#what crawled up her butt and died
saltygilmores · 6 months
I Will Never Let Anyone Forget How Lorelai Repeatedly Flips The F Out Over Jess And Rory Making Out When This is How She Reacts to Dean and Rory Making Out Unsupervised
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Posting this because Jess and Rory are about to get busted in Let The Games Begin for sharing a kiss so innocent and chaste that even Mama Kim wouldn't bat an eye at it. (even though it's Luke who walks in on them in this episode, I'm sure Lorelai will have something to say about it, and she'll have her own bust down the door moments in due time)
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wittlesissyb4by · 3 months
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Chapter 3 - The Study Group
Click HERE to read Chapter!
Click HERE to read Chapter 2!!
“I…I’m just really nervous.” Jack stammered, dipping his head and rubbing his face as he does any time he’s anxious. 
Marianne used a finger to lift her husband’s chin, looking into his eyes. “I know,” she said, trying to feign confidence, “I am too.”
She gave him a once over, sliding her hands along his shirt that was far too short to cover his belly, straightening it out and picking off any stray lint. 
Jack kept tugging the shirt down. “Can’t I at least wear shorts?” He whimpered. 
Marianne just shrugged, curling her fingers into the waistband of his diaper, gripping and pulling upward so it forced his legs a bit wider. “I don’t really see the point,” she said, tucking the flared edges back into his thighs like she’d been taught, apparently it helps prevent leaks, “they already know you’ll be wearing one, and they’re going to see it eventually. No reason to delay the inevitable.”
He blushed, knowing she was right, but that didn’t keep him from trembling. 
“Hey,” she said, bringing her hand back to his cheek, “you wanted this, remember? There’s no backing out now.” 
That seemed to settle him. He nodded and plopped his hands down to his sides for maybe the hundredth time. Marianne combed him over once more, she found herself uneasy too. There was no reason to be, they were all probably used to it, but Jack was still a reflection of her, and Marianne wanted to show that she was competent in diapering her husband. 
Still, she couldn’t help but gawk at how adorable he looked, like an innocent little one rubbing their eyes and face, tugging on their shirt, and crinkling in their little diaper. She was certainly starting to see the appeal to this whole thing, even if she originally didn’t think it would be her cup of tea when he first presented it to her.
“What time are they getting here?” Jack asked, still a bit flustered. 
Marianne leaned in close for a kiss, which he returned. When they released, she smiled, “they’re already here!”
The girls were giddy with excitement when Marianne came back into the living room. They’d been sitting around the couch, chairs, and tables. Notebooks and laptops open, pencils scratching, keys tapping. The sound of Marianne’s footsteps caused them all to stop collectively and look up from their studying. 
“Ladies…” Marianne cleared her throat, voice shaking nervously but trying to feign confidence, “meet…Jack!”
A round of applause broke out, but nothing (and no one) came from the hallway. At least, not for a few seconds. Finally, once the cheers died down, Jack came simpering into the room, hands relentlessly trying to tug down his shirt, only for it to spring back up and further expose the puffy pamper between his legs. “Oh my godd!!” Someone squealed, stomping their feet in hilarity. 
“Awww!! Look at his wittle pampurrs!!”
“Soo cuuute!!”
“Cute? More like ‘pathetic’!!”
The raucous laughter went on for what felt like several minutes. Even Marianne couldn’t help but smile to herself. Though the girls were probably embellishing, it was nice to see them so excited about seeing her husband in diapers. It was validating. 
“Turn around!”
“Give us a little spin!”
“Yea! Show us your diaper butt!”
“Don’t worry about that shirt, it’s not hiding anything. Trust us!”
“Bend over!”
“That’s it! Smack that ass!”
Jack was whimpering over the dull thud of his hand smacking the seat of his diaper. 
“Come here,” Claire said, snapping her fingers and pointing to the ground in front of her, the same carpet she herself used to crawl on when her Mom brought her over as a toddler, “let’s check your diaper.”
Marianne had never seen her husband move so fast. He was trembling all over, but his eyes had this sort of glazy effect to them, like he was in a different world, a different space. He dropped to his knees in front of the beautiful blonde college girl. 
“Make him tell us if he’s wet!” Trinity suggested. 
“Do you do that?” Brooke beckoned, “I always like to guess when I think they’re doing it. The way they try to keep their face from scrunching is so cute!”
“I just check them constantly,” said Valencia, “They get so huffy and puffy when I'm making them spread their legs so I can pinch their pamper every 5 minutes. It almost makes them force it out faster so they don’t have to keep getting all worked up inside of their clitty cage!”
“I like my methods, thank you very much!” Claire giggled. She closed her spiral notebook and set it to the side, tucking her hair behind her ear as she leaned forward to the quivering Jack. “How’s your diaper?” She asked, smacking her gum. “Are you wet?”
Before Jack could form any words that weren’t just stammering baby babble, Claire already had her hand on his diaper. “Hmm…hard to tell…” she said to the room, “What do you think girls? Can you check him?”
Marianne had given them permission to touch Jack and his diaper, as long as they didn’t go in and touch his penis. She wasn’t quite comfortable with that. 
Jack mewed as he went down the line, waddling side to side on his knees so each girl could pinch and squish and poke and prod him. “Hmm…he doesn’t feel wet…but I do feel something small and stiff!” Valencia giggled, tapping him on the hips. “Turn around! Let’s check for poop!”
Jack’s cheeks flushed red as Val used a finger to peel back the waistband of his diaper and peek inside. “Hmm, nope! No poo poo’s…yet! Maybe the little guy’s backed up!  What were the 4 P’s for easing constipation again, girls?”
“Peaches! And…” Savannah flipped through her notes.
“Plums.” Marianne finished, she’d been studying hard the past few days. “I have all of them in the pantry!”
“Open wide!!”
“Heeerre comesss the airpwannnne!!!”
“And the Choo-choo train!!”
“Gotta put the car in the garage!! Vroom vroom!!”
Spoonfuls of mush were coming from so many directions that Jack could hardly keep up. Actually, he couldn’t keep up at all. Sweet slop ran down the sides of his stuffed mouth, down his chin, and onto the bib that someone took the liberty of bringing for him.  
“Open! Open!” Savannah encouraged, but didn’t even wait for him to swallow before shoveling another spoonful into his already full mouth. Jack tried to close his lips around it, but some ended up getting pushed out from being over capacity. Savannah deftly caught what dripped down his drooly chin, and brought it back up for a second attempt. 
Jack’s stomach was groaning from the onslaught. The pureed ‘P’s’ were slishing and sloshing, making it full almost to the point of bursting, and the jars still had plenty of food left in them. Did Marianne know she bought such big containers? Maybe she didn’t intend them to all be used at once, but she sure wasn’t doing anything to stop them. In fact, she almost encouraged it. 
“I’ve been trying to get him to eat healthier,” Marianne laughed, “guess I just need to invite pretty girls over in order to get him to eat his fruit and veggies!!”
Jack wriggled helplessly in his high chair. The same one he’d built for himself just a few weeks prior. Marianne didn’t understand why he wanted to add restraints to it until this very moment. The way he was tugging them and whining with all that mush in his mouth made it quite necessary. She couldn’t tell if he was struggling just for show, or if he genuinely was in turmoil, but he didn’t use the safeword, so Marianne assumed all was well one way or another. She had to admit, he did look pretty adorable squirming around in that chair covered in mush. His white shirt was no longer plain.
“Hold still, little one!” Claire cooed, holding his head still from behind the chair while the girls forced even more spoonfuls into his mouth. “It’ll help you feel better! Help get your poo poo’s out!”
When they’d finally exhausted all four jam-sized jars of food and the girls cheered “alll gone!!” Jack was leaning back in his chair, mouth agape, groaning over his bloated belly. Trinity used the bib to mop up his face, Brooke and Savannah removed the restraints from his wrists and ankles, and Val lifted the tabletop. 
“Uh oh, girls!” Claire exclaimed, hand between Jack’s legs. “Feels like we’ve got a wet diaper!!”
Jack sat on the floor in his pissy pamper while the girls went over the different types of enemas. 
“Sodium Phosphate, Glycerin, Bisacodyl, Mineral Oil and…” Savannah snapped her fingers over and over, searching for the words, “…and…and…”
“It’s easier than you think,” Val said over her notes, checking off Savannah’s answers. 
“Oh! Tap water!” Savannah exclaimed, smacking her head in her own stupidity. 
“Which one do you use to stimulate colon contractions?”
“Bisacodyl!” She replied immediately with a satisfied smile, “Easy.”
They continued to go through their notes, making sure to cover everything with detail and then some before moving on to a new topic. 
Jack pretended to play with the little blocks and stuffed animals they gave him. It was demeaning and humiliating, but he decided it was better than protesting. He didn’t want to cause a scene or put Marianne in a precarious position where she would be forced to reprimand him, or worse, become too overwhelmed and embarrass herself in front of her peers. He’d asked for all of this, he could deal with it. His diaper was still warm from the piss he added to it a half hour ago. It squished as he shifted, but so did something else. His stomach was churning, doing backflips and giving that noticeable heavy grumble. He thought about asking Marianne if he could excuse himself to the restroom, but she seemed so busy and stressed going through her studies. When he tried to leave the room earlier so they could have their time to study in peace, the girls immediately asked “Where are you going?” and plopped him right back down on the floor where they could “keep an eye on him.” He was stuck in here.
He glanced from side to side, the girls were going over the active ingredients in different suppositories, not paying much attention to him at all. Now was as good of a time as ever. As quietly as he could, he clambered around onto his hands and knees, his heavy diaper drooping between his legs. This wasn’t the first time he’d crawled since they’d been around, (they made him do several laps proclaiming he was a pamper pisser earlier) so they didn’t seem to notice when he slowly crawled over into the corner. 
He just wanted a bit of privacy. It would be weird doing it in front of them. He thought one last time about asking Marianne if he could use the bathroom, but she was so busy with the girls he didn’t want to interrupt, especially to tell them what he needed to do. Plus, he was pretty sure he knew what their answer would be. So, instead, he brought his legs up into a crouch, squatting in the corner and trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. 
“Watcha doin’ over there?” Trinity’s voice called. 
Jack immediately flushed red. 
“Oh! I know that look!”
“Awww!! Is somewon twying to make a pushy??”
“Oh my god! He is!!”
“He’s doing the good ‘ole ‘squatty potty’!!!”
“I love how they think they can get away with it…pooping in the corner like a little tottler.”
Marianne didn’t say anything, just smiled sheepishly at her husband’s antics. She’d never seen her husband so embarrassed before. 
“Get out from over there!” Claire called, snapping her fingers and pointing back at the rug in the center of the room. “If you need to do your business, you will do it right here where we can all see you!”
Jack looked to Marianne for help, his face stricken with horror, but she simply gave a curt nod, the edges of her lips curling upwards. This is what he asked for, she told herself. 
His bottom lip started to quiver, but he tucked it underneath his teeth as he made his way back to the center of the room in front of the gaggle of girls. Jack could feel every set of eyes on him while he crouched in his diaper. It was so wet and plump that it practically reached the floor. The girls giggled and smiled, some covering their grins with their hands so as not to be “rude”. 
“Go on Jack Jack!” Val said, taking charge. 
“Yea!” The other girls said, joining in now. 
“Poop your pampers!”
“Make a pushy!”
“Go on, diaper dumper! Let’s see what you got!”
Jack clamped his eyes shut, hoping to block out all the sights and sounds, but it was futile, their incessant cackling reverberated around the room. 
There was only one thing he could do at this point, he had to get it over with. 
“Oh look! His face is turning red! I think he’s doing it!”
Jack’s face was already red long before from the embarrassment of it all, but now that he was pushing, the veins were popping from his head. He couldn’t hold back a grunt as his muscles clenched, then relaxed. The warmth caught him off guard, he was used to expelling the waste and it dropping through the air and into the water below. Now, it didn’t drop far at all, it just pressed back into him as the mush spread through the inside of his padding. Somehow, the girls noticed, either from the smell, or the much saggier bulge of his diaper. 
“Uh oh!! I think somewon has poo poo’s!!”
“Let’s check him!!”
“Not yet, he’s still going! Let’s let the wittle baby finish his business!”
Jack begrudgingly harrumphed and pushed out the remainder of his excrement. He tried to avoid their giggling gazes, but the eyes boring into him were tangible. Finally, he finished, but he didn’t know what he needed to do to convey the message. 
Thankfully, Marianne stepped in: “All done?” She asked, as if being married to him all this time gave her experience on his bowel movements. 
Jack nodded, still unable to drain the color in his cheeks. Marianne could see he had the strangest mixture of embarrassment, discomfort, and arousal. She found that more than a bit intriguing, not the act of defecating himself, but the fact that he was willing to utterly humiliate himself by doing it in front of all of these attractive people. Had he no shame? Or did he just revel in it? Either way, she found it fascinating.
“Tell us what you did.” Val said, a sadistic grin on her face. “Tell us what you did in your diaper.”
Jack looked side to side for help, but none came, not even from Marianne, who just gave him a curt nod, lips curling into a smile. 
“I…” Jack squeaked in the tiniest of voices, he was so humiliated he brought his hands to his face, rubbing his cheeks and squirming like an embarrassed toddler. “I went poo poo’s…”
“Louder!” Trinity commanded. 
His bottom lip quivered, his eyes got a little misty. “I went poo poo’s!!”
“In…in my diaper…”
“We can’t hear you!”
“I WENT POO POO’S IN MY DIAPER!!” he shouted. 
The girls continued making him humiliate himself. Forcing him to say it like a baby. To turn around and wiggle his droopy diaper for them. To stand up and swish his hips from side to side, causing the load to swing like a wrecking ball. 
“Should we…” Savannah started, “should we make him…?”  
All the girls seemed to know exactly what she meant, all except Marianne, so Claire leaned over and whispered in her ear. 
Marianne’s eyes widened a bit, but she didn’t shake her head. She seemed to be weighing options, keeping her eyes on Jack, considering his well-being. Finally, she shrugged and gave a nod in the affirmative. 
The girls collectively giggled and clapped. 
“Okay loser,” Val said, taking the lead, “Tell us: do you like your dirty diaper?”
Jack shrugged, eyes continuing to dart back and forth searching for help as to what to say. His mouth hung agape, but he didn’t seem to notice, drool leaking down his lips, he was so deep in little space. 
“Y-yes…” he said in a voice way too high-pitched for his age. 
“Say it.”
He hung his head, speaking to the floor. “I…i like my dirty diaper…”
The girls all exchanged glances and giggles. 
“Show us.”
Jack looked up, confused. “Wha?”
“Show us how much you like it.” Claire said. “Right there, on the floor.”
It took Jack only a second to register what she meant. It would have taken Marianne ages if it hadn’t just been explained to her. 
“N-no…” Jack begged, face welling up with crimson again, “please…”
“What?” Val cooed, “does the wittle baybee not want to make cummies in his dirty diapy?”
Jack instinctively grabbed his crotch. Even through the padding, Marianne could tell he was hard. If you would have told her her husband would be getting an erection inside of a poopy diaper while a group of girls laughed and ridiculed him, she would have laughed and ridiculed you. But no matter how red Jack’s face got, he certainly seemed to be enjoying himself.
“Lay down, Jack Jack.” Savannah commanded, “on your tummy.”
Despite his hesitation, he worked his quaking legs behind him, then lowered himself down on his belly, the mushy diaper crinkling as it was pressed against the floor, he looked up with doe eyes as he awaited further instruction. 
“You know what to do.” Trinity teased over the laughter of the other girls. “Show us what a big boy you are while you hump your dirty diapers!!”
Jack hung his head in shame, but used his arms to pull himself forward, squishing the mess into himself as his diaper ground against the ground. He visibly cringed, groaning as he wriggled his hips back and forth. 
The girls cackled with delight, even Marianne smiled at Jack’s shame. 
“Hump those Huggies, loser!”
“Pump those poopy pampers!”
“Tell us what you’re doing, diaper dumper!”
Jack was sweating in a mixture of shame and exertion, “I'm humping my poopy diapers!” He repeated over and over as he ground his hips even harder. 
They clapped and cheered and teased him with every thrust. 
“He’s really getting after it!”
“So horny and desperate!”
“See? All these little losers are the same!”
The girls had discussed with Marianne beforehand that anything they said was purely for degradation purposes. They didn’t think ill of her husband, or even care for that matter, they were just playing their part. 
“Tell us when you’re going to cum, loser!”
“Ask us for permission!”
It didn’t take long. Less than 10 seconds since they’d given the command, Jack was blubbering in a pitiful puddle on the floor. “Can I cum? Can i cum please??”
“Call us ‘Goddesses’!”
“And it’s ‘goo goo’ to you!”
Jack moaned and mewed, digging his dirty diaper in the rug. “Nnghhh! Can i make a…goo goo…in my… diapy…Goddesses??”
“No.” Val said without the slightest hint of sympathy. “Lift up.”
Whining and whimpering, Jack reluctantly raised his filthy diaper off the floor. 
“Keep humping.” Savannah said. “But don’t touch the ground.”
Jack was on all fours, humping the air like a desperate bitch. Swishing his hips back and forth and making the dirty droopy diaper swing to and fro. The girls found this to be one of the funniest things they’d ever seen. They continued to make him put on this ridiculous display for almost a full minute. 
