#what is attar
lalaessentialoils · 2 years
Attar Manufacturer in Kannauj
Lala Essential Oils is a leading attar manufacturer located in Kannauj, known for producing high-quality, authentic, and natural attars. The company utilizes traditional methods to extract essential oils from a variety of aromatic plants and flowers, resulting in a range of pure and aromatic attars that are widely used in perfumery and aromatherapy. With a team of experienced attar makers and state-of-the-art production facilities, Lala Essential Oils has established itself as one of the most trusted and reliable attar manufacturers in Kannauj.
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girlfictions · 11 months
hi hari 💚 i just want to say thank you for never shutting up about palestine and wanted to ask if you were willing to share a little list of where you get your updates/news about the situation (and current events in general)? what sources are the most misinformation-free that you would recommend? i hope you have a lovely day xx
In terms of news sites, I'm really only trusting Al Jazeera's coverage of the situation. I'm also following pages like Times of Gaza and Eye On Palestine. But mainly, I'm following Palestinian citizens/journalists who are sharing live updates: Muhammad Smiry, Hind Khoudary, Motaz Azaiza, Wael Al Dahdouh, Plestia Alaqad, Yara Eid, Ali Jadallah, Abdallah Al Attar, and Mohammed Al Masri and probably a few more I can't remember right now.
If anyone has any other reputable sources that I may have missed please add them to this post.
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thrashkink-coven · 2 months
Theists have to deal with the reality that their Gods and symbols will almost inevitably be appropriated by assholes. And it SUCKS
I be trying to do research on Ashtar and Attar and all of his symbolism has been absorbed by antisemites and Heaven’s Gate motherfuckers.
I was having a conversation with Lucifer about how conservatives have largely bastardized the imagery of Jesus and the cross, and Lucifer expressed that the same thing has happened to him and almost every other popular deity in existence. Aphrodite’s symbolism is adopted by terfs constantly, Lucifer’s sigil is deeply tied to alt right white nationalism, just as Jesus’ name is. Just as Odin and Thor are as well. Zeus is often paraded by misogynists and incels. And it SUCKS. IT SUCKS!!!!
This is a special reminder that there are assholes in every theistic community, there are assholes who don’t even truly understand what their deity stands for, (HOW?? ARE YOU A DEVOTEE OF APHRODITE AND A TERF THAT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE) and these assholes are not an accurate representative of that deity or their actual devotees.
Painting any religion, spirituality, or deity with broad strokes because of the actions of the worst of their “people”, is a severe disservice.
I HATE that Lucifer’s legacy is so often distorted because of how deeply he’s been embraced by literal fascists, and with my blog I am trying to slightly level the narrative. There will always be dumbasses that claim that Lucifer does in fact love eugenics and hates jews and gays, but anyone who has had the honour of even being in his presence knows that couldn’t be further from the truth. Anyone who preaches supremacy does not know what it means to be a Luciferian or a Satanist. Not everyone is who they say they are.
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astraystayyh · 3 months
“The Israeli authority is responsible for war crimes, crimes against humanity and violation of international humanitarian and humans rights law, extermination, intentionally directing attacks against civilians and civilian objects, murder or willful killing, using starvation as a method of war, forcible transfer, gender persecution targeting palestinian men and boys, sexual and gender based violence amounting to torture and cruel or inhuman treatment”
according to a new report by a United Nations-backed independent commission (Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory) presented to the UN humans rights council on 19/06/2024.
if you still believe in Israel’s right of existence, if you remain neutral during this genocide then you are supporting the extermination of an entire population.
Here is the link to a video made by Samer Attar, an American doctor who was part of an international convoy operating in Gaza. It is graphic, gruesome, heartbreaking, it only covers a fraction of what’s going on in Gaza, but you need to watch it to grasp the horrible inhumane conditions in which Palestinians are living right now.
