#what are you gonna start attacking EVERYONE because their view is SLIGHTLY different to yours
little-red-fool · 8 months
Seen a lot of stuff lately of people just berating others for having takes on characters that they don’t agree with or that don’t align with their take, like girl it’s a fictional character they’re not real, and especially if it’s a fictional character who’s backstory/lore is quite vague, let people believe what they want it’s not that serious, I’ve got certain views on characters that don’t line up with how other people see them and vice versa, that doesn’t mean anybody’s right or wrong, even if it’s less canon-compliant, literally who cares. It’s a silly little made up person with a silly little made up backstory and we’re just making silly little headcanons, like bro it’s not that deep, and I’m tired of people getting so pissy with others about “issues” like this.
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novelcain · 2 years
Heyo, I have a bit of a prompt for ya. So I’ve seen the “Demon that wants to abduct and forcibly marry Reader,” post(s) and raise a “The local regent/king finds Reader attractive (in a way that he views her almost like a novelty than as a whole person) and offers her a position as a concubine/ ‘palace lady.’” This is a different kind of scenario because straight up murdering the king of the area is not exactly the option that’d let the journey continue smoothly and refusal could also be construed as an offense to the king, but Reader does not want to and needs to continue with them on the journey. All of the other disciples know this, and maybe can tell she’s uncomfortable (even if it’s before Wukong has really fallen for Reader, she is still someone he would consider to be his friend at the very least). How are they going to get out of this one? (Slightly inspired by the time Tripitaka was propositioned in the Kingdom of Women by the Empress.)
Ps: sorry if this is dumb, regardless, I hope you have a good day - 🌺 anon
King: So what do you say, girl? Will you become my concubine? I see no possible reason for you to say no! I can give you all you could ever ask for in exchange for serving my every whim! That seems like a wonderful deal for a woman like you that clearly comes from nothing.
Ao Lie:
Reader: Wha-What?
Tripitaka: N-Now wait just a minute, your Majesty. You c-can't simply expect her to drop everything and stay here-
King: Well of course I can! I am the king of these lands! In fact! I insist upon it! Woman, you shall stay here and serve your new king immediately as soon as you are cleaned.
Reader: *feeling a panic attack approaching as the room starts to spin*
Wukong: *holding back the urge to commit violent murder*
Sandy: *rethinking this whole "pacifism" thing*
Pigsy: *looking disgusted at the king*
Ao Lie: *wondering if anyone would notice if he turned back into a dragon and ate the king*
Tripitaka: *trying so hard to think of a peaceful solution while also trying not to cry over how much the king is objectifying Reader* Y-You can't just h-have her! She's a necessary part of our pilgrimage!
King: By the Heavens! She's just one woman how valuable could she be!? After all, she is just your maidservant is she not!?
Tripitaka: *remembering that is the disguise they came up with for her* Yes, b-but! Why must you have her, great King!?
King: Because I have never seen a woman like her before! She is a beautiful foreign flower that I simply must have for myself! Here! I shall be merciful and send you off with another servant!
King: *gestures to his guards to find a servant*
Wukong: *reaches toward his ear for his staff*
Sandy: *reaches for his spade*
Pigsy: *reaches for his rake*
Ao Lie: *gets ready to turn into a dragon*
Tripitaka: *frozen in shock*
Reader: *sees the carnage about to begin*
Everyone: *stops and turns to face her* HUH?!
Reader: I... have a disease.
King: *narrows eyes in suspension* And what is the name of this disease?
Reader: *sweats nervously as all knowledge of every disease she knows of decides to take a vacation from her brain at the one moment she needs it most*
Reader: In... junct... co... itis.... Injunctcoitis.
King: I have never heard of this Injunctcoitis. *turns to the court physician*
Court physician: Neither have I, your Majesty.
Reader: It's a northern disease! From the north! Where I'm from!
King: *looks at court physician*
Court physician: It is possible, your Majesty. *approaches Reader starts inspecting her* And what are the symptoms?
Reader: Oh, w-women don't have any symptoms. *takes a deep breath and composes herself* But for men it makes their dick fall off.
Everyone: IT WHAT!?!?!?!
Reader: Yep! After two months, yo dick just gonna... fall off. And it's a sexually transmitted disease.
King: I can't take any risk of that being true! Get them out of here before this disease spreads to the kingdom!
The Pilgrim Gang: *gets escorted out of the kingdom*
Reader: *sniffles*
The boys: *hugs Reader*
P.S. this so wasn't dumb I had fun writing this 🤭
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i-writes-things · 3 years
Field Trip? Really?
Natasha x Daughter!reader
Fluff, mama nat <3
request- Hello could you please read it is Natasha's daughter and she's going on a school trip to the avengers tower but nobody knows that Natasha is her mother @maveldc25
Warnings- mention of choking on water, one swear word, and mama nat <3
Extra Pairings::
Peter Parker x Romanoff!reader
Romanoff!reader x bestfriend
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Not my gif* found on pinterest
F/N = Friends name
You walked into class and, the second you sat down and read the board you almost had a heart attack:
You half choked on the water you had sipped from your water bottle, earning a few glances from classmates to see if you were ok.
Then all of a sudden you remembered a few weeks ago
*Flashback to two weeks ago*
"Ok, Class you can all pack up a little early, today... On that note, In two weeks we will be going on a field trip to, The Avengers Tower, the Avengers will be there to give us, well a little tour!" Your teacher exclaimed, clearly a bit excited herself.
You on the other hand, you were in shock.
Peter stopped you in the hall after school was over
"Y/n!" He shouted your name
You turned around and smiled at him "yes?"
He looked worried "Well what are you gonna do?"
"Don't know." Your smile drops trying to think of things to do "You know we aren't in the same block, right? Just the same class"
"Yeah, I know." He rolled his eyes.
"So then you have nothing to worry about." You smirk at him, walking away and trying to rack your brain of a way to get out of it.
It's not like you could stay home, AT THE AVENGERS TOWER..!!
The bus ride was thankfully not too long, but the second the Tower was in view, you got a bit nervous of the possibilities, you tried remembering that they don't know, but if anyone could blow it for you, it was ALL OF THE AVENGERS
Sadly they would all be there...
Your class was jumbled in a group near the front doors, each group in front of you leaving one by one, and seeing Peter's class walk off with Steve Rogers, Ned admiring him and flash taking multiple pictures of Mr. America.
The group in front of you left with Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes, you remember the night before them arguing about having to be some sort of team the next day. They never shared the specifics.
You hadn't seen Natasha and hoped to God that she wasn't leading your group.
Then out walked, none other than..
The Natasha Romanoff herself, and you hid behind the group, trying to not be seen.
Your teacher on the other hand, moved towards her "Hello! I am Eliza, this classes main teacher! It's so nice to meet you! The whole class is so excited to learn all about the Avengers Tower and everyone inside it!!" Your teacher exclaimed happily shaking her hand
Natasha quickly scanned the group, smiling at them, completely missing you.
"Yes, very nice to meet all of you!" She gave a small smile
"Well, we should get started." She turned on her heel and walked off towards the elevators as you all quickly followed
You were somehow squished two kids away from your mom on the elevator, thankfully the two kids where rather tall.
Blocking you from Natasha's view.
You had forgotten how cool the Tower really was..
The lab had totally be redone since you last went in, and all the floors you went on seemed totally different, then what you remembered..
Natasha, After maybe 20 minutes had finally spotted you talking to one of your friends in the class, while everyone was walking around the Lab.
You looked up from Tony's latest invention in progress and stared right into your mother's eyes, from across the room, and she was smiling at you. The second you noticed who you were looking at, you looked away and walked over to rest of the group, looking at one of The IronMan suits, with your friend, now by your side.
"Alright everyone, we should be moving on.." Your mom said looking over your classmates and landing on you, as voices exclaimed how cool Tony Stark is..
She smiles to herself as everyone lines up, you reminded her of how you were when you first got to the Tower, so shy and unwilling to keep eye contact for very long, your nerves use to keep you from it.
You get pulled to the front, as your friend wanted to stand closer to ✨The Black Widow ✨
It was stupid, that just because no one knew that Natasha Romanoff was your mom, you were nervous. It would have been better if you were in the back, but your friend would have insisted on standing in the front.
You were now in one of the many common rooms, the one that not everyone used very much, you were walking with your friend looking at the all the group photos of the Avengers on the wall with dates, you moved away from your friend to look for the year you came to the Tower, almost 6 years ago...
You found it and smiled to yourself remembering where you stood for the photo.
Right next to Natasha, you remembered hugging her side and when she laughed, you smiled just slightly and the photo was taken..
You weren't in the photo on the wall, but you remember they took two photos, you were only in one.
"Hey! Everybody gather round. Gather Round!" Your teacher clapped her hands and we all took seats, facing the wall of the pictures, either on the ground or if you were lucky, which you weren't, some people got to sit on the couch.
"There all yours.." Your teacher smiled at Miss Romanoff
"Thank you.. As you all could see we have dates on all our yearly photos,"
She glanced at you
"we have a few copies of each that everyone can chose one and take it home, at the end!" She slowly continued, after the few claps died down from your fascinated teacher
"My personal favorite is.." She points to a photo in the middle of the wall
You started to get nervous again
"this one.." She smiled softly and glanced at you again before looking at the rest of the group of happy faces
She was pointing at the photo, they had taken almost 6 years ago...
You never knew that.
You never knew she had a favorite.
You never knew you were her favorite.
You smiled genuinely to yourself, well to yourself and Natasha saw you as she was helping your teacher hand out photos
You were nervous again, but..
You were happy. <3
Natasha took your whole class to the Tower's Gym, exclusively showing you all where The Tony Stark worked out.
It was cool seeing it, like you weren't in there yesterday, kicking Mr. America's ass
Now that the day was coming to a close, Natasha took your class back down the elevator to the lobby.
When you all got in the elevator, you stood right next to Natasha, your friend right next to you looking at the wall
"F/N?" You whispered
They looked over at you, and gave a small smile
"Wanna switch spots?" There face lit up with joy and nodded
You both moved and you looked over at your friend smiling excitedly to themselves.
You smiled at the scene.
After getting off the elevator, your friend told you every little detail about what happened very excitedly...
"EVERYONE LINE UP" Your teacher shouted at you all
"WAIT WAIT-" Everyone's jaw dropped
You looked over and saw that...
Tony Stark had walked out into the lobby, and a few kids from all the different classes were taking photos of him
"Before you go.." He swooshed his hand to the side and behind him was a fancy box filled with pens that had the "Stark" logo on them
Multiple kids ran up, as everyone, besides yourself, followed.
Tony noticed you weren't in the messy line for a pen, then did a double take and scrunched up his face
You gave a small wave
He understood immediately and shot you some hand guns
Natasha saw the whole thing and was biting the inside of her cheek trying to not laugh.
Your friend came back showing you the pen, admiring it fully..
You were glad your friend as least wasn't stressed out by this outing.
Once back at school, everyone was talking happily with each other, wearing their backpacks waiting for the final bell
You said a 'goodbye' to your friend, and they thanked you for the elevator ride, saying you were a good friend.
You pushed open the heavy door to the outside, the light blinding you for a split second, as you walked towards the familiar black tinted car
You opened the door and sat down
"Hey mama.." You closed the door
"Hey bub, how was your day?" She questioned you oddly, starting the car
"It was good, um it was really fun." You changed your answer after registering what she had asked
"It was, really fun.." You look down at your hands and hesitated but finally said
"I never knew that was your favorite photo."
Your mother smiled "It is.. The one with you, I mean.." She said checking to make sure no cars were coming to make a right at the light
You smiled again, this time out the window at the passing trees..
Natasha looked over at you at the red light and smiled to herself, leaning over to kiss your head
"Love you, Y/n/n."
"Love you, mama."
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doeeyeseddie · 3 years
i’ll make the moon shine just for your view
this is not a 5+1 fic, but it IS a fic about 5 times buck and eddie find comfort in each other. but mainly, it’s a birthday gift for @seacoloredeyes, happy birthday manon!!! i love you and i hope you love this 🥰❤️
Some calls are harder than others, and this one was particularly gutting - a car crash with multiple fatalities, some DOA but some not yet. Eddie will never get used to losing someone on a call, to doing everything you can and it still not being enough. They’re silent on the ride back to the station, the mood in the Engine subdued. Eddie stares out of the window and wishes the end of the shift was closer, so he could go home and hug Christopher. It’s the only thing that helps him feel better after a call like this, he thinks - but then Buck’s knee nudges against his and Eddie exhales. He nudges back until their legs are pressed together from hip to ankle and gives Buck a half smile. Buck’s gonna suggest they call Chris when they’re back at the station, and they’ll do it together, letting Christopher’s laugh push away the images in their minds for a while. It’ll be enough to tide Eddie over until morning, and he feels gratitude for Buck wash over him, gratitude to be understood, to be known like that. He leans over until their shoulders press together too, and feels a little lighter.
Buck winces when he goes to dry his face and the towel rubs against the swollen skin around his eye. That’s gonna bruise like hell, and it’ll look like he got into a fistfight. He finishes drying off and dresses in his uniform pants and t-shirt, then pulls the zip-up hoodie on on top because it’s warm and soft and doesn’t hurt when he puts it on, so it at least doesn’t make him feel worse, though it doesn’t do much to improve his mood either.
When he gets upstairs to the loft, it’s dim and quiet, so everyone must be in the bunk room. Buck doesn’t feel like lying down, not with the way the skin around his eye is throbbing, so he heads for the kitchen instead, planning to look for something to cool the bruise with.
“How’s your face?” a familiar voice asks behind him, and Buck only just manages not to jump.
“Jesus, man, you can’t sneak up on me like that, especially not on Halloween.”
Eddie laughs. “Were you hit in the face or the ear? I wasn’t quiet on the stairs.”
Buck rolls his eyes at him but even that hurts, so he winces again. Eddie’s face immediately flashes with concern.
“Did you put ice on it?”
“I was just gonna get that,” Buck says, but Eddie’s already rummaging through the freezer for an ice pack.
He pulls one out, wraps a clean towel around it and steps up to Buck, pressing the cool package to his face gently. “Hold that and sit down,” he says, “I’m gonna get the pain relief cream.”
Buck bites down on his smile and takes a seat at the table, sighing at the relief the ice pack brings. Eddie returns with a tube of pain cream and sits down next to him, eyes intense on Buck’s face in a way that makes him equal parts want to squirm away and lean in closer.
“I’m fine, Eddie. It’s just a little bruise.”
Eddie hums. “Let’s put this on it anyway, it looks like it hurts.”
It does hurt, and Buck can’t refuse Eddie anything, so he lowers the ice pack and sets it down on the table.
The legs of the chair Eddie was sitting on scrape across the floor as he pulls it out of the way and steps in between Buck’s legs. Buck stops breathing for a second and then forces himself to continue so Eddie won’t notice. He’s just doing this to put cream on Buck’s bruise. He cares, but he cares as a best friend. Buck can’t make this weird just because he recently discovered he may want to kiss said best friend.
Eddie cups his good cheek with one hand to tilt Buck’s head slightly, and starts applying the cream with the other hand, fingers soft and careful.
He’s close, and he’s so gentle that Buck’s heart squeezes painfully. Shit. When he looks up, their eyes meet and catch, neither of them looking away. Eddie’s hands are still on Buck’s face and Buck aches to touch him too, to reach out and pull him all the way in, to hold him.
But Eddie drops his hands and steps back, reaching for the ice pack next to Buck and handing it back to him.
“You should keep cooling it for a while,” he says. “Take this while I get you a new one.”
Buck nods mutely and swallows. He’s not sure what just happened.
Eddie hates funerals. Granted, so does everyone else, probably, but...they’re hard, for him. This is nothing like Shannon’s funeral, obviously, but Eddie’s been tense all day. Firefighter Sullivan from the 124 died in a structure fire a few days ago, and the A-shift from the 118 have collectively decided to pay their respects. Eddie didn’t know him well, they’ve only spoken a couple of times, but it’s always horrible to lose one of their own. And to see his wife and two teenage kids in the front row, knowing exactly what they feel like - it sucks.
He can’t focus on what any of the speakers are saying, just keeps staring at the coffin covered by the American flag. Eddie pulls on the collar of his shirt, feeling too hot in his dress uniform. His mind flits from Shannon, to the Army, to the very real possibility that something like this might happen to someone close to him one day, never settling on anything for long, a carousel of dread.
From next to him, Buck shoots him a worried glance and Eddie stops fidgeting, trying to pull himself together. He breathes slow and deep, counting to five with each in- and exhale. He hasn’t had a panic attack in a while, and he’s not even sure that’s what’s happening here, but he can’t risk it.
“You okay?” Buck whispers. He’s intimately familiar with Eddie’s panic attacks, and his elbow nudges Eddie’s lightly as he shifts closer. “Or do you need to get out of here?”
Eddie knows that Buck’s not just asking that, that he’d come with him, no questions asked, and the knowledge of that alone eases some of the tension in his body.
He’s known that he’s in love with Buck for a while now, but Buck still keeps finding ways to make Eddie’s heart beat faster and double down on his feelings. It’d be great under different circumstances, but Eddie still hasn’t worked up the courage to tell him, too scared he’s misreading the signs. So it’s hard, feeling like he’s bursting at the seams with love for Buck.
“No, I’m okay,” he tells Buck, eyes catching on Sullivan’s grieving family again and making his stomach feel lead-heavy. But it’s more sympathy now, and a little less dread. “I think.”
When the bagpipes start to play and Eddie has to swallow thickly, Buck reaches for his hand and entangles their fingers, squeezing tightly. Eddie doesn’t look over, but he squeezes back. And holds on.
Nothing is different the night it finally happens. They’re at Eddie’s house, like countless nights before, they watch a movie with Chris and read him a story at bedtime, then head to the kitchen to grab a couple of beers.
Buck’s standing with his head in the fridge, telling Eddie about an article he read earlier on what space smells like (hot metal, apparently), when Eddie says, apropos of nothing: “I love you.”
And Buck hits his head on a shelf in the fridge, making everything on it rattle loudly, a jar of pickles falling over and nearly rolling off the shelf. His instincts take over and he somehow catches it in time and closes the fridge before he turns around, finding Eddie right up in his space, a worried expression on his face and already reaching out to cup the back of Buck’s head where he hit it.
“Shit, I’m sorry,” he says, and his face is adorably flushed. Buck still can’t do anything but stare. “Does it hurt?”
“I’m good,” Buck manages to get out, blinking a few times. “I- Eddie, what?”
Eddie closes his eyes and drops his hand, but stays close for now. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to tell you like that.”
“But you meant to tell me?” Buck asks. He lifts a careful hand and grabs a handful of Eddie’s t-shirt to stop him from going anywhere. Something flashes in Eddie’s eyes and Buck smiles, heart beating in his throat.
“Yeah,” Eddie says, and there’s that smile he gives Buck so often, soft and private. “I did. I’m...I don’t have a speech prepared-”
“Eddie,” Buck interrupts, tugging on Eddie’s t-shirt until Eddie takes a stumbling step closer, bracing himself with a hand on Buck’s chest. He can probably feel Buck’s heartbeat like that, and it only beats faster at the thought. They look at each other for a long moment, then Buck tips forward until his forehead rests against Eddie’s. He watches as Eddie’s eyelids flutter closed and closes his own eyes too before he continues. “I don’t need a speech. I just...need you.”
Eddie’s nose brushes against Buck’s, and there’s a smile in his voice when he asks, “You need me?”
“You and Christopher,” Buck says, lifting his free hand to the side of Eddie’s neck. When he strokes his thumb along Eddie’s jawline, Eddie shivers. His hand is warm on Buck’s chest, the other one now holding him by the waist. “If you’ll have me.”
Eddie leans back just enough to look Buck in the eye. “You know Christopher thinks the world of you. And I kind of just told you how in love with you I am, so…”
“Well, you didn’t say it in so many words,” Buck teases, and Eddie shoves at his chest but doesn’t move away. “I love you too, though.”
Not much later, they’re on Eddie’s couch. It’s too small for two grown men, but they’re making it work, Eddie thinks. Buck’s sprawled out, half sitting up against the armrest with Eddie between his legs, lying half on top of him, and he’s finally, finally kissing his best friend. Has been for the past hour or ten, and he doesn’t plan on stopping anytime soon.
Buck smiles against his lips and Eddie pulls back.
“What?” he asks.
Buck shrugs, lifting a hand to cup Eddie’s cheek, and Eddie leans into it. “Just happy.”
“Me too,” Eddie smiles. He takes Buck’s other hand and laces their fingers together, marveling at how well they fit. Buck watches him with a smile. “We should do this more often.”
“What, hold hands?”
“We fit, don’t you think?”
“Oh,” Buck says with a gleeful smile, “you’re secretly a romantic, aren’t you?”
“Says you! Did you forget you told me how you once rented a hot air balloon for a date?”
“Well, it’s not a secret that I’m a romantic, I’ve just never seen that side of you. Will I get to see it a lot?”
Eddie lifts his hand to Buck’s face, running a careful thumb over his birthmark. “Maybe. But it’s also not just about being romantic, you know? I like holding your hand, or when you hug me, I like being close to you, because…you make me feel safe. Like I’ll never be alone, like you’ll always be there to have my back.”
“And you’ll have mine,” Buck says, pressing their foreheads together again. Eddie’s pretty sure there are tears in his eyes. “You say that as if it’s not the most romantic thing anyone’s ever said to me.”
Eddie chuckles and shifts a little until he can rest his head on Buck’s shoulder, his ear right above Buck’s heart. “Can we just…stay like this for a while?”
Buck kisses Eddie’s forehead and squeezes his fingers where their hands lie entangled on his chest, his other hand sweeping warmly up and down Eddie’s back.
“For however long you want, Eds.”
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all-things-fic · 4 years
Somewhere Only We Know
A/N - Hello, you lovely lot! Hope you are all keeping well in these utterly shit Covid times. Who would’ve thought that we would still be here in December?! Please see my offering for @goldenbluesuit​‘s Christmas Fic Challenge. Hope I’ve done a bit of justice with this piece.
I can remember Katie texting me telling me about the challenge, and I’ll admit I was given first dibs and now I’m absolutely shitting myself because I’ve seen all the brillaint entries so far and I’m not sure I really cut the mustard with this piece but I’m proud of myself for being able to put a solid 70% of this together in just one day (that one day being today).
Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Katie has done a brilliant job and I know how grateful she is towards anyone who has joined the challenge or supported by reading/sharing etc.... I need to stop rambling... Okay, thank you for sticking with me as always and happy reading! .x
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The last thing you remembered actually reading in the group chat was “make sure you have your wellies”. You were glad that you remembered that part at the very least.
Winds whipped around you as you buried your face further into your cream roll neck cable knit jumper, all but hidden underneath your tobacco borg teddy coat that someone had already likened to Macklemore.
Nothing like being back home with your closest and oldest friends.
Mud squelched under your feet as you walked in line with two of your oldest girl friends, eyes looking over the four males in front of you as they led the way over the grassy hills.
There had been zero planning on what today’s events would bring. It was quite clear that the seven of you just wanted to be reunited with the country air and wind bitten cheeks.
It was nice. How simple it was. On the surface at the very least. That was until you zoned in on the little things. 
Like his laugh. The same laugh that always carried somehow and it seemed like the wind was making it that much more prominent than usual today.
There was no denying, he had this glow about him. Even from the back of him. You felt silly for thinking it, but it was true. It was in the way he held himself as he attacked the grassy hills with his feet clad wellies and brown trousers.
Life had changed a lot in over a decade. Christ, had it been that long? You’d all gone from baby teenagers to fully fledged adults. The age range of your friendship differing slightly, the odd person here and there slightly older than a couple of people in the group.
Nonetheless, many of the experiences had been the same. The big job offers, and the even bigger promotions. The heartbreaks, regardless of their prominence or lack of, had been the felt the same. The flirtation between some of you sparked probably a bit more so now with a finesse that didn’t have you rolling your eyes but rather leaning into it. 
Four out of seven of you were single. Jack and Jonny were virtually married off, however neither of them were with their partners this year with both deciding to spend Christmas at home and New Years with their significant others. Alice was still loved up and going strong with her fella, as was Grace who you hadn’t heard a peep from as she constantly checked her phone to see when the person she was besotted with finally arrived up North thanks to West Midlands Trains pulling into Crewe. 
So that left Will, you and Harry. Harry who had  quite publicly made it known that he was single. Well, according to your Mum he had, in several interviews. Including the one that she had described as an ‘incredibly relaxing watch and nice background noise to my Sunday evening brew and ironing session’. 
That was a strange one for you, his honesty. In earlier years of friendship, he always seemed quite aloof. Like he was keeping his options open. Guarded in a way that frustrated at least 75% of the friendship group, in the nicest way possible. You knew that was a contradiction but any annoyance came from a good place. 
You remembered one night in 2014 when he wouldn’t quite give you a straight answer over tequila shots whether he was shagging someone or not. You also remember the way he’d been pulled away from you tactfully by Alice that night when she sensed how you were about to blow up at his lackadaisical attitude. 
The same had been felt in 2016. Not so much in 2018, but you weren’t single then so maybe you just didn’t care. 
2019 was significantly different though.
See the thing was, you knew him now. Like, knew knew him. 
Some would think it was a lapse of judgment, a reading that you would agree upon given what had happened two days prior if ever prodded about it publicly.
Others would vehemently disagree. Stating how long any sort of energy between the two of you had been bubbling for a number of years. 
Looking back you couldn’t even understand why you’d attended his show. You lived in Camden and it made sense, but that’s where the sense stopped. Even the ways he had reached out had been one of the most random messages you’d received from him
There was no context, just a simple ‘I’m playing the Electric Ballroom and there’s tickets waiting for you if you want ‘em.’
