#what i actively want is to be published and for people to leave me alone
hidekomoon · 1 year
just visited the building in which i’m supposed to be studying this year and it was full of right-wing looking, aggressively straight men. i no longer want to study this year
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20001541 · 1 month
What do you think being in prison was actually like for All For One? We know he lies A LOT, so I don't think he's nearly as unaffected as he's shown or rather not shown I guess 😓
Thinking deeper on afo's imprisonment it's actually a lot more disturbing the more I think about it.
What afo is going through is basically solitary confinement 24/7. Guns constantly pointed at him ready to headshot him the second he tries tapping into his quirk or squirms too much. Unable to move at all from the neck down due to restraints. So many sensors it leaves him either completely vulnerable or overstimulated at worst. We never see him lying down either. He's always sitting which is painfull and extremely detrimental to a person's health and mobility if done for long hours without standing up.
I know he's an S rank criminal and super dangerous because the only person who could defeat him (All Might) retired, but you're telling me this futuristic society couldn't do anything more humane with all that tech other than shoving him into a death trap? (I wanted to call it a Saw death trap, but I never watched any of the Saw films ummm)
There's also the more creepy implication to questions like how does afo go to the bathroom in Tartarus. There's no way they just let him walk up to a toilet/urinal 😨
All For One is no stranger to dehumanization and he takes almost everything in stride even Tartarus from the looks of it, but that one panel where he almost begs All Might to not go always stuck out to me.
Sorry for the long essay. I just wanted to say something about this and chat with a fellow All For One fan.
you don't need to apologize, it's an interesting topic!
I think afo's time in prison affected him more deeply than he would ever admit. look how they had him ->
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strapped to a metal slab, not being able to move his limbs at all, alone for hours constantly being watched and he doesn't have access to his quirks that allow him to navigate the world so he's completely blind here. oh let's not forget that if he thinks about activating a quirk or makes a sudden movement the guns pointed at his head will automatically shoot him. also like you said being in a sitting position for a long period of time will end up being detrimental to your health.
tartarus whole existence is a violation of human rights and that's without mentioning the disgusting way the guards treat the prisoners. yes they did evil things, but I think dehumanization of any group of people is a dangerous road to walk on and can lead to horrific things committed against said group because it's easier to justify doing horrid things to others if you think the other party isn't even human. with all the amazing quirks and technology that is available it's a surprise to see that they haven't come up with a better way to deal with imprisoned villains. maybe it's because they don't care to come up with a better solution because once again they don't see them as humans so why should they bother trying to make their living situation more bearable? awful stuff.
too bad we don't see anyone from our main cast really question this type of treatment, but oh well. I guess it's implied some things did change as we see spinner was allowed to write and publish a book while in prison (doubt they let him free to do it). so he's not strapped to a metal chair all day like the other prisoners we saw. unless he's getting some special treatment, I don't know the story doesn't really tell us about what happened with him after his confrontation with izuku. only shows us that he managed to publish his book.
BUT back to the main question, what was being in prison in like for afo? honestly, I think he had to fight to stay sane while down there. being in those conditions for a long period of time will wear down your sanity. you saw how desperate he was for all might to stay and talk with him despite him being someone he hates. probably the thought of getting yoichi back kept him going, after all when he's down there he gets excited when he's able to hear his voice for the first time in over a century. even the guards freaked out because his the monitor tracking his vitals went crazy when he heard it.
still I think the whole experience disturbs him more than he would ever admit and it was traumatic but he just shoves down in order to focus on the goal ahead of him. no time to process any of that he's got a brother to catch
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merrybloomwrites · 1 year
You Can Start a Family (Chapter 10)
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Summary: Love on Tour comes to an end, and new relationships begin in Italy.
Previous Chapters: One ; Two ; Three ; Four ; Five ; Six ; Seven ; Eight ; Nine
CW: Smut
This is the final chapter of this main story! But don't worry, I have lot's of plans for blurb/ one shots. Check out my last post here for more details about that. And please send me requests!!
Thank you to everyone who has read this story! It's the first things I've ever published like this and the feedback has truly been wonderful. I hope you enjoy this last chapter.
The second week of traveling Europe and going to shows is just as wonderful as the first. Maybe even more so. You’re more comfortable with everyone, having become friends with the whole band and a fair number of crew members. Things have calmed down slightly, and you learn that there was a lot of extra craziness surrounding the Slane and Wembley shows. Everyone has a bit more free time now, including Harry.
You, Harry, Sarah, and Mitch hang out a couple of times all together. Each pairing also spends some quality one on one time together. Sarah made plans for the two of you to get massages as well and mani pedis during a day off in Cardiff. You and Mitch have lunch together followed by him teaching you some new skills on guitar. Harry had found a hiking trail he wanted to try so the two of you do that together and have a picnic.
Mitch and Sarah each go out with Harry, and have a date just the two of them. After each outing you all tell each other what you’d done but don’t share all of the details. It doesn’t seem necessary. There is an inherent trust that you all have, and this allows you all to keep some of the individual moments special. You’d realized that in a relationship with this many people, each individual pairing needs to be fostered.
The four of you are able to hang as a group two times that week. The first time, you all go for a walk in Cardiff together and have lunch. The next day you have a movie night in Harry’s hotel room. Both times are very casual, and the conversation about Harry officially entering the relationship is never brought up. There’s an understanding that things are to go back to normal until tour ends.
You enjoy the last three shows you are at. There is a chance you’ll be back for the final show in Italy, but nothing is set in stone, so you keep that to yourself. You wander around the stadium with Brad again for the two Cardiff shows and are permitted to sit in front of the barrier during the show in Belgium. You take in every moment in Werchter, ignoring that this time tomorrow you’ll be back home. You latch on to Mitch and Sarah the second the show ends.
The three of you fight sleep that night, staying up too late talking, kissing, exploring each other’s bodies once again. You wake up wrapped in their arms and continue the activities from the night before. You spend time simply pleasing each other with your hands and mouths until your alarm goes off, signaling you need to start getting ready for the airport.
You shower, get dressed and make sure everything is packed. There are about 15 minutes left before your car leaves for the airport, and you hear a knock at the door. Mitch goes to answer and a moment later he walks back, Harry following him.
“I just wanted to say good-bye,” he says. “It truly has been wonderful getting to know you these past couple of weeks.”
“I’ve had a great time hanging out,” you reply.
“Will I see you again soon?” he asks.
“I hope so. I’m working on it.”
“Good,” he says as he pulls you in for a hug. It’s everything you’ve come to expect from Harry’s hugs- comforting, long, feels like home. You say good-bye to him before pulling back, and soon after he leaves so that you have alone time with Mitch and Sarah.
You’ve been holding up better than when they left you a few weeks prior, but as the time to depart draws closer, your eyes start to fill with tears. You look up, trying to blink them away, but it’s no use.
The second they notice Mitch and Sarah wrap their arms around you. For a few minutes no one speaks. You all just stay in this group hug, comforting one another and soaking up the contact. Your phone buzzes, and you have a text from Pete saying he’s available to drive you when you’re ready.
Sarah steps back, allowing Mitch to pull your lips up and meet his. “I love you,” he says against your mouth before moving to press a kiss to the crown of your head. “I’ll miss you baby.”
“I’ll miss you too, Mitch. I love you so much.” After one more kiss you turn from him to Sarah who immediately pulls you in tight.
“I love you sweetheart. And we’ll see you again soon, okay?”
“Okay,” you say, now so emotional that you’re having trouble getting the words out. Your “I love you” is barely a whisper, but she hears. Her hands rub your back and she kisses you just like Mitch had- first your lips, then your forehead. You keep your eyes closed, committing every detail of this interaction to memory so you can hold on to these feelings as long as possible.
You take a deep breath and finally break the hug. You grab your bags, dry your tears, share one more simple peck with each of them and walk out of the room.
Pete is waiting in the lobby along with Madi who says, “Hope you don’t mind me tagging along. A friend of mine is landing soon, and I wanted to be there to pick her up.”
You’re happy to have Madi’s company, so you reply, “I don’t mind at all!” and you give her a genuine smile. It was hard saying good-bye to Mitch and Sarah, which is why you had decided it should be done in private and not at the airport, but having Madi in the car with you raises your mood. It makes you realize that in the past two weeks you have made a lot of new friends, which is something so difficult in your adult life.
You spend much of the flight home thinking about all those friendships, the moments you spent with the band and the crew. Though you are sad to leave, you also feel happier than you have in a long time.
You text Mitch and Sarah once you get home and even though it’s the middle of the night for them, they both reply immediately. It fills you with warmth to know that they stayed up until they knew you were home safe.
The next few weeks are just like those first weeks of tour, except this time you’re on the phone with more than just Mitch and Sarah. You speak to Harry every couple of days, and occasionally get to FaceTime with other members of the band when they hang out together.
A week after you leave you find out that Harry has rented out a number of homes in Italy for the week following the final show. Much of the band and crew would be staying there for a relaxing vacation after these stressful months. At first Mitch and Sarah say that they’re not going to stay, that they want to fly back to you as soon as it’s done, but you tell them not to come back right away.
You tell them that baby Ryan’s grandparents are planning to visit, and that you’re going to get more time off that week. You assure them that you can fly out at least for the second half. What you don’t tell them is that you’re actually planning to get to Italy just in time for the final show. Pete’s been helping you coordinate the details, ensuring that no one else knows. You’re not sure if he’s an incredibly loyal person, or if he simply doesn’t care about your personal life, but he’s a lifesaver for helping you without asking any questions.
The weeks end up flying by. You and Ryan spend as much time outside running around or swimming in the pool as possible. You’re keeping so active that you’re exhausted by the time you get home each night. While tiring, it comes in handy because before you know it, you’re packing for a week in Italy.
Keeping your travel plans a secret from Mitch and Sarah is difficult, especially when they call you while you wait at the airport. You run to find a quiet corner, praying no overhead announcements get picked up by the phone. You keep things light, a normal Friday night phone call before they head to bed. When they hang up you breathe a sigh of relief, as it seems they didn’t figure out your whereabouts.
This trip is definitely more stressful than the last. It’s not a direct flight and the second leg is delayed. Once you land you still have to take two trains, and due to you arriving late you miss your original departure. You get new tickets sorted and grab lunch to enjoy on the way. Finally, you arrive in Reggio Emilia, but Pete is no longer able to pick you up, since he has other jobs assigned to him. He sends another crew member, Erin, which leads to a moment of confusion since you hadn’t met her before and didn’t have a way to contact her. It takes a while but you eventually find her in the pickup area.
It's nearly 6 PM by the time you make it to the stadium. Erin ends up being a literal godsend and shows you a place where you can quickly freshen up and get changed. She also takes care of your luggage and leads you down the hall to the band dressing room.
Luckily the door is open, so you walk right in. Ariza is the first to notice, shouting, “Hey! She’s back!” which alerts everyone else to your presence.
You’re looking right at Mitch and Sarah, and you can tell the exact moment they realize who Ariza is talking about. You blink and the next thing you know Mitch has wrapped his arms tight around your waist to pick you up and spin you in a circle. He quickly puts you down and lets go, not wanting to be too obvious in front of the whole band.
Sarah hugs you next, tucking her face into your shoulder and pressing a kiss there knowing that your hair is blocking the intimate gesture. You’re then pulled into hugs by the rest of the band as well as some crew members who pass by.
After a short conversation with the band, they turn to continue getting ready. There’s definitely a different atmosphere in the room than usual, and you know everybody is dealing with their mixed emotions about this being the final show.
“Do you think there’s any chance I can say hello to Harry before the show?” you ask Mitch.
“We can go check,” he replies, “but I’m not sure if he’ll want to see people right now or be alone.”
“Of course.”
The three of you walk down the hall and Sarah gently knocks on the door. You’re standing behind her and Mitch, and so Harry doesn’t notice you when he opens the door.
“Hey guys, what’s up?” he says with a smile.
“Brought a surprise,” Sarah says before stepping to the side.
The second he sees you his eyes light up. He pulls you in for a hug, one arm secure around your waist while the other holds the back of your head. You stay like that for a full minute before he pulls back and ushers the three of you into his dressing room.
He sits in his chair, gesturing that the three of you take the couch. You sit in between Mitch and Sarah who each take one of your hands in theirs, still in slight disbelief that you’re there.
“I thought you weren’t coming for another few days,” Harry states.
“Yea, why’d you lie?” Sarah asks with a smile.
“Honestly, I wasn’t sure this would work out. I didn’t want anyone to get their hopes up just in case I didn’t make it. And I barely did. I was supposed to get here hours ago.”
“What happened?”
“Typical travel nonsense, nothing to worry about. Now tell me, how are you all feeling?”
Everyone is quiet for a minute. Harry speaks up first, saying, “I’m feeling sad that it’s ending. And proud of what we accomplished. It’s very bittersweet.” He pauses and the others nod their heads in agreement. “And I’m also feeling very hopeful. I will say I’m glad to have something to look forward to.”
You give him a confused look, not exactly sure what he’s talking about. He continues, “I mean if the offer is still there. For me to join you all.”
It clicks in your mind and your expression changes immediately.
Mitch reassures him quickly, “Of course the offer is still there. We want you to be a part of this Harry. You’re so important to us, and if we can make this work, I think we’ll all be extremely happy.”