“Rub it!” They commanded, making him push his hand into his crotch and stroke it through his padding. 
“PLEASE may I cum, Goddesses?” He was desperate, shouting and whimpering with no regard for how pathetic he looked. 
If Marianne had it her way, she would have let him, but instead she decided to let the girls take the reins. 
“Absolutely not.” Trinity barked. “Get back on your belly.”
They let him simmer down for a bit before having him resume his humiliating humping. 
“Suck your thumb.”
“Babble like a baybee!”
Jack was a blubbering mess on the floor while he mushed his mess with his hips. 
“Turn over.”
He flipped on his back. 
“Raise your hips up. Hump the air.”
It seemed to be a never ending string of humiliations, one after the other. With each bout of Jack being brought to the edge, the girls made him stop and get in a different position. 
“Ple-he-hease!!” Jack begged, actual tears leaking down his face. “Can i make goo goo’s and get out of this dirty diapy?”
The girls seemed to show sympathy for the first time, if only slightly.
“On your back.” Trinity said once more. “You’re not making a goo goo. Not yet, anyway. But you can get out of that disgusting diaper.”
Jack sighed, but did as he was told. 
The girls all turned to Marianne. “Are you ready to change him?”
It was Marianne’s turn to flush. She’d never changed a dirty diaper before. Not that she didn’t know how, but because she never thought she was ready to take on such a task. 
Claire placed a comforting hand on hers, sensing Marianne’s trepidation. “It’s okay, we’ll be right here with you.”
Marianne took a long, steady breath, trying to find her courage. This was something her husband had wanted for a long time. She wanted to share that moment with him, even if she didn’t quite feel ready. But when would she ever be ready? It’s hard to get up the nerve to see your husband splayed out in his own filth, much less clean it up yourself. If there was a time to do it, it would be right now when she had her friends—if you could call them that—by her side, helping her through it. She let out a long, hefty sigh, putting on her Mommy voice. 
“Okay sweetheart!” She chimed, managing to keep her cadence from shaking, “it’s time to change your diaper!!”
To Be Continued
Chapter 4 is now live on SubStar, with Chapter 5 coming soon! Get your tickets now before the infinite supply sells out! But wait! There's more! Get full access to all 167 of my short stories and chapters, exclusive captions, and even your own custom captions if you subscribe to the Silver tier or higher! What are you waiting for? This offer only lasts for the next 58 years (or however long it takes me to die), so join now!!
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aritsukemo · 2 months
Paradise | Chapter Two - Trainer Sakonji Urokodaki | KNY
Summary: After a terrifying encounter, Sakonji Urokodaki makes an appearance.
Warnings: Depictions of blood ahead! Decapitation ( A demon's head get kicked off ) so read with caution if this puts you off/makes you uncomfortable!
A/N: Decided that I'm going to post this story over on here too so here's chapter two! Feedback and comments are highly appreciated! <3
Tagging: @overluvsick, @nursedflowers, @jspidey5 + anyone else who wants to be tagged!
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
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Third Person Pov
 "Excuse me. Would it be okay if I took that basket, straw, and some bamboo?" Tanjiro asked a farmer.
 "Sure, feel free to have it," The farmer said, "But that basket's full of holes."
 "That's alright. Here, I'll pay you for it," Tanjiro said, beginning to reach for the coins in his pocket when the farmer urges him to halt.
 "No, that's all right. Like I said, the basket's full of holes," The farmer shakes his head, "You can have the bamboo and straw for free too."
 "I'm still paying you!" Tanjiro shouts, an expression of unneeded determination playing on his face, much to the farmer's dismay.
 "I said it's okay, you stubborn kid!" And just then, Tanjiro grabs the farmer's wrist and slams the coins down in his hand. The man yells out in pain.
 "Please accept this, although it's just small change!" He shouts. He then grabs the basket, some straw and bamboo, and runs away, leaving the man to hold his stinging hand and writhe in pain.
 "Thank you very much!"
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 "She really dug a hole.." Tanjiro mumbled under his breath at the sight of his sister peeking at him from where she sits in her self-dug hole, her brows creased from discomfort.
 "Is she a mole now?"
 "Don't be an idiot," Y/n butt in, "She's hiding from the sunlight," Upon hearing that, Tanjiro's brows knit together, his eyes wearing his sympathy for all to see. He then suddenly gets on his feet, yelling out a quick 'Hold on!' before turning back to the basket, straw, and bamboo.
 "What do you plan to do with.." As Y/n watched Tanjiro work, her tongue fails her and the urge to finish her sentence dies. With quick movements, Tanjiro chops the bamboo and begins to twist and tie them around the basket, slowly covering each and every hole until the entire basket is covered in a bamboo pattern.
Once he puts the final touches of weaving the straw into basket straps, he gets up and walks past Y/n and into the cave where he kneels before Nezuko and presents her the basket.
 "Do you think you can fit inside this? I want to keep moving during the day so I'll carry you in this," He says to her before pointing at the inside and speaking slowly, "..Can you fit? ..In here? The basket?"
After a moment passes, Nezuko finally crawls out of the hole and into the basket. Unfortunately, only her head can fit inside. The sight makes Tanjiro frown initially, but a smile soon replaces it.
 "She's gotten so big.. Seems like yesterday that she was tiny," And then it clicks. Tanjiro gasps at his own realization befor speaking once again, "Hey, Nezuko. Remember how you became big like an adult earlier? Do you think you can do the opposite? Can you get smaller?"
Giving her encouraging pats on the back, Y/n stares at the sight with skepticism. To her, it's a miracle that she's even understanding what he's saying so quickly after transforming, but to further her surprise, Nezuko seems to listen. Grabbing onto the basket, she gets onto her knees and dips head first into the basket. The basket tilts uprigt and rocks and Tanjiro quickly grabs the edges to steady it, allowing the demon girl to slide the rest of her body in with ease and roll over so that she sits up in the basket, revealing her face which looks noticeably younger. Tanjiro beams in awe.
 "Good job, Nezuko! I'm impressed!" He says as he pats her head. Y/n simply stares at the sight as she walks further into the cave and up to them, tossing him a large blanket. Tanjiro blinks at the blanket before looking up at her, confused.
 "I got it from someone while you were gone. Tie it over the basket so that the sunlight can't reach her," She says. Tanjiro nods his head.
After doing as she instructed Tanjiro slides on the straps and stands to his feet, a small huff escaping him from the newfound weight on his back. He then nods to Y/n that he's ready and the two begin walking towards the cave's exit until..
 "Hey," Tanjiro stops, looking back to see Y/n looking over her shoulder at Sumiko, who's sitting in silence past the hole and against the wall; the area farthest from the cave's exit where the blinding sunlight seeps in.
 "What are you waiting for? If you expect me to carry you like I did before, don't. That was a one time thing. Get up," She says. But the girl doesn't budge from her spot, simply staring with furrowed brows.
Y/n grits her teeth, her eyes beginning to twitch a little as she turns on her heel. She walks, avoiding the hole, and leans down where she grabs Sumiko by the arm and roughly snatches her up, "I said..get up!" The younger girl tries to resist by twisting her body and flailing around, but all it ends up doing is make Y/n nearly rip her arm off dragging her.
 "Try not to be so rough with her," Tanjiro says as he watches Y/n walk up and past him, "Sometimes rough treatment is needed. Especially when she's being unneccessarily..difficult!" And with that, Y/n tosses Sumiko out of the cave, ignorning the uncharacteristically loud cry she lets out as she rolls on the ground. 
 "Y/n! You're going too far!" Tanjiro runs past Y/n and up to Sumiko. He crouches on his knee, his touch as light as a feather's as he pulls her. His brows knit together as he takes note of her trembling body.
 "Are you okay? You're shaking.. Did you hit your head?" Questions fly from Tanjiro's lips, but none of them get answered. He opens his mouth to ask more questions but as he finally catches a glimpse at Sumiko's face, every question he wants to ask slip from his brain. His eyes slowly widen.
Sumiko, who was known for her silent and absent nature, was staring down at her hands and panting loudly as if she'd just ran a marathon. Her eyes shoot upwards to look at the sky in a frenzy, her face looking as if she just dodged getting struck by lightning..
 "Hey.." Tanjiro grips her shoulder, her reaction is intense; her body noticeably tensing as she looks at him. It only concerns the boy even more, "Are you alright?" He asks, but again, she doesn't answer and simply stares at him, her chest rising and falling at a fast rate.
 "She's fine," Y/n says, yet her gaze lingers on her sister as she walks up to them, only looking away when she's makes up behind Tanjiro, "The next town is closer to the mountain so if we want somewhere more comfortable to sleep tonight, we need to leave now."
 "But.." Tanjiro's words evaporate in his throat as Y/n gives him no time to argue and walks right past the two of them, "..Alright. Let's go, Sumiko.."
Standing to his feet, Tanjiro helps Sumiko up and then grabs her hand. Her reaction is less intense this time and she isn't practically flinching away from him like she was seconds ago. That's good, he thinks. He decides then to take one final glance down at her. When he does, he notices the way her bangs cast a shadow over her face, making her paled irises stand out more. The light reflecting off of them is dimmer, yet her flowery pupils shine strong. It makes him feel this slight stir in his chest; an almost sting feeling akin to unease.  It leaves him confused, why is he feeling this way right now? Why does looking at her now feel off?
..Oh well, he doesn't have the time to dwell on it right now. Y/n's already so far ahead.
Giving the girl a gentle, reassuring squeeze to her hand, Tanjiro begins following after Y/n. He doesn't run after her despite the distance between them. Sumiko's still a little shaken so it would be best to take things slow for a while, he thinks.
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 "The sun's about to set. Are you sure you want to head up the mountain with all that luggage? And with your little sister as well.." A woman asked the group when they were about to past by her home. The evening skies shining on her gentle features as her child skipped up to her.
 "We'll make sure to be careful," Tanjiro bows his head. Y/n does too, but bends less than Tanjiro does, "Thank you for the concern."
 "..Try not to lose your way. People have gone missing up there lately!"
As the group hikes up the mountain in silence, the oldest two's minds keep drifting back to that conversation—well, Y/n's does more than Tanjiro. As the cicadas and crickets sing their tunes to welcome the dark, starless sky, feet patter in a rhythm against the rocky ground until they come to an abrupt stop.
 "There's a temple over there," Tanjiro's the first to break the silence, "There's light leaking through, so someone must be there. Let's check it out," His eyes drift over to Nezuko, who left the basket soon after the sun disappeared from the sky and had been walking hand in hand with her older brother. He then glances over at Sumiko and Y/n, who were hand in hand and staring at him with skeptical looks, although, it was mainly the latter. Alas, before she can even open her mouth to speak, the painfully familiar scent of death strikes Tanjiro and his brows dip.
 "I smell blood!" He immediately begins running, "This mountain path is pretty rough. Someone must've gotten hurt!" He says in a hurry, already making his way up the steps with Nezuko in tow.
 "Hey! Tanjiro! Wait!" Y/n runs after him, "We don't know that for sure!" She runs up the stairs with Sumiko following closely behind her, now running down the stony path that leads to the temple, "You need to be more cautious!"
 "But if someone really is injured, we gotta help them!" And with that, Tanjiro makes it up to the door and slides it open, "Are you alright?" He shouts only for his heart to drop when his eyes spot the man crouched over in the corner.
A gasp leaves his lips. Loud squelching vibrates throughout the small temple. Tanjiro's eyes widen and the basket slowly slides off his shoulders, hitting the ground with a soft thud. Y/n eyes the corpses stuffed in in the corner. One body bent and torn open, allowing the crimson to seep out and stain their clothes as well as the clothes of the others lying underneath them. The others are cut up in other ways, parts of flesh missing as the sickening noise of chomping paints a perfect picture of what happened.
 "Eh? What the hell? This is my turf," The gruff mumbles are heard, but barely comprehended as the male responsible slowly turns his head, his dark green hair moving to reveal his angry, slitted eyes. His unnaturally paled, grayed skin that has been painted by the red blood of his victims, and his fangs that are so drenched in the same color to the point it drips from and down the corners of his mouth..
 "If you break into my territory, I'll make ya' pay the price!" Tanjiro's eyes slowly look between the man-eating demon and the bodies behind him. Nezuko's eyes haven't left the corpses. The sight tantalizing her so much that drool drips from her muzzle like a faucet that has started to leak. The demon gives his stained fingers a lick, doing little to rid it of the blood due to the fact that his tongue is coated in the disgusting-smelling liquid. Y/n grits her teeth, the tips of her fingers beginning to tingle and the tips of her toes starting to shake. The urge to move being overriden by fear. Sumiko simply seems horrified by the sight before her.
 "There's something off about you guys," The demon grumbles as he stood up, his muscular frame becoming all the more apparent. Tanjiro takes a step back, "Are all of ya' really human?"
Silence. As they stare each other down, it's as if the nighttime noises come to a halt. The singular candle light illuminating the dingy temple walls flickers. The fire disperses and darkness quickly seeps in. As it reaches the farthest depths of the temple and shrouds the corpses in darkness, the demon seems to disappear from sight.
A wind of warning blows and in an instant everything happens at once. Sumiko throws her body into her older sister and the two tilt out of the way just in time for the demon to go soaring at Tanjiro.
As the two fly back together, the boy moves quick. With a strong swing of his now uncovered hatchet, the demon's sent flying back with his neck sliced open and his blood spraying in every which way. Tanjiro lands, back sliding roughly into the stone path while as the demon swiftly recovers with a mid-air flip and lands on his feet.
As his hands comes up to catch the blood dripping from his throat, the temple demon lets out a guttural laugh, his eyes glancing upwards to look at Tanjiro, "A hatchet, huh? Not a bad choice, but a scratch like this should heal in no time!" And as those words leave his mouth in a throaty yell, the blood stops dripping and the wound closes, much to Tanjiro's horror.
Y/n sits up, realizing her sister's smaller arms are still caged around her waist. She looks back, surprise evident on her face. Sumiko stares over her shoulder at the demon, her flowery pupils nowehere to be found as she stares at the demon with a hardened, slitted gaze and gripping onto Y/n's clothes tightly, restricting the girl's movements. Nezuko stays glued in her spot, staring at the corpses in the temple with hungry eyes as drool continues to drip down her chin.
Slowly, Tanjiro sits up and readies his hatchet, but he's slammed down in an instant. The demon now towers over him, holding him down by neck whilst holding down his hand that holds his hatchet.
 "He's fast and unbelievibly strong too!" Tanjiro thinks as the mocking grunt of the demon's voices forces it's way into his eardrums, "You won't get me twice!"The demon says before laughing again, "Now, I'm going to snap your neck!"
As his grip on Tanjiro's neck tightens even more, the boy grits his teeth as the air in his lungs slowly fades. Y/n grabs Sumiko's shoulder and attempts to push her off but to no avail. When did she get so strong? Or maybe Y/n's just hallucinating her strength so that she has an excuse not to move. Either way, the smaller girl clings to her with no intent on letting her go.
 "Shit," Y/n mentally curses. Luckily, a certain demon answers her prayers. Finally snapping from her trance, Nezuko turns and runs around, meeting at a point where she then pulls back and kicks the demon's head clean off it's shoulders. The head goes speeding head into a tree where it collides with it and splatters it's blood on it.
Tanjiro stares at the sight, mouth agape as he looks up at the headless body above him. It falls onto him and Tanjiro immediately pushes it off of him with a frantic yell before looking up at his sister.
 "She- She killed him!" Tanjiro thought, unbeknownst of the body twitching to life behind him, "Wait, he's a demon, so.." Slowly, the demon's body leans over, it's claws getting threateningly close to Tanjiro's head..
 "Tanjiro!" Y/n finally finds the strength to push her sister off of her, "Watch—!" Before she can even get the words out, Nezuko kicks the demon's body away with her foot, causing it to go rolling into another tree a little away from them with a harsh thud.
 "I don't believe this! Did he just move without a head?" Tanjiro thought, his face still displaying his surprise and fear. Y/n runs over to them, Sumiko following closely behind her. She passes by Nezuko and crouches down to inspect Tanjiro before looking over at Nezuko, her face furrowing at her.
 "You bastards!" Everyone's attention snaps over in the direction of the voice. The head of the demon stares, angry and flashing his fanged teeth like a hostile animal as he speaks, "One of you is a demon after all? I knew you gave off a weird vibe!"
 "Traitor! What's a demon doing teaming up with a bunch of humans?" He spat, Tanjiro looks at him as if he'd grown multiple heads, "He's actually talking!" 
Suddenly, Sumiko spots the demon's body running towards them. As the body jumps into the air, twisting and twitching it's limbs in all kinds of freakish ways, she jumps to both move herself out of the way and to push Y/n away which causes the older girl to go tumbling into Tanjiro. As the force of the body's landing causes the dust to scattering wildly, Tanjiro loses sight of his sister momentarily before she comes fumbling out of the small dust storm.
Before she can collect herself, the demon swings at her. She throws her hands up to block the punch only for the body to grab her by the arms, "Nezuko!" Tanjiro cries, pushing Y/n up before reaching for his hatchet, "Stop it!" He shouts, standing and running towards the body with clumsy movements.