And the thing was, you loved that venue. The grungy-ness of it all. The way you had stuck to the floor while trying to dance along to the likes of The Hives and Kings of Leon when seeing them playing there, basking in your sweaty happiness. 
But the stickiness of the floor and sweatiness of the room didn’t compare to the stickiness and sweatiness you later found yourself partaking in as Harry took you from behind over the side of his couch. 
A shiver rolled through you at the thought, one that you would blame on the December bitter chill because it was a secret. One that neither of you had mentioned since it happened on Thursday night, or to be technically correct the early hours of Friday morning. 
He’d been good. Of course he had been.
He had that way about him that night that pulled you under a false sense of endeared security. From his dimpled smile to gleaming eyes. He was happy. 
And the way he had shone as he found you on the balcony had warmed you like nothing you had known in the longest time.
It caused you to forget about the worry that had laden you limbs as you turned up at 9.13pm to the wooden doors of the building, wondering how many songs he was in to the set as you convinced yourself he would start at 9.00pm.
As you’d been ushered over to a clear box window and uttered your name to a dorky looking man wearing a tracksuit pull over and watched him handover a white envelope through the circle hatch. 
You stood in the dark, next to two much younger girls who enjoyed the way his glances lingered over at their side. Eyes had found Gemma in the opposite corner of the balcony, her dancing and singing with some recognisable faces mainly more so because you had seen them on social media.
You, however, kept yourself to yourself. Until you were anchored in the tightest hug from Gemma that you had ever felt from her and swayed from side to side as she made it known how pleased she was to see you once the concert was over. 
That familiarity had been nice. The vibrancy of nostalgia consuming you in your entirety. 
Watching him work a room when he finally entered the after party was a sight to behold, in his navy blue pinstripe suit and yellow ‘I’m gonna die lonely’ t-shirt. 
He wasn’t. Gonna die lonely, that is. 
He glided so smoothly from one person to the next, spilling a drink down himself in the process you’d seen (and later felt when your hand clung to the fabric of his t-shirt as you kissed), making time for everyone in his own unique way.
Big eyes followed you over Gemma’s shoulder when he had finally found himself within your circle and hugged his sister once more that evening. They were hard to read but also openly filled with a glimmer of hope as he dropped his gaze to see what you were wearing.
And when he approached you, he hugged you in a way that managed to pull you into the darkened corner of the dingy space. Spinning your body to keep your face concealed from any prying eyes. 
He revealed to you how he didn’t think you were going to turn up, scanning you with his gaze as he spoke. You did the same, a bit taken aback by just how attractive you were finding him. He had always been handsome but the aura he gave off, made your fingers itch to have him closer to you. 
Words ran away from you that night as he begged and pleaded with you to tell him what your favourite song had been. Based on first impressions, which the show has been, then Canyon Moon and Watermelon Sugar had smothered you and given you no other option but to pick them.
If he were to ask you now you’d probably say To Be So Lonely, thanks to the drive home being longer than originally thought and said album being your choice of road trip music. 
Forget Driving Home For Christmas, nothing slapped more than one of your closest friends admitting to being an arrogant son of a bitch. 
After your chat, he mingled some more but Harry was always tactile and that night had been no different. He veered conversations with people you had never seen before to take place by the zone that you all occupied.
He actively kept his back against yours, allowing the faintest of touches and brushing of arms - sometimes hands too if he dropped them down heavily enough with his arms as he spoke - to entice and create a spark. 
You were kept late enough to miss the last tube. Battery dangerously low on your phone that you didn’t know if a transaction with Uber would be worth a try. 
Jumping into the same car as him had been easy. His soft and tired eyes findings yours in the cab as he leant his head back against the headrest in the back seat and let his lips tip upwards in an expression of tenderness that had you melting in your seat. 
“‘S been a while since we’ve both been a bit pissed in the back of a taxi,” he mused, pushing his fallen locks out of his eyes to ensure his view of you wasn’t obscured. “Come an’ cuddle me like you used to do when we went out a’ home and were worse for wear.”
Falling into his side was almost second nature, eyes closing as you let your forehead rest against his jawline and let his worn in cologne fill you senses and scatter your judgment.
You don’t even remember how you ended up kissing that night. A mixture of confessions about missing each other and praise of how good you both were in your own ways. The sound of his whispered, “are you coming home wi’me?” against your lips an offer too good for you to refuse as you sat pressed into his side and half in his lap. 
The giggles that night, around dramatic shushes as you tripped and shuffled from the car to his front door were almost haunting in your memory as he tried to chastise you around spluttered laughter about being respectful of his neighbours. 
Getting the key in the lock proved unchallenging -  one of the better analogies aligned to your memories and latter sexual endeavours - as you slipped into the house. He enjoyed watching the way you walked ahead of him into his home, not realising how much he needed that visual of seeing how well you fit in. 
While time seemed to slow in that moment, movements desperately sought the opposite. Hands gripped and clawed like their lives depended upon it. 
Looking back now, both he and you wished it hadn’t happened the way it did. Skirt lifted and over the side of his couch. Teeth clashing and hips knocking.
It had been every inch a drunken fumble. A first meeting slightly cheapened but wanted nonetheless. Only made even cheaper by the hush-hush concealing of it ever occurring. 
But a secret it was and a secret it would remain. 
And oh how you wished you had a pillow you could press you face into right now and scream, this time for an entirely different reason. Unlike that night. 
“Not seen a sign of any deer yet, mate,” you heard a voice break you out of your indulgence of recollecting past events. Harry was the worst at wanting to get a reaction. 
“Christ, have a bit of patience would yer?”
You smiled at the bickering, just like it always was as the River Dane could be heard in the distance somewhere as you walked. If you listened really close, that is. 
Lifting your eyes, your smile lingered as you watched Harry spin his body around and let his hands get lost in the massive pockets of his parka. He walked backwards holding your gaze softly with his eyes twinkling before he gently rolled them at the overreaction and impatience of your friends.
He seemed pleased that you’d enjoyed his teasing as you once again hid you smile into your jumper. 
You’d be alright.
You heard giggles and screams ahead of you as your friends stumbled in the dark and messed about as you got closer to the viaduct. This place or the people didn’t change, and at times while it filled you with a warm nostalgia, it could be heavily jarring.
A soft and lazy smile pulled at your lips as you felt his heavy forearm lightly tug you closer to him, his lips finding your hair. And then there was Harry. 
“Think we should go this way m’self,” Harry mumbled, the nudge of his hips against yours had you stumbling slightly in your heels away from the direction of your friends and somewhere completely different. 
“And why’s that?” You turned your face slightly, cheeks warm and flushed thanks to the mixture of alcoholic beverages; eyes glazed as they lifted up to look at him. 
“Cause you never would’ve let me when I was sixteen,” he admitted. 
“You didn’t ask.”
“‘M askin’ now.” 
With slow blinking eyes, you looked at his own unfocused vision. A soft shine to his skin, hair blowing gently against his forehead. The softest of smiles tilted at your lips.  
“On yer go,” he nudged you forward, this time more so with his crotch and his hands, which wrapped around your hips to help steer you. Harry was met with only a small amount of resistance from you as you split off from your friends and turned in the different direction. 
You bit back your laugh, dropping your head slightly as you felt your heels started to sink into the grass as you walked. Harry was level with you when you sunk down noticing the way you legs slightly gave way, a soft chuckle omitting from his throat as he asked, “You alrigh’?”
“I’m sinking in these bloody things,” you grumbled, pulling your heel from the grass and trying to place the sole of your shoe onto the ground beneath you first. 
“So much for no’ being able to take the country out o’ the girl. London’s changed yer, swear it.”
Shaking your head, you cut your eyes to give him a harsh stare for his wind up. His amused expression lit a fire in you like no other. He really wasn’t one to talk though, was he? 
“Gi’me your hand ‘ere,” he held his out to you, quickly cupping it when you handed it over and pulled it under his bent elbow. “Remind me again who’s idea this was, eh?”
He didn’t need reminding, he had been one of the keen instigators for the whole jaunt down Twemlow Viaduct. It usually was him, or Jack. The two of them often reminiscing on times they had both raided their parents' alcohol cupboards and managed to sneak out with some dusty bottle that held a liquor that tasted out of date and stale, and if not that then, cheap. 
“‘S still fucking freezing down ‘ere, in’it?” He asked, lifting his left hand up to his mouth and blowing against it to try and get some feeling back into his fingers.
“We’re so close to the river, I don’t know why you’d expect anything different?”
“Is this why everyone was always so insistent on necking anything with over 11% alcohol in it when we came down ‘ere as kids?”
“Probably,” you softly laughed. 
“‘S a bit different now though innit?”
“Oh, I’m not so sure,” you started to correct him, shrugging your hand out from under his elbow and reaching for your bag. Quickly fumbling with the clasp, you lifted up the quilted flap and managed to pull out the stainless steel hip flask.
Harry cackled a harsh laugh, his eyes crinkling as he slowly let his laughter die down and softly let his joy wash over his features. “Impressive. Gone all proper on me.”
“You know I haven’t,” you held his eyes watching as he nervously cupped at the back of his neck for a short while, a gentle bite down of his bottom lip, as you quickly uncapped the item and held it out to him. He looked like he needed the courage.  You continued, “We’re just a bit more refined, that and we earn a good living. Some more than others, and by some I mean you.” 
He held his hand up towards you with an amused grin at your comment. “You first, ‘s yours after all.” 
Lifting the item and knocking back your head, you swallowed the whiskey with a small grimace, before offering it to Harry once more. This time he accepted, his right hand making light work of taking the item from your hands and sipping at the contents.
His face wasn’t as contorted as your’s when he swallowed, a fan of the chosen beverage if needs must. “‘S the proper stuff, tha’ is,” he commented with a quick lick of his lips before continuing, “Come a long way from sneaking the bottles of dusty Blossom Hill from the back of the cupboard.”
“Don’t know about that,” you smiled, taking the item and pushing it back into your bag. “I’d still drink if, if it were on offer.”
“‘M sure Mum’s got a bottle or two going at home?”
“Is that your way of asking me to go home with you?” You paused. “Again.”
Harry remained silent at your words. Both you and he knew it was going to happen. A mixture of sparks and lovelorn, lingering glances was enough to make anyone both want to give up, while also giving a burning confidence usually unknown. 
Neither of you expected it would be you who started the conversation, however. 
“It is, ‘f it’s gonna work. ‘M not sure I could wait any longer t’be’onest wi’yer.“
Laughing, you reached up to push at his shoulder. He always knew exactly what to say, but no way was he going to make a laughing stock of the whole thing. “Oh, give over,” you spoke, harshly swallowing when he kept your hand against the thick cable knit black jumper he had on. “You’ve made it this far, thus far just fine.” 
“‘M not playin’,” he whispered, hand gently curling around your own and lifting it up to press against his face. His cheeks were warm underneath the cooler hands, despite the cold night whipping around you both and your mind quickly wondered if he was just as embarrassed for his lack of acknowledgment as you had been. “Homes nice, you’re nicer.”
“I thought we weren’t going to talk about it,” you let your soft voice get taken by the wind.
“An’ what gave you tha’ impression?”
He did. He gave you that impression. By not mentioning it. By treating you how he always did.
“Me?” Harry responded, indignantly, blowing out a sigh that had his cheeks puffing out underneath your hand. “‘M not doing a very good job then am I? I can’t keep m’eyes off o’you. ‘S not my fault you don’t bloody notice ‘em.”
But you had noticed them. 
His eyes, gaze following your every move, near enough. Stupid little touches. Glances of approval. Not just now, but from years before. 
Treating you how he always did.
Oh, treating you how he always did.
Bringing your eyes back to his figure, you saw the way his gaze darted and nervousness dragged at his features. A frown began to set itself between his eyebrows from worry. 
“Changes everything.”
Running his tongue along his teeth, Harry pursed his lips. “Everythin’ has changed, changed a long time ago an’all.” 
You dropped your hand down, it now massaging against the back of his neck and shoulder as you felt the tension of his body radiating through his clothes. Under the dim moonlight and the odd spotlight that had been added to the viaduct with each passing year for safety, Harry exhumed everything anyone would want in a boyfriend. He was soft, and so bloody gorgeous. Not just because he was personification of an almost six foot tall string of handsomeness, but his character did the talking for him.
He knocked the door before he walked into a room, for example. Who really did that kind of thing anymore? 
But you could also still see the heartbreak that lingered, albeit not as strong as it once was, it was still there. And that was problematic and scary. To be on the receiving end of it. Not that you would hold it against him, because you had been him at one point too. At many points in fact. 
When the two of you had shagged, because let’s face it that is exactly what it had been, while a sense of familiarity in the person was prevalent it was definitely overruled by the desire to just hit a euphoric high that if hit right could not be topped. 
Familiar overruled in other aspects, and it wasn’t to be brushed away. But was familiarity a mask that would slip sooner rather than later? Was it the start and the end?
The both of you experienced similarities in your life that could not be matched by the friends in your friendship group. London had chewed you up and spat you out, ruthlessly so. While rewarding you with long hours but fat pay cheques, careers that catapulted you to new heights and enabled you to see parts of the world that two country kids (which in one way you were) could never have imagined. 
Sure Harry’s had been on a much, much larger scale - you would not ever deny that - but you no longer fit in. 
And neither did he. 
This was a place that only the two of you knew. A place where you watched those around you fall in love and have the time to do so. A place where your friend's happiness was created a lot easier than it wasn’t and allowed a sense of success to weave its way in, through the most unexpected of happenings.
Not a place where you found happiness in your work because there was less of a space for happiness to blossom elsewhere. Not really. Not like you; both of you. 
Understanding was vital. 
This had been a place you knew like the back of your hand. A place that had you feeling the earth beneath your feet, fresh air in your lungs and had at times made it so you found yourself sitting by a river and finding yourself feeling complete. 
Yet looking over at the almost 26 year old, that just wasn’t the case anymore. 
And for once you didn’t feel alone. 
The sound of the odd piece of cobbled pavement underneath Harry shoes, buried beneath overgrown grass and plants, broke you from your thoughts, as you watched him kick at the ground and scuff his shoes.
He sighed, head tilted back before he knocked it to the side and caught your eyes. A small scoffed laugh left his lips as he shook his head and dropped his gaze to his feet.
“‘S it fucked?”
You hummed, a small frown lacing your features.
“Fucked it, haven’t I? Fuckin’- idiot-“ he breathed out a noise as he clenched his teeth, one that wasn’t quite a growl but enough to let you know he was agitated. Only strengthened by how tight his jaw became. 
Before you could even think, the back of your hand gently brushed against the pulsing hinge of his jaw. Muscles taut as you tried to soothe him in a way that your mind was screaming was far too intimate.
You didn’t want him having any internal battle about right and wrong. Not when you had both taken the same steps to get here. 
“Thought it was just meant as a one time thing,” you admitted. “Like you needed it, and I needed it. Was what it needed to be at the time. Bit rough, bit sloppy-“
You cringed are the use of the word. Wanting the ground to swallow you in a weird fashion. You should be able to talk open and honestly with someone who you had known longer than hadn’t. 
“Rough?“ Harry swallowed audibly, his face fallen. “That’s not-“ 
His eyes held an emotion similar to sorrow at the mention of the word. “That’s not the impression I wanted to give you.” 
“We were both drunk, it happens.” 
“Not with me it doesn’t. Not when it’s me, wanting to be wi’you.”
“I mean I was into it if that helps anything?” 
“Were yer?”
You looked at him from the corner of your vision, watching his lips try to fight a smile as you rolled yours into your mouth to not give yourself away. You knew what you were trying to do by speaking those words aloud but you wished you hadn’t. Awkward breathy laughs were shared by the two of you as you held his eyes. 
“Was I?”
You hummed in agreement to answer his question, letting your smile dance along your lips now and watching as Harry’s dimples started to show. His expression was youthful, slightly smug. 
“Good t’know.”
Finishing saying your goodbyes to your friends and ignoring their suggestive expression because ‘Harry was stopping as an extra pair of hands’, you shut the heavy wooden door and reached up to close the deadbolt lock at the top. Shortly after, you let your feet drop as you stopped standing on your tiptoes and pressed your forehead against the door. 
The silence of the pub was always a strange one to you. A place that was usually thriving, whether it was just your friends, or your parents friends. When the lights were turned out, it was actually quite a lonely place. Regardless of growing up around this sort of industry your entire life and having parents as publicans nothing was more depressing than an empty bar, lifeless and nothing like it was intended.
A suggested lock-in from Jack, who managed to interrupt both yours and Harry’s conversation earlier had not been a bad shout after all. You knew it meant that you would have to deal with the fallout with it being Christmas Eve, but it wasn’t very often that you found yourself in the setting. 
Turning to move from the door, you almost jumped out of your skin when you heard the opening of a familiar Lily Allen song start to play over the speakers. 
Harry emerged from the corner of the pub that housed the jukebox, slowly rubbing his hands together before he wordlessly picked up the scattered pint glasses that had remained on one of the tables that had been missed by the staff on the evening shift. His eyes glanced over at you, as you stood with a hand to your chest.
This wicked smile and gleam washed over his face as he paused his movement. “Did I scare yer?”
“Do you not think it’s a bit loud?”
He wrinkled his nose at you, a soft shake of his head no, to answer your question. 
“‘S your fave innit?” He asked, head nudging to where the jukebox was now hidden.
With a small smile you nodded, “Prefer the Keane version in all honesty.”
“Don’t have it in the bloody jukebox though, d’yer? Can’t like it that much.”
Your smile deepened at his exclaim and how prominent his accent sounded as he spoke, the small clink of the glasses he was holding only heard if you really zoned in. 
“Where d’yer want these?” He asked, holding up the five pint glasses he had collected. “Behind t’bar?”
Humming, you nodded and watched as he weaved his way through the tables to you. You frowned as he got closer, not understanding why he hadn’t bypassed you completely.
Once he was close enough to you, you watched as he reached for what you knew to be your own glass of wine that was almost finished. 
“Fancy the rest of this or can it go too?”
Looking at him and down to the glass, you gently wrapped your hand around it and brought the lip to your mouth. You knocked the item back quickly, swallowing the rest of your wine, before handing over the now empty glass back to Harry.
“Good girl,” he joked, light laughter lacing each word. “Sit yourself down.”
Wearing an amused and quizzical expression, you let yourself sink down into the wooden chair. Resting your chin on your hand, you spun slightly in your seat to keep your eyes on Harry as he placed the glasses down and lifted the hatch so he could step behind the bar. 
With your free hand, you started to tap the worn beer coaster labelled with the Cheshire Brewhouse logo against the table. Part of you hated how Harry had a knack for anything, including knowing his way around a bar. 
He busied himself with collating the glasses once more as you let your eyes take in the surroundings you had known, loved and even grown out of. 
Your parent’s pub was cosy and friendly. A truly 
classic and quintessential British village pub, featuring open fires, bookcases found in the very far corner or the jukebox in the other, lots of old oak and a really pleasant garden with benches for the summat and heaters for the winter. You know the kind that had its regulars that had kids who had seen each other grow up.
The bar was the centre of the pubs house, with an extensive array of whiskies amongst many other delights. A nice range of local ales and a well-balanced, great quality list of wines on offer designed (which you would be taste testing if the service hadn’t decided to take a break) to complement the food menus designed daily by a team of chefs who all have a passion for great cooking using fresh, seasonal and local ingredients.
It looked as Christmassy as Christmas could get, with a real tree which was locally sourced from one of the many surrounding farms and traditionally decorated with golds and reds. Twinkly lights shone, not only on the trees but as part of the garland that was hung above the bar each year, much to the annoyance of your Dad and the delight of your Mum.
Slowly dragging your eyes back to the bar, you watched Harry as he poured you another glass of white wine and started to recap the bottle. He must’ve felt your eyes on him, his gaze meeting yours almost immediately. 
“Service is a bit slow,” you jibed, once you knew he was with you. “Going to ruin the reputation of a fine establishment.”
His chuckle was breathy in response, but warmed you through as he turned his back and pushed his tumbler glass up against the device at the bottom of the Glenfiddich distilled malt whiskey, not once but twice going for a double. 
“Helping yourself to the stock now, as well.” 
“‘M sure your Dad won’t mind,” he responded, twisting his body back around to reach for your own glass and place it onto a tray that sat along the bar top. “In fact he’d probably make a comment about how it’d put hairs on m’chest.”
You laughed, unrestrained, knowing just how right he had been with that comment. 
Over the otherside of the room, Harry smiled and shushed you as he walked closer, easily holding the tray with your drinks upon it. “Being a bit loud,” he taunted as he slid the tray down to the oak table.
“Oh, now you’re concerned about the noise.”
With his hand against the back of the chair which was currently housing your outstretched legs, you felt him start to wobble the seat to give you a warning. 
“Hang on,” you said, “Plenty of other chairs.”
“This one’s mine,” he responded.
Wanting to roll your eyes but deciding not to, you let your legs drop down and gave the seat back to Harry. Once he was comfortable and he’d taken your drink off the tray, he gestured with his right hand.
Not entirely focused, he had to do the ‘come hither’ motion a couple of times before you finally cottoned on. He was willing to let you put your legs on his lap instead, while he may have taken the seat it didn’t mean he wanted to take away your comfort.
No sooner had your legs been raised to rest against his tan washed velvet corduroy trousers, was he fiddling with the buckle of your stiletto sandals.
“Got mud everywhere,” you commented, wiggling your toes that were painted a festive red and inspecting the little dots of dirt that were splattered against your skin, as Harry dropped the first shoe to the floor and quickly worked on the second. “Dread to think what they smell like.”
“Smell alrigh’ from ‘ere,” he mused, smirk faint but glaring obvious in his tone of voice as he threw a quick and mischievous glance at you. As you elongated your foot against his thighs, the tips of your toes were just about able to press into his thick jumper to try and jab at him for his comment. 
Before you were able to put any sort of force behind your action, Harry’s hand clamped down around the top of your foot causing your eyes to snap up away from his hand and up to his eyes.
There he sat watching you, top two teeth pressed into his bottom lip keep his smile at bay. Releasing his lips slowly, his whispered threat left his throat, “I will tickle.”
You tried to fidget away but to no avail. With a whined laugh, you frowned as Harry goaded you by slowly raising his eyebrows. “You wouldn’t dare.”
“Try me.”
You had tried him. 
Truth be told you wanted to again.
If he wanted to.
Reaching for your wine, you took a hefty sip and let the silence swallow you both. Harry, who kept his hand on your foot and his fingers dancing gently against the top, let his head fall back awkwardly against the hardwood. His head dropped to the side taking in his surroundings and their familiarity. 
“Do you ever get tired of coming back?” 
You hummed, sure you had misheard due to the way the blood was rushing around your ears. He turned to look at you, all double chin and puffy cheeks.
“Of everything being the same, but different?”
His whispers captivated you, hushed confessions not quite meant for anyone else but his own mind yet spilling from him with such an ease that he did nothing to fight them. 
“I’ll admit, I come home for other people. Not for me.”
“Mum, Dad,” you paused. “You.”
His smile deepened. His chin knocking down to his chest, his eyes looking up at you from underneath his curling hair from being caught in the moist winter evening just hours before.
“You can stop looking at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like you did three nights ago.”
Harry breathed in deeply, his nostrils flaring and his chest expanding. A lick of his lips, before his mouth dropped to sit slightly agape. 
“What if I don’t wan’to? What if I want t’look at yer like this all the time?”
You found yourself unable to respond, nose burying itself into your wine glass as you pressed your lips against the cool outside to try and hide your burning smile. 
His lips curled lightly, before he breathed a laugh once and gently shook your foot with his hand. “Eh? Come ‘ere-“
“Harry,” you breathed.
“C’mon, c’mere. ‘S room for more than just your feet.”
If it wasn’t for the creak of your chair as you slowly started to push yourself out of it, you wouldn’t have consciously been aware of how you were making your way to him. 
His body relaxed, somehow managing to become closer to horizontal than sitting upright in his seat, as he peered as you walking the short distance over to him. 
With his legs widened, he pressed his face into your side now that you were close enough. His nose inhaled the familiar scent of your perfume which was only faint now due to the other senses and scents it had mixed with throughout the evening.
Rolling his face out of your body, he knocked his head back and pressed his chin where his face had been. The face you showed him was worn with worry, an expression he did not want to meet.
“‘S wrong?”
His ask was lazy. Not wanting to dig deep and know. What if he didn’t like what he found? 
“We know how this is going to end.”
“Do we?” He prodded. His eyes moved over your features quickly before they partly disappeared to him, thanks to your curtain of hair which slowly fell down.
His hand reached up, desperately brushing it away and cupping at the back of your head as best as he could while he remained seated. 
“How’s that? Tell me.”
“Same, but different.” 
You knew you shouldn’t use his words, not in a way that could be considered against him, but they - in the most ambiguous of ways - described everything perfectly. 
“Not if I have my way.” 
His words were almost lost against your stomach as he pressed his face against you once more and wrapped his hands around you; sweaty, nervous palms pressing to the backs of your thighs. 
“Same, but better.”
Harry guided you down to his lap, his lips somehow managing to remain pressed into stomach, or your chest, or your clavicle, as your face became level with his. 
“Different, but better.” 
He kissed against your cheek slowly, nose nudging at your skin as he willed for you to relax against him. “I don’t know how you like it, like this,” he whispered in confession. “Show me?”
A puff of air left your lips as you turned to look at him with hooded eyes. His mouth was closer to yours than you originally thought, corners of lips brushing as you slightly pulled away. 
When your lips met, it was in the softest of pecks that trembled under your nerves. Both sets of eyes looking back at each other as you innocently engaged. 
If you were to take your eyes away from him in any way, you would notice those fluffy curls of his falling over his forehead and the lightest dusting of red blush making itself known against his cheeks and the tops of his ears.