Harry visibly relaxes in front of you, a content smile spreading across his face. This moment of peace is short lived as there is another knock on the door. Pete is there alerting everyone that it’s almost time for Wet Leg to open the show.
“I should go, I want to talk to them before they start,” Harry says.
You all get up and you turn to give Harry another hug before leaving, as you know you likely won’t see him again before the show starts. You lean in to say, “I am incredibly proud of you. Everything you’ve done is amazing. And I’m very happy to see what the next chapter brings for you, and for all of us together.”
When you pull back you see a hint of tears in his eyes. He blinks them away before looking back at you. He brings one hand up to rest on the side of your face and then hesitates. He moves forward slightly, your eyes meeting and his lips a mere inch from yours. At the last second, he seems to stop himself, and you feel his lips press against your cheek.
He pulls away to press a kiss to Mitch and Sarah’s cheeks as well, and you’re all blushing when you walk out of the room.
After a brief stop in the band dressing room, you all head out to watch Wet Leg. Sarah and Mitch are more reserved, standing together, Mitch’s arm around Sarah’s waist. A part of you wishes you could be like that in public, but you’re honestly just happy to watch them be adorable. Plus, you know the fans are loving how cute they’re being. You dance with Madi, Elin, Ariza, and Pauli and have a wonderful time.
Once Wet Leg is done you join the people who are congratulating them. After a little while you make your way to the band’s room again so you can see Mitch and Sarah before they go on. You don’t say anything, but you don’t have to. They heard your words to Harry earlier and they know you’d be saying the same to them if you had privacy.
You use your all access pass to its limits during the show, moving around to wherever you’ll get the best views without blocking any of the fans or getting in the crews’ way.
You’re mesmerized from the first moment everyone steps on stage. Harry looks amazing in his silver outfit, and you love the denim jumpsuits on the band. You practically melt every time Harry speaks in Italian. The extra songs are so special, and you barely hear the Two Ghosts intro leading to Falling because the crowd is screaming so loud.
At one point you find yourself with Brad, James Corden and a few others mixing in with the fans. Everyone loses their minds when they do the full version of Best Song Ever, including you.
You cheer extra loud for everyone when Harry introduces the band. Fine Line nearly brings you to tears. The piano piece that Harry wrote to play as the final song truly did bring you to tears. It was so beautiful and a perfect ending to the tour.
Everyone takes their final bows. Harry walks across the stage, thanking all of his fans before moving back to the center. He takes it all in, finally falling to his knees because he is so overwhelmed with emotions. You glance at Mitch and Sarah, now standing together with arms wrapped around each other. They’re watching him and you can see the love and admiration in their eyes. They’re just as proud of him as everyone else.
As soon as they walk backstage you and the rest of the family and friends head there as well. Immediately you’re met with celebratory chaos. For a solid half hour there’s cheering, shouting, dancing. Finally, everyone starts breaking away to get changed. After everyone is ready you all head over to a nearby club to properly celebrate the end of tour.
The place Harry chose is perfect. Downstairs in a small dining room, quiet music playing, and delicious Italian food set up along one wall. Upstairs is the complete opposite. It’s darker, there’s loud music, and a bar is set up on every wall of the room.
After scoping out the place Mitch simply says, “food” so you join him and Sarah at the buffet. The three of you are joined at a table by Madi and two of her friends. The food is delicious. Your family may be Italian, but they’ve never made anything this good.
Once you’re all satisfied you head upstairs. It’s gotten extremely crowded, and you have to weave your way through people to get to the bar. Sarah orders for everyone since she has the loudest voice out of the trio. You smile as she hands you your favorite.
For the next hour or so you dance, drink, sing along to the music, and have a great time. It’s been years since you’ve let loose like this, and you’re enjoying the freedom of it. For the most part you stick with Mitch and Sarah, but you also spend time hanging out with other band or crew members.
You find yourself lost in the crowd after Pauli leaves the dance floor to head to the bathroom. A moment later a man you don’t recognize walks up to you.
While the party is mostly for all the people who worked on the tour, there are also others there that you haven’t met. Some are crew members you haven’t had the chance to talk to, and some are friends, family members, or industry contacts that got an invite because of the status they hold.
“Hey, I’m Ricky,” he says, holding his hand out to you.
“I’m Y/N, nice to meet you,” you reply while quickly shaking his hand. You don’t necessarily want to talk to him, but you were always taught to be polite.
“Great party huh?” he asks, trying to keep the conversation going.
“Oh, yea, it’s pretty cool,” you reply, looking around for someone that you know but not being able to see anyone. You can’t explain it, but something about this guy has you feeling uncomfortable.
“What are you drinking? I can get you a refill.”
“Thank you but I’m alright.”
“Yea it’s getting late huh. Maybe we could get out of here, have another after party of our own.” And there it is. You’ve been hit on a couple of times before and you never know how to respond.
“No, I think I’m just going to find some of my friends.” You turn and try to walk away but he grabs your wrist to keep you there. The second his skin touches yours you start to panic. You’re not fully freaking out, figuring he wouldn’t try something in a room full of people, but what if he’s able to get you alone?
“I could be your friend.” If you weren’t so worried about what he might do, you’d be rolling your eyes at that awful line and the way he thought that would actually work on you.
“That’s okay, I’m all set on friends at the moment. Now please let go of me.”
His other hand slides to your hip, gripping tightly and he leans in to say, “Oh c’mon babe, don’t play so hard to get. It’s a night for celebrating. Let’s have some fun.”
Your panic kicks up a notch at how close he is, and how tightly he’s holding on to you. It’s becoming more obvious he’s not going to take no for an answer, and you’re desperately trying to think of ways to get away from him, or at the very least, stay in the crowded party room until someone finds you.
He steps more into your space and your mind goes blank with fear. Suddenly there’s a hand on the small of your back and you jump at the touch. “Shh, love, it’s just me,” you hear Sarah say and take a deep, relieved breath. You’re finally free from his hold and you lean into Sarah who wraps her arm tight around your waist.
You look up and see Mitch leaning over Ricky, talking so low that you can’t hear him, but whatever he says works and the man walks away looking both embarrassed and afraid. Mitch takes a deep breath before turning to you. He cups your face in his hand and asks, “Are you okay?”
Your eyes are wide with leftover fear and panic as you meet his, but you nod. “I’m okay,” you say quietly, but they’re both close enough to hear you.
“Okay. Good. Do you want to leave and go back to the house?”
You shake your head no. “I really don’t want to end the night on that note. Can we stay a little longer?”
“Yea, baby, whatever you want.”
“But just stay with me, okay?”
“Of course,” Sarah says.
Mitch adds, “We’re not leaving your side for a second.”
You take another minute to collect yourself and put a smile back on your face before sliding your hand into Sarah’s and leading her to the dance floor. At first, you’re not as into it as before, going through the motions rather than fully dancing. Eventually the rest of the band joins in and you feed off their positive vibes. By the time people start leaving an hour or so later you’ve basically forgotten about Ricky.
After another little while most of the people have gone. The music is turned down and the lights are still dim but brighter than before. Mitch leads you and Sarah over to one of the bars, where Harry now seems to be sitting by himself, a new drink in hand.
You had lost track of Harry an hour or so before, and it seems he had spent much of that time in this location. You’ve never seen him drunk before, and while he’s certainly not wasted, he’s not sober either. He has a sort of a lost, sad puppy look on his face.
“You alright man?” Mitch asks, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Yea, mate. I’m good,” Harry replies in a tone that indicates he’s definitely not as good as he says.
 Mitch gently takes the glass from his hand and places it on the bar and says, “I think it’s time to go. They’re starting to clean everything up.”
“I don’t want to go,” Harry replies. A beat later he continues, “I don’t want to be alone.”
Your heart breaks at the sadness in his voice and you share a look with Mitch and Sarah. You know they feel the same.
“You’re not going to be alone, love,” Sarah says gently. Harry looks up at her, not understanding. “We’re coming with you. Tours over. We’re all going to be together. And that can start tonight. Does that sound alright to you?”
His face lights up at this news. He nods and looks between the three of you, seeing smiles on all of your faces.
“Come on, let’s get going,” Mitch says, wrapping an arm around Harry and supporting him out to the car. Harry leans heavily on him, but you think this has less to do with being unsteadily drunk and more to do with seeking comfort from the physical touch. You know that’s what he’s doing because you’re doing the same with Sarah.
A large black Chevy Suburban is waiting outside for your group. You and Sarah climb into the back row and Mitch and Harry take the middle. You try to stay awake for the drive, but it turns out you’re heading straight to the beach villa which is two hours away. You fight sleep for the first few minutes, trying to watch the scenery outside, but Sarah sees what you’re doing. She knows that between working all day Friday and then immediately traveling to the show, you likely haven’t slept in close to 40 hours.
Her arm wraps around you and her hand presses gently on the side of your head. “Sleep my love,” she says. You stop trying to fight it and instead melt into her side, your head resting on her shoulder. You fall asleep immediately.
The sun is starting to rise by the time you arrive at the house. The others had all dozed off as well but wake up when you pull into the driveway. You, however, snuggle closer to Sarah, refusing to open your eyes. Mitch looks back and sees the predicament and says to Sarah, “Go in with Harry, I’ll take care of her.”
Sarah moves you so that you’re leaning against the window instead of against her. Mitch lowers the middle row of seats so that Sarah can get out and so he can reach you. He carries you into the house and finds the other two in the bedroom. Harry is setting out some of his clothes for everyone.
“I don’t think they knew where to bring your bags. We’ll get them here in the morning, but you can borrow these for now.” Mitch lays you on the bed and takes off your clothes from the day, pulling a large t-shirt over your head to cover you.
“If you guys want you can have this room, I’ll sleep in the other one,” Harry says.
Mitch and Sarah share a confused look. “Harry,” Sarah starts. “We were planning on you staying with us here. So that we’re all together.”
“Will we all fit?”
“Of course we will. Y/N typically sleeps on top of one of us anyway so technically she doesn’t take up any room,” Mitch says with a fond smile.
They climb into bed with you, Sarah next to you on one side with Harry on the other. Mitch checks the doors are locked before turning off the light and getting in next to Harry. Everyone falls asleep within minutes.
You wake up to bright sunlight in an unfamiliar room. You’re laying on top of someone, a male someone, but it isn’t Mitch. You think about everything you remember from the previous night, and panic. The only thing that comes to mind that could explain the current situation would be if Ricky had come back and somehow got you to go home with him.
You quickly sit up, moving so suddenly that you nearly fall off of the bed. Sarah catching you is the only reason you don’t fall to the floor. Seeing her is enough to break through the panic, and your brain finally wakes up enough to realize what’s going on.
You weren’t sleeping on Mitch, but he is right next to you. It was Harry underneath you. You’re embarrassed by your reaction, and disappointed that you ruined what should’ve been a sweet moment.
“Are you okay?” Harry asks. “Did I do something to make you uncomfortable?”
“No! Not at all. I’m fine, I just got confused for a minute. There was a guy last night who was hitting on me and not taking no for an answer and when I woke up in a new place, I got scared thinking I was with him. Just freaked out for a second.”
“Who was it?”
“I think he said his name was Ricky.”
“I don’t know a Ricky. He must be one of the people management insisted we invite for networking. I can get the guest list, figure out exactly who he is if you want. Get him fired or something.”
His protectiveness has you feeling incredibly cared for, but you assure him that it’s fine.
“Can we just redo that?” you ask.
“What do you mean?” Sarah says.
“Redo the start of the day. It’s the first time all four of us are waking up together and I ruined it!”
“You did not ruin anything Y/N,” Mitch says. “You expressed real emotions, okay? We’ve talked about this; you can’t feel guilty for having feelings.”
“I know, I know! I’m not trying to ignore my feelings. But I want today to be a happy day. And I want to start it right. So can we please forget all that and redo?”
“Yes, love,” Sarah says. “We can start again if that’s what you’d like.”
“Thank you!” You crash into Harry, pushing him back so he’s once again laying down with you on top of him.
You lift your head off his chest to meet his eyes. “Good morning darling,” he says, and you smile as you say the same to him. You then turn to Mitch and Sarah and they each wish you good morning and place a kiss on your lips.
There’s a moment where no one knows what to do next, but Mitch makes a decision. He leans down so he’s level with Harry. Their eyes meet and slowly they inch their faces closer together. Finally, their lips meet. It’s a small press of their lips, chaste, almost domestic, like it’s something they’ve been doing to greet each other every morning for years.
When they pull back there’s a new light in Harry’s eyes. He looks happy and peaceful, like he’s been waiting for this forever. He turns his head, and since you’re still on top of him you think it’s your turn to properly greet him. But Sarah leans in, capturing his lips with her own. Mitch chuckles as you pout, but the expression quickly fades away as you watch the two of them.
While the kiss with Mitch was one of familiarity, and rekindling a romance, this is two people exploring each other for the first time. After years of friendship and working together, they now get to come together in this new way. They take a minute to get lost in one another, and you smile as you hear soft sighs from both of them.
They break apart and Harry looks to you. He brings his hands up to cup your cheeks and you move so close that your noses brush and you can feel his soft exhale on your skin.
“Is this okay?” he asks quietly, and you whisper “yes” before crashing your lips to his. His fingers slide through your hair, holding you close to him as his lips slot against yours. It’s a short kiss that has you craving more, but as you pull away you know it’s perfect for the moment.
“I want to have a proper date with you all,” Harry says.
“We’d love that,” Sarah answers.