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bizarrebazaar13 · 8 months
fallen london item themed ask game
foxfire candle stub: when did you start playing fallen london?
hastily scrawled warning note: if you could go back and change one decision you made in the game, what would it be?
exceptional short story: what exceptional stories, if any, would you consider canon for your oc(s)? if you haven’t played any, which ones do you think would fit them?
puzzling map: favorite in-game location?
london street sign: what location(s) would you most like to visit in real life?
trade secret: is there anything you wish you knew before starting the game?
first city coin: which city, besides london, are you most curious about? past or future cities are both fair game.
antique mystery: do you avoid spoilers, or do you not mind them?
potential christmas card: what’s your favorite fallen london festival?
attar: most interesting place outside of london?
buttered chess-piece: what advanced skills do you think your oc(s) would canonically have the most knowledge of?
unlawful device: do you enjoy the laboratory?
amanita sherry: what is your oc’s favorite neathy food and/or beverage?
stolen kiss: if you could add one canon spouse option to the game, who would it be?
infernal contract: has your oc sold their soul? if not, do they plan to? if they have, would they ever want it back?
remote address: which of the available lodgings sounds most appealing to you personally?
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itemdrop · 2 months
hello my friends, i write this with a heavy heart to implore you to hear the story of Maher Al Attar who is in dire need of our support.
a beloved community member in my city (WHO HAS HER OWN FUNDRAISER, which is $40,894 away from its goal and you can access HERE) has shared with me that her relatives, young couple Samah Alaydi and Maher Al-Attar, have started a Gofundme campaign to support their dream of rebuilding their future after it was destroyed by the Israeli occupation.
Maher and Samah have suffered unfathomable losses in the genocide. the IOF has destroyed the home that Maher had built from scratch, martyred 9 members of his family, and injured his right leg so severely that it had to be amputated in March. now, Maher and Samah wish to recover, rebuild their home, and start a family together. to read what Maher and Samah have written about their experiences, please visit their Gofundme campaign, which you can access here
Samah and Maher need safety, stability, and access to medical care so they can begin to recover from the horrors the occupation has imposed on them. we can help to support their dream with our donations.
$5,525 / $50,000
today is Saturday, August 10th, 2024. i'll update this post regularly to reflect the fundraiser's progress. for updates directly from Maher and Samah, you can follow them on instagram at @maher._.alattar and @samahmansour204.
thank you for reading and sharing, and god willing every Palestinian will soon regain safety and peace
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g0j0s · 9 months
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a woman admiring herself in the mirror
wait, oh beloved, don’t be so hasty. let me put kohl in my eyes so it evades evil eye. don’t step on my saree, look, you’ve made it loose, now i have to redo it. where are the jasmine flowers you bought this morning? i simply cannot find them? yes, there, i put them in the basket. oh? what time is it? we must depart or the guest will leave. but where is my lipstick? no, not that shade, i need something lighter to go with my saree. the attar bottle seems to be hidden somewhere, i cannot step out without it. found it! i put it in by the bathroom sink. oh stop it, do not grin just yet. i haven’t gotten fully ready. which bindi should i put on? this or that? oh no, beloved, look carefully they aren’t the same. this one is rounder and that one is sharper. pay attention, please. these earrings look better with this tone but the necklace is unacceptable and ruins the theme. perhaps, i should put on a thinner chain. yes, that will do it. please pick out the shoes for me, i cannot make up my mind. oh, what a pity, i thought these would look good with the saree but they look so ghastly. yes, yes, im coming. oh, you praise me in vain, i will not accept it. oh, what are you doing, someone will see! have shame, the neighbours will call you many things. if you say so, i will believe it, yes, yes, i promise. see, don’t i look happy?
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talonabraxas · 1 year
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“The home we seek is in eternity; The Truth we seek is like a shoreless sea, Of which your paradise is but a drop. This ocean can be yours; why should you stop Beguiled by dreams of evanescent dew? The secrets of the sun are yours, but you Content yourself with motes trapped in its beams. Turn to what truly lives, reject what seems – Which matters more, the body or the soul? Be whole: desire and journey to the Whole.” ― Attar of Nishapur The Conference of the Birds 🦚 🐦🦜🦅 Talon Abraxas
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daes0 · 1 month
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[M] Chapter 10: "I'm so lucky to know you."
Rafayel and all the ways he says he l̶̯̞̱̬̘̜̗̏͒̂̐̈͋̍̓ô̶̡͙̤̻̐̓͑̚͝v̴͕͖̙̦̩͚͓̠̌̄͂͒͜ȇ̵̪̆͐̒̈́͠s̶̬̬̼͆͛̚ you.
Pairing: {Rafayel x Reader}
Rating: {Explicit} {Sexual Content}
Word Count: {2.4k words, 17.2k for entire work}
liar liar lover
"You seem sad." Rafayel says the moment he sees you. "I didn't watch the news last night, did I miss something important?"
