#what i consider to be my duty
featherymainffins · 8 days
Kinda fucked up how all the people I know are like "Yeah I know what I want in my life. I want to work in X field and I want/don't want a long-term partner who I'm going to marry, I want kids and-"
and I'm there just like 🧍
#like wow ok#i have no idea what i want man I'm just doing what's required of me#or more like i think i know some of the things i want but I'm actively beating them up every day and instead choosing#what i consider to be my duty#like yeah I really want to work in design and you know the dream is character design and concept art but that's unrealistic#and any design would do. but that's selfish so like lol no. psychology it is. social work if i fail at that. it's an acceptable#compromise. it's not what I want but it is what i am ok with subjecting myself to.#whenever it looks like I might fail a class at university i get really anxious but also really excited#because on one hand I'm failing to take care of my duties and responsibilities. on the other if they kicked me out nobody could#say i didn't try. i could just say that I'm too stupid. i could say that i don't have what it takes. id be a failure but not out of my#volition. they could tell me that im stupid or inferior but they couldn't label me selfish.#and then id just fuck off to work as a florist or maybe id just work in a smokes shop or anything low stakes like that#while I'd be looking for a job in design. hell i don't even need a job in that field; id love to just work a simple job where after clocking#out i could just go home and partake in my hobbies. like i wouldn't even need to have it as my field of work id be perfectly#content with posting character designs online and sometimes getting a small buck by selling pins and dolls and etc#that's definitely what i want in life. but that's fucked up and selfish and would make me a failure and then i would never#be able to even dream of earning humanity. so. doing my duty it is
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bunnysnared · 24 days
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irt my last post, i did manage to finish ghost's art after all! i am doing a very small test batch of the pins in a pr3order here, right now. if theyre successful and im pleased with how they turn out [will make tweaks if needed] then i will finish the rest of T141 & relist more ghost's for sale, likely in late july/early august  ദ്ദി ·ᴗ·)♡ thank you guys for the interest so far!!
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sallytwo · 20 days
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Jennifer nearly jumped into the water / and she was tired like no one's ever been tired
#myart#wesley crusher#jennifer is on her way home. then she remembers her life is like a nightmare!!!!#geniunelyyyy thinking about the post-first duty years of wesleys life is so miserable.#he killed his best friend and ruined his friendship with everyone else and lost picards respect (the only thing he ever cared about)#and then you just. dont hear about him at all for 2 years.#trying to capture the extremely specific existential dread of knowing something is deeply wrong in your life but not being able to change.#JUST THE LOOK OF A YOUNG MAN WHOS PROFOUNDLY UNHAPPY AND DOESNT EVEN KNOW WHY!!!#the quote from that novel. where he says “jaxa knew better than the rest of us the only way to escape this thing was to die”. ITS SICK!!#like leaving starfleet was not even on his radar until journeys end. he didnt even consider that as an option. so what could he do.#man. theres a reason for the prominently placed golden gate bridge. jennifer nearly jumped into the water.... cuz she got no way to get out#the photos in the bg are him and picard. jack. two of joshie (the ski tripppppp) him and bev and the entire nova squadron up top#do i think he would have his room this nicely decorated while horribly depressed NO!!! it was just for the compostion of the piece#like trying so hard to keep up appearances. being surrounded by pictures of all the people who love him and still not able to get out.#some of the papers lying around the desk are like. intended to be letters to bev that he just gave up on writing.#OKAY sorry i just wanted to finish this before i leave tomorrow. i spent such a stupid amount of time on this. never again#you people should always talk to me forever about my friend wesley . im soooo normal. lies facedown on floor#OH AND THE VERY SPECIFIC. EMOTION. LYING ON BED IN FULL UNIFORM. WE'VE ALLLL BEEN THERE.
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novembermorgon · 5 days
What do you think of Rhaegar Targaryen and what he did?
as much as i sincerely believe grrm intended for his and lyanna's story to be romantic (at least to some degree) there is nothing in the world that will make me like rhaegar targaryen. grown man leaving his wife and kids alone in the capital with no sense of safety from his insane ass father OR the war that he had a hand in starting? locking lyanna in that tower to die? going out looking stupid as hell in the mud? and i don't usually go off the show but i'll say it just because i hate him so bad they gave him THE ugliest wig i've ever seen and named his son with lyanna AEGON when he ALREADY HAD A SON NAMED AEGON? he's in hell. he's burning in the pits and i'm going to find him and make it worse
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lloydfrontera · 8 months
javier realizing how much he cares for lloyd, how deep his loyalty to him runs, how ready he's to lie down his life for him, not because he's the son of his lord, not even really knowing exactly why he feels like that but just being absolutely certain that lloyd is his friend and he can't allow anything to harm him
And yet, why am I trying so hard to protect him? He had no way of knowing. But one thing was clear. It was a very simple matter. I want to protect him. Lloyd is my true master in my heart. Lloyd was his friend. And now, Javier wanted to protect Lloyd. He would sincerely protect him with everything he had.
he doesn't even know why!! he just knows that lloyd is his friend and his true master in his heart and that's!! more than enough for him to decide he's willing to put his life and everything he has in the line to protect him!! i'm just!!
