#what if season 1 review
immabitqueer · 8 months
Watching House MD for the first time in 2024 full SEASON 1 Review-
- I had learned from his Wiki page before I even started the show that he had a couple of divorces, but Wilson is really bad at marriage, isn't he? His wife is having company and she makes dinner. House calls once and he totally abandons those plans to meet him at a bar. Wilson lies to his wife and says he's working on christmas and then he goes to Houses apartment instead. House continuously implies that wilson is having affairs around the hospital. He's very funny, he's clever, and he can be sweet, but I would NOT want that man as a partner. That being said, whenever House and Cameron were going on a date and he goes to Cameron to tell her not to hurt House was crazy. Everyone is just so worried about Cameron getting hurt and he does NOT care about her. He's like "huh?? why would I care about you i'm here about house??"
- Cameron's crush on House hit me like a ton of bricks. Even before it was revealed that she had a crush. I thought that they were so good as friends. It seems that now at the end of the season. It's kind of been packed up? And i'm glad for that I hope they can go back to being just besties. You kind of begin to see some of the more flawed parts of Cameron in the latter half of this season, which I appreciate. Such as her need to fix things or people. It makes her feel a bit more human and not just a very angelic being.
- Chase also has a lot of flaws shown in the latter half of the season, and a lot more than Cameron. Don't get me wrong, I still love him, but he was one sidedly enemies with a ten year old girl because she was overweight? Also I picked up on a consistent habit that Chase seems to have where in general he's a pretty nice guy, but when things start to go wrong for him, he will say the most out of pocket things to patients. It's a writing quirk that showed up early in the season with the nuns and has been a constant part of his character since. Also, I made a post about this when I watched the episode. But canonically has seen a dominatrix???? More and more ragged pieces of fabric are stitching themselves together to show me a quilt of Chase.
- I hope in the future we get more focus on Foreman as a character. I would like to know everything about this man. And I know that it was a joke at the beginning, but this man really does try to tie every case back to neurology. Him stepping in to tell House not to hurt Cameron by being nice and giving her hope was nice.
- Time for Mister Gregory House himself. Noticing a pattern of him very much being good with children and having no room for idiot parents who are hurting their kids or are weary of medicine. Love to see it. He has a very distinct relationship with everyone on screen. Every person he interacts with, he interacts with the differently. He's pretty hard on Chase, especially after the Vogler incident. He is continuously hard on Foreman as well with an unhealthy dose of micro-aggression mixed in. Generally, he's hard on Chase in a fatherly way and hard on Foreman in a motherly way, if that makes any sense. He is much softer with Cameron. He and Wilson are co-dependent and at the same time can be very cruel to each other, while also supporting each other. It's very interesting to see these dynamics play out.
- Stacy is complicated. Her trying to convince House to do a treatment her husband doesn't want him to do, mirroring how Housebecame disabled was painful. I can see why she would want the treatment for them in both scenarios and I can also see why it can be selfish or wrong. She found someone that doesn't make her feel alone and is willing to forgive her, so in the end I guess she found her way to a happier life. I still think House has the right to be angry, of course and she isn't owed House's forgiveness but she's at least understandable.
Random extra thoughts and things I've noticed:
- So was the girl from mean girls, les mis, mama mia, and Jennifer's body, can you tell I don't know peoples names?
- House has the saddest little eyes but they also pierce my soul and make me feel horrible for him, almost like I did something
- House has an array of toys all over his desk, and he plays with his cane or rubber bands all the time
- I could not STAND Vogler. I'm glad they wrapped up his arch this season because I was getting tired of him
Some context:
I'm watching the show mostly because my Twitter and Tumblr were very adamant that I do, but also because I have a running thing where I very rarely finish a show that I start. I've started several shows and finished very few of them. I started watching House on New Year's Eve The day before the first day of 2024 and plan to finish it before the first day of 2025. This is actually a big deal for me because usually I can't finish a show over 3 seasons and the farthest I've gotten is five seasons. I will be posting as I go and also doing a halfway point and a full season review of all 8 seasons.
