#what if you really needed to change something in the first book to make the ending work but it was already published?
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fleshengine · 3 days ago
copyright as it was originally concieved was a legal measure to protect writers and press houses from people undercutting their books. For example, the writer makes a deal with a press house to produce their book and the press house will give them a chunk of the money from each book. Then another press house could buy one of these books, and begin printing it themselves, they wouldn't have a contract with the writer so the cost per unit would be significantly lower. They can then sell the same book for a lower price and make more money, effectively stealing from the first press house and the writer. They could also edit the manuscript however they pleased and there was nothing to stop them.
This is why copyright was good. It protected writers and whoever they made deals with to get their books printed.
Copyright became an international issue in the 18 and 1900's. Printing houses in country A would import the best books from country B, and print off copies of them to sell. Specifically this was very popular with Americans stealing books from the British. British writers complained to the British government, the British government complained to the American government, and nothing happened. It wasn't until British printing houses started stealing books from the likes of Mark Twain that American authors started complaining and an agreement was reached.
In the late 1900s, and early 2000s, with the advent and popularization of the internet, there were many international conferences about copyright that progressively included more and more countries and more and more complex legalese wording of bullshit laws around who can reproduce what. This is where I start to have an issue with copyright.
I won't dance around the truth but modern day copyright laws are bullshit that barely cares about the writer anymore. From the fact that in order to get published you fully give the copyright to the publishing imprint. The inane author's life + 70 years time limit. To the shit that libraries have to go through to provide online copies of books. It's a system originally meant to protect writers that has so thoroughly be corrupted by capital that there was a nation-wide copyright extention literally known as the Mickey Mouse Protection Act. Then there's the stuff lots of companies have where if you're working for them and create something on your own time, they automatically get the copyright/patent for it. (The history of patent law is really similar to copyright law.) A side effect of that is Disney supposedly has a vault of a whoooollleeee bunch of porn of Disney characters fucking eachother, drawn by artists who work for them.
When it comes to copyright and piracy, I take the Hakita stance of "culture shouldn't have a pricetag." When I publish my stuff, I want it available to everyone. At the same time, I want to be able to eat and support a family with my writing if I can, so I have to make money somehow. If I'm putting my writing out there, I don't want it stolen and reproduced with all the proper nouns changed, and I don't want its ideas taken and adapted into a tv show without my involvement. That's where copyright would be beneficial for me. But realistically it wouldn't that much. Plaigiarism lawsuits rarely turn out to be wins for the original author.
In an ideal world, money wouldn't be a thing and everyone would have what they need and I'd be able to write my stories and not care. But in the real world, the copyright system is incredibly flawed and the best protection I've got.
-a writer who works in a printing house who has taken classes on publishing.
"copyright is good in theory" did you know that you can digitize books and then have infinite copies so in theory every book, every piece of information ever written and published could be shared across the world basically for free but any attempts to actually do this get shut down by copyright lawyers?
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carawenfiction · 2 days ago
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So...remember how I said in that update post how I might MAYBE do a TSS rewrite and post it for free?
"Maybe" quickly turned into "definitely happening". Instead of making it outside of COG, however, the finished product that's already published will be updated with the rewritten files. This means that if you've already purchased TSS through COG, you'll have the rewritten version available. That's how I originally intended to go about things with the old rewrite and is the better option here to avoid potential complications.
I've been in contact with COG and they've let me know that I'd be able to do what I have in mind even if this results in a different wordcount and very different scenes/plot points and a different kind of main story.
I realize that this announcement is probably pretty jarring since my last post stated that I wasn't sure about doing a rewrite but that I wanted to if I had enough time. After making that post, I started creating an outline for the rewrite mostly for fun...and one thing kind of led to another. I want you all to know that I wouldn't be making this post at all if I wasn't sure about this. It's because I've already begun the process and feel incredibly motivated and inspired that I can do this that I'm making this announcement.
This rewrite is not going to be like my old attempt at a rewrite, though. It's an entirely new one that I feel much more confident about.
So far I've written the outline for the rewrite and started reworking already existing scenes from chapter 1 as well some new ones. I'm happy to say that the difference between how the rewrite process felt years ago compared to now is like light and day. It seems like those years I've taken away from TSS were very healthy and helpful in giving me some distance and letting me figure out what kind of story I really want to tell.
My plan is to rewrite book 1 and then make 1 full continuation after that. Instead of a trilogy, it looks like this version of TSS will be 2 volumes, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it'll be shorter than originally intended. I think it's more doable for me to rewrite the first book (starting from scratch while also using some already written scenes, since I've been assured I'm allowed to do so) and then make 1 complete continuation of it rather than trying to fill stuff out over 3 different entries, and I think it'll serve the plot and story as a whole to do it that way.
That being said, I fully understand that some - or most of you - might have trouble trusting my word after me failing to do the rewrite I wanted to years ago and not delivering a second book. That's completely fair. This time I'm not rushing things and I don't feel any pressure to do this. It's not something I do out of dislike for the original, but rather out of love for what it could be and what I could make it into, if that makes sense. I'm taking as much time as I need to and am not putting any pressure on myself to do this.
My other project takes priority right now so I can't dedicate all of my time to the rewrite, but I'm working on it when I have time over or get stuck. It's actually pretty nice to alternate between two different stories that have different settings and has helped a bit in avoiding writer's block.
Here are some differences between TSS and the TSS rewrite (most of the changes I made to the old rewrite no longer apply):
The rewrite will be told in second-person point of view ("you" instead of "I"). The reason for this is that when I first started TSS I was really unused to the second-person POV, but after having spent years in the IF space it's now the other way around. It'll make writing much easier for for me, and I hope it won't feel too jarring for people who are used to the first person POV.
The Shadowman and Jealene (now "J") will both be genderselectable just like the main cast. The Shadowman will be genderselectable later on, though - it might sound strange but I think it makes sense when you have more context. J plays a bigger role than they did in the original and their personality is a bit different in this version.
Some side characters (such as most of the hideout) will be cut. This is because they felt really underdeveloped to me in the full game and didn't serve much of a purpose. Instead I'm focusing more on the main cast + a few key characters to ensure the story plot stays focused and you get more time to develop bonds of various kinds with the main cast instead.
The relationship system will look a bit different. Instead of bars showing a percentage of approval, I'll write a description of each character and what they think of you. The descriptions will shift when the character starts viewing you differently, whether that's due to rivalry, romance or friendship. My hope is that this will allow for a more nuanced relationship system/descriptions. I'll also adjust the options a bit to try and make choices more nuanced and am thinking of including the option of having ex. a heart next to a romantic choice for those who want to know for sure what they're getting into. The different responses (such as shy, flirty etc.) will stay but some of it will probably be reworked. Essentially what I want to do is allow for a wider range of MCs and how the characters respond to the MC.
The MC is going to have more agency in certain ways. I've included something plot-relevant to the main character that can potentially change the dynamic between them and the group a bit, but it all depends on how you play it.
The tone might be somewhat different. Not entirely, of course, but there are some parts of the old TSS where the characters sound a bit younger than they are supposed to be, where tension and seriousness has been sacrificed in favor of humor and where some of the interactions aren't the way I would prefer for them to be. I've gotten older since writing TSS (gasp) and my tastes have changed, as has my writing to some degree. In order to do a rewrite I'd have to write in a way that's most enjoyable for me and that I feel best fits the story I want to tell. That's not to say that there isn't going to be silliness etc., but I'm adjusting the tone somewhat and putting more time and effort into descriptions and the writing overall.
The narrative will be different, even though the overall story itself will mostly stay the same. I'm keeping a lot of elements and also aim to introduce new ones that I believe will strengthen the story and make it a more enjoyable game overall.
I think those are the main differences I can give away right now without spoiling anything. I'll make sure to post updates when I've got more to share! Once the demo for the rewrite is finished, I'll post it on the forums and link it in an intro post on here.
Thank you all for sticking by me throughout the years. I hope you'll find some comfort in returning to this world, as well as new things to ponder and excite you in this new upcoming version of the story <3
The Azuridia and Quaiel chibis are done by the amazing madebysalfi
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tumble-witch · 3 days ago
Out of all of your redesigns so far, which one is your favorite?
Oooohhh, what a fun question!
Tbh, all of them for different reasons
Huge post ahead!!!
At first I didn't like Blue Stray's design that much, but with a few tweaks here and there it really grew on me and now it's probably my favourite to draw. I'm still thinking about the hair color and suit hues, but making her hair all twirly changed everything
From this → To this!
