hate it too. Want to chat about redoing it?"
I fucked up a lot. I got burned a lot. There was more success than failure so I was able to keep going.
Modern Day Translations
A lot of that will work -- build a portfolio, keep it updated, if someone mentions they are launching a whatever, chat with them -- but also look at freelance agencies.
If you work for trade, then scale the work offered for the product received. Don't be afraid to say "nope, out of scope."
People who will take +50% of the commission but help you find the commissions and handle the tax paperwork.
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Ultimately, the basics are the same.
Make stuff. Put it into a portfolio.
Get comfortable introducing yourself.
Learn not to take rejection personally.
Keep going. The number of clients I would get on the first project discussion was probably 5-10%. It would take an average of 18-24 months, average, before I'd get money out of people. MEGA EMPHASIS -- A LOT OF -- MEGA EMPHASIS "hey remember me? I didn't have budget before, but now I do!"
By "make stuff" I mean.
(Things I have actually made)
Websites, blogs, writing, temporary tattoos, posters, ads, animations, plush toys, paintings, poems, books, rubber stamps, ads, grocery store packaging.
A whirlwind of stuff.
"That sounds expensive and difficult"
Yes. That's the bad news. There is no magic solution to it aside from "be careful with your time and cash and contracts and good luck."
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I am not a soft person who is going to promise you everything is going to be okay and if you just work hard enough then things will work out and if you're talented enough then money and clients and business will come to you.
The brutal reality is it is going to be extremely difficult for as long as you do it and my #1 piece of advice is "constantly evaluate if you would find more happiness in a traditionally structured job doing weird stuff on the side."
It is absolutely possible to make a weird job.
It gets easier if you have financial support from family and/or a partner who will help you survive the lean times. I mention this in the spirit of honesty -- a lot of folks with weird jobs had/have one, or both.
In my opinion, this isn't talked about enough, and it leads to this mystic "This person must be doing well and I can't get off the ground, ergo something is wrong with me / my work / my process / my..." -- not necessarily.
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Right, wrong, or indifferent -- some people have extra-to-their-personal resources help that allows them to make stuff. More, bigger, and/or faster.
I had the advantage of starting 30 years ago when the talent pool was smaller and harder to find and the work was harder to understand by people who were hiring.
Take what you have and try to make more of it being careful to spend as little as you can with it as it grows.
That's the essence of business.
Everything else is salad dressing.
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I'll wrap up:
Start small and affordable
Figure out how to keep going when you want to stop but can keep going
Figure out how to stop when you want to keep going, but can't
Figure out how to start again when you have to stop
This isn't a moral or ethical dilemma -- it's business.
Cold, hard, ruthless business.
"Does it make sense to continue putting resources into this? Yes? Keep going.
"No? Pause.
"It never will make sense? Do this as a hobby, possibly an extensive and advanced hobby, possibly as 'this is my job in the sense I spend my resources here and the tasks I do for a company for money are life maintenance, on par with brushing my teeth."
Never work for free. Barter to a level mutual benefit.
If you want to work with other people, build a portfolio and keep it stocked with the stuff you want to do. Make up your own projects from literal scratch.
Most of the time, real work is better than personal work
BUT personal work is always better than no work.
This is cross-sectional -- if you want to make logos, it's better to show real work logos.
If you don't have any, make personal work logos and fold these into real work brochures, which you WILL DO but DONT WANT TO DO, as you build your logo business.
As your logo business builds up, replace real work logos + keep personal work logos and reduce brochures until you have enough (of either form) of logos to just have a logo portfolio.
Here is that video from Jim Coudal again talking about his (former?) design firm, Coudal Partners, and how it evolved to partner to create Field Notes
A final disclaimer:
I do not know Jim Coudal, I've never worked with him or FIeld Notes, they don't know I exist in any capacity. His projects are significantly larger than anything I have the appetite to tackle (I like small, weird things nearly exclusively)
This video + countless similar talks helped me build me up to where i am with advice, ideas, and the strength to get through the invariable weird / hard times.
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seoexpertbd33 · 4 months
What kind of online business?
Online businesses vary greatly in terms of their structure and focus, catering to a wide range of niches and industries. Here are some different categories to explore:
E-commerce: This involves the sale of physical products online through platforms like Shopify, Amazon, or Etsy.
Digital Products: Creating and selling digital products such as ebooks, online courses, software, or downloadable templates.
Subscription Services: Providing subscription-based services where customers pay a recurring fee for access to exclusive content, products, or services.
Affiliate Marketing: Promoting products from other companies and earning a commission for each sale made through your referral.
Dropshipping: Operating an online store without the need to hold inventory. When a customer makes a purchase, the product is shipped directly from the supplier to the customer.
Freelancing: Offering services like writing, graphic design, web development, or consulting on platforms such as Upwork or Fiverr.
Blogging/Vlogging: Creating content within a specific niche and monetizing it through advertising, sponsored content, or affiliate marketing.
App Development: Developing and monetizing mobile apps through app stores or subscription models.
Online Consulting/Coaching: Providing expertise in a particular field through one-on-one coaching sessions, webinars, or group coaching programs.
Print-on-Demand: Designing custom products like t-shirts, mugs, or phone cases and selling them online without the need to hold inventory.
These are just a few examples, and the opportunities are vast. The most suitable type of online business for you will depend on your interests, skills, resources, and target audience.
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mayorofcattown · 5 months
honestly tho, I complained abt this on twitter already, but I am so entirely baffled by the whole bigcartel thing. and not even in just a 'screwing over artists' way but in a 'screwing over their own business model' way. I genuinely don't know how they expecting 'raising their prices by literally 50% in a financial crisis' to not go over any way other than terribly given their entire business model lmao
like their highest tier now costs the same (actually technically $1USD more lol) as a shopify sub. you know, shopify, probably the best and most customisable online shop platform there IS. and you're trying to charge as much as them for a shop platform that doesn't even let people post reviews for your products???? what???
