#what is making him so cool and attractive?
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Before I knew I was bisexual I was just insanely dramatic and weird around guys I liked. I had a crush on this guy in my ward - he was older than me, he played bagpipes and had a cheerful dog and an old Volkswagen bus that he worked on all the time. He also had nice scruff and unnaturally attractive hands and a good sense of humor, so I was like FULLY smitten.
I talked about him a lot and about how he was just so dang COOL, dang it, because he was so frickin’ cool. And I really liked him. I thought he was funny and smart and interesting and cool and fascinating and a bunch of other weird feelings I barely had the attention span to think about (I think my ADHD may have prevented me from coming out for a while tbh).
One day, I’m like 14-15, his dad is called to be my Sunday School teacher. His dad is this ex-military hardass with a chip on his shoulder for absolutely no reason and unattainable standards for his children. He spent most of Sunday School talking shit about his eldest boy and how he was rebellious and didn’t listen to him and how that was going to make him a bad adult and a bad son forever. How his son was too lazy and unmotivated to be successful because he didn’t listen to his advice on how to read the scriptures. He complained about how our generation was too weak to do things right and that our generation would surely be the one that brought the world’s downfall because of our laziness and sin.
And like, first of all, that guy can already go fuck himself for that. To clarify, that’s already stupid. BUT. He was talking about the man I had uncomfortable dreams about at least once a month. I couldn’t stand it. I’d get so mad I’d go home shaking sometimes because how fucking DARE he insult his hardworking stunning son by calling him lazy? For not reading the Bible the way his dad wants? When he’s already spending his time learning bagpipes? And fixing cars? And being cool? And cute? Who the fuck even cares if he uses the footnotes in the Book of Mormon? Who gives a rotten rat’s ass if he doesn’t use the scripture study manual his dad uses? He’s so cool he doesn’t even need it? So fuck off?
And eventually I got fucking Sick Of It and decided to mutiny. And by mutiny, I mean skip class. I’d just not go. And after a bit, adults started noticing and bugging me about it. At first, this was put off by small talk and excuses, but as my absence from Sunday School became more well-known, my excuses began to be rejected.
“Oh, Lizard, why aren’t you in class?” Uhm idk because my Sunday School teacher is mean to his kid and that makes me so mad wtf do you want from me? 🫠🤔
“Where’s your class, I’ll go with you!” Oh no ty I’d rather peel my own eyes than have my taste in men critiqued tyty 🩷
“Lizard, you should go to class, I’m sure they miss you!” And I miss the innocent days where my stomach didn’t hurt when a cool boy I knew was being belittled but unfortunately for us both those days are LONG gone and all that’s left is a budding psychosexual clusterfuck that will render me almost fully incapable of functioning for the better part of a decade so Bye Bye, sister Smith 🙂↕️
It had gotten to the point that ward leadership was involved. I was being approached by members of the Young Men’s presidency and the Bishopric to try and make me to back to class. They were telling me God had told them to find me and instruct me on my rebelliousness. This is where I implemented my secret weapon - women. Mormons are weird as hell about a lot of things, but especially about women. And I was GREAT with women. So to combat the leadership’s attention, I started helping women.
Our ward had a lot of new moms with babies who were, as babies tend to be, fussy. But for Mormon women the church is often their only social outlet, so they try to power through as long as they can even if it means enduring the exhausting ordeal of taking care of a fussy baby at church.
For what it’s worth, I have a lot of sway with babies. I got baby street cred. Me and babies have a rapport. I have always known this. I have always loved this. And in this crucial gay time in my faggot life my baby mind powers came in clutch - Every time I saw a member of the bishopric getting close, or a young men’s leader giving me side-eye, I’d start walking slowly towards class, passing by relief society. I’d wait until a mom’s baby had gotten too fussy and needed to leave the room, and I’d swoop in like a knight. “Oh, don’t you worry sister, I’ll bounce him a bit. You go back and hang out with your friends in class. You deserve a break.”
If it was a diaper change or something they’d tell me no. But if it was just some good old-fashioned baby fusses, I mean, they’d be moved almost to tears. They just got their social time back AND a free babysitter who is renowned as the Baby Whisperer. And because I was holding a baby as a favor for someone else, I of course could not reasonably be bothered to return to class.
So just like that, I was out of everyone’s sights. This went on for about a month before the straw that broke the camel’s back, which was that without my class participation the classes were quiet and awkward. I’d often take the brunt of Sunday school lectures by answering questions impulsively and over explaining myself enough that the clock could run out without anyone needing to do or say much. My absence meant everyone else was getting hit with the full unpleasantness of this guy’s bullshit. And so slowly, one-by-one, I had a group of about 8 kids on baby-holding duty. These new moms were so overjoyed, they and their husbands were both so actively in our corner that now chastising us was untenable. Now we had bargaining power. So the Bishopric approached us, confused beyond confused and uncomfortable beyond uncomfortable, and said,
“What’s it gonna take to get you back to class?”
The POWER I possessed in that moment was addictive. By being kind to the women of the ward and ignoring the Mormon de facto Rule of Law of following rules en-masse so the rule breakers feel left out, there were now so many people breaking ranks that we had effectively enacted a church boy labor strike. And they crumbled so fast it was almost like we had swayed God himself to our cause.
“I want brother assholedad gone. He sucks at teaching.”
I didn’t even have to say it. One of my rebels said it for me. I just nodded sagely and said “Yes, his class is not edifying. It’s better to not go and hold babies.”
And just like that, with a snap of my limp-wristed, Christ-wounding, bottom-brained fingers my faggot will was enacted. God’s revelation that brother shitdad was his chosen Sunday school teacher flipped on a dime. Suddenly brother shitdad was asked to be an usher and the fun dad of another one of my crushes was called in to teach us. I still stayed to hold babies a lot, but the rest of the class returned and all was well again.
Although I didn’t recognize it then, I think that was a formative moment for me in a lot of ways. I learned that being really persistently annoying will get me what I want from authority eventually. I learned that God’s will can be swayed by going in strike. I learned that ignoring men’s made up authority forces them to level with you as a person. I learned that caring for women, especially vulnerable women, can make a whole world happier. I learned that letting women rest can help them feel more love for the things that matter in their life. I learned that social bonds make everyone stronger and happier. And I learned that loving others in a gay way can change the world.
Be gayer. Read Terry Pratchett. I love y’all 💕
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OBX TWEETS: part 11
TW: mentions of eating disorder
You were hunched over your laptop in the library, the glow of the screen doing little to cut through the fog in your brain. Barely a hundred words of your assignment stared back at you, each one a monumental effort. Your heart hammered against your ribs like a trapped bird, a frantic rhythm that echoed the ringing in your ears. A sheen of sweat slicked your palms, even in the cool library air. The impending date with Rafe – just the thought of it sent a shiver of dread down your spine.
“Hey,” a voice, laced with concern, cut through the buzzing in your head. “You good?”
You blinked, your focus snapping back to the present. A hand waved gently in front of your face, and you finally registered John B sitting beside you, his brow furrowed in worry.
“Huh?” You looked up. “Yeah, yeah. I’m fine. Just… trying to get this shit done.” You gestured vaguely at the screen.
His eyes followed your hand, “You’re shaking,” he pointed out gently, his voice soft as he watched your fingers tremble above the keyboard. “Have you eaten anything today?”
A wave of dizziness washed over you. The memory of the black coffee and monster you’d chugged down that morning, hoping to kickstart your focus, felt like a cruel joke now. The caffeine was a jittery current beneath your skin, amplified by the gnawing emptiness in your stomach. “Uh, just coffee,” you mumbled.
His eyes softened with understanding. “You don’t look so well,” he said, his voice laced with genuine worry. He reached out and placed a warm hand on your shoulder, “Come on, let’s get you out of here. I’ll take you home.” He was already efficiently packing up your laptop and notebooks, slinging your bag over his shoulder.
“What about the others?” you asked. Normally, the Twinkie was the designated transport, and John B the unofficial chauffeur for your crew.
“Nah, they all… uh, went to get some grub,” he said, his tone casual.
You nodded, too preoccupied to question it. You let him gently guide you towards the car park, his hand a steadying presence on your back. Your legs felt like jelly, and you leaned into his support. In the passenger seat of the Twinkie, you instinctively curled into a fetal position, knees drawn to your chest, head resting heavily.
Why were you so anxious? Why did the thought of this date with Rafe make you feel so sick? Because it was Rafe. The Rafe you’d heard countless warnings about, the one your friends practically spat venom at. You were willingly walking into an evening with him. But beneath the surface of that obvious dread, something else churned – a potent, unsettling mix of nerves and… vile attraction.
