#what could they have done at OSU? what could they have done with their life?
apollos-boyfriend · 25 days
Hey I've been observing from afar through your reaction blogging, I haven't been in mcyt as much since the dsmp ended but I still care about a lot of the people in the mcyt circle and I'm interested in what goes on - care to give a rundown of what happened at this twitch rivals thing everyone keeps talking about? (no pressure only if you want to) Aside from the fact I'm sure it was terribly run like most twitch rival events are, but it sounds like there was more to it than that
okay so. i am going to be missing quite a few details because i missed a day myself + my streamer could not care less, so i heavily encourage others to add on stuff i missed
this was a multi-day competition, running for 5 days with prize rewards from 1k to 100k. it started with i think 150 players, with select numbers of people getting eliminated each round. day 1-2 are fairly normal, at least for twitch rivals. of all the games that got played through the whole event, i'd say like 1 was actually good, and maybe 2 were decent, at best. most are bad, poorly-executed, poorly thought out, or just boring in terms of both player enjoy-ability and content creation.
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now, sapnap's been sapnap for this entire event already. obnoxious, a bad sport, but most notably, playing DMCA'd songs. the event ran on proximity chat, so while he was unmuted, everyone around him would also be subject to said songs, which could mute vods at worst and terminate accounts at best. most people are fed up with him at this point. while everyone's trying to come up with solutions for the glitch, sapnap spams the discord with useless shit. couriway calls him out in the discord, calling him annoying and obnoxious, then later calling him a cunt in twitch chat. sapnap uses couriway and feinberg's name in his stream title for clickbait and talks shit about them + their friends (hbg/house builder gang). he also makes some weird comment asking if couri is homophobic because sap was talking about having skeppy's dick in his mouth?? or something?? i'm unsure exactly how day 3's issue of the glitch resolved.
day 4 is also your average experience with your usual range of average to horribly painful games. sapnap continues to be a bitch and not take responsibility for his stans attacking anyone in sight, but what else is new
day 5 is. bad. the game set for deciding the final competitors can be cheesed (if you let someone else do all the work, you can punch them in the last second and steal their win) and eliminates like 20 people at once. on top of that, a glitch happens that leaves the server on standby for at least 30 minutes while admins decide what to do. firebreathman sends a picture of a bare naked ass in the discord. someone else sends a photo of their debit card. streamers entertain themselves in various ways, including growing a cactus (fulham), playing osu (purpled), collecting other people's streams for their overlay (fruitberries), playing slime rancher (badboyhalo), and building real-life furniture (couriway). tubbo (who was already eliminated at this point) starts jumping between streams and asking in chat for the tea. the game is eventually replayed, deciding the final 4 players, but it's just as broken and at that point, no one wants to be there anymore. it's revealed through multiple streamers (purpled, i believe also feinberg) that twitch rivals games are not tested before being ran. the only testing done was a stress test to see if the server could handle all original 150-some players. this explains why the games are so bad and poorly organized (some games take over an hour, others barely 30 minutes).
the final four are sapnap, shadoune, sneegsnag, and i think feinberg. it's the most anticlimatic game of connect 4 you can imagine. sneeg eliminates sapnap, and shadoune eliminates fein. notably, fein's game glitches during a throw, which despite being obviously a glitch, the coordinators brush off as being "part of the game". fein and multiple other streamers spend time analyzing every pov frame by frame and all agree that yeah, that was a glitch. shadoune and sneeg are left for the finals. they come to an agreement that this is stupid and a horrible event. tired of this bullshit, they purposefully stall the games and run a podcast for approximately 2 hours, forcing the coordinators to bend to their commands hunger games-style. essentially since the first glitch of the day people were begging twitch to just split the money, something that wouldn't be easy according to tubbo, because everything is pre-signed and delegated before the event. sneeg and shadoune give no fucks, and force the coordinators to split the money anyway, winning the day through the power of friendship. i cannot stress enough how no one wanted to fucking be there by the end of all this.
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avalil18 · 4 months
I love you, I promise (pt2)
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Summary:you decide to hang out with your childhood best friend after he had surgery but little did you know what would happen.
I fell asleep in joes arms last night and I don’t think I’ve ever had a better sleep in my life! Joe is like my comfort blanket. He is there when I’m sad, angry, happy, and all the above. He is my best friend. But I over heard something last night that I can’t get out of my head. “And Joe take good care of her like I know you will. I know you love her and to afraid to ruin your friendship but I see the way she looks at you and you should tell her, don’t be scared.” Robin said. Joe loves me! And not in a best friend way. I don’t know what to think. I have always had feelings towards him but I could never say anything because of possibly ruining our friendship.
The sun was shining in joes room as I woke up in his big comfortable arms. I was laying my head in his chest with my hand on his stomach and a big, white, soft throw blanket over us. After just laying in joes arms for a while he woke up. I started drawing shapes on his abdomen as he was waking up.
“Good morning”-joe
“Good morning j”-you
“How did you sleep?”-joe
Great! You?”-you
“Amazing! I don’t think I’ve gotten a good night sleep in a while.”-joe
Joe started moving his fingers all over my back. Drawing shapes like I was on his stomach. It gave me butterflies all around. I didn’t want to get up, just wanted to stay in his embrace forever.
“Are your parents still here?”-you
“I don’t think so. I heard the door close early this morning. They are probably driving back. I think since they know that you are over that you can probably help me around the house.”-joe
“Haha, probably!”-you
“What time is it?”-you
Joe moved his arm with the other hand on my back. He picked up his phone.
I looked up at him. As he moved back from putting his phone back he looked at me and we locked eyes. After a few seconds I said something trying not to stare for to long
“We should get up.”-you
“Oh, uh yeah.”-joe
I moved out of his embrace and planted my feet onto the carpet and walked into the bathroom. I keep some stuff here since I come over all the time. I have my own little drawer. I got my toothbrush and brushed my teeth. Once I was done with that I brushed my hair and went out into the closet. I also have a drawer in there. I picked out my OSU sweatpants and my Lululemon align sports bra. Joe walked in just as I was walking out.
“Hey! If you don’t mind, do you think you can help me put my pants on?”-joe
I laughed
He walked to his side and also picked out some OSU sweatpants and a tied died green shirt that almost looked like stained bleach. Oh this boy and his clothes I thought.
“I just need you to balance and help me take off the brace.”-joe
“Ok! I can do that!”-you
I walked over to him and bended down to take off his brace. He sleeps with a brace sometimes but usually puts a cast on. I unwrapped the Velcro and slipped the brace off and put it on the tiny island in the middle of his big closet.
“Here put your arm on me and I will open the pants. Got it, burrow?”-you
“Yes ma’am!”joe
“Haha, good!”-you
He put his arm on my shoulder and I opened the pant waist. He was in his boxers and the green shirt. He slipped one of his legs then the other. He pulled them up. I looked at him and smiled and Joe gave an even bigger smile back.
“Great teamwork!”-you
I said giving him a high five.
“Teamwork makes the dream work!”-joe
We laughed and made our way out the closet and down the stairs to the kitchen. I helped Joe down the stairs hand in hand. I helped him sit down on one of the kitchen stools and then decided to make breakfast.
“What do you want to eat?”-you
“Um, how about some eggs and bacon?”-joe
“Sounds good to me!”-you
I turned on the stove and got to cracking the eggs. As I was doing so I could feel joes ocean eyes on me. It made me blush but I had to focus on making a good breakfast.
“So, are you staying with me today?”-joe
I turned around to look at him.
“Um, I think so! I have to help you around the house and help you clean. This place is a mess!”-you
“Yeah, it definitely needs cleaning! But im happy I get to spend time with you.”-joe
My cheeks got rosy red
“Haha! Well I’m happy to spend time with you too!”-you
I winked and turned around to place the eggs and bacon on the plates.
“Here you go!”-you
“Damm y/n, this looks amazing!”-joe
“Joe, it’s just eggs and bacon.” - you laughed
“Yeah! But you put stuff in your food that makes it taste good!”-joe
“You mean seasoning?”-you
“Yeah! That’s it!”-joe
We laughed
“I can tell you cook!”-you say sarcastically
“Hey! I’m actually a very good cook!”-joe
“Sure, if you say so burrow.”-you
He smirked at me and I smiled back which made us both laugh. I loved being in joes company. He makes me feel safe and loved.
After breakfast I got to cleaning the dishes as Joe sat on the couch watching ESPN. I looked over at him as I loaded the dishwasher. God is he perfect. Once done with that I decided to clean the counters and the dinner table. The dinner table was filled with get well cards and Bengals playbooks. I moved those and got to spraying then wiping down the glass table.
After a few hours of wiping down surfaces, putting stuff in the washer and dryer, and changing sheets it was finally time to wind down. Joe was still in the same spot on the couch. He didn’t really move around a lot. Only when we got sushi for lunch and ate at the table and going to his office downstairs in his big basement.
“Hey you!”-joe
I sat next to him and Joe put the throw blanket around my legs as he was watching UFC.
“Thanks for helping me out today. I really appreciate it y/n.”-joe
We turned to each other starring into each others eyes
“Of course Joe! I’m always here to help you!”-you
He smiled.
“I have something to show you!”-joe
“Really! What is it?”-you
“Well help me up and I will show you!”-joe
I laughed forgetting that he needs help. I got up and put my hands out. Joe put his hands in mine and slowly got up. When we got up and started walking out into his backyard through the sliding door we kept our hands locked in. My heart was racing. I don’t know what he wanted to show me.
As we got outside and starred into the dark sky joe looked up into space.
“Do you remember when we would go to our spot on that hill and look into the sky once every year?”-joe
“Yeah! When Jupiter and Venus collide!”-you
“Yeah exactly! Well this year they are closer together than like ever before!”-joe
“Really! That’s awesome! And of course you know that! You really are a physics nerd!”-you
He smirked down at me
“What! It’s true!”-you
I smiled back at him. He then took my hand and pointed at Jupiter and Venus.
“That’s them!”-joe
I was mesmerized! Joe always made me look into the night sky with him and look at stars all through out our childhood.
As I was looking up Joe looked at me. I was still very captivated by the planets that I didn’t look back. Right there and then he put his hand on my cheek and turned my head and kissed me. I was shocked! Joe kissed me! I felt his hands move up my waist and to my back. I moved my arms to his neck and my fingers were In his hair. We were probably kissing for about 30 seconds before we pulled back.
“God you don’t know how long I’ve been meaning to do that y/n.”-joe
I looked up at him with so much love in my eyes
“You’re my world y/n. Mostly everything that has made me, me was you. You have been my best friend ever since second grade. You were wearing your pink dress with a white bow in your hair and playing in your front yard. I came over to you and asked if I can play with you and of course you happily said yes. Ever since then I have been in love with you. I know it took me a long time to say it but there it is. I love you y/n, always have and always will.”
I was speechless but then I finally spoke
“God Joe, I don’t know what to say. But to tell you the truth I have always loved you too. Ever since you came up to be in those long cargo shorts and red shirt with a basket ball in your hand and asked if you can play with me. I also heard your mom last night when she came to say good night. She said that you have always loved me. I also heard was you said after.”-you
“You.. you did?”-joe
“Yeah, and Joe you are my best friend who I always have loved and cared about. You make me feel loved and safe. I love you too Joe burrow, always have and always will.”-you
Joe pulled me in for a kiss. This time more passionate and aggressive. We probably made out for five minutes.
“Will you be my Jupiter to my Venus?”-joe
“Are you asking me to be your girlfriend, Joey?”-you
“Well then I will of course be your Venus!”-you laughed
The night slipped away as you fell asleep in joes arms again with so much love filling up both of your body’s and souls.
Authors note: I decided that Joe should end up telling y/n how he feels so here ya go! And ik y’all loved the first one. 🩷
Tagged: @sunny1616
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marvelislove10 · 1 year
Hello Stranger
We interrupt our semi-regularly scheduled Aaron Tveit fanfiction authoring for this bad boy.
Fair warning, I barely edited it and nobody but me has read it haha. Enjoy! Come yell about sports, broadway and fandoms in the chat/ask box!
She hated being the center of attention. She had never liked it. She was just a normal person with a normal job.
So as people bustled past her in the hallway, she did her best to melt into the cinder block wall.
She pulled her beanie further down her head and sniffled, her nose still cold from the freezing weather.
There was a sudden rise in noise and Charlotte immediately looked up from her shoes.
People parted like the red sea as the tall blonde walked down the hallway.
He stopped less than a foot away from her as he chatted with his parents. But for the time being she kept her distance.
But then Joe pulled away from his Mom and was looking around expectantly.
His gaze settled on the long-haired woman and Charlotte’s throat tightened to see how red those normally blue eyes were.
            “Hello stranger,” she said pushing herself off from the wall.
The Bengals quarterback reached for her and she wrapped her arms around his torso.
She heard and felt his shaky exhale against her skin.
            “You played really well tonight, Joe. You should be proud of yourself.”
Joe huffed against her shoulder and then stilled.
            “I can do better. I should have done better. I am better than that.”
She pulled back and caught his gaze, peeling a hand from his shoulder to gently touch his jaw.
            “Please don’t beat yourself up. Joe, please don’t.”
He inhaled shakily again, and she thought she could feel tears hitting her neck. She pressed her lips to the top of his head, and he finally calmed.
Joe pulled back and tried to subtly wipe at his cheeks.
            “I’m sorry you had to freeze your ass off just to see this shit result.”
            “It wasn’t shit. Yes, I’m mad that you lost of course but it wasn’t shit. And neither were you. It was just the Chiefs’ Day today.”
            “Lottie,” he grumbled.
She met his gaze and he still looked disgruntled. It was hard not to tease him, but she knew this wasn’t the moment.
            “I mean it. And besides, I’m from the Midwest Joseph. I can handle a little cold.”
            “So what you’re saying is that the cold never bothered you anyway?”
            “Did you just make a frozen reference?”
His pale skin flushed pink and that made her fight back a smile.
She looped her arms around his neck unable to fight back the smile any longer.
            “You’re a dork, Burrow.”
            “I know. But I’m you—”
His words cut off as she pressed her mouth to his.
She tried to keep the kiss short and chaste as she knew they weren’t alone. When she pulled back, she could feel his fingertips skating across her jawline and it made her shiver.
            “I love you,” she whispered.
            “I love you too. Are you flying back at the same time as my parents?”
That question made her reluctantly open her eyes.
            “In the morning,” she said quietly with a nod.
            “Alright. I’ll pick you up.”
            “You don’t need to.”
            “I want to.”
She smiled at him, and he smiled back.
The next morning, as she waited for Joe outside of baggage claim she couldn’t stop her mind from drifting.
She didn’t know how she had gotten here. Somehow she spent most weekends galivanting across the country in support of one of the most popular quarterbacks in the modern NFL.
If she was honest with herself, she never expected this would be her life when Joe had complimented her Star Wars t-shirt one day during their torturous summer math class at Ohio State.
She hadn’t even realized at the time that he was on the football team. He was just a cute boy who was clearly a nerd too.
It wasn’t until their next class that she had noticed the “Burrow” OSU football tag dangling from his backpack when he settled in the seat next to her.
But somehow here she was, grinning widely to herself when he pulled up in his black car.
She tossed her bag into the trunk, rolling her eyes at the boxing gloves scattered haphazardly, and then slipped into the passenger seat.
            “Welcome home.”
            “Thanks Baby,” she said.
He leaned over the console and kissed her. She let out a squeak of surprise though when Joe swiped his tongue along her bottom lip.
She felt her pulse begin to race as Joe’s tongue slipped into her mouth.
The moment was broken though by a loud honk behind them.
            “Shit,” she swore.
            “Guess we gotta go.”
            “Guess so. Take me home, please.”
It didn’t take long for Joe to park at Charlotte’s apartment. He grabbed her bag from the trunk and waited while she unlocked her door.
            “I’m gonna take this upstairs and change. Make yourself at home.”
            “After 6 years, don’t I always?” he quipped.
She rolled her eyes at him but pecked his lips anyway.
He took a moment to admire her ass and couldn’t resist the urge to let out a low whistle. Charlotte threw up her middle finger and he laughed, going for the fridge once she was gone.
When Charlotte returned in a pair of tiny adidas shorts and one of Joe’s old OSU t-shirts she found him sitting on her couch.
            “You made coffee?” she asked.
            “Mm. With booze.”
That made her smile and she plopped down beside him.
            “Ah so it really is the off-season then, isn’t it?” she asked as she took the second mug from his hand.
            “Yup. Plus I’m still fucking pissed that we lost.”
She frowned lightly and took a sip of the very strong, boozy coffee.
            “Yeah that really did suck, huh?”
Joe just grunted in agreement.
She reached down and turned on the tv, putting on some random movie. She took another long sip of coffee and then put both the mug and the remote down.
When she straightened up, an arm snaked around her lower back and tugged on her hip.
Realizing what he wanted, she spun herself around and straddled his lap.
            “How’s the wrist?” she asked gently.
            “Very, very sore. Doctors want to see me tomorrow. So no sex until we get the all clear.”
Her eyebrows pinched together at his words as her eyes narrowed.
            “Who says you always have to be on top? I’m perfectly capable of taking what I want.”
Joe’s eyes widened in surprise at first before a wry smile grew across his lips.
            “That’s true. And it’s usually fun when you do. But still. We better hold off.”
            “Fine. I’m too tired for pity sex anyway. Now, what do you want to watch?”
Several hours later, the couple had switched positions and were lazily spooning on the couch.
            “You should probably head home.”
He turned so that he was now meeting her gaze.
            “You know…If you had just moved in with me, I wouldn’t have to leave.”
She sighed heavily. The couple had had this argument a thousand times since the LSU grad had been drafted but her opinion still hadn’t changed.
            “Burrow. I love you. You know that I do. But I don’t want to be a kept woman.”
            “Lottie, you wouldn’t be.”
            “Alright, then you and your millions can move in with me.”
Now it was Joe’s turn to crinkle his eyebrows.
            “That’s what I thought,” she said.
Her boyfriend wasn’t vain, she knew that about him. She just knew that with his budget now it made no sense for him to leave the posh part of town for her clean but tiny apartment.
            “Joe, it just doesn’t make sense. You know it and I know it.”
            “I know but I miss you.”
            “It’s not like we lived together at OSU. And then you moved, twice might I remind you, and now I’m here.”
            “I know but—”
She cut him off briefly by kissing him softly.
            “Look. I know you’d give me the world if I asked for it. But I’m not here for the perks of dating the NFL’s newest quarterbacking prodigy, ok?”
            “I never said you were. I appreciate the fact that you’re one of the few people left in my life who decided I was worth it when I was a third stringer riding the bench. But Charlotte, I want to start a life with you.”
            “Then put a ring on it Burrow. And then we’ll talk.”
His eyes widened in shock.
            “I thought you weren’t ready.”
She shrugged.
            “Well I’m ready now. Like you said it has been six years.”
He broke out into a bright grin that made his eyes crinkle at the corners.
Before she could blink, he was sliding off the couch and bolting out of the room.
            “Please don’t tell me you have a ring already!” she called after him.
She heard a laugh from the distance.
            “No, I’m not that bold. But I have ideas,” he said when he returned to the living room.
He sat beside her, pulled her feet into his lap and then handed her a pile of papers.
            “What are…Joe. No, please tell me you didn’t buy all of these.”
            “No of course not. I just…” He trailed off and blushed a deep red color.
            “You’re blushing! What did you do?”
            “You liar,” she said with no venom in her voice.
But then she looked down and started to flip through the three pieces of paper he had handed to her.
            “I may or may not have asked my mom her opinion on what to get you…and your Mom. And asked your Dad for his blessing.”
Her jaw dropped slightly and Joe blushed harder.
            “You didn’t.”
Joe shrugged sheepishly.
She went back to the papers and slowly flipped through them. The ring on the second page caught her eye almost immediately.
            “This one. Or something like it.”
It was a traditional colored diamond cut into a pear shape. The band was a little untraditional as it looked like vines but that’s what she loved about it.
            “Alright, noted.”
She gave him half a smile which made him smile and then next thing she knew they were both grinning widely.
            “I can’t believe I finally got you to fold,” he said.
            “To be honest, it was never in doubt for me baby. I just needed a little bit of time. And you gave me that, so thank you.”
            “You’re welcome.”
He tugged on her ankles and brought her closer, pressing his mouth to hers.
            “Love you,” he mumbled against her mouth.
            “Love you too. Now time for you to go home. I unfortunately have work in the morning.”
            “Baby,” he whined.
Joe kissed her again and she melted.
            “Let me stay,” he whispered.
He kissed her again and she knotted her fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck.
            “Yes!” he gloated.
            “But don’t bitch at me when I’m waking you up at 5:30 in the morning.”
            “I won’t.”
She raised an eyebrow at him.
He pecked her lips.
            “I promise.”
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findopulencerp · 1 year
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                           𝖋𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖝 𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖍𝖚𝖗 𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖗𝖔𝖊
he was born thirty-six years ago, he is a witch who lives in dillon as an ancient languages professor at osu, and is in helka's own. he looks an awful lot like domhnall gleeson.
“Death is so terribly final, while life is full of possibilities.”
tw: accidental pregnancy, animal bones, death
A mistake, never supposed to happen, bastard child. All words used to describe Felix Monroe by his father, Edmund, the moment he learned his maid was pregnant by his hand. The woman did not want her son to grow up in the world of the magical elite, with their rules and regulations, and so left her profession to go back home to North Carolina to raise her son. Felix grew up on the road, his mother Eva traveling frequently for work – most of the time Felix was either in the care of his grandmother or stuck in motel rooms. That didn’t mean he wasn’t happy; in fact, an older Felix would claim these were the best years of his young life. They didn’t have much but they had each other.
And then Felix started to display an affinity for magic. It wasn’t anything big at first, just making people's hair grow at a rapid rate or bewitching crows to attack his bullies. It slowly began to spiral into something bigger the longer it was left as the young boy tried to hide it, building and building until one day his mother found a collection of animal bones, dolls that resembled the children in his class with bent limbs and notes scrawled in a language she couldn't decipher. Felix was 12 when this incident occurred, and it convinced his mother to get back in touch with the Monroe’s regarding her son’s quirks.
Edmund had known she was pregnant but didn't realize she bore a son. Felix was the fabled 7th son of a 7th son, meant to be powerful beyond most normal witches. With persuasion, money, threats, Felix was sent to live with his father and multitude of other siblings. Never would he see his mother again.
Growing up in the household was hard, Felix was immediately put on a strict regime to train him up to the family’s standards. It wasn’t just magic, it was history, elocution lessons to rid him of his drawl, math, building upon what little public and home-schooling had already taught him. Felix was being groomed to be the successor to the Monroe legacy and head of the family, blindsiding his elder brothers and sisters in his prowess. It wasn’t something he wanted, more like an ambition he was trained to have. Though no friends, Felix preferred allies, coating himself in a web of ice – if they would not like him, they would fear him. This carried him through his teenage years, marked by a distinct loneliness and isolation that proved fruitful as Felix seemed to just grow in power and ability. There was little he could do and was set for life.
Then his mother died.
Felix felt it, as if something had been ripped from his core. Abandoning everything, he went back home to North Carolina for the funeral. He was one of the only few, shell-shocked and alone, surrounded by only a handful of people. It had been years since he’d last seen her, of course but it didn’t make it any better – only worse. Felix’s only seemed to grow worse afterwards, erratic, irritable, beginning to try and slippery slope many witches had tried to before him; that of necromancy. For hours he poured over books and accounts, soiling the few positive relationships he had in pursuit of something concrete. It never came, so Felix took matters into his own hands. A dark ritual, a sacrifice needed but Felix wasn’t as alone as he thought he was. A last-ditch attempt by his father to stop the madness his son was spiraling into ended in his demise. The spell did not work. Felix’s mother did not come back, and in turn he had lost his father.
The Monroe siblings were quick to cast Felix out in their grief, disowning their bastard brother and sending him packing. Felix wound up in Opulence, alone and forever marked by what he’d done, settling down as an ancient languages teacher.
“what power did he attain when settling in opulence?”