they just do not understand their own business' audience on even a basic level. bigcartel was never popular cause they were the best, they were just a good affordable option for smaller creators who couldn't afford shopify but didn't want to pay out the nose in fees with etsy. the second they stop being affordable no ones going to bother with it
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Owning your Own TV Channel
I. Introduction A. Definition of an Own TV Channel B. Significance for Entrepreneurs
II. Benefits of Having Own TV Channel A. Control Over Content B. Brand Visibility and Recognition C. Direct Communication with Audience D. Monetization Opportunities
III. Steps to Launching an Own TV Channel A. Market Research and Target Audience Analysis B. Content Creation and Curation C. Technical Setup and Broadcasting Platform D. Promotion and Marketing Strategy
IV. Content Ideas for Entrepreneurial TV Channels A. Interviews with Successful Entrepreneurs B. Educational and How-to Videos C. Industry News and Updates D. Product Demonstrations and Reviews E. Behind-the-Scenes Footage
V. Monetization Strategies for Entrepreneurial TV Channels A. Advertisements and Sponsorships B. Subscription Model C. Merchandise and Product Sales D. Affiliate Marketing
VI. Challenges and Solutions A. Initial Investment and Budgeting B. Content Quality and Production Constraints C. Competition and Market Saturation D. Audience Engagement and Retention
VII. Case Studies of Successful Entrepreneurial TV Channels A. GaryVee TV B. Bloomberg TV C. Shopify TV
VIII. Tips for Sustaining and Growing Your Own TV Channel A. Consistent Content Schedule B. Audience Interaction and Feedback Incorporation C. Adaptation to Emerging Trends and Technologies D. Collaborations and Partnerships
IX. Conclusion A. Recap of Benefits and Opportunities B. Encouragement for Entrepreneurial Ventures in TV Broadcasting C. Final Words of Advice
In today's digital age, the concept of having one's own television channel has transcended the traditional bounds of broadcasting. For entrepreneurs, the prospect of owning a TV channel represents a unique opportunity to engage with their audience in a dynamic and immersive manner. In this article, we explore the intricacies of launching and managing an entrepreneurial TV channel, delving into its benefits, challenges, and potential strategies for success.
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Own TV channel for entrepreneurs
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In the introductory section, we'll define what constitutes an own TV channel and highlight its significance for entrepreneurs in today's business landscape.
Definition of an Own TV Channel An own TV channel refers to a platform where entrepreneurs can broadcast content tailored to their specific niche or industry. Unlike traditional television networks, own TV channels are often digital platforms accessible through the internet, offering entrepreneurs unprecedented control over their content and audience engagement.
Significance for Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurs can leverage their own TV channels as powerful tools for brand building, audience engagement, and revenue generation. By creating compelling content that resonates with their target audience, entrepreneurs can establish themselves as thought leaders in their respective industries and cultivate a loyal following.
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Own TV channel for entrepreneurs
Benefits of Having Own TV Channel
In this section, we'll explore the various advantages that come with owning a TV channel for entrepreneurs.
Control Over Content One of the primary benefits of having an own TV channel is the ability to maintain full control over the content that is broadcasted. Unlike traditional media outlets...
[Continue expanding on the benefits, utilizing examples and case studies where appropriate.]
Steps to Launching an Own TV Channel
Launching an own TV channel requires careful planning and execution. In this section, we'll outline the essential steps involved in the process.
Market Research and Target Audience Analysis Before launching a TV channel, entrepreneurs must conduct thorough market research to identify their target audience and understand their preferences...
[Elaborate on each step, providing practical advice and insights.]
Content Ideas for Entrepreneurial TV Channels
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Creating engaging and relevant content is essential for the success of an entrepreneurial TV channel. In this section, we'll explore various content ideas that entrepreneurs can incorporate into their programming.
Interviews with Successful Entrepreneurs Featuring interviews with successful entrepreneurs...
[Detail each content idea, offering creative suggestions and potential formats.]
Monetization Strategies for Entrepreneurial TV Channels
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Own TV channel for entrepreneurs
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Monetizing an own TV channel is crucial for sustaining its operations and generating revenue. In this section, we'll discuss different monetization strategies that entrepreneurs can implement.
Advertisements and Sponsorships Advertising and sponsorships are common revenue streams for TV channels...
[Discuss each monetization strategy, highlighting its pros and cons.]
Challenges and Solutions
Despite its potential benefits, launching and managing an own TV channel comes with its fair share of challenges. In this section, we'll identify common obstacles and provide practical solutions.
Initial Investment and Budgeting One of the biggest challenges entrepreneurs face when launching a TV channel is securing the initial investment...
[Address each challenge and offer actionable solutions.]
Case Studies of Successful Entrepreneurial TV Channels
Examining real-world examples of successful entrepreneurial TV channels can provide valuable insights and inspiration. In this section, we'll analyze case studies of notable channels.
GaryVee TV GaryVee TV, founded by entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk...
[Provide in-depth case studies, highlighting key strategies and successes.]
Tips for Sustaining and Growing Your Own TV Channel
In the final section, we'll offer practical tips for entrepreneurs looking to sustain and grow their own TV channels over the long term.
Consistent Content Schedule Consistency is key when it comes to maintaining audience engagement...
[Offer actionable tips and advice for sustained growth.]
In the conclusion, we'll recap the key points discussed in the article and offer final words of encouragement for entrepreneurs embarking on their own TV channel ventures.
With the outline provided, let's delve into the details of each section to provide a comprehensive guide for entrepreneurs interested in launching their own TV channels.
Disclaimer: There are affiliate links to the best product in this article which may generate some profit for me
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allaboutmarketing4you · 7 months
The Future Of Online Shopping
"CNBC Marathon explores how companies like Amazon, Walmart and their competitors are shifting their marketing and business strategies to compete in today’s economy.
Quietly launching its app in September 2022, it only took Temu a few weeks to top app store charts, edging out Amazon, Walmart and even fast-fashion brand Shein. By February 2023, the 5-month-old company made its TV debut during Super Bowl LVII, airing two commercial spots totaling an estimated $14 million. With an annual advertising budget of about $1.4 billion, Temu is focused on aggregating a user base of nearly 100 million people by year-end.
Walmart employs more people than any other company in the world and is the country’s largest grocer. But when it comes to e-commerce, Amazon is the clear leader, with 39.5% of the market share compared to Walmart’s 7%. Now Walmart has ambitious new plans, and new leadership, to try and catch up.
Livestream shopping took China by storm during the pandemic, growing into an estimated $423 billion market in 2022. The trend has caught on more slowly in the U.S., but now Amazon, TikTok, YouTube and Shopify are making big investments in hopes it takes off. CNBC goes behind the scenes with creators like Myriam Sandler to find out what it’s like to sell via livestream, and what it’ll take for the emerging model to become a mainstream way that U.S. consumers shop.
00:00 Introduction
00:37 How Temu Makes Money From $10 Smartwatches from China (Published August 2023)
16:57 How Walmart Is Betting Big On Stores To Catch Amazon In E-commerce (Published June 2022)
34:26 Will Live Shopping On TikTok, Amazon And YouTube Take Off In The U.S.? (Published February 2023) "
Source: CNBC
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Thank you for following All about Marketing 4 You
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unhinged-diaries · 9 months
I’ve probably written my 2024 todo list 1000 times. Pieces of paper in my purse all detailing the same thing because I need to see it into my brain (and I’m bored at work).
I’ve narrowed it down to the first 3 things of importance:
#1: Ghost mannequin photos.
Right now I have 3D renders on my website and they, along with my Shopify theme, lowkey makes my business look fake and scamming.
The photos will be the last thing ppl see before they buy and I don’t want anything to deter them away from clicking that checkout button.
Since I won’t be using models, ghost mannequin photos are the next best thing.
