#primo smut
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her-satanic-wiles · 10 months ago
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Guess Who?
Papa Emeriti I, II, III & Cardinal Copia x Plus Size!Reader
Game night takes a turn when you end up blindfolded and tied on the table, at the mercy of all of your beloved Papas. The name of the game: figure out who’s touching you. You win: you cum. They win: they use your body however they see fit.
For @da-rulah, because I sent her a scenario that hurt her wittle feewings, and so now I’m facing the consequences of my actions. I hope you enjoy, Bee. ✌🏻😘
Words: 9.2k.
Reading Time: 37 min.
Warnings: aftercare, alluded/implied sex work, anal play, biting, bondage (using a rope), breath play, breeding, bukkake, choking, cream pie, cum eating, cunnilingus, degradation, fellatio, fingering, finger sucking, free use, gang bang, groping, MMFMM, objectification, plus size!reader, PIV sex, praise, premature ejaculation, pussy slapping, rope play, rough sex, running a train, sensory depravation (blindfold), skull fucking, spit-roasting, squirting, tag teaming, talking about you as if you weren’t there, tickle kink (if you squint), unprotected sex, (wrap it before you tap it folks), vaginal fingering, vaginal sex,
Taglist: @da-rulah @teenage-birt-dag @akayuki56 @xshadyladyx @x1nd1g0x @likeloversentwined @high-above-the-city @copiaspet622 @sister-of-sin-claudia @foxybouquet @inkstainedrat @ad-astra-per-aspera1976 @ravensbars @ultrahalloweengirl @susulbr @frog-scream @ghulehunknown @namelessghoulindisguise @onlyhereforghost @mercbeans
🔞 MDNI 🔞
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Game night was usually a night reserved for only the brothers Emeritus, who usually enjoyed card games with only the three players. Every week without fail, the three men would gather in the wine cellar of the Ministry and play cutthroat games of Uno while drinking bottles of the Ministry’s finest by candlelight. It wasn’t often they’d invite a fourth in, rarely finding a person close enough to all three of them that they’d be able to relax and have fun with. But it wasn’t unheard of. Which is why the decision was unanimous when your name was thrown into the middle.
You were the favourite of all the Papas and the whole Ministry knew it. You were their closest friend and companion, the one who had the most in common with them and compassion for them. The one who made them feel the best both in and out of the bedroom. Yes, okay, the relationship you had with them all was… unique. It wasn’t often in any part of the world that brothers would share a woman and be happy doing so. But if it worked for all of you, you’d hardly say no. There was something so deliciously degrading about being passed around the Ministry’s highest ranking men like a commodity to be shared - as though you were nothing more than an object. It was so delicious because it wasn’t true. Of all the people you’d been with during your time at the Ministry, no one had treated you more kindly, more respectfully, and prioritised your pleasure quite like the Emeritus brothers. And so, almost every evening, you’d find yourself ‘rented’ for the night, and would end up tangled in the sheets with one of the Papas. And every time you needed to perform a ritual, it was always to one of them you’d call.
They’d tried getting you in on game night a few times before, but it just so happened that you were usually busy and had made plans before they’d been able to ask. How popular could one person be?
It turned out you didn’t have so many friends that they all kept you busy, rather you had one friend who took up most of your time away from the three Papas: Cardinal Copia. The Cardinal had inadvertently kept you all to himself mostly because you were his closest friend. Copia was the kind of man to put all his effort into one relationship rather than several, which meant you were the only one of his friends he wanted to spend time with. As that was the case, he had taken up so much of your free time, he made it impossible for the Papas to pin you down and drag you to game night. So, they dragged the bumbling Cardinal to game night, too.
The five of you were hunched round an aged table, the thing losing its integrity from the little upkeep that was done to it over the years. The layers of stain and paint gave it a more plastic feel, and one of the legs was propped up with the King James’ Bible, the book itself dirty from years of shoes resting on it. Clockwise, Primo headed the table, followed by Copia, You, Terzo and ending with Secondo. You only had two cards left, and felt smug at that. The closest person to you was Secondo, who had 3 cards. Everyone else was five cards or, in Copia’s case, much more. The typical banter and shit-talk ensued, you teasing Terzo about how you were going to win, Primo constantly pulling the cheapest moves like adding +2 cards or reversing so that Copia would have to draw more or wouldn’t get to play. Copia promising violent vengeance every time Primo screwed him over, which would earn titters of amusement from Secondo and Terzo.
Finally, Terzo had played his card allowing you to drop your penultimate one on top of his, your red 4 landing on his blue 4, with a cheery “Uno!” falling from your lips, despite Primo and Copia’s conversation that was murmuring in the background.
Secondo sighed and rolled his eyes. “Cardinale!” He called, breaking up the conversation. “It is your turn.”
“___ hasn’t had her turn yet.” Copia protested.
“She just did.”
Primo smirked, a devilish smile on his lips. “Our dear ___ didn’t claim ‘Uno!’. You have to take five cards.”
“I did!” You exclaimed, offended at Papa Primo’s accusations. You told him as such.
“I didn’t hear you.” Copia claimed.
“To be fair, Cardinale, you were talking.” Secondo insisted, fighting your corner.
Terzo sighed, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. “There is nothing for it, amore.” He exclaimed. “Two insist you did not say it, two insist you did. Therefore, you must be punished some way, no? Either, take five cards like my fratello told you to do, or…”
“…Or?” You asked impatiently, bracing yourself for Terzo’s ultimatum. You knew it would be a suggestive offer, but you didn’t know exactly what he’d choose.
“Or, you take off that pretty little habit of yours and play the rest of the game in your underwear.”
Secondo jumped in. “___, you don’t have to do either.”
Primo, who secretly hoped you’d choose Terzo’s second option, also chimed in. “Well, you do have to take five cards if you don’t get naked for us.”
“Papa?” Copia asked, eyebrows raised. He clearly wasn’t expecting Primo to go along with it.
“What? You cannot expect an old man to be completely adverse to a beautiful woman stripping herself bare for my enjoyment - provided she consents, of course.”
Terzo, “If anyone objects, speak now or forever hold thy peace.”
Everyone immediately shot subtle glances at Copia, expecting the only man in the room who you’d not fucked yet to object. But, with blushing cheeks, he sat back and much to everyone’s surprise, remained quiet.
You slammed your card on the table and stood from your seat, hands immediately flying to and removing your veil. “This is bullshit.” You said, undoing the buttons at the front of your habit before pulling the whole thing over your head. You were met with sounds of appreciation, whistles, hoots and hollers - most of which came from Terzo who was more than happy to watch you reveal your gorgeous, plump body in order to win the game. You sat back down, breasts and stomach jiggling with the force, thighs splaying out against the chair as you sat. You watched as Secondo was mesmerised by your curves. He said nothing, wanting to keep things with you as respectful as possible, but he loved your body: loved watching it bounce each time he fucked into you, loved laving and sucking on your nipples, biting them just to earn that sound from your throat. It didn’t matter that he was a middle aged man with the total ability to control himself, when it came to you, he was a constant horny mess.
The game continued, Copia had his turn, Primo, Secondo, Terzo, then back to you. Finally, and with much grumbling from the rest of them, you played the final card and won the match. “And I did it all whilst naked.” You bragged. “This is why you never invite me to this nights - you know I’ll kick your ass.”
“We don’t always play Uno, you know.” Primo stated, resting his elbows on the table.
“Doesn’t matter, any game you throw my way I’ll win.” You responded petulantly.
“Oh you think?” Terzo asked, eyebrows raising.
“I know.”
“Prove it.” Secondo sounded from the other side of the table.
“Name the game, Papa.”
“What did you have in mind, fratello?” Questioned Terzo again.
Secondo sat back, his body language oozing confidence with a menacing glint in his eyes. “A game even our friend over there can play if he’s willing.” He gestured to Copia, who swallowed nervously. “We got some rope down here, some cloth. We strip you naked, blindfold you, and touch you however we want. You have to guess who it is. You guess correctly, we make you cum then move to the back of the line. Guess incorrectly, and we get to do what we want to you. You have to guess the majority correctly in order to win, if you don’t, well, we’ll decide what happens to you. Think you could win then?”
“Easy.” You challenged.
“Oh, you think so?”
You stood up. “Copia, you in?”
“I- I…” He stammered, torn between wanting to play but not wanting to ruin your friendship.
“Whatever you choose, I’m happy.”
“I… I’ll play.”
Primo patted him on the shoulder. “Good man.”
“Well then,” you reached round your back and unhooked your bra, throwing the fabric to the stone cold floor and feeling your nipples harden at both your arousal and the change in temperature, “let’s play.” Your panties were the next to go, followed by your shoes and socks, leaving you stood on the wine cellar’s floor naked as the day you were born. With each move you made, your body jiggled slightly, earning more groans of appreciation from the men who remained. Terzo even coming up behind you and pressing himself against you, hands roaming all over your body and grabbing handfuls of you where he could.
“Can’t wait for you to guess incorrectly so I can fuck you dumb, tesoro.” He whispered into your ear before biting it.
“Leave you with blue balls.” You teased.
“We’ll see.” He stepped away from you and gave your ass a slap, watching it wobble with the force. He bit his bottom lip and moaned like he’d just eaten something delicious. “We will see.”
Secondo had gone and returned from getting the rope and cloth he saw, and began to bind you up in it, using the rope to tie your hands behind your back. “Your safe word is ‘bottle’, amore.” He told you placing a chaste but gentle kiss on your shoulder blade. “Does this feel okay?” He asked pulling on the rope.
“It feels fine, Papa.” You replied, feeling heat gather in your core and your breath already labouring.
“You ready for the blindfold?”
And with that, your vision was blinded, your sense of sight plunged into darkness as Secondo tied the cloth gently behind your head, checking to make sure you were comfortable, before guiding you into position. You were lay against the small table, your head barely supported, with most of it hanging over the edge. You were lay on your back with your legs spread, your hands taking the weight of your back as it arched over the top of them. Your breasts had, for lack of a better term, pancaked as gravity was inistent on pulling them down. But even though Terxo made fun of that term, he loved the way you looked on your back for him. Your cunt was entirely on display with just how wide your spread legs had opened your labia, your wetness already visible to the men who stared at your body hungrily, like animals about to feed for the first time in weeks.
You felt Secondo kiss your thigh once before disappearing to join his brothers. Then, you heard all four of the men, in unison, say, “Carta, forbice, sasso!” Followed by skin slapping on skin.
Those fucking idiots were playing rock, paper, scissors to see who was going to go first. You heard a few grumbles, but couldn’t make out who made what noise.
You heard footsteps.
The sound of a glove sliding against skin. Twice.