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With Golden Beetle it's a different story
I really really like his first design and so far I really like how it looks. Sometimes a pain to draw though, I keep forgetting which spots go where. Maybe I'll change him a bit down the line
I can never recreate his beautiful hair from here TwT
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Moth Errer was a group effort. I had an emergency Discord call with my wonderful friends and it turned into an hour long brainstorm about her design. Moth is probably the most packed with details out of all of the designs I had so far!
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Her mask is based on traditional Chinese opera masks. I wanted it to look like a butterfly, but also remind of tears running down her face. I took the colours from her canon design, too!
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Right now I'm working on her civilian design and damnmnnmdnasfhagf mommy? sorry mommy? sorry
Adrien Agreste is where I relax. Blue Stray merch and crocks stay ON. This man can wear whatever the hell he wants. I also want to dress him in fits I have myself. But for now I just let his spirit posess me whenever I draw him. I love him ok? Ok.
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I love Marinette Dupain-Cheng so so much you don't understand. But her fits need to be restricting and not-her. I really want to make her wear something nice for once, like in a Paris Fashion week comic or something. She deserves better
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But this?
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This is perfection. (the pic is from this post). No, actually Bread Girl as a character literally is perfect. No freckles, always smiling with perfect white teeth, hair tied neatly. I like how uncanny it is
I'll use this design in the new comic, too!
Chloé Bourgeois i think is pretty okay, but I didn't think about her outfit too hard. She def needs to appear more in BGAU
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I really like Rose Lavillant as a civilian. It's like an angel posessed my hands when I invented this open shoulder look. Tbh I've been searching for a shirt like that ever since
Her akuma design was rushed, but you can't go wrong with colours like that so it's solid in my books!
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Juleka Couffaine absolutely fucking slays. Next.
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I wanna work on Nino Lahiffe more, but so far I really like him. I think an earring, some cool ass pants and he's golden! (haha get it? golden?)
He really needs to make an appearance in the first akuma comic!
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Alya Cesaire needs a proper full redesign. When she made her first appearance it was a one-time thing. I didn't expect to spend on this AU more than 40 minutes of my life! I can do better than a full Nino fit for her
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Phew! That was a lot. It was fun to remember some old stuff, thanks again anon!
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bbearthyy · 3 days ago
Hey! I noticed you needed some inspo, so here’s a request!
JJ Maybank x female reader (smut!)
Take this wherever you’d like, but the reader is lounging somewhere reading her book when JJ makes his own plans. He loves her nipples, and plays/sucks/fucks them while she’s reading <3
yeah so i took this and ran
(no title cus i cant think of one rn😭)
a/n: omg yes. i am the biggest advocate for mamas boy jj and i just KNOW that after a bad day he’d come home and go straight to you to suck em. UGH anon i love you
none of my works are proofread!!
cw: boob play? idk what the proper term is, titty fuckin!, bsf! jj, i think that’s it
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nobody remembered when it happened exactly, but it was part of the normal now for the pogues. jj would inevitably have at least one breakdown a week, and you were always there, waiting with open arms (and bra.)
nobody really remembers, but maybe it started two summers ago?
the rumble of jj’s bike filled the otherwise quiet atmosphere, popping the bubble of peace and yet rebuilding another. you lounged in the hammock, one leg hanging off to keep it rocking, as you reread your favorite book for the nth time. your eyes stayed on the page in front of you as your best friend stomped over. finally, his heavy foot steps came to a stop, right beside the hammock.
you took your time to finish the sentence you were reading, before calmly raising your head to look at jj. “hey, honey,” you softly mumbled, spotting the tears on his cheeks and immediately changing the reading tone you’d originally brought forward. “rough day?” the blonde just dropped his head, shaking it silently. “wanna..,” he mumbled, his voice so quiet the rest of the sentence was unintelligible.
“what, j? i can’t hear you sweet boy.” he grumbled, frustrated hands tugging on his hair. “i can’t say,” he said, voice just slightly louder, “it’s embarrassin’.” you were quick to scold him for this. “jackson james maybank, i have known you my whole life. we used to take baths together as kids and we’ve been each others first everything. nothing you say could ever be embarrassing, not with me.”
after taking a deep breath to compose himself, the blonde spoke up. “can i like, lay with you?” appalled by the question you immediately cut him off, “jj we cuddle all the time wha-“ but he wasn’t having it. “not like that,” he spoke up, “i meant like, i wanna, ugh.” his head dropped once more, frustration running in his veins, “can i just show you?”
your eyebrow raised with suspicion, but you nodded. jj slowly laid himself on top of you, snuggling close in the hammock. “i wanna,” he mumbled once more. jj rested his head on the left side of your chest, as his left hand slowly moved up your shirt. you were confused, but laid still nonetheless, letting him explain himself.
eventually jj’s hand snuck its way into your bra, cupping your chest gently. a soft sigh spilled from his lips when he felt the warmth. “wanna do this,” he whispered, “but, but with my mouth.” it took a moment for you to respond, processing his words. “you wanna suck on my chest?” relief visibly flowed through the boy when you understood, his head nodding quickly.
“um, okay,” you mumbled, hesitance evident in your shaky voice. if jj could tell you were nervous he didn’t comment on it, simply sitting up enough that he could lift your shirt past your chest. something dawned on you, your hands covering his, “wait!” jj’s head snapped up, worry coating his features. “j, honey, we’re still outside,” you spoke softly, not wanting to worry the boy in his vulnerable state.
jj whined, wanting nothing to do with the idea of removing himself from you right now to go inside. “i can go under your shirt?” his whiny tone had you giving in immediately, just like he knew it would. you’d do anything for him. so you nodded, and jj excitedly pulled your shirt back down before sliding under it.
today, you and jj are resting on the couch outside the chateau, your shirt and bra long since removed. jj snuggled closer under the plush blanket, tongue swirling around your nipple before he latched on, sucking softly. his left hand held your other boob, the fingers on his right squeezing your hip every few seconds.
john b walked out of his home, eyes searching before they locked onto yours. the brunette came closer, crouching down beside the couch when he reached you. “he under here?” john b’s voice was quiet as he grabbed the blanket, you nodding in response. slowly, he pulled the blanket down just enough for jj’s head to be revealed. “hey bubba,” john b whispered, “i’m gonna go get supper, you wanna ride along?”
jj hated that idea actually. despised it. he was half asleep and you’d just gotten to the good part in the book you were reading aloud. so in response, jj simply closed his eyes, continuing to suckle. john b sighed at the silent denial, shaking his head with a chuckle before covering you with the blanket once more. “okay, i’ll be back.”
the brunette walked out as cleo and sarah were walking in, both giving you a smile and chirpy “hey!” as they went. eventually, when jj fell asleep, you removed him from yourself, knowing you’d have to show face at home before your parents reported you missing. giving the pogues a hug and a kiss each, you left, leaving a very angry jj behind.
which brought you to now. to be fair, you should’ve told the boy what your plans were instead of just leaving him, but you didn’t think it would warrant such a response. your plush comforter was warm beneath you, your hands shaking in their position above your head.
the only sounds filling the room were jj’s grunts and the slick sound of his dick sliding between your tits. his hands kept your tits pressed together, the only restriction keeping your hands pinned being his threat to ‘spank your ass raw’ if you moved them. “jay,” you whined, desperate to feel some stimulation after him abusing your chest.
“shut up,” jj’s gruff voice huffed, his breath hitching at the end. he was close, whines slipping through his lips solidifying the fact. you stuck your tongue out to help, his tip pressing against it with every thrust. “oh fuck!” the blonde cried out, release spilling across your chest and lips.
after taking a moment to catch your breath your hands finally moved, coming down to rest on jj’s thighs. “feel better, honey?” he just laughed, breathless, before collapsing next to you. “love you so much,” he mumbled, sleep soon taking over.
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mediumgayitalian · 2 days ago
4 and 7 for will, percy, nico and jason!!!
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
sitcom. easy.
the very real way that i want a summer camp sitcom of will and his big siblings at camp.
dude if i had infinite money to fight cease and desists and copyright claims i would just hire actors and artists to make tv shows of every fic idea that has ever come into my head
i genuinely think percy is so so perfect as a first person narrative.
so i wouldn't change that.
BUT i would LOOOOOOVE to see a the office style mockumentary about percy and annabeth in new rome.
like that would be THEEEE funniest thing of all time
"and how do you know that x monster can be defeated in this way? what is your source, mr. jackson?"
*office stare of misery*
nico needs to be in a video game so badly it's ridiculous.
now i dont even like video games. never have cared never will. cant get into them.