“Tonight. I don’t want to waste another minute.”
The conversation is interrupted by knocking at the front door. You move so that Harry can get up and answer it. He walks back a minute later and lets you guys know that your luggage was just dropped off. Hearing that makes you realize how long it’s been since your last shower and so you open your bag and grab what you’ll need.
Everyone takes turns showering and getting ready. Once you’re done you realize you’re starving and look at the clock. You’re shocked to see it’s already past 2 in the afternoon. You head to the kitchen and see Harry making sandwiches for everyone.
“Anything I can help with?” you ask.
“Got a bunch of fruit in the fridge, can you help me cut that up?”
You get to work, natural light streaming through the windows of the beautiful kitchen. The four of you sit down for lunch and then enjoy the afternoon sitting out by the pool. Luckily the house is set away and is completely private, allowing you all to be yourselves without fear of fans or paparazzi seeing.
By 5 o’clock you’re all inside getting dressed for the date. Harry had planned it all and told you to dress nice, but casual. You’re a bit confused but settle for a blue and white sun dress. You walk downstairs and see not only Harry, Sarah, and Mitch, but two other people as well.
“Y/N, I’d like you to meet Claudio and Mia. They’re going to be cooking dinner for us all tonight,” Harry says to introduce you. You shake their hands and say hello and you realize the date Harry has planned.
It’s perfect. A wonderfully cooked Italian meal here at the villa. There’s no risk of you all being spotted or overheard, and you’re free to have a true first date. If you’d all gone out, then you’d have to be careful about everything you say and do, but that’s not the case here.
The four of you make your way out to the patio and immediately open a bottle of wine, Harry filling everyone’s glasses. A few minutes later Mia brings out the first appetizer, a caprese salad that must be made with the freshest ingredients you’ve ever tasted. Next, she brings out a fig and goat cheese crostini, some of which are topped with prosciutto that makes your mouth water.
Dinner is just as delicious, homemade pasta topped with a sauce that is both decadent and light, bursting with flavor. After dinner, while you’re sharing the second bottle of wine, Claudio and Mia come out one last time. They inform you all that they are heading home, and dessert is plated in the kitchen whenever you’re ready.
You thank them profusely, telling them how much you loved everything, and Harry walks them out. He comes back and the four of you are once again alone. While dinner conversation had been quite casual, everyone learning more about each other, it starts to get a bit deeper.
“How exactly will this all work?” Harry asks.
“Well, obviously communication is the most important thing here,” Sarah replies. “Everyone needs to be honest and open about anything they’re feeling. If we hide things from each other that will create problems.”
“And what about publicly? We can’t really go and tell the fans all four of us are together.”
Mitch answers this time saying, “No but we could just say that you and Y/N are together. She’s been seen enough with us, people probably have assumed by now she’s our friend. You’d say we introduced the two of you and you hit it off. And because she’s our friend it would make sense for all of us to be seen together.”
“Lots of double dates in our future,” Sarah says with a wink.
Harry turns to you and asks, “Are you okay with that? Dating me publicly?”
“I am. I know that it’ll probably come with some pushback from fans and things like that, but I really think this could work. And we’ll all be happy.” Harry leans in, pressing his lips to yours. It’s innocent enough and first, just a couple of quick pecks.
He pulls back and his eyes meet yours. There’s a moment where he watches you, his gaze intense, and the next thing you know his lips are back on you. Even though the kiss is firm, his lips feel wonderfully soft against yours as he takes control of the kiss. You feel his hand move to your thigh and you gasp, opening your mouth and allowing for his tongue to enter.
“Maybe we should head inside,” Mitch suggests. You bite back a whine as Harry pulls away, already missing the feeling of his lips. Everyone stands and heads inside to the bedroom. It honestly should feel weird, the group of you moving in near silence, but the energy is one of excited anticipation.
You pause once inside the room, unsure of what to do next. There are so many options, too many choices, and you do not want to be the one making any. You look to Mitch, who sees the hesitation from all of you, and he takes control of the situation.
“Harry and Y/N, lay next to each other,” he says. You both follow his directions as he turns to speak with Sarah. You’re only left wondering what their plan is for a moment before they also climb on the bed, Mitch straddling Harry while Sarah does the same to you.
She leans in to kiss you, her tongue sliding in immediately. She swallows the whine you let out, and all you can think of is her. It’s been over a month, and you’ve missed them all so much, you’ve been starving for their touches.
After a little while (truly you have no idea how long) you feel Mitch’s hand pick yours up and he places it on Harry’s thigh. A second later you feel Harry’s hand on you. It starts moving higher on your leg, sliding under your skirt. Sarah shifts only so that you can spread your legs a bit but continues to keep her lips on yours.
Harry’s hand moves again, this time to press two fingers to your clit over your underwear and you’re gasping in pleasure at this touch alone. You automatically grab his thigh and realize that your hand hasn’t moved since Mitch placed it there. You decide to follow Harry’s lead and slide it up his thigh. You and Harry let out matching moans as you finally grip Harry’s hard length over his shorts.
You feel Harry pull away for a second before he slips his fingers under your panties to touch you directly. Your eyes roll back at the feeling of being touched so intimately. Summoning confidence that you didn’t know you possess, you slide your hand under his layers of clothing. There’s a moment where you hesitate, unsure if it’s okay to touch him directly. He senses your inner debate and guides your hand to his cock, letting you know it’s absolutely okay with him.
You grip your fist around his length and pump him a few times. The noises he makes only turn you on more. Your other hand travels down to Sarah’s leg, and you move under her skirt and waste no time sliding your fingers into her underwear to rub through her folds.
She’s soaking, and you easily push two fingers inside her.
“Fuck, Y/N,” she moans before starting to leave love bites along your neck. She pulls back and looks to her side, saying, “Mitch, switch with me.”
He gives Harry one last deep kiss before pulling away from him. Sarah gently pushes your fingers out of her so she can move to Harry’s lap. “Are you clean?” she asks him as they help each other out of their clothes.
“Yes, got checked a couple weeks ago, haven’t been with anyone since.”
“Good,” she says, running her entrance above the tip of his cock. “Is this okay?” she asks him.
“Please, yes,” he practically begs, and she sinks onto him. You’re watching them so intently that you don’t notice Mitch at first. That changes the second he pulls your panties off and his hard cock grazes your sensitive clit.
He brings his hand to your entrance, pushing in one finger at a time to open you and ensure you’re ready for him. A moment later his fingers are gone and you feel his cock lining up. His eyes meet yours in a silent question and you nod your head, wrapping your legs to bring him closer to tell him that you want this, want him desperately.
He slowly pushes inside you and you let out a broken moan at the feeling of being filled for the first time in over a month. You pull Mitch’s face down to yours, having realized that you’ve barely had the chance to kiss him all weekend, and you need to remedy that immediately.
The time that follows is both blissful, and a bit confusing. Everyone’s hands are traveling over any limb they can find, kisses being pressed against any bit of bare skin.
You and Harry are the first to come, nearly simultaneously while his tongue is sliding against yours. A moment later you hear the cries that can only mean Sarah has followed the two of you. Finally, you feel Mitch’s thrusts stutter as he finishes inside you.
Everyone comes down from their high, Sarah pulling off and laying next to Harry. Mitch moves to pull out of you but you hold him close and whisper, “Not yet, please.”
“Okay, baby, I’m here,” he answers, leaning down so that you can tuck your face into his neck. After a couple minutes you release your hold on him. Sarah has already snuck out to grab a couple of damp washcloths from the bathroom and she helps everyone clean up.
You all get ready for bed, checking in that everyone is okay with what just happened. Not one of you has any complaints or uncomfortable feelings, and you fall asleep content that the four of you will work just fine together.
The rest of the week in Italy is absolutely perfect. Your group has plenty of time to spend together and your personalities fit together wonderfully. There are a few more discussions regarding the dynamics of the relationship which helps you all feel secure with one another.
During the middle of the week Harry rents out a couple of boats and you all spend the day on the water. Gemma and a few others join you and it is absolute perfection.
At one point Harry wanders to the kitchen area and a moment later Sarah follows him. While he’s been enjoying the day as much as everyone else, she can tell he’s bothered by something and is determined out figure out what it is.
They talk for a few minutes while making drinks for everyone, and after a beat of silence Sarah finally asks, “What is it Harry?”
“Not sure what you mean. I’m fine.”
“No you’re not love, something’s bothering you.”
He takes a deep breath and says, “I know there’s paparazzi watching us. And other people are here. And I guess I am used to hiding a lot of my life but this time feels different. I don’t want to hide our relationship.”
Sarah places a comforting hand on his arm and says, “I completely understand. I know it’s not ideal that we can’t all be together publicly, but if you’re ready, nothing is stopping you from being with Y/N in front of the camera. Whatever comes from that, we’ll make it work.”
Harry smiles, eased by Sarah’s words of wisdom.
They walk back to the main area where the rest of you are hanging out and Harry sits down next to you, closer than he usually would in public. He wraps his arm around your shoulders, and you give him a look. He can tell that you’re confused by the gesture, but not mad or uncomfortable.
He leans in and quietly asks, “Would it be alright if I kissed you?”
“Of course you can.”
“I mean, in front of everyone. With paps watching over there.”
“Yes Harry. That’s perfectly fine with me,” you answer with a smile.
He cups your face, pulling you close to him. He hesitates with his lips mere centimeters away and you whisper “It’s okay, Harry.” A millisecond later his lips crash against yours. He presses firmly against you, a series of chaste kisses on your mouth, nose, and forehead. When you look up you see everyone watching the two of you.
Mitch and Sarah are looking over, warm smiles on their faces. After a beat, Gemma jumps up and rushes over to give the two of you a hug. “I told mum weeks ago you two would be perfect!”
The rest of the day is absolutely wonderful. After sailing in the sun for the afternoon you all head back for dinner at a beautiful restaurant.
You, Harry, Mitch, and Sarah get to the house just after sunset. Immediately you fall into bed, not wanting to waste another moment. You explore each other’s bodies once again. Harry proves without a shadow of a doubt that he is a gentleman, checking in with you constantly as he slides into you for the first time, stretching you more than you’ve ever been before.
As you’re all catching your breath, trying to readjust the mess of covers, you can’t help but start to giggle. It’s contagious and suddenly the four of you are laughing, though no one’s entirely sure why.
You finally calm down enough to say, “I can’t believe this is my life.”
“Well, believe it baby,” Harry says. “Because we’re not going anywhere.”
“Good.” You reply, shifting everyone so that you’re laying across all three of them. With your head on Mitch’s chest, torso being held by Harry, and legs tangling with Sarah, you fall asleep.
Your last thoughts of the night are about how indescribably happy you are that you’ve found your home and have started a perfect family.
@akkatz @pandeebearstyles @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @theekyliepage @numafarawayglxy @booberry019-blog @hillzrry @ssareidbby @gem1712 @acesofspadess @houseofdilfs @shaquille-0atmeal-1 @kissitnhekitchen @amateurduck @poguestyleskye
AN: Thank you again for reading this story! Can't wait to share more with you all!
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whakkicat · 27 days
i am leaving
i made a post on my twt about this, but i should make it here as well.
this is my last text post before i archive this account and start elsewhere. video about what’s been happening at some point.
this post will be a personal note to friends, mutuals, communities, etc, and what will happen from here.
brief warning for mentions of abuse
1. i want to start with a word towards the rain world community. first off, i want to thank rain world for giving me a home. for starting me off as an artist. i had never actively participated in a fandom before this, and it was a wonderful experience.
the game brought me and so many of my friends together, i met a lot of amazing artists, some of which i’m still shocked they’re my mutuals, and rain world itself changed my life for the better, i believe. it gave me hope and something to live for when nothing else did.
i’ve always been quite afraid of voicing myself, as i had never participated actively in a fandom before, therefore had never gotten used to talking in one. but to those who’ve stuck around, who have enjoyed my content, thank you.
2. to the people who have been there for me during the worst, who have let me know i am not alone in my suffering, it means so much to me. i really hope that i can still keep contact with many of the people i have met on here.
there have been so many kind people on this platform and it’s been a joy talking to you all. if this is goodbye, to some, i wish you all the best. it’s only what you deserve.
3. i will be reaching out to the main people who i owe art to, regardless of cmms or not. it is unprofessional of me not to keep track of myself and keep everyone waiting. my ADHD has not made it very easy for me. i apologize.
4. this point will mention abuse, so cw dealing and getting out of abuse this year was extremely hard for me, and is still taking its toll on me. it’s part of the reason i can’t stay, because i feel they still have power over me, even if they’re not actively in my life anymore.
as i move on, i don’t want to completely abandon my past, and everything that came out of that abuse in the first place. i am not abandoning myself, or forgetting what i went through. i want to grieve my younger, naive self as i go forward as an artist.
this doesn’t mean i’ve let them win and break me down. i won’t give up on myself. i need to be kinder to myself and heal, so being away from this will help. this also goes out to anyone else trapped in their friendships, relationships. you will be okay. talk to
please do not silence yourself for the sake of other people. your own feelings are just as valid and important as anyone else’s. don’t let people make you feel bad for feeling your own feelings.
5. to mutuals who’d like to stay in contact, i have a priv account on twitter i will mainly be using from now on. it won’t be used as much as it used to, considering this is a hiatus, but it will be where i will reside. you’re free to ask me in dms.