He felt like a school boy, lost and clumsy. The kid who was once again flicking paper at you in science class just so he could pull a face at you over something your teacher was saying to get you to laugh. 
Mouths hovering over each other, your breathing mixed, as Harry nodded to you slightly. You pressed your lips to his once more, feeling the way he gradually opened up to you, warmed and softened underneath the puckering of your mouth against his. 
His hands, that slightly trembled, smoothed over your hips trying to pull your body so that it was more so flush against his. You moaned softly, your hands running over his jumper covered shoulders, fingers digging and pulling at the material just below the nape of his neck. 
The chair beneath you moved lightly against the floor, not quite a scrape but a dull drag. Neither of you broke the kiss, but his hands against you allowed fingers to dig in to hold you steady to him so if you were to fall from where you were sitting, he still had you. 
His lips slowed, moving to press against your cheeks again as he panted and his warmth breath bounced off your skin. “Think I got it,” he heaved. 
“Do you?”
Harry hummed his ‘yea’, before pressing his lips so tenderly to your chin and the underside of your jaw. He felt how you swallowed heavily, throat dry from the way your mouth hung open and your neck further exposed itself as you lolled your head back. 
You were falling further and further back, finding it hard to stay upright as he devoured you and made you weaker with each pulling kiss. His groans were needy, muffled and making your ache. While yours were silent and making his desperate to pull something from you. To build is confidence in that he was doing something right, you liked it this way too. 
Hands fumbled and dragged upwards at your skirt, faintly aware now how it was similar - if not the same one - to the garment you wore to his show. 
“Gonna take this off properly,” he mumbled, feeling the way your hips moved slightly from his hands to roll over him. 
“You don’t have to-“
Your voices were rushed as you spoke to each other, barely audible but loud enough all the same. His head was knocked back slightly as you hovered over him and you found yourself admiring his blissed out face even only in the lead up.
This was a sight that you hadn’t received last time, and if you had your way it was one you were going to greedily enjoy in all its glory.
Like watching the way his eyes closed and he softly grinned, the left side of his teeth started to show as the one side of his face reacted first while your hands blindly moved to lift up his jumper and the white tee he had on underneath, to allow you to find the button of his corduroys.
“What ya doing?”
“Nothing,” you mused. 
He pulled a face, the kind that down turned his lips, eyebrows raised and head slightly tilted to the side. The kind that had you smiling. 
“Not trying to get m’trousers around m’ankles for a second time within a week then?”
You giggled. “No.”
“Please do.”
A low moan left you as you pressed your forehead to his jaw and dropped your eyes. Your hands slowly started to pull at the brass button and pop it open before seeking out the zip thanks to his desperate plea, encouraging you to continue. 
Hands quickly sought out the waistband of the trousers and gently pulled at the item. From the way that you were sat, you knew there was no way you were doing to make them budge.
“Stand up fo’ me,” he mumbled, quickly helping you get off his lap so that he could make light work of his clothing and pull down his trousers and underwear. 
His bare bum made easy contact with the cushion leather beneath him, eyes carefully watching you as your hands moved to underneath your skirt. 
The fabric of your underwear slipped so easily down your legs, his eyes just about caught the sight of them as they pooled against your ankles and you kicked them away. 
Legs pressed together, you slowly untucked the v-necked blouse you had chosen and pulled it over your head. Wearing nothing but a fancy black bra, and a tight little skirt you hastily snatched for your wine and took a hefty gulp.
You could feel his eyes on you, a gruff groan catching in the back of his throat and when you finally turned your eyes from where they had been looking down at your heaving chest and how great this bra made your boobs look, causing him to move his hand down to start playing with himself. 
His name left your lips in a breathy gasp, causing you to look up quite surprised at the find of his right hand gently tugging at his hard length.
“Keepin’ me waitin’,” he groaned, his left hand sloppily reached for the back of the collar of his jumper and tee, pulling the item roughly over his head.
“Fuck sake,” he mumbled under his breath, agitated that he was unable to get both items of in one go.
Harry stared up at you with a playful squint, before he gently fell back and moved the chair as he did so, the dull scrape heard once more. 
And if you didn’t know he was flushed before, when you first kissed, you were definitely aware now. His eyes were blown out and hungry as they devoured you. Hair wildly haphazard before he let go of himself with a soft slap of his skin and harshly pushed his fingers through it.
“‘S it still a couple of quid for a strip of three,” his words brought you back to him. This smugness radiated off of him as he groaned and leaned forward to push his trousers down all of the way. Over his vans and socked feet, before he toed them off as well be harshly pulled at his white sport socks. 
You didn’t even need for him to explain what he meant, staying silent as you watched his hands tug at his corduroys from the floor and retrieve his wallet. As his fingers moved around to find a couple of quid, the jangle of the coins was taunting. 
One leg crossed over the other, you swayed and found yourself blushing when he looked up at you once he’d managed to find enough money and then some. With his wallet thrown on the table, he stood proudly from the seat and closed the short gap between your both.
Leaning forward he easily took your lips with his own before pulling away. With his face still close to yours he whispered, “Promise not to look at my arse.”
He didn’t hang around long enough for your reply, instead turning away and brazenly giving you all the time you would ever need to admire him, his fantastic bum and his hairy legs before he opted for a jog-walk type of thing, suddenly conscious that he was absolutely walking around naked from the waist down in a pub owned by your parents. 
While you waited you took a quick pull from his whiskey, needing the heftier burn for Dutch courage. Nervousness returned when you heard the endings of what you believed to be Harry whistling. 
“Machine ate all m’fuckin’ change,” he grumbled, regardless of the twinkle in his eye at the strip of overpriced condoms he had managed to score from the men’s bathroom. “‘S Durex. Business must be booming, your Dad’s definitely gone up in the world.” 
“Please don’t talk about my Dad.”
He smiled brightly before he reached for your face with one hand and pulled you towards him mumbling his ‘sorry’s’ against your lips as he gave you several kisses in quick succession. 
His other arm loosely wrapped around your back and pulled you with him as he walked backwards and slowly lowered himself back onto his previous seat. The chair creaked as you joined him, slipping into his lap and feeling the way he was smiling now.
Pulling away from your kiss, he quickly tore away one of the condoms allowing the others to fall without much care to the floor. Teeth took a hold of the foil-like packaging and he tore it not so elegantly with his eagerness.
With his cock nestled in the crease of his own thigh now, the heat radiating from it matched your own agonising yearning. Scooting back to give him space, you heard him groan as he gently rolled the condom down onto himself. Eyes looking up just in time to see him knocking his head back and breathing deeply through nose. The foil-like packaging was back in between his teeth once more as his hands were otherwise preoccupied.
Slowly your hand reached up to take it from his mouth, feeling some playful resistance as Harry continued to hold it in his teeth. His eyes were open and boyishly sincere, as you tugged at the item and he finally released it when you lightly laughed. 
“Gi’me a kiss.”
Obliging him, you leant forward and slotted your mouths together a lot easier than you had done at the start of the night. A heat built easily between the two of you, as Harry gave you his tongue and you felt the flex of his jaw under your hand as he worked your mouths together.
He was eager, his hands tightening on your waist before he growled when he understood he had to grab handfuls of skirt before he could cup your backside. But when his skin met yours and you ground down onto his lap, the groan that left him was the most animalistic sound imaginable. 
The frown your face fell into showed your desire to whimper, as he kept you atop him and marvelled in the way you writhed, both from satisfaction and keenness at the pressure of his cock against you. 
“Can I have you again?” He asked, the startings of sweaty hair being pushed off your face. His eyes peered at you, searching for his answer as you seemed to be able to do nothing but pant and look back at him yearningly. “Are you letting me?”
You dragged your fingers down his t-shirt covered torso and lifted it slightly just to see the quiver of his stomach as pulled you onto him once more. 
“Like this?” you voiced, meekly.
“‘F this is what you like then, yea’”, he breathed into your mouth, hands shifting your pliant body. “Is this what you want?”
You wordlessly nod, mouth falling open in a breathy gasp when he managed to move you so he sat so enticingly at your entrance. He was teasing both yourself and him, wanting to keep you both on the edge. 
Harry blinked a few times as he looked at you, and you revelled in the way he couldn’t seem to concentrate. His hands held your flesh tightly, fingertips dipping into the skin of your bum cheeks as he gently guided you down.
An unattractive and dull, quite strangled noise, left your throat as you let your forehead fall against his temple. Eyes falling down you see the cups of your bra fall slack, you felt his hands softly gliding over your shoulder blades and shoulders. 
He rid you of your bra, hands moving to your chest to squeeze your breasts. His jaw fell slack when you found yourself sitting snugly on his lap - on him - settled and already feeling spent.
This was so different compared to the last time; if not overwhelming so because of the way you both appeared to be so present. Each movement of your hips, and the way they rolled and grinded and dragged felt too much. So much so that you had become nothing more than a mess of short, quick breathing and blushing, sweaty cheeks. 
Slack-jaw, you were unable to find it in you to return Harry’s kisses, and his joyful, breathy chuckle seemed to lead you to believe he was fine with it. In fact he was happy to keep going as you were. 
Your movements were frantic, and despite the build up, not entirely driven by lust either. Harry continued to encourage you to move as you were; slow, grinding motions on his lap that caused the filthiest of groans and dirtiest of laughs from the two of you. Laughter that was only made stronger as the chair that held you both started to creak too. 
You couldn’t do much about it though other than to breathe into each other’s mouth, and rock your hips together with more fervour each time. 
“Yea’,” he breathed against your lips, left hand at the back of your head holding you to him, while his right rested just above your bum. “‘S better. That’s better.”
It was better. Better than last time. Better than anything before. 
And while it hadn’t been frantic before, it was now as your legs that were hanging down either side of the chair started to tremble and your toes started to dig into the worn carpet beneath them. Hips knocking and your clit dragging heavenly against his public bone, you grasped his name as you buried your face into his neck and dug your nails into his nape.
Harry hissed his approval which fell to a groan as your nails pushed up into his hair and lightly pulled as you sought leverage. There were so many things you were learning this time around and his penchant for liking his hair pulled from time to time, was one of those things. 
“God, ‘m gonna come soon,” he admitted, gruntly as he forced your hips down as he anchored his legs and widened his seating position. “Are you close?”
“Yeah,” you whined. “Yes. Like this-“
And as you pressed your face to his once more, he was everywhere. Soft but hard, loving but commanding. Smelled like clean washing detergent but of country air. Inviting and alluring, allowing you your lingering kisses between grounding breaths that became staccato in unison with the movement of your hips. 
You aren’t ashamed of the whines that escaped your throat as you squeezed down on his cock, praised by indecipherable works that left Harry but were nothing more to you than lips moving against your rough and dry ones. Word that made the burning feeling of your pending orgasm spread through your entire body, warming you and setting you alight.
It was long and deep, with your toes curling into the carpet they were pressed against now. Barely able to catch your breath, sucking in harshly and shaking. 
And when you came to, thoroughly exhausted, you noticed that he was waiting for your say so. That he could let go and enjoy the pleasure brought about by your shared labour. 
“Coming-“ was all the warning that you got and was enough to encourage you to watch him as he came, his face completely void of anything other than pure pleasure. Wrinkles and frowns fade, his mouth falling open with his pink lips glinting prettily under the dim Christmas lights around you.
His forehead gleamed with sweat as he wrapped his arms around you tightly and his hips bucked up one, two and three times for good measure. “Fuck me,” he heaved gruffly.
You were suddenly desperate to feel his lips on yours despite the way you both continued to fight to get your breath back, but settled for resting them against the skin of his cheek, which was hot to the touch. 
When you felt Harry start to go soft, you reluctantly pulled away and let him slip out of you. He wasn’t so keen to let you get too far, holding you just that bit higher than before with his hand cupping gently but firmly at your hip. “Where’d you think you’re going,” he hummed, eyes still closed as he continued to heavily inhale and exhale. 
You softly smiled, taking in his soft face and responded by nuzzling close to him again. 
Nowhere. Somewhere. Anywhere with him.
A place where only the two of you knew, like the back of your hand. The same way you knew each other. Now and possibly forever.
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babiesdreams · 4 years
Can you do something with yuta and virgin inexperienced reader who is a couple years younger than him? With lots of details please 😏Thank you 😘
My first and last +18 Nakamoto Yuta
Warnings: It’s looong, but it’s gold. Virgin reader, oral (r and g)
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The hotel room felt so cold suddenly. It wasn’t what you expected at all. You were determined to finally lose your virginity, and this tinder guy seemed nice and all. But why wasn’t he talking? Why was he so silent? His eyes were studying your body like it was the most interesting piece of art in a museum.
There’s a slight shine inside his eyes that makes your brain wander around, thinking on the situation maybe more than needed. But his gaze is just so... It’s like he saw you after a long time waiting. Like he just reencountered with the love of his life.
You light up a cigarette, trying to light up the mood a little bit. Your fingers travel all the way to your lips, placing the lighten cigarette on your red lips. You feel the smoke entering your lungs through your throat. Slowly filling you in with a relaxing sensation, calming your thoughts a little. Your feet walk towards the bedroom’s window. 
You let the air out through your nose and mouth, slowly intoxicating the fresh air in front of your face. Your back is all Yuta can see now, making him anxious as to what your expression was at the moment. “I never imagined you would be so shy in person” You say before taking the cigarette back to your lips. Footsteps can be heard coming your way.
The feel of Yuta’s fingers around your cigarette makes you turn around, watching how his long fingers throw the cigarette out the window. “You’re too young to smoke” He whispers, before sitting down on the bed, again contemplating your body, studying every inch of it. 
“Stop doing that” You say looking down, unable to keep the eye contact. He chuckles at your reaction. “You know” He starts saying with a serious tone, letting his body fall onto the soft mattress. “I’m not shy. I just... I can’t believe how beautiful you look in person” 
You chuckle ironically. “Do you say that to every girl?” He sits back up. “There will be no other girl” His serious and low tone gets you even more nervous than before. “W-what do you mean?” You ask him, as serious as you possibly can, though keeping your thoughts in place becomes such a difficult task suddenly. 
“I mean” His figure stands up, in front of you, not allowing your eyes to look away from his facial features, that reflect the light through the tiny drops of sweat visible in his forehead as he walks towards you. His fingertips caress your cheek softly, driving you to places you’ve never been before. “After today, I’m not letting you go” He whispers placing a kiss on your forehead.
His words make you feel uneasy, not really knowing if it’s cute or words a psycho would say. But you somehow feel like he’s right. Like his words hold such a true and deep feeling. His fingertips brush your body, following the lines of your curves.
You panic for a second, at the sudden move that takes you out of guard. Your hands push him away fastly, making his soft expression turn into a confused one. He looks down for a second, questioning his actions and trying to calm down to make the situation less awkward. 
“It’s fine if you’re not ready” He says slowly, trying to comfort you. His body lays down in the bed again, his weight makes the bedsheets shake, as his figure gets marked onto the soft fabric. His hair bounces as he falls against the mattress. The view is pretty enough to be called a masterpiece.
“I’m ready” You say angrily, while your hands start pulling your clothes off. The boy sighs, turning around so that his body is supported on his forearms. His head turns to look in your direction, analyzing your rushed movements. “Do you know the 20 minutes rule?” He asks, lettng himself fall back down.
You shake your head, and even if he’s unable to see you, he understands your answer. “You need to wait twenty minutes from the moment you get an idea ‘till the moment you do it, to make sure you’re completely fine with it. So... give yourself twenty minutes from now” His voice sounds so calmed and relaxed, that those feelings get to you as well, letting your anxious self disappear.
“I have already thought about this, all these days, all my life. I’m just so tired of being the only virgin friend. I’m not a baby you know? I know how to make decisions” You scream angrily before getting on top of his lying body, placing your knees on both sides of his waist. 
His hands grab your arms, while his body turns, placing its weight against your body and switching positions with you. “Are you sure?” He asks teasingly and you nod, still convinced about it, but when his tongue licks your neck, your cheeks blush like crazy, leaving you with a weird sensation inside. 
He gets off of you chuckling. “Let’s do something else” He says calmly. You follow his steps with your eyes, wondering just what he was thinking about. He gets some poker cards out of his jeans’ pocket. 
“So I’ll take a card and you take another one, we both put it on the bed at the same time and the highest wins. The winner asks the loser whether they prefer truth or dare” He explains mixing the cards and spreading him on the bed. You look at him with a judging look. “So it’s just truth or dare” You say teasingly. 
He rolls his eyes back into his head and stays with that expression for a while, hinting you on how done he was. “Okay, okay, let’s play” You say, making his expression come back to normal. You pick up a card and he repeats right after, sitting down next to your lying body.
You both show your cards, revealing how Yuta’s card was higher than yours. “Truth or dare?” He quickly asks. You hum for a while, thinking hard about what you should answer. “Dare” You say unsure and he giggles. His hands grab your top, that was lying on the groud. 
“Put this on” He says without looking. Your expression gets angrier at his words. “You’re supposed to undress me” You protest but he doesn’t listen to your words “We had an agreement. Only five minutes have passed, so put on your clothes, you’re gonna get cold” His voice sounds so good that you cannot protest his explanation.
You get your clothes back on and pick another card you both flip them up and again, they reveal Yuta’s win. “Truth or dare?” He asks again. “Truth” You say furrowing your brows.
“Why are you so obsessed with losing your virginity?” His question makes yourhead hurts “Dare” You try to change it, but the boy seems to be prepared for your attack. “I dare you to tell me why you are so obs-” 
“Okay, fine I’ll tell you” You stop him from repeating every word. “Look, people just put a lot of pressure with this stuff okay? If you are my age, and you are still a virgin, everyone makes fun of you” You explain slowly.
“So it’s because of social pressure?” He asks. “No, I also want to lose it” You reply angrily. “Do you?” His eyes get fixed in yours, reading you like an open book as your mouth opens up again, to keep speaking.
“Yes, Okay? Stop treating me like a child. You’re just five years older than me” You say slightly pissed off at his parental like words. “I just wanna make sure you want it. That’s not something you say to a child, is quite mature actually” He replies, also angrily before he picks up another card.
You repeat the whole card thing, and this time your card is higher than this. “Truth or dare?” You ask him. “Dare” He spits out fastly. A smirk appears in your face.
“Kiss me” You say like it’s something so hard to do. He rolls his eyes again, for a second and gets closer to your lips. His soft and plump lips caress yours softly. His hand holds your cheek while his tongue enters inside your mouth, playing along with yours.
The kiss stops your mind from thinking, leaving it empty. A couple of minutes pass, and your lips are still connected, moving in different ways, letting the other in. There’s this slow motion that drives you crazy somehow. 
His lips slowly get away from yours. His lids open following the same slow pace, just like yours. His hand is still on your cheek, though his other hand ppicks up another card. You pick up one as well. Not looking away from his eyes for a single second. 
His eyes though look at the cards, seeing how you won. “I won” He lies. “Truth or dare?” You smile lightly. “Dare” He copies your expression, smiling widely at the thought. “Continue the kiss” He says without moving an inch. This time you’re the one who gets closer to him.
Your arms get around his neck, helping you get closer to him. This time the kiss starts off more heated, involving his hands into some actions around your body, like slight caresses your hair, playing with it a little, and then going down your neck, marking its path with his fingertips.
You feel goosebumps all along, which mix with a weird sensation growing on your stomach. His fingertips get to your belly, getting your shirt up slightly and caressing the bare sking underneath it. His body falls over yours, trapping you in between his figure and the mattress. 
His hand moves get faster as you notice his bulge growing inside his pants. A loud sound stops both of you, making you turn towards his phone, ringing. He sets the alarm off and returns to the bed, standing right at the bottom of it. “Twenty minutes passed. What do you think?” He ask and you simply raise your arms, hugging the air while saying “Come here”
He obeys, getting closer on top of your body again. His lips press against your neck, sucking on it softly. You can feel how hickeys are being formed over your sensitive skin. His hands start rubbing your clothed clit, making you feel the friction as if the fabric wasn’t there.
You try to control you whimpers and moans as much as you can, but it’s impossible due to the given situation. Yuta smirks at your sounds though. Focusing on his movements around your clit. He gets your pants and your panties off slowly, making you blush at the sudden exposure.
You cover your face with your hands, wanting to hide your embarassment away. But his hands get yours out of the way. “I wanna see how those cheeks get redder” He says teasingly, You give him a deadly glare but you cannot hold it for long as his fingers enter into you, making you moan loudly. 
“God you’re so wet baby. Did my kiss do this to you?” his teasy tone makes you mad as hell, but you’re not able to since he curls his fingertips, brushing parts of your walls that you didn’t know felt so good. “Or is it just because it’s your first time?” He chuckles at your angry expression. “You look cute like that” he says with a smile.
The action itself is cute but what follows, is not even near the term. His tongue licks out your dripping folds all the way up to your clit, where he stays for a while, sucking on it, moving his tongue around it and even slightly biting, without making it painful.
You are a moaning mess just by that. You always pictured in your mind how receiving oral sex  would feel like, but you never pictured it like that. It feels somehow soft, but at the same time better than just a simple touch. 
His tongue gets off of your skin, making you miss the feeling of it. And when his fingers get out of you, you just feel empty, as if something you needed was taken away from you.
Yuta gets his pants and boxers off, before getting closer to your face again. “You’re delicious, You knew that?” You giggle at his words in disbelief. And his comment distracts your attention from his hand, as they roll a condom along his length.
His tips hits your entrance, stopping your giggling inmediately. “Now, breathe slowly, this might hurt” He says softly and you do as instructed. His length slowly gets into you, stretching your walls painfully slow.
You can feel every inch of his dick through the sloopy texture of the condom. You let out some whimpers due to the pain. “ I’m gonna take it slow okay?” He says and you nod. His length never stops moving, though it moves sooo slowly that it almost doesn’t hurt. 
You can see how he’s suffering from it tho. His expression hints pain and his dick twitches inside of you, as he’s really is needy at this point. “It’s fine, Yuta, go faster” You manage to say, fooling the guy.
At first it just hurts so much that you can’t even feel anything else, but then pleasure starts getting over pain. Loud moans start leaving your lips soonly after. “God I missed this” He whispers under his breath. You would have asked if you weren’t completely driven away by the different sensations.
You feel an overwhelming sensation brushing ove your whole body and just listen to his voice as he says “Let it go”, and like that you obey, cumming right away. Your whole body shakes behind his.
He gets his length out of you, not wanting to overwork you in any way. After you calm down you let your hands grab his dick, moving among it slowly and firmly. He makes little sounds under his breath and when your lips get into action, they turn into growls.
It doesn’t get long before he cums inside your mouth, leaving a weird and unknown taste on your mouth. “I fucking loved that” He says getting you up to kiss you deeply. 
“I’m not gonna let you go” He says in between soft kisses. 
If you didn’t fall for Yuta after this... Girlll
Masterlist –requests open– How to request?  Check out your score.
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peterrparrkerr · 3 years
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Hit mad falls in love with target - read on ao3
Peter waved frantically at Tony when he walked into the lab, eyes glued to a computer screen.
"Tony, quick! Look!" He demanded, nearly vibrating in his chair.
Tony made his way over, hands clasped behind his back as he leaned over Peter's shoulder.
"Isn't it awesome?" The young man asked, waving his hands around.
"What am I looking at?" Tony asked.
"Its cancer," Peter said. He points to different colored lines in the graph, all jagged and fluctuating. "This is breast cancer, and this one is pancreatic, skin, lung."
Tony hums as Peter continues to list each colored line as a different form of cancer.
"I was able to isolate the individual cells from everything else, and- look, look!"
Peter snatches Tony by the shirt sleeve and tugs him from one monitor to the one on the other side of the lab. He taps his fingers on the screen, bouncing on his heels.
"These are the cells after being treated with non-radioactive therapy," Peter said, looking up at Tony. "The number of cancer cells is cut in half within a week!"
Peter then drags Tony across the lab again, babbling excitedly as he does so. "Do you know what this means? This means we can start human testing! And we can market the treatment for practically nothing!"
He shows Tony a live feed of the treatment in action from a TV monitor.
"Think about the possibilities," Peter grinned. "Anyone can get treated, no matter their financial standing. And the treatment isn't as harmful as chemo or radiation. It doesn't attack the body as a whole, it isolates the cancer cells and leaves the rest of the body alone.
"No more hair loss or side effects. And we could cut remission in half too," Peter said. "Just think, this time next year, we could start selling to hospitals all over the world."
Tony smiles down at the younger man. He had known within the first day of meeting Peter that he wouldn't be able to follow through. He's glad he hadn't.
"Have you told anybody else?" He asks casually.
"Ned knows," Peter said. "And Bruce, but they were here when it happened."
"Where are they now?"
Peter gives Tony a wry smile, still too excited about his treatment working.
"I sent them home a couple hours ago," he said. "We've all been awake for almost three days, so I'm sure they've gone to bed already."
"You should be in bed too, don't you think?" Tony asked, raising an eyebrow.
Peter waves him off, shaking his head as he goes to his work desk. "I'll sleep later," he said, pulling his lab coat off and draping it over the chair.
He's dressed in his usual outfit; comfortable pants and a button up.
"Plus, I knew you'd make your rounds around this time, and I wanted to tell you," Peter said with a grin, grabbing his personal items.
That was part of Tony's cover. A janitor for the building Peter worked for. Hes wearing a navy blue jump suit, though he's left the cart out in the hallway.
"I'll walk you to your car," Tony hums, leading the way out. When he'd first started this, he'd offered his company to get closer to Peter -to find his vulnerabilities.
Now though, he does it because he's protecting the young scientist.
He'd skipped out with 45 thousand dollars paid to kill the boy, but as the days had gone on, and Peter had grown comfortable with him, Tony realized he couldn't steal him from the world.