"Two people died last night," you say as you hand him a cup of coffee. "Even more art deaths."
"Who was it?" he asks.
"Forrest Attar and one of his bodyguards." You take a small sip. "Work's been going crazy. I finally got access over the arson case because of it."
"Arson?" he asks while taking his own sip. "The Francis case?"
"Yup, that one. I'm almost certain now that they're connected, but no one knows how to prevent it outside of asking anyone involved in the art industry to be careful. I hate this. I don't want to wait until the next time someone dies just for a chance to catch this murderer."
Rafayel nods. "I was actually visited by Xavier recently."
Your heart beats faster, fear. "I'm on this case, why did he visit you? I didn't know about this."
He puts one of his hands up. "Relax, relax, it's fine. You know Xavier, he's not really a traditional sort of hunter."
"What did he do?" you ask, your grip on your cup just a little too tight.
"He just asked me some questions. Basically confirming everything you did. Relax, it's not like I'm the main suspect."
"Yet," you correct, "Rafayel, if we're not careful, you might end up as the main suspect. You're already suspicious as it is."
"You mean if," he corrects in turn. "And I might be suspicious, but I know nothing will come of it."
"Not unless…" you trail off, your thoughts spiraling.
"Unless what?" he asks, taking another sip.
"Unless you're being framed. I mean, it's too early to tell, but everything so far has pointed at you."
Rafayel laughs, "Are you saying I'm a red herring? What if I'm the actual killer?"
You burst out in laughter. "Yeah, right, you idiot. Let's not make those types of jokes, okay? If I was working right now, I'd have to report it and you'd be even more suspicious!"
He waves his hands around, swatting at the air like he's swatting away the suspicion. "Fine, fine."
"So, why are you here?" you ask, deciding to change the conversation. "I mean, I appreciate you being here, but I still don't know what the hell you put in my fridge."
Rafayel smiles as he puts the coffee down. "Don't worry, you'll like it."
He takes you back to the kitchen, and you watch as he pulls out stacks and stacks of fresh seafood. He places them on the kitchen countertop. He then pulls something out of the cabinet.
You look at all the ingredients. Salmon, tuna, crab, avocado, cucumbers. From the cabinet, he pulls out medium-grain rice and nori seaweed.
"You're making me sushi?"
"I know it doesn't really go with coffee," he says, tilting his head to the cups abandoned in the living room, "But I thought it'd help distract you."
"But… why?" you can't help but ask. Your friendship with Rafayel had been borderline romantic, but this was the first time he did something that could only be described as something a boyfriend would do. Ignoring the sex, of course.
He shrugs, "I'm so lucky to know you, and I wanted to show my appreciation."
So you watch him as he makes sushi for you. First he prepares the rice, and you spend the time waiting talking about a little bit of everything. Once the rice is prepared, he places down a mat of nori seaweed, and splays out the rice over it.
"Do you want salmon or tuna?" Rafayel asks before grabbing either one of the fish.
"I want everything."
He chuckles, "Alright, I'll prepare two batches."
He takes out another mat of nori seaweed, splaying out the remaining rice over it. He cuts the fish into long pieces and places them down on top of the rice. He does the same with pieces of avocado and cucumbers.
"This is so domestic," you can't help but say at some point as you munch on a cucumber slice.
"I try," he says with a smile. "For you."
He rolls up the sushi and cuts it down into the perfect size, before popping one in his mouth before you're able to grab one.
"Hey!" you say while taking one for yourself.
"I made it, you're just paying a tax," he jokes.
You two enjoy your sushi dinner, and when it's time to head for bed you two head to the bathroom.
"I brought a toothbrush," Rafayel says, grabbing it from his satchel.
You elbow his side. "Cutie."
"A cutie who's prepared!"
You brush your teeth next to each other, and Rafayel leaves his toothbrush next to yours. Your eyes linger on them, the almost intertwined toothbrushes, the growing closeness between you and Rafayel. Just a few weeks ago, you thought that you and Rafayel could never grow closer. That you've reached that point in friendship where you know everything about each other, where everything is perfect.
Things are different now. You can't help the bit of anxiety pumping your heart faster, but you also can't help the excitement. You want to know more about Rafayel as a romantic partner. You want to know how he is as a boyfriend, as a lover, as a good fuck.
With that final thought, you reach the bed and climb on top of him.