BUT a video game with nicos bajillion side quests would be so goddam cool. visuals would go INSANE.
it would also be sooooo funny for him to have an inventory of weird shit and its just infinite
i need on on stage play hamlet style and it needs to be so haunting and lonely
imagine that. for a second.
the pain of jason's life
with jason as the character watching
lemme articulate this better.
we are introduced to jason, the adult character
this calm, quiet, kind, happy man
and then he dies
and he wakes up on stage alone
and he asks, aloud, what is going on
and no one answers
because he is a character
and then he watches every day of his past, hazed in smoke
and he is horrifed
the entire play is just the audience watching in complicit horror, not answering as jason demands, with increasing desperation, "why? why did she give me up? why was i alone?why did no one come for me? why did no one help me? why was i alone? why did i lose? why did my heart have to be the one to break? why was i alone? why did no one stop my sacrifice? why did i have to be sacrificed? why was i alone? why was i alone? why was i alone?"
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
looooove Deaf/HoH will.
love that will has No fashion sense.
love southern accent will.
love will who has been burning the torch for nico for one hundred years.
love when he has an obvious and shyly embarrassing crush on annabeth.
love when he is incredibly emotionally mature.
actually i will be real i dislike a lot of fanon percy. i feel like people try really hard to make him dislikeable, like stupid or mean or thoughtless and i hate it
whipped nico my beloved.
nico is a little closer to percy in terms of fanon dislikes for me actually. hate hate hate how he is treated like a little meow meow that everyone has to protect.
LOVE Black jason. like he is Black to me i get jumpscared every time i see White jason or thalia.
love sweetheart jason like he is i love him
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moghedien · 3 days ago
hi! was it ever explained in the books how Siuan became the Amyrlin Seat? (also, does she have a Warder?)
Siuan becoming Amyrlin is never like directly discussed at length in the books, but we know a lot of details about how it came about. I will explain if you wanna know, but put it under a readmore in case you don't. It shouldn't really spoil anything that's to come in the show.
The last three Amyrlin Seats before her died in what we'll call "mysterious circumstances" aka they were killed by the Black Ajah. I'm actually not 100% certain if the last one was, but she probably was because the two before her definitely were.
But the thing about those three Amyrlin dying under "mysterious circumstances" is that no one thought it was mysterious. Most people thought they just died of natural causes because they were older and it's a known thing that if an Aes Sedai starts getting old old, they can kinda just drop dead one day because no one really knows what the deal with the Aes Sedai aging and extended life spans does or how long they can last
So three Amyrlins in a row die after having pretty short reigns, and there's some tension in the tower about that and about it not allowing for stability in the tower. So Blue Ajah rising star Siuan Sanche gets suggested and eventually chosen, because not only is she one of the most power sisters in the tower, she's young. Like, she's in her 30s when she takes the Seat and is the youngest Amyrlin Seat that had ever been chosen. So they take the risk of giving this one woman potential hold over the tower for decades if not even centuries in hopes of there being stability rather than the whiplash caused by frequent regime changes with very different ruling styles.
And the reasons why it was Siuan that was chosen is twofold. First of all, after Siuan and Moiraine became full Aes Sedai, Siuan was sorta taken in by an elder Aes Sedai to assist in some of the spy network activities. She wasn't necessarily supposed to know that it was the spy network activities, but she figured it out quickly and from there realized that if she stuck with being this older Aes Sedai's assistant, she could work her way up into the political side of the Blue Ajah and have her hands on the biggest spy network in the tower. When she and Moiraine began pursuing the prophecy, Moiraine needed to leave the tower to avoid getting caught up in something else, but they realized that it was best that Siuan stayed and worked within the tower. I'm not sure "become the amyrlin seat" was the original idea there, but you know, it was sorta the plan.
and yes, book Siuan has a warder. he comes up exactly once in a scene that doesn't entirely make sense with how the Aes Sedai warder bond works tbh. I think if he existed in the show, he woulda come up already though, so I imagine she doesn't have one in the show. he's not terribly important
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study-diaries · 24 hours ago
How To Self Study
This is coming from a girl who spent her fresher and sophomore year studying at home and yes, I got good grades. So, here are some tips that I followed for studying by myself without depending on any teachers.
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So, let's get into it!
Gather and organise material
This is important, why? What are you going to study if you have absolutely no idea what your syllabus and study material is? By materials I mean:
Textbooks (If you have any)
Practice papers
Previous year papers
Extra reading materials/ Reference books
If you don't have any textbooks. Go through the topics that you have and gather resources from different sources.
Tip: Have at least 1 extra reading material for every subject/paper. It helps you understand some topics that are explained in a complex manner in textbooks which is almost all the time.
Don't depend on your teacher
Teachers are good. Seriously. But their attention will always be shifty. They have a lot of students to teach, from many other classes so if you depend only on your teachers for clarifying your doubts or being at the back of you to study then newsflash, its going to be hard. Rather, be your own teacher. Don't go "I'll ask this to her/him tomorrow after class" because that will be your answer every time you have even a small question which can easily be solved by a simple search. You're saving your time and theirs.
Tip: If you're someone like me who gets distracted when you take up your phone even for a second then write down all your questions in a paper and search them later after your study session.
Make notes
I usually say this because notes help you understand topics. There are many methods of taking notes. I usually don't follow any structure for note taking, I just read and write keywords under the topic name, linking a few things here and there.
Tip: Notes need not be aesthetic. Seriously. You can be as messy as you can.
Watch videos related to concepts
This helps and I know most already do this.
Tip: When you finish watching a topic, close the video and write down what you understood and then play the video again, fill in the gaps that you missed and watch it again.
Study in chunks
I always believe that whatever you do, you should do in chunks. Instead of doing one chapter, divide it. Into small bits. I'll tell you, you'll see the difference. I don't usually recommend Pomodoro since it doesn't work for me. I don't keep a time limit or a set number of breaks. I finish a chunk and if I am tired, I take a break otherwise i continue.
Tip: Self quiz yourself after each chunk and then take a break. Then after you finish the chunks for the whole chapter with the self quizzing then self quiz yourself randomly for every chunk. Here's an additional tip. Take 20 second breaks.
Period of deep work
This is not a new concept, i didn't realize i did this at first. Basically, when you start your work. You do nothing but work. Like nothing else. No phones. No snacking. No unwanted thoughts. Just nothing but what you have to do. That is to study.
Tip: It is difficult to implement this right away especially if you have a habit of it getting distracted easily so i just suggest => Start smaller. One topic with full concentration. It would usually take you 20 - 30 mins to get immersed in the work. 40 mins if it's something you don't like but once you get the momentum? An unbelievable achievement really. And then, change your environment.
Quality > Quantity && Consistency> Cramming
One hour of productive studying is better than nine hours of useless studying. I feel like it's better to study 20 mins everyday rather than the whole night before an exam. It just causes stress.
Tip: Start early. Your teacher is on chapter 5? And you still don't get chapter 1, it's fine. Start learning. Seriously, it's okay to be behind. You just have to stick. Do it everyday and you'll see results that is better than those who are just keeping up with the teacher.
Deadlines Are Mandatory
Have deadlines. There are a number of ways to do this. I'm a person who is really lazy and a weird soul who would never complete their to-do list for the day if they write it down. It would always be left unfinished. So i just keep a mental time limit and the thing i have to get done.
Tip: Overestimate your deadline. Like, let's say i have to complete around 15 lessons that week. I keep my deadline to around 25-30 and i eventually complete 15. It's about adapting to what works for you. Just change according to what works for you.
Practice questions / Previous Year Papers
I can never emphasize this enough. The best way to prepare for any exam is just do practice questions or previous year questions. You will learn a lot of things. The topics that are important or repeated. The topics that are never asked.
Tip: Grade yourself on each paper. Circle the questions in your textbook while you are studying and practicing. Then when you have to actually study then you can actually revise the topics a bit more thoroughly. If you want to know more, click here.
It's okay to be behind in class
During my first term in senior year, the whole class was around 5 chapters ahead for every test and exam while me? If they were on chapter 12, i was in chapter 4 or 5 but i understood the concepts and took my sweet time with each chapter. Because the more time you take for a chapter, the better it stays in your memory.
Tip: Here is where active recall comes handy. When you revise one chapter, take a 2 day break and study another subject and then go back to the chapter and answer the practice questions. If you're able to do them, great! If not, revise more and then look at it after 3-4 days. Repeat until you have no mistakes in your answers. This helps in long term retaining.
Make It Interesting
How do you study boring subjects? You adapt. Mind maps don't work for me. Neither does flash cards. So, i found something that did. Storytelling. Take your most boring subject, turn it into a story. Make it bearable.