Upon arrival in opulence, Felix didn’t notice anything particularly different about him. The power he’s obtained is the chance to nullify the abilities of those who had also gained them upon entering Opulence, a sort of invisible field around him he cannot perceive or feel.
this character is…taken
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i’m just venting sorry
i hate forming such strong associations between ppl and the things they introduced me to or were heavily involved in
i can’t play osu! anymore, can’t watch the assassin’s creed movie, can’t listen to a few bands or artists, i can’t even go ice skating and i can barely go roller blading, and i’m doing my absolute best to pretend i don’t hate the person who i associate with all these things
because they’ve done so many things wrong in the past that have destroyed small parts of me, and i’ve not been the nicest in return, and they’ve destroyed one of my best friends emotionally to a worrying degree, but right now? they’re not doing anything wrong
when they’re talking to my friends or hanging out with us at lunch i want to stop existing and for the most part i wish we had never known each other, but they’re not doing anything wrong, at all, and we were good friends for years
but a friendship formed on such shaky and rotten foundations was bound to fail, and it crashed and burned and they barely noticed, then they did notice, and i distanced myself and never said enough and didn’t explain myself well enough and now we’ll never talk of it and they’ll never know the real reason i told them we shouldn’t be friends anymore
and they won’t know how frustrating it is when they try and talk to me like we’re friends, or try to start a conversation with me
and i’m not being the bigger person here
i know that
i’m being irrational
and i don’t care
i’m fucking sick of it
and i tried talking once about something, mentioned that oh that could be for a reason and it nearly turned into a huge argument like it always fucking does so i just walked away and they glowered and complained a little just as i did
and fuck it sucks
and in a way we’re very similar, except i never tried to convince a partner of theirs that they didn’t actually love them and instead had a crush on me and that they should break up right after they’d had one of the worst days in a long time
but like can i even blame them for that? really? can i? they were depressed, and it was getting really really bad on their end, and they don’t even remember doing it. they don’t know they did it because when i told them what happened i left out some details so they wouldn’t feel as bad
and it’s been like 2 years
and i still feel like shit
and i was going to put up with it for the rest of the year, really, i was. i was going to shut up and sit tight and stop talking to everyone so no arguments could start up and i was going to smile and laugh and hang out with them when they asked
but a close friend of mine asked that i do something about it, because they’d hurt them too
so i did, eventually
i didn’t handle it amazingly, i’ll admit that, because i felt like i was going to throw up and i didn’t even really want to do it but i was sick of my friends and my interests being insulted, and now what?
were you lying when you said you didn’t want to be friends with them anymore? all my friendships are disintegrating now
i think because of this
and there’s drama and so much shit that i don’t keep up with
and i want to be done with it but i still see them all almost every day and just ignore them, because i don’t want to see them anymore, because i’m petty and i was hurt and i wanted to cry when they were smiling when i ended our friendship and they laughed when i said i was scared for their life and i’m upset that they’ll never even know
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13-reasons-ideas · 3 years
Marry Me - Monty’s Perspective
A/N: Here it is. I’m so sorry this took so long to put out. I was having a really hard time getting into the right headspace to write this. I hope you guys like it! I recommend listening to Thomas Rhett’s Marry Me when you read this. As usual, feedback is appreciated and much love! -Em
Ellie was coming back into town for her engagement party this weekend. I was the first person she called when Evan proposed. She damn near gave me a heart attack when I answered, and she was scream-crying.
I was watching the Chargers game when Ellie called. “Hey Elliebear.”
“Heaskedmetomarryhim.” She screeched on the other line. I had no idea what she said. It sounded like she was crying. And that I would be deaf in one ear. I pulled the phone away from my head until she stopped freaking out.
“What was that?”
“Evan proposed.” What?
“And I said yes. I’m getting married Montgomery.” Oh.
“That’s great Ellie. Congratulations. I’m happy for you.” I cleared my throat, trying to get rid of the pit that was forming.
“Thank you. I wanted you to be the first one to know, so I just wanted to call you quick. I can hear the game in the background, and we have more people to call so I’ll let you go now.”
“Okay, tell Evan I said hi and congratulations.”
“I will. Bye Monty.”
“Bye Ellie.” I hung up and sat back on the couch. She’s getting married.
End flashback
I was on break at work when I got a text from Ellie.
Hey you. I just got into town with Evan for the weekend. Are you free tonight?
I texted her back a few minutes later, yeah I’m free. What’s up?
She replied right away. Drinks or coffee? Just you and me. My parents are going over some details for tomorrow with Evan that they don’t want me around for.
Sure. Meet you at Monet’s at six?
I’ll save you a seat. Usual order?
You know I don’t change things Elliebear.
I stopped at home to change after work into something more comfortable. I grabbed a clean pair of jeans and a random t-shirt before grabbing an old flannel and running out the door, so I wasn’t late.Ellie barely beat me to the café. It wasn’t surprising really, since she was always the early one.
“Hey, what can I get you this evening?” the barista asked her.
“Can I get a-”
“She’ll get a skinny vanilla bean latte with only one pump of vanilla, a dash of cinnamon, and extra foam in a for here cup. I’ll get a regular black coffee. And she’ll also have the chicken and spinach sandwich.” I said behind her. The barista looked at her, unsure if she should ring it in or not. Ellie nodded and turned around to face me. Before I had a chance to say anything, she jumped into my arms for a hug.
“Hey Elliebear.” I grunted.  
“I missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
Our orders were finished quickly as it was surprisingly slow for a Friday night. Luckily, that meant our table was free. We sat down and conversation flowed easily. It was almost like we had never been apart.
“The ring is nice. It suits you. Bigger than I thought you would like but it’s nice.”
“It is nice, yeah. That reminds me, Evan said he’s looking forward to meeting you tomorrow.”
“So am I. See who finally caught your interest.”
“I was interested in other people before Evan.” She told me, scandalously. Sure, you did El. I didn’t let myself think about the possibility of her liking me that way when we were younger.
“Ellie. That guy from drama class doesn’t count. And neither does your chemistry partner.”
“I was not interested in Adam. And Zach was my chemistry partner. I can assure you I was not into him.”
“Please, enlighten me as to these people you were interested in before Evan.”
“There was,” she paused. “Dylan from sophomore English was cute. Ian. Couple other guys in high school. Peter from my first year anthropology class was… very attractive, and smart.”
“One guy aside from Evan? University of Georgia is a big school. There’s no way you only had eyes for two people.”
“I was busy. I practically lived in the library when I wasn’t in class or my dorm. What about you?”
“What about me?”
“Is there a girl I should be hearing about? Or should have heard about?”
“Nah. Nothing important or anything to write home about. I was busy.” I wouldn’t call what I did, dating. The point wasn’t to find someone to bring home. Who I wanted to bring home was over 900 miles away.
“Oh please Monty, you played ball at OSU. You honestly expect me to believe there was no girl in your life?”
“No, no. There were girls. Just nothing really serious.”
“Uh, huh.” She replied, sarcastically. We reached for our cups at the same time and our hands brushed. I was immediately transported back to the day of homecoming in senior year.
“Remember students. The homecoming game is tonight at 6:30. You’ll want to be there early as our Liberty Tigers take on the Hildebrandt Mustangs if you want good seats. It’s sure to be a nail biter.” Principal Bolan’s voice boomed from the intercom during the morning announcements.
“Don’t know why he’s hyping it up to be a nail biter.” Scott laughed.
“We are playing Hildebrandt. We could literally not show up and still win.” I joked. “Have any of you seen Ellie? She’s usually here to force me to English by now.”
“Nah man.” Scott replied.
“Need lover girl to make sure you do what you’re supposed to?” Bryce teased.
“Fuck off. It’s not like that with us.” Unfortunately.
“Sure it’s not Monty. I refuse to believe you never hit it.”
“Don’t talk about her like that.” I threatened, lowly. Don’t push it man. Bryce shut up at my tone. “I’m going to go try and find her. I’ll see you guys at lunch.”
She was arranging her books when I found her at her locker. She was trailed by Clay and Alex. I pulled her into my arms and lifted off the ground. “Montgomery, put me down!” she laughed.
“Never.” I laughed, evilly.
“I have to grab my chem book. And go to chemistry.”
“I’ve got it.” Zach said as he grabbed her book, “you carrying her to class today?”
“Nah, I thought about it but since I had to come find her this morning, I figure she can make it there on her own.”
“I was running late. My alarm didn’t go off when it was supposed to.”
“Excuses, excuses.” I replied, putting her down and shaking my head.
“I’ll see you guys later? Zach and I are running late.”
“Sure. Justin said if I don’t go to the game tonight, he’d tell mom and dad about Ani. And I don’t want to deal with that.”
“Someone has to keep Clay company, so I have to go too.” Alex said, pushing clay lightly.
“Great. I’ll see you then. See you at lunch Monty.”
I sat through just about the driest English class of my life, counting the minutes on my watch. Math was no better. We were reviewing for a test that almost the whole
class failed. Somehow that was our fault for not studying enough. I let out a sigh of relief when the lunch bell rang.
The table was already mostly full when Ellie came and sat next to me. “Ellie, think you could pray for us to not lose this game tonight?” Bryce sniggered from the end of the table.
“Hey, quit being a dick.” I stated. Bryce responded by chucking a grape at me. I threw it back at him. I knew how important her faith was to her. Some things just weren’t okay to be joked about or questioned. When it came to Ellie, faith was one of them.
“It’s fine Monty. Not like he hasn’t done it before.” I know he has. I don’t like it. “It’s going to take a lot more than God to help you win if you don’t learn to throw better than that in the next six hours. But sure.” I watched her from the corner of my eye as she smirked to herself before beginning. I’d seen her pray for real before. This wasn’t that. “Lord, please help the guys win tonight. Give them the ability to not trip over themselves when they make plays. And God, please show Bryce how to make the ball go where it’s supposed to and not hit some poor kid in the head again. Maybe, just maybe, then he will get laid tonight and we all know that’s really why he asked me to pray.” She smirked at Bryce. I choked on my juice. She probably isn’t wrong. Was pretty funny when that kid got hit though.
“You need to quit hanging out with Monty, he’s rubbing off on you too much. And I was serious.”
“I know. I’ll do it for real after lunch. You can sit with me if you want.” She was true to her word. I was late for Geography because I was watching her sit in an empty alcove praying. Bryce didn’t sit with her.
The locker room was abuzz with excitement. It was the homecoming game. Not to mention our season opener. If we wanted to start the season off right, we had to win. Sure, we joked around about Hildebrandt being an easy team to beat-they came in second to last in the league last year-but there was still a chance they would pull off a miracle. Especially if Bryce threw like he did at lunch. “Yo Monty, is Ellie coming to Monet’s tonight?”
“She said she would. Not that she’ll give you the time of day.” I waved off Matt’s question. She’s not interested. Trust me. Find someone else to have your eyes on. Several ‘oooo’s were voiced around us.
“How do you know?”
“Just do, man.”
“I could treat her real nice. She’d beg me for more.” Are you fucking kidding me?
“Oh shit.” Someone muttered, seriously. I didn’t really hear who it was. The sound of my blood rushing in my ears was too loud. Coach Kerba wasn’t in the room. He was talking to Banes about plays. No one in here will snitch. Not when it’s about Ellie.
I immediately turned towards him and cornered him against his locker. The rest of the team stood silently, watching us. I got real close to his face so only he would hear me. “You even think about her like that again and I will bury you so deep they’ll need ground penetrating radar to find you. Not that they’d recognize you if anyone found your body. If you so much as brush against her too hard in the halls, I’ll break your jaw. You understand Carraway?”
“Y-yeah. I got you. Never said a word.” He breathed in response. I had scared the living shit out of him. Good. I stepped away from him and after a few beats the incident was forgotten and the mood was light again.
The game wasn’t that exciting. Had it not been homecoming, most people probably wouldn’t have shown up. As expected, it was in our favour most of the first half. Ellie waved at me between plays. She was practically beaming. During the second half Hildebrandt seemed to find their groove and the game was at least interesting to play. It wasn’t the nail biter Principal Bolan had promised this morning. Everyone knew that regardless of how we played, we would end up winning. The game ended and the team and the crowd were excited. Matt and Garrison were so excited by the win, they tripped over their own feet and faceplanted on the sidelines. The excitement died down for a moment until they shot up and went on celebrating.
I waited for Ellie outside the locker room, as per our tradition. “Good game.” She called.
“Of course, it was. I was on the field.” I smirked.
“Modest as ever I see.”
“Do you expect anything else at this point Elliebear?” “Not really. But I can hope, maybe one day.”
“Maybe, but not likely.”
“Oh hey, while I’m thinking about it, Clay asked me to keep an eye on Justin tonight.”
“Is everything okay?” My brow furrowed.
“I think so. Clay said something about him having issues adjusting and stuff. Do you think you can play nice with him for a while?”
“I suppose, since he is your friend, I can try and be nice for a while. But not all night. I want some Ellie time.” Only because it’s you asking.
“And you’ll get your Ellie time. After you make nice with Justin.”
I sighed, making it seem like a hassle just to get a rise out of her. I was about to respond when Bryce called us, “are you two going to stand there and chit chat all night or are we going to celebrate?”
“We’re coming. Give us a minute asshole.” I called back to him. Bryce didn’t respond.
I turned around so I could give her a piggyback out to the car. “Hop on”. Once she felt secure, I walked us out to the parking lot. I pretended to not pay attention when she stole my baseball hat. She couldn’t see the way my smirk turned into a smile when she did.
“That’s my hat El.”
“I know. I happen to like it though, so I’m wearing it.”
“I’m not getting it back tonight, am I?”
“Nope. It is now mine. Might even write my name in it.”
“You do that Ellie. I won’t care when I steal it back who’s name it has in it.” Already has my name in it. Yours would just complete it.
“Fine. Then I’ll readjust it.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Oh, I would.”
I set her down at her car. “No, you wouldn’t.” I called her bluff. You’re too sweet to do it. Or you’d fix it right away if you did. She rolled her eyes at me.
“Whatever. I’ll see you at Monet’s in a few with your precious hat.” I waited until she got in her car and drove off, before starting my own engine and following her.
Ellie beat me to Monet’s as usual. I nodded at and stopped to chat with some of my teammates when I came in. Matt nodded awkwardly at me as I passed. I glared in return. My coffee was set across from her when I got to our table. “I see you told the truth. Can I have it back now?”
“No. I think it looks quite fetching on me, if I do say so myself.”
“Yes. Do you disagree?”
“No, I think it looks good on you.” Not that anything would look bad on you. Suits her. She’s wearing my shirt.
“That’s what I thought.”
We chatted quietly before Justin showed up. “Hey guys.” He waved.
“Justin! You made it.” She exclaimed, too excitedly. Making him think you were forced to babysit him by being overly happy isn’t going to help Elliebear. I shot her a tone it down look. Justin smiled uncomfortably as she offered up her seat. “Make room.”
“Can do sweetheart.” I flirted, patting the chair next to me. The smile and blush she tried to mask didn’t go unnoticed.
“Thanks for the coffee Ellie.” Justin said, taking a sip.
“No problem.” The three of us chatted idly for a while. I was on my best behaviour with Justin and even laughed a few times at couple things he said. There was no mention of what he witnessed in the locker room.
My hand found Ellie’s under the table and I grasped it carefully. I had to make it look like I hadn’t done it intentionally. I could see the pink flare of her cheeks and my lip twitched upwards.
“Hey Justin, come over here and look at this.” Charlie called. He was looking at something on Garrisons’ phone. Justin left us to go investigate. I caught the quick glance at our hands, even if Ellie didn’t. Thank you, Foley.
“And then there were two.” I muttered, pulling her from her thoughts.
“Then there were two.” She repeated.
“That shirt looks good on you. It’s pretty familiar too.”
“Oh, yeah. There may be a reason for that.” She seemed nervous.
“Need to go talk to Mike?”
“Not if you don’t have a problem with it. I think he would agree it was simply borrowing, rather than stealing. No need to involve Jesus.”
“I am. So now you’ve got my shirt and my hat. Anything else you intend on taking of mine?” I slowly inched closer to her. We have never gone here. But there’s no way she doesn’t feel this pull.
“Possibly. Depends what else you’re willing to offer.” She said, coyly. My fingers itched to brush the hair from her face. She beat me to it.
“I think there’s a thing or two I could offer you Ellie.” I replied, leaning in a little more. What am I doing? What if she doesn’t feel the same way. Am I about to ruin our friendship? Do I even care? Before I could kiss her, fucking Bryce Walker beckoned from across the room. Son of a bitch. You couldn’t wait two god damn seconds, could you? This better be important.
I stopped just short of kissing her. “What?” I answered, curtly.
“My place, half an hour.” He called back. That is what was so important you had to interrupt this moment? That could have waited. Fucker. I nodded in response and turned back to Ellie, hoping the moment wasn’t gone. I knew it was though. I sighed internally. She was smiling at me, but it didn’t reach her eyes like it normally did. She’s upset. I didn’t know what to say to try and salvage our moment. Instead, I watched her take a sip of her latte and check her watch.
“Shoot. Is that really the time? I have plans with my mom in the morning. I should get going.” I’ll take bullshit for 200, Alex. She never was a good liar.
“Oh, okay. Are we still on for waffles Sunday afternoon?” I tried to hide my disappointment.
“Yeah. Be at my place around one? I need to talk to Pastor Mike about a few things after service.”
“I’ll be there. Text me when you get home.”
“I will.” She hurried out of the café so fast, someone might think there was a fire.
I threw my head back in my chair and ran my hands down my face. Bryce and Matt were watching me when I looked out at the room again. I mimicked Ellie’s actions and took my half empty cup to the counter. “You couldn’t have waited one minute, could you Walker?” I grumbled as I passed him.
“Sorry dude.” He called after me. “My place-.”
“Half an hour. Yeah. I got that.” I shook my head as I left the café.
End flashback
I turned to watch her take a sip of her latte. She still savoured the taste and licked her bottom lip the same way. “What about the blonde girl you told me about briefly?”
Blonde girl… Lip piercing? No. Was a red head. The sorority girl? That was the brunette with the Adderall. Blonde… oh! Chirpy. “Sara?”
“She was nice. Very peppy and chipper though.”
“Ah yes. Need to keep up that stoic exterior. Can’t have someone too chipper, lest people think you have a soul or something.” You always thought I did.
“Exactly.” I laughed. He took a long sip from his cooled coffee. “Can you imagine if I brought her home?”
“Well, knowing your mother, I would probably be attending your engagement party tomorrow instead of the other way around.”
“Oh probably.”
“How is your mom doing, by the way?” “She’s doing okay. After dad died, she was pretty out of it for a few months. She’s gotten better with time though. Really started to come into her own and forge her own path.”
“I’m glad to hear it.”
“Not going to ask how I’m doing Ellie?”
“No. I know how you’re doing.”
“Oh really?”
“Montgomery. I am your best friend. Your dad was never a parent. DNA doesn’t make someone your family. You’re doing the same as you did the day you left and vowed to never speak to him again.”
Her easy explanation surprised me. “Sometimes I forget how well you know me.”
“I know. That’s why I have to remind you all the time.”
“Yeah, yeah. How did Evan react to Scott on the way from the airport?”
“I’m not totally sure. I don’t think he realized how things worked at Liberty and exactly what you and I being friends meant. Scott told him about the treehouse.” Oh God.
“Oh no. Ellie. I need to look the guy in the eye tomorrow.”
“I know you do. Don’t worry. He didn’t seem upset or anything. I think he found it amusing actually.”
“Did he tell him anything else?”
“About you?”
“No, mentioned how you guys fucked up and didn’t study for midterms and I singlehandedly kept you all on the team. And how Matt and Garrison managed to keep themselves above their feet until after homecoming senior year.”
“Of course, he did.”
“Don’t worry. Evan will like you.”
“How do you know?” Why do I care? Because you love her you dolt.
“Because I like you. And even though you think you are, you really aren’t a bad guy.” We talked for about another hour or so, just catching up, before we decided to call it a night.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Three o’clock sharp.”
“Good.” She squeezed me tightly. When we pulled apart, I looked down and saw she was wearing my shirt. She kept it all these years.
“Is that my shirt?”
“Yes, it is.”
“I thought I lost that years ago.”
“You never asked for it back. We agreed that I technically borrowed it, remember?”
“Yeah, but I also thought you would have given it back by now.”
“I mean, I can give it back to you tomorrow if you want it.” She offered.
“No, no. You keep it. You seem comfortable in it.” She smiled and hugged me again before leaving.
No matter how much I tried to talk myself into cancelling at the last minute or just not showing up to the party, I couldn’t do it. As much as I wanted to let her finally think that I was an ass, I couldn’t. I couldn’t hurt her like that. So, I manned up and went to Ellie’s engagement party. I showed up right at three, as promised. “Hey you.” She beamed. Her whole face lit up when she saw me.
“Hey Elliebear.” I said as I hugged her. Evan stood to the side, giving us a moment. He looked so uncomfortable with our interaction. Maybe he noticed how much brighter her face got when she saw me. She pulled away first and turned towards her fiancé.
“Evan, this is Monty. Monty, this is Evan.” She motioned between us. I shook his hand awkwardly.
“So, you found the way to Ellie’s heart, huh?”
“Yeah. She is something special. I thank God every day that she decided to give me a chance.”
“Don’t I know it?” I replied, trying to hide the wistfulness and ignore the pang of jealously in my chest.
Jill called her over for something and she pointed Scott out to me. Trying to avoid a pissing match El? “Coming Mom. Scott is over there by the cupcakes. Try to keep him from eating himself to a sugar high?”
I laughed, “can do Ellie. It was nice meeting you Evan. Congratulations.”
“You too Monty. Enjoy the party.” He doesn’t like me.
“Hey Scotty.”
“I didn’t think you’d show up. Justin and I had a bet going. I owe him fifty bucks.”
“Well, you know. It’s Ellie.” I grabbed a cupcake from the stand and took a bite. Not bad. I see why she wants me to monitor Scott.
“That’s why I didn’t think you’d come.”
“You came.” Justin said, patting me on the back in lieu of greeting.
“Yup. Where’s Sasha?”
“Girl talk with Ellie and Jess and some other girls.”
“Riveting. What choice did I have? My options were come, watch her with Evan, and hate every second of it for an hour or two, or, not come and have her hate me for the rest of our lives.”
“I guess. Are you going to go to the wedding?” Justin asked.
“See if Evan lets her invite me first. He doesn’t seem too impressed so far. Thanks for that by the way Scott.”
“I’m sure he’ll warm up to you.”
“If you’re invited? Which you will be, because you’re her best friend.”
“Then what kind of best friend would I be, if I didn’t go to her wedding? I’d just hate myself for a few more hours then. That’s better than a lifetime of her hating me.”
“Fair. Look, if you want to leave, just say the word. We can go back to my place and drink.” Scott offered.
“Thanks. I need to stick it out. It’s Ellie.” The rest of the party was fine. I talked to Jill and Rob for a while. I even talked to Evan for a bit. It was awkward but we didn’t fight each other. If he suspected anything about my feelings for her, he didn’t say anything. I left that evening, wondering if he noticed Ellie looking for me and not him all afternoon and letting my brain go somewhere it hadn’t gone in years. At least, not willingly gone in years.
I held out some sick hope that maybe, just maybe, the engagement wouldn’t last. I knew it was wrong of me, but I couldn’t help it. This was the girl that I had been in love with since the eighth grade. That’s when she stopped being like one of the guys. When she became something more. Even though I knew it wasn’t an attainable thing, even back then, there was always this little spark of hope. She was the reason I didn’t really date in college. She was the reason no girl was worth bringing home to meet my mom. They were all compared to her. They would always be compared to her. I always hoped that she felt the same way about me as I felt about her. That hope vanished when I checked my mail after work that Wednesday. The fancy envelope and familiar script were enough of a giveaway. I didn’t need to open the card to know what it was. The invitation. I sighed as I went in the house and opened the card. I merely skimmed for the important dates and time. I knew in that moment that I had finally lost her. I also knew that I would go anyway as I signed, sealed, and mailed the RSVP that night. I had to go. It’s Ellie.
The day had finally arrived. I had been dreading this day for the better part of a year. It was the morning of Ellie’s wedding. I woke up, forced myself to get out of bed, made coffee, and showered. I stared at the black suit hanging on my bedroom door for fifteen minutes. Arguing with myself about if I was really going to do this was getting me nowhere closer to a decision. If I go, I’ll hate myself. If I don’t go, she’ll hate me. If I go, I’m losing her. If I don’t go, I’m losing her. If I go, then I’ll get to see her. If I don’t go, I won’t see her. If I go, I’ll have to hold my feelings in forever. If I don’t go, I’ll have to hold my feelings in forever. Finally, I came to a decision. I wasn’t willing to risk losing her because I couldn’t show up for her. If I wasn’t going to be able to be with her, at least I could still be in her life. Maybe. But I’d cross that bridge when I got to it. I put the suit on and fixed my hair. Then I went to the liquor cabinet and filled a flask with whiskey. I couldn’t drink it in church because if Ellie found out, she would kill me, Ten Commandments be damned.