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rapha-reads · 3 months
OOooooh my goodness, Doctor Who goes full mythology *full body shiver*
I'm aware it's not the first time, but from what I'm reading, Sutekh appears in only one TV serial before today, and all of his other appearances are in audio, comics and prose. And without doing too much research (edit: I ended up doing too much research), every episode that somewhat touched on the spiritual/mythological before never put the deity at the center of the story (except the pantheon of discord, but the Tardis Wiki article on it isn't very long and I already have done enough research for today). Like, "The Satan Pit", remember, who cares that Satan was chained on an asteroid somewhere in space, that wasn't the point. Interesting to note, "The Satan Pit" was not written by RTD, but did you notice how Carla Sunday was the first one to name Sutekh before anyone else, and call him "The Beast"? The Beast being one of the name of the Devil? And the Egyptian God Set, or Sutekh, having been conflated with the Devil when Egyptian religion met Christianity...? Clearly RTD and his writers have done their research. By the way, the Devil article on Tardis Wiki is fascinating. But unless I read too fast, none of the several Devils, Satans and Beasts the Doctor has encountered are part of the Pantheon of Discord, though Sutekh does use the name Beast too. Go figure.
Anyway... Not really a point to my ramblings. I don't want to do a full review of the episode just yet, I want to wait for the second part. But Set was my favourite Egyptian god as a kid, I've always thought that he's too easily cast as the evil god when polytheist pantheons usually do not have a single figure of evil, but gods representing concepts that can be used for evil (the way Loki in Norse mythology is a trickster god but his representations today turns him into a demon, demon here holding the monotheistic, abrahamic meaning of the word; note to self: check out the academic literature on comparisons and parallels between Loki and Set - how much syncretism at work here?).
Ahem. I don't know where I'm going with that. To revisit later, when I've had time to put my thoughts in order. Things to point out:
Carla calling the shade surrounding the Tardis "The Beast" before anyone else could start to guess anything - something fishy is going on with her.
Mrs Flood. Everything about her.. Is she a Sutekh cultist, like in the old episode "Pyramides of Mars"? Is she another Harbinger? Is she another, last surviving Time Lord?
Is the storm only coincidental, or is it going to be important in the next episode? By which I mean, is it a normal storm, or are we talking locusts and cricket plague storm? (Or sand-of-time-storm, ba dum tse)
Speaking of Harbinger, kinda sad Harriet isn't an actual character, she was cool.
So does this mean that this Susan was another Harbinger, or an avatar of Sutekh, who took on the name to mock the Doctor? EDIT: checked the Tardis wiki, she was an actual woman who was later possessed by Sutekh and turned into his puppet. Okay, one mystery solved.
The way Kate looked at the Doctor after the death of the security officer in the Time Window. Oof. That. That hurts.
The way Mel is not surprised at all by the Doctor's meltdown, and knows exactly how to stop him from spiralling down and getting back up. That's Companion Experience here.
Ruby and Rose immediately becoming the best of friends. Yes please!
Oh, music talk! Did y'all notice that the Saxon theme was played when Susan's prompter started going haywire? I recognised the melody but couldn't put my finger on it, just knew Murray Gold was playing us a throwback, until I read the Tardis Wiki page about the episode. Quite nice!
Okay, I already have 10 different Tardis Wiki tabs opened, I'm gonna calm down before I start writing an entire thesis about Doctor Who and Mythology. .. Do you think there's already thesis like that? I would love to read that.
