#what if keith can not know peace
autisticlancemcclain · 9 months
part one
They’re not careless.
But they’re not careful, either.
They’ve never bothered discussing whether or not they’re trying to be discreet. It was always just the natural way they went about things. Their friends already have so much to worry about, so much to reckon with. It’s a waste of their limited time to sit them down and announce to them that they’re — what, sleeping together?
This is what Keith tells himself.
He sees the hurt in Lance’s eyes, when he flinches away from his touch. He knows it’s worse still because he is an instigator, because he is so fucking incapable of keeping his hands to himself. His palm will find the small of Lance’s back like a magnet to steel, his shoulder will soften itself so Lance can rest his head. He doesn’t even realize he’s doing it, half the time, doesn’t notice the way he seeks out Lance’s hand or crowds too close to him until he catches someone’s eye, watching them, and springs apart, flings Lance’s away from him like he’s been burned.
I love you.
Isn’t that reason enough?
In the morning Keith wakes up sweltering. In the back of his mind, as it always does, burns the skin-crawling feeling of being watched. There’s no one in the bedroom and he knows it, but shame runs down his spine anyway. Suddenly the blankets twisting his and Lance’s legs together are binding, and the press of their sweat-slick skin tigger is revolting, sticky. The nausea that churns lowly in his belly at all times bubbles infinitely more aggressively than usual, and Keith knows if he doesn’t extract himself immediately he’ll explode; chunks of him will hit the walls and his blood will paint the tile floor. He inches under his skin, bile coats the back of his throat, heart pounding so fast it’s a him.
A low, quiet quiet groaning noise startled the hell out of him. He looks over and Lance is shifting, sliding his arms out from under the pillow and turning slightly, so he’s facing Keith instead of the wall, hands curled into his chest and under his chin.
There’s a pillow crease steamed across his cheek, and his face is smushed by the pillow, forcing his lips to pucker.
Keith smiles.
The roaring in his head quiets somewhat. Without thinking he reaches out his hand, fingertips tracing the creased skin of Lance’s cheek so lightly he hardly touches with anything more than his callouses. His skin is warm to the touch, but not overly so.
Keith lets out a long, hard breath. His heart rate slows. He traces the pucker of Lance’s lip, feeling the curve of his cupid’s bow, noting the tiny scars from where Lance picks the skin when he’s bored or nervous.
Slowly, as if a string is pulling them together, Keith leans down. Somewhere between his pillow and Lance’s his eyes close, and the press of their lips is that much softer.
It should be gross. They both have morning breath, and minutes ago the thought of their bare skin touching made Keith want to throw up, but now the press of Lance’s chapped lips to his is addicting and calming and electrifying.
Lance stirs, groggy and half awake, but it’s — this is not the first time he’s woken to Keith’s closeness.
It takes him a few seconds to boot up, for his brain to catch up with the way his hands are already sliding up the back of Keith’s neck, tangling in his hair. Keith knows he’s awake when he feels the flutter of Lance’s absurdly long eyelashes against his cheekbones, when his mouth stretches into a grin too wide to kiss properly.
“Hi,” he mumbles happily. He keeps one hand on the base of Keith’s skull, letting the other one slide coyly down the curve of his shoulder, the dip of his chest, the line of hair under his navel, resting cheekily on the top of his waistband. Every brush of his fingers washes away the burn shame still lingering. “You’re touchy this morning.”
Keith hums. He presses his lips to the corner of Lance’s mouth, to his cheek, to his jaw, down his neck. His stubble must be too light on Lance’s skin because he laughs, airy, smacking his palm on Keith’s scapula. Keith snickers, rubbing his cheek harder along his neck just to make him shriek, revelling in the way Lance wraps his legs around his hips to try and flip him but can’t, the way he shoves and pinches but lets up the second Keith starts to suck a bruise on his collarbone.
He’s so easy.
“Keith,” Lance whines, but it’s breathy and Keith wants to swallow to sound. “Keith, we’re disgusting. Your breath stinks and if I don’t shower I’m going to hurt somebody. Probably you. Do you want me to hurt you?”
Keith reaches up, pressing Lance’s fingers deeper into the flesh of his shoulder, and lets his silence speak for him.
Lance snorts, and Keith knows he has him because he melts visibly. “You dog.”
The hand in Keith’s hair starts to move, combing through the tangled strands, scratching gently at his scalp. Keith doesn’t let up, but he softens in kind, letting his lips on Lance’s skin morph into something softer, more chaste.
“We can screw in the shower?” he offers, voice hopeful. “That’s a good compromise.”
It is a good compromise, but Keith is feeling bold (i love you isn’t that reason enough it’s physical you have ruined everyone you ever loved it’s physical it’s physical it’s physical), so he sets out to guarantee Lance will bend.
He pulls away from Lance’s neck, just slightly, and looks up from under his lashes, widening his eyes just so.
And watched with great pleasure as Lance crumbles.
He shoves Keith’s face away, red-cheeked and huffy, throwing off the covers and stomping to the ensuite. He grumbles all the way there, much of it too low for Keith to hear but much more of it loud and pointed and intentional (Keith knows what zorra means, thanks.)
“I want to actually shower,” Lance says sternly, water droplets flicking off his wagging finger and landing on Keith’s nose.
Keith nods sagely. “We will.”
“In decent time, Akira.”
“Of course.”
“I have stuff to do today.”
“Me too.”
“Minimal shenanigans.”
The shower lasts well over an hour.
“Wipe the smirk off your face,” Lance demands, but his lips are twitching, too,
Keith grabs him by the waist and dips him, laughing, kissing him soundly and wholly and he wonders what the fuck is his problem. He wonders why he has to be so goddamn resistant to things, why he works himself up so bad, why any of that shit matters. Why can’t he have this? Why can’t he have — one good thing, the one; why can’t he have Lance’s gun-calloused palms on his cheeks and smile pressed to his and deep dark brown eyes warm and pretty and happy and pointed at him? Why can’t he have that? Why can’t things be good and simple, why can’t this be something he can fall into?
I love you.
Isn’t that reason enough?
He’s not careless. He can’t afford to be.
But he’s — loosened. His guard is down. They get dressed and ready for the day and Keith follows Lance out their door and he’s laughing, and his hand is curled around the curve of his waist, and they smell of the same shampoo.
“Does it amuse you to make me late for things, you jackass — oh! Hunk!”
Keith inhales sharp and short. He yanks his hand away like it hurts to keep it there for a second longer, stumbling backwards.
“Hey, guys.”
Something tight and painful coils in his stomach, and his blood turns to lead. Hunk’s expression is carefully, carefully pleasant; soft, even, as he returns Lance’s hug and greeting.
But the pinprick at the back of his neck is back. The shame, hot, crawls down his spine, blooms heavy in the hollow of his chest.
“I’m gonna go — train,” he chokes out, hyperaware of the bruise on Lance’s neck, of the cobweb in the corner of his room, the braid in Keith’s hair; hyperaware of Hunk’s eye on them.
“Aw,” Lance pouts. “You sure?”
Keith can’t manage a verbal response. His throat has closed, aching, dry, desolate. He barely manages a nod.
“We’ll see you at dinner?” Hunk asks, only there’s no request in his voice, and Keith doesn’t miss how his body has curved, slightly; just barely nudging Lance behind him, as if he is to be protected, as if he is to be protected from Keith.
I love you.
You have ruined everything you have ever loved.
Isn’t that reason enough?
Physical, physical, physical.
Keith turns and flees.
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shatterinseconds · 28 days
“Baby,” Lance says.
Keith snorts, loud and uncaring. “God no, not in a million years.”
“Alright.” Lance scratches out a line on his pad of paper. “Does that mean babe’s out too?”
Keith wrinkles his nose. “It’s not the best but tolerable.”
“We’ll note that as a strong maybe.” In which Lance actually does mark down a quick note to the side of the list, and Keith catches himself from rolling his eyes.
For the past week, they’ve been staying at Lance’s family home in Cuba while they decide on their next steps in a post Voltron, post war world. They rest on the back patio, facing the backyard that really extends into open land far beyond them, neighbors a mile away at least. It’s quiet and beautiful and even when the commotion of Lance’s entire family is present, it’s one of Keith’s new favorite places in the world. They watch Lance’s niece and nephew for the afternoon while Lance’s older brother runs errands and Lance’s mother prepares dinner.
Keith angles his head closer to Lance, though he’s still mostly blocked by the small table between them, and gestures to the list. “Is this really necessary?”
“Pet names are important to me,” Lance replies with a quirk to the corner of his mouth. The summer breeze, fresh off the ocean and carrying a thin taste of salt, curls through his brown hair. “Mullet is great but I need at least one more that’s affectionate.”
Keith scrunches his nose.
The thing is, all of this is new to Keith. The peace, the stability, having a permanent place to call home again, and… their relationship. They’ve been dancing around each other for years, as their teammates love to complain about, but officially being together, having the ability to call Lance his partner, boyfriend, lover? That all happened less than a couple weeks ago—and yet it already feels timeless.
Seeing Keith’s reluctance, Lance stands to relocate himself on Keith’s lap, settling his full weight on Keith’s thighs. Keith glares, though he moves his hands onto Lance’s hips and his fingers wiggle under Lance’s loose shirt to hunt for warm patches of skin. Lance tugs on his ears, guiding Keith to tilt his head and capture his mouth in a soft kiss. 
And what a lovely kiss it is.
“I’m trying to be nice by giving you a choice.” Lance laughs a little when they break apart, only to lean back down. He stops a hair’s breadth away from Keith’s mouth. When he speaks again, his breath drifts over Keith’s lips, a soft caress. “What about sweetheart, honey bunches, pickle?”
“Okay, now these are just getting ridiculous.” Keith wraps his arms around Lance’s waist, pulling him closer, and buries his nose into the crook of Lance’s neck.
“I don’t know,” Lance mutters, starting to absently play with Keith’s hair, twirling the long strands around his fingers. “I’m kinda partial to sweetheart.”
“Yeah, that’s not bad,” Keith admits as a faint blush rises on his pale cheeks. He tries to bury his face deeper to cover it, but he should’ve guessed how well that would work out.