"I didn't make you sushi just to get laid," he says quickly, almost as a defense, surprised to have you over him.
"Relax, I wanted to have sex with you regardless," you say with a smile. You boop his nose. "Cutie."
"I brought condoms just in case."
You raise an eyebrow. "So you were planning on it."
He stammers, stumbling over what words to say, before a cute pout forms on his lips. "You're teasing."
"Yup, and it's working."
Rafayel goes to grab his wallet.
"Actually, I wanted to try without it."
He's stunned, a blush quickly growing.
 "Without the condom," you take the wallet off his hand and place it back on the nightstand. "I'm on the pill."
"You got on the pill?" he means to say for me but he's too shy to make such a claim.
"I've been on the pill before we had sex, I always ask for a condom for the first time just in case. But now… I want to feel you."
Rafayel blushes even more. You can't help but feel his forming boner in between you.
He grabs your arm and flips you over before you realize it.
"Damn, you're a fast learner," you say as Rafayel takes off his shirt.
He helps you off your shirt, pulling a little too hard in his excitement. He shimmies your pants off, taking your underwear with it. Rafayel sits up, breath heavy, He unbuckles his pants before you put your hand over his.
"Fuck me like this," you say as your hand trails down until you're over his clothed boner.
He nods as he lowers his pants down a little, just enough to take out his dick. The air seems to make it throb. "Should I go down on you first?"
You shake your head. "I'm already wet."
Rafayel smirks. "Wet for me, baby?"
"For you," you say breathily. "Fuck me, please."
"With pleasure," he says as he lowers himself onto you.
His tip touches your pussy, gathering wetness across its head, reveling in the feeling. Slowly, he pushes past your lips, parting them until he's inside you.
You can't help but sigh at the feeling. It hadn't been that long since you two had sex for the first time, but your body seemed to crave Rafayel's. It seems Rafayel is having a similar experience, the mind-numbing pleasure causing him to close his eyes so he fully enjoy you. He savors the experience.
Rafayel opens his eyes and watches you carefully, smirking as his breath tickles your lips. Then he's kissing you as he delves forward. His length pierces further through you, so raw and distinct. You want to memorize the feeling of Rafayel inside of you, of his lips on yours.
He pulls his length back, and then slams back into you, his clothes jostling against you. He keeps going, fast against you, the sounds of sex echoing across the room. You moan against his kiss as he fucks into you.
His lips leave yours, and for a moment you miss it until his mouth is on your neck. He peppers you with kisses, soft and always so gentle, except he's drilling you down with his dick. You open up your legs further, accepting all he has to give, and he thrusts into you a little more rough to show his appreciation. The feeling of his pants would've been a bit uncomfortable, if it didn't add to the experience.
Then he slows down, and you're about to complain until he suddenly crashes back into you, a sudden moan escaping your lips. You hear something that vaguely sounds like a laugh, but you're too overwhelmed to notice it. Rafayel begins fucking you like an animal, a wild need to breed you.
"You feel so good," he whispers against your neck. "So good for me."
Rafayel smashes into you, forcing his dick deeper and deeper. It hurts a little, but it feels so damn good, so you grab at his back and whine as he fucks you good.
The collision between your bodies is absolutely lovely, and you realize then that your orgasm is fast approaching.
"Rafayel-" you try to warn, but he just fucks you harder, and your own moan drowns out your voice.
He says your name and it sounds so sweet.
You try to speak up again, to warn, but he screws himself into you impossibly further. He repeats your name, chanting it like a prayer.
"So good," he mumbles and it tickles your skin. "So fucking good."
You quiver against him as your orgasm approaches, and he whimpers against your neck.
Rafayel speeds up for the last time. He keeps going, again and again, and you hear him groan against you as you clench around his length.
You come, tightening around him, and Rafayel fucking moans at the feeling as you accidentally rake your nails across his back. He pumps you a few more times, shaking, before he comes inside of you. You feel his seed splash against your walls, his heat invading you, and it's almost enough to make you come again.
You feel so full, taking him in so good. He fucks you so good, you feel like he's sated your heat. So stuck in the moment, you wish to have him be yours forever, tied to you with an invisible string.
Rafayel does a few more pumps, feeling the end of his orgasm, and falls down on top of you. He pants against your chest, the exhaustion evident.
"That was fucking amazing," you can't help but curse.
"It was pretty damn good for me too," he says as he lifts his head up, a small smirk on his lips.