I arrived at the church forty-five minutes before the ceremony was scheduled to start. I took a sip from the flask in my pocket on the city sidewalk. Spotting Bryce, I walked over to him. “Hey.”
“Hey man, how’s it going?”
“It’s going, you?”
“Same old, same old.” We chatted mindlessly for a few minutes until Justin showed up with Clay and Sasha. I’m shocked we haven’t gotten a happy announcement from them yet. She looks thrilled.
“Justin, Clay. Hey Sasha.” The trio greeted me, and Clay took Sasha inside. He seemed to pick up on the displeasure radiating off of her.
“Holding up okay?” Justin asked.
“He’s at his best friend’s wedding.”
“I know. Just trying to be nice Bryce.” Zach showed up and broke some of the tension brewing between Bryce and Justin. Never thought I’d be happy to see Zach freaking Dempsey.
“So, I heard from one of the groomsmen that she looks beautiful.”
“Of course, she does. It’s Ellie. And it’s her wedding day.” I said. Scott found us milling in the back of the chapel and came over. He didn’t bother greeting us.
“Have you talked to her?” he asked.
“No. I wanted to give her space. In case I decided not to come.”
“Oh. You could go talk to her now.”
“And say what Scott?”
“Tell her.”
“Tell her what? It’s her wedding.”
“I know that.” I looked around to see if anyone was paying attention to our little group. They weren’t.
“Tell her what exactly Scott? How do you propose I go about telling her that I think she’s making a mistake and that I’ve been in love with her since we were thirteen? I’m not going to do that. Not today. Not ever. I’m not messing this up for her.” I whisper-yelled.
“He has a point Scott.” Zach pointed out.
“If I say something, I’ll lose her forever. So, to avoid losing my best friend, I’m going to sit here, watch her marry the man she loves, and wish her the best. And then I will go home, get very drunk, and sleep the hangover off for the next two days.”
Scott raised his hands in defeat. “Okay. I get your point. I’m not going to push you into doing something you don’t want to do.” Even though I made a good little speech, the closer we got to the ceremony, the more uncomfortable I became. I couldn’t stop the thoughts of wanting to do exactly what Scott suggested. I wanted nothing more than to go find her and tell her how I felt. But then I looked around the room and saw all of these people waiting excitedly to see Ellie and Evan get married and live happily ever after. I wasn’t going to be the reason that didn’t happen. But the closer we got to ceremony time, the closer I also got to losing my resolve to sit here and watch this happen. I couldn’t watch her marry someone else.
“I can’t do this.” I said suddenly.
“What?” Zach asked.
“I can’t watch her marry him. I can’t sit here and watch them get married. I can’t give her up like this.”
“What are you doing Monty?” Scott asked. I stood up from my seat.
“Tell Ellie that I’m sorry.” With nothing more to say, I turned around and walked out of the church. My friends didn’t try to follow me, too stunned to process what was happening. I got in my car and drove. I wasn’t sure where I was driving until I pulled into the lot.
I opened the door to the quaint café and saw that our table was available. Though, I suppose now it was more my table than our table. I lost her today. There was no way I was getting her back after what I did. I slipped my jacket off and hung it over a chair to save the spot, before going to the counter and ordering.
“Can I get a tall bourbon neat. Make it a double.” Monet’s had been licensed a few years ago.
“Sure thing. Rough day?” The barista asked.
“You have no idea.” I shook my head and took the drink she set in front of me. Back at what was now only my table, I pulled out my phone and scrolled though some old photos. A lot of them were of Ellie. She used to like to steal my phone and leave me with some selfies to surprise me when I opened the app. I scrolled through the seemingly endless stream of photos and ordered another bourbon when I finished the first one. My trip down memory lane was interrupted when I got a text from Bryce.
I need you to tell me where you are.
Because I do. Now tell me where you are.
Montgomery. You want to tell me where you are.
Fine. If you must know. I’m at Monet’s. Now why do you need to know?
I’m sorry about homecoming night. I hope this can make it up to you at least a little. I stared at the screen in confusion. Shaking my head, I put my phone down and went back to sipping the amber liquor. What the hell is he talking about? Fucking Bryce. I didn’t look up when I heard the bell chime above the door. Nor did I look up when I heard the click of high heels against the wood floors.
“Is this seat taken?” I heard a familiar voice, softly.
I looked up at her then, my eyes widening in surprise. What is she doing here? She is supposed to be getting married to Evan. What does this mean? Why is she here?
“I couldn’t do it if you weren’t there. You’re my best friend Monty.”
I scoffed quietly before replying, “it’s not taken, no. Sit if you want,” and taking another drink from my glass, not looking at her for fear of letting my guard down again, only to be crushed again.
“Hey,” she started, reaching for my hand. I looked at her hand and paused before letting her take it, “I mean it. I couldn’t marry him.”
“Why not?”
She was quiet for a moment. Noticing I had about fingers width of bourbon left in my glass, she grabbed it, downing the rest of it.
“Hey. I was drinking that.” I protested.
“I couldn’t marry Evan because he wasn’t you. And you weren’t there to say anything by the time I walked down the aisle. You were just going to give me away and live the rest of our lives wondering what if.” She told me while she stared into the bottom of the now empty glass.
“You- really?” Wait, how did she know I was there? “How did you know…?”
“Zach told me.” Of course, he did. I sighed internally.
“I know I wasn’t there Ellie. I just. I couldn’t sit there in that church and watch you marry him. And I knew I was and would be too much of a coward to stand up and say something when I saw you standing up there with him. I had to let you be happy.” I told her, trying to make her understand that I couldn’t be the reason she spent her life unhappy.
“Don’t you get it Montgomery? I wouldn’t have been happy. Not really. Or at least not for long. Not with Evan.”
“So why did you agree to marry him?”
“Because I thought it would be easier? My friends liked him, my family liked him, I liked him. I just thought that it would be easier to ignore my feelings. I could marry him, officially move to Atlanta, come home a couple of times a year, have a couple of kids. It all seemed easier than admitting to myself that I was in love with my best friend and if I really, truly wanted to be happy, I would need to be with him instead. And that admitting that would change everything. But I’ve learned over the past year that easy doesn’t always mean happy. And sometimes what we think is easy in the short term, isn’t always easy in the long term.”
Easier. Sure. She finally admitted it. She’s in love with me. I chuckled lowly, “took you long enough.”
She furrowed her brow at me, “what is that supposed to mean? I just confessed my love for you, and that’s all you have to say?”
“Yeah. It took you long enough to come to that conclusion. You were what? Half-way through the ceremony before you put a stop to it?” I asked, unable to keep the bitterness out of my tone.
“Not exactly. I knew a while ago. I spent the whole morning shaking and waiting for you to come and tell me that I was making a mistake. When you didn’t come, I thought… that you either didn’t feel the same way, or that you were going to do the kind thing for once and not say anything, but I thought at least you would be there. When I saw that you weren’t, I knew I couldn’t marry him. Even if it was the easy choice.” When I didn’t say anything she added, “you picked a great time to do the kind thing.”
“Yeah, well. You knew it would happen sometime. You owe me another shot by the way.” I muttered.
“Oh please. There was barely a fingers width in your glass.” she told me, sighing dramatically.
I looked at her through my eyelashes, “they won’t serve you that small an amount.” she rolled her eyes and stood up to go order me another shot. Before I could chicken out again, I surprised her when I grabbed her wrist to stop her, before pulling her down into my lap, she fell rather gracefully given the fit of her dress and kissing her deeply. I pulled away first and turned to look out the window. Our friends had gotten out of the car and were clapping and high fiving each other.
“How about that shot now?” I smirked.
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neerasrealm · 3 years
Kagekao’s Day
A fic that follows the average day in the life of our favorite demonic trickster as he gets up to...whatever it is he gets up to. Please note I am not Japanese so the japanese used in this fic is google translated and may be inaccurate or wonky. Apologies in advance for that. Word count: 3489
Shinjuku’s Golden Gai. Arguably one of his favorite places to spend long nights drinking in. The Golden Gai, or Golden Street as tourists would call it, was a quaint little labyrinth of bars, shops and clubs. He’d squeezed himself into a random bar, he wasn’t sure if he’d been there before but the place did serve some damn good umeshu. He’d already drank maybe two bottles worth. It was surprising they would still serve him after so much. Maybe it was because he didn’t get drunk very easily. He was tipsy at most.
He snapped his fingers as a waiter walked past his booth. He propped his clawed feet up on the table as he turned to look at him. He held up his empty glass, shaking it a bit. The ice clinked quietly as he did so. ‘’Motto kudasai.’’ he chirped. The waiter nodded and walked off to grab him another drink. He settled down again, ready to get himself comfy for bottle number three, but then his phone rang. He scowled and reached into his pocket, hitting answer without even looking at the caller ID. ‘’Osu.’’ he grunted, playing with his scarf. He heard a deep chuckle on the other side of the phone.
‘’Well hello there,’’ the voice was deep, and oozed charisma. He smiled and sat up. ‘’Is this a bad time, Kagekao?’’ 
He giggled. ‘’No, no, kami-sensei. Not at alllll.’’ he purred. ‘’To what do I owe the pleasure, hmmmmm?’’
The man on the other end of the phone chuckled again. ‘’I have a job for you. Think you could drop by? We’d love to see you again.’’
He swung his feet off the table and grinned, giggling. ‘’Of course, of course!’’ he chirped. ‘’Sounds fun! Very very fun, kekekeke!’’ he reached into his dress, pulling his wallet from one of the ever-so-delightful pockets. He pulled out the yen and tossed it onto the table. ‘’I’ll be there soon!’’ 
‘’Good, good. I’ll see you soon then.’’ the voice on the phone purred before hanging up. Kagekao skittered out of the bar and off to see Zalgo.
Getting to Zalgo’s realm was easy enough. Find a wall, draw a giant ‘Z’ on it and simply wait for the gates of hell to open up! Kagekao gleefully waltzed through the tunnel to the barren wasteland Zalgo resided in. It was a very dreary place...and Kagekao loved that! He took his time getting to the house. He liked messing with the lost souls that roamed the wasteland. They weren’t really able to fight back, and couldn’t think enough to be anything but innocently confused and curious. Kagekao playfully cackled to himself as he skittered off to Zalgo’s nice, cozy house.
Now he could have taken the door that was always left unlocked, but that was boring! Instead, he scaled the house and made his way up to the chimney. He squeezed himself into it and rapidly skittered down, being as loud as possible in the process. He giggled at the confused shouts and noises he could hear through the wall. He stopped near the entrance of the chimney. The fireplace was unlit. 
He heard shuffling in the room. The rustle of a newspaper, or magazine. Then someone, male, sighing. He giggled. ‘’Jason! Can you come here a second?’’ he called out, mimicking the young, feminine voice of Jane. The male grunted and got off the couch, crossing the room.
While he was occupied, Kagekao crawled out of the fireplace and onto the ceiling. He tilted his head, turning to look at the redheaded man standing in the doorway, his back turned to Kagekao. The demon pulled his scarf up onto the ceiling, out of sight, before replying. ‘’Nevermind, I got it!’’
Jason grunted and turned, walking back over to the armchair he’d been sitting in. Kagekao silently crept along the ceiling until he was directly over where the toymaker sat. Biting back a giggle, he braced himself, then let go of the ceiling. The screech Jason let out had him cackling.
‘’KEKEKEKEKE! Mitsuketa!!’’ he giggled as he rolled over in Jason’s lap and sat up, pressing his mask to the toymaker’s shocked face. Jason blinked a couple times before his lips curled into a snarl. He shoved Kagekao off of him roughly, sending the giggling demon to the floor. Kagekao rolled over onto his hands and knees and snapped his neck to the side a few times, making loud snapping noises as he did so. ‘’Ya-ho!’’ he chirped in greeting. Jason growled and kicked at him. The demon quickly backflipped out of the way with a giggle. 
‘’What are you doing here?’’ Jason snapped. Kagekao giggled again and leapt to his feet.
‘’Zalgo called me!’’ he chirped. Jason huffed and shook his head, muttering to himself. Kagekao snapped his neck around at the sound of footsteps approaching the room. He grinned beneath his mask at the sight of Zalgo standing in the doorway, smirking as he always did. ‘’Ya, kami-sensei!’’ he greeted excitedly. Zalgo chuckled.
‘’Hello Kagekao.’’ he greeted calmly before tilting his head, golden eyes flicking to the angry toymaker. ‘’Jason, shouldn’t you be bringing guests up to my lounge? The living room is hardly a place for me to have formal discussions.’’
Jason glared at Zalgo like he wanted nothing more than to tear the smug god to shreds. ‘’He came down the chimney.’’ he replied bluntly. Kagekao nodded.
‘’It’s true! Then I dropped into Jason’s lap.’’ he purred. Literally. Like a cat. ‘’He’s very warm and snuggly, kekeke.’’
‘’Well that’s good to know.’’ Zalgo murmured back. Jason buried his face in his magazine and did the breathing exercises Alice had been teaching him. Zalgo looked back over at Kagekao and smiled warmly. ‘’Come, I’d like to speak with you in private.’’ he glanced at Jason for a second before turning on his heel and gesturing for Kagekao to follow. He followed obediently, though he didn’t stop himself from looking around and touching anything that caught his interest. Zalgo didn’t seem to mind very much. 
He led Kagekao into his lounge. Though it also worked as an office. It was a big room, with high walls covered with bookshelves and drawers, along with a few trinkets. A mannequin with a pair of goggles on it, a glass case with giant butterfly wings in it, and a perfectly preserved human heart! That last one was Kagekao’s favorite, though Zalgo didn’t like him touching it. Zalgo strode over to the large desk and sat himself down on it, watching Kagekao intently as he skittered around the room a few times before deciding to flop himself into an oversized armchair. He curled his knees up, kneading his claws into the fabric as he got comfy before relaxing. He purred to himself before looking at Zalgo, who’s expression had turned more serious now.
‘’Do you have any wine?’’ he asked. Zalgo looked at him for a moment before snapping his fingers. Flames burst into the air, then disappeared. Leaving a bottle of wine in their place. The bottle fell down into Kagekao’s lap. He giggled happily and quickly uncorked it. 
‘’I have an assignment for you,’’ Zalgo murmured, his voice serious now that they were in private. ‘’It’s important. This is something only you can do for me, Kagekao. I trust you can get it done.’’
‘’Mmm…’’ Kagekao pulled his mask up and chugged some wine straight from the bottle. He’d have preferred a glass, to let the wine air out and settle more, but he was thirsty from all the time he’d spent drinking earlier. ‘’Of course. I can do anything.’’
‘’Good.’’ Zalgo leaned back where he sat. ‘’I want you to check on the proxies. Ask them if they’ve seen anyone...out of the ordinary recently. Wearing a mask.’’
Kagekao looked up. ‘’Out of the ordinary?’’ he cocked his head. ‘’You’re never specific, are you kami-sensei?’’ he added with a laugh. ‘’I can do it though! No problem. I’ll get to see the goggle brothers again!!’’
Zalgo arched a brow. ‘’The goggle brothers?’’
‘’Doby and Toby!’’ Kagekao threw his arms up, then squeaked when he almost spilled wine on himself. 
Zalgo smiled a small bit. ‘’Call them what you like,’’ he murmured as he stood up. ‘’Just make sure you don’t mention me-’’
‘’I know I know.’’ Kagekao cut in as he slurped down more wine. ‘’They can’t know you’re the person behind the Operator, lies and deception, I get it.’’ Zalgo looked surprised. He wasn’t used to being interrupted. Kagekao hopped to his feet and rocked on his heels. ‘’Can I run some errands before I report back?’’ he asked. 
Zalgo nodded. ‘’Whatever you want.’’ he replied simply. ‘’Just get it done.’’
Kagekao gleefully hopped, skipped and jumped out of Zalgo’s realm. He found himself back in the human world. Specifically somewhere in the US. He wandered through the town he’d been popped out at before finding himself in the local park. Bordering the park was a thick forest. He strolled through the trees, deeper and deeper into the forest until he came upon a cabin. Though it was closer to being a shack. Dilapidated and broken down. The wood it was made from was rotting, and nature seemed to be reclaiming it. Kagekao walked over and climbed onto the roof of the shack. He skittered across it and looked down into the backyard.
‘’Yeah it was fuckin’ weird! I don’t know- third base!- who would keep their soda in the cabinet like??’’ a young voice spoke below him.
‘’Guess they like room temperature soda.’’ a second, deeper voice replied. Two boys sat out on the back porch. Or rather, one of them was sitting on the porch. The second boy, who wore mismatched knee socks, an old purple hoodie and had fluffy chestnut hair, was sitting on the other’s lap. Kagekao climbed down the wall, staring down at the two of them intently. 
‘’Who the fuck drinks room temperature soda?’’ Doby asked as he tapped his fingers against his bare thigh. Toby shrugged and wrapped his arms around his friend, his shoulder jerking for a moment. He sighed and rested his head on Doby’s shoulder. 
Kagekao slowly reached down and ran his fingers through Toby’s curly hair. The boy jumped in surprise, his fist punching outward on instinct. ‘’Fuck off!’’ he yelped. Both of their heads snapped up suddenly, looking at the demon casually perched on the wall above them. He tilted his head to the side, grinning beneath his mask. 
Doby’s lips curled up into a grin. ‘’Hey bitch.’’ he chirped. 
Kagekao giggled again. ‘’Hisashiburi desu ne.’’ he greeted. ‘’Genki datta?’’
Doby smirked and rolled his eyes. ‘’I can’t understand you.’’ 
Kagekao climbed down off the wall and hummed. Toby watched him crawl around the porch like a cat, or some kind of lizard. ‘’It’s been a while,’’ the demon murmured. ‘’How have you two been, hm?’’ 
‘’We’re good,’’ Toby murmured. ‘’What’re you doing here?’’ 
Kagekao snapped his neck to the sides a few times, as if mimicking the boy’s tics. He sat himself in front of them, crossing his legs. ‘’Just checking on you two.’’ he hummed. ‘’Anything interesting been happening lately? Anyone wandering into the woods?’’ he asked with a grin.
Doby smiled. ‘’A couple. You know how it is…’’ He mimicked swinging a baseball bat, a clear indicator that he was remembering times when the two had had to keep intruders from finding their little base of operations..
‘’And nobody else?’’ Kagekao tilted his head. ‘’Nobody with...a mask or anything such?’’
Toby frowned. ‘’Mask?’’ he asked softly. Doby nudged him.
‘’Sorry, tic.’’ he grunted before looking back at Kagekao. ‘’What do you mean by ‘mask’?’’ he asked slowly, his eyes narrowing at the demon. 
Kagekao grinned slyly under his own mask. ‘’Someone covering their face. Hiding.’’ he replied. ‘’There’s been someone going around lately...causing issues in the community.’’ he shrugged. ‘’Don’t know their name. Just that they wear a mask and they might be causing issues.’’
Doby hummed. ‘’Nah don’t know ‘em.’’ he said. ‘’Right Toby?’’
Toby nodded, almost too enthusiastically. ‘’Right, right.’’ he parroted. Kagekao hummed and stood up. On his hands. He stretched out one of his arms, balancing his full weight on one palm. 
‘’Well then,’’ he suddenly flipped himself up into the air, landing on the ground with ease. ‘’If that’s the case...then I’ll leave you boys be.’’ he looked at the two proxies. Neither of them spoke. They just stared up at him cautiously. Kagekao laughed and stepped away from the shack, moving toward the forest again. ‘’I’ll see you two soon, hopefully.’’ he added with a sly grin.
With his work done, Kagekao could do whatever he wanted. And he knew exactly what his next visit would be. He had to take a shortcut through Zalgo’s realm, but soon enough he found himself in Louisiana. Specifically a small town in Louisiana that had a forest bordering the side of it. He perched himself up in a tree and waited and waited. Eventually, a silver minivan drove out of the forest and Kagekao grinned. He leapt out of the tree and skittered through the woods and into the fairy circle buried deep inside it. He stopped in the mansion’s front garden and giggled. The mansion was typically impenetrable, accessible only to people who had Slender’s specific marking. Which Kagekao had, though Slender didn’t need to know that.
He crawled along the side of the house, finding his way into the back garden. He poked his head out and looked into the yard. Sitting by a flower patch, humming innocently was a small girl. Her hair was fiery, turning from blonde to red as it fell around her shoulders. She wore gray dungarees and a striped shirt, rolled up to her elbows, along with a red bowtie. Her skin was a reddish-brown, dotted with bronze freckles. Kagekao slinked out from behind the house and skittered across the grass, hiding in a bush. The girl looked up in surprise. She glanced around for a few moments, her golden eyes locking on the bush he was hiding in. Slowly, she stood up and crept over to him, head tilted curiously. She crouched by the bush, reaching out carefully. 
And then he pounced. She shrieked as the two of them rolled over the grass. They came to a stop, Kagekao leaning over her. She blinked in surprise, looking at him, before grinning. ‘’Gecko!!’’ 
‘’Ya-ho Slendra-cha!.’’ he greeted with a smile. 
The girl giggled and pushed him up off of her, sitting up. ‘’Hisashiburi desu ne,’’ she replied. ‘’Genki datta?’’ 
Kagekao smiled. Ah, one of his few friends who spoke japanese. ‘’Genkidesu.’’ he replied. She smiled and tilted her head, hair falling over her shoulder.
‘’What’re you doing here?’’ she narrowed her eyes at him. A sly smile crept up her face. ‘’You’re not causing mischief are you?’’ 
Kagekao folded his legs. ‘’Nooo…’’ he shook his head. ‘’I’d never do that!’’ 
She leaned closer to him. ‘’Uh-huh?’’ she asked. ‘’My dad’s gonna be mad if he finds out you’re here…’’
Kagekao grinned at Slendra. Oh, her father certainly would be unhappy to find out he was on the property of his enemy. But Zalgo needn’t know that. ‘’Slender just went grocery shopping.’’ he replied. ‘’I saw the car leave.’’
The girl pursed her lips, a smile curling up her face. ‘’You’re planning something aren’t you?’’
‘’Your father wouldn’t notice if a wine bottle or two went missing…’’ Kagekao replied. She giggled. 
‘’You’re gonna get in troubleeeee.’’ she chided. Kagekao leaned into her.
‘’I knoooooow.’’ he replied. ‘’Now let me into your house.’’
Slendra rolled her eyes and laughed. ‘’Fine! But only if you promise to bring me those japanese potato chips I like next time you come over!’’ she pointed at him accusingly. Kagekao nodded, just eager to get his claws on some high quality wine. The girl smirked and stood up, leading the demon over to the back door. She slid it open and stepped into the neat, empty kitchen. ‘’You’re lucky Tim took Cody and EJ out you know.’’ she chided.
Kagekao padded toward the kitchen door, peering through the keyhole. ‘’Who’s home?’’ he asked.
‘’Mmm...Jeffery and Ben went with dad. Helen is in their room, and pops took the girls out.’’ she replied. ‘’So...you just gotta look out for Rachel.’’ Kagekao smirked. Rachel? She was only a human! Sure she was a psychic too but...nothing he couldn’t handle.
‘’Thank you Slendra.’’ he chirped before opening the kitchen door and skittering his way down to the basement. He flattened himself against the wall and peeked into the basement. It was sizable and comfy, with a few rooms. Including the miniature wine cellar, only across from him. His gaze moved over to the small couch on the right of the room. It was a cozy little area, with a coffee table, TV and several old gaming consoles, along with a cabinet full of games. Sitting on the couch, holding a game controller, was a woman with medium black hair, wearing an outfit of the same colour. She was playing some old shooter with monsters in it. Kagekao couldn’t be bothered to remember the name. He didn’t care for virtual games. 
Silently as possible, he climbed up the wall and reached the ceiling. He froze, snapping his neck to check on the woman. Rachel Downs...a powerful psychic, but an average human. He’d be wary of her, at the very least. He crept along the ceiling, keeping his head locked on her the whole time. He had almost, almost reached Slenderman’s stash of delicious wine when Rachel suddenly yelled out in irritation. He jolted in fear, watching her throw down the controller in her lap. ‘’God damnit!’’ she snarled. ‘’Janky ass controls…’’ she shook her head, then stood up. Kagekao cursed under his breath and threw himself over to a shadowed corner, thankful that the basement lights weren’t on. Rachel frowned and looked over at him, and though she couldn’t spot his eyes, Kagekao stared right back. A few tense moments passed before she sighed and shook her head. ‘’Fuckin’ cats…’’ she muttered to herself as she turned and walked up the stairs. Kagekao stayed frozen still for a few moments before skittering out of the corner and over to the door to the wine cellar. He unlocked it with ease, using a copy of the key he’d stolen a few months ago.