Those gloves falling to the floor.
Then you felt it. A thumb running up and down your slit, gathering your wetness before finally rubbing over your clit - tight, little circles designed to drive you mad. Your hips bucked at the touch, a gasp escaping your lips at the surprise touch. His four fingers rested on your mound as an anchor, allowing more precise movements, and for him to put more pressure on your clit. You struggled against the rope, your hands moving out of habit wanting to reach your nipples, to pinch and pull at the buds like you usually did when someone played with your bundle of nerves. But the rope bit at your skin, burning slightly as you fought against it and making you scream out in frustration. “Fuck!” You breathed, body writhing beneath the calloused thumb. You wanted to try an work out who was doing it to you so you could win the game, but your mind went blank the second his thumb touched you.
The teasing was very much a Terzo trait, but the use of his thumb wasn’t. Terzo usually teased using his mouth or his cock. He didn’t have the drive to use one of his hands. Secondo used his hands a lot, loved to plunge them deep inside you and finger you open for him, having you screaming and begging for him to touch your clit. Which is how you knew this wasn’t Secondo. It couldn’t be Primo - he didn’t have the heart to tease. He’d always give you what you asked for in a heartbeat. Which meant it must have either been Terzo or Copia. As you’d never had sex with Copia, you couldn’t be sure what his methods were - and this touch did feel foreign. “Is it… is it Copia?”
You heard laughter from the other side of the room, followed by a “Dammit!” from Copia. “It’s me.” Copia pulled up one of the chairs and situated himself between your legs, getting himself ready for the task of making you cum. You felt his hot breath against your centre, erratic little puffs that hit your wet skin as he breathed through his nervousness. He took his time with you, almost as if he was psyching himself up. Copia had fucked before, and he was good at it. But he’d never fucked you. You could imagine that he was nervous because he wanted you to think he was good. And, if you had use of your hands, you’d tangle them in his brown hair and stroke his head gently, reassuringly. But instead, all you had were your little grunts of desperation to softly urge him on.
His moustache was the next thing you felt, tickling against your folds as his mouth made contact with you. The course hairs ran against your sensitivity as his tongue darted out to lap up the juices that were spilling from you. You could feel your hole clenching around nothing, screaming for something to fill it while Copia toyed with your clit, but he made no move to fill you, instead putting more pressure on you with his tongue as he continued to move up and down your slit, until finally he made permanent contact with your clit.
He tightened his tongue to make the tip more pointed to get a precise lick to your clit, swirling around it with his muscle and causing you to cry out in response, fighting against your restraints. His hot breath kept coming out from his nose, heightening your senses and making you hyper aware of just how much of a mess you were as tit hit the wetness seeping from you and making you feel cold. Your nipples were so hard and needing someone to play with them while Copia continued to drink you down like he was dehydrated.
He alternated between using his tongue only and pressing filthy kisses to your folds, practically making out with your cunt to get you off quicker. You could hear the sound of his lips smacking against your body, in between the broad strokes of his tongue he was providing for you. Tiny grunts would escape his lips as he ate you alive, treating you like the most delicious meal he’d ever eaten. His fingertips dug into the flesh of your thighs, keeping you held down as much as he could so he could devour you easily. You could feel your high coming faster than you’d anticipated, or even wanted, but he was working you towards that end so fucking well, you were losing your breath and your mind.
“Copia, fuck!” You screeched, breathlessly. Your nails were scratching against the wood of the table, feeling the gross stickiness from the drinks’ condensation underneath your body, but feeling more filthy and used than disgusted. Your brain reminded you that you weren’t alone, that there were three other men watching this go on with just as much pleasure as you. You wondered if they were touching themselves. If they were watching you writhe with pleasure and stroking their cocks at the sight.
Copia’s lips wrapped entirely around your clit, moustache now soaked from your cunt, and he sucked. Hard. That tongue he used so precisely before was now slapping against your clit again, this time much faster than before. Because of this, the surprise change in pace and pressure, your orgasm hit you so violently, every single one of your nerve endings exploded beneath his touch, and set off a chain reaction around the rest of your body. Your muscles tensed, your breath was snatched from your lungs, your eyes (beneath the blindfold) closed even tighter, and your mouth had hung open in a perfect ‘o’, allowing a strangled moan to leave from your tightened throat that had closed in the strain of your orgasm. All the while, Copia refused to let up, keeping the pressure going even when you were trying to kick him away. He didn’t stop until he was sure your orgasm had subsided. He pressed one final kiss to your clit before he stood up and walked away, leaving you alone and spent on the table, recovering from one of the best orgasms of your life.
“Did that feel good, tesoro?” You head Terzo ask from the other side of the room. No one had approached you yet, meaning you couldn’t gauge whether Terzo was next or not.
Your brain was still scrambled, and you were barely able to manage a “uh-huh,” to respond to him, which earned a chuckle from all four of the men in the corner.
When the laughter died down, you heard more footsteps approaching you, stopping this time at the right side of you. You felt the silk of a robe glide over your bear skin, but as all of the Papa’s robes were made from the same material, you could only rule out Copia at that point.
You jumped in surprise at the feeling of four fingers immediately touching your stomach, rubbing two large, soft circles into the skin just to tease you. Those four fingers broke off as his hands went in two separate directions. The first moved upwards, running up over the mound of your breast, stopping to play with your right nipple - pinching and pulling at the bud just as you liked, and had needed for the past however long they’d been playing with you. The second hand moved downwards, mimicking the actions of the first by pinching and pulling, except this time it was on your clit. He wasn’t as rough with your clit as he was your nipple, given that your were still probably sensitive from your orgasm, but the torture was too fun even if you were suffering a little.
Those fingers that were playing with your cunt slipped inside your hole, immediately curving upwards and hitting that sweet spot that had you singing so beautifully for them. You only had the opportunity to cry out once before you felt the hand on your breast reach up to your neck, and squeeze the sides gently. His fingers were rough, working to hit your g-spot over and over again and make you squirm at his touch, and you felt your body shake with the force of it. The way he was using his hands against you, plus the roughness of them and the pit stop at your breasts made you confident enough to make your second guess.
Your stomach and heart sank when you heard dark laughter coming from the guys in the corner of the room. Secondo’s gruff voice sounded from far away, loudly speaking over the sound of your wetness squelching as the fingers inside you kept up their pace. “Wrong, amore.” He said, all too happily for you to be comfortable.
You smelled wine and sandalwood when the man leaned down so his mouth was level with your ear. “You’re mine now, tesoro.” Terzo claimed, his voice dark and heavily accented. His words were stretched telling you he was smiling as he spoke, unable to form them correctly. He revelled in the deception, removing his hands from your body and bringing his fingers up to your lips. “Open up for me.” He commanded, and once you obeyed, he put his middle and ring fingers covered in your cunt juices into your mouth. “Clean yourself up. Suck on them like you do my cock.”
You took those fingers into your mouth beautifully, putting on a show for him in hopes that he’d go easy on your body when he took what he wanted from you. A gutteral groan sounded from his mouth as he watched your lips stretch around his thick fingers, tongue grazing along the underside as you cleaned yourself from his digits. You bobbed your head fluidly, like you usually did when you took him in your throat, moaning around him and rubbing your thighs together. He always liked to know he had an affect on you - maybe appeasing his ego would help you out.
He removed his hand from your mouth and you heard him walk to your feet. His hands pried themselves in between your thighs to show your cunt to him like a piece of meat being inspected by a customer. You waited with baited breath as he decided what to do with you, no doubt in your mind that he was staring at your wetness with that glint in his eyes: the one that shows his excitement but could be mistaken for sadism if you didn’t know him. Or maybe they were the same thing. You felt his fingertips trace up and down the inside of your left thigh, before that hand disappeared. With the other on your right ankle keeping your legs spread and the other one missing, you could feel anticipation pool in your stomach.
His hand had come down hard on your cunt, fingers colliding brutally with your sensitive clit and stinging at the connection. You screamed out, body jerking with the attempt to slither away and close your thighs, but Terzo had already got himself between your legs, and there was nothing you could do but take it.
“Terzo!” You screamed, feeling your sensitivity dial up several notches with the second slap.
“Do you need to use your safe word, tesoro?” He asked.
“Want you nice and red for me when I fuck you dumb, tesoro. I told you that earlier.” This time, he rubbed his thick fingers over your clit, soothing the wound he was inflicting. “You’re already dripping enough. I could just slide in now, couldn’t I?”
“Yes, Papa!”
You felt his arms wrap around your thick thighs and pull you towards the edge of the table. The rustle of his fabrics reached your ears telling you he was getting his cock out ready for you. Then you felt it: his heavy girth rubbing up and down your folds in typical Terzo fashion, the head rubbing against your cunt, encased comfortably by your lips. Every now and again, the tip would catch against your opening, and you held you breath for the push in that wouldn’t come until you least expected it. But when he did finally push inside you, your mouth fell open at the stretch. You were so sad you couldn’t watch his face, the look of it as he bottomed out on you always had you tightening around him. You were desperate to see his face crumpled up, showing you he loved being inside you.
“So fucking tight, tesoro.” He commented as soon as he was fully inside. You felt the crown nestle against your cervix, teasing you, reminding you that he was about to ruin you in all the best ways. He left you waiting for his true torture to begin, as you vaguely remembered that the only one who’d be cumming now was him.
He pulled out so his tip was almost entirely out of you, and then slammed back into you. The room echoed with the sound of the table scraping across the floor with the force of it. That sound, combined with your screams and whines, created the perfect symphony to Terzo’s onslaught.
Terzo always knew how to play you like a fiddle, pushing all of your buttons to have you walking beside the Gods. Today was no exception. Your legs had been extended to rest on his chest and over his shoulder, his arms wrapped around your thick thighs for leverage as he thrust all the way into you.
Terzo fucked you like he paid for you, his cock pistoning in and out of your dripping cunt as quickly as he could move, taking only his pleasure from your body. You were lucky with all of your lovers, they were all giving and had just as much fun making you cum as they had doing the same for themselves. But sometimes, when you’d behaved in such a way to earn a punishment, you’d see all three of them be incredibly selfish and just take. Letting them use you like that, given the stark juxtaposition of their regular behaviour, always had you dripping for them, enjoying being nothing more than a living toy - a warm hole to sink into.
You clenched around Terzo’s cock as he fucked you - used you - for his own enjoyment. And, over the sounds you and your body were making, you heard Terzo’s rough voice. “Come here!” He said to someone else in the room. You heard footsteps that stopped beside Terzo. “Wrap your hand around her throat.”
