#what are they listening to? ... actually I'd love to hear what people think 🤔
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adamoose-art · 2 months ago
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One Must Imagine Sysiphus Happy <3
Kind of a continuation of this post, I just like drawing the blorbo rehabilitating into life. Does he like music canonically? Dunno. BUT they do like acting, so... Close enough?
(Shirt and belt were lent to them by Isa, the leggings are from Mira)
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 2 years ago
I think the relationship between Trey and Vil is pretty interesting (but again, as someone who really really likes Vil, each and every of his relationships is interesting to me). Vil himself said Riddle's lucky to have Trey and that Trey is a "exceptional second-in-command" (Vil labwear), and Vil repeatedly noted Trey's thoughtfulness (Vil union/jacket birthday), though sometimes Vil meant it to be criticism (main story 5-22 and Trey apprentice chef, both of which Vil commented that Trey's tendency to spoil others rotten will bring more harm than good for his underclassmen). So yes, they don't appear to be very close (and maybe they aren't), and Vil might appear to be mean to Trey (his words and actions are not helping lol), but I think Trey is one of few students in NRC where Vil actually enjoys having a chat with, considering Trey is one of the few that allow Vil to feel satisfied with his needs to constantly lecturing others and proving that he knows best by smiling and nodding along (Leona can outsmart Vil, Rook can out-talk Vil, Epel gets too defensive etc.) As for Trey, I don't think I know him enough to gauge his opinions about Vil. I'd love to hear what you think too!
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I'll be honest, I don't usually think a lot about Trey or Vil (because they're both characters I don't personally enjoy) 🤔 but I love it when new TWST content comes out that makes me go back and reevaluate the characters. It makes them feel really dynamic and helps to recontextualize what I knew of them before. When I think of Vil and Trey's relationship, I think, "they're friendly acquaintances that give off the impression of a stern mom and a doting dad" (not necessarily in a romantic way, that's just the dynamic their relationship reminds me of). Individually, they're both competent people, but they have very different "parenting styles". However, it's never to the point where it becomes hateful. You can tell they disagree on some points, but they're also able to just have a civil conversation about it (ie "be the adults in the room"), letting their strengths play off of each other well. One thing that's very apparent about Vil is that he has high standards for not just himself, but for everyone. Because of this, he has a very critical eye when it comes to things like evaluating the quality of products, as well as others' character. He's not so easily tricked by expert liars like Jade (who came close to earning the Ghost Bride's heart, had it not been for Floyd's interference, even though she would later detect Azul's fakeness; Vil automatically knew something was sus in Jade's dorm uniform vignettes when the eel showed upon Pomefiore's doorstep claiming to want to transfer). What's more, Vil can take one look at someone and determine what their strengths and weaknesses are, and where their potential lies. That's why he picked Epel to be his "poison apple", because he knew that Epel had the capacity to be cute if he learned to embrace his femininity, which would help them stand a chance against RSA. Likewise, Vil can also see these in Trey, no matter how often Trey claims that he's normal or nothing special, or that he's just doing what anyone else would do. See, that's the thing with Trey. He comes off as so humble and approachable that Vil knows it's sometimes detrimental, whether that's to Trey himself or to others. It makes people too reliant on Trey's kindness instead of them learning to be independent (a sentiment which Vil frowns on), and Trey has a habit of perpetuating it because of how "considerate" and "thoughtful" (as Vil puts it) he is. It's a double-edged sword. But in spite of these traits, Vil also recognizes that Trey is skilled at what he does: smoothing things over (because let's be honest, Riddle can suck at that) and leading where others cannot (some will be more likely to listen to Trey because of how "nice" he is to them). I find it really fascinating how Trey talks himself down (in an act of humility), but most everyone else has nothing but high praise for him. It's typically the younger students who see Trey as some older brother figure who will always be there to help them when they need it... but it's the older students--and especially those with discerning eyes--that realize that Trey actually has greater strengths than just that. Both Vil AND Rook, who are some of THE most perceptive characters in the cast, have explicitly commented on Trey's leadership abilities (the latter being during the second Beans Day event; I wrote this post discussing Rook and Trey's relationship if you're interested in reading that! ^^). And you know what else is wild???? If you think about it, Trey is also just as perceptive, and I believe this plays well in his dynamic with Vil. There are many instances when Trey notices details that no one else does, like the fact that Cater dislikes sweets or that Rook does not like to share personal details.