You couldn’t exactly call it a wine cellar, more of a wine...room. Shelves that were lined with bottles upon bottles of the delicious red stuff. Kagekao giggled. He had at least an hour before Slender came home. Which was plenty of time. He wasted no time getting into a bottle of his favorite brand. Slender had exquisite taste in wine. And a concerning amount of it. You’d almost think the man was an alcoholic, if it weren’t for the fact that he was an ancient ethereal being who didn’t get drunk easily. Kagekao would have claimed to have that same excuse, but he was nowhere near ancient or ethereal, and his alcohol tolerance was still nothing compared to Slender’s. Not to mention he would drink for breakfast, lunch and dinner, when Slender would at least have a glass of juice in the morning.
He told himself he’d keep track of the time. But by the time he heard thumping upstairs and three sets of footsteps he was nowhere near ready to leave. His eyes widened, listening to muffled voices upstairs.
‘’Boys, you start putting all of this away. I’ll be up in a moment to help.’
’‘’Kay dad.’’
The footsteps moved some more, and then he heard the stairs to the basement creaking. Kagekao chugged down the last of the bottle he had clutched between his feet and skittered over to another shelf. He grabbed a bottle in each hand, still listening as Slender approached the room. He staggered over to the wall at the back of the room and drew on the sigil for Zalgo’s realm. As soon as the gateway was open enough for him to slip through, he darted in and closed it behind him. Not wanting to stick around for fear that he’d been caught, he skittered down the dark, damp tunnel until he emerged into the light.
He stumbled and fell against the wall of a building. He shivered. Wow- it was cold here. He crept out from behind the building and looked around until his eyes laid upon a bathhouse in the distance. Glancing around more, he realised he was in between a couple of restaurants. The smell of freshly cooked meat and good old fashioned sake filled his nose. Kagekao grinned.
He had a few hours to kill before he had to go back to Zalgo.
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myhockeyworld87 · 4 years
Right One - Josh Anderson
Word Count: 4,063
POV: Josh
Warnings: Language
Notes: Just felt like writing something that wasn’t Tyler Seguin...haha So here you here’s a little Josh Anderson for anyone interested. Happy Reading!
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The game against the Devils had been hard-fought, but thankfully you guys ended up with the win. Luckily, you had a couple days before your next game. Once the media finally left the locker room, a more relaxed atmosphere filled the air. "So, where are we celebrating tonight?" You inquired of Seth.
 "Sorry man I'm out tonight. I've got plans."
 "Gettin' some tonight, huh Seth?" This from Boone, at least you could count on him to party with tonight.
 "It's not like that, man. (Y/N)'s one of my best friends and she just got a job at OSU. I'm taking her out to dinner to welcome her to town and celebrate."
 "Looks like it's just me and you then Boone. Where should we go?" You threw your jacket on and grabbed your bag, getting ready to head out the door. Seth and Boone a few steps behind you. When you opened the door, there stood the most beautiful girl you'd ever seen. She was wearing a skin-tight white sweater, that showed off her well-endowed breasts and her midriff, with a pair of skinny jeans and heeled boots. But it wasn't just her body that caught your attention it was her smile. She could literally light up a room, with that smile of hers, and at that moment it was directed at you. You felt it all the down to your toes, and at that moment you knew that she was the one you'd been praying to come into your life. That was until Seth moved past you and wrapped his arms around her, enveloping her in a huge hug.
 "Seth, you played amazing tonight." Her voice was like an angel's, and you wondered what it would sound like simply saying your name. "Though I still think that high sticking penalty in the second was bullshit."
 "I know right. Hischier totally lifted it." Seth pulled back from their embrace before saying. "So, you got into town ok, obviously."
 "Yeah, the moving company should be here tomorrow."
 "Sorry I wasn't here when you got here yesterday." Seth apologized, then slung his arm around her shoulders. "But to make it up to you, I made dinner reservations at the best restaurant in town."
 "Excellent, because stale beer and nachos in the second period aside, I'm starving."
 They turned to walk out to the parking garage, and you felt her slipping away. You went to say something, but Boone's voice interjected. "Hey Jonsey, aren't you going to introduce us?"
 "Oh right. I totally forgot you guys never met (Y/N). (Y/N) this is Boone Jenner and Josh Anderson; guys this is (Y/F/L/N) my oldest friend."
 She held out her hand first to Boone, then to you. Her skin was soft and as you whispered hello, you realized you didn't want to let go. She was looking at you finally, her smile warm and inviting, and you found yourself smiling back in return. But then she released you and turned back to Seth. "It's nice to meet some of Seth's teammates finally."
 "And how is it that we're only meeting you now?" It was a question you had on your lips, only Boone was the one asking it, as you stood there mute.
 "Miss Smartypants here has been teaching at Oxford for the last couple years, but we were finally able to lure her back to the states, though I know she considers it slumming."
 "Haha…you're so funny Mr. Hockey. I've been wanting to come back for a while and you know it. Though you haven't convinced me yet, that you didn't make this opening at OSU happen."
 "If I was capable of that, I would've done it when I first got here and not a couple years later." You weren't entirely sure that things were platonic between Seth and (Y/N). Comments like that seemed more intimate, than just friendship. "But we can talk about that over dinner. We better get going if we're going to make those reservations."
 "You could just come out with us?" They were the first words you uttered, other than 'hi,' and though you didn't want them to leave; you felt like an idiot just standing there when she looked at you.
 "And where exactly are you two headed? Out to pick up women I suspect." She giggled. Little did she know other women were the furthest thing from your mind.
 "We hadn't really picked a place yet. Just going out to celebrate the win." Her eyes were still focused on you, and you liked having all of her attention.
 "Will there be something other than bar food at this yet to be established destination? Because this one promised me an actual meal." She playfully swatted Seth in the chest, and you wished it was you she was touching. "Hopefully that means something that isn't actually made in a deep fryer."
 Before you could say anything at all, Seth spoke up. "Why don't we compromise? Dinner first, then we can hit a club."
 The whole thing sounded perfect to you, as it meant you would get more time with (Y/N). "Sounds good, though I'm not sure I can be a wing woman for all of you." She sent you a quick wink. Was she feeling the same thing you were? That instant connection.
 "Ok now that, that's settle. Let's get going." The four of you headed out of the arena and piled into Seth's car. Luckily, the restaurant was accommodating and able to put you all in a quiet spot. The corner booth provided privacy while allowing you to be close to (Y/N), as you chose to scoot in next her. She smelled of lavender, a fragrance you normally didn't prefer but on her it was intoxicating. Though it was a struggle to just not reach out and touch her. If this was a date, your hand would be on her thigh or entwined with hers, but this wasn't a date; this was the first time you were meeting this woman.
 "So Josh, Boone, give me some scoop on this one." Her words brought you out of your musings. "Has anyone captured his attention?" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at Seth when you wanted it to be directed at you.
 "Geez (Y/N), give me a break. Don't you think I'd tell you if I'd met someone special?" She seemed to accept his answer, but Seth quickly added. "Besides I have you as a backup."
 "A backup?" The words were out of your mouth before you could take them back, but damnit you wanted to know if there was something more than friendship going on between them.
 She playfully swatted at Seth's shoulder. "Please, like you need me for a backup." She turned towards you then. "Sorry, I didn't mean to not answer you. It's a stupid promise we made when we were fourteen." She thought for a moment before continuing. "God, what was his name?"
 "Michael Billington," Seth spat out.
 "Right, I can't believe you remember that. Anyway, Michael totally broke my heart at the ripe old age of fourteen." She patted your thigh, the contact going straight to your groin. "As you can see I'm still not over it." Her hand left and you thought you'd die from the loss. "I ended up crying on Seth's shoulder that night, and we made a pact that if neither of us was married by thirty we'd get hitched."
 "By my calculations, you've only got four years to find Mr. Right or you're going to be Mrs. Jones." Seth quipped back to her.
 "Please I have until you turn thirty, which is closer to five years, and who says I'd take your last name. You'd probably take mine." They both laughed at that, though you really didn't find the conversation funny at all. Their friendship seemed to be a bit more than your original assessment. "Besides I have a feeling some puck bunny will snatch you up and you'll be her problem, not mine."
 "I save the puck bunnies for these two." Great now your best friend was throwing you under the bus. So you'd been a bit of womanizer in your past; that was only because you hadn't met the right one. Yet that might have changed tonight when you met (Y/N). Though you needed to defend yourself first.
 "Come on man, that's not fair. It's not like that, right Boone?"
 "No, Seth pretty much got it right. I mean isn't that why we're going to the club tonight?" He was going to pay for that comment at practice in the morning.
 "You don't really need to hear about these guys sexcapades." Seth quickly tried to change the subject.
 "Sexcapades huh? No, I think I definitely need to hear about this." Her curiosity was piqued and you wondered how to turn this night back around before it went south.
 "Oh no we're not going there." You added. "What about you (Y/N)? Seth said you were in England, any British men catch your fancy, so to say."
 She giggled, the sound sweet and melodic. "If they had, I wouldn't be here, surrounded by you three hunks." You were relieved to find out that she didn't have some British nob waiting for her, across the pond. The conversation at dinner flowed so easily; you almost didn't want it to end. It was nice just having her here mainly to yourself, instead of fighting off random men for her attention. It was bad enough vying for it with Seth and Boone.
 Too soon for your liking dinner ended and the four of you headed to a club that you frequented. The music was loud and the dance floor was crowded, but thankfully there was a VIP section, that you were able to make your way to. Boone ordered everyone a round of drinks and shots. "Here's to a great win tonight and to my best friend finally moving to Columbus," Seth announced, and you all cheers before slinging down the burning liquid.
 "Damn Boone, what the hell was that shit?" You asked him, coughing a bit from the bad alcohol you'd just drank. (Y/N) was already chasing it down with her other drink.
 "I did not order that shit. I specifically asked for 1942 Don Julio. I'm gonna go see what the hell happened."
 "Hold up, I'm going with you because this does not taste like what I ordered either," Seth told him before the two took off, leaving you and (Y/N) alone. She was swaying to the music as she sat on the sofa and you wondered what she'd look like when her whole body moved.
 "Do you want to dance?"
 "Took you long enough to ask Andy." She quipped, using your nickname, which out of her mouth was completely adorable. You took her hand and led her just past the roped-off area, close enough that Seth and Boone would know where you went. Dancing with a Stranger was playing and you raised your joined hands as you started to move to the beat. Her body swayed to the rhythm and you found your free hand reaching for her waist; pulling her close to you. Her hips gyrated with yours and her arm skated around your neck. She was intoxicating, the way she moved, the smile on her face; just everything about her spoke to you on some other level. You'd only had her in your arms a few moments, but you knew you never wanted to let her go.
 She spun around then, her backside now grinding into your crotch; while your arm sat low on her hips holding her close. You leaned down, half tempted to whisper in her ear how much you wanted her; but that damn lavender scent of hers engulfed you, even though the smell of alcohol and sweat permeated the air. You wanted to drink her in, and get drunk solely on being in her presence alone. Instead you were stuck holding her tight against you in a crowded club.
 The music shifted and so did she in your arms, as she twisted back around front. "Don't look now, but the girl at your two o'clock is staring at you like a starving dog." You moved your head to see who (Y/N) was talking about, even though she was the only one who you wanted to spend the rest of the night staring at. "I said not to look." (Y/N) chuckled and you joined in. "So should I be a good wing-woman and help you get her, now that you've checked her out."
 God that was the last thing that you wanted, for (Y/N) was the only woman who'd captured your attention and there was no one in this club or on the planet for that matter that you wanted to be with but her. An easy 'no' fell from your lips before you even really figured out which girl (Y/N) was talking about.  "Really? I don't think it would be a hard sell." This time when you looked your saw who she meant, a groan escaped your lips. "Ah, so that was a death glare she was giving me; I take it?"
 "Yeah, probably." (Y/N) cocked her head in question for you to explain further. "Her name is Carmen, and she's one of those puck bunnies you were talking about earlier. She's been trying to get her hooks into me for weeks."
 "Oh, well in that case let's give her a show." She wrapped her arms around your neck and grinded down on you, making your cock go from stiff to rock solid. "Put your hands on my ass." You blinked down at her, but who were you to argue with such demands. With her breasts pressed against you and the cheeks of her bottom in your hands, you were struggling not to just lift her up and take her to the nearest quiet corner. "Is she still watching?"
 You weren't even paying any attention to Carmen. Why would you, when you had everything you wanted in your arms, but for (Y/N)'s sake you looked over to check. "God, she's actually coming this way."
 "Kiss me."
 "Kiss me, so she thinks we're together." You didn't move, so she reached her hands up to the nape of your neck and brought your lips down to hers. It wasn't how you wanted your first kiss with her to be, yet her lips were soft and pliant beneath yours. You couldn't help how your hands pressed her body even closer to yours. Her lips molded to yours and you felt her melt into your arms. The kiss shifted then, it was no longer about pretending, but purely about two people that wanted each other, no needed each other. The music around you was deafening but you heard the slight moan she gave above it all. You took full advantage, sweeping your tongue inside her mouth to tangle with hers. She tasted of alcohol and faintly of the chocolate cake she'd had at dinner, and something that was purely her. You were lost in her and you never wanted to be found.
 You were so focused on (Y/N) and everything about her, that you forgot where were until some drunk bumped into the two of you spilling their drink partially on you both; causing you to break the kiss. It didn't matter that your pant leg was half soaked, all you could do was stare down at the beautiful woman in front of you. Her lips slightly swollen from the kiss, and a look of awe on her face. Neither of you recovered quickly, and you knew you should've said something but all you could think of was how badly you wanted to kiss her again.
 She cleared her throat, effectively breaking the spell going on between the two of you. "Well, um…" You weren't sure what else she was going to say, but you knew if it was negative you didn't want to hear it.
 "That had nothing to do with Carmen." You told her, being completely honest. Her mouth formed an 'O' yet no sound came out. There was so much more you wanted to say, but it didn't happen as Seth and Boone joined you then.
 "Did we miss anything?" Seth asked, as he placed a hand on your shoulder giving you a squeeze and pointedly looked at where your hands were, which happened to still be glued to (Y/N)'s ass. You immediately released her though regretted it.
 (Y/N) answered him first. "Just saving Andy here from the wolves." She skated one arm down yours to entwine with your fingers, then took the other to pull Seth nearer to her. "The wolf's name is Carmen." She stated, nodding her head in the direction Carmen previously was, but now was nowhere to be found.
 Just the mention of Carmen's name and understanding dawned on Seth, even though there was more to the story than what was being told. "Gotcha. Well we have drinks back at the table."
 "Great. I'll be right there, just going to freshen up." She squeezed your hand, then headed off, and though you knew she'd only be gone a few minutes; you felt an overwhelming desire to run after her just so you could kiss her again. Instead, you went back to the table with Seth, where Boone was flirting with some brunette.
 Taking a long swig of your drink, you sat down, only to hear Seth say. "So, care to tell me what's really going?"
 You set the glass back before you had a chance to down the entire contents. "I like her. What else can I say? But if you tell me right now that, you're secretly in love with her or something; I'll back off."
 Seth rolled his eyes. "I do love her." God, you felt your heart literally sink to the floor, and you found yourself picking the glass back up and bringing it to your lips, which still burned from kissing her. "But like a sister." Just like that you brought the drink back down, to look over at your friend. "And before you say anything, that means I won't tolerate you treating her like some one-night stand. She's special Josh."
 "You don't think I noticed that." You raked a hand through your hair, more frustrated at yourself for not being able to explain the things you were feeling for a woman you'd only just met. "I saw that the minute I came out of the locker room and she was standing there. It's only been more evident throughout the night. She's amazing Seth." You had to be sure, he knew you'd walk away if there was something between them. "You're positive it's just a brother/sister thing?"
 "Look, I won't lie. We tried it once." Now that you knew the truth, you weren't sure you wanted to hear it. "We were eighteen, and I felt like she was slipping away going off to college and all. It was awful." He chuckled and part of you felt relief that you weren't going to be competing with one of your best friends. "We realized then, that we were always going to be friends and nothing more." He slapped you on the shoulder before continuing. "But seriously man, you may be the better fighter of the two of us. Though I'm telling you now, I will literally beat the living shit out of you if you break her heart."
 "Noted." You went to say more but he stopped you yet again.
 "It took me a long time to convince her to come back to the states. Don't fuck this up."
 "Jesus, I don't even know if she likes me."
 "She does. I can see it." Now that was something that you finally wanted to hear.
 "You really think so?"
 "Dude, calm down. You sound like you're five or something." Seth took a long drink before actually answering your question, enjoying making you wait. "Yeah, I really do." He shrugged then. "I saw her kiss you and I saw the look on her face afterward, but you can find out for yourself because here she comes."
 You watched as (Y/N) moved through the crowd to make it back to your seats. "What I miss?" She asked as she took the seat next to you.
 "Oh, not much," Seth said handing her a drink, and sending you a sly glance.
 "Doesn't seem like that." She added with that cute little giggle of hers. "Please tell me you didn't have a run-in with that Carmen girl while I was gone." Actually, you'd forgotten all about her.
 "No, thank god," Seth answered. "Though I do see her and her friends staring at us." You followed Seth's vision and sure enough there she was glaring over more at (Y/N) then either him or Seth. "If this wasn't your first night out in Columbus; I'd be suggesting we call it a night." You were inclined to agree.
 "Hey no need to stay on my account. I'm literally still on London time, which means my carriage turned into a pumpkin a few hours ago. I'd rather party when I didn't think that it was six in the morning." Both you and Seth laughed at her comment. "Laugh all you want, but one of you two will be carrying me back to the hotel when I fall asleep here." You had no qualms with carrying her anywhere though your bed was your preferred choice.
 "In this noise? You'll never fall asleep. I know you and you don't even like the tv on to sleep." Seth quipped to her and you stored the knowledge away. "Let me go see what Romeo over there wants to do and I'll be back." He headed over to Boone leaving you and (Y/N) alone, which provided you the perfect opportunity to talk to her.
 "So, about earlier." You started and she nodded. "I didn't want it to be like that…kissing you that is." Her eyes widen and you could tell she misunderstood what you were trying to say. "It's not that I didn't want to kiss you…" You blew out a frustrated breath, before raking your hands through your hair. "I mean I want to kiss you…fuck…I just…well, I like you, and well…I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go out. Just the two of us, where I can kiss you properly." There you'd said it all. It was a jumbled mess, but at least you'd asked her out. The problem now was that she wasn't saying anything in return, and now you were worried you didn't make yourself clear. "So…um…would you like to go out with me?"
 A small smile spread across her features and you took that as a good sign. "You're really cute when you're flustered. Do you know that?" You could feel a blush rising to your cheeks. "I like you too Josh, but…" She looked over at Seth and then it occurred to you that maybe she had feelings for him.
 "I didn't realize there was…."
 "No!" She said quickly. "There's not. Seth is my best friend and that's all. I just don't know how he'd feel about me dating one of his teammates."
 "Well if it helps, he told me he'd kick my ass if I hurt you."
 She shook her head as a light chuckle escaped her lips. "God, he never changes. He used to say that to every guy I dated growing up, but I'll take that as him giving us his blessing. So, if that's the case, then…Yeah, I'd love to go on a date with you."
 "Really?" You were completely elated but wanted to be one hundred percent sure.
 "Yes really. I like you Josh." She reached over and kissed your cheek. "And just so you know. I don't regret kissing you on the dance floor, but I understand that you didn't want it to be our first. So let's just consider that practice, until you take me out."
 Seth came back then, with Boone falling behind. "Everyone ready to go?"
 You laced your fingers with (Y/N)'s and the four of you headed out the door. Tonight had proved to be more of a win for you than just in hockey and you couldn't wait for your next matchup with the girl on your arm, because for some reason you thought you’d finally found the right one.
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chris-evanslover · 4 years
Scarlett Special
Summary: Inspired by seeing Scarlett and Chris on the OSU Interview, Some relationship fluff about Scarlett introducing Chris to his wife
Word Count: 1.3K
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You were doing the dishes in the kitchen trying not to be loud while doing so because Chris was about to go on a live interview. He decided he wanted to do the Interview from the bedroom so that he wouldn’t be disturbed by your chores, which you agreed would be a good idea. You and Chris have been together for almost 5 years, married for 1 and you couldn’t be happier with the life you built together. You met through Scarlett, being friends from childhood it was hard for you to spend a lot of time together once she was getting picked up left and right for projects but you always made time for each other. You grew up with 3 older brothers so Scarlett was the closest thing you had to a sister, she genuinely was family to you.
Scarlett asked you over for dinner when you were visiting one of your brothers in New York and you were so excited to see given it had been almost a year and a half. What you didn’t know is that Chris Evans and Mark Ruffalo would also be joining the dinner but we can get to that in a minute. You got to Scarletts and you thought you were the only one coming but then she said “I have two other friends in town right now and it’s the only night I can see them, I’m sorry to spring this on you last minute but do you mind if they come?” “Not at all! Who are they” “Evans and Ruffalo from the avengers, they’re great you will love them”
Trying to stop your jaw from hitting the ground you straightened up and said “Yeah of course, 13 going on 30 is only one of my favorite movies ever no big deal” you mumbled. Scarlett laughed at you and said “Marks a big teddy bear seriously he’s the sweetest” “I bet, You’ve known Evans for a while too haven’t you?” you asked her. “Yeah we’re practically siblings at this point, I can’t believe i’ve known both of you almost my entire life and this is the first time your meeting”
Fast forward through that dinner, you and Chris hit it off immediately, noticing looks from Scarlett throughout the meal hinting at your obvious flirts going back and forth. Before Chris left for the night he pulled you aside and asked for your number, and with that folks, the rest is history.
Chris’ voice snapped you out of your daydream, you’re now holding a VERY clean plate, “Babe? Do you have my medallion you said yesterday you were gonna clean it” “Yeah it’s over here, it was drying, let me rinse it one more time” You began to rinse the necklace under the warm water to get all of the cleaning solution off of it. Chris came up behind you smelling like a whole ass forest from his body wash and cologne mixed together. Your favorite scent and that bastard knew that. He wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his head on your shoulder as you rinsed, occasionally kissing you on the cheek or neck or collarbone or wherever else he could reach. You giggled and turned around in his grasp and clasped the necklace on his neck, then straightening it out. “Good as new” “Thank you sweetheart” He kissed you briefly and straightened his shirt “So I have the OSU interview with Scarlett starting in 10 minutes, it shouldn’t take more than a half hour then I was thinking we could binge some Schitt’s Creek?” Boy oh boy did this man know the way to your heart. (if you haven’t watched this show go binge all 6 seasons on Netflix right now)
“Sounds perfect, tell Scar I said Hi” you pointed your finger in his face to exaggerate your point. He laughed and nodded then made his way to the bedroom. You finished the dishes and fed Dodger then planted yourself on the couch with your computer to answer some work emails. Chris should be done in about 10 minutes so you figured you would make a snack for your Dan Levy filled night. You passed the bedroom on your way to the kitchen and heard Chris’ loud laughter, chuckling to yourself wondering what he’s laughing at. Next thing you know you heard Chris say your name, as if he’s calling you. You were confused because it sounded like he was still on the interview and you were well, in leggings and one of Chris’ hoodies, not exactly interview attire. He called your name again and you figured eh what the hell and went to the bedroom to find Chris sitting on the bed facing the pillows with his computer on zoom with Scarlett and the OSU interviewer. He beckoned you over to sit with him and started to explain.
“So I told Scarlett you said Hi and she said she’d rather hear it from you” he laughed. You rolled your eyes and looked at the computer screen “Hi Scarlett” she laughed loudly as did the interviewer “Hi babes I miss you!!!” “I miss you too, come to Boston!” “You know what I might have to” you all laughed and then the interviewer asked how you and Scarlett know each other and if it’s through Chris. “It’s not through Chris” Scarlett laughed “Y/N is basically my sister i’ve known her since Pre-K and we’ve been family ever since. It just so happens that Y/N and Chris were both at my house in New York for dinner and that’s where they met and fell in love and such so some would say I set them up” she finished with a cheeky smile. You and Chris laughed and confirmed her story. “It’s crazy to me that I was going to Scar’s house just for a dinner and I left the dinner with a phone number that belonged to who would become my husband” Chris nodded and said “I remember so vividly meeting her she just stuck out to me so quickly, her personality and humor was so compatible with mine and we really just hit it off, best decision I ever made” “Better than playing Cap?” the interviewer joked around.