Peter was incredible. He worked tirelessly to find a cure for cancer. He's already created a new insulin for diabetes that he's made available to everyone for only $10 a month -something not many other medical professionals liked.
Peter was making enemies left and right, and Tony decided to make it his job to keep him breathing. If not for the rest of his life, then for as long as it takes for the young scientist to see an end to cancer.
The boy wasn't getting much in terms of money for his creations. In fact, from what Tony's come to learn, the boy doesn't own a car, and rents an apartment with his aunt. 
He sees enough to live paycheck to paycheck and this new treatment won't do much to better his life, but he's not concerned with money. He wants to make Healthcare more effective and affordable.
Tony's got morals. Enough of them to know when a hit is a bad investment. That didn't stop him from taking his payment anyway.
The two make it to the car park. Its dark, the overhead lights buzzing annoyingly. Its empty, save for a couple cars belonging to a few of the security guards, and the car Peter shares with his aunt.
It's an older model, grey paint chipping and metal beneath rusting near the wheels. Peter talks animatedly beside him, lands flailing in front of him.
Tony glances around them, scowling as he takes in the familiar cement structure.
"Wait," Tony says, just as Peter's pulling the keys from his pocket. They're a couple feet away from the car, and the hairs on Tony's arms and neck stand on end.
"What is it?" Peter asked curiously, reaching for the door handle.
It's just as Peter grips the handle that Tony sees the wire connected to the metal lock on the other side of the glass.
Tony is quick to react, grabbing Peter by the arms and wrenching him away from the door.
Peter yelps in surprise, but its cut out by the sound of a small explosion. Tony braces for the blast of air that knocks the two off their feet, and grits his teeth at the heat that follows.
Peter's pressed against the cement, Tony weighing down on him. His ears ring, but he quickly gets to his feet, unzipping his jumpsuit and grabbing the .9 mm from the waistband of his jeans.
The car is ablaze, crackle-popping and sizzling. Its just the cab thats on fire, but Tony knows its only a matter of seconds before the flames reach the engine and the fuel line.
Tony looks around him, trying to find the culprit -though he knows from experience that the man won't be here.
He grabs Peter by the armpits and pulls him to his feet. Blood smears against his forehead and jaw. His hands and arms are scraped up and Tony can tell his knees are busted too, but it doesn't look like anything damaging.
"We gotta go," Tony urges, already half dragging the younger back towards the building.
"You-you have a gun," Peter gapes, stumbling after Tony, arm in the older's hard grip. "Why do you have a gun?"
Tony reaches the door for the stairwell.
"I'm a hired gun," Tony said, glancing up, then down, gun following his eyeline before pushing Peter towards the stairs going up.
"I thought you were a janitor," Peter gasped, climbing the stairs and swaying. Tony places his free hand on Peter's lower back.
"Thats just a front," Tony confessed. "We got to get you out of here."
"Someone blew up my car," Peter said, panting as they continue up to the first floor. "Aunt May is gonna kill me."
"Not if Buck doesn't kill you first," Tony grunted, pulling Peter out of the stairwell and into the main lobby.
Tony's car is around the side of the building, but its open to attack. Tony can't keep Peter trapped inside the building though, so he risks it.
Their feet slap loudly on the asphalt as they run for the nondescript black SUV Tony had taken to driving.
He checks around the vehicle, under and inside before issuing Peter into the back seat.
Tires screech as Tony peels out of the parking lot.
"What- whats happening? Tony, what- why do-"
"Someones trying to kill you, Peter," Tony said, blowing past the guard tower at the exit of the parking lot.
"But why?" Peter asked dumbly, voice slurring slightly as more blood turns the side of his face crimson.
"I'll answer all your questions when we're safe," Tony promised, eyes frantically shifting from the area ahead of him to the rear view mirror.
Peter must really be feeling the effects of his head slamming into the concrete, because he doesn't protest.
"Lay down," Tony orders, merging into traffic and slowing down. "Lay low until I say."
Peter does -Tony thinks mostly because of his head injury. Tony relaxes a little, knowing the scientist won't be gunned down in the back seat.
"Where are you taking me?"
"Somewhere safe," Tony answered, keeping an eye behind him.
He doesn't see a tail, but he takes a round-about way to his safe house, just outside of Queens.
When they get to the small cabin, Tony checks the building before helping Peter inside.
"I think I have a concussion," Peter mumbles, swaying on his feet as Tony guides him to the kitchen chair.
"I don't doubt it," Tony agrees, setting his gun down on the table beside Peter's elbow before grabbing the first aid kit.
He pulls another chair over in front of the young scientist and opens the red box.
"Let me see your hands," Tony orders. Peter does, palms up. Tony begins to clean them and his arms.
"Tony," Peter says, breaking the silence. Tony doesn't say anything. He reaches up to clean the blood from the side of Peter's cheek.
"Is your name actually Tony?"
Tony makes eye contact before nodding.
"And you're a hired gun?" Peter asks, slightly breathless. "Like, like a hitman?"
"Yes," Tony answers, reaching the cut on Peter's hairline. Peter winces, but doesn't pull away.
"You kill people for a living?"
It takes Peter a couple seconds, but it seems to hit him. Hes bolting to his feet, the chair clattering behind him.
Tony leans back into the chair, watching as Peter begins to pace.
"What- Tony, you have to tell me whats going on," Peter demands, hand on his head. Tony knows from experience that pacing tends to help the scientist expell excess energy.
"I will," Tony nods. Peter continues his pacing. Back and forth beside the kitchen counter.
"Why- why are people trying to kill me?" He demanded. "Who blew up my car?"
Tony sets the paper towels down on the table, knowing Peter won't sit still for him to properly tend to him.
"The one who blew up your car is another hitman," Tony said. "Goes by the name Winter Soldier."
"You called him Buck," Peter said, pointing an accusatory finger at Tony, eyes narrowed.
"I did," Tony nodded. "Hitmen tend to run in the same circles, though we don't always like each other. Bucky was probably hired to finish the job."
"Finish the job," Peter repeated dumbly. "I'm the job?"
Tony nods, once more letting Peter process. He knew Peter would figure it out without Tony's help. He was smart.
"Finish the job means someone already tried to- to kill me," Peter said, panting as he continued to pace. The wound at his hairline is bleeding sluggishly, dripping down his temple and towards his jaw.
Peter wipes at it without thought, smearing blood against his cheek. He pauses to look down at his hand, fingers glistening in red.
He touches his forehead again, as if remembering he's still injured, then turns to Tony, accusation and fear in his Bambi brown eyes.
"You," he said softly, in disbelief. "You were hired to kill me, weren't you."
"I was," Tony nodded.
"But you haven't," Peter said. Tony can practically see the gears turning behind his eyes. "And, and now whoever hired you hired the Winter Soldier."
Tony only nods. Peter takes a shuddering inhale and has to grip the counter with a bloody hand to stabilize himself.
"I'm- I'm- who- who would want to-to kill me?!"
"The payment was anonymous," Tony said. "Thats how it works. But whoever it is is threatened by you."
Peter looks at Tony incredulously. "Me? Why me? I'm the least threatening person -like- ever!"
"You've cost Big Pharma millions with your insulin," Tony said. "You've patented it, so they can't take it and upcharge the way they've been doing. And if your treatment for cancer is a success, you'd be costing them even more."
Peter takes a moment to process that before he nods. "Right, yeah. I knew I was going to make a lot of people mad about that, but. But I never expected anyone to actually try to kill me."
"Money is a powerful motive," Tony said, a little too much experience leaking into his tone.
Peter hears it, because he stops his pacing, shoulders dropping. Exhaustion seems to pull him towards the floor like an anvil tied to his spine.
He sways a little, and Tony's about to offer him the chair again, but he moves to it willingly. When he sits, their knees are barely touching, and he blinks dazedly at his bloody hand.
Tony grabs a clean rag and leans forward to clean up the blood from Peter's head. The younger lets him, still processing and no doubt sluggish from the concussion.
"Why didn't you?" Peter asked after Tony had taped gauze to his hairline. It was patchy and poorly done, but it would help.
"Why didn't I what," Tony hummed, using an alcoholic wet wipe to clean the remaining blood from Peter's hands. The boy winces at the burn to his scraped palms.
"Kill me," he said, swallowing thickly. "You had plenty of opportunity."
Tony sighed, setting the wipes down before leaning forward and looking Peter in the eye.
"Because I believe in the work you're doing," he said honestly. "And I'm going to make sure you finish it."
Peter blinks once, twice, before breaking eye contact and sighing, body eating to melt into the chair as the air leaves his lungs.
"Come on," Tony said, standing up and slipping the gun into the waistband of his pants. Then offering his hand. "This place is safe. Theres a bed you can sleep in."
"I shouldn't sleep with a concussion," Peter said weakly, taking Tony's offered hand anyway.
"Its mild, I'm sure you'll be fine," Tony mused, heading deeper into the cabin to the bedroom.
The bedroom isn't anything special. A twin bed in the corner, a four drawer dresser and a blackout curtain.
Peter climbs onto the bed, not bothering with the covers or taking his shoes off. Tony thinks its best he sleep with them on anyway, in case Bucky finds them.
Tony moves to leave, grabbing the handle, and Peter bolts upright again, eyes wide.
"You're okay," Tony promises. "I'll be right outside."
Peter gives the barest shake of his head. "Stay here, please," he says softly.
Tony nods, shutting the door and turning off the light before making his way to the side of the bed. Theres an old step stool there, and he sits down at the head of the bed.
Peter lays back down, body too tense to ever fall asleep. Tony keeps his ears attuned to any noise that could alert him to Bucky, or anyone else, gun sitting perfectly stop on his knee, finger off the trigger, but ready at a moments notice.
"Yes, Peter."
Peter shuffles around, and Tony turns his head just in time to feel pillow soft lips connect with the corner of his mouth.
He can't help but smirk as Peter settles back down. "Thanks for not killing me."
Tony chuckles at that, leaning his head against the wall. "I may be a hitman, but I've got morals," he says into the dark room. "Besides, nobody likes cancer."
Peter laughs tiredly at that before reaching his hand out and grabbing Tony's. Their fingers interlock, and Tony doesn't really know which one of them initiated it.
"You're going to be okay," Tony continued. "I wont let anyone hurt you. You're safe with me."
"I know."
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todoroki-waifu · 3 years
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Atsumu x F! Reader
Scenario: When you try to subtly confess to Atsumu.
Word Count: 1,970
Genre: Fluff and humor.
Warnings: Cursing, female reader, and some OOC-ness (maybe?). My first time writing for Atsumu and the rest of the Inarizaki team. 
“I get that she’s the most beautiful here, but we are here to check out the art, too.” Atsumu jumps slightly at a voice and hand on his shoulder. 
"Could you be any more obvious?" 
"I-I wasn’t doing anything!” Atsumu huffs, a blush attacking his face as he shakes off his brother’s hand. 
“Why don’t you ask her out already before someone else does?" 
"I’m working on it!" 
"Hey, who’s that with __(y/n)?” Suna chimes into their conversation, nodding to where you had been standing and admiring a portrait. The two see a man conversing with you, both of you very engaged in whatever topic that was being discussed. He brought out a small electronic device, looking a bit nervous as he showed you the screen. 
“He’s probably going to ask for her number.” Osamu replies indifferently, but did a quick glance at his sibling.
“What?!” Atsumu immediately leaves the group.
“Wait, but doesn’t that guy-” Aran questions, but Kita cuts him off while the others hold in their chuckles.
“Let him figure it out." 
"So if you put your-” While you were listening to the young man who approached you, a familiar face made himself known.
“Hey, buddy, is there a problem over here?” Atsumu suddenly inserts himself in between you and the stranger. He stands tall, looming over the shorter male.
“N-no, there is no problem.”
“Atsumu-kun, he was just-” You placed a hand on his arm and tried to explain the situation.
“Don’t worry, __(y/n)-chan. I got this.” Atsumu gently pushes you behind him to hide you.
“Was there something you needed from her?” He continues. 
“No, si-sir. I-I was only trying to-”
“Well, if you ain’t got any business with her, I suggest you beat it.” The blonde twin glares at the male hiding behind his black device. He smirks victoriously, watching the scared stranger run away. He turns around to find you with your arms crossed and an incredulous look. 
“Why were you so mean to him?”
“Mean? What do you mean? Wasn’t he trying to hit on you?”
“What? No! He works here! He’s a staff member." 
"But didn’t he have his phone out to get your number?”
“Get my..-you mean his Ipad? He wasn’t trying to get my number, he was asking for my email so he could send a survey for us to fill out on how satisfied we were with the staff and the place." 
Atsumu had no answer, processing what he did to the innocent and diligent worker and to you. You must think he’s a crazy idiot for sure. 
"As funny and adorable that was, you’re coming with me to apologize.” You grabbed his hand, dragging Atsumu to find the man who he wrongly yelled at. 
“Yes..” He pouts, but obeys. You’re zipping through the crowd until you finally spot your target.
“He’s with someone else, but we’re waiting until he’s finished and I’m not letting go until you do." 
"I-I wasn’t gonna run away.” His cheeks heat up at your clasped hands, avoiding your gaze. 
“Just in case.” You continued to look forward, __(e/c) eyes too shy to meet his brown ones. 
“Thank you though,” You break the short pause, “I know it was a misunderstanding, but it’s nice to know that someone has my back.”
Atsumu directs his head to you, but is unable to see your face since it’s turned away with your finger busying itself with a strand of your hair. 
“Of course. Always.” Your heart skips at his soft reply. You feel a gentle squeeze on your hand and respond similarly, fighting back the smile that was eager to present itself.
“Oh look! He’s done. Let’s go.” You gently pull him towards the staff worker once he has finished speaking to the other customers. You’re about to release his hand, but Atsumu keeps a tight grip. Probably he’s nervous about admitting to his mistake, you assume. 
So you hold his hand just as tight, figuring he needs the support. You knew how much of a big baby he was.
But really, Atsumu was using this as an excuse to hold you just a bit longer. His fingers felt right in between yours. 
You managed to take some great pictures wherever it was allowed, but the artwork that forbade photos, you captured in your memory. After touring around the entire museum, you and the boys were starting to feel hungry, so everyone agreed to eat at the nearest restaurant.
You saw a few people scattered outside and you volunteered to ask the host how long the wait would be. Osamu steps behind his brother and lightly taps the back of his knees with his.
“Remember, that guy works here." 
"Shut up, 'samu! I know that.” Atsumu huffs, red cheeks puffing out slightly as his friends laugh loudly. They stop as soon as you near them, telling the boys that there was a table open that could accommodate your party.
You sat in between the Miya twins which made you both nervous and happy. Your crush on Atsumu was getting worse every day yet you didn’t hate the feeling. You distracted yourself by looking through the menu, all of you deciding to share a couple appetizers before choosing your individual meals. 
“What are you getting, __(y/n)-chan?” Atsumu asks, brown eyes looking at you as he lowers his menu.
“Hmmmm, I’m not sure yet. I’m caught between number 8 and 9.” You point to the items on the main course list. 
“Oh! I was going to get the number 8. How about I get 8 and you get the 9 and we can just share? That way, we can get a taste of both. I’m curious about number 9 also.”
“Really? You wouldn’t mind?" 
"Yea, of course I wouldn’t mind!” He grins, folding the menu before placing it on the table. You copy him and wait for the server to collect your orders. 
You then bring out your phone, taking pictures of the boys and the restaurant’s interesting decor. Despite your school’s motto, you liked to keep the memories. 
“Ne, Atsumu-kun, mind if I borrow your phone? Your camera is better than mine.” Your cell phone was a few years old, but Atsumu just replaced his and you were waiting to upgrade yours. Part of you was glad that you hadn't yet because you were going to use this opportunity to see how he feels about you. 
“Sure. Here ya go.” He hands you his phone. 
“Thanks!” You start taking pictures of yourself, really impressed with the photo quality. 
“Take a selfie with me.” You change the camera view as you hold out your hand in front of you and Atsumu.
“You’re so far! Get close to me like you actually like me.” You say jokingly as you hear a few, muffled snickers around the table. Atsumu stutters a response, but you interrupt him when you start counting from three. 
“Ready? Smile!” You take a few shots before looking at each one closely.
“Yeck, I’m deleting that one. I look gross in there.” You weren’t satisfied with how you smiled and your eyes looked like they were in mid blink. 
“What? Don’t say that. You’re gorgeous!” Atsumu looks up at you after he watches you remove one of the many pictures. You blush at his statement, dodging his stare.
“Oh, ummm. ..t-thank you." 
"You don’t gotta thank me. It’s the truth.” Atsumu murmurs, but it’s coherent enough where you could understand him.
“Get ready with your orders. The waiter is coming.” Kita sees the server walking towards your table. You went first and while everyone else was focused on the waiter, you quickly dragged your finger around on the phone screen. You immediately closed what you were doing and handed Atsumu back his phone. 
Your heart was beating fast, but you kept a calm smile on your face as you casually made conversation with the volleyball team. None of the guys knew about your crush, afraid that they would make fun of you. Not that you believed they would, but you weren’t comfortable telling anyone yet. 
Except for today. 
You finally were going to tell one person about your crush and that person was Atsumu. You planned everything out for a while, thinking of every possible situation that could happen and how you would approach it. You were surprised at how smoothly your idea was going, but that made you even more uneasy. 
But you already made your move and hoped that he would notice the little message in his phone. 
Dinner was both fun yet stressful. Every time Atsumu would check his phone, your heart would jump at the thought of him seeing what you put. But he made no reaction so you assumed he had yet to see it. 
And you were fine with that. You’d prefer if he read it at home instead of in a public place. 
Everyone went their separate ways after the restaurant except you and the Miya twins. Your house wasn’t too far from theirs so they walked most of the way with you. Once you were close enough, you waved goodbye to the brothers.
“Bye! See you soon! And don’t forget to send me those pictures later, okay, Atsumu-kun?" 
"Yeah, I will! Bye, __(y/n)-chan!” Atsumu waved back before turning away with Osamu.
Unfortunately, he never sent those pictures. He must have forgotten, but with how many days has passed, you believed he probably felt awkward with the little note you put. 
If he saw it. He never acted any differently when you saw him at school.
Maybe he never did see it? But you were too afraid to ask so you were just going to live quietly with your heartache. 
“Oh, shoot! I forgot to send those pics to __(y/n)-chan!” Atsumu says loudly while he and Osamu walk home from practice.
“You haven’t sent them yet? It’s been a week.” Osamu shakes his head. 
“I forgot! I was too busy thinking of a way to tell her I like her. I gotta make sure it’s perfect.” The setter takes out his phone and taps on the photo album icon. As he selects and scrolls through the photos, his eyes become rounded at one particular image. 
It was a selfie of you and him, sitting close, cheek to cheek as you both smile happily. What made him pause was the heart drawn over the two of you with the words ’yes or no?’ written at the bottom.
“Ahh! ’s-samu! Look, look!” He shows his phone to his brother. “I think __(y/n)-chan likes me back! She put this on our picture!”
As soon as Osamu sees what’s on the screen, his eyes also widen slightly then suddenly smacks his brother at the back of his head. “Dumbass! That photo has been sitting there for that long already?”
“I told you already, I forgot! And she never said anything! Other than to send the pictures after we ate- Oh my God, 'samu, I really am a dumbass!” Realization hit Atsumu harder than his brother’s slap.
“I knew that a long time ago. Now, why are you still here talking to me? Shouldn’t you be talking to __(y/n) instead?" 
"You’re right! I gotta text her!” Atsumu’s hands were working fast in trying to find your text message conversation. Before Osamu could even make a snide comment, Atsumu becomes aware of a better alternative to communicate with you. 
On your way home, you received multiple texts from Atsumu, all saying the same thing.
’The hell? Yes to what?’ Right when you were about to reply, you saw an incoming call from the setter who made your heart skip a beat daily. 
“Hello?” You answer. 
“Yes! __(y/n), yes! I want to be your boyfriend!”
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an icarus and his sun: chapter 1
A/N: i am Very Very excited for this enemies to lovers au, and also just a quick message that this is about their characters! some characters might seem more villainous than they actually are (even on the smp) and scott and jimmy will absolutely end up being in a romantic relationship (even if it might take a while for them to get there >:)). also, i planned this fic before xornoth was introduced and before sausage started the assassin's guild thing, so if you were hoping for either of those things in this fic, i'm sorry to say that they will not be featured here! (xornoth may be hinted at though, no promises!) pls talk to me in the reblogs i am lonely /hj
Warnings: arguing, flirting, teasing/banter, threats of violence
AO3 Link - Tumblr Masterpost
Jimmy liked Katherine, he really did! She was one of his first allies, and even though she could come off as a little intense for the ruler of a flower forest, Jimmy really valued her friendship. However, her insistence on staying neutral… it bothered Jimmy. Or really, what bothered Jimmy was the fact that she insisted on having “House Blossom Alliance” meetings at her castle. And specifically, it was who was at these meetings that bothered Jimmy. Sure, there was Joel, Lizzie, and Pixl, three of Jimmy’s own allies, but the rest of the group wasn’t exactly on the best terms with him. Gem and Pearl were alright, he supposed, but Fwhip and Sausage were absolutely terrible. And then there was Scott. There wasn’t anything outwardly bad about the winged elf ruler, but he just got on Jimmy’s nerves. He was just irritating, with his stupid “better-than-you” attitude, stupid smug grin, stupid perfect hair- he was just… stupid. Well, not really. Scott was actually really clever. But he always flaunted when he was right about something, which frankly was often. But he didn’t have to be so smug every time Jimmy was wrong about something.
“Jimmy, what do you know about defensive mob strategy? You can’t even keep people out of your empire,” Scott scoffed, as Jimmy was attempting to offer some advice on how to keep a base safe from monsters. Jimmy glared at the winged elf sitting across from him.
“Because I like to try and keep my empire welcoming, instead of being all high and mighty in the mountains,” Jimmy shot back. Scott rolled his eyes.
“More welcome to attack, Jimmy. How many times have you and Sausage squabbled over something inconsequential?” Scott asked dryly, getting an offended “hey!” from Sausage that he ignored, focusing only on Jimmy.
“Well… okay so maybe I’m not that great at defending against people, but mobs I can handle! They’re predictable, people aren’t,” Jimmy huffed. Scott smirked at Jimmy, and there it was- that smug expression when Jimmy was proven wrong about something.
“Maybe some people aren’t… but you sure are. I knew you’d get all riled up if I started pressing,” Scott taunted. Jimmy shot up from his chair, hand slamming down on the table as he glared at Scott and ignored the concerned voices of his allies.
“I haven’t even begun to be ‘riled up,’ Scott,” Jimmy fumed, hand lightly resting on the hilt of his sword. Scott calmly rose from his seat, still smirking and looking like he was enjoying this far too much.
“What, you gonna fight me, fish boy?” Scott crooned, hand resting on the hilt of his own weapon.
“Maybe I will,” Jimmy growled, and Scott’s smirk grew into a grin.
“Oh, you are getting more riled up… can’t say I’m not enjoying the view,” Scott said in a near purr. Jimmy’s face grew warm as he gritted his teeth and tightened his hand on the hilt of his sword. Scott didn’t look nervous at all, only mildly intrigued, like Jimmy was a puzzle he was seconds away from solving.
“That’s enough!” Katherine shouted, jumping up from her seat at the head of the table and looking at the two of them with a disapproving glare. Scott and Jimmy instantly looked a little embarrassed, both finally remembering that they were in a room full of other rulers, and that it was supposed to be a peaceful meeting as they exchanged various tactics and information on trading.
“C’mon man, it’s not worth it,” Pixl murmured, gently tugging on Jimmy’s arm. Jimmy glared at Scott one last time before he sat back down. Scott looked entirely too pleased as he sat back down gracefully- how did someone even do that, sit down so fluidly like it was a part of a dance?!- and smiled far too innocently at Katherine. She was not having it, frowning with disapproval at both Scott and Jimmy until Scott sheepishly looked down at the table. Katherine sighed, seeming semi-satisfied as she sat back down.
“I think I’m gonna have to implement a rule about weapons at the next meeting… now don’t you two have something to say to each other?” Katherine said expectantly. Scott and Jimmy both looked at Katherine with confused expressions.
“Haven’t they said enough to each other?” Fwhip asked, sounding bored as he leaned back in his chair. Katherine rolled her eyes at Fwhip, and looked back at Scott and Jimmy.
“What I meant is that these two owe each other an apology,” Katherine said pointedly.
“What have I got to apologize for?! Scott started it!” Jimmy protested.
“It’s not my fault Jimmy’s easy to get all hot and bothered,” Scott said with an air of indifference, but the smirk directed at Jimmy told a different story. Jimmy’s face burned again.
“You stop that,” Jimmy scowled.
“Make me,” Scott replied smoothly.
“I’m confused, are they flirting or fighting now?” Sausage whispered far too loudly to Pearl. She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, shaking her head at Sausage.
“We’re not flirting!” Jimmy protested.
“Yeah, I can do way better than Jimmy,” Scott scoffed.
“Wha- hey! What’s that supposed to mean? I am a catch, thank you very much,” Jimmy huffed, crossing his arms.
“Oh, so you want to be flirting now?” Scott crooned with a smirk.
“What?! No! You’re infuriating,” Jimmy shouted.
“Funny, I was going to say the same thing about you,” Scott shot back smoothly. Jimmy opened his mouth to reply, but was halted by a frustrated groan from Katherine.
“You know what? Fine! I declare this meeting adjourned. Everyone out! See you next week,” Katherine exclaimed with a sigh.
“Finally,” Fwhip muttered, getting up from the table first and striding out of the castle. Gem shook her head at his retreating figure, and turned to Katherine with an apologetic smile.