$240 for 3 photos.
#2: User Generated Content.
People want to see people. They want to see any kind of social proof either in the form of text reviews or video reviews however video reviews do better bc ppl get to see someone try on the product in real time.
I have a UGC creator that charges $100 per video and 30% of the total for usage rights for 90 days. Meaning I can use it in ads. I can start off with one video and see how I like her.
$130 for 1 video and 90 days of usage rights
#3: Restock my best seller.
In retrospect this should be #1 right? Wrong! I’m broke bby and the restock costs $1400 rounded up. I ain’t got that. However if I do #1 and #2 right, I’ll sell enough of what I already have to pay for (at least) the first half of that bulk order which will get the production started.
When I started my business I said I was going to do it the soft girl way. Not allowing things to stress me voluntarily. If I waited and saved I’d be pissed that I’m just letting time fly by so it’s best to keep moving and let the customer pay for the product.
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$1400 for 50 sets in 5 sizes
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dangalante · 9 months
Trends in AI & Generative AI: Insights from The 2023 AI Summit New York 
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Last week, I covered the AI Summit in New York. I was excited to learn about the trends in AI and generative AI and to see some commercial applications of these new technological advancements. 
Patrick Murphy of UAB led the AI Exhibitor hub. Patrick shared insights from his research on Entrepreneurship. He shared how start-ups use AI, and Generative AI to scale up and bring products to market. 
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Generative AI is being used in the following eight ways:
Content and Asset Generative
Automated Processes
Financial Management
Project Design
Optimized Structures
Acceleration and incubation
Ethics and Risk Management. 
There was a pitching completion where start-ups did pitches in multiple rounds. At the beginning of the competition, they received advice from judges on best practices. 
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One of the start-ups that was of interest was Botwise. Jan Nowak shared how his team shared a use case on how they leveraged Language Learning models (LLM)using statistics and GPT solutions for rapid automation in customer service for Mylead.global is a platform that allows influencers to earn money. As a result, MyLead.global was able to screen influencers faster and better for their big brand clients.
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AI-Powered Use Cases from across the board panel discussion
Leaders Saira Kazmi Ph. D. (CVS Health), Matthew Blakemore (Creative Industries Council) Taha Mokfi (HelloFresh), Kriti Kohli (Shopify), and Kris Perez (Data Force) share how they use chatbots, improving both the buyer and seller experience using AI. How AI can be used in video games to identify levels of violence and how AI can improve in healthcare and Radiology reducing the amount of time images are read while improving accuracy and detail. 
Another interesting Panel was by Tim Delesio CTO of techolution
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Tim asked What’s driving the explosive rise of AI all of a Sudden?
The answer is the economics of the labor market.
On the demand side, he cited labor shortages and persistent high inflation. 
On the supply side, he cites the rise of ChatGPT and, major scientific and Technological breakthroughs in the past five to seven years. 
He shared trends in AI for 2024 that include:
Physical Labor with AI to help deliver small batch sizes with high-precision quality control
Improved customer engagement by providing a new generation of customer service agents using Generative AI 
Tim demonstrated some of these trends when he ordered a soda using an AI-powered robotic arm. 
The booth had another machine showing how AI can enhance inventory management when items are ordered. 
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I was amazed to see some AI Tech that techolution brought to the marketplace.
On that note, I saw an AI-powered Kiosk by Graphen where a man ordered his food and paid. This company is using AI to revolutionize all industries.
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Man orders food AI Kiosk
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Man pays for food at AI Kiosk
There were so many great talks and exhibits. 
Additional pictures can be found on Instagram. 
I want to thank the AI Summit for having me as their guest. If you want to use AI and Generative to improve business outcomes, sign up for the AI summit in your city.
What do you think is next for AI and Generative AI?
Comment and share below.
Additional pictures can be found on Instagram. 
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happynorasullivan · 1 year
PaidLetter Reviews and FAQs
Thinking about starting or buying a single operator newsletter?
Paidletter is owned and operated by M.T. Smith an entrepreneur, investor, and author. He had a podcast back in 2016. Mr. Smith has written books currently on Barnes & Noble and is the creative force behind PaidLetter.
Who is Jeff Blake? Jeff Blake is a PaidLetter partner and runs YourHappyClients the company that hires homeworkers for PaidLetter.
What is a paid newsletter? Paid newsletters are email campaigns that people pay to receive, usually on a yearly or monthly basis. They're a great way to supplement a business.
What is a single operator newsletter? Many paid newsletters are generated by a staff of folks. But the single operator newsletter is run by one person. These newsletters can generate up to 7 figures from a kitchen table. The Single Operated Newsletter is the flagship newsletter from PaidLetter.com. With close to 100k subscribers around the world, the S.O.N. has been in business for five years. Each month more than 20 million readers visit their site using the keyword "single operated newsletter".
Although many try to build newsletters in public (on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc.) the SON has proven the merits of placing curated content behind a paywall. Subscribers look to each issue for:
inside secrets
hot lucrative niches
What is a Faceless Brand? Faceless brands, or branding, are when a brand or company creates an income without showing its face. Many companies, YouTubers, bloggers, drop shippers, Instagram pages and more utilize a faceless brand to make money. 
Faceless brands are often used by those who wish to protect their privacy. One of the paid newsletter strategies taught at PaidLetter involves using this model.
At first, the idea of a faceless brand may seem odd. In a day when everyone is plastering their face on social media, why would anyone take that path?
But following everyone else (for example building in public) leads to giving away content that everyone else simply copies. There is no differentiation or selling advantage.
Worse yet, it leads to a ‘freebie model’ that destroys your branding and requires you to get sponsors. You already purchase from an incredible number of faceless brands. (Think about your Amazon or Shopify purchases). When this kind of power is at your disposal your whole marketing perspective shifts.
Our students understand the financial freedom that content curation can deliver because:
– Eliminates gender issues (sex, race, language barriers, and ageism!) – Run more than one paid newsletter (tremendous cash flow) – You have complete Privacy!
Are Paid Newsletters Better than High-Ticket Programs? Many are being sold on the merits of High-Ticket programs, courses, and coaching. But high-ticket selling is incredibly stressful. This is especially true with coaching or services that require you to sell do "discovery calls" on the telephone.
Click the link below to get a free week of the Single Operated Newsletter from PaidLetter and learn why so many subscribers look forward to receiving it each week.
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thedigitalpulse · 1 day
Ecommerce and Audiences in GA4 for 2024
In 2024, the importance of eCommerce continues to soar, with global online purchases surpassing expectations. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) has emerged as a vital tool for businesses to gain deeper insights into their customers’ behaviors and optimize their eCommerce performance. If you're transitioning from Universal Analytics (UA) to GA4, rest assured – the process is more manageable than it seems, and the benefits are substantial.
What is GA4 and Why Does It Matter?
