#what about you ?
my-autism-adhd-blog · 3 months
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Life in an Autism World
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ayiemojis · 4 months
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Invite — what about you
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You’re so cool — you’re so cool
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How is everyone — how are you
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Hapy pride month — /safe - safe tone tag
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/soft - soft tone tag — /th - threat tone tag
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ofthecaravel · 3 months
How has your day been :)
omg very good, thank you! very lazy cause i didnt work today, so i sent some emails and drew a bunch and got dinner with my mom. nothing cray cray, thank u for asking
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candyunicornsateme · 3 months
k2 where Kenny has a hard lean towards escapism naturally and to Kyle he's kinda like "you should try it, do it with me" and it does help Kyle. It's borderline magical, but it's unhealthy for Kenny at a point because he does not want to deal with the shit he has and god damn does he got a heavy weight on his shoulders yanno what I'm sayin
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cebwrites · 24 days
a/n: this is so silly but would not leave my mind sksdgfd (rambling the tags, there's like one nsfw mention there)
oc | gen word count: 0.5k
During the timeskip Tsunade orders some of the jonin to go on leave, partially so she can kick back herself and familiarize herself with her post, partially because a lot of them look like they desperately need it.
A lot of them end up with coupons for hot springs and bath houses at her behest.
The Godaime phrased it as a great opportunity for them to finally relax after all the back to back stress on the village lately, Shizune and the Hokage guards were fully aware that this was a ploy to clean out her old coupon drawers - some of them expired before the last shinobi war ended.
The majority of those whose vouchers were still valid landed in the same onsen.
Tsunade wasn't entirely wrong in her judgement, many of them brought friends and partners along even if their offers didn't include a plus one. Everyone used it as an excuse to kick back and forget the horrors of shinobi life for just a minute.
Taeru blends into the crowd, relaxing quietly in one corner while more hot-blooded shinobi take center stage (see: Gai has his arm around Ebisu's shoulder, rattling off about keeping one's mind pure to not sully their fountain of youth), the other guys seem to be fairly entertained with the display and Tae's happy not to have any attention drawn to himself.
He makes polite conversation every now and then when people approach him - whether it's subordinates thanking him for support on recent missions or shutting down Asuma's needling about any future partners on the table by bringing up his own obvious thing going on with Kurenai - he doesn't move from his spot, though.
The relative peace doesn't last; since Tae came alone there was no one looking after him or how long he'd been in here for. His eyes glaze over and his tan takes on a red hue, clearly overheated. The only way that could be more obvious was if he started steaming from the ears.
Tae spots his brother among the idle commotion of juniors playing in the water, some men picking fights with their female friends on the other side, and Gai continuing to lovingly harangue anyone who'd listen; only that his brain's turned to soup now so he has to rely on blurry vision and his chakra sensory.
This leads to Tae mistaking Takashi for their father as the latter wades over to him in concern given his current, missing the seals he forms - the jonin who do recognize what jutsu he's about to perform only have enough time for their expressions to twist in horror - before the both sides of the spring spring erupt in volts of electricity.
Elsewhere, in a different bathhouse picked for being the only one without gender dividers, Genma asks his plus one what's wrong when their expression sours as they towel off. Hyou dismisses his concerns, the excuse being that he just got the sudden feeling that their brothers were up to no good again.
Ton ton swims by happily, Shizune fusses over their privacy while Tsunade, already tipsy, yells for another drink.
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cepheusgalaxy · 6 months
hellooo good morning bug did you sleep weell
Oo good morning :)
I woke up a lill later than i wanted to but i still slept well! :3
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censorious-asshat · 1 year
may i enquire what you are doing this late at night
Some digital art, listening to music and talking to you
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i-like-her-like-that · 3 months
Hiya, Charlie! How’s is going? :3 <3
Hihi is going good yippee
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tastytina · 3 months
Films you always go back to?
I would love to know what you love to watch again and again! I always seem to end up watching Jurassic park! What about you?
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whats happening on the worse side of the pond man
the city is great but too expensive, the school is not very good and not very friendly
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allthatsleftbehind · 4 months
dragon that’s actually a cat, or cat that’s actually a dragon?
I feel like a cat thats actually a dragon could cause a lot of chaos and be kinda funny
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iqmmir · 7 months
What's ur favorite emoji
🤡 and 🦭
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secretly-larry-daley · 4 months
what would it be like if Ted (man in the yellow hat) was the one who took the job in NATM instead of Larry?
Hm, I don’t think much would change? I mean, I’m not sure if Ted would stay per se, but he is a scientist(?) So he might have interest in the tablet. Dexter would def freak him out though. But I think that’s a given for anyone.
So yeah, all depends on if he finds the tablet interesting or not (and if he’s creeped out by the exhibits.) Because like— owning an alive monkey and watching a monkey come to life by an ancient tablet owned by a pharaoh are very different things.
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snixx · 1 year
favourite guts songs go
the grudge and all-american bitch OWN me but the entire album >>>>>>>>>
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spn-lesbian · 1 year
What type of mermaid would you like to be?? Spooky and teethy, cute and wholesome, or sexy and kills sailors?
hmmm If I were too teethy I’d probably be afraid of myself so I think I’d want to be a cute and wholesome mermaid and just swim around and do nothing (although killing sailors doesn’t sound so bad if they’re jerks)
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difeisheng · 2 years
and what if i cried over pingxie and saturn by sleeping at last
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