#what i would like some of those core parenting questions or thoughts to be
doing all this reading on cross-cultural parenting styles is so so fascinating. the practical differences are super interesting (ie learning about different cultural approaches to food, sleep, toilet training, safety, respect for others, etc). but i think the most thought-provoking part is just like... thinking about what each culture’s dominant parenting approach reveals about the traits that culture values & the way people in that culture perceive the world and their interpersonal relationships with others. like here are some of the themes that are emerging about american parenting:
americans are obsessed with individual success and individual excellence. much of american parenting focuses on discovering and actively cultivating each individual child’s “gifts,” which are assumed to be unique to that child, relatively fixed, and innate. we also seem to have this idea that if a child demonstrates interest in something or an early knack for something, we have a responsibility to accommodate that interest and make investments (of time, energy, money) to ensure that this gift is being cultivated appropriately, with an eye towards producing a child who excels in that particular field.
a major tradeoff is: that focus on individual achievement often crowds out a focus on interpersonal connection & on helping kids feel meaningfully enmeshed in and connected to a community that cares for them & that they in turn have obligations to.
americans are incredibly focused on and concerned with meeting developmental milestones (and with pathologizing children as deficient or “slow” or medically abnormal if they don’t meet those milestones). conversely, we see it as highly desirable for kids to hit developmental milestones early, so we invest a ton of time and resources into trying to hurry our kids along. we want our kids to walk, talk, read, sleep through the night, play instruments, speak multiple languages, excel at sports, etc etc etc as early as possible and feel very proud when our kids are labeled “more advanced” than other kids their age.
americans talk to their kids constantly, from infancy to young adulthood, and most of this talk stems from a belief that more talk = more learning. we learn that “good” parenting is hyper-involved, hyper-attuned parenting where the parent is always asking the child questions about the world around them, introducing new information, explicitly teaching or instructing, narrating our own actions so that the kid will learn from what we’re modeling, etc etc. we seem to do this because we feel that pressure for the child to be learning faster, learning more, learning all the time, so that they can grow up faster, reach milestones sooner, and demonstrate a capacity for excellence in their chosen field earlier.
american parents worry a lot more about their kids (we are preoccupied with safety and risk in ways that seem one million times more stressful than many other approaches to parenting... though this is partly because we live in such child-unfriendly environments that weren’t designed with children’s needs in mind). but we also worry a lot about (and spend lots of time focusing on) making our kids “independent” of us. we simultaneously try to protect our kids from any kind of risk or setback that could discourage them or delay their growth, but we also try to push kids away from us faster, wanting them to achieve an independent, self-reliant, self-regulating maturity as quickly as possible.
americans are obsessed with “self-esteem” and often try to boost self-esteem by praising children for anything and everything (even if the praise is superficial or not really deserved). we are often afraid to give honest or hard feedback out of fear that it will damage the child’s self-image or make them feel negative feelings about themselves. the result, though, is that we seem to end up producing generations of kids who are much less resilient, prone to melting down over negative feedback or obstacles, self-absorbed/self-focused, and preoccupied with the idea that they have a sort of innate “right” to feel good all the time. this one is SUPER interesting to me because it feels connected to some thoughts i’ve been working through lately about the therapy-industrial complex and our culture’s obsession with mental health, which idk... my feelings here are complicated and require more unpacking than i want to do in this post lol. but i think a lot about how hollow praise can feel and how intensely addictive it can become, and just like... how truly enduring forms of self-worth seem to come from going through painful phases of life and grappling with difficult personal or interpersonal problems and emerging from those periods with a stronger, clearer understanding of yourself and your values. idk much to unpack here... much to think about...
idk there is probably more stuff i’m forgetting... i’m not really going anywhere with this post lol i just want to start synthesizing some of the things i’m reading. they’re like, simmering on low on the back burner of my brain right now... will be interesting to see if/how they end up getting internalized.
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too-much-tma-stuff · 7 months
Finally Getting Help (prt 6)
The Wayne family gathered in the family room once Alfred was done setting up the projector, somehow there was also a plate of cookies and a couple pots of tea on the coffee table. How he’d found the time they didn’t know, he always seemed to be doing just a little more than should be possible but they didn’t question it. 
Jazz seemed nervous as she plugged in her USB and accessed the power point on Ghosts and Liminality. The tidal page had a picture of Danny in his Phantom form standing with a group of others, a boy with gray skin and blond hair, a girl with green hair and skin, and a goth with purple eyes and a dark skinned boy who looked around Danny’s age, and Jazz with the title “Ghosts and Liminals!” 
The next slide had simple text: “What are they and How are they made?”
With each slide she read the text on the screen allowed and then added any context or anecdotes she thought of, or had prepared. 
(Next slide)
Made of ectoplasmic energy and obsession
Made either:
when someone dies with strong enough desires
An idea gains enough traction to take on a life of its own
Immutable concepts and gods
Must be allowed to indulge in obsessions or they will cease to exist
All have basic abilities such as flight, intangibility, invisibility, and minor shape shifting
On top of basic abilities most will have additional powers based on their obsessions
Immortal unless killed 
Love to fight
Made when a human is exposed to high levels of ectoplasm for prolonged periods of time
Have some ghostly traits 
Ghostly traits vary person to person
Less susceptible to human illness and injury
“The ghosts on the picture are Kitty and Johnny, we’ve had problems with them but would consider them friends now. They’re the ghosts of two humans who died, but there are others, Vortext for instance is the ghost of Storms. Those ghosts who come from ideas are called ‘neverborns’. There seem to be almost an infinite number of ghosts, however not all of them are interested in having anything to do with us so we tend to get the same faces showing up a lot in Amity.
“I don’t know how many liminals there are. I thought they might be new with my parents' research but as I look into it more I think there are more natural sources of ectoplasm then my parents thought.” Jazz explained before going to transition to the next slide.
“I have a question-” Bruce started before Jazz hushed him. 
“Wait till the end please! I might answer it without you having to ask,” She scolded, and he felt very much like a schoolboy again as his children snickered.
(Next slide including a image of the glowing green viles in the Fenton’s lab and a glowing green crystal)
Ghost biology 
Ghosts do not have any recognizable organs or bones
The only solid part of their being is their Core which is the source of their ectoplasm 
Any injury to a ghosts form not done directly to their core is considered minor and will heal
A healthy ghost is fully capable of mending any damage including removed limbs in a matter of hours or days depending on extent of the injury
All injuries not including the Core are considered minor 
Ghosts are considered young for at least the first hundred years of their existence and are often not considered adults until nearly 500
A caveat to this is ghosts are heavily driven by emotion and will often be the age they feel they are allowing ghosts to mature much more quickly, or more slowly
When this is the case ghosts are treated as the age they present and behave
Ghosts reproduce by shaping ectoplasm and Wanting a child badly enough
“Believe me it was incredibly scary the first time I saw Danny in his ghost form have something go right through his stomach. It took him a long time to convince me it wasn’t a big deal and it barely hurt. He does have to make sure he repairs the damage Before turning human again though or the damage can transfer over and I don’t need to tell you a hole in the gut is a lot more serious for humans!
“If I’m honest I only know ghosts that have stayed younger then they really are, for instance Youngblood who’s a few hundred years old and could be well on his way to adulthood if he wanted but has remained a child. I assume it can go the other way though, if a ghost is very mature for their age.”
Ectoplasm is the energy that makes up all ghosts and the Ghost Zone itself. All ghosts can feed on the ectoplasm around them as well as produce their own by indulging in obsessions. The ghosts Cores produce the ectoplasm like a brain produces neurochemicals when exposed to the right stimulation.
Ectoplasm is a powerful source of energy but unstable. When it is stabilized into an ecto-crystal it is more stable and can be used as a power source safely by ghosts and liminals.
“Most ectoplasm is green like you see in the pictures. But it isn’t the only colour, some other ghosts produce different colours and it is highly tied to what emotion drives them. When it’s pure it usually smells like petracore but it can get pretty foul.”
(next slide)
What are Obsessions
Every ghost has one or more obsessions
They can be very literal things such as boxes, or ideas and emotions such as Love
In rarer cases they may have dual obsessions
Unlike for humans obsessions are very healthy for ghosts
Ghosts need to indulge their obsessions
Sometimes the way ghosts indulge their obsessions might seem evil, however it is almost always just amoral 
Obsessions shape every part of a ghost from their powers to thier physical appearance, to befriend a ghost you Must understand and aid their obsession
In very extreme circumstances a ghosts obsession may shift, sometimes this is healthy, more often it is a result of extreme trauma
“With my interest in psychology this was sort of hard for me to accept. From the outside the way ghosts obsess seems really unhealthy but it’s what gives them life. When not allowed to indulge in their obsessions ghosts will dysregulate and go to extreme lengths to try and get their obsession, if that doesn’t work they either go dormant if their core is still healthy enough or they will melt. 
“Ghosts change their obsessions very rarely, I’ve heard of it happening as they heal. For instance once a ghost has gotten revenge for themselves, if that was their obsession, their obsession might shift to avenging other people, or even protecting them so they don’t need to be avenged.”
(Next Slide)
Ghost Culture
The Ghosts have a monarchy
The title of the Ghost King is not hereditary but passed through trial by combat
Under the monarch is a council of being known as Observants, and powerful and old ghosts called Ancients 
Ghosts respect strength and value power and cunning in combat a lot
Ghosts bond with each other through combat and play fight with family and friends often
“I have down that the ghosts are a monarchy, and technically that is true but the current Ghost King was a tyrant who was locked away thousands of years ago. I’m sure as soon as someone shows up who’s powerful enough to beat him his court will be happy to pick up where they left off with a better King, or queen, though I don’t think the title has to change based on gender.
“I really can’t stress enough how violent ghosts are! Because nothing short of having their cores shattered can kill them, play fighting for them can look Very Much like a murder attempt to a human. A lot of the issues we’ve had with ghosts have come from them just not understanding quite how fragile humans, and for most of them they feel really bad once they know they actually Hurt someone by shooting them. It’s really best for everyone when they’re kept separate and Ghosts can happily tear each other apart in peace.”
The result of long term low level exposure to ectoplasm, sudden high doses are almost always deadly
Liminals Can have almost every trait a ghost can, usually having a combination of a few
Commonalities between liminals include
Minor cosmetic changes such as: glowing eyes, pointed ears, and/or sharp teeth 
Increased stamina, strength, and aggression
Increased obsessive behaviour
Liminals sometimes develop powers shaped by the strength and type of obsession 
“Most of the people Danny and I know are liminals. I don’t want to talk about them in case they don’t want to be outed so I’ll talk about myself and my parents. We all had prolonged exposure after all. My ears are pointed,” She said brushing her hair back so they could see them, “And Danny is a little more then liminal but even in human form he has fangs. 
“My parents didn’t realize it but they could to the point they could subsist on their obsession without needing to eat or sleep as often as a regular human would. About a year ago I started developing the ability to tap into and feel other peoples emotions, I can feed on them a little too but I try not to because the Worst ghost we met did that and I don’t want to be anything like her.”
(Next Slide)
In conclusion
Ghosts are not evil even though sometimes their actions are hard to understand
Never get between ghosts when they’re fighting each other but it’s usually safe to yell at them to remind them not to break anything
Never get between a ghost and their obsession
Don’t drink ectoplasm unless you know you’re already liminal
“I have a feeling the section about liminals will be familiar to a bunch of you. I know Damian is liminal though I don’t know how he was exposed to ectoplasm and some of you,” Her eyes skirted across Tim and Bruce. “Are toeing the line. You’ll probably notice Damian and Danny getting really close, and they might get in some really vicious looking fights. I promise Danny is playing at least.”
The family was left silent for a moment, Bruce knew he was thinking about Jason. Who had died, been exposed to.. What certainly seemed to be something like Lazarus water and come back, obsessive, aggressive, and emotional. He wished he’d had this powerpoint a long time ago. It helped understand Damian too but mostly he was thinking about Jason. He needed to reach out again, maybe meeting Danny would be good for Jason?
“So uhhh, ya, that’s the end of the powerpoint?” Jazz said, shifting from foot to foot in the awkward silence. “Any questions?”
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verxca · 6 months
➤ a reiner braun smut
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( A/N + summary + warnings !! )
⟡ i have never ever posted smut before, non the less on this account. if you aren’t interested in it, plz don’t read !! though if it gets a decent reception i might write some more ideas i had in mind loll ( be prepared guys … )
⟡ valentine’s day rolls around, and you want to finally try something new with your boyfriend.
⟡ oral sex ( f! and m! receiving ), PRAISE, encouragement, love bombs, teaching you, soft dom! reiner, virgin! shy! reader, just a healthy cute couple ;))
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you loved your boyfriend. more than anything. he was just so sweet, and he deserved beyond the whole world. naturally, thoughts of him had been fogging up your mind ever since you two started dating, around four months ago. you couldn’t help but start to crave for him, though, you were scared to move too fast, so took a step back and just decided to wait until the time felt right.
today, in fact, was valentine’s day. luckily, your parents were out of town, so you and reiner got to spend the night at his house after haven been on a romantic date. you had been here before, but this time just felt different. you felt so safe around him, and knew you could trust him with anything, not to mention as special as this.
reiner was laying on the couch, reading an old book you had lended him awhile back. you laid sprawled out on his chest, strands of hair dangling onto his neck, feeling his heartbeat. the cuddle felt nice; his warm hands maneuvering around you to hold up his volume in the air, reading silently. you suddenly raise your head up, slightly repositioning yourself.
- reiner? 
you ask shyly, almost innocently. reiner immediately averts his gaze to your soft face. you looked at him with a faint blush, just noticeable from the angle.
- hmm?
you decided to just risk it all now. you loved him, and had been wanting to do this for so long. this was a perfect occasion and opportunity to bring up the topic. though, you hesitate slightly, taking that extra second to speak.
- are you in the mood?
you could see the slight widen in his eyes, a small breath caught in his throat. reiner’s cock twitched in his pants just at the mere thought of you two doing anything of the sort. after all, he wanted this too. though, being the man, didn’t want to pressure you or make you feel nervous about it.
of course, you two had made out. once, he had you seated in his lap, and you accidentally buckled your hips on his. you thought about that moment everyday since, breathless nights in your bed as a hand slipped down your pants. mind clouded with just him. you really wanted this. both of you.
