#what about the museums and the palace?????
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years ago
And the fact that emperor Diocletian's favourite holiday destination has to remind tourists not to piss on the palace walls. I fucking hate what party tourism did to us
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sforzesco · 5 months ago
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decimus wanted to wind cassius up a bit just to see how he would snap
uhhh. what else. you know!! caesar was collecting (and discarding) a new generation of romans, operating a new kind of roman imperium. political manipulation. "good" governance. conspiracies are forming in reply.
the collage art is all public domain/open access stuff from the met collections!
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wispstalk · 5 months ago
ok u know what? Objectively correct ranking of skyrim's cities is coming out of the drafts. Listed from best to worst.
1. SOLITUDE: no one should be surprised by this. this is a list for real city lovers, and solitude has all the shit a city is supposed to have.
2. WHITERUN: same deal as above. palace is pretty sick but it's not perched on an enormous rock arch over a harbor, so points deducted.
3. MARKARTH: now we're venturing into controversy. If you don't like Markarth, you're a wimp. "wehh there's a demon house wehhhh I saw someone get murdered and had to slaughter my way out of prison" skill issue. I'm gawking at waterfalls and feats of ancient civil engineering, I'm eating delicious mystery meat at a food cart, I'm buying a badass dog, I'm ingratiating myself to the local crime family, I'm breaking into the temple so a drunk can crank off to a statue, I'm secure in the best-fortified city in the province. I am having a GREAT time in Markarth. Get on my level and by "my level" I mean six flights of stairs.
4. RIFTEN: Extremely cool layout and great location. Would be ranked higher if guys stopped fighting guards and random citizens to the death over a stolen candlestick. I figure after a while you just get used to that and stop caring.
5. WINDHELM: none of you rubes can appreciate architecture. Also, do YOU live somewhere that you can beat a racist's ass without the cops getting mad at you? Do tell
6. FALKREATH: it's fine.
7. MORTHAL: this is where you see the integrity of my infallible judgments, because personally I think Bog Is Best, but I have taken its small size and shit economy into consideration.
8. WINTERHOLD: in shambles, and probably super boring if you're not a wizard, but I could have a decent time poking around in dangerous condemned buildings and failing to impress Faralda.
9. DAWNSTAR: Awful climate, broke-ass museum, unimpressive port, Jarl is a dick, host to a murder cult torture hole, nightmare plague, miserable mine with child labor. Only redeeming feature is one guy and the nightmare plague is kinda his fault.
I was right about daedra-fucking and I'm right about this. Disagree with me in the tags at your peril
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urstruly-ghst · 2 months ago
do you think i have forgotten? - leona kingscholar and malleus draconia
in which you two were separated for too long (inspired by about you by the 1975 and astronomy by conan gray <3)
authors note: happy new years! for the new year, im giving sadness!
cw: a bit suggestive (its implied something happened)
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leona kingscholar
being someone to leona was easier than you expect, he's a big softie at heart. you learned that quite quickly when you first step foot into the palace. you were simply a visitor, but that wasn't what leona thought.
it was idiotic, you think looking back at it now, that you thought this romance would last. the blossoming friendship you harbored changed the very same night when each rendezvous turned almost vulgar.
laying down on the bed of the prince of afterglow savannah was not what you expected, but, it felt too good to let go. turns out, you were right. because he left for night raven on the same night something happened. you were upset, understandably so, how dare he leave you after the whispered promises of passion? you both never kept contact after.
but you were bold to assume he never would find you. each break, each time he can escape, he's looking for you back to the corner he met you. for many years, you were gone. but on one faithful night, just as he was about to lose hope, you appeared glowing even more.
"can't you forget me already?" you say in a hushed voice as you glare at him. leona shook his head laughing at your suggestion, as if he could ever forget you.
he placed his hands on your waist as he looked at you with such emotion, it made you question if he was really leona. your glare softened up as he breathed in your scent.
"i would never. do you really think i have forgotten our promises?" leona asked. he then sighed in relief as your arms wrapped around him too, he thanked every star for this moment. this time, he won't be idiotic enough to leave without knowing how to contact you.
"besides, night raven can't compare to the few nights we had"
"leona!" you hit him as he smirked while laughing. not noticing how his tail wrapped around you, to make sure you'd never leave again.
malleus draconia
how you met him was something you'll never forget. it was at a random museum and that one gargoyle you saw intrigued you, it had such detail you never saw possible for such a small gargoyle. that was when a horned fae appeared behind you.
you also remembered how you refused to give him your name, suspecting some sort of scam, but that never hindered him or you. that trip had so much memories without ever knowing who he truly was. for malleus, it was a dream, someone who shared the same interests and no fear.
but, it was also during this time, something bloomed. each day, you kept coming back to that gargoyle. and each time, malleus appears. it was like this for nearly 2 months, but those months of friendship and long talks turned intimate, not one of you can tell how it started. but it all ended the same, you leaving without telling who were you.
for a while, malleus pined for you. but pining wasn't meant to stop him from going to night raven. he knew he can't just leave this memory behind, but his hands were tied. he left an enchantment on the gargoyle, hoping you'd know now who he is. and when break arrived, you were there smiling.
"malleus draconia, huh?" you say as you were looking at him. you should've known from the get-go that he was no ordinary someone. he smiled and nodded, you sigh and give a him a look.
"you're not mad?" he asked as he reached out to you, you giggle and shook your head. malleus relaxed and guided you to the place you mostly spend your "dates" with. usually, you two would chatter nonstop, but it was now quiet.
malleus felt anxious but before he spoke, you looked at him, eyes filled with hurt, "i thought you forgot about me"
and that sent malleus in a spiral. how dare you think he'd toss you away that easily? do you think of him so low? he reached out for you and looked a bit mad.
"do you think i would just forget the days and nights where you made me feel like im not to be feared? do you think, just because i am malleus draconia, i could abandon you without second thought? do you dare to think i forgot about you?" he said passionately and grabbed both of your hands before declaring
"not a single night where you haven't passed my thoughts. my dear, you have managed to bewitch me, without even having to lift a finger. just say you'll be mine, and..." malleus stared hesitantly before you smile and hum.
"i was yours the moment you saw me"
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bunnyluvx · 7 days ago
hii could you write castlevania nocturne alucard x fem!reader💗maybe the reader is a vampire or speaker/witch
enchant me, lover. ♡
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featuring: adrian fahrenheit ţepeş / alucard x f! vampire, speaker & witch! reader.
summary: you're stargazing with your husband, and he doesn't get the chance to wish on a shooting star. you know just what will cheer him up.
warnings: minors and ageless blog dni regardless of content. i made the line dividers, so please don't use them. | support divider: @cafekitsune | wc: 2.3k | ao3
tags: fluff | hurt/comfort | domestic fluff | one-shot | stargazing | established marriage
a/n: i'll do you one better, friend, and combine ALL OF THEM!! >:D i'm trying to make my way through my requests, so there will be lots of castlevania stuff for awhile! this is set a couple of years before adrian left to track sekhmet. i hope that i did you justice, anon, and please enjoy, dear friends!!
date started: 7:08PM, february 16th, 2025. date finished: 8:45PM, february 25th, 2025.
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The moon cloaks itself amidst the twilight to leave room for the stars to illuminate the sky. Thousands gather closely together to observe the night's events, and whisper gossip that the breeze tells them. A castle, tall enough to hold the heavens and older than most museums, resides within the forest. Its worn stone enjoys the scenery's tranquility, and the surrounding wildlife serves as a reminder of its reason for standing.
There are two occupants in this castle; The legendary Alucard, A.K.A Adrian Țepeș, and you, his lovely wife. You have been married for almost two-hundred years, and there is nothing that you would change about the life that you have built together. You both enjoy travel, so the adventures that you go on together are eternally endless. Adrian has solidified himself into your soul, and he is part of you that you never wish to do without. In moments where you felt like you couldn't go on, his face came to mind and you remembered just how strong you are.
Adrian knows that the connection that you share will last far beyond the relevance of your immortal lives. Not even at the chance of death will your love's resilience waver, for it is a force stronger than any enemy that you have vanquished together. If you were not in his life, then he would not laugh, smile, ponder or explore as much as he has in your company. Adrian Țepeș is not a man who fears much, but the idea that plagues his mind into restlessness is how much darker his world would be without you in it. Imagining a reality where he lives without your rants about all of the things that he wouldn't think twice about, paired with its angelic echo chanting off of the walls of your home would send him into madness, if not for the comfort of your body lying asleep by his side in your shared bed.
Every day that you spend together is a day that you both cherish, and today has felt particularly special. From dawn 'til dusk, you walked through the forest and discovered things that you hadn't noticed before; The different flowers blooming within the grass or unfamiliar streams, for instance. You have lived in this area for some time now, yet when journeying with Adrian, all sorts of new encounters appeared. It was very fulfilling to wander out with him to see what awaited you.
Now, your exciting day has come to a close, and both of you agreed that the best way to wind down before bed was to stargaze together. You stand on one of many bridges of the palace, your hands resting on the cold stone railing while your eyes sparkle just as brightly as the stars you stare at. Adrian stands not far behind you, a smile gracing his pale lips as he admires the great darkness above. Every once in awhile, he will look back at you and treasure the warmth that pools within his chest. Your joy while looking up at the stars is more beautiful than any twinkling light in the sky, and if he spent his night watching you like this instead, then he would be just as content.
Occasionally, you'll point out an exceptionally bright star, or a constellation, and Adrian's eyes will follow where you lead them. You'll tell about the story behind how the constellation was named, and anything else that comes to mind in relation. Being born into a group of Speakers has left a lot of room for you to acquire all sorts of knowledge about a variety of different subjects, and at one point in your life, you found yourself very fascinated with everything related to space. As a result, you did a lot of research on the subject so that you could share it with your family, and anyone crossing your path willing to listen.
Both of Adrian's parents were people of science, so he gathered quite the bounty of information himself, but he would always make an effort to listen to you. No matter how many times you repeat the same tales and facts, he will nod along and asks questions as if it's the first time, just to prompt your endless, passionate rambles. Gaining the opportunity to share your wisdom grants you an ethereal, excitable glow that he will gladly blind himself with, if it means that the last thing he ever sees is your smiling face.
A comforting quiet lingers in the air while you both gaze up at the stars, cherishing the night's delightful weather that provides you the freedom to enjoy this moment together. Sky's stillness suddenly dispels when a star swiftly descends from the shadows, and immediately, it catches Adrian's attention. A blissful, child-like smile graces his lips as he takes a step forward, then points above while announcing, "Look, a shooting star!"
Instantly, your head whips into the direction where Adrian's finger follows, and you see it. Fortunately, before it leaves your view, you are able to make a wish. Many would see it as silly for an over three-hundred year-old vampire to believe in wishing on stars, for you have lived long enough to know that not all myths are true. Regardless, you like the hopefulness that the idea brings; That someone, somewhere is listening, with the goal of helping you achieve your dreams.
Wherever this comet is going, it's in a hurry, for it's leaving as quickly as it came. You squeeze your eyes shut and hold your breath, thinking about what you want most in the world. When you open them, you release the wind trapped inside your throat at the realization that the shooting star has disappeared over the horizon. Disappointment dwells in your heart and on your shoulders briefly before you spin around to look at your husband, whose arm has lowered. His face illuminates with a gentle joy as he gazes into the distance, a display that lightens your disheartenment and replaces it with bliss.
Long ago, you swore that you would commit all of Adrian's smiles to memory, so you take this time to do just that. The radiant expression that he wears is one of wonder, faith and longing, as if he wishes to chase that star to the ends of the Earth. You think that he looks so adorable like this, and you would hate for him to stop, but you become curious as to if he made a wish too, so you ask him, "Did you make a wish, Adrian?"
Blinking out of his awestruck state, golden eyes meet yours. You are so glad that during all of this time, the color of Adrian's eyes never changed. You think that it gives him individuality, and they remind you that through every hardship, you will always have someone at your side to endure it with. Sunshine dims into a soft sadness, which rawly clenches at your heart. Adrian's eyes glance to the ground, a frown on his face while he admits, "Oh, no. I didn't get the chance to."
The vessel which keeps you standing feels like it is being brutally mauled through at this response. Now, Adrian gazes out into the sky with furrowed brows, and your own face falls as his does. While he is skeptical about the idea of wishing on stars, he does find it fun to do sometimes. It didn't even come to mind when he saw it passing by, and seeing just how disappointed he is hurts more than any wound you could ever receive.
You use your quick-thinking skills to come up with something to cheer the dhampir up, when it hits you. You have been studying human magics for one-hundred years, and while you are quite skilled, you do not practice enough to fully achieve your true potential. Typically, you only use your magic on occasion when you're bored to make fun shapes, or when you're in combat with no other choice, but this is just as vital- no, even more-so. This is more dire than any foe that you have vanquished, more monstrous than any beast you have slain; Your sweet husband is sad, and as his wife, you want to make him feel better!
So, you cup your palms together and hold them out in front of you. Adrian notices the shift of your body, and turns to watch as you close your eyes. You focus on your desire, and think about the way that a star feels. You feel a tickling sensation spring its way up your back, as if stardust brushes your skin. Slipping into a deep state of concentration, you reflect on your early studies of magic when a yellow spark erupts into your hands. Adrian watches with fascination while the spark begins to brighten; It begins to take shape, until a thin, golden diamond glows in your grasp.