Your fingers twitched, a phantom sensation of reaching for your phone. You’d caught yourself doing it all day – a quick check to see if he’d viewed your story, a nervous refresh of his Twitter, the small sting of disappointment when his messages took longer than you expected. A shameful part of you even wondered if, subconsciously, you’d pushed things with Topper to create this very scenario. A disgusting, thrill-seeking part of you craved the danger, the wrongness of it all. You knew he wasn’t good for you. Yet…
Your breath hitched as a vivid image of his stupid smirk flashed in your mind. Those eyes, usually so vacant, held a strange intensity when he looked at you, a brief flash of something that reminded you of the ocean’s depths. What the fuck was wrong with you? This had to be some kind of self-destructive streak, a twisted form of self-harm disguised as attraction.
The click of the front door latch echoed in the sudden silence. You stepped inside, the familiar scent of home usually a comfort, today it felt suffocating. And then you saw them.
Your mother, her face already crumpled with worry, sat on the edge of the sofa. Your grandfather, usually stoic, had a rare look of concern etched onto his weathered features. JJ, Pope, and Kiara sat in a row of dining chairs, their expressions a mixture of awkwardness and genuine care. And then there was your aunt, her kind eyes filled with a sadness that mirrored your own growing dread. It hit you like a physical blow. This wasn't just a casual gathering.
“Is this an intervention?” The question ripped from your throat, sharp and laced with a panic that threatened to overwhelm you. Every head in the room snapped towards you, their expressions confirming your worst fears.
“Honey, we just want to talk to you,” your aunt said softly, her voice gentle as she started to move towards you.
“Uh-huh, yeah. Just one sec, I think I left something… in the car.” You started to backpedal, your eyes darting towards the door, a desperate escape route forming in your mind. But just as you thought you might make it, your back collided with a solid chest. John B. Of course it was John B, the final, insurmountable obstacle.
You whipped around, your eyes locking with his. “Just sit down,” he pleaded, his voice low and earnest. “Let’s just talk.”
It felt like a punch to the gut, a cruel twist of a knife you thought you could trust. He knew. He had to have known. This was his idea, wasn't it? The thought solidified in your mind, a heavy weight of hurt settling in your chest. “We just want to talk, please?” His voice held an underlying desperation that, under different circumstances, might have swayed you. But right now, all you felt was the sting of his perceived betrayal.
With a heavy sigh that felt like surrendering a battle you hadn't even started. You avoided everyone's gaze, your eyes fixed on a loose thread in the rug.
Your mom, as expected, was already dabbing at her eyes with a tissue, her silent tears adding another layer of guilt to the already thick air. Your aunt reached over and gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze before standing up, her gaze steady as she began to speak.
She took a deep breath, “Honey,” she began, her voice trembling slightly, “we want you to know that we all care about you, so deeply. We all love you. And please, please don’t think of this as anything other than that. This is a judgement-free zone. We are all here because we want the absolute best for you… We really do.” Her eyes, filled with a genuine warmth that usually offered so much comfort, now felt like an accusation.
She then reached into the pocket of her cardigan and pulled out a folded piece of paper, her hands shaking slightly as she unfolded it. She took another deep breath and began to read, her voice thick with emotion:
My darling niece, I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. Your tiny hand wrapped around my finger, and in that moment, you became like my own daughter. The world felt brighter, full of possibility, the day you came into it. And I have had the absolute joy of watching you grow, of seeing you blossom into the intelligent, witty, and beautiful woman that you are today. You have a light inside you, a spark that can illuminate any room
I know you have had a difficult relationship with food, my sweet girl. I’ve seen you struggle for so long, the battles you’ve fought in silence. But you are so incredibly brave. Three years ago, you took that monumental first step and sought help, and I have never, ever been prouder of you than I was that day. You faced your demons head-on, and that takes a strength that most people can’t even imagine.
But we also know that recovery isn’t a straight line. Every day is a challenge, every day a new battle. And while I may not fully understand the intricacies of what you are going through, the weight you carry, I know this much: you are not doing okay right now. And that’s alright. Relapsing is a part of the journey, a stumble on a long and winding path. It doesn’t diminish the progress you’ve made, it doesn’t make you any less strong, it only makes you human. We all falter, my love.
I want you to get better for yourself, not for us, but for you. I want you to live a long, healthy life, filled with joy and laughter and all the things that make your eyes sparkle. I want you to be able to achieve all of your goals, to chase every single one of your dreams without this holding you back. I want my niece – my bright, fierce, incredible niece – to be strong and healthy and vibrantly alive. You deserve that, more than you know.
I love you more than words can say, my darling. We all do. And we are here for you, every single step of the way.
The fragile sense of connection you’d momentarily felt shattered as your mom dramatically tossed the crumpled tissue onto the coffee table, her eyes red and puffy. She stood up, her posture stiff, and unfolded a piece of paper with a sharp, rustling sound. Her voice, when she began to speak, was tight with suppressed anger and a raw, self-pitying edge.
Writing this letter is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do, but frankly, I don’t know what else to try. I lie awake at night, staring at the ceiling, consumed by worry. It’s a constant ache in my chest, this fear of what’s happening to you. And honestly, it’s starting to take a serious toll on me.
I just wish you could be honest with me, just once. When I ask you how you are, I’m not just making polite conversation. I’m your mother! It’s my job to worry, but you make it impossible when you constantly lie. You have no idea the anxiety I feel every time you walk out that door. Is this the day…? That’s what runs through my head constantly. It’s exhausting.
You lie to me every single day, and it’s getting harder and harder to pretend I don’t notice. I thought maybe a skipped meal here and there was just a phase, something teenage girls do. But it’s so much more than that, isn’t it? You tell me you eat a full lunch at college, but John B, bless his heart, felt he had to tell me the truth. You apparently tell them that you eat a big dinner here at home! What am I supposed to think? It makes me look like a fool.
And why the secrecy? If you’re struggling so much, why can’t you just confide in me? Why won’t you just get the help you so desperately need? We went through this before, remember? Three years ago. It was incredibly difficult for all of us, but we got through it. You got better! So why are you doing this again? Don’t you remember how hard that was on everyone? Especially me?
Honestly, if you can’t even do it for yourself, then please, just do it for me. I can’t keep living like this, walking on eggshells, constantly wondering if I’m going to get a phone call. I can’t stand by and watch you disappear like this. You’re a shadow of the vibrant, happy person you used to be. Sometimes I look at you, and I feel like I’m looking at a stranger. It breaks my heart.
I feel like such a failure as a mother. What did I do wrong? How did I let this happen again? It’s a constant weight on my shoulders, this feeling that I can’t even help my own daughter. And it’s so frustrating because you won’t let me in. You push me away, you refuse to talk. You are making me feel like I’ve failed you, and that’s a pain I wouldn’t wish on anyone–
At that point, your aunt, her face etched with concern and a hint of disapproval, she placed a hand on your mother’s arm. “Why don’t you sit back down for a moment?” She gave your mother a pointed look, a silent reprimand for the letter’s overwhelmingly self-centered tone. Your mother, still sniffling, reluctantly sank back into her seat, her gaze fixed on you with a mixture of accusation and wounded pride.
JJ unfolded the crumpled paper, and along with Pope and Kiara, the three of them took turns reading short sections, their voices a blend of concern and earnestness. Their joint letter expressed how worried they all were about you. They emphasized that what they were witnessing wasn't healthy, and it was impacting their friend in a way that was deeply concerning. They reiterated their unwavering support and pleaded with you to consider getting help, stressing that they missed the old you and simply wanted their friend to be healthy and happy again.
Your grandfather, a man whose silence often spoke volumes, stood up slowly. He looked at you, his eyes filled with a familiar warmth that had always been a source of quiet comfort. He didn't read from a letter, didn't offer any lengthy speeches. He simply said, his voice a low rumble, "I love you, angel." It was his nickname for you, a term of endearment he'd used since you were a little girl with scraped knees and boundless energy.
He then walked over and enveloped you in a hug. His arms, strong and familiar, felt like a safe harbor in the storm of emotions swirling inside you. It was a hug that spoke of years of unspoken love and understanding, and in that moment, it was exactly what you desperately needed.
A lump formed in your throat, and you had to fight back the tears that threatened to spill over. Emotions were a messy, unwelcome guest in your carefully constructed inner world. You had always viewed them as a weakness, something ugly that should remain locked away, buried deep inside. This intervention, this forced exposure of your vulnerabilities, was your absolute worst nightmare. Having to sit there, under the scrutiny of everyone you knew, listening to their worried words and seeing their pitying glances, made you want to disappear. You wished the earth would just open up and swallow you whole, offering a swift and silent escape from this agonizing reality.