- what kind of question is that?
he jokes, setting his book down on the side table. even just hearing those words made a familiar feeling of pleasure run through your core, as you slightly squeeze your legs together. reiner brings a hand to your face, stroking your cheek comfortingly, lovingly. your heart already started to race, blush increasingly obvious.
- i want to make you feel good. i’m ready.
you say once more with those innocent eyes. reiner tried not to show his excitement, but the growing bulge in his pants made it hard to ignore and or push away.
- you sure? i don’t wanna’ force you or anything.
you quickly shake your head, looking into his eyes with reassurance. you notice his growing grin every time you speak. he couldn’t hold back, he needed this badly.
- no- i want to try. m’ not sure if i’ll be good- you know i’ve never done this sort of thing before.
he slightly chuckles, readjusting the both of you so that you were seated on his lap. reiner loved the position, and couldn’t wait till later on when you could ride him just like this. god, what was happening to him?
- babe… don’t say that. how bout’ i walk you through it, yeah? would that help?
you look down at him once more, nodding tenderly. of course you were nervous, yet you couldn’t help but crave for this. you just wanted to make him feel good, to pleasure him. reiner stroked your hair, and smiled.
- what did i do to deserve you?
he breathes, a genuine tone in his voice. you loved when your boyfriend praised you like this, the thought slightly drifting to imagine what sorts of lewd sounds and things would come out his mouth when you finally unzip his pants.
- i love you so much.
you reply back, a warm smile plastered on your face. you gently got off of his lap, and sat on the floor in between his legs. in a pitiful attempt to look sexy, you make your moves a little slower. though, in truth, you didn’t want to wait any longer. reiner just thought it was even more adorable.
looking up lovingly, his expression was more notable. he looked like he was shocked, almost, not believing this was happening now. to give you more space, he spread his legs open, letting you instinctively scoot closer. now manspread, you couldn’t deny how hot he looked from the angle.
reiner gazed down into your eyes, slightly leaning forward. he was so hard at this point, and you quickly took notice of the bulge in his pants. it was… big. a cocky grin formed on his face as he brought a hand down to gently palm himself through the fabric of his pants. your eyes widen as well at the lewd visual.
- see what you do to me, babe? 
even though you hadn’t started, the sight of reiner’s full erection caused your mouth to water, non the less of him slowly fondling himself. there was something just so hot about the fact he was so desperate for you, how he was so horny already. maybe your ‘sexy’ moves had worked.
you hesitate and bring your hands up, not sure of how to start off. he stops palming himself, letting out a chuckle at your confused state. reiner removes his belt quickly, and unzips his fly. as he was busy disregarding it to the side of the room, you wasted no time; tugging down his pants down a bit more, once again with his help.
the hard on poking through your boyfriend’s underwear was a sight you’d fantasized about many times. averting your gaze up once more, he realized you were asking for directions, for reassurance, all hidden in that facial expression he grew to know so well.
- you sure you want to do this?
without an ounce of hesitation, you quickly nod.
- mhm.
the sight of you so desperately wanting to pleasure him made his cock twitch. he painfully resisted the urge to grind against the fabric of his underwear, not wanting to come off as too needy. but fuck, he couldn’t wait.
- okay. you can take em’ off. it’s okay.
you couldn’t get enough of his soft praise, even if it was just; ‘its okay’ or ‘i got you’. you bite your lip, eager at this point. after having fantasized about this moment for so long, a part of you didn’t come to realize this was actually reality. wrapping your fingers underneath the hem of his underwear, you tug it down.
reiner’s cock sprung up as he tried to hold back his excitement. you couldn’t help but slightly grin, beyond happy to finally see all of him. you noticed just by his bulge earlier how big he was, and this just further proved your theory of sorts. it was average length, but oh boy was it wide. reiner was obviously a big man, so you weren’t shocked per say. you nervously gulped, not even sure at this point how you’d fit it in your mouth.
- so- uhm-
he cleared his throat as he spoke, slightly unsure himself. with how shy you were usually, he didn’t exepect you to give him a full on blow-job. but with the way you were looking at his painfully desperate erection, his mind started to wander a bit. of course he wanted your lips wrapped around his cock, though, he wanted you to ask first.
- nice, slow strokes, baby. you think you got that?
he says as you look up and nod, a hint of confusion seeping through your eyes; you scooted even closer.
- can i try to- you know- help you with my mouth?
reiner nearly came on the spot as you mutter that, beyond desperate to face fuck you ever so gently.
- of course you can, babe. suck it slow, yeah? start with the tip, n’ work your way down. if it’s ever too much just tell me. okay? i love you so much-
you squeezed your legs together, eager to finally try this. you were genuinely happy that you could loose your oral virginity to him, to your loving boyfriend, to reiner.
you bring a hand up to your mouth, gently spitting onto your palm. reiner watched with his jaw clenched, lust overfilling his mind to the brim. you weren’t sure if this was the right way, but it sure looked hot as hell in his eyes.
you brought up your saliva filled palm to reiner’s cock, and gave it a slow stroke, lubricating it with your spit. you had imagined in your head what sort of sounds reiner would make in bed, and you weren’t that far off. a deep grunt of pleasure escaped his lips; you hadn’t even started.
- shit-
he breathed out, mouth slightly agape. he wanted to pinch himself, just to see if this was a dream or not. after a couple strokes of his dick, you readjusted to be sat up on your knees, and leaned forward.
- remeber? nice n’ slow, baby. you look so fucking hot-
you blush at his tone. obviously he had called you hot before, but in this position, if felt more than nice to be reassured. you licked your lips, leaning over his spit covered dick; almost certain it was still growing.
nervously, you brought your mouth to his cock, sucking on the tip ever so gently. reiner let out another groan, tossing his head back in pleasure. you planted your other hand at his base to steady yourself, slightly moving it up and down. slowly circling your tongue around his tip, the sensation was sending reiner onto cloud 9.
- just like that- fuuuuck-
he hums, looking back down. seeing your face, non the less with your lips wrapped around his cock just made his lust and love for you just grow even stronger. reiner couldn’t believe how fucking good it felt, and he was already starting to feel overwhelmed with the slow pleasure.
you continue to gently tease his tip with your tongue, the slow circles coming to a stop. you prepared yourself mentally, ready to try and fit at least some of him in your mouth. reiner looked down at you with a warm smile, reassuring you that you were doing amazing.
you chuckle right over his cock, sending another wave of pleasure up reiner’s core. you gently sucked on the tip once more, before leaning forward, taking in even more. it wasn’t the most comfortable position, you could agree on that; but seeing your boyfriend break because of you made it all worth it in the end.
you gently bobbed your head up and down reiner’s hard legnth, as he let out a louder grunt. he sounded like an animal in heat, a desperate one at that. your mouth was just so perfect for reiner, so warm and wet.
- so fucking good, baby- that’s it. thaat’s it.
his advice completely flew over your head, and you start to go a bit faster. your other hand was stroking the bottom of his cock, and reiner started to wonder if you were lying about not haven done this before.
- shit- you’re gonna make me cum already if you keep it up. slow, babe… take your time.
you could taste the precum leaking out his cock, though with the spit, it slipped your mind that you were actually making him feel this good already.
you almost felt bad that you were enjoying this, an odd sense of pride taking over. non the less, you go slower, still causing pleasure to run through his body. reiner gently brought his hand up to the back of your head, resting it in your hair. he didn’t force you down any more, just sort of consulting you, showing how much he appreciated you.
the positon made your head hurt a bit; it was hard to breathe, but you didn’t want to stop. you were determined to make him climax. to make him feel good.
- s’ okay, baby… breath out your nose. deep breaths fer’ me.
it was almost like magic how he could immediately tell you were struggling. but non the less; you listen, and start to breathe from out your nose. you immediately feel the blood rush back into your head, giving you that boost of confidence. speeding up, reiner moans louder.
- fuck- baby- you don’t know how much i’ve wanted this. countless nights stroking my cock- just wanting you here, like this-
he blabbered on, lost in pleasure, looking down at you sucking him off like the filthy goddess you were. his words sent a wave of pleasure through your own core, squeezing your legs together instinctively, desperately searching for that much needed friction. you let out a moan onto reiner’s dick, causing a sheepish whimper to escape his lips.
- you- look so fuckin' pretty when you do this- feels- so good, hun'
you could tell he was getting close, reiner's cock twitching in your mouth; but you were having too much fun to even worry about that. you bob your head down more, and establish a rhythm. two small sucks, before you took more of him. the pattern was almost too much for reiner, he would just love you even more after this, balls twitching and retracting at each sensual movement.
- love you… shit- keep breathin’
he muttered out, eyes shut with a clenched jaw. reiner hadn’t even realized that his hand on your head was now firmly gripping onto your hair; the other digging into the couch cushion for some stability.
- mhm…
you hum on his dick in response, and reiner nearly couldn’t take it anymore. the way you bobbed your head down, trying to take as much of him in as you could. fuck.
- m’ so close baby- makin’ me feel so good- fuck!
this was it. you didn’t slow down or speed up, but kept the same pace. though, you added your tongue into the mix, circling it around his dick like earlier. you almost doubted yourself if you heard it right, but reiner let out a painful whimper. at this point, he was desperate for release.
as your own legs pulsed with arousal, you made a mental note to do this more often. you took him a bit deeper, wondering if it felt good.
- cumming’
was all he could mutter out, a loud moan escaping his lips. he sounded so needy for you as his his head tossed back in pleasure, legs convulsing, jaw clenched.
you took reiner’s twitching cock out your mouth, and stroked it quickly. soon after, he shot out loads of cum, groaning up at you. it landed all over your shirt, which just turned him on even more when he saw.
even after cumming, you stroked his dick slowly; and poor reiner just couldn’t take it anymore. he readjusted himself, as a sign for you to stop. you quickly pulled your hand away and looked up, waiting for approval. after all, you did make him cum, feeling that odd sense of gratification.
- baby- love’ you so much- that was so, so good- c’mere.
you smiled, almost relived, readjusting to sit up on your knees. reiner looked down at his cock, then back at you.
- are you okay?
he asked, panting almost.
- yeah. m’ all good.
you smiled, happy. you just oved him so much, and were beyond happy to experience something so sensual with him for the first time. not even that, but it went really well.
- your shirt- aww, my poor girl. gotta’ wash it now.
you looked down in confusion; quickly realizing what he was referring to. reiner’s cum had stained, eliciting a giggle from you. with quick thinking and one swift motion, you remove your shirt, tossing it to the side. your boyfriend couldn’t help but glance at your boobs, the cute lace bra he bought neatly pushing them up together. it’s nothing he hasn’t seen before, but god was it a sight to admire. that same heat still ran through your core, and he could tell that you were as desperate for release as he had been.
reiner patted the couch next to him, the mark where his hands were gripping into it still visible. you comply almost immediately and climb up, fluttering your eyes, biting your bottom lip. reiner wanted nothing more in this moment than to make you feel as good as you made him feel. he leans in instinctively, as you two share a hungry kiss.
he doesn’t even wait before adding in his tongue. the both of you didn’t french kiss too often, but in moments like these, it made you equally feel so loved. your mouths intertwine, desperate for each other, connecting on a different sort of level. you slightly grinded against your own ankle as you sat down, unconsciously begging for any type of friction you could get. even just picturing reiner going down on you caused an audible moan to escape your lips, signaling to him through you kiss that you wanted this.
you hadn’t even realized till now, but reiner was very slowly taking charge. you loved when he did; slightly towering over you, gripping your hair that little bit tighter to force you deeper into the kiss.
reiner starts to lean more over you, and since you weren’t holding onto anything, immediately loose balance and fall backwards onto the couch. you giggle, but he couldn’t wait another moment; latching back onto your neck in seconds, pinning you down with his frame.
- please let me eat you out.
he muttered out in between the sloppy, wet kisses you knew would leave marks tomorrow. you almost didn’t process those words until reiner used all his self control to stop and look down at you, desperation escaping your eyes. fuck, you wanted this so bad, and the both of you could tell.
- please…
you whine out, beyond turned on. you had never been this wet before, let alone all because of someone else; reiner knew exactly what to do and what to say to get you going.
further proving your point, he immediately jumps back onto your neck, sucking and kissing anywhere he could see, lapping over the sensitive marks he had already gave you. another hand snaked down to grope your boob, eliciting a loud moan from your part. he was now toying with two of your sensitive spots; your breasts and the crook of your neck. the bastard knew how to get at you.
the pure love and bliss felt in the room just turned you on even more; the only sounds coming from whimpers and wet kisses. it was nasty.
- gonna’ make you cum so many times, babe-
you almost couldn’t take it anymore, you needed him now. reiner slowly trailed his kisses down your body, each one sending a wave of electricity through your core. you hadn’t even processed when he finally reached your shorts, immediately tugging them off you like the hungry animal he was. instinctively, you close your legs a bit, obviously nervous. you had never showed anyone your most intimate parts, a wave of nervousness to running through your body as he continued slobber over your lower belly.
- reiner- mhmm-
you whimper out, gently gripping onto his hair as a sign for him to look up. obviously reiner had seen you in your underwear and bra, though this whole situation just made your heart rate go up. you readjust to make eye contact with him, a slight frown forming upon your face.
- you good babe? want me to stop?
you tilt your head slightly; of course you didn’t. seeing reiner’s head in between your thighs, eager to suck and lap your sensitive core… how could one say no to that?
- no- i’m just kinda’ nervous-
reiner reaches one of his hands out to cup your jaw, gently stroking his thumb over your cheek like he had earlier. even the slightest gesture was so comforting, so blissful.