The difference between Trey and Vil is that they use their perceptiveness in different ways; Vil is much more direct with his assessments, he does not hesitate to hit you in the face with what he has scoped out (call it "tough love"). He tends to criticize and point out flaws, and how people could be better. Think about how readily Vil chastised Deuce when Deuce tried to stand up for Epel in book 5; Vil immediately told him he has no right to complain when he has so much more work to do, even Potato #1 (Ace), who started around the same time as Deuce, has made significant progress while Deuce has lagged behind. Vil has no mercy, he is stone cold killer. Some people can't take getting their pride hurt or having their weaknesses told to them, and that's why Vil is often branded as "mean". Trey is the opposite; he often takes note of things but doesn't always make a point to bring it up unless there's a reason for it. His blows are much softer and more considerate because he doesn’t want to attract attention to himself by further aggravating the issue. He does not like having the spotlight on him (something which he brings up multiple times). As an example, when Trey tells us that Cater doesn't like sweets, he says it in a sort of casual manner rather than a pointed one, and his words are phrased such that it's only a guess rather than accusing him of something. Other times, Trey uses the information he has to avoid or to resolve conflicts. For example, when Sebek and Deuce are pressing Rook for information about his family, Trey diverts their attention to take the heat off of Rook. The huntsman realizes that Trey did it on purpose because Trey knew he was feeling uncomfortable with the circumstances. Trey even apologizes to Rook afterwards, asking if he shouldn't have done that. Vil is confrontational (most likely because he sees it as an avenue to push others to grow), whereas Trey is non-confrontational and happy to keep people comfortable with what they already know. If Vil's strategy is to attract bees with venom, then Trey's strategy is to attract bees with honey. On Trey's end, it's actually pretty difficult to gauge how he feels about his classmates because he often doesn't outright state his thoughts on specific people. One thing that crops up time and time again is that Trey typically performs well to make his dorm look good (because, according to him, it would just cause trouble if he messed something up). This says to me that Trey puts the needs or the expectations of others over his own, and this kind of thinking also carries over to how he expresses himself. He tends to make generalized statements like, "yeah, X can be like that", "they can be so energetic", or, "wow, that's impressive". I think this also applies to what he thinks of Vil; Trey has said in other instances that he finds the feats his classmates are capable of totally ridiculous. I'd imagine that he feels similarly about Vil, like he's some star that's way out of Trey's understanding. At the same time, Vil the A list celebrity is also just another classmate, so Trey treats him as such. I don't think I can really recall a time when Trey expressed not liking someone, because really he's the type of guy that tries to get along with everyone. It's not that he necessarily likes everyone, but that he maintains a decent enough relationship so as to avoid issues. As long as he doesn't start anything, no one starts anything with him. That's one of his major boons: Trey's mildness actually makes it so that he doesn't have any real enemies. People either accept his existence and leave him alone, or they give him some level of respect since he's consistently known as a "nice guy" on campus. That's part of why he is so effective as a leader in his own right, and others can recognize that. Vil is also an effective leader, but arguably how he approaches others and handles conflicts has made him more foes than friends (like... how often does he nitpick Epel's looks or manners, and then extend that behavior to people in other dorms?).
Back on the topic of Trey and Vil as a duo, I think it's because of their similarities (the ability to "read" others) and their differences (their very approaches with the information they have on others) that help flesh out their relationship. Vil is equally tough on himself as he is on others (perhaps even more tough on himself), and sometimes that leads to the problem where he denies himself very normal joys or he obsesses over very little details. Trey is exactly the type of person Vil needs to hear from every now and again--just a "normal" dude without those impossible standards. I think this is exemplified in Vil's Labwear vignettes. In those, he is worried about his figure because of a callous comment Rook made. Vil happens to run into Trey in the hallway, and during their conversation Trey picks up on Vil's irritation and invites him over to Heartslabyul for tea. While they're having drinks together, Trey asks about why Vil is upset, and that begins this whole talk about how Vil's upset with Rook's careless phrasing. Trey is able to toss in some of his own experiences dealing with Rook, thereby empathizing with (relating to) Vil rather than simply sympathizing with (feeling bad for) him. I noticed Trey also has less dialogue than Vil; he's giving Vil the space to vent, and pretty much all of Trey's responses are very non-judgmental, non-inflammatory ones. Towards the tail-end of the conversation, Vil actually starts shifting the topic from his annoyance with Rook to Trey's modesty. It's through this that Trey is able to seize the chance to pitch the cake (the so-called "stress relief") he was hoping to offload to Pomefiore this whole time to Vil. Trey got what he wanted in the end while also soothing Vil's troubles, because he treated Vil like an equal rather than a queen on a pedestal. He's okay with soaking up Vil's venom and acting as the verbal punching bag since Trey can just meet it with a level head and understanding. That, in turn, makes Vil feel heard and seen without being judged (which would just make Vil more critical of himself). It's not that Trey just smiles and nods along to let people get anger out of their systems, it's that he actually listens and tells them what they need to hear, but not in an overly sycophantic or condescending way. He knows what to do and say, and how to respond to get on people’s good side. (If that isn't a mastermind move, then I don't know what is 😂 Trey's a lot craftier than people give him credit for! His unassuming nature and lack of open blackheartedness just makes it harder to spot.)