Tip: Tie it somethings that you like. For example, business studies was the most boring one for me so obviously, every topic was a story for me. HR Theories and Processes? ==> An office romance story. Management Principles? ==> A fantasy story where a group goes on a quest. Make It interesting. Make it gripping. And let me tell you, this actually works because our minds grasp stories better than just normal theory jargon.
Difficult Topics Are Only Difficult Because You Think They Are
This was something that i learnt the harder way. Everything looked difficult at the beginning. Everything. But the most difficult paper was maths. Because i had no teacher. Literally. I was learning from YouTube, searching different sites for tips and tricks. I thought it was too difficult and then i was like "i have to do it anyway no matter how much i brood" so i started from scratch like 3 months before my exams.
Tip: A mind set change is everything. If you think it is easy. The topic will be more bearable. If you think it's tough, it's going to be more tough. If you want some more tips for complex topics, click here.
Hope this helps !!! :)
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trstalks · 20 hours ago
I think about your vampire au moonwater on the regular, I'm OBSESSED
You are in luck I have ALSO been thinking about them a lot
They first met at the bookstore Remus works at because Regulus buys new books whenever he’s stressed out (it’s a bad habit,) so the first the time he walks in the bookstore he’s in a pretty awful mood (probably something to do with the black family) Remus welcomes him into the store, and is immediately struck by how pretty he is. He also notices that he seems to be upset, so when Regulus comes up to the register he talks to him and tries to cheer him up with stupid literature jokes. (it works)
Regulus didn’t look up when Remus greeted him, probably just sort of gave a quiet ‘good morning’ in response, but when he went up to the register to pay he was literally awestruck at this awkward and lanky and BEAUTIFUL boy. Remus is definitely wearing an old grandpa sweater and is disheveled looking but Regulus is into that. 
They’re both immediately attracted to each other. Remus assumes that this very pretty and obviously rich man would never go for him (he’s a mess) so he doesn’t go to make a move. Regulus on the other hand is absolutely enamoured with Remus and keeps coming back. They get to know each other over their love of literature and Remus’ bad jokes. Regulus knows that he’s hot, and he recognizes that Remus blushes a lot around him, so he does end up asking him out after a couple weeks of this. 
Remus comes out as trans to Regulus in a very premeditated and not at all casual way that he presents as very nonchalant. He worries about it for weeks because he really likes Regulus- but he hates going through the whole “coming out to a potential partner thing.” They often recommend books for one another, so one day when Regulus comes to visit him in the store he picks up a book on trans experiences and very casually is like yeah this helped me a lot when I was questioning my gender before I transitioned *side eye*. Regulus doesn’t even blink, he’s like “wow that sounds interesting- I’ll definitely have to give it a read.” 
Remus was scared that this would change their dynamic, but Regulus is like “so about our next date-” HELP 
Regulus is definitely having his own struggles with coming out as a vampire, and they’ve been going out for a couple months, so he knows he needs to do it soon because they’re getting pretty serious. He went to Sirius for advice and then promptly remembered why he doesn’t do that (Sirius tells him that he came out to James by watching twilight with him to gauge his reaction and then asking “lowkey what if that was me”) 
Regulus ends up texting Remus like "We need to talk" which has Remus freaking the fuck out for an entire day until after his shift is over. Regulus picks him up and they go to a park close to Remus' apartment because Regulus wants him to be able to escape if he feels unsafe (considerate king?)
Regulus starts rambling and during the beginning Remus isn't sure if he's about to break up with him or propose or admit to cheating on him because he keeps saying things like "you know I really care about you but there's something you don't know about me-" "I want to spend the rest of my life with you if you'll let me." "It's okay if you want nothing to do with me after this-"
Remus eventually has to be like "spit it out PLEASE" and Regulus DOES. just comes out with it.
Remus is now freaking out for OTHER reasons because if you'll remember- he reads A LOT of vampire smut. it's like his favorite trope.
Anyway Remus accepts him obviously and they go to Remus' house afterwards to make out on his couch, and that's when Regulus finds one of Remus' smut books. Y'all know what happens next (they fuck nasty style about it and Regulus feeds into Remus vampire kink) (they have a healthy discussion about it before Regulus agrees to feed on him) (of course they do)
Anyway now I'm feeling inspired to actually write this fic HELP (just another excuse to write about Remus in lingerie tbh)
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velvet-paradox · 2 days ago
Secured (Part Five)
Fandom: Call of Duty Pairing: König x Female reader Length: LONG Warnings: NSFW, 21+ ONLY, oral (m receiving, briefly), strong language, explicit content, first time together, heavily detailed smut.
The sun is setting down low through a bruised sky background, the clouds are sweeping by as König finished his last bite of dinner, stuffed (finally! his mother cheers) after his second helping. She always makes extra. She's got herself a monster of a son and famished friend whose currently outside, on the patio smoking a cigarette.
"Sooo who is she?" His mother asks in a sing-song voice, clutching her hot water with lemon.
"Who is who?"
"Àch don't be stupid old boy, you know who!" Sebastian calls out, batting his eye lashes at him.
König shook his head. "I don't know what you are talking about."
"Àch come off it, König. Tell us the story, ja?"
"There is no story to tell."
That, is a lie. It's the greatest story he's ever heard and it involves him, not a fictional character like in one of his books! A Meet-Cute only… Meet-Rescue. That's a thing right, König thinks thoughtfully. Surely in some genre anyway.
"I do not believe you, you know why?" His mother sets down her tea cup with a clink on its' appropriately matching beveled plate.
"Because I have never seen you with such a smile on your face. That is why. No spill the beans!"
He didn't want to jinx it, he'd never had a real affection for things like relationships. Those things are harder. One night stands or two were better off. His bedmates need not to worry and fuss over him and vice versa. He had to have his head clear and thinking about someone he cared for and dare he say loved, on the other side of shit creek or wherever they had stationed him, made unwell.
Of course there are military spouses and family, children, but for a man like König, a seasoned and trained man on the later of side of his thirties, he couldn't risk even a moments lapse. But… seeing now that he was on desk duty, maybe he would allow himself such a treat.
König could picture himself yelling from the rooftop, a sniper's dream position about you. Gush over your laugh, how funny and silly you allowed yourself to be, you didn't need to put on airs or be someone else. You were you. And König--
"Earth to König, come in man!" Seb was now inside the house waving a hand in front of his face while he cleaned up the dinner table. "You are in it. What's she like?"
"A dream."
A fork fell on the floor and Sebastian choked, his mothers' eyes as wide as her growing smile.
"A dream? oh König, how lucky for you, ja? when can I meet your dream girl?"
"Àch stop it now, König. I have waited long and prayed hard that you would finally meet your match,, she must be something quite special to have you grinning like an idiot."
He was in a way, whipped. Addicted to your kisses, the way you'd count his fingers, lean up against him. He wanted to surround himself around you, engulf and drag you with him into the tide.
"Have you heard from your brother yet?" König asked, taking a stroll around the lake behind your apartment building. The leaves had begun to change color, the days were a little more brisk and sometimes there were rare spots of frost in the corners of his windshield.
"Nothing. I've called, texted a million times and get nothing. I even went to [REDACTED]'s house and it's just as quiet and empty as when we left it." You answered with a sigh, wrapping your arms around one of his.
"Maybe stay the night there some time this week, see if he pops in at least or you maybe you two can talk. I suppose being a person of interest in a national security inquiry, you might want to have a face to face conversation."
"True. Not really a conversation you would want possibly tapped." You sighed again, tucking your cheek against his bicep.
"Well… speaking of face to face conversations," König swallowed as he'd not only had a committed relationship but bringing a woman home? Are you mad? "Would you um… I mean, I don't know what we are but… would you maybe want to meet my mother?"
You stopped walking.
Uh oh. Too fast too serious?
"Your mother?"
"Ja, my mother. She wants to meet--"
"Do you want me to meet her?" You asked, bright eyed and bushy tailed.
"… yes."
Your scream of excitement could be on the verge of blood curdling as you jumped into his arms, catching you mid-air.
"You want me to meet your mother?! your mother?"
"Is this good or bad?"
"Good. Very good!" you kissed all over his mask, swapping out his hood for a plain black balaclava. "What should I wear?!"
It was quite funny to König to see that both (the only, two really) women in his life were concerned about their attire for the others first meeting. His mother came out of her room several times now, a different outfit each time asking for her sons' approval. Settling on a turtleneck and slacks, and her good jewelry. This was a big deal, she kept saying as she gathered a table cloth and place settings. She even asked which glasses would be best, what colors the candles should be to 'set the mood' for the evening. König didn't know which end was up!
"Just relax."