A shit-eating grin stretches wide across Lance’s face; Keith can feel it against the side of his head. “I see we’ve found our winner.” Humming, Lance leans down toward Keith’s ear. “Sweetheart.”
Face glowing and mind reeling, Keith shoves Lance off his lap. “Shut up,” he lightly growls, mortified at his own reaction.
Lance arches his head back as he cackles from his spot on the ground, eventually flopping down and pillowing his head with his hands as he lazily stares up at Keith. That shit-eating grin refuses to fall off his face. “Yeah, this is going to be fun.”
And despite Keith’s own face remaining beet red, he can’t help but smile too.
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jiveyuncle · 9 months
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All of the art I post is going to be hella out of order, but these set you up for the fic’s initial premise pretty well! A justly pissed, grudge-holding Lance and a clueless, reincarnated Keith.
Keith gets a blessed 30 seconds where the only sound is his sword slashing through shrubbery before Lance decides to start up again. "You know what I don't understand?" He asks, his words drenched in incredulity.
"The desire for peace and quiet." Keith vaults over what he assumes is the equivalent of a fallen tree on this planet.
Lance ignores his response. "Why you came back so small and fragile and weak."
"Clearly, because I'm not whoever you think I am."
A scoff. "Oh, you absolutely are. Your taste in bad hairstyles alone is a dead giveaway."
Keith glares over his shoulder. "I am this close," he pinches his fingers so close together that the space between them is arguably nonexistent, "to disproving your assumption about my strength and letting your little prophecy that I'm a threat become a self-fulfilling one."
Lance blinks, and then the forest is filled with raucous laughter. He leans against a low hanging branch in bewilderment, and the first sign of actual amusement lights up his features. It's downright blinding. "Seriously? You can't say something like that with that face and expect me to believe you're someone else. It's such a you thing!"
You can read the fic here:
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kkochang · 1 month
Do you also just think about klance and how domestic they could've been if DreamWorks weren't cowards?
Like, it's canon that Keith is an early riser and Lance likes to sleep in late. So, I'm imagining Keith trying to get up for training and stuff, but he finds himself pinned down by his boyfriend, leg over his hips and arm resting on top of his torso (I like to think that Lance has a habit of keeping his palm on Keith's chest, where he can feel his heartbeat). So, Keith finds himself in a heated argument between wanting to get out of bed and not wanting to wake Lance up.
He sighs heavily, having been over this more than once, and tries to slid out of his boyfriend's embrace carefully. But, of course, he fails (because Lance is a clingy bastard) and the half-embrace only grows tighter, a sleepy 'don't' leaving Lance's lips.
Keith's gives up for now, sparing some time for his dear lover, scattering messy kisses all over his face and playing with his soft bed hair with one hand, while the other one rubs mindless circles on Lance's tanned skin. It's lazy and cozy but then Lance finally rolls to his other side because Keith runs hot, which gives the latter the perfect possibility to start his day (of course, only after giving Lance one last kiss on the temple).
Since Lance has lots of siblings and stuff, he had to learn how to cook from an early age, tho with all that world saving and now forming a steady ground for peace he doesn't have much time left for that. So, whenever he has time (and energy) he cooks some delicious meal, taking the kitchen all to himself (music blowing and his singing+dancing combo in its full glory). Keith does offer his help, but the most he's trusted with are vegetables cutting and mixing the ingredients.
But most of the time he just likes to hug Lance from behind during those rare moments as he stands relatively still or annoying him, teasing and messing around at 'his' kitchen. Keith also knows how to cook but it's something easy and quick.
Imagine Lance catching a flu and Keith is freaking out, because he has no idea what to do. He never takes care of himself nor did any of his foster families offered him enough love and care. So, he remembers all what Shiro and Adam did when he was sick as a teenager and does the same for Lance. He cooks a chicken soup (bland and the chicken is a little rubbery, but, hey, it's the thought that counts after all), brings him warm tea with lemon and honey, never leaves his side and makes sure he has every needed medicine or whatever his poor boyfriend wants.
At first, Lance is perplexed by this side of Keith, the one he rarely lets slip out to the surface. But he soon finds himself completely pampered in love and care, trying to cover his flustration by teasing Keith for being a mother hen. But deep down he's endlessly grateful.
Both of them suffer from nightmares, so they learned all the best ways of how to calm each other down, how to show support and what lines aren't supposed to be crossed.
They both require physical contact, for Lance it's a tight hug, whilst for Keith it's hand holding or a gentle hand in his hair because he hates feeling trapped in his panicked state the most. For the most part of the night afterwards, none of them gets to sleep, so sometimes they watch a show or just hold each other close as if giving silent promise to protect one another no matter what.
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leenfiend · 3 months
Kissing you on the mouth for your Lance son of Hermes take. I didn't even really have an opinion before but after reading your post I'm immediately sold and so invested in the au
Do you have ideas on what the other characters godly parents would be? Hunk with Hephaestus makes sense to me, and I'm a fan of Keith son of Ares (learning to accept his godly dad could match with his arc about accepting he's part galra, a supposedly evil/violent side of him, + the anger and fighting skills), but not sure about the others...
hello!!! I'm glad you see the vision hehe. I actually sent many a paragraph to heynhay about this only yesterday. I was firmly on the son of Ares Keith headcanon but then... someone reblogged my post saying Keith son of Zeus (I think it was @pidges-lost-robot and i was like WAAAAIT.
Okay so here's my many many paragraphs explaining headcanons for each. Shiro son of Zeus: Okay so in my head Shiro & Keith are both sons of Zeus but for very different reasons. They're like Thalia vs Jason types. Shiro is a great leader, he's ambitious, he's brave, he's a legend. His dad is so proud. He's been on like 20 quests and absolutely demolished all of them. All the kids in camp know he's So Cool and Talented. He can be hot headed sometimes but ultimately he's really adept at setting aside his feelings for the Greater Good etc. Ideal hero type and ideal son to the big guy upstairs. Keith son of Zeus: Keith is all the bad traits of Zeus (sorry to him). He's got a short temper, he's impulsive, he's closed off. He's a prodigy without meaning to be. Everyone pays attention to him but (despite what Lance thinks) it's because they think he's a freak, he's not a big three kid the way you're Supposed To Be. And he doesn't want to be a leader. This really rubs Zeus the wrong way. Keith would rather disappear into the ranks of his fellow campers than be the star of the show and that goes against everything children of Zeus are supposed to be. His dad definitely refuses to claim him for a long time which makes Keith just some weird really powerful kid who doesn't know who his godly parent is. Luckily Shiro takes him under his wing : )) (too bad Shiro doesn't come back from his latest quest tho, no one knows where he went off to and Chiron doesn't want to send out a quest because if something kept Shiro The Legend from coming back to camp it must be really bad). Hunk son of Aphrodite: ANOTHER ONE I'M FIRM ABOUT. I think Hunk's defining characteristic is his love for his friends. Hunk is always looking for peaceful ways to solve problems, he's always forming relationships with people before doing anything else, he really values giving love to those around him. It also doesn't hurt that he's kind of squeamish and particular about a lot of things, as a lot of Aphrodite's children are. But I really think his greatest strengths are the ways he's able to relate to others. I know a lot of people say Lance is the glue that holds everyone together, but I think it's Hunk. I know the fanon is that Aphrodite's kids are all just big flirts but I think both Selena and Piper are great examples that that's not true, and Hunk would absolutely be their brother. Pidge daughter of Hephaestus: I've seen some people saying Athena for Pidge but that's another one where I just can't get behind it. Pidge is so smart in so many ways but so stupid in others. She's too impulsive and single minded to be a daughter of Athena, imo. Her main love is figuring out how things work, what makes them tick, and using that knowledge to help those she loves. Children of Hephaestus are know to hold grudges, fight for their families, and let's not forget Hephaestus spending literally all of his free time trying to play pranks on the other Gods with his little contraptions like that is all Pidge would do all day long. Plus she befriends a robot and that is who she talks to for the first like 3 episodes of Voltron that is so unbelievably child of Hephaestus energy. Anyway thank u for asking this question I've been thinking on it for days. I am also open to the idea of Shiro being a son of Athena, I think that would suit him well. And also in my head I like to think Keith would potentially just remain unclaimed until he stomped his way to Mount Olympus and forced whoever was his parent to fess up.
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milkiane · 2 years
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GOLDEN GIRL. robin buckley.
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summary: steve flirts with the cool beautiful tourist who visits family video for her girlfriend.
warnings: profanities. suggestive comments. embarrassed steve. gif credits to @dykejaskiers
word count: 1.4k
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steve doesn’t know how everything went off the rails or why he suddenly has six kids under his wing – seven if you include robin. he used to be king steve, now he’s mom steve to a pack of fifteen-year-old shitheads.
where are their parents? it’s a question steve wishes he has an answer to.
the said shitheads were currently huddled at the corner of family video. it was a monday so they were the only ones keeping him busy. he had to drag the staff room’s television out and let them choose a film from the newly shipped releases after getting blackmailed by dustin.
“farrah fawcett.” dustin mouthed. he was lucky keith was out for a two-week vacation.
steve glared at him like there was no tomorrow — other than the mean blackmailing, it was peaceful. they were quiet, aside from occasional comments and laughter. steve basks it all in.
robin is out back, rewinding tapes, and steve is, yet again, stuck by the counter whilst looking out for the kids because where else will steve be without his children?
the overhead bell rings, signaling a customer, but steve couldn’t even bother to look up as he mindlessly flips through a magazine. he drones aloofly, “hi, welcome to family video. my name is steve and i’ll be helping you find the perfect film for yadda yadda yadda.”
“you think you can help me find a good rom-com, steve?”
his head snaps towards the lovely voice, magazine nearly dropping from his hands as he gapes at the sight of you. hawkins is a small town and you must be a tourist because it would be foolish of him to miss someone as drop-dead gorgeous as you. 
“h-hi, my name is uh- harrington. steve. steve harrington.”