What makes Vil and Trey’s relationship work is that they seem to have a mutual respect for one another, and an understanding of what the other is “truly” like. Vil knows Trey is more talented than he lets on, and Trey can give Vil that outlet he needs to speak on his real emotions. That’s why gives me such strong “parental figures” energy as well 😂
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dragon-queen21 · 8 months ago
hii Mayliz, it's been awhile! Hope you're doing pretty well:] I've been into genshin impact for awhile now, and I can't help but ask-
What do you think about CG! wriothesley/big brother cg wriothesley?
The man is literally caregiver material I can't help myself
(I would send a gif but- yeah I can't unfortunately) BUT
I did a height comparison chart thing and if their wiki-heights tell the truth, Wriothesley is 6'4, while Aether is 5'4. (And if you wanted to know what that height may physically look like, Aether can barley reach his head over Wriothesley's shoulder blade)
Also another question!
do you have any options on scaramouche? I see him as a little personally, but many people hc him as a cg and yeah I get where they're coming from! But what is your opinion about that? 🤔 Maybe options of Scara in gen, etc. . .
🧸 that's all the questions I have, for now- but if you want me to ever just do height comparisons sign me up because I'd do that in a heartbeat. And if you need art requests lmk. I have a few ideas:]
+ just be aware I might show up in your inbox alot be because I have a lot of ideas with genshin impact sjsjjs
It has been awhile! Hello hello! :D
~First of all, I thought Wriothesley had wolf ears when I first saw him, and upon finding out this isn’t true, ‘my disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined’ /ref
~Also, I have not met him technically. So I am going off of general vibes here and I am so sorry if I am off 😔 But you are so right, he just gives off over protective big brother vibes and I love it!
~Very much a no nonsense caregiver but still super soft and sweet when he wants to be
~The height comparison is too cute. Ahhh, tiny baby :3 I love Aether so much >.< I'm just imagining Aether being held for the first time by Wriothesley and instantly feeling so small, both physically and mentally and so very safe. The poor boy needs a break honestly.
~Okay, but imagine for a sec the most pouty, overtired baby who absolutely does not want to listen to his caregiver. Throws himself on the floor arms crossed, like 'ha, what are you going to do about it?’ And Wriothesley just barely blinks at the regressor's antics, and scoops Aether up like the Traveler is weightless. Instantly the tiniest little guy being held.
~Regarding Scaramouche. See, you can't give me a character with a traumatic childhood/backstory and expect me not to see him as a regressor /j
~He wouldn't have experienced a real childhood. Essentially cast out into the world on his own with no support. And for the longest time wouldn't even know what the feeling was when he's regressed. As the Wanderer the small floaty feeling that came on when he was feeling lost and overwhelmed only multiplied.
~I like to think that Nahida is his caregiver and the first one to explain what age regression is. Poor thing would probably have such trust issues when it comes to having a caregiver. He would be expecting her to act towards him like Ei did and just flat out ignore his needs while little so it takes him such a long time to open up to the idea of her actually caring about him.
~Random little headcanon: He would have a crow plush. Maybe wearing a tiny version of his own hat that was made especially for the little friend
~I can see him being a caregiver in the sense of trying and be better than the 'adults' around him, and the guilt of leaving someone behind when they are obviously distressed because that's what he always wanted someone to do for him. For who though I'm not sure. (My gut reaction is Aether but then again I just really like baby Aether so...)
Inbox is always open I shall do my best to respond to any ideas! This made me so happy to read! And besides it's nice to hear from you :D I would love if you did the height comparisons and shared them! I was doing that for awhile trying to figure out Aether's height compared to Diluc. Also, I will take any drawing requests you have, please. I have can always use ideas to give me inspiration.
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black-mambaaaa · 2 years ago
Rating the Songs of the Big Time Rush 'Another Life's Album.
Can't Get Enough
Chef's kiss
It's got like this funky kinda retro sound to it that I absolutely adore.
Has big og Big Time Rush vibes
I'm love, the 'ahs' give me chills every time.
This first time I heard this song I was blown away
This new sound they have going is so good
I adore their voices
No notes
I Just Want To (Party All the Time)
Has a very good beat and fun chorus.