"Are you insane? this is a big deal König! A treasured guest! Now help me set the table."
"Y/N isn't going to be here for another two hours."
"Exactly! We need to find the best layout, will Kruger be joining us? do we need another chair?"
"I didn't tell him anything."
His mother tapped her chin in thought and told him to grab another chair, just in case Seb popped in.
The greeting went well, you'd brought a bottle of red wine, which happened to be his mother's favorite kind of wine and were both shocked to see you both had worn almost the same outfit, though your pants were more tailored and you wore a sparkly red belt.
Dinner went even better as he watched you two laugh and get along seamlessly, you sat next to him with his mother across from you, gushing over how cute you two looked together. You kept patting his bouncing thigh, silently telling him it was alright.
Sebastian did make a guest appearance after dessert and you helped König take away the plates and cutlery. You also stole a quick kiss at the kitchen sink.
"Àch, shall we play a board game?" Kruger asked, rubbing his hands together deviously.
"Seb, let's not get carried-"
"Why not? whatcha' got? you're not scared of losing to little ol' me are you?"
"Ohhh," his mother joked, "A challenger!"
"You didn't have to stay-y and play-- oh my god." König moaned and threw his head back over his couch, one hand on your head, fingers in your hair, while the other lay fisted under his jaws you bobbed your head, sucking his cock.
You had followed him home, thrilled you met his mother and closest friend and very excited for him. Jumping into his arms as soon as he could shut the front door, even knocked over a few candles, bumped into the coffee table as you shoved him down onto the plush cushions, tearing off your turtle neck and dropping at his feet.
"I wanted to," you came up for air, your lips and chin shiny with saliva and pre-cum, with a smile as well. "I liked it there. Do you think she liked me?"
"Are you joking? of course, schneke. She loved you." He said as he patted your cheek, smearing his thumb over you bottom lip.
Just as I--
"Good! I like her too. Maybe next time I won't lose at Trivial Pursuit."
You agreed and went back to swallowing him down your throat, humming and twisting your wet palm around his shaft.
"Oh fuck ja, just like that!" the fact he was so readily willing to express his feelings for you, the care, the cherishment he held in his heart was growing heavy.
"Are you still in contact with Keegan? you haven't used the wire in a week now." Horangi asked on base, getting you a security clearance had been more simple than thought, you got a visitor pass sticker along with a lanyard for entry into the facility. You sat with Horangi and König in his office, watching Horangi steeple his fingers under his chin a fresh suit and mask.
"He mentioned he'd been deployed, quick recon, in and out, no fuss no muss." You shrugged.
"Is he on to you at all? that you're not who you say you are."
"Honestly he's not who he says he is. He's offered me leftovers, changed my tail light. You both told me he was dangerous."
König fumed at that. Why didn't you ask him for those things? maybe he was rushing this infatuation after all. He picked at his nail beds instead.
"He is; trust me. I'm going to need some more intel, see what you can scrounge up, something has got to give with this whole Eden shit. If there really is a mole or in our case a fucking rat, we need to be at least three steps ahead of the press. This could take us all down, expose us to our enemies, hurt our ally's, do you understand that?"
Horangi pointed like you were a rookie; green in the field, yellow in the belly. "This is serious."
"I don't know what he wants me to do. I can't just pick up apart a stranger's brain like that." You asked, hopping into his truck, the bench seat of it hot from the morning sun.
"Get to know him better, he may open up to you, let something slide. Keegan is smart but being looked at like a pretty thing like you there's no telling what he might say if given the chance."
"Should I flirt with him?"
König ground his teeth under his balaclava, pulling the door closed a little harshly, the cab shook and a screw rattled somewhere in the frame. "Do what you have to do. Always wear the wire when you're with him, for safety." And for his peace of mind, he frowned at himself for thinking so negatively. You two weren't even a couple, even though you had met his mother. This could all go away in an instant, he knew that much was true as he turned the ignition, bringing the hot truck to life. Your hand shot out to his thigh.
He looked at it there, small against his trunk-like legs.
"König… I'm yours ya' know? this i just a… a mission. I'm just trying to help where I can and I'm only getting to know this guy for other reasons, not to date him."
Date. Are we dating?
"As that what we're doing?"
Your hand moved up to his face, turning it towards you, your eyes softened and glittered in the sunlight. You smiled. "Honey; I hate to tell you this but yes, we are dating. I met your mother, at her home. That and what we do in your bedroom seals the deal that I'm your lady."
König left out a breath from his nostrils. "You're my girlfriend?"
"I'm scared so."
Your flirty laugh was cut short by him grabbing the back of your neck, smothering your lips in a searing, cloth covered kiss. You didn't pull away even as a few whoops could be heard in the base lot.
The rest of the ride back to his house, he felt giddy and warm.
I have a girlfriend, I have a girlfriend!
König kicked his front door shut after chasing you up the front steps, pinning you between his chest and the door, his body crushed into you back as he unlocked it. Your hands on his chest, sweeping over his collar, tearing off the mask, tossing it to the floor as he bent down to kiss you.
It might be the middle of the day, early afternoon but he was ready and charged up by your forward actions. Keeping your hand on his thigh on the drive, singing loudly and off-key on purpose to the radio, nuzzling your face into his arm before taking off your seatbelt.
As he kissed you, ran his hands over your shoulders, holding your waist, pulling you close, this is a delight in the afternoon, no? or is it the other way around? delight afternoon? or is it afternoon delight?
He couldn't remember the phrase correctly, not with you licking into his mouth, tugging at his green thermal shirt that his absolutely nothing of the shape of his well conditioned body, his svelte waist. Feeling his erection through his sweats, it wasn't a formal visit on base so he didn't bother dressing up. Plus it was a nice day out.
König pulled back enough to just feel the skin of your mouth against his, breathing shallow.
"Is something wrong?"
"Nein nein, mein schnecke. I just-- I want to do this right. Right by you, right by me."
"What are you talking about?" Your eyes moved and blinked up at him as he steadied himself, planting his feet and hands on your hips.
"I want to properly take you to bed."
"Is there an improper way to take me to bed?"
"Of course there is! but I want to make sure you are willing and--"
You pulled yourself up as much as you could to him, kissing him hard. "Lead the way."
He's nervous. You can tell. He can't tell that you can tell but he doesn't give in right away, just touches you lightly, blue eyes like a scanner over your body. He adjusts the strap of your tank top, fiddles with it, like his nerves and let's go. He wants to be here with you, you're eager and watching him as you sit in his lap, what he'll do next.
He checks to make sure it's okay before he pulls it down over your shoulder, it's light under the pads of his fingers, dragging it down to expose one of your breasts to him and the chill of the air in the room, your nipple pebbles to life. König swallows loudly.
"It's okay," your voice just above a whisper, weaved with the desire for him, he felt hot under your lashes but in a good way. A really fucking good way. "I want you to touch me."
Fucking finally, he says to himself as he moves that same hand to cup your breast, warm and inviting against his palm. He looks up at you, amazed and over the fucking moon he can finally let himself indulge in the sanctuary that you have become to him. His thumb circling your nipple makes you shiver and smile, you even make a little 'ooo' noise and if König wasn't careful he'd surely become addicted to it.
He let his intrusive thoughts take over, nuzzling his cheek against your tit, breathing you in before taking it into his mouth. Your sigh of satisfaction thrilled the large man, gripped you tighter, sucked you in closer. Your hands around his neck, in his hair, holding him against your skin.
When he unlatched with a light pop, his eyes glazed over at the sight, your bottom lip secured between teeth, smile so sinister he felt like the prey he was used to going after. And maybe he was. Under your spell, thanking whoever was up above that he'd actually listened to Kruger for once and took that Night Division job, that he had been the one to answer the call, to protect you.
You touched his face, brushing the backs of your knuckles over his cheekbones then shimmied your body out of your top tossing it behind you. Fingers in his hair again brought your lips together, slotting them perfectly, tongue first, König twitched with a hand sliding up your back, treating you the same in cradling your head as you kissed. Soon your breathing matched, groan for groan.
It didn't take long for König to undress himself, desperate to kick off his sweatpants as he watched you do the same, tripping over yourself and landed yourself back into waiting arms. Side by side you looked down, seeing what you were to be working with and König was glad he was looking over your face because damn if that little eye widening didn't boost his ego.
You looked almost pathetic laying them next to him, panting and covering your face at one point as he easily rocked a finger into you. He could practically feel your heartbeat through the walls of your cunt. You were damn near hyperventilating, groping your tits, arching your back, kissing him only to pull away and watch as he finger fucked you.
"König, don't you dare fucking stop." You keened, digging your feet at the mattress.