Apart from all of that, it's kind of a weird episode, though, isn't it? The Doctor usually never seeks out trouble, and they hardly ever ask for help. Like, they don't just pop in for a visit, or to use UNIT's tech unless a crisis has already begun, or UNIT themselves called them in. At least in New Who, main TV episodes, I can't remember one instance of the Doctor appearing in UNIT's HQ or where their former companions are of their own volition (in Class, he appears in Coal Hills, because the Shadowkin are already here; in the Sarah Jane Adventures, I haven't watched it, but Tenth comes to help Sarah Jane because she's trapped in a Time Loop, and later Eleventh is a plot point himself; same in "Day of the Doctor", UNIT calls him in, crisis already ongoing). The Doctor appearing in UNIT HQ, saying "alright, here are two mysteries that I want solved today and y'all are going to help me", that's very new. And maybe very welcome...? If it makes the Doctor reconnect with former companions, and start popping in for tea and scones, that would be nice.
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sergle · 4 months
I just started listening to the newest season of Nosleep and had the deranged idea to write down my own personal ratings /10 and reviews and it's just my luck that the first episode was real bayud LMAO
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parachutingkitten · 6 months
...I don't know. I guess I just don't get it.
I don't get what there is to be obsessive about with Dragons Rising. I am in awe that the show has been trending this long. I just can't get into it. I've yet to find something to really latch onto. My biggest fear is that I'm just falling out of the ninjago fandom. And that would be heartbreaking, because I've been so thoroughly invested for so long. But I suppose it's possible. But I don't get it anymore. Things people absolutely adore, I just find passably functional. The less screen time a character gets, the more I like them. I can't remember what even happened this season, and I just watched it 2 days ago. And I can't put my finger on it. I don't know why. I don't know why Dragons Rising doesn't have more of an impact on me. Like I see people so ready to call this one of the best seasons of ninjago content and I just... stare. Wondering what it is that they see that I just can't. Like I'm colorblind. Why do people find this so beautiful? It's fine enough, I guess.
My best theory right now is that the old series always had this hot mess quality about it that was absolutely captivating. It made it so unbearably bad at times, but it made it a wonder to talk about, and think about, and dig in to. And while Dragons Rising is much more competent on so many levels, it's also not particularly groundbreaking or excellent at much, at least not from my perspective. The colors are oversaturated, the character arcs are pretty standard, the dialogue is very straight forward, the plot moves at a predictable rhythm. There's so much going on, but it feels like hardly anything actually gets done. Each episode ends with a cliff hanger that turns out not to be that interesting once you get three minutes into the next episode. We've introduced a large array of new characters, none of which do I particularly need to see again. There are a large plethora of mystery boxes sitting around which I simply can not bring myself to care about. It's a well constructed show. It's sound. It makes sense. It is very well executed. Grade A quality. It just doesn't have... something. And I'm just not sure what.
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mirakurutaimu · 1 year
jesus CHRIST letswatchstartrek never fails to have absolute dogshit taste in their ratings. 2/5 for In the Cards? come the fuck on you dumbshit morons
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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2009 Bahrain Grand Prix - Jenson Button
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Everyone looks so sweet and happy :')))
Awww hi Judd <33
It's okay honey, it's rough :'((
Yeahh honey I know, that's rough 😭😭❤️🥺
Exactly, you don't know anything yet <3
Grace is so perfect, and great at getting him back in it and keeping him grounded <33 I love her and him and them so much <3333
Yeah lol, calm down a bit on the towel business Judd xD
Just dance :'))
His suit is still very iconic btw
And Grace's hair is beautiful 🥰
Awww hey y'all :D
Lol, sillies 🥰🥰
Nope he means wedding :OO
The way he said it was very blunt xD like the tone
Awww spin :'))
Do it guys lol, go for it xD!