 "Tanjiro, look out!" Y/n warns just in time for Tanjiro to spin around and block the demon's head, which had sprouted arms and leaped at him. The demon's head chomps down on the metal blade of the hatchet and grips Tanjiro by the shoulders where he digs his nails in.
Tanjiro grits his teeth, looking back to see his sister being kicked around. As he shouts her name again, Sumiko goes running to her rescue. The body roughly grabs Nezuko by the shoulder just as Sumiko jumps on it's back. She scratches and bites at it's skin, but it does little damage to the body and only makes it twists and flail widly.
 "Dummy! Don't try to be the hero!" Y/n yells as she gets up and begins to run over to them whilst Nezuko smacks the demon's hand away and lands a kick to the body's side. Alas, it tanks the kick and grabs her ankle. It digs it's claws into the skin of her ankle before reaching back with it's other hand and grabbing Sumiko by the collar of her haori, tossing her away as if she weighed nothing. She goes hurdling into Y/n and the two go tumbling back and to the ground while Nezuko ends up getting thrown into the forest with the demon's body jumping after her.
 "No!" Tanjiro yells, but his attention is diverted as the demon's head begins to wrap himself around Tanjiro's hatchet using it's hair, "What's the deal with this guy?" The demon's hair grows even more and slowly wraps around Tanjiro's wrist, "I don't have time for this. I gotta save Nezuko!"
Suddenly, Tanjiro grabs fistfuls of green strands and throws his head back, "Out of my way!" He yells. Slamming his head into the demon's with a force powerful enough to cause a large dent and his eyes twitch every which way.
 "This kid.." Tanjiro grabs him by the hair again and yanks him in, "His head is..as hard as a rock!" With another painful headbutt, the demon is completely discombobulated. Tanjiro waste no time to grab the handle of his hatchet and toss it. The demon, still attached to the hatchet, goes spinning until the blade catches in a tree, prefectly trapping the head in place.
As the head grumbles incomprehensible words to himself, Tanjiro turns to Y/n and Sumiko, "I'm going after Nezuko, watch the head in case it tries to escape," Y/n opens her mouth to respond, but before she can get her words out, Tanjiro runs off. To her surprise, Sumiko gets up and runs after him.
 "Sumiko! What do you think you're doing?" Y/n staggers to her feet. She glances over at the demon head and they lock eyes. She then turns back towards the forest and grits her teeth, "'Dammit.."
She runs after Sumiko and Tanjiro, her regret already beginning to build as she enters the dark forest.. 
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 "Nezuko! Where are you?" Panting and sweating, Tanjiro looks around in a frenzy, his eyes scanning everything left and right in a hast as he tries to spot his sister in the darkness. Nezuko's nowhere to be found. He decides to sprint further into the forest.
Weaving around trees and through bushes, he finally spots Nezuko and the demon's body in a clearing. He watches as the body kicks her to the ground and he immediately speeds up his pace.
 "Nezuko!" He yells, before letting out a drawled out shout at the headless demon body, "Stop it..!" When he's finally close enough, Tanjiro tackles the demon. The force causes the two to go flying..right off the edge. As the ground disappears from under him, revealing the large drop below, Tanjiro's heart drops to his stomach.
As a yell falls from his lips, his descent is quickly cut short. Two hands reach to grab the back of his clothes and his body halts in it's descent to the bottom, leaving him dangling over the edge. The demon's body slips through Tanjiro's grasp and hurdles to the ground where it lands neck-first on the rocky floor. It jolts as if it's been struck by lightning and shivers before finally falling limp.
Tanjiro cranes his neck to look up at his savior and sees both Nezuko and Sumiko. The two together pull him up and he lets out breaths of relief just as Y/n arrives..
 "What happened? Where's the demon's body?" She asks upon seeing Nezuko safe. Tanjiro, heart racing and still panting, says in a choked voice, "Down there.." He points over the edge and Y/n walks over and peers over, spotting the motionless body at the bottom.
 "I almost fell over the edge myself if it weren't for Nezuko and Sumiko catching me," Tanjiro says. Y/n looks back at them, her eyes lingering on Sumiko, a feeling foreboding unease forming at the pit of her stomach..
 "Is that so.."
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Metal slides against wood as the small knife is pulled from it's scabbard. Tanjiro takes a small step forward, knife in hand and his dark, red eyes trained on the demon's head before him.
After the events that transpired on the cliff, everyone had returned to the temple. The demon was still suspended against the tree, unconscious. Y/n had made the suggestion to destroy it since it was too dangerous to leave it until sunrise. The person who took upon the heavy task however, was debatably the softest of the group; Tanjiro.
As he stands before the green-haired monster with the knife in hand, he seems hesitant. Teeth clenched as he takes the smallest steps towards the tree, "I wonder if there's tons of demons out there," He finds himself thinking.
 "This demon doesn't have the same scent as the one who attacked my home, even so.." The rhythm of his chest as it rises and falls seems to pick up in pace and his haggard breaths seem to get louder with each passing second, "..Even so, I gotta finish it off. Otherwise, it'll attack and kill more people.."
Skeptical hues watch the boy heave and narrow at him when a few more seconds pass and nothing happens. At this rate, the sun will come up before he does anything. That wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, but if it wakes up before that happens and manages to free itself..
 "Let me do it," Y/n offers, beginning to outstretch her hand to him when Tanjiro immediately follows with rejection, "No! I- I can do this.."
Do it. Can he do this? His breathing gets quicker and shorter the more he thinks about, "I can do this. I gotta do this.. Do it," Do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, do it. All he has to do is--
A rough hand grips his shoulder. Tanjiro shoulders tense upon contact. That hand didn't feel like any of the girls', he thinks. His breath hitching as he spin around to see—!
..A..goblin mask?
 "You can't finish it off with that weapon," The masked man said, his voice grating and amplified by the depth of his voice, making it sound like a statue being dragged against concrete.
 "I couldn't hear his footsteps at all.." Y/n stares at the masked man with wide eyes, too focused on her revelation to notice that her little sister had moved in front of her and Nezuko, her eyes narrowed and her arms outstretched in front of them as if to keep them separated from him.
 "H- How can I finish him off?" Tanjiro dares to ask, jumping a little when the man suddenly raises his voice, "Don't ask me! You have a brain for a reason, don't you?" He tells him. Y/n was tempted to intervene. And she tries to do just that.
 "Who—!" She begins only to immediate be silenced by the man's raised voice, "Don't get involved. He needs to figure this out himself," Y/n's focus had long shifted from the demon stuck to the tree. She was much more concerned with who this man was. Why did he seem so familiar? Has she seen that mask before?
Then Tanjiro suddenly walks away. She blinks and her eyes follow him, watching as he walks over to a nearby tree, grabs a rather large rock with both hands, and walks back over to them with the obvious intent of curshing the head completely.
But can he do it? As he stands before the demon's head again, he only manages to take a few steps towards it before freezing. He stares it down, cold sweat rolling down his face and damp brows scunching as his breathing slowly picks up again and his hands begin to tremble, "To crush his skull completely, I'd have to beat his head in multiple times. It'll hurt him a lot, he'll suffer greatly.. Isn't there any other way? Is it possible to kill him in one blow?" He bites his lip, eyes darkened with his rising guilt. The masked man watches in silence, taking in Tanjiro's scent..
 "This kid isn't going to cut it. He's facing a demon who's likely killed hundreds, and yet, a scent of guilt clings to him. He shows empathy for even a demon. He isn't going to make it, Giyu.."
Suddenly, the demon regains consciousness. His eyes snap open, small pupils beginning to dart around. He looks down at his hands and then his body—or more like his lack of a lower body. Finally, he looks up and notices Tanjiro and he grits his teeth and swats at him, yelling, "You bastard, I'll kill ya'! I swear, when I get free, I'll devour ya'!"
As threat after threat falls from his toothy mouth, the morning rays begin to peak through the trees, stealing Tanjiro's attention completely as he turns his head to look a the sight of the sun rising in the horizen, "I faltered for too long.."
As the gentle rays slowly light up the area, the demon holds his arms up; a feeble attempt at protection that's quickly proven to be futile because as soon as those soft rays creep up and touch his paled, gray skin, it sets an intense fire to it that spreads all over in a blink of an eye. The demon lets out a painful screech and in an instant, he's gone. Cindered and burned to ash and swept away in the wind. Tanjiro drops the rock as his hand shoots up to cover his agape mouth, his eyes widening in horror.
 "It only took that much sunlight? No wonder Nezuko's so terrified of it!" And just as that thought crossed his mind, he's finally forced back down to earth. He looks around, no ones standing behind him. Panic shoots through his veins. Where..
 "Nezuko?" Is who he first calls out to, only to be met with terrifying silence, "Nezuko?" He calls again, this time more urgently as he slowly stumbles back before he turns and takes off in a full sprint. He runs over to the temple, leaps up the steps, where he's met with—!
..Nezuko's head peaking out from the bamboo basket, the thick blanket he used to cover her before being draped over her head, leaving only her scrunched brows and frowning eyes visible. Sumiko sits beside the basket, closest to the dark corner of the temple. A matching look of discomfort on her face. Her head propped up on her knees which are squeezed together and against her chest with her arms caged around her legs as if she was trying to shrink into herself.
Tanjiro's whole body relaxes. As if a pile of rocks had been lifted off his shoulders, his grin is lazy as a sense of ease overcomes him, "Thank goodness," He finds himself mumbling aloud. And it's only then, when his nervousness falls flat, that he remembers the masked man.
 "I wonder where he disappeared to.." He finds himself walking down the wooden steps and over to the side of the hut. The masked man is there, kneeled over handmade graves of dirt. Y/n stands just a little behind him, although she's standing tall and her arms are crossed against her chest.
 "So he buried the people who were killed.." Tanjiro walks closer, stopping besides Y/n who takes a glance at him before returning her eyes to the masked man who had begun to stand up.
 "I'm Sakonji Urokodaki," He tells them, "I'm assuming you are the ones Giyu Tomioka sent my way."
 "Yes! My name is Tanjiro Kamado!" Tanjiro exclaims. He gestures at Y/n, "This is my sister, Y/n!" His hand points left towards the hut, "Our sisters' names are Nezuko and.."
 "Tanjiro," Urokodaki's sharp voice cuts his introduction short, "What will you do if your sister devours a human?" The questions flies at him, but he's unable to catch it in time. His eyes widen, so does Y/n's. They both watch him then spin on his heel and walk closer to them, unable to react before a firm smack is landed on Tanjiro's cheek.
If this were any other situation, Y/n would've flew to protect him, fussing up a storm. Alas, as she stares at Tanjiro, watching him raise his hand to his reddening cheek, she takes a small step back, her hands halfway up, not knowing whether to put them up to protect her face in case of a similar event happening to her or to stay at her sides and be ready to run at a moment's notice.
 "Too slow! You're too slow at making decisions! That's why you failed to finish off that demon before daybreak!" He shouts, "Do you know why you couldn't answer my question right away?" He asks, "It's because your resolve is too weak!"
 "There are two things you should do if your sister devours a human. Kill you sister, then you and everyone else you're traveling with must slit their own bellies and die! That's the gamble you're taking for traveling with your sister who's become a demon!"
 "But that must never happen, no matter what! Your sister..taking the life of an innocent person.. That's the one thing that must never happen. Ever!" He turns away from him, "Do you understand what I'm saying?" The question flies at him and this time, Tanjiro's able to ctch it and respond with a resounding, "Yes!"
 "All right then. Now, I'm going to test you to see if you're fit to become a member of the Demon Slayer Corps. Carry your sister on your back and follow me—!" Before he can completely finish his sentence, Y/n shouts out, "Me too!"
Both Tanjiro and Urokodaki turn to her, the latter noticing the conflicted look in her eyes quicker than the former, "..Test me too!" She tells the man, "I'll show you better than Tanjiro or anyone else that I'm worthy of becoming a demon slayer!"
 "Huh?" Tanjiro stares at her, his eyes wide and sharpened by the shock of her words. Urokodaki's facial expression is unknown due to the red goblin-like mask he wears, "Very well then, grab your sisters and follow me."
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The sun's rays were harsh and did nothing but intensify the burning heat in the air. Amidst this uncomfortable air, Tanjiro runs as fast as he can, lungs having long started burning in his chest and face drenched in sweat as he looks on in awe at Urokodaki, who was a ways ahead of him and seemed to be doing completely fine.
 "He's so fast! How old is he anyways?" He thought to himself, feeling rather bewildered as he further thought, "And just like earlier, I can't hear his footsteps at all! How is that possible?"
His thoughts drifted, "Nezuko, I know this must be uncomfortable for you, but please be patient with me! ..Well, I suppose being patient was all you ever had," A scene begins to play in his mind. Nezuko sits on one of the floors of their home, her damaged kimono in hand, yet he remembers the kind smile on her face clearly..
 "You're fixing your kimono again? I guess we'll have to buy you a new one," He remembers himself saying that to her only for her to immediately look back with a raised hand, "No, no! It's fine!" She told him cheerily, "This kimono is my favorite!"
 "Besides, I'd rather use that money to get more food to fill our siblings' bellies!"
His heaving becomes just a tad bit worse and his haggard breaths leaving his lips in loud puffs. Tanjiro closes his eyes shut, eyes beginning to well with tears, "I swear to you Nezuko, I'll turn you back into a human. And when I do, I'll buy you a beautiful kimono!"
 "I promise, everything I couldn't do for the others, I'll do it all for you!"
In that moment, a small gush of wind gently hits his clothes, and if they weren't already flailing in the wind, that sudden blow of wind would've probably blew his sleeve every which way. His eyes slowly open, his lashes flicking the tears along his waterline and the wind blowing them away and clearing the slight blur in his vision. He catches the sight of the backs of Y/n and Sumiko, the sight of the latter leaving him much more surprised than the former.
Y/n's eyes glance at her little sister where they narrow before their forced back to the road ahead of her. Sumiko doesn't seem to notice the stares from either of them. She seems to be in her own zone; and yet, she seems oddly focused. Her once dim, dead hues glinting with tiny orbs of life. It felt as if her eyes had been replaced altogether.
But no one said a word to her, too focused on not losing sight of the silent man ahead of them who seemed to be increasing the distance between them with every passng moment..
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Sweat drips from Tanjiro's forehead and onto the gravel below. He's crouched over, hands on his knees as he pants, sucking in air and relishing in the feeling of it gradually filling his lungs. Sumiko is on the ground, leg kicked up as she also heaves in gusps of air. Y/n stands—a little more composed than the both of them—hands on her hips as her shoulders rise and fall in a steady motion, her panting quiet and controlled.
 "N- Now, have I.. Have we.." Tanjiro couldn't barely get his words out from how much his lungs were burning from the torture they just endured. Every word that left him felt like burning fire in his throat and mouth, "..Did we..pass the test?"
Urokodaki—who seemed to be the only one not out of breath—took his time to reply as he neared a small hut and slid the front door open. He grabs a hold of the self-made handwrap on his head and yanks the cloth off in one fell swoop, revealing his short, sliver strands that hid underneath and the thick black band that's tied neatly at the back of his head, keeping his red mask in place.
 "The test starts now," He said simply, "We'll be climbing a mountain." Tanjiro could feel his heart drop like a lump in his chest and his face forms into a look of dread. Sumiko, who still has sweat dripping down her face, slowly stands to her feet. Y/n simply looks on, her breathing stablized at this point.
After that, Urokodaki guided Tanjiro to lay Nezuko down in the hut, "I'll make sure to take care of your sister," He told him from where he stood at the door, "Both of them," He specified further. Yet, as those words left his lips, he felt a grip on his sleeve. He looks down and Sumiko's staring up at him, face hardened and her eyes filled with this unknown fire, it was certainly an odd sight that Y/n noticed.
 "Hey," She called, "Don't get any funny ideas. You're staying here."
 "N- No!" She couldn't believe it, neither could Tanjiro as he whipped his head around to look back where he locks eyes with her starry blues, "..What?" Was what ended up leaving Y/n's lips, her previous sentence having slipped from her mind before it could be said.
 "I said, no!" Sumiko repeated loudly, a stark contrast to her actual voice which was soft and delicate, "I'm going too! I want to be a swordsman!"
 "What the hell are you talking about?" Y/n mumbled, her vexed-sounding voice raised by surprise, although it only made her sound like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. That fact is only proven further when her voice immediately shoots up and becomes more and more aggressive, "You could barely walk until a few weeks ago and you think you can become a swordsman? Give me a fucking—!"
 "Very well," Urokodaki's guff voice cut her off smoothly, like flowing water swaying away a pointy rock, "Then the three of you, follow me," He turns on his heel and begins walking away, "Hey, wait!" Y/n yells after him, quickly following pursuit, "What the hell do you think you're doing, old man!"
Tanjiro stumbles to his feet and runs out the door, following after them, "Y/n! Don't be rude!"
Sumiko stands there for a moment, her eyes looking over and landing on Nezuko's sleeping form. The gaze of hers looked out of place on her usually calm face and her eyes seemed to tell so many unknown things, yet nothing at all. It was peculiar, but still held the fading sense of familiarity with how distant they looked. It was a forgone look that anyone would get lost in trying to figure out. Another moment passes, Sumiko turns and sprints out the door and in the direction the others went, leaving Nezuko to sleep as the sky slowly began to fall to darkness.