He chuckled lowly and nipped your shoulder, enjoying the way your body reacted to his touches, how hot you looked, completely bare and vulnerable with him. At ease. At home.
"What makes you think I can, hmmm?" he asked, dragging his finger out to replace it with two. You squealed with delight into the meat of his bicep, his cock throbbing for attention, even another glance would suffice at this point. He knew he was leaking already, the wet spot of pre-cum on the sheets felt cold every time he humped at the air next to you. "Have to warm you up and just so you know, I have no intention of letting you go."
Your head snapped, he stilled his soaking fingers inside you as you clenched. "Don't let me go."
You bucked up your hips against his palm, just the right amount of friction on your clit and from the sounds and looks of it, that's all you needed. A few more thrusts of his thick fingers and encouragement had you lifting off the bed in a frenzy, singing his name, whining and trembling in his grasp. You reached out for him, pressing your lips to the underside of his chin as you settled down.
"God that has got to be the hottest thing I 'ave ever witnessed." König breathed out in a huff, slowing pulling out his sopping fingers, you wiggled at the stimulation.
"Wait 'til I cum on your cock." You chuckled and held your bouncing chest.
You weren't joking! Holding on to his hips, digging your nails into meat of his backside as he got himself acquainted with your spongy walls. That first breach had you breathless, looking up at him with furrowed brows and an open mouth.
"Breathe schnecke, breathe."
König brought himself down onto his elbows, locking his fingers above your head, holding your head as you finally inhaled. Your kisses were sweet and and lingering, he'd never fully recover from this feeling, from you.
Funny what a few weeks could do to a person.
König mouthed over your cheeks, your eyebrows, pressing fairy light kisses to your scorching temple, your shoulder, a firm press of his teeth biting into your neck.
"Good or bad?"
"Good. Really fuckin' good," you rolled your hips up to match his steady thrusts. "Do that again."
Given the green light, König couldn't turn you down and sunk his teeth into your neck again, just a tad harder. Oh how you mewled and held onto him, moaning, trying to catch your breath.
His lips against your soft skin, smelling you, molding you around the girth of his cock was overwhelming for him as well. He'd had some experience of course, the mask always stayed on and they were just hook-ups, late nights at the bar, a cutie at the coffee shop. Nothing serious. None of those times felt like this, this was… personal. It wasn't just about him getting off, coming and going (literally), no, this was you. You.
"König," you bit into your lip, lifting your leg for a little more depth, he picked up on it right away, moving to grab a hold of your thigh as he pressed deeper into you. "Put your weight on me."
"I don't want to--"
"I'll be fine I p-romise," a chaste kiss to his shoulder saw him leaning down just a little bit more, he didn't want to crush… oh. You grabbed at his arm still by your head making him slip, he kept still as you were now chest to chest, heart to heart, skin tight. "There. Look at me."
König couldn't even if he tried! he didn't want to miss a thing as you moved together in tandem, rolling your hips, chasing him with your slick hole. The more you rocked with him the more he wanted to be deeper, consumed into you.
A little position change was all that was needed really, he pulled out and rolled you over on to your hands and knees, moving behind you swiftly, his cock bobbing and ready to slide back home. From this angle you could fit even more of his cock inside you. The sound, the smell of your perfume, his aftershave, sex itself filled the room along with your back and forth moans for more, for each other. Without words, knowing how badly you two wanted each other. König fit his hands over your own, lacing your fingers together for more leverage as he fucked down into you.
At one point you even gave up and just rested your cheek to the bed, covering your head with your hands. Sobs of his name, how good you felt mixed with how you were making him feel, he damn near fell over. Instead, overcome with emotion, König wrapped his thick arm around your middle, lifting up your hips just enough for him to not only mold his chest to your back, leg to leg, but also for him to put some pressure on your clit. Careful not to expose it too much to his sheets, your body thrummed beneath his hands.
"I-- mein schnecke I--" König started and your thankfully finished.
"I'm gonna' cum, I'm gonna' cum all over your fucking cock." You screeched into the sheets, twisting them in your fists as he continued bottoming out and pushed back on him.
"I want you to, I need you too, my dear." König groaned into your ear, his chin resting on the crown of your head. "I've never felt like this, you feel so damn good, bitte. Need this to last, need this to fucking last!"
In the distance, somewhere in the room filled with strewn clothes, passion and the sound of skin on skin, a phone buzzed on the floor. Or maybe it was on tossed on the lounge chair, who knows for sure, but it sure is buzzing away.
Buzzing away with shrouded information.
Tagging: @powerfultenderness @riotakire @missalwayshungry
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egophiliac · 11 months ago
Hi it's just to let you know that the official romanization of Revaan's name is Raverne ! Also they have romanized Baul's name to Baur !
Twst coming back at us again with the least expected romanization! thank you everybody (oh god my inbox) (no it's great, I literally asked for this and the reactions have been INCREDIBLE, thank you all!)
I do like Raverne though, I think it's got a nice fancy sound to it! (I had kinda suspected it was going to be an R instead of an L, so the fact that it's SO close to Laverne except for that is hilarious to me personally.) and Dragoneye Duke is honestly probably the best translation for his title, I wasn't envying the localizers that one. :') Baur instead of Baul I was NOT expecting, but in retrospect I think his name's supposed to be a reference to the Bauru crocodile, so that actually makes way more sense!
someone else also said Meleanor has become Maleanor, which is the REALLY weird one to me, because I was so surprised it was written as Mel instead of Mal in the first place?! oh god no I can't decide which one I like better. 😭 (I wonder if they might change it to Mal...they have made romanization changes before) (like I remember House of Distraction being corrected to House of Destruction in Playful Land) (I did check and she's still Mel for now, but I dunno, they might Mal her up and some point and save me from having to make a decision about which one to use) (HECK I CAN'T DECIDE)
uhhhh thank you for letting me ramble about anime names, let's just say MONOGRAMMED SWEATERS FOR EVERYONE
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#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 part 4 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 part 4 spoilers#mel is so cute but mal fits with the rest of the draconias better#eng version no you were supposed to save me not make things MORE confusing#anyway raverne huh#that uh. that sure feels like it's supposed to evoke raven doesn't it.#what does it mean WHAT DOES IT MEAN#hold on i'm going to flail around embarrassingly about anime character theories now#(okay first a disclaimer: i do think we need to sit down as a fandom at some point)#(and have a discussion about exactly what is actual canon versus meta speculation versus jokes)#(because i think there has been. some confusion. over that re:crowley and raverne specifically)#(but i do feel justified in being like THEY ARE PROBABLY CONNECTED SOMEHOW RIGHT?! right now)#like i really don't think it's as simple as crowley being raverne but with memory loss or something#(and if they pull that on us i'm going to need an EXTREMELY good explanation to go with it to justify that)#they've gone out of their way several times now to make a point about them acting and sounding different and it feels very intentional to m#(and once again: i super 100% absolutely do not believe that lilia wouldn't recognize him with the top half of his face covered)#i just think the contradictions are a lot stronger than the connections right now but there ARE some connections and i'm 👀ing at them#to be fair the connections are mostly meta like crowley being diablo/raverne being evocative of raven#also the general 'raverne mysteriously disappeared and apparently had distinctive eyes' thing#versus 'crowley's past is unknown and he never shows his eyes'#(i will argue that crowley DOES seem to have some kind of canon connection to briar valley)#(since he is clearly some sort of fae and the masks are a briar valley thing)#and that is kinda it right now isn't it#okay hold on i had to delete some tags because i used too many (thanks tumblr for letting me know and not just vanishing them OH WAIT)#so tl;dr: i'm in the 'crowley is connected to raverne somehow but it's more complicated than just him being in disguise' camp personally#but that will probably change as we get more info and also don't take this as an anti-speculation thing because i love theories HOORAY
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s0fter-sin · 3 months ago
one of my favourite aspects of supernatural that you very rarely see in paranormal shows is that sam and dean are already versed in the world they live in. there’s no sudden discovery of ghosts and demons and now they have to learn about them along with the audience; they are born into it and already know all about it. it allows the audience to follow their personal story instead of also trying to figure out this new world and its rules
the first season is full of knowledge we never see them learn; “w*ndigoes are in the minnesota woods or- or northern michigan. i’ve never even heard of one this far west.” […] “great. well then this [his gun] is useless.” (1x02), “you don’t break a curse. you get the hell out of its way.” (1x08), d: “it’s a god. a pagan god, anyway.” […] “the annual cycle of its killings? and the fact that the victims are always a man and a woman. like some kind of fertility right.” […] s: “the last meal. given to sacrificial victims. d: “yeah, i’m thinking a ritual sacrifice to appease some pagan god.” (1x11)