6. i’ve already begun starting over, i won’t be gone completely. if you happen to recognize me in the near future, please do not pester me about it. simply accept that i have restarted, as a brand, as an artist, and i’d like to start over from square one.
7. this account will also be public for the remainder of its existence, however i may clean it up for archival purposes. i don’t want to simply vanish, i am proud of some of the work i have published, and i don’t want it to be forgotten.
it’s a bit odd, considering most of my art is composed of doodles, non-serious jokes, and mostly fanart. hopefully i can make self indulgent art in the future. i’ve always wanted people to know my characters, but was always too afraid to actually talk to people.
closing point i’m sorry if my absence upsets anyone, if you are disappointed in me. i can’t stress enough that this year has been hard enough on me, and being here is hard enough. i want a fresh start. i want to be okay.
i love my fellow artists, my friends, everyone. there’s so many talented people i’ve met and i don’t ever want to forget them. my last post will be my video talking about my experiences this year, previous years, because i feel it’s important for me to come out about it.
this is a goodbye. i will miss many of you. here’s to hoping the rest of the year will be good for everyone! until our paths meet again. good luck out there
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starjxsung · 4 months
Star? How do you feel about skz right now? Everyone is telling you how they feel what do you feel?
immediately starts crying my eyes out
I feel very disillusioned. And I keep throwing around that word, but it’s really the only thing that captures the sheer confusion, frustration, anger and just disappointment I feel.
It’s such a profound whiplash to go from consuming silly little dance challenge tik toks, be hit with 16 new magazine covers of them, see them attend the met gala and luxury fashion events that openly fund all of this, and even befriend somebody so terrible. I’ve been donating since November to the same foundation Felix is a part of, and I wake up every single day staring my Felix collection in the face just hoping he’s on the right side of history. But realistically, shouldn’t an honorary ambassador live up to that title? Is the activism only limited to what he’s comfortable supporting? Why are we even allowing people to be comfortable when children and families and entire lineages are being wiped out?
I’m frustrated with so many of the creators on here as well. Ones who are so comfortable saying “these are just smut blogs at the end of the day” or “I’m not talking about it for personal reasons”. Veiled statements for not taking a stance- or even maybe just supporting a genocide. Ones who aren’t openly holding their own friends- ones who THEY helped platform on here for months, accountable. It’s giving apologist on so many levels. When you put your kpop idols and little blurbs of what’s essentially just porn, above the lives of human beings- there’s a profound issue with that. It just screams privileged and uneducated. I’ve lost so many mutuals this week and I’m continuing to lose followers as I speak about it and I know many people would prefer if I said nothing. But as authors, we beg to be treated like humans on here and not robots- and that extends to my moral beliefs. I am 25 years old and I openly take stances and I’m very passionately vocal about the liberation of Palestine. I think you ought to check your privilege if you can sit back and say “I don’t want to talk about it for personal reasons” or “I’m not interested in what’s going on”. I have felt such a detachment to this blog for so long now and it just continues to worsen as all of this unfolds. Watching people support terrible creators on here and come into my inbox saying “we should all be allowed to have an opinion” I feel like I’m going crazy here. I just want to help out as much as I can, and the fact that people don’t feel the same empathy many of us do is so scary to me.
I am frustrated with skz and with kpop as a whole. I just wish it could be simpler to consume this form of escapism without having to wonder where they stand on all of this. Or at least to lessen these promotions by a little- but it doesn’t feel like a coincidence that we have new content by the MINUTE. They know the fans are talking. They know we aren’t happy.
Very realistically speaking, I don’t know how much longer I’ll be on tumblr. Not for all of this alone, but it’s certainly an added factor. I’m very tired and I just feel….. inadequate, as a creator, to put it simply. I continue to work on a fic I started months ago, among other things, and I do sincerely hope they can see the light of day on my blog. But stayblr has been tough to navigate for a little while now, at least on my corner of the internet.
I’m not going anywhere just yet, but I also don’t want to leave anybody in the dark about how I feel lately. I’m trying to prioritize my health again and I want to return to therapy and I’m just not the same person I was when I published any of my work previously. It’s all very taxing
So…. Yeah. Disillusioned, is the best way I can put it. I do really appreciate everyone who’s reached out and who’s facilitated healthy conversation on here. I think it helps to talk about these things and to know where people stand as it pertains to our community. I’m trying my best and I promise you guys I won’t leave if not with a formal goodbye first, if or when it comes to that.
Thank you for reaching out and thank you for asking, I appreciate you so much and I’m sending all my love ❤️🫶
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Rant abt experiences and opinions I've seen as a proshipper.
I'm a proshipper, but I'm not gonna be here and make everyone feel welcome to share their interests with me. It's so weird that some people assume that proshipping comes with some obligatory openess to allow anyone and everyone to feel "safe" near you. Thinking it means that I want them sharing their kinks, tropes, fetishes, pairings, and fics with me, when that's not how that works. No, not wanting to interact with you and your interests, and discouraging sharing with me doesn't make me an anti, it doesn't even put me in anti territory, I can have boundaries and things I dislike and still be proship. I'll fight for your right to like and publish the shit you wanna, but I'm not going to be all buddy buddy with you or protect your feelings by never sharing my opinions and boundaries. Asking what I think about something? I hate it, but if you like it, enjoy it, just leave me alone about it. I can even just say I hate something, and still be pro doing whatever the fuck you want, I'll just avoid it, block it, move on. If that hurts your feelings or makes you feel bad because I just don't like what you like, or even actively dislike it, that's a you problem. You don't need to follow me, you don't need to read my opinions, if you still decide to stick around, then that's on you. Grow a skin, why the fuck is my opinion or stance so important that you gotta claim I'm an anti when I voice my thoughts? That's your problem for expecting proship to mean something it doesn't.
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urfavnegronerd · 1 year
stars in the sky- phora + jhene aiko
trope: fluff, s/o mick for the idea in my ask box smooches 
sum slight 
warnings: grammarly hates me, reader has trouble sleeping bc i said so (i’ve had so much trouble falling asleep idk why), no use of pronouns but use of mama, ma, n mami, idk how much i like it but im outa slump so yay, lmk if i missed anything
published: august 15, 2023
song lyrics are italicized   
w/c: 1.3k ish
reader is black-coded like always 
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stay in the state of the greatest bliss 
Miles’ room was dark. Well, dark-ish. He tried though, pulling the curtains all the way shut, turning off the light in his room and the hallway, but the afternoon sun still gently weaved its way through the fibers of his curtains. 
“What’s the point of this, Miles?” 
“To get you to try and sleep,” 
“It's four in the afternoon,” 
“Just try, mama, okay?”  
You’d never been a good sleeper and usually stayed awake while Miles fell asleep in your arms, that was how it usually went. Even more so when he came to your window late at night after his Prowler duties, those visits mainly consisted of cleaning any wounds or scratches, on occasion giving him stitches, helping him change, and kissing the top of his head when he inevitably dozed off on your chest. You were usually up then anyway, it was a fun addition to your nighttime routine. Miles had only begun to worry about your sleeping patterns when you fell asleep at 9 am while you were over his, watching a telenovela with Mrs. Morales. Gently nudging you awake after the telenovela marathon at about 1 that afternoon, he fell into the pattern of observing your moods. Most of which during the day consisted of you constantly being tired, and yawning, but somehow always getting school work done that assisted in your straight A’s. At first, he assumed that it was just you putting too much pressure on yourself to perform, but when he realized these patterns continued well into school breaks, he started to worry. 
He had started to realize that every time he came to your window after his Prowler work, you were up anyway, reading, writing, drawing, or pretty much any activity you could get your hands on. Again, at first, he thought this was endearing, and went as far as getting puzzles for you after he had interrupted the puzzle on the floor when he gently knocked on your window. And so a much-needed conversation ensued the morning after.
“Ma, I’m worried about you,”  
“For why Miles?” You turn your attention away from the mirror where you’re laying your baby hair down. 
“Ian never seen you sleep,” 
“Do you sleep?” 
“Yeah, I just have some trouble with it is all,” 
“I don’t make you sleepy?” 
“You make me feel safe, comfortable, relaxed, and loved, but no Miles, you don’t make me sleepy,” 
He huffed, falling back onto your duvet. 
“What's wrong papá?” 
“I’m worried about you,” 
“Sueñito, you don’t need to be worried about me,” 
“You fall asleep when most people would be awake starting their days, almost always during the first and second period, mama, that's not normal,” 
“Maybe I’m just sleepy in general,” You were beginning to get defensive then, why did he care if you were tired usually? 
He sighed then, rubbing his eyes and urging himself out of your bed. He didn’t want to fight with you, he never wanted to fight with you, so he had just decided to leave it alone then. However, the very same conversation was repeated about two weeks later. The two of you were walking home, as school had gotten out early that day, and you had slowly begun to slump onto Miles’ shoulder, yawning and rubbing your eyes. 
“Ma?” There was a twinge of concern in his voice, it was barely even noon, is it normal to be this tired? “You okay?”  
“‘m just tired,” You yawn, still clawing at your eyes. 
“It’s 11:45,” 
“Mama,” he knew you were just being stubborn, but he also knew you didn’t want to admit that you had a problem sleeping. You didn’t like to ask for help, you tried to get things right on your own, and you usually did. “Be honest.” 
“Fine,” you forced out, shame tugging at your cheeks, and Miles knew exactly what you meant by that
“Thank you,”  
And so, the two of you were here, in this moment. 
“Please? Just try for me,” 
You huff plopping onto his mattress. 
“Now what?” 
“We wait,” 
“Oh, joy,”
whenever i’m in your atmosphere  
The two of you had been lying, in the dark, for about an hour and a half. Naturally, the sun was slowly beginning to set, hence dimming the light in his room. 
At this point, you were fighting sleep. It’s not like you didn’t feel exhausted all the fucking time, it’s that you had this mental block in your head. It’s like when you’re so tired but you can’t manage to fall asleep, like someone is forcing your eyes open. It’s hell, and it frustrates you, makes you want to scream and cry and essentially just throw a tantrum. Not that you’d ever admit it, but you feel so powerless, so out of control. A sigh mixed with anger, frustration, and disappointment breezes through your lips as you press the heels of your palms into your eyes. 
“Uh uh ma, don’t do that,” he whispers, gently pushing your hands away from your eyes. “What’s wrong?” 
“This isn’t working,” you whine. “I turn seventeen in a year and I can’t even sleep right,” 
“Hey hey hey, it’s not that serious,” 
“I’m so tired, Miles,” you mumble, tears poking at your eyes. 
“Amor, I know it’s frustrating, okay? I know how much you love to be in control and I get that, but this is so bad for you,” 
“I know,” 
“So can we try? Just one more time?” 
“Do you want like, some kind of noise?” 
“Can you just talk?” 
“Yeah. I can do that,” 
And he does. He talks about anything and everything, all while staring at you, your body pressed against him, your face angled upwards at him. Your full lips slightly parted in a little ‘o’ as your big brown eyes ogle up at him. To a lot of people, everything he’s saying would seem pretty mundane, but the way his voice soothes you is something different. His voice is calm, cool, and collected, his nuyo accent ever so prominent. 
You’re not sure just how much time passes until you slowly begin to get groggy, your eyes heavy. Miles, obviously, takes notice and brings his voice down to a whisper. 
“Dad woulda been so happy I met you, ma,” 
Your movements are thick as syrup, you nod, trying to open your eyes more so he knows that he has your full attention. 
“No no no, don’t do that,” he whispers, running a hand over your eyes, forcing them to droop lazily once again. 
“Jus wan’ you to know ‘m listening” you slur, languidly clutching his wrist. The point of this action? You didn’t know, but you held onto him anyway. 
“You’re always listening, Ian gotta worry bout that.” He mumbles, softly stroking your cheeks with the pads of his thumbs. His hands are calloused and rough, but they’re always soft and gentle, making sure to love every curve of you. As your eyes begin to wilt close, he delicately traces your cupid bow, in response to which your lightly freckle-kissed nose scrunches, your brows tightly knitting themselves together. With a quiet laugh, he gently runs his fingers over your eyebrows, desperately trying to relax your face, to which you hum tiredly in response. 
“Mmmm,” you groan, fatigue finally catching up to you, in affirmation. Taking the hint, he kisses you- your cheeks, chin, jaw, everywhere– peppering light butterfly kisses all over your face. Gently, you sigh and fully close your eyes, your head relaxing into the pillow. Smiling, he brushes gentle kisses onto both of your eyelids and then your nose. Cradling your head into his chest he kisses the bonnet covering your hair, inhaling the scent of hair product and oil, the scent of you, something he adored in a way that words couldn’t describe. 
“Sleep, princesa.”
i’m so glad that i got you, you’re my dream come true <3
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a/n: everyone say thank u mick @lunarfleur
taglist: @hiimayee @masaidabest @lunarfleur @zo3ez @miguellover6969 @[email protected] (idk if this person is on tumblr or not but hey!) @nagi3seastorm @kombuuuu
reblogs are always appreciated for reach <3
rae <3
p.s. taglist form in my masterlist as well as my spam lmao
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Hey Guys!
I just wanted to apologize for not being as active as I usually am. I had a few people ask me what's going on and why I don't publish writings of mine daily anymore. So I thought maybe some of you need an explanation, because to be honest, it's tiring me to answer the same thing again and again in my PM's 😓
At the moment I'm in a kind of struggle phase, mentally as well as financially.