Adrian is completely blown away by your demonstration, his mouth hung open and eyes gawking widely at what you've just created. You open your eyes and smile at the dumbfounded look on your husband's face, giggling. "Make a wish, Adrian."
Realistically, you both know that this isn't what a star looks like, but that doesn't matter to your man. What matters to him is that it's yours, and it's perfect. For a moment, Adrian is silent, too bewildered by your manifestation to summon his voice. He knows that you are a very talented magician, and he has seen your capabilities at their finest. The fact that you have forged something so precious just to make him happy deeply touches Adrian. A smile adorns the man's face once more, eyes holding a love that is reserved only for you. He reaches a hand over to the side of your face to allow gloved fingers to graze your skin while he leans forward, and presses a gentle kiss to your lips.
You watch as he melts before you, your smile growing wider when seeing that he's happy again. Unexpectedly, he gives you a kiss, and this makes you feel even better. Adrian's lips have a very dastardly power to make you weak; One brush of them, and you feel like you could faint on the spot. His lips are soft, and he tastes of the most captivating spell. You would have dropped the illusion and wrapped your arms around him to properly relay your passion, if you didn't know how meaningful this was to him. Heat crawls its way into your cheeks, and your shoulders have hiked up from surprise, but they slowly lower themselves as you allow your body to relax. You return his kiss and tilt your head slightly to enhance the experience for both of you, and you stand like this for a moment to cherish how perfectly your lips mold together.
Albeit regrettably, Adrian is the one to back away. The sun of his eyes shines brightly with admiration, and the smile on his lips is tender. "I don't need to," He murmurs sweetly.
Seeing this look on the dhampir's face is everything that you could want out of tonight. You have shared a wonderful day together, but this has been the best part of it by far. A crooked grin curls its way your lips, and you give him a knowing look when you decide to tease him, "If you say it's because you have everything you could wish for right here, I'm going to hit you."
Adrian's posture straightens as he throws his head back to laugh. Light blooms within your chest at the sound, one that you would listen to every hour for all of your days if given the chance. Tilting his head upright, he meets your eyes and responds, "Alright, I hear you." Then, he leans over to examine the star in your hands more closely, asking, "Could we save it?" Your husband aligns himself upright again, reuniting your gaze to his while adding, "For my next wish."
You smile at the man, head slightly tilted while fondly gazing at him. Any request of his is one you will gladly satisfy, so you tell him, "I think I can do that."
The look on your face causes Adrian to soften, his shoulders noticeably relaxing a bit more at the sight. "Good." He then turns so that his side faces you, and offers an arm for you to take. "Shall we head to bed now?"
You squeeze your eyes shut and press your lips together harshly, charging all of your energy into the little splendor in your hands before hopping up. With your little bounce, the star shoots up into the sky, stardust hot on its trail, before it lowers down to settle itself floating slightly above you and Adrian. The dhampir turns around to recognize what you've done, that same stupefied expression on his face. You see it and laugh, an arm coming over your stomach as you take a step back and point at him. You gather yourself shortly after, and brush away any lingering dust on your clothes before you turn to face where Adrian is to take his arm. "Let's go."
It's only when you make contact with him that your husband comes out of his shock, his face relaxing when seeing yours and a smile decorating his lips. "As you wish."
With that, you head into the castle to begin your nightly routine. The star you created twirls around you both the entire way, and you laugh at mystical friend's enthusiasm. Love has brought you two a long way, and you guarantee that it will take you even farther. In every life, you know that Adrian would do anything to make you happy, and he knows that you would do the same.
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@BUNNYLUVX ,, all rights reserved. do not copy/plagiarize any of my works or submit it into ai. any and all support is appreciated! <3
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emporium · 2 years ago
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Behind the Meme: Complaint Tablet to Ea-nasir
In 1953, explorer Sir Leonard Woolley discovered and acquired the tablet from what is believed to be the ruins of Ea-nasir's home while on an expedition to the city of Ur. Several other similar tablets complaining about poor copper quality were also recovered, suggesting Ea-nasir frequently sent his customers poor-quality goods. The tablet is currently held at the British Museum.
A few of the most viral Tumblr posts about this meme: https://probablybadrpgideas.tumblr.com/post/171826102481/your-players-are-faced-with-an-ancient-sumerian https://brightwanderer.tumblr.com/post/645195882465230848/ea-nasir-is-that-you
Translation of the tablet:
Tell Ea-nasir: Nanni sends the following message:
When you came, you said to me as follows : "I will give Gimil-Sin (when he comes) fine quality copper ingots." You left then but you did not do what you promised me. You put ingots which were not good before my messenger (Sit-Sin) and said: "If you want to take them, take them; if you do not want to take them, go away!"
What do you take me for, that you treat somebody like me with such contempt? I have sent as messengers gentlemen like ourselves to collect the bag with my money (deposited with you) but you have treated me with contempt by sending them back to me empty-handed several times, and that through enemy territory. Is there anyone among the merchants who trade with Telmun who has treated me in this way? You alone treat my messenger with contempt! On account of that one (trifling) mina of silver which I owe(?) you, you feel free to speak in such a way, while I have given to the palace on your behalf 1,080 pounds of copper, and umi-abum has likewise given 1,080 pounds of copper, apart from what we both have had written on a sealed tablet to be kept in the temple of Samas.
How have you treated me for that copper? You have withheld my money bag from me in enemy territory; it is now up to you to restore (my money) to me in full.
Take cognizance that (from now on) I will not accept here any copper from you that is not of fine quality. I shall (from now on) select and take the ingots individually in my own yard, and I shall exercise against you my right of rejection because you have treated me with contempt.
Source: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/complaint-tablet-to-ea-nasir
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greeniegaes · 9 months ago
JiuYuan au
Basically when SY goes into pidw SJ switches bodies with him! Cool fine whatever right? Not long into it they both discover they can see each other in their dream realms, which have collided into one.
At first it’s SJ being like “damn bro, you live like this?” And SY being like “damn bro, isn’t the sect so much nicer when you’re not being a cunt?”
Basically bickering until they realize the other isn’t that bad. SJ reads the webnovel and is like “this is fucking awful.” And SY just bonds over shitting on it.
As they talk and bond over a few years they start to actually kinda like each other like “wow maybe this guy isn’t awful *all* the time” and they get into a truce telling each other about their original worlds and stuff.
One day SJ is looking at old swords and finds Xin Mo, which shouldn’t be possible? Oh well, it is! And being the Rich Boy TM he is he just buys it from whatever museum or collector has it.
After a bit of discussion SY is like “what if you brought my body here and we swapped back to our originals?” And SJ is so game, he misses cultivation no matter how cool the modern world is.
So during the Jin Lan city arc they figure out how to swap bodies, SY immediately going into his but SJ accidentally getting stuck and being in a coma. Eventually when he wakes up he’s like “shit, why am I here…. Why am I naked?” And he escapes from Huan Hua palace only to get caught up in the fighting between CQS and Binghe’s people.
And Shen Yuan ex machina(+Xin Mo) come to take him away!
Obviously SQH is confused (that looks like the mushroom body but it’s not and he doesn’t know why it looks like that elusive third son of the shens) and LBH is even more confused because “hey now! That’s my sword! Why are there two?” And in the confusion SY fuses both the Xin Mos, purifies LBH, and gets the fuck out of there with SJ on his waist.
YQY: Shidi?! What’s going on, where are you going
LQG: If that man can control the demon sword he can’t be good, what are you doing!?!
SJ; this is my husband now
SY: we did not discuss that but sure (may as well because our consciousnesses are linked)
SQH never figured out what’s going on, JiuYuan go off and have a happy life on a tea farm and hunting monsters.
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Their Pearl | Yandere Pirates
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My response to @sweethoneyrose83's writing prompt about yandere poly pirates. Took me forever but I just had to get it out my system! 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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“This meetin’s officially called to order.” First Mate Ran is glaring at the scallywags of his Captain’s crew, without an ounce of sympathy for the guilty-looking few, “Seems like y’all have been costin’ us a month's worth of travel delaying our biggest job yet.”
The six pairs of eyes looked anywhere but Ran or the glaring Captain Lu at the head of the table. Some of them didn’t have the decency to look away with guilt but at the wooden ceiling whistling familiar tunes, rocking on the chairs they were leaning in. Ran didn’t know if that indifference bothered him more.
“Since y’all think it’s not worth comin’ straight ta me or the Captain we’ll be goin’ over each of yer fail’res.”
Black eyes scanned the long table, a relic earned on a heist of a Queen’s museum. The history within its worn wooden finish and stone markings was of the infamous pirate band—Deadman’s Collect–a band of pirates that would meet at the table to plan their grandest loots. For a crew descended from the captain’s owned it, collectively they decided it was better off in their hands than in the museum of a royal, who fought for their executions. As it belonged, it was serving pirates once again on a mission to defy the oppressive oligarchy they were forced to live in. 
“Looks like you’ll be first—Heine brothers.” 
All heads turned to look at the mischievous pair of twins, their silent smiles graduated to smirks  Their unbrushed and untamed heads of burgundy hair, fashioned like the manes of the lion statues standing guard in front of the Western King’s palace. Almost indistinguishable from one another there’s Klaus and Kurt—the strong hands of the ship and the muscle in every fight. Despite not always being the first to come up with a plan or scheme, neither needed to be goaded to do whatever it took to keep the crew safe. Usually, that was what they preferred to do rather than be patient and not kill everyone in their path. Their dynamic with the crew was silently loved; always up for a joke, and their overprotectness of everyone, especially the crew’s weaker members. So it was the most shocking for Ran to discover the brothers no longer poking at the prisoner but playing with them. 
“In our defense,” Kurt spoke playing with a strand of his unruly hair,” we found the little Pearl incredibly entertaining.”
Klaus giggled diabolically as he thought back to their interactions with the prisoner. Of course, it wasn’t unusual that when there was fresh meat the twins enjoyed torturing them but never would they take it farther than that. But of course, there was something different about the King’s Pearl. 
“Getting seasick?” Klaus had taken advantage of Ran’s divided attention to sneak off to the brig, where the most expensive item they’d ever had on their boat was.
“Nope.  As the eldest of the North Creston Name, I’ve been on plenty of ships before!” 
Klaus chuckled watching them stick their nose up and then stumble as the boat rocked. Checking the narrow stairway down, the redhead tested his luck, looking around for the key to let himself in. Finding it in a barrel out of the cell’s field of vision he quickly unlocked the cell, making its only occupant jump.
“You lyin’ to me aren’t you?”
“W-what? I’m not! It’s the truth!”
His smile dropped, green eyes giving a death glare hundreds had seen before their deaths. Without breaking eye contact he pulled out his favorite dagger, twirling the jagged blade expertly in his hand. 
“Y’know what we do to liars, meat?”
“We mark ‘em. Make sure the truth is carved into their skin forever,” he held the dagger under their chin making them lift their head so that Klaus could enjoy the fearful expression on their face,” like a tattoo except ours is going to be..much…deeper.”
Suddenly the expression was gone and a look of curiosity remained instead. 
“Wait what’s a tattoo?”
What a setup! He could stab them and they’d have their answer, but the tilt of their head despite the dagger less than a hair away let him humor them. 
“It’s easier if I just show ya.”
They lit up, moving forward so fast he almost didn’t have time to pull his dagger away. Sheathing it he knelt to their level, pulling back his opened collar more to reveal the marking underneath his collarbone. A gnarly twist of snakes and daggers on a rotting corpse. It was his go-to for torture; the well-known marking striking just as much fear if not more than they were already experiencing. 
“Wow,” their eyes were wide and their mouth open,” does it hurt at all?”
“Ha not really I don’t–” he was going to continue to rave about how pain doesn’t scare him in the slightest instead he felt the warm and soft hands trailing the design. 
They looked up at him with an unfamiliar expression. One of wonder. Something Klaus wasn’t exactly known for inducing. It made something in his heart tug, a feeling exclusive to his adored pirates. Usually looking up at him in admiration of his strength or with a challenge but this….was nothing he’d ever felt before.
“I’ll be back, gotta go!”
“Oh uhm bye then.”
Ignoring the way that same tug reappeared as he, hearing them sadly play with their fingers. He left as soon as possible, barely remembering to close the gate before heading up the stairs to safety. 
It just couldn’t be!
He needed his other half to be sure.
“Oh, it’s you again!”
The joyful greeting was not what Kurt was expecting. Just returning the key his brother was carelessly carrying around. If the Captain figured out it was misplaced they’d never hear the end of it.
The prisoner couldn’t go far thanks to the chain and cuff attaching them to the bed, but they were standing looking starry-eyed and smiling as they mistook him for his brother. Alas, Kurt wasn’t devoid of mischievousness, even though some may consider him the more behaved brother, when an opportunity presented itself he just couldn’t refuse!
“Do you by any chance have more of those tattoos to show me?”
Kurt held back a laugh before agreeing to unlock the cell once again to do what he knew his brother would have done, choosing another one. Lifting the sleeves of shirt up to his shoulder he showed off his bicep, trying not to react when he was so willingly touched.
“Wow! So many! Super duper cool!”