(tossing a bouquet)
Awww Owen :'(( :')
Ahhh, looking at TK and Carlos but then to Robert and his wife as well, and their daughters :'))
Awww <3
Lol :')
Earlier I saw her and was like huh xD oh right they're kinda dating lol
Aww glad she's checking up on him ,|
Realll though my at dances xD
Gotta save it for the line dances, and take breaks during the slow dances lol
Oh of course, no other way to do it xD well there is but yk lol
Like landing a plane XDDD
Yeah, they are :'))
Oop o.o
Ohh nooo :'((( ❤️❤️❤️💔😭
It sucks but I do see why :(( 😭 <33
Awww <333
It is a pretty great memory though :'))
AYYY yeah this is a good song for dances :D
I wanna go to a wedding 😌
They seem so fun lol
AWWWW look at them all :'D
LOL Iris and TK :')) twirling around <333 they're gonna be such good besties
That guy int he white suit is eating it up xD
Awww Carlos and Andrea 🥰🥰❤️❤️😭 :')))
Awwww 😭❤️❤️❤️
Awww she's good :'))) that's good <3333 I'm so glad
AAAAHHHHHH yes literally 😭😭❤️🥰👏👏 the best night of his life :'))
Oop :o :D
LOL Paul yelling "TOMMYY" xD
TK joining Carlos 🥰
"By a certain paramedic *TK*" DANG girl did not even hesitate 💀 XDD
Lol his little throwing up of his hand xD :')
AWWW him cuddling Carlos's arm 😭 stoppp I'm not okay, they better be so clingy during and after this (the wedding) x'D
Awwww everyone's faces :'(( :') 😭😭😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺💔❤️
"This is from your husband" AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :'DDDD 😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺
:OOOO B E I N G A L I V E????!!?!?
. . . this song was on glee-
XDD that's just a thing I say lol
But I also distinctly remember thinking that, if not in the humourous way I tend to say it, when I first saw this lol
Anyway, back to pretending I haven't seen it xD
Awww TK already looking so emotional 😭
GOSH this song is so perfect for them <333
And they DESERVED such a dramatic and beautiful song honestly <3333
Tarlos, but everyone and the whole show, really <333.
:'OO! Tommy's voice is BEAUTIFUL by the way <333
Eat that UPPP girl :'))
:'o Awww taking them to the airport :')) :'(
That pervasive sadness in Owen :'(( it's rough <3
That kiss, and the hug with his girls, is emotional and they don't even know why 😭😭💔❤️🥺 <333
This is gonna hurt them, even if he believes he's sparing them from whatever xd it will be a different kind
Awww look at them all :')))
Nancy and Mateo <3333 so cute
Awww Paul and Asha :'DDD they're so beautiful <333
Also Carlos's sisters and their husbands (who don't get seats or faces lol /lh), it must be so sweet for them to see :')) like Carlos getting married I mean
AAHHHH my boysss 😭😭 <333
Clinging to each other :')) 😭🥺❤️
They're so cute 😭😭😭❤️ <333
I love them so much 🥰
Happy for them :'))
AWWW putting Charlie next to Wyatt :'))
Lol and they both have their blocks <33
Ahh but see the TV as a compromise :'))
Maybe not on purpose meaning that but TK me <33
Robert's family <333
And tarlos still clinging to each other :'))
And Marjan and her man (Yusuf is it? I believe :'D) :')) <333 adorableee
And Owen :')) ❤️
Tommy is EATINGGG this by the way ❤️😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥺💔🥰
Such a good song <33
It would be Gwyn's favorite :')) she has good taste <33
AWWW them 😭😭🥺💔
Gosh :'((( :')
Yeah, at least they got to know each other a bit <3333
It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all <3
Yeah, definitely not ready xdd
"Big brother" :'(( no one should have to bury their younger sibling
It just sucks :'(( D':
AWWW themmm :')) 🥺
Holding Andrea's hand 😭😭😭🥺❤️💔
And TK and Carlos are in it together <333 even if Carlos is the one holding her hand :') they both mean it <3
Awwww Tommy looking at Trevor :'D
Tommy's so beautiful :'))
It's rough but I'm so glad they're all happy <333
As happy as they can be in this life :')))
AWW AAHH AYYYY Wyatt stacking blocks :'DDD good for him <333
It also probably helps that they have a little more of a purpose, being with Charlie :'))
Awww they look so happy 🥰🥰 they are :'D I'm so happy for him and them <333
Oh no 😭😭💔 :'((
Gosh <333
Goodbye, Robert :'((
TK'S TEARS 😭😭🥺❤️❤️❤️
Owen taking the mask off 😭😭 :'(
Tommy you absolutely ate that up :'))) she did such an amazing job <333
Especially as TK's second mother 😭😭😭😭🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰
Awww :'))
Thank you Tommy <33
Oof :(
That's just so rough
I'm so sorry Owen <333
And for his family :'(((
Goodbye, Robert ❤️
The sun coming up :'((
And the silence 😭😭😭
Gosh that's awful
So poignant
GOSH THAT WAS PERFECT 😭😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺💔💔💔❤️❤️🥰
Such an amazing end to the season <333
Typed series for a second there lol
But because I was thinking, even though I would want so much more and I'm glad we get at least a bit more, this would be a really amazing ending to the series <333
It's just dramatic and beautiful and emotional enough that it'll be hard to top, and is an iconic moment of the series :') xD
But I'm sure they will <3
Wow. I'm so glad I did this.