“What he means is thank you for inviting us to the meeting. I look forward to next week- and I’m sure Fwhip does too!” she said, gently patting Katherine’s hand before getting up and following after Fwhip. Pearl and Sausage were the next two to leave, thanking Katherine for inviting them as well. Then finally Scott left, simply bowing his head in respect to Katherine, but smirking at Jimmy before he took off.
“I hate that guy,” Jimmy muttered as he watched Scott fly away.
“I think you’ve made that clear, Jimmy. You’ve gotta stop picking fights you can’t win,” Katherine admonished with a sigh.
“I could have taken him!” Jimmy protested.
“And even if you couldn’t have, I would have avenged you,” Joel added. Lizzie and Pixl nodded in agreement, while Katherine buried her face in her hands.
“Peaceful! These meetings are supposed to be peaceful! I am definitely going to have people leave their weapons at the door at the next meeting,” she sighed, bringing her face up from her hands to lean back in her chair. Jimmy frowned, feeling a bit bad.
“I- sorry, Katherine. I shouldn’t have let Scott get under my skin so easily. I promise next meeting I won’t make a big fuss out of nothing,” Jimmy said solemnly, looking to Katherine with an apologetic smile. She smiled back, but it was a little strained and exasperated.
“It’s alright, Jimmy. Honestly Scott is just as much to blame as you are here. I just wished you two would have apologized to each other- you apologized to me just fine!” Katherine pointed out, her smile turning more bright and encouraging. Jimmy frowned, nose wrinkling slightly.
“Yeah, because I like you,” Jimmy huffed. Katherine giggled, leaning forward in her chair to clasp her hand over Jimmy’s and give it a light squeeze.
“That’s very sweet, but sometimes you’ve gotta apologize to people you don’t like, Jimmy,” Katherine said pointedly.
“From the way they were talking at the meeting, ‘like’ might be too weak of a word,” Pixl commented dryly. Joel poorly hid a laugh behind a cough, while Lizzie elbowed him while trying to hide her own amused smile.
“What’s that supposed to mean?!” Jimmy asked indignantly. Pixl looked at him blankly, raising an eyebrow.
“You told him that you were a catch, dude. How else are we supposed to interpret that?” Pixl replied with a laugh. Jimmy’s face flushed for what felt like the twentieth time that day.
“I wasn’t thinking straight!” Jimmy protested.
“Clearly,” Lizzie teased with a grin, no longer trying to hide it. The table erupted into laughter, and Jimmy couldn’t help but laugh too, even if it was at his own expense, and even if his friends were wrong. He was not interested in Scott in that way in the slightest, thank you very much. Their argumentative banter just got a little… carried away, that’s all. And he wasn’t saying he was a catch so that Scott would think so… he just had confidence in himself! And Scott was trying to wear down that confidence, Jimmy was just proving him wrong! At least, that’s what Jimmy told himself.
“So this is how the betrayal begins- first you fabricate an attraction to someone I despise-” Jimmy cut off his dramatic monologue with his own laughter, only causing the group to laugh louder.
“We’ll set you up with Sausage next,” Pixl said with a laugh.
“Now that is the ultimate betrayal,” Jimmy said with a shudder, grinning at Pixl all the while.
“Stop it, stop it- no one is betraying anyone! I’ll keel over from laughter with these backstabbing plans at this rate,” Katherine said, wiping at her eyes as the last of her laughs subsided.
“Alright, alright, if you insist. I should get going anyway, I’ve got a long trip back to Pixandria,” Pixl said, standing from the table.
“Safe travels! See you next week!” Katherine said with a wave. Jimmy and the others said their goodbyes, and with a nod and a smile Pixl equipped his elytra and walked out of the castle to fly off.
“Guess we should leave too, I’m sure you’ve got things to be working on,” Joel said, standing up from the table. Lizzie and Jimmy followed his lead. The three of them would often journey back to their empires together, seeing as they were all in fairly close range to each other. Katherine rose from the table with a sigh.
“Yeah, I’ve got some things to sort out. I’ll see you three next week- and I’m serious about the ‘leaving the weapons at the door’ rule,” she said, looking at each of them pointedly.
“Oh I’ll make sure these two follow through with that!” Lizzie said brightly.
“I was talking about you too, Lizzie,” Katherine said flatly. Lizzie placed a hand over her heart in mock offense.
“Me?! Oh please, next to these two I’m downright peaceful! Now we really must be going, nice seeing you!” Lizzie said far too innocently, grabbing both Joel and Jimmy by their arms and all but dragging them out of the castle.
“Oh uh, bye then! I guess,” Jimmy said with a lopsided grin and a wave from his free hand. Katherine shook her head fondly, waving goodbye back. The three of them made their way outside with only some minor grumbling from Joel about how he could walk, Lizzie. She only patted his cheek with a smile before equipping her elytra, Joel and Jimmy doing the same. And as the three allies took off into the skies and off to their own empires, Jimmy’s thoughts couldn’t help but wander back to Scott. Maybe he should try and patch things up, like Katherine suggested? He was a very good ally of Katherine’s as well- they were even planning a plushie business together! And he didn’t want Katherine to be stuck between another conflict again, like she had for all of his issues with Sausage. But how exactly Jimmy was going to fix things with Scott, he wasn’t sure. The winged elf was stubborn, and frankly so was Jimmy. It was unlikely either of them were going to give in or come to any sort of compromise. At the very least, Jimmy just hoped he could keep their arguments to just that- arguments. He couldn’t afford another war.
MCYT Fic Taglist (lmk if you want to be added/removed! And if you just want to specifically be tagged in this fic, I am open to making a specific taglist for it!): @corazon10000 @damiensaidno @franticfandomfanatic @gattonero17 @hetapeep41 @space-ace123
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lafourmii20 · 3 years
My favorite pairing is probably DrPepperony if I had to choose one, and I'm a sucker for 30 (the protective one). While I tend to swerve to "people protecting Stephen", please write it however you'd like - if you're interested in this combination. :)
Thank you for the ask, @aelaer 💕
I love drpepperony and I was very happy to write this OT3 with this prompt. It's a bit longer than I thought, and maybe not exactly what you imagined. I hope you like it!
drpepperony, pre-relationship (could almost be read as gen), hurt stephen, with a bit of blood, protective pepper, protective tony, not clint friendly (sorry i had to find sort of a bad guy), post Endgame but Tony lives and Steve died
“If you’re so powerful, why couldn’t you save her?!”
Clint’s shout echoed on the lawn, all the way to the cabin. Tony instantly got to his feet.
“Stay with uncle Happy, Maguna.”
He left his drink on a table, and his daughter under Happy’s careful watch, and hurried outside. When he pushed the front door, he frowned, deeply unhappy with the scene.
“I’m sorry,” Stephen whispered in such a thin voice Tony wasn’t sure anyone heard him –not sure the guy even wanted to be heard.
“You’re sorry? Is that what you just mumbled?” Clint answered, his tone getting angrier and angrier with each word.
“I am truly deeply sorry,” Stephen articulated more clearly this time.
It did not seem to appease Clint. At all.
“Well, great! You’re sorry. But Nat is dead because of you. And your sorry ass apologies won’t do shit to bring her back!”
Clint was furious. He was grieving. But he was taking it out on the wrong guy.
“It’s all your fault!”
Stephen didn’t move, didn’t even blink when Clint lurched forward and punched him square in the face. He fell backwards and blood splattered on the ground.
“It’s all your fucking fault!” Clint bellowed as Sam and Bucky restrained him, tried to stop him from attacking again.
He almost tore free, and Tony took a step forward. He was all for letting his fellow Avengers sort things out between themselves the way they wanted to –and if they had to punch some sense into each other from time to time, well it was their business. But no one was getting beaten up, without even trying to resist, on his lawn.
But before Tony could say anything, Pepper stepped into the scene.
“What is going on here?” she asked in her no-nonsense voice. Se didn’t wait for someone to answer –as if there even was a correct way to answer when she used that voice. “No one is fighting in my home! Today, we celebrate those we brought back, and we grieve those we lost. This is not a time for fighting and I will not tolerate it. Is that clear?”
Clint might try to protest, there was no way he would sway Pepper. He was an Avenger. She was even more dangerous, Tony thought with pride. Looked like he could let his wife handle the dirty business.
He crossed the lawn, got to the poor wizard still slumped on the ground, haggard and defeated. His nose was bleeding profusely, and the corner of his eye was starting to turn purple. Tony grabbed him by the shoulder.
“Come on. Let me take care of you.”
Stephen looked up at him. There was a deep sadness, a resigned look in his eyes that broke Tony’s heart. Then Stephen got up and it was gone. They walked silently through the crowd, crossed the lawn and reached the house. Tony pushed him as carefully as he could in a bathroom.
“Here we go,” he said softly, helping Stephen sit on the edge of the tub. “Fri, where’s the first aid kit?”
“Under the sink, boss,” the AI answered immediately and Tony dived under the sink to retrieve the little box, opening it to get some cotton balls and antiseptic, though he wasn’t sure what to do with those. “May I suggest the ice pack, boss?”
“You’re the best, baby girl.”
“Of course,” she answered, and Tony chuckled.
He went back to Stephen with a slightly wet towel to wipe off the blood while he handed him the cold pack. Stephen’s fingers shook wildly when he took it and pressed it on the side of his head, with a painful wince.
“You don’t have to do all this,” the Wizard of Oz finally said. “I’m okay.”
“Yeah, look in the mirror, doc, and tell that to your face,” Tony scoffed.
He got a brief glimpse of a smile before he moved the towel over nose, lips, chin, and all the mess of blood that covered Stephen’s face.
“Why didn’t you send Clint to the Sinister Dimension or whatever the name of that hellish world is?” Tony asked, trying not to wince with Stephen every time the towel stroked over a sensitive area.
“Dark Dimension,” Stephen corrected.
A moment of silence passed. Tony took the time to rinse the blood out of the towel before applying it again. It seemed like the bleeding had stopped. That only left the big ugly contusion at the corner of Stephen’s eye. Ouch, that looked painful.
“Fri, can you scan our good doctor? Make sure there are no deeper wounds?”
“I’m fine,” Stephen protested with another wince that said otherwise.
“The good doctor is right, boss. No deeper injury.”
As Tony looked at the slumped and beaten up form in front of him, it seemed that nothing was great. If there were no physical wounds, it seemed that there was a more profound, more painful, psychological one. That man was wounded, burned out, and morally exhausted. And Tony was suddenly filled with the impulse to help him, to fix this, whatever this was.
He wanted to see the powerful and cocky sorcerer he clashed with, when they first met.
He wanted the weirdly flirty wink after great prowess of magic, and butting heads with someone that didn’t take his nonsense but actually listened to him, and compromised.
“So, why didn’t you stop him?” he asked again after a minute of almost comfortable silence.
He threw the bloody towel in the laundry basket and leaned against the sink, watching Stephen intently.
“Because he’s grieving. And he’s right,” Stephen answered in a too small voice.
Tony was not taking any of it. If Pepper had to protect Stephen from Clint, Tony would have to protect Stephen from himself, apparently. It was far from the weirdest thing he had ever done.
“Bullshit. It’s not your fault.”
Stephen arched an eyebrow behind the cold pack, before he winced and dropped it. Tony picked it up for him and, instead of giving it back to the wizard, he brought it up to Stephen’s face and gently hold it up against his temple. Stephen just sighed, closed his eyes for a second, letting Tony take care of him. The situation was slightly more intimate than Tony anticipated but it warmed his heart to see Stephen accept his help. And yeah, he could see himself get closer to the wizard in the near future.
“It’s not your fault,” he repeated.
“It kinda is. I chose this path, the one where Natasha and Steve had to die. Their deaths are on my hands.”
“That’s just pure bullshit! You didn’t push Nat on Vormir, she jumped. You didn’t put the gauntlet on Steve’s hand, he took it and snapped his own fingers knowing he would not survive it. You did not murder them. They chose to sacrifice themselves to save us all, and believe me, I would have done the same thing, without blaming you. You know what you did?”
“Wallow in self-pity, dishonoring their great sacrifice?” he whispered defeated and seemingly disgusted with himself.
“No.” Damn, that man really needed to be protected from himself. Tony knew a thing or two about blaming himself for everything, but Strange was on another level completely. “You put us on the right path, you risked your sanity to view all those possible futures and other timeline. You are a hero.”
That seemed to finally shut Stephen up. He blinked, looked up at Tony, but this time, there was something different in his eyes. A deep emotion Tony couldn’t really name. It made his heart race.
Stephen’s hand rose, lightly touched Tony’s at the side of his head. It was delicate and far more intimate than he expected. But before Tony could say anything else, the bathroom’s door opened, and Pepper stepped in.
Stephen quickly took his hand away, but Tony kept his position. There was nothing he wanted to hide from his wife. Besides, if something ever happened with the wizard, he was pretty sure Pepper would want to be included. Yep, that would be very nice actually, the three of them in the cabin. Tony could almost picture it.
Wait, he was thinking a bit ahead of himself, wasn’t he? Well, who could blame him, he was a futurist, after all.
“Are you okay, Dr. Strange?” Pepper asked.
“You can call me Stephen. And yes, I’m okay. Tony took care of me.”
Pepper looked at her husband. Tony winked, she smirked in return. His hand was still pressed against Stephen’s head –there was a cold pack between them, but did that really matter?
Pepper went to Stephen’s other side, carefully took his chin in her hand to examine him –and there was no cold pack or any medical supply to excuse the proximity. Stephen tensed for a second, then he relaxed in her grip.
“You did well,” Pepper finally concluded, with a small stroke on Stephen’s cheek. The wizard shuddered. Then she stepped back and the fluttering moment was over. “Tony, you stay with him, I’m gonna send everyone home,” she ordered more than asked.
“Yes, Ma’am,” Tony answered immediately.
“And Stephen?”
“Stay for dinner with us tonight. Please?”
A moment of hesitation, blue-green eyes jumping from Tony to Pepper, a gulp and finally.
“I will.”
Well, well, well, Tony thought. That was a very interesting turn of events. He couldn’t wait to see where all of this would lead them.
Inspired by this intimacy prompt list
Prompts filled: 3. touching foreheads (ironstrangefrost) 23. wearing someone’s clothing (ironstrange) 29. kissing while mad (ironstrange) 59. height difference (ironstrange)
62 notes · View notes
wlntrsldler · 4 years
treacherous (j.p one shot)
PROMPT: based on treacherous by taylor swift. slight enemies to lovers? James Potter and Y/N can’t stand each other until they get to know each other. 
A/N: does not follow the timeline at all. the events are not accurate but let’s pretend for the sake of the fic lol. 
WARNINGS: mentions of death, a bit of wolfstar, and some sexual tension (brief)
WC: 5.6K+ (this is my longest fic yet omg) 
treacherous (j.p one shot)
“You’re so goddamn reckless.” James hissed, slamming his fists down on the kitchen table. “You need to wait for my command. This wasn’t a solo mission, Y/N/N. We work as a fucking team around here.”
“If I waited for your command, Prongs,” you replied, rising from your seat. You acknowledged his nickname with a bitter taste in your mouth. You knew you had to listen to James because everyone listens to James but you knew your plan would work. “We wouldn’t have gotten the mission done.”
“You went rogue!”
“But we got it done, right?” you seethed, eye drilling holes in Prongs’ skull. You felt Sirius offer a comforting hand, placing his on top of yours. Your eyes flickered to look at your best friend, features visibly softening. You sighed, slowly feeling yourself come down from your anger. “That’s the important thing, Prongs. I’m done talking about this.”
“Yeah we got it finished but at what cost?” James pushed, not backing down from his dominant exterior. “You could’ve died, Y/N. We don’t trade lives around here.”
“You don’t have to act like you care about my well-being, Potter,” you spat, starting to limp away from the briefing. You sustained some minor injuries because of your decision but you knew you’d do it again if it came down to it. “We all know you just don’t want another person’s blood on your hands.”
It was a low blow. Everyone in the house knew that James was feeling guiltier and guiltier everyday because of the events that happened over the past few months. The McKinnons, the Prewetts, his fight with some Order members— all of it was finally taking a toll on James. Maybe it always did take a toll on him and he just never showed that it did. Nobody really knew what the last straw was but now it was obvious— James Potter was tired, worn out, almost defeated in nature. 
Yeah, what you said was a low blow.
James gulped, demeanor changing after your words rattled the room. Remus looked at James apologetically, not really knowing what to say. He didn’t expect that from you, nobody did. Lily cleared her throat, fixing the scattered parchment on her side of the table. Sirius stood up and patted James on the back, giving his shoulder a slight squeeze. 
“Right, uhm..” he started, blinking back the effect of your words. “We can revisit this some other time. Great job today.”
James left the room without another word, your voice taunting him as he walked further and further away from the team. Is that what you really think of him? A leader, if that, who only cared about not being the person responsible for another death? Did you think that he didn’t care about you? That you were just a number to him? 
Obviously you didn’t. You knew James Potter was a good man, deep down. You could see it in the way he put everyone’s needs before his. He wakes up every morning and gets everything done so the rest of you wouldn’t be burdened with such mundane things. James Potter cooked meals, cleaned the house you all shared, and bought groceries on the weekends because he thinks that you all fighting with him is something he can never repay you for. James Potter thinks that your trust as a team— as a family— is the most important thing in the universe and he’s so thankful that he has you all by his side, even if the whole world disagrees with your cause. James Potter is a good man. 
You had a loud mouth. You found yourself, more times than you’d like to admit, scolding yourself after you let your mouth run amuck. This was one of those times. You let your anger get the best of you. The only reason why you even got angry with James in the first place was his lack of trust in you. Did he not think you could complete the task successfully? 
“Y/N?” A voice from outside of your room called. You tried to get up from your bed, cursing as the pain shot through your right leg. “Hey, you in there?”
“Yeah,” you yelled out, realizing that it would be better for them to let themselves in rather than you try to open it for them. “Come in.”
Sirius entered, chuckling at your pained expression as you sat up in your bed. You glared at him, propping your injured leg on top of a pillow. “You good there, sweetheart?”
“Just dandy.” 
He sat next to you, careful not to touch your leg. He smiled at you, sadly, and you knew what was coming next. A lecture as to why you should apologize to James or at the very least take his point of view under consideration. This was almost normal, and it was definitely expected. You and Sirius grew close, attached to the hip at times, and he was the one who would typically talk some sense into you. You knew that he and James were the blueprint of what an everlasting friendship should look like so you listened to him. Rarely were you ever the first one to apologize, though, but you knew this time was going to be one of those times. 
“What you said to James..” he trailed off, eyebrows furrowing in worry. “I think he kinda took it to heart, Y/N.”
“I know,” you sighed, acknowledging your mistake. “I don’t know why I even said that.” 
“You don’t like to use your brain when you’re angry.” Sirius responds, laughing slightly. You push his shoulder playfully. “Just apologize to him, Y/N. You know he means well.”
“I know he does.”  
“So I’ll leave you to it then,” he announced, getting up to leave your room. “He’s in his room, locked himself in there since the meeting.”
Ouch. You felt the guilt start to eat you up. Sirius shot you a warm smile before shutting the door behind him. Groaning, you lifted yourself up, trying to ignore the swelling in your leg. Was it the smartest idea to walk on an injured leg? No, but you were never one to have smart ideas anyway and today’s events made that clear.
You started to make your way down to James’ room but stopped when you saw him exiting the bathroom. You began to walk towards him, gasping in pain when your foot landed the wrong way. 
“Goddamnit, James!” you shuffled towards him, gaining some speed. He stopped to see who was calling him. His face paled when he realized it was you and continued to walk towards his room. “Will you wait for me?”
James stopped in his tracks, feeling bad that you were chasing him with a bad leg. He waited patiently as you limped towards him, an annoyed look on his face. “What do you want, Y/N?”
You blinked, not expecting the harsh tone he was using. No matter how many times you and James argued and were at each other’s throats, his harsh tone always surprised you. He raised his voice, yeah, sure, but this— this was different. You tried to ignore it, knowing that you probably deserved this. “I just wanted to say sorry for what I said earlier.”
He froze up, looking down at his feet. He glanced over at your leg, red with bruises littered over your skin. God you were lucky you didn’t die, he thought. James shrugged, “I don’t care, Y/N. Is that all?”
“Well, blimey,” you snorted, already putting up your harsh exterior, “I was trying to be nice. Get that stick out your ass.”
“Are you done?” 
That was it. 
James walked away and entered his room before you even moved. You were left to crawl your way back to your room, quite literally. Half way through, the pain in your leg traveled to your hip and you gave up on walking. Remus found you dragging your body across the carpet and took it upon himself to carry you back to your bedroom. You thanked him, half-heartedly, not being able to forget James’ hurt expression from your sorry-excuse of an apology. 
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. You were all supposed to win the fight. You were supposed to reconcile and have a drink at the house, continuing to dance the night away. You weren’t supposed to lose. 
Half of the people you knew were gone. Poof. Like they never existed. 
You, Lily, and James stayed in the Potters’ home, resting after a long day of fighting. Dumbledore left to check on the Order, or what was left of them. Molly and Arthur joined him. Peter was— Merlin knows where. Sirius left to check on Remus. The world seemed so quiet. Empty. 
“It’s not the end,” Lily tried to say, looking between you and James. She paced the floor, unsure if she even believed her own words.
There hasn’t been much spoken between the ones who survived. You started to wonder if you were one of the lucky one who survived or if this fate was more unlucky given the circumstances. You lost people you called your family. You all did. 
This was a battle none of you expected. It was a surprise attack on the Order during a time when you all had your guards down. One minute, you were all in the backyard, excited as the Weasley’s announced another addition to their already large family. People were dancing, cheering, drinking, and for a moment it seemed normal. 
And then they came. They slaughtered everyone that they could. You were lucky enough to get out before it got too crazy. You ushered the young kids into the room, casting protective charms as you held onto Percy Weasley with your other hand. You watched people fall. You heard people scream in terror as they were being tortured. You shielded the kids from looking out the window, afraid that if they were to see something so traumatizing, they would never recover. You were sure it would take years before you would.
“I’m gonna help Euphemia out,” Lily announced, getting up from her seat. You knew there wasn’t much that Euphemia needed help with, Lily just felt restless and she wanted to do something that she could control. 
James nodded silently, staring at his shaking hands. There have only been a handful of moments where you’ve seen James Potter— confident, self-assured, James Potter— doubt himself or be nervous. 
The first time was when he put on the Sorting Hat in your first year and he pleaded the tattered hat to place him in Gryffindor, though the hat knew better than to place him anywhere else. Then, second year came around and you four found out that Remus was a werewolf. You accidentally overheard their conversation, and it confirmed the suspicions you’ve had for a year. The third time was in fifth year when Sirius made the stupidest mistake of his life and told Snape about the Whomping Willow. He was afraid he’d lose his second family because of it, and he knew that Remus’ anger was justified. And the last time, before today, that you’ve ever seen James Potter nervous was in seventh year. It was the day after his date with Lily— a date that took him years to convince her to go on— and he realized that they were not compatible at all. Poor bloke was afraid to hurt Lily’s feelings and when he finally told her, she laughed and said, “I know, Potter. I’m glad you see it now.” 
Now, you were alone with a terrified James Potter and you didn’t know what to do. You stared at him from across the room, unsure of your next step. You cleared your throat, “Do you need me to do anything, Potter?” 
“Huh?” he looked up, eyes weary and mind jumbled. He registered your question and he shook his head, “No, I’m alright. Um, are you going to be staying here tonight?” 
You gulped, “Yeah, if that’s alright. I-I don’t really have a place to stay, but if you want me to leave I’m sure I can stay with Remus and Sirius.” 
“No, no, it’s perfectly fine,” James replied, quickly, getting up from his seat, “I’m sure mum and dad won’t mind. Please, make yourself at home.” 
“I appreciate that,” you sent him a tight-lipped smile and rocked back and forth from your heels to your toes, ignoring the pain that shot up your leg with every move. 
“I’m gonna help mum.” 
He left you in the room, rushing to help his mother, but you had a feeling it was to save the both of you from the awkwardness of the situation. Sighing, you began to make your way to your room upstairs. You were half way out the room when suddenly, the room was filled with your friends. Some of the remaining members of the Order popped in, stopping you from completing your plans. 
“Well, welcome back everyone,” you remarked, sitting on the couch. “Nice to see you.”
James, Lily, and Euphemia all entered once they heard the commotion. James stayed by the doorframe, arms crossed as he watched Dumbledore take center. Lily and Euphemia sat beside you, on opposite sides. Euphemia gave your leg a light squeeze and a kiss on your temple. 
“As you all know, today’s attack caused mass casualty,” your old professor started, eyes flickering to empty spots in the room that the old members used to occupy. “To prevent such things, we will assign teams to designated areas. We can no longer put all our eggs in one basket. We need to prepare.” 
Dumbledore continued, “Euphemia, you and Fleamont stay with Mad-Eye. He needs your expertise. Remus and Sirius, your flat is near the Black family home, isn’t it?” 
“Yeah,” Sirius replied, “Wanted to be close, just in case.” 
Regulus. Sirius wanted to be close to look after Regulus. 
The old wizard nodded, “Very well. You two stay there and make note of any movement. We suspect they’re having meetings there. Lily, Dorcas, and Peter, you three will be taking care of Hogwarts students who live in the muggle world. They’re in Hogwarts for sanctuary, but since Minerva and myself are going to be preoccupied, we need you to make sure they’re safe.” 
“What a reunion, aye gang?” Dorcas chuckled, though her laugh was empty. Lily snorted, shoving her lightly as a move of endearment. 
“James and Y/N, we need you two here. This will be our headquarters.” 
Sirius scoffed, “Professor, are you sure you’d want to pair Prongs and Y/N/N? We’ve already lost a lot of Order members and I’m afraid that if you pair them, we’ll lose one more. One of them will end up killing the other.” 