Kurt scoffed to himself. So a little gushing was what got him all worked up, how cute! He’d be sure to tease him with this later–
“And you’re so strong! I reckon—sorry I’m real sure you could just carry me! Wait let’s try it!”
The absolute invasion of the prisoner hanging on his curled bicep is startling but not as much as the end of it when they clumsily dismount falling into his chest. For a moment, maybe it’s instinct that his arm wraps around to steady them. Leaving him unguarded for the unbelievably carefree face staring up at him.
“Thanks! Sorry for stumbling over you like this, if you don’t mind we can try again!”
Kurt liked being looked up to and praised, but this was making his heart thump the same way it did when he cornered their bratty cabin boy. Even still this was a whole new feeling and he wouldn’t be a Heine if he didn’t explore this further!
“But of course!”
From that moment forward the twins decided they’d extend their efforts from lightly teasing with their crew to outright delaying them. They couldn’t deny it hurt their heart to hear them complain about the waning supplies and the money they needed to repair the oldest parts of the ship. But they figured the extra time was worth it to know of the intense feelings they had for their dear prisoner.
“Just cause ya caught feelin’s, that excuses you’re behavior?”
Klaus hummed looking carelessly at the steps that led to the upper deck of the ship as if he could see their Pearl through the wooden door. It bothered Ran that Kurt wasn’t even paying attention in his brother’s stead, like he usually did, only slowly blinking up at the ceiling with a lovestruck smile on his face. 
“It’s without a doubt Klaus and I have fallen deeply for our little Pearl. I’d definitely give you trouble if you tried to turn them in now.”
Ran was openly glaring as twin pairs of emerald eyes glared back with an intensity typically reserved for the bedroom the pirates on this ship. As much as he’d like to dismiss it as an over-exaggeration from them he’d seen the kind of devotion they had. 
“Hello (Y/n) you’re getting better at using that mop.”
Klaus and Kurt had managed to slip away after breakfast to visit their favorite prisoner, who had graduated from daydreaming in their cell. After the first two weeks of being delayed, the Captain approved of them having a few chores of course while always being monitored. Though it was very quickly learned they didn’t have to worry about them escaping too much at all.
They weren’t, but Kurt thought the way they struggled with waving the mop nonsensically on the deck was incredibly cute. His brother, of the same mindset, cooed before pinching and squishing their cheeks.
“So cute! Maybe I should show you my technique with the mop?”
“Oh, you will? I’d love that Klaus!”
Kurt rolled his eyes. He knew what his brother was doing and he wished he thought of it before him. He frowned at his brother as he slotted himself behind (Y/n) and clasped his hands around their awkward grip on the mop. Kurt settled to stand aside already concocting a way to intervene, in the meantime hoping they wouldn’t catch onto his brother closing the distance.
“--So if you want you should bend back into me and–”
“I didn’t know you had others on the crew!”
“Yes, I’d love it if you bent into—wait what?!
Kurt followed your gaze toward a man attempting to hide behind some barrels, and looking further past them he could tell others were coming up the side of the boat. It was supposed to be a silent ambush, from some amateur pirates. They must’ve counted their crew and thought it’d be an easy job. They’d be dead wrong. 
The brothers already had their hands on their trusted knuckle knives and jeweled punch knuckles. They spared a second to look at one another–the silent orchestrating of a plan to quickly dispatch the intruders only for their Pearl to speak out before them.
“Hey! What are you doing sneaking around for?”
The first head that had been hiding figured their cover was blown or would be if he didn’t dispatch one of the waving witnesses, charging with a long knife. Kurt and Klaus sprung into action, the former twin breaking the arm of the lunging intruder, holding his other hand on their face casually snapping their neck. By then Klaus had spun (Y/n) around excusing the intruders' attendance on the ship; it was refreshing having someone so unfamiliar with their gritty style of life around. But it came with its own challenges. Challenges Klaus and Kurt would love to have. Kurt quickly threw the corpse where it was hiding before, joining Klaus in encouraging (Y/n) to go to the kitchen. 
“We have to dismiss our unwanted guests, so if you would please go help Marie in the kitchen.”
“Oh okay but if Angel comes back you’ll have to tell him why the deck isn’t swabbed.”
“Sure sure little Pearl. Bye-bye now!”
The brothers turned to the intruders who they purposely lightly incapacitated quietly groaning as they attempted to get up. They wanted them to be lucid for the ‘fun’ the twins planned to have. Ran recalled finding the aftermath of said intruders and not clearly being able to tell how many originally invaded. The twins infamously spend a quarter of their day reducing their enemies into a bloody, burnt mess. With great pride, they confided in him, how they wished they could show (Y/n) but the First Mate convinced them not to. Part of the agreement was that no permanent damage was inflicted and Ran was sure looking at the amalgamation of human corpses would scar them for life. Ran was certain such a reaction was only reserved for the crew.
“Are you openly admitting to betraying this crew on behalf of a prisoner?”
The twins shrugged and Ran had half a thought to throw them in the brig just for their nonchalance. He was going to do just that before their Angel spoke up. Always the odd one out of a crew of pirates, his hair was the brightest blond almost white. Combed and maintained just a little past his ears, his skin lightly sunkissed an active choice many on a pirate crew wouldn’t care to do. Despite technically being the cabin boy Angel’s almond-shaped red eyes with long lashes to boot were a soft spot for the whole crew. 
Blushing oh so cutely, he faked a cough to bring attention to himself,” Ahem, I also…like them and would like them not to be delivered.”
His statement made all but the twins and Captain Lu gasp in shock. The Captain smiled, her dagger-like silver teeth glinting from the sparse lanterns around. She was leaning forward, her talon-covered index fingers tapping excitedly on the table, leaning even closer to the petite cabin boy on her left. His blush intensified as she twirled a talon around one of his blonde strands. The surrounding crew getting just as hot as him.
“I thought you wanted them ‘gone as soon as possible’?”
He closed his eyes as though that would stop everyone’s curious gazes, with his nose slightly in the air he made his case.
“Well I’ve changed my mind…last time I checked that wasn’t a crime.”
The Captain chuckled her metal claw softly grazing from his hair to his naked neck,” It isn’t, but what made you change your mind?”
The question saddled Angel with too many different memories. In the short time, his Pearl arrived on the ship he couldn’t deny the fluffy feeling in his chest when there was any inkling of their prisoner involved. But it wasn’t always this way. Firstly he didn’t mind all that much, the crew had held hostages before. It was the change that was taking over the crew that made him reevaluate. Two weeks into their imprisonment already half the crew were sneaking off and arguing about sneaking off to “play” with the prisoner. Ignoring Angel’s usually coveted advances was an easy way to earn his hatred. Which resulted in his usual routine with the Captain–cuddled up to her after a particularly passionate romp to ask for the one thing that would cure his sadness.
“You want me to get rid of our big-ticket prisoner?”
“Yes! I mean aren’t you worried about all the stalling the royals have been doing? Don’t you think they’re stringing you along? And heck we don’t even need to keep all of them alive and just keep a finger that we can send for…motivation!”
For a second, Angel thought he’d won. The Captain cooed, running her dark hands through his tussled hair and lovingly kissing his forehead. Barely able to hide his victory his pink lips curved into a smile, that dropped with the Captain’s knowing smirk.
“You’re jealous of them?”
“What jealous!?” Instinctively Angel perked up sitting up in the bed, completely ignoring his worried damsel routine. 
“I have nothing to be jealous of! That barnacle is getting everyone worked up for no good reason!”
“How do you know?”
“How do you know they aren’t worth the fuss if you’ve never played with them yourself?”
Angel crossed his arms to pout, managing his dramatic fall into the captain's bed (minding his sore behind). Glaring at the wooden grooves of the decorated wall as if they were the ones denying him. 
“I don’t need to know.”
“Well maybe you should….then you could leverage it for some much-needed time with everyone.”
Angel hated knowing that he was taking the Captain’s advice in the first place. Fully accepting the task of making the pampered prisoner useful by sharing his chores with them. The collective groans from the disappointed crew only spurred him on. Harshly shoving a pale and scrub into their hands and screaming for them to scrub the deck. Leaning back on a barrel as he styled his hair looking in the reflection of a compact mirror that Kurt stole just for him, he was sure it’d be easy. “Spending time to learn” while the prisoner he hated did his chores sounded like a wonderful dream. Except this prisoner was like nothing he’d dealt with before.
“Alright so make sure to scrub the floor. Don’t be too heavy with the wat–”
“...Okay…that’s a bit much but–”
“STOP STOP! What are you doing?! Serves me right to believe some rich kid would know how to scrub a floor!”
“Well I’m sorry but I wasn’t exactly allowed to learn at home.”
“But I’m sure someone was scrubbing the floors, wouldn’t hurt to watch them right?”
“I was strictly forbidden from spending time with others….including the maids.”
“...Well you’re going to learn. Grab the scrub.”
He hated to admit, that he enjoyed watching them flounder with the new tasks. Turning to him with that wide-eyed curious stare admitting they had no idea what a ‘sea shanty’ was. It was weirdly endearing, to be the one looked up to despite being the shortest. To be asked for his opinion on things other than costumes for a disguise. Being the one to do the pinning against the wall when he’s being particularly mean.
Angel hated to admit it but when he was confided in about an arranged marriage, he actually intervened. 
“So we’re docking at Restwood Kingdom. Small town. You’re not going to get to see it though.”
“That’s okay I’ve already been.”
“...You have?”
“Yeah, my….betrothed lives there.”
“.....Your betrothed?”
“...Yeah my family wasn’t thrilled but they said he would have been the best for me.” “Do you feel the same way?”
He studied their face so intensely then, studying the quirk in their lips and their wandering eyes. He prided himself on knowing when his Pearl was happy. When they were reminiscing. This was not one of those times…there was something off.
“It doesn’t really matter,” the sad smile made him sick, “ when I go back they’re going to start the wedding plans.”
“...Hm that’s a shame.” 
Angel felt no remorse, casually reminding Ran of a juicy bit of information the prisoner let slip. Handing over the drawn map he convinced them to draw to ‘see the garden’ they talked so much about. Pretending to be just as distraught that a headline of the prince being massacred is published during their stay. Hiding the smile that threatened to come while cuddling a crying (Y/n) into the bed he was sharing with Marie. 
“So yes. I changed my mind because as much as I hate to admit I do…like them.”
“Whoa so they were gonna marry that prick,” Kurt piped up, smiling wide as he looked at the pinned headline in the brig. Klaus and a few others at the table snickered an air of pride exuding from everyone in the room, making Ran roll his eyes. They were getting distracted again. 
“That explains your sudden necessity for a…noble’s head…movin’ on. Willow? What about yer navigation blunders? You’ve purposely been leading us astray fer over a month now. I thought yer vow of loyalty trumped that.” 
The islander navigator sighed, “I’m loyal to my heart. That is why I came on this ship, in the first place.”
A series of cheers and whoops erupted from the table, Marie and Reese high-fiving her from both sides, much to Ran’s displeasure. Willow simply shrugs, her hooped earrings jingling against her necklaces as she shakes her head. Even without her culture’s morals influencing her, she was always inclined to follow her heart. Why else would she leave the stifling paradise of the islands and its familiar grottos and underwater caves and the singing with sirens if not for love? Watching the Captain, then the twins, then the others all falling for the poor prisoner. She recalled when she first laid eyes on the little Pearl, freshly plucked from the protective mouth of the royal clam. The Captain and the First Mate had headed the mission, relying on Reese and her to keep their passage out clear. It was but a moment when they needed to get past a crowd of marching guards. Reese had been the one to ask what everyone was thinking.
“Uh, are we going to gag them or something? What if they screamed right now?”
They didn’t respond instead the prisoner that was tied up and currently sitting on the sewer floor was attempting to raise their hands as if they were in school. The Captain snickered and Ran rolled his eyes, as Reese watched their eager attempt to ask for permission. Willow was the one who finally let them speak, with a finger to her lips. The prisoner’s expression lit up…like a teacher’s pet who could finally speak.
“Oooh I promised I wouldn’t make a sound for the whole trip! As long as I get a street beignet in the end!” 
Willow quietly laughed along with Reese before they were on the move again. Watching as their untouched ankle was shackled in their cell and the expression on their face not even changing did something to her. Something she found not many of her current partners had. Not that they weren’t sympathetic or understanding, just that they couldn’t possibly know how easy it was to be swept away by the pirates when she met them. And she knew that her Pearl felt the same way.
“Did you really promise not to speak for some pastries?”
“But weren’t you afraid? Didn’t you want to be helped?”
“I…kindof have always wanted to sneak away I just could never do it. If that makes sense.”
“It does. More than you’ll ever know.”
She recalled their conversations between the bars of the cell. Animated and intrigued with every word that came from her typically untalkative self. Even her dreams were filled with their endless chatter and entrancing smiles. Being a follower of her heart meant listening to her dreams and more than anything telling her destiny demanded she have them. Have you. And she’d do anything to keep you.
 “Mmmh Willow.”
“Sorry little Pearl, I’m almost done.”
“S-s-so this is kind of like a tattoo? Except with your mouth?”
“Yes,” she licked lovingly at the puncture marks along their neck. Pride filled her heart as she watched the blood underneath their skin coagulate, “something like that.”
That’s probably why she could only stare in response to Ran’s question.
“You’re asking if I’d join the twins? If they were to ever rebel for them?”