- awe babe... m’ gonna make you feel so good. you’re so gorgeous, there’s no reason to be nervous. i love you.
you frown bittersweetly at his words, melting your head into the hand that held your chin up. you nod, too embarrassed and worked up to speak. reiner begins to kiss down your stomach once more, not hesitating to take his time. you made a mental note about how good he was at foreplay; it had been so long, yet no time had passed at all. it was only two souls in the cosmos, connect by heart and soul.
he reached your panties, tugging down the hem. even so sensitive there, you had no idea how you would react to him going further with all of this. reiner’s eyes glistened with pride as he looked down at your garments completely soaked in arousal. now you were embarrassed, turning your head to the side with an obvious blush.
- holy shit babe, you’re so wet already.
you just let out a simple nod, immediately followed by a quiet moan as reiner strokes his finger down your clothed cunt, right above your clit. just like his cock, even reiner’s fingers were big. simply rubbing your clothed slit with his muscly hand felt heavenly, euphoric almost.
- can i take them off? please.
he begs, still remaining polite as his gentlemanly instincts never dissipate. you couldn’t help but nod, the sight just making you even more wet. reiner tugs down on your underwear, pulling them off your legs. this was the first time you were fully exposed to him, or to anyone for that matter. reiner observed your glistening cunt with pure awe, more desperate than ever to finally taste you.
he looked up to verify any signs of discomfort or regret. he knew he was taking your oral virginity, and still wanted this to remain special. though, your head was turned to the side in embrasement, too shy to look. reiner smirked at just how innocent you were, giving your clit a little kiss before immediately latching onto your vulva.
you stayed silent, before your back arched in pleasure. it even took your nervous system a little to realize what was going on, mouth agape in shock. after a couple seconds, the delayed, soft moan escapes your lips.
reiner smiled into your bloom, knowing how good he was making you feel right now. both of his hands held tightly onto your thighs as he ate you out like a man starved.
- r-reiner—! oooh!
you say through gasps, never having experienced a sensation this pleasurable. he sensually made out with your slit, tongue sometimes trailing over to your clit to give it a little swirl and kiss.
on reiner’s side of this, he was a bit nervous too. with every lick and slobber, he observed how you reacted. sex was something new to you, and he never planned on being perfect to your liking during the first day, since everyone’s preferences were vastly unique. yet, your body language displayed pure pleasure and satisfaction.
you didn’t know how to describe the feeling of being eaten out; though it made you feel so wanted and cared for. the sensation and the emotional side of this were just too much to bare, as you bring a hand up to cover your mouth.
reiner looks up at you, observing your rising and falling stomach, along with your hidden face. though, he didn’t stop lapping at your cunt, just snaking a hand down your sexy body to pull your hand away. you readjust and look down at your boyfriend, who now held a firm grip on your arm. you obviously took it as a sign to stop, and the controlling action just made you moan loudly once more.
- none of that, baby. wanna’ hear you.
he says quickly, not wasting any time before diving back into your vulva. you whine out, hands up in the air, not sure of what to grip onto. you needed something, anything to help with the intense feeling.
inbetween wet laps, he kissed your clit many times, hoping to get that reaction out of you. and every time he did it was like the cherry atop of the ice cream; there wasn’t a second where you weren’t being subdued to his tongue or mouth, his other hand still holding your thigh slightly gripping into it more, keeping you steady.
- o-oh- oh my god…!
reiner noticed your tense palms agape in the air, and pulled back out for another second. you were now louder, whimpering and moaning pornographically. this just motivated him to go even further, happy to finally be pleasing you like he always wanted too. and god, your whimpers were like music to his ears every single time.
- tug on my hair, s’ okay.
you didn’t process the request, too lost in bittersweet pleasure to understand the clear sentence he muttered. though, you finally oblige and reach your hands down to reiner’s soft, blonde hair.
each suck of your vulva, his stubble slightly brushed up against either your clit, or one of the sides of your sensitive core, both adding to the intense knot. throughout all this, your hands circled in his soft locks. you tried to be gentle at first, but quickly started to tug on it; he didn’t care.
suddenly, you felt empty and alone. you opened your eyes, not even realizing till now that they had shut during the pleasure, only to see him simply readjusting the position. you would have said you wanted a break to replenish yourself and to catch you breath, though you didn’t stop him. you were just as desperate.
you watched as he sat up more, pushing your knees back and up into your chest. now seated closer, reiner leaned back down inbetween your legs. just the sight alone of his big muscles retracting at each suck and lap; you couldn’t take it. you didn’t even realize till now that you were getting close, really close.
- reineeer! mhm- please- feels like- m’ gonna-
he smirks into your pussy before pulling out for a second.
- yer’ gonna cum, baby.
even just the sentence alone had your heart beating like a drum and your sensitive core shivering. you brought your hands down quickly to his hair once more like he had asked, both of his firmly digging into your thighs like they had been before. this was now beyond intimate, beyond sensual.
you gasped loudly before a string over whimpers escaped your throat. you looked down, confused at what sudden pressure was building once more. as if you weren’t already overwhelmed enough, reiner gently circled your clit with his thumb, tracing light yet fast circles.
- fuckkk! reiner- m’ guna cum. don’t stop- please-
you quickly sput out, not even processing the words, knowing they felt right either way. reiner picked up the speed of his mouvements; circling his thumb faster while slightly pressing it down, along with his head moving more diagonally, fast, like he was enjoying a first course meal.
he moaned into your vulva, the vibrations helping to finally ease that building up pressure. it felt like you were literally floating, like ecstasy.
- please- pleeease- just like that!
you loudly moan out, gripping onto his hair hard, not holding back anymore like he had asked. a wave a pleasure rushes through your whole body as you come undone in his mouth, reiner’s name repeatedly leaving your lips. your toes curled, back arched, and eyes firmly shut through all of it.
even during your climax, he didn’t stop. he continued to suck and lap and kiss all over. reiner didn’t want to leave, he wanted to die between your thighs if you could. it took you a couple seconds to register that he hadn’t stopped even after your orgasm, continuing at his same speed.
you thought at first he just didn’t known you came, though it had been quite obvious as you recall. you let him continue for a couple seconds, before you felt your thighs and legs shake with overstimulation.
- reiner- no more’
you whimper, as he gives your pussy another lick and your clit another kiss before pulling out. seeing him emerge from your legs, wiping the arousal off of his chin; even he was panting. holy shit.
- you good honey?
too tuckered out to respond coherently, you nod.
- fuck, you taste so good babe. was that okay?
you let out a little giggle and a sigh before sitting up. reiner was back at it again; stroking your cheek lovingly, awaiting your answer. though, he knew in all by your loud moans and body langue that you had a damn good time.
- yeah- that- wow. you’re so hot.
was all you could manage to say, your gummy walls still clenching around nothing. reiner smiled, as you both noticed how your legs were slightly shaking.
- awe, you’re shaking, baby… you’re okay…
reiner says, leaning down to pull you up. you both shared a warm embrace after the intense session. it went better expected then how you thought it would, and you really didn’t mind taking it a step further in the future.
reiner held you tightly in his arms, kissing your head and stroking the back of your hair.
- love you so much. you’ll always be my girl.
you smile into his muscly chest, listening to his heartbeat. you had no regrets tonight.
- i love you too.
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bumblebugwrites · 2 years
Borrowed and Blue
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Pairing: Anthony Lockwood x fem!Reader
Summary: In another brilliant plot to keep the agency afloat, Lockwood decides to marry you for tax benefits. Only he seemed to have forgotten to let you know. With an inspector from DEPRAC coming to ensure the legitimacy of your marriage, what’s left but to tell you the truth? Only you don’t take it too well. And you happen to be the world’s worst liar.
Warnings: Cursing, Minor angst, Unedited writing.
A/N: So “Lover” coded that I had to indulge myself with the title.
Word Count: 3.1k 
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“Luce, I’ll need you to go to Satchell’s and pick some salt-bombs; we’ve been running pretty low lately. And George, once you’ve hit the Archive for the day, if you could–”
As Lockwood’s incessant directions continued, you allowed your head to slump forward so as to obscure his looming figure with the shape of the quickly cooling mug in your hands.
“Oh, and that reminds me (Y/N), the inspector’s coming round this afternoon to ensure the validity of our marriage, so I’ll need you to be prepared for that.” That sentence alone was enough to pull you away from your own thoughts.
“Excuse me?” The question was followed by a soft chuckle, the kind you only managed when you’d been caught off guard.
“Did I forget to tell you about the visit?” 
“You’re joking, right?”
Across the small table, George cleared his throat awkwardly, moving to make his escape before Lucy’s sweater-clad arm shot out, pulling him back into his seat, fully enthralled with the happenings before her.
“Lockwood?” From his place at the counter, he hummed back in response. Still, the brunet had busied himself at an unprecedented pace with making a piece of toast and refused to turn his head in acknowledgment.
“This is a joke, right? Because I would know if we were actually married, right?” He made no answer, but his avoidance of your gaze had already been enough to send you over the edge, and you nearly reeled as a physical spike of panic shot through your core.
“Anthony Lockwood, you answer me right now.” You were standing now and teetering on the edge of making your way out into the entry and returning with some choice words and your rapier.
“Well, it’s not like you missed the marriage. I did bring you along.”
“You remember that day I brought you with me to the Register Office?”
“You said you needed someone to co-sign the water bill.”
“I gave you a ring–”
“You said you got that out of one of those coin machines full of toys! I thought it was just a silly gift!”
“Right, well, I’m not buying you another wedding ring, so you had better still have it.”
“Lockwood! You can’t just marry someone without asking!��� By now, you had left your seat to jab angrily at his chest as you marked each new point. From her place beside George, Lucy slurped at her tea.
“Look, I had already mortgaged the house to hell and back, and we needed the money desperately, so I figured an extra tax write-off couldn’t hurt.” And though it shouldn’t have, the rage quelled itself a little.
“Why didn’t you just ask me?” But your voice lacked the anger from before, hitting sharper as each word was tinged with hurt.
“You would have said no. And besides, you’re a terrible liar.” Lockwood flashed you with his signature smile at that last bit, and you couldn’t help the warmth that began to bloom deep within you. You had to admit, being married to Lockwood wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. Especially with the insufferable feelings you’d been housing for the boy for the last year and a half. Still, this was not how you wanted things to go. 
“But wait, that trip to the Register’s Office was at least a year ago. Why are they coming for a visit now?” One of Lockwood’s hands which had planted itself on your shoulder in a soothing gesture, leapt up to scratch at the back of his neck.
“Well, the thing is, because we aren’t legally adults and neither of us have any parents to sign off on a marriage, I had to pull some strings with DEPRAC to get the license to even go through. So now, every year, to make sure everything is all legal, or whatever–” Lockwood raised his hands to form air quotes around the word legal but quickly retracted them as you swatted at the gesture.
“--they’ve insisted on sending an agent to perform a kind of check-in. To make sure we’re still in love and all that.”
“Still?” George questioned, only to be met with a prompt smack to the head from Lucy.
“So are you saying we could lose our jobs over this?”
“Let’s not forget the house,” supplied Lucy from behind her mug.
“And the house?” Lockwood didn’t answer immediately, instead selecting to fix his eyes on the floor.
“Presumably, yes, that could be one outcome–”
“Oh my god,” George groaned, moving his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose.
“But not if all goes well,” Lockwood reassured the group.
“Right, so let me get this straight, the fate of our careers–”
“And our home,” Lucy interjected once more.
“And our home, is all in the hands of (Y/N), a notoriously bad liar, lying to a Fittes agent about a marriage she was unaware of until this morning?” George questioned.
“That would be correct.”
“We are so fucked.”
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It had taken Lucy an hour to calm you down, let alone lure you out from under the covers of your shared bed. 
“I’ll kill him if you’d like me to.”
“Urgh, it’s not that, Luce, it’s just–” 
“It’s just that you wanted things to go differently?” Lucy raised a suggestive eyebrow as a slow smirk spread across her face, but there was no malice in her look. Embarrassed, you turned to hide your face in the pillow beside you.
“Look, Lockwood’s a twat, but he cares about you, and I’m sure if you asked, he would end the whole thing in a second. He was just, well, I hate to say it, but he was just trying to look out for us. In his own, extremely fucked up Lockwood way.” Lucy added the last sentence in a quick attempt to amend the ever-souring scowl on your face.
“And hey, who knows, maybe something will finally come out of this. I mean, you have to admit, being married is pretty romantic.” She smiled at you, and it was soft, encouraging almost.
“Besides, it’s not like the two of you weren’t going to end up together anyways. If anything, he’s just streamlined the process.” With that, you tightened your grasp on the pillow, swinging it in a deadly arc aimed at her head. Just then, a third voice interrupted your siege.
“Oh, hi Luce, mind if I have a quick word with my wife?” 
Your eyes grew wide as they took in Lockwood’s lanky figure, leaning with ease against the railing at the head of the stairs.
“Too soon, Lockwood,” you grumbled, and for a moment, the suave smirk didn’t reach his eyes. Still, he moved slowly into the room as Lucy made her exit, throwing you a thumbs up as she descended from out of the attic.
Taking a seat on the edge of the bed, careful not to crush your legs beneath the covers, he appeared almost nervous before his hand disappeared into his pocket and rematerialized, holding a small velvet box.
“This is for you.” He smiled to himself, sweet and boyish, as he was in moments like these. Moments with just you two. As you moved to take the box from his grasp, his fingers touched yours, lingering against them for just a second before pulling away.
The box was old. That much was immediately obvious. And the hinges keeping it together were rusty enough to make opening it a bit of an effort, but when the lid lifted, your breath caught in your throat.
“Oh, Lockwood, it’s beautiful.” You sat in awe of the small ring nestled within the box’s velvet folds. It was simple but elegant, with a single gem at its center, and you couldn’t help but reach out to trace the smooth metal of its shank.
“Where did you–”
“It was my mothers.” His voice was vulnerable, barely above a whisper.
“Lockwood, I can’t–”
“It’s fine, really. Besides, it's just for today.” But you could see the stress the simple action caused him from the way he toyed with the wedding band now looped around his own finger.
 “Anyways, I really just came up here to go over the plan.” 
“The plan?” You balked, eyes snapping away from the heirloom in your hands.
“Yes, we need a story, of course. How we fell in love, how we came to be married. You should know our wedding anniversary as well. April 14th, remember that.”
“April 14th? But that’s today.”