almost every episode in the first season is a monster they’ve faced before that they then explain to the audience in a way that should feel patronising; like it’s the same speech given over and over again but instead, the audience almost feels included in the knowledge. it’s stated with such an innate confidence and comfort in said knowledge that it feels like we already knew it too; “spirits and demons don't have to unlock doors. if they want inside, they just go through the walls.” […] “the claws, the speed that it moves; could be a skinwalker, maybe a black dog.” (1x02), “it's biblical numerology. you know noah's ark, it rained for forty days. the number means death.” (1x04), “no no no, not the reaper, a reaper. there's reaper lore in pretty much every culture on earth, it goes by 100 different names.” […] “you said it yourself that the clock stopped, right? reapers stop time. and you can only see 'em when they're coming at you which is why i could see it and you couldn't.” (1x12)
they already know and, at least in the first season, already have what they need to kill whatever they’re hunting; already know to salt and burn bones for spirits, fire for a w*ndigo, exorcisms for demons, a silver bullet to the heart for shapeshifters. there’s only three times in the entire first season that they run into something new to them; 1x14 when sam gets his first vision that leads him to another psychic, 1x16 when dean calls caleb for help on the sigil he put together and he tells him about daevas, and 1x20 when they find out vampires are real- and they only don’t know that bc john thought they were hunted to extinction and not worth mentioning
(there’s also technically two half instances if you count one of them knowing something the other doesn’t - sam figuring out the tulpa in 1x17 and dean already knowing about the shtriga in 1x18 - but those still rely on sam and dean having prior knowledge)
even when they’re uncertain about facing something, it’s not bc they don’t know what it is; it’s precisely bc they know what it is and acknowledge that it’ll be a difficult hunt (“i don't know, man. this isn't our normal gig. i mean, demons, they don't want anything, just death and destruction for its own sake. this is big. and i wish dad was here.” 1x04)
so much of the tension in paranormal shows typically comes from the main character(s) not knowing what is happening to them/the people around them and having to find out how to resolve it. supernatural is unique in that it operates more like a police procedural. the tension comes from solving the clues and identifying patterns to figure out who (what) the killer is and intercepting before they can take another victim
it’s such a different tone to go for when compared to other shows that came both before, during, and after its run. it sets sam and dean on even footing with each other since they both have the same knowledge going in, and it puts them in a place of authority usually reserved for an outside character
the shows i compare spn to most is charmed, buffy and teen wolf; every main character in those shows are brought into the paranormal world knowing nothing, putting them on the same level as the audience, and they have their mc interact with others already knowledgeable about that world in order to overcome their problem/monster of the week. the audience organically learns about this new world as the characters learn about it. it’s a sound writing strategy that prevents “as we already know”-style exposition but something that complicates it is if your world building isn’t unique or intriguing enough, this slow introduction can become boring
we’ve seen shows like these before; sitting through the same tropes of characters learning to use their powers, struggling with no longer feeling normal/relating to the regular world around them, and not knowing how much they can trust the people already involved in this new world gets repetitive. all three shows eventually reach the same level of comfort with their new world that spn starts with but if the characters aren’t enough to draw you in, you can end up dropping it before they reach that point (and often, before the overarching plot can really kick in and evolve the show beyond the villain of the week format)
it’s the superhero origin movie in tv format; dragged out and overplayed. dropping the audience into an established world of course comes with its own problems but you also have the benefit of pre-existing established character dynamics that let the audience slot in like they’ve always been there instead of just getting to know all the characters while the characters also get to know each other
sam and dean already knowing about the supernatural lets the audience immediately get to the core of the story; the conflict between sam and dean, the search for their father, and the mystery of what killed their mother
#i could go on forever theres literally so many examples#dean figuring the ‘two dark doubles’ is a shapeshifter sam figuring out the changing ghost is a tulpa#also peak how many of these examples come from dean despite them pushing so hard for sam to be the one knowing hunting theory#this format is why i cant stand watching the first season of charmed despite loving it so much#i just cant be bothered watching them have the same struggle ive seen a hundred times play out again#different genre but sons of anarchy does this well too; all the characters are already in the club life and already have inner conflict#spn having such a natural introduction makes me so glad they didnt go with the original plan of sam not knowing about hunting#that wouldve been Painful#watching spn so young has really shaped my view of media bc i legit cant stand things with a learning curve#give me an established world damnit#lord of the rings never stops to explain what a dwarf is! you just go with it! and it rules!#dean is just as theoretical and lore savvy as sam and id go as far to say he actually knows more#instead of trying to do this bullshit brains v brawn divide they shouldve done new tech vs analogue#sams laptop is famous and he also knows how to hack thing where the second dean doesnt know something he defaults to books#have dean be the one where if its written down he can find it almost like a proto bobby#they even kind of support that by him being the one to find the phoenix in s6 when they go through all their books#but this was 2005 and characters could only be so conplex and theyd already decided dean needed to be the hot one and sams the nerd one#side note how many of these metas am i going to write on this rewatch? tbd#side side note included all the quotes and episode numbers makes me feel so academic#coming out of my cage and ive been doing just fine.txt#carry on my wayward son#talk meta to me#meta#supernatural meta#spn#supernatural#dean winchester#sam winchester#save post
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daisywords · 1 year ago
"just focus on book 1 without mapping out the entire trilogy" I need you to understand how much I cannot do that
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nellasbookplanet · 2 years ago
Having finally read the Nimona comic (it’s very good, everyone please go read it) I can’t help but find describing it as being about the power of incredible violence to defeat an authoritarian state, as I've seen done, to be both kind of misleading and ultimately reductive to the story as a whole.
Yes there is incredible violence in the comic and it was in the end what tore down the corrupt system, but it was also Nimona's downfall, destroyed her relationship with her only friend (and led to her (temporary) death by his very hand as he could no longer stand by her and her actions, even as he never judged her, recognized her role as a victim and tried to save her until the end), put countless civilians in danger, and ultimately did little to nothing to address how to actually fix the problems of the system to keep them from returning. In fact, Nimona as a character shows little interest in fixing anything. She suggests killing the king and having Ballister take his place, despite Ballister neither wanting this nor having the experience to pull it off (and would, in fact, only result in replacing one king with another rather than lead to an entirely new system, as is often the case with bloody uprisings). When people start dying from the illness they spread, Ballister wants to immediately stop it; Nimona suggests they let more people die to further rile up hatred and anger against the institution. Nimona isn't a good guy looking to save people; she's an angry, hurt girl looking to hurt those who hurt her and those who have the potential to hurt her in the future (even when Ballister is one of those people). She is the villain the state turned her into.
And that is kind of the point I see the story making. Not 'you need incredible violence to tear down an authoritarian state' as something good and celebratory, but rather 'an authoritarian state will ultimately lead to its own downfall by creating monsters of its own making, and while said downfall is needed the fact that it has to happen at all is deeply tragic because there are no winners here'. Nimona isn't a villain-villain (the true antagonist is obviously still the Institution), but she isn't a hero either. She's a tragic figure with a tragic end that the state brought upon itself by mistreating its people. She doesn't stick around to help rebuild and heal, and she doesn't (to our knowledge) get to see her home become a better place. It's a bittersweet end where the very person who tore down the oppressors is too broken to enjoy the end result. It isn't a story about rebellion, it's a story about the inherent and justified self-destruction of authoritarian systems.
(Writing it out like this, I realize that, thematically, it’s very similar to n.k. jemisin's broken earth trilogy, which you should all also read because it is incredible and not very friendly to authoritarian states.)