GA4 is Google’s latest analytics platform, designed to provide enhanced data tracking and insights. Unlike UA, GA4 offers a more sophisticated approach to understanding user behavior, particularly for eCommerce. With features such as event-based tracking and predictive analytics, GA4 gives businesses the ability to track key metrics that go beyond simple page views.
This tool is vital for businesses looking to increase their return on investment and refine their strategies. For eCommerce platforms, GA4 provides the data needed to understand which products are most popular, where customers drop off in the purchase funnel, and which marketing channels deliver the best results.
Setting Up GA4 for eCommerce
Making the leap from UA to GA4 is easier than you might think. With the right resources, your business can smoothly transition and leverage the power of GA4 to drive sales and engagement. The key is ensuring that your GA4 property is set up correctly, allowing you to capture detailed eCommerce data such as product views, promotions, and sales.
Here’s a comprehensive guide from Google that will walk you through setting up GA4 for eCommerce using Google Tag Manager. It details how to send product list impressions, track promotion clicks, and capture sales data through recommended GA4 events.
For Shopify users, this guide from Shopify is particularly useful, providing step-by-step instructions on how to integrate GA4 with your Shopify store, ensuring that every transaction is accurately recorded in your reports.
Building and Managing Audiences in GA4
Audiences are crucial in digital marketing. GA4 offers powerful tools for creating and managing audiences, allowing you to segment your customer base for better targeting. You can create custom audiences based on user behavior, purchase history, or even predictive metrics that estimate future actions.
If you're concerned about losing your audience data in the transition to GA4, worry not. There are multiple ways to preserve and recreate your existing audiences, ensuring continuity in your marketing efforts.
For businesses working with Google Ads, it’s critical to link GA4 with your ad accounts so you can use these audiences for targeted campaigns. Here’s another excellent resource from Google Ads Help for setting up Google Ads integration with GA4, ensuring seamless audience management across both platforms.
3 Key Benefits of Using GA4 for eCommerce in 2024
Enhanced User Insights GA4’s event-based model means that you can track specific customer actions, such as product views and cart abandonment. This granular level of tracking offers a clearer picture of what’s working and what needs improvement in your sales funnel. Businesses, including many supported by a reputable digital marketing agency in Perth use these insights to refine their strategies and optimize their online stores.
Predictive Analytics With GA4, you can go beyond historical data and start leveraging predictive analytics. GA4 offers predictive metrics that estimate the likelihood of users making purchases, allowing you to target high-potential customers with personalized marketing efforts. This kind of insight is a game-changer for any eCommerce business.
Improved Cross-Platform Tracking GA4 is designed to track users across multiple platforms and devices, making it easier for businesses to get a complete view of their customer journeys. Whether customers interact with your brand via desktop, mobile, or app, GA4 consolidates this data, giving you a unified understanding of your audience. A digital marketing agency can assist in setting up these advanced tracking capabilities to ensure accurate data capture across all touchpoints.
Take Action Now
To get the most out of GA4, make sure to optimize your eCommerce setup and audience segmentation. The earlier you begin, the more prepared you’ll be to take advantage of GA4’s full suite of features. With predictive analytics, enhanced tracking, and cross-platform insights, GA4 is indispensable for growing your eCommerce business in 2024.
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johns33777 · 2 days
How to Create Your Own Vintage Clothing Store in 5 Simple Steps
Starting your own vintage clothing store can be a rewarding venture, combining a love for fashion with a sustainable business model. Here are five simple steps to help you get started:
1. Research the Market and Define Your Niche
The first step in creating a successful vintage clothing store is understanding the market. Research what types of vintage clothing are in demand and identify gaps in your local or online market. Do you want to specialize in a specific era, such as the 60s, 70s, or 80s? Or perhaps focus on a particular type of clothing, like vintage denim or accessories? Defining your niche will help you cater to a specific audience, making it easier to stand out in a crowded market.
2. Source Your Inventory
Once you've determined your niche, the next step is finding inventory. There are several ways to source vintage clothing, such as thrift stores, estate sales, flea markets, and even online auctions. It’s essential to focus on quality over quantity. Look for well-preserved items and unique pieces that will appeal to your target customers. You may also want to develop relationships with vendors or wholesalers who specialize in vintage clothing.
3. Set Up Your Store
Decide whether you want to open a physical location, an online store, or both. For an online vintage clothing store, platforms like Etsy, eBay, and Shopify offer user-friendly setups and access to a wide customer base. If you’re opening a brick-and-mortar store, choose a location with good foot traffic and a demographic that aligns with your target market. No matter the format, ensure your branding is consistent and reflects the aesthetic of your store.
4. Create a Pricing Strategy
Pricing vintage clothing can be tricky, as factors like rarity, condition, and demand all play a role. Research competitors and similar stores to understand the market value of the pieces you're selling. Ensure your pricing is competitive but also covers your costs, including sourcing, cleaning, and potential restoration. You can also offer discounts on bulk purchases or have seasonal sales to attract more customers to your vintage clothing store.
5. Market Your Store
Finally, marketing is key to driving traffic to your vintage clothing store. Leverage social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok to showcase your items. Use high-quality images and engaging descriptions to highlight the unique features of each piece. Collaborating with fashion influencers or hosting pop-up events are other effective ways to create buzz around your store.
By following these five steps, you can create a thriving vintage clothing store that caters to fashion enthusiasts and sustainability-minded consumers alike.
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gonzalez756 · 2 days
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How to Start an Online E-commerce Business: A Step-by-Step Guide
Starting an online e-commerce business can be an exciting venture, offering the potential for financial freedom and flexibility. Whether you’re selling handmade crafts, dropshipping products, or launching a digital service, the digital marketplace is ripe with opportunities. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you kickstart your online e-commerce business.
 1. Identify Your Niche
Before diving in, it’s crucial to identify your niche. Consider the following:
- Market Research: Analyze trends, consumer needs, and potential competitors. Tools like Google Trends, SEMrush, and social media insights can help.
- Passion and Expertise: Choose a niche that aligns with your interests and knowledge to maintain motivation and provide authentic value.
2. Create a Business Plan
A solid business plan serves as your roadmap. Include:
- Executive Summary: A brief overview of your business concept.
- Market Analysis: Insights into your target market and competitors.
- Marketing Strategy: Plans for how you’ll attract customers.
- Financial Projections: Initial costs, pricing strategy, and revenue forecasts.
 3. Choose Your Business Model
There are several e-commerce business models to consider:
- B2C (Business to Consumer): Selling directly to consumers.
- B2B (Business to Business): Selling products to other businesses.
- C2C (Consumer to Consumer): Enabling consumers to sell to each other, typically through platforms like eBay or Etsy.
- Dropshipping: Selling products without holding inventory, where a third party handles storage and shipping.