“Shut it, Pads,” you glared, scrunching your nose, “I’m sure Potter and I can be civil.” 
“I can be,” James added, side-eyeing you. 
“What does that mean?” you questioned, squinting your eyes at the boy by the door. You began to get up but Euphemia stopped you, placing a hand on your shoulder. 
“James,” she said, warningly. 
“Alright,” Dumbledore clapped his hands, calling the attention back to him, “I expect you all to be at your posts by tonight. Stay safe, everyone. Our numbers are dwindling by the hour.” 
By 11PM, the house was empty. It was only you and James left. You locked yourself in the comfort of your room, staring wordlessly at the ceiling. The house was unusually quiet. There was no loud laughter coming from the living room— four boys who had to grow up too fast. You sighed, swinging your legs down the side of your bed, wincing as you forgot about your injuries. 
“Fuck me,” you muttered, closing your eyes for a moment until the pain subsided. Once it became bearable, you slipped on your house shoes and made your way down the stairs. You tried to tiptoe down the stairs, not wanting to wake James and go through another awkward encounter. However, once you got to the entrance of the kitchen, you realized your efforts made no sense as James leaned against the cold counter, a cup of tea in hand, and his glasses fogged by the steam from his drink. 
His eyes flickered over to where you stood, suddenly making you feel self-conscious. You were wearing nothing but pajama shorts and a large t-shirt that you were sure once belonged to Sirius. James raised his cup a bit as a sign of acknowledgement. 
You smiled awkwardly and poured yourself a glass of water, “What are you doing up?” 
“I reckon for the same reason you are,” he replied, taking a sip from his tea. James snickered, “Nice shirt.” 
“It’s Padfoot’s,” you chuckled, “Don’t tell him I still have it.” 
“Actually,” James started, placing his drink down. He faced you, “It’s mine. I let him borrow it and I asked for it a few times now. He keeps telling me he’ll give it to me later but I had a feeling he was stalling because he lost it. Mystery solved.”
You blushed, “Sorry, did you want it back?” 
“No, it’s alright. Looks good on you,” he coughed, ducking his head to hide the slight blush on his cheeks, “Can’t sleep?” 
James nodded, “Yeah, me either. You can sit with me for a bit, if you want.” 
You pondered it for a moment until you finally decided that a conversation with James Potter was better than staring at an empty ceiling for the rest of the night. You limped to the seat in front of him, clutching your glass of water like a lifeline. 
“Are you still hurt?” James questioned, getting up to help you to your seat. He held your arm as you sat on the chair. Once you were situated, he knelt beside you, inspecting your leg, “You are still hurt. Why didn’t you tell anyone?”
“It’s not a big deal,” you sighed, rubbing the back of your neck in embarrassment. “We all had bigger things to worry about.”
“Why didn't you just cast a spell on it?”
“I’m not the best healer around,” you admitted, looking down at him. 
If it was any other circumstance, you would not have admitted your shortcomings to anyone— especially not James Potter. But perhaps it was the toll that the war had put upon you or the tiredness in your system… Or perhaps it was the way he was staring at you from his position on the floor, eyes wide with worry with the candlelight reflecting off his glasses and the look of absolute beauty on his face, that made you become so brutally honest. 
“And why didn’t you ask one of us to help you?” 
You scoffed, “Well, none of you are licensed healers, either. I figured I’d just live with it until it healed the muggle way.” 
“Always so prideful, you are,” he chuckled, pulling out his wand. He muttered a simple incantation and then studied your once injured limb. “There. Better?”
You looked down at it, pleasantly surprised that it was indeed better. You nodded, a skeptical look on your face. James dusted off his pajama pants and made his way over to the seat he occupied before. You tilted your head, “Where did you learn that?”
“I learned for Remus,” James said, “After his transformations, sometimes he would still be in pain from turning so I learned a few things to help him. Sometimes it helped, sometimes it didn’t but Remus always says that just the thought that I wanted to help him helped with his recovery. Load of rubbish, I say but who am I to decide that, right?”
James laughed at your reaction, drinking from his tea once more. A playful smile appeared on his lips, “I do have a heart, you know. I’m sure everyone else can see that but you.”
You rolled your eyes, “I know you have a heart, Potter. That’s not why I can’t stand you.”
“Enlighten me then.”
“Well, Godric, where do I start?” you hummed, a laugh escaping your throat. Now it was his turn to roll his eyes, smirking at your answer. You bit your lip, “Let’s see… you’re arrogant, cocky, obnoxiously loud. You act like you know everything, all the time.”
His eyebrows shot up. James’ tongue poked out to dampen his cracked lips, “Don’t hold back, I guess.” 
“Shut up,” you chuckled, “Your turn. Why do you hate me?” 
“Because you hate me.”
“Come off it,” you stared at him, shaking your head. “Why do you really hate me?”
“Seriously, that’s it. I only act like I don’t like you because you don’t like me. I don’t actually hate you, you know.” 
You were in shock. Your voice came out as a whisper, “Really?”
“Really yeah,” he shrugged, as if his confession was nothing, “You love Sirius, Remus, Peter, Lily, and all our friends like they’re family to you. I can tell you’re a genuinely good person with how you treat the most important people in my life. I can’t hate a good person.”
You pursed your lips, “Well, I only dislike you because you act like I’m not a good witch.” 
“Come on, James,” you gestured with your hands. “You act like I’m a bloody awful witch and an even worse person. Always have since we were in Hogwarts. I just always assumed you thought I wasn’t good enough.”
James was baffled, “Are you being serious right now?”
“I mean, yeah,” you began to explain, thinking back to the many moments in the past where he made you feel that way. “I remember when we first all found out about Remus. I promised I wouldn’t tell anyone but you still followed me for two months to make sure I didn’t say anything because you didn’t trust me. Or whenever Sirius would tell you to ask me for help on a prank that required some advanced charms, you would refuse to let me participate like I couldn’t possibly be any help to you. Or more recently, when we had that task to do and you blew up on me for not following the intended plan. You don’t think I’m capable.”
“Y/N, I never thought I made you feel that way,” James frowned. “I was just really scared for Remus. Even as a second year, I knew that he was going to be my best friend for life and I just wanted to protect him. I didn’t let Sirius drag you into our pranks because I knew you were aiming for a spotless record at Hogwarts. I didn’t wanna get you in trouble because honestly, a prank that didn’t end with at least one of us in detention was a failed prank.”
“Oh,” you squeaked, “I didn’t know that was where your mind was.” 
“Yeah,” James continued, “A-and as for the last task, I just didn’t want you hurt. We’ve lost enough people already. I’d hate to lose you, too.” 
“Careful, Prongs,” you teased, swirling the water around in your glass, “You’re gonna make me think you actually like me.” 
“I do, yeah,” he admitted, “I’m quite fond of you.”
The both of you stayed silent after those words left his lips. It wasn’t awkward, it was comfortable. It was the first time you two had a proper conversation and you learned things about each other that you never imagined. James continued to sip on his tea and you stared at each other from across the counter. You smiled at him, admiring the redness of his cheeks.
“Well,” you finally said, standing up. You placed the empty glass in the sink and made your way to the stairs, “I think I’ll turn in for the night.”
James smiled, showing off his perfect teeth, “Goodnight, Y/N/N.”
“Goodnight, Prongs,” you returned his smile, turning your back on him. Before you reached the first step, you turned back around, “James?”
“I think I can grow quite fond of you too.”
James’ eyes flickered from his tea to your face, his cheeks completely flushed pink by now. He bit the corner of his bottom lip, trying to suppress his smile. He chuckled, shaking his head, making his curls bounce around. You willed yourself to remember that image because it was the first time that you truly saw James Potter for who he was. 
Over the next few weeks, you and James began to grow closer. Your late night conversations almost became mandatory. He began to leave a cup of tea for you across from him where you sat the first night. It took him precisely three nights to finally make your cup the way you liked it without being told. He started to light the fireplace in the living room after seeing goosebumps rise on your skin a week and a half after the first night. Then by the third week of your traditions, he began to walk you up to your bedroom door to wish you a goodnight there. 
Sirius and Remus didn’t come to check in until a month later. Sirius, as always, made himself feel at home by raiding the kitchen and eating the food that you and James made earlier. Remus laughed from the living room, muttering about how Sirius acts like he doesn’t feed him. 
Sirius sat beside James, peering over the pile of parchment on the side of his desk. He nudged his best friend’s shoulder, “Surprised you and Y/N haven’t killed each other yet.” 
James blushed, “She’s not so bad, Pads.”
“Oh, I know that,” he hummed, taking a bite out of the biscuit in his hand, “Glad you know it now, too.”
“I never thought she was bad,” James frowned, placing his quill down to properly talk to Sirius, “Why does everyone think that I do?”
“Prongsie, darling, you would always shut up whenever she’d walk in. You’d avoid her like the plague.” 
“I just knew she didn’t like me, that’s all. Figured that if I shut up, she’ll see that I’m not so bad.” 
“Huh… Why did you want her to like you so bad anyway?” Sirius asked, sitting on the desk now, disregarding the work that James had done. He waited patiently for James to answer, but the answer never came. Instead, James’ cheeks flushed pink and the boy tried to hide his flustered expression by pretending to massage his temples. Sirius’ eyes widened and he jumped off the desk with excitement plastered over his face, “You fancy her! Merlin, how did I not see it before?! You fancy Y/N/N!”
“Will you—” James shushed Sirius, pulling him down by the fabric of his shirt. He was starting to draw attention to himself. James saw Remus stare at the two boys, puzzled as to why Sirius was running around like a dog. James wouldn’t be surprised if he turned into Padfoot just to swing his tail around. “Will you calm down?”
“Sorry, sorry,” he whispered, his lips still twisted in a large grin, “You fancy Y/N/N.”
“Yeah, I do,” James was embarrassed now. He didn’t expect to come clean to Sirius like this— not in the middle of a war. “I’ve always thought she was gorgeous, you know, even back in Hogwarts! I just never did anything about it because she hated me. I mean, really, genuinely, hated me. Then we got to know each other over this time and— I don’t know, Pads. She’s great.”
Sirius smiled so hard, James thought his lips would tear apart, “Yeah, she bloody is. Are you gonna tell her?”
His eyes widened at his best friend’s words as he frantically shook his head, “Merlin, no! Of course not! We’re in the middle of a war, Pads, and I’m sure she barely tolerates me. I doubt she’ll like me.” 
Before Sirius could reply, you appeared behind the two boys, an eyebrow raised, “What are we talking about gentlemen?” 
“Nothing!” James exclaimed, rubbing the back of his neck in fear, “Sirius was just saying how he needed to get home. Right now.” 
“Is this how you talk to your best friend that you haven’t seen in a month, Prongs?” 
Remus entered as well, laughing as he spoke, “Come on, Sirius. We do have to head home now. Nice to see you both.” 
“Always a pleasure, Moony,” you smiled, hugging them both before they apparated out of the house. You poked James’ cheek, “So what were you really talking about?” 
“Guy stuff,” he lied, returning his focus back to the parchment that Sirius messed up. 
“Guy stuff?” you snorted, grabbing his jaw and turning his head to look at you. James visibly gulped, all the color draining from his face. You cocked your head, not letting go of his face, “We’re lying to each other now, Potter? Shame.” 
“‘M not lying,” he said, voice shaky. You were so close to him. He could smell the strawberry chapstick you dabbed on your lips. Godric, your lips looked so kissable. 
“Yes you are,” you tutted, your palm now cupping his jaw. You didn’t even realize how intimate this move was, too busy looking into his eyes to notice your movements, “I can tell.” 
“You can’t look me in the eye,” you stated, eyes flickering to the different features on his face. You never noticed the small freckle on the bridge of his nose or the small, fading scar on the left side of his lips. “Whenever a good man is lying, he can never look at someone in the eye. So tell me, James, what were you guys talking about?” 
James still refused to look at you in the eye. He couldn’t bring himself to because he knew you were right. The minute his eyes met yours, he would crack like an egg. Instead, he focused it on your parted lips, feeling your breath tickle the tip of his nose as you spoke. He mumbled, “I can’t tell you that.”
You didn’t know what came over you but when you spoke again, your voice came out as a sultry tone— breathy and slowly dragging your words, “Please.”
James’ eyes immediately jumped to look at yours once he heard the tone of your voice. He’d never heard you use that tone before and he would be lying if he said it didn’t make him weak in the knees. And for the sixth time in your life, you saw the nervous James Potter again. In a moment of weakness, he spoke, “You. We were talking about you.” 
“Me?” you asked, shocked by his revelation. Your hand that was once cupping his face was now hanging off his shoulder. You twirled a curl on the nape of his neck around your index finger, slightly tugging it. It took all of James’ willpower not to groan at the pressure. “What could you have possibly been saying about me?”
“How utterly insufferable you are,” James nudged his nose with yours, tilting his head the slightest bit. His tongue poked out of his lips, licking them in both nervousness and excitement. 
“I’m only insufferable because you make me this way,” you tilted your head the opposite direction. Your lips were moving towards each other with every breath you took. 
“Is that so?”
“Yes,” you whispered, closing your eyes. You let your lips ghost over his, before pulling away. You opened your eyes to taunt him, a mischievous smirk on your face. You pulled away from him, untangling his hair from your finger. 
“See, you’re proving my point. You’re insufferable,” James said. 
And with that, he pulled you by your waist, a surprised squeal left your mouth. He placed you on his lap before he kissed you. You instantly wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you. His lips melted with yours, tongues shying away from each other until he finally had the courage to caress yours with his. James squeezed your hips, pushing you down his lap. A soft moan escaped your throat and that brought James back to reality. 
Before things could escalate, he pulled away— lips bruised and completely out of breath. You smiled at him, biting your bottom lip. He returned the favor, running a hand through his hair.
“I didn’t want to continue without telling you,” James confessed, “I like you. A lot, actually. I don’t want you to think this means nothing to me because it does. I-I hope it means something to you, too. If it doesn’t, let me know because I don’t want to do this if I’m just setting myself up for failure here.” 
Your features softened at his words. You cupped his face in your hands, once again, and kissed the tip of his nose, then each cheek, then his forehead, and finally, his lips. It was an innocent one, less steamy and passionate than the first, but lovely regardless. You intertwined your fingers with his, “This means something to me, too, Potter. You’re not the only one who feels that way.” 
“Really?” he asked, now grinning widely. He connected his forehead with yours, chuckling, “Who would’ve thought we’d get here?”
“Not me,” you giggled, “However, don’t think I won’t bicker with you now that I know you’re an incredible kisser.” 
“I didn’t expect you to go easy on me,” James laughed, wrapping his arms around you. “But now, I can just kiss you to shut you up.” 
You pretended to think about it for a moment with a fond smile, “Hmm.. I suppose that’ll work.” 
James pulled you closer to his body, looking up at you as you sat on his lap. He murmured into the skin of your neck, “See? Insufferable.” 
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marvelyningreen · 4 years
[Summary: You’d always struggled with your mutant abilities. Now, as doubts and frustrations weigh on your mind, you find encouragement from both a friend, and from a mentor.
Warnings: mild language
Notes: Peter Maximoff x reader, featuring Professor Xavier for platonic reassurance (because the world can always use more platonic fluff.) Set in a corner of the multiverse where the X-Men reboot timeline is happening largely as in canon, but the Dark Phoenix storyline isn’t. ]
You shut your eyes tightly. Focus, focus…
           With every fiber of your being tensed in concentration, you have to remind yourself to breathe. You should be able to do this.
           For a moment – for the briefest instant - you think you feel a lightening in your heels. But that realization breaks your concentration. With a sudden jerk – like the falling sensation that comes when you’re about to fall asleep – your heels thud back into the ground.
           You swear quietly under your breath, grateful that everyone else is busy with class at the moment, meaning they won’t see you out in the gardens. It’s enough of an embarrassment to be struggling like this without the added pressure of an audience. You’d better take a break, though, before you burst a blood vessel or something.
           You don’t even have a chance to register the impossibly fast breeze that shoots by you before you hear a familiar voice say:
           “Whatcha doin’?”
           And it nearly makes you jump out of your skin, just like every time.
           “Cripes, Peter!” you gasp, “You’re gonna give me a heart attack.”
           Peter’s grin turns a little sheepish, and he shoves his hands in his pockets.
           “Sorry,” he says. “Hang on, let me try again.”
           And then he’s disappeared, and you hear the measured sound of footsteps on the paved pathway. A few seconds later, Peter strolls casually into view around the corner of the hedgerow. He pauses, spreading his arms and tilting his head slightly.
           “That better?”
           You can’t help but laugh. Somehow, even his sarcasm seems cheerful. You feel bad for being short with him, even if you were startled.
           “I’m sorry,” you say, “I shouldn’t have snapped at you. I was just lost in thought, and you caught me off-guard.”
           “I’ll say. But my original question stands. What are you doing out here?”
           Even when he’s intentionally slowing himself down, Peter still talks quite fast. When you’d first met him, it’d take you a second to process what he’d said. These days, it’s easier for you to keep pace – at least with his conversation.
           “You’re asking me, the groundskeeper, what I’m doing out on the grounds?”
           You give him a wry smile, hoping the answer will throw him off track. You’re not sure you want to discuss your current state of mind with anyone, and especially not Peter Maximoff. You blink, and he’s standing much closer than before.
           “That’d be a fair answer,” he says, “Except for the fact that you forgot to turn the lights off in the cottage before you left, and you only do that when something’s bugging you.”
           Your brows furrow. “Did you just-?”
           “Nah.” Peter shakes his head. “I didn’t know where you were, so I swung by the cottage first. And you weren’t there, and you weren’t in the mansion, so I came looking for you out here.”
           You immediately seize on the opportunity to change the subject.
           “You were looking for me? Why, do you need something?”
           “Nope. I was just bored. But you’re out here looking like somebody took a hedge-trimmer to your rosebushes. What’s got you so frustrated?”
           He’s looking keenly at you with those big dark eyes of his, and you feel your resolve start to weaken. You turn away, trying not to make it obvious that you’re avoiding his gaze.
           “Don’t worry about it,” you say. “It’s nothing.”
           He’s right beside you now, and he nudges your shoulder teasingly.
           “Come on, talk to me. What’s going on?”
           He nudges you again. “You’ll feel better if you talk about it.”
           His wheedling is unfairly effective.
           “I was trying to-”
But then you clam up. It’ll sound silly to say it out loud, especially considering your lack of success. Peter waits a moment, watching you expectantly.
“You were trying to…?” he repeats, when it becomes clear that you aren’t going to continue.
You know you can trust Peter. He might be inclined to use his powers for pranks, but he’s not the sort of person who’d mock you for your shortcomings. And he wouldn’t keep asking if he didn’t actually care to hear the answer. You sigh, gritting your teeth.
“I was trying to levitate,” you mutter.
Peter lets out an impressed whistle. “Levitation, huh? You’re swinging for the fences.”
“I’m telekinetic,” you say. “Logically speaking, if I telekinetically push against the ground, it should push me into the air. I mean, Mr. Lehnsherr can make himself levitate while only being able to control metal, right? I should be able to do this.”
Hank would be quick to point out that Mr. Lehnsherr is able to levitate by manipulating the earth’s magnetic field rather than by manipulating metal itself, but that’s hardly the point. And-
And now Peter’s laughing. You cross your arms, nonplussed.
“It’s not funny!”
“No, I know,” he says, “I’m not laughing at that. What’s funny is hearing you call him ‘Mr. Lehnsherr.’ Why do you always do that?”
“It’s not like I go around calling the professor ‘Charles,’” you argue. You feel a little disrespectful even saying it hypothetically.
           “Well, sure. ‘Professor’ is his title. But you don’t call Hank ‘Mr. McCoy.’”
           “That’s different,” you protest. “I can’t call my best friend’s dad by his first name. It’d be too weird!”
           There’s a second of silence as you both process what you’d just said.
           Sure, Peter is your closest friend, but you’d never said it in so many words. Did it sound silly? Did it make things weird? Well, it’s too late to take it back now. Peter grins at you, and he speaks before you can try to backpedal.
           “Alright, then as your best friend, I’m gonna give you some advice. You know what your problem is?” he says, wagging a finger at you. “You get stuck in your head and psych yourself out all the time. Here – I got an idea.”
           Peter reaches down to the Discman clipped to his belt and presses play, then skips ahead a few tracks. He settles one of his ever-present headphones onto his ear, and offers the other to you.
           You hesitate.
           “I’m going somewhere with this. I promise,” he says. He raises his eyebrows inquiringly, and extends his hand again.
           Peter smiles as you finally take the headphone and place it over your ear.
           “Now,” he says, “Just take a second and listen. Relax. Breathe.”
           Well, he might know what he’s talking about. You’ve noticed that live music is one of the few things that can get him to voluntarily stay in one place. You exhale, closing your eyes.
 ‘You got me wrapped around your finger,
Do you have to let it linger?
Do you have to, do you have to, do you have to let it linger?’
             You’d first met Peter a few weeks after you’d started working here at the school. One morning, this silver-haired young man with pretty, dark eyes and a charming grin had appeared at your door, introducing himself as Peter Maximoff.
           That in itself wasn’t strange. You hadn’t gone more than a day without someone stopping by the cottage to check on you, or just to talk. You were never certain, but you had a hunch those visits were at the behest of Professor Xavier.
           Peter, on the other hand? You’re pretty sure his visit was prompted by the scent of freshly baked strawberry pie emanating from the cottage’s tiny kitchen.
Peter was one of your most frequent visitors after that. He’s always happy to taste-test any and all baked goods you’d whip up. He’s good company, and easy to talk to. And if there are days that you don’t feel much like talking yourself, he’s easy to listen to.
Drifting back out of your reverie, you open your eyes to see Peter watching you. He smiles.
“Little better?”
You nod.
“Yeah,” you say, quietly. “Thanks. It’s just… I’m so bad at this.”
           Peter frowns, confused. “Bad at what?”
           “This. All of it.” You gesture vaguely at your hands, and then at yourself, trying to indicate your own mutant abilities. “People hear I work at Xavier’s school, and they expect me to be like the Professor, or like Jean, or you.”
           “Huh. Not seeing the common thread there. What do you mean, like me?”
           “Like… Well, you know – exceptional. Important. But I’m not, and I never have been. You can do such incredible things, and I struggle more than half of the students. Maybe I shouldn’t have come here. Maybe I’d be better off back out there, pretending to be normal, instead of here, pretending that I belong.”
           Peter’s face had lit up for a moment at hearing you call him exceptional, but the smile faded as you’d gone on. Now he looks frustrated, and almost sad, but he quickly straightens up and looks you earnestly in the eyes.
           “So you’re not as powerful as Jean or the professor. So what? That doesn’t mean you’ll never get any stronger than you are now. And if you wanna talk about me, well,” Peter scoffs and spreads his arms self-deprecatingly, “I started out as a punk-ass shoplifter.”
           You laugh involuntarily. He’s so blunt and matter-of-fact about it that you can’t help it. Peter seems to take your reaction as encouragement.
           “And then I met the professor, and Hank, and Mystique,” he says. “And I came here. Look how much has changed for me since then.”
           You shake your head. “That’s different.”
           Peter cuts you off.
           “Listen,” he says. He steps closer, taking your hands in his. “Of course it’s different. You’re not me, and I’m not you. But don’t think for a second that you don’t belong here, because you do. And I… I want you to stay.”
Still moving at a normal pace – which seems oddly slow for him – Peter reaches up and gently brushes your hair behind your ear.
As his hand lingers, you lean your head against it ever so slightly before you realize what you’re doing. Peter hesitates for a second, and then that grin of his returns.
Slowly, still, he steps closer to you again, wrapping an arm around your waist, leaning in until his face is an inch from yours. He pauses.
“May I?”
“Yes,” you say, breathless.
And then he pulls you close, and your hand settles against the nape of his neck, resting against his soft silver hair, and all you can think is how long you’d been wishing that he’d kiss you. But Peter is a flirt with everyone, right? It’s part of his charm. You didn’t want to let yourself think that you were special to him at all.
But here he is – seeking out your company, kissing you in the gardens like the silly romantic that he is – and just for a moment it seems like everything else is drifting away.
Peter pulls back slowly.
“See, what’d I tell you? The second you stop psyching yourself out, you’re a natural.” Peter grins in response to your puzzled expression. “Just, y’know, don’t look down.”
“What do you mean, don’t l-”
And at this moment you realize that your feet aren’t touching the ground anymore. You’re floating, effortlessly, ten feet in the air with Peter in your arms.
Your heart lurches in an instant of panic, but between the music in your ear and Peter leaning in for a second kiss, you don’t lose control.
In fact, you find that you’ve gained it. In your mind, you press down experimentally, lifting the pair of you a foot or two higher, before gently lowering yourself down until you’re once again standing on the ground.
Peter opens his mouth to speak, and then seems to catch sight of something behind you.
“Oh, hey, Professor,” he says. “How long have you been there?”
Peter manages to keep an arm wrapped casually around your shoulders you whirl around to see Professor Xavier at the end of the hedgerow, watching you with an amused expression.
“Not long,” he says.
Damn it, you can feel your face going beet red. Peter coughs awkwardly, hurrying on to answer a question the professor hadn’t asked.
“We were just doing some, uh…” he catches your eye for a second, “Tutoring.”
You fight the urge to facepalm. Why couldn’t you have invisibility powers instead?
“A unique approach,” says the professor. “Peter, aren’t you supposed to be assisting with a chemistry lecture this afternoon?”
Peter grins.
“What, are you worried that I’m gonna be late? Me?” He leans back in to give you a peck on the cheek. “Bye.”
And then he’s gone, leaving you alone with Professor Xavier. You’re scrambling to figure out how best to politely make your exit when the professor speaks.
           “It’s lovely weather out here,” he says. “Why don’t you walk with me for a bit?”