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anotheruntitledsong · 1 year ago
i did like the hidden palace but (SPOILER if anyone hasn't read it?) i'm genuinely so annoyed at how Arbeely is handled like... I wish i could be sad but i'm just fucking irritated. I was overly invested in him and that's def why but i just feel like they did him dirty
#the golem and the jinni#i was scrolling goodreads and the take i kept seeing was 'oh I wish Arbeely could've had his family too bad the jinni FUCKED IT UP'#but idk that's just not how i read him. like thats not where i feel the problem is#his whole shtick is being content as the jinni's foil and like! things can change! but the way it's done leaves him totally unresolved#which in turn means the jinni's shit is also never getting resolved because there is like no way to#when Arbeely describes his future family in the first book it's all 'someday... vaguely...' and AGAIN! what you want can change!#and honestly it's really interesting and sad that he makes this sacrifice for the jinni#but it's a layer of complexity that like clashes with how little he is there for and how little the author's invested in him#and like the way the no marriage literally did not ruin his life at all... sure it sucked but the man is still like idk rich#what has continuously fucked with him throughout both books is that he wants (or at least spends half his page time thinking about)#emotional connection to the jinni in a human way#which is something the jinni cant\wont give him even though he's basically Arbeely's only close friend#(besides ig maryam who was rlly funny hinting at her dislike for the jinni like someone trying to get their friend to dump their toxic bf)#anyway the vibe in the first book is that he only thinks about wanting a wife when the jinni is being a dickhead#BECAUSE the jinni eases arbeelys loneliness by just being there because at the end of the day that's what humans need#but then it's made really weird in the second book by Arbeely getting 'trapped' by the jinni (and yet they just grow further apart)#which means that the only thing arbeely actually spent half his life discontent with and then literally died without is not a wife#it's emotional intimacy with the jinni. which is insane to me#arbeely is obviously already tragic but this seems TOO tragic entirely because the book doesn't give af about addressing it#if it was like a plot thing then all of the above would be fine and gutwrenching because it ties back into the jinnis self isolation#BUT IT'S NOT. like i get arbeely isn't that important to the plot but he was important to the jinni and the jinni was important to him#alsoo necessarily disclaimer i'm not trying to say he's in love with the jinni or anything like that#although a queer arbeely (divorced from the above idea) would also been interesting cuz I dont think the jinni has a grasp on homophobia#so idk theyd be keeping each others secrets (arbeely x the biscuit man? JOKE)#BUTTTT! I don't believe he needs romantic energy! him and the jinni having awful vibes up until arbeely's literal death is what bothers me#The jinni is a bad communicator ik but come on... not once? not even before the diagnosis? The jinni also thinks about how distant they are#could they not talk a little? for me? there are ways to do it within the bounds of their characters FOR SURE#im sure this is the point but i do dislike it either way. anyway sorry arbeely u remind me of my uncle#the hidden palace
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readwritealldayallnight · 5 months ago
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley, who from the moment he laid eyes on you, has only ever referred to you as his wife
You, this sweet little thing, running through the halls on base one day when you turn a corner and nearly run headfirst into the Lieutenant, who’s walking alongside Soap
“Oh! Sorry about that, sir.” You told him, never slowing down in your hurried pace as you snuck around his large frame and continued down towards whatever you were evidently late for
The only reason his gaze had followed your retreating form, was that unlike everyone else, you had met his eyes when you spoke, even smiled warmly up at him
That one smile and he was done for
“Who was tha’?” The sergeant had questioned, seeing Ghost’s attention still fixated on you.
“Think that was my wife.”
“Yer what?!”
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley, who makes it a point to let everyone know that you are in fact his wife
Well, everyone apart from you apparently
He would certainly never abuse his position as a Lieutenant, but some new recruit had the audacity to whistle at you as you walked by? Well 100 laps around the base don’t exactly run themselves
Another soldier saved you a seat next to him in a briefing? He can enjoy scrubbing toilet seats for the next week in that case
Someone actually had the bollocks to ask you for your phone number? Perfect, he needed a volunteer for demonstrating hand to hand combat to the recruits, medics on standby of course
By the time he properly introduces himself to you for the first time, it’s understood by everyone else around that you are, for all intents and purposes, Mrs Riley
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley, who listens to you tell him your name in a voice that resembles music to his ears, hardly bothering to remember your last name, seeing as it’ll be changing soon enough anyway
“You can call me anythin’ you want, love.” His deep, gravelly voice had sent shivers down your spine, cheeky smirk widening beneath his mask. “So long as you call me, that is.”
By the end of your first date, (you were sitting alone in the dining hall and he wordlessly joined you what do you mean this isn’t a date) he’s wondering if you’ll insist on a ceremony or if he can sweep you away to the nearest courthouse and make this official, slipping a ring onto you finger and himself into you
You had laughed when he put his number into your phone and named himself ‘Husband’, certain that the man was only messing with you, some kind of hazing that you apparently weren’t aware Lieutenants played on the new communications hire, but it was only fair seeing as he’d saved your contact under ‘Wife’
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley, who is over the moon every time you play along, even if he knows you believe you’re only playing
“Ach, thanks Lt. Just what I needed.” Soap said, seeing Ghost’s approaching form enter the common room, holding a steaming cup of tea in each hand
“S’for my wife. Get your own.” The older man gruffly replied, sliding the mug onto the side table next to where you’re curled up on the couch, reading a book
“Aw, thank you honey.” You giggled, smiling up as him with an expression he thinks would taste even sweeter than honey if he were to run his tongue across your upturned lips
“Happy wife, happy life, sergeant.” Ghost shrugged, ignoring the other man’s pout, landing next to you and reaching an arm behind you across the back of the couch
“God, maybe I really should keep you.” You’d laughed, reaching a leg out to dig your socked toes into his muscled thigh, teasing him
Grasping your foot into his large, strong hands, he began massaging it, uncaring that you were only two of the many people in the common room, not when you looked at him like that, smiling together as though you truly were nothing more than a married couple
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley, who surprised you one day, insisting he needed your help with something crucial off base, and drove you to a local shopping outlet to look at none other than dresses
“Is there some sort of party happening?” You’d questioned, confused out of your mind
“Suppose you could consider it a party.” He’d answered, leading you through the many racks of dresses, you noticed were all, very conveniently, white
“Now while you’re lookin’ through dress sizes,” he’d added, taking your left hand in both of his. “You know your ring size? Got my own shoppin’ to do ‘round here.”
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racke7 · 7 months ago
So, because of the setback to my "grand idea" that was me accidentally nerfing my own mod. I spent this morning trying to think of a way to make certain classes interesting.
Like, Necromancer can usually be interesting by using teleportation and smacking people with massively damaging AOEs.
(Which is why Spectre, where "physical damage" is almost a side-effect to your true goal of stacking up debuffs that do very little (without game-breaking mods) always comes across as frustrating to me.)
And Rogue can be fun, because there's stuff like positioning yourself for backstabs, and then also having access to lots and lots of CCs.
(Turning people into chickens who will run away, after giving them a debuff that makes them take massive damage if they try to run? Always hilarious.)
Comparatively, Knight is "run up and hit them with your sword", and Ranger is "go to a high-spot and then click-kill on the enemies".
So, trying to make those classes more interesting is... hmm...
In the end, I found something that sounded very promising for a Knight-build, where they basically boost themselves with every skill, until they get access to a very strong attack. It's still very much "hit them with the sword", but it feels like there could be a bit of a dynamic involved.
The same mod-author had also created a Ranger-mod and Rogue-mod, and those looked like they'd stack pretty well with each other (a lot of "cause Bleed" and "if enemy is Bleeding, then" type of skills).
But then I, of course, got distracted.
And created an entire new Necromancer-mod from scratch.
I have no idea if it's even remotely "balanced" or whatever, because I just grabbed a few Hydro-skills and said "you do physical damage now". Which was... a very long and involved process. Especially to switch the skill-animations for other skill-animations.
But the end result was me having a bunch of Necro-skills that are purely damaging, causes bleed/decay/cripple, and doesn't come attached with all of the unnecessary bells-and-whistles of Odinblade that always seems to annoy me.
I'm... probably going to publish it once I've done some actual vague play-testing, and maybe one day I'll even be able to figure out how to get the fuckers to actually sell the damn spells.
(For now, I just craft them by combining "random bits of junk" with "necromancer books", because that usually makes it compatible with everything else.)
#first i had to create the spells. then i had to create the skillbook-stats. then i had to create the skillbook-root.#then i had to create the crafting-recipe. then i had to create skill-icons. then i had to import those icons into the mod-engine.#then i had to change the animations to something that wasn't ''snow''. then i had to trouble-shoot a bunch of random oopsies.#and that's not including the amount of backtracking in order to make sure that everything is pointed at the ''real thing''.#but i figured that the treasure-table should be pretty simple? right? it's just a list that tells vendors what to stock? right?#so why doesn't it matter what i put on the damn list? why doesn't it register? why does it keep giving me fuck-all?#i finally realized that i might need to manually place those books directly into the vendors' inventory. but by then?#by then i'd already made it very far without ever starting up the ''levels'' that you have to manually move around in and edit.#and i REALLY didn't want to bother with that shit. so i found an old vendor-mod that i always use. and i added them to her inventory#by editing her mod and writing them into a txt-file at the end of a list that she had. and then she sold those books.#that took me like FIVE MINUTES to do. if that. trying to get it working the proper way? i was at it for HOURS.#but hey. at least it's done now. maybe now i can even sit down and actually play the game. one of these days...#laughing#video games#personal stuff#rants#divinity 2
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