And then it was John B's turn. The silence in the room seemed to thicken, becoming heavy and suffocating. You kept your gaze fixed on the worn pattern of the rug, your vision blurring slightly at the edges. You couldn't bring yourself to look at him. Not yet, maybe not ever. This betrayal felt different, deeper than any other you had experienced. It burrowed under your skin, a cold, hard knot in your stomach.
He knew. That was the thought that kept repeating in your mind, a relentless accusation. He knew you. He knew how much you valued your privacy, how much you despised being the center of attention, especially like this. He knew how fiercely you guarded your inner world and how much you would resent this forced exposure. So for him to go to your mother, behind your back, to orchestrate this… it felt like a fundamental violation. A tearing of the trust you had placed in him, a trust you had believed was unbreakable.
You couldn't reconcile it. You couldn't understand his reasoning, even if he had the best intentions. It felt like a betrayal of your friendship, a disregard for your feelings. A mental wall had slammed down in your mind, a solid barrier that prevented you from separating the act from the person. It wasn't just something he did; it felt like a revelation of who he was – someone who, despite your closeness, ultimately didn't respect your boundaries or your wishes.
Did he care about you? A small, reluctant voice whispered in the back of your mind that he probably did. But right now, that didn't matter. The hurt, the sense of being ambushed by someone you considered a safe person, was too raw, too overwhelming. Could you ever look at him the same way again? Could you ever truly trust him after this? The answer, echoing in the hollow chambers of your heart, was a resounding and painful no.
I’m so sorry. I know this is probably the last thing you wanted, and believe me, it wasn’t easy for any of us. But I didn’t know what else to do. Watching you… watching someone I care so deeply about struggle like this, all by yourself, it felt like I was drowning too. I kept thinking about all the times… all the times we’ve been there for each other. Remember that pie-eating contest at the county fair when we were kids? You were so determined to beat Topper, and you did, even with blueberry all over your face. I was laughing so hard I almost choked on my apple pie. You were always so competitive, so full of life.
And remember when you used to spend hours in the kitchen, experimenting with all those crazy recipes? You were only ten, but you were already talking about becoming a chef, opening your own restaurant. You’d make these incredible, elaborate meals for all of us, even if it was just a Tuesday night. You had this passion, this fire in you. And lately… lately that fire has been dimming, and it scares me.
I knew I could never forgive myself if anything were to ever happen to you, if I just stood by and watched you disappear. I had to try something, anything. I want you to know that I love you, every version of you. Whether you’re the life of the party or hiding away, whether you’re feeling strong or just a tiny fragment of yourself. I love your laugh, your stubbornness, even your eye-rolls when Pope gets too nerdy. I just want you to get better. I want you to be whole again, because that’s what you deserve. You deserve to feel that fire again, to chase those dreams you had. And I really, truly hope that one day, you’ll understand why I did this, and maybe… maybe one day you’ll even forgive me.
Your aunt stepped forward again, her expression gentle but firm. “Honey,” she said softly, “there’s a car waiting outside to take you to a rehabilitation facility. We’ve already arranged everything.”
Panic flared in your chest, a desperate urge to bolt. “No,” you said quickly, your voice rising. “No, you don’t understand. I can do this. I promise. I’ll make a meal plan, I’ll stick to it–” It was a lie, and you knew it even as the words left your mouth, but the thought of going away, of being confined in some strange place, was terrifying.
Your mother cut in, her voice sharp and devoid of the earlier tears. “I can’t listen to any more lies,” she said, her gaze unwavering. “You need professional help. You need to be in a place where people know how to deal with this. This isn’t something you can just promise your way out of anymore.”
A strange sense of resignation washed over you. You were tired of fighting, tired of the constant tension and the worried looks. And honestly, a break from your mother sounded… almost appealing. You made a decision, right then and there. Not because you suddenly had a burning desire to get better, not because you were ready to confront the gnawing voice of your eating disorder, but because you needed an escape. You needed to get away from all of them, from the weight of their concern and the suffocating atmosphere of this intervention. The sheer embarrassment of having your vulnerability laid bare in front of everyone you knew was unbearable. You couldn't face them, not right now.
“Okay,” you said, the word feeling heavy and foreign on your tongue. “Okay, I’ll go.” You avoided making eye contact with anyone, the shame burning in your cheeks. You just wanted to disappear.
The goodbyes were a blur, each hug a bittersweet farewell to a life you were momentarily leaving behind. Pope squeezed your hand tightly, his usual cheerful demeanor clouded with worry. Kiara pulled you into a fierce embrace, whispering, "We'll be here when you get back. Promise."
Then it was JJ. He wrapped his arms around you, his hug a comforting, familiar pressure. He swayed you gently, a small, almost imperceptible movement. "Hey," he mumbled into your hair, "don't go making any new friends in there now! None of them will ever be as crazy as me! I probably got, like, schizophrenia too, let me come with you." Even in this mess, JJ could make you crack a small involuntary smile.
You finally turned to John B, who stood awkwardly by the door, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. His hands were shoved deep into his pockets, and you could see the faint outline of his fingers fiddling with something small – probably a quarter. You walked towards him, each step feeling heavy and final. When you reached him, you didn't say anything, you just wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him close. His arms, stiff with surprise for a moment, slowly circled your waist, his face burying itself in the crook of your neck. You could feel the faint tremor in his shoulders.
"I'm gonna go to rehab," you choked out, the words thick with unshed tears. "And I'm gonna get better." You sniffled, the disgusting emotions you usually kept locked away spilling out in a messy torrent. You pulled away slightly, just enough to look him in the eye, though you couldn't quite meet his gaze. "Don't call me, don't text me, don't contact me ever again." The words were sharp, meant to cut, to create a clean break.
You finally looked up at his face. His eyes were red-rimmed, brimming with unshed tears that threatened to spill down his cheeks. His mouth was slightly ajar, a silent testament to the shock that rippled through him. "Goodbye, John B," you whispered, the words laced with a pain. You reached out a trembling hand and pressed a fleeting kiss to his cheek, a final, bittersweet gesture before turning and walking out the door.

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Sunshine's Serenity
(DK x Reader )
Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Opposites Attract
Summary: We're all aware that DK is literally an energetic ball of sunshine, while his girlfriend is effortlessly cool, composed, and full of witty charm—like a girl version of Joshua. She keeps him on his toes with her teasing, but at the end of the day, he wouldn’t have it any other way. Even if she does fluster him more than he flusters her.
DK was loud, energetic, and full of life—like a walking burst of sunshine. He loved making people laugh, spreading positivity, and being the mood-maker in any room.
And then there was you.
The perfect mix of kindness, wit, and a little bit of playful sarcasm. A girl version of Joshua, effortlessly charming and composed, always knowing exactly what to say to leave DK flustered.
Which was rare, considering DK was usually the one flustering other people.
"Jagiya~" DK sang as he entered the practice room, arms wide open, ready to embrace you dramatically.
Without missing a beat, you sidestepped. "Oops."
He stumbled forward, catching himself just in time before spinning around to pout at you. "You didn’t even let me hug you!"
You smiled sweetly, adjusting your cardigan. "I already hugged you this morning."
"That was five hours ago!" he whined, grabbing your hand and swinging it lightly. "I need at least ten hugs a day to function!"
You chuckled, squeezing his hand. "Then you better work hard in practice so I’ll reward you with one later."
DK gasped. "You’re bribing me with affection?!"
"Is it working?" you teased, tilting your head innocently.
He groaned dramatically. "Why are you like this?"
"Like what?"
"So effortlessly cool!" he huffed, resting his forehead against your shoulder. "You’re all composed and charming, and I’m just here… looking like a golden retriever with too much energy."
You laughed, running a hand through his hair. "You love that I’m like this."
He grumbled, but his grip on your hand tightened. "Yeah, yeah…"
"And I love that you’re like this." You tapped his nose playfully. "Even if you are a golden retriever."
His face lit up. "That means you’ll marry me someday, right?"
You blinked. "What?"
"Oops," DK grinned. "Did I just propose accidentally?"
You shook your head fondly. "If that was a proposal, you need to work on it."
"Noted!" he beamed. "But I’m serious. You’re the Joshua to my DK, and I definitely wanna keep you forever."
Your heart melted, but you only smirked. "Well, keep working hard, and maybe I’ll think about it."
DK groaned, burying his face in your shoulder again. "You’re impossible."
But deep down, he knew—he was completely, utterly in love with you.
Author's Note: “You're the Joshua to my DK.” idk where that came from but it sounded so romantic, for me at least hihi
#seventeen#seventeen fanfic#svt#svt imagines#svt x reader#seventeen carat#svt fluff#carat#svt carat#dk#svt dk#seventeen dk#dk x reader#lee seokmin#dokyeom#seokmin
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The Eltingville club (separate) x gn!reader who dresses like a fantasy character?