“I– I haven’t gotten you anything.”
“Well, it's not like this is a real marriage.”
“Oh. Right.”
“I’m thinking we say I fell in love first, then you. Women love that sort of thing–”
“No, no, we should say we’ve been in love since the moment we met,” you argued, thinking of your own feelings.
“Well, that’s not very realistic.”
“Doesn’t mean it isn– can’t be true.”
“I suppose so.”
“Maybe we should both just think of our own moment. When we fell in love with the other.” Lockwood seemed suddenly to choke on air but quickly coughed his way past it.
“Great idea.”
“We can say you proposed on a bridge overlooking the Thames,” you suggested, but Lockwood only scoffed at the idea.
“Actually, I was thinking we could say it happened on a mission. Maybe you were hurt, and I was afraid I might lose you forever. That when I realized you were alright, I asked you to marry me on the spot. That I didn’t see the point in wasting any more time on anyone else.”
Your mouth grew dry at his suggestion, and the best you could attempt was a meek nod in response.
“Perfect,” he stood quickly, as though brushing off the intimacy of the moment, and began to head for the stairs, “I’ll leave you to finish getting ready then.” By the time you’d managed to grasp your words, he had disappeared from your line of sight, leaving you alone with your thoughts and his mother’s ring. 
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You were descending the stairs when the knock came, and you felt your hand move to twist anxiously at the ring newly decorating your finger. At the bottom of the stairs, Lockwood turned his head just in time to meet your gaze, the nervous look plastered across his face softening into one of ease. Probably just for show. You reassured yourself, straightening your shoulders as you reached the final step. Just before opening the door, the boy beside you cast some final words in your direction.
“Remember, I’ll do most of the talking.”
You could only nod in response as the door swung open, revealing the DEPRAC agent. She seemed immediately to be a severe woman with a stern look set deep within her face and eyes that scanned each of you suspiciously before entering the home. 
“Is there somewhere you’d prefer for me to conduct my interview.”
“That would be the library,” answered Lockwood, jumping into action, “(Y/N) love, how about you pop the kettle on and maybe grab some biscuits.” 
“Of course.” You smiled, but it was forced, the only mirth in your soul emerging from the sure knowledge that George would have a field day with Lockwood later on for his failure to follow the ‘Biscuit Rule’.
As he departed for the library, guiding the woman along with him, you could already hear the echos of his charming chatter as they bounced off the walls of the home. Everything will be fine, the words looped in a self-soothing mantra, filling every corner of your head as you prayed to any god that would listen to get through this interview in one piece.
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“And when would you say you fell in love with Miss. (L/N)?” The woman made no reaction to her question, simply opting to continue scribbling notes on her pad. Thus far, Lockwood had done a successful job of veering most questions away from you, though it would be a miracle if your nerves had gone unnoticed between the incessant bouncing of your leg and your consumption of three separate cups of tea over the span of thirty minutes.
“In love?” Lockwood stuttered beside you, and you and the woman turned simultaneously to inspect him closer, his confident facade nearly shattered at the mention of the word. Still, he recovered rather quickly, retrieving his easy smile only a second later.
“Yes, well, I assume that came before the marriage.”
“Of course. Let’s see, then.” He stopped for a moment as though pondering the question though the movement of his hand as he toyed with his ring confirmed to you he was just nervous. In an action you could only hope appeared natural, you reached over, stilling his fidgeting fingers by lacing them with your own. Lockwood looked suddenly at you, and the quiet crack in his performance showed itself only to your eyes.
“It was six months after we first met. We’d been researching for a big mission all day, and when we finally got home, I passed out. I woke up; it was probably three in the morning by then. Came down to the kitchen for some water and– and there you were, in the library, fast asleep.” Lockwood had long since stopped looking at the inspector. “You were in my armchair. I’d probably seen you in that armchair a thousand times. And you had a case file spread out over your chest. You looked ridiculous. But I knew immediately something had changed. I could feel it as I carried you up to the attic that night and the next morning while I was sat listening to you laugh at George’s stupid jokes. Like those feelings that were just a bit of a bother before were eating me alive. It’s– It’s how I feel every time I look at you: like I’m more afraid than I’ve ever been in my life and yet perfectly at home at the same time.” He was quick to look away when he finished, flashing the DEPRAC agent with a smile and leaving you frozen in the wake of his words, struck by his ability to manipulate the truth.
“Just one more question then. Ms. (L/N), marriage at sixteen that’s not something you see every day. What made you say yes?”
Lockwood’s eyes flashed quickly to your face, but as he opened his mouth, the woman quieted him with a motion of her hand. 
“Not you, Mr. Lockwood. I’d like to hear from Ms. (L/N).”
This had not been within the parameters of your preparation. Lockwood’s favorite color, how he took his tea, the date of your anniversary? Easy breezy. You might have even been able to fumble your way through how you’d fallen in love with the arrogant bastard, given its basis in the truth. But you weren’t really married, and you’d never really said yes, so where did that leave you? And like a saving a grace, a question made itself known in your head. If Lockwood had really asked you, why would you have said yes?
“I suppose I didn’t quite understand the proposal at first either.” That much was true; for fucks sake, you’d missed the thing entirely. “But after a while, it made sense. I mean, not a day goes by we aren’t risking our lives for our work. There’s no guarantee of any future with a job like this, so why not marry young? Otherwise, we might not marry at all.” The second part came out rushed, the lie forcing its way past your lips. It wasn’t in your character to be impulsive, even if time seemed to be your enemy. Still, you forced yourself to delve deeper. To seek a truthful answer to that lingering question. Your breathing slowed.
“And then, one day, I think I realized that for me, it was always going to be Lockwood. That had he asked me five or ten or even twenty years down the line when we were old and boring, I’d of still said yes. Because– Well, because I couldn’t imagine spending my life with anyone else.” 
You turned your head slowly to catch Lockwood’s eyes lingering on your face. His expression was unreadable. Your brow creased in your efforts to learn more from the set of his features, and for a moment, you lost yourself in him. 
The woman’s notebook snapped shut. You felt yourself scramble from the loveseat you’d been sharing with the boy, and he followed close behind.
“That’s all from me. The agency will contact you in a few days to follow up, but as far as I’m concerned, you’ve passed.”
Without giving time for the information to be digested, she stood and left. Turning to face Lockwood, you were quick to pull his mother’s ring from your finger and place it in his palm.
“Well, now that that’s finished–”
“I’ll be in the attic–”
“Lots of research, probably.”
“How did you do that.” The look on his face was one of disbelief when you finally met his gaze again.
“What?” You knew what.
“You know what. You can’t lie to save your life. How did you–”
“Really don’t see how this is important, Lockwood–”
“Were you telling the truth?” You were silent for a moment.
“You got us into this. I could’ve– I would’ve stayed silent forever, but you had to come up with another insufferable plot. And I’m sorry, I can’t lie like it’s some sort of second language– That was quite good, by the way, the way you made me feel– made it seem like there was some chance in hell that you loved me back–”
He dragged you in all at once, catching you by the waist and interrupting your scattered thoughts with his lips. Kissing you. Soft at first, but deeper, harder, as you brought your hands up to his neck. As you kissed back. By the time he pulled away, you were breathless.
“It was never– I was never– God if I thought I could lie my way through this, I would’ve asked George or Lucy even. It had to be you because– because it was always real with you. I have loved you ever since I met you. That night in the library only confirmed it.”
“I thought that was unrealistic.”
“Maybe for someone who's never been in love with you.”
“Ask me again if I’ll marry you.”
“Again?” His eyebrows raised at the implication that there had been a first time.
“Just do it, you twat.”
“(Y/N) (L/N), will you marry me?”
“A million times yes, Anthony Lockwood. A million times, yes.”
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the-starry-seas · 4 months
I was thinking about how exactly the Royal Squad came to join the family, because adopting five clone cadets isn't exactly an impulse decision, and like
Fox interrupting Breha's schedule and approaching her as his queen, not his wife, and asking her for several million credits. And she knows that something is up because he's calling her Your Majesty and using corporate-speak and swearing to find some way to repay her. And neither of them are idiots, she knows there's nothing he can do to bring back that kind of cash no matter what job he gets.
So Breha, obviously, has questions. Maybe a thought or two in the back of her mind that Fox might not know what a spam email is. Fox is generally very calm and even-tempered so she wants to know what's going on and why he needs so much money.
Fox says that Kamino is going to sell off everything they can to recoup losses from the latest batches of clones that they're no longer being paid for. He says most of them will be sold to slavers. He says the ones that can't be sold will be killed. He says none of them are more than five years old. He says there's ten thousand of them and he knows it will be expensive, but he could never live with himself if he didn't find a way to save at least some of them.
Breha is weeping long before he's finished. She's seen his scars, she's heard him wailing with terror from nightmares, she's felt him flinch when she touches him without warning. She loves him, but she would do anything to change his past. She will do anything to spare his little brothers from the life that can never stop haunting him. She thinks of darling Leia, two years old and safely at home with Bail doting on her every move, and is sick at the thought of any baby being treated in the way Fox just described.
She gives Fox carte blanche to bring home every last child. He falls to his knees and kisses her hands, thanking her in jumbled words and eyes shining with tears. She has no regrets for the financial havoc she's just caused herself and will never let him repay her.
Fox brings home ten thousand and five children. He snarls at anyone who comes near the youngest, holding the runt of the litter his every waking moment, his hands always gentle but his eyes glaring a lethal warning. The legion of social workers deployed to help find homes for the children, well, they unanimously decide that that's someone else's problem.
(There's a bright spot in all this hustle and drama. As it turns out, selling children into the Core worlds... it's just so incredibly unbelievably illegal. Breha gets back every credit that Fox spent, and a reward for alerting the police to what the Kaminoans are doing. Clones have human rights on Alderaan, after all.)
Eventually, after several months of several thousand people working twelve-hour days, all ten thousand clone cadets have been placed with loving families all across the planet. There's still welfare checks and such to be done, but for now, everyone is safe, happy, and in no more danger from the Kaminoans.
This leaves five.
Fox finally goes home to the palace, after being one of those people working twelve-hour shifts, and says, "I adopted some. I didn't mean to."
Breha says, "I heard you cold-cocked someone for suggesting an adopted family for them on their third day here."
Fox has to say he did, yes, and he didn't mean to do that either, and he already apologised several times.
Breha smiles and says that Bail's been excited to meet them for weeks now, and won't Fox come to dinner?
Fox does come to dinner, and brings his tubies, far too nervous at the idea of leaving them with anyone else, even Leia's nannies. It doesn't surprise him when Breha is the first to bring it up.
"Bail and I talked about it, and we understand if you want to be their only legal parent. We know there's complexities around their adoption. Whatever support you want from us, you'll have it."
Fox doesn't expect his eyes to blur with tears, or for them to feel like tears of joy.
"Leia's my daughter," he whispers, "and these are your sons."
"Helio is a family name on my side, you know," Bail mentions. He smiles at the tubie in Fox's lap, who giggles and waves back with his little hand clenched around a green bean. Then Bail's gaze meets Fox's, and the fatherly love already in his eyes... it takes Fox's breath away.
"My parents once said that they planned to name me Vidal if I was a boy," Breha adds, and takes a sip from her glass. "Though I suppose some of them might have names already?"
Fox shakes his head. There were so many other things to be busy with that he's just been calling them by the last two digits of their CT numbers.
"I wasn't sure what to call them," he admits, "but I was sure you would love them."
They beam at that, and Fox manages to smile back, despite how exhausted he is from the past few months. There's still so much waiting in the future, but for tonight, he can take the time to breathe.
He falls asleep quickly that night, with his head in Breha's lap and her hand in his hair, Kit already fast asleep and curled into his side, listening to Bail read a bedtime story to all six of their tubies.
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frownyalfred · 3 months
Hello! A random and specific question has occurred to me, and I think you might have some thoughts, if you're ok with answering!
So, most of the time Judaism is passed down matrilineally. I know there are some exceptions, and some groups that believe Judaism can be passed down through either parent, but generally it's just through the mother. This is how dc accidentally made Bruce Jewish.
However, is it the birthing parent who makes a child Jewish? Or is it strictly the mother, regardless of if she gives birth to the child or not?
I know that sounds like I'm asking about trans Jewish people, but I'm actually curious how this would play out in a world where mpreg is normalized, like in an abo alternate universe. For instance, if Bruce is Jewish and gets pregnant as an omega, would his kids also be Jewish? I did look up perspectives on trans Jewish people having kids, and unsurprisingly views are divided but it seemed like people mostly consider the birthing parent being important, i.e. a trans Jewish man would have Jewish children regardless of the other parent. What are your thoughts on this, if you're open to sharing?
(This ask got longer than I meant, sorry I wrote you a whole essay lol. Also I really hope this doesn't come across as rude, and I sincerely apologize if it does. Tone is difficult on the internet!)
Oh, that's a very very interesting question. Another one I'd like to ask my rabbi if I ever work up the nerve.
I'm no scholar, so if someone else wants to correct me on this one, feel free. But here's my best guess:
The gist of matrilineal descent is that it emerged from a time when the only way you could guarantee that a child was Jewish was to witness the birth from a Jewish mother. Rape, missing fathers, etc all made it a grey area, and back then, it was the only way to be "sure" that a child was halachically Jewish.
The interesting thing is, this was a change from patrilineal descent, but people still argue about when that change happened. Depending on the denomination, matrilineal descent is very very important beyond just determining Judaism, or it's a vestigial practice that has stuck around because it's, well, tradition.
Now, origin and existence are two different things. While it might have emerged for certain reasons, modern standards have obviously changed. We can do DNA tests and other rituals. But a lot of major denominations will turn away patrilineal Jews or hold those with Jewish DNA at arm's length until their Jewishness has been determined. That's only changed recently, and even then very slowly.
So, now that that's out of the way -- how does this relate to omegaverse? I suppose carriers in a/b/o universes would be considered de facto mothers, because they give birth. From my (limited) understanding, the core of most strict matrilineal arguments are 1) we've always done it this way post reception of the Torah 2) it was the only way to ensure someone was Jewish and 3) there are inherent attributes to mothers/the feminine that Rabbis argue are metaphysical and important to consider.
