#what a strange adaptation tho overall
screamingay · 8 months
just remembered that the moulin rouge musical had such an obsession with making the story more hashtag feminist they tried to replace christian's misogyny/slutshaming with... suicidal intent?? he might as well have started singing meant to be yours from heathers the way he was swinging that gun around in his black leather trenchcoat. all because they didn't want him saying "i've paid my whore" when he's convinced she was only pretending to love him. and it's like yeah that's a pretty shitty thing to say but idk how threatening to blow his brains out is much better???
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smilesrobotlover · 1 month
Well, finally finished the tp manga. I liked it, but it certainly wasn’t my favorite. This sounds weird cuz it’s an adaptation but it… doesn’t feel like an adaptation? It feels like an original story with Zelda slapped onto it. Again, doesn’t make sense but that’s how I feel.
Some things I liked and didn’t like:
- will never like Link’s backstory. I don’t like the town he’s from, I don’t like where it went, and I don’t like his friends. I also don’t like his personality. Idk since he’s my fav link I’m particular about how he’s written lol.
- I did like Ordon tho. I liked how much bigger it was and stuff. Very fun. I also like how superstitious the people were.
- Rusl was amazing but some things they did were…. Weird. What was his relationship with Link?? He treated him like a son but he called him brother? He didn’t fight for his life to protect the kids and instead stood there? Also why didn’t he go to the temple of time with Link?? :((( there wasn’t enough of him being a dad but when he was there he was wonderfully written and the best and I love him sm.
- Renado shooting monster with a bow was awesome
- the whole thing with Shad was… strange. His thing with Illia was weird in the beginning but honestly I found it sweet at the end. But his personality from the game just contradicts this so much. He was too much of a flirtatious playboy rather than an obsessed scholar. Very strange
- didn’t like Auru either. Like what the heck man.
- Ashei, Telma, and Rusl were the only resistance members that I felt like were written well.
- I liked Illia staying at the bar rather than staying at Kakariko. It gives her more to do rather than standing there without a memory.
- I liked Zelda. I love the idea that this Zelda is very lonely so Midna means a lot to her cuz that’s like, her only friend.
- Zant was… yikes…. Wtf man
- Ganondorf was underwhelming
- I liked seeing the connection to Oot. Sort of
- I actually like the thing with King Bulblin and Illia. That was interesting.
- there was this entire segment where Link had to be taken care of by some girl and??? That felt like a waste of time
- LOVED Luda. My beloved :)
- the ordon kids were severely underutilized I feel like. And the whole thing with Colin was confusing. It felt like they didn’t know what to do with him so they wrote themselves into a corner and made his story so much more lame.
- I liked some of the worldbuilding with the twilight realm. Like how the light dwellers thought it was hell so they sent their prisoners there? Very neat.
overall not terrible. I’m honestly kind of indifferent about it. Didn’t stick with me but wasn’t awful. Just kinda in the middle. I feel like Zelda manga works best as shorter series. The oot manga was so much better and it only had 2 volumes compared to tp’s 11. But it was certainly ambitious and wasn’t a dumpster fire so I’ll give them that :)
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silverquillsideas · 2 months
This episode was the best for me so far!! 🥺 I absolutely adored the way they handled kongthap and atom's respective misunderstandings, atom's fears of coming out to people and how others might perceive him and kongthap because of their relationship.
(I'll just jot down some of my thoughts as a casual viewer, and disclaimer, I haven't read the manga, and forgot half of what happened in the KH adaptation, so this is purely my personal perception of the Thai adaptation.)
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Atom has a dramatic personality, he overthinks situations and gets caught up in his own big fears, and the fears are absolutely justified, in this case. And I think the imaginary montage with the two moms was more of a way in which we get a glimpse into his larger than life, chaotic, comedic thought process more than suggesting a "dismissive of queer identity as a joke" POV I've seen in the tags here, but that's just me :')
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I'm glad he trusts kongthap enough to confess his fears to him, and that kongthap takes him seriously and tries to understand where he's coming from.
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Glad the show didn't go the homophobic teacher route implied in the preview last week, and instead gave us two queer elders guiding atom and kongthap on their journey ❤️
I liked the analogy that Annop gave of different kinds of love and the chocolate cakes :') it was a gentle way of unravelling atom's genuine fears of their relationship being "different from other people's" and the way he's more afraid of how people will look at kongthap in a negative light than what people think of him, and that just goes to show how selfless he actually is, deep down.