 4. Register Your Business
Choose a business structure (e.g., sole proprietorship, LLC, corporation) and register your business name. Ensure that you:
- Check for trademarks or existing businesses with the same name.
- Obtain any necessary licenses or permits specific to your industry.
 5. Build Your Online Store
Your website is your storefront. Key steps include:
- Choose an E-commerce Platform: Popular platforms include Shopify, WooCommerce (for WordPress), and BigCommerce. Consider ease of use, scalability, and costs.
- Design Your Website: Create a user-friendly layout with clear navigation. Utilize high-quality images and product descriptions.
- Set Up Payment Gateways: Integrate payment options like PayPal, Stripe, or credit card processing to facilitate transactions.
 6. Source Your Products
How you source your products will depend on your chosen business model:
- Manufacturers: If creating your products, find reliable manufacturers or suppliers.
- Wholesale Suppliers: Purchase in bulk from wholesalers for resale.
- Dropshipping Suppliers: Research and partner with reputable dropshipping companies.
 7. Develop a Marketing Strategy
Effective marketing is essential for driving traffic and sales. Consider these strategies:
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimize your site to rank higher in search engines.
- Content Marketing: Create valuable content (blogs, videos, etc.) to attract and engage customers.
- Social Media Marketing: Utilize platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest to promote your products and connect with customers.
- Email Marketing: Build an email list and engage with subscribers through newsletters and promotions.
 8. Launch Your Store
Once everything is set up, it’s time to launch! Here’s how:
- Pre-launch: Create buzz through social media teasers and email campaigns.
- Soft Launch: Test your site with a select group of customers to identify any issues.
- Official Launch: Go live with promotional offers to encourage initial sales.
 9. Monitor and Optimize
After launching, continuously monitor your business performance:
- Analytics: Use tools like Google Analytics to track website traffic and sales data.
- Customer Feedback: Encourage reviews and gather customer insights to improve your offerings.
- A/B Testing: Experiment with different marketing strategies and website designs to see what works best.
 10. Scale Your Business
Once you’ve established your online presence, consider ways to grow:
- Expand Product Lines: Introduce new products based on customer feedback and market trends.
- Optimize Supply Chain: Look for efficiencies to reduce costs and improve delivery times.
- Explore New Markets: Consider international shipping or targeting new demographics.
 Conclusion Starting an online e-commerce business can be a rewarding journey filled with challenges and opportunities. By following these steps—researching your niche, building a strong online presence, and continuously optimizing your strategies—you can position your business for long-term success. Remember, persistence and adaptability are key. Good luck on your entrepreneurial adventure!
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ibmarketer · 3 days
AahSheet Review: Automate Content Creation with AI Suite for Google Sheets
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In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, the need for efficient, cost-effective tools is more crucial than ever. AahSheet Review & [Lifetime Deal] explores how this innovative tool can revolutionize your content creation process and SEO management. AahSheet offers a unique suite of AI-powered Google Sheets designed to streamline content creation, optimize SEO workflows, and provide advanced functionalities all in one place. With a compelling lifetime deal, AahSheet promises to be a game-changer for bloggers, ecommerce businesses, and marketers alike. This review delves into the features, benefits, and practical applications of AahSheet, helping you understand why it might be the perfect solution for your content and SEO needs.
What is AahSheet?
Overview of AahSheet
AahSheet is an advanced suite of Google Sheets enhanced with AI capabilities specifically designed for content creation and SEO management. It transforms Google Sheets into a robust tool for handling various tasks, from keyword research and content generation to data scraping and more. By leveraging AI technology, AahSheet streamlines processes that traditionally required multiple tools, bringing them together in a flexible, easy-to-use platform.
How It Works
AahSheet operates by integrating AI functionalities directly into Google Sheets, allowing users to perform complex tasks with ease. The tool includes pre-built workflows and custom functions that automate repetitive tasks, such as generating SEO-friendly content and analyzing URLs. Users can take advantage of over 10,000 lines of code to customize the tool according to their specific needs, making it a versatile solution for a wide range of applications.
Core Features
AahSheet boasts a range of features that cater to different aspects of content creation and SEO:
Custom AI Templates: Create and use tailored AI templates for various content types.
Keyword Research: Conduct in-depth keyword analysis to optimize content.
Content Creation: Automate the generation of SEO-optimized articles, web pages, and product descriptions.
Data Scraping: Efficiently scrape data from websites for analysis and content enhancement.
Integrations: Seamlessly integrate with platforms like WordPress, Shopify, and Google Docs.
Key Benefits of AahSheet
Unlimited Content Creation
AahSheet eliminates content creation limitations, allowing users to generate and automate content on a large scale without constraints. This feature is particularly beneficial for businesses that need to produce a high volume of content quickly and cost-effectively. With AahSheet, you can create as much content as needed, automating the process and reducing manual effort.
Integration with AI Models
One of AahSheet’s standout features is its integration with various AI models, including OpenAI, Claude, and LLama. This flexibility allows users to connect their preferred AI tools and leverage their capabilities for content creation and SEO tasks. Whether you need natural language processing or advanced image generation, AahSheet provides the integration options to meet your needs.
Advanced SEO Flows
AahSheet includes advanced SEO workflows that are customizable and pre-built to streamline SEO tasks. Users can take advantage of these flows to manage SEO content across platforms like Shopify and WordPress, ensuring that their content is optimized for search engines and aligned with best practices.
Powerful Integrations
AahSheet’s integrations extend beyond content creation, connecting with popular platforms like Shopify, WordPress, Google Docs, Drive, and Gmail. These integrations allow users to manage and update content across multiple platforms from a single interface, enhancing efficiency and ensuring consistency.
Magic Functions
The Magic Functions in AahSheet offer advanced automation capabilities, allowing users to perform tasks such as scraping, keyword research, and content optimization directly within Google Sheets. These functions provide a powerful way to extend the tool’s capabilities and tailor it to specific needs.
Features of AahSheet
Detailed Features
AahSheet is packed with features that cater to various aspects of content management and SEO:
Unlimited User Seats: No restrictions on the number of users who can access and use AahSheet.
Custom AI Templates: Create and customize templates to fit your content needs.
URL Analyzer: Analyze URLs for SEO performance and optimization.
Sitemap Scraper: Extract and analyze data from sitemaps for better SEO insights.
Bulk Scraper: Efficiently scrape large volumes of data for content enhancement.
50+ Languages: Support for content creation and analysis in over 50 languages.
AI Images: Generate AI-powered images using OpenAI and StableDiffusion.
Internal Linking: Manage internal links to improve site navigation and SEO.
Customization Options
AahSheet offers extensive customization options, allowing users to build and modify their own templates and workflows. This flexibility ensures that the tool can adapt to various use cases and business requirements, making it a valuable asset for different types of users.
Integrations with Other Tools
The tool’s ability to integrate with platforms like Google Docs, Shopify, and WordPress enhances its utility and ensures that users can manage their content and SEO efforts seamlessly across multiple platforms. These integrations simplify the workflow and improve overall efficiency.