Like their out here being a little sweetheart, singing songs and frolicking in the fields Yaelorke style🌞💞
this is so cute omg
The Eltingville Club x Fantasy Reader
Bill Dickey:
���� Initially thinks you're weird. You're too upbeat for his tastes, and he's generally annoyed by your presence.
💥 Calls you a poser, asks if you've even played Dungeons and Dragons or seen The Hobbit. If you say yes, he'll quiz you on the lore.
💥 You do begin to grow on him though. Still calls you weird and irritating, but there's something kind of irresistible about someone being so nice to him for a change.
💥 Plus, your clothing style is "kinda cool, I guess". But he's never gonna admit that to you.
Josh Levy:
🪐 Not used to being around someone so positive, and it's a nice change of pace for him.
🪐 Kind of views you like a manic pixie dream girl/boy/whatever, cuz that's kinda what you are. He thinks you're magical.
🪐 Makes you play/sing songs from movies he likes, like Lord of the Rings.
🪐 We know from the comics that he likes Disney movies, and I think he'd want to watch things like The Black Cauldron with you. Might compare your style to one of the Lost Boys from Hook.
🪐 He thinks it's cool how unapologetic you are about being yourself, he thinks it's one of your most attractive features. He wishes he could be like that too, but for now, he's happy being seen next to you :)
Pete Dinunzio:
📼 Even though you two are vastly different, he thinks your style is kinda cool, in a weird way.
📼 If you go full Yaelokre with the masks and stuff, he'll really dig it. Thinks the mask is creepy cool.
📼 Will introduce you to fantasy horror if you aren't already into it. It isn't his favorite genre, but he likes it, and he likes that you like it.
📼 He thinks you're kinda odd, but in a fun way. He fucks with it.
Jerry Stokes:
🎭 Absolutely LOVES it. You look like a character out of his favorite movies or a DnD session. He's immediately lovestruck.
🎭 Compliments every outfit you put together and might even ask you to dress him up too. He'd never leave the house in whatever you put him in, but he can dream.
🎭 Play DnD with him!!! He'd be honored if you asked for his help creating your character.
🎭 The only guy in the group that enjoys the same style of music as you, give him an earbud whenever you're listening :3
🎭 Ren Faire dates !!! He'll be over the moon to go with you !!!
#the eltingville club#welcome to eltingville#eltingville club#eltingville bill#eltingville josh#eltingville jerry#eltingville pete#eltingville club x reader#bill dickey x reader#josh levy x reader#pete dinunzio x reader#jerry stokes x reader#bill dickey#josh levy#pete dinunzio#jerry stokes#the eltingville club x reader
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Okay, listen, it's not my fault. @quintessenceofdust88 made an innocent comment in the gc and I couldn't get this idea out of my mind so here we go. 🫣
Louliver | 562 words | mature
Lou has always been attracted to Oliver but never said anything. They're friends and that's okay, he doesn't need to mess things up with an unrequited crush.
The time spent apart didn't really help and now that he's back on set, he's struggling. Especially now, after the umpteenth rehearsal of the scene, with Oliver pressed close against him, his mouth on his neck, his hands everywhere.
He needs a break but it's late afternoon and they're behind schedule so Aisha tells them to do one last try, trying to encourage them, telling them that it's gonna be perfect because they're doing great.
Lou tells himself that he can do that, that he can make out with Oliver just one last time to give the audience an intense, meaningful scene.
When Oliver pushes him against the wall and grinds their hips together for the umpteenth time, lips latched onto his neck and hand cupping one of his pecs, Lou can't help but gasp as his cock hardens into his briefs. He tries to pull his hips back, tries to put some distance between them because he really doesn't want to mess things up and embarrass himself but Oliver is determined to get the scene right this time and he presses them flush together. Lou follows his lead even if it's impossible with how close they are that Oliver hasn't noticed the bulge in his jeans.
They keep pushing and pulling at each other, giggling and laughing as they kiss and finally, finally Oliver grabs his tank top and pulls him into the bedroom.
“Cut!” Aisha says, clapping and congratulating them with a huge smile on her proud face.
Lou has never been more relieved in his life and excuses himself before running away towards his trailer. He hides in there and tries to cool down because he really can't jerk himself off thinking of his colleague, right? That would be so, so bad.
Except that less than a minute later there's a knock on the door and when he opens it, Oliver is right there, sneaking inside and staring at him with wide, curious eyes that instantly travel down to his bulge.
"I'm sorry about that, I–" Lou starts, self-conscious and suddenly shy, but Oliver shakes his head and cuts him off.
"It was definitely a surprise but you have nothing to be sorry for," Oliver replies, standing close, so so close. “It's flattering, actually.”
It's then that Lou glances down and sees a matching bulge in Oliver's jeans. His pupils are dilated, his lips kiss swollen and he wishes he could kiss them again.
"What were you doing in here? Why did you run away?" Oliver asks, smug and cocky, like he already knows the answer.
"I– Uh, needed a break. I was about to take a cold shower,” he replies, licking his lips.
"Oh, so you weren't going to take care of– of that?" Oliver says, gesturing towards Lou's dick.
"I wanted to, but I would feel guilty afterwards," Lou admits, swallowing hard at the ravenous glance Oliver gives him.
"Well, I'm here to help now,” Oliver drawls, the American accent completely gone, his voice dropped low. “Let me?" He asks, one of his hands playing with the waistband of his jeans, fingers barely brushing his painfully hard cock.
Lou is only human and he's nodding before he can second-guess himself.
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rin with a tongue piercing…

ᯓ★ thinking about rin with a tongue piercing...

if you had been asked a few minutes ago, you’d insist that your boyfriend, itoshi rin, was one of the most predictable people on the face of the earth.
it’s different right now, though.
your eyes widen so much it actually hurts when your boyfriend opens his mouth to greet you.
“good aftern-“
“what’s that?”
rin has the audacity to act clueless, a sly little smirk playing on his lips. “what’s what?” he feigns innocence.
you swear you saw it. right when he had begun speaking, you’d seen the pink of his tongue, and just the tiniest glimmer of something metallic.
“stick out your tongue.”
his laugh is intoxicating, low yet somehow light. “i didn’t take you for that much of a freak.” words sending red across your face as you groan, avoiding his cocky aquamarine gaze.
“it’s not like that- i mean,” you stutter, still flustered. “come on, you do it all the time during games!”
“hmm? what’s that?” rin questions, stalking closer to you. it’s almost predatory, the way he eyes you now. “where are your manners?”
“i hate you.”
“can’t hear you!” he hums, still far too close to you—it short circuits your brain! you can’t think straight face to face with itoshi rin.
“…please?” you finally cave, understanding his demand.
rin, seemingly satisfied, allows his tongue to peek out as he parts his lips.
all the air is smacked out of your lungs, and you fail to form coherent words. right there, on both sides of his tongue, sat silvery balls.
it makes him ten times more attractive.
and rin’s getting a huge kick out of your reaction, still smirking. you can feel his hot breath fan up your neck, and his whisper in your ear. it’s like he wants to give you a heart attack and be listed as the cause of death on the certificate.
“like it?” oh, you more than liked it. you’re fighting hard not to scream.
“rin! you got double snakebites without telling me?” you finally squeak out, attempting to maintain composure. “i swear you said you’d never, and doing this shit in the morning too? if anything you’re the freaky one-“
your boyfriend’s being too quiet as you continue blabbering.
he pulls you closer unexpectedly, mouth meeting yours, and when you feel the cool brush of his tongue you want to scream.
bonus: you’re at one of his matches a few days later and his tongue is out, again. the cameras zoom in close as he outmaneuvers his opponent, now in range to shoot. but you’re not that sure if he actually scored or not because the minute they zoomed in on those tongue piercings you were already gone and ascending into the heavens. you can’t stop thinking about that cool taste when he had kissed you.

a/n: my mind went places while writing this...
#omyghshs#Emo rin heck yes#blue lock#bllk x reader#blue lock x reader#bllk x you#blue lock x you#blue lock rin#itoshi rin#rin x reader#bllk rin#rin x you#itoshi rin x reader#rin blue lock#rin itoshi#blue lock itoshi rin
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At what point in their many decades of friendship do you think was the first moment Clark looked at Bruce and thought “oh I want him carnally”. Just any version of them I’m so curious. In your opinion who tends to be the one who’s attracted to the other first? In my head it’s probably Clark because he’s able to immediately understand things about Bruce that make him so different from other humans, but I’m just curious.
