#what is it with me and fruit seeds
bugsoda · 10 months
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findusinaweek · 3 months
guys I bought like 3? 4? pounds of chia seeds on accident and while I am enjoying the shlorpability of them, they are my new favorite food, please let me know if you have uh suggestions of what to do with them.
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anewp0tat0 · 2 years
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NOOOO DON'T GO OUT THERE literally when in these past 3 arcs or any other instance has it ever been okay to wander the halls at night
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 9 months
As promised - here's my final thoughts on The Golden Girls, my way of honouring this show that has kept me such good company in the past few months. Before I begin, I'd like to thank all the people who have liked/reblogged my rants about this series: I've appreciated each and every one of you, and while we might be few, it's been nice knowing I wasn't alone shouting into the void. I hope you had as much fun as I did.
Be advised: this is long and rather messy, but if you're interested, here you go - under the cut!
Let me preface by saying that I knew basically next to nothing about TGG before I started watching, last September. I had seen the couple of very famous posts about it circling around tumblr, which gave me the idea that it was an old but relatively progressive and very good show, and I knew that Betty White, beloved American actress, starred in it - so, in general, I had a favourable disposition, but being both non-American and born in the late 90s I had literally no idea what I might be getting into.
To be honest, I knew I wanted to watch it eventually, but I would have waited even more if not for a certain occurrence - that is, I read the Good Omens book. It is mentioned a couple times in there that Crowley considers TGG one of his favourite sitcoms (there's even a scene in which hell communicates with him via Rose). I was at the time (and still am...) completely obsessed with GO S2, and in need of something to distract myself: I took the bait, expecting it to be a good way to spend some time.
I did not expect to like it this much.
Some stuff you probably already know - it's really very progressive, especially for its time, and it's certainly got an original premise: how many shows do you know in which the main characters are all middle-aged and old women? And, of course, you probably know that it's a funny comedy show. Here's the thing, if you've never watched it: it is way, way funnier than you think. Yes, funnier than that. My God, is this show hilarious. I am, in general, an emotive person when watching stuff, but I've never watched a show that had me laughing so much, so loudly and so consistently during its whole airtime (B99 got close, but nowhere on this level). The writing is (almost always) great, the jokes and gags are delightful, the characters all have amazing chemistry, and the actresses are EXCEPTIONAL. Rue McClanahan, Bea Arthur, Betty White and Estelle Getty deserved all the praise and awards they got for this series, and even more. It's almost miraculous how so much talent - in the cast and crew alike - managed to end up in the right place at the right time like this.
Let's delve into a little more detail, shall we? So - the writing. As I mentioned, the premise is already original in and of itself - a show about four ageing ladies living as roommates in Miami would be groundbreaking even now, let alone in 1985. Not only that: it's a show in which four ageing ladies live as roommates with very full, enjoyable lives, fulfilling hobbies and platonic relationships, romances and sexual relations; it's a show in which four ageing ladies deal with life, death, old age, health problems (especially "feminine" ones: that episode about menopause was scandalous!), family, love, sexuality and a plethora of other subjects, while at the same time embarking on shenanigans and incredible adventures.
I always say that, while the opposite is not always true, great comedy actors are also great dramatic actors, and this is true for the writing as well: the same actresses and writers that make you laugh until you wheeze one second will have you a sobbing mess in the next one. The girls face together a lot of heavy subjects and events (Blanche's relationship with her estranged children, Dorothy's first marriage and divorce, Phil's death, Rose's childhood in the orphanage and the identity of her parents, and so, so much more), which creates the space for some truly moving performances by all actresses. Hell, there's a scene in S7 that lasts less than a couple minutes, in which Rose talks to a dog, that still makes me tearful when I think about it.