They definitely sound like they partying, but not sure they're partying as hard as Party Rock 🤔
It's very catchy
The saxophone part gives me old tv show theme song vibes (maybe I'm thinking full house) and it makes me feel good so I like it.
Okay so I'm biased cause I'm a slit for songs that are bumping but sad
Casually obsessed with this one, but only casually.
The lyrics are really clever and I'm still feeling over 'every word I ate made my stomach ache' well played
The chorus is so good
I feel this song on a deep level because too many similar experiences (platonically of course)
Work For It
I don't hate it
It's not my favorite though
The beat is very good, but I'm not gonna lie the chorus reminds me of a lot of Maroon 5 songs (not that that's a bad thing I like Maroon 5, fight me)
I could absolutely get down to this song on the dance floor (not the bedroom you weirdo I'm ace 🙄)
Forget You Now
I love Big Time Rush so much it's hard for me to give them a low ranking.
That being said the beginning of this song reminds me of the beginning of that one song about the body shop (I think it's called unholy or something like that)
The chorus is what grabbed my attention.
You spin my head right round baby right round
It's definitely not my favorite, but they really know how to get vibes going
The part where you hear them kinda echoing 'i can't forget you' is very haunting in the best kind of way
I wish Logan would've gone a little higher on that note he held out, but also idk his range
Brand New
No words.
This song has put me on the verge of tears (can't actually show weakness and cry 🥲)
It hit me on such a personal level that you could literally hate this song and I'd just 🤷‍♀️
If you hate this one you have no heart.
Holy shit they somehow took their normal love songs and made it HURT.
Their harmonies alone in this song killed me dead
Carlos, Logan, James, and Kendall's voices all blend together so well
I have not stopped listening to this song on repeat and self inflicting that good hurty
Ask You Tonight
This song is furthest from my liking not gonna lie, but I absolutely will still listen to it
This song is one you'd hear in a Hallmark movie
As a wedding photographer, this is a song people are going to dance to at their weddings
It's still very good
I literally cannot score these bois low
James hitting them notes always sucks me in help
I love that they can go from bumpin to soft and sweet
Help me
I keep getting a mixture of this one and Weekends stuck in my head
At first I wasn't sure I liked it, but it grew on me and is now in my top 4
The chorus is cute and fun
I too am not superstitious but I could be for those four 😘
It's another soft bop
I'm a slut for that soft electronic pop sound so this song automatically Ranks
They really did pour their magic on me with this one
Another Life
These boys have really really captured the hurty vibes with this album
The echoing sound it's got echoes in my soul, can you hear it?
Again, this one hit kind of close to home for me
I love how much we hear their individual voices, because they all sing like angels.
No notes
No thoughts head empty (except for this song)
The heart beat at the end was a little jarring at first but it's grown on me
Sorry if you disagree with my rankings, but if you don't like them, rank them yourself you don't need someone else to tell you how things rank for yourself. Anyways I adore Big Time Rush and have not stopped listening to this album, it has hardcore invaded my brain.
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mymarifae · 2 years ago
opinions on the prsk oc's singing voices, worst to best?
oooohh...!! fun fun let's see..
20. tsukasa
...GDNSIJDFHFIDBNDIFUNDFIOMGDIFM yeah i think it's common knowledge that i hate tsukasa's voice. i mean TO BE FAIR a lot of that hate comes from the fact that his voice is not well-suited to 80% of the music wxs ends up performing. he actually sounds great in rock songs (journey, ego rock..) and like... swanky, rock-leaning jazz songs like mr. showtime. but that's not the kind of music wxs usually ends up doing. so he's last place.