Also what do you think Clark’s thoughts were about Bruce Wayne before they met in coral room? Did that immediately change after their first meeting? At what point did he realize that Bruce Wayne is much more than he seems to be? Did clark have any particular feelings about what happened to him when he was forced into that rut by lex? I’m genuinely just so curious to hear more from his pov of what happened around that time even just a little bit lol
Doesn’t everyone fall a little bit in love with him right away? Maybe that’s just me being a multishipper romantic. The first time you see Bruce under the layers of Brucie and Batman, it’s over.
As for coral room Clark…I think his first meeting with Bruce was pivotal. Bruce basically challenged him via scent and eye contact (because he was tired of alphas hounding him) and Clark was very taken aback by that. And then Clark submitted briefly (looking sways and flashing his neck) and Bruce was fascinated by that…but I don’t think it fully sank in until their confrontation on the rooftop. When Clark put together that this was all about Bruce’s dead pup…then it was over.
I’m positive Clark was beyond horrified and repulsed by being forced into a rut by Lex. But also relieved that Bruce and Alfred were so cool about it. He felt awful for Bruce because Bruce’s heat wasn’t affected by an inhibitor and inevitable, while clearly being painful for him to experience. Seeing a proud omega get so beaten down from so many angles….I’m sure the alpha in him was frustrated.
#asks#anon#a coral room#a room full of coral#batman#bruce wayne#dc#myfic#theresurrectionist#clark kent#superman#superbat#a/b/o mention#a/b/o tw
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𝐿𝓊𝒹𝒾𝒸 (adj.) full of fun and high spirits
➳ best friend!gojo x afab!reader
➳ a/n: this fic contains referencing and conversation about nonconsensual drugging with an aphrodisiac, please read this drabble at your own discretion
➳ cw: explicit content, explicit language, unprotected sex, nonconsensual drugging, heavy dubcon due to drugging
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Everything in this room was hot, scorchingly so. You wave your hand in front of your face in an attempt to cool the sweat beading at your forehead. Why was every shift of Gojo on the mattress next to you sending jolts of electricity down your spine, spearing your center as it clenches around nothing.
What the hell was in that chocolate he gave you earlier? You hadn’t thought to check the fancy packaging the squares had come in. There had been three of them, divided into two triangles a piece, and greedily you had eaten four full triangles. What strikes you as strange is that despite his sweet tooth, Gojo hadn’t eaten a single square.
You pick up the box up off your nightstand and frown at the minimalistic packaging when there’s no indication of what you’ve ingested.
“Problem?” He hums low and his words have the fire burning inside of you flaring more to life. “You’re looking a little flushed.”
He looks at you expectantly, like he knows the answer to his question without even having to ask. Was it the inferno inside you making you think he’s looking at your body with desire? It must be a delusion that gives you the vision of him leaning in as his eyes flick to your lips.
Time slows when his palm settles on your waist and you can’t plant your arm on his chest fast enough to stop him as his lips meet yours in a slow sensual kiss, as if he was testing the waters. He almost immediately pulls away with a slightly hurt expression on his face.
“What was in the chocolate?” You whimper, missing his warmth as everything in you buzzes for more. But is it you that wants this or whatever the fuck he fed you?
Your thumping heart convinces you that it’s all you, but your head can’t ignore how quickly this reaction came on. Satoru was good looking, but you’d never react like this, not when you’re so intimidated with how attractive he is.
“Just a little something extra.” He tries to downplay as he pushes you back to lay on the bed you were watching the movie on.
“Satoru, be s-serious.” You shove him playfully, trying to get the truth from him about what those small triangles of chocolate contained. All while he’s focused on settling his delicious body weight on top of you, parting your legs so he can slot between them.
You melt into a limp puddle of limbs beneath him as his hips test the waters, grinding a growing hardness into your pajama pants. Your hips flick towards him in response as the heat settles firmly in your core.
“It’s aphrodisiac chocolate.” A chuckle escapes him. “You eat a triangle and wait. Honestly I didn’t think it would work.”
“I ate four. Why did you let me!?” You smack him and gasp when he catches your wrist and pins it to the bed.
“Cause I wanted to see you all hot and bothered.” Gojo coos at you. His pupils grow wide as he takes you in, pinned down and under his control. “I have to say… it doesn’t disappoint.”
He sits back on his knees, his fingers curling around the hem of your pants, taking the liberty to strip you of them before you get to say anything else. It has your face growing concerningly red when his hands grip the meat of your inner thighs and roughly shove them apart. You cover your face in embarrassment as you try to pin your knees tight.
“Stop-” You protest, wanting the friction he’s willingly giving you, but too flustered having your friend see you like this for the first time.
“Didn’t think it would get you this wet for me…” He mumbles as he trails his hand through your center, gathering the fluid there before shoving his middle and ring fingers into your tight hole. He teases you, pulling tiny gasps from your lips as he notes where pulls the most reaction from you.
A groan emits from his throat and he leans forward to lap up the slick mess you’re making before gently flicking your clit with his tongue. The combination of his actions has your back arching off the bed and your hip grinding against his face.
“Still want me to stop?” He teases you in between licks.
“Don’t.” It comes out as a whimper, your hand coming up to squeeze at your breasts through your shirt, wanting the stimulation that will push you over the edge. He decides that he’s put you through enough tonight, after all you’ve been so good for him that you deserve to finish on his cock.
He pulls away suddenly, taking a second to take in your disheveled appearance. Hair fanned across the pillow, chest heaving, and pajama shirt askew. His favorite part is the desperate, high pitched keening noise you’ve started to make at the lack of attention he’s giving you.
“Barely started and you’re already so desperate.” He chuckles and pushes down his shorts, pleased when he sees your eyes widen and hips pitch in his direction, already eager to take him. His hand grasps the hard length of him, pumping ever so slowly to the view you’re gifting him with.
When he’s had enough of teasing his cute little best friend he nocks himself at your entrance, slowly pushing in to give you time to adjust to his considerable size. Not that it takes you long to manage it.
“Move-” You plead and moan loudly when he snaps his hips into yours, slow, measured, and rough. The pace moves you up the mattress until your hands have to grip the headboard to keep you in place.
The high that had been building when his face was between your thigh quickly returns. And your body burns with it. Your nails sink into his lower back and your legs lock around his hips. You teeter on the edge, ready to fall.
“Give it to me, baby.” He commands as his hands grapple your legs from around him to press your knees to the mattress beside your torso. “Want to fucking feel you, p-please.”
He stammers as he fends off his orgasm, knowing that he needs to bring you to completion before he has the privilege. He watches, enraptured as your body seizes, every muscle trembling as your eyes squeeze shut. His gaze dips to where it's disappearing into you, groaning at the sloppy wet noises you're making for him.
He quickly reaches to rub at your clit, pushing your orgasm on as he bottoms out in you roughly, letting go as you clench around him, sucking him and his spend deep.
“You’re a shit.” You murmur affectionately, half out of it as you come down from your high.
“Does that mean you want another piece? I have another bar left.”
tag list: @sugarbooger513 @sugarmapoops @roughwithfluff @silversslut @dreamyyholland @wobblewobble822 @rafzaha @chososhoney @littlemochi @bebechinas99 @saoney @meromelo @pelicanpizza @katgalle @honeyyjems @tsukikoxo @adequate-superstar @thytourturedpoet [[ if your blog name is crossed out i couldn't tag you]]
#kentosot original#jujutsu kaisen#jjk fanfic#jjk x reader#gojo satoru#satoru gojo#jjk gojo#gojo x reader#jujutsu gojo#gojo smut#gojo x you#gojo x y/n
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TES Crushes
I'd really like to get to know people in the fandom space, so here's an open invite to discuss something fun!
Which NPCs in TES (all games included!) do you crush on, and why? They don't have to be marriage candidates (in vanilla), just people you find yourself blushing around. Hell, it could be a Deadric Prince if that's what you're into. Name them and say what about them you find appealing! Then feel free to tag a friend or two!
Don't be afraid to reiterate what someone else has said if you happen to like the same characters.
I'll start off by tagging some really cool-looking people I've seen around: @skyrim-forever @mareenavee @changelingsandothernonsense @ladytanithia
Mine? Well, they'll go below so this intro page isn't all about me and mine. ;)
((So far I've only played Skyrim, so my NPC crushes are all from TES: V. And I haven't met every single NPC there is in the game so my list may expand with time, lol.))
Male Crushes:
Onmund - He's just a sweet, nerdy Nord doofus who tries his best at the College despite feeling like a fish out of water. As a spouse, he's always supportive and loving. As a follower, his AI immediately picks up on threats (usually before I do) and it gives the impression of his character being protective. First spouse I ever chose (also it just makes perfect sense for Elur, my first LDB, to fall for him as far as her character goes).