Not only that: this show delves into a lot of themes that are still controversial today, and while a few jokes here and there might be outdated by today's standards (although there's much, much less of these than I expected), you can always tell they treated these issues with love, care, and genuine respect for all the people involved. The episode dealing with AIDS has already reached tumblr fame, but just off the top of my head I remember episodes about the life of immigrants, queer identities (both in terms of sexuality and gender identity), artificial insemination, racism, poverty, homelessness, ageism & the treatment of people in nursing homes, assisted suicide (yes, you read that right). Compare this with sitcoms aired years later (I'm looking at you, F.R.I.E.N.D.S. and The Big Bang Theory), and then tell me this isn't a Very Special show.
Above all this, though, TGG is a show about four ageing women who become a family - who sometimes fight, sometimes keep secrets from each other, sometimes get involved in absurd circumstances, often bicker, but always, always, always have each other's backs and take care of each other. That's why, while the series finale was touching (once all the circumstances are taken into account: I wouldn't have forgiven such a hurried romance for Dorothy if not for the very strict constraints the writers had to work within), the actual, real finale to me was the next-to-last episode, Home Again, Rose: Part 1&2. Let me explain why.
There's an episode in S4, E22: Sophia's Choice, which deals with the condition of people in nursing homes, and how so many slip through the cracks of the system and live out their old age in horrible situations, alone and without any support. The three younger girls are understandably shaken by this thought: old age is growing closer for all of them - what if they end up slipping through the cracks too? What if they have to live out their days in solitude and abusive conditions? In the end, Rose (met with enthusiasm by her roommates) finds this solution:
I know, girls: let's make a pact that we'll always take care of each other. That we'll never desert each other, no matter what.
and in Home Again, Rose, Dorothy restates this same promise to Rose's daughter, Kirsten:
Honey, we made a pact a few years ago that if anything happened to any one of us, the other three would take care of her. Sort of an extra insurance policy.
She says this after an entire episode where the theme is that of family by blood vs chosen family: an episode in which the girls are barred from seeing Rose, who has to undergo an operation that might leave her dead or unable to take care of herself alone, because they're not her relatives; an episode in which they spend hours upon hours at the hospital anyway, waiting and hoping, and they are ready - they actually suggest the idea - to put themselves in horrible debt to cover Rose's medical expenses, because while they might not be related, they are family. It's just like Blanche states at the end of the very first episode, S1E1 The Engagement:
I was humming. And humming means I'm feeling good. And then I realized, I was feeling good because of you! You made the difference. You're my family, and you make me happy to be alive.
Do you see? They set the scene for how these characters interact in the very first episode, and then spend 7 seasons showing how true it is, up until the very last second. Sure - the girls argue, they bicker, they hurt each other at times, but you never doubt that they love each other deeply (except in the very, very rare occasions when the writing wasn't up to par - and even then, the doubt is very fleeting and quickly resolved). All of them have both blood relatives and romantic relationships (although not all of those are happy), and yet these other bonds are never portrayed as more important or more significant than what they share with each other. This is the very heart of the show, and it's a heart that beats thunderous and warm throughout all seven seasons of it - it's what makes TGG such a beloved, well-remembered sitcom.
(Since this is tumblr, aka the shipping old people site, and since you've all read my comments in the past few months, let me also spend a couple words on the queer romance reading of Blanche/Dorothy/Rose. For my own enjoyment, and because I needed some old woman yuri in my life, I decided in S1E1 that these three were in an open polycule and watched accordingly; can you blame me? They're always touching, they send each other some quite smitten Looks, they have great romantic chemistry, they're committed to each other, and quite a number of scenes are actually explicitly suggestive in that sense, although it's usually as part of a bigger comedic setup. I like to think that maybe, in a different and kinder world, this series would have ended with the three of them staying together as partners - if only for the fact that such a romance would have had incredible comedic potential. In any case, the point stands: these women love each other, whether there's some romance in there or it's all platonic, and that's the beating core of the show.)
Of course, even the best plots won't work if the characters involved fall flat; luckily, all the characters in TGG are spectacular. They're all very distinct, identifiable personalities without ever becoming stereotypes or growing stale; they have incredible chemistry in a comedic setting, but are so well-rounded that they work perfectly in a more somber setting too.