I'm about to lose my best friend and fury family member in the next few days. My dog Cooper has gotten sick in the last few weeks, showing not only weaknesses because of his old age, but he also managed to hurt his leg (while secretly climbing on and off my couch, when I was working), as well as teeth problems that seem to cause him a lot of pain.
It's not easy. I barely make it through a month with what I earn, with all the prices shooting higher while the payment for work keeps staying the same. I sold a lot of my stuff, all my books, blue rays, even parts of my clothing and that little bit of jewelry that I had, to get by. In the last weeks Cooper has struggled so much that I had to sell more to get money for the vet and I had to cut back hours again to care for him, because by now he can barely get up on his feet on his own, to get to his water or food, so I can't leave him alone for long.
As you can imagine it's not easy, my family lives way too far away to help out by watching him. I'm pretty much on my own, at least for now. It's time, I need to get him to the vet and eventually let him go. It hurts like hell, but it must be done, he's not doing good at all right now. Letting my fur baby go after 13 years of unconditional love is a downer, but I don't want him to suffer any longer.
Some may say or think "It's just a dog, get over it" and unfortunately I had even people saying that to my face. I'm not proud of it, but the last person who said this to my face, has a black eye now. My dog was always there in my worst and my best moments, and he never judged, he just loved and was always super happy when I came back from work, or grocery shopping. He was there in the morning to remind me I should go on and not give up on me, in my darkest hours when I really struggled to think of a reason to get up in the morning. I wanted to give up on myself, I thought I was done. But there was Cooper, looking at me with big eyes and I knew I couldn't just leave him behind, he needed me and for a long time that was the only thing giving me purpose, before I relearned that life can be more and better again.
So I wasn't in a good state lately and there wasn't much writing. But I just started another request this evening that will be done in the next few hours. Sometimes it calms me, but there have been moments recently when I felt very, very tired and empty and not in the slightest motivated. Aside from that, I don't get anywhere near enough sleep or nutrition these days to feed my brain enough to work properly. Sorry for that. I will write more again soon.
I didn't forget any of you, nor am I ignoring your asks! I hope you understand and won't be mad or disappointed with me. I'm not gone, just a little slower these days, but it'll get better and more again at some point.
Thanks for reading all this if you did, and thanks for your understanding!
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kynrki · 2 years
— he will always just be my best friend
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wc: 563, pairing: niki x gn!reader, genre: heartbreak, angst, warnings: none
PROMPT: 5 from list 1: “continuously denying others who think they are together”
AN — tysm for requesting, sorry it took so long to get published!!! felt kinda in a sad mood for today,,, hope you enjoy <33
1k event requesting masterlist
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growing up with niki was definitely a huge part of your life time. you watched as he grew taller and his voice started getting deeper and how he got even better at dancing (which you didn’t think was possible). not to mention how your crush grew on him even more over time.
“yn! wait up!” niki said as he jogged towards you holding his dance bag. he had jus finished dance and you had jus finished your extra curricular activity. “yah! yn i said wait up!” niki said again as he continued to jog towards you as you continued walking like nothing was wrong. but there was something wrong.
earlier the day he kept denying how you two weren’t together and how he would never have feelings for you because you were his bestfriend. you weren’t supposed to be affected by it so much, but you were. who were you kidding, youve had a crush on him since you two were little.
“yn! are you listening” niki said as he pulled your arm and turned you around to face him. he gasped at the sight of your face, puffy and eyes red from all the crying. your tear stained cheeks and how you sniffled was what caught his attention. “yn are you okay?” he asked concerned, he was gonna pull you in for a hug but you stopped him. “no” you said as you slapped his hands away from you.
“yn let me ju-“ “no! riki dont you know what no means” you interrupted as he trued to hug you. his eyebrows furrowed and he started getting nervous. he didnt know what he did wrong and honestly he was scared he was gonna lose you. “i was jus-“ “jus stop please jus stop” you said as you started crying again at the end of what you said.
niki stood there worried. out of all the years he knew you, he had never seen you like this ever. “yn? is this about earlier?” niki asked after a while of silence. “yeah and what about it?” you snapped at him. “look im sorry, but i dont know wha-“ “of course you dont” you laughed slightly. “you never do, do you?” continued.
“what?” he asked in disbelief. “god are you that blind?! to see how much im in love with you? but you’re so focused on dance and how you should look good for people, when im standing right here, i knew i never had a chance with you but you didn’t have to publicly embarrass me like that really.” you said as tears rolled down your cheek. niki stared at you in shock. he never thought you would ever like him like how he likes you. truth be told, he always wanted to look good for people yes, but it was specifically for you.
“yn i-“ “i jus-“ you said before more tears fell out of your eyes. you grabbed the keychain niki gave you for your 10th birthday and took his hand and placed it in his hand. “i’ve had enough nishimura. im done.” you said before walking off and leaving him standing in the hallway alone.
he was still looking at his hand where you put the keychain as tears started collecting in his eyes. everything became blurry in his vision. his worse nightmare had come true. and it was you leaving him.
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andr0medafallen · 2 years
Cold, Dead Heart
A/N: Another repost! I was like super depressed and busy for a while, but I will be working on continuing to publish all of my old fics that I intend to publish now, before writing more. I plan on being more active in my writing in the spring when I will be taking less credits. xoxo
Pairing: Adrian Chase x Reader
Warnings: some angst, sexual harassment (someone unconsensually grabs readers ass), canon-typical violence (reader breaks said man's fingers), some hurt/comfort, girlboss reader lmao
Description: Adrian Chase convinces you to go to his high school reunion. You end up not regretting it, although you've got plenty of reasons to.
Word Count: 4.3k
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“Adrian, no,” you rejected, mind reeling at the fact that Adrian Chase had thought you would be an acceptable date anywhere, let alone at his High School reunion, despite you having gone to high school thousands of miles away from this hick town. And despite what everyone on the team thought about you being a cold-hearted bitch who hated everything resembling laughter and fun, you did consider Adrian a friend, which is why you intended to spare him of embarrassing himself in front of all of the ex-jocks and backstabbing cheerleaders who he stupidly looked up to. Even if you wanted to be eye candy, which you didn’t, that definitely wasn’t something that you had been trained for in the field, and no amount of looks could make up for your apparent lack of skill and effort in the field of flattery. You’re an FBI agent, not Miss America.
“Whaaaat?” Adrian complained, as though he thought he might be able to change your mind by annoying you enough. “Come on, you only have to be there for like, an hour. Just long enough for people to think I’m cool and that you want to be there. And then I’ll buy you ice cream or clean your guns for a year or–”
“Beyond the fact that it would be severely unprofessional—” You started, before being cut off by his over-eager mouth.
“It wouldn’t be unprofessional! How would it be unprofessional?”
“We work together, Adrian. I outrank you.” You sat on your desk, cleaning your glock with a grey rag turned black by grime and oil. Your current state should have only proved your point further. Not even in the running for Miss Congeniality.
“Uh, no, you don’t, cause I don’t even technically work for the government.”
You scoffed. “Well, you sure work with the government a lot for someone who doesn’t work for the government.”
“I don’t think that you are legally allowed to use the unprofessional excuse unless I actually worked with you though, which I don’t.”
“Oh, I broke the law?” You chuckled. “What are you gonna do, kill me?” A part of you knew that Adrian might not understand that you were joking. But the cold-hearted bitch part figured that making him think that you assumed he would want to murder you for not going to his high school reunion made up for the fact that he was making you sit through this conversation. Maybe it would even get him to leave, although you doubted you had that much luck.
“What? No, I would never kill you. I mean, if you broke a really bad law, like loitering, then maybe. But I don’t think that not using unprofessionalism as an excuse when people don’t work together is actually a law, but maybe it should be.” 
You raised your eyebrows. “Right. Well, let me know when they do make it a law. Until then, I will be here. Happily doing things that do not take place in a high school.”
“Come on, pleeeeaaaase,” He begged. “I’ll do anything.”
God. What a stupid, stupid boy. The amount of trust he had in you was anything but inspiring. It was misplaced and idiotic, and he definitely shouldn’t be offering you ‘anything’. Still, his desperation, while misplaced, made butterflies spark up in your gut. “Anything?” You asked, arching a brow.
Adrian’s expression turned, eyes narrowing as he noted your mischievous tone. It was calculated, your manner of speaking, meant to prevent those butterflies from revealing anything, but he didn't know that. “You’re not gonna make me do anything illegal, are you? Cause last time I–”
“Don’t flatter yourself, Adrian. You aren’t fun enough to do anything illegal with.” You lowered your feet off of your shitty metal desk chair, where you’d propped them up while talking to Adrian, and loudly planting them on the floor as you stood up from your seat on your desk, leaning towards Adrian. “Since you are clearly desperate here, I’ll go. Just buy my coffee or something for the next month, I don’t fucking care.”
“Fuck yeah! Wait, is there a catch? Cause sometimes people ask me to things and then they’re like ‘well, actually’--”
“The catch is that you get out of my fucking office and let me finish this mission report.” You grabbed your stapler and threw it at him. Adrian caught it with a giddy smile and skipped out of the room. You hoped he would actually return that stapler at some point, since you had a few stacks of loose paperwork waiting on your desk and no replacement, but you suspected you’d never see it again.
With a sigh, you returned to your gun, working in the oil so ferociously that your hands started to ache. Fuck, you shouldn’t have said yes. A list of possibilities for what could happen on your–would it be considered a date?–were rattling through your mind like an old busted up film reel, and all you could do was hope that you wouldn’t fuck anything up.
You hadn’t talked to Adrian since you’d agreed to go with him. He’d texted you the details for your arrangement, but other than that, radio silence. On your end, at least. Adrian might not have been chattering your ear off as much as usual, but it was you who conveniently wrapped yourself in paperwork every time he entered your line of sight. A week of not talking, hardly communicating, and now… A night of hopefully not telling any secrets. A night where Adrian Chase will not learn how badly you don’t want to go on this date with him only because you had hoped that your first date with Adrian Chase, the known maniac who you had the biggest, stupidest crush on, would be because he actually liked you and not because he wanted to impress a handful of idiots with something that wasn’t real.
Still, that didn’t stop you from pestering your friend to borrow the perfect outfit because nothing in your closet was quite right, spending an additional hour to get ready after your outfit was chosen, and tolerating the most uncomfortable pair of shoes in your closet because maybe Adrian wanted to impress his all of his ex locker room neighbors and high school buddies, but you sort of wanted to impress Adrian; Even if a part of you was convinced that you were fighting an uphill battle.
Even with all the time you had spent on your appearance, you were ready with time to spare. All there was left to do was sit on the thrift store couch in your living room, trying to distract yourself with the books that were usually scattered on your coffee table; an eclectic arrangement of FBI protocol manuals and the various genres of fiction which you read for pleasure. You were about to give up on trying to make your mind process the information from a heavy sci-fi book that Economos had given you when a much-anticipated knock sounded at the door.
A mixture of relief and anxiety flooded through you as you set the book down (a resonant Whack! sounding from the sheer heft of it) and rushed to open your front door.
For a moment, the two of you just looked at each other. Adrian’s cheeks were rosy and he seemed out of breath, which was a bit non-intuitive, given that you could see his Sebring parked in the lot just a floor below your balcony entrance. Ignoring that though, you had to admit that he looked good. Well, you always thought he looked good, but he looked really, really good tonight. He was dressed to the semi-casual dress code in a black cable turtle-neck which he’d partially tucked into his brown corduroys. Even though it wasn’t very far off from what you’d seen of him in civilian clothes, a part of it surprised you. You’d never actually seen him in anything other than his Vigilante gear and the nerdy shit he wears on CVS runs.
After what felt like eons of simply looking at each other, it was you who broke the silence with a quiet, “Hey.”
It seemed to sufficiently snap him out of his thoughts. “Hi! Hey. You look really good. Like stupid fucking good.”
“Oh. Thanks. Gotta impress your buddies, right?” You chuckled nervously. Were you imagining the way Adrian’s face fell when you said that? Probably just projecting, right? “You look really good too. I’ve never seen you…”
“Oh, yeah. I figured I couldn’t wear the Vigilante uniform, so.” You giggled at this, and his smile did a much better job at lighting the entryway to your apartment than your porch light ever had.
“I like your Vigilante costume,” you chided, exiting your doorway and locking your door behind the two of you before hesitantly tucking your arm around Adrian’s.
When you approached his car, Adrian opened the passenger door for you before hurrying around the front of the car to sit behind the wheel on the driver's side. You were grateful when he started the car and the heater rumbled on, warm air blasting towards you; It was a cool autumn night and the dress which you had chosen for yourself wasn’t doing a lot as far as warmth was concerned.
The ride to the high school of Adrian’s teenage years was short, and filled with the heavy base of the 11th Street Kids, volume all the way up. As nervous as you were for the coming event, it didn’t take much for Adrian to get you laughing and singing along.
“There’s no wrong time to rock, baby!” Adrian yelled over the tinny speakers of the sebring, hitting the steering wheel with the palm of his hand along with the beat. You burst out into laughter, trying to ignore the way your stomach fluttered with butterflies at being called ‘baby’.
Either way, you still made him turn it down when you approached the school. It hardly seemed like a fancy reunion, terribly appropriate for a town like Evergreen, but if Adrian was intent on impressing people, you figured he might as well not ruin it before it began by blasting music at levels that would give premature hearing problems even to the people outside of the car.