Enthir - Shady but undeniably charismatic in the fact he gives zero shits what anyone thinks of him. There was always an undertone of odd genuineness to his personality in the College quests that made him fun to be around -- and that came full circle when we realize just how much he genuinely cares for members of the Nightingales. I love characters who act shallow but think and feel deeply.
Female Crushes:
Niranye - I crushed on this merchant the second I saw her because I just thought she was beautiful (her eyes got me for some reason). I also find her voice type the most attractive. I have no idea why, but I usually end up enjoying the uppity tone her voice actress pulls off for everyone she voices. Such a fun and charming mix of pleasant and passive-aggresive, lol. Then Niranye reveals she's a fence and her appeal to me became stronger because now she's more than just a pretty merchant, she's got a cunning little personality. She's a smart businesswoman and she knows it well. Used a cheat code to marry her to my second LDB (who is a Thalmor sympathizer who would only fall for another Altmer, and Taarie is too old for her). Luckily she has voiced romance/marriage dialogue. Since I really like the sound of her voice, my sappy ass melted to bits hearing it when my Altmer LDB proposed.
Jenassa - Hired her randomly because I needed extra pockets and was shocked to discover that she has a personality (was not expecting that of the sell-swords in this game). Took her to a Dwemer ruin and girl laid out paragraphs of lore that I hadn't heard before -- which gives the impression that she's rather book smart for a mercenary. Helping this is that every time I make camp with her, the first thing she does is read a book -- which in my mind, is something she keeps with her at all times because she enjoys reading in her spare time. I enjoy how excited she gets when she sees a hidey-hole she could ambush someone from and how she'll comment on the DB's strong ability to fight. I like that she's a suave, confident, capable fighter that comes to enjoy your company beyond the fact you're paying her. I plan to have my third LDB marry her because she's won my heart as far as the mercenaries I've come across.
Astrid - She's a murder-happy bitch who loves what she does and I'd be happy to let her stab me. . . . Shut up. Also, she's the only member of the OG Dark Brotherhood to have a full-blown character arch and in this house we are SLUTS for good character development. Absolute SLUTS for it.
#elder scrolls#tes skyrim#tesblr#the elder scrolls#elder scrolls skyrim#skyrim#tes#fictional crushes
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𝜗𝜚 STUFF I MANIFESTED — proving it's easy

⭑.ᐟ bts concert
this was probably the first thing i've ever manifested while being aware of loa! this was in 2019, way before it was even popular on tiktok, the community was all on youtube and amino (rip). this also goes to show that: yes, you can indeed manifest with limiting beliefs! all i did was listen to a bunch of subliminals & affirm every time i could. the circumstances were against me, family was short on money, bts wasn't coming to the country near me, and still, little 11yo me went to paris for her first concert ever :)
⭑.ᐟ missing school
lmao all the time, however i do mostly not having a specific class (mostly p.e.). also i should add i don't really use any methods for my manifestations, i just choose the desire and decide it's done.
⭑.ᐟ stopping the rain
all the time too! it's a 10 minute walk every morning from my house to the bus stop, of COURSE i'll stop the rain so my hair doesn't get messed up. or yesterday, it was raining VIOLENTLY (it's literally spring wth) but me and my mom had to go run some errands, so i stopped it.
⭑.ᐟ iphone 15
my iphone 11 was on it's deathbed, specially the battery that had already been changed and it started malfunctioning again. when the iphone 15's came out, i fell in love with the baby blue one, the color is so gorgeous and i liked the new dynamic island. last year, my mom said she'd buy me a new phone for my birthday, on our way to the store she mentioned that she was going to buy the iphone 14. i simply nodded, knowing i'm the creator of this reality and i literally get to choose what i want, i kept affirming i'd get my iphone 15. cut to: the store employee told us that the iphone 14 in blue was not available, but the price for the 15 was just more ninety euros, making my mom oblige. now i'm writing this post from my beautiful baby blue iphone 15 :)
can u tell i really wanted a blue phone
⭑.ᐟ waist
i was so incredibly insecure while growing up, and developed a weird obsession with a tiny waist. it's worth mentioning that i was a naturally chubby kid too. i did the same thing i always do, choose the desire and decide it's done, no method, no nothing. now i have a naturally small waist with no work outs or weight lost diets.
⭑.ᐟ going viral
ever since i was little i've always been fascinated by creating content, (aka i was a gacha kid). i've had many many many tiktok accounts, and all of them went viral a moment or another. my current one has 20k followers and videos with over 400k views, one of them with 1 million views and another with 2.5 million.
⭑.ᐟ crushes & love
i really liked a boy around 2020-ish, so i used a bunch of subliminals, backfired because he ended up being so shitty and annoying. (also we were kids lol). my current boyfriend though, i used loa not only to attract him but also to make our relationship healthy (it was a shitshow in the beginning oh god). however i remember i used to affirm "everyone falls for me" or something, my dm's started filling up, and one of my closest girl friends fell for me, resulting in a friendship breakup. it was really cool for my self esteem that used to be non existent, but now i'm taken so it's whatever.
final notes: these are the ones i remember from the top of my head, i hope i could motivate you all since some of these were done with little to no loass knowledge and a massive amount of limiting beliefs!! no method either, just my mind! happy manifesting <3
#.☘︎ ݁˖ izzy's advice ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁#shifting#kpop shifting#law of assumption#loassumption#shiftblr#shifting moots#shifting community#shifting blog#reality shifting#loa#manifesting#loass
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Matsu pokémon team headcanons!
spent way too much time on this. whatever, we ball even though it's like 3 am!! i tried to limit myself to the older generations (the 2D ones, gen 1-5) for them since they're not exactly modern characters. i also included chibita, totoko and nyaa because yes
general hcs:
the Matsu bros are still NEETs and never took part in gym challenges, so they're not really 'trainers' but if i had to assign them a trainer class and make one up i'd say Sextuplet, as an extention of the already existing Twins trainer class (as far as i know there isn't really a 'just some adult guy without a job' trainer class, if there is please enlighten me)
because they didn't go on that journey to collect gym badges or what have you when they were kids, they never received a 'traditional' starter pokémon
so all 6 of them got an Eevee as kids instead (as present from their parents to teach them responsibility; didn't really work). none of them really thought of evolving until Choromatsu’s Eevee did accidentally
none of the bros have a fully evolved team
but i did give them all a full team of six because why not
Totoko and Nyaa have a fish and cat based team respectively, to go with their idol careers
for Chibita i thought it'd be fun to give him a mostly food/cooking based team and help him man his food stand since oden is life
SO! on to the actual teams! i put them under the cut since it's so damn long, i'm not kidding:
Flareon: was the last of the Eevees to evolve, only did so when Osomatsu got lucky and won a Fire Stone at the pachinko parlor game corner. likes playing with Nyaa's Torracat and tries to pursuade Oso to see them more often
Meowth: has the move Pay Day to potentially win more money when Oso wins a battle, which he almost never does since he almost never battles
Ambipom: annoying and mischievous. used to be a tag team with Choromatsu's Croagunk, him being the distraction and Croagunk 'going in for the kill', but drifted apart in high school and never really reconnected
Growlithe: a 'guard dog' but is just as lazy as Oso himself
Slakoth: just a chill little guy. Osomatsu is a little jealous of him, having no expecations and all
Munchlax: menace with a huge appetite, but very cute. nobody can stay mad at him for long. joins Ichi in the alleys to look for free food in the trashcans.