Ran nodded.
“Of course, I would.”
Kurt and Klaus cheered roping a reluctant Angel into it too, making Ran send a scathing look for them to stop. It didn’t and without his prompting Marie, the brunette chef spoke her peace. 
“I’d also reckon they deserve a place with us, forever. Don’t think I could bear it if they left me now!”
The freckled chef had their own share of tantalizing conversations over the meals she’d deliver. The kind she often never could have with the other pirates being as close as they were, it was lovely having a new taster.
“Hmmm so good…though.”
“What? What is it?”
“I think this could use…some more spice.”
“Really?! But I tried using that oregano they got for me.”
“No no, another spice maybe try,,,, coriander.”
“I’ll have to give that a try.”
Marie would love to say that she too had waited for a long while before she was enraptured but that just wasn’t the case. From the second they scarfed down and happily ate her food she was hooked. She just loved a good eater! Dreaming about what else she could feed their lovely little captive, who was just so responsive. So responsive they rarely ever refused her dishes even when they were well beyond the point of full. Not exactly free to roam around the ship, she’d fill them up with her concoctions and recipes until they couldn’t move. Her favorite instance was during their first day out of the cell, finally allowed to be out but only with a chaperone. Marie had volunteered, shoving her stuffed Pearl into her bed, taking advantage of their feast and the sleepiness that followed. With a few exhausted groans, they were asleep giving her free range to poke and squish the fat of their stomach. Squealing to herself at its light firmness, she delighted in the freedom to do so. Her other lovers on the ship were freaky open but not enough for her to do all she pleased. But her Pearl was different so oblivious asleep they wouldn’t protest her hands wandering to explore and touch and taste.
“You’re so easy, (Y/n)...so mine.”
She’d only felt inclined to stop when Reese had walked in on her, a silent warning to go no further as she nibbled on an ear and placed a grape into her Pearl’s lips. There was no one she could do this to without being scolded or with anyone so unaware of their own limits that they would stop her. Not to mention she adored the compliments given to her without caring where the meat she’d gotten came from. At this point, she could never go back.
“That would leave you Reese…do you too feel this way about our hostage.”
All eyes were on Reese. The impish, pick-pocketer with a big smile, an aloof personality, and hair dark as the sea. Suspicious as he was a good fighter, rarely was he on the receiving end of such big questions. Often preferring to go with the flow of his fellow pirates and backing his Captain in any way possible. When the plan was in motion to abduct the greatest payoff that they’d ever attempted he was all for it. Dismissing their weird behavior and the Captain’s quiet opinion of them. Not once had he tried to risk it, until he’d seen it. Everyone on the ship had dopey faces and distracted behavior–it was so out of character for everyone. It didn’t take long before he’d found the culprit and was tempted to do what he did to all his problems.
Chuck it off the plank.
“Are you sure this is a fun game? It just seems a little scary to me!”
“That’s part of the fun! That little adrenaline rush is how you know you’re playing it right!”
“Oh okay!” 
It was just too easy. The simple proposal of a ‘pirate game; had them following like an obedient dog, completely unaware their owner was going to shoot them in the back of the head. Reese didn’t think he’d feel bad about it. Chalking it up to another kill of some enemy to his crew, he’d done it before so many times. Using his tricks and wit to outsmart them; it really was too easy to instruct them to balance themself on the plank above the sea.
“Okay I’m at the end Reese I did it!”
“Good…real good.”
“Wow the water is—”
It was second hand to slam his foot on the end of the plank, sending their hostage slightly in the air and tumbling into the depths below. From his safety on the ship's railing, he watched them resurface once, reaching out to him and struggling to call his name. 
Seeing their face disappear under the waves Reese thought he should feel free, yet his feet refused to turn away. Staring at the unmoving water trying to decipher why there was a piece of him hoping they’d resurface. But he recalls a conversation he’d had with them. It was a one-off something he probably didn’t even initiate.
“Oh yeah, I don’t know how to swim. My family told me I’d never need to!”
He remembered thinking the same thing he was now.
How helpless.
They need me.
He was only reassured when he finally dove in, a floating device tied to him as he held them up. Wet coughing and puking of saltwater against his chest and their hands hanging tightly around his neck. It was the tears that had him hugging back.
“I-I really don’t like this game.” 
“I know me neither.”
“C-can we g-g–go home?” 
Home. That’s where they needed to be because they were so darn helpless. He had to make sure they did just that, forever.
“Yup they gotta be here, I don’t know how they’ll survive otherwise.”
Once again the pirates around the table began to cheer, a collective air of acceptance of the same truth it all stopped though as everyone was reminded of had the real say. Captain Lu sat at the head of the table with her talon-covered hands folded underneath her face. Her luscious lips are straight, her expression far too apathetic for the cheering pirates before her. They held their breaths in anticipation—a silence encompassing the mess hall as they waited on her command. 
Her First Mate turned to her, his words suddenly so much heavier,” Cap’n Lu, do you want to keep the prisoner or d’ya prefer to return ‘em and get our reward?” 
The Captain leaned back into her chair—her throne observing the faces of her pirates whom she adored, all waiting for her word as they ought to. She, like many here, felt as though someone was missing from their ranks….and she couldn’t agree more. Having been the one to receive a message in the bottle written by the King’s beloved child. On the parchment was a plea to see the world, to see the ocean for themselves, and to find love.  
Well, now they had eight. 
There was an apparent thrill for Lu–with every successful treasure hunt, there was a small part of her that felt satisfied. There truly was nothing that beat pure ale down her throat, a lover at her knees, and a view of the treasures she’d acquired burying her other lovers. It beat a hard day's work. It beats an ‘honest job.’ She could think of nothing as fulfilling until she met (Y/n) in the flesh. 
She and Ran lead the heist, letting only themselves into the innards of the intensely guarded wing of the castle. It felt disgustingly perfect to be trampling the lightly pink rug of the castle bedroom, leaving the faint dirt print within its wool. Passing a tray of ornate gifts, ranging from perfumes to portraits and priceless works of art. The handles and doors grand and golden would be fine prizes any other day but Rand and Lu walked right past them. All to stop in front of the completely bored Pearl at the center of it all. 
“I got your message.”
She handed the bottle over. The original writer tracing their sloppy handwriting from so long ago. A smile spread across their face.
“So have you come to take me? Like a hero?”
“Just like one.”
“Will I…” they trailed off eying the calendar plastered on the opposite wall. Large and in an overly fancy font mapping out a schedule that didn’t change much at all,” get everything I asked for before I come back?”
Without hesitation, she responded, “Of course and so much more.”
With a smile on both of their faces, the Pearl allowed themselves to be tied up. Stopping to negotiate a gag, and then leaving into the sewer systems of the castles. In the comfort of the ship, Lu felt no better place for her Pearl was by her side. In her bed. In her First Mate’s bed. In any of her pirate’s beds. 
No greater gift than seeing them there….among her pile of treasures.
“What do you think Ran? What will your Captain say?”
The question made the pirate fluster, shifting their boots along the floor. Dutifully looking into his Captain’s single purple eye. The silent question hanging between them—’ What do you want me to say?’. It was easier than breathing, the split-second answer that punctuates every scenario his heart likes to play out. 
Thinking back to all the new memories he’d made with their Pearl. It was the evening of a minor heist that ended with a fight. Not against the corrupt merchant but with Reese. The pick-pocket had been particularly reckless attacking the knight-in-training who��d followed their band bag to the ship. Despite shakily holding a sword up, Reese attacked with extreme prejudice. Holding the boy by the neck as he repeatedly stabbed a dull knife into his sternum, dragging through the skin to his intestines. Ran was the first to witness this, surprised by the aggression to someone they’d usually let live. 
“He saw them! Sleeping in the brig! He was going to tell! I can’t–! I wouldn’t–! We can’t let that happen!”
Ran listened to Reese flounder, the manic look in his blue eyes anxiously darting about. He’d rarely seen him in such a state. The detached sneak had a habit of masking his pain, a survival instinct he couldn’t quite part with. A paranoid obsessiveness that requires unspoken requirements to be fulfilled puts him on edge. People, not tied up, are the usual ones—too many opportunities for danger. And apparently, anyone threatening to remove their little Pearl would do the same. 
Ran did what he usually did when he got in this state. Pulling Reese into his chest, blocking his view of the dying intruder. Letting his rough hands curl within the locks of his shaking partner, holding him tightly as he hummed. 
“No one’s taking our Pearl. They won’t be going anywhere.”
Ran didn’t hesitate when he promised. He also didn’t hesitate when Marie and Willow asked to make a special pitstop. The chef wouldn’t stop talking about how their Pearl in passing spoke of a specific spice so fondly, that they’d die if they never got to see their expression when they finally tasted it again. Stealing anything from the spice merchants meant going out of their way; possibly mingling with other pirates who specialized in the trade. Yet he still said they could. Purposefully stalling their pearl until Marie was in the position to watch excitedly as they gleefully ate her cooking. Sending Willow to ‘wait’ with their Pearl for their scheduled bathroom break. Keeping quiet Willow promises to visit later.
“Are you alright with this, Ran?”
“Yes…you were very helpful…for our requests with the prisoner.”
“It’s not a problem. We haven’t broken the routine or protocol.”
He did lie just that once about not breaking protocol. He didn’t bother saying anything the next time Angel and the twins, confiscated a line of rope. Typically Ran demanded strict ledgers and labeling when it came to any supplies on the ship. It was the best way to make sure everything was in order. So typically he’d have quite a lot to say about the unspecified use of an extra rope—but this case was special. It was in front of the twins’ room, Klaus and Kurt usually kept the door open as an invitation but not this time. Knocking brought out Klaus and Kurt, pink on their cheeks and large smiles on their faces.
“We’re using it for a game.”
“Yes, a very fun game.”
Ran was so annoyed he hadn’t figured out why yet,”Well am I getting the rope back?”
The twins shared a look as they usually did before speaking up. Their door opening to reveal a flushed Angel has them stopping and eagerly turning to him. 
“---We’re ready for you~ Oh  Ran, how’ve you been?”
The twins no longer interested in the faux conversation, went into their room leaving Angel to placate their First Mate. 
“Sorry, no guarantees about that rope. It might not survive what we have planned for it.”
Ran wasn’t an idiot he recognized the specific shirt he was wearing. The one that was flowy and hung off his shoulders–deliciously inviting. Though it begs the question who was being strung up if it wasn’t him?
“Oh, and I’m chaperoning our Pearl by the way! Bye!”
He quickly disappeared into the room behind him, leaving Ran to burn with the broken rules of any prisoner. Granted special permissions were given, he wondered just how far he was slipping or just how bad it had gotten.
“Thank you Ran for helping me! If you can believe it I usually am not allowed to do this completely by myself.”
Beneath him was (Y/n) colloquially dubbed their Pearl bare and resting within the tin washbasin. In his hands was the washcloth lathered in the sudsy remains of a dwindling soap bar. Fighting the burning in his cheeks and begging twitchy hands running over unmarred skin, with the reverence it usually did. It was the quiet splash of the water with the slightest movements, their breathy moans of satisfaction that brought Ran to his knees. In his heart, nay! His very soul was for them.
For them, no amount of gore and death was unnecessary.
For them, no amount of stalling, lying, or breaking of rules was unneeded.
For them, no amount of rope, jewels, or spices could compare.
For them, their Pearl was worth more than all of it–and trading them in for any pile of gold or riches would be a loss. For nothing can compare to the value of their Pearl. 
“My Cap’n, you must say yes. As you already have the greatest of treasures.”
The nervousness you felt was growing exponentially. A little while ago you’d been left in the crow’s nest; Lu assuring you’d be helpful while they had their meeting. For all the stories and headlines you’ve read about pirates, it’s crazy to know they demanded to have meetings with one another. 
Staring at the endless sea and sky full of blue, you let your mind wander. Thinking back to the endless cycle you originally lived through. Waking and being pampered day in and day out, in the same room you’d been in since your youth. Looking at the definition it constituted it being called insanity, but this insanity eased all in court. All in the castle. All in the Kingdom. To know their future was locked away, upkept, and healthy. 
But that was gone now. 
You were free.
For now. 
You wondered how long it’d take for your parents to chase, for the pirates to lose interest, for others to learn that the jewel of the crown was easy pickings. It felt so dreamy. To spend your days learning something new, trying what you’ve heard adventurous heroes get to do. Daring heists, escaping storms….being loved. 
It was foreign but good.
So good, you dreaded seeing the Royal Messenger ship appearing on the horizon. The white sails instead of red or black proving this was the one to pay whatever it took to bring you home. 
Quickly you stood, peering into the eye-glass once again. Turning to the ladder you made your way down, running to knock on the closed door of the mess hall. Instead, the door swung open revealing the dressed in purple Captain Lu smiling her infamous smile. Reminding you of the first day you finally met… a shame it’d be your last.
“Captain the Royal ship is here on the North horizon.”
She hums stepping to the side to reveal the others who had heard such major news. The first to step out was Marie, her bottom lip jutted out and quivering with an onset of tears. Throwing herself at you, you caught her to the best of your ability. The chef was petite but her grip around you was tight, making her dead weight a problem for you. 
“Don’t tell me yer gunna leave me (Y/n)! How will I go on?!”