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frozenartscapes · 18 days
Edelgard still lives rent free in my head and I had a random headcanon about her Fallen version in Heroes. (Because I personally think it’s more interesting if each Edelgard had slightly different personalities and quirks that reflect the lives they lived before being summoned. For example, I see Brave!Edelgard as being the defacto “mom” of the group because she’s technically the oldest.)
But Hegie!Edelgard specifically is the most intriguing to me so here’s my headcanon: she’s the tallest. I like to think that she’s got some semblance of control over her Hegemon form, and has figured out that she can stretch her body just a tiny bit when in her non-beast form that puts her a few inches taller than the other Edelgards. Nothing crazy - she’s not trying to compete with Dimitri or Hubert.
But those few inches are more than enough to make the “normal” Edelgards jealous and Hegie is infuriatingly smug about it
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licorishh · 13 days
Saw a one-off on Tumblr that just casually brought up the AU idea of Bell being Makarov's biological parent from their life in Russia pre-CIA and I would just like to say I am one thousand-percent behind this theory but not as an AU like actually as a headcanon because the timeline would match up perfectly and it would just be insanely cool
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roselightfairy · 2 months
Many Lines Monday
Thank you, @tathrin, for tagging me to share a WIP snippet! I am always happy for an excuse. (And this is a bit from a fic I started telling you about!)
He tamped down his emotion at that thought, keeping his face neutral as Obi-Wan finished his kata, landing lightly on the balls of his feet, and then bowed. “Master.” The tight tone of voice revealed that Qui-Gon was not yet forgiven. “Obi-Wan.” He inclined his head just slightly to acknowledge that he had received the message. “Well done.” “Thank you.” Obi-Wan deactivated his lightsaber and returned it to his belt. “I thought if we expect to see a Sith warrior yet again, I’d better be prepared.” That shadow shivered again down Qui-Gon’s spine. “A wise thought.” Obi-Wan accepted this with a dip of the head that might have been read as respectful and deferent to anyone who did not know Obi-Wan’s body language so well. “Where is the boy?” “With the Naboo.” Qui-Gon reached out, feeling for the new presence in the Force that already commanded so much of his attention. Anakin felt like a sun himself, so radiant with energy and potential that it nearly hurt to focus on him for too long. One of the guards was showing him the inner workings of their astromech droids, which had Anakin absorbed for now. That was a new grief – the thought of Anakin’s potential being squandered. That he might soon be without a teacher, without even an ally to fight for him, when he showed such promise and possibility. When he might be the one who would change their understanding of the galaxy for good. “Hmm.” Qui-Gon sighed. The skepticism in Obi-Wan’s voice and Force presence alike probed at him like their own sunrays, relentless and scorching. “We’re not having this discussion, Obi-Wan.” “Trust me, I’m well aware.”
I feel like most of my writer friends on here have already been tagged in this or mostly don't tend to do tag games, so if you see this and want to do it, please feel free to say I tagged you!
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wonder-worker · 3 months
Margaret of Anjou’s visit to Coventry [in 1456], which was part of her dower and that of her son, Edward of Lancaster, was much more elaborate. It essentially reasserted Lancastrian power. The presence of Henry and the infant Edward was recognised in the pageantry. The ceremonial route between the Bablake gate and the commercial centre was short, skirting the area controlled by the cathedral priory, but it made up for its brevity with no fewer than fourteen pageants. Since Coventry had an established cycle of mystery plays, there were presumably enough local resources and experience to mount an impressive display; but one John Wetherby was summoned from Leicester to compose verses and stage the scenes. As at Margaret’s coronation the iconography was elaborate, though it built upon earlier developments.
Starting at Bablake gate, next to the Trinity Guild church of St. Michael, Bablake, the party was welcomed with a Tree of Jesse, set up on the gate itself, with the prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah explaining the symbolism. Outside St. Michael’s church the party was greeted by Edward the Confessor and St. John the Evangelist; and proceeding to Smithford Street, they found on the conduit the four Cardinal Virtues—Righteousness (Justice?), Prudence, Temperance, and Fortitude. In Cross Cheaping wine flowed freely, as in London, and angels stood on the cross, censing Margaret as she passed. Beyond the cross was pitched a series of pageants, each displaying one of the Nine Worthies, who offered to serve Margaret. Finally, the queen was shown a pageant of her patron saint, Margaret, slaying the dragon [which 'turned out to be strictly an intercessor on the queen's behalf', as Helen Maurer points out].