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The night was loud with ominous chirps of the many bugs and rodents on the mountain. Feet softly crunched down on leaves and grass in an uncordinated rhythm. A fog surrounds the group, making everything around them look faded and dank. Among the group, Tanjiro seemed the most visibly uncomfortable. His brows knitted together on his forehead, his mouth open to suck in as much air as he could.
 "I'm so exhausted," He thought to himself, "My legs are starting to buckle. I'm starting to feel dizzy, too.."
Sumiko walked alongside her sister. Y/n would occasionally glance at her, taking in every twinge and twitch her face made from discomfort, yet she never said anything to comfort her as if silently saying, "Hmph, serves you right".
Suddenly, Urokodaki stops in his tracks, making everyone do the same, "Now, from here, go back down to the house at the foot of the mountain," He instructed, before adding in a rather pointed tone, "This time, I won't wait until daybreak!"
And then, he fades away in the fog and disappears completely right before their eyes like some kind of illusion come to life. None of them take it too much to mind though.
 "Is that all we have to do?" Tanjiro thought to himself, "I see.. He thinks we might get lost in this thick fog. But, we just have to get back down before daybreak, right?" He begun to smile to himself, a big air of confidence beginning to swirl around him,"This'll be easy! Afterall, I've already memorized Mr. Urokodaki's scent!"
 "I hope you're confident in your abilities because no one's going to baby you up here," A snarky comment is made behind him, but it seems that it wasn't directed at him. He looks over his shoulder. Y/n's turned to Sumiko, her arms crossed against her chest as she continues, "If you get hurt then it sucks to be you. And, don't even think of asking either of us to carry or do anything else for you, got it?"
Sumiko simply nods her head. 
 "Don't worry, this is actually pretty easy," Tanjiro spoke up in which they both look over in his direction, "With my sense of smell, we don't have anything to worry about! Just follow me!"
 "Don't be so rash. They're could be— Hey!" Her warning falls upon deaf ears as Tanjiro began running. It seems, however, that her warning was justified because soon after taking off, his foot catches on something. He stumbles before halting completely—a mistake on his part. Tanjiro doesn't even get the chance to look back all the way to look at what he tripped over before rocks smack him in the face. He moves back, eyes widening as the ground beneath his foot sinks in. He hears a cry of his name and before he knew it, he was sent tumbling down sharp rocks and twigs.
When he opened his eyes again, he's met with a blurring sight of the moon shining down on him. He was on his back, his lungs feeling completely and utterly empty and his breathing erratic as blood drips from his head like thin streams of water..
 "Oh..I get it now. They're traps laid all around this mountain," Y/n's silhouette appears above him as she crouches and outstretches her hand to him.
 "I tried to tell you," She said as she grabbed his wrist and helped him out of the pit, "I doubt it would've been that easy."
 "Now, be more carful before you.." In that moment, her foot pushes down on a suspended rope. Her eyes widen and she shoots up. Her head darts around in all directions and then bam! A large log sends her flying.
 "Y/n!" Tanjiro cries out as he runs up to her. She sits up, her hand to her bruising head as she spits, a glop of blood shooting out of her mouth instead of clear saliva, "I'm fine. You need to worry about yourself," She tells him and, although he nods his head, he still helps her up.
 "Crap. If we keep walking into traps like this, we'll never make it down the mountain by morning!" His shoulders rising and falling seems to quicken, "And besides that, this mountain.." Helpless gasps are heard as Tanjiro breathes in an out, mouth opened wider than before, "The air up here..! It's so much thinner than on the mountain we used to live on!" He grips his chest with one hand as his desperate gasping continues, "That's why I'm getting so dizzy! ..Why didn't I notice before?"
Tanjiro begins running, Y/n does the same, "Will I make it?" Tanjiro thought to himself, "I might pass out before I can reach the bottom. If that happens.." He catches himself glancing over at Y/n and stops himself, "No! I can't get help with this! I gotta do this on my own!" 
And then, strands of black and white fly past them. Sumiko's running as fast as she can with no sign of stopping. Her blue hues glow in the moonlight as she snaps hidden ropes completely uncaring, "Sumiko, watch out!" Tanjiro yells as a log swings down her path. His eyes twitch, tempted to close completely so that he wouldn't be forced to bear witness to the little girl getting hurt. Sumiko doesn't slow up, keeping her fast pace.
Just as the log's about to meet her chin, she bends her knees and throws her head back, sliding under the log. Her knees slide roughly against the gravel as another log come flying at her from behind. She curls her body inwards, rolling forward like a ball and the log misses her entirely.
..Unfortunately, when she rolls back onto her feet, her momentum causes has her sliding and she inevitably tumbles. The remainder of the traps she triggered hit her in waves. Rocks fly at her, knocking her in all directions before a hit from an oncoming log has her soaring and sliding face first into the ground. Nevertheless, she recovers quickly and continues her fast and reckless descent down the mountain, her face scratched up and beginning to bleed.
As the logs she avoided loses momentum and comes swaying to a halt, Tanjiro and Y/n run around them, both of their minds clouding like the fog around them.
 "Since when did she become so nimble?" Tanjiro asked himself, "Before, she was never this responsive to things. In fact, ever since she woke up from her coma, she always seemed to have this disconnect with not only her surroundings, but her body too. It was to the point we had to help her do even the simplest things like sitting up. The village doctor told us that she'd always be like that..but was he wrong all along?"
Tanjiro shakes his head, "No! I can't think about that right now! I have to focus! I gotta make it back!" And then he slides to a halt. Y/n continues running, not bothering to glance back. Whether that was because she didn't notice or not is unknown.
Closing his eyes, Tanjiro tells himself, "Get your breathing together.. Keep it under control.." Repeating similar thoughts over and over for a moment, eventually his breathing levels out. His chest slows as does his heart. He can finally fill the air entering and leaving his lungs, and although it doesn't feel like much, it manages to calm his mind and body.
 "..Sniff out each of those traps!" And slowly, they come to him. The familiar scent he's already grown accustomed to comes at him in all different directions ahead. All it takes is a few whiffs before his eyes shoot open and he takes off again.
He snaps a rope with his foot. It doesn't slow his momentum. He narrowly dodges the incoming log. He slides, slowing himself down to dodge the second one. He stumbles. His foot nearly gets crushed by another log. He's a little spooked but continues running.
The ground suddenly caves in. He nearly falls into another pit but grabs onto the edge and crawls out. He runs and ducks under a rope. He trips on another. He twists the upper half of his body to avoid a log that soars at him. He nearly trips over his own foot upon landing. He pushes himself off a tree to stablize himself again.
He slows his pace again to dodge another log. He takes a flying leap over yet another rope—all while chanting in his head, "I've got this! I've got this!"
 "Traps set by human hands leave a distinct smell! Not to mention that a lot of the traps on this path have already been triggered by either Sumiko or Y/n!"
And then, a snap echoes throughout the forest. A hidden stick of bamboo shoots up and catches Tanjiro by the stomach. It swings him up high before harshly slinging him down to the ground. Dust kicks up upon impact. Tanjiro tries his best to resist groaning out as a stinging begins to creep up his back.
 "Despite all of that.." He gets back up, and immediately after beginning to run again, bamboo comes down on him on all sides, "That doesn't mean I have it easy! They're still some traps that they avoided and I'm not athletic enough to dodge each and every one of them!"
 "But I'm going to make it back no matter what!" He grips onto a tree for support, hauling himself forward. He falls, but he throws himself back up whilst clenching his teeth the whole time, "No matter how much I get hurt, I have to make it back to Nezuko!"
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The sound of fire crackling on wood is the distinct sound that is heard in the small hut. A futon has been laid out where Nezuko now peacefully sleeps. Y/n sits against the wall, her face and body littered in dirt and blood as her body aches—a result of her own carelessness.
Sumiko sits close to her, her knees up to her chest and her arms wrapped around her legs to keep them in place. Her appearance matches that of her older sister; roughed up, dried blood and dark marks staining her skin, and dirt all over—especially in her hair. Although, it's more noticeable in certain parts like her scalp, where her white roots had been soiled by the nasty brown mud outside.
Y/n watches silently as Urokodaki gently slides the blanket of the futon up to Nezuko's shoulders before sitting back on his knees. She then glances over at the only window in the room. The deep blues of the night sky had long since began to lighten into a soft perwinkle. The sun will bask it's strong yellow rays onto them soon enough.
 "Seems like he's not going to make it after all.." The thought surfaced in Y/n's mind, but it didn't bring her sadness or disappointment. It felt like a much needed rub on her back, firm yet reassuring—damn near comforting. No, the thought of his failure was comforting. In fact, she wished that the brat beside her, and even herself, would've—  
Slowly, the door slides open. Tanjiro stands there, breathing out thick, heavy puffs of chilly air and looking just as beat up as Sumiko, if not worse. His bloody brows are scrunched downwards, making the fire in his burgundy pupils pop like the sun that had begun to rise in the sky and transforming it into that gentle morning pink..
 "I.. I made it.." He struggled to say, "I..have..returned.." He drops to his knees, utterly drained. He has a grip on the doorframe and he ends up leaning against it entirely before the exhaustion and pain finally takes over and he passes out. Y/n stares, wide eyed. The face she's making could only be explained as one of terror, like she experienced a bad jumpscare. That feeling of comfort had dissipated as soon as her eyes laid on him. 
Urokodaki stares at boy, yet his expression is left unknown due to his mask. He thinks back to a few days ago. He remembers the cawing of his crow clearly and the feeling of the smooth paper against his callous fingertips as he read the contents of the letter he had gotten..
 "Forgive my abruptness, Mr. Sakonji Urokodaki. I'm sending a boy your way who wants to become a Demon Slayer swordsman. He was brazen enough to attack me unarmed," It read, "His family was slaughtered by a demon, and one of the only surviving members—his younger sister, Nezuko—has become one. However, I have determined that she will not attack humans."
 "Like yourself, the boy has a keen sense of smell. Perhaps with that, he'll find a way to break through and become your heir apparent. That being said, I'm asking you to train him."
 "I realize that this is a selfish request I'm making, so please, forgive me for asking you to humor me. I hope that you will take good care of yourself in your endeavors regardless of anything else. Yours truly, Giyu Tomioka.."
Urokodaki stands up and walks over to Tanjiro's hunched over form. Sumiko had already made her way over to him and was gently petting his head. When he's close to them, Sumiko looks up, patiently waiting for his next words. And, when they finally came, the feelings felt were different for everyone who heard them.
 "Tanjiro Kamado, Y/n Kamado, Sumiko Kamado.. I accept you all as my students."
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Author Ari | Hey guys! Before I get on with our Taisho Era Secret for today, I would like to say that if you've made it this far, thank you! Your support is what helps fuel me to make my stories, especially your comments! I truly love seeing what you guys have to say about my works, good and bad! q(≧▽≦q)
Author Ari | Ah—! But I shouldn't start rambling or else certain people will cut me short, hehe.. Anyways, onto our secret for today! 
Author Ari | *Leans in & whispers* It might be a little hard to believe, but Y/n once got a marriage proposal from a traveling merchant's son! For a while, he would give her things like expensive hairpins and kimonos every time she came down to the village in an attempt to court her. He eventually gave up after a while though, because she would constantly reject him and sell all the gifts she got.
Author Ari | As for my Author's Note, I'll simply use it this time around to let you guys know of some things. My Author's Notes won't be at the end of every single one of these chapters like the Taisho Era secrets will, but when they do, they'll usually be used to let you guys in on some behind the scenes facts about the making of this book! I hope you're okay with that because I can't wait to share my thought process with you guys!
Author Ari | Okayyyy so I'm starting to get a few glares so I guess it's time to wrap this up! I hope you guys are enjoying this so far, although it's not much yet! (❁'◡'❁)
Author Ari | Next time, chapter three, "Sabito and Makomo"! See ya there! ('▽'ʃ♡ƪ)
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Dividers were made by me, pictures used are from Pinterest, post formatting is inspired by @xxsabitoxx
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mellowseulogy · 4 months
IN WHICH: You get isekaied into the world of Attack On Titan and although you're scared, they remind of all of the reasons why you loved them in the first place.
tags: black reader, fluff and angst, canon typical violence, isekai, found family, 'kinda' reverse harem, swearing,
AN: I originally posted this on Wattpad but I figured crossposting wouldn't be too bad! This is also inspired by the wonderful curlycho's 'Sucked In' on Wattpad and AO3!
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Your eyes blinked open and a heavy whiplash overcame you. Instinctively, you groped around your bed to try to stabilise yourself. But when you pulled the covers up to your nose, the sheet was thin, caked with dust, and smelled terrible. Through a brief coughing fit, you rubbed your gunk-crusted eyes clean and leaned forward.
This was not your bedroom.
"She's awake!" A voice cried out. You couldn't see where the person was so you assumed it was from a bit away from you.
On the back of your forearms, you pushed yourself onto your butt and like a tidal wave, the expanse of greenery swarmed you.
In front of you was a large oak tree scratched with a chunk that seemed to be... bitten off. Its bark stretched high into the sky - pretty leaves fanned out over you and through the small gaps in them, an auburn sky waning navy from the coming night. Underneath you was a bed of blue flowers hidden in thick grass. It almost reminded you of something you saw on the... Your mind went blank.
That didn't explain how you were here though...
"Helloo~." There were hands on your shoulders and you jerked back in sudden shock. Grabbing your sheets, you crawled away from your current resting point and backed yourself uselessly against the tree.
"Woah, you're fast...uh sorry to scare you, sorry! Just was happy to see you weren't ya know... dead is all." The girl who had scared you half to death had an extremely apologetic look on her face and she had her head bowed. By the looks of it, she seemed to be the same age as you but she was wearing a uniform of some kind. An emblem of swords on her blazer's chest.
In her remorseful spiral, a boy began to walk up behind her - there was a bowl in his hands. "Sasha, what did we say about sneaking up behind people? You don't just jump on someone when they've just come out of unconsciousness, she could've died of a heart attack."
He crouched beside her and stared at her, she stared back, then he switched the bowl into his left hand and flicked her square on the forehead. The girl (Sasha) recoiled backward in pain and rolled in the grass, clutching at her head. This whole moment could've been very funny to you emitting one little thing... you still had no clue where the hell you were.
Shoveling down your nerves, you pulled the sheet down from your knees and coughed to get the pair's attention. "W-where am I?" You tried to look assertive but you're sure that your voice gave you away.
There was a ninety-nine percent chance these thoroughly unserious people weren't kidnappers. So you weren't terrified but it still bothered you. However, there was still that one percent...you think you read a book about it once.
The boy with the bowl in his hands shuffled a little closer to you, you shuffled back wary of the steam that bellowed out of it. It smelled really nice though. "Hey, sorry about Sasha she's a bit there." Sasha mouthed another sorry. "My name is Jean and my squad found you on the edge of a cliff."
"Well actually, me and Eren did." Another boy had started to walk over with a towel and bundle of something in his hands - his hair was shaven. "Jeanboy was too much of a wuss to grab you."
"Shut up, Connie and let me finish." He ended with a frustrated grunt. Then, he looked up at you and smiled. "So, we brought you back to our camp so we can fix you up before we start our expedition back to the barracks."
He brought the bowl to your hands. "It's soup, regain your strength and then we can talk. Who knows how long you were out there for." He rummaged in his pockets and gave you a spoon. You just stared.
"Or, do you want me to...feed you?" Jean said.
"No, thanks." You took the spoon from his hands.
He nodded, understandingly but with the way the bald boy smirked maybe he wasn't as pleased.
Inside the bowl was a clutter of all kinds of vegetables, swirling around in a dark brown soup. It looked alright, but poisoning was still very much a possibility. These people didn't seem too hostile in any capacity, with the way they were goofing around a meagre fire. Swirling the contents of the meal in contemplation, you tried to hone in on what happened before all of this - when you tried...your mind drew blank.
Like an incomplete storyboard with no beginning or end, you were plastered in the middle of it all. Thinking hurt because there was nothing to think back to - you didn't like it.
But right now you were in the middle of nowhere and a horrific grumble started to settle in your stomach. Gingerly shoveling a spoonful of soup into your mouth, you were honestly surprised. It didn't taste half as bad as you thought it would. Wonder why. After finishing the remaining potatoes and carrots, you licked your lips with relish. You hadn't truly realised the full extent of your hunger.
"You tore that up." The boy with a shaved head said next to you - you hadn't even noticed he was there. He was the one holding all those herbs and towels. Staring for a moment he broke out into a snicker. "You can talk, you know. I'm not gonna eat you." That's when you noticed that you were staring again like an idiot.
He sat down on the grass next to you and placed his tools on a box. "Just here to fix you up, laying on a cliffside doesn't sound healthy." He dipped the towel into the bowl a damp towel and wrung it into the dirt. In the midst of all of this, you finally realise how quiet you've been, they probably think you're some poor abandoned teen.
"What's your name?" You asked.
He looked up from crushing down purplish liquid into some blue flowers. "Connie Springer. Yours?"
You thought hard, for something that should've been as easy as breathing, your mind wrapped into coils in trying to think.
"You look like you're about to take a shit." He smiled, "S'alright you're probably still a bit hazy, don't worry about it."