The person obliged, their footsteps ending up by your head and then dropping their hand to your exposed neck. Terzo already had your body bouncing against him, ricocheting against his thrusts every time. The hand, because of this, had a little trouble grabbing onto your body, but eventually he managed it. His fingers and thumb rested against your esophagus and squeezed inwards, not restricting your airflow completely, but just enough to have you feeling the effects. Your mind had almost entirely melted, thinking of nothing other than Terzo’s cock pounding away inside you, hearing your own desperate whimpers as the hand around your pretty little neck heightened your pleasure and sensitivity.
“Who is it, tesoro?” Terzo asked, breathlessly. “Whose hand is that around your pretty little neck?”
The hand loosened enough to allow you to concentrate fully, but still rested on you to remind you of its presence. You had no idea. Not a single thought floated in your head. “Nuh!” You grunted with a particularly rough thrust. You had to guess someone. “P-Primo?”
You heard laughter, then Terzo’s voice cut through your brain. He made the sound of a buzzer, the kind of noise you hear when you get a question wrong. “Fuck her throat, Copia.”
“Fuck!” You exclaimed in irritation, kicking your feet against Terzo’s shoulder, gently.
More laughter sounded.
“Is that okay, ___?” Copia asked.
“Of course.” You replied. He obviously wanted verbal consent, so you gave him just that, hearing him walk towards the crown of your head and adjust himself so his cock was completely free. You were maneuvered so that your head hung off the edge of the table, allowing a completely flat throat, and letting the Cardinal slide into your open mouth easily.
He hissed at the feeling of your tight, wet throat engulfing him with no trouble, thanks to the position you’d been put in. Copia tried to be kind to you, thrusting softly down your throat, and pulling out often to give you some breathing time. But you began to notice that the longer he spent inside you, the more he forgot his manners, and would spend more time fucking you between the breaths he gave you. This would make you clench tighter around Terzo’s cock, in part because your body was reacting to the loss of oxygen, but mostly because the feeling of being so thoroughly used had your mind swimming. Your body loved being degraded - reduced to nothing more than a set of holes to be used at any given time. Besides, you felt like Satanic Tinkerbell - you thrived under as much attention as you could possibly get, and felt like you’d die without it.
“Cazzo!” You heard Terzo grunt. His movements grew more and more erratic the closer he got to cumming. “Look at her throat.”
“Don’t.” Copia hissed again. “If I look, I’ll cum.”
“I can see the outline of his cock down your throat, tesoro. Every time he fucks inside you, I see it.”
You whined around Copia’s cock which spurred him to thrust forward a little more violently than he meant to. He wrapped his hand back around your throat and squeezed, crying out at how much tighter you got. “Oh merda! Oh cazzo!” Copia screeched. And, with no warning and just a strangled grunt, you felt Copia thrust into you one final time before he emptied himself into your throat, hands still wrapped around your throat, but with no pressure to them. He poured so much of himself into you, his body overreacting to his first time inside you. You heard Copia’s disappointed sigh as pulled out leaving you to swallow his load with a slight ache in your throat. You felt a string of your saliva spill onto your cheek, only to get the cloth covering your eyes damp where it settled and got soaked up. pulled out of you, “Wanted to last longer.” Copia commented.
“She tends to have that effect on people.” You heard Primo say. You remembered the first time Primo fucked you, too, and how he also didn’t last as long as he wanted… in fact, it was the same for all of them. You couldn’t help the sense of pride that washed over you reminiscing over that fact. “You gotta build up stamina to enjoy her completely.”
You tightened. Out of all of them, Primo was the kindest towards you - so to hear him talk about you as if you weren’t human did something to you that you should feel ashamed about. But instead it only made you wetter.
“Merda!” Terzo groaned. “Gonna fucking cum into this slutty cunt. You want that, tesoro?”
“I want it!” You begged, breathlessly.
“How much?”
“I w-want you to fill me up so-oh bad, Papa! Fuck. Want y-you to fill me up and…” You cut yourself off, remembering that there were others present.
Terzo spanked your thigh and dropped his voice down to a quiet, husky plea. “Fucking say it. I dare you. Finish that fucking sentence.”
“Want y-you to fill me up and fuck a baby into me. Show everyone who I belong to.”
“You fucking whore!” Terzo exclaimed appreciatively. “Sathanas!” And that was all the warning you got before Terzo also emptied himself into you, cock twitching in over sensitivity as rope after rope shot into your cunt, his fingers digging into your plump calves as he tried to keep himself grounded. His knees were buckling at the force, and you felt his whole body tremble as it fought to keep him upright.
When his orgasm subsided, Terzo pulled out of you, a grunt coupling his unceremonious actions. He gently returned your legs to the table, trying to make sure that you were safe and comfortable again, before fiddling with his clothes. You assumed he’d turned to walk away, which is when you heard Secondo’s voice.
“Nuh-uh!” He scolded, clicking his fingers. You’d seen him scold Terzo before, there was no doubt in your mind that the click was followed by Secondo pointing to the problem. “Clean up your mess before someone else gets in there.”
You imagined Terzo rolling his eyes like a petulant teenager. He pulled up a chair, sat on it, and buried his face in your folds without warning. His tongue delved as deep as it would go, licking his own cum out from your cunt. Where his tongue wouldn’t reach, his fingers did, and every drop of himself was gulped down with attitude. He didn’t care a button for your pleasure this time, purely being down there just to clean you out to be used again. When he had finished, he patted your thigh twice and left you waiting and wanting for the next person.
“Wait,” you said quickly hearing all movement in the room stop, “if I keep my hands to myself, can you untie me? It’s starting to hurt.” The rope was burning against your skin now to the point where you could hardly stand it anymore. And, given that both of your arms were tied behind your back and you were laying on them, your arms felt dead and your back had begun to ache.
“Of course.” Terzo replied without thinking. He turned on his heels and rushed back to the table, his hands on your shoulders. “Sit up for me, tesoro.” He ordered, his voice much more kindly than it had been before. He helped you to sit upright. “That’s it - brava ragazza.” You felt his deft hands working at the rope Secondo had tied, making short work of it given that it was tied well. Once your wrists were free and the rope had been discarded, you felt Terzo’s gentle touch on your wrists, no doubt a little red from the irritation. “Ah, my poor amore.” He pressed his lips to them. “Battle scars, no?”
“So dramatic.” Secondo muttered from the other side of the room.
“I have some hand cream,” Primo said walking towards you, “it’ll be good enough until you get to one of our rooms and can be taken care of properly.”
“Thank you, Papa.” You replied, a soft smile on your face.
You felt Primo and Terzo rub the hand cream into your wrists, their fingers working to moisturise the skin and help repair it as quickly as possible. Primo always kept stuff like this in his pockets - hard boiled sweets included. He was such a grandpa sometimes it made you laugh. Prepared for an apocalypse - you’d tell him that every time he pulled something out of his bag or pocket that would help.
Once they’d finished, Terzo pressed a kiss to your hand and walked away, while Primo rested his hand on the side of your neck, his thumb caressing your cheek as he pulled you in for a sweet kiss, the kind of kiss that had you sighing and leaning into his touch. “You’re doing so good for us, fiorellina.” He praised. “Just a little longer.”
Primo left you alone and everyone watched as you lay back down for them, body splaying out against the wood. Your hands went to the edges of the table, clutching on to try and stop you from grasping onto the next man who took his place between your legs.
Terzo’s voice sounded from across the room. “You have to get this next one correct, tesoro. Or we win.”
“I will. Of course I will, are we kidding?” You responded, determination in your voice.
The room was silent while the next man moved towards you - his footsteps slow and deliberate. His warm breath fanned out over your body, before finally you felt his tongue lave over your body: it ran all over your stomach, your thighs, back up to your breasts where he licked and sucked on your nipple. You moaned at the sensation, your hips bucking upwards as his mouth brought you so much pleasure. You had to resist the urge to clutch onto his head as you usually did whenever someone ran their tongue over your nipples. But that was when you felt it: a second tongue mimicking the patterns on your nipple and replicating it on your clit, pulling another moan from your mouth.
It was obvious that this was Secondo and Primo - although Copia had two chances, you doubt he’d have a third - or even that Terzo would come back for seconds.
“Secondo and P-Primo.” You said quickly.
“Well of course,” Terzo said, matter-of-factly, “but who’s doing what, tesoro?”
You thought you could get away with it, that they’d give you a break and let you have the win - but evidently not. “S-Secondo is - fuck -” you pushed your hips into the man’s mouth who was licking your cunt fervently. “Su-ucking on my clit.” It had to be, this was his style. He wasn’t usually gentle with your body, not when he’d been deprived for as long as he had been.
“And you think Primo is on your breasts?”
“Take off the blindfold.”
You quickly lifted it off your eyes and immediately flinched at the candlelight, despite it being low. You’d been in complete darkness the whole time, it was hardly surprising that you were struggling to see. Your eyes were blurred, and they took a while to completely adjust, but when they did, a wave of relief washed over you. You were right. Your hands immediately flew to Primo and Secondo’s heads, putting pressure on Secondo’s because he was where you needed him the most, but everyone knew that Primo’s ministrations and work on your nipples would have you tipping over the edge in no time.
Primo lifted his mouth off your nipple and attached it to your lips, fingers tweaking the opposite bud in lieu of his tongue. This kiss was just as tender as his first one, filled with such passion you felt yourself grinding on Secondo’s tongue much faster in pure desperation.
“You are doing so well, fiorellina.” Primo echoed his words from earlier, voice low, those words clearly meant for your benefit and your benefit only. “You please us so well. Take everything we give like a good girl.”
“Do you feel good?”
“Is my brother doing a good job?”
“Tell him, fiorellina. Ask him to make you cum.”
“Please!” You begged, your mind so far gone you could hardly stand it anymore. For the first time since you looked down at him, you were able to drink in the sight of the man between your thighs, roughly sucking on your clit and pistoning his fingers in and out of you now like a man on a mission. You could only see the top of his head, given the rest of it was hidden by your cunt. You could only just see the bridge of his nose above your mound, his hands wrapped around your bruised, jiggling thighs, and him looking up at you through his lashes, a scowl on his brow with his determination to tip you over the edge. There was almost a predatory look in his eyes as he sucked you into his mouth, and it made your cunt clench tightly around his fingers.
“Oh fuck, Papa!”You called out to him, your stomach flipping at the sight of him. “Your t-tongue feels so… good. I’m so fucking close. P-please make me cum, Papa-ah! Wanna cum. Wanna cum so-oh I can… I can feel your c-cock deep inside me. Fuck! Just like that. Don’t stop. Please don’t fucking st-op. Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!”
Secondo had pushed his face further into you, his tongue roving deliciously over your clit every time he sucked on it harshly.