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Annop acknowledges the difference of the love atom was talking about, but he also says that even tho they may be different in form and shape and how people express them, essentially they are still love, and Atom shouldn't judge himself so harshly for his feelings. He shouldn't bow down to other people's perception of him and kongthap and end up hurting them both.
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Also, I've seen a strange criticism of the musical performances in MLMU being "too overdramatic / cringe / OOC" from mostly US American / western bloggers here, and I just wanted to say, please chill out 😂 musical segments are pretty common in south Asian / SEA media/ storytelling in general. If you've seen any Indian/bollywood films ever in your life, chances are that, you'll see at least 2 songs and 1 dance and all of them are meant to be taken FICTIONALLY, with suspension of disbelief and not literally assumed that the characters breaking into song and dance are seasoned performers or what not. The music and dance segment IS a part of storytelling itself, meant to convey the mood of the characters, the emotions in the scene, in that segment of the story. So please cut atom and kongthap some slack lmao
I, for one, am thoroughly enjoying gemfourth's heavenly vocals and wish that peace on other viewers too :')
Also I'm loving how Gemini and Fourth as actors interpreted Ida and Aoki. In the jp version, personally, Ida felt a bit too stiff and robotic for me, I'm glad Gemini played kongthap as more of a soft, quiet boy who laughs, jokes around, and gets petty and silly at moments as he navigates his feelings. I also love how Fourth is playing Atom, giving him comedic beats and dramatic expressions but there's also a certain grounded, vulnerable core to him that comes out in heavier moments and absolutely punches me in the guts.
Overall, I'm genuinely enjoying seeing these 2 being dorks in love, navigating their big feelings and finding friendship and community in the people around them 🥺❤️
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p3s3481 · 1 year
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scott “rottenrust” rottmann is not by any means a bad person. after all, how can you be one, if you don’t even consider yourself as a person at the first place?
||redesign of my old character||
this post i dedicate to my love to this character. i just wanted to share his story of creation, show some old concepts and overall just tell something that only people at the same fandom can understand. also this was my first ever non-binary character if you can call a robot non-binary. beep-boop, scott can be referred both as him and her :)
so, everything started when my friend had finally talked me into playing fnv and after that my life was never the same. actually, no, the real breaking point was this video of synths chilling followed by the indescribable disappointment i felt when he told me they are from f4. however, i had managed to finish the game with this terrifying knowledge and, as a result, i was absolutely blown-minded by fnv.
at this point, we started to talk about creating our own fallout ocs and he already had some ideas in his mind. as a matter of fact, i was a big robot fan. i am still a big robot fan. i remembered about that video. i remembered about synths. i wanted to creat a synth. he wanted to creat a legionnaire. and that’s simply how synth and legionnaire were born.
the main concept was that legionnaire found synth covered with desert sands. he obviously didn’t understand what the synth actually was and considered him to be a kinda strange but still a human being. you know, this human beings with metal instead of organs and mechanical brains? yeah, they are rare there but you never know what you may meet. so, legionnaire somehow managed to turn synth on and than their actual story begins.
it turned out, synth doesn’t remember anything about his life accept for a few brief moments. legionnaire tried hard to help him remember and at the same time he did his best to adapt synth to society. their story was a philosophical and satirical at the same time. legionnaire understood world in a really typical for recruit way and that’s how he tried to teach synth.
we are no longer in contact with my friend so of course this story died. i still think it’s a really great concept tho.
some of mine artworks from this time with explanation. i apologize for quality of photos but i have absolutely no opportunity to retake them
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synth himself! with legionnaire’s dog tube
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synth in prewar clothing. it was my big inspo for redesign
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synth, tube and legionnaire
i took out of this story everything i have created by my own: synth, the way he worked and folks from his previous life. i am rn working on rewriting that all :)
thank you for reading!