He finishes up with a small bowl of something orange and says, "Alright, gonna dab this on your face while it's still warm, let me know if it's okay."
First, he tried to push your hair behind your ears but a curl kept sticking out. It was kind of cute seeing his tenacity.
When he finally moved your hair out of the way, he patted the towel gently around your face. You didn't know if this had any sort of special remedy but it unwinded your very rigged mind. You let out a long deep breath and you let yourself relax into the touch, eyes flitting closed.
"Open your mouth for me." And you did it with minimal resistance. He tipped the contents of a metal cup into your mouth - you promptly wrinkled your eyebrows.
"Gross." You muttered, it was nasty. Ucky. Vile.
Connie chuckled, "I know, it's terrible, isn't it? But it's just a drinkable antiseptic. Not a permanent solution but will fight anything nasty."
"Hah! See I remember, Jean. Practical medicine's pretty easy when you're besties with Armin."
"Oh, you'll see him in a minute - he's like super smart."
Armin. You played with the name on your tongue whilst trying to shake off the nasty aftertaste of that medicine. It sounded familiar, you focused intently on your memories to try and piece something together...
...all you could remember was the pressure of drowning.
"Hey! When do the others get back? I don't think we have enough firewood to cook all of our dinners!" Sasha yelled.
Connie smirked, focused on patching up a deep cut on your forearm. "You sure you didn't eat all of it?"
"Nuh-uh, I've been focusing on my hunger on this expedition," Sasha said. "Besides, I think you'd all kill me if I did."
The sky was losing its evening haze and turning a deep blue.
"Well, they better hurry up." Jean said, lounging on a log.
A rustle in the bushes set you on edge, you figured it was the rest of their squad but you could never be too sure.
Pushing the leaves aside, a brown bear thudded on the forest floor. Before you could comprehend, you screamed, scrambling up onto your feet.
"Get behind the tree!" Connie whisper-yelled to you.
Jean, Sasha and Connie had quickly pulled out long swords from behind a severed tree. Coordinated at each other's sides, ready to attack.
Another rustle in the bushes and out came a pair of legs, stepping over the bear.
"Sorry for scaring you, guys." An extremely tall boy raised his hands in mock defeat.
Sasha gasped, "Bertolt?!" Her eyes flitted down to the bear. To which now she realised was very much dead.
Jean placed both his, Sasha and Connie's swords behind the stump and ushered you from behind the tree.
Bertolt and another person had carried the bear to the middle of the camp. She had long dark hair in a ponytail and looked strangely absent from the whole situation.
Two others followed from behind carrying firewood. But a headache had blossomed shortly after your adrenaline had simmered, so you sat down.
These other people seemed to be the rest of the squad Jean was talking about. It seemed like they had killed the bear for food.
Its dead, glassy eyes peering holes into your own. You ceased eye contact and settled on finding out who these new people were.
"Oh yeah, Eren, she woke up," Connie said nonchalantly whilst placing new firewood to rekindle its might. But to Eren, this seemed to be the most astonishing news ever.
Like you hadn't had enough, he rushed over to your resting place and took your hands in his own.
Almost immediately, pain bloomed in the back of your head. Your ears rang loudly and you tried to blink away a steady stream of tears wetting your cheeks. Your stomach turned.
"H-how are you feeling?" Eren asked, concerned. But it only came through muffled ears.
"A-alright, just a bit of a headache."
There was an awkward pause when Eren was simply focused on scanning your face.
When the pain subsided, the world felt slightly clearer. Only slightly.
Armin came up from behind Eren. "Uh, Eren. I'm pretty sure she should rest." He nodded, moved back on his heels and stood up.
"Y-yeah, sorry. I'm just glad, that's all." He walked over to the campfire to help Connie fry some leftover meat.
Armin. Looked over to you and smiled, but you were too disgruntled to smile back.
The dark-haired girl was busy gutting the bear with Jean. But her gaze had flicked over to you with a note of blankness behind her eyes. You only looked back, stupefied
Attack on Titan?
Oh god...
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astroprompts · 10 months
“Darling, you're doing marvelously, I am so proud of you.”
“Just write a script for me, so I don't have to think for myself.”
“You better not have gotten your failure stink all over my important movie star clothes.”
“That is going to lead to some wackiness. You mark my words.”
“Hey, champ, I have a very important job for you.”
“Why does everything I love fall apart as soon as I touch it?”
“What legacy of ruin am I left with? What rewards have I reaped for the damage done?”
“You look different. Older. A lot older.”
“I'm not interested in being rebirthed. I'm still recovering from being birthed the first time.”
“I want to do things that connect with people, things that last.”
“If I'm going to sacrifice my journalistic integrity, it's because I'm having sex with a movie star.”
“How do you make something right when you've made it so wrong you can never go back?”
“Thanks a lot. Once again, you've been no help whatsoever.”
“What, you're just gonna stay at home and get drunk all day?”
“Let's get wrecked and get Shreked.”
“You're bright and you're funny and you're handsome and you're talented. But if you can't see that, then you're the biggest, dumbest piece of shit in the world.”
“If you get scared, look for me in the audience. I'll be there the whole time, laughing and cheering louder than anyone.”
“Thirty years I threw into this job, and it destroyed me from the inside out.”
“A lot of guys in your position wouldn't take gigs like this. They'd be afraid people would make fun of them.”
“If you care about what other people think, you're never gonna do anything.”
“Put the corpse on ice, I'm on my way.”
“I'm not avoiding you. I'm just making an effort to not be in a room alone with you because I am... Avoiding you.”
“You know, I think we're alike in a lot of ways. Sometimes that's great, but it also means we can bring out the worst in each other.”
“I just think maybe it's better, for both of us, if we keep things a little more professional.”
“It smells like a skunk skunked another skunk in here, then they smoked a joint. What happened?”
“Sometimes you need to take responsibility for your own happiness.”
“It takes a long time to realize how truly miserable you are, even longer to see it doesn't have to be that way.”
“I haven't seen you since high school. You look great!”
“My dumb best friend's getting married, so I'm here for the rehearsal dinner.”
“Boring regular people love it when movie stars show up and drink their alcohol.”
“This is not the time for one of your weird stories that go nowhere.”
“If you're lucky enough to find someone you can halfway tolerate, sink your nails in and don't let go, no matter what.”
“One day, you're gonna look around and you're going to realize that everybody loves you, but nobody likes you. And that is the loneliest feeling in the world.”
“I would seriously like to know what crawled up your butt, made a home for itself in your butt, started a family, lived a fruitful life, and then died up your butt.”
“When you do bad things, you have something you can point to when people eventually leave you. It's not you, you tell yourself, it's that bad thing you did.”
“Listen, I've been with guys like you before, and I know this thing works better if we keep a little distance.”
“It's so sad that when you see someone as they really are, it ruins them.”
“You're sweet. You shouldn't waste that on people who don't deserve it.”
“Are you sure this whole thing isn't just a semi-lucid fever dream from mixing the wrong pills?”
“It's so cruel to let people love you. All you're doing is promising you'll one day break their hearts.”
“We don't really have the kind of relationship where we talk about things.”
“Just because you have a shitty relationship with your family doesn't mean every other family has to have drama too.”
“Ugh! Why did I get my hopes up? Why do I keep letting you get my hopes up?”
“Do a girl a favor, don't break her heart by inches. Do it all at once. It'll save everyone some time.”
“Should we get dinner, or are you just thinking drinks?”
“Good luck finding another charming first-generation Italian immigrant with this kind of darling accent, who makes equally delightful malapropisms!”
“Is there a single woman you've worked with who you haven't tried to groggily thrust yourself into?”
“You're such a self-pitying masochist, I could say ten nice things and one mean thing, you would only hear the one mean thing.”
“Did you ever love me? At all?”
“You know that I don't do the whole love thing. Either you end up hurting someone or they hurt you. So, what's the point?”
“I do love you, by the way. I mean, as much as I'm capable of loving anyone.”
“I assure you the animated GIFs with which I describe this encounter shall be scathing!”
“You can't keep doing shitty things, and then feel bad about yourself like that makes it okay!”
“You are all the things that are wrong with you. It's not the alcohol, or the drugs, or any of the shitty things that happened to you in your career, or when you were a kid. It's you.”
“Your skin is so soft, it's like you murdered a baby and stole its skin. Your skin is murdered-baby soft.”
“Let's get higher than a stilt walker's dick!”
“If you have to listen to losers talk about their shitty sober lives, it's a lot more fun to be buzzed.”
“You're going to want to rush in there and do whatever you can to save them, but you have to stop yourself, because there are some people you can't save. 'Cause those people will thrash and struggle and try to take you down with them.”
“I always forget that there are more than just the six stars you can see in the Los Angeles sky.”
“In the great grand scheme of things, we're just tiny specks that will one day be forgotten.”
“The only thing that matters is right now, this moment. This one spectacular moment we are sharing together.”
“I'm poison. I come from poison. I have poison inside me, and I destroy everything I touch.”
“I have nothing to show for the life that I've lived, and I have nobody in my life who's better off for having known me.”
“What's your deal? I feel like you like me, but you don't like me, but you like me, and I don't know what that is.”
“Are you gay? You can tell me if you're gay, it's fine. This isn't the 1600s, or some places in the present.”
“I'm not gay. I mean, I don't think I am, but... I don't think I'm straight, either.”
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centralperkchenford · 9 months
I’m in the mood for Chris slander lol
Let’s do something fun — like Lucy and Chris get stuck in an elevator at the court house and he tries to comfort her but fails and so she calls Tim to calm her down and then Chris gets butt hurt.
Or basically something where Lucy and Chris are together somewhere when she has a ptsd moment but he fails and is a dick
I kind of combined both your ideas 🫣. I love a good Chris bashing fic 🤣. He is 100% a dick in this. I hope you enjoy!
Let’s do something fun — like Lucy and Chris get stuck in an elevator at the court house and he tries to comfort her but fails and so she calls Tim to calm her down and then Chris gets butt hurt.
You are my safe place
Everything is going fine and Lucy feels good until the elevator comes to a screeching halt. It stops so suddenly that Lucy bounces a little bit and falls back against the back of the elevator. She hears Chris muttering something and she doesn’t realize what’s going on until Chris is pressing the buttons.
“Um.” Says Lucy quietly. “W-what’s going on?” Chris turns to look at her and he stabs at the bottom again.
“The elevator stopped.” He says. Lucy nods and she has to grip the bar to hold herself, reminding herself to take deep calming breaths. She closes her eyes, and puts her hand over her heart feeling it beat against her hand.
Breathe Lucy.
You are okay.
You are not in the barrel.
Caleb is dead.
You are with Chris.
She hears Chris muttering and stabbing the button and she knows he’s just trying to get them out of here but him constantly stabbing the button and muttering isn’t helping.
She opens her eyes and she sees him facing the panel of buttons and then her. He shakes his head in frustration.
“You could help.” He says. She stares at him, as she takes a deep breath because it’s not like he is doing much.
She doesn’t say anything although she’s not sure she could if she wanted to. Her throat feels like it’s about to close up. He continues and she realizes he doesn’t know she’s having a panic attack, a silent one but a panic attack none the less.
“Why are you just standing there?” He snaps. She takes another deep breath and her voice shakes as she answers.
“I don’t like small spaces.” She replies. Chris’s eyebrows furrow and he comes closer to her and she wants to step back but her legs feel like cement and her feet are frozen on the ground.
“Oh.” He says. He reaches out and awkwardly pats her shoulder. “I’m sorry. I forgot.” Lucy wants to roll her eyes but they burn so she just looks up at him.
“There’s a call button.” She says. “That’s how we will be able to get help.” Chris doesn’t move and Lucy makes a frustrated noise and pushes past him. Worthless piece of shit.
She presses the call button and someone comes on right away, “Yes ma’am.” Says the voice when she explains they are stuck. “We will have you right out.” Lucy chews on her lip and backs up against the back of the elevator. She feels light headed and dizzy and she just wants to get out of here.
“You know.” Says Chris suddenly. Lucy has to stifle a groan. “You need to get over your fear of small space.”
Lucy whips around to face him. “Excuse me?” She snaps. “I need to get over it? Despite the fact that I almost died??”
Chris shrugs his shoulders and Lucy feels like she’s going to throw up. Chris never understood what happened to her, how could he? He wasn’t the one forced to crawl inside a barrel and almost suffocate to death. He wasn’t pulled out and brought back to life by the one person who….
The one person who understood her better than anyone. The one whose she has realized in recent days that she has feelings for.
Chris would never understand her or her trauma, she had no idea why she was still with him. She turns to him again.
“You are an asshole.” She says. She grips her phone tightly, she needs to get out of here. She needs to get away from him. But she can’t, she is stuck in an elevator with her work in progress. And until it gets moving again she won’t be able to get out. There’s silence as Chris stares at her.
“Lucy.” He starts. “I’m sorry. This is just a stressful situation.” Lucy doesn’t say anything, so Chris continues.
“What can I do?” He asks his voice reaching a higher pitch that Lucy winces at. God why was she still with him?
“Just shut up.” She snaps. “You have shown how much you really care about me.” Lucy takes a deep breath and lets it out. Breathe. You are okay. You are okay.
Tim’s face flashes through her mind, and she can almost feel his touch like when they found out Rosalind escaped and he had touched her with out hesitation. She thought about how his lips felt against hers, how she never felt that alive when she kissed Chris.
She slides open her phone and turns away and dials Tim’s number knowing he would answer. He always did.
“Lucy.” He answers on the first ring and her heart quickens.
“Hi.” She says and she hears his breath hitch. He’s good at reading her even if it’s over the phone.
“What’s wrong?”
“Um.” She begins. “I’m at the courthouse and I’m stuck in an elevator.” Tim makes a soft noise and she hears a car door shut softly.
“Are you okay? Are you alone?” He asks. Lucy glances over at Chris who is glaring at her.
“I’m fine.” She says. “I think. And Chris is with me.” Tim makes another noise and it’s one more of disgust than anything.
“Breathe Luce.” He says calmly. And it’s amazing the difference between Chris who is suppose to comfort her and Tim who knows how to comfort her. “Did you notify someone?”
“Yes they are working on it..” She says softly. “But I—”
“Breathe.” He says again. “Just breathe.” She takes a deep shuddering breath and lets it out.
“Good.” Says Tim. “Keep doing that Luce. You will be out of there in no time.” Lucy does as he says. She focuses on her breathing and Tim’s soft words over the phone.
This is exactly what she needed.
It’s silent and she feels Chris’s eyes, but she doesn’t care. A few minutes later, the elevator shakes and then starts up again. Lucy breathes a sigh of relief.
“It’s moving again.” She tells Tim.
“That’s good Luce. Keep breathing.” Tim says calmly and she hears his truck start. She does and then it comes to a stop again and then the doors slowly open. Lucy stumbles out, the phone still to her ear.
“Why are you talking to Bradford?” Chris says behind her. Lucy turns on her heels and glares at him.
“Because he’s not a dick.” She snaps at Chris. Now that’s she’s not stuck in a tiny box she feels her brain start working again. “He doesn’t treat my trauma like it’s nothing. He doesn’t tell me to get over it.”
She knows Tim can hear her but she could care less. She glares at Chris suddenly feeling brave.
“We are done.” She tells him. “You are an asshole and I can’t be with someone who doesn’t really care about me.”
She turns on her heels and starts walking away before he can reply. She’s just about to the door when she runs into someone solid.
“Good job Luce.” The voice says. Lucy looks up to see Tim grinning down at her. “Also finally.”
Lucy laughs feeling a little overwhelmed all of a sudden. “Yeah.” She says. “It’s been a long time coming.”
He reaches out and pulls her into his chest, resting his chin on top of her head. And she feels so safe, Tim is home, Tim is her safe place.
Tim leads her to his truck and she has to take another deep breath. “Hey Lucy?” Tim’s voice sounds and it nearly vibrates through her whole body.
“Yeah?” She says softly. And looks up at him. He has a soft smile on his face and his face almost looks boyish and shy.
He takes a deep breath and lets it out. “Would you like to go get dinner?”
Lucy feels the words rush over her. And she feels a spark of hope. She looks up at him and smiles.
“Yeah I would.”
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tiny-cloud-dragon · 3 months
FF7: Random Bits 02 - Chapter 1
I went to my old fanfiction.net page and started trying to recover my fics that I have posted there. I'm trying to get them saved on my laptop since they went bye-bye on my damaged external drive.
This is an AU where Zack never died, and it takes place after the events of Advent Children. The two idiots have started their own army for undisclosed reasons (aka I couldn't think of a good one, but thought it would be fun if they did).
[Setting: Zack and Cloud are out in the field, terrorizing,..er, training the new cadets.]
[Location: Training field, early morning. The new cadets are learning all about marching columns.]
"You call that a marching column?!" Zack snapped at the cadets lined up in front of him.
"Look at this, Cloud!" he continued in exaggerated disgust.
"They think that raggedy mess is a proper line!"
"I've seen circles with straighter lines." Cloud agreed quietly.
"You hear that?" Zack shouted at the trembling cadets
"General Strife has seen circles, circles, with straighter lines!"
"Your granny's back is straighter,"
"My granny's back is straighter, and she has scoliosis!"
A snort of amusement emanated from the group of new cadets, fluttering skyward like a bird breaking cover. The entire platoon, as one man, tensed up like a cable under strain.