You had nothing to say, just patting her flowing brown hair. Saving you from outright admitting you’ve never comforted anyone ever, Angel piped up.
“You’ll be fine,” he lightly kicked her, looping an arm around yours, “get up we’ve got work to do.”
“So what do we have to do to get ready? How do ransoms work exactly?”
The pirates around you stopped for a moment, something unfamiliar jading their expressions. But as quick as it came it was gone, them smiling and laughing like you’d told a funny story. You didn’t hide your curious face…was that the wrong thing to say? You felt a nibble against your earlobe, the familiar smell of lemons invading your senses as Angel pulled you close.
“You're absolutely hilarious, (Y/n).”
Klaus sauntered towards you coming on your opposite side, to hold your chin up. A light peck was all he got in before Kurt butted in. Holding the gesture for much longer before his brother pulled at his matching messy hair. The tug of war continued for a while until you heard a large a two smacks occurring simultaneously. Klaus and Kurt snapping upright clutching their behinds with a smirk and a flustered smile directed at Willow, who took advantage of their surprise to squeeze in pressing a kiss to your neck. 
“We’ve come to an agr’ment, Pearl. You won’t be going.”
“Isn’t this just the best,” Marie piped up. Tears gone and her grip now fondling the fat of your waist,” You get to try to fill up on all the new ideas I’ve got cookin’ up!”
Reese stepped forward minding Marie still kneeling on the ground, he looked you deep into your eyes a warm smile spreading on his face. 
“You’re stayin’ I doubt that ships going to get within boardin’ distance of us before they’re blown to smithereens.”
You don’t choose to focus on the dark look on his face or the way they all seemed to smile along with him. With Angel still clinging onto you, you turn to Lu who’s tucking her own spyglass into her coat pocket. 
“What d’ya say, Pearl? Gettin’ a little bit more than you asked for.”
Your first meeting ran through your head, and you nodded. Looking past her to see Ran who has a rare smile on his face. You pull Angel and Marie into a hug, leaning backward when Kurt, Klaus, and Willow join. Reese comes forward slipping past the arms going for him before he runs for the crow's nest. 
A look is shared with Ran as he runs off, making the First Mate fake cough to get your attention. 
“Now (Y/n), your trainin’ as a pirate begins now, and for yer first lesson: we’ll be discussin’ battle at sea!”
You beamed, wiggling free to follow Ran who was cleaning his handgun. Watching in awe as he practiced his aim at the incoming ship. 
“Are we really going to hurt them?”
He hummed, “Only if they choose not to leave us be. As a pirate, we protect our own first and foremost. You think you can handle that (Y/n)?”
It wouldn’t hurt to enjoy this adventure a little while longer!
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 10 months ago
may 2024 twst manga updates~
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***This includes spoilers for the Episode of Savanaclaw, Episode of Octavinelle, and the 4koma!***
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AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH LILIA SILVER AND SEBEK LOOK SO GOOD HERE 🤡 I love how Silver and Sebek are constantly shown flanking Lilia, it really enhances the bodyguard/knight vibes! Every time Lilia appears, he always looks like he's having so much fun. Lil' guy is living it up in every panel! Especially when he appears upside down to spook Ruggie.
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efbiuSIUBDBYypvfW9wpWD THIS SHOT IS SO GOOD??????? ?I'M LIVING FOR CATER MAKING SILVER AND SEBEK LOOK LIGHTLY UNCOMFORTABLE AS HE HANGS ON THEM.............. .... . . . . ....... .. .... .. . . . . .. ..
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Ruggie's despair is delicious 🤤 He's thinking about all the events that led up to this point and about how that will now all go to waste. Now that I think about it and I have the visual right in front of me... That's the same thing Leona felt every time he got knocked down for his efforts. The parallels, man...
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Well, fellas... Looks like it's probably Overblot Leona time next chapter. A detail I love here is that, from Leona's perspective, all the faces of his dorm members are sorta blotted out... which is interesting seeing as how it was stated that Mrs. Rosehearts' face was intentionally blotted since she is considered the source of Riddle's trauma + the light novel tells us that Leona fears seeing hope and desperation for a better future in others because it might motivate him to try again, thus prompting another failure or rejection... 😭
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Palace servants: Young master Leona's magical power is so strong, it's scary!! Leona: Damn, they don't understand me! They judge me before they even get to know me. If I were the older brother, they wouldn't be saying this stuff. Also Leona: [see image above]
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MALEWIFE MODE RUGGIE????? 😭 What a contrast to the Ruggie in the Episode of Savanaclaw who is really going through it…
Love the detail of Yuuta and Grim helping out with chores in the background! It shows that they’re trying to pull their weight while they stay over.
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Babe, wake up... New Yuuta and Leona reaction images just dropped from the Episode of Octainvelle... (I am Yuuta whenever new TWST content drops and my non-Twstie friends are Leona whenever they're listening to me blab nonstop about the updates--)
Yuuta once again proves to be my favorite of the current Yuu iterations 🫶 He’s just so sweet and hopeful!
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We actually get to see the class photo!! Although the resolution here is very grainy. I'm really hoping that we get to see a close-up after Azul's OB!! I'm dying to see what he looked like as a kid!
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fbhlavfuoeqy8vevif;fa fai THIS CHAPTER REALLY MADE ME LIKE ACE?????? ??? ? ?? ? It's probably because he gives the same flawless liar (even though the acting is sooo overexaggerated) energy as Jade in book 4. There's a really fun scene where he's distracting the Atlantica Museum guards and really hamming it up. He looks so cute while he's being (fake) upset yet so enthusiastic!!
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This was my favorite part!! Ace excitedly talks about how he's always been interested in merfolk since he was little (lie) and how he saved up all his money to come to this museum (also a lie)... THEN BRO HAS THE AUDACITY TO POSE LIKE THIS AND TALK ABOUT WANTING TO BE A PART OF THAT WORLD????? ?? ???? ? ?? ? ?? ARIEL WHO>?????? ?? ??? ?? ? ?I o NLY KNOW TRAPPOLA NOW
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One of the 4koma this month is about Octavinelle going on a camping trip! Azul wants to study the stars for money-making ideas/inspiration.
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When talking about auroras, they're reminded of the Diasomnia students and think about making an aurora-colored drink to sell to them. The Octatrio also star-gaze and talk about aliens + selling octopus to them. They discuss the idea of filling a space suit with water and fish to they can walk in space too.
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The other 4koma is about Trey brushing the mouths of his mandrake (as they have no teeth but dirt). He insists that everyone should have a clean oral cavity.
You can even tell which mandrake is Trey’s because it has a bunch of toothbrushes stuck in its pot 🪥
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Jamil was planning on using his own mandrake to make an ancient remedy for relieving toothache. Trey is uh… interested… and attempts to test out the healing toothpaste for himself (Jamil of course stops him).
Trey… you’re the most NORMAL one, why are you like this OTL
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akirathedramaqueen · 6 months ago
The bias is not always conscious
And that's the case with Stolas. That's it, that's basically the post, so you can count it as your tl;dr, but let me elaborate. :)
(A little gratitude note! Sorry @tealvenetianmask, I failed being concise here, but I thank you for encouraging me to put it all together :3 I also thank you for our conversations about Stolas and about museums in particular which heavily contributed to it)
I think there's some misunderstanding when people get offended by the suggestion that Stolas acts classist/racist. It seems that people assume we’re implying he is malicious and intentional with it, but the actual problem is that he doesn't think.
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S2EP2, Seeing Stars, 1:29
The problematic behavior we're discussing is reflexive and internalized. Stolas was raised in an environment where the lower demon class is looked down upon, and while he believes he expresses nothing but deep respect for Blitzø and treats him as an equal…
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Goodnight, Blitzø. S1EP7, Ozzie's, 14:50
And while you can see from this bow that this intention is sincere, which is both wonderful and fascinating—he preserved this profound gesture ever since he was a kid, despite being actively discouraged from doing so!...
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[Stolas]: I'm Stolas! It's nice... Ouch! [Paimon]: Don't bow to that one! He bows to us! Idiot! S2EP1, The Circus, 7:40
He was still raised in privilege and influenced by the narratives around him. For him, it's acceptable because that's what he was taught is fine. It's part of his everyday speech, and he never actually asks Blitzø, or anyone else, how they feel about the literally belittling nicknames (like literally—do you notice how often he uses the word "little" when referring to imps?).
I mean... there's a lot, okay? I'm just going to pull out some examples off the top of my head. All of them are from Season 1, and I'll explain why later.
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I was hoping you brave little imps would accompany us! S1EP2, Loo Loo Land, 5:15
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Ugh, that's better... Where's Blitzy? He's my knight in shining armor, not you, littler ones! S1EP2, Loo Loo Land, 13:22
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And it [grimoire] isn't supposed to be lent out to itty-bitty imps like yourself. S1EP5, The Harvest Moon Festival, 0:30
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Greetings, tiny Wrath Ring imps! S1EP5, The Harvest Moon Festival, 8:22
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[Stolas, in the background]: Who dares threaten my little impish plaything? S1EP6, Truth Seekers, 18:20
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How the fuck did you get caught by humans? Are you little creatures not being careful up here? S1EP6, Truth Seekers, 19:38
He also takes pride in being part of Ars Goetia. That pride seeps into his mind whether he wants it to or not. He lives in a huge palace, never worries about money, can arrange a seat in a club that’s always booked out, and gets admitted to a hospital immediately, while hellhounds wait five years for a Hellbies shot.
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Being part of the Goetia family is rather valuable, you know. S1EP2, Loo Loo Land, 4:39
Most of these examples come from Season 1 because, after the disastrous Ozzie’s date, Stolas begins to unconsciously cut back on this language. He seems to sense that something is wrong, though he doesn’t fully understand why. However, he is acutely aware of the problems with the transaction and the unfair dynamics it creates, and he is serious about putting Blitzø on equal ground by providing him with the means to run his business independently of Stolas.
And still, he maintains full control over the conversation during the Full Moon meeting, immediately dismisses Blitzø after one mistake, and throws him out. He continues to impose his narrative on Blitzø and…
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I don't look down on you! How many times do I— When have I ever?! S2EP9, Apology Tour, 2:45
When have you ever indeed, Stolas? You literally look down on Blitzø saying that. This moment illustrates the problem clearly. He isn’t lying when he says he doesn’t look down on Blitzø because he genuinely believes he doesn’t.
Despite all said, Stolas is making a tremendous effort and is progressing, and he is far ahead of Stella, who is openly classist/racist and very conscious of her biases. So I believe—no, I know—he will get there one day. But not today.
This is something I take quite seriously, and I think people need to understand how dangerous this subtlety can be, as it happens all the time in real life too.
How often do you ask yourself why medical research groups are predominantly represented by white, cis, upper-middle-class males, and how this affects the efficiency of treatments suggested in these studies for everyone else—women, people of color, non-binary folks, and those who struggle financially?
How often do you visit museums and see art created by wealthy aristocrats who defined what constitutes 'fine art,' while 'folk art'—often created by marginalized communities—is overlooked and lost to time?
I could elaborate further on how deep and cruel this bias is, but I’ll stop here. I just ask you to consider why you might get offended when someone points out Stolas's subtle bigotry and why you might downplay it compared to the loud, aggressive Blitzø, whose anger and avoidant issues are obvious.
Just sit with it.
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poptod · 3 months ago
Omg yay!!! Ik u already have to many for him I hope ur not tired of him yet 😭
Aukmenrah x gn reader where reader is a new part of an exhibit (I was thinking like Pompeii or roman/greek like along those timelines but ill leave it up to u :)) and while Larry is showing them around they meet up with Auk who explains the tablet but while trying to understand him, reader is just looking at him like he hung the stars and Auk starts to get flustered. It's like that between them for a while, like a school crush, and Larry makes it a mission to eventually get them together and becomes Auk's wing man <3
Notes: amazingly no, i am not tired of our dearest ahk but you have GOT to tell me why you spell Ahkmenrah's name like that </3 i made the reader from the islamic golden age since that's what i'm writing about in my book. hope thats satisfactory! WC: 2k
It was startling, your first awakening––you were one of few exhibits who immediately realized something was not quite right with your existence. For you, it was because you had no memories. You were not a copy of some great historical figure or the remnants of a skeleton; you were a wax doll, there only to demonstrate the clothes of the time.
The nightguard, standing in front of you as the sun set and you shimmered into living, offered you a hand to help you down from your pedestal.
"My name's Larry. Larry Daley," he said. "Welcome to the museum."
"Mā? 'Ayna ana?"
A long sigh and grimace ran through him. He put his hands on his hips, muttered something to himself, then said something to you, beckoning you along. You glanced around––the shining floors and tall ceilings, the myriad of creatures and humans in the long hall. You decided it would be best to listen, even if you didn't know what he wanted.
"Okay…" he mumbled beneath his breath. he then, in a rather thick accent, introduced himself in your language. "I am Larry Daley."
"Uhuh," you said, lifting your chin. "I…"
You frowned. You weren't sure what your name was. Another hint that something was seriously wrong.
"I don't know my name," you said, but he seemed not to understand you.
He took you through the halls and large rooms of what appeared to be a palace with many treasures on display. Unfortunately, no one seemed to be able to speak your language, and so all of Larry's explanations fell on deaf ears. After a rather long walk through a section filled with crystals and minerals, you circled back round to the main part of the building, with its warmly coloured walls and decorated arches.