“Cumming!” You announced via scream, your back arching off the table and mouth hanging open in pleasure. Your voice stopped, cut like someone had just turned the sound off but continued to play the video. Your second orgasm was violent, and wet. So very wet. Your vision was the first to go, dark patches swimming over your sight and eyes glazing over and rolling back as drool poured from your open mouth. Your hands cramped where they were clutching onto the table, your desperation forcing them there right as your orgasm hit lest you draw blood from your Papas. Secondo growled into your cunt as you released your cum onto him and the table below, the sound of your squirt hitting the floor as it poured from your body, combined with Secondo sucking it down greedily had your toes curling and your orgasm continuing. It felt like it went on forever, sending electric pulses all over your body until you couldn’t stand it and damn near passed out. All the while, you had Primo in your ear whispering to you; reminding you to breathe, telling you it was okay. You barely registered the fact that his hand was resting on top of yours, fingers bent to completely cover you.
Secondo stood from his place between your thighs and moved to your head to kiss you, letting one of your hands wrap around his neck and pull him closer to you as his mouth engulfed yours. Your other hand, which was still trapped beneath Primo’s, pulled out from its position and also pulled him toward you, breaking your kiss with Secondo so you could kiss Primo just as passionately. You felt Secondo’s fingers traverse the length of your body, before dipping back into your hole. “Mmmf!”You protested, muffled by Primo’s lips. You broke the kiss to look at Secondo. “Please not your hands!”
Secondo smirked. “You want my cock, hm?”
“Yes! Fuck. Please.”
“On your stomach then, amore.”
You climbed off the table before bending over it, letting your body squish against the wood so tantalisingly, you heard appreciative groans coming from everyone in the room. Secondo came back to his original position, and fumbled around with his robes before he positioned his cock at your entrance. You could feel the weight of it against you as he ran it through your folds, gathering your slick to lube himself up. The head of his girth rubbed against your sensitive clit, still twitching from the orgasm he gave you. Each rub caused you to whimper from the sensation, mouth hanging open and brow furrowing in pleasure.
When Secondo finally sank in, the stretch was divine. Secondo was so, incredibly thick and long, he reached depths that you had never felt before. Despite already being fucked once, your cunt was still forced open as though this was the first cock you’d taken in a long, long time. Your hands clutched onto the table again, grasping the edges tightly to ground yourself as you cried out, his own hiss of pleasure echoing in your ears as he, too, felt the effects of your extraordinarily tight pussy. He gave you time to adjust to him and his size once he’d buried himself all the way to the hilt, hands on your ass cheeks, gripping tight enough for the fat to squeeze between his fingers. A string of expletives in Italian fell from his lips, punctuated by a bite to your right hip. He thrust inside tentatively at first, hitting your cervix so deliciously, your eyes rolled back into your head and a delirious smile played on your lips. Secondo kept rocking into you, hitting that spot over and over again, gradually picking up the pace until he was fucking into you at a rough pace - the perfect pace.
Primo stood in front of you, watching your face as you took Secondo’s cock. Your hands unclasped from the table and moved to Primo’s clothed cock, standing to attention underneath his robes, and began to fumble with the fabric to free him. You wanted his cock in your mouth, just as much as you needed Secondo’s. You gave Primo’s cock two strokes at first, staving off the arousal just enough to get him into your mouth without him blowing too soon. Primo was always a delight to give head to - he was always so gentle, so appreciative, hands in your hair and sweet touches, never taking too much unless you were offering it and giving you kind praise as you worked hard to get him to cum.
Your first lick ran from base to tip, causing his toes to curl in his shoes at the pressure. But once you were at his head, you swirled your tongue around it, taking the whole tip in your mouth and sucking like you would taking cake mix off the spoon. You hollowed your cheeks to make a better suction for his head, and relished in the feeling of his hands in your hair, grunts of desperation slipping from his lips. You moved your hands to his hips and silently pulled them forward, sucking more of him into your mouth until that tip was right at the back of your throat, dipping down into your throat. All the while, you looked up at him through your lashes, big, doe eyes maintaining eye contact with him while your lips sinfully stretched around his cock.
“Oh my,” Primo commented, chest heaving from his lack of breath, “look at that. You look so pretty like this, fiorellina.”
He began to gently fuck your throat, pulling out completely to give you the opportunity to breathe, and bending down to kiss you ever now and then, before eventually feeding his cock back into your mouth, and repeating the process all over again.
In the meantime, behind you, Secondo was fixated on the way your cunt swallowed him whole, greedily pulling him back in and clenching down on his shaft as Primo sent those praises to you, and they shot straight down to your hole. You could hear Secondo’s own grunts and groans as he felt this, and just how feral he was becoming the longer he was inside of you. You were feeling so good, you were creaming on his cock, and Secondo couldn’t take his eyes off the juice that had gathered at the base, pulling and snapping with each time he pulled out then slammed back in.
He pushed his hand underneath your body and began to play with your clit again, stealing a moan from your mouth, muffled by Primo’s cock that was buried all the way to the hilt down your throat again. Secondo chuckled at your response, “You like that, amore?” He asked, his tone delightfully condescending, filled with a false sympathy that had goosebumps forming on your skin. “You like taking two cocks at the same time, hm? Like being used by four men in one day?”
“You should have seen the way her eyes lit up just now, fratellino.” Primo said, stroking your hair.
“Her cunt is clenching - I know how much she likes being a whore for us. Listen to her.” True enough, underneath your muffled whines and moans, everyone could hear the sound of Secondo fucking into you, how your wetness splashed around him and made it so, embarrassingly clear just how much you loved this. Secondo laughed again. “Look over at Terzo and the Cardinal, amore.”
You did as Secondo asked, pulling Primo out of your mouth to look at them over your shoulder. Terzo was, as expected, brazen with his thoughts, his cock completely out of his trousers again and his fist wrapped around it, darkened eyes trained on your body as you bounced off Secondo’s cock, and swallowed Primo’s with enthusiasm. Copia, on the other hand, clearly just as affected as Terzo, was still dressed from his earlier encounter with your mouth, but his hand rubbing over his cassock as discreetly as he could manage. You tightened again momentarily, relishing in the fact that you had four men rock hard and desperate to bury themselves in all of your holes.
“You should have seen the Cardinal earlier, tesoro.” Terzo teased. “How eager he was to fuck your throat.”
“Fuck.” You muttered, eyes watching your friend rut into his own hand. at the sight of you getting fucked relentlessly. There was something so incredible about being the centre of everyone’s attention, and the object of all their desires. How a man who you’d never even seen in a sexual light before, and you were sure hadn’t thought of you in one, was now trying to cum for a second time at the thought of you. “M-my hands are - fuck! Papa! - My hands a-are free.” You hinted, before taking Primo back into your mouth and curling your hands into loose fists, creating two new holes for Terzo and Copia to use at their pleasure. Of course, they leaped forward, and before you knew it both of their cocks had been spat on, then slid into your fists, and began fucking your hands as they would your cunt.
You were stuffed full, almost every hole imaginable filled with the cocks of the highest members of the clergy, at the mercy of the Emeritus brothers as they had their wicked ways with you. The rigorous snaps of Secondo’s hips had you bouncing along the table, meaning Primo could stand still and you’d take his cock completely hands free, with Secondo doing all the work.
From your peripherals, you watched as Copia used your hand, his own resting on the table as though he were too shy to touch you, despite wrapping his digits around your throat and making your airways tighter for him to fuck as he pleased. Terzo, however, a man used to being deep inside you and taking his pleasure from your body, had leaned over and landed a few, stinging slaps to your ass, watching as it jiggled with both the force of his hits and the backshots Secondo was giving you. That same hand he put in his mouth - his pinkie to be precise - salivated all over it, and then began to rub it over the rim of your ass, making you jump in surprise. And then, when you’d relaxed to his touch, he inserted the tip into your twitching hole, only down to the mid knuckle, but that combined with Secondo still playing with your clit had you tipping over into your third orgasm, body tensing and cunt fluttering around his cock.
Primo had pulled out, allowing you to breathe through it, crouching down and wrapping his own hand around his cock, stroking himself furiously. “That’s it, fiorellina. Cum for us. You’re doing so well for us. Such a good girl. Ah! Sathanas! I’m close.”
When you came back to your senses, you fixated your eyes on Primo’s desperately moving hand, willing it back into your mouth, but Primo wasn’t having it.
His voice dropped to a whisper so only you could hear him. “Can I cum, fiorellina?”
Unable to speak through your exhaustion, you nodded.
“Close your eyes for me.” He ordered.
You did as you were told, and mere seconds later you heard Primo groan and then his cum landing on your flushed cheek, nose, and upper lip.
“Oh, fuck! Look at her now!” You heard Terzo say, in awe of your fucked out state, covered in cum. “Shit, me too!” He pulled out from your fist and stood where Primo once was, stroking himself until completion over your face, groaning as the first rope of cum shot out and landed on your forehead. It dripped down onto your cheek, joining the first load of cum, along with hitting your nose.
It didn’t take much longer for Secondo’s orgasm to hit him, his thrusts becoming sloppy and fast until he buried himself as deep as he could inside you, falling onto your plush body as rope after rope spilled in your tight, wet heat. His hands were gripping onto your flesh so hard, you were sure he was going to leave bruises, bruises you were excited to see for days after so you could remember what happened on your first game night with the boys.
Copia was the last one to cum, his own stamina keeping him going just as was promised by Primo earlier. But even still, a few more thrusts and he was done, his own cum joining Primo and Terzo’s on your face but this time it hit your mouth and chin, dripping onto the floor when the load was too big to stick to your skin.
You all sat there for a moment, catching your breaths from the intensity of the evening. Primo, as predicted, was exhausted and making a joke about how his old body couldn’t keep up to everyone. Terzo had picked up that same cloth that was on your eyes earlier and used it to wipe the copious amounts of cum that had painted your face; the first thing you saw when you opened your eyes was a look of disgust on his face as he finished cleaning you up as much as he could. “You did so well for us, tesoro.” He said, his voice low and warm. “I would kiss you but…”
You laughed, “I understand.”
“I still won, though.” You announced, smugly. You yelped when you felt Secondo spank your ass.
“Alright then, champion.” He said. “Let’s get you properly cleaned up.”
Secondo helped you get your habit back on once he had pulled out of you, and let you lean on him as you walked. Your legs were like jelly from both the position you were in and from the three orgasms the men had put you through. You bade each of them a good night before Secondo pulled you to his room, running you a bath upon arrival. As the water filled the tub, he stripped you naked again and had you sit on the edge, a damp, soapy cloth in his hands using it to properly wash your face, and clean you of any cum Terzo hadn’t managed to get. “You let us be too rough for you, amore.” He gently scolded you, watching as your face reddened beneath the warm water.