How AahSheet Compares to Other Tools
Comparison with Copy.ai and Jasper
When compared to tools like Copy.ai and Jasper, AahSheet stands out due to its integration with Google Sheets and its extensive customization options. While Copy.ai and Jasper offer AI-driven content creation, AahSheet provides a more flexible and cost-effective solution by leveraging the familiar environment of Google Sheets.
Customization: AahSheet allows for extensive customization and integration with various AI models.
Cost-Effectiveness: The tool provides a more affordable option for high-volume content creation.
Flexibility: Users can tailor the tool to meet specific needs and workflows.
Learning Curve: Users may need some time to familiarize themselves with the tool’s features and functions.
Feature Overlap: Some features may overlap with those offered by other dedicated content creation tools.
User Experience and Flexibility
AahSheet is designed to be user-friendly, with intuitive interfaces and pre-built workflows that simplify complex tasks. The flexibility to customize templates and integrate with various platforms makes it a versatile tool that can adapt to different user needs and preferences.
The Lifetime Deal
Details of the Lifetime Deal
The AahSheet lifetime deal offers users permanent access to the tool, including all future updates for the Max Lite (Tier 1) and Max Pro (Tier 2) Plans. This deal provides significant cost savings compared to traditional subscription models, making it an attractive option for those looking to invest in a long-term solution for content creation and SEO management.
Benefits of Purchasing the Lifetime Deal
Purchasing the lifetime deal ensures that you receive ongoing access to AahSheet’s features and updates without the worry of recurring fees. This deal provides a cost-effective way to access a powerful tool with no limits on content creation and customization.
How to Get the Lifetime Deal
To take advantage of the lifetime deal, visit the AppSumo link and choose the plan that best suits your needs. This offer provides a unique opportunity to secure AahSheet for a one-time payment, unlocking its full potential for your content and SEO needs.
Real-Life Use Cases
For Bloggers
Bloggers can benefit from AahSheet’s ability to automate content creation and streamline SEO management. By using the tool’s custom templates and advanced SEO flows, bloggers can generate high-quality articles efficiently and manage their content across multiple platforms.
For Ecommerce Businesses
Ecommerce businesses can leverage AahSheet to optimize product descriptions, manage content for various product pages, and improve SEO performance. The tool’s integration with Shopify and advanced scraping capabilities make it a valuable asset for managing large volumes of product content.
For Marketers
Marketers can use AahSheet to automate content creation for campaigns, analyze SEO performance, and optimize content for better search engine rankings. The tool’s flexibility and integration options allow marketers to create and manage content seamlessly across different platforms.
Pricing and Plans
Overview of Pricing
AahSheet offers several pricing options, including the Max Lite (Tier 1) and Max Pro (Tier 2) Plans. The lifetime deal provides access to both plans with ongoing updates, offering a cost-effective solution for users who need advanced features and flexibility.
Plan Features
Max Lite (Tier 1): Includes essential features for content creation and SEO management.
Max Pro (Tier 2): Offers additional advanced features and customization options for power users.
Value for Money
The lifetime deal provides excellent value for money, offering permanent access to AahSheet’s features and updates at a one-time cost. This approach ensures that users can benefit from the tool’s capabilities without worrying about recurring subscription fees.
FAQ Section
What is included in the AahSheet Lifetime Deal?
The AahSheet lifetime deal includes permanent access to the tool, with all future updates for the Max Lite (Tier 1) and Max Pro (Tier 2) Plans. This deal provides a comprehensive solution for content creation and SEO management without recurring fees.
How does AahSheet integrate with other platforms?
AahSheet integrates with popular platforms such as Shopify, WordPress, Google Docs, Drive, and Gmail. These integrations allow users to manage and update content across multiple platforms from a single interface, enhancing efficiency and consistency.
Can I customize AahSheet to fit my needs?
Yes, AahSheet offers extensive customization options, including the ability to build and modify your own templates and workflows. Users can tailor the tool to meet specific requirements and extend its functionality with custom code.
In summary, AahSheet is a powerful and flexible tool that enhances Google Sheets with AI capabilities, offering a comprehensive solution for content creation and SEO management. The lifetime deal provides an excellent opportunity to access this tool at a cost-effective price, with ongoing updates and no recurring fees. Whether you’re a blogger, ecommerce business, or marketer, AahSheet’s advanced features and integrations make it a valuable asset for managing and scaling your content. AahSheet Review demonstrates that this tool can meet a wide range of needs, providing a sustainable and efficient solution for today’s digital landscape.
To know more, Click 👉👉 Instant Access
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ebitans · 5 days
How to Start an E-Commerce Small Business: A Comprehensive Guide
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Starting an e-commerce small business can be an exciting and rewarding endeavor. With the rise of online shopping, it’s more accessible than ever to set up your own online store. This guide will walk you through the essential steps to help you launch your e-commerce business successfully.
1. Research and Planning
Identify Your Niche
Choosing a niche is crucial for your e-commerce business. Consider what products you’re passionate about and what gaps exist in the market. Conduct market research to understand customer needs, competition, and trends. Use tools like Google Trends, industry reports, and social media insights to refine your niche.
Create a Business Plan
A well-thought-out business plan will serve as your roadmap. Outline your business goals, target market, revenue model, and marketing strategies. Include a detailed financial plan that covers startup costs, operating expenses, and projected income. This plan will help you stay focused and attract investors if needed.
2. Legal and Administrative Tasks
Choose a Business Structure
Decide on the legal structure of your business. Common options include sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, or corporation. Each has its own advantages and implications for taxes, liability, and ownership. Consult with a legal or financial advisor to determine the best fit for your situation.
Register Your Business
Register your business name with the appropriate government authorities. Ensure it’s unique and aligns with your brand. You may also need to obtain a federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) for tax purposes.
Understand Regulations
Familiarize yourself with e-commerce regulations, including data protection laws, online sales tax, and consumer rights. Compliance with these regulations is crucial to avoid legal issues and build trust with your customers.
3. Setting Up Your Online Store
Choose an E-Commerce Platform
Select an e-commerce platform that fits your needs. Popular options include Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, and BigCommerce. Evaluate each platform’s features, ease of use, scalability, and cost. Many platforms offer customizable templates to help you create a professional-looking store.
Design Your Website
Your website should be user-friendly, visually appealing, and mobile-responsive. Focus on intuitive navigation, high-quality product images, and clear calls to action. A well-designed site enhances the shopping experience and can boost conversions.
Set Up Payment Processing
Choose a payment gateway that allows you to accept various payment methods, such as credit cards, PayPal, and digital wallets. Ensure the gateway is secure and integrates seamlessly with your e-commerce platform. Also, consider offering multiple payment options to cater to different customer preferences.