p.s.: important to mention that i didn’t know about nick valentine and dima at that time because all the info i got about synth was from my friend’s words. so, no, synth never was and still not a in-between model. he was just occasional synth, modified by one really ambitious czech guy
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noblechaton · 1 year
so. the ml movie huh. hm (big ol post with spoilers under this cut btw)
so after almost 10 years of being on this bug and cat train they finally get a big ol expensive movie and I think it was. fine? maybe? there's a lot going on here and while I don't think I can call it good and mean it I don't think it was the worst thing ever. a 6? out of 10 feels kinda right for me. got a lot to say here fwiw so buckle in if ya wanna read it all lol
main issue I feel is obviously them trying to adapt 5 seasons, each of which was dozens of hours at least, and a near decade of storytelling into a movie that doesn't even hit two hours. no idea why - I imagine the money ran out tbh - but running through the entire thrust of the series in ~1h40m movie just. was never gonna work man. feel like there had to be better options out there, like just adapting Origins with some episodes from S1 thrown in between them getting their miraculous and Hawkmoth revealing himself or something. idk. I ain't a writer
but then also I felt despite the short runtime that it sorta dragged on at times? like it got stuck spinning wheels here and there. Marinette constantly needing her confidence boosted even after being Ladybug for so long was weird. it's so strange bc they flashed through a dozen akuma - some of which looked kinda cool btw, be neat if they made the jump to the show - and yet it felt like there'd been no progress made? like the flow of time in the movie just. didn't work. a lot of stuff just sort of happens at you and you gotta hang onto whatever ya like and hope it doesn't just vanish in the river of events
voice acting in English was like. pretty solid honestly. maybe the best performances I'd heard from that side of the dub tho I have no idea what they were thinking with the singing voice for Marinette at least. couldn't really tell if Adrien's was still Bryce (I don't think it was but it wasn't as jarring) and I know Keith sang for Gabe's songs but whoever they got for Marinette just. wasn't even close to Marinette's normal speaking voice and it's super distracting. really weird choice. no shade on the singer tho she was solid imo just like. no connection to Marinette's normal voice really took me out of it
also the songs were kind of nonsensical most of the time and there's way too many of them. some are kinda good - Gabe's, Chat's and tbh I kinda liked the one over the credits to name a few - but like. they were not good enough for there to be what felt like 6-7 different songs in a movie that doesn't even crack 2 hours lmao
they made a ton of changes in terms of the story and general world and I actually kind of liked some of them - Ladybug learning to swing through the yoyo (which had a neat redesign) and doing so using that Ladybug vision was cool, I appreciate that we get a reveal and how it's done even if the end card was brutal, the miraculous seeking them out felt more like nice compared to just having the weight of the world dropped on them by some ancient man lol - but then there's others I didn't. Ladybug just never uses the cure until the end? I guess? she also doesn't purify the first akuma I don't think and like. nothing happens? Adrien's just sorta out and about? going to the school already? he gets a really understated intro imo. Gabriel sort of doesn't get an ending. I'd assume he's in jail? we get almost none of Adrien's perspective on getting the ring which is really weird
and that sorta extends into my feeling that somehow we did not get enough Gabriel in this. really weird saying that after having enough of that bum for the last 4 years of my life but his motives are carried hard by my knowledge of the show, and even then they're not really shown enough - he's not shown enough, and I don't feel Adrien is either. neither is the school setting or side characters, heck I'd say Adrinette gets kinda shafted overall since most of the development they get is in a montage sequence. there's a lot chopped out of this for the sake of a brevity that doesn't feel all that brief?