It's such an amazing and beautiful episode <333
I'm so glad they're married :'))
And I'm so glad that, in the end, everyone ended up kind of okay :'))
Not perfect, not really even okay, but happy in this crazy world we and they live in
And that's enough :'))
I'm so happy for them <33
And I'm so especially happy for TK and Carlos :'DDD 🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️
Gosh I love them so much :')))
They finally did it <33 they made it :')
All roads lead to the wedding
And they did :')
Hallelujah <3 xD
Thank goodness lol
Wow. Amazing
I love this show so much <333.
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britneyshakespeare · 6 months
throughout the series of drake and josh it pretty consistently implies that josh nichols is a christian (josh peck is jewish) and in the finale of the series helen (played by yvette nicole brown, not jewish[?]) is portrayed as a practicing jew
#i dont have a problem w either of those things necessarily i just find it interesting#if i had to guess. drake and josh was a mainstream that didnt wanna touch on religion generally#but josh was kind of a dork and usually when josh's religious beliefs are implied it is in dorkish ways#such as praying and thanking the lord after he has his first kiss.#but since dan schneider is jewish perhaps he wanted to make helen have a jewish wedding in the finale?#not that there needs to be a reason. but u do notice occasional jewish-related jokes in d&j but none of them are what you could call#offensive. in good faith that is. 'eric is a pacifist' 'i thought he was jewish?' like come on#text post#i have been rewatching drake and josh recently and i have had so many thoughts#im almost done. i just have left that stupid dance episode that they premiered last for the stupid reason#of a special dance-themed premiere night in fall 2007. they premiered the third episode of icarly and a new zoey 101 on the same night#which i think is so stupid. they should've aired really big shrimp last. it messed w my understanding of the series at the time lol#i remember not really knowing that the show was ENDING. like i knew icarly was starting & miranda was doing that#i thought really big shrimp was like just another special like go hollywood.#and then like two days later they premiered the helicopter episode for some reason#and i was like why is drake not famous in this. he just had a number 1 song in a superbowl commercial#and then a month later the dance one. which. if anything is satisfying about that as a final episode it's just that#that unnamed girl from the blues brothers episode who is obsessed w drake shows up again and congratulates them#and the very final line of the series is 'who is she?' because. because really who IS she?#that's a funny enough throwback to wrap things up with i suppose#drake and josh wasn't a highly serialized show so i can see how they could air those after the intended finale and act like it didn't matte#but i have to tell you it did fuck with my brain a bit at the time. lol. i still think of those episodes as having 'happened' after#and on paramount plus those episodes are still placed after really big shrimp. the injustice#but thats kinda messy. what a weird way to end such an influential and popular sitcom#season 4 had a few lowpoints while still also having some VERY solid episodes.#idk. ill have to continue my series review another time im getting way too longwinded here#helen dubois is jewish
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thedreadvampy · 1 year
Got a paramount+ trial subscription. Just finished watching all of Strange New Worlds (review: solid star trek shenanigans, pretty much all bangers with the exception of the Spock-is-human episode which just suuuuuucked and the Klingon war trauma episode about which I have let's say Philosophical Reservations in that it could have been more Space M*A*S*H. not as gay as I was promised, in fact I would say disappointingly heterosexual. adore uhura, hemmer and la'an. cannot believe they gorned my boy 😢)
Off sick all week with COVID can't really do anything except lie around and watch TV.