Zack's glowing eyes pinned the offender with a sharp, disapproving gaze. The young man was suddenly treated to an unwanted close up of Zack's face. The term 'high definition' took on a whole new meaning.
"Did you just laugh at my granny, cadet?" Zack growled, the sound resonating all the way down the chain of evolution to snarl threateningly at the cadet's vestigial inner prey animal.
"S-s-sir, No Sir!" the cadet shouted desperately from his unwanted 4k view of his life going down the toilet. Tickets to the show must have been sold out because the rest of the platoon had somehow managed to take ten steps away from him without doing anything as offensive as actually moving.
"It sounds like he thinks your granny's back problems are funny." Cloud remarked casually.
"You think my granny's crooked back is funny?"
"Sir, NO SIR!"
"I should certainly hope not! She ruined her back spending years doing back-breaking work,"
"Hoeing," Cloud interjected.
"Hoeing every day!" Zack continued without missing a beat.
"Something wrong with hoeing, cadet?" Zack bellowed a mere hair's breadth from the young man's face as he tried and failed to hide a smile that was slowly crawling across his mouth like a sine wave.
"I don't think he likes hoes," Cloud said in that off-handed tone.
"You got something against hoes?" Zack demanded. "Do you know how many businesses would be shut down without hoes?"
"People would starve,"
"People would starve, cadet. Starve!" Zack shouted. "Have you ever tried to garden without a hoe? My granny can't grow vegetables without a hoe! You want her out there, with her crooked back, pulling weeds by hand so you can have fresh vegetables?"
"He's grinning like he needs more vegetables in his diet..." Cloud pointed out.
"Is that why you're grinning like that, cadet? Your guts have a hostage situation going on?"
The cadet's face went red under the strain as the laughter built up to critical levels and he desperately tried to keep the lid on it. The tendons on his neck stuck out like cords as his lips peeled slowly back from his teeth. Tears began streaming from his eyes.
"That's one heck of a bathroom war face."
"That's what happens when you don't like hoes," Zack continued mercilessly, "You can't grow vegetables, so you can't eat vegetables, so you get the dry butt-brownies! It's just wrong!"
Zack turned away, deciding that the young man had suffered enough. The poor kid was still just a cadet after all. He made a low woof! sound and one his large mako-wolves appeared. Sparkling a faint blue around the edges, the wolf bellied up to its pack leader, waiting for his command.
The ability to summon a whole pack of the creatures was one of Zack's special abilities. It turned out that SOLDIERs could continue to evolve, and most gained a variety of unique personal abilities, along with the ability to take on an alternate animal form after gaining their wings and reaching the rank of 1st Class ELITE.
Zack looked down at the fawning wolf and said "Bring me a hoe!"
The wolf poofed away, and reappeared seconds later with Scarlet, who was not at all happy with her lunch being interrupted.
“No!” Zack said snapped, impatiently at the wolf , “A garden hoe!”
The mako wolf poofed away, taking an irately screaming Scarlet with him, and returned moments later with the correct item. Zack took it, and dismissed the wolf with a pat on the head and a "good boy!"
He turned to the trembling cadet and said "This is your hoe. You will carry it with you at all times. If an officer asks you why you are carrying it, you will respond with, 'This is my hoe! I love hoes, sir'!"
"And hug it," Cloud added.
"And you will hug that hoe, cadet! Is that clear?"
"Sir, yes sir!" the cadet replied in a carefully measured tone even though he was screaming internally.
"Now line up!" Zack ordered. The cadets snapped into a much better version of a tidy marching column. Good job, boys! he thought proudly, while maintaining the outward expression suggesting that the cadets had just barely avoided the grade of U for Unsatisfactory.
Zack stepped aside and relinquished command to Cloud with a flashy salute. It was his turn to observe and take notes on performance.
"Cadets, forward march!" Cloud moved the cadets forward and started the marching cadence.
"I'm a Barbie girl,"
"In a Barbie world!"
Zack relaxed into a comfortable slouch, recording the drill on one of their fancy new camcorders. All of their drills, exercises and activities were recorded strictly for evaluation purposes to determine what methods and techniques would work best for each group (and in some cases, individuals), and what parts of the program needed adjusting. It was definitely NOT so Zack and Cloud could watch them later in their quarters while eating snacks and laughing.
Zack caught movement out of the corner of his eye and he left the camera on its tri-pod, setting it to follow the tracker on Cloud's armband. Memory sidled up and went pssst! as it passed him a mental note. Oh, yeah, Him! Zack thought with a mischievous grin. The Inspector had arrived, and he already looked unhappy.
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shutupandplayasong · 2 years
Ok ok ok time to talk about the show!!!!
(Warning this going to be beyond hectic I'm quite literally shaking with excitement and also it's 1 am)
Justin's floofy little hyena mohawk gives me LIFE it looks so good
Instead of the ukulele being tossed onto stage by someone below, the funeral director guy tosses it to Beej
After the sad puppet show BJ screams out "I'm burning! I'm burning! I thought this only happened to books that make kids gay!" And I literally gasped. I don't know if that was written into the script or if it was improv but holy shit
During TWBDT Part 2, when BJ tries to spell his name a second time, he pulls his sleeve back to read a little cheatsheet to spell it correctly. My illiterate little himbo ❤
Instead of "Sadness is like kale salad, no one likes it, throw it out" Delia says "Sadness is like a third nipple, it's a part of you but no one wants to see it"
During Charles and Lydia's dead mom argument, Delia is just waggling her triangle around and slow motion dancing. No thoughts, just vibes
When Charles and Delia are making out on the table, Charles is full on sniffing her foot and rubbing his face against it like a cat..... Chuck has a foot fetish confirmed.
Someone already posted about the guacamole story and jesus fucking christ man
When Barb gives her "best primal screams" she gives a very half hearted "blehhh" and then hits a fucking opera note on her second attempt?? I'm love ??
It's also small enough to fit up his sleeve. Big spooky demon with this dinky tiny glittery microphone. I love it.
I swear to god in Charles' room there's this big ass sculpture that looks like a giant butt plug. I did an actual double take. I couldn't focus on anything else during that scene.
Except the fact that Delia had a juul pod im pretty sure?
After Say My Name, when the curtain drops, Adam is all like "We should bring the sheets" "No" "Well we should bring the sheets just in case" "Adam, no, come on!" "Ok I won't bring the sheets :("
After Beej is pushed off the roof a little puff of smoke is blown onto the stage like a cartoon
When Beej crawls out of the table when Lydia calls him there's this god awful squelching sound
After That Beautiful Sound, when BJ is explaining his plan to his clones, one of the women is stood there wiggling her fingers and popping her hips out and she's so cute!!
I never really cared about Otho but the man who played is a whole ass Shane Madej caricature and I kind of love him now
We unfortunately do not get red Beetlejuice, but for a split second the lights give him a similar effect and while it's not the same, I will take it. It's better than nothing I suppose
I love the yellow and blue suit on Justin he's so hampsome 🥺💞😭🥺💘😢💖💗😭
To fill in the awkward silence after the "we both have dead moms" joke, BJ fucking bounces on Juno's severed leg like a pogo stick????? It literally sucked the air out of my body and I had to force myself to breath so I didn't start wheezing and disrupting the whole auditorium
We got confetti'd after the curtain call and I grabbed 3 handfuls :) That's not really a note on the show, I just felt like sharing
Ok on to my feelings about the cast:
Listen, no one can ever top Alex, but I'll be damned if Justin isn't a close second.
Just constantly screaming and doing his little dancy dance, even if it's during normal dialogue that does not call for screaming or dancy dancing.
Not much in the feral behavior department, but he sticks his tongue out so. much. A lot of sarcastic gasping too like sir close your mouth before bugs start crawling inside
He takes his sweet time finishing dialogue. There were several times where there would be a good 30 seconds of dead air, and every time the laughter died down it would start up and fill the silence again. I don't know what spell he cast to make the audience do that but it was a good one.
I'll be honest I wasn't so sure about him when the casting was announced but god damn it he just has so much charisma I want to get on all fours and bark for him
Im not taking that back btw you're gonna have to live with me saying that
My favorite Lydia hands down.
Her Lydia has so much attitude she's almost a bit of a bully. There's so much sarcasm and angst and anger in her delivery. She plays the moody teenage girl character well.
Not really an acting not but Isabella has such big, expressive eyes. Granted, I had pretty close seats, but you can still see her eye rolls and quirked eyebrows from the stage it's amazing.
Overall she's a fantastic Lydia and again, my absolute favorite. No shade to Sophie, but I feel like her Lydia was... a bit whiny and immature. Isabella is truly grieving her mother and you can see how much of a toll all these changes are having on her. I absolutely love the edge and the bite she brings to Lydia.
Britney and Will:
These two.
These two are out of fucking control for real.
Take the goof factor from the original Maitlands and crank that shit up to 11.
Gonna have to agree with Beetlejuice though, Will's Adam is quite sexy...
"Adam... You're boring. But! You're sexy. You should own that." *cue Will doing a full body roll*
I dont know if it's his height or voice or line delivery but he just seems a lot less... idk pathetic? than the original Adam. It's a nice change of pace. I always wished they did more to develop his character.
Britney brings a lot of spunk to Barbara. Like Barbara has always been the slightly more adventurous one in the relationship but Britney really makes her shine.
OG Barbara is a bit more subdued but Britney's body language is so big? I guess is the right word? So many big gestures and so much movement. Im always a big fan of when actors use their whole bodies to deliver their lines instead of just standing pin straight and talking.
I've noticed a lot of people don't really like her Delia and while she isn't my number one favorite either, I still think she does a good job
OG Delia, I feel, is out of touch with the times and trying to be "hip" while still being old school. Kate's Delia is very much aware of "kids these days" and is an obnoxious try hard. I kind of like her take on the character in that sense.
Delia has absolutely no concept of personal space. She stands wayyyy to close to Lydia and whenever Lydia gets fed up, she gets in Delia's face to give her a taste of her own medicine. I LOVE the dynamic between them.
Also Kate's Delia is lowkey kind of bullied by Lydia? Like Lydia is actually pretty mean to her. Again, I love how Kate and Isabella interact with each other. There's a lot more turmoil and strain between these two that I feel was lacking in the original production (at least from what I've seen in the bootlegs I've watched).
Not as imposing or strict as OG Charles, but I like it. I don't prefer it, but I like it.
I feel like Jesse's Charles wears his heart on his sleeve? You can really hear how tired and lost and confused he is when he's struggling to communicate with Lydia.
I never cried while watching bootlegs but damn it, their performance of Home almost made me cry...
Also if anyone would like to drop me off at the theater tomorrow so I can snag those remaining $30 single seat tickets my address is-
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plaindangan · 8 months
Ruruka Andou eating an aphrodisiac macaron which led her to do an entire day of gooning  without a break.
Then she decides to eat another and make the matter even worse.
Disclaimer: R18 material! If not to your liking then please do not view!
They say dealer's should never sample their own wares...but Ruruka was someone who pretty much spat at someone trying to tell her what to do or put in her body. Her special 'spicy sweets' were always a best seller for Valentine's Day and she had gotten curious over what it'd be like to consume one. Just one macaron couldn't hurt, ri-
Holy fuck.
Currently, she had spent the entirety of her Saturday at her house, one hand massaging her breasts, the other working with a vibrator to get Ruruka off for the tenth time today. She was soooo hoooooornny!!! She needed to be fucked!! She craved to be filled with spunk and ass stretched anew!!! She just wanted to cum, cum, cum!!!! But, she had the poor luck of doing this when both Izayoi and Seiko were away for most of the day, and so had to do with over used sex toys and nude photos of both on her phone...
But that wasn't enough, she can end something like that with just mere self-satisfaction!! Even as her horniness died down in the depths of night...she needed human contact!!
Hence, why she called both of her pals up so late to come over...and took another macaron to get herself back up and running for their arrival.
"R-ruruka? I'm here, so is Sonosuke! Y-you sounded really breathless on the phone, so I brought some of my medicineeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Both Seiko and Izayoi were standing at Ruruka's doorway for barely a minute before the door opened and two hands dragged them into the darkness.
By the time either realized it, they'd been tossed into Ruruka's room, which was equally as dark. Well, up until the lights came on. Revealing Ruruka, with a hazy predatorish stare and grin, with a leather cap on, dark red gloves, lacey red underwear and kinky booty. In her hands was a riding crop that she playfully slapped against her hand at her two soon to be victims.
"Thank you for showing up as quickly as you did...but you're still a bit too late for my liking. Mistress Ando is gonna have to punish her darling little pets~ Now, strip!!"
"R-ruruka? It's 2 AM, i-it's a bit late f-for a threesome right now. Right, S-sonosu-oh, c'mon seriously!?" In the second, Seiko took her eyes off him to look dead at Ruruka, Izayoi had stripped himself down to his red boxers and in a stance like a dog, crawling up to Ruruka to nuzzle at her leg. Ruruka giggled, scratching Izayoi's head before quietly slipping a macaron between his lips.
"Good boy! You deserve that treat~" She turned to Seiko and, much to the geek's anxiousness, walked up to her. Corning Seiko at the door and looking at her like a meal fit to be devoured.
"R-r-r-ruka, I-I, um, c-can we-oooohhh~" she was cut off as Ruruka kissed her right on her lips and grabbed her by butt. The saliva that had traces of the 'spicy sweet' getting into Seiko's systems and having her become very aroused as well, wanting to submit to Ruruka right then and there.
"Ready to play it my way for a bit?" Seiko, face flushed pink, nodded. Much to Ruruka's giggled delight. Whacking the girl's backside with the riding crop she pointed towards the bed. Where a very erect Sonosuke was awaiting them~
"Good! Now get over there and strip naked! I wanna see your face after you lick me clean while Sonosuke ruins that fat ass of yours...and after that why don't you see if your strap-on game has improved as I guzzle down my good boy's creme? That good? Hm?" Ruruka watched as, in response to their game of fun, Seiko had popped one of her pills. One that turned her into quite the monster with an unreal sense of stamina. A stamina that no doubt was going to take practically half of next morning to properly satiate...
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chaifootsteps · 11 months
When I used Tracy as an example of why artists don’t speak up against Viv, I wasn’t saying that as a sign that her career was destroyed. I was obviously pointing out the intense harassment and abuse she got over it. I’m sure she’ll be fine but I can understand why anyone would be afraid to speak up seeing that. No clue why you didn’t get it
No clue what crawled up your butt and died, but let's maybe tone back the attitude a little.
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emjayart · 1 year
Love Between Fairy and Devil
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i know this Drama was aired back in 2022, but one thing about me is that i'd rather wait until the drama is completely aired than to wait in agony for the next episode to come and translated (that thing is no joke); i've done watching this show last month and boy was i cursed after this, i saw the cover and title on Netflix and i was like "eeehhh probably just a typical Cdrama, nothing special about it" but then i started to have doubts about my own judgement and decided to watch. oh boy i was wrong.
First, let me give my respect to the screen writers who spent 3 YEARS in writing the scripts, their efforts and hard work paid nicely <3, so does for all the visual effects team, choreograph team, etc for bringing this drama came to life so beautifully.
You can smell the strong chemistry between two leads. great casts!! standing ovation for Wang He Di for his performance!!!
ever since i started to fell in love with Cdrama i have never saw "what great power looks like" you know what i mean? like Ye Hua in TMOPB he was considered the brightest and all that, but the show did not give me any chance to actually witness his power at it's peak, same case with my beloved Hanguan Jun (though i still love him), Wei Ying (almost at a peak if it's not for him to deal with the power biting his butt back).
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DongFang QingCang (dfqc) showed up with style, arrogance, domineering, invincible, confidence, that air that makes everybody even the heavenly emperor tucked their tails between their legs when he arrived at that Waterfall Hall to safe xiao lanhua, he summoned lightning and darken the sky, his voice like thunder; even when he was fighting with ChangHeng and his buddy Rong Hao. that HELLFIRE is hella sexy!! I NEVER BEEN THAT HYPED when i see a villain is about to destroy, the music, the visual effect, choreograph for DFQC is superb!! one swing of that man sends ChangHeng the God of War got beaten up like a dough, he was left unscathed, no drop of blood, stand so proudly in front of his opponents, WORTHY OF HIS TITLE, RESPECT AND FEARED. "the only person who can defeat DongFang QingCang is himself" he can easily kill xiao lanhua, but he didn't, yet he opened to the new experience.
i want to talk a lot about this complex character and his development throughout the journey which thumbs up to the Production House to be able to put his whole development as a character fantastically though i hate why you guys left us like that for the last 6 episodes, you can you that 4 more episodes to give us more!!