i also think Oso would want to catch a Chansey, to increase his luck at the races and game corner
Glaceon: Karamatsu initially wanted to save up for a Water Stone to evolve his Eevee into Vaporeon but that idea went down the drain when in the winter time Eevee evolved into Glaceon instead [also insert obligatory cool dude joke here]. he and Roselia work together very well
Krokorok: knows he looks cool and flaunts it. he stole Kara's sunglasses often (never mind the fact he basically already looks like he has sunglasses on) until Kara just bought some black glasses for him so now they match :)
Roselia: tries to keep both Kara and Krokorok somewhat humble, with Glaceon's help, but gets roped into Kara’s attempts at wooing girls every time (aka standing there and looking pretty). since his Water Stone plan failed, Kara now instead saves up for a Shiny Stone to evolve Roselia into Roserade
Duskull: Karamatsu is just such a chill, awesome and cool guy that he attracted such a pokémon with his chill, awesome and cool vibes. ...yeah, that's what Karamatsu tells everyone and wants you to think. in reality Duskull startled him so Kara threw a pokéball at Duskull to chase him away which didn't work and was caught instead while Kara ran away. he only noticed when Krokorok caught up with him, holding the pokéball he threw
Lumineon: glows in the dark. got laughed at by his brothers by catching a weak fish pokémon, but Karamatsu thinks she's pretty. he goes outside during the evenings more often to show off her bioluminescence
Pancham: used to be Jyushi's in high school but he gifted him to Kara shortly after they graduated
i think Kara would want a Sirfetch'd SO BAD it's not even funny
Leafeon: the first of the brothers' Eevees to evolve. when they were still kids Choromatsu and Osomatsu discovered a mossy rock while playing outside and after being there for a bit, Chibita showed up wanting to join them. the brothers said no which escalated into a battle. during that fight, Choro's Eevee evolved to protect them. that happened to also immediately stop the fight for both parties to process what happened. Leafeon is a very patient pokémon, unlike his trainer
Kirlia: keeps Primeape from going bananas 50% of the time. tries to keep Choromatsu from rising too much. very sensitive to negativity, so when he senses it he immediately wants to fix whatever is wrong which is why Ichimatsu prefers to not hang around Kirlia too long
Primeape: anger issues. a good fighter but too much to handle due to his temper sometimes
Buizel: holds swimming races with Jyushi every once in a while. butts heads with Ichimatsu's Morgrem quite frequently
Tangela: this one reminded me of Choro's self awareness ball thing so i thought that was funny. he's scared to death of Jyushi's Vespiquen so he stays as far away from her as possible
Croagunk: i couldn't not give Choromatsu a frog. anyway, he used to be a tag team with Oso's Ambipom. Choro used to be very proud of him when they were kids but is a little embarrassed about him nowadays
when he was in high school, he got the idea to train up a Poliwag so he could evolve it into Poliwhirl and later into Politoed. but after he saw how much work and time he had to put into that, as well as somehow get a hold of a rare King's Rock, he let go of that idea
Espeon: Ichimatsu leaned heavily on Espeon in high school for support, which Espeon provided without hesitation. Ichi's very grateful for that, but also feels like he didn't deserve it. Espeon is always at Umbreon's side and they are almost never seen seperately
Umbreon: yes Ichi gets both friendship Eeveelutions. he caught Umbreon after he encountered her almost every time he went out to feed the strays and wanted to stay with him eventually, allowing Ichi to catch her
Espurr: close with Jyushi's Natu. i had to include ESP Kitty and this pokémon is the literal ESP Kitty, so :3
Glameow: a former stray Ichi caught after she refused to leave their house after a storm
Purrloin: another former stray which pickpocketed Ichi's pachinko winnings once. he sent Espeon after her and he came back carrying her by the scruff. Ichimatsu got his winnings back and also gained another friend
Morgrem: in this pokémon's dex entry it says that it feeds off of negative emotions and is popular with people who tend to have gloomy thoughts, so i thought that fit. finds it funny to rile up Choromatsu's Buizel
Ichi used to be so pissed and sad over the fact that Meowth (that he brought home!) bonded with his eldest brother and not him. he kept that to himself and he's over it now but it took some time
a Trubbish sometimes follows Ichimatsu when he's out and about in the alleys
Jolteon: Jyushimatsu didn't really care what his Eevee evolved into, but eventually settled for Jolteon, since they're quick. they play ball together pretty often
Vespiquen: Jyushi just showed up at home with her. no explanation from him, she's on his team now deal with it. she's very protective of her 'hive' aka Jyushi's team and himself (and by extention his brothers but only sometimes)
Natu: i just had '👁👁' in my notes for this one. likes to perch on pokémon or people's heads due to the higher vantage point
Pinsir: he also plays ball with Jyushi and Jolteon but sticks to pitching since he's not so fast and lets the other two run after the ball
Loudred: very enthusiastic and is therefore not allowed to go outside his pokéball inside the house anymore
Joltik: usually somewhere on Jyushi himself, but likes to play hide and seek as well. scares one of the brothers at night on accident every once in a while
on occasion a Boltund joins their ball game. it's not Jyushi's pokémon, nor a stray (he looks too well groomed for that), he just tags along sometimes
Sylveon: evolved when Todomatsu was at his lowest point in high school and thought he had no one left except his beloved pokémon. Sylveon is very attached to Totty and is almost always outside his pokéball
Buneary: i noticed that Todomatsu usually has bunny characters/themes assigned to him in some crossovers and stuff, so Buneary fits that as well. i do think Totty would give him an Everstone though
Mimikyu: kept showing up at the sutabaa so a rumor quickly spread that the place was haunted, which was bad for business so Todomatsu was tasked to catch her when his coworkers were too scared to
Azumarill: helped Todomatsu at his job when he still worked. joins the swimming race with Choro's Buizel and Jyushi on occasion
Zorua: Todomatsu thought he was lucky as hell when he caught a Porygon but it actually was a Zorua in disguise. he was disappointed at first but after learning she could disguise herself as both pokémon AND people, he started thinking about how he could use that to his advantage
Minccino: caught her because Totty read these pokémon were popular with girls. he didn't expect her clean freak nature but he doesn't mind usually. their mother appreciates it though. Minccino is pals with Choro's Tangela and Kara's Duskull
Chef Chibita
Farfetch'd: helps Chibita prepare his oden, cutting the vegetables, meat and the like
Breloom: best buddies with Scovillain and likes to develop new food combinations and recipes
Comfey: Chibita has a Hawaiian theme going on in both his oden cart and his house so i thought this one was very cute and fitting. hangs around Chibita's cart and makes customers feel comfortable and relaxed
Scovillain: also helps preparing food, mostly keeps the temperature of the broth in check and chases away rude/too rowdy customers (the sextuplets 99/100 times)
Herdier: grew up with him and stayed by his side. knows his trainer inside and out. the same goes for Chibita. he knows his partner's limits and has to tell him to relax every once in a while
Blissey: maybe an odd choice but let me explain. she produces the eggs Chibita uses in his dishes, which make them truly delicious. helps out as a waitress when it's busy and likes to chat with customers' pokémon. she's very caring :)
Chef is a trainer class that already exists, so i went with that. Chibita is not a Clerk and Owner sounds too snobby imo
Rising Star Totoko
Sharpedo: Totoko thinks she's super cute and finds it weird when people don't agree. performs with her during her shows and is her main mascot on stage
Gyarados: does mostly the special effects and always uses Rain Dance during the show (this is not indicated in the promotion anywhere), so the audience gets soaked every time. the Matsu bros have started to bring umbrellas to avoid this
Bewear: received him as a Stufful from her parents since they thought she seemed lonely. likes Osomatsu's Slakoth's company for some inexplicable reason
Clamperl: is the main mascot on all the promotional material but doesn't actively participate in Totoko's shows. she does the effects, together with Gyarados so the audience usually feels cheated on when they came for Clamperl and not Sharpedo to perform. does not want to evolve
Bruxish: performs with Totoko and Sharpedo. most audiences aren't a fan of Bruxish, even though she does impressive stuff on stage
Morpeko: knows he's cute and uses that whenever possible. you don't want to be around when Totoko forgets to feed him. which is more often than not, unfortunately, because she has blatant favouritism towards her water types
whenever Totoko has a concert, a Plusle and Minun from both her parents are always there to cheer her on and try to get on stage to attract more people. Totoko always shoos them off, afraid that it would put a dent in her fish idol image
Idol Nyaa
Sprigatito: the main mascot (pink and green cat you know) and performs with Nyaa, is not allowed to evolve to keep it cute and small and the fanbase happy (her manager's words not her's), so she has an Everstone
Persian: performs with Nyaa, basically the secondary mascot because he's in every show
Shinx: same deal as Sprigatito, has an Everstone. she's more a background performer than front and centre
Meowstic: helps with the preparation for shows and babysits Nyaa's kid with Dobusu
Skitty: very cute and playful. Nyaa's kid (does she have a name btw or did i miss that somewhere?) loves playing with her
Torracat: is usually part of the pyrotechnics team but occasionally performs as well. stays home during less 'spectacular' performances to help babysit, especially during the colder months. considers Osomatsu's Flareon a good friend
the former three aren't technically Nyaa's pokémon but owned by staff, so she actually only has three. she wouldn't be able to look after six with her career being as busy and taxing as it is though anyway. having a kid didn't really make it easier either
behind the scenes there are a lot more pokémon to e.g. influence the mood of the audience to keep it relaxed and positive (Spritzee), perform the special effects (Liepard and Luvdisc) and uphold the safety of the performers (Machamp and Hariyama)
that's all, thanks for reading! :]
#osomatsu-san#mr osomatsu#osomatsu#osomatsu matsuno#karamatsu#karamatsu matsuno#choromatsu#choromatsu matsuno#ichimatsu#ichimatsu matsuno#jyushimatsu#jyushimatsu matsuno#todomatsu#todomatsu matsuno#chibita#totoko#totoko yowai#nyaa#nyaa hashimoto#gifs#pokémon au#nauta's headcanons#this was very fun :]
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Soft Spot
March had always been an in-between month—winter fading, spring barely making itself known. The air was still crisp, but there was something softer about it, something promising. It was the kind of weather that made you want to be outside, to soak in the little moments before summer took over.