19. emu
i promise emu would be higher but they don't take advantage of her range as much as they used to. they keep delegating her to that really high-pitched cutesy tone and almost never touch her lower range... so :(
18. minori
this sucks because putting her this low makes it seem like i don't like her voice but that's not the case at all akgjdsbkjdfnbvkjfn like from this point on we're out of the "i kind of genuinely Dislike this character's singing and hearing them can sometimes ruin an entire song for me depending on how bad the vocal direction is" territory! that being said, i guess out of all the voices i Do like minori probably has to be my least favorite...? i definitely find her a lot less grating than emu, but i also might just prefer mmj's music a whole lot more than wxs's. she always sounds super sweet though <3
17. saki
saki's got a really interesting voice 🤔 it's powerful and kind of... off-tune a lot of the time - kinda like her brother! this isn't something most people are ready to talk about like she IS missing notes. teratera is my least favorite l/n comm for this reason... not to say i Dislike it, but i'd rather listen to stella or something. and her teo cover is just a complete miss. but what sets her apart from tsukasa is that it? strangely?? really suits leo/need's general style of music
16. kanade
i like kanade's voice a lot! i don't necessarily like how... whispery?? she gets sometimes. like girl are you singing or just breathing into the mic
15. nene
nene's voice is very nice :) very... lullaby-esque? i adore her kami no manimani solo it's wonderful. but i think it's generally not my taste? exactly? i tend to like more powerful vocals
14. airi
i really like airi's voice too!! it's super spunky and cute (just like her!!!) and she's got some killer range. however she loses points for the patchwork staccato cover that thing is my archnemesis i hate it so bad. mmj's only flop
13. rui
love rui's voice. very velvety and rich. however funnily enough i think he's kind of... weak in most of the rock/rock-based songs wxs has put out. tsukasa's the only one in wxs that can really pull that genre off he was BUILT for it. meanwhile rui was built for the theatrical ~magical~ music wxs is more known for
12. an
i love an's voice!!!!! it's very powerful. and very unique! however. she struggles to control it. which i think may be purposeful. like, none of these kids are supposed to sound professional, and what i've always loved about prsk's music is the fact that you can hear them all improving over time!! (this can also be attributed to the seiyuus becoming more comfortable with their roles but whatever. it adds a nice touch regardless)
and in an's case, it's likely supposed to be a reflection of how even though she has a "natural talent" for singing, she hasn't been given all the resources she needs to properly develop her voice. but purposeful or not it doesn't change the fact that i do sometimes wince when she hits/carries a note weirdly
11. akito
similarly to an, very powerful but lacks control. technically, his voice control is worse than an's but sorry i'm biased he's my favorite character. anyway. he's canonically supposed to be the weakest singer in vbs, so i guess i get more emotional when i hear him improve..? like. he's fighting soooooo hard for this. this skill he wasn't born with. the universe wanted him to be an artist and a soccer player, but he just loves music so damn much. this is what he wants his life to be - fuck what he's "naturally" talented in. fuck natural talent. (the shinonome siblings' themes of rejecting the concept of Natural Talent and Easy Success despite what their dad has told them over and over and over again makes me wanna cry.)
10. ena
ena's voice is gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she packs in SO much emotion every time she sings, but she kind of struggles with higher notes? which is funny because akito really excels with those LMFAO
9. mafuyu
mafuyu's voice. it's absolutely fascinating to me - when he's singing with full emotion and doesn't sound dead and half-asleep. which, yeah i know, the monotone singing is purposeful because of his whole... everything. doesn't change the fact that i find it boring... BUT! he's been bumped up several spots because the monotone singing is becoming less and less common!! which makes me so fucking emotional because 🥹 oh my god he's getting better... he's finding himself again and all his lost emotions.. oh ymgod... 🥹🥹
this part of bug changed my life i'm not kidding
8. shiho
fuckin' love shiho's voice. who doesn't. i don't love it as much as i love ichika and honami's voices these days, but i still love it. chef's kiss
7. toya
toya's got a STELLAR set of pipes on him. and it's disappointing because he's usually just... vbs's support singer? so he ends up in the background of a lot of their songs :( but when he gets a chance to belt his heart out.. oh man. ohhh man
let him sing like this more often.
6. haruka
AUHGHHHHHH HARUKA... GOD her voice is DROP DEAD GORGEOUS. it's absolutely beautiful. it's so powerful but like... gentle. and loving. kind of like her! i always get so confused when i see people ranking the kiddos' voices and they stick haruka in a low spot like... ??
do you not HEAR HER??
5. ichika
ichika... my daughter who is such a boy if a boy was like a girl but not at all. i love her voice to pieces it was what drew me into prsk in the first place!! it's so clear and pretty. sparkly. you can just hear her smiling as she sings like it's obvious she's having the time of her life (or. well her seiyuu is. but whatever)
i will always prefer the vocaloid version of this song like *luna's tuning is unmatched. but ichika's solo is quite lovely... the range between her low and high notes.. the power and emotion in the chorus......... yeah this is really good too
4. mizuki
it's mizuki. what do you want me to say she's perfect. i LOOOOOOOOVE her voice so much like. goddamn!!!!! she can go from this
SHE CAN DO ANYTHING!!! i'm so proud of her i love her.