But it depends on how you write omegas. Are they defined by their ability to birth? Are they dual sex or single sex? Do they have the ability to sire offspring in addition to carrying them? Do they serve a "motherly" role in addition to giving birth? All things to consider.
Me personally, I'm a big proponent of accepting all Jews as they are, as long as they're not proselytizing or cosplaying as Jewish from another religion. It's a closed practice but we're also dwindling in number, so turning away people because their father was Jewish and not their mother is bizarre to me. Especially if they were raised in the religion -- at that point it's a technicality, but many rabbis will still make you go through a conversion which is wild to me.
I would throw out there, for the sake of omegaverse -- if the carrier is Jewish, generally, in most cases, the pups are Jewish. That makes sense to me.
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dutchdread · 5 months
Hi Dutch. Since you have answered many questions about Cloti, what is your thought about Zerith in Rebirth? I saw many people disappointed or having no hope for them but others said the devs are creating angst. Do you agree?
Hi, thanks for the question. Yeah, I understand being disappointed with the Zerith content in Rebirth. The developers spent a lot of time hyping up Zacks importance, not just with Remake but also with developer interviews and such. To have such a build-up and then have him relegated to just a few playable intermissions, to not get a Zack Aerith reunion, and depending on who you listen to to have him being brushed aside in favor of Cloud in regards to Aeriths affections, can understandably feel disheartening.
But really this is just a lack of understanding concerning story structure, to put it simply, Rebirth is EXTREMELY Zerith.
When reading Harry Potter I always knew that Snape was most likely going to end up a good guy, despite the seeming back and forths. And do you know which moment to me proved that he was a good guy? When he killed Dumbledore at the end of book 6. I knew then without a doubt that he was a good guy, because there was still one book to go, and it was obvious that that book would have the final ultimate reversal.
Rebirth didn't have a lot of Zerith pay-off, but if anything that's a good thing. If it did I would be worried about what would happen in part 3 to flip that pay-off on its head. Instead Zerith has gotten a lot of build-up that is now screaming to receive pay-off in part 3.
We have shots of Zack desperately trying to come back to Aerith. We have Aerith admitting she still has feelings for Zack. We have Aerith desperately trying to recreate her time with Zack. We have Tifa and Aerith talking about Zack. We have Aerith sensing Zacks touch in the cave of the GI. We have Aerith singing songs about meeting again. We have Aerith admitting to seeing Zack again in Cloud. We have Aerith instantly going to Zacks parents. We have Cloud talking about how Zack is head over heels for Aerith. We have Zack in Nibelheim talking to Cloud about their respective girlfriends
And the question you need to ask for all these things is "why?" Why would they include all these scenes if it's not getting a pay-off? Why show scenes of Aerith trying and failing to recreate her days with Zack interspersed with scenes of Zack trying to get back to her if that ultimately isn't of importance? Why show Zack positively contrasted with a negatively presented Cloud if the message you're trying to convey is that Zack has been replaced? Why show Zack to be an amazing guy if you want to end his arc with people being ok with him being rejected? Why make a themesong with the desire for meeting again at its core and have Zacks entire story in the game being about trying to reunite with Aerith if the point of that reunion is heartbreak?
The answer is that a writer wouldn't do those things, they make no sense. If you want your love story to feel positive then you need to disassemble the alternatives first. You need to show how the other pairings don't work, minimize their importance, or in some other way make it clear to the audience that the "main couple" coming together is the desirable outcome.
If you want to show that Aerith is getting over Zack you don't spend your limited screentime showing Aerith pining over Zack, you instead show how she's no longer occupying his mind as much. If you want to show Aerith getting over Zack you don't have her talking about still loving him, you instead have her talking about how she DID once, but that that was a long time ago. You don't end her arc with a date that remind the viewer of the existence of Zack, but one that is fully between Cloud and Aerith. If you want to show the compatibility of Cloud and Aerith then you don't make it so that everything goes wrong, you make it so that the dream date goes "DREAMY"!. And if you want to sell the idea that Aerith is over Zack and has come to the conclusion that she truly romantically loves Cloud then you DON'T place that confession right after said horrible date, with Zack scenes left right and center, a Cloud thats talking about you being "nakama", and Aerith dialogue that at best says she's not sure about what she feels, and at worst is a straight up friendzoning. If you want to replace a very positively portrayed romance then you will need the end all be all of chemistry and certainty in the new one, and talks about "well, I like you, but there is liking and then there's liking" is NOT a recipe for that.
In short, if you want to sell the idea that Cloud has truly replaced Zack in Aeriths heart and more importantly IN THE NARRATIVE, then you don't put emphasis on the existence of Aeriths feelings for Zack, and you don't put emphasis on Zacks feelings for Aerith. Those things all serve to maximize the connection between Aerith and Zack when what you need to do if you want to sell Clerith is minimize it. The reason being that this romance is in narrative conflict with the supposed Aerith Cloud romance, and the stronger the Aerith Zack connection is presented, the more extravagant the bond between Cloud and Aerith needs to be written for the story to make sense.
And that won't happen when you have Cloud deriding Aerith for the way she tries turning everything into a date the one moment, and then a scene showing Zack taking care of Aerith while in a coma the next. It doesn't happen when you show a scene of Cloud bonding with Tifa in one scene and almost kissing her, and then show Zack bonding with Aeriths mother in the next. It doesn't happen when you show Aerith failing to recreate her date with Zack and asking Cloud to find her in "her place", and then show Zack waiting for Aerith in "her place" the next.
All these things signal the same thing "Zack good for Aerith, Cloud bad".
You can extrapolate this idea beyond Rebirth of course. If Zack and Aerith isn't getting a pay-off what is the point of re-releasing Crisis Core before Rebirth? If the point is to show that Zack is no longer in the picture what is the point of showing off an entire game all about how important he and Aerith are to each other and about how desperate he is to get back to her? What is the point of showing that the bow Aerith is always wearing was gift from him. What is the point of her always wearing the clothes that she said she'd wear in anticipation of seeing him again. What is the point in bringing up the fact that she wrote Zack 89 letters and has been waiting for him for 5 years if Zack is replaceable in 2 weeks? What is the point of writing that Aeriths one wish is to spend more time with Zack if her literally spending time with a Zack stand-in isn't relevant? What is the point of writing it that Aerith didn't just see Zack in Cloud because they're similar...but because he's LITERALLY putting on a fake persona based on Zack, if Zacks presence in Clouds persona is irrelevant to Aeriths feelings regarding him?
If you want us to believe that Aerith likes Cloud for Cloud then these are all very questionable writing choices, especially when you also keep harping on about her wanting to get to know the real Cloud, which implies that she doesn't know him YET. It's not that you can't still have it so that Aerith does actually prefer Cloud despite all this, but if that's the case then you've failed as a writer because this would be VERY incoherent storytelling. If the writers want you to believe that Aerith has moved on from Zack, then they shouldn't and wouldn't have spend so much time showing Aerith not having moved on from Zack. Ultimately the question is one of focus, a story about Aerith falling in love with Cloud, and a story about moving on from Zack might look superficially similar, and entail the same basic events. But the difference is the focus. Is that focus on Cloud and what he means to Aerith? Or is the focus on Zack? In rebirth there is a heavy focus, not on the developing bond between Cloud and Aerith, those are limited almost exclusively to Tifa, but there is a heavy focus on Aeriths feelings in regards to Zack. There is no storytelling purpose to Aerith telling Cloud she still loves Zack 3/4ths of the way through her story if the focus of the story isn't Aeriths feelings for Zack, but her feelings for Cloud. If the writers wanted you to think Zack doesn't matter they wouldn't spend so much time hammering in the idea that Zack matters. These moments are all in service to Aerith and Zack, not Aerith and Cloud.
Even things like Zack discovering that Aerith has started developing feelings for Cloud only makes sense to include if the pay-off for that is them reuniting and him showing Aerith what love really is. So if we saw in Rebirth wasn't a "lack of Zerith", then what DID we see? Well, to reiterate what I said earlier:
If you want your love story to feel positive then you need to disassemble the alternatives first.
This is what we saw in Rebirth, Cloud and Aerith being disassembled, so that part 3 can get us to the pay-off. We see Cloud and Aerith bonding, yes, but it's ALWAYS contrasted with Tifa and Zack. If we have a scene where Aerith tries to engage Cloud in talks concerning food he will be shown to engage with the same discouraging passivity of the average woman on tinder, then that scene will invariably be followed by a similar scene with Tifa where he is enthusiastically trying to keep the conversation flowing. If we see a scene where Aerith is trying to get a certain energy from Cloud and failing, it won't be long till we see a scene of Zack having that same desired energy naturally.
In short, Rebirth was filled with scenes that "serve a purpose in the overall narrative". But the only way those scenes WOULD serve a purpose in the overall narrative, is if the overall narrative is: "Aerith is trying to get over Zack and is trying to move on through Cloud. But by doing so she discovers that it's just not the same. While Cloud helps Aerith move on and accept the past, he can never replace Zack". If the overall narrative is: "Aerith used to be pining over Zack, but now she has truly replaced Zack in her heart with Cloud and Zack is a relic of the past" then none of these scenes would make sense to include. You can also look at it like this, why didn't Rebirth have a Zerith Reunion scene? Because apparently that's too important of a scene to quickly tack on to the end of part 2. Nomura has already hinted at something very important to include in part 3 that wasn't in part 2, something that he thinks will make people very happy if done right. And I am pretty freaking confident that what he's talking about is the long-awaited Aerith - Zack reunion. And that is why this game is extremely favorable to Zerith, so be excited for part 3.
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greenerteacups · 17 days
Fair warning: I don't think this is going to be a question, just a few post-latest chapter thoughts haphazardly stacked together under a trenchcoat.
Thank you for this chapter. It made my day to read something almost fluffy (I don't think anything in LH can be called purely fluff, and that's a good thing because fluff is best when it is padding for the plot, and that's what this chapter was).
LH Book 5 has been the beginning of payoff for the Dramione slow burn, and while that is immensely satisfying, it also means there are less milestones to look forward to. I don't know if this was an intentional decision, but I love how you started seeding in another slow burn that has kept us equally invested: the Black family drama.
I love reading anything that does the dysfunctional family dynamic well, and seeing Draco getting old enough to identify it clearly, have questions, testing his boundaries, fighting back against what he's been told to accept, has all been immensely satisfying as someone who has gone through this myself. Your depiction of the Black family dynamics has been /chef's kiss/. * spoiler for chapter 70 * when Draco witnesses his cousins casually throwing information his way, what I wanted was for one of the adults to see how much he needed that information, that connection, and give it to him. My god ❤️ You have written a lonely boy craving family so well.
Back to the Dramione of it all (and this might be a question), I love how Harry chose to approach the contained chaos waiting to unravel around him and just bluntly told Draco what he did. Question: do you think this is something Canon Harry would have done in this instance? Was there a choice to change anything in your characterisation of Harry (with respect to Canon) that resulted in this wonderful, blunt, more-mature-than-many-adults-who-can't-even-identify-their-needs version of Harry?
If not, what canon Harry actions/traits do you think would point to him acting this way?
Thank you! This is a beautiful and very kind trench coat, and I am luxuriating in it.
I will answer your question while continuing to luxuriate: I don't think canon Harry would ever confront his friends about an emotional problem, mostly because because he never does. Hermione and Ron, the two people he's most comfortable with in the world, are feuding for most of HBP, and while he does have a few "can't you guys just get along?" type-outbursts, he doesn't really sit down and ask "hey, what's going on with you? How can I help?" because canon!Harry is, as you might expect for a 15-year-old boy, better at ignoring his problems than solving them. (I also think there's an ingredient of conflict-avoidance in there from his upbringing with the Dursleys, but I'll be the first to admit that's mostly headcanon.)
My Harry is a bit softer — in part because that's just how I prefer my Harry, my favorite scenes with him are those where he's showing tenderness for things other people have neglected. This is the best of him, and this is the core of him, in my opinion. Canon Harry has this marvelous capacity for empathy, and when he chooses to use it, it's kind of astonishing how capable he is of resisting prejudice and caring for people. He's fiercely loyal in defending Hagrid, always. He makes a point of freeing Dobby, who's just spent a book trying to maim him. He refuses to let Sirius kill Pettigrew, even knowing that Pettigrew betrayed his parents ("My dad wouldn't want you to" — sweet boy, you mean you don't want them to, and you understand on some level that's the only thing you can say that will stop them.) He saves Gabrielle Delacour, because even if she would have been safe in the end, he's not leaving a little girl at the bottom of a fucking lake. He reads the Half-Blood Prince's handwriting — Snape's handwriting — and thinks: "I bet he's someone like me." On the basis of handwriting, he empathizes with this person! Harry is constantly trying to save people, and he doesn't ever really tell us why. And we'll never know why canon!Harry does that, consciously or subconsciously, but I have to imagine that every time Harry looks at someone in pain, he sees a lonely kid stuck under a staircase, and he thinks not fucking today.
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In my spare time, when I'm not watching dramas I'm either reading books or watching people talking about books on YouTube. One tradition I've always really enjoyed is their "Mid-Year Freak Out" tag, especially because I like the idea of getting a chance to reflect on the year so far as well as look to the year ahead.
This year I thought I'd combine my two passions and use (and in some cases alter) the prompts for my own use, i.e. so that I can talk about dramas rather than books.
The only rule: answer the questions (and go wild I guess).
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And we start the list with the biggest risk! No The Trainee is nowhere near finished and, no I have no idea how it's going to finish (it's GMMTV it could drop the ball through the floor and into the earth's core for all I know) but, if it manages to keep going the way it's going, I'm going to absolutely love it. I've mentioned before that The Trainee reminds me a lot of Misaeng, what I haven't said is that Misaeng is my (tied) favourite drama of all time and if The Trainee can get anywhere close to making me feel like I did the first time I watched Misaeng (which it is so far) then it's on to a winning formula.