I've already commented in the past on how great a decision it was to keep Sophia a main character of the show, instead of just a recurring one: her special brand of caustic sarcasm is a crucial part of the dynamic between the main girls, and her one-liners are always iconic. Her bond with Dorothy is so sweet and realistic, and the way she gradually becomes Blanche's and Rose's mom too was delightful to watch. Dorothy herself, of course, is my very first love: the character that left the best impression on me in E1, and the one I resonate with the most. Her stares are iconic, her comebacks are legendary, and her regal poise and steadfast delivery make for a uniquely enjoyable kind of humour that I don't think I'll ever find anywhere else. And this is only her comedic side: her sweet and dramatic moments are equally memorable, and make her a favourite in no time. Rose is a testament to both the genius of the writers and Betty White's one-of-a-kind talent: her gimmicks and traits would have left me bored after a while in any other show, but in this one they just make her endearing. Giving her a heart of gold (on the good side) and an incredibly competitive streak (on the bad side) were clever choices, and they combined with her naivety and absurd anecdotes to make a character that is always, always funny, and always, always lovable. And finally, Blanche - oh, Blanche! I didn't expect to like her this much. I'm guessing this is equal parts due to the amazing character writing and to Rue McClanahan's exceptional ability - it might be because she's wonderfully charming in her usual, confident self, and even more compelling in her rare moments of vulnerability. What I can tell you with certainty is this: at some (early) point while watching I realized that I couldn't get enough of her character, and the feeling never went away, up until the very end.
You really can't help but love them all! The way they interact with each other, they grow with and thanks to each other, they support each other - it all makes for such compelling characters and dynamics that it's impossible not to enjoy. Betty White stated once, during an interview, that these four ladies are nice to visit for a half-hour every week, to see what they're doing, and I agree with the sentiment (although much more than 30 minutes a week would be wonderful!): they feel like real people, with real lives, and you just want to know what they're up to this time and how they're going to power and laugh through it. To misquote what Neil Gaiman once said about Aziraphale and Crowley in Good Omens: you could lock these four in a dark basement for a half hour and you'd have an entertaining show.
There's so much more I'd like to talk about (it's real hyperfixation hour, boys!) - from the amazing work of the costumes department to more character analysis to specific plotlines and themes, I could stay here rambling on for literal hours. However, this post is already long enough - I'll just keep this steam to fuel my creative endeavors.
Just briefly - so, what's next? Technically speaking, there's still The Golden Palace to watch, but I haven't made up my mind about it yet. According to the internet, Bea Arthur left TGG in part because she felt the writing was declining in quality, and I can see why she thought so; although the general level of the show always remained high, I also had my issues with some episodes in S7, and from the few reviews I've read about it it's a decline that's felt in Golden Palace as well. There's also the elephant in the room of Bea Arthur's departure: I think it was once again Betty White who said that Golden Palace felt like a table with a missing leg, without Dorothy there, although I'm sure Don Cheadle and the other actors did their best to compensate for her absence. This being said, I do love Sophia, Blanche and Rose, so I might decide to watch it eventually - although I'll probably opt for something else for a while, now.
If you've gotten this far, thank you so much. Watching this show and sharing my love for it with you all has been a delightful experience, and I'm truly grateful for it. I'll keep interacting with the fandom, of course (I have so many ideas for stories and vignettes!) - and I'll be sure to rewatch an episode here and there anytime I need to wrap myself in laughter and warmth. To you all, to Sophia, to Dorothy, to Rose, to Blanche: Thank you for being a friend!
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auphelia · 3 months
do you have additional sunflower lore. or can you elaborate on the “each petal is its own flower” bit. i am FASCINATED
Your wish is my command 🫡
Sunflowers are a part of the Asteraceae family of flowers (also contains daisies and asters). This family is characterised by flowers being made up of 'florets' which is a small flower, typically making up part of a composite flower head (so just a flower head that consists of a group of them). The composite flower heads are a type of pseudanthium which just means a 'false flower', referring to structures that look like flowers but aren't botanically categorised as such. They typically have reduced reproductive capabilities tho, so not every floret can be pollinated.