“hi, steve harrington,” you smile, a hint of mischief in your sultry voice. you knew who he was, you’ve seen him in the manifold of polaroids robin has. you decide that you want to have some fun.
steve’s knees nearly buckled, chills ran through his bones, and goosebumps rose on his skin. your voice was airy, like a soft breeze alleviating the heat of a feverish man under the scorching sun.
he feels his hands start to get clammy, was it getting hot in here? he lightly tugs at the collar of his god-awful shirt. “what was your question again? i’m sorry, i must have gotten lost in your eyes for a bit.”
you scoff in amusement, ignoring his outdated pick-up line. “rom-coms? do you have any new releases that are worth watching?”
max snickers at the sight of a tomato-red steve, she nudged the others and paused the movie to watch steve instead. it was better than whatever movie lucas picked.
steve directs his attention to the kids and glares at them. he takes a deep breath before turning his gaze back to your expecting one. 
“well, if it’s romcoms you’re looking for, we don’t have any good ones yet,” he starts, tilting his head to the side to flash you his ever-charming smile. “but, y’know, i heard that pretty in pink is good.”
robin shuffles out of the back room and grins at the sight of you. she heard steve’s poor flirting attempts and decided to bring out the scoreboard, but when her eyes settled on you, her grin widened even more.
“yeah?” you muse, leaning against the counter. you notice robin’s presence.
steve gulps at the proximity, he wasn’t lying when he said he gets lost in your eyes. “yeah… i can- i can take you to the movies and we can watch it together?”
you hum as if in thought, playing with the charms on your bracelet before you look up at him with a smile. you ask sweetly, “you think i can invite robin to come with?” 
robin stifles her laughter.
“rob-” he pauses, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. “robin? buckley? my robin buckley?”
“well, yeah,” you shrug, lips curling into a smirk. “i mean, i don’t think it’ll look good for me if i go out with my girlfriend’s best friend to the movies alone, don’t you think?”
steve’s jaw drops.
the kids burst out laughing.
robin snickers, making her way towards you. “i thought you were staying at home today, baby?”
steve grimaces at the pet name. 
“well, i thought i’d visit my best girl,” you smile, leaning into her embrace as she wraps her arms around you. she pulls you in for a kiss.
“-and flirt with her coworker slash best friend?” steve asks bitterly, a small pout on his lips. his glare steers to robin. “and you! you let me go on with it – what is wrong with you, seriously.”
dustin and max cackle at his demise. tears were forming in their eyes from their laughter.
“you were doing the flirting,” robin points out. “she was asking you for movies. you know, like what you’re paid to do?”
steve grumbles, but he isn’t mad or annoyed. he’s actually happy for robin even though he felt cross that she never told him about her cool girlfriend from the city.
“aww, it’s okay, steve,” you coo. “we can still go to the movies. if it helps, i know robin will let you hold my hand if you get lonely.”
he shoots you a sarcastic smile.
“i will, actually,” robin agrees, wrapping her arm around your shoulders. “i know how you cry when the guy and the girl finally get together.”
“okay, you’ve had your fun.” he rolls his eyes, hands resting on his hips as he looks at the giggling children. mom steve mode activated. “and you shitheads, do you want to walk home later?”
robin grins, intertwining her hands with yours. she drags you towards the backroom, sneaking behind steve as he continues to scold them. you hear the faint sounds of the television after a few seconds.
you hop on top of the low shelves in the room, grabbing one of the lone vhs tapes as robin shuts the door. you snort, showing her the tape with wiggling eyebrows. “may the foreskin be with you.”
she pulls a face of disgust as she settles herself in between your legs. “that’s actually so fucking gross, i can’t believe people are into these.”
you laugh. “don’t kink shame, robs. might i remind you that you absolutely love being-”
robin scoffs, pinching your thighs. “you’re being malicious.”
you smile, putting the tape down to wrap your arms around her neck, her own promptly snaking around your waist to pull you just a little bit closer. you pull her into a soft kiss, mumbling in between pecks, “missed you,”
“you know i missed you more,” she says, moving forward to kiss you again, and again, and again. it was an act that she will never get tired of. it was dizzying, the feeling of you, the feeling of your love.
the kiss was heated, lips pressing together like the final piece to complete the puzzle – the feeling of domestic content as you step back to admire your work. it’s bruised and red, a feat of passionate love and adoration.
your hands roam wherever they can, trailing and leaving goosebumps in their wake – an unconscious matter of habit; memorized after spending time after time of lingering touches and ardent intimacy.
you’ve never loved anything more than you loved robin. it was endless, the love you have for her, and you never quite failed to remind her, to show her. it goes on a long way; like going on a trip to find the other side of the rainbow where you’ll find a pot of gold.
but the happiness doesn’t stop at the gold; it’s where fortune leads you.
and it’s infinite because with the gold in your hands, life keeps getting better every waking moment. you’re lucky. 
with robin, you are golden.
a soft moan slipped out of your lips as her tongue slipped into yours. 
steve makes himself welcome in the room, leaning against the doorframe. “you aren't paid to sneak in your girlfriend and make out with her, you know?”
robin hums, a soft smile gracing her lips. her eyes never wavered from yours. “wish i was,”
you are golden but she will always be your golden girl.
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violettduchess · 5 months
Hello I hope not to bother for the Winter Flurries
The spin prompts wheel landed on sleep intimacy Can I have it with Keith? 🙏 One of thetwo is fine whoever you are most comfortable with 🤗
I am sending you guys and support for your job I never thought it was so hard 😳 You have my respect Remember to take breaks sometimes to and fuel yourself with your fav snack 😉😘
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A/N: Here you are @queengiuliettafirstlady 💜
Keith x Reader
WC: ~680
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The Jadean morning light slides eager fingers along the window panes of your bedroom but it is no match for the heavy forest green velvet of your drapery. Not even a sliver of light manages to sneak its way into the darkened haven of the room. If you knew it was so late in the morning, you would feel a deep flush of embarrassment that you were still abed. But the curtains keep you cocooned in darkness and the strong arm wrapped around your middle anchors you to a very warm, very naked body.
You snuggle even closer, burrowing deeper into Keith’s sleep-heavy embrace. His breathing shifts, air drawn in quickly for only a moment before he exhales, remaining in the sea of sleep, under the waves of dreaming.
There is nothing that makes you happier than this, a moment in time where you are both at complete and utter peace. Where there is no worry for the burdens of the day or the regrets of the past. There is only you and the man who is yours to love, your hearts beating in tranquil unison.
You’re almost asleep again when you feel him move, a languid, full-body motion like that of a panther slanting down to stretch its powerful muscles. Keith's long legs extend and he sighs, relishing the feel of the cool silk sheets not warmed by his body. A deep rumble rolls through his chest as he half-groans, half-yawns, pushing away the last lingering cobwebs of sleep.
“Mmm….breakfast,” he murmurs, his voice gravel bedecked in satin. 
“What’re you–Oh!” He bites into the curve of your shoulder, a breathlessly unexpected action. His large hand is now splayed possessively against your stomach and you know exactly who has woken up.
Your heart slingshots against your breastbone as you turn within the tight circle of his arms. The room is still bathed in shadow, still holding the daybreak at bay. His eyes look like burnished gold in the dusk of the room.
You slide your hand up between your bodies, cradling his strong jaw in your palm where you can feel, more than see, his smile.
“I think we may have already missed breakfast.” You stroke the smooth skin of his cheek. He turns, with a smile both quick and wild, and bites the tip of your index finger, laughing when you gasp. 
“Who says I can’t satisfy my hunger right here, right now?” He ducks his head and demonstrates exactly what he means as his tongue traces a heated path down your neck, following the rapidly increasing rhythm of your pulse.
Oh how easy it would be to stay in bed with him all day…..to allow this man to have his fill of you, to give yourself over to it completely.
Temptation winds itself around you, following the path of his covetous hands, his insatiable mouth. 
So very easy……
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The sun has given up trying to lure you out of bed, instead concentrating all of its efforts on illuminating the rolling green fields, the proud forests, the smooth gray stone of the castle.
It is already tiring, reading itself to embrace the promise of evening when Keith blinks, momentarily disoriented as he wakes up. How late is it? How long have you been asleep? 
You’re curled up against him, one arm thrown across his strong chest, your head a warm, heavy weight on his shoulder. Your hair is tousled, your skin decorated with clusters of pink love bites. They remind him of cherry blossoms floating across still waters. Slowly, he moves his free arm and traces over several of them, his touch tender. He knows that he would never hurt you, that any mark left on your beautiful skin was welcomed. 
His large hand moves to brush away several strands of hair that lay across your cheek and his heart feels warm and light, like it could rise up to the heavens and outshine any star pinned to the night sky.
You stir, sliding your leg over his and readjusting your cheek on his shoulder before sinking back down into the lulling ocean of dreams.
Forget time and it’s demanding minutes and hours. Today has been lost to the feel of you wrapped in his arms. The both of you rising in a shower of sparks and then falling together, swathed in peaceful darkness.
He sighs, deeply content and wholly in love, letting his golden eyes flutter closed once again.
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Tagging: @xbalayage @alexxavicry @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @aria-chikage @redheadkittys @tele86 @dear-mrs-otome @olivermorningstar @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @ikesimpleton @ikemenlibrary @namine-somebodies-nobody @cellophanediamond @whatever-fanfics @justpeachyteastea @chirp-a-chirp @got7igot7family @kookie-my-little-sunshine @mastering-procrastinating @portrait-ninja @queen-dahlia @themysticalbeing @nightghoul381 @whitelittlebunny @chi-the-idiot @bubblexly @drewadoodle-dandy @keithsandwich
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dualityvn · 5 months
Do the boys prefer a polyamorous ending, or do they want us to only love one of them? I know they’re protective of each other and don’t want the other getting hurt, but I also remember Ten calling us a player if we got both numbers and I thought he seemed to think our interest was less sincere/special if we were freely giving it out to both. Keith seems to get jealous as well.
They’re both aware that they both like us. So do they want the other to be sad and alone, or do they want to share us? It’s hard for me to tell what the ideal ending for each of them is. I love your demo and thank you for your hard work on providing us with a fun and memorable game!
They don't really consider polyamory until you make it evident you want them both and not in a sneaky way. They're pretty hostile about sharing you at first because they are both possessive and easily get jealous. It's also a culmination of all the things they've done to each other over the years. Like a last drop sort of thing.
The ideal ending is the poly one, but the other can still make peace with you choosing one of them in their separate good ends.