Once he had parked, he jogged around the car to open your door for you, speed likely prompted by his suspicion that you wouldn't let him. It was something that Chris always used to  try during stakeouts. He happened to stop that a while ago, definitely not because you would always wait until his hand reached the handle to pop it open and slam it into his gut. The memory (or lack thereof, because it is definitely something you had never done) still made you smile. But you weren’t planning on doing that to Adrian. Not when you were on a date and –you had a massive crush on him– he promised to pay you in full with beautifully overpriced oat milk lattes.
So yes, you let him open your door, and take your hand, and do all of the things that you never let anyone else do. You were conscious of your reputation—you couldn’t help it, not with the type of people you worked with—but right now… Tonight, you know that everything is fake. Artificially constructed to present a picture that isn’t there, that isn’t true. But tonight, you are going to pretend that it is true, because you can, and because after everything that you’ve been through with Adrian–with the butterflies (the literal ones, not the metaphorical ones), the bullet wounds, waking up everyday afraid because you’re constantly putting your life on the line—you felt that you deserved this. Or at least, you deserved to be able to pretend.
The two of you were hand in hand entering the gymnasium. Palms connected, your free hand cradling his arm. The lights are dim, a cliche high school disco ball hanging in the middle of the room. It smelled the way every school gymnasium smells; That sort of waxy, wrestler sweat smell that can never be explained too well, but always seems to permeate the area. 
The woman at the booth checked you in, placing a stamp on the back of both of your hands. She gave you a toothy grin, full of kindness as she asked, “Different graduating year?”
You chuckled, returning her warmth. “Not a local.” You’re certain that she’ll be spreading that bit of small town gossip around, but you can’t seem to manage any hard feelings.
It wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be. The lights weren’t too bright, the music not too loud, and you’re holding Adrian Chase’s hand.
Adrian led you to what seemed like his group of high school friends. The sort of D&D type that you’d have expected him to hang out with. Maybe a little awkward, but not trying nearly as hard as the ‘popular kids’; a trait you can appreciate. God, are you reinforcing high school stereotypes in a building full of adults? Yet another reason that you didn’t go to your own high school reunion.
Adrian started to make his introductions, naming everyone one by one, because of course that is something he would remember. Adrian knew your middle name before you’d even been formally introduced.
“Sonia, Oliver, Jack, Gini, this is…”
Before anyone else could notice Adrian’s hesitation, you jumped in with a smile, “I’m Adrian’s girlfriend. It’s nice to meet you all.” Maybe you weren’t Miss Congeniality, but you were professionally trained in lying.
That elicited quite the reaction from the group. The excited giggles and ecstatic welcomes make you think this might not have been an awful idea after all. You don’t even really mind the whistles or congratulations toward a blushing Adrian. The group trailed back into their previous conversation after a bit, and you nudged Adrian with your elbow..
“I’m gonna go grab some punch, want some?” You whispered when he looked over at you with his smiling eyes.
His brows furrowed. “Are you sure? I can go with you—”
“I’ll be fine, Adrian,” you insisted. You needed a bit of a break from people, and fetching spiked punch seemed to be  the popular way to do that in all the movies, but you really did want Adrian to be able to catch up with his friends. They seemed kind, and genuine. “Have fun. I’ll be back in a minute, pinky promise.”
You reached your pinky out towards him and he wrapped his own around yours. Before he got the chance to separate, you pressed your thumb against his, making a little goofy kiss sound. Before you could see his responding blush, you turned away toward the punch table, making your exit.
When you arrived at the infamous high school punch bowl, you didn’t even have time to grab cups before you felt a hand touch your shoulder. Your heart rate sped up and you spun, slugging the perpetrator in the arm when you realized it was just Chris.
“Jesus, fucking sneaky, asshole, what are you doing here?” You asked, covering your momentary panic with irritation.
“You’re the one who went to High School in Gotham, what’re you doing here?” Chris responded, a juvenile mimic of your own question.
“If I wanted you to badger my own shit back at me I’d play uno.”
Chris split into a grin; a shit-eating, ear to ear grin. “You’re on a date!”
“Who cares? And why the hell do you find that so hard to believe?” You asked defensively
Chris snorted. “It’s not. Just funny that you ditched your date to hang out at the punch table.”
You scowled. “I didn’t ditch my date, I’m just getting punch. For me and my date. And I swear to God, Smith, if you spiked it, I will put that on your permanent record,” you warned, grabbing one of the plastic cups sitting at the table. The threat was an empty one. Honestly you kind of hoped he had spiked it.
“I didn’t spike it!” you still look thoroughly unamused in front of him, arms crossed. “Jesus, no room in your cold dead heart to believe me?” Chris kissed three fingers on his right hand and raised them up in front of himself. “Scouts honor.”
You rolled your eyes. “That’s the fucking Hunger Games thing, Chris.” You ladled some of the red liquid into your cup and took a sip, disappointedly disappointed when you didn’t taste the warmth of alcohol. Just your average watered down punch.
You were about to say something more, about how you wouldn’t be surprised if Chris really was in boy scouts and never learned that, or some dry humor about how you liked to think that Chris was intentionally obtuse but was more likely just stupid, when you felt a stranger's hand grabbing your ass, followed by a loud, obnoxious voice shouting “EY YO, NICE MEAT CHRIS!!!!”
To his credit, Chris squared up, ready to have your back against this asshole. You were quicker to the punch, though, grabbing the hand of your perpetrator and twisting so hard that he was nearly toppled by his own weight. You zeroed in on him. Tall, bulky, wearing a letterman's jacket. Some high school has-been who thought that the tacky Las Vegas flask he brought made him cool. Apparently he felt the same way about harassing women, like it was some way to level him up from basic boring misogynist to super misogynist.
“Wow, that was really funny, wasn’t it?” You ask him, saccharinely sarcastic while twisting his arm harder.
“No!” He yelped, trying to alleviate your grip on him. “No, it wasn’t,”  You wished you had it in you to feel sorry for what a fucked up loser this guy was, but you didn’t. Anyways, an apology given out of fear doesn’t mean anything, but that didn’t mean you didn’t want to fuck him up a little just to see how he felt about it.
“Oh…You’re probably right. It was in bad taste, wasn’t it?” You asked sweetly. “It would probably be best to leave after doing something like that, huh? After all, we wouldn’t want anyone prosecuted on the count of sexually assaulting a Federal Agent, that would be way too crazy for a town like Greendale!”
You dropped the sweet facade, whispering in his ear, “If you think about trying that shit with anyone ever again, please remember that I have a gun and access to most government databases,” before dropping him to the floor. 
It was then that the panic flooded through you. Everything you had just done had been done in reaction to what was happening, but you could see past the adrenaline now and all you could think about was the consequences, which you really didn’t want to face. You didn’t want to see Adrian’s expression as he realized that you’d done the exact opposite of what he wanted, and you didn’t want all of the missed opportunities to make Adrian get coffee with you. And you also didn’t want to always be the outsider, but you seemed to be consistently bad at fulfilling that goal. It was so stupid, but after spending most of your life constantly moving around due to reassignment after reassignment, you had hoped that you could find a home here. Instead you’d just made yourself the town gossip. You’d probably wind up in the morning paper tomorrow. “Crazy Jackass Assaults Local.”
You don’t know how long you stood there, glaring at the man you’d injured and forced to the floor, before you felt a hand on your elbow. Your head jerked towards it to find Adrian. He was absolutely fuming. He had this look in his eyes that always assured you he was about to do something stupid—what, you weren’t yet sure yet, but you didn’t particularly want to find out, so you grabbed him by the arm and hauled ass out of the gym. There was a crowd of concerned model citizens surrounding Mr. Hasbeen, but as you walked out the front doors, you noticed the check in lady give you a discreet thumbs up. You felt a sort of relief, knowing that at least somebody vindicated you.
You didn’t stop walking until you reached the school gardens—a sort of compilation of shrubbery with a creepy statue of some sort of town leader pushing it over the border of boring into just damn strange.
When you stopped, Adrian finally opened his mouth, starting with, “I’m gonna fucking kill him,” sliding right off the tip of his tongue as if he’d been waiting to say it.
You stepped in front of him, blocking the very real possibility of him ditching you to follow through with that claim. “No, you’re not. I–”
“He fucking–” He swallowed, like thinking of made him want to puke or punch something. Like it hurts him as much as it hurts you. “You said it yourself! He broke the law. No amount of–”
“Adrian, I dealt with it, just drop it!” You yelled. This did silence him, his face twisting into the hurt expression you sometimes see when he’s arguing with Chris. When he starts pretending that he doesn’t have any feelings, even though they are written all over his face. You sighed and sat on a faded wooden bench that was placed right in front of the statue, black heels skimming the ground. “I’m sorry. I know you were trying to impress your peers or whatever, and I ruined that.”
Adrian stopped in his tracks from where he was pacing a few yards in front of you. His hands were clenched into fists as his head snapped towards you. “You think I care about that?” His voice was just a little higher than normal, eyebrows a little too drawn.
“I…yes? That’s why I’m here, isn’t it?. That's why you asked me to come, to impress all of your–”
“That’s not why you’re here.” It was quiet. A loaded statement that you didn’t know how to respond to, and didn’t have the time or understanding to unpack. It was spoken so quietly that anyone else might have missed it, but not you.
Your eyes and nose stung, like you were about to get a bloody nose. Or, a drastically worse possibility, about to cry. “I don’t understand.”
“I—” Adrian resumed his pacing. “I just said that! Y’know, when you just say something cause it’s convenient, even if it isn’t really true? But that's–I wanted you to come cause I like you. A lot. Which—I’m sorry, because I know that you don’t really like it when people like you, but I do. And believe me, if I knew that Ricky Feld was gonna do that then I never would’ve–” He stopped in front of you, kneeling, with his gaze looking up and centered on your face. His eyes were so earnest, like they carried an ocean of pain—of anger—which understood your own. “I am never going to let anyone touch you like that ever again. Never.”
The two of you just stared at each other. You didn’t know if it was for moments or for a millennia, and the foggy night sky above you betrayed nothing. 
When Adrian finally opened his mouth to speak, to take everything back, you whispered, “You like me?”
Adrian gulped. “I…yeah. I know it’s unprofessional or whatever cause we kind of work together and I know that you don’t want that, but I can’t help it, and I really didn’t want to go to this thing alone so I convinced you to go with me, and you look so pretty, by the way. Did I mention you look pretty? You do. And I don’t fucking care that you twisted that guys arm off while everyone was watching. I mean it was kind of hot, but you don’t have to apologize. You didn’t ruin anything. I mean, I wish you would let me kill him, but… Yeah, I like you. So, I guess I should be the one who’s sorry cause–”
You cut him off, your lips attaching to his, your hands grabbing his face and pulling him close to you. your bodies were so fully entangled in that high school garden, your legs wrapped around his waist as he remained kneeling before you, on the bench in front of him. It was Adrian who finally pulled away, wiping your cheek with his thumb.
“You’re crying,” he told you, nervousness etched on his face.
You wiped at them with your sleeve, a technique you picked up at a young age to disguise tears from classmates. Didn’t seem to ever work that well, though. “I’m sorry. It’s not you. Well, it is you, kind of. It’s been…a lot, today. But I like you too, Adrian. A lot. And I’m willing to split the coffee bill two ways if you’ll still agree to go to that coffee place on Main with me.” You say it like it’s a joke, but you’re hardly joking. It’s all you could possibly want for him to say yes.
Adrian leaned in towards you. He smelled like almond and saffron, a departure from the usual sweat and gunsmoke smell that he had as Vigilante. He pulled you towards him by the waist, your breath mingling with his at the empty space between your lips.
“8 am, Monday, Edge Coffee. If you’re not there then I’ll show Adebayo the picture of you playing with her dog that you told me not to show anyone. And we’re not splitting the bill.” You could feel the heat from Adrian’s breath spread across your face as he said this, every part of you (cold dead heart included), warmed by his body, words, and actions. You closed what distance was left between the two of you (which wasn’t very much distance at all), lips pressing against his in what you hoped was reassurance, expressing the love you had for him that you couldn’t possibly begin to tell him about.
“I’ll be there.”
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unvolver · 1 month
Last message from me and then I'll leave you alone (unless you want me to keep chatting haha) but when it comes to omegaverse my big problem with it is how it's totally flattened the creative arena. and not just for mpreg (which I've been a dutiful reader of for 20 years) but for other genres too. Like if you've ever read the word "slick" being used as a noun in a regular porn story, that's an omegaverse trope that's completely invaded other genres. It's like kudzu, omegaverse is an invasive species of a genre that is slowly choking and killing fanfiction and helping to flatten it so that everything reads the same way. A lot of creativity and subtlety in smut and character tropes (not just the Beatles though its shudder-inducingly present) has been razed to the ground thanks to omegaverse and how it absolutely insists on a strict hierarchy that absolutely must be adhered to at all times and how it forces 3d characters into idiotic 2d depictions.
And yes that has always been an issue with bad writing but I've seen the transformation take place in real time where omegaverse has actively made everything worse by killing nuance. John Lennon is absolutely NOT a psychologically troubled individual with a history of retreating emotionally and manipulating his loved ones so he feels more secure; now he's an insecure whiny baby who can't do anything without his Scary Daddy fisting 20 times a day while he screams and thrashes. Also this is considered romantic and it's based in werewolf porn, it's the most majestic love story of our times. (please note that the "scary daddy" role is interchangeable with any literally any male character.)