The sweat makes his hair cling to his face, and you can't help but kiss his forehead despite it. "You're lovely."
Rafayel starts to pull out, his member softening up, but the feeling of moving against his own come makes him falter.
"Do you want to go again?" you ask with a cheeky smile.
A smile spreads on his lips. "Fuck yeah."
You half-expected him to go faster this time, that the feeling of his own spilled seed would rouse him up, but he doesn't. He enjoys the feeling, that much is clear, but he makes love to you this time. Soft and gentle, adoring.
Rafayel has become much more confident since the first time you two had sex, and it makes for a more pleasurable experience. It doesn't feel like just sex, it feels like another way for him to communicate how much affection he holds for you. It was never just about pleasure, but it's never been more clear than now.
He slides into you in a gentle rhythm, feeling the flow of your mixed juices coat his length. You clench around him, clinging on his dick, and you two settle into love.
Rafayel kisses you, his hand coming up to caress your face and bring a lock of hair behind your ear. He pulls back only slightly. "You're beautiful," he whispers, and you can't help it when your heart beats a little faster.
You smile against his lips and kiss him again. For now, there is nothing but your bodies together, a pleasant back and forth, and you feel so loved.
"Take me, Rafayel," you whisper. "I'm yours."
He smiles and you feel it on your lips.
His smile hesitates, and then it falls.
He slows down until he stops.
"Rafayel?" you speak up. "Is something wrong?"
He buries his face in the crook of your neck. "What if I change?"
He falls out of you, shifting to your side, his hands in his head. "What if I change?" he repeats. "What if you don't like who I become?"
You press a kiss to his cheek. "Then I'll just change with you."
"Think about it, _____. You're not thinking about it."
You take one hand off his face and trace a gentle circle on the back. "I am thinking about it. You're my best friend, Rafayel. I'm with you forever, so get used to it."
He lowers his other hand off his face and sees you. You look at him, at the shimmering tears clinging to his eyelashes.
"I love you," you say, and it makes his eyes widen. "No matter who you become, I'll still love you."
Rafayel hugs you.
Unbeknownst to you, he's still stuck in his thoughts. Change. He hasn't changed. The cruel part of him is there, has been there for a long time, enough for him to finally decide to kill. Will you still love him if you knew of all the blood on his hands? Of how long he's tried to avoid it before deteriorating to this desire?
Would you ask him to stop and try to wash it away? Or would you accept this part of him, his duty as an executioner, and help him go after all the sinners?
He doesn't know.
Rafayel hugs you tightly.
He doesn't want you to leave. He'd do anything to keep you.
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zaranthropy · 5 months
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"The fleece for him was silk and rare brocade;
With what else should a lover be arrayed?"
— Farid Attar, The Conference of Birds (lines 3401–3402)
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geraldofallon · 9 months
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Romance in the Neath: Countess of Thorns
A member of the Attar-eyed courtiers of Her Roseate Splendour. Unaccountably sojourning in London on what, she is at pains to assure you, is not an involuntary exile.
A rare visitor from the fabled city of Arbor. A rose amongst London’s weeds.
Her hurt has turned to fury. Her method is precise and patient. Fortunately, you are not the one she considers to have wronged her.
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tawakkull · 27 days
Wara’ is defined as holding oneself back from unbecoming, unnecessary things; as strictly refraining from what is unlawful and forbidden; or abstaining from all doubtful things lest one should commit a forbidden act. The Islamic principle: Abandon what you doubt and prefer what you have no doubt about, and the Prophetic saying: What is lawful is evident and what is forbidden is also evident, explain the basis of wara’.
Some Sufis define wara’ as the conviction of the truth of Islamic tenets, being straightforward in one’s beliefs and acts, being steadfast in observing Islamic commandments, and being very careful in one’s relations with God Almighty. Others define it as not being heedless of God even for the period of the twinkling of an eye, and others as permanently closing them-selves to all that is not Him, as not lowering oneself before anyone except Him (for the fulfillment of one’s needs or other reasons), and as advancing until reaching God without getting stuck with one’s ego, carnal self and desires, and the world.
Always refrain from begging from people,
Beg only from your Lord Who is the All-Munificent.
Renounce the pomp and luxuries of the world
Which will certainly go as they have come.
We can also interpret wara’ as basing one’s life on engaging in what is necessary and useful, as acting in consciousness of the real nature of useless, fleeting, and transient things. This is stated in the Tradition: It is the beauty of a man’s being a good Muslim that he abandons what is of no use to him.