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empressgeekt · 3 months
Trolls - Accidental Knight Goes on a World Tour (Field of Forget-me-nots Part 2)
Okay so I didn't think I was going to make a part two (or three depending on how you count the posts, as The Keith and Branch Brothers AU now happens in the same AU), but here we are.
Part one of this au, is that Branch has taken Keith in as a younger brother, and for Keith's birthday, he dresses up as a character, The Forest Guardian, from one of the trolling's story. While in costume Branch saves the village from a wolf and becomes a knight with out anyone know who he was. Then the events of the first movie.
Link to that first post if interested - https://empressgeekt.tumblr.com/post/745937705603661824/trolls-vigilante-branch-au
Now on to this part's summery.
We pick up three months after the first movie. Branch is fully healed from his wounds from the Chef, but he isn't unmarked from it. Sure, he has his colors back, but they fluctuate. And he has a scar from her knife. It runs up his leg, torso and across his face. Thankfully the blade missed his neck otherwise he'd be dead, but it's a hard thing to hide. Especially since he's been blinded in one eye, because of it. Keith thinks it looks cool though, and writes the events of his scaring into his Guardian book.
The defense force that Poppy and Peppy had placed him in charge of is developing well enough. Branch has put together a training course for new recruits and per his recommendation a main station, outer-security wall with lookouts, and outposts further from the village were built. Once that was complete volunteers were being taken. Smidge volunteered for it right away, and excelled during her training. Branch makes her his second in command.
Over all Life hasn't changed that much ins Pop Village, the only differences being that they were at peace with the bergens and some trolls have new jobs. When Branch and Smidge aren't working, they're hanging out with the SnackPack (or taking care of Keith in Branch's case). Even before Poppy was crowned queen, she and Branch work more closely, Branch is in charge of village safety and many of his decisions need to have approval of royalty. Poppy also asks Branch to train her, during which Branch's crush develops beyond a fancy as watching Poppy shoot a bow and arrow like robinhood is very hot to him. Keith teases him everytime he blushes around the Queen.
Life continues on. Guy Diamond has Tiny, which I'm not sure if I should make Branch the midwife for or not (because Branch is trained in this canonically if this deleted clip is anything to go by Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0ioxfzsKv4&list=LL&index=2). Then Debbie shows up. Branch is kind of upset that Peppy never told Poppy, and by extension him, about the other tribes. If they were a threat they were something he needed to know about. Poppy still believes that Barb wants to reunite the trolls and Branch still chooses to go with her to keep her safe. Once more clad in his Forest Guardian attire. He leaves Smidge in charge of the guard and Peppy in charge of Keith.
Poppy doesn't kick all the weapons off the Balloon this time, because Branch packed her bow with the other spears and getting rid of it would be mean throwing away her newly prized weapon. Half way through their flight to symphonyville (I can not spell), they hear a very small sneeze. Keith has snuck aboard, not biggie. Branch is very frustrated with this, after all his kid is currently on a mission that he feels could be extremely dangerous.
Keith's reasons for sneaking aboard, he wants to start his guard training early and that Branch needs a wingman, because watching him crush over the queen is starting to get embarrassing. Branch can feel his hair turning white through out this interaction.
At symphonyville, Keith is clinging to Branch's leg the whole time. The destuction is like that of Pop village after Chef attacked. They get the whole story from Pennywhisle, and need to decide what to do next. Branch immediately wants to go home and fortify defenses. Poppy agrees, but wants to reach out to the other tribes to warn them at the very least and maybe form alliances in case of attack. Branch think that their military is till too fresh for that, and way to small. Poppy continues to argue her side and eventually Branch is forced to agree.
Country territory is closest, so they head there. Branch talks Poppy out of doing the pop medley because it would probably offend the country trolls. Keith's on his side too, as they both know what it's like to have things they don't like shoved in their face. This is how the country trolls are and they like it. Poppy reluctantly agrees but she still thinks that the country trolls need cheering up. They meet with Delta Dawn and begin to share information they have regarding Barb. Keith's role in this is to distract Clampers. The Children get along like water and rain (honestly these two would be great friends they could totally bond over biting people). Delta mis-takes Keith for Poppy and Branch's son, which they quickly correct with an awkward laugh. Delta still doesn't want to involved, so Branch and Poppy leave. but not before meeting up with a "Country" trolls named Hickory, who offeres to boat them to Funk territory.
This tips off Branch and Keith as suspicious, after all since when did Hickory know about where they were going and what they were doing, but Poppy doesn't notice and quickly agrees. Keith still enjoys the boat ride, so Branch is watching the trolling with one eye, and Hickory with the other. When Chaz shows up, Branch manages to pull out his bow and shoot the bounty hunter's instrument away, due to his suit covering his ears. After checking Keith over, he hears Hickory mention bounty hunters and pulls Poppy aside. they Have an argument with Branch pointing out everything he's be noticing and how Poppy can't just keep dismissing him. It's his job to keep her safe and the rest of the Pop trolls they need to work together. Then he asks if something else it going on, because once she knew he wasn't just spouting paranoid rants, she didn't have a problem listening to his suggestions. Poppy cracks and breaks that she's worried about being a good leader after all the good her father did, how could she ever measure up to that. Branch says that he's not sure what will make her great, but that a good leader should listen, and that maybe she's putting her father on a pedestal, he isn't the perfect king she thinks he is. Poppy starts seriously crushing on Branch after that.
The ride continues. Hickory and Branch talk about the knight's feelings for Poppy, and Branch just says it isn't the right time she's dealing with too much right now. On the flip side, Keith talks to Poppy about her new found crush on Branch. The future couple might be blind but Keith sure ain't and he's willing to do anything to make his brother happy.
They get sucked up into vibe city, with Branch nearly shooting Hickory with an arrow after he got in his the face with a guitar. Poppy and Keith end up sharing a bubble, as they were taken up to the city. Keith quickly charms Essence and Q, and they complement, Branch on his child rearing. Keith Also crawls into Branch's hair after hearing Cooper's story with his twin, knowing that it could hurt the knight on an emotional level.
One history lesson later...
"Wait if we split everyone apart, are we bad guys?" Keith said.
"Not us, bud, but some people who were like us did. We need to do better then them okay?" Branch would say.
Poppy Branch and Keith get caught in the same bubble during the escape, with Hickory separated form them. Poppy says she doesn't know what to do. Branch tells her they need to go home to protect every one. They need to be there for the last stand against Barb. Poppy finally listening, agrees only for them to be attacked by the Reggaetón trolls and K-pop gang before they can leave. Branch tells Poppy to take Keith and run. Branch pulls out his spear ready to fight when K-pop grabs him, que dance battle...
Poppy runs with Keith, the trolling upset in her arms. They run into Hickory, where Poppy rants about everything and losing Branch pulling the pop string form her hair, que hickory and dickory reveal. Keith says he called it.
Barb comes in and takes Poppy. She tries to mockingly dote on Keith only for him to bite her. She's impressed, and says she didn't think a popsqueak like Poppy could have such vicious offspring, and that the kid must take after his dad. Poppy's too mad to correct Barb, just fighting against the guards to get Keith back. Branch told her to protect the trolling, and she will do so. She never lets go of Keith when their in the cell.
Both Poppy and Keith are horrified when Branch Jumps in front of them. Keith even starts crying, thinking he'd lost his brother for good. The sound of Keith's wails make Branch hesitate and starts to fight back against the power-cord's power. He'd too busy to fighting himself to obey Barb's orders. Still Poppy stuffs gumdrops into her and Keith's ears, and then runs escapes from the cell listening to Keith's insturctions to pick the lock. Poppy Jumps down, and charges at Barb stealing the guitar. Keith Bites the rock queen again. The guitar is destoryed and branch is freed from the mind control. To Branch's horror he wakes to his little brother and the woman his loves already fully grey.
Just sing happens and poppy, gives Branch a kiss on the cheek, finally confessing. All the leaders get together, to plan for repairs of their homes, and how prevent this situation from happening again. Trollstopia is born, and suddenly Branch needs to figure out how to train other types of trolls for the guard.
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Lance knows they’re in for it the second his brain decides to wake him up, because there’s no way he’s up on time. Simulated light shines brightly on their bed, lighting the whole room up, and Lance is groggier than he usually is. They’ve most definitely slept in.
He squeezes his eyes shut, allowing himself three seconds of peace before dragging himself upright, sitting criss-cross-applesauce on the mattress, blankets still pulled up to his hips. There’s a low groan from beside him, despairing almost, and the sign of it makes Lance’s lips quirk up despite his morning grouchiness.
“Time to get up,” he says quietly, trying to blink the bleariness out from his eyes. He glances at his slippers, trying to convince himself that it’s worth getting up and facing the day. (It does not go well.)
He boyfriend grunts again, then shifts slightly, dragging his arms out from under his pillow and clamping them around Lance’s waist instead. He squeezes for a moment then relaxes, breath huffing on Lance’s bare skin. Lance places his hand on Keith’s head, brushing through the tangled mullet without looking. Keith makes several pleased noises, muffled by Lance’s hip, where he has decided to keep his face until further notice.
“We’re late for training, baby.”
Keith hums, tightening his hold. “Mhm. Tragic.”
Lance huffs, grin getting a little wider. He tries to look back at his slippers, really convince himself — they are the leaders of Voltron, after all, what kind of example does it set for the rest of the Atlas crew if they don’t bother waking up in the mornings — but he can’t pull his gaze away from Keith.
He doesn’t get the chance, often, to stop and stare. Keith gets self conscious, rarely allowing it, and they’re so busy besides. To have the chance now is a treat. A luxury. A gift, really.
And who is Lance to turn away a gift?
He settles back into the pillows with a sigh, upright enough that he won’t fall back asleep, but reclined enough that it’s clear he’s not getting up, either. The position isn’t lost on Keith, who smiles widely enough that Lance feels it, the slightest press of crooked incisors on the soft skin of his hip.
“Don’t get used to this,” Lance warns. “It’s not happening again.”
Keith kisses him slightly, not moving. “Sure, sweetheart. Whatever you say.”
Lance tugs on his hair, rolling his eyes. Keith’s shakes slightly as he laughs, completely unintimidated, then settles back in to the bed. His breathing evens, and he’s out within seconds.
“I hate how you can do that,” Lance mutters. “Goober.”