This is present in other fandoms too and it's a real shame. Reading fanfiction set before the omegaverse apocalypse levelled fandom (for the worse) is a night and day comparison, so much even in subtle details that simply doesn't exist anymore due to this pervasive and weird porn trope.
general psa for all my followers and frequenters of my ask box: do not worry about annoying me with asks because i love talking and rambling for hours. please talk to me about anything.
but anyways i completely agree with you, my skin shudders when i walk into barnes and nobles and am hit with such titles like this
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omegaverse hitting the mainstream kills me. a part of me dies when i hear about all these manga then anime adaptions and live action bl shows that all take place in omegaverse. for the love of god keep this in fanfiction
again, agree omegaverse is the worst offender of stripping away characters and making them into hollow caricatures.
i haven’t been a fanfic reader for very long, only ~6 years and i’ve disliked the trope since i first got into fics and writing some myself. but i feel like the explosion of omegaverse into actual published media didn’t happen until after 2020 unless i’m missing something. because i didn’t remember published bl and tv dramas that included omegaverse. at least it didn’t become so popular that i see people on tiktok making jokes about living in the verse or actual explanations on what it is there. i literally saw videos of random highly edited twinky guys tagged with #omega today on that app.
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livlepretre · 7 days
At what point in the fic did you want/expect readers to start rooting for klena (those that didnt already ship them ofc)
...honestly I've never thought about this from this angle before? I think when I started publishing, I was pretty active in klena fandom and had a strong reputation as one of the first and most prolific klena writers, so I knew there would be a readership (and the ship was much, much more niche back in 2016, let alone 2011 when I started publishing klena fics-- it's exploded since that time).
So having published this and advertised it as a klena fic (and having added other ship tags later, as they came about in the story), I just sort of assumed that everyone reading it would be reading it for the klaus x elena content, and if anything, it was the other ships-- stelena, beklena, tylena, etc, that I felt I had to persuade people to go along with, let alone enjoy. I knew that if someone was reading a klena fic, then I was not dealing with the average reader; these are people who enjoy a dark ship. So when Klaus does something ESPECIALLY horrifying, the reaction is usually YESSSSS 🔥🔥🔥-- and this was especially true when I was publishing the early chapters, when the audience for this ship was still very small. It was only as this fic kept growing, and the ship gained broader appeal, and by the time I was years into working on it, that I started encountering readers who had a problem with Klaus being, well, Klaus. (Which is fine! There are lots of fics that scratch the klena itch in a different way, and that's what's beautiful about fandom, honestly.)
But, if I were to try to persuade someone to start rooting for klena? I guess I would say along the same timeline that Elena herself falls in love with him. I think for someone who enters the fic not shipping Klena, the only possibility would be that the close narration, keeping everything so tightly bound to Elena's feelings and thoughts, is the only way someone could start to fall for Klaus/the relationship as well-- even against their better judgment. I mean, I still scream when I reread that closing line from the end of chapter one:
The first time Klaus paid a visit to her, when she was still a little high from the sedatives the nurse had given her back in Mystic Falls, she awakened to his hand on her face, tenderly stroking her hair from her forehead. The memory drifts back to her weeks later like an empty rowboat on the tide.
But I think the normal timeframe would be for the first New Orleans arc to win someone over? Klaus is very charming in that arc. That's the first time he actually cares. Selfishly, but not as selfishly as before. He does see Elena as a person at that point, and the scraps have been so small up to then that even that feels huge. It makes it feel like so much more of a betrayal when he leaves her in chapter 42, after all of the betrayals and terrors he has subjected her to in the past.
and yet and yet and yet-- I have one more big stunt to pull. for anyone who has given up on Klaus, give me that chance to get him on page, completely honest.
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I don't call myself army, just a music fan, like to follow grown up fans of kpop and other groups and honestly up until now I thought your characterization of kpop fans and multis behavior to BTS was very one-sided and overblown. But now I'd like to offer you an apology Bpp. I keep up with a bunch of kpop podcasts run by kpop fans and black women and I follow this 30+ black woman whose whole shtick is being in kpop for vibes, not engaging in fanwars and overall being above the gross behavior from immature racist armys. So imagine my horror when I open my Twitter today and the first thing I see is this:
My heart is so heavy and burdened by this I don't even know where to start bpp. Just last week I saw a Shinee/taemin/multi fan say the hate against Jimin should 'show give those armys a taste of what they do' when Jimin has been the target of overwhelming hate from the same shinee fans since his debut. I'm thinking to just leave kpop completely because this kind of brain rot in adults over nothing makes me depressed as fuck. I sympathize more with armys now more than ever. I love Jimin and don't want to stop actively following him. How do you deal with all this hate? Seriously how do you do it?
Hi Anon,
Your link.
Abridged answer: "I got no worries because you can't stop me lovin' myself" - reference linked here. :)
Long-form answer:
Like I've said before, if you've managed to make your way to the podcast side of k-pop stan environments you already have my condolences lmao. I won't state the exact reasons for that here but you're already experiencing a few of those reasons it seems.
That user is actually familiar to me - she's a black woman who works in the US entertainment industry, Hollywood to be exact, in a semi-administrative role. That person is a Blink who runs in the same circles as Ash - a k-pop writer/podcaster and multi in the US; Carrie - an Exol and Shawol in Toronto who writes K-drama/film reviews; Tamar - a Jewish Blink and multi who is a k-pop journalist; and a bunch of other k-pop writers, journalists, DJs, and otherwise 'grown-ups in k-pop' who can't seem to speak even in a neutral capacity about BTS, let alone ARMY, despite many of them deriving their livelihoods from the spread of k-pop in the West spearheaded in a large part by BTS. It's partly why ARMYs are extremely skeptical of k-pop journalism because oftentimes these content creators, journalists or reviewers are just stans of other groups with barely concealed animus for BTS. And also why the quality of critical conversations in k-pop fandom is so poor. I mean, how can you trust the opinion of an adult Black woman who should intimately know the implications of racism, calling Jimin, Oli London, unprovoked? It's all so comical but also kinda tragic lol.
You sent me this ask just as I was publishing this post so perhaps you hadn't yet seen what I've said about the dominant behaviours of k-pop stans in fandom.
I understand how painful it is to see things like that but I suggest you ignore them, report and block the account if it bothers you that much, but otherwise focus on celebrating Jimin and the things you love about him. I keep saying that hate does nothing but create more of the same. Many of the people who belong to rival fandoms, especially the fandoms that have a history of being abusive to BTS and ARMY since as far back as 2014, including fans of Shinee, EXO, Beast, Super Junior, and since 2018, BlackPink, many of the people in those fandoms default to hating anything connected to BTS, and it fascinates me even now how it's like a social contagion.
If seeing opinions like that really distress you, it's okay to step back from k-pop completely. In fact I recommend it for people who tend to get really emotionally connected to the artists they support, because none of those people are going to learn to do better, and chances are you could begin mirroring their behaviour if you get too attached. I'm friends with many people from those fandoms because they've known me since before I became ARMY, they know what I think, value, and tolerate, and they share the same values as me. But a few of those friends have been sort of 'excommunicated' from their fandoms because they refuse to engage in the hate towards BTS, and this happens far more often than you think.
I write as much as I do about this topic because I get it. Nobody wants to see shit like that. But at the same time, those sentiments towards Jimin and BTS have always existed and Jimin is still happy, thriving, more concerned with knowing what his fans think about his music, so if he's the reason you're here, then focus on him.
For me it's really that simple.
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www-strawberry1-0 · 2 months
Hello, hello! nice to meet you little person. Below I will leave my introduction in English :³
About me:
My pronouns are: he/she/they
Birthday: May 9
MBTI: Infp - T
Sexuality/s: demi/pan
Nationality: Argentina
Languages: ESP/ING
໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა BYF!! 
—I am a person who likes to interact with other people. (Although, depending on how things go, I will gain confidence) —I don't consider myself very active in some circumstances, but I do my best to make it that way. —He often published things in my native language. —Sometimes I tell very bad jokes, for example: what does one fish say to another? Nothing HAHAHA
—You should also inform that at times I take time to reflect a little and take some time alone. —We can talk about whatever you want in private. (without disobeying the rules pls)
—I have a partner, so I would very much appreciate it if you don't cross the limits. (Any message that contains other types of interaction with other intentions will be deleted and blocked) —Sometimes I can take things personally, and I need it explained to me calmly. —He didn't understand some things well, such as sarcasm, hints, among others. —Messages of hate, discrimination, or bullying will not be tolerated. That's all, thanks for reading it.
( ≧ᗜ≦) I love it !!
My favorite colors are pastel yellow, black and white. Play video games like Roblox (I really like to escape from the facilities), Fall guys, Minecraft, Pony Town, among others.
I really like to draw, and paint with oil crayons or pencils. Listen to music, although I must say that my favorite so far is Immortals, here is the link in case you want to listen to it. I also really like watching series, animations, Ghibli drawings, and among other cartoons. Like some anime and K-Dramas.
animated series:
 Big ​​Hero 6, The Owl House, My Little Ponny, Polly Pocket, Steven Universe, Adventure Time, Teen Titans among others.
Ghibli cartoons: Ponyo, My Neighbor Totoro, Kiki Home Deliveries.Animes: SK8 The Infinity, Promised Neverland, Blue Lock, Bungou Stray Dogs.
K-dramas: A Love So Beautiful, King The Lang, Goo - an extraordinary lawyer, etc.
( -_•)︻デ═一 DNI!!
—People who support or defend pedophilia and/or incest.
—You think fiction doesn't also affect reality.
—You support hateful and/or negative behavior
( •̀ - •́ ) I hate It!!
Conceited people, who do not respect tastes, judge other people's bodies or make any type of offensive and unmoral comment. Comshipers and proshipers.
( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ ) Favorite youtubers !
Here are my other social networks! :b
For the next example, in the sexuality section. I need to clarify that demisexuality is the degree of attraction that I feel. (Only for one person) to which, I also identify as a gender fluid person, and pansexual.
In case you are interested in knowing, the sweet things that I like the most at the moment are: Moguls Extreme Rocks, sour gummies, or even chewy and soft candies or candies such as Flynn Paff, or other types of sweet things.
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Some of my musical tastes generally tend to be songs that produce happiness, are moved to dance, (although I don't do it much) or also to some degrees, depending on my mood, nostalgic and among other types.
My singers and/or musical groups favorite are:
—Ichiko Aoba.
—Cigarettes After Sex.
—Arctic Monkeys.
—Lisa Ono.
—Ricky Montgomery.
—Jack Stauber.
—Michael Jackson.
—Robleis Music.
—Melanie Martinez.
—Taylor Swift.
—Mon Laferte.
—Atarashii Gakko
—Lady Gaga.
—El Cuarteto De Nos.
And more!
The things that usually bother or displease me are few, but I will include those that at the moment I feel are necessary to add, in case you want to get to know me better.
—The sounds of horns, beeps, loud whistles, or people shouting usually upset me a little.
—I don't usually like things that have a raw consistency, for example: in food, in cases of roasts or meats, I feel that they have to be burned at the exact point, or that red or undercooked areas cannot be shown. The same thing happens with the nerves or veins of the same flesh.
—Places with a lot of people talking, or in awkward silence. (Regarding people talking, I have nothing against it, I just don't like the moments where they tend to raise their voice, or that may be on purpose)
(Btw, my English is not very good, I wrote this in Google Translate, My main language is Spanish, that means I am Hispanic, I am very sorry if I ever make a mistake)
That's all, thanks for making it this far, have a star for your great effort every day. ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝★
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acertainmoshke · 1 year
Meet the Author (revised)
My name is Moshke Palmoni. I also plan to publish children’s books under Lior Eisen, but I mainly go by Moshke. I use they/them pronouns and when I’m not writing I love to read, knit, snuggle my weirdo cat, or work on home projects to fix my 100-year-old house that the previous owners made some interesting choices for. I also have a day job that I am very passionate about but will not talk about here because I don’t want to mix my writing with my professional life. None of my projects are published yet but I’m getting there.
Active WIPs
(let me know if you want to be added to any taglists!)
General tag list: @ blind-the-winds
To Die Among the Stars
In the future, 20 people are sent into space on a second test of an FTL drive, aiming for a habitable planet. The first test was a disaster, so this time they’re more careful—the volunteers are only needed for data on how humans fare at faster than light speeds, so they are selected from prisons and “mental wellness centers” and areas where people would agree to a suicide mission for the promise of feeding their families. No one expects them to live, just to provide enough data to improve the next test. Told from 4 POVs: Pixel, a semiverbal black market modder; Ri, who has so many illicit mods embedded in his body he can no longer experience the world the way most people do; Zippy, a young disabled woman desperate to support her family; and Peppermint, a genetic experiment combining human and cat DNA raised in a lab with only a sentient android for company. Despite all expectations, the group bands together for survival.
Taglist: @ hd-literature
A Tangled Knot of Gold
Technically the 3rd Legends of Halara book, but the first one was not cooperating so here we are. Tlapil is the cousin of the heir to the throne, Soter, who is also the only person who treats her like a person because she is semi-verbal with unusual body language and interests. Her main useful skill seems to be mapmaking, but when the kingdom needs unusual solutions she’s ready to help—along with her only other friend, who happens to be a slime. Having proven herself, she holds a respectable position as advisor to her cousin, but when tragedy threatens to tear apart the entire kingdom it might be up to her to find a way to hold it together.