3. kohane
she literally has the voice of an angel. i wasn't always the biggest fan of her voice but it grew on me very quickly. and i mean. i still haven't recovered from her solo from kick it up a notch! ..... the first time i heard it i fell dead on the floor /srs
this will start playing at the part that makes me want to SOB every. single. fucking time i hear it. but i cannot stress how beautiful this whole song is i really recommend listening to the whole thing. kohane is so cool, man
2. honami
she also has the voice of an angel oh my god.... like. gorgeous. beautiful. stunning. perfect in every way. my only complaint is i wish she got to sing more often... gotta love leo/need's line distribution, amirite. anyway she's got the same breathy quality kanade does, but she has a hell of a lot more power behind her voice. it's just... one of the loveliest sounds i have ever heard
this should have been a honami solo from the very start. i've said it before but she perfectly captured the subtle melancholic feel that the original song had. ichika made it sound wayyyyyyyyy too peppy :/
... i hope i explode?
first place would have probably gone to honami or kohane but um. watashi wa, watashitachi wa happened. so nope it's shizuku. life-changing vocals there fr they need to let her sing like that more often because holy fucking shit
i feel like crying. it's such a beautiful song and shizuku conveys all the right emotions here... i want the full mmj cover Now
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9800sblog · 2 years ago
In your opinion or your cards who do you think would not get married in svt🤔
I always thought Joshua would be the one wouldn’t get married but reading your post I could be wrong ..
I don't actually know Seventeen at all, I had to watch a few videos of Joshua before reading for him because I just didn't know who he was. so what I'm gonna do is ask the cards and give you the description so you identify it because I don't know any of the members at all.
cards: the world, the empress, 2 of swords, page of cups and "a characteristic that differentiates this member from other members" is the king of swords reversed
straight off this is definitely a leader; this person might be a libra or a taurus or those signs are somehow important in his fame; this is probably the guy that everyone expects to get married first because he has many options, this person is charming and well known, he definitely could get married if he wanted to but I think he just feels good by himself, he isn't in a rush to find a partner. might be one of the youngest members or a "fake maknae", he has very youthful vibes, self assured and powerful. idk if there's any way you could know that, but he might be one of the richest - if they write their own songs, do solo projects, produce or just promotional content without all the members, he might be one that gets lots of royalties, probably one of the most popular, might be the face of the group, the visual or the one that people who aren't fans always think of when they hear the name 'seventeen' (in my case that would be Vernon, he's the only one I know). I know there are some foreign members in Seventeen and the 2 of swords might indicate that as well, since it talks about being stuck in between, having to weight and balance things logically - also, again, leader quality - might be someone fluent in 2 or more languages, because the swords cards often talk about communication. he might be a little impulsive tho in a way that hurts other people, so this might be someone with a scandal? idk if they have ever had one; might be someone who is a little rude without care, the type that people would find it funny because they think he's innocent and light hearted. might be someone who is flirted with oftenly, probably by fans during events, like if you looked up his name, you'd see suggestions like "x member boyfriend material", "x member with kids" things like that. if anything, I'd say this guy would love to find love but he knows his environment doesn't help, because he is surrounded by people who treat him like a kid or a king, there is major distance between him and other people, he feels very lovingly towards his close ones, family and friends, but all love proposals are from people who only know and want him for his status, he wants somebody that will see and listen to him beneath all fancy thing (my sister is watching the movie Brave in the other room and I think it fits so well with the reading); I think this dude is a bit of a nihilistic type "everyone is so dumb, why are people so boring?" lowkey hates everyone but would die for his close ones. he might have given up on marriage because "everyone's so stupid" or something like that, he might have a few flings and dates and it just never goes anywhere good so he's accepted the single life. his hair is often short and i think he mostly paints in natural colors like brown, black, natural red and blonde.
repeating colors in the cards are: mostly blue, green and yellow. (in case each member has a color or something like that)
i hope this helped, I don't know their characteristics to identify precisely the message behind the cards.
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years ago
15 Questions
Thanks for the tag @sitp-recs & @billsfangearring!! 😄 These are always fun!
Tagging: whoever wants to be tagged, I'm too shy to tag rn 🙈
Are you named after anyone? My middle name is Denise after my great-grandfather Dennis! I'm the oldest of 7 and all of us are named after someone, though with all but one it's a middle name. (Just some extra fun facts!)
When was the last time you cried? Oh lordy. Sometime during the week I think I vaguely remember working myself up in my head and getting teary over it 😬 Though full on sniffling and sobbing and tears falling was Sunday because my partner played the song "Traveling Soldier" (he really likes songs that make me cry which is rude.)
Do you have kids? absolutely not nor do I want them. I'm the oldest of 7 remember? I did my time.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? bahahahahaha.