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the are soooooo many scenes that i love, so many comedy in this drama, body swap, but the peak of the comedy is in Human Realm, when ChangHeng & DongFang QingCang became sworn brothers lmao, when DongFang QingCang crawled through dog hole (I'm dead) and so much much.
but the one that hit me the most is when DongFang QingCang mourned for xiao LanHua, guys let me tell you, i watch that episode around 10 pm and watch i think one more episode before i decided i can't take it anymore, i was bawling for hours i'm not even kidding, the fact the DongFang QingCang can't accept her death so he would rather stay in his dream if it means to be with her broke me into pieces. no Cdrama has ever done that to me, not even Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms (sorry Ye Hua and Bai Qian), i had that emotional breakdown for almost a week, i lost control over my emotional because of this show lol that i'm afraid to go out fearing i would have a breakdown in public. the effect are too strong on my emotions.
this drama is 11 out of 10!
as i said before, the only downside of the drama is how they did the story for the last 2 or 3 episode, too rushed, i wanted to see Goddess Xi Yun's devotion on nurturing DongFang QingCang's crescent moon spirit! i was so frustrated on how they end things, i want Season 2 of this drama mainly because i wanna see how great GLAZED FIRE is and i want to see that stupid heavenly emperor put to justice because honestly he does not deserved the crown!!!! never.
let's discuss in the comment on what you like and dislike and if i miss-mention something :)
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Rational Thought: You don’t even watch that show!
Me: gwitch final mirroring the first ep but ariel bodyswaps, and suletta ‘dies’, and miorine gets a giant mecha robot wife
Gay Thoughts: … go on
Me: ok so-
Big battle going on. Aerial has been infected and is in the process of being corrupted/controlled by The Bads (who are the bads? idk. i don't watch this show argh). Suletta is forcibly removed from her sister’s cockpit, leaving it blood splattered, while trying to go save her friends.
The Bads are about to shoot her in the head when Miorine (off doing emergency sabotage) manages to block the corruption of Aerial for a split second.
Aerial breaks free, literally, breaching the hanger doors and sending everyone tumbling out into space. She tries to reach for her little sister, but the virus takes hold again, and Suletta is left drifting away, leaking air and blood from the shot that will probably still kill her anyways.
Miorine suits up and goes out after the thrashing Aerial, pleading “Aerial, can you hear me? We’re running out of time! The download is almost complete, you’ll be out of that body and away from the virus soon, but before that- You’re the only one who can do this! You have to, please-”
Aerial notices the person clinging to the outside hull and goes for a hand smack- Miorine braces herself, screaming
“-save her!”
Smash cut. Aerial’s hand is cupped over the hunched down Miorine, spasming. Jerkily but carefully Aerial gathers Miorine up in her palm and brings her to open cockpit. The lights inside are flickering frantically, sparks shooting out here and there. A desperate Miorine asks “What am I supposed to do?”.
Two words appear on the screens. HELP ME.
Static as the screens bring up a view of Suletta’s prone form, drifting amid the battle. The screens cut to black, taken over by Aerial new master’s logo. A recoding of Miorine plays. “SAVE HER!”.
Then static. The Gundamn’s lights go red.
“Aerial? Aerial!” Miorine, frantic, jostling the unresponsive controls. “I can’t! Suletta is the only one who- I don’t know how! Tell me how to-!” The touch pad flickers to life with the outline of a hand. Miorine looks down at her palm. It’s red. Wet with blood.
“This is…hers…?”
Miorine clenches her hand into a fist and then slams it, palm down, on the panel. New pilot accepted. Green light bleeds through the red, glowing lines crawling up Miorine’s arms, framing her face. Static and then low, ragged breathing.
“Ah, she feels better now… though it’s a bit weird being so small… thank you… miss Miorine…”
Relief panic fury. Miorine moves the controls and the Gundam shoots forward, into the battle. “Don’t waste air, we’re coming, just-” An explosion knocks the Gundam off course. “-damnit, BASTARDS!”
A faint laugh over the coms line.
“Aerial says sorry. She’s losing her connection to her old body already… and… our friends… They need help. I can’t do anything… sorry, but… it’s up to you now.”
“What are you saying, idiot? Don’t you remember my only duel?!”
“It’ll be fine. I’ll talk you through it. Like you do for me, in practice…”
“Talk? TALK!? You’re losing air! You’ll-”
“Please… I don’t want our friends to die…Miorine… please?”
A war raging outside as Miorine slumps forward, trembling, red with her groom’s blood.
“…we’re coming to get you, Suletta,” a promise, “but we’ll do what we can on the way. So. Tell me.”
A blur of destruction as Suletta guides her through it- shoot there, cut here, Chuchu needs help- it’s a trap, go around the other side- let Aerial handle the weapons for a second, she thinks she can hold on enough for that…it’s okay, just focus….Keep moving forward ….
People dying all around them and Suletta’s voice is dying away too.
Miorine, screaming in rage, terror, tearing away from the fight, lines of light on her skin blazing- Until there she is, drifting at the end of a sparkling tail of oxygen and blood droplets. An echo of the day they met.
Miorine dragging her into the cockpick, pulling Suletta close.
“-wake up, you have to wake up, Suletta, open your eyes-” trying to close the hole in her suit, trying to slow the bleeding.
Suletta covering Miorine’s shaking, bloody hand with her own.
“You did it.” Suletta smiling weakly, eyes unfocused. “Aerial’s all back on the station now, but she says she’s impressed. Good job….”
“Press down on this.” Miorine, clinging to her, clinging to hope, letting go to reach for the controls. “I’ll get us back in a second and you’ll be fine.”
“Mm hmm.” Suletta limp in her lap, head slumped on Miorine’s shoulder. “This is nice…”
“Don’t fall asleep! Are you pressing on the wound, idiot?”
“I’m trying ‘m trying…. hey Miorine… guess what…”
“What? I’m a little busy-”
“Today’s my birthday...”
“Great, wonderful. I’ll get you a cake later I promise. Throw a party, wrap presents- the whole normal birthday experience, I promise okay? Just don’t-”
“… we could get married now, if you wanted to.”
“Right now. If you wanted…”
“NOW? Suletta, can you see where we are? How much blood have you lost!?”
“Well… a lot, probably.”
“And you want to talk about weddings?!”
“..eheh… silly right..”
“I’m not discussing this here, we can talk after you- Suletta? Suletta!”
“Don’t- don’t you DARE- Aerial she’s- I need help! I can’t, I can’t hold the wound and pilot- I KNOW YOU’RE IN A DIFFERENT BODY NOW, I’M SORRY OKAY!? Just help me get her back, the bleeding, we have to stop-”
_ _ _ _
“… what? I don’t understand..”
_ _ __ _
“… no…”
_ _  
“No, no you’re wrong, she just needs- She’ll be fine.”
_ _ _ _ __ _ ___
“But that’s not possible- no one has ever-”
_ _  ___ _  _ _
“… you?”
_ ___
_ _ __ __
“…will it, still be her? Will she remember… no, it doesn’t matter.”
“I said it doesn’t matter.”
__ -
“Aerial! Just tell me how.”
_ __ _
“I’m sure, so hurry! Please!”
 _    _____ _ _ _ __ _ __  _  _ _ _ _
(Ten Years Later)
Earth from a distances, small, bright, fragile.
A continent smudged with green. A field, dotted with launchpads and runways, shuttles and ships arriving and departing like clockwork. There at the edge, a forest, a set of apartment housing.
A rooftop garden. A greenhouse.
A small redhaired child with bushy eyebrows, couching in front of a tomato plant, frowning in concentration.
“This big one? Or maybe… this really red one over here?” She tilts her head and the small robot hovering next to her tilts too, humming.
“Ah!” Laughter. “Look look, that one at the back’s got a weird shape! It looks like a BUTT!”               
The robot jerks in shock.
“Heh, sorry auntie.” Rubbing the back of her neck the child grins. “But you know… it really does…”
Miorine, older, not much taller, pokes her head around the door.
“Are you in here?”
Aer rocks backwards, dirty hands on scraped knees, upside down and beaming, twigs in her messy hair.
“Honestly...” Miorine groans. “I told you to try staying clean today.”
Nose in the air, Aer huffs, haughty and unabashed.
“All the fun stuff is in dirt. And you were busy all day! It was boring…”
“Well I’m not busy now. Here.” Edging the door open a bit more, Miorine waves a hand, the rest of her still hidden. “I have a surprise.”
Aer cringes. “It’s not a bath is it…?”
“It will be later.” Miorine rolls her eyes. “Unless you intend to major in collecting your own personal asteroid belt of orbiting filth, but no. This is something fun.”
Her daughter perks up. “Fun? What kind-”
Smiling, Miorine holds up a small helmet.
Aer bounces to her feet with a shriek, the robot next to her beeping gleefully. “SPACE? SPACE FUN? You mean-”
“Yes.” Miorine steps into view already suited up, her own helmet under one arm. “There’s an opening. Let’s go.”
“I’m ready I’m ready!” Aer squeaked, running forward try pushing her mom out the door. “Let’s go go go- Ah! Wait! Tomato…”
Miorine glanced at the plants. “You want to bring-?”
“Can I?” Aer pushed out her lower lip. “Mom? Pleeeease?”
Laughing Miorine handed her the smaller helmet. “When do I ever say no? Here. Put them in this for now.”
Hurrying back to the plants Aer hesitated, deliberating, Aerial hovering at her shoulder.
“Don’t take too long.” Miorine warned. “You know how quick schedules change.”
“Right.” Nodding firmly Aer looked at her aunt. “The big one and the red one, maybe?”
Aerial beeped agreement.
Aer picked them carefully, then paused. “And…” Reached to the back of the plant she plucked one more. “… she’ll like this one, right?”
Aerial sagged midair but beeped affirmative again.
Grinning, Aer held the third tomato up to the light.
“….. butt tomato…”
“Aer!” Her mom called, already half way across the garden. “Hurry!”
“Three two one LAUNCH!” Aer cried, racing after her. “Last one in outer space is a butt tomato!”
“A what? Aer? What is- Aerial, just what have you been teaching her?!”
(Meanwhile, in outer space.)
A station still under reconstruction. Shuttles and suited workers easing along it’s scaffolded ruins, a steady hive of controlled chaos.
Or, mostly controlled.
A leaking cloud of sparkling gas. Arms waving as a suited space walker points to a nearing shuttle. The scrap of impact on a piece of debris, the shuttles lights flicking out, the shuttle itself now drifting dangerously towards another group of tethered workers….
A giant hand, forged of scratched metal, reaching gently out to scoop them safely away.
-Ah Please Remain Calm-
Tiny shuttle cradled against an armored giant, broadcasting in an anxious tone.
-You’ll Be Back Station Side In A Moment_ _ _ Um-
Hesitancy from a machine built for war.
-Would It Be Okay If I Dropped You Off At Hanger C  Though_ ? _ _ _ It’s Just _ _ I’m Supposed To Be Meeting Someone-
A head crowning with iconic razor sharp fins, bending to peer through the small shuttle windows.
Even smaller silhouettes wave eagerly, giving a thumbs up.
-It’s Okay_?_ Really_?_ _ _ Oh Thank You Very Much_!-
Burners pulsing gently, the giant Gundam weaving it’s way cautiously through the other shuttles and half rebuilt structures.
-I’m So Excited-
The Gundam admits for anyone to hear.
-It’s Hard To Get Free Time On Three Different Timetables And Calls Just Aren’t The Same You Know_?-
A synthetic voice, somehow utterly bursting with happiness.
-She’s Been Growing So Much I Wonder If She Can Reach The Controls On Her Own Now-
Swinging gracefully over a collection rubble, the Gundam tucks it’s cargo closer as the hanger doors come into sight.
-And Miorine_ _ _ She Gets Prettier Every Time I See Her_ _ _-
-Ah We're Here-
Nudging the shuttle inside the Gundam drifted back to let another ship pass.  
-I Especially Like The New Little Wrinkles At The Corners Of Her Eyes _ ! _ _ _Oh But Don’t Tell Her I Said That-
“Too late, idiot.”
Lights flickered in surprise as the Gundam turned, looking down at the side of the station nearest it.
Three figures drifted there, holding onto an access ladder. One small. One smaller.
And one floating robot.  
“Mooooom…! Don’t call mom and idiot! It’s rude! She’s been working hard rebuilding the station!”
“Yes yes, you’re right, I’m sorry. I’ll try to hold back.”
-Ahaha It’d Be Strange If She Suddenly Stopped Though-
“Just what are you implying with that?”
“Well then mom should at least say it all lovely dovey like they do in the manga!”
“With the floating hearts and stuff. ‘My idiot~’ like that!”
“Her taste in books is entirely your fault, not mine.”
-A_ Anyway_!_ You’re Early_! _ I Thought We Were Supposed To Meet _/_Inside_/_ The Hanger_?-
“We got bored.”
“Bored! In! SPAAAAACE!”
“So we thought we’d come meet you. Now. Suletta.”
-Yes_ _?-
Laughing, and beeping, three figures launch themselves off the station and into open space.
The Gundam chased after them, reaching out and reeling them in as carefully as if they were soap bubbles.
-Why Every Time_!-
Beep beep Beep.
-It’s Not That Funny At All_!_!-
“Older sister always wins, older sister always wins!”
“Aer, you just say that because someday you’ll be one.”
“I WILL??”
-She Will_?_?_?-
“An older cousin at the very least. I’m sure someday soon, Ariel will meet a nice AI of her own, and then-”
-Ah Eri_! _ _ _ Not In Front Of Aer Please_!-
“Mom, mom- D’you wanna see a butt tomato?”
-A Butt _ _ _-
“Butt tomato.”
-_ _ Tomato_?-
“Butt tomato!”
-But How Can A Tomato_ _ -
“It’s a tomato that looks like a BUTT!”
“My god you two stop saying it.”
“Oh no.”
“Suletta NO you’re still broadcasting on all channels-”
All work on the station paused for a moment. A long, long, very awkward moment.
The giant Gundam that had just overridden all their communication lines was too busy looking at the clear plastic tomato terrarium her daughter was showing her, though, and didn’t notice.
Miorine sighs. Mostly fondly.
“Well at least I only married her. You’re the one who’s related.”
Beep beep beep.
“Aer doesn’t count. She has my genes too, she’s purely a result of nurture, not nature.”
Beep boop….
“Oh hush and take a picture of us all already.”
roll credits THE END
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lazuli-writes · 1 year
Outtakes - 25 quotes from the Silver Quartet
summary: 25 random quotes from each member of the Silver Quartet.
genre: angst / fluff / humor
estimated word count: 1400 words
a/n: Just trying to get back into writing more. I have so much stuff for this series, but I’m struggling to refine it. Here’s a droplet fic for Slytherin’s resident four horsemen. Remember folks, copying other people’s works is plagiarism and that’s illegal. Don’t be that kind of person. Anyways, hope you all enjoy it :)
©little-lazuli. Do not copy, repost, or translate without permission
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“It must be the galleons talking.”
“We’re like a failed Monty Python.”
“If having half the prat-blood you have makes me less than, than I’ll happily be less than.”
“So the beast wouldn’t attack any of us, right… just asking.”
“You filthy barbarian, fish and chips are a DELICACY! What are you, AMERICAN?!”
“What would your mum do if we were to break the uncooked pasta noodles?”
“Fun fact: I don’t care.”
“There’s enough oil in Snape’s hair to satisfy the needs of English fish frying for at least a decade.”
“I’m a witch, not a prophet.”
“I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furio- not a single one of you know which film I’m quoting right now.”
“Banoffee pie was a gift from the heavens.”
“Oh please, by the time we reach your age Professor, I’m sure at least one of us will have made a name for ourselves other than being stuck in a castle teaching delinquents the refined arts of magical cooking.”
“Run Theo! Run” *cue the laughter as she watches Theo run from being disciplined by Bartholomew Greengrass.
“I want the skeletons. Oh and the jewelry please!!”
“It’s almost as if I don’t care.”
“Daph, you’re forgetting the fact that Ron and Theo share the same braincell… Wait… I forgot you don’t know what a brain cell is.”
“Mutually assured destruction. Truce?”
“What crawled up her butt and died?”
“Oui oui” “Tracey I am Italian, NOT FRENCH!” “Yeah yeah whatever.”
“That’s a lot of deathies. They would probably need multiple Potters going separate ways to possibly make an escape.”
“Ron you’d be Ginger Spice, Daphne you’d be Posh Spice, Theo is Baby Spice and of course I’d be Scary Spice-“ “why can’t I be sporty spicy” “because you can’t even say their name correctly Theo.”
“Do you think you’ll find something as perfect as they did?”
“Over the hills and a long way off…”
“Theo… I’ll be with you soon…”
“So the first place you choose to hide is in a room with dead bodies?”
“She looks like the love child of a troll and a fairy.”
“Stupid mirror.”
“Ronald, why is our potion pink?”
“Father is gonna kill you two for going into the chamber you know…”
“You. Ate. My. Cauldron. Cakes.”
“You tell Ron anything and I WILL tell Tracey how you find her lips very interesting lately.”
“For a dirty stray, he does kind of look like Falkor.”
“You won’t look like that when you get old, right Ron?”
“So blue is out of the question. I guess the typical silver would look nice.”
“Do you think he found u-AHHHHHHH!”
“All I know is that I lay claim to any and all dresses, cloaks, shawls and the likes. Any clothes in this room is MINE.”
“A quintaped has five limbs.”
“Harpy, veela, vulture… same thing.”
“He’s more of a man than you will ever be.”
“It was Theo and Ron’s idea.”
“He had the breath of a damn merling!”
“You gave my parents the greatest gift they could have ever gotten in that moment… hope that their daughters… their family will survive this war. You gave them hope.”
“Not even death can dispute my love for you, Ronald Bilius Weasley. I would be blessed to be able to call you my love, my partner, my friend and my husband for eternity. By these vows… I declare, I do.”