there's some good stuff in here for sure. the animation is undeniably pretty and slick even if some models are kinda wack. most of the action was fun and cool, the final sequence with Chat running up the tower and such was neat. I loved the Ladynoir something fierce honestly, the bantering and the sparring and the getting closer and closer. missed them being like that a lot tbh, someone on staff clearly did too. couple of jokes got me too like the opener with Chloe getting a single drop of coffee on her shirt lmao
but then there's a lot of stuff that really didn't work for me. Plagg being reduced to a fucking fart joke kind of made me mad lmao. them being super inconsistent with their powers was so weird. no lucky charm?? WHAT?? did I miss something?? no side character getting any focus beyond Alya was disappointing too and even Alya just dips out of the story after a while. breaking out into song once every like 15 minutes got old kinda quick too regardless of song quality (tho it was funny that Marinette seemed aware of the fact that she'd just participated in a musical number at one point lol)
Fu opens the movie with some really weird monologue and basically dips after the first akuma and they just. never find him again? he plays zero role beyond that point? Adrinette's first meeting is kinda cute in an understated sort of way but it's also sort of nothing and doesn't feel like a lingering thing for long afterwards - it ain't no umbrella scene dude. also Chat Noir seemingly drops the "my mom died btw" thing on Ladybug like she'd know that and she just sort of goes "Ah. Sorry, Chat." and that was. super fucking weird lmao
like I said. there's a lot going on - tho I gotta say for sure the writing was not consistently good. there were moments, flashes, Ladynoir is the strongest thing in the movie imo but there's so many fucking craters in terms of quality that it makes me so happy we get what we do in the show
on the whole I felt the movie was somehow way too condensed and yet too long at the same time. it felt like it was made by someone who really likes the surface details of the series but not the whole thing and like that's fine but I wouldn't say it was a good representation of the show. like the things I like about the movie are kind of all things I've liked about the show, and I like them more so because of that but also like I can't say the movie was good just bc I like the show lol
shallow is a good word for it I think. a flashy, expensive hour or so with little more beneath the surface which I feel sorta betrays the show it's based on where it's cutesy on the surface but has more going on under it. which like this feels very much made for the younger demographic and those that aren't into the show, like sort of an ad for someone's ideal version series even if it sorta strays really far from the show itself. as if someone perhaps in charge of this movie was clinging to what elements of their flagship series that they thought were keeping their company afloat and foolishly believed they could do it better than the creator or any other actual writer. wonder who that could be. anyway
as an adaptation of the show I don't think it was good overall and as a movie on its own it was like. fine. imo. wouldn't sway people into picking the series up but definitely not the worst movie ever made. super safe and super shallow, really messy with a few bright spots thrown in. a cluttered Ladynoir reveal fic where the Ladynoir bits are good and the rest is not. etc.
I like it but mostly bc I love the show - I would not introduce someone to the series with this and might not even urge casual fans to watch it either tbh. real mixed bag imo
also what happened to the "Awakening" subtitle? I kinda liked it and it's just gone. weird
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krankittoeleven · 2 years
Rules: list eight shows for your followers to get to know you better.
Tagged by @ainulindaelynn. This took a minute cause I couldn't think of more than 3 shows. Most of the TV I "watch" is just on in the background while I'm doing almost anything else except reading or writing.
EDIT: after posting i realized I completely forgot about Start Trek TNG. Unforgivable on my part.
M*A*S*H - I've still never figured out why this resonated with me as much as it did (I mean, aside from the obvious), especially since the last episode aired when I was a year old. There were a lot of reruns, though, growing up, so I guess it just stuck at some point. I'm not sure if it still hold true now, but there was a time in the 90s/early 00s where there was an episode of M*A*S*H airing somewhere in the world every 30 minutes. Impressive that is resonated so clearly, everywhere.
True Detective (Season 1) - I've said it before and I'll say it again: this is the single best season of a tv show, ever. The other seasons are good, but they don't have anything to do with each other aside from a call back or two, so I feel fine about treating it as its own thing. If you like detective/procedural with a light supernatural bent, plus a cult inspired by your friendly neighborhood King in Yellow, well this is the show for you.
Vikings Valhalla - strangely I haven't even watched Vikings yet, and this is a great example of mutuals being great advertisers because one of mine was hyperfixating on King Canute and I was like 👀👀 who are you? So yeah, I'm watching this for the "wrong" reasons. LOL (SRSLY THOUGH ALL I SEE IS A LIVE ACTION UBBA *snickers*
4. Hannibal - I was hooked from the beginning, before they started throwing all that sexual tension around (not complaining tho lol). This was one of the few shows that my ex partner and I watched together all the time, our tastes and schedules often conflicted, but we were always around for the murder husbands. XD
5. The Haunting of Hill House - another one the X-misses and I used to watch together. I really enjoyed this one though it took us forever to get through it because we'd stop every few minutes to figure out if we'd spotted a ghost or not. LOL I quiet enjoyed it overall, and I also very much like how they changed things up over the original novella. I like Shirley Jackson, but I think some of her other stuff is better.
6. Any Dinosaur TV show - especially Walking With Dinosaurs and Dinosaur Planet and Prehistoric Planet.
7. Severance - This show knocked me out. I heard about it on Tumblr one day and I'd binged it all within the next couple days. LMAO What nonsense I love it.