He sits for a while, contemplative, as Keith’s snores full the room again. He traces the shape of Keith’s bare shoulders, the curve of his rins and waist, the jut of his hipbone, the bend of his knee. With his eyes, first, then with light, careful fingers; running along the heat of his boyfriend’s skin, over the sheer just barely covering his backside, as far as he can reach. Not to start something, for once, although he wouldn’t be opposed to it, but to feel his chest expand with every breath, the coarseness of short black hairs covering his skin, the bumps and stutters of scars crisscrossing everywhere he can look. The ridges of a map he’s studied thousands of times before, worshipped, noted and re-noted again and again and again, committed to memory.
“You are the most beautiful thing in this goddamn universe.” It’s a breathless kind of awe, the way he says it, like he’s just discovered it. He hasn’t — he’s known Keith was beautiful for as long as he’s known Keith — but he’s reminded every day, every morning they wake up together, every time they train and Keith’s grace and power is entrancing. He never forgets, but every time he looks at him he’s reminded.
His eyes start to grow heavy. He’s not tired — not really — and he’s only just woken up from hours of sleep, but Keith is so warm. He slides down the headboard of their bed, adjusting himself in Keith’s arms, resting his head on his chest and sliding his hands up his back until they’re resting almost on his shoulders, hooked under his underarms, gripping him like a buoy in deep water. He presses his ear right above his heart, closing his eyes as the steady beat pounds, and matches his breathing to his boyfriend’s snores.
Training can wait.
based on this post
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chrisbitchtree · 1 year
Of all the things Billy loves about Steve, how funny he is, how attentive he is in bed, how every Saturday night, he makes Billy’s favourite pasta, how he’s always flexible when plans change, like the time they got halfway to California before Billy broke down about leaving Max, so Steve turned the car around, broke the lease on their new place and endured living with his parents for another six months and grovelled to Keith to get his job back so they could afford to save for a place in Hawkins, what he loves the most is how Steve looks the other way when Billy needs to tell lies for self preservation.
Case in point - Billy went to therapy this morning. That had been Steve’s sole request when agreeing to head back to Hawkins, that Billy go to therapy, to work through his complicated emotions about his parents, his sexuality, and everything related to the Mindflayer and Starcourt. Billy had complied, of course he had. How could he not when Steve was giving up something so major for Billy?
Even though it was one of the most difficult things he’s ever done, Billy goes back week after week, talking to a kind older hippyish woman named Gladys about how it felt to have his mother abandon him when he was nine and his father so thoroughly reject everything about him for basically his entire life. It takes so much out of him, leaving him feeling exhausted but hopeful that he can find peace some day.
His sexuality was easier. It didn’t take long for Gladys to help him understand that there’s nothing wrong with who he is and the love that he and Steve share. It feels amazing to go in each week and excitedly tell Gladys about the dinners he and Steve made together or the hikes they’ve gone on, how they were bold enough to hold hands as they walked the unmarked trails.
This morning they did a deep dive into how it felt to have his father beat the sweet, caring, soft little boy out of him, turning Billy into someone that he couldn’t recognize as himself for a long time. Gladys let him cry for a long time, just sitting there patting his hand as the tears flowed.
He’d finally regained his composure long enough to walk to his car, but the second he’d closed the door and buckled his seatbelt, he’d started again, like his tears were a faucet he couldn’t turn off.
He takes Tuesdays, his therapy days, off work, because being around people after cracking his heart so wide open is too tough. It’s usually a good thing, the time to himself, but right now, he’d give anything to be around other people, to be forced to hold the tears back.
But Steve works until 5, so it’s just Billy sitting alone on the couch, crying on and off all afternoon. He barely manages to stop before he hears Steve’s key in the lock.
Steve finds him there, eyes puffy and rimmed red. He stops and takes the sight of him in for a minute before asking if he’s ok.
Billy’s not ready to fully disclose what he talks about in therapy to Steve. He doesn’t want him to think it’s hurting more than it helps, even if some weeks, that’s exactly what it feels like, so he thinks fast.
“Uh, yeah, it’s nothing. Just Days of Our Lives. Patch and Kayla were…” he can’t even finish the sentence before he’s welling up again.
Steve has to know that’s not what’s trouble Billy. Days is Steve’s show, not his. He’s not going to sit in the living room crying over the domestic troubles of the former marine turned mercenary and the love of his life.
But Steve is good and sweet and kind so he just nods and heads to the kitchen. He returns with a pint of ice cream and two spoons and then sits beside Billy, wrapping him in his arms and letting him cry between bites of the cool, creamy treat.
Some day, he’ll share everything with Steve, but for now, this is enough. More than enough. It’s perfect.
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jiveyuncle · 9 months
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"Fuck." Pidge hisses. "The ship's got an encryption software on it. Downloading any information off of it is going to scramble the information. It'll take days to decode."
"We can't wait days to go after him." Keith growls.
"I don't even know if we can wait for it to download." Hunk warns. The fire burns higher, inching its way up the body of the craft. "Pidge you gotta hurry."
"It's downloading! It won't go any faster!"
Keith slams the exit controls on his lion, and closes his helmet's face shield to switch over to using the suit's oxygen.
As the ramp extends out, Lance radios in. "Keith, what are you doing?" His tone is laced with nervous warning.
Keith pulls himself into the burning ship. "We don't need to download or decode if someone can just read the damn data, right?"
"While true, hypotheticals don't really help with our current situation." Pidge says with a bit of anxious exasperation. "I can't read Galran."
Keith finds Pidge in the cockpit, looking up at a small data screen. "I can."
"Keith, no." Lance breathes.
They don't have time for secrets and the hesitation that comes with keeping them. Fuck his history. Allura can strike him down so long as they get Shiro back.
Surprise! I drew/added one more artwork today! Here’s the last batch art from the fic.
Okay. So. The things I feel that the Humans-are-descended-from-Alteans plot would answer in canon:
+why Alteans look so Human,
+why a lion was hidden on Earth specifically,
+why Altea and Earth both have identifiable *lions* as fauna (headcanoning that lions were Altean pets/house guardians and that some were brought with them while fleeing),
+why Keith could sense the lion of Voltron in the desert,
+why all the locations around the lions glowed when they got near,
+why a crew of all humans were the chosen operators of Altean-made weaponry,
+why Lance got the Altean marks at the end of the show,
Copy/pasting this rant I had about why I love it even more for this reincarnation AU:
Keith's current mom can absolutely still fit the canon version. It would make double sense that she didn't want the Galra to find the lion on Earth and why she left if the planet is crawling with [what she suspects is] the Galra's # 1 enemy (of which she's in love with) - to protect them. And with Keith being the child of a Galran and an Altean, it would make the storytelling symbolic side of my brain happy for him to be the reason they find the lions - the literal embodiment of unifying the two biggest enemies being the one to sense/wake the thing meant to bring peace? The person they thought started the whole Galra vs Altean divide being the evidence that they can in fact get along, and then living it himself? Uhg. Love. I wanted to write hints of it in the fic and even reveal it (I had several ideas of how and where), but it felt like too much to cram in. So, I'll probably just continue it with comic stips and doodles later.
Fic: Sure and Indelible on AO3:
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redroomreflections · 4 days
Gentle Hands Chapter 4
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Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: Natasha suspects Reader is in an abusive relationship and tries to convince her to leave
W/c: 4.1k
Masterlist | General Masterlist
Warning: Domestic violence
Note: i see yall like this
“The Avengers are aiding in the kidnapping of my baby,” He yells into the street.
Dread fills your body seeing Keith on the surveillance camera of Avenger’s Tower. He’s ranting and yelling out into the street to whoever would listen. Passersby don’t pay him any mind for the most part. A few people stop to look at all of the commotions but in the end, they go on with their day too. He’s making a complete and utter fool of himself.
“I’m calling the police now,” He shouts. “They have my little girl in there.” Through the screen, you can see him pull out his phone and call what you assume is the police. That is until two large, burly men in suits exit the tower to grab him. They pick him up as if he weighs nothing to escort him into the tower.
“Where are they taking him?” You ask. You tear your eyes away from the phone screen to look over at Natasha. She turns off the phone screen.
“Inside until he shuts up probably,” She answers.
“And will they hurt him?”
“Not unless he misbehaves,” Somehow this is the wrong answer and it fills you with dread. You didn’t want problems. You didn’t want anyone getting into trouble because of you. Natasha can tell by the look on your face what you’re thinking. “Look, y/n, whatever happens to him is his own fault.”
“Can we go to the Tower?” You interrupt. You know it’s an incredibly stupid ask but you’d like to make things right.
“Can we go? We need to settle all of this and if he wants to see Kaia maybe I should let him see her,” You begin to ramble. “She’s his child too and I took her and he’s probably so worried.”
“Y/n, no, absolutely not I can’t let you do that,”
You frown. “You can’t let me? I thought here I had my own autonomy. I could make my own choices.”
“And you do.” Natasha lies her hand atop yours. “I don’t think you should go and see him. He’s unpredictable.”
“He won’t hurt me in front of anyone if that’s what you’re saying,” You shift uncomfortably. “Please, Nat, I promise I won’t go anywhere alone with him. I just…” You don’t know how to finish that sentence. You don’t know how to rationalize any of this. You don’t want to do this. Yet something tells you that you should. For closure.
Natasha sighs. She can’t do this. She doesn’t want to allow this. Yet she knows she has no say. She’s supposed to be supportive. Not that this particular incident should have her support. She wants to be there for you. So she will.
“If he tries anything I kill him,” She stands to go and grab her keys.
You nod wordlessly. Here’s to goodbyes.
You get Kaia ready with her new coat and shoes. You strap her into the car seat Natasha bought. As you click the straps into the base, you look at your daughter as she gives you a smile. She only has a couple of teeth right now. Which she shows proudly. She rubs her hands along the fabric of the chair, kicking her legs out, as she prepares herself for your new adventure. You don’t take cars often so this should be fun for her. You linger for a few seconds, cherishing this moment of peace with her before you climb into the passenger seat.
Natasha puts the car into drive and sets off towards the tower. There’s a random pop song playing lowly on the radio. Natasha is stoic and a bit cold as you leave the unfamiliar neighborhood.