“Eh it’s pretty even” Chris smiled at you and you again rolled your eyes. “You’re lucky we’re on camera right now” Another chorus of laughs and the interview was being wrapped up. You sat quietly next to Chris as he wrapped things up and thanked the interviewer for having you even if you did interrupt, he said you’re welcome to interrupt anytime to which you laughed. Chris closed the laptop after he left the meeting and pulled you to him, laying down practically on top of him. “Hi” “Hi, how'd that come up” you laughed. “Scarlett’s idea, that was fun though I felt a lot more comfortable with you next to me” 5 years later and he still makes you swoon when he says sweet shit like this. You smiled and leaned up to kiss him, “I love you”
“I love you more baby, now c’mon let’s go watch our show” He lifted you up bridal style and carried you to the couch where Dodger was taking a snooze. You guys got comfortable and pressed play when you felt a buzz come from the pocket of your hoodie. Pulling out your phone you laughed out loud from a text you got from Scarlett.
‘I miss you both tons, I’m coming up with Rose next weekend!!’ You showed the text to Chris who looked at you questioningly when you laughed. He smiled and nodded to let you know she should come. You texted her back telling her that you can’t wait and to text you details closer to.
You nuzzled back into Chris thankful for Scarlett and her sometimes crazy dinner parties.
A/N: Just a quick one shot about husband!chris and their backstory! hope you liked it, feedback welcome and requests open!
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courtlandmcintosh · 3 years
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[Hafsanur Sancaktutan, cisfemale, she/her] who’s that? oh it’s [Courtland McIntosh]. i hear they’re [19] and are known as [The Wallflower] around [Ohio]. they’re also a [Freshman] at [OSU], and are part of [OSU’s art club & McIntosh Orchards]. they’re known to be [caring & thoughtful] and [prying & an overthinker]. some people say they remind them of [the soft glow of fairy lights, bundling up on a cold winter’s morning, journaling & the first stroke of paint on a new canvas]. only one way to find out! [Bee, 21, GMT]
Full Name: Courtland Ariane McIntosh
Nickname: Courtland, Court
Birthday: May 27th
Age: 18
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Hometown: Manhattan, NY.
Sexuality: Bisexual? (Still questioning)
Grade: Freshman
School: OSU
Occupation: Managing the family orchard
Activities: Art club
LIKES: Wildlife, sunrise, art in all its forms, journalling
DISLIKES: Being alone in a crowd, bullies, being underestimated, overheating
Courtland McIntosh took a long time to grow into herself, and her family’s legacy. Between her solitary hobbies and general shyness, she was always reluctant to stretch herself beyond the social reach of her twin. However, after a sudden life-change on her sister’s part, she realised she couldn’t hide in her shadow forever. Now, Courtland is studying at OSU and running her family’s new orchard, determined to prove that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Courtland’s life has undeniably been one of privilege. Being descended from the self-proclaimed “reigning emperor of apples” himself comes with a swathe of perks, both nutritionally and financially. Along with her twin sister Braeburn, Courtland grew up in the lap of luxury and the heart of Manhattan. In every sense aside from literal, the two were always attached at the hip as kids. Their dynamic shone through even in their early years; Braeburn
Out of the pair, Courtland was always the most introverted. She held no active disdain for other people outside of her family, but she struggled with approaching others socially. Whenever the choice was provided, she would opt to stay at home and work on her hobbies rather than going out to play. She established an early interest in art, especially painting. Her parents had very polarised reactions to this; while her father was mostly indifferent and concerned for their furniture, her mother was all-in, to an off-putting extent. While in her own mind she was providing unwavering support and motivation, to a young Courtland, she was offering up unsolicited criticism and pressure to improve even her most whimsical finger paintings, constantly. While she couldn’t know it at the time, these attitudes from her parents would prevail as she grew up, no matter what the pursuit was. Cello, her studies, writing - it was all or nothing from either side. She internalised both of these responses, but art would remain as her escape for years to come.
Braeburn was the one who made sure of that. No matter where they went or what they did, Braeburn was the driving force behind what little confidence Courtland had. Outside of arts and crafts, a young Courtland could credit each and every new venture in her life to her twin; her dependence wove itself into existence early on. Because she was quieter, Courtland saw herself as weaker, and during her childhood that didn’t present itself as much as a problem. It was a fact she was willing to accept. She didn’t need to be popular in her own right at school - Braeburn was extroverted and charismatic enough to attract a healthy crowd to their elementary school lunch table, and she was content to linger quietly in the corner. That isn’t to say she offered nothing to her sister - she was perceptive, and observant. From her slightly removed perspective, Courtland was happy to offer her sister a fond ear and often pertinent advice. Beneath their contrasting surfaces, their bond was always one of give and take.
Their coexistence held strong all the way through middle school, and the early beginnings of high school as well. Courtland had a few people she met through Braeburn that she would call friends, but none of them were close. Braeburn remained her idol, and the centre of her world, and so when her sister began to shut her out, she knew something was seriously wrong. Courtland couldn’t understand it. Looking back, she cringes at the way she made her sister’s struggle about herself over those months, but until her sister eventually came out she had herself convinced that she had done something wrong. For a while, nothing could get through to her. Not the hushed knocks and whispers from outside of her bedroom door, nor the drawings softly worded letters slipped beneath her door.
For a while, the world became a faded version of itself. Her art lost its spirit, and in turn so did Courtland; she had no idea how to be herself without her twin. This, combined with the already messy maelstrom of feelings that came along with puberty, made for a difficult time in Courtland’s life. When Braeburn was finally ready to come out, the relief was incomparable. She had her twin back, and her twin had herself back. It was all Courtland could ever ask for - and a wake-up call, all at once. She had to be stronger, and more independent. Of course she would always be there for Braeburn, and she would still count on her in the same way, but she wanted to be able to stand on her own two feet.
It took a little while, but between helping her sister run lines for Little Shop Of Horrors and helping here and there with the set design, she realised it was time to branch out. The school had a small, but open art club, and with encouragement from Braeburn she eventually plucked up the nerve to sign up. She loved it. School was no longer just a place to accrue accomplishments - the was a small part of it that became a second home. She made friends there, ones all of her own, and although it took her a little while to open up she took her new, individual social life in stride. Braeburn was still her best friend, but for the first time she could confidently say she had friends she wasn’t related to. For once, other people were looking up to her - the other members of the art club respected her, they valued her contributions, and by the end of her junior year she took over as its president. As it turned out, she liked being a leader.
This, in turn, fed into a growing interest in the family business. Braeburn had started college prep in her junior year, with a range of schools in mind - some Ivy League, some not, but all fitting into schools her father referred to as ‘The Apple League,’ AKA any school he personally approved of. At the same time, her confidence grew. She was a smart girl. She held her own in several AP classes, and from her time in art club she realised she had ideas. Here and there, she began to pitch some ideas to her father over the dinner table when he brought up business concerns. For several months, he either brushed or laughed these off - but Courtland had changed. For once, she didn’t want to shy away from confrontation. She took her time, compiled her ideas, and worked them all into a presentation she was rather proud of. After several run-throughs with Braeburn there to offer pointers, she sat their father down, and finally asserted herself. To her surprise, he was enthused. So much so that, when her college acceptance letters eventually came in, he encouraged her to head to OSU so that she could oversee the launch of their newest orchard while she studied.
Going to college so far from home and so far from Braeburn would be her biggest challenge yet, but Courtland was ready for it. She packed her bags, and with a steadfast promise to facetime her sister as often as possible, she set off for Ohio to kickstart a new chapter of her life.
As young children, the twins developed in very different ways. While Braeburn’s speech came to her rather quickly, Courtland dawdled far behind in that area. She didn’t speak until shortly after their third birthday. Instead of talking, as soon as she could grasp on to a crayon for more than a few seconds, she started to draw. It made her so visibly happy that her parents provided her with all the art supplies a toddler could dream of. Her mother encouraged this as much as possible, hoping for a child prodigy, while her father was a little more wary of the mess. He did, however, have a couple of her first paintings of apples framed for his office. Her love for art only grew exponentially from there.
Throughout Courtland’s childhood, her sister was her idol. Her hero. She was always more reserved, keeping to herself and her hobbies unless somebody actively invited her to participate in social activities. More often than not, that invitation came from Braeburn. This pattern never really faded, and during the brief period before her sister came out where she withdrew into herself, Courtland became more aware than ever of how dependent she had let herself become. Even when Braeburn came out and their bond gew stronger than ever, she remained cognisant of her growing need to branch out as her own person.
When Braeburn first came out to her, Courtland wanted to offer up the best possible advice to her sister. To prepare herself for this, she bulk-bought as many contemporary fashion magazines as she could get her hands on. After holing herself up in her room for several days with those after school, she found herself hooked, and still enjoys flicking through these magazines on occasion, even though she rarely goes for the products advertised in them. They provide a range of pose references and jolts of inspiration every now and then for her art.
Throughout high school, Courtland began to feel a need for a little independence, although she wasn’t sure how to establish herself. She wasn’t bullied, but she was rarely included - sometimes she felt like an afterthought, hanging off the edge of Braeburn’s social circle. Eventually, with enough support from her sister, she finally joined the school’s art club towards the end of her sophomore year. For the first time she made her own friends, completely of her own merit, and the club became her passion. Before too long she was its secretary, and then its treasurer, and finally its president by the end of her junior year.
Courtland was always fascinated with the family business. While Braeburn was always expected to eventually take on their father’s legacy, Courtland was the only one who actively wanted to enter the world of apple farming at all. Her pitches for their orchards were rarely taken seriously, until around her senior year of high school. When Biff let the family know he was planning on opening a new orchard in Ohio, she saw an opportunity. With her gradually bolstering confidence she put together a presentation complete with elaborate slides, detailed infographics, and a laser pointer. She rehearsed the speech for weeks on end, mostly with her sister as the sole audience member, until she eventually cornered their father in his office and delivered the whole thing. By the end, he was impressed enough to request that she oversaw the project during her time at college, running that small branch of the business under his remote supervision.
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realityhq · 3 years
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[TOM HOLLAND, MALE, HE/HIM] incoming, [KURT HUMMEL] has just arrived in paradise! i hear they’re [TWENTY-ONE]! they’re known to be [CONFIDENT] and [RESILIENT] but also [SUPERFICIAL] and [COMPETITIVE] coming into the house,they have brought with them [HAIRSPRAY, HIS COLLECTION OF BROOCHES, STACKS OF VOGUE MAGAZINES], hopefully that’s enough to prepare them through treble  to come. get ready because from here on out it’s lights, camera, action! [pep, 21, he/him, gmt]
“Make sure you get on my good side, I don’t want to be on television looking like I just woke up… What do you mean this part isn’t televised yet? Okay, nevermind then… Hi, I’m Kurt Hummel and I’ll be auditioning for the role of… well, me, for the reality show ‘Treble in Paradise’. I am very excited to be here, especially since I love watching reality shows and I do believe that the New Directions need this to get better. Not that we’re not good now, but there’s always some things you can improve… And no, I’m not talking about my jazz hands! I think they’re a great addition to my dance moves.”
“I was told I needed to talk a little about myself, so here it goes. I’m a student at Ohio State University, where I’m majoring in Performing Arts. I know it’s not ideal and while some of the greatest artists out there started off in places like New York, I do believe that there’s something humbling about studying in Ohio. Plus, nothing is stopping me from going to New York once I’m done with my studies and make it big out there. That’s what Madonna did, isn’t that right? [a small chuckle] Plus, all of my friends stayed back in Ohio too, so, it’s not all bad.”
“What are some of my hobbies? Well, let’s see… Besides singing and performing, which are the biggest passions of my life, I do find entertainment in fashion. There’s just something about waking up in the morning and choosing your outfit for the day that makes it all a bit better. I wish I could say that it runs in my family, but my dad really doesn’t let me pick his clothes for him… My relationship with my dad? Oh, it’s great! I couldn’t have asked for a better dad than the one I have, don’t get me wrong… [another chuckle] I just wish that he could wear other something than plaid shirts…”
+ Sam: Kurt loves a project. When Sam transferred to OSU, he knew immediately that he could be the perfect model. They spend a lot of time together as Kurt designs different outfits to try out on Sam. Even though they’re completely different...they’ve become fast friends. 
- Brittany: Kurt likes Brittany as much as anyone else, but he also worries about her. He’s been in a course or two with her and knows she’s struggling with college. The last thing he wants is for her to flunk out right before a big competition.
“Kurt, embody the fashion icon within. We expect to never see you wear the same thing twice. Succeed and you’ll receive a cash prize of $500. ”
Kurt Hummel is TAKEN and UNAVAILABLE for application.
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factoffictionwriter · 4 years
Tiva Fic Amnesty #2
This is also a piece of the multichapter fic in which Ziva returns to DC a few weeks after ppf. Here’s just a peek into an age old Tiva trope.
He had been expecting an apron, but instead she was wearing one of his old OSU t-shirts that fell mercilessly to her upper thigh. She was standing in front of the stove, a clunky book in her hands as she squinted at the pages, concentration drawing her features down. There were two big pots on the burners, and she seemed to be consulting the book for what to do with them next. 
She hadn’t heard him come in, at least she hadn’t led on that she did, and he just couldn’t bring himself to interrupt her. Something on the page seemed to confuse her, and he watched as she captured her lower lip between her teeth and gnawed at it. She turned her head toward the ovens, as if debating whether she should tend to the dish in there before continuing on with the contents of the pans, and then turned back his direction. She jumped the slightest bit when she saw him standing there, and he found it oddly satisfying to have snuck up on a notorious ninja. 
She continued on as if he hadn’t scared her, “You are home…” she turned back toward the ovens for a second to check the time, “... at a perfectly reasonable time. I did not expect you for at least another hour.” 
He bit back a smile and moved to take a seat on one of the bar stools, “It was a slow day. I blew through my case files. Boss couldn’t think up an excuse to keep me.” 
She set down the book, which he could now see was an old Julia Child cookbook he kept on a shelf for posterity. She glanced between the two pots for a fleeting second before deciding that they could both use a good stir, “You blew through desk work? You? Tony, I once watched you balance a pencil on your nose for 2 hours rather than fill out a report.” 
He laughed as she moved on from the pots and made her way to the oven, opening the door and giving Tony a good look at the two large steaks she was nursing.
“Let’s just say that today I was a highly motivated man,” his eyes trailed down her back and over her bare legs as she rolled up onto her toes to get a better view at the cooking meat. His tone must have alerted her to his alternative meaning, as she quickly closed the oven door and turned back his way, letting her hair fall into her face as she leaned against the counter. 
“You have been highly motivated before, I am sure.” 
He shook his head, watching as she slowly drew her hand across her shoulders and neck, sweeping all of her curls to one side, “Never this motivated, no.” 
She considered the statement for a second, then seemed to accept it as she moved back to the pots on the stove. 
Tony looked around the kitchen, “Did you buy food?” 
She shook her head, “You bought food and forgot about it. It was probably months ago. The steaks were in the back of your freezer.” 
He watched her turn off one of the burners and move the pot over to a waiting holder, “It’s probably best that they weren’t found until now. I would never be able to do them justice if I tried to make them.” 
She shrugged, “I also found an old box of macaroni in your cabinet. It’s not much, but I added some vegetables and threw in some spices. It should make for a decent side dish.” 
He gestured to the pot still boiling, “And that one?” 
“Mashed potatoes. Or, it will be, once I actually get around to doing the mashing.” 
He watched her stir the boiling potatoes, gauging how soft they were becoming. A small, intimate smile crept across his lips. 
It was almost a minute before she realized he hadn’t moved and looked up at him. 
Her brows furrowed at his expression, “What is it?” 
He shrugged, “You’re just being so… domestic.” 
“I have cooked for you before.” 
“Yeah, at your place. With clothes on.” 
She looked down at her attire as if just now remembering how little she was wearing, “My clothes are still in the dryer. I did not want to wear the same thing tomorrow without washing them. Plus, I smelled like airplane… and sweat,” she scrunched up her nose for emphasis. “I also used your shower, though I have to admit that your hair care products leave something to be desired.” 
He trained his eyes on the still boiling pot, trying not to imagine her standing in his shower… water running down her skin… suds all over her body…
“Yeah, sorry about that. I wasn’t really expecting company. But maybe we can head to the store tonight? Get some more food… maybe some beer… whatever else you may need…”
If his hinting at a prolonged stay surprised her, she didn’t show it. Instead she glanced back down at the large t-shirt hanging loosely on her frame, “My clothes probably won’t be done for a while, and I don’t think I can reasonably go out in public wearing this.” 
“Trust me, no one will mind,” he let himself run his eyes up and down her body again, studying the way the loose cotton folded and twisted around her hips. 
She laughed quietly, reaching down to turn off the final burner and moving the pot onto a cooler one, “It will be late by the time we are done eating anyway. I can go to the store tomorrow while you are at work.” 
“And clothes?”
She nodded, “I will buy some of those while I am out as well.” 
“Why didn’t you bring any with you?” 
She stopped her assault on the soft potatoes for a second, looking up to meet his eyes with an expression he couldn’t quite identify, “I… um… left in a hurry. I did not take the time to pack anything, really.” 
He reached into his suit pocket and fished out his wallet. He pulled out his Mastercard and held it up for her to take. 
She immediately shook her head and pushed his hand away, “I have my own money, Tony.” 
He held the card out again, “You’re not working right now. It’s not a big deal, consider it a gift.” 
She pushed it back again, “Seriously, I do not need it. I am sure I don’t have to remind you that my father was a very powerful man. He had accumulated a considerable amount of wealth in his life, and being the only living relative... Anyway, most of the money was tied up in various assets-”
“Let me guess: diamonds?” 
She smiled, “There were some diamonds, yes, but mostly it was in real estate. He had houses and land all across Israel, and even some over in Europe. I kept a few that had sentimental value, like the ones we used to visit during the summers, but the rest were of no use to me. So I sold them. That is another thing I have been working on this past month.” 
“You sold everything you didn’t want in a month?” 
“Unfortunately, no. There are still a dozen or so listings that I’m waiting on, but I did some damage. The point is, I have more than enough money to pay for myself.” 
She got back to working on the food, and he put his wallet back in his pocket, making a mental note to slide her a 50 tomorrow, just to help cover groceries.  
He resumed his previous line of questioning, “You were in a hurry? What, was this a last minute trip?”
She nodded a little, “I guess you could say that.” 
“Something important you had to do?” 
She looked up, “I would consider what happened last night to be important, wouldn’t you?” 
“Of course,” he stood a little in order to reach across the kitchen island and tuck some loose strands of hair behind her ear, “I guess I’m just trying to figure out why you came back now. When I left you on that tarmac, you were pretty hell bent on giving all of this up - DC, NCIS, the whole bit. What changed?”
She shook her head, “I am still not returning to NCIS. I meant what I said about giving up the badge. I do not want to chase bad guys anymore.” 
“Okay. But what about DC? And the team? Aren’t we going to pull you right back to where you started?” 
She didn’t respond. Instead she finished up her work on the potatoes and moved on to stirring the mac and cheese concoction for a second before a timer went off and she gracefully pivoted to the oven and removed the masterfully prepared steaks. She set them on the counter and admired her handy work. 
Finally, she said, “Dinner is ready. I think we would both benefit from having some food in our stomachs before we dive into THAT conversation.”
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orihime00sama · 4 years
Tobitate! Hanafuda - Fate/Prototype Route
This is a translation of the Prototype route of the Toraburu Hanafuda Travel Journal game included in the PS Vita version of Realta Nua, Team “Miss Ayaka and her Three Knights” AKA the Otome route.
This is my first time translating something like this and I’m far from being good at Japanese, so there’s a bunch of lines I’m not sure about. If you have any suggestion or correction, please let me know. I’ll also be linking the translations to the videos in case you want to check out the original (or just hear the voices).
Sajou Residence - Part 1
Ayaka: Hello, everyone. To those of you who are new, nice to meet you. I’m Ayaka Sajou. It’s a long story, but I’m a Master in the Holy Grail War. My Master’s Degree is the Seventh. It’s the lowest, the weakest. Honestly, I want to quit right now, but the circumstances won’t let me. By the way, I don’t have any relatives. I lost my Dad in the previous Holy Grail War, and my elder sister who was one of the previous Masters is… well.
Saber: Ayaka, you didn’t check the mailbox yet, right? I’ll go do it. After that, let’s have some tea.
Ayaka: This is Saber. The first Servant I summoned and made a contract with. He’s the ideal good young man any girl thinks of, in other words, someone like Prince Charming[1]. He’s so perfect that it makes me feel uncomfortable. Also, he’s a bit of an airhead.
Lancer: Osu, good morning~. Oh, the fridge’s got a lotta ham, ain’t it. And there’s sliced bread and eggs and… All that kinda stuff, huh.
Ayaka: That’s Lancer. In the past, he was our enemy but now he’s a barbarian who lodges in our house and raids our fridge without permission. He may be a borderline trespasser, but he’s helped us out many times, so I’ve got no choice but to let him do it. Give and take, give and take. Besides… if you ignore his crude side, he’s the easiest to understand.
Lancer: Oh, you’ve got a serious face early in the morning, Missy. Back to your usual criticisms? Keep your self-hatred in moderation, ‘kay?
Ayaka: I don’t want to hear that from someone who rummages through our fridge with no warnings. Leave me alone. Lancer, are you off today?
Lancer: Ah, I’ve got no plans for today. I’ll tend to the Missy’s garden, or maybe play with the dogs.
Saber: Unfortunately, tending to the garden is my job. It is not your turn to act. Why don’t you get back to your original sheath, Lancer?
Lancer: I’ve been free from the start. But since the Missy asked me to guard[2] her, I gotta do my job. There’s still some unscrupulous bunch left around. Like, for example, a wolf[3] in prince’s clothing.
Saber: Bold of you to say that. Now then, is it an honour or an insult to be treated as a wolf by a wild dog? What do you think, Ayaka?
Ayaka: I don’t know! More importantly, what’s that envelope? There’s two of them.
Saber: Ah, it looks like they were delivered this morning. Here you go.
Ayaka: Err, let me see… “Are you familiar with the hot spring that can make any wish come true? Here is the oldest and best hot spot in Fuyuki City -However, only the wishes of the first group will come true. Please be ready.” … So it says. What is this, are they joking?
Lancer: Incredible… Is it an invitation to a Holy Grail War from another place? What, Holy Grail Wars can happen anywhere?
Saber: Doesn’t it have different rules from ours? Here, Ayaka, another one.
Ayaka: … This is a memo and … a ticket for the bullet train? Let’s see… “I’ll be waiting for you at the Fuyuki Holy Grail Hot Spring ♥" … They’re totally looking down on us.
Saber: So, the Fuyuki Holy Grail is actually a hot spring. Ours was a hellish cauldron, so I guess they’re not similar.
Lancer: A hot spring, huh, not bad at all. But well, this is up to you, Missy. What will you do? The other side even sent an invitation to make sure you’d go. Will you jump in?
Ayaka: … That… going by my life plans, I don’t want to go but… (Going by my feelings, it made me mad… Besides, if that hot spring that makes wishes come true is real, then…)
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Archer: I have heard the whole story!
Ayaka: Archer!? Where did you get in from?
Archer: Obviously, from the window! Don’t worry about the little details, Ayaka! Else your cheek lines, lovely and beautiful as a flamingo, will fall.
Lancer: Is that a compliment? That’s a compliment, right?
Saber: What have you come here for, Archer? As you can see, we’re in the middle of a morning reunion. If you’ve come here to settle things, come back through the front door one hour later.
Archer: Hah, you fools. Are you even Heroic Spirits, those proclaimed to have no match on the earth? From the very beginning, we are those who bloomed on the battlefield. We respond to challenges, trample down our enemies, and gather treasures.
Archer: I don’t know about a war someplace else, but if it is a Holy Grail War, then it’s a given that Heroic Spirits would assemble. How can I call myself the original Heroic Spirit, the Senpai of Holy Grail Wars, if I don’t respond to this challenge!?
Ayaka: ………………
Saber: Hmph. As usual, you are a very hot-blooded man. If you want to fight, feel free to do it on your own. I’m against exposing Ayaka to danger.
Lancer: But being overprotective is also something to think about. The Missy these days isn’t as frail as you think, Saber. Or what? Are you holing up at home so you can keep her to yourself?