And right now, you were doing just that.
It was a rare free weekend for Kimi, and instead of spending it caught up in training or travel, he had suggested something simple—a walk through the park, something easy, something normal.
You hadn't expected him to get completely distracted by a group of kids playing nearby.
It started when a small soccer ball rolled toward him. Without thinking, he stopped it with his foot, looking up just in time to see a little boy—maybe six years old—staring at him with wide eyes. Kimi grinned, nudging the ball back toward him.
That should have been the end of it.
But somehow, it wasn't.
One pass turned into two. Two turned into a small game. Then more kids joined in. Then even more. And before you knew it, Kimi Antonelli—your 18-year-old boyfriend, the guy you were supposed to be on a casual walk with—was completely surrounded, leading an impromptu soccer match in the middle of the park.
You sat on a nearby bench, watching.
And feeling things you did not expect to be feeling.
It wasn’t just that Kimi was good with kids. That would have been one thing.
No, it was the way he was with them.
He didn’t treat them like nuisances. He didn’t half-heartedly go along with it just to be polite. He was actually having fun, encouraging them, laughing when one of them nearly knocked him over in an attempt to steal the ball.
The way he crouched down when a little girl tripped and fell, gently helping her up, making sure she was okay before ruffling her hair.
The way he let one of the younger boys cling to his arm, even though he was clearly slowing Kimi down in the game.
The way he grinned so effortlessly, so naturally—like this was just another normal part of his day.
Your heart clenched.
You had never really thought about kids before. You were sixteen—way too young to be considering something like that. But as you watched Kimi now, that warmth in your chest spread, a strange, dizzying thought flickering through your mind before you could stop it.
He’d be such a good dad one day.
You sucked in a breath.
Where the hell had that come from?
You shook your head, trying to snap yourself out of it. But it was impossible to look away. The little girl from earlier—blonde curls bouncing, cheeks flushed—had taken a particular liking to Kimi. She was now clinging to his hand, practically glued to his side. And Kimi? He didn’t seem to mind at all.
You were doomed.
Absolutely doomed.
"You're staring."
The voice startled you, and you turned sharply to see an older woman sitting on the bench next to you, smiling knowingly.
You flushed. "I—what?"
She nodded toward the scene in front of you, eyes twinkling. "Your boyfriend. He's good with them."
Your stomach flipped. "I—yeah. I guess."
The woman chuckled. "That look on your face says more than 'I guess.'"
Your face burned. "I'm just—"
"Thinking about the future?" she teased.
You nearly choked on air. "No!"
The woman laughed, shaking her head. "It’s cute. That feeling—it sneaks up on you, doesn’t it?"
You couldn’t even answer. You just sat there, gripping your jacket, watching as Kimi picked up the little girl and spun her around, her giggles echoing through the air.
Yeah, you thought. It really does.
By the time the game finally ended, the kids had been called back by their parents, leaving Kimi free to jog over to you. He was slightly out of breath, hair tousled, a light sheen of sweat on his forehead.
You refused to acknowledge how attractive he looked like this.
"Hey," he greeted, plopping down next to you.
You tried to play it cool. "Making new friends?"
Kimi grinned. "Guess so."
You hummed, fingers curling into the fabric of your jacket. You could still feel the warmth in your chest, the thoughts you had been trying to suppress.
Kimi must have noticed something, because he nudged you lightly. "You good?"
You swallowed. "Yeah. Just thinking."
He smirked. "About?"
You hesitated. Definitely not about how you’d be an amazing dad one day.
"Hot chocolate," you blurted instead.
Kimi raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "Hot chocolate?"
You huffed, looking away. "Shut up."
He just chuckled, draping an arm over your shoulders, pulling you in close. His warmth was comforting, grounding, but it didn’t help the thoughts still swirling in your head.
Maybe one day you’d tell him.
But for now, you just let yourself melt into his side, heart still racing with something you weren’t quite ready to name
Author’s Note: This story is inspired by my friend and her boyfriend! She absolutely melts whenever she sees him with kids, and it’s the cutest thing ever. So, of course, I had to write something similar for Kimi Antonelli and reader! No actual fever here—just that overwhelming, heart-clenching feeling when you realize someone would be the perfect parent one day. Hope you enjoy it!
#f1#f1 x female reader#one shot fanfic#f1 one shot#f1 x reader#f1 fanfic#fluff#f1 imagine#oneshot#f1 fic#kimi antonelli x you#kimi antonelli x reader#kimi antonelli#baby fever#so cute#kids#x reader#fem reader#kimi antonelli imagine
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Tried to decode this binary text that appeared in day 4
It was hard to read some of the text since it was glitching but this is what I got:
Erro 01101000 01101001 01101000 01101001 or 00100000 critical 01100001 ero 01101110 oror 01100111 e:/rror 01100101 01101100 unkno
The numbers only would be like this: (it's in binary)
01101000 01101001 01101000 01101001 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100111 01100101 01101100
Literally just translates to "hi hi angel" or "hihi angel"
Erro H I H I or (SPACE ?) critical A ero N oror G e:/rror E L unknown (?)
I thought I'm gonna get some useful lore and information in here game theory makes me overthink 🤑😭😭
Plz give me more stuff to solve I love puzzles like this..
I just got here and I got hit with another line of binary, time to work this bitch's education
Omg when do attempts of staying the night with him he chats to me and it's kinda hot like he is attracted to the actual player and not the person in the game, it's so cool.
My head hurts, what the hell is this?
I can't go any further than this .. and my title screen is all messed up now..
I'll be making a second post because this is too long, I'll be decodint whatever the heck this is if I can.. please help me y'all...
Sorry this is literally my first post and it's so messy..
I will tryta translate the text that appeared in this: I will maybe give a tutorial on how to get the bad ending tomorrow too if I remember. Remind me please!
#14 days with you#hours spent well (?)#bruh i spent so many minutes getting a migraine#thank everything that i had a class about computer#cuz if not i wouldve spent more time on this#yaaay day 5 is out and i just creamed#i cannot express on how much im happy to play this again#when emo ren [redacted] comes out#im gonna come too#attractive weirdos that r like this are so hooot#ilyyyaaaaaaaalll#dude i just decoded all that to just die#bruh#what the hell#sigh starting from whatever save i last remembered.
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It’s been so interesting to witness this happen on tumblr lmao. Like what does it take to turn an evil character that everyone has hated into a “cool villain” that everyone jizzes themselves over? Just recast him from a burning, floating eyeball into a perceived to be attractive white man. That’s all. And watch the fangirls pile up. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m not making fun.
Okay I am a little. But it’s funny! Like fuck Frodo, Sam, Bilbo and everyone this character brought strife too. Fuck the people he’s currently giving strife to in this show. Like spoiler alert but he’s brainwashing the chick he’s talking to in this clip. Literally has her blinded to what’s going on around her. Got her turning against people she shouldn’t. And he’s asking if HE can trust HER?! Dude is one of the most diabolical villains I’ve ever experienced.
But who gives a fuck when he’s apparently sexy now! Lmao!!!
Folks are interesting.
Mind you, it’s all fiction. Its not that deep. I’m just laughing at people’s behavior.
"Can I trust you..."
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Time for fanart, here my new Harry Potter drawing.

I love it, tryed a slightly different/ new drawing style out, so I hope you like it too.
#art#digital art#illustration#artwork#drawing#fanart#film#film fanart#harry potter#severus snape#hogwarts#albus dumbledore#everyone is missing the headmaster#harry sneaking around#why am i crushing for this always in black dressed grumpy old teacher??#what is making him so cool and attractive?#-.-
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more skrilling under the cut and in this post
phahahah i love him and his skrill obsession
#dagur the deranged#httyd#how to train your dragon#ivan shitson the killer of grass !!!#dagur obsession era#ahhhhhhhhhhh his way to ride skrill >>>>>>>>>>>>>>#imagine how he felt. imagine what he felt. he was probably the coolest man on the earth in his own eyes#THIS IS THE POWER OF T H O R in his hands. and hes RIDING IT by JUMPING from cliff to cliff which btw feels super cool#like play subnautica it got a jumping machine and a swimming machine theres a colossal difference in the experience#when you enter the jumping one they tell you 'be careful this thing Might make you feel Superpowerful'#his terrible boots ruined this scene for me#but still the bro is Awesome i love him somucchhh#his terrible chuckle <3<3<3<3<3<3<3#so embarrassed to have a conventionally attractive blorbo like bros im turning into a Normie against my will noooo#this is my fav ep of dob <3<3<3
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