“I know you think I’m stupid.” You break the silence and she cuts her eyes to you. “You wouldn’t be the first.” You look out of the window and then back to her. “I love him. In some silly naive way, I think he loves me too. I just…I can’t keep letting him hit me you’re right.” Your hand travels to your belly, where your unborn child is housed safely. “If he hadn’t stopped. If Kaia hadn’t woken up I think I would have lost them. Kaia. The baby. My choice would have been taken from me and I don’t know if I would have been able to live after that.”
Natasha doesn’t speak for a long time. This makes you uneasy. You’d like to know what she’s thinking. You’re unsure of everything and you want to know how she feels. At a stop Natasha speaks. She flicks on the left turn indicator, the noise a bit distracting, as she looks over at you.
“I don’t think you’re stupid at all,” She starts. “I think it doesn’t matter what I think. You have to decide for yourself what you want. I am here. Every step of the way. Once Upon a Time, I couldn't leave either. I was under a very powerful man's wing and thought I had it good at one point. Until I was shown better.” She glances into the backseat at Kaia who’s surprisingly still awake. “Will you let me show you better?” She turns back to the front.
“I would like that,” You nod. The rest of the drive is ridden in silence.
The tower is not too far away from Natasha’s hideaway. Though it takes a bit longer to get there. She takes a lot of turns and detours and you’re sure this is to keep potential followers off your trail. She is still an Avenger. When she comes to the tower she takes the back entrance. It’s only for authorized individuals and even you weren’t allowed down here. The parking garage houses many cars and trucks. Natasha’s black Corvette is parked on one side of the garage. It’s sideways and taking up more than its fair share of space. You know no one dares to confront her about it. Either that or she just didn’t care.
You’re taking Kaia out of her seat when the nerves hit you. What exactly are you doing? How can you justify any of this? What if Keith does blow up? What if he does try something? What if he didn’t? You don’t have much time to think as you step into the elevator with Kaia in your arms and Natasha’s comforting hand on your lower back. You keep your eyes focused on the numbers on the wall. They rise steadily until you reach the fifty-fourth floor. These floors are usually used for Avenger’s business meetings. No one is usually allowed up here. This also means no one would be coming up if they had a problem.
You follow Natasha into the lobby where a few members of the team are waiting. Suddenly you become self-conscious. You didn’t think to put on makeup or any type of concealer. You look around the room, hoisting Kaia a bit higher in your arms.
“Where is he?” Natasha asks first. Wanda is seated next to Vision and she answers first.
“He’s with Tony and Steve in the conference room,” She points to the room a few feet away. Through the glass, you can spot Tony, Steve, and Sam all standing around the room, glaring him down, not even entertaining Keith’s outbursts. You can’t tell what’s being said from here. Your heart races at the idea of going in there and talking to him. Natasha glances to you before excusing herself. She walks over to the room, not even bothering to knock before she enters. All eyes are on her as she stands with her arms folded. You wonder how this will go.
“Would you like to sit?” Wanda inquires.
“No, I’m, I’m good.” You tuck your face into Kaia’s hair. She’s becoming fussier as she wants to get down and explore.
“I can take her,” Wanda offers. “We have fruit in the kitchen.” She tilts her head towards the doorway. You’re about to decline when you see out of the corner of your eye, that Keith stands from his chair in a fit of rage, only to be forcefully sat down with a hand on his shoulder by Steve.
“Yes, please,” You follow Wanda into the kitchen. She doesn’t treat you any differently. She doesn’t seem horrified by the bruising on your face. She works around you, cutting up a banana into thin slices. Kaia watches in interest, twisting her body around so that she can watch Wanda’s every move. You help her out of her coat, hanging it over a nearby chair before you come back to the counter. “You must have questions.”
“Only if you want to answer,” Wanda shrugs. “I do not wish to pry.”
She holds out a banana slice for Kaia to take. The toddler reaches her hand out before stuffing the fruit into her mouth. She chews loudly, drools leaving her mouth, as she delights in the tasty snack. “I do recognize that he has managed to piss off the entire team. Natasha especially.”
“I don’t have the best track record with relationships,” You begin. “Keith is…”
“The one who did that to your face?” She finishes for you. “I’m no stranger to physical violence from someone who pretends to care for you.” As a product of HYDRA, Wanda has seen her fair share of bruises and bumps. She doesn’t want to preach to you about anything at all.
“I’m sorry I brought this to the tower,” You find yourself apologizing. Even with the distance, you can hear Keith has gotten louder. The commotion has spilled out into the common area. How had he managed to leave?
“Y/n!, Y/n!, where is she?” He yells out. “Where’s my daughter?” He yells. Kaia lifts her head at the sound of her father’s voice. Before she could whine, you pass her to Wanda.
“Keep her safe? Please,” You beg. Wanda nods curtly, bouncing the little one in her arms, as she watches you walk out of the kitchen and down the hallway.
You step a bit further to find Keith fighting his restraints, becoming more erratic by the second, as he yells your name. You try to shake your nerves as you stop in front of him. He calms down considerably at the sight of you. Natasha rushes to your side, whispering into your ear, as the room becomes silent again.
“Y/n, I’m not sure its a good idea,”
“He just wants to talk to me right?” You respond loud enough to hear.
“That’s right,” Keith breathes harshly. “I just want to speak with you and take you home.”
“That won’t be happening,” Steve speaks up.
“I’ll talk with you,” You agree despite Steve’s denial. Before anyone could protest you say “five minutes. Nothing more. Nothing else Keith. If you try anything I will let them hurt you.” You warn him. He nods vehemently. “Let him go.” You request. Steve looks to Natasha for confirmation and she nods her head. This annoys you but it’s on the bottom of your list of things to be addressed. You walk past Kieth and the rest of the team and enter the conference room. You know he’ll follow.
When he does, he closes the door behind him, and for just a second you panic. Though you don’t show him. You can’t show him your weakness. That’s how he gets to you.
“There you are,” He says. He sidles up to your side, his hands cradling your face, as he looks into your eyes. You know the team is watching. “I was going crazy looking for you.” His hand falls to your chin, his eyes scanning your face, and you’re getting no reaction from him.
“Well, you found me,” You turn your head to tear your face from his grasp. You take a few steps backward to further the distance between you. Your stomach is in knots and you can feel nausea making a reappearance. “What do you want, Keith?”
“For you to come home,” He answers. “You and Kaia. Where is she?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” You speak carefully. You know what to say to not tick him off. You know how to play it safe. It’s shame that you do.
“Look, I know,” He clenches his fist. “I know I hurt you and I know what I did is wrong. We’ve talked about this before. I was just afraid to lose you and I get angry and…”
“You make my face look like this,” You say quietly. “Do you know how many times Kaia has seen you hit me, Keith?” You fold your arms under your chest. He doesn’t speak. “How many times we’ve woken her up because you decided to slam me against a wall? How much money I’ve spent on makeup just to hide what you’ve done to me?”
“I’m sorry,” He says. “I’m trying to be better. I’ll go to therapy. Just like you asked. I’ll go to AA and whatever else. I’ll stop seeing that girl. She doesn’t matter to me. You’re the one I want to marry. The one I want.” For a second you believe him. He falls to his knees, placing his hands on your hips, his head buried into your stomach as he cries. Under different circumstances, you might believe him. You do love him. He is trying, right? “Just come home with me. Come home and I’ll make it better. I promise.” He kisses your belly, practically soaking the hem of your shirt before he moves your hands to his head. “Just go get Kaia and we can go home. I need you.” He pleads.
You look up at the ceiling, blinking away tears, as you curse yourself for what you’re about to do. Maybe you are too weak. Maybe this isn’t what you want. He’s all you’ve ever known. You pull yourself from Keith’s arms, leaving them hanging in the air, as you exit the room. You walk past all of the Avengers, avoiding eye contact with them to head for the kitchen. They’ve all been listening. They can see everything. Which is why your next move leaves them perplexed.
Kaia is sitting in Wanda’s lap, tugging at her dark brown curls, as she sings to her.
“Y/n? Are you done talking?” She asks and you don’t even answer. You take Kaia in your arms, kissing the top of her head before you walk with her towards the conference room.
“What are you doing?” Sam questions.
“Hey, y/n, I don’t think you should do that,” Steve warns. Tony makes a noise. As for Natasha. She stays quiet. She knows what you’re about to do. She can’t stand by and watch. You can hear the ding of the elevator just before you walk into the conference room. You swallow down the pain to go and stand in front of Keith again.
“There she is,” Keith grins. He stands tall, clearly feeling victorious, as he pokes at Kaia’s belly. She seems disinterested, though happy to see him. “There’s my girl. Oh, you’re so big.” He smiles. You don’t speak as you watch him interact with her. Tears prick your eyes as Kaia matches his smile. She looks so much like him. Keith gives her another kiss. “I knew you would come home with me.”
Something about that statement startles you into action. Your decision has already been made. Before you have the chance to give up, you speak.
“Say goodbye to Daddy, Kaia.” You whisper brokenly. Keith’s eyes flash to yours. Had he heard you correctly?
“Bye-bye,” Kaia repeats. She’s unaware of the tension between the two of you.
“What do you mean goodbye?” Keith questions. You step back a few inches.
“I can’t go with you, Keith.” You inform him. “I can’t keep doing this.” You shake your head. “She deserves all of me. She deserves to have me forever.” You turn, rushing out of the conference room, spotting Steve and Sam as they step around you. You imagine it's to stop Keith from following after you. You meet Wanda at the end of the hallway where she leads you to the elevators. You can hear Keith yelling again. Screaming this time and you can tell its pain. Whatever they’re doing to him is none of your business anymore. You have yourself and your baby to worry about.
You stand next to Wanda until you reach the first floor of the Avenger’s quarters. Natasha is over by the bar, her head down, her eyes focused on some random object. You’re unsure if she wants to talk with you right now.
“I'll show you where to clean up,” Wanda directs you to a suite a little further down the hall. You recognize this area as Natasha’s. There’s a closed bedroom door, one you know as Natasha’s when she’s here, and another bedroom. This is where Wanda puts you. She closes the door behind the two of you.
“She’s angry with me, isn’t she?” You dare to ask.