8. Good Omens & Sandman - putting these two together because they fill the same space in my heart: respectable adaptations of things I grew up with and am very fond of and I'm glad to see getting a wider audience/more attention/more love. :D
I will tag @brasideios @macavitykitsune @theinkandthesea @vdk-hellscape and anyone else that wants to cuz I'm not sure who has or hasn't been hit by this one yet.
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permanentclawgrip · 1 year
okay this was originally part of my roommate rant post but imma do it separately because its more of a critique of a mindset:
I do not understand rapid completionist collecting culture
i know what youre saying, "eve, what the fuck are you talking about that makes no sense" let me explain
theres probably a proper term for it but I've noticed a worrying trend specifically in online spaces recently of rapid completionist collecting culture. basically a subculture of wider collectors which focuses on the attainment of a "complete collection" as fast as possible and often with a disregard for the actual content of what they are collecting. i have seen posts about this in comic collecting forums. ive seen similar kinds of posts on video game forums. my experience with it has been through my roommate though, who i will kind of vaguepost about (nothing new for this blog tho).
My roommate, who we'll call Adam (not his real name) for the sake of brevity, has a real strange relationship with these cultures. I first noticed it soon after i moved in with him, when he decided to watch every publicly available tv show and movie that marvel has made,,, ever,,, including every ,,, single ,,, saturday ,,, morning ,,, cartoon. this small feat took months. all catalogued in a nice tidy spreadsheet noting the runtime of them, the episode count of the shows, which storylines were adapted (iirc), and his overall rating (again iirc). this was not a months long project because oh he only watched an episode or two a day, no not at all. i would leave for work with some x-men cartoon playing in our living room and come home to fantastic 4 playing instead. every day. hours upon hours. it was not a simple, "oh one day ill watch them all eventually". it was a dedicated marathon of back to back to back marvel. it honestly completely burnt me out on all things superhero just being in proximity to it.
so what is there to take from this? "let people like stuff!" "its just a show why are you so mad?" well its hard to put my finger on it to be honest without sounding pretentious or hyperbolic. ill try my best...
in just a second...
first lets get pretentious!
i personally find this style of engaging with content to be very shallow. ive always kind of had a bone to pick with background watching, having a show on while doing some other task, but this is different. while background watching is annoying imo, most of the time people are doing so with shows that are kind of built for that (think sitcoms or light dramas) where you can kind of tune in and tune out on a whim and the point is more on the other activity that the show is the background stimulation for (i.e. homework, sewing, cooking, hanging with friends, etc.). in short, when background watching, the point is not to really watch the show. so that should be the polar opposite to what my friend was doing, right? nope! all these stats and all this time, just to usually be playing destiny or scrolling through DiscussingFilms' twitter posts for most of it. this is a recipe for not really getting anything from these shows.
secondly, the binge model is kind of horrible for story engagement or thematic understanding. there are very few stories in long form media which adapt well to binging. it has been discussed before, so im not going to re-litigate those arguments here, but suffice to say that binging is bad actually. pair that with these shows mostly being background fodder and it just strikes me as profoundly pointless.
Maybe I just have different wants from my media than others, but i usually like my media to have a point beyond just "it looks cool" or "it belongs to an ip i like". spin offs dont really excite me unless theres a reason for it to exist beyond just "hey look at this cool side character! guess what? theyre a main character now!" yes a lot of good stuff has come from "spin off" series (look at puss in boots: the last wish as just one example), but their mere existence will never excite me. i prefer to really watch movies or tv shows that im interested in: dim the lights, grab some popcorn, and set aside time to really engross myself in every detail. its not for every show and it is a little time consuming, but the depth in every piece of art that you learn to see is so worth it. but maybe thats not everyone priority.
okay now lets get hyperbolic!
im not going to sugar coat this and itll sound weird, but i see a lot of similarities between this kind of hyper obsessive yet shallow fixation and some very very disgusting subcultures online. and i dont mean that because i dont understand them. i mean that because i am sadly referencing many of the boys and young men who fall down the alt-right pipeline through porn fixation. if you do not know what i am talking about, youll have to trust me on this because i do not think that anyone should look these things up on their own because good god every trigger warning possible applies if you look at some of these peoples accounts. they make my stomach churn and i am pretty resilient to things. basically for those who dont know, what im referring to is a subculture of predominantly young men who become obsessed with porn and porn stars to the point that it is all they can think about. if this is giving hints of incels, it should because the venn diagram is actually just a smaller circle within a larger circle. their obsession and incel nature leads them to the expected political and social beliefs: misogyny, transphobia, grooming, forced marriage, etc. truly some of the worst humans.