“Well, I… Uh… Okay.”
You fall in step beside his wheelchair, and the two of you go in silence.
Forget invisibility. At this moment, you wish that you were telepathic. That way, you’d be able to block the professor from experiencing the secondhand awkwardness of your flustered thoughts.
           As you’re stewing, you hear him chuckle.
“I run a school full of teenagers, you know,” he says. “That was hardly a shocking tryst.”
That’s a fair point.
“It’s also hardly the sort of thing you want your boss to walk in on,” you say.  Though the initial embarrassment has faded, you still feel a little nervous.
You’ve always been a bit in awe of Professor Xavier. He’s a kind man, and he has a knack for putting people at ease. But part of you worries about your lack of progress, and the possibility that others might think it reflects badly on him. You don’t want to disappoint him like that.
“I imagine you wonder, sometimes,” says the professor at length, “Why I don’t just use my own abilities to unlock yours.”
Your silence speaks volumes. He’s not wrong, but you don’t want to admit to it in so many words. The professor smiles faintly, and continues.
“I’ve seen what happens when someone unlocks the full extent of a mutant’s abilities in an instant. The results are… unpleasant.”
You don’t have to be psychic to know what he’s referring to. Four years ago, in Cairo, a being that the news had dubbed Apocalypse and his four power-enhanced lackeys nearly destroyed human civilization. It’s not surprising that the professor would be leery of using such tactics himself, and you know he’s right.
“And even if that wasn’t the case,” he says, “I’d be taking away your opportunity to grow into them on your own. And with that, there’s a risk that you might never fully understand and appreciate them, or yourself.”
           You know he’s right, again, but it doesn’t reassure you very much.
           “To be honest, Professor,” you say, “I don’t think I’ve grown at all so far. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Maybe I’m too old to start learning these things.”
“Nonsense.” The professor’s tone is a little stern, but still gentle. “You know, in many ways, you’re very much the opposite of someone like myself. While I was overwhelmed by powers I couldn’t control, you struggle to access a power that constantly eludes you. You know it’s there, just out of reach – like words to a song you can’t quite remember.”
           You sigh, turning your gaze to the ground. This is something you hardly need to be reminded of. Still, it’s a little bit reassuring that he can understand it without you having to fumble around trying to explain it. But what he says next catches you off-guard.
“I’m sorry,” he says quietly. “I’ve been neglecting you.”
           Surprised, you look over at the professor. His brows are furrowed, and there’s something like regret in his eyes. You hurry to contradict him.
           “You haven’t!” you say. “You’ve got so many things to worry about already. If it’s not a crisis, it’s a catastrophe – and running the school on top of that? That all takes precedence; I understand that.”
           You understand, and you don’t mind. Much. The professor shakes his head.
           “It’s been relatively peaceful here for some time. You’re not a child, but you’re still my student, and I’ve neglected to see to your training. For that, you must let me apologize, and let me promise to make up for lost time. But in return, I’d like you to promise me something, as well.”
“Of course,” you say, mystified, “But… promise you what, exactly?”
“This school isn’t simply a place of academic learning,” he says. “It’s a place for people like us to find one another. Though our lives and experiences may be different, we give ourselves the chance to connect with each other, to learn from each other.”
           You’re starting to get his drift. “So… I’ve been neglecting my studies on that front, is that right?”
           The professor nods, but you don’t see disappointment in his expression – merely patience.
           “You have,” he says. “You believe that you’re weak, and because you’re ashamed of that weakness, you hide away and keep to yourself, but that only discourages you more. But if you stop running from yourself – if you were to reach back when someone reaches out to you…”
           “You mean, like… with Peter? Just now?” You sound silly even to your own ears. Your awkwardness seems to amuse the professor.
           “I don’t mean that exact method, specifically,” he says, biting back a smile, “But, yes. Perhaps a friendship like his is exactly the encouragement you need.”
           You fall silent again, considering this. It’s true; you haven’t mentioned your doubts and frustrations to anyone before now. You’d honestly expected to feel worse about opening up to someone, to feel the need to double-down on your self-sufficient attitude to compensate for any vulnerability.
           But you don’t feel that way. You’re still a little hesitant, sure, and you don’t expect that’s going to go away anytime soon. Still… this wasn’t the catastrophic moment of failure you’d anticipated. Peter didn’t laugh at you, or dismiss your feelings. He stuck by you and tried to help. You hadn’t expected that. It’s nice.
“I know you feel that you should be doing more,” says the professor, “But you must understand, what we’re working towards is a time when mutants don’t have to justify their existence through acts of dangerous heroism. What I hope for is a time when our kind is free to simply exist, using our skills to better our communities, our world, and ourselves, just like any other human being.”
You’re not sure how to describe it, but sometimes there’s something about the professor that’s so reassuringly, resolutely hopeful that it makes everything seem a little less dire.
“I know,” you say, smiling faintly, “But I still do want to help.”
“You are helping,” he insists, “Or haven’t you noticed how more and more students come out to the gardens to study?”
Come to think of it, you have noticed that. When you’d started working here, you could go weeks without seeing a soul outside, and now the garden is almost a more popular destination than the library.
“See, I knew it was a good idea to update the patio furniture,” you say. “Those old iron chairs are beautiful, but so uncomfortable to sit on for more than ten minutes at a-”
You break off, looking curiously at the professor, who’s smiling as he shakes his head.
“They don’t come out here for the furniture. They come out here to see you.”
You blink, surprised. That can’t be right. Or…
You think back to your first year working at the school. The students would gather on the grassy areas of the grounds, but generally not in the gardens themselves. You figured this had something to do with the rather austere layout and, after getting the professor’s blessing, you began incorporating more cottage-garden style flowers. It’d brightened the place up considerably.
One afternoon, as you were hauling wheelbarrowfuls of mulch, you came across one of the younger students. Said student literally had steam pouring from her ears as she stared at the schoolwork spread out on the bench beside her.
If only to prevent anything from catching fire, you stopped and asked her what she was working on. It was history homework, and she was having trouble memorizing the names of the important figures in the era.
Now, you may not be a particularly strong mutant, but you were usually good at school. You sat down with the girl and helped her figure out a mnemonic that made sense to her.
You saw the girl in the gardens frequently after that, and sometimes her friends would join her, and they’d flag you down to tell you what they were learning about. The gardens became a favorite study spot for older students, too.
You’d never really thought about it before now, but every time the students would try to catch your attention, it was to talk through a concept they were struggling with. Huh…
“You have a knack for thinking about things from a different angle,” the professor goes on. “Are you quite certain you don’t want to teach?”
You get the feeling he’s only half-serious, and you laugh. “Oh, I’d be useless trying to put together a curriculum. I think I’d better stick to giving freelance advice.”
“Fair enough. I can tell you this much,” says the professor, “There’s much more in you than you know yet. And, for what it’s worth, I’ve never seen Peter so content to pace himself in everyday life.”
           Yup, you’re blushing again. You can feel it.
           You’ve circled back around to the doors. To his credit, the professor seems to understand that he’s given you enough to think about for one day, and takes his leave.
           “Well, it was a lovely afternoon for a turn around the gardens,” he says, “I noticed that the zinnias are getting ready to bloom. Might I trouble you to bring some in for my study this week? They always seem to brighten up the place.”
           “Absolutely, sir,” you say. “And, Professor? Thank you.”
The professor smiles, and bids you good afternoon.
           As you walk away from the mansion, your thoughts turn back to Peter, and you smile to yourself. You know exactly what your next baking project is going to be: a chocolate cake with real buttercream frosting – Peter’s favorite.
           And suddenly, your arms are held out in front of you. In your hands is a little potted tea rose plant – the sort you’d find at a grocery store’s floral department. There’s a note stuck amongst the leaves, written in slanted, hurried-looking script:
           Figured you’d prefer something that lasts a little longer than a bouquet. See you tonight, maybe? <3 Peter
           He really is sweet. Ridiculous, but sweet. If you hurry to finish the last of your work, you’ll have just enough time to bake that cake before evening.
           You can picture yourself putting the finishing touches on the frosting, only to blink and find that a piece of cake is missing, and to turn around and find Peter sitting on your couch, already halfway through the slice.
           The thought makes you smile again. Carefully hugging the little rose to your chest, you hurry along.
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ladyeliot · 4 years
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Stay with me
Prequel to  It will always be you.
Pairing: Tony Stark x Avenger Female Reader
Summary: Because of the consequences of your actions, 117 nations come together to create the Sokovia Accords. Now a decision hangs over you, whether to sign them or not, whatever you do will have repercussions.
Warnings: Angst.
Word count: 3702
A/N: Civil War. Some of the dialogue is taken from the film. Sorry for my spelling and grammatical mistakes, English is not my native language, I am learning.
Reader Powers: Psionic. You use psionic force to track any sentient being. You also create psychic shields to protect yourself. You can project psychic force bolts which have no physical effects but which can affect a victim's mind, causing them pain.
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The evidence was clear, the position you were currently in had come about because of some very poor performance on your part, the news had echoed the catastrophes you had caused, especially the attack on Lagos, the governments had lined up to stop it and come to a common agreement to keep you under their command. Deep down you all knew that day would come, though you were confident it would be further away. It had been almost four years since Tony Stark had rescued you from your past, from being a contraption held in a laboratory for research. You had been offered a future where you no longer had to run or hide, you had been offered freedom, a purpose in life, but that bundle of paperwork in front of your eyes was meant to make you a prisoner of the government once again.
The discussion had been getting louder and louder, the different opinions countering each other were causing the nerves to come to the fore, alternating the atmosphere. Although the resolution was clear, there was nothing to be done, you were either with them or against them, becoming a fugitive wanted by the whole world. The Sokovia Accords were established by the United Nations and ratified by 117 nations, and what they proposed was to regulate the activities of the altered individuals, namely that the Avengers would cease to be a private organisation, and from now on would operate under the supervision of a United Nations panel, and only when and if that panel deemed it necessary.
There was no turning back, the consequences had been placed before you for the acts you had committed, it was a one way street, not a return. Secretary Ross had been in charge of presenting you with the whole set of papers that would have to be signed by you, but convincing you all to agree was not going to be so easy. 
“So let's say we agree to this thing,” Sam said, unresponsive to the situation. “How long is it gonna be before they LoJack us like a bunch of common criminals?”
“A 117 countries want to sign this,” Rhodes reminded him.  “117, Sam, and you're just like, ‘No, that's cool. We got it.’”
Unlike them, you chose to keep a few metres away from the meeting table, remain silent and meditate with yourself on the proposal, not that you didn't know the pros and cons or the consequences of not signing the agreements, but that you wanted to analyse the situation from different points of view without the others questioning your opinions.
"Tony. You are being uncharacteristically non-hyper-verbal," Natasha said, turning her gaze to Tony.
“It's because he's already made up his mind,” Steve's tone seemed harsher than usual.
“Boy, you know me so well,” Tony countered sarcastically, then turned his gaze and gestured in your direction.  "She does seem to have made up her mind what her decision is."
You felt the gaze of everyone present focus on you, who unlike him preferred to be absorbed in the shadows, hiding from the attention of your companions. But in the end, perhaps his words were true and you had made a decision, a decision that you were not going to allow anyone to choose for you.
"I guess it's not as simple as you're trying to make us believe Tony," your tone was calm and affable, knowing that you were about to receive a sarcastic and ironic counterattack from him.
"Simple?" he gets up from the sofa raising his hands, walking towards the kitchen area, where you were sitting on a stool. "You think it's simple for me?" he pulls a mobile device out of his pocket and sets it down right in front of you on the top, the device projecting an image of a smiling young man. "Oh, that's Charles Spencer, by the way. He's a great kid. Computer engineering degree, 3.6 GPA. Had a floor level gig at Intel planned for the fall. But first, he wanted to put a few miles on his soul, before he parked it behind a desk. See the world. Maybe be of service. Charlie didn't want to go to Vegas or Fort Lauderdale, which is what I would do. He didn't go to Paris or Amsterdam, which sounds fun. He decided to spend his summer building sustainable housing for the poor. Guess where, Sokovia."
You look down, you understand perfectly what he means, you remember what happened in Sokovia, you remember because you were there, you saw with your own eyes what happened and also the consequences of your actions. But you knew that any decision had consequences and they could have been much worse if you had not acted, although there were also causes for your own fault.
"He wanted to make a difference, I suppose," Tony continued, looking directly at you, his tone rising and stiffening. "I mean, we won't know because we dropped a building on him while we were kicking ass."
After his last word, silence filled the room, everyone in the room was reliving the ghosts of the past. Tony definitely realising that you weren't going to look up to return his gaze decided to head back into the room with the others.
"There's no decision-making process here. We need to be put in check! Whatever form that takes..."
You felt his voice trailing off, then Steve seemed to come in to debate various points, but you could barely focus on what each of them was saying. An internal struggle was going on inside you, and you couldn't wait to see who was going to win.
"I have to go."
You looked up after hearing those words spoken by Steve, his body rose energetically, dropping the agreements from his hand. That was the beginning of all the consequences that were to come after we had made the decision not to sign.
Your steps were decisive, you walked through those long corridors that had become your home for the last few years, knowing that you would most likely never see them again, or at least not for an indefinite period of time. You truly believed you had made a decision, a decision that could become the decision of a lifetime, a before and after in the life process you had created for yourself. You believed that you knew the consequences, that you would be willing to face them as they came. You knew there were going to be setbacks, obstacles, but you didn't expect one as big as him to stand in your way.
"So you've made your decision?" the figure of Tony stood in the doorway of your room, a serious look on his face seeming to immobilise you. "Are you going to leave with Steve?
"I think it's for the best," your words were blunt, as you packed your most essential belongings into a rucksack.
His body entered your room just before the door closed behind him. You knew Tony well enough to know that his next words to you were likely to make an impression on you, but your mind was made up.
"Did you hear anything I just said in the living room?" he pursed his lips and ran his fingers nervously over them.
"Don't make this difficult for me," those words left your lips almost as a plea.
You barely looked at him, your back was turned to him and your eyes were focused on the inside of that backpack that seemed to have no end.
"I suppose you know that your decision is a single ticket," his words were firm. "That you're basically signing your own fucking sentence."
"No," you dropped the backpack and turned to him to find yourself face to face. "That's exactly what I'm running from," you sighed. "I think you of all people know that I know what it's like to be someone's property, that I've been for far too long and that's what really scares me," your pupils dilated as you remembered every single moment you'd lived hidden from the world, being an experiment. "I don't need guys in ties fighting for their own interests telling me what to do or where to go, because my freedom ends when they command me," the seriousness on Tony's face had relaxed, he kept his gaze on his feet and nodded. "I want you to know that I'm going with Steve because you had already made your decision."
The tension spread slightly around you, so much was hidden in those words, much more than what was shown. The complexity of the situation went far beyond signing or not signing the agreements, it was the break-up of a group, of friends, of family, something that could never be put back together again.
"I... I don't know if I'm going to be able to protect you," Tony clenched his jaw as he denied to himself, resting his brown eyes on yours again.
"I never asked you to."
You knew perfectly well how much your words must have hurt him, and what he meant when he said he couldn't protect you. There were so many hidden things in the air, but this was not the right time to start that conversation, maybe it was too late, nothing was going to change things so you asked yourself to please not make things more complicated. You turned around and nimbly zipped up your backpack, everything you had of great sentimental value was inside.
"I'm sorry," you whispered, hanging the backpack over your right shoulder and looking up at him.
"You're not sorry," his tone became serious, but at the same time indifferent, he was hurt. His gaze turned away from yours.
"This isn't what I wanted to happen," you whispered hoping that wasn't the last image you would see of him before you left.
"So, all you have to do was stay," those were the words that almost caused something inside you to stir, but you only gave a small, wistful smile as you looked at his face.
"You know I can't," you whispered hoping he wouldn't extract his share of indifference towards you again. "Please don't make it more complicated for me, because I can't deal with you right now.”
It was impossible to explain to you at that moment the dilemma that was building up inside you. On the one hand your ethics and your values were what prevented you from signing those damn papers that limited and curtailed your freedoms, it was something you assumed. On the other hand, how could it be so hard to leave Tony, why, what was going on right now that you couldn't face?
"Maybe you should just leave now," Tony slipped his hands into his Tom Ford trouser pockets and focused his gaze on the door to your room.
You nodded slowly, your brow furrowed and your lips parted as you didn't expect those words at all, you were ready to start an internal struggle, but he had already sentenced the conversation.
"Alright," you muttered, taking a step backwards, away from him. "Bye Tony."
As you got closer to that door a lump settled tighter in your throat, like a dramatic movie you expected him to say something to stop you at any moment, but he didn't. The door opened and allowed you to leave. The corridors seemed miles long, perhaps because time was slowing down. A black car could be seen from the wide glass windows, there were Steve and Sam waiting for you. A guilty smile appeared on your face as you walked back through the hall, bidding farewell to those present.
As you stepped outside, the air seemed to open up your lungs again, which had been stuck after the last goodbye you had said to Tony. Sam was inside the car, and Steve took care of getting your rucksack into the boot, along with his shield and Sam's wings.
"Are you all right?" muttered Steve, to which your response was a gentle nod.
As you rested your hand on the handle to open the car door, you couldn't help but direct your gaze towards the top of the building, right where you had left Tony a few minutes ago. But there was definitely no sign coming from that spot to stop you from continuing on your way.
The next few days the situation became more complex than anyone here would have expected. Agent Carter's funeral passed without incident, Natasha appeared to inform you that she was leaving for Vienna to sign the agreements, that there was still a chance for you to change your minds, but none of you did. Perhaps it was for the best, because during the signing an attack happened on the spot, an attack that changed the course of things. All eyes were on the Winter Soldier, Bucky, that directed Steve, Sam and you to Bucharest in a supposed attempt to get to Bucky before the authorities did.
"They're on the roof," Sam reported over the intercom.
"Steve get out of there right now," you said hiding on the roof of the building next door. "I can sense you but I can't surround your body with psychic energy unless you come out into the open."
That day was one of the worst failures you had ever managed to pull off, perhaps it was obvious that things didn't go quite right when feelings ran high, and it showed in Steve, especially when law enforcement trapped you in that tunnel.
"Stand down, now," War machine appeared before you to end the fatal chase and set you on your way to Berlin.
You knew what would follow, there was only one way out or the consequences would be far more extreme, either sign the agreements or become prisoners of the law. Things were different for you, Captain could have his shield removed, Sam could have his wings removed and T'Challa, who had appeared in pursuit out of nowhere could have his suit removed too, but you and Bucky were far more dangerous, especially as your powers and dangers were in the mind.
When you arrived at the facility in that armoured truck Bucky was put in an extreme protection capsule, that marked memory making you remember the past time.
"What's going to happen to him?" asked Steve walking beside you in the direction of Everett Ross, Deputy Commander of the Joint Forces.
"The same as you. Psychological evaluation and extradition," he focused his gaze on you.  "Miss Y/L/N, let's hope you'll be cooperative."
You understood his words, you knew the fear you could cause, force could be controlled, the mind was much more complicated.
"Of course," you affirmed with all your good intentions.
You didn't know where, but you assumed that in a few minutes you were going to meet him again in some remote part of that building, you could feel it. First it was Natasha who approached you, and then when you stepped inside the control room there was Tony, talking on the phone.
"[...] consequences?" he turned his body towards you, his gaze fixed on you, which made you cross your arms and look around, avoiding her. "Of course there will be consequences."
"Consequences?" asked Steve with a serious look on his face.
"Secretary Ross wants to prosecute the three of you. I had to give something."
You walked away from them, realising that you had two armed men following your every step around that room. You watched the monitors, every corner of the planet seemed to be controlled by them, there was nothing they could miss, you could even see yourself reflected in one of them.
"Is it worth it?" you turned your face to find yourself face to face with the one who had made you doubt your decision a few days ago.
He took his right hand out of one of his trouser pockets and made a slight gesture for the two security officers who had been assigned to you to move a little away from you, offering you some privacy.
"What do you mean?" you cocked your head to one side. Your voice was stiff, you were tense enough about the situation to offer him a friendly tone.
"I don't know, was it worth risking everything to find yourself back here with possible legal charges?" you didn't deny it, Tony's words hurt.
"Are you rejoicing?" you squinted, uncrossing your arms and turning your whole body towards him.
"How do you think this will all end?" he ran his index finger down the side of his mouth, his nervousness showing. Those words made you shudder. "Now you have a chance, don't let it slip away."
"Please, don't make this worse than it already is," your pleas were in vain. The last thing you wanted right now was a lecture from Tony.
"This wouldn't even abe problem, if you wouldn't make one out of it!" his voice was authoritative.
Your refusals and hesitations had gotten on his nerves, it was evident in the way he was addressing you. That was the last thing you wanted to do, to cause trouble, but it was clear that you were on the defensive against any verbal attack Tony might offer you. Sparks could almost fly between your gazes, which were still on after the conversation was over. You had no idea what was going to happen next, so you were grateful that Natasha caught Tony's attention at that moment, breaking into a battle that wasn't going anywhere.
The hours passed really slowly, so you found a space in a glassed-in conference room to settle in, under, of course, the watchful eye of the guards in charge of you, until you were called in for your psychological analysis.
"Do you need anything?" the door closed behind him.
"Are you playing good cop?" you asked watching as he dropped his blazer on a chair and sat down right next to you. "You're not giving up, are you?"
"I'll take every last cartridge," he leaned his elbow on the table and dropped his chin into the palm of his hand. "You know, I was just remembering earlier when we all went to that Italian restaurant in Soho on your birthday, and then we were at the concert by.... Oh, what was the name of the band? "
"What are you trying Tony?" you cocked your head to the side with a small smile on your face.
"I'm trying to... how do you say?" he rested his index finger on your lips. "Signing a peace agreement? Trying to get to your sensitive spot, because you have one, right?"
"I don't know, I guess if you have one I might as well, huh?" you arched an eyebrow, intertwining your fingers on the table, causing him to make a gesture of placing his hands on yours, but he never got to touch them by restraining himself, so you ignored the gesture.  "Do you want to sign a peace agreement with me, or do you want me to sign the Sokovia Accords?"
He took a breath and let it out slowly through his nostrils. He was completely frustrated, you knew it, you could feel it, he had rarely been involved in those situations that were out of his control.
"Listen," he paused slightly, bringing his fingers to his chin. "I think it's time that I..." he tore his gaze away from yours, let it wander, searching for his words as he gestured with his right hand. "I've tried many times, to do this but.... God, this really is the worst time to do it." He looked around nervously and then crossed his arms, but quickly pulled them apart. "Whatever. We're... well, I... it's likely that I, maybe, can feel..."
You would remember that moment all your life, especially since you wouldn't know until many years later what he meant to say to you. At that moment the lights went out, the monitors stopped working and everything was dark around you, only red flickering lights would have made their way into your darkness. Your head swivelled around you in search of whatever it was that was going on, Tony got up from his seat and placed his glasses over his eyes.
"Friday, give me the source of the blackout," he said to himself.
Finally your eyes focused on Steve and Sam, who were standing next to Sharon in the next room. You listened as Sharon informed them of Bucky's location, and a last glance towards you informed you that they were going to head that way, but just as you were about to leave that meeting room a hand came down hard around your arm.
"Stay with me," the trembling words that came from his lips seemed to shake your insides.
"I can't," you mumbled through your teeth almost with all the pain in your heart.
His fingers loosened, allowing you to leave the room as quickly as possible, but you took one last second to contemplate his face and how many feelings were hidden in it. You knew you only had one chance, everyone present was distracted enough to find the reason for the blackout, you had only a few seconds to get out of the room without being seen, and a couple of minutes before they noticed, so you didn't take long to do it.
A new decision piled up on your list, always facing the consequences you had acquired, and fighting against the feelings your heart presented to you. It wasn't easy, you hadn't given it much thought either, but what you did know was that you didn't regret having done it, at least so far.
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hazebxtch · 4 years
Die For You
Pairing: Shigaraki x Reader
Summary: How many times do you have to die for him to love you?
Word Count: 1,434
The environment was so stale. Concrete walls. Metal Chains. Glass cup half empty. The one-sided viewing window. Every breath you took was monitored, dissected, and recorded. The camera in the corner of the room taunted you with its blinking red. The two guards standing with their fingers craving to add pressure to their guns. The dim lights gave your scarred skin no justice. Why has no one come in yet? What is taking them so long?
"Are you scared, Detective?" you whispered, your eyes moving towards the glass window. Eyes turning into slits as you felt them stare back, it was quite some time before you were answered. The door to your containment opened, hearing the loud creak of the rusted metal made your teeth grind as it insulted your ears. Two people walked in one was a detective, the same one who captured you and shot you. The other one was just her shadow, a small, frail young man looking everywhere but your eye. Fresh out of the academy. You almost felt pitiful, poor boy wasn't ready to be in the same room as you.
A dead person.
The silence was heavy and pregnant. It brought pleasure to you that was damn near euphoric, your presence made them uneasy. They all wanted to deny the facts. The prints were there, the signature, down to the thinnest fiber of your clothes. But, they packaged your body in a body bag. The same fingerprints, the same clothes, the same damn face so why were you here before them like nothing ever happened. Alive and perfectly healthy.
The only difference between the last time the police saw you, you went down with blood on your hands. Innocents. Police. Heroes. You showed no mercy to anyone in your path, the whole area was shut down for everyone's safety. In the end, after all of the peril, the thick blanket of grief covered the city.
All the while you cackled and shivered from the pleasure.
"Do you work for the league?"
The last time they encountered you, the League had stirred up some trouble in the area. You were to cover for them. Take the heat off their backs. They needed to get away without being followed and you were ordered to be the distraction. With the quirk given to you by the grace of your master, you were the best one suited for the job.