“It’s nothing I don’t enjoy, Papa.” You retorted, equally as soft. “I’d use my safeword if I didn’t. You know it makes me feel good when you use me. I feel better the more animalistic you get.”
“I don’t think we talked about the reason why before.”
“It’s the fact that you want me so much, you revert back to primal instincts and take me fiercely. Like you’re staking your claim.” Your thighs squirmed at the thought.
“You didn’t get enough just now, amore?” Secondo asked, clocking your body’s response. He knelt down and spread your legs, watching your labia part and wetness seep out again. He frowned. “Your poor pussy took such a beating - she’s so red.”
“She can take more, Papa.”
He looked up at you darkly. “You want your Papa to fuck you again? Fill you up with another load of cum, hm? You’re that desperate for cock you want your Papa to fill you again even though you’ve just taken four?”
“Please, Papa.” You whispered, feeling your nipples harden with arousal.
He licked a stripe up your cunt, from your hole to your clit and had you jumping. “In the tub then, puttana. Let me claim you properly.”
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ghulehunknown · 1 year ago
Papa Headcanons: Showering Together 🚿🧼
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What happens when things get hot and steamy in the shower with Papa?
Inspired by Heartsforcopia_ on Twitter!
Lots of lotions and potions in unlabeled bottles on the shelves in his shower, all handmade from the things he grows in his garden
“Do you need help reaching, cara/caro? Let Papa help…” as he touches you in the most sensual way possible
Sometimes he prefers baths so he can just sit and relax after a busy day and invites you so you’re laying against his chest
Claims he has trouble reaching certain spots and needs your help washing, but you’re pretty sure you saw him bend over in the garden no issue earlier
Insists on no funny business as you both wash together but his touches leave you practically begging him to fuck you in the shower
On second thought, he was looking a little wobbly today so maybe shower sex would be dangerous (so you just bang it out in your towels on his bed)
He’s got a nice ass shower, like it’s huge with multiple shower heads and lights and a bench
He’ll use the shower head on your sensitive spots to help get you off
Lathers up soap on your chest and pinches your nipples in the suds, kissing you deeply as the water falls over your heads
Watches you lather up, shave, whatever you do in the shower as he does the same, content on just watching the water roll off your frame
You ask him for help shaving your nether regions because you just know he’ll be careful
That’s the perfect excuse for him to go down on you as well while he’s down there
Has all the expensive skincare items, and you spend half the time looking at everything and using a little bit of it all
“Oh your [insert preferred body part here] looks sooo dirty I must help you wash it”
Lathers up your entire body, lingering on your sensitive spots
Will NOT keep his hands to himself - he’s touching you, putting soap on you, putting his fingers in certain places and he wants YOU to wash him
Hogs the water on purpose but his caresses keep you warm
He fingers you with the claim that he must clean ALL of you 😫💀 (don’t worry, he knows not to stick soap up there)
He’s too much of a horndog so you fuck in the shower, soggy doggystyle 😈
You’re pretty much stuck with his 3-in-1 wash for your whole body
You start to question why he’s got a pink razor and think he might be seeing someone else who’s got their stuff in his shower but then he says he just prefers Lady Schick for shaving his balls
Blocks the water flow with his big ass head but he doesn’t mean to leave you cold and shivering, he’s just kinda spatially unaware
When he notices you’re cold he wraps you up in his arms and lets you have the water (where he stands shivering the rest of the time)
“Eh, can I wash your boobies/balls/butt, tesoro? 👉👈” (choose your preferred body part)
Excited to wash your hair, your face, everything because he sees this as more of a bonding experience versus a sexual one
But yeah he still gets really horny and if you don’t fuck in the shower, you for sure are slapping your wet bodies together on the bathroom floor or against his sink, wherever you end up first
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theunholybastard · 5 months ago
Kinktober: October 5th - Objectification (Papa Emeritus I x Gender - Neutral!Reader)
Tags: Dom!Primo, Ghoul!Reader, Abuse Of Power, Dub-Con, Objectification, Degradation, Pet-Play, Humiliation, Evil Primo, References To Piss Kink, Age-Gap, Deepthroating, Quickie, Fingering, Orgasm Denial, Spit, Facial, No Aftercare, First Person POV
It's not easy being the least favorite Ghoul of Papa Emeritus the First. Hell, it's not like he respects you if you're his favorite Ghoul, either. And yet, I still try so hard to please him, to no avail. No matter what I do, I can't seem to get anything right. Everything I do only ends up bringing more contempt and anger towards me.
And today has been the worst day. I say that every day I have to work with Primo, but today I mean it. One thing after another seemed to keep going wrong, and of course, I was the one that took the blame. It seemed like I couldn't go five minutes without being screamed at and degraded by that old sack of shit.
"Stupid Ghoul! Can't you do anything right?!" He would bark in my direction so often, I was so close to snapping. I wanted to yell back, tell him if he wants things done his way, he should shut up and do it himself. But no, all day I managed to hold my tongue. Until I couldn't.
It was so small. It was so stupid. I was asked (or rather, demanded) to grab him coffee before the show, and I screwed up his order. An honest mistake, but one that he would not let go unpunished. He took one sip, made a sour face, and spat it out dramatically at my feet. My face went red in embarrassment as the other Ghouls turned their heads towards the scene. Primo always seemed to have a thing for public humiliation.
"You fool, how did you manage to fuck this up?!" He scolds. I hear a few Ghouls snickering, and the combination of being laughed at by my peers, and the feel of Primos hot breath hitting my face as he screams directly in my ear, only makes me grind my teeth in anger. "This is scalding! Are you trying to kill me?!"
"That wasn't my intention, but maybe I should." The words come out of my mouth so quickly, I barely realize I said it. Once I realized I said that out loud, I slapped my hand over my mouth, seeing my life flash before my eyes. Primo goes silent for a moment, and his eyes glaze over with a white-hot rage I've never seen before. I'm so dead.
"...Mi scusi?" Primo mutters lowly, his voice laced with barely concealed venom. The room is so quiet, all I can hear is my heart beating rapidly, pounding in my ears. "N-nothing, Papa." My voice quivers, eyes wide like a deer in headlights, cautiously watching his every move.
Unexpectedly... He smiles. A cruel, crooked smile that only further terrified me. He turns to the other Ghouls in the room. "Out." Is all he says. They all scramble out without question, a few of them exchanging sympathetic glances with me, silently wishing me luck. I gulp, now completely alone with him, for him to punish me however he wishes. Oh Satanas, I hope he doesn't fucking piss on me. Again.
He approaches me, painfully slow. All I can do is stand there, frozen in fear. Running at this point would just make my punishment worse. He clears his throat. "Do you think that is any way to speak to your Papa, stupido cucciolo? Do you think it's acceptable, sassing me like that?" He scowls, talking down to me in an unsettlingly soft voice, similar to how someone would speak while scolding an animal.
"I- I'm so sorry, Papa. I don't know what came over me. I- I didn't mean it-" I stutter nervously, my hands already clammy and trembling. He cuts me off with a finger over my lips. I knew for my own safety, I should probably shut my mouth.
"Ahhh, of course! It's an accident, you didn't mean it. You always find some sort of excuse for your misbehavior. It's never your fault, is it?" He chides sarcastically. "That little mouth of yours loves to get you in trouble. Maybe it's time it gets put to good use..."
Before I can question what he means, he grabs me by the shoulders and pushes me down on my knees, needing little to no effort to do so since my legs were already weak and wobbly. He moves his robes to the side, not wearing anything underneath and exposing himself. I gasp, quickly backing up at the sight. His length was impressive, even for being flaccid, and thick enough to just barely fit in my mouth. I wonder how it would feel in...
"P-Papa, I don't think I should... I- I shouldn't..." I sputter worriedly, all of a sudden deciding professionalism is one of my virtues. Maybe sucking off my shitty boss whose more than twice my age isn't the best move. He scoffs.
"Disobeying my orders once again, are we?" He tsks. "The amount of times you messed up today... I ought to fire you right now. Hell, I should send you back to The Pit myself. But here I am, generously offering you a way to earn your forgiveness. Take it, pet." He growls. I swallow the huge lump in my throat, looking up at him hesitantly. His gaze is cold and unforgiving, completely devoid of compassion. He really means it, doesn't he? Well... If this is the only way to keep my job...
I slowly open my mouth, jaw quivering. I shut my eyes tight. Here goes nothing. He at least had the decency to guide his cock into my mouth for me, but unfortunately, he didn't have the patience to let me take my time with it. He thrusts harshly into my mouth, his soft cock hitting the back of my throat and his pubic hair tickling my nose once I reach the base. I gag, my throat instinctively trying to force him out, but he holds my head in place, not letting me move an inch from my spot.
He lets out a groan of relief. I feel his dick twitch in my throat, already starting to grow and harden. At least one of us is enjoying this. He grips my hair excruciatingly tight with his slender fingers, moving my head up and down on his cock. I already feel the tears sliding down my cheeks as he forces me to choke against him helplessly.
"Finalmente, something you're good at." He grunts, growing to full hardness. "Maybe this should be your new job, hm? Since you're useless at everything else. You want to be your Papas little pet? Satanas, t-that's a good pup..." Fuck, his words are disgusting, degrading, vile. I shouldn't like this. This shouldn't be making my body react this way. This is humiliating, and yet, the hottest thing I've ever experienced at the same time.
I moan around his cock, unable to stop myself. Primo chuckles wickedly, looking down at my red, tear-stained face. "Do you like this, pet?" He smirks down at me, looking absolutely sinister, which only arouses me further. Damn, I got issues. "Maybe if you please me thoroughly, I'll let you have a little bit of pleasure. Would you like that, cucciolo?"
"Mhmph-!" I hum around his length excitedly at the thought of receiving any sort of stimulation. His breathing grows heavier, his eyes fluttering shut. He looks oddly beautiful while he's completely blissed out like this, that for a brief moment, I almost forget how cruel he is. His cock kicks, and he pulls himself out of my mouth, releasing his hot seed all over my face.
I go to wipe the cum off my face, but he quickly snatches my wrist, tutting in warning. "Did I give you permission to clean yourself, pet?" He hisses. I fight the urge to roll my eyes, and shake my head. "Now ask nicely, cucciolo..."
"M-may I please clean my face, Papa...?" I whimper softly, giving him my best pleading eyes in hopes he will respect my request. He smirks, his eyes twinkling evily as he leans over me. He spat, his spit and cum now mixing together and running down my face. "No, you may not." He answers.