#red said#an addendum to the snw review is like#bearing in mind I'm a big time ds9 guy#i really like every episode of this i think it's fun and delightful. however there are certain philosophical undercurrents I'm#at best kind of iffy on. wrt militarism.#there's points where it feels sort of like the message of the show is that it's naive and harmful to seek peace#or reconciliation#and i think that if i hold it up to tng or ds9 or even tos on that front that's a philosophy that doesn't match up with what i like in trek#like both ds9 and tng are very much about commanders doing extrajudicial war crimes but there's something about the framing#i guess like. it feels To Me like when sisko does a war crimes it weighs very heavily on him#whereas idk. it feels like the message of all the time shenanigans in snw keep coming round to You Should Feel Bad For Not Doing War Crimes#and particularly the arc with Pike staring down his fate concluding with 'you shouldn't try to change this'#compared to like. the foundation of Star Trek being 'in between two unacceptable solutions you have to look for a third way'#it sits a bit wrong for me. like. maybe they're planning more on that but it feels like they've concluded that arc with#'guess i have to let people die to prevent a future where i try to make peace then fuck it up'#like the message of season 1 is You Can't Change Your Fate which is. a weirdly doomery one.#don't get me wrong I've really been enjoying snw i think it's probably the most flat out Good Star Trek since DS9#buuuuuuuut. i have Reservations. as i always do.#also callout post for my pal saying this is the gayest star trek. there's no fucking gays here and the nonbinary character is a 1-ep villain#i mean ortega is for sure a dyke but not explicitly#2 seconds of Andrew Robinson and Alexander Siddig sharing the screen in DS9 is gayer than this whole season and a half of SNW#literally are ANY of this cast canon queer? feel like there's a couple of lines of throwaway bisexuality but be real#we had that in the 90s#it's not toppling DS9 for gay rep any time soon and DS9 was made in the era where you weren't ALLOWED to be gay on star trek#(unless you were evil or a worm)
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
Sam.levinson cannot write
which makes me sad because i loved season one of euphoria i really did. i hated assassination nation though hated it did not like malcolm & marie either and season two of euphoria is what really cemented him as an enemy of mine so you would have to pay me to watch the idol
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dreamylyfe-x · 2 years
Also, by far my least favourite criticism of Poker Face is the complaint that she "runs into too many murders."
First of all -- that's the concept, guys. It's sort of like complaining that Kara does too much flying in Supergirl.
But second of all -- last of all? MOST of all. MOST of all that's not an interesting critique. What exactly are you suggesting? Do you need a reason for her to run into so much murder? Do you WANT her to be a cop? Some shows I've watched about people solving murders, the solver is a psychic. Is that better? Can't it just be that... She's good at spotting when something is off? Because that is the reason why. A good number of the episodes, she's the only reason people even know a murder happened.
I find this point equally confusing when people make it about Murder, She Wrote. "Someone dies everywhere that lady goes. It's unrealistic!"
Virtually ever TV show ever made is unrealistic! Half the staff of Seattle Grace have either suffered a traumatic death, or been traumatized by the traumatic death of a colleague that they witnessed. Half the episodes of SVU I've seen aren't even about sex crimes. You want to be bothered about Murder, She Wrote? Be bothered by the fact that someone dies everywhere Jessica Fletcher goes, and yet people are always happy to see her.
No one has any idea that people die everywhere Charlie Cale goes and people are only happy to see her maybe 65% of the time.