“Natasha doesn’t like it when we put ourselves in danger,” Wanda explains. “Though usually its followed by yelling at us. I think with you its special.”
“How so?” You sit Kaia onto the bed. She immediately crawls over to the headboard. She begins to pull the pillows to toss them onto the floor.
“I don’t know if it's my place to say,” Wanda wrings her hands. “For now, don’t worry about it.”
“My life is a mess,” You shake your head. “ I don’t know up from down right now and I definitely don’t know what I’m going to do.”
“Lucky for you there’s a billionaire downstairs and a whole team behind you to help you figure it out,” Wanda looks around the room. “I can bring you clothes down. We’re almost the same size. Though you’re a bit curvier than me.” She points out. You look down to yourself and then to Wanda.
“Genetics,” You joke and she laughs quietly.
“You have a beautiful child,”
“Thank you,”
“I’ll be back,” Wanda leaves you to your own devices. When you hear the click of the door shut, you finally sit. You take deep long breaths, feeling the weight of the past few days hit you.
Everything’s changing. For the better.
Upstairs, in the conference room, Tony stands at the head of the table, eyeing Keith as the younger man rants about how he would be suing. Steve is seething in the corner while Sam stands completely still. Either this guy is dumb or he’s intentionally trying to goad them.
“You can’t do this to me,” Keith seethes. “You can’t keep me from my child. Once I go to the press you guys are done.”
“Is that so?” Tony tilts his head. “See I don’t think anyone in here takes too kindly to threats. Especially from men that put their hands on women.”
“You like knocking her around like that?” Steve questions. “What about that gets you off? Huh? You like seeing her hurt?”
“You don’t know shit,” Keith says snidely.
“We know enough,” Steve frowns.
“She’s not going to fuck you,” Keith grins. Steve raises a brow. He’s trying a different angle. Wanting to come off cocky. As if he has the upper hand. “She’s a prude. Took years to pop her cherry and you think you can get her to drop her pants because you’re some washed-up superhero?”
“Are you really that deluded?” Steve’s jaw ticks. He can’t believe he’s even listening to this guy.
“No, I know her,” Keith shrugs. “Once she realizes that she needs me she’ll come crawling back. She always does. Maybe this time I’ll finally get her to suck my-” Before he can finish his sentence it’s Sam that punches him square in the jaw. He flies back in his chair, spitting out the blood pooling into his mouth mere inches away from Sam’s shoes.
“Watch your mouth,” Sam warns him.
“Or what you’re going to kill me? You don’t have it in you. You’re an Avenger.” Keith smiles.
“He may not but have you heard of The Black Widow?” Tony gestures outside of the room. “She wouldn't hesitate and you know what? I would let her.” Tony hates that he’s referring to Natasha as some sort of killing machine but he needs to get his point across.
“Then I guess that doesn't make any of you better than me,” Keith argues despite his rising nervousness.
“Okay, I’m tired of you talking,” Tony rounds the table. “Here’s what is going to happen. I’m going to have Pepper speak with a lawyer to draw up papers signing away your rights. Then you’re going to take a plane ticket. You’re going to go far far away from here. You’re never going to speak to Y/n or Kaia again.”
“What’s in it for me? You can’t keep me away from my kid.”
“You get to keep all your limbs,” Tony pats his cheek. “She’s better off without you. You don’t have much of a choice.”
“Take the deal,” Steve says.
“I don’t get money or anything?” Keith presses. “How do you know I won’t go to the press anyway?”
“Oh, you won’t,” Tony says. “Unless you wish to find out how ruthless we can be. Avenger or no Avenger. What you did to that girl? You don’t even deserve to be walking right now.”
Tony takes one last look at him. “Get him out of my tower.” He says to the security waiting nearby. “Sign the papers, Keith.” He bids him one last goodbye.
You don’t venture out of the bedroom until Kaia has fallen asleep. You take a shower first, throwing on a larger hoodie, sans bra, with sweats to match your ensemble. You scrub the parts of your face that don’t hurt to touch. You want to deny the fact that you’re looking for Natasha but it’s true. She must be disappointed in what she thought you were going to do.
Instead, you find Steve. He's eating some kind of sandwich thing you’re not sure about.
“Hey,” You speak softly.
“Hello,” He drops his sandwich onto the saucer. “How are you holding up?”
“I’ve had better days,” You shrug. Your eyes scan the room again.
“She went out,” He supplies and you look at him questioningly. “Natasha. She said she had to go out for something.”
You nod in understanding. She can’t wait for you forever.
“I’m sorry you had to see that today,” You pull at the sleeves of the hoodie.
“I’ve seen worse,” Steve shrugs. “I’m sorry you didn’t feel that you could come to us.”
“For what it’s worth I did,” You furrow your brows. “It’s embarrassing. I didn't want to bother you with my minuscule problems when you battle aliens for a living.”
“Even so,” Steve beckons you over to his side. It’s where he brings you into his arms. He’s safe. Just like Natasha. He’s your friend too. “Your problems are not small. If they are hurting you or they matter to you they’re not small.”
You nod into his neck. As you pull apart the elevator doors open, revealing Natasha, as she steps onto the floor. You wipe away your tears to look over at her.
“Hi,” You wave to her. You spot the bags in her hand. Had she been shopping again?
“Hi,” She waves back. There’s an awkward silence that Steve interrupts.
“I’m just going to go,” He says. “Let me know if you need anything.” He says to you before walking past Natasha.
“I brought the ice cream,” Natasha shakes the bag. “I got one I’ve seen you eat before. Rocky Road. That’s your favorite?” You can see she’s nervous and unsure. That’s a big deal considering just who you are talking to.
“Thank you,” You nod as she begins to put everything away. “Though I don’t think I’ll be eating anything for a while. My stomach is all messed up.” You reveal and her eyes immediately drop down to said body part. “No, everything’s fine. It’s just morning sickness.”
“Happens all day?” She questions.
“All day,” You say exasperatedly. “I’m sorry.” You feel the need to say.
“For what?”
“I don’t know,” You look down at your bare toes. “For bringing you all into this. For making you think I chose him.”
“I wouldn’t be angry if you did,” Natasha admits.
“Because you don’t think you’re anybody’s first choice,”
“This isn’t about me,” Natasha shakes her head.
You understand that. You know it’s too early to be jumping from one relationship to another. You know your feelings are all mixed up and your head is even more jumbled. This shouldn’t be so complicated and yet it is. Yet you can’t help but step closer to her. Her eyes drop to your lips and you want to. God, you want to. You don’t want to be rejected again. So you tuck that thought away.
You throw yourself into Natasha’s arms and she catches you. The hug is long and fulfilling as her strong arms wrap around you. You let out a shuddering breath.
Would it all be okay?
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emo-ostrich · 7 months
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1: why doesn’t anyone talk about how heartbreaking this scene is
2: why doesn’t anyone talk about this episode?!?!
it’s actually very well written and serves as a set up for the much darker twist the show is taking
in this episode we learn:
-pidge would sacrifice a good amount of the universe to save her father. they’re the most logical and analytical on the team, yet all that goes out the window when her family gets involved. there’s an argument in the beginning of the episode that is very reminiscent of when pidge was going to leave voltron in season 1 and keith yells at them.
-honerva remembers that lotor is her son. this is a HUGE set up for season 8. she begins the phase 4 of the kuron project which leads to keith returning and becoming the black paladin. but she does all of this because she knows zarkon will kill lotor. she’s ok with lotor killing zarkon bc zarkon is merely a husk of the man he used to be. that realization definitely leads her down the path of “how can i restore my family” (cut to end of season 8).
-on the topic of project kuron, we see the effects of it with shiro lashing out and not being… very shiro like… but he gives lotor HIS BAYARD in the hostage exchange without telling the rest of the team. honerva calls for the beginning of phase 4, and we can see that phase 3 was the shiro that been with the team since he returned in season 3. he’s been living this jekyll and hyde type life with half kuron controlled by honerva and half real shiro.
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-we see lance step up and give orders to the team. lance is the red paladin at this point in the series making him the right hand of voltron and this is one of the first times we see him step into that leadership position. watching him grow into that leadership position and learn to feel valued makes the end of season 8 hurt even worse. plus when shiro realizes they need backup he says “lance we could use a little help.” he already acknowledges lance as his right hand man even if lance doesn’t realize it yet. that’s the shiro part talking. lance gives an order and the team says “copy that” which is how lance normally responds to orders. it’s a very clear role reversal that i think is lovely in lance’s character arc (if only dreamworks actually finished his arc smh)
-lotor killing zarkon is proof he really did want peace. he wants nothing to do with his father, doesn’t want zarkon to be his father, and has no hesitation in killing him. lotor and voltron are fighting for the same thing, but simply have different methods. when they fight lotor, he seems hesitant to fire until allura says he’s like zarkon. that’s what throws him over the edge.
lotor becoming emperor of the galra after zarkon’s death shows that having a galra ally on the throne could be the key to peace (hello keith after season 8) so think about the set back in the war efforts when voltron kills the emperor, a former ally, and then disappears. maybe this is why the galra attacked earth? in the beginning on the series, they’re looking at a star map showing that the galra’s progress in conquering worlds is getting closer to reaching earth but hasn’t quite gotten there yet. so either and conquering has sped up and an insane rate, or earth was specifically targeted by the galra while voltron was gone.
-when zarkon is about to kill lotor, the team saves him. the first lion we see fire is allura implying that j was allura that saved lotor a life. that’s kinda big in her development or maybe she was just firing at zarkon who knows
ok sorry that’s all thanks for coming to my ted talk :)
(this is all about season 5 episode 2: blood duel)
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aquagirl1978 · 1 year
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Chevalier Michel
He knew without you even saying a word to him. You were returning books to their shelves as he was seated in his private library reading. You had been experiencing mild cramps all day but had been pushing through the pain to get through your work. Despite the discomfort, being near Chevalier was somehow preferable to lying in bed alone. Your back to him, you stood on tiptoe to replace a book on a high shelf just as you experienced a more painful cramp, causing you to nearly drop the book. You felt his icy gaze on you as he called your name. His eyes softened as you approached him; standing up, he took your hand in his. He said quietly that work was done for the day and brought you back to his room. There, he laid you down under the covers. He picked up the book lying on the nightstand and climbed into bed next to you. Seeing your surprise, he smiled and told you to try to relax and let him read to you. Unable to say no to that offer, you did your best to make yourself comfortable under the covers, as you curled up against his side. He wrapped an awkward arm around your shoulders, a bit unsure you wanted to be touched, but tightened his arm around you when you did not flinch against his touch. He started to read to you; not even five pages in, your eyes had drifted closed, his voice having lulled you to a peaceful sleep.