The writer of the Pandname, Farid al-Din al-Attar, explains this principle in a very beautiful way:
Wara’ gives rise to fear of God,
One without wara’ is subject to humiliation.
Whoever uprightly follows the way of wara’,
Whatever he does is for the sake of God.
One who desires love and friendship of God,
Without wara’, he is false in his claim of love.
Wara’ relates to both the inner and outer aspects of a believer’s life and conduct. A traveler on the path of wara’ must have reached the peaks of taqwa; his or her life must reflect a strict observance of the Shari'a’s commands and prohibitions; his or her actions must be for the sake of God; his or her heart and feelings must be purged of whatever is other than God; and he or she always must feel the company of the “Hidden Treasure.”
In other words, the traveler abandons those thoughts and conceptions that do not lead to Him, keeps aloof from those scenes that do not remind one of Him, does not listen to speeches that are not about Him, and is not occupied with that which does not please Him. Such degree of wara’ leads one directly and quickly to God Almighty, Who declared to Prophet Moses: Those who desire to get near to Me have not been able to find a way better than wara’ and zuhd (asceticism).
The abstinence known by humanity during the Age of Happiness was perfectly observed by the blessed generations following the Companions, and became an objective to reach for almost every believer. It was during this period that Bishr al-Khafi’s sister asked Ahmad ibn Hanbal:
O Imam, I usually spin (wool) on the roof of my house at night. At that time, some officials pass by with torches in their hands, and I happen to benefit, even unwillingly, from the light of their torches. Does this mean that I mix into my earnings something gained through a religiously unlawful way? The great Imam wept bitterly at this question and replied: Something doubtful even to such a minute degree must not find a way into the house of Bishr al-Khafi.
It was also during this period that people shed tears for the rest of their lives because they had cast a single glance at something forbidden, and people who vomited a piece of unlawful food that they had swallowed in ignorance wept for days. As related by ‘Abd Allah ibn Mubarak, a great traditionist and ascetic, a man traveled from Merv (Afghanistan) to Makka in order to return to its owner an item that he had put in his pocket by mistake. There were many who gave life-long service to those to whom they thought they owed something, such as Fudayl ibn ‘Iyad. Biographies of saints, such as Hilyat al-Awliya’ (The Necklace of Saints) by Abu Nu'aym al-Isfahani, and al-Tabaqat al-Kubra (The Greatest Compendium) by Imam al-Sharani, are full of the accounts of such heroes of abstinence.
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thrashkink-coven · 1 year
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What my magick looks like
my name is Shi and I am an eclectic witch based primarily in chaos magick. I am 20 yrs old and I go by he/him and they/them. I’m a Gemini Sun, Ascendant Libra, and Gemini Moon.
(Mercury in ♉️, Venus in ♉️, Mars in ♒️, Jupiter in ♌️, Saturn in ♊️, Uranus in ♓️, Neptune in ♒️, Plato in ♐️)
I have been seriously practising for seven or so years now. My craft is a amalgamation of a bunch of different things, and I am constantly growing and expanding my worldview in my studies. My magic is inspired by my love of angelology, demonology, mysticism, occultism, and ancient mythology. I am a deeply eclectic witch.
I currently work with a handful of spirits, some of which may or may not be named on this Tumblr page.
My patron saints are currently Archangels Jophiel and Haniel, while my patron infernal is Father Lucifer of Venus the Morningstar, Attar, Eosphorus, Hesperus and Helel 🔱 along with Mother Astaroth and Astarte 🌹.
I am the child of the Goddess Inanna ✴️, Lady Aphrodite , Lady Isis , Lord Mercury ♊️, and The Sun God ☀️ in their many forms and faces.
I am mainly involved with spiritual growth and practical magic.
I am most talented with sigil work and scrying, though I also love tarot and pendulum magick.
On this page I hope to explore more my craft and make some witchy friends! Might share some ritual reports and UPGS, as well as some prayers and other stuff!