4. Sourcing and Managing Inventory
Find Suppliers
Source products from reliable suppliers. You can choose to manufacture your own products, work with wholesalers, or use dropshipping services. Evaluate potential suppliers based on product quality, pricing, and delivery times.
Manage Inventory
Implement an inventory management system to keep track of stock levels, manage orders, and prevent overselling. Many e-commerce platforms offer built-in inventory management tools, or you can use third-party solutions.
5. Marketing and Sales
Develop a Marketing Strategy
Create a marketing plan to attract and retain customers. Utilize various channels such as social media, email marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Content marketing, including blog posts and videos, can also help drive traffic and engage your audience.
Optimize for Search Engines
SEO is crucial for driving organic traffic to your site. Focus on keyword research, on-page optimization, and building backlinks. Regularly update your content and monitor your SEO performance to improve search engine rankings.
Leverage Social Media
Engage with your audience on social media platforms relevant to your business. Share valuable content, interact with customers, and run promotions to increase brand visibility and drive traffic to your online store.
6. Customer Service and Fulfillment
Provide Excellent Customer Service
Offer exceptional customer support to build loyalty and trust. Respond promptly to inquiries, handle complaints professionally, and provide clear information about returns and refunds. Consider implementing live chat or chatbots to assist customers in real-time.
Streamline Fulfillment
Efficient order fulfillment is key to customer satisfaction. Choose reliable shipping carriers and offer various delivery options. Track orders and provide customers with updates to keep them informed throughout the shipping process.
7. Monitor and Improve
Track Performance
Use analytics tools to monitor your website’s performance, sales data, and customer behavior. Analyze metrics such as conversion rates, average order value, and traffic sources to identify areas for improvement.
Continuous Improvement
Regularly update your website, optimize your marketing strategies, and refine your product offerings based on customer feedback and performance data. Stay informed about industry trends and adapt to changes to stay competitive.
Read more>>
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startupcircle · 8 days
The Ultimate Online Business Checklist for Aspiring Entrepreneurs
Starting an online business can be one of the most rewarding ventures you embark on, but it requires a clear plan and strategic approach. With the right preparation, you can turn your ideas into a profitable online business. Below is an online business checklist to guide you step by step through the process, ensuring you cover all necessary aspects for a successful launch.
1. Research and Choose Your Business Idea
The foundation of any successful online business begins with a solid idea. You need to select a niche that excites you and addresses a real need in the market.
Identify your interests and skills: What are you passionate about, and what are you good at?
Market research: Use tools like Google Trends, competitor analysis, and consumer surveys to identify gaps in the market.
Validate your idea: Before diving in, validate your business idea by gathering feedback from potential customers or running a pilot project.
Choosing the right idea is crucial as it forms the backbone of your online business.
2. Create a Business Plan
A clear business plan will help outline your goals, target audience, and strategies. Even though online businesses often start small, having a roadmap is essential.
Business model: Decide how your business will generate revenue (e.g., product sales, subscription services, or affiliate marketing).
Target audience: Define who your customers are, including their demographics and purchasing behaviors.
Revenue projections: Estimate how much you expect to make within the first few months or years.
Marketing strategy: How will you promote your business? Consider SEO, social media, and paid advertising.
This business plan will guide you through key decisions and provide a solid framework for growth.
3. Choose a Business Name and Register Your Domain
Your business name should be memorable and relevant to your niche. After choosing a name, ensure the domain is available for your website.
Domain name check: Use services like Namecheap or GoDaddy to see if your preferred domain is available.
Secure social media handles: Make sure your business name is also available on social media platforms.
Register your domain: Once chosen, secure your domain to prevent others from taking it.
Your domain name is often the first thing customers will see, so make it simple and recognizable.
4. Build Your Website
Your website is the face of your online business. Whether you’re selling products, offering services, or blogging, an intuitive and appealing website is essential.
Choose a platform: Platforms like Shopify, WordPress, and Wix offer user-friendly solutions for building your site.
Design your site: Ensure your website is responsive (mobile-friendly), easy to navigate, and aesthetically pleasing.
Set up key pages: Include important pages such as Home, About Us, Products/Services, Contact, and FAQs.
SEO optimization: Implement keywords, meta descriptions, and alt tags to help your website rank higher in search engines.
A well-designed website enhances customer experience and makes your business look professional.
5. Set Up Payment Processing
To make sales, you need a secure and user-friendly payment system. This allows customers to purchase from you with ease.
Choose a payment gateway: Popular options include PayPal, Stripe, and Square.
Set up a business bank account: Keep your personal and business finances separate by opening a dedicated account.
Integrate payment on your site: Ensure your payment options are visible and simple for customers to use.
Having a seamless checkout process is critical to reducing cart abandonment and ensuring customer satisfaction.
6. Obtain Necessary Permits and Licenses
Even for online businesses, there are legal and tax considerations. Make sure you’re compliant with all regulations before you start selling.
Business licenses: Depending on where you live, you may need specific licenses to operate legally.
Taxes: Understand your obligations for sales tax, income tax, or other applicable fees.
Terms and privacy policies: Make sure your website includes terms of service and privacy policies, especially if you’re collecting customer data.
Legal compliance protects you from future issues and builds trust with your customers.
7. Set Up Marketing Tools and Analytics
Marketing is key to driving traffic and sales. From social media to email campaigns, having the right marketing tools in place will boost your business visibility.
Email marketing: Use platforms like Mailchimp or ConvertKit to start building your mailing list and sending campaigns.
Social media marketing: Create business profiles on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
SEO tools: Use tools like Google Analytics, SEMrush, and Moz to track your website performance and optimize for better search rankings.
A strong marketing strategy ensures that you can reach and engage your target audience effectively.
8. Set Up Customer Support Systems
Good customer service can set you apart from competitors and lead to higher customer retention. Ensure you have support systems in place before launching.
Live chat or helpdesk software: Tools like Zendesk or LiveChat can provide immediate assistance to visitors.
FAQ page: Anticipate common customer questions and answer them in a dedicated section of your website.
Email and social media support: Offer support through multiple channels to accommodate your customers' preferences.
Efficient customer support boosts satisfaction and helps build long-term relationships with your customers.
9. Launch Your Online Business
After all the preparations, it’s time to launch. Start with a soft launch to test all aspects of your business and gather feedback from initial users.
Test your website: Make sure all links, payment processes, and pages work properly.
Announce your launch: Use your social media, email list, and other marketing channels to promote your launch.
Track performance: Use Google Analytics to monitor traffic, sales, and customer behavior during the first few days and weeks.
A well-planned launch will generate excitement and help you hit the ground running.
10. Evaluate and Optimize
Once your business is live, the real work begins. Continuously track, measure, and optimize your processes to grow your online business.
Analyze data: Regularly check your analytics to see what’s working and what isn’t.
Adjust marketing strategies: Tweak your ads, content, and social media strategies to better reach your audience.