The meanings here are complex and have been variously interpreted. An initial reading of the programme found a message of messianic kingship: the Jesse tree equating royal genealogy with that of Christ had been used at the welcome for Henry VI on his return from Paris in 1432. A more recent, feminist view is that the symbolism is essentially Marian, and to be associated with Margaret both as queen and mother of the heir rather than Henry himself. The theme is shared sovereignty, with Margaret equal to her husband and son. Ideal kingship was symbolised by the presence of Edward the Confessor, but Margaret was the person to whom the speeches were specifically addressed and she, not Henry, was seen as the saviour of the house of Lancaster. This reading tips the balance too far the other way: the tableau of Edward the Confessor and St. John was a direct reference to the legend of the Ring and the Pilgrim, one of Henry III’s favourite stories, which was illustrated in Westminster Abbey, several of his houses, and in manuscript. It symbolised royal largesse, and its message at Coventry would certainly have encompassed the reigning king. Again, the presence of allegorical figures, first used for Henry, seems to acknowledge his presence. Yet, while the message of the Coventry pageants was directed at contemporary events it emphasised Margaret’s motherhood and duties as queen; and it was expressed as a traditional spiritual journey from the Old Testament, via the incarnation represented by the cross, to the final triumph over evil, with the help of the Virgin, allegory, and the Worthies. The only true thematic innovation was the commentary by the prophets.
[...] The messages of the pageants firmly reminded the royal women of their place as mothers and mediators, honoured but subordinate. Yet, if passive, these young women were not without significance. It is clear from the pageantry of 1392 and 1426 in London and 1456 in Coventry that when a crisis needed to be resolved, the queen (or regent’s wife) was accorded extra recognition. Her duty as mediator—or the good aspect of a misdirected man—suddenly became more than a pious wish. At Coventry, Margaret of Anjou was even presented as the rock upon which the monarchy rested. [However,] a crisis had to be sensed in order to provoke such emphasis [...]."
-Nicola Coldstream, "Roles of Women in Late Medieval Civic Pageantry," "Reassessing the Roles of Women as 'Makers' of Medieval Art and Culture"
#historicwomendaily#margaret of anjou#my post#henry vi#yeah I don't necessarily agree with Laynesmith's interpretation (that it was essentially Marian with an emphasis on shared sovereignty)#which she herself says is 'admittedly very speculative'#as this book points out that interpretation tips the balance too far on the other side and has a somewhat selective reading#It's also important to remember that this interpretation was not really reflected across wider Lancastrian propaganda at the time#which isn't really talked about - let alone emphasized - as much by historians but remained focused on the King#For example: look at the pro-Lancastrian poem 'The Ship of State' which hails Henry VI as a 'noble shyp made of good tree'#and emphasizes how he was widely supported and defended by many great Lancastrian lords and the crown prince#but not Margaret who was entirely absent#also look at the book 'Knyghthode and Bataile' (presented to Henry) and Fortescue's various pro-Lancastrian texts in the 1460s#even the recording of that Yorkist trial which was iirc reported in the 1459 attainder#all of these were entirely conventional and highlighted the presence and importance of the King. Margaret was not emphasized.#so either the Lancastrians were impossibly inconsistent about what message they actually wanted to convey about the role of their own queen#or the Coventry pageants were not actually meant to emphasize Margaret in the lieu of Laynesmith's interpretation#and would not have been viewed in such a manner by contemporaries#I think we should also keep in mind that we don't really know what Henry VI's condition was like at the time of MoA's entry to Coventry#we know he had been injured in St. Albans and had only just recovered from his second illness#this is especially important to consider since we know he had also arrived at Coventry before Margaret but much more discreetly#and was not welcomed by any pageants that we know of. This is VERY unusual and can be best explained if we consider the fact that he#may have simply not been in the right state (be it physical or state of mind) for it at the time#in which case the pageants for Margaret should be viewed as more of a improvisation/cover-up/temporary measure to bolster prestige#or Henry may have deliberately taken a more discreet role to emphasize the position of his heir - especially important after the long wait#imo I think Kipling's interpretation (ie: that they addressed Margaret but really referenced the prince & heir) makes a lot more sense:#'Coventry [...] regarded Margaret's entry as a kind of triumph-by-proxy: the Queen entered the city but Coventry received its Prince'#though I think he tends to view Margaret as more of a cipher (and has a very questionable view of Henry VI) which I also don't agree with.#The pageants very much DID focus on and reference her but they most prominently emphasized her 'motherhood and duties as queen'#ie: I think Kipling and Laynesmith tip too far on opposite sides and I think this interpretation takes the most realistic middle ground
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squeakadeeks · 1 year
im a little embarrassed by how much I was like “aaaah!!! i need to push myself!!! i need to do my best creative work i need to put out a capstone cosplay thats competition worthy!! i need to keep up with all my amazing friends and make something incredible AAAAHHHH” over the past few weeks and how stressed it was making me, but something snapped yesterday and i thought “hey actually I dont need to do that. i can just take on a small project to keep me occupied and add a flair of fun into my routine.” and the rush of calm and relief that came over me has been like. comical in how dramatic it is.