I am always down to talk about angels, demons, old gods, ghosts, crystals, cryptids etc. 🖤
Thanks for stopping by, and blessed be. ✴️
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marigarb · 1 month
The mess with Venus-Lucifer
You know, with Venus in mythologies, some kind of mess is always happening. Sometimes it is a symbol of light and love, sometimes it is a symbol of war with a rather contradictory character. For the ancient Greeks and Romans, the Morning Star is the son of the goddess of dawn (Greek) Eos - (Roman) Aurora. He is described as an incredible handsome man who can compete in this with the local goddesses of beauty (Venus-Aphrodite). And in principle, he is a rather positive character there, heralding the beginning of the day. He was not among the main gods, no one made temples for him, but in poetry and just in everyday life he was often addressed. Okay, that is, we have a positive, light-bearing near-deity. Why is there also a Hesperus-Noctifer (Evening Star or Nightbringer)? Because Venus is visible well before dawn and at sunset, and the ancients thought that these were two different "stars", and when they realized that this was not the case, it was too late and they decided to simply leave them separately as convenient metaphors for the poetry.
Now let's turn to the biblical "Lucifer", because this is where it gets really interesting. This name appears in the Bible exactly once in the Latin translation, in a passage where the author mocks the Babylonian king who has fallen from grace.
“How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations! You said in your heart, “I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon."
So, first: in the Hebrew it says "Helel ben Shahar", that is, the Shining son of Shahar. Wait, what Shahar, you ask? And Shahar was the Canaanite-Ugaritic god of the morning. It is unknown whether this god had a son, and whether his name was Helel, I have not found any evidence, but maybe you will be able to figure it out. But there was a god Attar (the male version of the goddess Ishtar), who was also the personification of the planet Venus, and just had a rather ambiguous reputation as almost a god of war. On the one hand, his epithet was the word "terrible", and on the other hand, he was worshiped as a god-protector in some cities.
In general, Ugaritic mythology almost entirely refers to the Old Testament. There was a supreme god El, who created everyone and everything. El gave birth to lesser gods - they were called Elohim, children of El. (Yes, later they started calling angels Elohim). So there were a lot of Elohim, but we are only interested in a couple - Baal, Yahweh and Attar. There are a lot of things to think about, but as far as I understand, Baal was the local analogue of Zeus and ruled the other gods (Elohim), because El himself (the creator of the universe) preferred not to do anything special and dumped everything on his son. So Attar somehow sat on Baal's throne, but Baal returned and threw him down. This is according to one version, according to another - El himself offered him to become the supreme god after Baal's death, but the throne was too big for him, and he eventually went to the underworld himself and began to live there. Doesn't remind you of anyone at all, does it?) By the way, Attar's symbols were a bull and an antelope, so he was depicted with horns.
There is one interesting feature in the ancient Eastern pantheons, all the Elohim were not universal, but were folk gods, they patronized only one chosen nation, and fought against the rest. I mentioned Yahweh earlier, and Yahweh is the biblical god we are familiar with, whose cult appeared before Christianity and at some point he also became part of the Elohim. Over time, his cult became so popular that he absorbed the qualities of both Baal and El, as a result of which he was proclaimed the creator of the universe. But initially, Yahweh was the god of the Jews and only the Jews, and did not patronize other peoples. Remember the line from the Bible, where they said about "Lucifer": "I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon." So, in Ugaritic mythology, Zaphon is the mountain on which the supreme gods lived, that the analogue of Olympus. At first it was Baal's, but then he was replaced by the previously mentioned Yahweh. In the Bible, this mountain seems to be called Sinai (the place where God gave Moses the commandments).
So what happens: the God of the planet Venus tries to get the throne of the supreme god Baal-Yahweh, but in the end he goes into the darkness to rule there. Well, a pure biblical story about Lucifer as a fallen angel.
It is just not clear why these people did not like the planet Venus. Well, it shines and shines, so what? The thing is that ancient people REALLY loved to watch the sky. Really really. And they saw that before dawn a bright "star" appears in the sky, and they were like: damn, what does this mean? Then there was a sunrise, which blocked the glow of Venus and people were like: Hmm… The sun always defeats this star, Venus can only bring light in the darkness. But unlike the Greco-Romans with their positive Lucifer-Phosphorus, the ancient Eastern tradition interpreted this negatively, like: Ha, Venus, how dare you want to become the sun!
Well, here's your "devil". Now you roughly understand where it all comes from. And I look at all this and think: wait, so a huge number of people now live based on a rather chaotic mythological fan fiction of one of the ancient Eastern peoples? In short, I advise you to also check all this, google it, maybe you'll also find something interesting.