Rising up to the second floor, you turned down a hall filled with what you recognized as ancient Egyptian artifacts. You stopped in front of a few showcases, tilting your head curiously to the side as your eyes scanned blankly over the informational plaques, unable to identify the language.
Larry pulled you along.
Tumbling over your feet, you barely caught sight of the giant, moving jackal statues staring you down before you were in the next room, bathed in a dim, golden light. Distracted by the multitude of hieroglyphs around you––the art and mystery of which was a fascination of your time––you payed little attention to the quiet conversation Larry was holding with another person. Eventually you turned around, peeked over Larry's shoulder, and stopped dead in your tracks.
His beauty was a near perfect image of the ancient Pharaonic carvings. Your heart sped tenfold as you gawked at him––his khol-lined pale eyes, his soft lips stretched into a smile, the revelation of his tanned waist revealed between tresses of sewn gold. It was rather inappropriate, you knew, but somehow you couldn't stop yourself.
His eyes shifted and fell on you. You stiffened.
A keen smile creeped across his face, eyes narrowing. He said something, something you couldn't understand, and Larry replied in conversation. You attempted to hide a little further behind Larry's shoulder, but the nightguard stepped to the side and revealed you in your entirety.
You froze, then tucked your hands behind your back, straightening your posture.
"So, you are new," the Pharaoh said, lifting his chin in your direction.
You perked up. He knew your language.
"Yes, I am. You know how to speak Arabic?"
"I know many languages, fortunately for Larry," he said with a teasing lilt, glancing to Larry. "He says you don't know your name. Is that true?"
"I suppose so," you said quietly. "Do you know why that is?"
"I believe I do, if you'll lend me the time to explain," he said, offering a hand. You slowly, reluctantly, took it. "I am the Pharaoh Ahkmenrah, from many thousands of years before your time. And you are from some thousand years before this time."
He proceeded to explain the magic of his tablet, which you would've never believed without having been a product of it yourself––something which took you a long while to realize and come to terms with. Though, perhaps, you might've understood faster and more thoroughly if you had been paying attention. Instead, most of your mind was caught up in staring at Ahkmenrah and absorbing his beauty.
"The tablet was – was…" Ahk paused, his face flushing as he glanced between you and the tablet on the wall. "… was, um, constructed by my," he cleared his throat, "father… millenia ago."
You stared.
"It is, um, powered by Iah, the moon, which - which is why…" he chuckled weakly, eyes shining, "… why it only, uh, activates during the night."
Beside you, Larry crossed his arms, a soft huff leaving his chest. You continued to stare.
"Do you… have any questions?" He asked, tugging at his bejewelled collar.
"I don't think so," you said slowly.
"Well, um, if you do," he said, stepping forward and placing a hand on your back to guide you down the hall, "I better answer them tomorrow night. The sun will rise soon, and it is best if we all return to our places. Otherwise the general populace will discover our nature and I am sure it would be better kept a secret. People tend to become scared when confronted with that which they do not understand. Yes?"
You nodded vaguely, still looking up at him. He glanced down at you, his face still darkened by a warm blush, and immediately looked up ahead once more, avoiding your pointed gaze.
Larry led you the rest of your way back to your exhibit, which was filled with inner architecture and room design of the typical Islamic household of your time. You stepped back up into your place, smoothed down your many layers of clothing, and faded back out of living.
During the nights, you occupied your time by watching the Pharaoh. Few others knew how to speak to you, and try as Larry might to learn Arabic, his pronunciation was poor at best and his understanding rather weak. Your own English was coming along slowly. Yet despite the fact that Ahk was one of the only people you could communicate with, you found it difficult to interact with him. Most thought escaped your mind and you found yourself entranced by the majesty with which he held himself, even if it was dampened by his nervous blushing. You relinquished yourself to watching from afar.
You sighed, legs dangling over the edge of the balcony as you watched the party on the floor below. Ahk was an identifiable streak of gold amongst the costumes and exhibits, and Larry, the opposite of him who blended in, stood beside him. They were conversing quietly, with muted hand gestures as they stood to the side of the action.
Then, between words, Larry pointed up at you.
Your eyes widened and you quickly withdrew your legs from between the bannister poles, stood, and hurried away.
Your exhibit was rather small; just a single presentation in a hall detailing middle eastern culture. Out of all the artefacts on display, you were the only one to animate at night, which made the hall a rather lonely and silent one. You sat on your low couch, far more ornate than you figured you deserved as a nameless thing, and stared at your hands.
It was inappropriate, your behaviour––gawking after someone. Your emotions on the matter were beyond confusing. Traditionally, being Muslim, your curiosity in the Pharaoh could not extend beyond scholastic. After all, he was a polytheist. But his Gods were real, just as real as your God. His Gods brought you to life. You wondered as you stared blankly down if a blank, nameless wax doll could even have a religion.
At least Ahkmenrah was a real person.
Quiet footsteps began to echo, swirling round the empty halls and growing slowly louder. You noticed it faintly and hoped you blended in to the intricately woven carpets and carved wood facades.
Alas, the footsteps stopped in front of you, and as you looked up you found the Pharaoh standing in front of you, his hands folded neatly in front of him.
"May I join you?" He asked, gesturing to the raised platform.
You nodded. He smiled in return, and took a seat beside you.
"Your exhibit is much nicer than mine. Well-made furniture… though it is as quiet as mine," he said, chuckling softly.
You shrugged, tucking your hands between your knees.
"Yours is nice," you said quietly.
He nodded vaguely, and the two of you stewed in an awkward silence for a moment. Ahk's eyes wandered about, then finally settled on you, long eyelashes accentuating his makeup.
"How are you enjoying your time here?" He asked, turning towards you. "You've kept mostly to yourself."
"Well, there's not much to say to most people," you mumbled. "They do try, which is nice. But it's not the same. And I feel… different to the others."
"Different?" He repeated. "How is that?"
"I have a vague idea of my culture, but no actual memories. I know you and Larry gave me a name but it's not even from my own culture," you said. "So… it doesn't have anything to do with the others. Just my own troubles."
"I'm afraid I don't know many Persian names. I… had hoped the name I chose would be suitable," he said.
You couldn't help the smile on your face, as bashful as it was. A blush crept up your cheeks. You had no idea what the name meant, but the fact that he had taken the time to name you something––that your only identity was related to him––fuelled something warm and comforting within you.
"It's a nice name," you said, "even if I do not know what it means."
"Um, well…" he trailed off, his face growing ever redder, "it's… rather embarrassing, actually."
He lowered his head, scratching at the back of his neck subtly. You quirked your head to the side.
"You gave me an embarrassing name?" You asked, raising a brow.
"No, not at all," he said quickly, meeting your eye. "I suppose it's really only embarrassing for me that I am the one who gave you the name, because it is… it is a rather sentimental name."
"Sentimental?" You chuckled. "What do you mean by that?"
He fell silent, his mouth opening and closing as he seemed to debate whether or not to tell you. His eyes darted here and there, but eventually settled on you, and as his hands gripped his skirt tightly he offered you a diffident smile.
"Well, Meri… if you do truly wish to know… your name means 'love', in my language."
Your eyes widened as slowly as your realization. Ahkmenrah, unfortunately not privy to your thoughts, melted in his seat and began to stammer some excuse.
"I didn't mean it in any – any bad way, which is to say, I wanted you to feel welcome, and you…"
He pursed his lips, sucking in a sharp breath.
"… you have so much love in your eyes," he finally said, his voice quiet and diminutive.
You had thought just a minute ago that you couldn't get any warmer––that you had reached the full extent of your embarrassment, absorbed wholly in your own flustered cocoon of thoughts. You hadn't imagined your admiration of him was so overwhelming so as to be visible. When you finally recognized the sensations in your body once more, you realized your mouth was hanging open.
"I hope I haven't offended you," he said quietly.
"No, not at all," you said, reaching forward to place a hand on his. "Actually, I was hoping I didn't disturb you with my, um.. staring."
"Not at all," he replied with a smile, intertwining your fingers with his. "I find it quite endearing. Even as a Pharaoh, though being much admired, none would dare gaze upon me with such obvious… well, adoration. It's something I enjoy about being in this time. Less fear of expression."
You nodded and hummed, your smile sweet on your lips.
"So you don't mind it then?" You asked, looking up with glowing eyes.
"I would prefer you talk to me rather than just stare, but… I suppose… even desiring your company in greater intimacy… I could 'make do' with watching you from afar in return," he said, a coy smile on his face.
You blushed, looking down at your hands together on his lap.
"I will… do my best to talk to you more," you said.
"I appreciate the effort, my love," he said, and lifted your hand to his lips, placing a soft kiss on your palm.
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uniquexusposts · 9 months ago
The politician's daughter (3)
Main characters: James Beaufort x reader Genre: fanfiction, fluff, TV show  Word count: 2973 Requested by: @marjoriesemente
Summary: What will happen when you put the rich against the rich and suffer the one in between?
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Click here to go to part 2
“Wait!” James said when he saw a maid walking up the front door. The woman stopped walking and looked questionable at James. “I will get this. It’s okay,” he smiled and jogged to the front door. Through the glass, he saw Y/N stepping out of a car, looking bewildered as she glanced around. Her eyes met his, and she raised an eyebrow in surprise. James opened the door. “Hey, welcome,” he said and stepped inside. 
“Hi,” Y/N replied and stepped inside. “Long time no see,” she smirked, looking around the hall. 
“How have you been?” James went along. “We need to catch up, I suppose.” He squinted his eyes, but cheekily smiled. He invited her to the living room. 
“Hmm-hmm,” she hummed and playfully gave him a nudge. She stopped walking when they stood in the living room. “Holy shi…” Y/N mumbled and turned around to have a complete look at the living room and entrance. “This is like Buckingham Palace. At least, that's what I think it looks like,” she added. “Or Windsor Castle. A royal residence.”
His eyes were resting on her face. A grin came on his face. “That is… too much?” He crossed his arms in front of his chest. 
Y/N turned around and rolled her eyes. “Not everyone is that rich. It’s a compliment, though.”
James chuckled. "I'll take it as one," he said, uncrossing his arms and motioning for her to follow him. "Come on, let’s get started on that project.”James led Y/N through the grand corridors of his home, their footsteps echoing softly on the marble floors. They paused in the kitchen, where the gleam of stainless steel appliances contrasted with the warm wooden cabinetry. James grabbed a couple of bottles of sparkling water and a plate of assorted snacks.
"You have people who work here, right?" Y/N asked, her voice tinged with curiosity.
"That's right," James replied cautiously, unsure of her reaction.
An impressed look crossed her face. "Hah," she mumbled. "Just interested." They resumed their walk, heading up the sweeping staircase, Y/N's eyes darting around, taking in every detail; the intricate railings, the family portraits lining the walls, the luxurious carpet beneath their feet. "It's like walking through a museum," she remarked, her voice a mix of awe and amusement. “Sorry, I am just impressed.”
“I noticed,” he smiled. 
They reached the first floor and entered a room: James’s bedroom. The room was spacious, with large windows allowing natural light to flood. Y/N placed her bag against the enormous wooden desk across from his bed. This room smelled like him. A small smile came on her face. 
James set the snacks and drinks on the desk and motioned for Y/N to take a seat. "Alright, let's dive back into the project.”
They settled in, opening their laptops and notebooks. Their ideas flowed more freely as they brainstormed, the initial awkwardness dissipating. They discussed their concept for ‘Sub Coffee’ in detail, planning the marketing strategies, target demographics, and potential partnerships. At some point, they were designing the logo and deciding their corporate identity. They moved from the desk to the floor, laying out some designs and ideas. Y/N was sitting against his bed, and James was lying on his side next to her. 
“I don’t see it anymore,” Y/N mumbled and threw her notebook next to her. “You picked out a logo.” She sighed and let her head lean on the bed. 
James, lying on his side, propped his head up with one hand and glanced at the scattered designs. He picked up one of the logos they’d sketched. “How about this one? Simple, clean, and it gets the point across.”
Y/N lifted her head and looked at the design he was holding. “It’s decent,” she admitted, a small smile on her lips. “Maybe we could refine it and add some colour or texture.”
James nodded. “Yeah, that could work. But it’s not wow.”
“We need that wow factor.”
At that moment, there were three knocks on the door. The door flew open, and Lydia stepped into the room. “James…” She didn’t know he had someone over. Especially not the politician’s daughter. “Oh.”
He looked over his shoulder. “Lydia.”
A warm smile came on Y/N’s face. “Hey.”
Lydia’s eyes shot from James to Y/N, and back to James. It was a weird couple to see together, and she had no idea what it meant. She blinked several times, clearly trying to process the scene before her. “Hey, Y/N,” she said, her voice tinged with curiosity. “I didn’t know you were here.” It wasn’t like Lydia didn’t like Y/N, but Y/N was an attention seeker. She had a name. She was in the middle. It was kinda like there was a battle going on between them: Y/L/N versus Beaufort. 
James sat up. “We’re working on a project.”
“The company project?”
“The deadline was Friday evening,” Lydia mentioned. 
Y/N’s smile dropped, and her eyes shot to James. James’ jaw dropped, and he looked at Y/N. 