now is this a leap? admittedly yes. but i dont think the comparison isnt without merit. the initial actions are the same and both lead to heavy levels of social isolation. sure you have your in group that understands every reference you make, but beyond them, you become stunted. that social isolation is the most dangerous fuel for a man to have.
overall thesis
i could write at length about this topic (and who knows i might one day) but ill keep it brief for now. in short, this trend of hyper obsessive binging that ive seen is extremely confusing to me at best and potentially dangerous at worst. i wish i had a way to break people's habits with this kind of thing but sadly i do not know how.
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nanamomi · 2 years
✩°。 ⋆⸜ 🎧 Welcome to my official get-to-know-me page or should I call “rant page” lol. I don’t usually post stuff about my personal life online but maybe you’ll find something strange abt me here :> Take note, some of my posts may or may be not directed at anyone. I will not reveal who I am pointing towards to as this may lead to misunderstanding AGAIN lmao.
✧・゚: ✧・゚: Here are some random stuff about me :・゚✧:・゚✧
˙˚˙ I was born with a skin tag on my ear. “Wtf is that?” It’s an extra skin that kinda looks like a smol pinky. I was so insecure about it before and decided to hide it behind my hair. Back in elementary, it’s required for u to wear a ponytail or headband😭… It was something that bothers me a LOT so I got it removed at 6th grade as a graduation gift. I waited so long for this moment to happen since I finally had the chance to wear a ponytail without worrying too much
˙˚˙ Are you currently writing a book? Yes! I’ll publish my book after I revise the last chapter. Since ur a special follower, u can get a sneak peak with the title :D I’m still making sum few changes abt it but I already have thought of a draft— “I Am An Introvert So Don’t Mess With Me.” This title kinda sounds a little off but I’ll try working on it. Introverts nowadays are determined to be “weak” cause many of us believe that if you’re alone, you have no role in society. In this book of mine, you’ll explore different experiences I had as an introvert my entire senior year. SHOULD I SELL THEM OR GIVE THEM OUT FOR FREE?? Any thoughts 💭
˙˚˙ What makes a person a “friend?” umm.. I have my own opinion about this. To whoever’s reading this, I hope you don’t get offended in any way. SOOO before I answer this question, let me tell you a story ;-; There’s this one girl who I considered as my friend but I felt like she only saw me as a friend of convenience— which means pretending to be someone’s friend in order to use them for your purposes. She messages me whenever she needs to rant about her so called “Ex” which is one of my friends too. As her “friend,” I mean acquaintance rather… I did what is right— told her to cut him off. After months of being her acquaintance, she suddenly treated me like TRASHHHH. I know she was bullied by sum mean girls during highschool but now she became the mean girl towards me lmaooo.. This generation kinda sucks for me since many people are trying their best just to fit in, no offense. I think you can only consider someone a friend if they’re genuine and consistent.
˙˚˙ Are you having a hard time to start a conversation and make friends? Yeah. I’m not used to be so extrovert-ish ;-; Though I may be a good listener, there are times that I just want to be on my own bubble. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate it when someone tries to approach me, but it just scares that the person I trust the most becomes my enemy. MY TRUST ISSUES are so high to the point that I might break your heart 😭. I don’t want that to happen tho. There are times that I js get scared and want to be careful w my surroundings. I’m so tired of having problems bro 🥲
˚˙ If you’re an introvert, why are you so active when it comes to acads/reporting? OKAY.. so there’s a huge difference between being shy and being an introvert. Most of us are confused between the terms but for me, an introvert can be vocal if they want to. I have two separate lives: school life and personal life. I am a different person when it comes on both sides. There are various types of introverts and I consider myself as a confident one 🤓. Because of continous reading and binge-watching stories, I’ve adapted many personal skills that made me successful in my overall academics. For example, my love for watching MSA videos allowed me to have a skill of public speaking. Personally, I am not a fan of talking in a crowd full of people but because of the inspiring stories, I am here today :DD BUT TO BE HONEST, I still have that anxiety inside of me whenever I try to speak in front 😭. I js know how to look confident, that’s all :’’3
˙˚˙ I get socially drained most of the time. If you notice me not talking, that means I need to recharge. I don’t like initiating conversations with a smol percentage of social battery. I swearrr!! I love meeting new ppl but I hope they don’t mind if I’m inconsistentz
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tryingtimi · 2 years
You may have talked about this already in some other ask, but can you tell us about the Divum Council? What is its purpose? Who's on it? How is it structured?