the theme of the past year has been “challenging your compulsion to constantly excel and be exemplary in everything you do can provide personal relief as well as erode the ever-creeping status quo that everyone is supposed to be this godly pillar of excellence and anything less that is to be punished or chastised” 
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sonicboomseason3 · 1 year
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im a month late to this and im sure at least one other person has already talked about this but idc look at the sonic boom refs in the most recent tailstube
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waterlinkedgirl · 2 years
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Musical Touken Ranbu: Tokyo Kokoro Oboe english sub
I know this isn’t the TsuruKara Souki you were expecting, but on the plus side, neither was I expecting this! Since I’m watching this with a friend soon, I figured, why not? It is very high up in my faves list, after all 🥺
Following my predecessors, the start of the subtitles has a little intro blurb on each of the historical figures, and I’m also planning on making a little research file in which I’ll try to explain a few things about Masakado and horses, Masakado and Kikyou, Ota Dokan and the yamabuki (Japanese kerria) girl, and some details about Tenkai as person and his planning of Edo as city.
I’m also planning to include some translation notes (specifically on ほころび・る hokorobi/ru because that deserves to be mentioned) in the file, some interpretations on the girl with the Noh mask, and a few fun facts about how each of the historical figures relates to Inari or foxes. Because in the context of the roles Suishinshi and the Gous get given throughout TKO, as well as the themes present in it, it may be interesting to keep a certain little fox in the back of your mind while watching!
Keep in mind that this is only the subtitle file, timed and tled to the DMM archive distribution.
You can download the subs for the DMM archive distribution here,
and with lots of thanks to a friend, the subs for the BD/DVD version can be found here!
The research file will be able to be found here too, at a later date.
#touken ranbu#Tokyo Kokoro Oboe#toumyu#Water's translations#'where's Kogi in all this' is one of my favourite questions to ask in TKO tbh ngl#and not in a haha 'kon kon kon.../knock knock knock...' kind of way#though I do really appreciate Mikazuki's name melts into Kogi's in the names section#I'd love to think that tsuwamono had meaning-- that kotobuki had meaning!#that Kogitsunemaru hasn't disappeared from Mikazuki's side after tsuwamono established that even if he can't do time crimes with him#he will still gladly eat chagashi with him. And that he won't allow Mikazuki to use that sweetness as bribe to get away from his duties--#to get away from staying by Kogitsunemaru's side.#Also considering Kogitsunemaru in utaawase and by extension Inari light is super cool bc he's one of the most supernatural swords out there#through him being smithed by Inari he's half repairs and also Legit Foxy at the same time that Inari is a god the *people* made popular#on top of that!! Kogitsunemaru is!! *literally* a noh song-- he's given his shape because Kokaji exists- because the people sing of#the little fox that helped Sanjou Munechika out and the name 'Kogitsune' engraved on the back as gratitude towards that incarnation of Inari#so why is it Sui who gets to carry that weight?#why is it Sui who recognises Mika has gone too far and needs to be saved- who admits Mika's crimes to Master when Kogi's kept them secret-#when Kogi knows what Mika does and isn't gonna take bull from him?#why is it the Gous that Mikazuki entrusts to be the bridge between human and non-human when Kogi should be right by his side?#when utaawase happened? When Kogi said he wouldn't commit time crimes but never excluded helping him in ways that don't break their mission?#why is it that the existential message-- being existent so long someone calls your name- or whether flowers songs and feelings aren't a part#of history if they're not passed down like objects or writing or *swords* (they are)- what'll remain of a sword if you lose your name--#falls on Sui when Kogi is literally given a shape by his song engraving his name?#also the girl is wearing a *Noh* mask TT-TT#anyway sorry for the rambling I just feel Kogi is Painfully absent in TKO when he Should be in there given past myu and it hurts ;-;#I hope past myus had meaning and he'll return.
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sbd-laytall · 1 year
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I'm not gonna lie to you. We lost Scott. We lost the Professor. But we don't fight now, everything they stood for will die with them. I'm not gonna let that happen. Are you? And we stand together. X-Men. All of us.
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epicdogymoment · 1 month
mmmnnnn i should write down what i was thinking about earler but so fucking tired sleepy
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weidli · 5 months
okay one of my flatmates is really fucking starting to piss me off lmao
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arcaneyouth · 1 year
i think i have managed to trick everyone, including myself, into thinking im functional. because i can keep my art schedule really well. but everything else? a fucking disaster. but i sure can make a comic so im normal actually
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