“I think insanity is a social construct. We may think he’s unhinged beyond compare… but he’s definitely the hero in her world.”
“I killed a child Ron! How can you still look me in the eye and say you love me! HOW?”
“I’ve never killed a mutt before.”
“He asked to take my name. He felt that he had no right to give a name he was deemed unworthy of.”
“It is hard to play a game when you don’t know the rules.”
“Say hello to mother and father for me sis. I’m gonna miss you… so much.”
“Why do you look like that?”
“Sectersuper?” “Sectum—sempra” “shut up Weasley.”
“Auntie!! Daphne and Tracey are breaking the pasta noodles!”
“You have troll breath.”
“You didn’t have to do that. You’re not bad Weasley. Not bad at all.”
“I would have called him a filthy spawn of inbreeding but then… that would have also… applied… to-“ “SHUT UP THEO!” “What, it’s the truth Daph!”
“Oh yes, because the lion is the most amazing creature in the world. *eye roll* When a lion talks and starts killing witches and wizards, talk to me then Weasel.”
“I didn’t mean for Malfoy to call you Weasel. Accident, truly it was!”
“Why are you always staring at Ron?”
“Why would he think he even had a chance with Trace?! He looks like the love child of a hag and a house elf.”
“I’m telling you my dear cousin, that Malfoy has been staring at Ronald’s bottom almost as much as he was staring at yours.”
“I’m gonna be a rich man!!” “You already are a rich man Theo.” “Then I’m gonna be an even richer man!! I call dibs on all weapons!!”
“I don’t know why!! I was too busy saving your sister to think ‘oh how much money is this worth’.”
“It’s not my fault you failed to save mother.”
“God save the witches and wizards.”
“I’m not staring at Tracey you imbecile!”
“You cannot be both annoying and lacking magical prowess. Please pick one failure to endure.”
“If you must know, banoffee pie is actually scrumptious. If you are going to advertise your lack of taste, please do so away from my presence.”
“Why do we have to go back to Ron’s old bat of an aunt? She’s so mean.”
“If you wanna be my friend… you gotta get with my… other friends.” “Horrible rendition sporty spicy.” “Shut up Ron!!”
“I wanna live in a small cottage when I choose to settle down. I want a place surrounded and engulfed by all of my favorite plants.”
“Still got troll breath I see.”
“I wish I could see what is it you see every time you look at me Trace.”
“I love her. So damn much.”
“Do you have an eye problem?”
“Theo has a bag of bezoars for a brain.”
“Daphne will kill us if she knows what we’re doing and Tracey will laugh at us if we get hurt. I already know.”
“Stupid mirror.”
“You hear that Tracey, us peasants mustn’t talk anymore.”
“Do you think Snape has a pet under that robe? He always smells.”
“Potter, Granger and Longbottom seem to have this obsession with all things ‘not their business’ that it’s actually quite funny at times.”
“Me and you remember Valentine’s Day very differently.”
“Bill and Charlie ran away the first chance they got. Percy has a superiority complex, Fred is sadistic. George just thinks Fred’s farts smell amazing, and Ginny has this weird habit of hero worshipping people who aren’t heroes.”
“Theo… could you think of anything else other than… her.” “Shove off and stay out of my head Ron.”
“Bloody bint… that thing is worse than Snape…” “Ron that was a quintaped.” “An ugly one at that!”
“Some of my family has this… belief that I’ve been ingenuous about my character. When really, they just don’t seem to understand me all that much.”
“I.. don’t know… I can’t find the words to tell you how I’m feeling Daph.”
“Muggles do have the big boom booms. What are they called again? Nookies?” “Nukes Ron.” “Oh.”
“How do you think she’ll kill us for leaving? Do you think she’ll really castrate me?”
“You want to… marry me? Why?”
“Auntie, if you turn me away now, I’m literally gonna slap you with my hand.” *proceeds to wave his amputated arm, much to the silent horror of Muriel Prewett*
“There will never be a second in this lifetime or the next, that I will ever stop loving you Daphne. You bless me with the honor of being able to call you mine and I yours. By these vows I declare, I do.”
“Still sour about the Manor Lady Lestrange? If it’s any consolation, your husband’s wand works wonderfully.”
“I mean I could… but why would I want to do that Daph?”
“All I ever wanted was to be a real Weasley, dad. And I fucked that up the moment that hat screamed Slytherin.”
“And now we are both here. Rotting in Azkaban. Yet only one of us has any chance of leaving.”
“You what?” “I gave birth Ron.” “. . .You were pregnant?”
“This is your grandma and grandpa. That’s your aunties Tracey and Tori, and your funny uncle Theo.”
“Daphne did you hear!! Albus is a Slytherin HAHAHAHAHAH I can’t wait to shove that in Ginny and Harry’s face.”
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chimerickat · 1 year
A comment on The Best Intentions inspired this scene between Mokuba and Kaiba. I I dropped it in the comments but thought I’d put it here too.
Mokuba didn't think his feet were touching the ground. He'd had a fantastic date with Tris, and she'd agreed to go away for a romantic weekend alone next week. If only his best friend weren't being so stubborn his life would be perfect.
Speaking of stubborn... why was the light on in the game room? Mokuba checked the time. It was just past 2 am. Mokuba veered into the game room, wondering if his brother really could be up this late.
He found Seto seated in one of their Eames lounge chairs. Rather than relaxing back with his feet up, Seto sat upright with his feet on the ground. The sounds of gunfire rang through the air. Mokuba watched the screen for a moment and realized that his brother was getting completely swarmed. There seemed to be no strategy to his actions as his character ran around shooting zombies. Seto cursed as the screen began flashing.
Mokuba realized what his brother was playing. "I thought you hated that game?"
Seto's attention snapped to him as he snarled, "I do." Then his character screamed and died. He looked back at the screen before tossing his controller to the side in a huff. "Thanks for getting me killed, Mokuba."
"Don't get mad at me because you suck." Mokuba rolled his eyes. "Should I join? I could keep you from dying with my superior shooting skills."
Seto scoffed. "I've had enough experience with your help lately to know you'd just shoot me in the head."
Mokuba raised his hands and backed up. "Wow. I don't know what crawled up your butt, but I'm not sticking around for it. Night." He turned, ready to let his brother wallow in his own bad mood.
"Your girlfriend is on a date with that foreigner."
"Okay, Seto. I literally just dropped her off at home, but sure." He didn't know why Seto hated most of his girlfriends, but usually he didn't try lying outright about them.
"Not the new one. Your desperate, little stray cat."
At that comment, Mokuba swung around to face his brother. "What are you talking about? She doesn't know any foreigners."
"She's out with that wannabe duelist from England."
"I've told you, she and Machiko are just friends." Mokuba didn't know why his brother was so snappy about it. "And if you could just spare us all your angst and ask her out on a date already, I'd appreciate it."
Seto pulled out his phone. After a moment of silence, Mokuba assumed he'd won the argument and his brother was just stewing over his loss. How typically Seto. As if ignoring him meant that the loss could be ignored too. Well, Mokuba never forgot a win.
Then his phone pinged. He checked it, wondering if Tris could be texting him already. He had a text from Seto with a link. He clicked on it and was taken to a recent post on Machiko's instagram. He read the short post and saw the problem. "Machiko could be out with anyone. She didn't even tag her date."
"Your little friend," Seto spat out each word like a curse, "told me she had plans with her tonight."
"No way!" Mokuba knew his best friend better than anyone, and he knew she was still pining after his brother.
"It seems like just anyone with money will do." Then Seto picked the controller back up and restarted his game.
Mokuba knew he couldn't reason with his brother tonight. He would need the facts before he could knock Seto out of all his stupid assumptions.
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As though I had been waiting for an exit to this long blank of sky, the sun went down. A line of red at the edge of the earth, marking the spot where it had fallen. The sky darkened, and I waited for twilight to subside. The lights of the city never came on; it must have been some time between six and seven. The red pinprick dwindled to a point, and then was gone. The last light of the day finally faded, and the sky had blackened all the way to the horizon.
I took out a cigarette and lit it, sunk in thought, seeing in my mind's eye a man in a button-down shirt and slacks, his hands folded neatly before him, at a table. I'm going to dine on this man, I said to myself. I'll imagine him slowly shivering, his spine eventually turning to ash, my teeth grinding his bones into dust. When I had finished, he'll be gone, and the only thing left of him will be a trill of fine grey ash, which I will gently disperse with the butt end of a cigarette, and then, silence. I don't want to hurt him anymore, but neither do I want him to stay. I want him to go, for good. The ash will make him easier to take away.
As I stood there on the roof, as the sun fell and the lights of the city died, I remembered that I had something to do. I coughed, and a cigarette end tumbled to the concrete. I reached out to pick it up, but then realized it was not the one I'd been smoking.
"Really?" I said aloud.
Somehow, during all the quiet thrashing my thoughts had been doing the last few minutes, I had neglected to do what I should have done in the first place -- check what I was doing. Too late now. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a little box with a teeny-tiny piece of paper in it.
On the paper was a name. A name I did not know.
I noticed, as I reached the bottom of the paper, that my fingers were trembling. The box with its tiny scrap of paper was getting tighter and tighter in my grasp.
The sensation of almost falling was very pleasant. You are only one floor up from the ground -- is that really so very high? You could jump, and I don't know that you would even land on your feet, but you would probably be okay. You could get up. You could get up right now, and everything would be all right.
Everything is not okay, I heard him say to me. His voice was a young woman's, a girl's, one I had met when I was a child, and I have not seen her in years.
It was a voice with a lot of ants in it. Things crawled around inside me, and she was one of them. She was cold inside, and I could not fight my way through it, I could not fight her. I wanted to be at home.
You have to follow the instructions on the paper. You have to go to the "Threshold Hall" and not say anything to anyone. You have to give the name on the paper to an attendant. You have to do this. I don't understand what you are doing.
Do not worry, he said.
You don't understand what I'm doing, and you don't know what I'm doing. All this is just one day, and all you have to do is get through it. There is no Threshold Hall; I made it up, you don't have to go there.
I really don't know what he's talking about. But he seems so sure. And that's what you're going to do.
You really don't know what he's saying. Don't think about it too much. I know you have other, bad, thoughts you can think. Do not think about those things, it's too late now. Get up now and go, it's not too late yet.
He has that kind of confidence, like a drug, or a joke. You want to believe him because he's so sure and because it's funny, and because you like the way he talks, and because you believe in him. But there is no Threshold Hall, and the name on the paper is nothing. I am real. I am actually you, and you are me. You don't believe it, but you are me. You are me.
Look out the window. You don't have a window, because it is not in the real world. There is a building you could be in, and it has a big empty space in front of it. There is a building you could be in, but it is in the real world, and you don't want to be there. I am real.
If I can keep you thinking about me, you'll forget. You'll remember I'm real when you're with me, and then you'll come. And then you'll have to go to the Threshold Hall to get in, and if you say nothing there, you'll make it inside, and then you'll be fine. This is all you have to do.
There are other places you could be. He is not even telling the truth about you. Your family is doing well. There are other worlds you could be in, and some of them are probably better than this one. You don't want to be here, he's lying, you don't want to be here because it's not fun, you don't have to be here.
He was sitting on the other side of the building, at the park. I can hear him, his voice is high and the sound is clear. But it is a boy's voice, and it is me. I am him, and he is me.
I am him, and you are me. You cannot believe that there is no Threshold Hall and that the name on the paper is not real. You know there is a Threshold Hall and you know the name on the paper is not real. But he is real, and it is because he is you.
Listen to me. Listen to me. You want to be in the park with him. You want to sit there with him, and listen to him talk.
I am you, and I can tell you to get up and go. Do you believe that?
I am you. You are not me. I am you.
You are me. You are me.
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clouded-mushrooms · 2 years
TW: Incest, mentions of grooming, suggestive
Thrushpelt stood at his half brother's bed room door. In his hands he held a rose. He knew his step brother liked yellow roses so he got him one. It was Thrushpelt's first day back from the army. He sighed, he was nervous to see his half brother. One because he was nervous to see his reaction and two because he was worried his half brother had a girlfriend/boyfriend. He had always had a crush on him. His spiky gray, and white fur that fell apon a beautifully built body.
He remember the first time he met his step mom. He didn't like her, she always seems a big stuck up and Windflight, Thrushpelts and Thistelclaws father, had been cheating on Thrushpelts mother. Shortly after thrushpelts mom and Windflight got a divorce, Poppydawn, Thistelclaw's mother fell pregnant with Thistelclaw, Rosetail and Sweetpaw.
The thought of Sweetpaw hurt, she had died so young from a sickness. Her siblings grieved, Thrushpelt was there for them. Thistelclaw and Thrushpelt grew close because the brown tom cat has been there for in his darkest times, or so Thistelclaw thought. Thrushpelt had took this opportunity to get close to his half brother so he could groom him into thinking everything he did was okay. He would get Thistelclaw alone and the two make out and what not. Thrushpelt smiled at the thought.
The brown tom had turned himself on by the memories. He hissed to himself, he knew Thistelclaw would help him out with this so, he opened the door eagerly. Thistelclaw was sitting on his head, he was headphones in and watching a video. Thrushpelt purred, he knew his father or step mother wasn't home so, he walked over to his brother and crawled into bed. He rapped his arms around the gray and white tom cat.
Startled Thistelclaw, jumped and looked at who was holding him. His eyes widen and he threw off his headphones. "THRUSHPELT!" He said excitedly. He started to cry with joy, tears covering Thrushpelts uniform. Thrushpelt smiled. "I'm home" he said placing a small kiss on Thistelclaws lips. "I got you something" he said, holding up the Yellow rose. "It's your favorite. "
Thistelclaws blushed. His brother and crush kissed him and he got him his favorite flower. He grabbed the flower and pulled Thrushpelt for a kiss. He kissed him passionately. "Thank you, thank you!" He said jumping up and down slightly. He got off the bed and set the rose in a vase. Thrushpelt looked a little shocked. He hadn't been expecting a kiss. He licked his lips, he craved more.
He got up, he closed the door. He didn't want anyone to see them. He walked over to Thistelclaw. He rapped his arms around his half brother. "I really missed you" he said lustfully. He placed small kissed down Thistelclaws neck. Thistelclaw fought back a moan. "I.. I missed you to." he whispered.
The gray and white Tom spoke with truth. He had tried to detract him, so he dated a girl, but they didn't work out. So they broke it off. But a few weeks later she came to him saying she was pregnant. He was shocked because they had only had sex one time. He said he would help her out with taking care of the baby. Once his parents knew they were happy and disappointed that he got a girl pregnant in high school.
Thistelclaws was snapped from his thoughts when Thrushpelt slid his hands down to Thistelclaws crotch. He blushed, as his half brother whispered. "Do you remember the games we would play?" He asked, rubbing his crotch against Thistelclaw's butt.
Thistleclaw blushed, he nodded slowly. The memories flooding him. He left his body heat up. Thrushpelts lustful voice spoke once more. "Do you wanna play one again?" He asked. Thistleclaw smirked. "Yea, but I can choose the game and be in charge?"  Thrushpelt looked a little shocked. "Sure" he purred.
Thistleclaw turned around and pushed thrushpelt onto the bed. This shocked the older tom, but he didn't protest. The gray and white tom crawled on top of him. "How about we play, " he smirked, "hunter and pray." He said his voice and eyes filled with lust. "I'm the hunter and your the pray. " he purred. Thrushpelt nodded. "Okay, /Brother/." The way he said brother, was enough to push thistleclaw over.
Thistleclaw kissed Thrushpelt, as he slid off of his half brother. The brown cats eyes were bright. The gray and white cat, let out a sigh of joy. He turned to his brother. "That.. That was fun" he said laying his head on Thrushpelts chest. Thrushpelts chest rumbled, as he purred. "I agree," he said, placing a kiss on thistleclaws head.
Thistleclaw sat up, his eyes round with a question. Thrushpelt looked at Thistleclaw, "What's on your mind?" He said smoothly. Thistleclaw hesitated, he turned his head away as he gathered the courage to speak. Slowly he turned to Thrushpelt, their eyes locking. "I.. Can.. " he started. He shook his head, "Can we keep doing this?" He asked. Thrushpelt giggled and sat up. "We can do it whenever, " he said leaning into a kiss. Thistleclaw gladly kissed him back.
He pulled away from the kiss, "So, are we dating now?" He asked. Thrushpelt load back, pulling thistleclaw with him. "If you want to," he said, "I'm cool with anything. " thistleclaw smiled and snuggled up to his brother. "I want to have you as my brother and my boyfriend" he said.
"What the actual fuck, Thistleclaw!" A female voice screamed. Shocked the two brothers jumped and found a pure white cat, staring at them in disgust. In her hand laid a baby. Thistleclaw shot out of bed, forgetting he didn't have clothes on. Snowfur screeched, "YOUR SLEEPING WITH YOUR BROTHER!? " she screamed at him, waking her son.
She took off running with her son. The baby was crying and she was just as shocked. Thrushpelt and Thistleclaw share a look. Thrushpelt got up and hugged his boyfriend and his new boyfriend. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't want people to find out about us" he whispered. Thistleclaw cried in to his brother and boyfriends chest.
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