So far it's got everything I look for in a drama: a solid cast with excellent chemistry, a plot that focuses on the little battles of everyday life, and an excellent mix of fast friendship and slow burn romance with plenty of character development along the way. It also doesn't hurt that it's got the balance between slapstick-funny and emotional tension pretty much bang on either.
I can't get this drama or it's characters out of my head and I am deeply, deeply, invested in where things are going next so, as a nod to the hold it has on me and my hope that I've found a new all-time fave, The Trainee is my favourite drama so far so GMMTV DO NOT LET ME DOWN.
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Thai BL opening themes can be very hit or miss for me (I won't lie, I have skipped many an opening sequence because I can't stand the song) but Wandee Goodday's "Fan With Benefit" caught my ear the first time I heard it and refused to leave me alone after that. I think I listened to it on repeat for at least 2 weeks and then at least once a day after that.
It's fun, it's flirty, it's got a chorus I like to dance to and it has now found itself on my "Songs to Cook Dinner To" playlist (I don't know if that says more about the song or how I cook dinner).
Now if only the drama lived up to its theme song...
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Last Twilight would have been on this list had I not dropped it in December and, as a result, rendered it ineligible for a 2024 drama. I'm still absolutely fuming about how badly it let its audience down and how terribly it handled an extremely nuisanced topic to the point its final messaging was almost harmful.
I'm not going to get into this in too much detail because my frustrations have been voiced much more eloquently by people @lurkingshan and @twig-tea. I will say, however, that I loved the first 6(?) episodes of Wandee Goodday and I'm really sad about how much I didn't enjoy the rest of the drama.
There were a lot of things to like (and a lot of potential) right from the start: two couples with great chemistry, an ace character with actual depth and dimension, really sweet relationships (both familial and friendships), and the foundations for some interesting explorations of various interpersonal dynamics. Unfortunately none of these things really got followed through on and instead Wandee decided to go dark (with topics like mental health, sexual assault, loss and grief, parental neglect and abandonment to name a few) and do it badly. I don't mind if a show wants to explore difficult topics, in fact I really appreciate it, but what I won't tolerate is a drama introducing those topics as central plot points and then skimming over them in the most superficial way possible.
If you can't be bothered to put in the effort to properly research/explore difficult topics, do not include them in your drama.
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I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS SHOW SINCE IT FIRST GOT ANNOUNCED. Which unfortunate because I was so excited for it I got stressed about it living up to my expectations (or not) and then couldn't watch it when it came out. It's annoying, it happens, I know how to fix it.
Anyway, I've given it some space, I've dealt with the other things that were making me stressed and I am now ready to devour it give it a go.
I have long been a fan of Ahn Pan Seok's works and I really appreciate his directorial style, the themes he chooses to tackle, and the way in which he explores his topics of choice. I will fully acknowledge his work is not for everyone; he favours slow (extremely slow) stories with characters and plots who are realistic to a frustrating (and sometimes infuriating) degree. You also need to have a pretty in depth understanding of Korean society and its problems, taboos and concerns to fully understand the underlying messages of his dramas and the structures/beliefs/views he's critiquing. That being said, for me that is the perfect recipe for a drama that's going to claw itself into my brain and stay there.
Secret Love Affair, One Spring Night, and Something in the Rain all had a lasting impact on me and, thanks to @lurkingshan's posts, I'm pretty sure Midnight Romance in Hagwon will join them.
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It may come as a surprise after the last entry but I actually try quite hard to not get hyped about upcoming releases, mainly to avoid creating any expectations which can then be disappointed. I like to go in with as open a mind as possible.
As a result, there are a few upcoming releases I'm keeping an eye on but none I'd say I'm properly "anticipating" (á la Midnight Romance in Hagwon). The closest I can get is Monster Next Door which I am genuinely excited for and which I plan to watch from day 1.
I'm not completely sure why I'm looking forward to it so much, I think it's because I do love a good opposites attract, foes-to-hoes dynamic and Monster Next Door seems like it's going to offer that to me in spades alongside a serving of comedy and a sprinkling of heat. Bring the introvert-extrovert pairing and let me watch them be stupidly whipped for each other, it's all I need for now.
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Technically all of the dramas on my Want to Watch list because I want to clear it but I'm aware that that's a bit of a reach.... If anyone can spot any dramas on here that you think I should prioritize (or dramas you think I should scrap), recommendations would be appreciated.
I also want to watch more Japanese BLs. The few I've got through, I've enjoyed and, for a lot of them, I've already read and loved the source manga so I know I'll enjoy the plot. Unfortunately I really struggle with the short episodes (30 minutes is not long enough for me to get invested) and that I have to commit to binging them and can't watch them while they're airing, which is a whole other issue. I'm thinking of focussing on Japanese GL for now as a hook (I'm not enjoying the current Thai GL line up and I'm running out of Korean GL I can find online) so I guess the dramas I "need" to watch are She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat and Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko.
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* Biggest surprise
* Newest favourite actor/director/writer/producer
* Most beautiful drama
* Newest fictional crush
* Newest favourite character
* A drama that made you cry
* A drama that made you happy
And there you have it! Lightly tagging @lurkingshan @twig-tea and @italianpersonwithashippersheart but no pressure! Anyone else who wants to do this, feel free! Just tag me so I can gather more recs to make my To Watch list even longer.
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 12 days
hello! I saw your recent post for asks, so don't mind me! x) someone said that Jiang Cheng lost his Golden Core because he saved Wei Wuxian, which is.. not true at all? I would've asked where they got that take, but I don't feel up to receiving hate ;-; have a nice day!
Hi there!
I will answer some of these seriously and others not so (Yours is one of those to be taken seriously even if Jiang Cheng doest deserve that).
On to the question... I believe this is conflated with the assumption "Jiang Cheng decided to chase away the Wens that would have seen Wei Wuxian" hence this saved Wei Wuxian and Wei Wuxian losing his core. And to that: there is nothing in text as to what would have happened if the Wen soldiers saw Wei Wuxian instead. What we found know is that Jiang Cheng led the soldiers away, we don't know how else he had been caught by Wen Zhuliu eventually or how he had been retained long enough by them for Wen Zhuliu to use the core melting technique.
As to saving Wei Wuxian, in one way, at the time, yes he did. But this is immediately rescinded when he chooses to strangle Wei Wuxian, again, and regrets very resentfully, the sacrifice this cost. Jiang Cheng does not like to make sacrifices, especially on s detrimental to himself or what he sees as more trouble than that sacrifice would be worth. He did not expect to sacrifice anything from this saving of Wei Wuxian. And even after this his hate is enough that he expounds on what he thought Wei Wuxian owed to the Jiang parents to himself and reasons them as debts owed by Wei Wuxian. Yet sacrifices aren't supposed to be repaid and to do without. Even thirteen years later after Wei Wuxian had died and provided Yunmeng Jiang with a better place and chance it had before, Jiang Cheng still expects continued sacrifice from Wei Wuxian as he does think he is entitled to it, even when that goes against Wei Wuxian's ideals.
We have two instances where Jiang Cheng decides to protect Wei Wuxian, once when they are nine and he says he will protect Wei Wuxian from his fear of dogs, which he stops doing and uses a dog against Wei Wuxian rescinding his own promise. And when he chased the Wen soldiers from Wei Wuxian where he did not expect to lose a thing, and even after getting a core, he chooses to frame this all as Wei Wuxian abandoning those that gave him life and helps to have Wei Wuxian killer one way or another.
What he wanted was an outlet to hate with what he hater in himself and his lack of taking his own choices and actions into account. This is only stopped when he is faced with Jin Ling under worse circumstances as Wei Wuxian once had and goes out of his way to leave his faith in someone finally unquestionable and unable to be exploited.
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jowrites · 4 months
XOXO - 24. Here's to another (SMUT written)
Main Masterlist Here
Prev. Next.
TW: Sexual Themes, cursing, physical violence, insecurities, depression, THIS CHAPTER: SMUT. A quickie, squirting, oral(f receiving), cum eating, fingering, unprotexted sex, Heeseung is full dom, MINORS DO NOT READ
taglist: @n1k1mura @graythecoffeebean
Heeseung and YN were in their shared bedroom making their bed together on an evening night. Heeseung just dropped Sylas off at his parents house for the weekend, giving the two of them a bit of a break. The two of them were extremely present parents, they wanted to make sure to never miss anything whether it was his first words, the first time he talked, and so far they had not missed anything. But they appreciated these little breaks here and there, they were surrounded by support and many people were here to help them.
“Have you thought about my question?” Heeseung asked.
It’s been a week since Heeseung popped the question, that question that YN was caught off guard by and never really thought about.
“Well, I hadn’t thought about it until you brought it up. But after some time, yeah I think I would like to try for another baby,” She said as she finished putting the pillows down. 
“You would?” Heeseung said, his eyes lighting up. He never thought much about fatherhood until he became a father, and then he realized just how much he loved it. 
“Yeah, I wouldn’t mind another one. I would want a girl, I’m outnumbered here,” She said, teasing him a bit. 
Heeseung quickly came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her and peppering her neck with kisses.
“We have the whole place to ourselves,” Heeseung said trailing off as he sucked on that spot under her ear.
“Hmm,” YN hummed, closing her eyes and melting into his embrace, giving him a nod. 
Heeseung quickly turned her around and captured her lips in a kiss. He quickly slipped his tongue in her mouth, hands roaming on her back pulling her closer to his chest. She barely had time to process what was happening, let alone breathe but she didn’t mind. She loved how dominant Heeseung was. 
He laid her down on the bed, looking up at her and quickly removing his shirt. YN took that opportunity to remove hers as well before he leaned down and kissed her again. He trailed kisses down her neck and down her chest, giving her breasts some attention through her lacy bra. He let out a growl and quickly pushed down the material releasing her nipples and going to work on the exposed skin. She sighed in contempt, lacing her fingers through his hair, her back arching into his face as he sucked on the skin of her chest, leaving marks.
His fingers trailed down to her shorts, he quickly started removing them and she lifted herself so he could fully remove them. He ripped her underwear off in one go, a loud gasp leaving her mouth as she stared down at him between her legs.
“I really liked those,” She said, a pout on her lips.
“I’ll buy you new ones.”
He didn’t even give her time to process before slipping a finger in her hole, eliciting a moan from her and her head leaning back. He can ruin many more panties of hers if it resulted in this. Heeseung blew on her core, feeling her wetness on his hand before diving in and giving her cunt a long lick. He moaned as he looked up at her and began sucking, taking in her taste. No matter how many times he has tasted her, he never gets tired of it. He knew he was made to have her like this, to taste her and have her in any ways he liked. Any ways she’d let him.
“Heseung-” She breathed out, she was a moaning mess as Heeseung continued giving attention to her clit, his fingers still working up to her release. She wrapped her thighs around his head, squeezing him as she felt that build up in her stomach. 
“Let go, baby. Let me taste you,” Heeseung encouraged, and just as he said that her juices flowed out all over his face. He had one hand on her lower abdomen as her thighs shook, bod convulsing as she squirted out all over. Heeseung looked back, admiring how much she released, letting her come down before kissing her cunt and standing up.
Heesung removed the rest of his clothes, pumping his cock in his hand, the precum already leaking out. YN was still trying to catch her breath as Heeseung laid between her legs, rubbing his tip up and down her cunt. 
“Hee, I’m still sensitive,” she said.
“You can take it,” He said, kissing her cheeks before slipping his tongue in her mouth and pushing his whole cock between her folds, quickly bottoming out in one go. She let out a loud moan, almost crying in the process. He sucked on her tongue as he began thrusting in and out at a fast pace, their moans and the sound of skin on skin being the only sound in the room. YN was always pretty loud, something he was proud of that it was his doing. Her head drew back as she arched her back, her arms around his back as she held him close, her fingers pressing his skin that he knew would leave marks.
“Baby, I’m close,” she said in a quick breath. 
“Cum with me,” he said, leaning his forehead on hers and looking into her eyes. “Look at me.”
Her eyes were hazy and she was trying her best to keep his stare as her body released her second orgasm. As she clenched on his length, Heeseung was pushed over releasing his seed deep inside, his thrusts stilling as he claimed her womb once again. Their breathing was heavy as he let her calm down. He gave himself some time before pulling out, watching as the cum leaked out of her cunt. He took some of it and massaged it back in , resulting in a  cry from her.
“You’re a menace,” she said.
“Sweetheart, I’m not even close to being done with you.”
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vechter · 4 months
stupid question i know but omg...dick grayson...soldier poet or king?
hmm i can't say i've thought about this since i don't rlly use tiktok all that much anymore but probably a mix between poet and king?
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the poet can slay with his tongue and his weapon is his word. one of dick's most interesting characteristics is his ability to hurt. he can be mean and twist the knife exactly to make it bleed:
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it's worth noting that dick primarily only does this when he feels a major loss of control or he feels backed into a corner. it's a defence mechanism disguised as an offensive attack. (the panel about donna is iffy bc he was under brother blood's influence at the time if i remember correctly and all of outsiders is pretty much dick grieving using one shitty coping mechanism after another)
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the primary characteristics of the poet are loneliness, strength and joy- all things that embody dick. he struggles with loneliness and self-imposed isolation, especially when he feels like he has failed. but luckily he usually has people around him to remind him he is not:
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his will to do good, his kindness, to catch those who fall is what makes him such a trustworthy, competent and inherently good guy. his will power has even had him on the short-list for a GL ring (action comics #642). and dick's movements as a vigilante are filled with joy because the base for those is the acrobatics his parents taught him. he enjoys both flying and falling.
the poet thinks he is not enough. i won't even try to list all the times dick has thought he doesn't measure up- to his own expectations or bruce's but it is a very, very core part of dick grayson. but the rest of the world puts him on a pedestal and thinks he is more than enough.
and the bit about singing songs and hope? imagine the worst possible thing you can think of happening to you at age eight and you are the only survivor. but then a man/god/father swoops down and helps you bring justice to your parents' murderer. your perception of the world and things like faith alter fundamentally. dick does throw his heart out into the world and hopes that it makes it through. he is batman's protege which means he has plans and contingencies but dick is willing to give people the benefit of the doubt. he is all about leaps of faith:
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now for the king:
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duty, strength and resignation. a big chunk of it is related to the bruce of it all. i think to call saving bruce from himself as duty would be cheapening the strength of the devotion dick has for him. but just look at the time bruce is lost in the time-stream. dick is adamant on not taking up the cowl but because gotham is going to pieces without batman, he does. he leaves his entire life behind to stand in for bruce- train bruce's son, look after bruce's city, wear bruce's mask. that kind of devotion is a mixture of duty, strength and resignation. if not him, then who?