He fixes his robes and begins to walk away, leaving me on the ground, covered in his filth. "W-wait!" I exclaim, flustered and sexually frustrated. "You said you would d-do something for me, too!" He laughs.
"I said I might, silly Ghoul." He snickers. Oh, this motherfucker. I whine desperately, nearly in tears once again. "P-please!" I plead, all of my self-respect gone in a moment of desperation. "Please, Papa... I- I'll do anything." He clicks his tongue, thinking for a moment. My heart drops when I hear a knock on the door.
"Papa!" I hear another Ghoul call from the other side of the door. "We're on stage in five!" I gulp. Primo rolls his eyes and shoos the Ghoul away, turning back to me with a mischievous glint in his gaze.
"I will please you, little pet; on one condition." He states. My ears perk up, nodding readily. "From now on, you will obey my orders. No more talking back, no more fuck ups. I don't want to see any more disobedience from you. If you cannot cum in five minutes, you will not cum at all, and you will not complain. Understood?" I nod obediently, too horny to care about the rules he listed that I will 100% break within a week.
"Bravo cucciolo. Now come over here." I go to stand up, but he snaps at me in disapproval. "Ah, ah... crawl." He rumbles. I felt a pit in my stomach as I get on my hands and knees, half- wishing the ground would just swallow me whole. I crawl towards him like a dog, the floor beneath me cold and uncomfortable, only furthering my degradation. He nods in sadistic satisfaction.
He commands me to rise and bend over the table beside him. I obey, and with ruthless dedication, he yanks off my trousers, letting them hang around my ankles. I hear him shuffle behind me, spitting on his hand and running his cold, slick fingers over my entrance. He slides them inside with ease, making me let out a choked moan.
"Quiet." He orders angrily. I bite my lip to silence myself as he continues his assault with his fingers, but he moves them with such skill that it makes it nearly impossible to remain quiet. The tips of his fingers hit the spot repeatedly with ease, his other hand wrapping around my mouth to ensure as little noise as possible to escape my lips.
I got so close, so close I could almost taste the ecstasy on the tip of my tongue. But my worst nightmare came true when I heard yet another knock on the door. "Papa! It's time, we gotta go!" A Ghoul calls out. Primo sighs, seeming almost as disappointed as me, and pulls out his fingers, obscenely licking them clean.
"Fix yourself and join us on stage, Ghoul." He says coldly, putting on his mitre and heading towards the door. "Papa..." I whine, earning me a light slap. "What did I say, stupido cucciolo? No complaints..." He grufs, annoyed. I frown frustratedly and nod, pulling up my pants and grabbing my mask in shame.
While we move to the stage, none of the audience or my fellow Ghouls are aware of the dried cum covering my face underneath the mask. But as Primo shoots me a wink before he starts to sing, and the other Ghouls exchange confused glances, my throat runs dry in worry that maybe they all suspect what just occurred. And honestly? That just makes me hornier.
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bupia · 1 year ago
1, 8, 12, 13 Primo 👀
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"We'll take it slow." "I've been wondering how it feels like..." "I can't believe you are this innocent." "Makes me want to wreck you."
There's a smut bellow the cut, +18 only, please.
(this is about Primo with a transmasc!reader: oral sex & fingering)
Available on AO3
Day 7 | Day 9
"I've been wondering how it feels like to trace every inch of your skin with eager fingertips," Primo whispered close to your ear as he slowly approached from behind, his fingers gently brushing your waist and sliding down to your stomach.
"W-What do you mean?" you stammered, feeling a shiver down your spine.
"I meant that I've been thinking about you a lot," he continued to whisper, his voice filled with desire. "Since you came to my office, asking me to confess your sins, just as if I were going to punish you for them. But here, we celebrate them. Did you forget that?"
"Molto bene, because I couldn't believe you were this innocent," he said, his tone both tender and longing. "When you told me how you've been avoiding to reach your orgasm, why would you do that? Avoiding your own orgasm, denying yourself. It made me feel sad, but at the same time, it made me want to show you how to be reach it."
"Papa..." you purred, turning your body to face him.
"Would you let your Papa show you how to be have a proper orgasm?"
"Y-Yes... But I don't think we should, not here in your office."
"No one will come in this late at night," he assured you, his voice filled with anticipation.
"But I really don't think we should do it here," you hesitated, glancing around nervously.
Primo gently placed a hand on your cheek and looked deeply into your eyes. "Do you trust me, caro?" he inquired, his thumb caressing your skin.
"Yes, I do," you replied, your heart racing as his touch sent shivers down your spine.
"So trust me when I say we are safe here," he assured you, leaning in closer, his lips inching towards yours.
You leaned in, your lips barely touching, as your breath mingled together, sending tingles down your spine. You closed your eyes and gave into temptation. Your lips parted slightly as his warm breath caressed your mouth, letting your lips meet his, feeling your heart beat faster and faster as you tasted his mouth, savoring the sweet taste of his tongue. He kissed you harder, his hands pulling your head closer to his, his tongue exploring your mouth, tasting every part of it. His kisses became more passionate, his tongue probing deeper inside your mouth, demanding your surrender. You moaned softly as you felt his hands slide down your back, pushing your habit up to your hips, exposing your underwear.
He broke off the kiss and pulled away, his eyes gazing hungrily at you. He lowered his face, resting it on the crook of your neck.
"You're so beautiful, caro," he murmured, kissing your neck.
You tried to reply him but before you could say something, his hand went to between your legs, his fingers grazing against your heat, teasingly running over your underwear.
"You're wet," he murmured, smiling as he saw the wet moisture glistening on your underwear.
"I-I'm sorry..." you blushed, closing your eyes, feeling embarrassed by your arousal.
"Don't apologize, sì?" he said kissing your neck, his fingers playing with your underwear, rubbing against your clit. "I'll make sure you get what you need, caro."
You gasped with his words, feeling the pleasure building up inside you. You opened your eyes and stared into Primo's, your breathing getting heavier.
"Lay down on the table, caro," Primo commanded.
You laid down on the table, laying on your back. Your legs dangling off the edge. He stepped away from you and pulled out a chair, sitting down in front of you.
"Now I'm going to show you how to have a proper orgasm," he said, his voice filled with lust. "But don't worry, we'll take it slow."
Primo reached out and took hold of your underwear, sliding your underwear. You raised your hips, lifting your habit up, watching him pulling them down to your ankles, exposing your aching core.
"Bellissimo," he whispered, staring at your core.
You bit your lower lip, closing your eyes. You spread your legs apart, giving him full access to your wetness. He leaned forward and kissed your inner thighs, his hand gently caressing your leg. You let out a small sigh as you felt his warm breath on your skin.
His tongue ran along your skin, slowly moving forward your wetness. You shuddered, enjoying the feeling. He went back to your thighs and continued to kiss, lick and suck them. Your breath grew heavier as he worked his way towards your wetness once again, his tongue traced around your slit, teasing your clit, making you squirm.
"Ah... Papa..." you breathed. "This feels good..."
"Does it, caro?" he murmured against your core.
You nodded and bit your lip, trying not to moan too loudly. Your core was soaking wet now, and Primo could feel how hot you were. He licked up and down your slit, making you gasp. You looked down at him, watching him lick your folds, you gasped, feeling yourself getting even more aroused.
"Mmm... yes, just like that..." you moaned.
Your body trembled as you felt his tongue flickering around your clit, causing you to gasp. You closed your eyes, feeling him licking it lightly, sucking on it. He licked again, now using more pressure, moving his tongue in circles around your clit, sending shivers down your spine. You felt yourself getting hotter and hotter, your juices started to flow.
Primo looked up at you, smiling, watching you squirm. "I think you like that, don't you, caro?" he whispered.
You nodded. "Yes, Papa, yes I do."
He grinned at you, lowering his face again. He grabbed your knees, spreading them apart, pressing a kiss on your mound. He leaned down, licking your juices off your core, making you moan loudly. He inserted his tongue inside you, lapping up your juices. He started working his tongue in and out of your entrance, sliding it in and out.
"Yes! Papa! Yes... Just like that, yes... yes! yes! yes!" you cried out, arching your back.
He continued to lick you, sliding his tongue all the way up to your clit, circling it, making you moan even louder. Your hand went to his head, pulling his face closer to your core. He took one finger and rubbed it against your clit, causing you to whimper. He inserted his finger inside you, curling it upwards, hitting your spot.
"Oo-Oh! Pap-Ah! Papa! Please, don't stop!" you whined.
"Sì, caro, sì, moan to me..." he chuckled devilish, his voice filled with desire. "Merda, your moans makes me want to wreck you."
You pushed him deeper onto your wetness, grinding your hips against his face. He nibbled against your flesh, making you scream. He inserted another finger inside you, pumping them in and out of your entrance, while he licked your clit.
"Ah! Papa! Please, I'm going to cu-Mmm..." you felt your legs shaking. "If you keep going... I will cum... Oh...!"
You held his head tight against your wetness, you felt your body tensing up, your breathing getting heavier. He increased his pace, his fingers still working in you. You wrapped your legs around his head, trying to pull him even closer.
"Ooh- Fu-Uuck!" your voice quivering with pleasure as you bit your lower lip. "Make me cum, Papa! Satan! Fuck!"
"Cum for me, caro, cum for your Papa," he said looking up at you. "Let me drink and taste your sweet, sinful nectar."
You felt your orgasm building up inside you, your whole body tensing up. Your moans got louder, your juices flowing freely. Your body jerked, your core exploded with pleasure. You came hard, your walls contracting around his tongue, squirting your juices all over his face.
"Fuck, Papa!" you screamed out, shutting your eyes tightly. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! Oh, my Satan!"
You released his head, letting him continue licking you, your body trembling. You removed your legs from around him, breathing heavily, relaxing your body. Primo stood up, licking his lips, looking down at you. He lowered his body, bringing his lips close to yours, kissing you passionately, sharing your taste with you.
He broke the kiss and looked into your eyes, grinning. "È stato incredibile," he said, leaning in and giving you a gentle kiss. "You came so good, caro, I'm very flattered to be able to help you reach your orgasm."
"Yes... Papa..." you replied breathless, looking at him, seeing his face paint all smudge around his lips, causing you to chuckle softly.
"Why are you laughing, ragazzo?" he inquired, arching a brow.
"Your face, Papa. I guess I ruined your paint," you replied, sitting on the table.
Primo chuckled, shaking his head. "You didn't ruin my paint, caro. You made it look even better," he whispered, leaning in, taking your lips on his once again.