So in its own right, each little yellow leaf (ray flower) and every small black disc in the middle (disc flower) is it's own flower, but make up part of a larger 'false' flower head :3
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maretriarch · 7 months
brother started this morning by instigating a screaming match at me for my bowl of yogurt and frozen fruit being "processed garbage" and I have been straight FUMING about it all day and will probably continue to late into the night. forever.
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coffeeworldsasaki · 11 months
Healthy cereals sick so bad in milk
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andersunmenschlich · 2 years
Why Biblical literalists don't read the Bible's accounts of things side by side.
Let's look at Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 as an example, shall we?
Here we go.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens.
So far so good.
When no bush of the field was yet in the land and no small plant of the field had yet sprung up—for the Lord God had not caused it to rain on the land, and there was no man to work the ground, and a mist was going up from the land and was watering the whole face of the ground—then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.
The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the Darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.
And God said, "Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters." And God made the expanse and separated the waters that were under the expanse from the waters that were above the expanse. And it was so. And God called the expanse Sky. And there was evening and there was morning, the second day.
And God said, "Let the waters under the sky be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear." And it was so. God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Sea. And God saw that it was good.
And God said, "Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth." And it was so. The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning, the third day.
Where's Adam? God made him before plants. No bush of the field was yet in the land, remember, whether it was a plant that yielded seed or not. Where is Adam?
And God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night."
Didn't he already separate the day (the light) from the night (the darkness)?
"And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light upon the earth." And it was so.
Was the light God created way up there in verse 3, the light he called Day... was that not giving light upon the earth? The three days up to now were dark days, with only light to light them?
And God made the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars.
So many of the stars are so much larger than our own tiny star! But there are only two great lights in God's book? And one of them is the moon? That's not a light, it's a mirror! Simplification is one thing, but this (from an all-knowing god) is lying.
And God set them in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth, to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day.
Ah, yes. The moon and all the stars are in the sky. In the expanse firm enough to separate the waters below from the waters above. How ignorant did this god want us, his creations, the readers of his book, to be?
And God said, "Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let flying things fly above the earth across the expanse of the skies." So God created the great sea creatures and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the sea, and let birds multiply on the earth." And there was evening and there was morning, the fifth day.
Plants yielding seed have been around, sprouted forth from the earth, for two whole days now. Where is Adam?
Remember, the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life when no bush of the field was yet in the land and no small plant of the field had yet sprung up. He should be here already. Where is Adam?
And God said, "Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds—livestock and creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds." And it was so. And God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds and the livestock according to their kinds, and everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.
Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the skies and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."
It's too late now. The bushes and herbs of the field, yielding seed, have already been brought forth by the earth. God told the earth to sprout these plants, and it was so.
Adam can't be made now.
It was too late the moment the first seed-bearing plant sprouted forth from the earth in accordance with God's will.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
i am standing at the kitchen counter deseeding a pomegranate (my favorite fruit) and I am carefully going through every seed (because I forgot about it) (because it's started to turn) and they are dull red instead of vibrant and taut (it's started to turn). I discard almost half the pomegranate (my favorite fruit) seeds because they're mushy (I forgot about it). and I remember how every day I saw the pomegranate on the counter (I remember things when I see them) and thought that I should deseed it (because it would start to turn) and then I'd turn away and I'd forget (because I couldn't see it) (because I didn't want to remember that I was forgetting). and now all these seeds (mushy, dull red) are being discarded because I forgot (even though it's my favorite fruit). and I can remember (because I'm seeing it) (because I'm holding it) (because the juice is on my hands) that I forgot it day after day. and I wonder if my distress, the frustration will be enough (so I won't forget it next time). and I know it won't be (because I'm going to turn away when I'm done) (because I won't see it anymore) and that I am going to forget, again, to deseed the pomegranates (my favorite fruit). I will be here again (again). i discard another seed. i am standing at the kitchen counter deseeding a pomegranate
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martyrbat · 2 years
ate a pomegranate for the first time and now i know why all those classical mfers were writing poetry
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dragonanon · 2 years
Finally cracked and ordered one of those little portable blenders with the intent of making smoothies for myself because I never eat any fruits or veggies, so my dumbass also doesn’t get much fiber if at all because I eat like a picky 5 year old. 🙃
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lovedlovingly · 2 years
not to sound dumb but u literally have to want better for yourself in life for life to get better, and this has ZERO to do with what u originally deserve because u already deserve the world. but as long as u hold on so tight to the idea that u don't, bathe in the misery that u convinced yourself is all u should have, you WILL make sure u miss out on good things in life. not all of it, some will still worm their way into your life because it knows its for you. but like stop pushing the good in life away just because you or someone else decided that a false truth of suffering is safer than anything good life has to offer. literally just WANT better for yourself and see what that means for u. there's so many ppl ready to love u, and i bet a part of u is longing to love yourself anew as well, why is the comfort of known suffering better than the terrifying excitement of the multiple doors to the better unknown, why did u choose to keep this pattern as the once u force yourself to be comfortable with.