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this kind of extends to dick's natural abilities as leader as well. whenever there is a large gathering of titans, they all consciously and sub-consciously look to him for guidance and orders. and dick bears that! admirably, for the most part but i think a part of it also comes from the feeling that the only thing worse than being a leader of his teams would be to not be the leader. (like i said, he's got some massive control issues lol)
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this is his lot in life and dick's sheer strength of character lets him handle it pretty well. he's good at being a leader. and if you're good at something, isn't it your duty to do it? is it nature or nurture? is it because batman trained him to be the best? is it because dick came to bruce as an unparalleled source of light, hope and courage?
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either way, his love is where he breathes.
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By Chauncey Devega
As I have previously explored in a series of conversations with cult and mind control expert Steven Hassan, Donald Trump meets most if not all the characteristics of a cult leader. Trump holds extreme power over his followers, who subsume their own identities and will to him. He persuades them to reject their own perceptions of reality and to trust only him and his approved messengers. To a large degree, they have lost the ability to engage in what psychologists describe as "reality testing."
Trump's mug shot, taken at the Fulton County jail in Atlanta last Thursday, is as an image of murderous rage and a bottomless lust for revenge. Trump has already used it to raise yet more campaign cash. In all probability, Trump's upcoming criminal trials will only make him more popular and powerful among his core followers, not less.
Like other cult movements, the MAGA phenomenon is rooted in manipulation and psychological abuse. Trump effectively exploits the death anxieties and other existential fears of his followers, presenting himself as their only protector and savior. The MAGA cult is authoritarian, preying on lonely, socially isolated and otherwise vulnerable people and providing them with a sense of order, meaning, community and destiny.
A poll conducted from Aug. 16 to 18 by CBS News/YouGov demonstrates just how firm Trump's power over his followers continues to be. A large majority of Republican voters view Trump as "honest and trustworthy," which would be hilarious if it were not deeply alarming. Furthermore, "Trump's voters hold him as a source of true information, even more so than other sources, including conservative media figures, religious leaders, and even their own friends and family." When asked who they believe tells them the truth, 71% of Trump voters picked him, more than picked friends and family members (63%), right-wing media commentators (56%) and religious leaders (only 42%).
Beyond the numbers, mental health expert Dr. Justin Frank, author of the bestseller "Trump on the Couch," perceives a tragic and pathetic human dimension to the CBS News poll, as he told me by email:
“What this poll doesn't measure or explain is the cause and effect of the profound loyalty of Trump's core supporters. It's this factor that continues to baffle pundits and call into question everything we thought we knew about American politics and the future of democracy. How did these startling figures come to be?
Trump taps into specific needs certain people have to love and to feel loved in return. People who feel they have been lied to — whether as children or adults — yearn for a person or group to trust, in which to place unwavering faith. While I think this type of blind loyalty to Trump is a delusion, it's also a common human experience. In some people it overwhelms an otherwise healthy emotional state in which most of us simultaneously understand that authority figures can be both admirable and disappointing. Televangelists are able to captivate and exploit their vulnerable audiences for this reason. It's also why cash (from many who can ill afford it) pours into Trump's coffers each time he's indicted for a new crime.
As I wrote in 'Trump on the Couch,' Donald Trump himself felt lied to by his parents, which binds him and his fan base even closer. Trump provides the kind of love they crave because he instinctively meets those unconscious needs, in part because he shares them unconsciously himself.”
Frank further suggests that Trump "invites maternal love" from many of his followers, who "are touched at a deep level by their awareness of his neediness, which endears them to him":
“In his rallies he repeats 'believe me' the way a child does when telling a lie or feeling unloved. He is quick to ... paint himself as a maligned victim. He becomes someone they want to protect from assault ... [by] sharing his sense of betrayal with his audience and psychologically merging with their own histories of having been disappointed. What evolves is an inability to differentiate oneself from the idolized other that results in an emotional bond that is deep and thrilling to share. To those outside the mystical Trump romance, this unconditional love makes no sense. We call that kind of love a cult. How can such an overt liar and accused criminal can be so admired?”
What we don't remember when we see such a cult in operation, Frank says, is that all children seek to protect "the image of their loved parents from the inevitable disbeliefs and hurts that even the best parents create":
“They do this by splitting their early experiences into good and bad, black and white. What evolves is a yearning for comfort, aided by binary thinking, from a figure who is only good, despite any evidence to the contrary.
So, here we are as a nation, confused and divided in the darkness of our deepest fears and needs. Trump offers his devoted flock a shared sense of purpose and meaning. They've been groomed to look outside for someone to safeguard their best interests and provide shared faith and support. I think it may not be possible for those diehard Trump adherents to discover that this a dangerous illusion.”
I also asked Jen Senko, director of the documentary "The Brainwashing of My Dad," about what insights she could share on the findings of the CBS News poll regarding Trump's hold over his followers. She said she found it "stupid, and maddening, that many on television 'news' seem shocked" by the poll's findings:
“Have they been living under a rock? More likely they've been living in denial because it's a lot easier than accepting the truth. ... Though many of us understand this now, too little emphasis has been put on how millions of Americans lost their minds and became right-wing zombies. It's the media, stupid! ... As someone who saw the writing on the wall decades ago and made a documentary about it in 2016, it's particularly frustrating. Too many people laughed at Rush Limbaugh. Too many people thought Fox News was a legitimate 'conservative' alternative to the 'liberal media.' Too many people didn't question the barrage of email propaganda (often put out by think tanks and disguised as homespun bits of wisdom) emphasizing over and over: Democrats bad, Democrats evil. Democrats not real Americans. Republicans are all that is good and holy.
Limbaugh was allowed to get on the Armed Forces Network. Fox News is still on it, and became the go-to news station for bus stations, airports, restaurants, bars, doctors' offices. When humans immerse themselves in false information that gets repeated, it stands to reason that millions of them become "cultified" right-wing zombies. What can be done about it, I leave to the experts. When will America acknowledge that we are in an information war? That's what worries me every day.”
Former right-wing pundit Rich Logis was immersed in TrumpWorld and the MAGA movement for years, but managed to escape. He said it was an "irrefutable fact" that MAGA had a cultlike ethos:
“I know this because I was once quite deep in the MAGA rabbit hole. Had Trump won in 2020, I probably would have gone deeper into it, with the odds of escaping close to zero.
There are two prevailing ties that bind the MAGA cult. The first is that Trump is an omniscient, omnipotent, martyred savior of America; some believe him to be sent by God. (Note that Ron DeSantis poached this heresy last year, in his re-election campaign.) Martyrdom is the final stage of cult leadership, and to those in a cult, it is the outside world who are deceived. Those in this first category are willing to see through the cult to its fiery end. The second is among those who are ... politically traumatized by their hyper-partisan, paralytic, paranoid worldview that Democrats, socialists, communists and Marxists have long conspired to tyrannically infringe upon their rights and freedoms. I knew some who fell into one, or both, categories.”
Logis suggests that Trump's voters should not be dehumanized "and had some valid motivations for supporting Trump, even though he exploited those concerns and fears":
“We must, as a nation, build a broad consensus that electing Trump was one of the most egregious mistakes in our history. Admitting when we're wrong is an unnatural act, but it is possible — and liberating. When I look back at my MAGA time, I remain stunned at the level of political trauma I put upon myself; my hope is that others will begin to recognize their own trauma, which has been, to some extent, self-inflicted.”
The only real hope for awakening or deprogramming MAGA cult members, Logis said, will come from "resounding losses of MAGA candidates next year, up and down the ballot. Though such losses will probably not 'save' most MAGA voters, it will, likely, save some — and 'some' equals millions of Americans."
Former Republican congressman Joe Walsh, now a leading never-Trumper conservative and democracy advocate, described the CBS News polls findings as "the least surprising thing ever." I conclude here with his words of warning:
“Three and a half years ago, while campaigning in Des Moines against Trump, I asked 40 people in line to enter a Trump rally if Donald Trump had ever told a lie. All 40 Trump supporters said no, Donald Trump had never told a lie. I knew then and there that my primary challenge against Trump was hopeless, but I also knew then and there that my soon-to-be-former political party was hopelessly gone too. I knew then and there what I'd sensed for the past six years: The Republican Party is a cult, an authoritarian-embracing, truth-denying cult. So what do we do about it? Well, we all come together in 2024 to defeat this anti-democracy cult. Again. That's job No. 1. But my other job is to continue to try to rescue members of the Trump cult. That's not a job for everyone, but as someone who helped create the cult and then escaped from the cult, it's my job. It's my penance.”
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revasserium · 5 months
a rumination on falling in love; aka the terrifying and strange reality of "dream girl" becoming "real girl"
or, what happens when an only child who has only ever loved in fiction falls in love in real life instead
this is not for you. unless, of course. you, like me, have felt like this before. which is to say, this might be for you. but it most definitely is, 100%, for me. so read on if you'd like. or, close out and move right along.
i am very lucky, i think, to have had the childhood that i had -- only child, two loving parents. but not only that, two loving parents who were good at loving and also good at parenting (which are two very distinct and different things and somehow, at least in my semi-limited exposure to people around my age, is becoming rarer and rarer these days). i am lucky to have been allowed to grow as i have -- to never question that i am loved, unconditionally and endlessly, to never question whether or not i have something -- because of course it's mine -- i've got no siblings to have to share anything with.
now, to some, that might be a sad, lonely thing, but i never thought about it that way. because i was never taught to think about it that way. and contrary to popular belief, it hasn't made me (or at least so i think) stingy or "bad at sharing" -- it's actually made me rather an over-sharer. i always have snacks at the office, i try to offer advice freely, i spot dinners/outings when i can, i like the joy it brings to share things not only to the people being shared with, but also to me -- the person doing the sharing.
but the double-edged sword of only-child-dom in upper-middle class america is time -- the huge, gaping excess of it, giant swaths of it after school, great big chunks of it on the weekends, the seemingly unbridgeable chasm between turning off the light and falling asleep. later, i'd learn that undiagnosed adhd and very high performing manic depression are to blame for most of my vibrating sense of need to fill every hour of every day with some kind of productivity (this, unironically, is why i love new york city -- the frenetic energy of it matches my mental wavelength so that i can feel "productive" even when i'm just walking down the street or sitting in a bar).
but back then, i -- and by extension my lovely parents -- tried to fill it with stuff -- 2 different art classes, ballet, swimming, piano, debate club, singing, chinese school, and of course, with my still yet unfilled hours -- reading and writing. to say i was raised by the books i read would be an understatement. to say i am nothing more than a massive conglomerate of those characters that resonated most with me in those books would be parenthetical to the fact that i'm also built by all those characters i've ever admired or wanted to be. i am, in the most cliche, literal, non-lampshaded sense "that nerdy book girl" who made it her entire fucking personality to be... that nerdy book girl. and this, amidst the stratospheric rise of "not like other girls" media and rhetoric -- it was not healthy (it still isn't), but it was a large part of who i was. and a lingering part of who i am today.
my overactive, adhd-driven imagination served me well, then. into the stories i delved, and what i couldn't find in my normal every day life, i found in narrative. long before the tiktok-ification of "book boyfriends" came the voices in my head that sounded like all the would-be book boyfriends i'd ever have -- everyone from edward cullen to kakashi to four (that one guy from divergent who only has like 4 fears, which in retrospect is so, so cringe, but alas) to fictionalized versions of one direction members. the list goes on. i used to be able to hold entire conversations, play out entire scenes with these mental constructs with impudent ease. spend hours in my room by myself just imagining.
it was like astral projection -- my body, here, my mind and my soul, somewhere else entirely. and this i believe (to this day) is the core of a lot of my writing and creativity. and also the core of a lot of my philosophies and beliefs. the ability to sink into a dream, a scene, a story.
and then. i fell in love.
and sure, it would be much too cliche to say that misery breeds good art so a happy artist would (at best) produce mediocre art/writing/whatever. because i've also seen fantastic art produced by very, very happy artists. the sad truth is only that it's much rarer than the alternative of the painfully mainstream tortured artist.
but to some degree, i think there's an inkling of truth in that saying. because having a real-life boyfriend, with all the real-life machinations and strings of having said real-life boyfriend has made it, somehow, much harder to access that old imaginary part of me. like a child growing up and losing the ability to "make believe" the way they used to. except, i know it's still there. there are still moments where i touch it, where i dip my toes in and it always feels like coming home.
and it's more than just the normal adult-ish responsibilities of going to work and paying bills, making dinner and shopping for groceries. doing laundry and investing in your roth ira. because before real-life boyfriend, i still did those things and i was still able to seamlessly get to that "elsewhere place". somehow, it is the physical presence of real-life boyfriend that seems to act as a "grounding agent". he is home, so i can't go to that other place. or, i can kind of get there, but i've always still got one foot steeped in reality.
it is not a necessarily good or bad thing, just an observation at most. but it does create this new "space" for the "want" of that elsewhere. for the want to being able to slip into that creative asphodel like i used to -- blink and i'm there. so i find myself often sitting at my desk, wishing, and then wondering what it means that i can't. that it isn't always and immediately accessible to me anymore.
perhaps absolute solitude was the unquestioned prerequisite for so long that i'd never noticed it until the solitude was no longer available to me. or perhaps the book-boyfriends are just shy creatures, afraid of the blaring daylight that real-life boyfriend might shed on their ultimate two-dimensional beings.
or perhaps that was always a "safe space" that i'd created for myself, and now real-life boyfriend has created a safe space for me too, and the venne-diagram of the two space spaces overlap just so, making a less singular space of each of them in turn. i don't know, but it's an interesting thought.
it's always struck me, now thinking back, that i've never been even remotely interested in having a real-life relationship before now. but that i've also never questioned if i wanted the current one that i'm in, if this was "the one" or if it was "good for me". and in that too, i know i am very lucky. few people can say that they struck gold the first time they've ever tried.
i know for a fact i wouldn't be this happy, have this good of a life if real-life boyfriend weren't here. he has made me better in ways that i do not have words to describe. but i'm also terrified of the earthen grounding-ness of him. i've spent my entire childhood and most of my adult life with my head in the clouds, taking the necessary trips back down to earth when i had to but... it feels strange to be "here" more and more. there's a hole inside of me where "that" heaven should be.
but two things can be true -- i am happy here; i still yearn for that elsewhere.