“But the presentations are tomorrow,” James said while looking at Y/N. The corners of his lips curled up, mirroring Y/N’s smile. 
Lydia nodded slowly, a faint smirk playing on her lips. “Yes, but the deadline to submit everything was Friday evening. I guess you two missed it?”
The two on the floor began to laugh about their failed planning. 
“Y/N is new at school. They probably will condone it this time,” James confidently said. 
“Yes, but James is not new. Be prepared for the worst,” Lydia smiled. “Anyway, I am going to the golf club. See you later. And good luck,” she said and walked away. 
Y/N and James exchanged a glance, their laughter subsiding as the reality of their situation set in. "We really messed up," Y/N said, a mix of amusement and frustration in her voice.
James shook his head, still smiling. "We'll figure it out. We have to.”
Just seconds after Lydia left, the door opened again. This time it was a maid. Y/N eyes shot to James, not knowing how to act. James showed an emotionless smile. It was shocking to Y/N how quickly James could switch between his own personality and a business personality. Or his act. 
“Mary,” he greeted the young girl. 
Y/N wondered how old she was. Maybe their age. How did she end up here? 
“Mr Beaufort, Miss Y/L/N,” the girl nodded. “Mr Y/L/N has arrived and is here to pick up Miss Y/L/N.” 
A thin line appeared between Y/N’s eyebrows, and she looked confused. “My father?” How did he know that she was here? She didn’t tell her mum or brother about it. “How… What… Huh?” 
“He is waiting in the car for you,” the maid mentioned. 
“Oh. Okay. Thank you,” Y/N politely smiled. The maid left the room. “What is my father doing here? I wasn’t supposed to see him for another week. And now he has time?” Y/N mumbled to herself and sighed. She looked at James, who didn’t answer her rhetorical questions. “I am afraid we must finish it alone, at home.”
“Sure, that’s not an issue. We’re almost done anyway. Only the corporate identity. I will work on it and send it to you,” he offered. 
He nodded. “You were the brain behind all of this. Now it’s my turn to put it on paper.”
Was this the same James Beaufort I met last week? A grateful smile came on her face. “Thanks.” She got up and collected her own stuff. “Do you take everything with you to school tomorrow? Or do I need to bring something, too?” 
“I’ve got it covered,” he said, his tone reassuring. “Just bring yourself. We’ll nail this presentation.”
Y/N nodded, her eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and curiosity. “Okay, thanks, James. I appreciate it.”
James gave her a small smile. “No problem. See you tomorrow.”
Y/N turned to leave but hesitated momentarily, glancing back at him. “You know, you’re not as much of an asshole as I thought.”
James chuckled softly, shaking his head. “Thanks, I guess.” He was holding some papers in his hands. “You are not as much of a bitch as I thought.” 
An amusing smile came on her face, and she shook her head. As Y/N went downstairs, her mind was a whirl of thoughts. She still couldn’t quite wrap her head around that her father was here, unannounced. The maid’s announcement had thrown her off balance, and she couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right.
* * *
The following day, Y/N arrived in a sleek black car at school, and the family chauffeur opened the door for her. She stepped out with an air of confidence and a stern expression. Dressed in a tailored blazer and heels, her demeanour was unmistakably authoritative. She thanked the chauffeur with a curt nod and walked towards the school entrance.
As she moved through the hallways, students parted to make way for her, sensing the change in her presence. Her eyes were focused straight ahead, ignoring the whispers and glances that followed her. She rounded a corner and nearly bumped into James, who was on his way to class.
A soft smile came on his face. “Y/N,” he said. “Good morning. Are you ready for the presentation?”
Y/N avoided his eyes without breaking stride, but her expression was cold and distant. “Excuse me,” she said icily, not acknowledging his question. She brushed past him and continued down the hall.
James stood there, momentarily stunned by her demeanour. The warmth and fun they had shared while working on the project seemed to have changed overnight. Confused, he watched her retreating figure, trying to make sense of the sudden change. He turned to his friends, who all looked impressed and bewildered. Cyril somehow looked amused. James raised his arms and looked as confused as them. 
Y/N entered the classroom, her posture straight and her face set in a mask of willpower. She sat and began setting up her materials for the presentation, her movements precise and deliberate. James entered shortly after, his expression still reflecting the shock of their brief encounter. He placed beside her, trying to focus on the task at hand.
The class settled in, and the teacher called for the presentations to begin. Y/N and James were first. They stood at the front of the class, their professional demeanour masking any personal tension. The synergy they had developed while working on the project was evident as they went through their slides. Their presentation was polished, and their ideas were well-articulated. Despite the cold shoulder, Y/N had given James earlier, their professional collaboration was flawless.
When they finished, the class erupted in applause. The teacher nodded approvingly. “Excellent work, both of you. Your proposal is innovative and well-thought-out. You’ve set a high bar for the rest of the class. However, you did not upload your documents on time. An explanation?”
“Regrettably, we experienced a delay in uploading the documents due to unforeseen challenges in delivering the results at that time,” James answered. "Y/N was unfamiliar with the process as it was her first time working on this project.”
“My apologies for that,” Y/N went along. 
The teacher nodded slowly. “Since it is your first project and your third week at this school, it’s fine for now. But the next time, there will be consequences.”
Y/N and James returned to their seats, the tension between them palpable. James couldn’t help but feel a pang of disappointment. He had hoped that the presentation would help bridge the gap that had suddenly appeared between them.
As the class moved on to the next presentation, James leaned over to Y/N and whispered, “What happened? Why are you acting like this?”
Y/N kept looking in front of her, her expression unreadable. “It’s nothing, James. Let’s just focus on the project.”
He nodded slowly, knowing that pressing her further would be pointless. Business partners… James changed the look on his face to authoritative. She wanted to be a business partner, and then they would be business partners and nothing more. 
As the day went on, James resolved to find out what had caused the shift and, if possible, to mend whatever had gone wrong. He opened up to her, and they shared some jokes and laughed a lot. She took advantage of his weakness. There was a reason why James was extremely selective about picking his friends or partners. He let go of that once, and he was shown the exact reason why he was that selective. 
The day's last class ended, and Y/N was the first to leave the classroom, even leaving Amelia behind. James quickly grabbed his stuff and followed Y/N. He had to talk properly to her. He quickened his pace and grabbed her arm when he was close enough. “Don’t,” he mumbled, and she was trying to snatch her arm back. James led her to an empty classroom and closed the door behind him. “What was that?” 
Y/N sighed, walked to a table, and sat down. She crossed her legs. Her face straightened, not looking forward to talking to him. “What was what?” 
James took a deep breath, trying to control his frustration. “You know exactly what I mean,” he said, his voice low but firm. “Yesterday, we were working together just fine. We had a good time, even. Then today, you act like I don’t exist and give me the cold shoulder. What’s going on?”
Y/N rolled her eyes, her expression remaining impassive. “James, don’t make a big deal out of this. We finished our project. It’s done. That’s all there is to it.”
“So… You used me.”
“I did not use you.” 
“Hah,” he breathed and nodded. He stepped to her, noticing she didn’t care to look him in the eyes. “Why…” The word sounded harsh between his lips because he didn’t understand her behaviour. He saw her eyes flutter because of his town. “Why are you ignoring me then? Acting like I’m your business partner that you can’t stand but must work together.” James kept looking at her; her eyes had a mixture of frustration and something else he couldn't quite place. Yet she still wouldn’t look at him. 
“James, it’s not like that,” she said, her voice wavering slightly. “You wouldn’t understand.”
“Try me,” James challenged, stepping even closer. “I want to understand.”
Y/N sighed, crossing her arms defensively. “Because it’s easier this way. It’s easier to keep you at a distance. Yesterday was… it was a mistake.”
James shook his head, a pained expression on his face. “So you’re just going to shut me out? Pretend like we didn’t connect?”
“We didn’t connect,” Y/N said sharply. “We worked on a project. That’s all it was.”
“That’s not true,” James insisted. “We talked. We laughed. I saw a side of you that you don’t show to anyone else. And now you’re acting like it never happened.”
Y/N looked away, her jaw tightening. “Because it can’t happen, James. My life is complicated. I don’t have room for...”
“For what? For friends?” James interrupted; his voice was harsh.
For a moment, she broke character. Her eyes softened, and her shoulders hung low. She looked down, hoping she could blink the forming tears away. “I am not allowed to be friends with you,” she whispered. “Not even be project partners.” She slowly looked up. And for the first time today, their gaze met. 
“What do you mean?” James’ eyes shot from her right to left eye. The entire time, it was an act. And he fell for it. “How are we not allowed to be even project partners?” 
She was fighting between her own emotions and her father’s values. “Because of your scandals,” she mouthed. “I can’t be seen by you because it will damage my father’s reputation.” The words rolled over her lips like her father instructed her to. It wasn’t her words. 
James’ lips parted. “What?” He stepped a few steps back. “But your father literally wears our suits and compliments them during a public appearance. He is a loyal customer of Beaufort. He is literally wearing Beaufort, he is Beaufort.”
Even her father prepared her for this sentence. Her lip started to tremble, and her blood was boiling and freezing simultaneously. She sniffed. “I don’t want to do this, James,” she said, not following the script. “But I have to pick my father’s side-“
“Sure. No problem. It was a nice project, Y/N. Hopefully, we will get a good grade because I will never work with you again. Good afternoon.” 
James turned on his heel and stormed out of the classroom, leaving Y/N standing there, feeling a whirlwind of emotions swirling inside her. She wanted to call out to him, explain, and apologise, but the words caught in her throat. Every word she said didn’t make sense to her, and it was a mess. She had betrayed James and herself, all to be forced to protect her father's reputation.
Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes as she realised the depth of the mess she had created. She had lost a friend, maybe even more than that, all because she was forced to be loyal to her father. It was either that or her life would be ruined. 
Money is power, and power is ego; ego is arrogance—even when it comes to your own family. 
Taglist: @crashingwavesofeuphoria @maryvibess
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mothandpidgeon · 2 months ago
Sing a Song of Sixpence (Joel Miller's Christmas Vacation)
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Moth's Masterlist // follow @mothandpidgeon-updates and turn on notifications to stay updated with my fics!
rating: G (fluff)
summary: Sarah requests a special trip over Christmas vacation. Joel does whatever it takes to make her wishes come true.
contents: fluff, 90s nostalgia, colonial america?
wc: 1.2k
a/n: Happy holidays to my Secret Santa, @whocaresstillthelouvre! Surprise but not really. Mallory, i knew we were going to be friends when you told me how much you love Colonial Williamsburg. I couldn't believe I found someone that overlapped in so many of my little niches. So when you told me that I was your secret Santa, I knew your fic was going to be about your favorite place. Thank you for being such a great friend, supporting me and my writing, and being my stoner buddy. I hope you enjoy your gift!
Thank you @schnarfer and @moonlitbirdie for giving this a once over! Dividers by @/saradika-graphics
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Sarah clutches her doll as she skips down the red brick sidewalk.
Joel hadn’t realized just how expensive a toy could be until he shelled out the $86 to buy it. Sarah had begged and begged before he gave in and got it for her. “Felicity Doll” had been on every wish list, the American Girl catalogue left open on the kitchen table for two whole years. Sarah read and re-read not only the Felicity series but Addy, Kiersten, and Samantha, too, the paperback books creased and dog eared. This was no passing fad, not a fleeting interest, and so Joel saved up and surprised her with an American Girl doll of her very own for her birthday. 
She knew what was in the tall, rectangular box before she’d even unwrapped the damn thing, screeching and running around the living room in celebration. Sarah loved the doll, taking it everywhere with her, tucking it in bed beside her. Best money Joel had ever spent.
Except Felicity had a plethora of accessories and outfits, furniture and accouterments that all cost a handsome sum. More catalogues came, glossy pages with marker drawn circles around Felicity’s tea set and writing desk and pony. (“The doll has a pony?” “It’s in the books, Daddy!”) There were cookbooks and paper dolls and Sarah-sized colonial dresses that she desperately needed. It seemed that Joel was personally bankrolling the Pleasant Company.
And now he’d agreed to bring Sarah to Colonial Williamsburg. He really hadn’t had the heart to say no to her when she ask that they take a family trip there over winter break though he knew it would cost him an arm and a leg. 
“Wouldn’t you rather go to Disney World?” Tommy asked.
Joel shot him a look. Disney would’ve cost three times as much but it wasn’t about the money. He was proud of his little girl for being a bookworm, choosing museums and butter churns over roller coasters and Minnie Mouse. 
“It’s where Felicity’s from,” she insisted. 
Sarah leads Joel by the hand down Duke of Gloucester Street. The quaint little houses are all decorated for the season– around each doorway is an evergreen garlands accented with fat, red bows. There’s a chill in the air. He hadn’t considered the weather in Virginia when he’d planned this vacation. Sarah doesn’t seem to notice, excitedly pointing out the carolers on the corner and the horse drawn carriage conveying tourists down the sandy street. 
Sarah devours every little detail, listening with eyes like saucers as the interpreters dressed in old fashioned costumes drone on about milliners and beeswax candles. 
Joel’s mind just keeps slipping back to the fact that he and Tommy aren’t working right now. A whole week with no income.That’s going to hurt when the credit card bill comes in.
”D’you think they ever sniped a redcoat with one of those?” Tommy asks on a tour of the Governor’s Palace, nodding towards one of the many guns hanging on the ceiling.