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Their energy/vibe. Which sounds weird so my next thought was "voice" 🤔 Which also seems weird so...um. Probably mouth because I can't hear very well so I use lip reading to help. Which also sounds weird so...Eyes? Perfectly not weird answer. Except apparently most people I know don't pay attention to people's eyes which ??? So potentially still a weird answer but maybe the least weird of them 😂
What’s your eye colour? Brown!
Scary movies or happy ending? HAPPY ENDING.
Any special talents? I want to say "no" but my therapist would not be best pleased with that. Um...I pick up new skills pretty quickly. I'm pretty good at self-learning and figuring things out. I can bake very well! I've been told I'm a decent writer 😄
Where were you born? born and raised in the friggin' BIBLE BELT. In the good ole U.S. of A. Born in Mississippi which is only just marginally worse than where I am now. 😂 (Never thought I'd say anything nice about Louisiana, but here we are.) (Just kidding we have crawfish and king cake.) (Also New Orleans alone makes up for everything else imo.)
What are your hobbies? reading, writing, commenting on fic!, listening to music, dancing, organizing (yes it's a hobby please leave me alone), baking, collecting (100% a hobby), refreshing Reddit for new AITA posts 🤣, Tumblr nonsense, pestering my friends on Discord, Wikipedia rabbit holes, pacing (please don't ask), gazing admiringly at my partner (listen...don't judge me) uh...that's it? Oh wait! Also makeup. ALSOOOO...trying to make new friends :) (When I'm not feeling too shy/anxious, that is!)
Do you have any pets? no :(
What sports do you play/have you played? what is this "sport" of which you speak?
How tall are you? 5'6"? ish?
Favourite subject at school? art! Which is funny because I have 0 art talent now but it's still fun and I loved my teacher! English was a close second though.
Dream job? idk I work administration now and I actually really like it?? My specific current job is not the best, but in general I like it. I like data entry, organization, paperwork, etc. But also working at a bookstore would be neat! So maybe doing admin work related to books would be the ultimate dream! But really nothing super fancy or prestigious or anything. I'd never want to monetize anything I'm actually passionate about, so as long as I can make money keeping to myself and staying busy I'm fine!
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julietas-rolling-pin · 3 years ago
How invested do you think the family would be in Bruno's telenovelas? From least to most interested?
oohh good question 🤔 I'd like to imagine that it becomes a staple in Casita and there are designated Ratnovela evenings where they all get together after a day of hard work and have some quality family bonding time.
(this is from most to least interested but let's be honest, they all love it)
1. Dolores (I mean obviously. She got to listen to all the seasons in real time and it's the first gossip she overhears without it invading someone's privacy and she can actually talk and gush about it with someone)
2. Camilo (would probably deny it if someone asks him but as an actor himself he just looooves the drama, the intrigue and theatrics. He gets some tricks from Bruno and they both do acting classes together)
3. Luisa (Effectively keeps her mind off of work with it and ever since they rebuilt Casita and she has more time, she's been trying to find more things to occupy her mind with like reading and trying a bit of everything. She does love a good story and when she's working she tries to figure out what happens next. Actually gets the closest to)
4. Antonio (Bruno makes sure to only give him the kid-friendly versions and Antonio's just really enjoying them. Especially since he can actually understand the rats who break the 4th wall more than a few times and make him laugh)
5. Pepa and Julieta (It just reminds them so much of their childhood when they would all act out stories and listen to Bruno's ideas and seeing him in his element fills their heart with joy. Also they do love some good drama and have the inside knowledge of knowing the people some of these characters are based of and why, making it 100% more entertaining for them)
6. Félix (Totally into it! Has to be quieted down a few times because his reactions actually interrupt the story frequently. But it also adds a certain charm to hear him gasp and laugh out loud and Bruno loves the enthusiasm)
7. Mirabel (A little sceptical in the beginning since her first impression was the whole "aunt with amnesia" thing, but quickly grew to love it. She gets involved in the process and helps Bruno make the sets and costumes)
8. Isabela (gets a bit too heated when a certain plotline hits too close to home "WHAT ARE YOU DOING DON'T MARRY THAT !$&§?@!$ YOU'RE TOO GOOD FOR HIM" and complains that it doesn't even make sense. But she has that one character that she stans and watches the whole telenovelas just for them. It's more of a guilty pleasure for her and she has to admit that the writing's pretty good actually. It's just too much romance for her, not enough self-discovery and lack of strong female leading characters)
9. Agustín (Confused like 90% of the time with the story and can't keep up. Probably missed every crucial moment that happens because he hurt himself and had to go grab some food and then when he comes back someone is dead and help. Also probably the type to forget everyone's name and mix up all the plotlines. But he likes to be a part of the "telenovela nights" and is just happy to see his hermano happy)
10. Alma (her children are all theater kids and she never really understood that fully. But whenever she got to overhear them she always had a smile on her face, happy that her kids never had to experience her trauma and could still be creative and dream up wild stories. She cried the first time after Bruno came back and they all got to listen to his ratnovelas because she was reminded of simpler and happier times. As for the story.. she just doesn't get it. Not in a bad way but she's confused the same way my grandma would never understand fantasy or anime. BUT SHE TRIES)
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reserved-system · 2 years ago
i havent even listened to magnus archives yet [its literally the next podcast im planning to listen to dw] but i am obsessed with this fic. its actually so cute despite the poor guy being in distress most of the time.