Saber: Wha- I, I don’t have such impure thoughts often.
Ayaka: Let’s go! Saber, I’m going to this Holy Grail Hot Spring. Get prepared.
Saber: Ayaka!? Hah, it was already too late the moment you decided it. It can’t be helped, I’m not on board with this but I’ll accompany you.
Lancer: Missy, do you need your long weapon? If you need it, I’ll lend it to you.
Ayaka: Of course, come with us, Lancer. And you too, Archer. The four of us will conquer Fuyuki City.
Archer: Now you’re talking! As expected from my princess, you know the time to fight.
Ayaka: We’ll depart in 20 minutes. I have to go gather the bird feathers in the yard, so wait until then.
(She runs off)
Saber: Now you’ve done it, Archer. You’re always leading Ayaka down the bad path.
Archer: Good or bad is for Ayaka to judge. You cannot blame me. More importantly… Hey, lend me your ears. I have an idea.
Saber: ?
Lancer: Hn?
Archer: Hot springs are this land’s highest form of leisure. I’ve heard that they are summer resorts where lovers and married couples stay in. How about it? The one who does best in this expedition will get to be in the same room as Ayaka.
Archer: If it is a reward for the battle, even Ayaka who always has her guard up cannot oppose to it. And after your minds and bodies relax in a famous hot spring, the flower of romance will bloom.
Saber: …
Lancer: Incredible… Wait, this is all in your head, right? Didn’t you fail with terrible women?
Archer: It is unavoidable. To debauch is a king’s duty. I have the obligation of consuming fruit and flesh.
Archer: However, what I truly cherish is the one single flower. I’ve gotten tired of rotten meat and juice. Now, what will you do, Saber, Lancer? Will you take a knight’s oath?
Lancer: No, so we’re keeping it a secret from the Missy?
Saber: Okay, I will take it. The one who does best will share a room with Ayaka, right?
Lancer: You’re on board with this!?
Saber: Archer’s proposal makes sense. This is something I never imagined even in my dreams, but now I’ll work together with this man.
Lancer: Good grief… It can’t be helped, I’m on board. It’s a principle to have the feast in front of you, after all.
Archer: HAHAHAHA, how bold, wild dog! Now then, let us duel fair and square, with sharing Ayaka’s room as stake!
Ayaka: Sorry to keep you waiting. What are you four doing? Did you always get along like this?
Saber: N-no, we were just discussing something. Don’t worry about. Once the battle is over, I’ll tell you everything.
Ayaka: In that case, it’s fine, I guess… Well then, let’s go. I don’t know about the Fuyuki Holy Grail War, but let’s show them a difference in history!
(Stage 1 – Vs Team Tokiomi)
Victory Quote:
Archer (Prototype): You fools! You mediocre Heroic Spirits shouldn’t stand before me! Especially you, that golden one over there. Wearing a full body golden armour, there are limits to how inelegant you can be! In that case, I shall take it.
[1] Prince on a white horse
[2] Likely referring to how Lancer becomes her Servant after she lost Saber (and he lost Misaya)
[3] the actual word used was “Okuriōkami” (送り狼) which apparently is a term for “a ‘gentleman’ who escorts a woman home, only to make a pass at her”.
Fuyuki – Emiya Residence - Part 2
Saber: Ayaka, how about we have lunch here? This mansion is well-maintained, and perfect for resting. Besides, I feel a strange affinity to it. Especially to that storehouse. It must be a renown work of architecture, there’s no mistaking it.
Lancer: I’m more interested on the inside of the house. Like, a surprise attack from the ceiling of the living room. I wonder why Japanese-style houses are so full of openings.
Archer: I am interested in that wall. It may be inferior to skyscrapers, but it has quite the charm to it. Well now, let’s go climb it.
Ayaka: It’s embarrassing, so please don’t wander around too much. What are you, middle schoolers on a field trip!?
Saber: My apologies, that was rude. Indeed, it’s as you say. Even if they are our enemies, we should act in moderation. It’s unfortunate but let’s refrain from lunching. But you’re not taking a break, right? Are you tired, Ayaka?
Ayaka: U-Uh-huh. I’m getting used to the Hanafuda duels but… Isn’t this city weird? Everyone walking around has empty eyes like a dead fish. Could it be a characteristic of this provincial city? Look, there’s a harbour nearby, right? Like an octopus monster came from the sea and turned all humans into its familiars.
Saber: That’s “something like a summon “. You still have that hobby of reading gloomy books like always, Ayaka. Haha.
Ayaka: Don’t call them gloomy! Who cares about my hobbies? We are talking about the dead fish eyes! Look, right there!
Kiritsugu: *chewing*
Saber: …. T-that… His eyes really are empty…
Ayaka: Looks like he didn’t notice us… He’s just been there in a hiding spot, eating from a plastic piece.
Kiritsugu: *chewing* … This is Iri’s homemade cooking. I can eat it. Of course I’ll eat it. Even if it’s onigiri that changed like depleted uranium. *chewing* Ah, I’m happy… Shit, I’m so happy that I even started crying.
Ayaka: It’s better if we leave him alone. He’s gross.
Saber, I know you made this lunch, but let’s leave. I’m sorry, but let’s have it later… Saber!?
Artoria: *chewing* It has a nostalgic, wild taste from somewhere but it’s not bad. Ah, could you give me some tea, lady over there? I’m holding the turkey with both hands, so my hands are busy.
Ayaka: S-S-Saber turned into a girl!? W-what’s going on!?
Saber: Ouch… To suddenly strike my head from behind, that’s unbecoming of the chivalry code… Wait, who are you!?
Artoria: Hmph, from what I see, you are a naïve man, Pendragon. While you collapsed, I took your delicious lunch!
Ayaka: Even if you play it cool, you already ruined it! Saber, who is this? Could she be your younger sister?
Saber: That’s what I want to know! Who on earth are you!? If you are a knight even in the slightest, then name yourself!
Artoria: Hmph, you say “even in the slightest” after I got you, you make me laugh. I am both your shadow and a possibility of your future. *chewing* Draw your sword, Holy Sword Wielder. Show me how much power the original wields.
Saber: … I wonder what’s this feeling of disappointment I never felt before… However, as you can see, we are both of the Saber Class. As an opponent, there is nothing lacking about you. Lancer, Archer, don’t interfe—re!?
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Lancer: Oouaahh, what’s up with this hawk!? Don’t pull my feather accessory! It’s not from your nest!
Archer: Aaargh, step back, Animose! Why are there gorillas around the wall!? And you, Roland, don’t swing me around!  Don’t swing me around!  
Irisviel: Ufufufufu, go get them, wire animals! Flying Guillotine (Hawk’s Name) on the tights-less Lancer! Gattling Brothers (Gorillas’ Name) on the nudist Archer!
Irisviel: If you’re going to make them, gorillas really are the way to go! Primitive power is really different!
Kiritsugu: Iri… What on earth happened? … No, I have to observe this place. I’ve got to find out the reason why the two of us were in a hole!
Irisviel: Ufufu, hahahahaha! Anyone who invades my Sweet Home with Kiritsugu won’t be forgiven! Prepare yourselves, I’ll whip you to the skin of the butt and then throw you out penniless!
Ayaka: And over here, an incredible beauty is getting drunk! What on earth is going on in this city!?
(Stage 2 – Vs Team Kiritsugu)
Victory Quote:
Ayaka: We went a bit overboard… but no matter how you put it, those guys were weird… What’s going on with this city’s Holy Grail?
Part 3
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Fuyuki/Prototype Grail Pit - Part 3
Ayaka: Is this… Fuyuki’s Holy Grail Hot Springs? Rather than a hot spring, this…
Lancer: It looks exactly like our Greater Grail. Did we get tricked?
Archer: No, we probably just took the wrong path. My intuition tells me that if we had gone up on that last crossroad, we’d get to the hot spring.
Ayaka: Is that so? Archer’s got an amazing nose for money and treasures, so I think it might be true… but the ticket says that it should be around here.
Archer: Let me see that… Hoh, I see, so that’s what’s going on. The way is indeed correct. However, it is not meant for us! Saber, this concerns only you!
Saber: What? Why only me?
Archer: FUHAHAHAHA, you still don’t understand, you oaf? This ticket wasn’t sent to Ayaka! It is a love letter overflowing with love that pinpointed you!
Saber: Wha-what!? Don’t tell me… Then, the one waiting for me here is…!
Manaka: SABER!! You’ve finally arrived!  
Saber: !!!
Manaka: Jeez, your face turned so pale. You’re so happy that your face went stiff…Saber really is my prince! I love you! I love you so much to the point I’d sacrifice every life in this planet, Saber!
Lancer: Well, we’re off then. Hang in there, ladykiller.
Archer: Fu, so you’re dropping out alone. Time to pay the piper[1], Saber.
Ayaka: ………
Manaka Sajou. My sister, six years my elder. She’s Saber’s former Master who, in the previous Holy Grail War, advanced through almost invincible. I don’t like to talk about her so I’ll spare you the details, but if I had to describe her, I’d say she’s a super devilish genius who wouldn’t die even if you killed her.
Manaka: Now, come over here, Saber. I prepared a special bath just for you. Oh, unless you’d rather have dinner first? Or just like last time in front of the Holy Grail, YOU’LL • HAVE • ME?
Ayaka: Huh, this is the first time I’ve heard about this, Saber. So something happened between you and my Big Sister. In front of the Greater Grail, too?
Saber: T-this is a misunderstanding! What happened was that I impaled (with the Holy Sword) a mad Manaka from behind with a thud!
Ayaka: From behind… with a thud… for real!?                                            
Manaka: Uh-huh, that’s right♥!  That passionate way, it felt like the world froze for a moment… That’s why… I’ll do the same to you, Saber. Goes without saying, I’ll do it from behind. Leaving no gaps, every nook and cranny of your body. Just like a large-flowered flower. No, like the stars of the shinning sky. Receive my tentacles until you’re all shiny and slippery♥!
Saber: That’s no good, Manaka. It’s true that I betrayed you twice. The first time when I backstabbed you. The second time when I made a contract with Ayaka. So, I’m prepared to have you seek revenge.
Ayaka: Saber…
Saber: But, now let’s remember words of love that are more heroine-like. A girl your age shouldn’t say things like “receive my tentacles"⋆.
Lancer & Ayaka: Urk…!
Manaka: Saber…! Yes, from now on I’ll be more careful! How about the lovely “Manaka Slaughter Whips”?
Ayaka: I’ve been thinking about it since back then, but could it be that you actually are a perfect match for Big Sister, Saber?
Lancer: Well, they’re both airheads, after all. Maybe they could work out as lovebirds[2].
Manaka: That’s right, you people I don’t know. Saber and I are fated lovers. I won’t forgive you if you get in our way. Or rather, I don’t need you. I’ll burn you all on the Greater Grail later.
Ayaka: ….! Don’t tell me, the townspeople looking dead inside was your doing, Big Sister?
Manaka: Yes. Since I had spare time waiting for Saber to come, I went and took over Fuyuki City. After all, in a wedding ceremony, the more the merrier, right? Of course, right after that, I’ll turn everyone into zombies.
Ayaka: … I really can’t let her do as she pleases… I feel bad for her, but just by being here she’s evil. Saber, Lancer, Archer, let’s go! This time for sure, I’ll seal my relative’s disgrace!
Manaka: Fufufu, very well. Welcome, Miss Obstruction. I’ll play with you to kill my bore— Eh? Relative? You? Such a plain character?
Ayaka: Oh geez, you really couldn’t tell…! Just how self-centered are you, Big Sister?
(Stage 3 – Vs Manaka)
Defeat Quote:
Manaka: Ahh, you finally came back to my hands, Saber! First, let’s have some tea, then an afternoon nap. I have so much I want to talk about with you!
Victory Quote:
Ayaka: Thanks for helping me, everyone. I couldn’t have won alon— eh? The Hot Spring as the reward? Right after this? Well, it can’t be helped if it’s a reward but… I have a bad feeling about this…
[1] Just adding this here because this was actually my first time hearing this idiom:
to pay expenses for something, and thus be in a position to be in control;
to pay a monetary or other debt or experience unfavourable consequences, especially when the payment or consequences are inevitable or a result of something one has enjoyed.
[2] Baka couple
Fuyuki Holy Grail Hot Springs -  Part 4 - Ending
Ayaka: And so, after we safely defeated Big Sister, put her to sleep with a sleeping pill, coffin-packed and delivered her to the Church… we finally arrived at the Hot Spring, but…
Ayaka: No way, mixed bathing!?
Lancer: Oh, this is something you don’t see often these days. The guy who made this was really smart.
Saber: Yes, this is what they call gender equality. By the way, Lancer, how about taking at least a towel? It’s minimal manners to wrap it around your waist.
Lancer: My bad. It’s been so long that I’ve forgotten. What about you, swimsuits are forbidden, y’know? We’re both men, so there’s nothing to hide, right?
Saber: Of course, I didn’t bring such a boorish thing. Having a swimsuit is desecrating the hot springs. Isn’t that right, Ayaka?
Ayaka:  Argh, you guys— No, Lancer is one thing, but Saber! This is a mixed bath, are you okay with this!? Could it be you don’t understand the meaning of mixed bath?
Saber: I do. It’s a public bath without a men’s bath and a women’s bath. I’ve heard that this culture has been familiar to Japan since the Edo period.
Lancer: Yeah. Well then, I’m going ahead to the dressing room. You should hurry too, Missy. You promised that the reward would be the hot springs. Don’t tell me you’re going to take that back?
Ayaka: I-it’s true that I said that, but…
Saber: Ayaka, a lord must always go through with their servants’ rewards. It goes without saying, but that’s a condition to becoming a first-rate Master.
Ayaka: Wha-wha-wha—
Saber: Well, it’s my turn. Come, let us take off our clothes and enter the hot spring.
Ayaka: Guh, Saber you idiot———! I can’t believe that only at times like this you guys get along…! (But this is bad, this development is bad…! Think, me! I can’t avoid the mixed bathing no matter what… In that case… That’s right!)
Ayaka: Wait, you two. A little timeout! I’m going in first, so until then, don’t go in!
Lancer: Uh? Well, I don’t mind.
Saber: Neither do I. Both getting in first or getting in later are good.
Ayaka: Geez, those animals! Heh, but that became fatal. Just you watch, this is my counterattack.
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(That huge wall behind her is the result)
Saber & Lancer: Y-you had that move!?
Ayaka: Uff, I’m saved… “Make a wall to separate the genders in the hot spring.” I ended up using it for such a stupid wish but it’s a story that sprang up from the start. I guess a wish like this is something within my means.
Lancer: How could this be? The Missy’s Eleventh-Hour strength is the real deal… What will we do, Mr. Knight? Even though the treasure is right in front of us, we’ve been left in limbo.
Saber: …. Lancer, no matter how you put it, we are weapons of mass destruction. The Noble Phantasms we wield are not for saving people.
Lancer: Right. Fine, let’s destroy it.
Saber: Yes, let’s destroy it.
Ayaka: Wh— I can hear you clearly from here! What are those two thinking!?
Saber: Let’s do it on 3. Even if it’s a wall created by the Holy Grail, if it gets hit by a direct hit of our Noble Phantasms—
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Archer: Hold it! And you still call yourselves renowned Heroic Spirits? How can you not understand a bashful girl’s feelings!?
Archer: You fools! Cool down your heads and reflect on your actions! If you fool around in the bedroom, that’s your secret, but this is a hot spring! A place for decent relationships!
Lancer: What…
Saber: … on earth?
Archer: In the first place, seeing the bride’s nakedness is only after marrying properly! I, the King of Heroes, will not allow you to destroy this wall without Ayaka’s permission! Now, correct yourselves, you idiots! Listen well! I won’t let you disgrace Ayaka’s purity while I’m alive!
Saber: S-such seriousness! I can’t believe it, are you Ayaka’s mother?
Archer: At least call me her Big Brother! I have the “reliable university student senpai” position, after all!
Lancer: Oh, in that case, I’m the unpopular host of the neighbourhood. I’m one of the Missy’s senpai in senior high school.
Saber: Wha… Then, what about me? Rider is the classmate, so what other positions are there?
Archer: Hm… How about the blond exchange student who homestays at the Sajou house?
Lancer: Oh, that sounds nice. How about one who speaks Japanese in a funny way but is actually the prince of a certain country? It’s a pretty fitting role, right?
Saber: Guh… It’s frustrating but I can’t deny it.
Saber: It looks fun, so let’s think about the setting a little more. In the meantime, what does Ayaka do in the first place?
Ayaka: Like I said, I can hear you clearly. They’re getting all excited… Don’t they actually get along really well? Geez, and I’m the only one here… Oh well, I don’t mind. It’s a nice bath, and it’s a refreshing travel mood. I’m glad I came.
Ayaka: In reality, these are just alternate versions of ourselves, but doing something like this once in a while isn’t bad. Right, Dad?
Saber: By the way, Ayaka. Why did you, who hates fighting, decide to do it this time? Were you attracted by the hot spring?
Ayaka: Hn? It’s not that I hate fighting, it’s just that I don’t like going through scary experiences.
Saber: What?
Ayaka: This time it was full of opponents we’d obviously beat. It’s just like Archer said, we’re their senpais. That’s why I didn’t think we’d lose to anyone except Big Sister. After all, they were all within our range, right?
Lancer: …
Archer: …
Saber: I understand what you want to say. Yes. It’s hard to explain but the one I fear the most is Ayaka.
Random Duel Quotes:
“All right, all right♪!”
“Uwaah… What a careless mistake…”
“Too bad for you!”
“I won’t give you any openings.”
“I’ll be taking that.”
“You shouldn’t look somewhere else.”
“Guess this is what they call ‘killing two birds with one stone’.”
“I’m not done going wild yet.”
“Praise this unfaltering procedure!”
“Something like this isn’t enough!”
Ayaka & Saber
A: “Please, come to me! Saber!”
S: Yes, here I go, Ayaka!“
S: "You’re doing well, Ayaka.”
A: “T-thanks… This is just the usual, though.”
S: “What, this is just a scratch.”
A: “Are you alright, Saber?”
Ayaka & Lancer
L: “Let’s start, Missy?”
A: “Right, this time it’s a speed match, Lancer!”
A: “Good job, Lancer.”
L: “Not yet, there’s still more to come, Missy.”
L: “Ouch…!”
A: “Lancer, here, have some ointment!”
Ayaka & Archer
A: “Are you alright, Ayaka?”
A: “Y-yes, thank you very much.”
Tokiomi & Kotomine
T: “Impossible! I refuse to accept such an ending!”
K: “Hoh? Are you that frustrated, my teacher?”
“Rather than the nonsense of victory or defeat, what truly is an eyesore is that conceited, prideful face of yours! Let us continue. I won’t allow you to refuse!”
Artoria & Iri:
A: “I’ll stave them off here. You have to retreat!”
I: “It’s alright, Saber! Believe in your Master!”
“Hanafuda duels sure are fun, Saber!”
“Whatever it takes, right?”
“If you still will not give me your name, then stand up and come at me!”
Kerry & Iri:
K: “It’s enough, Iri. We have to retreat for now.”
I: “Y-yes… I’m sorry, dear.”
“For a mere toy to try to defy me.”
“Come forth, city of decadence. The night is long, sweet and cruel.”
“You do really cruel things to a lady.”
“Save me, Saber!"  
—————— Character art
Ending CG in high quality
My Final Thoughts
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what-if-rpg · 4 years
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Welcome to the family, BETH! Your application to KITTY WILDE was accepted. I am really happy to have you around! Make sure to read the beginners checklist, and remember, have fun! I can’t wait to roleplay with you! Have fun!
CHARACTER NAME: Katherine Elizabeth Wilde CHARACTER AGE & DATE OF BIRTH: 25 & January 18th OCCUPATION: criminal prosecution lawyer FACE CLAIM: Becca Tobin HOMETOWN & CITY THEY LIVE IN NOW: Lima, Ohio & Lima, Ohio SEXUAL ORIENTATION & GENDER: bisexual & cis female RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single POSITIVE TRAITS: loyal, outspoken, passionate NEGATIVE TRAITS: brash, cold, vindictive CHARACTER QUOTE/LYRIC: “God made Eve for Adam, not Adam for Eve. So when women realize men need you more than you need them, you’re going to rule the world.”
Katherine Elizabeth Wilde was born the only child of two well known names in Lima - her father having been a previous mayor of the town and her mother a successful lawyer. As such, she grew up surrounded by a rotating cast of nannies and caretakers, although her parents worked hard to give her everything she could have possibly needed. Or wanted, as the case may be, especially as she began to grow older and realized there may have been certain advantages to her situation. More than there were disadvantages, certainly. She was spoiled, plain and simple. Even if others called it what it was before then, Kitty didn’t fully realize what it meant until she was in high school. Watching her peers around her get meaningless part-time jobs full of greasy food or (god forbid) physical labor, she simply relied on her parents and their all too eager willingness to substitute the time that they weren’t spending with her with cash.
Even so, growing up with two successful and powerful role models left certain impressions on Kitty. Some of her earliest memories involved sitting on the floor of her mother’s study, listening to some monologue that she didn’t quite understand that was going to be used in her upcoming court case opening statements. It wasn’t the words that stuck with her, but the emotion behind it. The emphasis, the feeling that her mother was absolutely correct in her convictions. Passion, in its purest form. Soon enough Kitty found herself acting out the same thing with her stuffed animals, pointing at one while she jabbered on about some sort of meaningless nonsense, the inflection in her voice scarily similar to her mother’s that seemed ingrained in her head.
That same drive, the competitiveness, and the eagerness to prove herself right led to a ruthless ambition in high school. Kitty wasn’t afraid to step on anyone or push them out of her way on her goal to the top, head cheerleader a given by the time she was a senior. Popular? Sure. Well-liked? It depended on who you asked. She had quite the reputation, whether it was about her careless and driven attitude, or the nights she spent out (or more accurately, in) with what seemed like a different guy every week. Why settle for just one when you could have whatever you wanted? The absence of her parents made it all too easy to throw parties that were thought to be only rumors in the high school circuit, narrowly avoiding calls to the cops more often than not. And even if they did come around, with her father being who he was there wasn’t much she couldn’t get away with. A sentiment that would continue to stick with her.
Kitty loves dancing, and not just the choreographed routines she would consistently yell out for other girls to follow on the squad. Late at night she could be found in the Wilde’s dance studio, one that had been built specifically for her the first year she took a dance class. There was something freeing about letting herself go, the music moving her in ways that nothing else could even come close to. And although she doesn’t get a chance to do it now nearly as often as she would like, it’s something she’s still passionate about even to this day.
An Ivy League acceptance had been her goal by senior year, convinced that her mother would be able to get her in despite her average grades. But somehow it didn’t happen, Kitty convinced that her mother had sabotaged the process on purpose just to keep her closer to home. It strained their relationship for many years, and things still aren’t entirely the same between them. Instead she ended up at the Ohio State University, minoring in Psychology with her goal always law school. Freshman year was a whirlwind, full of nights that she wouldn’t remember and classes she barely scraped through. Pledging a sorority was her top priority, knowing she would have no trouble gaining access to the elite groups in this circumstance, at least.
It wasn’t until her junior year that Kitty was given a rude awakening, one of her sisters who was working to be accepted to the law program stressing out over her requirements and whether the program would even accept her. The other girl had almost a perfect GPA and looked like the perfect candidate on paper. Kitty, on the other hand? If it really was as difficult as she heard then nights spent drinking and out with boys would have to be traded for nights that turned into mornings, not noticing the time passing as she diligently studied to improve her grades. And when that letter was finally in her hand, Kitty knew she had done it to prove not only to everyone else but to herself that she was capable of doing it.
Law school proved fairly uneventful, which would have been unthinkable for a young Kitty Wilde, but it suited her just perfectly when she settled into it. The amount of work kept her from really doing much else except for dancing when she could slip into the studio on campus, still some of her favorite memories. She became close with the other students in her class, her smile as wide as theirs when graduation rolled around and they all held up their diplomas proudly.
Now Kitty is back in Lima, unsure of where to start her career. One she was determined to make illustrious. It’s mostly full of petty crime and she wants more. The arguing she was so fond of doing in high school made her a formidable presence, at least, that’s what she told herself. And then there’s the fact that her parents are still in Lima, as well. She’s lonely, all of her friends seeming to have gone on to bigger and better things in places that could actually be considered cities. That’s why she’s been saving up, determined to move to New York as soon as she can afford it. And when she has the experience to actually be more than an assistant, as well.