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inkstainedrat · 2 months ago
they just received my letter dictating in great detail exactly what/ how/ when and where I will expect my present
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the present is a Satanic pope and he is expected under my tree in a very redacted state of disarray no later than 11:59pm on Xmas Eve
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molly-ghuleh · 1 year ago
A little xxxmas gift for everyone ❤️💚
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Myself and a three other lovely writers have a few smutty surprises for you!
December 20: Naughty Presents (Primo) from @copias-sewer-rat
December 21: Ungrumpify Your Papa (Secondo) from @molly-ghuleh
December 22: Mistletoe’d (Terzo) from @ghulehunknown
December 23: Treasure Hunt (Copia) from @bupia
Happy Hornidays!
xoxo, the Naughty Ghulehs
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writingjourney · 2 years ago
I wrote Primo smut because I'm a primhoe now too apparently. You won't get to see the full drabble/ficlet until I've written the other Papas bc it's one of those thingies but you can find a lil preview under the cut :)
(EDIT: HERE is the full fic)
(obviously 18+, MDNI, we talk about ghocks on this blog, unedited)
You feel him stir, so you move your hand further down, stroking his abdomen. A soft hum deep inside his chest. His hand sinks, the pencil slipping from his fingers. It’s your cue to keep going, so you toy with the hem of his pyjama pants. When you let your hand slip beneath the elastic, you’re excited to find him half-hard, curved against the left side of his pelvis.
He’d been struggling with intimacy as of late – his age, all the hard work and general worries catching up with him, a sort of vicious cycle that led to some changes in your shared bedroom. He takes care of you in other ways, very generously, but tonight, for once, he seems truly relaxed, and you feel him slowly harden against your palm.
“Do you feel good?” you whisper. “Should I keep going?”
You stamp wet kisses down his neck, sucking on the spot that always makes him shudder. You continue to slowly stroke him, a leisurely pace, until he’s fully hard and leaking onto your fingers.
“I thought you are tired,” he murmurs.
You smile. “I am, but I just miss you so much.”
“I’m right here, la mia rosa. Every night.”
More kisses. You softly suck on the spot below his jaw, and his hips buck up into your touch. “You know what I mean, Papa.”
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canarycolemine · 2 years ago
How Sweet the Dream We Share
Pairing: Papa Emeritus I x Reader
Summary: Something so sweet, so far from my reach. Ecstasy and familiarity nearly surpassing my own body. On a sweet spring day, where the world seems so odd, a lover's embrace could be no sweeter. AKA - peepaw fucks
Warnings: 18+, MDNI for explicit sexual content, consensual somnophilia, the author was trying to also be a silly goose 
Word Count: 792
ao3 link!
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Above: The Picnic (1846) Thomas Cole
Springtime always felt so clean, like linen. The sun shone brightly, tickling at my shoulders and arms - like an embrace.
A small breeze blew my hair behind me. The high noon was an odd time for a picnic, but I was here nonetheless. The warmth could almost be unbearable, but somehow, everything felt temperate and comfortable. A presence behind me, steadying me. A tree. I leaned into its strong embrace.
The clouds moved through the sky faster than usual, never quite staying the same shape.
Frankly, it was hard to concentrate on anything too closely.
The wind must have been oddly strong that day, for the branches of the tree wrapped around me, pulling me closer to its center. Strong branches racked my body, back and forth as the wind manipulated its movements.
All too soon, the wind halted, the tree retracting from my body.
I had nearly forgotten my picnic blanket as it was pulled from my legs - but why was my picnic blanket pulled over my legs in the first place? How odd.
Slithering towards me was a mighty serpent, spreading my legs open.
“Hello there,” I said politely to the gentleman, “Are you the Devil?” I could swear I heard the serpent laugh. Perhaps it was!
Oh, but this serpent was gentle. It’s touch, wrapping around my legs, kissing and licking wherever it wandered. Spreading me open to gaze at my bare pussy. How sweet his tongue, but as I began to moan, begging for more of a touch, the serpent laughed once again.
“Mio amore, how sweet you are like this.” Well, I knew that voice anywhere - it was my beloved Papa Emeritus Primo! Now between my legs, I could see more clearly, he was with me the whole time.
Some men get so mystical with age. My Papa was no exception. But really, when did he learn how to transform into an animal? I suppose it did not matter.
So easily accepting of my new circumstances, frankly, I begged him for more. Calling his name as he began to work his tongue against my core. My body was lighter than usual, the world a gentle haze. But he worked my body so softly in that field, I could not care to worry about any passerby! How soft the grass felt beneath my body, smoother than any grass that grew around the Abbey.
So far away from me, I felt my release. Something told me my Papa knew this, too. How I yearned to be filled by him, taken thoroughly. My hips rolled up to meet his face. The words, the words I needed to beg for him to fill me were absent.
My mouth could speak no words. Only my cries, begging for more could I utter.
All too suddenly, Primo was gone. His body heat, which normally rested so high, was taken from me. My body writhed and contorted with want, like something was stolen.
I could feel something running through my slick folds, when I felt a strong push forward. Something hard.
The slumber was ripped from me, and I had returned to my bedroom.
“Amore mio, welcome back!” Primo said above me with a smirk. He began his thrusts into my weeping cunt. How eagerly, yet tiredly I countered his movements. Already so worked up from my unconscious ravishing, I would simply not last much longer.
He was equally afflicted, stuttering his movements.
I felt my walls wrap around him as I was nearly ecstasy, but one last push, one last piece of stimulation.
The old man could read my mind, I swore, as he brought his long, pale fingers to my clit, tenderly drawing circles around the bud.
“Yes, mio cuoricina, just like that. Together now!”
As his rhythm faltered and his fingers sped, my release washed over me in waves, riding the ecstasy as I felt his seed warm my inner walls.
“And we held each other as we came down from the high, together in our infernal ecstasy.” Primo’s beloved finished.
“Okay, Mrs. Emeritus, that’s lovely.” Sister Evie said, having already heard too much. “But, ahem, what brings you to the infirmary today?”
“Oh yes! My apologies Sister, you had just asked me that.” The older woman started, suddenly remembering the purpose of her visit. “Well, you see, Papa had pulled a muscle in his back during the second round of the night and needed to refill his muscle relaxer prescription.”
“Of course, Mrs. Emeritus. Allow me one moment.” Evie smiled politely, as she excused herself.
As she exited the infirmary, into the medical supply room, she encountered a fellow Sister of the infirmary.
“Evie, you good?” Sister Diana asked, seeing Evie’s face, flushed without color.
“Peepaw is one freaky motherfucker.”
I hope you enjoyed ~ needed a silly break from the fics I’m working on right now!
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honey-tongued-devil · 1 year ago
Sinners' tango
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It wasn't just meant to be a small collection of Papa x Sister of Sin!Reader, but also to have a little interpretation key. So, as usual, I invite you to comment/like to show your support!
I really like the idea that the Ministry of Ghosts is a matriarchal pyramid, where even though Papa seems like the most important figure, Sister Imperator is the one who holds the reins of everything. Furthermore, I like that this isn't seen as a threat to anyone's masculinity within the clergy.
This series had a bit of this in mind. The woman isn't shown to allow more or less everyone to insert/identify themselves, yet her presence is so strong that even without ever seeing her face, you should be able to perceive her as the dominant figure in the composition. Sometimes she simply doesn't bother to look at those who are looking at the images, as if leaving the dirty work to someone else, other times she plays with her men, who allow themselves to be moved docilely.
There's also a certain sensuality, the idea of intimacy between the sister and the pope, and the various popes looking into the camera is like an awareness of their position. It's a submissive, almost devoted but still proud. Except for Copia, but not because he's not devoted to her, but because he, more than anyone, couldn't take his eyes off her.
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decreare · 3 days ago
Dyed Blonde
Weiss: Oh My Oum! Yang: I can explain? Weiss: Well I didn't expect this when I when I needed to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Tell me Xio-Long what ARE you doing then? Yang: Well I uh- Weiss: Because I can tell you what I THINK you are doing! It appears that you were never a natural blonde! Otherwise you wouldn't be in the tub touching up your raven-black roots! Yang: Tenses D-don't tell Ruby- Weiss: Your SISTER doesn't know?! How long have you been keeping up this farce Xio Long Yang: Before she was born... A choking silence falls between them Yang: My M-mom, Ruby's birth mom, showed me how... Weiss: Well then, I know how troublesome dying so much hair can be. Hand me that brush! Yang: What? Weiss: You owe me Xio Long After the process... Yang: I'm going to bed Weiss: Stop right there Xio Long! You still owe me! Yang: Listen Weiss I appreciate the help but I've been doing this for years- Weiss: Oh I'll help you alright! You big-titted cow! I just want to secure your end of the deal! Yang: Right... and what do I owe you hm? Weiss: I-uh cuddles? Yang: Weiss Cream wants cuddles? How do I know I won't melt you away~ Weiss: Oh shut it and get on my bed, I'll meet you there Yang: Oh? Who knew Snow Princess could be so forward! Well, what are you waiting for~ Weiss hugs the older girl, Yang couldn't help but pet her hair Yang: So this is what you wanted huh? Weiss: Yang I swear to Oum if you make fun- Yang: No, I get it Weiss: W-well good! And you shound't pet a Schnee! Yang: Want me to stop? Weiss: Gods no! They both soon fall asleep. With Yang's arms wrapped around Weiss's body while Weiss's head rested on top Yang's bosom Ruby: On one hand I'm jealous that Weiss is in my spot but on the other hand I'm happy my Sister and Bestie are getting along! Wah, I still want my morning cuddles dammit! Blake: I never could imagine a Schnee being affectionate... And who's to say we can't do the same? Ruby: Does that mean I get to touch your cute kitty ears!? Blake: ... If you are going to do that, you better not pull on them... Ruby: Oh relax Zwei never complained! Blake: ... Alright then... Later... Glynda: Where is team RWBY!?!? Nora: Renny why didn't we stay in bed! You love my hugs Pyrrha: I wish I could get Jaune to cuddle me... Jaune: What? Nora: Oh Jaune-Jaune gives the BEST hugs! You just gotta ask him! Pyrrha: R-really?
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her-satanic-wiles · 10 months ago
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Game night takes a turn when you end up blindfolded and tied on the table, at the mercy of all of your beloved Papas. The name of the game: figure out who’s touching you. You win: you cum. They win: they use your body however they see fit.
Pairing: Papa Emeriti I, II, III & Cardinal Copia x Plus Size!Reader
Coming 21st May!
Commissions are closed ⛧ Memberships get early access.
Reply to this post to be added to the taglist! Open until 20th May.
Please make sure that you are 21+ and have your age in your bio (or something vague)! This is a 21+ only fic!