Just let the murder show be about murder.
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typheus · 2 years
who's being silly on Twitter rn i don't have a twt account but i'm nosy and i wanna snoop
dont wanna say the name cause her fans are annoying as fuck :/ but its the s0uth p4rk in hell show
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rgbyshipper101 · 2 years
Animaniacs Reboot Season 3 Episode 1 Review
I’m rewatching the episodes for accuracy but only for the Warners. I don’t know P&TB that well to accurately judge them so I’m not worried about them.
I’m gonna do a play by play then an actual review.
The theme song has the contract say 10/13 episodes. Funny. The variable verse is “excessive spit takey” said by Yakko.
Previously On retells the last episode of season 2 with Yakko doing spit takes. Then the cup does a Yakko spit take. Lol
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Banana computer! The fact that it’s off-center bothers me.
Yakko, Wakko, and Dot
I’m gonna combine parts 1 and 2 of the Warners.
Ralph seems to enjoy being in charge of the studio. Good for him. He deserves it. He is on a no meat diet, though? And he has to watch meat movies? Sadistic, much, Flora Dora? That’s probably why he goes insane later when the Warners steal his sandwich.
Meatball Man is probably a play on Batman/Marvel/DC movies. Pasta la pizza, gravy is pretty clever. Although how come he is the only one that’s actually meat (I think)? The sausages are humans or aliens dressed as meat.
Nora ends up quitting and becomes the security guard. How is she writing on her laptop? Touchscreen? I do like how both Flora Dora and Nora’s cats have the same hairstyle as them. “Fynd Wrk” is a play on “Indeed” or “LinkedIn”.
So without a guard the Warners run wild and havoc on the studio. Legit. I like the transition where Scratchy falls and it shows him sliding onto his glasses.
“The new Ralph!” lol Also is this referencing when Plotz was a security guard in A Christmas Plotz? That doesn’t look like 4:30am it looks like 4:30pm.
I feel like they’re making Wakko less intuitive than usual. I’m gonna check throughout the season.
Yakko could’ve at least caught his brother. Also, ya’ll see the wall? 87 days? Plus the 8 near the door is 95. Aaaaawww! I was thinking it’s their age. But it would have to be 2024/2025 then.
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Dot says “Boys” One of her old lines. Also Yakko says “kids” instead of “sibs.” This saddens me. I know he’s supposed to be oldest and the one that takes care of them but he’s still a kid and their brother. He wouldn’t think of himself that much older mentally.
I feel bad. I know they’re referencing movies but I don’t know a lot of them. There’s gonna be a lot references I don’t know about. Oh boy…
I’m disappointed in myself for not realizing they were in the SWAT uniforms. Although I think it would’ve been better if they tricked Nora.
I know the Warners don’t show affection verbally but…this still seemed off. I can’t see them being desperate to get out of it. They’re very close so they wouldn’t need to be scared of Nora. They could’ve outsmarted her or did reverse psychology. I get what they were going for, but I just can’t see it.
I do like “yoinky yoinky yoinky.” Are they not allowed to say any of their old sayings?
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So Ralph gets competent being himself and eating whatever he wants? Who would’ve thought that being not who you are makes you less productive. (Sarcasm)
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Batman and Wonder Woman.
I do find it interesting how he was able to beat the Warners here. This is one of the instances where something in the beginning of the episode plays again later - the movie lines playing again is the one for this episode. Although the ending differs. …Would he…have tried to eat Dot?
So the roles switch. Poor Ralph was sad but it’s nice to see Nora have a heart. I like how they had the net ready for him.
Well this episode served its purpose. Making everything back to normal since there’s a new season.
I did like part 1 better. More Warner antic are my forte. Stop hurting the Warners. They do happy accidents like finding solutions without meaning to - not the adversary. It’s cute how they lean on each other. It’s nice to see the subtle affection - see? They are nice with each other. It’s their actions. Each Warner had a time to shine (kinda). The transitions were good. Tried to look at animation. I think it was improved. The details are nice.