JOHN & PATRICIA WILDE (PARENTS): Kitty’s not particularly close with either of her parents, her mom especially. She maintained a relationship with her father if only to ask him for money in college when she needed it, although it’s continued now that she’s making money of her own now. MARLEY ROSE (BEST FRIEND): Realizing the other girl was also attending OSU had originally made Kitty furious. This was going to be her school, her place to start fresh after high school. But somehow, the fact that Marley was the only other person she knew on campus turned into them spending more and more time together, Kitty regrettably realizing along the way how wrong she had been about the other girl. She feels like she can never apologize enough for the bitch she was in high school even if Marley reassures her that it’s in the past. She’s the only one that knows all of the intimate details of Kitty’s life, whether she wants to or not. And Marley’s opinion that typically comes from a different perspective has helped her to become more of the understanding person that she is today. JAKE PUCKERMAN (EX-BOYFRIEND): Kitty considers him the one that got away. At first, sure, it had started as a thing to make Marley jealous in her petty high school scheming. But when it became clear that Marley and Ryder were going to be a thing, the two naturally gravitated back to each other. Their relationship lasted through the rest of high school, only disintegrating bit by bit as Kitty got wrapped up the college and sorority lifestyles. It ultimately came down to trust, and it broke her heart that he couldn’t trust her enough after all of this time to believe she was faithful to him. The break up is what caused her to fall back on her old ways, never committing to anything even resembling a ‘relationship.’ If things lasted with someone more than a few days she was quick to set the record straight, no matter how she sometimes wished all of it could have been different. AN OC MAYBE? (FRIEND WITH BENEFITS): Despite her resolution to not get into anything serious, Kitty clicked with him from the first night. She enjoyed spending enough time with him to tolerate a friends with benefits set up, emphasis on either the friends or the benefits depending on what either of them were going through. Now they’re mostly just friends, although every once in a while they’ll get in touch with each other and make arrangements to see each other again.
0 notes
13-reasons-ideas · 4 years
Marry Me
A/N: I decided to take a stab at doing a songfic. It is MontyxOC and I hope you guy’s like it. I based it off of Thomas Rhett’s Marry Me. This part is from the bride’s perspective. For this part, I recommend listening to the bride’s perspective linked below. There will be another part from Monty’s perspective coming soon. This is a long one. I hope you like it as much as I do. As always, much love. Word Count: 7963
My fiancé, Evan, and I finally made it to San Fran International Airport, after a long day of traveling from Atlanta. I managed to get some more wedding planning done on the plane from Dallas. My parents were throwing us a second engagement party at home, so we made the trip out early on after he popped the question. Once we had left baggage claim with our bags, I led him through the airport to pickups.
He insisted on holding the bags while I looked for Scott. My parents weren’t able to get off work, so he had kindly offered to pick us up in San Francisco. I searched the crowd and spotted him standing off to the side, near a vending machine. “Scott!” I called as I waved and broke into a run towards him. He caught me in his arms and twirled me around.
“There she is.” He muttered into my hair as he put me down. I felt Evan put his hand on my back and I leaned into him. “You must be the one who stole her heart. I’m Scott.” He said, sticking his hand out.
“Evan.” He replied, shaking his hand firmly.
“So, let’s see the ring.” I smiled brightly at him and showed him my round two carat pave ring. He whistled when he saw it. “That’s nice. It suits you. Did she pick it?”
“No, I looked at her Pinterest.”
“Smart man.” Scott said as he picked up my bag and walked us out to the car, Evan’s hand firmly in mine the whole time.
On the way back into town, Scott shared stories of all the trouble I used to get my friends in and out of in high school. “There was this one time none of us had studied for a midterm coming up and so Ellie here called us all over to her place, and sat us down with colour coded notes, charts, the whole thing and spent the whole weekend tutoring us.”
“Only because you all had to pass that exam to stay on the team.” I interjected.
“El, it’s not like they would have kicked the whole team off the team. We were all pretty antsy by the end of the weekend.”
“But they could have cancelled the rest of your season. How happy would you have been then, hmmm?”
“Fine, fine. You win. But what about that time Monty and Bryce decided to climb in that old treehouse in Bryce’s backyard and you had to call the fire department?”
“You mean the time they almost fell out a tree? Yeah, I remember that. I also remember not speaking to either of them for like three days afterwards.”
“Oh, don’t think I forgot that detail. Monty wouldn’t shut up about it until you finally talked to him again.”
“Not my fault genius one and genius two climbed into a treehouse they hadn’t been in since they were like eighty pounds lighter. Bryce cried, Scott.”
“You didn’t talk to them because they went in a treehouse?” Evan asked.
“No babe. I didn’t talk to them because they got stuck in a treehouse. And I couldn’t climb up there to save their genius butts because any more weight would have sent the whole thing tumbling to the ground. And then Coach would have had my ass for breaking them.”
“I’m guessing there was alcohol involved in these shenanigans?”
“Oh yes.” Scott laughed, “they were drunk off their asses. Monty hugged one of the firefighters.”
“Ellie mentioned something about him not being a hugger.”
“He isn’t. Took him like 4 years to hug me. And I’m his best friend. We had food poisoning together when we were younger, and he still wouldn’t do it.” I shuddered at the memory.
“Yeah, but anywho. They barely made it into the pool house before they passed out.”
“We don’t call her Mom for nothing.”
“Okay designated Dad friend.”
“At least when we hung out after homecoming we didn’t-” Scott started. My eyes widened. Are you serious Scott?!
“Trip and fall flat on our faces in front of the whole school?” I cut him off quickly.
He gave me a weird look in the rear view. Thankfully, Evan was looking out the window as we were getting closer to town. I gave him a what the fuck look back. “Uh, yeah. That was pretty funny actually. Matt and Garrison were so excited we won that they tripped over their own feet and faceplanted.”
Evan didn’t appear to be listening anymore. Scott drove the rest of the way and when we got into town, I texted Monty. Hey you. I just got into town with Evan for the weekend. Are you free tonight?
He texted me back a few minutes later, yeah I’m free. What’s up?
“Don’t worry about showing him the noteworthy spots. We are going to look around after church on Sunday.” I mentioned to Scott, not looking up from my phone. I replied to Montgomery swiftly, drinks or coffee? Just you and me. My parents are going over some details for tomorrow with Evan that they don’t want me around for.
Sure. Meet you at Monet’s at six?
I’ll save you a seat. Usual order?
You know I don’t change things Elliebear. I smiled affectionately at the nickname and put my phone away. Scott had pulled up in front of my parent’s house.
“See you tomorrow Scotty.” I told him, reaching around the driver’s seat to rub his hair.
“El, not the hair. I’ll see you. It was nice meeting you Evan.”
“You too, Scott. Have a good night.”
The door opened as soon as we set foot on the front walk and my mom poked her head out. “Hey Mom. I’ve missed you.”
“Oh, come here and let me look at you.” She cooed, pulling and prodding me to get a good look.
“Mom, relax. I haven’t changed that much since the last time I saw you.”
“Hello Mrs. Davis. How are you?” Evan asked her as he pulled me closer to him to stop her examining.
“I’m lovely dear. Robert set up the guest room for you. Ellie, you’ll be in your own room.”
“I know Mom. Wasn’t expecting anything less.”
As we walked into the living room, dad looked up from his newspaper, “hey sweetheart, Evan.” “Mr. Davis.” Evan greeted and shook his hand firmly.
“Now now, what have we told you? You will be family soon enough. It’s Robert or Dad.”
“And Jillian or Mom.” My mom added.
“I know. Habit.”
“Well Ellie-muffin, what did you want to do tonight for your first night back in town?”
“I thought you had to talk to Evan about stuff. And I understood from mom that I wasn’t supposed to be there. So, I kind of already made plans….”
“That’s right. I told you about it last week Rob. We have to go over stuff for tomorrow.”
Dad thought for a moment, trying to remember the conversation, “that’s right. Sorry Jill, I’ve been busy with work and stuff that it must have slipped my mind.”
“What are you doing tonight, beautiful?”
“Just going to get a coffee with Monty now that I’m back in town.” I told him, casually. It’s just coffee and catching up with a friend.
“That sounds like fun. Let him know I’m looking forward to meeting him tomorrow.”
“I will. I’m going to run upstairs and change. You guys have fun down here.”
“What about dinner, Ellie?”
“It’s okay mom, I’ll just grab some soup or something at Monet’s.”
At about twenty to six, I decided to head out. I chose a cute, casual ensemble. I had thrown on one of Monty’s old baseball shirts, that I stole in the ninth grade or something with some jeans and sneakers. It was comfortable and he never asked for it back, so I kept it. Sometimes I wore it to run errands or when I was running late to class in college. “Bye guys. Love you Evan.” I called from the door. My family had holed themselves up in my dad’s office to talk about the party tomorrow, and I had strict instructions not to disturb them. I heard a chorus of ‘bye’s from the house as I left.
I beat Monty to the café but that wasn’t surprising really since I had left so early.
“Hey, what can I get you this evening?”
“Can I get a-”
“She’ll get a skinny vanilla bean latte with only one pump of vanilla, a dash of cinnamon, and extra foam in a for here cup. I’ll get a regular black coffee. And she’ll also have the chicken and spinach sandwich.” I heard Monty say behind me. The barista looked at me, unsure if she should ring it in or not. I nodded at her and turned around to face him. Before he had a chance to say anything, I jumped into his arms for a hug. I did manage to salvage some dignity and not screech in his ear.
“Hey Elliebear.” He said after grunting from the impact.
“I missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
Our orders were finished quickly as it was surprisingly slow for a Friday night. Luckily, that meant our table was free. We sat down and conversation flowed easily. It was almost like we had never been apart.
“The ring is nice. It suits you. Bigger than I thought you would like but it’s nice.”
“It is nice, yeah. That reminds me, Evan said he’s looking forward to meeting you tomorrow.”
“So am I. See who finally caught your interest.”
“I was interested in other people before Evan.” I told him, scandalously.
“Ellie. That guy from drama class doesn’t count. And neither does your chemistry partner.”
“I was not interested in Adam. And Zach was my chemistry partner. I can assure you I was not into him.”
“Please, enlighten me as to these people you were interested in before Evan.”
“There was,” I paused. You. “Dylan from sophomore English was cute. Ian. Couple other guys in high school. Peter from my first year anthropology class was… very attractive, and smart.” I’ll just leave out that Peter was the professor.
“One guy aside from Evan? University of Georgia is a big school. There’s no way you only had eyes for two people.”
“I was busy. I practically lived in the library when I wasn’t in class or my dorm. What about you?”
“What about me?”
“Is there a girl I should be hearing about? Or should have heard about?”
“Nah. Nothing important or anything to write home about. I was busy.”
“Oh please Monty, you played ball at OSU. You honestly expect me to believe there was no girl in your life?”
“No, no. There were girls. Just nothing really serious.”
“Uh, huh.” I replied, sarcastically. When I reached for my cup, he reached for his, and our hands brushed. I was immediately transported back to the day of homecoming in senior year.
“Remember students. The homecoming game is tonight at 6:30. You’ll want to be there early as our Liberty Tigers take on the Hildebrandt Mustangs if you want good seats. It’s sure to be a nail biter.” Principal Bolan’s voice boomed from the intercom during the morning announcements.
“In order for it to be a nail biter, our team would actually have to have a chance at winning.” Alex muttered to Clay and me.
“They are playing Hildebrandt. We could literally not show up and still win.” I told him, as I adjusted my bag on our walk from Alex’s locker to mine, where Zach was meeting me before chemistry.
“Maybe they got good over the summer. Didn’t Bryce spend the summer in Greece or something? Relaxing and drinking poolside?”
“I think it was somewhere in Italy, actually.”
“Either way, I don’t think he spent his summer bulking up and practicing for the season.”
“I mean, they have Monty.”
“And? What did he spend his summer doing Ellie?”
“When I wasn’t at camp, we spent the summer together. There was no poolside drinking. When I was at camp he hung out with Scott and did boy stuff. They also worked out a lot.”
“How was camp by the way?” Clay asked.
“It was good. Learned a lot from my campers. They learned a lot from me. Only one incident of blood. It was pretty good.”
We had made it to my locker, and I was arranging my books when I felt myself being pulled into someone’s arms and lifted off the ground. “Montgomery, put me down!” I laughed, feeling my whole body shake.
“Never.” He laughed, evilly.
“I have to grab my chem book. And go to chemistry.”
“I’ve got it.” Zach’s voice drifted over to me, “you carrying her to class today?”
“Nah, I thought about it but since I had to come find her this morning, I figure she can make it there on her own.”
“I was running late. My alarm didn’t go off when it was supposed to.”
“Excuses, excuses.” Monty replied, putting me down and shaking his head. I turned my attention back to my other friends.
“I’ll see you guys later? Zach and I are running late.”
“Sure. Justin said if I don’t go to the game tonight, he’d tell mom and dad about Ani. And I don’t want to deal with that.”
“Someone has to keep Clay company, so I have to go too.” Alex said, pushing clay lightly.
“Great. I’ll see you then. See you at lunch Monty.”
Lunch seemed to take forever and a half to arrive. I knew sleeping in would mess with my day. The guys were already at their usual table when I arrived and sat next to Monty, no closer than we usually did. “Ellie, think you could pray for us to not lose this game tonight?” Bryce sniggered from the end of the table. I only rolled my eyes in response.
“Hey, quit being a dick.” Monty told him. Bryce responded by chucking a grape at him.
“It’s fine Monty. Not like he hasn’t done it before.” I didn’t have to look up from my lunch to know he was sporting a displeased face. “It’s going to take a lot more than God to help you win if you don’t learn to throw better than that in the next six hours. But sure.” I made a show of getting myself ready to pray verbally, but not with intention, “Lord, please help the guys win tonight. Give them the ability to not trip over themselves when they make plays. And God, please show Bryce how to make the ball go where it’s supposed to and not hit some poor kid in the head again. Maybe, just maybe, then he will get laid tonight and we all know that’s really why he asked me to pray.”
The boys laughed hysterically around me as I smirked at Bryce.
“You need to quit hanging out with Monty, he’s rubbing off on you too much. And I was serious.”
“I know. I’ll do it for real after lunch. You can sit with me if you want.” I offered but knew he would decline.
I ran home to change after school for the game. “Mom, have you seen my baseball shirt?” I called, searching my room for Monty’s shirt.
“The last I saw it, it was on your dresser.” I dug around on my dresser for a bit until I found it.
“Thanks Mom.” I called, shrugging it on. I quickly fixed my hair and grabbed a sweater before bolting back out the door to meet Alex before the game.
I met him in the school parking lot, at about six. “Hey Lex.”
“Hey El. Clay should be here soon and we can go find a seat.”
“That’s good.” We made small talk for a few minutes before Clay pulled up in one of the Priuses. Pri-i?
“Hey guys. Ready to go watch us get our asses handed to us on the field?”
“Your brother is playing Clay. Have a little faith.”
“I guess you’re right. I can’t say he isn’t a good player. But even still. Justin and Monty can’t carry the whole team all night.”
“Scott and Charlie help. Zach is good.”
“Oh goody. Five of forty-seven players are good. That makes me feel so much prouder of them.” Alex joked as we found a decent seat in the middle of the stands at the beginning of the row.
“Well, just think, if we do win tonight, then the team will be too busy celebrating to give anyone a hard time for a few days.”
“Now that you mention celebrating Ellie, if they win are you going to go with Monty after the game?” Clay asked
“I told him I would meet him at Monet’s with the rest of them whether we win or lose.”
“Okay. Can you keep an eye on Justin? I don’t really feel like going out with the football team for the evening.”
“No problem. Is everything alright?”
“I think he’s just trying to figure out where he fits now that he’s doing better and on the team. I don’t think he thought he would get this far.”
“That’s fair. I’ll make sure he sits with us for a bit. See if I can make Monty play nice.”
“See if you can? Ellie. He would jump off a cliff if you asked him to. I don’t like him, but I know he likes you.” Alex argued. Likes me? I mean sure, as his friend. Right? I brushed off the thoughts and where they could lead and have occasionally led in the past.
“He doesn’t really like heights. But I guess you’re right. He’s my best friend.”
“Sure. Best friend.” Alex said, shaking his head. I watched him share a look with Clay.
“I’m going to go grab a water, you guys want anything?”
“No, I’m good thanks.” Clay said, his eyes scanning the crowd of arriving students, likely for Ani.
“Nah. Mom sent me with some kind of weird protein thing. It doesn’t taste half bad, so I’ll just have that.” Alex said, shaking a bottle. I nodded and ran down the bleachers to the concession.
After getting a bottle of cold water, I ran back up just before the game started. The teams had just gotten on the field and had lined up. As expected, the game was in our favour most of the first half. I waved at Monty occasionally when he was on the sidelines and he looked over at me. He smiled and waved back. During the second half Hildebrandt seemed to find their groove and the game was at least interesting. It wasn’t really much of a nail biter as Principal Bolan had promised this morning, but it wasn’t really boring either. Everyone knew that regardless of how we played, we would probably win. The game ended and the team and the crowd were excited. Matt and Garrison were so excited by the win, they tripped over their own feet and faceplanted on the sidelines. The excitement died down for a moment until they shot up and went on celebrating. As the team filtered off the field, students began leaving. “See you Monday Ellie.” Alex said as we hugged goodbye.
“See you. Have a good weekend guys. I have to go catch up with Monty.”
I spotted him waiting for me by the locker room, gym bag on his shoulder. “Good game.” I said as I walked up to him.
“Of course, it was. I was on the field.”
“Modest as ever I see.”
“Do you expect anything else at this point Elliebear?” “Not really. But I can hope, maybe one day.”
“Maybe, but not likely.”
“Oh hey, while I’m thinking about it, Clay asked me to keep an eye on Justin tonight.”
“Is everything okay?”
“I think so. Clay said something about him having issues adjusting and stuff. Do you think you can play nice with him for a while?”
“I suppose, since he is your friend, I can try and be nice for a while. But not all night. I want some Ellie time.”
“And you’ll get your Ellie time. After you make nice with Justin.”
He sighed and was about to respond when Bryce called us, “are you two going to stand there and chit chat all night or are we going to celebrate?”
“We’re coming. Give us a minute asshole.” Monty called back to him. Bryce waved him off and walked away, leaving us alone.
He turned his back to me, “hop on”, he told me as he bent down slightly. Once I was secure against his body, he began to walk us out to the parking lot. Because he wasn’t paying attention, it was the perfect time to steal his hat. Plucking it off his head, I placed it on mine. It was slightly too big, but I didn’t mind.
“That’s my hat El.”
“I know. I happen to like it though, so I’m wearing it.”
“I’m not getting it back tonight, am I?”
“Nope. It is now mine. Might even write my name in it.”
“You do that Ellie. I won’t care when I steal it back who’s name it has in it.”
“Fine. Then I’ll readjust it.” I smirked.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Oh, I would.”
He laughed as we arrived at our cars and he set me down. “No, you wouldn’t.” He shook his head for emphasis, calling my bluff. I pushed him lightly and rolled my eyes.
“Whatever. I’ll see you at Monet’s in a few with your precious hat.”
True to my word, I arrived at Monet’s a few minutes later, Monty’s hat placed firmly on my head. The place was packed with students celebrating the win. I went to the counter and greeted Skye, placing our usual orders and adding whatever Justin usually got. Once placed, I turned to look for a table. Luckily most students knew where Montgomery and I sat so our table was clear. Making a couple of trips, I placed the drinks on the table and pulled out my phone. I texted Justin quickly, hey Justin. I grabbed you a coffee. Feel free to sit with Monty and I when you get here. Don’t worry, he agreed to be nice. He replied with a thumbs up. The sound of a chair scraping the floor next to me startled me. “I see you told the truth. Can I have it back now?”
“No. I think it looks quite fetching on me, if I do say so myself.” I spoke regally, swiveling my head to show him from multiple angles.
“Yes. Do you disagree?”
“No, I think it looks good on you.”
“That’s what I thought.”
Monty and I chatted quietly before Justin showed up. “Hey guys.” He said, standing slightly awkwardly to the side of the table.
“Justin! You made it.” I exclaimed, smiling. Monty shot me a tone it down look. He smiled back at me as I stood and moved next to Monty. “Make room.”
“Can do sweetheart.” He charmed, patting the chair next to me. I rolled my eyes and tried to ignore the flutter in my stomach when he called me sweetheart, before sitting down.
“Thanks for the coffee Ellie.” Justin told me, taking a sip.
“No problem.” The three of us chatted idly for a while. Monty was nice to Justin and even laughed a few times at one thing or another he said.
Somewhere along the line of our conversation, our hands drifted towards each other under the table. I felt his hand wrap around mine and I felt my cheeks flame. The flutters were back, and I looked at him from the corner of my eye. He acted like he hadn’t noticed that we were holding hands. “Hey Justin, come over here and look at this.” Charlie called over to our table. He was looking at something on Garrisons’ phone. Justin waved to him and stood up, taking his coffee with him. I wonder if he noticed we are holding hands. Maybe he’s leaving us alone for a reason. Maybe….
“And then there were two.” Monty spoke, pulling me from my thoughts before they could go any further.
“Then there were two.” I echoed.
“That shirt looks good on you. It’s pretty familiar too.”
“Oh, yeah. There may be a reason for that.”
“Need to go talk to Mike?”
“Not if you don’t have a problem with it. I think he would agree it was simply borrowing, rather than stealing. No need to involve Jesus.”
“I am. So now you’ve got my shirt and my hat. Anything else you intend on taking of mine?”
“Possibly. Depends what else you’re willing to offer.” I flirted slightly, moving my hair behind my ear.
“I think there’s a thing or two I could offer you Ellie.” He flirted back, leaning in slightly. Oh my goodness. He’s going to kiss me. My thoughts immediately began flashing forward at a rapid pace. Us going for innocent coffee dates. Introducing him to dad as my boyfriend. The possibility of church on Sundays. Introducing him to Pastor Mike. Our first fight. Making up from said fight. Getting accepted to the same college. Graduation. College. A ring. Coming home and getting married in the little white church just out of town. Marriage. Kids. Sitting on our porch when we are old and grey. Before he could kiss me, Bryce called him from across the room. He stopped just short of my lips and looked over at him, “what?”
“My place, half an hour.” He called back. Monty nodded in response and turned back to me. I was smiling at him, trying to hide the fact that I was mildly hurt he stopped short of kissing me. Or that I was annoyed that my mind had gone so far once again. I chuckled and took a drink of my coffee. I looked at my watch and saw that even though it wasn’t necessarily late late, it was late enough that I could get away with leaving on account of the time.
“Shoot. Is that really the time? I have plans with my mom in the morning. I should get going.” I said, getting up and grabbing my bag.
“Oh, okay. Are we still on for waffles Sunday afternoon?”
“Yeah. Be at my place around one? I need to talk to Pastor Mike about a few things after service.”
“I’ll be there. Text me when you get home.”
“I will.” I said, trying to keep the hurried tone out of my voice. I just want to get out of here. I took my cup back to the counter and made my way to the door, trying to keep an even pace. I didn’t look back as I left the café.
End Flashback
Shaking the memory from my mind, I pried some more. “What about the blonde girl you told me about briefly?”
“She was nice. Very peppy and chipper though.”
“Ah yes. Need to keep up that stoic exterior. Can’t have someone too chipper, lest people think you have a soul or something.”
“Exactly.” He laughed. He took a long sip from his cooled coffee. “Can you imagine if I brought her home?”
“Well, knowing your mother, I would probably be attending your engagement party tomorrow instead of the other way around.”
“Oh probably.”
“How is your mom doing, by the way?” “She’s doing okay. After dad died, she was pretty out of it for a few months. She’s gotten better with time though. Really started to come into her own and forge her own path.”
“I’m glad to hear it.”
“Not going to ask how I’m doing Ellie?”
“No. I know how you’re doing.”
“Oh really?”
“Montgomery. I am your best friend. Your dad was never a parent. DNA doesn’t make someone your family. You’re doing the same as you did the day you left and vowed to never speak to him again.”
He looked surprised at me. “Sometimes I forget how well you know me.”
“I know. That’s why I have to remind you all the time.”
“Yeah, yeah. How did Evan react to Scott on the way from the airport?”
“I’m not totally sure. I don’t think he realized how things worked at Liberty and exactly what you and I being friends meant. Scott told him about the treehouse.”
“Oh no. Ellie. I need to look the guy in the eye tomorrow.”
“I know you do. Don’t worry. He didn’t seem upset or anything. I think he found it amusing actually.”