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anelegaicmind · 5 months
سالم عليكم
I watched as much as I could of the video you had recommended. I have to say, it is, thus far, very well made. Quite detailed. Rich with history. I do however, want to start somewhere simpler, for now... I'm deeply interested in the emotional connection you experience in Islam because of Sufism. Can we start there? Is there something you can share with us that describes how one is able to transcend and immerse into a deep and soulful experience with his or her creator?
I hope I've made sense? If so, thank you & jazak Allah (in advance). If not, I will re-phrase my question and resend it. ☺️
Walaykum Salaam,
The journey of a sufi is one that is both personal and life-long. While I do post a lot of content that is based on sufism I would say that my position is of one who has purchased the ticket to board a ship but has yet to embark. I will do my best to answer you but I am in no way a teacher. In regards to your question, it is the fundamental desire of the sufi to achieve what you describe as 'transcend and immerse into a deep and soulful experience with his or her creator'. Poetry, art, music, dance and chanting worship (dhikr) has all formed part of the sufi tradition as they are perfect vessels to capture and express human emotion. To start with I would recommend exploring these as they will give you a window into the emotional state of the sufi who made it. I would recommend poetry from Rumi, The Conference of the Birds by Attar and music by the Al-Firdous Ensemble. The intention with any of these is to not consume the media as is typical in modern society but to sit and meditate on the individual words of a poem or the chords of a piece of music and explore inside you how they speak to your emotional state. Here is a poem by Ibn Arabi you may find useful:
I marveled at an Ocean without shore, and at a Shore that did not have an ocean; And at a Morning Light without darkness, and at a Night that was without daybreak; And then a Sphere with no locality known to either fool or learned scholar; And at an azure Dome raised over the earth, circulating ’round its center – Compulsion; And at a rich Earth without o’er-arching vault and no specific location, the Secret concealed…
It is an exploration of the infinite state of Allah and our singular position within His infinite. It is quick to become overwhelmed by the incomprehensibility of it but it is precisely this that becomes what the sufi calls 'the loss of the self'.
In my own experience I have found that reaching out into nature helps me to bridge the gap between myself and Allah, the bridge being an emotional connection. I often sit and listen to the birds, watch their flight, the movement of the wind through the trees, the ever-changing colours of the sky, the life that grows from the ground, and the rain that nourishes it. I think upon the signs that Allah states in his glorious qur'an and I recognise that not only is Allah,
nearer to him than even his jugular vein. (50:16) 
But that he is closer to the entire of creation than creation is to itself. As creation is entirely dependent upon the existence and love of Allah but he is entirely independent of our existence and love of him. And when all of these are meditated upon together how can I not utter the words subhanallah (glory to Allah), alhamdulillah (praise be to allah) and allah hu akbar (allah is the greatest)?
This then forms the basis of dhikr which is a common practice throughout the entirety of Islam yet now your heart has been opened towards the reality of Allah swt. You recite his dhikr not because you are told of the reward in heaven but because it is impossible to utter anything else as a result of your realisation.
Eventually your realisation becomes your reality and this is the final destination of the sufi.
It is important to note that sufism is traditionally a communal act of worship and not one of individualism. It is important to seek out other sufis as the journey of every sufi is long and arduous. There will be many questions and oftentimes few answers. Fortunately, sufism has expanded to every corner that there are muslims and sufi sheikhs are very open, loving and tolerant people.
Here are some resources that you might find useful: https://www.institute.global/insights/geopolitics-and-security/what-sufism https://www.rumi.org.uk/poetry/ https://ibnarabisociety.org/poetry-poems/
I hope this answer is helpful to you and if anything is unclear feel free to reach out. And of course, anything I've said that is correct is from the mercy of Allah and anything that I've said is incorrect is from my own shortcomings.
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yaldabaoth-rex · 9 months
Fallen London update
have just discovered Arbor. very intriguing. a city in the dreamlands? what is "Attar"? apparently it is a name for rose oil, but here it refers to a strange red powder that appears on the eyelids as one "beholds the wonders of Arbor." the herald says there are three Arbors, but is classist and dismissive of the first Arbor, and is afraid to talk of the third. an arbor is an arched lattice that garden plants are made to grow on. this place has a rose motif, and there seem to be statues of bees in the header image. Prisoner's Honey is made by bees fed on "The Exile's Rose." could this be where Prisoner's Honey comes from? is this where those who eat prisoner's honey go to?
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