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ghulehunknown · 1 year ago
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As a Christmas gift, my writer friends and I have decided to do a collaboration next week - XXXmastime smut with the Papas!
(This means it will be NSFW, so MDNI please)
December 20th: Primo - @copias-sewer-rat
December 21st: Secondo - @molly-ghuleh
December 22nd: Terzo - @ghulehunknown
December 23rd: Copia - @bupia
Christmas will be coming soon - and so will you!
Happy Hornidays!
xoxo, the Naughty Ghulehs
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theunholybastard · 4 months ago
Kinktober: October 20th - Morning Sex (Papa Emeritus I x Female!Reader)
Tags: Established Relationship, Sleepy Sex, Spooning, Creampie, Age Gap, 1st Person POV
Sunlight streamed through the window, flooding the room and shining down on my face. My eyes blinked open, taking a moment to adjust to the morning light. I groaned sleepily and stretched, reaching for Primo to hold him closer to me. I was curled around him, arms and legs wrapping around like a sleepy octopus. I knew Primo liked to be up as soon as the sun was, but I wanted a few more moments of this bliss, to cuddle with my love, listening to his heart beat and the birds sing pleasantly.
Primo shifted closer, gently wrapping me in his arms and placing a soft kiss on my forehead. "Good morning, amore mio." He whispered, his voice deep and laced with drowsiness. "Did you sleep well?" I huff and grumble incoherently, trying desperately to cling onto my last ounce of sleep.
"Does my love need to rest some more?" Primo coos almost condescendingly. "I'll never understand your generations disdain for waking up before noon." I roll my eyes, nuzzling my face on the wrinkled skin of his chest. "Stay in bed with me..." I plead with him.
"Oh, my sweet girl, I'm afraid I cannot. There is a very busy day ahead of me. Important meetings to attend, flowers to attend to. Now that I'm remembering, the marigolds were looking particularly dry the last time I saw them..."
"You're putting me to sleep again." I tease, cutting him off with a long fake snore. He slaps my wrist in a playful warning. "Rude." He tuts. He tries to get out of bed, but my grip on him is firm and unrelenting, refusing to let him rid me of him. "My love, I have to go."
"Nuh uh. Sleep."
"I'll whip up some breakfast for you before I leave, how about that?"
"I'm not so easily swayed, Papa." Primo scoffs. "Clearly." He mutters, my stubborn nature both a thrill and a challenge for the old, lovesick fool. Suddenly, a small, mischievous smile twitched on his lips.
"Perhaps I can do something to help wake you up, dear?" He purrs, his hot mouth on my neck in an instant, planting soft, wet kisses. "Something to help get your blood pumping?" I shiver and lean into his touch, but he nudges me back the second I get close.
"No, no. You wanted to lay down with your Papa, si? So lay down, dear. Let me take care of you." He maneuvers me to my side, laying with me in a spooning position, bodies warmly pressed together. I feel his half hardened cock teasing my folds as his tongue continues to lap over my neck, sucking like a vampire. Primo loved to leave marks on me whenever he could, to let the whole world know I'm his.
He humps against my mound, hardening himself up from the feel of my slick. My sleepy quivers spur him on enough to make him grow quickly, working the tip in, then inch by inch, his long and veiny shaft. I feel the vibrations of his moan against the flesh of my neck, the smooth sliding in and out of my gummy walls was indescribably perfect. He didn't prep me before, but it wouldn't change much, considering the stretch is always mind blowing.
He thrusts as much as his old joints will allow him, my cunt clenching tighter with every delicious movement. The intimacy of the moment felt beautifully divine, sun beams dancing around the room, bodies tangled together in the sheets, the sound of wind whistling, birds chirping, and skin slapping, moans and murmurs exchanged between lovers. It was warm, gentle, fading in and out of consciousness from the calamity. Anytime I would get close to fading asleep once more, I was shocked awake from a particular snap of his hips, pulled back to reality.
"This must be the closest thing I'll ever get to heaven." I sigh, little whimpers of ecstasy spilling from my lips as my body jiggles from his thrusts. He titters softly. "Bold of you to say something like that in a church that worships the devil. Is that a compliment or an insult, mio fiore?" That would pull a laugh from me if there wasn't a huge cock pounding balls deep inside of me. His words were not my main focus at the time.
The anticipation was building, and it wasn't long before I came, my eyes rolled back in my head and my back arching impossibly high. I felt comforting kisses trailing on the nape of my neck. I feel him panting and growling against me, his nostrils flairing like an angered bull. I could tell his impending doom was creeping upon him as well. A relaxation washes over him as his orgasm breaks, warm cum filling the depths of my cunt, stilling inside of me.
"Y-you know what, amore?" Primo pants, body succumbing to exhaustion from overexerting himself too early in the morning. "I think we can sleep a bit longer, now that I think about it." I chuckle, but don't say anything in retaliation, enjoying the moment. We fall asleep together like this, his cock still stuffed inside me, the twitching and softening of his length lulling me into deep slumber.
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da-rulah · 1 year ago
request: how the papas would react to reader crying during or after sex? Also I love the way you write! 🖤🖤
I've had two people ask for this now, so let's get down to business... Each scenario is different, crying for different reasons, some during some after. Some are sad, some are horny af, so be warned. I may have flown too close to the sun with this one... TW/ Orgasm denial & over stimulation, some BDSM with paddle spanking, FWB to lovers, sadness, angst and obviously…. Crying during sex. 18+ MINORS DNI!
With his age, comes an understanding of the human body that you can only get with experience.
This is why with so much care and attention, Primo has you on the edge of climax so quickly, denying you and end and then bringing you right back to the edge.
He's not cruel about it though, he's very sweet, nurturing almost.
"You're doing so well, toppolino..."
He asks you to count how many times he’s ruined your orgasm… it nearly kills you.
"I know you can handle it, fiorellina. What number is it now?"
When he finally lets you tip over that precipice, your entire body shakes and convulses under him. It rips through you like dropping a match to gasoline.
You're whimpering for him as you come back down, and without knowing, the tears have started. They're soaking your cheeks, dripping to the pillow beneath your head.
Primo looks shocked, and quickly his aged fingers are wiping at your cheeks.
"Mi dispiace, my darling... are you alright? Did I go to far?"
He hadn't, not at all. But your words failed you, and all you could do was sob into a kiss you initiated, cupping his cheeks to reassure him.
He thought tonight was the night to introduce his newest paddle to you. You happily accepted his request, the shiny black leather looking mighty intriguing...
He rolled a pair of dice, calculating a random number. 11, is what they landed on...
11 spanks with his paddle. Each one felt harder than the last, testing your limits.
By spank no. 7, your eyes were tearing up. Still, you refused to use your safe word.
By spank no. 9, the tears were flowing freely.
You managed all 11 without your safe word, but when Secondo saw the streaks of tears down your face, his hardened dom exterior crumbled just a little. He'd made you cry once before, and that had been a safe word occasion. So he was panicked...
"Dolcezza, are you alright? Too much?"
He rocked you in his arms, careful not to touch your bruising behind.
"I'm okay, Papa... I'm okay..."
He kissed away the tears, mumbling praises to you.
"Need you, Papa... Still need you, please..."
He never could resist your begging.
Your relationship with Terzo was strictly sexual. You knew that. You agreed to that.
But boy, did it hurt...
You wanted him emotionally, needed a closeness you were resigned to never get. But you continued your relationship despite this, grateful for what you could get. Grateful you could pretend...
With your ankles by your head, Terzo railed into you, rolling his hips with an expertise he had from your countless nights together. He knew was you liked.
"My sweet sorella, so good for me, no?"
You bit your lip, struggling with his wording choice. His. You wished...
As the thoughts invaded your mind, your need for release beckoned and yet, you couldn't reach it...
Terzo climaxed before you, roared expletives and pressing his forehead to yours, eyes shut as he caught his breath.
When he heard the first sob, his eyes shot open.
"Sorella, what...? What's the matter? Did I hurt you?"
You could only shake your head, but he had hurt you. Just not physically, and not with intention.
He searched your face for answers, trying desperately to hold eye contact with you that you kept avoiding.
"Per favore, look at me..." he spoke so softly, you could hardly ignore. "What is it?"
You poured your heart out to him, you couldn't hide it anymore. Any longer, and this relationship would break you...
Terzo sighed, rolling to lay next to you and pulling you to his bare chest.
"I adore you, tesoro... I fear we are both idioti," he chuckled, running his hand over his face, smearing his already smudged paints more.
He asked you to stay with him that night. You never slept in your own bed again.
It was such a stupid fight, one that you feared you couldn’t come back from.
You’d thrown his schedule in his face, told him it wasn’t fair that he didn’t give you any time at all now he was Papa…
When you came home, you had ignored him, making dinner and still leaving him a plate, but eating in a separate room without so much as a glance his way.
“You think I don’t give you enough attention, toppolino?” “I feel like I’m losing you, Copia… I’m so scared…”
His eyes flickered with rage when you’d begun to cry. Not at you - at himself. He’s made you feel this way?
Copia strode towards you and enveloped you in a kiss that would have made Lucifer blush.
He went into panic mode, overprotective mode. He had to show you right then and there how much he wanted to be with you, would never even dream of leaving you behind.
“You’re mine, I’m not going anywhere…”
His thrusts are wild and erratic yet somehow calculated just enough to hit the nerve endings inside you that mattered most.
You could see the desperation in his face as he fucked you, needing you to see how much he adores you and how he would bring the fires of hell up to the surface if you only asked him to…
He angrily shoved away the tears that escaped his own eyes, feeling pathetic for crying when it was you who was hurt.
“I’M. STAYING. RIGHT. HERE.” Each word punctuated with sharp, hard and frantic thrusts into you.
When you cum together, he collapses onto you. Both of you are in tears.
“I-I swear it, cara mio… I don’t want to lose you, I will do better…” he sobs into your neck
“I’m here, Copia. I’m so sorry… I’m right here.”
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luciferscowgirl · 4 months ago
— “Never to Return” —
60 chapter smutty slow burn
Catholic virgin x Cardinal Copia
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Hello guys!
I can finally say that I have successfully finished writing my 200.000 words slow burn “Never to Return”, where a young Woman of God escapes the restraints of her Catholic upbringing with the help of our beloved Cardinal Copia. Throughout the story, unexpected things happen, and we will learn more about the characters’ pasts. Things turn sinful…, in every way.
Read it here (AO3) or click the link in the title. It is 18+, so MDNI, please!
Thank you all! 💓
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ghoulette-knell · 7 months ago
Shoutout to the anon Primo request I got like a week ago. You helped me create some gooooooood shiiiiiii,,,, thank you (it'll be out either tonight or tomorrow)
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