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cienie-isengardu · 7 months
[MK1] Bi-Han & Kuai Liang. Good brother? Evil brother? Nah, just different reactions to trauma, part 2
With the first part, I hopefully established that within presented worldbuilding, 
A) characters being allied with the Good Side aren’t “perfectly pure” and may be involved in questionable actions,
B) the same as wishing to change prevailing traditions isn’t a sign of evilness, as tradition itself is not determinant of good and evil
C) there are little to no sources showing us that Lin Kuei benefits in any special way from its “honorable servitude” to Liu Kang and Earthrealm.
Before I will dwell more into details about Bi-Han, Kuai Liang and how Lin Kuei training affected who they are, let me established two more things:
First and foremost, we need to remember that during story mode Sub-Zero and Scorpion are affected by things outside of their control - frustration and grief respectively. So none of them are at their best (normal) mentally state.
Secondly, from on I’m gonna use words like “abuse” conventionally for Lin Kuei upbringing, not as I think their parents or teachers were abusive people on purpose but because installing in young children a traditional values is one thing and making them cold-blooded killers totally different matter and there is plenty to say - and condemn - about turning children into perfect soldiers (tools) to uphold someone’s authority or idea of a “greater good”.
The most vital question about the Sub-Zero and Scorpion is: how two brothers raised by the same parents, taught the same values and growing together in an isolated and hidden Lin Kuei clan could get such an opposite approach to tradition and authority?
As stated in the title, I do sincerely believe the conflict between Sub-Zero and Scorpion is not rooted in how morally or immorally characters they are at core, but how they deal with hardship (abuse) of being trained since childhood to be a secret weapon ensuring safety of Liu Kang’s Earthrealm and how this limited their life to one, dictated by someone’s else, purpose.
The game makes it clear the main theme of conflict between brothers is about tradition (father’s teaching), more precisely, whether Lin Kuei should follow the centuries old servitude or break with it. We could see this dispute between Kuai Liang, Tomas and Bi-Han twice, first when brothers were awaiting Liu Kang
Tomas: Were he here, Father would advise us to wait without protest. Bi-Han: But now he is gone and I am Grandmaster. Kuai Liang: His teaching did not pass with him. They should still guide us. Bi-Han: Guide us, yes. Shackle us, no.
and during the mission itself
Kuai Liang: We must honor his vision Bi-Han. Bi-Han: Vision is what he lacked. He was blind to our superiority. We settle for defending Earthrealm when we could help lead it. Tomas: Our clan doesn't govern. It serves. Bi-Han: That is our past. It won't be our future. 
The conflict was already ongoing issue between brothers to the point Kuai Liang feared at some point he would need to turn against Bi-Han to take control over the clan:
Scorpion’s Bio: But Sub-Zero's unprecedented moves to cast off the Lin Kuei's traditional duties have frozen Scorpion’s enthusiasm. He fears that he may one day have to battle his brother for control of the Lin Kuei's legacy.But Sub-Zero's unprecedented moves to cast off the Lin Kuei's traditional duties have frozen Scorpion’s enthusiasm. He fears that he may one day have to battle his brother for control of the Lin Kuei's legacy.
On another hand, the story mode suggests that despite those fears, Scorpion did not really believe Sub-Zero will ultimately go so far as to abbadon Earthrealm in need.
Story Mode, Kuai Liang: I knew Bi-Han's frustrations ran deep. But I never thought they could inspire such madness. We can't let his corruption spread.
The game keeps each brother’s reasoning as vague as possible, however Kuai Liang and Tomas does not provide any constructive argument beyond honoring father’s teaching. There is no given reason why exactly Kuai Liang and Tomas think Lin Kuei should still uphold a system that objectively speaking does not benefit the clan as far as sources are concerned, yet both are very firm about respecting tradition and fulfilling their original duty they were trained for since childhood. 
And so we have in story mode
Scorpion: We must chart a new course. One that both honors our Father's legacy and serves Earthrealm
Scorpion: "Glory? We fight for duty."
Tomas: We can't abandon tradition.
Liu Kang: As you know, Bi-Han and his Lin Kuei have abandoned their roles as Earthrealm's guardians. His brother Kuai Liang has agreed to build a new clan, the Shirai Ryu, to take its place. I must go aid his efforts.
while intro dialogues adds
Smoke: With you as grandmaster, our new clan will flourish. Scorpion: Only if we honor tradition.
Geras: We are both sworn to serve. Scorpion: May neither of us neglect our duties.
Sub-Zero: What is the point of your new clan? Scorpion: To fill the role the Lin Kuei abandoned.
As Scorpion’s Bio says “Like his cherished father, Scorpion is dedicated to the Lin Kuei and its defense of Earthrealm. “, the Earthrealm’s safety is an important matter to Kuai Liang, although whether this dedication comes from his deep sense of duty alone or he actually cares for other people is up to debate. Mainly, because the sources don’t provide an insight into his motivation beyond loyalty to cherished father, his teaching and “legacy”.
Out of three brothers, Tomas was the most sidelined character, but despite sharing with Kuai Liang a similar dedication to their father, intro dialogues at least directly address his desire to save people, so we may assume for Smoke, the duty to Earthrealm is not just matter of principle but a real care for others - something most likely tied to his survivor’s guilt / trauma after losing biological family:
Sindel: It's impossible, Smoke. We can't save everyone. Smoke: Then I'll save who I can to make up for the ones I can't.
In contrast to Kuai Liang, the sources add a lot of insight into Bi-Han’s motivation. Alongside his desire for making his clan stronger - and eventual expansion of Lin Kuei’s political-economic standing, the thirst for independence and freedom are the most frequently mentioned things and such repeated theme make it clear that for Sub-Zero the cherished by Scorpion and father’s tradition was nothing more than enslavement.
Story mode: 
Kuai Liang: His teaching did not pass with him. They should still guide us. Bi-Han: Guide us, yes. Shackle us, no.
Shang Tsung: I know that you wish to break free of Liu Kang’s control…
Sub-Zero’s ending:
“I had broken the Lin Kuei free of Liu Kang’s enslavement. We were now masters of our destiny and could take our place among Earthrealm’s greatest nations.”[...]
Intro dialogues:
Liu Kang: You have forsaken your family. Bi-Han: To free the Lin Kuei from bondage.
Liu Kang: Come in from the cold, Bi-Han. Bi-Han: And again kneel before you?
Havik: You let yourself be Liu Kang’s slave. Kuai Liang: An opinion shared by my brother.
Sub-Zero: I've gained the Lin Kuei's freedom. Smoke: You've only earned them infamy.
(the screenshots can be found here)
This visible difference between brothers gives us the first clue to understand the motives behind their choices and what kind of people they are. 
Whatever Kuai Liang experienced as a child, he fully embraced father’s authority and build his life around the duty to Earthrealm - to the point he never wished to be anything else than Lin Kuei
Raiden: Did you ever want to be an Earthrealm champion? Scorpion: I have only ever wanted to be Lin Kuei.
even if he clearly does not enjoy the fighting the way Bi-Han does
Sub-Zero (Scorpion and Smoke): You're both unharmed? Scorpion: We are, brother. Sub-Zero: Good. After years of idleness, it pleases me to again face kombat. Scorpion: I will be pleased when we complete our mission.
and actually may not like kombat that much in general
Scorpion: As Time’s Keeper, you could have abolished kombat. Liu Kang: Even a Titan’s power has limits.
Mind you, a timeline in which fighting is abolished is a world where there is no need for Lin Kuei, as the clan's purpose is tightly tied to kombat. What gives an interesting detail about Scorpion and his dedication to duty, even at the cost of his own comfort.
In contrast, Bi-Han questions everything
the purpose of Lin Kuei
Sub-Zero’s BIO: As the Lin Kuei's Grandmaster, Sub-Zero leads his ancient warrior clan in defense of Earthrealm from external threats. For centuries, it has been their solemn task. But Earthrealm hasn't been threatened in generations, and Sub-Zero see no point in limiting his clan to preparing for dangers that may never come. Under his leadership, the Lin Kuei will come out of the shadows and fight for its place as one of Earthrealm's great nations.
the authority and wisdom of father
Story mode: Vision is what [father] lacked. He was blind to our superiority. We settle for defending Earthrealm when we could help lead it.
Scorpion: Father would be ashamed of you. Sub-Zero: Only because he lacked vision.
Sindel: I knew your father. He was a great man. Sub-Zero: Yet he never understood the Lin Kuei's potential.
Sub-Zero: My father was a fool to follow you. Liu Kang: He wisely honored Earthrealm with his service.
the authority of Liu Kang
Sub-Zero: Earthrealm isn't yours to rule. Liu Kang: Nor has it ever been, Bi-Han!
Sub-Zero: I don't recognize your creator's authority. Geras: Denying facts makes them no less real.
Kenshi: Why do you so resent Liu Kang’s authority? Sub-Zero: Give it time. You will understand.
This leads me to see Kuai Liang as a believer (follower of Liu Kang and father’s authority) that wants to uphold the status quo because it was so drilled into him and/or without Lin Kuei he has no purpose or identity to cling to, while Bi-Han is the man questioning the system and purpose imposed on him. A purpose that without an external threat could turn out to be a wasted life. 
That Sub-Zero question authority is nothing surprising, as all major cryomancers have a rocky relationship with it, including previous timelines Kuai Liang. From in-universe perspective, this could be a reason why Liu Kang on purpose changed Kuai Liang into pyromancer, as I believe that cryomancer Kuai Liang would be much more supportive of Bi-Han’s independence streak than his fire counterpart is. 
This is solely a ground on which in next part(s) I’m gonna exploit more all the nuances between brothers and from where comes their different approach to tradition, authority and their duties. 
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laineystein · 9 months
I am genuinely curious - what is your opinion on practicing streams of Judaism? (Orthodox vs conservative vs reform vs Reconstructionist). I’m aware there are Israelis have the opinion that diaspora Jews- especially Americans, are Jew(ish), and not necessarily Jewish, if that makes sense? I know there are asshats that get quite nasty towards Israelis and I find that to be disgusting.
Me personally, I always found that to be very hurtful. I’m American, grew up Reform. In the sanctuary part of the Temple, we had two flags positioned on each corner of the sanctuary in the front: one was American, one was Israeli. My Rabbi, my Cantor, and my Sunday school teachers raised us to believe Israelis are distant cousins. Different but similar ideas, customs etc, but all part of the same family. So when 10/07 happened I (like many diaspora Jewish people), were shaken to the core.
And no matter what my personal issues are about the process of the military operation, and Bibi and his govt, I wish and hope everyone stays as safe as they can be while trying to get the hostages out and destroy Hamas.
So I was just wondering what your thoughts are about the clashes between the different streams of practice. I always feel that now is not the time to argue about who is or isn’t more Jewish. We are all feeling the after effects of what Hamas did, and the anti semitism that it has sparked. Once we have peace, then people can debate and bicker if they wish (but I really hope less of us do that). ♥️
So I contemplated how (or if) I’d answer this because I really think Am Yisrael needs ahavas chinam right now and I don’t want to do anything to promote sinas chinam. But I think you can disagree with something and still respect it and show love for your fellow Jews who may practice differently than you do and I think that *is* Ahavas chinam.
So I’d just ask that just as I’m affording respect to others who are different that people respect my view points as well.
So here we go…
A Jew is a Jew is a Jew. Even antizionist Jews, those are still Jews. Even atheist Jews, those are still Jews. I do believe in matrilineal inheritance of Judaism but I’m not going to treat someone differently if their father is their only Jewish parent and they were raised Jewish. It is not my place to say who is Jewish and who is not; I can have my viewpoints but ultimately I am not a Rav.
I was raised orthodox. I didn’t meet a “reform” Jew until med school (which was the first time I ever went to school with goyim) — the denominations you’re referring to are mostly western constructs. There are a few reform shuls in Israel but they’re not as common as they are in America. I am going to be very honest with you and share that many reform practices make me incredibly uncomfortable. Do I think that people that practice them are any less Jewish? Absolutely not.
As someone who spent half of their life in the diaspora (albeit in very Jewish communities with little contact with goyim) I absolutely do not subscribe to any belief that diaspora Jews are any less Jewish. That’s abhorrent. I don’t personally know any Israelis that believe that but I’m sure they exist. All Jews, regardless of their location, are valid.
I will say that it is interesting to me to hear that your teachers referred to Israelis as “distant cousins” - all of am Yisrael is a single tribe. I would only ever refer to a fellow Jew as a brother or sister regardless of whether or not they lived in Israel or the diaspora. It seems there might be some anti-Israel bias in that teaching, which is unfortunate. And it’s amusing because your question insinuates that Orthodox Jews and Israelis are less accepting of reform Jews and diasporic Jews and that’s interesting to hear because my experience has always been the exact opposite.
But in Israel we have similar issues where our religious communities spar with our less observant communities. It was very apparent in our most recent elections and the protests that followed. I find myself existing in both communities and it can be challenging sometimes. Some of my secular friends do have negative attitudes toward more frum communities. Those same frum communities may look down on my more secular friends. Because I do and always have existed in both groups I see both sides. I think both of these black and white attitudes are a chillul hashem and will get us nowhere.
But bottom line, how a Jew lives their life and their relationship with Hashem is none of my business. You do you; Jew do Jew.
(This was kind of all over the place and there’s a lot of tangents I actually *didn’t* go down believe it or not so if you want some clarification, feel free to ask. Or you can DM me and I’m happy to chat about it that way too.)
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