“Did he tell him anything else?”
“About you?”
“No, mentioned how you guys fucked up and didn’t study for midterms and I singlehandedly kept you all on the team. And how Matt and Garrison managed to keep themselves above their feet until after homecoming senior year.”
“Of course, he did.”
“Don’t worry. Evan will like you.”
“How do you know?”
“Because I like you. And even though you think you are, you really aren’t a bad guy.” We talked for about another hour or so, just catching up, before we decided to call it a night.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Three o’clock sharp.”
“Good.” I said squeezing him in a hug. When we pulled apart he looked down at me, seeming to finally notice my shirt.
“Is that my shirt?”
“Yes it is.”
“I thought I lost that years ago.”
“You never asked for it back. We agreed that I technically borrowed it, remember?”
“Yeah but I also thought you would have given it back by now.”
“I mean, I can give it back to you tomorrow if you want it.” I offered.
“No, no. You keep it. You seem comfortable in it.” I smiled at him in response before he hugged me again and we said goodbye.
The next morning was somewhat hectic in the Davis household. My mom was up at a time God himself would shake his head at, doing last minute cleaning. My dad was up shortly after, making sure the yard hadn’t disappeared overnight or something. I woke up around ten and before I could even get a sip of coffee in me, I was already being bombarded with questions about what I was wearing or how I was doing my hair by my mom. Jeez Louise, if the engagement party is like this, what will the wedding day be like? “I have a white dress with flowers I was going to wear. It’s strapless and cute. Dressy enough for a party.”
“Yes Mom. It is strapless. I brought a cardigan to wear with it before you have a coronary.”
“Well I suppose that is alright then. And your hair?”
“A simple curled high ponytail. I have an elastic with a bow on it to use. I have thought about this you know.”
“I know dear. It’s just all so exciting, isn’t it? My only daughter is getting married.”
“Very exciting, yes.” I grumbled. “Now will you please let me go get a cup of coffee?”
“Can’t that wait darling? We have so much to do.”
“She will be much more of a help after a coffee Jillian.” Evan spoke from the hall upstairs. “Give her a few minutes to wake up and she will be ready to go, won’t you El?”
“Yes, I will.” I replied, moving towards the kitchen in search of the rich black liquid. Evan came down and grabbed the milk from the fridge to steam for my latte. “Thank you, I appreciate that you did that.” I whispered to him, gratefully.
“Of course, Buttercup.” He muttered into the top of my head and measuring out the perfect amount of milk into the pitcher, before half emptying a packet of Splenda into my mug. I set to work grinding and packing the espresso powder. I enjoyed my latte over my Bible while Evan got ready for the day’s events.
Shortly after I had gotten dressed, the caterers arrived, and it became even more hectic. They were finishing various dishes and trying to make room in the fridge. I watched on from the sidelines and tried to stay out of the way as much as possible. Evan came over to me and placed his arm around my waist. “You look beautiful.”
“You look great too, handsome.” I blushed, placing my arm around his waist too. Finally, around 2:30, the caterers had finished all of the food and set up. Cupcakes had been delivered and were set out on cake stands. Balloons were up and fairy lights lined the crown moulding around the living room. The room looked perfect.
Guests began arriving just before three. Justin and his girlfriend Sasha were the first to arrive. Justin and Jessica had broken up halfway through their first year of college, the strain of long distance becoming too much for them. They were still amicable in social situations though.
“Hey Justin. Hello Sasha. How are you guys?” I greeted them, warmly.
“We are good.” Justin replied, his hand firmly placed in hers.
“Hey guys.” Evan greeted them. The pair waved in acknowledgement.
“Let’s see the ring Ellie.” Sasha gushed. I held out my hand while she examined and fawned over the ring. I caught Evan and Justin share a look. Oh boy. This could get interesting for the man.
We continued greeting guests, accepting congratulations and gifts, and smiling as they arrived. Monty showed up right at three, as promised. “Hey you.” I greeted, beaming at him.
“Hey Elliebear.” He said, pulling me into a quick hug. Evan stood to the side, giving us a moment. I pulled away and turned towards Evan.
“Evan, this is Monty. Monty, this is Evan.” I motioned. They shook hands.
“So, you found the way to Ellie’s heart, huh?”
“Yeah. She is something special. I thank God every day that she decided to give me a chance.”
“Don’t I know it?” Monty replied, almost whistfully.
My mom called me over and I decided it would be a good idea to perhaps not leave the boys alone together. “Coming Mom. Scott is over there by the cupcakes.” I said, pointing him out. “Try to keep him from eating himself to a sugar high?”
Monty laughed, “can do Ellie. It was nice meeting you Evan. Congratulations.”
“You too Monty. Enjoy the party.”
I watched as he walked over and greeted Scott, taking a glass of champagne and a cupcake for himself. My mom called me over again and I ran over to see what she wanted. The party went off without a hitch. The only thing that concerned me was the way my eyes sought out Montgomery all afternoon and not my fiancé. Not to mention the all too familiar fluttering in my belly whenever I was near him or made eye contact with him.
The day had finally arrived. After a year of meticulous planning, it was finally my wedding day. All of the stress and details and late-night crying had all led up to this one day. The church was beginning to fill with guests. The loving memory sign was placed near the altar. I thought of how my granddad would have been the one to preach the service if he was still with us when I decided on the placement. My bridesmaids had already left the room to line up to walk down the aisle. Evan would be at the altar by now. I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I couldn’t shake the feeling of fear that was becoming harder and harder to ignore.
My off-white wedding dress was on, my veil in place on my head, and my makeup and hair looked flawless. Everything was perfect. Almost everything. I shook in the bridal room, waiting for the planner to call for me. You can do this Ellie. I fiddled with my engagement ring for a moment before I heard Melissa knock on the door, “we are ready for you Ellie.” Forcing a big smile on my face, I nodded to her and walked out of the room where my dad was waiting to walk me down the aisle.
“You look beautiful sweetheart.” He told me as I handed him my engagement ring for safe keeping and took his arm. The chapel doors opened, and Evan turned to look at me from the altar. I could tell his eyes were wet with unshed tears and when he saw me, he covered his mouth and looked up, trying to hold the tears back. The crowd was standing watching our reactions. My bridesmaids smiles beamed from the altar, brightly. I trained my eyes on him as my dad walked me down the aisle. My dad gave me to Evan and Pastor Mike began the service.
“We are gathered here today, before God and those closest to Ellie and Evan to join them in in celebrating their love and commitment to one another.” He continued speaking, “when Ellie called me to announce her engagement, I was thrilled for her. By the time they got around to coming back to Evergreen County from their home in Atlanta, and they asked me to officiate, I knew my answer would be a resounding yes. Getting to know Evan and see these two together over the last number of months, has opened my eyes to how these two help each other in their journey to seek to know and have a relationship with the Lord. Ellie mentioned early on in planning to me, that her favourite verse in the Bible is 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 and expressed the importance of including it on this special day. I would like to read you that verse now.  4 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud 5 or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. 6 It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. 7 Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.
8 Prophecy and speaking in unknown languages[a] and special knowledge will become useless. But love will last forever!”
Pastor Mike continued speaking, but my eyes had begun to scan the crowd. They swept from one side of the church to the other. Near the back on the right side, next to the door, I spotted some of my friends. I saw Scott and Justin, along with Sasha, sitting with Charlie and Zach. Bryce surprised me and RSVP’d yes, even if part of me knew he knew I only invited him out of politeness. He was sitting next to Charlie, sandwiched next to Clay and Alex. As my eyes continued to scan the room, I didn’t see him. When they landed on Scott and I maintained eye contact for a moment, he shrugged, and frowned slightly. He isn’t here. He didn’t come. Tears filled my eyes and I turned back to Evan, my hand still resting in his. I made sure to smile so it appeared that I was merely overwhelmed with joy and not feeling my heart be crushed with despair. “Evan Andrew Taylor, do you take Ellie Marie Davis to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part, according to God's holy ordinance?”
“I do.” Evan replied, wholeheartedly.
“And do you Ellie Marie Davis, take Evan Andrew Taylor to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part, according to God's holy ordinance?”
I took on last look at the crowd gathered around us and made eye contact with Scott before turning back to Evan, “I can’t. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” I spoke quietly, letting go of his hand. I looked back at Scott and nodded to him. He turned to Justin and Zach, as the crowd gasped. I stepped down from the altar and it seemed to kick my friend’s butts into gear.
“Shi-” Scott started before realizing he was in a church. “Shoot.” He amended, quickly. He stood up and met me at the end of the aisle as my friends joined me in running out of the church. To our surprise, Bryce tossed Scott his keys and Zach picked me up to carry me to the car. “Zach drives.” He said, giving me a thumbs up.
We were in Bryce’s car before Scott spoke again, “did that really just happen?”
“Yeah. Yeah it did.” I was still in shock.
“Why?” Justin asked as we drove away from the church.
“He wasn’t there.” I said simply, staring out the window. “I couldn’t marry Evan knowing that I was in love with someone else. I couldn’t stand up there and say I do to him when I was praying for someone to stand up and object. Or to be up there with me instead.”
The boys were silent for a while as we drove around. Scott was in the front, looking for Montgomery’s car in every lot we passed. Justin was holding my hand tightly, trying his best to soothe me.
“You should know that he was. There.” Zach advised, “he wanted to be, but he couldn’t mess things up for you and he couldn’t sit and watch you get married to someone that wasn’t him.”
I didn’t respond, I merely tried to absorb the information I was being given. He was there. Why didn’t he come and tell me anything? Why didn’t he mess things up? I was pulled from my thoughts when my phone vibrated, alerting me I had a text. It was from Bryce. Monet’s. Your table. I never thought I would see the day where I would honestly thank Bryce Walker and mean it once, let alone twice. “He’s at Monet’s.”
“How do you know?” Zach asked, glancing in the rear view to make a lane change and turn us around.
“Surprisingly, Bryce.” I watched as my friend’s brows all raised. They couldn’t believe it either.
I was silent as Zach drove the rest of the way and parked across the street from the coffee shop. I scanned the building quickly, searching for any sign of him. I spotted him in the window, at our table, just like Bryce had said. Monet’s had become licensed a couple of years back, so they could serve alcohol. Monty was sitting alone, in his black suit, nursing what appeared to be a tall bourbon, neat.  “Go get him El.” Scott encouraged me. I nodded and checked for traffic before opening the door and stepping out of the car. Damning laws at this point, since the street was clear, I half ran across and yanked open the door. The few patrons and baristas looked up and appeared slightly annoyed at the sudden, rude intrusion, before they took note of my attire. White dress, veil, hair and makeup applied. It became clear that I was here on a mission and it wasn’t only coffee or a quick shot of liquid courage. Picking up my dress slightly so I didn’t trip on the stairs, I walked over to his table. “Is this seat taken?” I asked, softly.
He looked up at me, his eyes widening in surprise and full of unspoken questions.
“I couldn’t do it if you weren’t there. You’re my best friend Monty.”
He scoffed quietly before replying, “it’s not taken, no. Sit if you want,” and taking another drink from his glass, not looking at me.
“Hey,” I started, reaching for his hand. He looked at my hand and after a pause let me take it, “I mean it. I couldn’t marry him.”
“Why not?”
I was quiet while I thought over how to explain my feelings. Noticing he had about fingers width of bourbon left in his glass, I grabbed it, downing the rest of it.
“Hey. I was drinking that.” He protested. That was all the courage I needed.
“I couldn’t marry Evan because he wasn’t you. And you weren’t there to say anything by the time I walked down the aisle. You were just going to give me away and live the rest of our lives wondering what if.” I told him while I stared into the bottom of the now empty glass, too afraid to look him in the eye.
“You- really? How did you know…?”
“Zach told me.”
“I know I wasn’t there Ellie. I just. I couldn’t sit there in that church and watch you marry him. And I knew I was and would be too much of a coward to stand up and say something when I saw you standing up there with him. I had to let you be happy.”
“Don’t you get it Montgomery? I wouldn’t have been happy. Not really. Or at least not for long. Not with Evan.”
“So why did you agree to marry him?”
“Because I thought it would be easier? My friends liked him, my family liked him, I liked him. I just thought that it would be easier to ignore my feelings. I could marry him, officially move to Atlanta, come home a couple of times a year, have a couple of kids. It all seemed easier than admitting to myself that I was in love with my best friend and if I really, truly wanted to be happy, I would need to be with him instead. And that admitting that would change everything. But I’ve learned over the past year that easy doesn’t always mean happy. And sometimes what we think is easy in the short term, isn’t always easy in the long term.”
He chuckled lowly, “took you long enough.”
I furrowed my brow at him, “what is that supposed to mean? I just confessed my love for you, and that’s all you have to say?”
“Yeah. It took you long enough to come to that conclusion. You were what? Half-way through the ceremony before you put a stop to it?”
“Not exactly. I knew a while ago. I spent the whole morning shaking and waiting for you to come and tell me that I was making a mistake. When you didn’t come, I thought… that you either didn’t feel the same way, or that you were going to do the kind thing for once and not say anything, but I thought at least you would be there. When I saw that you weren’t, I knew I couldn’t marry him. Even if it was the easy choice.” When he didn’t say anything I added, “you picked a great time to do the kind thing.”
“Yeah, well. You knew it would happen sometime. You owe me another shot by the way.”
“Oh please. There was barely a fingers width in your glass.” I told him, sighing dramatically.
He looked at me through his impossibly long eyelashes, “they won’t serve you that small an amount.” I rolled my eyes and stood up to go order him another shot. You owe me another shot… men. I was surprised when he grabbed my wrist to stop me, before pulling me into his lap, rather gracefully given the fit of my dress, and kissing me deeply. Monty pulled away first and turned to look out the window. Our friends had gotten out of the car and were clapping and high fiving each other. 
“How about that shot now?” Monty smirked.
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thebrewstorian · 4 years
“Maybe you’ve heard of her husband? Finding Louisa Weinhard.” The Zoom 2020 PCB-AHA presentation.
Last week I was supposed to give a presentation for the Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association conference. That didn't work out... For the COVID-19 reasons. But we did make it work a week later on Zoom and it was terrific!
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My talk focused on Louisa Weinhard. Here’s what I said. 
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I started OHBA in 2013, the first of its kind in the country. 2013 is also when I met Peter Kopp [see photo above left bottom - Kopp is the author of Hoptopia: A World of Agriculture and Beer in Oregon's Willamette Valley] and we’re old hats at presenting together. Though usually we are in the same room. This talk, “Maybe you’ve heard of her husband? Finding Louisa Weinhard,” is based on an article for the Oregon Historical Quarterly I’m working on revisions for right now. I’m going to talk about women in brewing in Oregon, but first I want to talk about silence.
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Archives and records repositories are filled with voices. We visit them to learn about our families, past actions of governments, and the activities of private organizations. But they are also spaces that reflect power and document the dominant narrative. Decisions are made by creators, by archivists, and by researchers about what to include and who to exclude – the result can be distortion, omission, and erasure. And so, for all the voices recorded in an archive, there are also many that have been silenced.
As anyone who has done historical research on women knows, their stories weren’t actually hidden, more often they were simply not recorded. The history of nineteenth century women’s work is often told through the story of husbands and sons. They were categorized as wives and mothers rather than business partners or owners. One issue I always cite when talking about researching women is the complications surrounding names: if their first name was recorded in newspapers (not just “Mrs.”), actually finding a maiden name to track genealogy often feels like luck.
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Most (all) brewers in nineteenth century Oregon were men, but as I explored beer history more, I found the stories of early Oregon women and their work in brewing fascinating. In my research I found most women linked to breweries weren’t making beer, but I suspected they played an essential role in the businesses success (for example in running the household, child-minding, doing the books, participating in community events, etc.), and I knew that several ran the brewery for a time after their husband died.
I was preparing for an oral history in 2016 with Dana Garves, owner of BrewLab and former brewing chemist at Ninkasi, and I found a blog post she’d written called “Oregon’s First Women Brewers [1879-1908],” which included names and locations. I have since found photos of three of these women: Left to right is Fredericka Wetterer from Jacksonville, Mary Allen from Monument, and Marie Kienlen from southern Oregon. Garves also wrote about Theresa O’Brien from the north coast and Mary Mehl from the south coast. I added names of own, including Catherine Stahl and Frances Kastner from eastern Oregon; Margaret Beck from Capital Brewing in Salem, and Louisa Kiefer from Albany – she’s also Fredericka Wetterer’s sister.
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But is there a way to determine the jobs they did or the role they played? I did a lot of online newspaper searching and onsite research in the places these women lived, and the short answer is no. Variables in terms of family structure, geographic location, brewery size, and available documentation make generalizations and specifics quite difficult. 
But Henry Weinhard? His is a pretty familiar name and his business was extremely successful. And I was certain researching his wife would be a snap. An easy win and good practice for future work on the other women I’d identified.
I was wrong.
It turned out records for the Weinhards are scant, mostly limited to newspaper articles and ads, government records, lawsuits, and, for Henry, glowing biographies in “books about great men.”
And so I dug.
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This is Louisa, who had that very famous husband. Although she was famous in her own right for generosity, as well as her involvement in local church and aid societies, her legacy is marked by both details and silences.
Not to jump to the end of the story first, but the fact that I have this picture is a true testament to my Googling superpowers. I scoured archival collections, newspapers, and books looking for a picture of her, only to fail. Finally, using a string of search terms I can’t remember, I found a 2015 reference to a portrait in an article about the Portland Community College remodel. Days before I finished the first draft of my article, I emailed their Community Relations manager and she sent me a picture of the portrait. It sat on my desk and I saved it on my phone to show people who I was writing about. We have signed the paperwork to have this transferred to the collections at OSU – I was due to pick it up the week everything closed…
Luise Wagenblast was born in Germany in 1832. She lost her mother when she was four, traveled to Missouri at fifteen, arrived in the Northwest at twenty-three, and married a man who would become famous when she was twenty-seven. By the time she died at aged eighty-five, she’d buried her husband and four of her five children.
Through online genealogy sites and local history sources, I pieced together details about Louisa’s family’s move from Waldrems, Germany, a small town about 300 miles southwest of Berlin, to Missouri to Oregon. Although she travelled to Oregon by ship, her brother Gottlieb journeyed with the 1855 wagon train led by Dr. Wilhelm Keil, founder of Christian communal settlements in Bethel (Missouri) and Aurora (Oregon) – thanks to Peter’s dad James for his work on utopian communities in Oregon because it helped me tease out whether they were part of the colony or not. They weren’t.
Through government records, I learned when she was married to Henry and when her children were born. Census records and newspapers documented the family’s moves back and forth across the Oregon / Washington border. Through the census, I also learned about her neighbors, the ages of her children, and if she had servants living in her home. While dates and names are recorded, what isn’t is the scope of her loss, which feels immense. Her son Christian Henry died in 1863 at two years old and daughter Emma Augusta in 1864 at 18 months. Her daughter Bertha Carolina (Bettie) died in 1882 of acute appendicitis at 13. Henry died in 1904 of kidney disease. Just over a year later, daughter Louise Wagner died of heart disease at thirty-two. Only daughter Anna Wessinger, who lived to 87, survived Louisa.
However, mentions in newspaper articles gave me a significant, and somewhat intimate, glimpse into her life through her community activities. She sent roses to the 1903 Portland Rose Society annual rose show and thirty pounds of sugar to support unemployed men at the Gipsy Smith Tabernacle. She donated $100 to a benefit fund to purchase artificial legs for Marjorie Mahr, an actress who lost both legs in a railway accident. When thirteen-year-old Ervilla Smith arrived at the Weinhard house in the middle of the night in 1905 after being assaulted near the Lewis & Clark Exposition fairgrounds and left on the street by a saloon; the family welcomed her, called the doctor and the police, while “Mrs. Weinhard got her something to eat and made her comfortable for the night.” She was a member of the Portland Women's Union and sent money to the Louise Home for Unmarried Mothers and Albertina Kerr Nursery Home. And during the last weeks of her life, she offered money to a woman whose husband was in prison in California so she could visit him.
I have lots of stories that could expand and fill the rest of my time: things I found out about Louisa’s siblings; brewery owners, saloon keepers, gambling, prostitution, and vice; women’s clubs in Portland; or family real estate acquisitions. But since it’s where I found the most detail, I’m going to tell you about how Louisa used that wealth and her position at the end of her life.
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In the years following Henry and Louise’s deaths, it is difficult to determine how involved Louisa was in the brewery and family estate business, perhaps no more than in name as an executrix of the estate. What is clear is that she continued to support her German community. The most significant was her donation of a twenty-acre lot in Southeast Portland, worth $30,000, to build a retirement facility for elderly Germans to spend their final years “among their own people.” The Altenheim was to be the “most important of its kind in the U.S.” Newspapers reported that she wanted residents to take advantage of fresh air, good water, and rich soil; and because she valued work, also wanted “helpful occupations for charges” and imagined the home would be partially self-supporting through farming. On August 6, 1911, with 2,000 people present, the cornerstone was laid, which contained pictures of Henry and Louisa, as well as copies of Portland’s German and other daily newspapers. Louisa’s great-grandson talking later about a picture in the newspaper of Louisa at the May 1912 dedication, in an open carriage with the mayor of Portland, described her as looking like queen Victoria, “very short and very fat.” That’s the picture you see here – a find made possible by the University of Oregon’s Historic Oregon Newspapers site. I learned more about Louisa from the news coverage for the Altenheim than in most previous articles about Henry or the business. Beyond a tone-deaf comment about her appearance, I learned that she valued work, self-sufficiency, and cultural traditions, but also that she was part of a community that felt isolated from the rest of Portland. What we don’t hear are her words – in all the press coverage regarding the Altenheim there isn’t a single quote from Louisa.
The Altenheim was closed in 2003 and the building housed the German American Society offices until the property was sold to Portland Community College in 2010. And that’s where her portrait is waiting for me!
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Louisa died in Portland on April 23, 1918 and was buried at the River View Cemetery. She was eighty-five years old, had been in America for seventy-one years and Portland for sixty-three. News of her death was carried in several papers.
W.G. Maclaren, General Superintendent Pacific Coast Rescue and Protective Society, wrote a letter to the editor that was an unfettered tribute to her good works and the hidden nature of her charity. He said that during the hard times of 1907, she bought $100 worth of tickets for the Portland Commons, and distributed them among “men who were out of work and in need of food and lodging.” He went on “She gave me orders that I was not to allow any unfortunate person to go away hungry and agreed to meet the expenses of feeding them.” He continued, “there never was a case of a mother or child in sickness or distress that Mrs. Weinhard knew of where she would not give assistance” and concluded she was a “good woman with one of the best hearts where human suffering was concerned that I have ever known. I believe that the people of Portland should know something of what she did during her long residence in this city for the benefit of Humanity.”
This last sentence feels like a final reminder that she gave freely to charitable causes and individual people, not for personal recognition (and maybe not for our historical record) but for the purpose of bettering others.
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In researching Louisa, I found a handful of touchingly personal details that I couldn’t verify. The Weinhards supposedly had a house in Astoria and a farm of 620 acres in Yamhill County. An Oregonian article, written in 1954 when Louise Weinhard Wagner's home was being demolished, noted a 4-foot stained glass window with a woman sipping from a wine glass, said to have been installed by Louisa Weinhard as a gift with the house. The names Henry and Louise/a are handed down to subsequent generations in their family. And Louisa herself was immortalized in Brewery Block Two, a 242-unit high-rise residential building built on the location of the original Weinhard brewery in Portland.
But the last bit of sparkle to this story is a connection I made with one of her descendants on ancestry.com. I found Lizzie Hart, her great+ granddaughter, which had pictures of Louisa’s granddaughter and Lizzie’s grandmother. I wrote her and said “I’m an archivist. I have this picture of your relative and I’ve written this article about her, would you like either?” Fortunately, she wasn’t creeped out by this... 
Instead, through our ongoing correspondence she has given me a more personal perspective on the Weinhard family and validated my work in this area. My research has added a dimension both the story of the women in her family and in her own personal understanding of how she fits into it. Her family story was the story of men. 
I can’t end with a quote from Louisa, but I can end with one from Lizzie “What you are doing in your work -- the recovery of women's stories, painstaking as it may be to grapple in the dark room of the dominant narrative -- is such an important task to undertake on behalf of our futures.”
For more on archival silence, see 
Carter, Rodney G.S. 2006. “Of Things Said and Unsaid: Power, Archival Silences, and Power in Silence”. Archivaria 61 (September), 215-33. https://archivaria.ca/index.php/archivaria/article/view/12541.
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