Sarah shushes him.
”Hey,”Joel whispers to his brother. “Remind me when we’re back at the motel, I’ve got to call and get those tiles ordered for the duplex project.”
”C’mon man. You’re thinking about work now?” Tommy complains.
”Can’t lose another day. Order it now, it’ll be waiting for us when we’re back,” Joel explains. 
“Daddy! You’re not listening!” Sarah hisses.
“Sorry, babygirl,” he says, squeezing her hand in his.
He tries to pay attention, he really does. Joel’s never had much of a mind for history. Dates and places and stuffy old men. The buildings are interesting, at least. He amuses himself wondering what it would be like to build a house like they did in the olden days. A rough saw and a chisel and his bare hands. Like a pioneer on the homestead.
There’s a gift shop at the end of the tour. Of course. Joel lets out a sigh of resignation. Sarah knows better than to ask but she’s eyeing a tin whistle and a book about ghost sightings. 
“Pick one,” Joel offers, hoping she goes for the book. The last thing he needs is Tommy’s yammering and the squeal of Yankee Doodle for the rest of the trip.
Her brown eyes move between the two souvenirs, lips twisted in thought. 
“Shit. I’ll buy you both if your Dad’ll wear this,” Tommy says with a laugh. He’s holding up a little felt tricorn hat meant for elementary school kids.
”Really?” Sarah asks, all bright and giggling. 
Joel glowers.
Dinner is a fifteen dollar hamburger at one of the historical taverns. Sarah’s doll gets its own seat at the table, a paper napkin tucked into the collar of its dress. Joel’s able to pawn the hat off on Sarah but not before Tommy got a photo on his disposable camera. 
“That’s going on the fridge,” he chuckles. 
As Joel pays the bill (noting the price of Tommy’s three beers), there’s a rumble of drums. 
“What’s that?” Tommy asks, craning his neck towards the window. 
“The militia’s coming through,” the waitress says, clearing the dish from Sarah’s ice cream sundae (the historical accuracy of which is questionable). “They’ll march in for the fireworks.”
“Fireworks!” Sarah gasps. 
Joel sighs. He’s exhausted, out all day in the cold wrangling his brother and his daughter. His knees are aching and he’s ready to call it a day and go back to the motel. But Sarah is practically bouncing in her seat. 
Joel bundles himself up once again and the trio join the crowd that lines the street. A fife and drum corps in their scarlet uniforms march past followed by an officer on horseback. The sun has long set and the air nips at Joel’s throat. He wishes he had a scarf, could probably pick one up in yet another gift shop but it would surely cost a small fortune. He hopes these fireworks will be over soon so he can put his feet up. 
The little town looks quite festive in the night. Candles glow in every window and the street lamps cast a warm light over the tourists. A massive evergreen on the Palace Green twinkled with modern lights but it only adds to the atmosphere. 
Without warning, the first firework shoots into the sky, its bang makes Tommy jump. It bursts into a shower of silver. The other spectators cheer and more fireworks follow— red and blue, green and gold. 
Sarah’s gloved hand wraps around Joel’s. Her face is turned up to the sky, illuminated by the colorful fireworks. Her eyes round with wonder, sparkling pink and white from the cascade of sparks above. 
She’s having the time of her life. And she deserves it. Sarah’s a good kid. Polite, studious, thoughtful. Joel’s always been proud of her though he has no idea how she turned out so sweet considering he and Tommy have been the ones that raised her. This is what it’s all for, he reminds himself. The hard work and long hours, the never ending stress of bills for things he can’t afford. It’s all for her. 
She turns to find Joel watching her, his heart swollen in his chest. 
“Thanks, Daddy,” she says. She squeezes his hand and pulls her doll close to her chest.  
That thing was worth every penny. 
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Happy holidays to everyone! Special shout out to the tent pitchers and all of my moots but also to anyone that's read my fics this year. Thank you for your support.
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blueiscoool · 1 year ago
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Ancient Assyrian Deity Statue Uncovered in Iraq
In a recent announcement from the The Iraqi State Board of Antiquities and Heritage (SBAH), archaeologists have successfully unearthed a remarkable ancient Assyrian deity statue known as a “lamassu” in Kursbad, Iraq.
A lamassu is a special Assyrian guardian deity, usually portrayed as a mix of human, bird, and either cow or lion features. These unique beings typically have a human-like head, a body resembling that of a bull or lion, and bird-like wings.
Guardian Lamassu sculptures in Assyria
In ancient Assyria, they often crafted pairs of lamassu sculptures and placed them at the entrances of palaces. These imposing figures faced both the streets and the inner courtyards.
What’s unique about these sculptures is that they were carved in high relief. When you look at them head-on, they seem still, but from the side, they appear to be in motion.
While we often see winged figures in the low-relief decorations inside rooms, lamassu were not commonly found as large figures in these spaces. However, they occasionally appeared in narrative reliefs. In these depictions, they seemed to take on the role of protectors for the Assyrians.
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Ancient Assyrian deity statue in Iraq was discovered and then reburied
This discovery took place during their excavations at the 6th gate, situated in the western part of the ancient city of Khursbad.
Khursbad was originally built as a brand-new capital city by the Assyrian king Sargon II. He started this ambitious project shortly after he became king in 721 BC.
However, after Sargon II’s reign, his son and successor, Sennacherib, decided to shift the capital to Nineveh. This move left the construction of Khursbad unfinished, making it a fascinating historical puzzle.
As per the press release, the statue was originally discovered in 1992, when a team of Iraqi archaeologists stumbled upon the Assyrian deity statue. After the initial discovery of the lamassu, its head was unfortunately stolen in 1995. However, it was later recovered and is now safely preserved in the Iraqi Museum.
The main body of the Assyrian deity, was reburied to protect the statue and the surrounding architectural remains, a decision that likely saved it from destruction by ISIS, which systematically looted and destroyed the remains of Khursbad.
Collaboration between Iraqi and French archaeologists
In a remarkable collaborative effort between Iraqi and French archaeologists, Professor Dr. Ahmed Fakak Al-Badrani has spearheaded a mission that recently re-excavated the lamassu. This event marks the first time in thirty years that this ancient wonder has been unveiled to the world.
As stated by Dr. Layth Majid Hussein, the Chairman of the General Body for Archaeology and Heritage, the team is presently evaluating the condition of the lamassu to chart their forthcoming actions.
By Nisha Zahid.
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blackhistorystoryteller · 1 year ago
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The head sculptures of the Oba of Benin, also known as the Benin Bronzes, are a collection of intricate bronze and brass sculptures created by the Edo people of Nigeria. These sculptures typically depict the reigning Oba (king) of the Benin Empire and were produced over several centuries, with some dating back to the 13th century.
They are renowned for their artistic and historical significance, representing the cultural heritage and power of the Benin Kingdom. These sculptures often portray the Oba wearing coral beaded regalia, symbolizing his divine status and authority.
Many of these artifacts were taken from Benin during the late 19th century by British colonial forces, and they are now scattered in museums and private collections worldwide. There have been ongoing discussions and negotiations regarding their repatriation to Nigeria to restore their cultural heritage.
The head sculptures of the Oba of Benin remain a testament to the rich artistic and historical legacy of the Edo people and the Benin Kingdom.
1. British Punitive Expedition: In 1897, a British expedition, led by British officials and soldiers, was sent to the Benin Kingdom (in what is now Nigeria) with the stated objective of punishing the Oba of Benin, Oba Ovonramwen, for resisting British influence and trade in the region.
2. Sacking of the Royal Palace: During the expedition, the British forces entered the royal palace in Benin City, where many of these intricate bronze and brass sculptures were housed. The palace was looted, and numerous artifacts, including the Benin Bronzes, were taken.
3. Confiscation and Dispersal: The looted artifacts were then confiscated by the British authorities and later distributed to various individuals, museums, and institutions. Many of these artworks ended up in European museums and private collections.
The theft of the Benin Bronzes remains a contentious issue, as these artworks are considered cultural treasures of the Edo people and Nigeria as a whole. There have been ongoing discussions and demands for the repatriation of these artifacts to Nigeria, which has gained momentum in recent years as part of broader efforts to address historical injustices related to colonial-era looting.
The head sculptures of the Oba of Benin, like many traditional African artworks, hold deep symbolic significance within the context of the Benin Kingdom and its culture. Here are some of the key symbols and meanings associated with these sculptures:
1. Royal Authority: The Oba's head sculptures symbolize the authority and divine status of the reigning monarch, who was regarded as a sacred figure in Benin society. The elaborate regalia, such as coral beads and headdresses, worn by the Oba in these sculptures signifies his royal and spiritual power.
2. Ancestral Connections: The sculptures often depict the Oba with distinctive facial scarification patterns and detailed facial features. These features can represent specific ancestors or dynastic connections, emphasizing the Oba's lineage and connection to past rulers.
3. Historical Record: The sculptures also serve as historical records, documenting the appearance and regalia of the Oba during their reigns. This provides valuable insights into the history and evolution of the Benin Kingdom over the centuries.
4. Spiritual Protection: Some sculptures may incorporate elements like beads and cowrie shells, which were believed to have protective and spiritual qualities. These elements were worn by the Oba not only for their aesthetic value but also for their symbolic protection.
5. Cultural Identity: Beyond their specific symbolic meanings, the head sculptures are integral to the cultural identity of the Edo people and the Benin Kingdom. They represent the rich artistic traditions and heritage of the kingdom and its rulers.
It's important to note that the symbolism of these sculptures is deeply rooted in the cultural and historical context of the Benin Kingdom, and their interpretation can vary among different individuals and communities.
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hvaneyflowers · 1 year ago
Christmas Vacation! *********************
Pierre Gasly x femreader!
You and Pierre go on your first Christmas vacation together, but unexpectedly, you lose Pierre in the city.
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liked by pierregasly, f1wags, charles_leclerc, and 30.000 more.
tagged: pierregasly
yourusername: London at Christmas is just magical!
view all 100 comments.
username1: favorite couple in my favorite city!
username5: you look so cute together! please, never break up!
username3: would you take Pierre to your hometown?
username12: SO CUTE!!!!
username9: I need a photo of Pierre and y/n at Buckingham Palace ASAP!
username4: I swear, you're the cutest couple in the whole world!
username6: YES!! MY PARENTS!!!
pierregasly: love you!❤️
yourusername: love you, too! ❤️
username90: Power couple!
username7: best couple!
username8: love you!!!
username29: beautiful as always!
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liked by pierregasly
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liked by lewishamilton, charles_leclerc, and 500.000 more.
tagged: yourusername
pierregasly: Have you seen this woman? She's short and has brown long hair. Also, she responds to the name y/n, and she can be a little angry. I lost her at the city's market... but I found this cool friend!😎
view all 400 comments.
username1: Not Pierre posting on Instagram but answering y/n's texts!
username8: he's a dead man.
username2: Not Pierre taking a photo with Lewi's wax figure and y/n freaking out 'cause she can't find him😂
username4: that's why they're the best couple!
lewishamilton: not tag?
lewishamilton: 🧍‍♂️
username5: yep, Pierre's dead. Lewis and y/n will kill him.
username10: 'not tag?' - lewis hamilton.
username71: Pierre committed a crime. He must pay for it.
yourusername: PIERRE GASLY!!! I WILL KILL YOU!!!
username8: what have I said? He's dead. username6: 100% confirm. username34: Pierre, run! pierregasly: 🙀🏃
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liked by yourusername
"PIERRE GASLY, I WILL KILL YOU!" you screamed while opening the door of your hotel room.
You were angry at Pierre and Lord, he will be dead. You both were shopping at the city's market when you got distracted for only one second, and Pierre disappeared. You searched and searched for almost two hours, but you didn't find him. You also sent him texts and called him many times but without a response. You were so pissed off. This is beyond a joke! You were desperately looking for him, and he was in the wax museum taking photos with Lewis! You'll kill him without a doubt.
"Honey... how are you?" he asked with a nervous smile.
"I hate you!" you told him, falling on the bed.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't want this to happen, but while you were distracted by that salesman, I got distracted too by a baby goat," he explained, sitting by your side.
"A goat?" you asked him.
"Yes. It was the cutest goat I've ever seen. Look, I took a photo," he said happily while showing you the photo.
"I can't believe it. I freaked out because you got distracted by a goat?" you said in disbelief.
"It was a cute goat!" he tried to defend himself.
"Alright. It was a cute goat," you rolled your eyes. "But, why didn't you answer my texts and calls? Do you have any idea of how worried I was? I almost have a heart attack!"
He gave you a little smile and hugged you. You relaxed in his arms and started exhaling his smell. Thank God for putting him in your way. You loved him more than anything in the world.
"I'm so sorry, mon amour, but my cell phone died after my photos in the wax museum. I know I should've called or texted you, but I was so happy to see everything that I completely forgot about you. I'm so sorry, it won't happen again. It's a promise." he kissed your forehead.
"I forget you, baby. I love you, too. I was so scared to lose you." you said rubbing your nose against his cheek.
"Let me make up to you. We'll have fun tonight," he gave you one of his smiles that tells you you won't sleep.
"Merry Christmas, lover of goats!" you laughed while pulling him near your body.
"Merry Christmas, my future killer." he kissed you.
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