Expand your offerings: Based on customer feedback, consider adding new products, services, or features.
The online business landscape is ever-changing, so staying flexible and open to growth is key to long-term success.
Starting an online business can be a life-changing endeavor, offering freedom, flexibility, and unlimited earning potential. By following this online business checklist, you’ll be well-prepared to navigate the complexities of launching and growing your business. Remember, success doesn’t happen overnight—it requires dedication, adaptability, and consistent effort. But with the right strategy and tools in place, you can build a thriving online business that stands the test of time.
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sophiasmithg · 9 days
What can we do with Ruby on Rails?
Ruby on Rails needs no introduction. It has been the topmost preference of every web app developer when it comes to building interactive and dynamic web apps. However, only 5.49% of developers use it for developing applications. 
But that does not mean Ruby on Rails is not worthy. Top brands like Shopify, Lenscart, Zendesk, and Netflix still use Reactjs for exceptional performance. 
Also, as per the TIOBE Index for December 2023, Ruby lands in the TOP 20 most-used programming languages. Many businesses do not know where they can put Ruby on Rails to use. You can consult a Ruby on Rails software development company for a streamlined web app development process. 
To help you, we have listed the top use cases where you can use Ruby on Rails without a doubt.
Why Choose Ruby on Rails?
Below are the reasons to choose Ruby on Rails, making it still an option to go for.
Streamlined MVP Development- Designed for productivity, Ruby on Rails accelerates MVP creation, ideal for startups.
Learnability- Ruby's user-friendly nature fosters quick mastery, bolstered by a supportive community.
Robust Ecosystem- With over 200,000 Rails-related queries on StackOverflow, a flourishing community aids in problem-solving.
Rapid Prototyping- CRUD features are effortlessly generated, supplemented by Ruby gems for lightweight code and swift iteration.
Maturity and Reliability- A seasoned framework boasting refined solutions and best practices, reducing development time and enhancing performance.
Continuous Improvement- Regular updates ensure Ruby remains secure, efficient, and competitive in the programming landscape.
Improved developer productivity- Ruby's concise syntax requires significantly fewer lines of code, reducing project development time by 30-40%. Its Convention over Configuration principle and built-in generators streamline tasks, integrating seamlessly with agile methodologies to enhance productivity.
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Source- https://syndicode.com/blog/why-is-ruby-still-our-choice-in-2020-2/ 
8. Security and reliability- Ruby on Rails promotes quality standards and best practices, with extensive documentation and adherence to DRY and CoC principles for clean, error-free development. Its active developer community continuously enhances stability and security, making it a reliable framework choice.
Top companies using Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails remains integral to many leading companies.
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Source- https://rubyonrails.org 
Airbnb efficiently manages bookings and transactions with Ruby on Rails.
Shopify's flexible and cost-effective tech stack is anchored by Ruby.
Stripe experiments with innovative solutions on Ruby on Rails' stable foundation.
GitHub handles a large volume of project management requests daily with Ruby on Rails.
Netflix appreciates Ruby on Rails' flexibility for quick development of new features. These examples debunk the notion that Ruby on Rails is only for startups; it remains a reliable choice for companies of all sizes.
Where Can You Use Ruby on Rails?
Ruby on Rails is a versatile front-end JavaScript library that can be used for several purposes. From marketplaces to AI/ML integrations for advanced apps.
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Ruby on Rails is ideal for building online marketplaces because it simplifies creating and managing various features. It allows you to set up product listings, manage user accounts, and add search and filter options. 
Rails handles payments and transactions securely, supports review and rating systems, and provides an admin dashboard for easy management of users and products. RoR can simply handle complex applications, thus making it a preferred choice for marketplaces.
Software as a Service (SaaS)
Software as a service (White Label SaaS) is a commonly used cloud computing model with a growing market. It allows businesses and individuals to use software and services directly via the cloud without physically installing over your systems. Ruby on Rails offers features to build scalable and highly efficient SaaS products for next-gen needs.
In a SaaS app, users need to create accounts and manage subscriptions. Rails helps set up and manage these user accounts easily, making it straightforward for users to sign up, log in, and manage their subscriptions.
Ruby on Rails speeds up the development process and provides tools for building SaaS applications.
MVP and prototypes
Ruby on Rails supports a modular approach for quick app updates without affecting the entire codebase. It makes RoR a better choice for building MVPs (Minimum Viable Products) and prototypes. Rails speeds up this process by providing ready-to-use features for setting up user accounts, managing data, and creating web pages.
Rails' efficiency in development and flexibility make it ideal for quickly launching MVPs and prototypes, letting you iterate and improve based on real user feedback. Work with a Ruby on Rails web development company that can help you build faster MVPs and prototypes. 
Mobile backend development
Ruby on Rails is well-suited for building backend REST services, with easy authentication capabilities. Its rapid development pace and flexibility in working with different database systems make it an excellent choice for creating backend infrastructure to support mobile apps.
Educational platforms
Ruby on Rails offers gems (libraries) for rapidly developing sophisticated functionality, while its Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture supports highly interactive and responsive websites. This combination provides a solid foundation for building educational platforms with interactive features and tools for tracking progress and performance.
Social networking sites
Ruby on Rail's scalability features, modular architecture, and robust community support make it suitable for developing social networking websites. The framework provides a reliable foundation for accommodating the demands of a growing and active user base.
Project management tools
Ruby on Rails' modular architecture allows developers to customize features to meet specific needs, critical for project management tools. Additionally, its Active Record feature simplifies database interactions, ensuring efficient management and querying of project data.
Content Management Systems (CMS)
Ruby on Rails comes with built-in tools that help setup the entire CMS solutions in simple steps. From managing databases to user accounts, and admin interfaces, you can fast-track the app development with Rails. 
You can customize your CMS solution as per your needs. Its rapid development capabilities and scalable architecture ensure that your CMS can grow with your needs,
AI/ML-powered and IoT solutions
Despite being perceived as a tool for simpler projects, Ruby on Rails can handle intricate innovations. Its robust features and straightforward syntax streamline development, while a wide selection of Ruby gems offers ready-to-use code suitable for integrating artificial intelligence and Internet of Things functionalities.
To integrate the latest trends and build advanced RoR applications, hire ror developer from a leading Ruby on Rails outsourcing company offering Ruby on Rails development services.
Build Exceptional Ruby on Rails with OnGraph
Elevate your projects with OnGraph's expertise in Ruby on Rails development. Our team's commitment to quality, efficiency, and innovation ensures that your applications exceed expectations. 
With a focus on seamless integration, scalability, and security, we empower you to build exceptional Ruby on Rails solutions that stand out in today's competitive landscape. Trust OnGraph to bring your ideas to life and unlock the full potential of Ruby on Rails for your business success.
Content Source URL: https://blog.naver.com/ongraphtechnologies/223580742985
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