Pinky and The Brain
The animation threw me off for Pinky’s song but it was not bad. I do like the Pinky blogger series. It shows the plot in a different way than normal. Nice detail with the camera not being steady since Pinky is holding it. Pinky was sweet at the end. There’s a lot of Brinky moments this season. Or friendship moments.
Warners (both) - 7.7
P&TB - 8.5
Avg - 8.1
These were my initial ratings but it might change.
Wasn’t a bad start but could be better. I feel like the Warners were a little complacent than normal. Their personalities…I’ll save that for my season review.
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relative-dimension · 2 years
“Prisoners of Conciergerie”
Season 1, episode 42 - 12th September 1964
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[id: The Doctor holds his cloak up to his chest and says to the jailer “I came to make sure of Robespierre’s downfall” /end id]
Season finale time! Not that it really means much, the gap between this episode and Planet of Giants is only a couple of months, and despite the ending that does feel like it’s putting a full stop on the show so far, we get the “next episode” title tease anyway. I’ll probably take a bit of a break after this, a couple of weeks or so, but I will post a “season in review” type thing with overall thoughts on the serials rather than the individual episodes. Anyway this episodes good. I find it incredibly funny that they just made up a secret meeting so that Napoleon could be in the episode, and the complaints they got afterwards were justified but I think it was worth it.
Is it an entertaining watch: 4/5, this serial is good! I’d not seen it before and was expecting it to be a bit strange in the way that some of the other pure historicals of this era have been, but it’s good!
Does the production hold up: 3/5, I love Ian and Barbara’s costumes for their little mission at the end. Especially Ian’s hat. Nothing else really notable i just loved that.
Does it use its time well: 3/5, the diversion into “hey Napoleon’s here too” comes slightly out of nowhere, but it does mostly fit into the flow of the story.
Are the characters consistent and well-used: 3/5, Ian and Barbara get their side-quest at the end which is great for them, but Dr Who and Susan are somewhat sidelined because of it
Is there anything actually going on under the surface: 3/5, it’s interesting when this show chooses to deal with time travel as a concept, and the idea of changing history. This episode, like The Aztecs before it, has a hands-off “if we try anything it won’t work” approach, which is nice even if it’s contradicted by every story to deal with it in the future. But it’s very much an undercurrent and just something I thought was interesting to note.
Does it avoid being a bit dodge with its politics: 4/5, seems mostly fine, the weird shit from earlier is still somewhat present but not as bad.
Overall Score - 20/30
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HOTD: Daemon’s character overall - part. I
The special thing about Daemon as a character is that he is a grey character. That's one of the most intriguing about him. That’s why so many like him, one of the most interesting things in the universe George has created is his sense of understanding about not every character or situation is black or white, there is always grey areas, grey choices, grey characters. 
But what are the things showing Daemon’s character’s grey side in the show? They show him as war hungry, abusive, cold blooded killer, bad, egoistic... What good qualities have they show him as a grey character? Matt Smith’s coolness? They always skip chances to show something good about his character. For example, one of the most redeeming quality about Daemon is his loyal to his family. They had couple of chances showing this side of him, but no. They skipped it (or cut in the editing process). Again, he is cold in those situations like every other situations. 
So people are saying, Daemon is a grey character, an antihero but what are the things Daemon do in the show that we can consider him as grey. He is more like a villain than antihero. I am not one of those people who thinks Daemon can’t do anything wrong. No, I want Daemon to do bad things, him being war hungry, sometimes being a bad husband, yes I want to see his bad sides, but where are his good sides, where are the things that are going to make his character grey?
That’s why I don’t like Daemon in the show as I should (after episode 10). He is not grey, he is no anti hero, they don’t show the things we can consider him as a grey character, he is more of a villain. 
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mbrainspaz · 2 years
props to Jackson for carrying the colossal burden of being the comic relief character in the absence of Stiles. Valiant effort.
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