Halaran cultural genders explained here, and non-human genders here. Explanation of the religious system here.
Fae and Brownie
10-year-old Fae Grant is autistic and ataxic and struggles in school, socially and with meeting expectations. Right after she meets the new boy, Brownie, a meltdown leads to a week’s suspension just as her aunt moves in with her family. Fae’s adventures over that week lead her to a new best friend, realizations about accommodating her communication difficulties, and new acceptance of being who she is.
Backburnered WIPs under the cut
Cold Iron
Shakatra Zoawin has been alive for 107 years, but they are only 33 old. They are one of the few Fae changelings able to survive to adulthood in our world—they age slowly, their magic is more powerful than any human sorcerer, and they have a particular knack for glamour. All they’ve ever wanted was to be left alone on the fringes of society with their brother Kris, also a changeling. But now, on top of raising their teenage stepson and the age-frozen human child they replaced, they might be the only one with both the Fae-aligned skills to protect humanity and the remotest inclination to do that.
Time to Kill (working title)
Esther Dahan is part of one of the first teams ever sanctioned to use time travel technology. Against all historical odds, they aren’t cops or soldiers—they’re anthropologists. Her team specializes in Jewish history specifically, and as tough as it is to leave her young daughter behind for long stretches the team is like her family as they get to truly experience what life was once like, always careful not to change anything (the butterfly effect having been disproven, they must still not share too much information or come in contact with major figures). And yet, something is off. In more and more time periods, they find suspicious activity. But they can never quite get enough proof to convince anyone why this matters—why they should believe that these scientists found the first known rogue travelers. It’s not until trying to solve the mystery on their own leads to Esther’s life being torn apart that they’re taken seriously, and even then her team might be the only ones capable of finding out the truth and stopping something even worse.
Falling Petals (working title)
A story of 3 generations of autistic people before any of them would have been diagnosed, loosely based on the life experiences of my family during different times. Also about relationships and imperfect love. Ira Katz was born in 1913, the only child of slightly older Russian Jewish immigrant parents. He grew up in California and lived a fairly normal life, except that he wasn’t normal. He was very charming, but didn’t understand why mean jokes or blunt truths weren’t appreciated. He assumed everyone was as interested in his niche interests as he was and despite loving the beauty in the world and the people around him felt unable to connect with any of them. He would grow up to marry a girl he knew from synagogue named Joy and have 4 children, whom he loved from a distance and teased with a brilliant and oblivious cruelty. He inherited his father’s drug store, which he enjoyed because his scripted charm worked best on strangers.
Ira’s second child, Daniel, born in 1939, was also odd. He was very sensitive for a boy and called annoying for his awkward attempts at friendship. Eventually he channeled his sensory pain and constant overwhelm from tears to anger. He practiced on his own until he spoke like a professional adult, scripting replies that sounded like a real conversation. Adults loved him while other young people shunned him and his brother and father mocked him. He went to college and became an architect because it was more manly than being a librarian like he’d wanted, and while in school he met a high school teacher named Frances, who he married and had twins with. Daniel was determined not to mock his children and to spend time with them, which he did—but he also hid his pain and emotions until they exploded out in uncontrollable anger and struggled to deal with any noise or rule breaking. His drive to be successful managed to drown out everything else and sucked up all his energy.
One of Daniel’s two daughters, Shoshana, born in 1961, was also odd but in an opposite sort of way. Where Daniel had always seemed mature and professional even when unnecessary, Shoshana seemed childlike far longer than her sister. She continued to play with her dolls and make patterns with her marbles after other girls started whispering about boys. She froze up when she didn’t know the right social response and just wouldn’t respond. She broke down in tears when overwhelmed and was terrified of crowds. She felt like an utter failure despite being an avid reader with a good memory. She didn’t go to college or get married. She tried and failed to live on her own in her 20s. She felt unloveable. And then her sister had a child, Naomi, a child Shoshana saw her own life in, and suddenly she wanted to show her little niece how one could be happy and also different and what it actually meant to succeed. Which required her to figure that out herself first and notice her own strengths.
Eachw part is told from their own perspective and with compassion for their experiences. Everyone does the best they can and the goal is to show unhealthy coping mechanisms without denouncing anyone as a villain.
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i-love-yoi · 11 months
How will you spend Halloween and what kind of costumes did you have?
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I know it’s early, but I really wanted to do it, and I’ll publish it in advance, otherwise I’ll forget to publish it on Halloween. Of course, Halloween is prohibited in my country, but in honor of October I decided to do it.
TW:GN!reader, romantic relationship, caroling, typical and stupid costumes, Halloween, fluff.
•He wouldn’t need any costume for Halloween, he would have been accepted as one of their own—
•Although, I think he would not attach such great importance to this holiday.
•Or maybe he just wouldn’t show it?
•You know, he's not very emotional.
•Or maybe he would have even slept through it.
•Although, you are the only one who can drag him outside, even if he wants to drown a little more in his fantasy world, where everything is good and joyful.
•Honestly, he would still prefer to stay at home and spend time together without costumes, just giving some children candy that comes to you.
•In any case, you are home alone, since his mother was busy again and had her own personal plans, so she left you alone that night.
•I think, since it’s Halloween, you would definitely do something related to this theme, for example, watch horror films, eat candy, or, if you and Sunny agree, then walk down the street on Halloween night while most people were in different suits.
•Although, if it’s quite cold there, then he wouldn’t really want to go there.
•He would much rather sit under a warm blanket, cuddling with you, and watch anything, enjoying each other's company and watching what you both chose.
•But what about traditional Halloween costumes, if you can actually discuss it?
•I think costumes like: Zombie and skeleton or mummy and pharaoh would suit you.
•I think you already know who is who.
•Of course, Sunny we will have a zombie and a mummy, and you will be a skeleton and a pharaoh.
•At least Sunny really gets used to the role of some kind of zombie or mummy.
•Although he didn’t even think about getting used to this role, a certain drowsiness helps him in this.
•He doesn't really want to go door to door and ask people for candy.
•At a minimum, he feels uncomfortable talking to strangers, especially in large crowds.
•Well, what did you want? He did not leave the house for 4 whole years, spending almost most of the time in bed and in his dreams.
•You would mostly eat candy, he’s not that hungry, and he has a bunch of different candies at home, of course, if they haven’t expired—
•Oh, he loves Halloween.
•Basically, he loves any holiday.
•He is always so active and cheerful, especially on holidays.
•He will obviously want to go caroling with you.
•Also, I think he would obviously like the idea of trying out matching suits with you.
•Even if they were very stupid or strange.
•The most important thing is that you both like them, right?
•I think your couples costumes would be just humorous.
•Kel himself would mostly insist on this.
•Your paired costumes would be like those same dinosaurs from AliExpress—
•However, I think when you went door to door collecting candy, Kel was sometimes rejected as an adult.
•Although, in Faraway town, it seems to me that everyone has known each other for many years, especially everyone knows Kel.
•But what if you didn't want to go door to door asking for candy?
•Kel would be shocked.
•Like this? Isn't this the most fun part of Halloween!? Moreover, then sit and gorge yourself on these sweets!?
•But if you don't like it, Kel won't insist too much.
•Of course, he will be annoying, asking you to join in the caroling, but if your answer is still the same, he will just grumble at you all the way.
•However, he would definitely like you to at least walk with him in matching suits.
•Oh please...
•I assure you, even if not their house, Kel and Hero's room would definitely be decorated especially for Halloween, at least part of Kel would definitely be decorated.
•However, if you don't want to go out at all, then Kel will be confused.
•He will be happy to stay with you on Halloween, but he wants candy.
•That's why he will first go caroling candy, and then come running into your arms, holding a bag full of different candies.
•Now you can watch something while eating candy under the blankets all night.
•Well, he's quite old for this holiday, isn't he?
•Moreover, he has a lot of work, because medical school is a pretty hard thing, isn’t it?
•But he will still spend time with you, there is no need to be afraid about that.
•He loves you, especially since sometimes you need to give yourself a day off so as not to develop any ailments or problems with your nerves.
•Of course, he’s unlikely to go caroling; after all, he’s already 19 years old.
•However, if you are still of an age when you can carol, then he simply walks around with you, watching this process, and saying hello to someone from the people.
•Almost everyone knows him in Faraway town, he helped almost everyone there.
•But what about couples suits?
•I think he wouldn't mind obviously.
•I would even consider it cute.
•The costumes with them would be terribly stupid and cute, although he would give free rein to you to choose the costumes.
•He always adapts to people so that they feel comfortable, sometimes forgetting about himself.
•If he chose any costumes, it would be something like romantic heroes from fairy tales and books, for example, a prince and a princess, who is who you yourself understand.
•He will be happy to walk with you around the town at night, wearing a suit.
•The only main thing is that it is not a spider costume, especially a very realistic one—
•I don't think he would decorate his dorm room for Halloween, I think he just doesn't see the point.
•This holiday is only for one day, why waste so much?
•However, he will be happy to help you if you suddenly want to decorate your house/room in honor of Halloween.
•His room is his decision, your room/house is your decision.
•He would like to spend time alone with you, cuddling, talking, watching something, if you want, of course, and just spending time with you.
•If you absolutely need sweets, then trust me, he will find them and bring them.
•He can also cook some delicious food if he has not yet forgotten how to cook and the skills remain.
•He will watch any movie with you, no matter what genre, most importantly without spiders—
•Although, I think, no matter how brave he seems and, to some extent, emotionless in the films, he actually restrains his emotions and feelings, as always.
•Although, if he really can, he will open up to you and be able to freely show his feelings and emotions, without fear of what might accidentally harm you.
•If it’s a horror movie, then he may flinch sometimes, and at times, if it’s pure horror, then he may scream a little and hug you tighter to him.
•If it’s a comedy, you’ll giggle a little; if it’s a drama or melodrama, you’ll even shed a tear.
•He is a rather emotional boy, but after the incident with Kel, he tries to restrain his emotions, afraid of harming others.
•But if your relationship is very trusting and strong, then you will get your emotional boy, who will sometimes talk to you, but not always.
•In the end, he doesn’t want to bother you, and he also doesn’t want you to bear his own burden, no, he doesn’t want that.
•She’s obviously going caroling, and so are you, no questions asked.
•She would be happy to wear a suit with you, but she has no money because of her mother, who drinks everything on drink.
•She won’t even decorate the house because of her mother.
•Her mother would consider it stupid and reckless, and generally a waste of money.
•She wears her own Halloween costumes either those that are already several years old, or those that she puts together from scrap materials.
•Therefore, if you want to wear two-piece suits, you will have to buy them.
•She may feel silly wearing some cute or humorous costumes, but will also be happy that you have matching costumes.
•I think your couple costumes would be a witch and a witch's black cat.
•For her, this is a great sign of love, especially knowing that she doesn’t have much money.
•She’s obviously going to carol for candy.
•And he always tries to get as much candy as possible, at least for your sake.
•But she won’t take away anyone’s candy, no, no.
•This is not fair, everyone must earn their share by any means.
•She'll also be happy to stroll around with you in these matching outfits.
•Even if Halloween seemed like a children's holiday to her, she would still celebrate it.
•At least remembering her childhood, when she happily ran around with Sunny, Kel, Basil, Hero and Mari, and her parents were still together and everyone was happy.
•Well, everyone also want free candy, right?
•If you want to celebrate Halloween only in private, just you and her, then celebrate only in your house, I think you understand why she doesn’t want to celebrate Halloween in her house, right?
•But if you also have problems with your parents, because of which you cannot celebrate Halloween with her, you will simply walk through the streets arm in arm, laughing, communicating, sharing different feelings, memories, situations, and just fooling around.
•She trusts you.
•It would be a little awkward for him to go and carol from house to house.
•To him it would look like begging
•But he would be glad to go with you.
•Although, he would also be embarrassed to communicate with people from houses, asking them for candy.
•I think you should already speak for him, he is too worried about this.
•He has such anxiety that what if he pisses off these residents of the houses, what if they hate him.
•Feelings of guilt and anxiety almost completely consumed him.
•If your costumes were paired, then these costumes would be the devil and the angel.
•You decide who is where.
•He wouldn’t mind going for a walk, but the anxiety is right there.
•What if anyone attack you? Or what else!? You never know what can happen, especially on a dark night.
•Moreover, Polly would be very worried.
•But he would be happy to spend time alone with you.
•He doesn't mind you staying at his place.
•Grandma would have slept with him anyway, but Polly is just glad that Basil has such a wonderful partner.
•If you were at his house, he would tell you about his plants, what he was able to grow, and you could also look at the photo album.
•This may make you feel sad.
•Also, when he would talk about his plants or something of his own, he would ask if he was tired of his boring stories about plants.
•Anxiety plays in him again.
•He would be happy to watch movies with you.
•Just don’t choose very scary ones, he’s already all traumatized here.
•He would ask Polly to prepare some sweets, cookies for example.
•He himself doesn’t know how to bake, but Polly can.
•It’s unlikely that he would decorate the room in honor of Halloween.
•He wouldn't really want to celebrate it.
•But if you insisted, he would simply break down and give in to you.
•He doesn’t want to argue with you for a long time.
•He doesn't want to lose you.
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