"Say, detective, do you like games?" you asked almost mockingly. A smirk dared to make an appearance on your face as you watched the detective before you take her seat. "Is that what you think this is? A game?" her voice cold and accusing. The sneer on her face was cold, if looks could kill you probably would've been splattered on the wall. "Yes, and you are just mad you are losing. Are you a sor-"
"You have been everywhere the league has left their traces. First, the attack at UA. Then, it was that Nomu attack with Dabi, cleaning up his mess. After that was your little massacre but, you died so how the hell are you here now right after we gather intel on the league?"
Your eyes flickered quickly as a bright light hit your eyelids. Voices were murmuring words around you. Turning your head towards the voices you see the silhouettes of three people. One you assumed was a doctor they had in case of such events. As your eyes began to focus more, you noticed the other two were friendly faces Dabi and your lover. Shigaraki Tomura. Their conversation stopped and the chapped male bit out a command for the others to leave. So they did.
"You want an honest answer?" you lured. Of course, the woman nodded, the rookie standing beside her was quaking in his boots. The poor boy probably already soiled his pants. You stared at him for a while before the two of you made eye contact that he was too afraid to break. Then you started to speak again, "We are playing two different games detective."
Just from how she moved from your peripheral view, you could tell she wanted to hit you. But you were finally given some kind of answer. Anything to explain the impossible. "Are we really?" as long as she played along, you would keep talking. They needed anything at this point, more evidence against the League than they already have.
The two of you were laying in bed as he got up, you turned your head to divert your gaze from the ceiling to your lovers' side of the bed. He was putting on some pants before he stopped as he reached for his shirt. He turned his head just a little to look over his shoulder, his raspy voice penetrated your ears as he spoke.
You tilted your head just by a fraction as you narrowed your eyes and broke the contact with the rookie. Turning your head to once again face the detective, "Yes, we are."
"Would you die for me?"
"You are playing checkers, we are playing chess."
"You are playing with the masters, detective."
"Does that matter?"
"And you left your king unprotected."
"This is checkmate."
"'No' as in it doesn't matter or 'No' as in you wouldn't die for me?"
The smirk that seemed like was permanently living on your face turned into a full-blown smile as you slowly allowed chuckles to escape the seal of your lips.
"No! That isn't what I meant you know that." you sat up from your position on the bed to lean on your hand, the other moved to caress the strands of his dry, white hair. "I will die as many times as you need me to."
The detective and everyone in the room were confused at first. Checkmate? Then the dots connected, with their newfound information on the league, the recent calmness, the files were to be transferred tomorrow for the government to look over. "Evacuate the building there's a bomb!" she yelled, all bodies in the room quickly moving around, getting their bearings as they rushed out the door. They tugged you along, a useful source of information couldn't be thrown away like this. That was their last mistake. You cackled as you ripped your hand out of one of the cuffs, effectively tearing off your thumb, you jumped and twisted your arm until you heard a snap and the officer let go. "Ah, well that's gonna take some time to heal now!" you exclaimed. "There's no use runnin' this place is will blow any second now and take the next three blocks with it! Checkmate, detective!"
You could see his lips curl ever so slightly before he turned his head again and slipped on his shirt. He got up from the bed and made his way towards the door before he stopped, his dry hands on the cold doorknob. "Get dressed and meet me downstairs, I have something for you."
You quickly rushed back to the interrogation room, it was the best place to hide in this explosion. The concrete will get the brunt of the force, as well as the metal door. You slammed the door behind you and knocked over the metal desk for cover. Kicking it over to the farthest wall before hiding behind it. This will at least preserve your body the best so you can come back.
As the door closed behind him, you couldn't help but the stray tear left your eye. You were so weak, so foolishly stupid. Every single thing that he calls you, everything that he says to you the way he degrades you. It was all deserved. You were a burden. You knew he was out of earshot but you still mutter under your breath.
You knew the exact moment the bomb went off. The way the ground groaned in pain despite being so artificial. The way the force you were too lost in your head to feel pushed you back and caused pain to your lower back and neck. No doubt it was snapped. You knew you were out of it for a bit because the moment you woke up. You saw him standing before you. Picking you up oh so carefully, you were not done healing, not yet, but before you went back to sleep you could hear him murmur something under his breath.
"Good job, you did something right for once."
"I will die as many times as it takes for you to love me back."
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luminouspoes · 4 years
pick a place to rest your head
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summary: when poe returns from a mission, he discovers something happened while he was away, and tries to cheer you up
content: implied/referenced ableism, shutdown, references to panic attacks (not shown), autistic!reader, no pronouns used iirc, swearing
read on ao3
It’s well past sundown when Poe finally finds you. He’d returned that afternoon from a pretty successful mission with Black Squadron and was surprised your face wasn’t among the crowd that greeted them: you were usually the first at Black One, pushing through the ground crews apologetically to hurl yourself into his arms for one of his traditional spinny hugs.
After the debriefing with Leia, he’d searched through the base for you, investigating all your favorite haunts. You were a creature of habit, which he loved, and often stuck to yourself aside from a handful of close friends - himself, Rose Tico, Kaydel, and the rest of Black Squadron namely - you hung with.
It wasn’t that you were shy, because you definitely weren’t that (you were fierce, a little smug, and as much a smartass as he was), it was that you were selective towards letting your guard down around people, letting people see you as more than just a quiet, obedient medic and part-time comms officer.
He’d asked you once why you did that, and you’d shrugged and refused to meet his eye as you answered, “Most people don’t understand me.”
It took a while for your meaning to dawn on him, the pieces coming to him slowly: how you’d cut yourself off mid-infodump if someone you weren’t familiar with approached you and the squadron, how he’d notice your hands twitching at your sides when something happened on a mission that made you happy (things that would have otherwise made you flap your hands in delight if you’d been in private), the way the sparkle in your eyes would automatically fade as your pulled your expression into a neutral expression around superiors.
Poe wasn’t sure who made you think you had to hide the spark that made you such a wonderful friend and a delight to be around, but he was certain he’d like a word with them because his heart broke a little more every time he watched you shrink in on yourself and dull your colors to fit into the boxes you thought were expected of you.
Unfortunately, the fact that you kept to yourself meant that everyone he’d asked had no idea where you’d been. You were good at avoiding detection like that - a little too good in Poe’s opinion, you’ve startled him more than once by being too kriffin’ quiet coming up behind him - but he finally finds you in an unused hanger.
You’re leaned up against a set of crates, legs drawn up to your chest, eyes closed with a pair of headphones on as you rock slightly to and fro - not to the beat, but to the energy thrumming inside you, overspilling into the action that Poe can’t help but be endeared by (he does it himself all the time, too, understands what it’s like for that energy to overflow).
He crouches down in front of you and taps your knee cap. Your eyes fly open with a start, your headphones falling askew as you jump. Poe winces, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“No, no, it’s okay - wait,” your eyes go wide and you check the chronometer on your wrist, then back up at him, apologetic. “Shit, I lost track of time, I was gonna meet you on the tarmac -” you make a frustrated noise, halfway between a grunt and a whine, and press the heels of your palms against your eyes, which Poe notes for the first time are shining.
His heart sinks. You’ve been crying.
“Hey, it’s okay, I don’t mind,” still crouched, he shuffles around until he plops down beside you. He extends his arm in invitation and you immediately take it, leaning into him and pressing your face into the fabric of his flight suit.
He curls his arm around your back, squeezing your arm lightly. You’d explained once, sheepishly, that his hugs specifically seemed to help best when you were feeling overwhelmed, and it seemed like something definitely overwhelmed you while he was away. “Meltdown or shutdown?” he asks, lips pressed against the crown of your head. After a beat, he also adds, “Panic attack?”
It takes a long pause for you to respond, and he automatically catalogs this: you were having trouble getting the words out, as well. “Shutdown,” you finally answer, and your voice sounds rough even muffled against the fabric.
He rubs soothing circles against your back. “Are you doing better?”
You nod once, and Poe feels some of his worry ebb away. “You feel like talking about it?”
There’s a drawn-out silence, and he starts to open his mouth to assure you that you don’t have to if you don’t have the energy, but you straighten abruptly. You don’t back out of his grasp though, instead as you righten yourself, you scoot closer to him so your legs are pressed together. “Bad shift.”
“Did a mission go wrong?” Poe asks, tipping his head toward you, brow creased. A few loose strands of curls fall against his forehead.
You shake your head, “Went successfully. New comms officer…” you trail off, eyes falling down to your hands, which you’ve begun wringing together in your lap. “Saw me rocking, said things.”
Poe’s mouth disappears into a thin line, his hand curling into a fist at his side. “What things?”
You shrug slightly, “Teased me.”
“For rocking?” Poe says, voice low. He looks away from you, towards the empty expanse of the hanger, anger blooming in his chest. “Who was it?”
“Does it matter? It’s not gonna change anything. People don’t...they don’t understand me, don’t like the way I do things.” You shrug again, but Poe can hear the emotion thick in your voice, registers the history behind the words, and that just makes him angrier , because the universe shouldn’t do anything but marvel at your light, at the way you view the galaxy.
“Of course it matters, you shouldn’t have to -” he exhales sharply, closing his eyes as he tries to pull the words together. Instead of anything profound, he lands on an eloquent, “Fuck them.”
You blink in surprise at him, and he hurriedly continues, “You’re incredible, alright? Anyone who doesn’t see that or wants to snuff out the spark that makes you you is a jerk, and no better than the guys we’re fighting.”
“Poe -”
“The fact that people don’t understand you says a hell of a lot more about them than it does you, because all they gotta do is stop and listen. They’d see how amazing you are, just like the way me and the others do.”
“You and the others are like me, ” you murmur, but there’s a faint smile playing at your lips and he knows you’re taking his words to heart. “Of course you think that.”
“Even if I wasn’t, I’d still think you’re incredible.”
You chew on your bottom lip, “Really?”
“Really,” Poe assures you, pulling you in for another hug. He presses another kiss to your head, and you snake an arm around his torso. “But I am serious, who was this new officer?”
You twist your head, resting your chin just over his heart to look up at him, “Poe what are you going to do if I tell you?”
“I’m going to take it to the General. Hey, listen...the Resistance stands against all forms of injustice, alright? That includes ableism and we’ve got a lot of neurodivergent and disabled people on this base. We don’t need someone wandering around, making our best feel like shit because they’re an asshole.”
You squint suspiciously at him for a half-second, “Nothing else? You’re not going to try and give them a piece of your mind?”
“Would it be so bad if I did?”
“I don’t need anyone fighting my battles for me, not even you, Dameron. Besides, you get into enough trouble on your own, I don’t need you to start getting into it on my behalf.” You huff, staring plaintively up at him and he tilts his head back to chuckle in disbelief.
“I’m not going to say anything, because the worst thing I can do to this jerk is tell Leia. Trust me, there’s not going to be much left of the guy when she’s done.”
Poe sounds entirely too confident for this to just be an imagined example, and you tap him to get his attention. “Has something like this happened before?”
He hums in affirmation, “Couple of times. They get an ultimatum, either they can be reassigned and work on being a better person, or they can leave.”
At your incredulous look, Poe shrugs. “Like I said, the Resistance is meant to be a safe space, and we take keeping it that way seriously.”
You watch him for a second longer, then a grin creeps up on your face and you twist around so that the back of your head is resting against his chest instead. After a moment, you tell him the officer’s name, and Poe’s absolutely delighted by how smug you sound.
It’s a little while later that you leave the deserted hanger, but there’s a skip in your step as you walk beside him towards the mess for dinner, your hands moving freely as you infodump to him about your favorite book series. Every now and then, your hand motions will slow down in hesitation as someone you don’t recognize passes by, but Poe encourages you to keep going with a smile, and to his immense joy, you do.
After a while, he joins in, sharing facts on different things on the Rebellion that you listen to with rapt attention, asking as many questions about it as he did your book series, and for the time being, the war feels a million lightyears away, and so do ableist pricks.
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kagedaddy · 4 years
you meet again - haikyuu!
Warnings: none
boyfriend scenarios [2] [masterlist]
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daichi sawamura
You were regretting your decision, why did you think it was a great idea to bring a bento for Daichi Sawamura.
Oh yeah it was your apology gift.
Your captain had given you a lecture and because you felt really bad when you saw him a few days after, where a large bruise had formed on his cheek.
You sighed before straightening yourself out, what’s so scary about apologising.
Trying to quietly slide the door open, you peek your head in scanning the room until you meet eyes with the men’s volleyball captain, he looks at you in question and you enter the room.
“Uh hi.”you greet and the two males seated next to him turns to him in amusement,”(last name), what are you doing here, can I help you?”he smiles brightly, how can he be so happy to see me when I’ve rammed a door to his face.
“I’ve brought you a bento as an apology for the bruise on your face.”you move the bento in his view, his friends beside him whisper to each other glancing between you and their friend.
A deep blush tints your face and all the more his friends smile with widened eyes,”oh thank you, (last name).”his cheeks burn the same shade as yours he takes the neatly made bento and a grateful smile graces his lips, you can’t help but swoon at it.
“Do you want to join us for lunch?”he stammers which makes his friends snicker at the poor blushing male,”I’ve already had lunch.”you shake your head and politely bowed before you leave.
Your movements are halted when you feel his hand take yours, you turn to face him quirking your eyebrow in question.”Let me walk you back to your classroom.”he smiles awkwardly but you found it charming.
You just nod your head and let him walk you to your classroom.
sugawara koushi
It had been a week since you had started in Karasuno High, it definitely had been an interesting week and it wasn’t as bad as you thought. Though it was difficult at first to settle into the classes but you had a few people help you out.
You were a little bit bummed, you weren’t seeing your grey haired as often because of his club activities, he was the first friend you made in your new school.
The class before lunch had just finished and you couldn’t be more happier, you had skipped breakfast this morning and your stomach was surely grinding itself, to simply put it you could eat a horse.
“(last name), do you wanna have lunch together?”the familiar soft voice of your grey haired friend pulls you out of your thoughts, you turn to the male flashing him a smile,”sure,”you happily agree before getting up and following wherever he was leading you, he pushes open the roof access of your school.
You both sit crossed leg across each other and unbinded your bento boxes, pulling out the compartments,”いただきます。(thank you for the food)”you clap your hands and quickly taking a bite of your lunch, swaying around and almost moaning in satisfaction.
“You’re so cute, (last name)”Sugawara softly chuckles as he takes a bite from his lunch, your cheeks heat up and you quickly swallowed your food.
You stare up at the male before you, hazel eyes boring into yours, you both look away with flushed cheeks,”uh do you wanna try some?”you move your bento closer to his, he nods before plucking a pork cutlet out.
He moans as he takes a bite,”wow! It’s really good!”he gushes, as gentle smile resting on his lips,”thanks, I made them!”you say proudly and his eyes shine impressed with your product.
“Nee (last name), make me some next time,”he playfully winks but next time you were definitely gonna make more to share with him.
asahi azumane
“Asahi and (last name) can you please collect the activity form from all the third years, thank you”Shinra sensei pulls you out of your thoughts as you heard your name be called, oh no you were partnered with Asahi.
He was scary.
You nod your head to the sensei and he continued on with the last announcements for homeroom. Once he finished you walked over to Asahi, still hesitant to face the intimidating male especially from the last encounter when you bumped into him.
“Asahi, when’s a good time for you to collect the activity sheets?”you asked the long haired male, he looks down at you his height towering you by a lot. 
“We can do it now.”his voice was gentle very different from his appearance which takes you aback, you shyly nod and follow his lead on collecting the activity sheets.
You observe the male before you, with his towering frame you would think he has a scary personality but how wrong you were.
The male was practically so nervous to speak to his peers that you had to step in, stifling a tiny giggle as you continue to watch him.
“Asahi are you alright?”the male looked like he was having an anxiety attack, you put a comforting hand on his arm and help him with his breathing,”breathe in, breathe out,”you set a pace for him and he relaxes.
“I’m so sorry you had to see that (last name), I’m not too good with dealing with people,”he lowers his head in embarrassment cheeks flushed.
“It’s okay Asahi, it happens to the best of us,”you flash him a reassuring smile and he returns one though it looked uncomfortable.
nishinoya yuu
“(last name), wait up! Let’s walk to class together!”you whirl around to meet the source of the sound only to be met by the rolling thunder male, you slowed your pace and waited for him.
“You actually waited for me.”he says excitedly as you now both walked side by side, bumping into you slightly you couldn’t help but giggle at the energetic male,”Why wouldn’t I? You asked nicely.”you turn to him in confusion and he just shakes his head,”Everyone says I’m annoying.”
“I think you’re just full of energy.”you giggle as you both enter the gates of Karasuno High, people staring at you both as Nishinoya continues to bounce around beside you.
“Oi Nishinoya is she your girlfriend now?”the baldy called out, you face turns red and so does Nishinoya’s, you remembered him he was the guy Nishinoya trampled over,”Baka Tanaka, she’s just my friend. We’re walking to class together.”he sticks his tongue out at the bald male and laughs loudly earning odd looks from our peers.
“Sorry about him, he’s always like that.”Nishinoya turns to you shyly pink peppering his skin, you wave it off,”its okay!”
You arrived at your classroom and like a gentlemen he opens the door for you, bending over as if he was a butler,”oh thank you dear sir.”you play along and his smiled widens.
Taking your seat at the second row, Nishinoya pulls out the chair beside your seat and brings it to your table,”I was wondering you’d wanna catch lunch together?”
“sure but is it okay if (friend name) joins, we always have lunch together”
“yeah, I’ll bring Tanaka too and I can show you more of my rolling thunder.”
tanaka ryuunosuke
The cafe was empty today except for the usual customers who studied here until closing time which were still few, since it was not busy this evening you take a seat in one of the booth and pulled out your homework, working on them so you didn’t have to do it later.
The soft jingle of the bell pulls you out from your work and you’re surprised to see the bald male from the other day. You walk over to the counter to take his order.
“Hi, what would you like this evening?”you smile at him and his face flushes a bright shade of pink,”I’d like your number!”he blurts out, blushing more and you giggle at him amused by his antics.
“Uh, I’ll have a latte please.”he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, quickly paying and leaves to find a seat, he smacks his head and you silently giggle more.
Once you finishing making his drink you serve it to his table,”one latte for the MVP of the game,”you had recalled the name of his cup last time and a smile graces his lips before accepting the coffee from you.
You return to the booth you had been studying at and immersed yourself in your homework once again.
A looming figure casts a shadow on your work and you look up to meet the bald male,”uh hi, can I keep you company?”he gestures to the free seat across you and you nod your head, a wide smile plasters on his face.
“What school do you go to?”he looks at the papers spread out on the table,”Shiratorizawa Academy.”you answered as you continued to scribble on the sheets,”oh! I heard it’s a tough school to get into, I’m from Karasuno High.”
“I can tell from your jacket the other day.”you smile at him and he blushes and laughs awkwardly,”oh yeah!”
You both continue to talk back and forth, just enjoying a light conversation,”Oh shoot, I have go! I’ll see you around.”he looks at his phone and begins to stand.
“Yeah, I’ll see you around”,you scribble on the paper before ripping it,“here you go, since you asked for it”you hand him the paper with your number written down on it, his eyes widen in surprise before jumping up from his seat.
You can only  laugh as you watch his giddy figure leave the cafe.
kageyama tobio
You groan as your phone sounds for the millionth time, finally deciding to reach for the device on your night stand, popping any eye open you scroll through the different notifications and you stop at the message from Kageyama Tobio.
‘(last name)-san sorry practice was running late. I’ll drop by my place and then I’ll head straight to yours.’
Your eyes widen as you read the message, sent 15 minutes ago. You jump out of your bed and rush towards the bathroom to quickly make yourself look presentable, brushing out the tangles of your hair and applying light makeup to make your face less ‘I literally just woke up’ look.
Just as you slip on comfortable shorts the doorbell goes off. You run to the front door before straightening out your clothes before opening it, he’s dressed in casual clothes, he’s in a dark plain tee and possibly volleyball shorts with his Karasuno Volleyball Club jacket.
“Kageyama, please come in.”you move out of the way to make space for your guest and he quietly enters removing his outdoor shoes and slipping into the house slippers.
He stands awkwardly at the foyer,”uh let’s work in my room?”it comes out more of a question and your face heats up looking away at the towering male, you’ve never invited a guy into your room before.
You lead him in your room and settle on the floor table,”what should we start on?”you ask flipping through the pages of the material given,”wait what exactly are we meant to do?”he asks face full of confusion and you stare at him before blushing a the fact that you also did not know what to do.
You giggle at his confused face and his turns a shade of red before looking at the material given again,”we’re meant to be watch a film every week to discuss and make a report about it.”you explain pointing at the section where there’s a list of movies.”oh okay”
“Let watch the first movie,”pulling up your laptop and finding the film on some random website, once you found the movie.
You and Kageyama squeeze beside each other, the male blushing madly at the proximity and your face mirroring his, shoulder brushing with each other as your try to watch in the screen of your computer.
With both of your faces flushed red, you click to start the movie.
hinata shouyo
“(last name), I’m ready to start the tutoring session,”the orange haired male looks at you with determination, popping his head through your club room door.
You look up from your paperwork and beckon your classmate to join you,”that’s good to hear Hinata,”you say cheerfully and he takes a seat right beside you.
“Alright, let’s review on the lesson today so it’s still fresh!”you pull out your notes from today,”do you have any questions from today’s discussion?”
“Yeah I have a question, what did we discuss about?”he scratches his head in confusion and you can’t help but laugh at his cluelessness,”don’t worry, that’s why I’m here to help,”you reassure the male as his shoulders slump in discouragement.
You both slowly try to go through the discussion today, the orange male trying his hardest to pay attention.
After half an hour of trying to pronounce the English words and still not getting it quite right,he was so close but he gives up.
“I can’t do it,”he slams his head on the desk, wailing about his failure, you watch him amused, he was easily disheartened.
You rub his back gently as he continues to wail in sadness,”Hinata, it’s still the first tutoring session.”he pull his head from the table and you guys begin again.
Doing better in the second half of the hour but he was still down in the dumps.
“I don’t want to not play volleyball,”his eyes widens in realisation, you ruffle is orange head smiling at the male.
“Then we’ll work hard to study Hinata!”
tsukishima kei
“(first name), dear. We’re having visitors over for dinner.”you hear your mother’s soft voice through the loud music blaring from your room,”okay, who’s coming over?”you ask turning the volume down of your music,”our neighbours two houses down, the Tsukishimas.”
“Oh!”you had wondered why all of a sudden your mom had invited them but that was how she was, always inviting people over. You weren’t too bothered to see the blonde male, he was mean but it was nothing you couldn’t handle.
After awhile you hear your mom answer the door and you fully turn down the volume of your music and changing into a more presentable outfit for the guests. 
You exit your room to politely greet your guests.
You see three sets of blonde hair and your mom ushering them to the living room,”(first na)-”your mom cuts herself off as she sees you in the hallway,”Good evening,”you bow your head respectfully making Mrs. Tsukishima gushes over you and you flush from her sweet words.
“(last name)-chan, do you know my son Kei.”she pulls on the lanky male whose face is set with a scowl,”yes, he helps me reach my books in the library, Tsukishima-san.”you smile nicely at the woman who looks too sweet to know her son’s snake tongue.
“Awwe my Kei is too sweet. This is my other older son Akiteru.”she pulls the shorter blonde male who in turn flashes you a smile which makes blush more.
“Let’s have dinner before the food gets cold,”your mom ushers all of you to the dinning table where a spread of food had been prepared, you take a seat by your mom,”Kei, sit beside (last name)-chan so her mom and I can chat, the younger blonde just grunts in response and awkwardly sits beside you.
“いただきます。(thank you for the food),”you all thank your mom for the food before digging in the meal before you. 
Dinner was silent except for the occasional chats from both your moms and form Akiteru asking you about school, which you were polite to answer. 
While the younger Tsukishima just kept giving you side glares to which you stared back to, not backing down.
“Kei, why don’t you walk (last name)-chan to school everyday.”his mother says, you flush pink in embarrassment.
yamaguchi tadashi
“Hey! I’m Tanaka, you’re a cute first year.”an intimidating bald male approaches, you step to create some distance between you two as he started to make you feel a little bit uncomfortable.
“Hi, Tanaka-senpai.”you say bowing to your head slightly in respect, the male lights up,”she called me senpai,”he takes your hand and swoons over you, awkwardly trying to remove his hands from yours.
“(last name), shall we get going?”Yamaguchi waves you over and you sigh in relief before politely excusing yourself from the second year. 
“Nee Yamaguchi, she your girlfriend?”the second year turns his attention to the both of you and blush in embarrassment,”No, I’m just tutoring her Tanaka-san,”Yamaguchi stammers but the more his face burns red, the bald male looks doubtful but drops the topic.
You walk side by side with Yamaguchi towards the library, you both take a seat at the farthest part of the library, where there were barely any students,”alright, let’s get started.”he pulls out his notes and you lean close to him so you can see what he was explaining.
After an hour of studying, you guys were in the same position but both of you seated very close to each other as you had completely leaned your body on the male.
The green haired male becomes very flustered and blushes madly,”Yamaguchi, are you alright? Your face looks like its burning up.”you tilt your head in worry, reaching over to touch his forehead his eyes widen and moves away blushing even more.
“You look feverish Yamaguchi, we can call it a night.”you smiled at the male as you decide to pack for the both of you,”uh yeah.”he quickly shoves everything into his bag and you both walk out the library.
Before Yamaguchi could open his mouth you cut him off,”don’t worry, you don’t have to walk me home. Get home safe!”you waved as you walked to the opposite direction as him.
“Hope you’ll feel better Yamaguchi-kun”
heyya! finally on the second boyfriend scenarios and i know it’s late hehe. if you guys enjoyed today’s post please leave a like and comment, thanks and have a great day! 
all the love xx
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