i will now theorise and talk about ur fic in ur ask box if thats ok sjdbhdhdhhedjbdjdb
🤔🤔 i wonder why jon was put for a day instead of respawning immidiately? maybe the server was struggling to connect him for the first time or somethin? or xisuma was tryin to block him or somethin? idk, itd be funny if it was The Universe forcing him to get some sleep for once. actually yea i hope thats it.
itll be very funny [or angsty depending on how yall spin it] to see jon realise that death is a consequence-less action in this world, either he watches someone die or dies himself. bros in shock like,,,, my brother in christ i just witness a death 😱😨😱☹️😟😱, but then the person rematerialises in a nearby bed like,,, a second later like,,,, oopsie daisies 😅😅 just got pranked and exploded along side my house 😝😝 mustve been that pesky bird 🤭🤭🤭 I'll be back, just have to collect my stuff 😮‍💨😮‍💨 and jons sitting there like (,,#゚Д゚)
BAHAHAHA if jon was shocked at the ears and tail on ren then i cannot wait to see his reaction to doc adfsfjakggkagkkgaakgagakg
*clapping!!* Cub!! my favourite basement dweller!!
Omg i didnt even Think of how people casually talking about mining for supplies would sound!! very thoughtful on yalls part :D
Woooo!!! map mechanics!!!!
also!!! cub saying that jon would make it to Tangos by sun set IF he doesnt get lost feels like,,,,, foreshadowing,,,, where jon gets lost and has to deal with zombies and skeletons and spiders™️ 👀👀👀 bro will not survive the night sjdbjdbdhdhd
lmao no pressure to answer this but just know that i very much enjoyed the reading !!
WAAAHHHH JBSDJGBJDG Hi! I'm sorry, we were not expecting to wake up to anything this morning. We are extremely flattered!! We're going to try to talk/answer any of your questions or theories without spoiling anything we have planned but firstly! You should definitely listen to The Magnus Archives it's such a good podcast. You don't have to worry about our fic containing spoilers for any of the events in the podcast (to my knowledge, at least. Anyone is free to correct me).
____ 1) Our main reason for having him wait a day before respawning was so THIS MAN COULD SLEEP. This man hasn't had a proper 8 hours of sleep in weeks at this point and needed the rest. The Universe spoke and said he needs to sleep.
2) We're actually going to start to explore people dying in the next chapter and we are VERY very exciting to start on that. What I think will be funny even going forward is seeing how terrified Jon is of seeing people die verse how laid back the hermits are about it. Cause realistically this is what, their ninth season so I'd say they're pretty desensitized to it.
3) I think about his reaction to Doc a lot cuz here comes this shirtless creeper goat cyborg with crocs. IT'S JUST TOO PERFECT. We haven't pin pointed when we're going to introduce the two but when we do it's going to be so much fun to write.
4) Cub <3 <3 <3 So far Cub has been our favorite hermit to write cuz he's just so chill. He could say the most out there sentence and you'll be looking at him and he's just got a blank expression. You'll look at him like did you not just hear what came out of your mouth and he'll look like he's said nothing wrong. Love his guy
5) It's just a few things we think about the difference between hermits and non hermits. For hermits mining for resources is an (at least) a once a week things. Non hermits haven't needed to mine for resources by hand since what, since heavy machinery was introduced on the scene. So it's not something they think about unless their job is to mine for those resources / work those heavy machines.
6) I wouldn't say it's foreshadowing but mainly a light jab at Jon cuz maybe he looks like the kind of guy who you'd give him simply directions and he still gets lost.
(We are those people. Driving downtown is confusing even with a gps)
But yes, maybe Jon does have an encounter with some mobs later on. Who's to say? Hehe.
Anyways, I'm super glad that you've been enjoying our fic so far! Super exciting to get back to writing it more often now that we have a lot more free time.
Hope you have a good rest of your day/evening <3
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