Clavis Lelouch
"My dear, care to take a walk with your favorite prince?" Clavis asked sweetly, offering you his elbow when he saw you slaving away in the library, a tall stack of books before you. Your eyes flicked between the purple-haired prince and the towering stack of books before you; the choice was really quite easy, however, your cramps had started yesterday, and showed no sign of relenting any time soon. "I'd love to Clavis, but you see..." As much as you would have loved to spend some time with Clavis, it would be preferable to remain in the library and suffer alone. Clavis tilted his head back and chuckled. "Nonsense, you're coming with me. I'll have Cyran explain to Sariel that something came up and I needed your assistance." And just like that, your arms were linked and you found yourself quickly being escorted out of the library. "Have I ever told you about the time Licht attempted to bake something and he ended up blowing up the oven and the entire staff assumed that dreadful smell was one of my concoctions?" You shook your head, and he immediately regaled you with the tale, including how Prince Keith happened to be visiting and attempted, many times, to take the blame for the awful smell coming from the kitchen. "I should really talk to Licht one day and see if we can work on bottling that smell. It would certainly keep Sariel out of my business for a while." You laughed so hard, you had to stop in your tracks and clutch your belly. "Are you feeling better?" he asked gently. You blinked at him, confused. How did he know you had been unwell? Apparently, you hadn't hid your pain all that well. Clavis tilted your chin up with his thumb, his amber eyes gazing at you affectionately. "Laughter is the best medicine, don't forget that next month."
Nokto Klein
You had a terrible night's sleep. No, terrible would be an understatement. Your period came last night, and with it came the most dreadful cramps and bloating. And to make matters worse - or better - depending on how you viewed it, Nokto was also awake, his head propped in his hand, staring at you. "Are you okay?" he asked quietly. "You were mumbling in your sleep all night... I wasn't sure what to do. If I should even do anything..." He looked away, somewhat bashful at his admission. Before you could say or do anything, your body tensed, wracked by a particularly fierce cramp. Closing your eyes, you winced, letting out a small whimper. Nokto's eyes flew wide, not liking seeing you suffer through such pain. "What can I do? Please...tell me," he pleaded. When you regained your composure, you told him how there was this one particular tea that they had in the kitchen that did help soothe the pain. "That's all? Just tea?" he asked. He rolled out of bed and quickly dressed, ready to get you anything and everything your heart desired. He was gone in a flash, and while you sat in his bed alone, you rubbed your belly, counting the minutes til he returned. When the door flew open in what felt like mere minutes later, you were shocked to find Nokto rolling a tea cart ladened with not just a tea pot, but an array of sweet treats. "I didn't know if you were hungry or not, and if you were, which you would want, so I just grabbed a few of everything they had left from breakfast." Nokto carefully poured you a cup of tea, adding only a spoonful of sugar, just how you liked it. He handed you the up, and as soon as it was in your hands, he was busy arranging a plate of treats for you. Once the tea and treats had been consumed, Nokto turned to you again. "Is there anything else I can do to help you?" Smiling, so very grateful for everything he had done for you, you felt he needed a reward, too. "Could you hold me?" His eyes lit up - now this was something he could do and was very good at.
Luke Randolph
"Hey, are you ok?" You let out a gasp as you nearly tripped over Luke while walking in the garden. Not expecting to find him lounging in the grass, a small group of rabbits and birds perched on his tall frame, you profusely apologized to the prince. He laughed heartily. "It's nothing," he replied casually as a bird flew from his large hand. "How have you been?" he asked, genuinely curious. "Well..." You had no intention on telling Luke that it was that time of the month; however, the eighth prince was far more perceptive than you initially gave him credit for. "Ya haven't been feeling so great lately." You kicked a rock with the toe of your shoe as you averted your gaze - were it that obvious you were afflicted with pain? "It's okay, ya know," Luke continued. "I have a special jar of honey stashed in my room. I only eat it as a rare treat, and I think today, I'd like to share some with you." Your eyes widened, you knew how precious honey was to Luke; the fact that he wanted to share some of his secret, special stash with you was, well, it was touching. You obliged, following him to his room. He opened the door, inviting you in and offering a seat on the bed. He went to his closet, and after shuffling around a few items, he produced a small jar from a high shelf. He returned to you, taking a seat next to you. In one hand was his jar of honey, in the other was two spoons. "This stuff is too good to put on bread or in tea, ya have to eat it on its own to enjoy its full flavor." His eyes sparkled as he opened the jar. He handed you a spoon, offering you the first taste. You dipped your spoon and took a tiny amount; you often found honey on its own to be too sweet for your tastes. Bringing the spoonful to your mouth, your tongue darted out for a taste. You were pleasantly surprised to find it was not all that sweet, with an underlying floral fragrance that was so unique, that you savored the sweet substance in your mouth. "It's good, isn't it?" Luke asked. You nodded, your mouth still full of honey. Luke dipped his spoon into the jar, taking a heaping spoonful of honey. "For some reason, this always cheers me up. Whether I'm sad or mad, or not feeling well. This honey seems to make things just a little bit better." You smiled at Luke, touched by how thoughtful he was. "Thanks for the honey," you replied. And he was absolutely right, the honey was just like magic, making you feel a little bit better.
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hi hi! I freaking LOVE your work! I'm glad that you do VLD stuff, even if the fandom is dead and sh!t! Anywho, can you do something along the lines of who, in voltron, do you think is the best hugger/cuddler!
If you dont want to, i understand! ❤️💛💚💙🖤
Paladins Ranked Best to Worst Hugger
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Hello, thank you so much!!!! Even if the fandom is kinda dead, I still enjoy writing and just interacting with those who are still alive😍🔥🔥 I had a lot of fun writing this, thank you again for requesting this!!!
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I’m gonna rank them from best to worst hugger since I think cuddling should get its own ranking and then giving my reasoning!
OK IDK IF YOU’RE SUPRISED WITH LANCE BEING NUMBER 1 BUT HEAR ME OUT! I think Lance would be the best hugger BECAUSE his hugs feel like home. We know that he has a big family so I like to think that hes done a lot of hugging and comforting with his cousins and siblings, making him an expert at them! He definitely squeezes people when he hugs them, he just loves giving them!
Plus he doesn’t make them weird! They instantly feel natural and not forced, like Pidge and Keith’s are. You could just go up to Lance and randomly hug him and he wouldn’t even question you, bro would just go with the flow and I love him for that. Yeah his hugs feel like home, he makes you feel included in what feels like small secrets.
Next Hunk! I was seriously debating hard about who should be #1 in this list, but I ended up putting homeboy second. Hunk is an automatically emotional and caring person, so imagine that registered into hugs?? Bro gives the biggest yet softest hugs EVER. Same with Lance, hugging him doesn’t feel weird whatsoever, he’s just trying to comfort you!
His hugs feel like a blanket, protecting and comforting. Did that make sense?? He would definitely be the type to pick you up and swing you around in a hug though! Hunk finds hugging to be a really stress relieving thing so be sure to give him one if he looks like he needs one!
SHIRRROOOO WOOOO!!! A solid third place, pretty good if I say so myself. I think with Shiro, his hugs are very grounding. He would usually only hug people if they really REALLY need it. But despite how sparse his hugs are, he makes them all worth it. If you ever have a serious conversation with him, just know that he will always hug you in the end, not only to comfort you but to also thank you for trusting him with your secrets and feelings.
His hugs aren’t too tight or too loose, it feels like he’s actually like really holding you. HEAR ME OUT ITS HARD TO PUT IT INTO WORDS! BUT!! You feel seen with his hugs, he actually sees you and hears you, and Shiro is willing to protect the person deep down inside you. His hugs feel like a shield, ready to comfort and provide a safe space for you.
I love Allura so much omg. I placed her kinda low because I feel like she doesn’t give hugs often at all. Like you would have to go to her yourself and just ask, which she will question you. But if you look like you really need one, she will give you the WARMEST hug ever. Allura’s hugs are delicate in a way. She would hold someone as if they were fragile, being light with her touch because she doesn’t want to accidentally make you uncomfortable.
But despite that, her hugs bring a lot of comfort, they make you feel as if everything is going to be alright. Hugs make Allura feel vulnerable so be prepared for long hugs. She hugs you but just know that she needs that same amount of comfort too. Her hugs feel like finding inner peace, all your nerves instantly settle when she pulls you in her embrace.
I feel like Pidge is a somewhat closed off person. I think we’ve seen that Pidge can be an emotional person, but when it comes to physical touch, she doesn’t really think twice about it. Like Allura, you would have to ask her for a hug if you really wanted one. And when you do she might feel a little awkward giving you one😭😭I think she’s really used to only giving her family hugs so giving hugs to friends and you may put her off a little. But after the first few hugs, Pidge would definitely grow to enjoy your hugs!
I feel like she’s the type to rub your back, maybe even rock you guys side to side since she can’t keep still for too long. She might tell a joke while you hug too hehe. Her hugs feel like hugging an old friend, making sure to let you know how much those moments mean to her when you guys have a hugging session.
Rock bottom, he was an easy decision to make, at least for me. As much as I love Keith, I just KNOW he would be pretty reluctant in giving hugs. He’s not at all used to touching other people like that, he views it as something pretty intimate. So when he finally gives you a hug after some time, he’s pretty nervous, so bro is like really rigid and awkward when hugging you. It would take some time for him to finally loosen up, he’s just so tense.
Keith saves his hugs for people he’s close with. Hugging is Keith’s way of saying “hey I care about you!” He rarely gives hugs though unless he feels the need to. He’s also the type to like rub your back while hugging, it’s something he doesn’t realize he does. It feels weird hugging him at first since he isn’t used to being so close to someone, but he learns to just appreciate the small moment. His hugs feel like summer nights, they’re really refreshing and hugging him is like a new experience everytime.
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