and if the ppl around u are the ones keeping u in said misery you have to make sure you do whatever u can to get out, whatever they think they're winning from keeping u down you are not! there is love and support around u and waiting for u, you literally just have to stop shaking it off because it feels different to what you're used to. want better for yourself, find out what that means, and try it even if it means just poking one little finger outside of your comfortable self loathing zone
because at least then it means you're trying, your focus has shifted, and you can then start actively choosing how much better life should be for u and how fast - because it's all waiting for u. stop not wanting it for yourself
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pitstain · 7 months
the downside of getting my life together is i feel like a pathetic worthless dog constantly begging for a treat
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nomaishuttle · 11 months
i cant eat apples in public btw bc i eat the entire thing like sometimes theres a tiny bit of core left but its like. smaller than my pinky but usually i also eat the core
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foxofninetales · 1 year
Thinking today about how as someone with major texture issues around most fruits and vegetables, it would have helped so much if someone had come to me years ago and said
Make it tiny
Mix it with something Good Texture that you like
"Eat healthy!" they say, and then they show you pictures of a smiling woman digging a fork into half a butternut squash or eyeing a bowl of whole blueberries like a ravening wolf and your spine wants to crawl out through your skull at the thought of that Texture in your mouth.
But you know what I can do? Cut zucchini into paper-thin slices and cook it with noodles and marinara. Chop that spinach fine and scramble it with eggs and cheese. If I'm having a day where the thought of a grape popping in my mouth makes me nauseous, I can cut it in half. My chinese takeout gets diced into tiny pieces and mixed into the rice. It doesn't work with everything - seeds are still a Major Problem - but the number of fruits and veg and even world cuisines that I can eat has expanded SO MUCH since I discovered this. YMMV, but it's such a stupidly simple thing to do, and nobody ever told me.
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An analysis of the straw hats’ devil fruits! I just think its cool how they’re all based around being human :) This is meant to be a part two of this analysis of this Mera Mera no mi I made a little bit ago.
Thanks so much to @badly-drawn-doflamingo for writing all this with me, they’re so much more eloquent than I am, thank you so much🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Closer pictures and transcription of the text in keep reading
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Hana Hana no Mi Flowers bloom under certain conditions, be it weather, sun or care, and the same can be said for humans. What conditions did it take you to bloom, tears, time or the sun that laughs about you?
Hito Hito no Mi Do we get to choose when humanity blossoms within us, or do memory and choiceful guidance allow us the chance to walk, to run, to flourish as man.
Yomi Yomi no Mi: A chance at life through death, allowing that chance demise to be the seeding place for a continuing promise. Does the hoary earth need more than a body to revive the soul, or should sunlight come by its side?
Nika The heartbeat that carries your dreams beside it’s own humanity creates a hopeful beat. A drumming sensation that allows these two ideals to dance together, discordant like a ball of lightening, snapping and sparking in place. These conduits create the building desire of liberation, opening the heart’s windows to the sun above. What happens when the sun itself becomes filled with that very human need of liberation, when its flames begin to cast new light on our faces.. All you can do is laugh!
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