*grabby hands* Gimme.
Actually no, I've got no chance to talk about it yet, so thank you for this ask! <3
Honestly, the Council is very incomplete yet, and will probably change things about it later, but here's what I've got already.
The Divum Council's original purpose is to bring balance in the Sectors, smooth out the chaos after every Rising, keep the "heavenly" order in place and strive to get Ionera safe. It's members always were the most competent people, each in different fields. They've been chosen from fields that kept Ionera going and “alive” if you will, not every one of them a politician from the start. Even though they fast to adapt to that position. However, the representative of the lower Sectors soon became a Caelus Sector folk, since being the member of the Council meant that you get some advantage you could take. Coming out from the dirt was one of them. This lasted for a while, and so all the members were chosen from the Caelus Sector only. But when the circumstance did not change for a very long time, in fact it got worst in the lower Sectors, people got upset. There were little riots here and there, protestors started to camp around the Terrana Sector (only there because the Aquor Sector was never a hopeful place, so people there rarely made an effort to change on things. “Why bother, it won’t help anyway” kind of mindset is the default there.) and when they loudly planned to get into the Caelus Sector, the Council stepped in. They needed to keep the order after all, so they gave people what they wanted. That’s how Dane gets into the Council, he’s gonna be the first lower Sector representative who truly came from there after some decades now.
The Divum Council is basically works as an autocratic association dressed in fake democracy. All the representatives has a say in things, they hear them out, they vote, but at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is what the current Astin wants and/or agrees on. Icharo, as every one of his ancestors, is only appeares at the end of a meeting (in holografic form) if he even shows up and not just sends someone/ something to deliver his “suggestions” *ahem* orders. The Council members soon learn to know their place and that inside the Council's building, Icharo can kind of hear and see everything, so they need to be careful what they say. But overall they very much okay with this situation when our story starts. They have the highest luxury on Ionera, each of them owning a separate platform in the Caelus Sector which is only theirs, they get the cleanest food etc. There's no reason to complain.
Oh, yeah, the Council also supervises and chooses who should go to the restoration facility, which is a thing that they – or more like Icharo – formed when the population hit a ridiculously low number. To keep humanity up, they can't let this number drop even lower. Therefore, the Council banned every object, device, anything that could be used to hurt someone else and thrown the idea of prisons out of the window. Ionera needs functional people, so that's how this facitlity were born. No-one really knows what happens in there tho. What people heared about it, is that criminals get help to change into someone who can be put back into society and be a useful member of it again. After some months or years, people can go out, live their life again. They're fine, they're social, they even gained some faith maybe?
Who knows, Dane never met any Restored. But when he does, he soon finds out that something is very strange about them, the same as with the Divum Council.
So here it is hehe! It was great to talk about it, thank youu again! <3
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1/2 "Explore the fuck was that" Xiaoge is not Xiaoge and talking is not the problem here. It's literally everything thats the problem. Also like you I've also read all the books, but failed to put into words why Xiao Yu Liang's and Huang Jun Jie's Qilings didn't give me any divergence from the original character despite the changes, while others did and pretty drastically. I thought it was a bit irrational on my part, but you just sorted it all out so effortlessly I'm a bit jealous
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Lol I said the exact same thing, the talking and the phone was not a problem as some say, he has a phone in the book too at some point and talks more than you'd actually think, it's just that literally nothing about him is Zhang Qiling. Literally not one vibe or even tiny feeling. I don't know how that happened honestly.
AAAAAAAAA I saw the smile comments too lmao. I was like who's gonna tell them. Not only he smiles, he's full on laughing in the 2nd book already, when Wu Xie is using his spit as a lotion lmao. And Wu Xie was so happy about, he was like "I saw him smile before, but it was always so bitter and cold, this was the first time he smiled genuinely, he just needs to spend more time with him, we'll get him there" T_T Before that his smiling was legit a bit scary tho, sometimes brash, like when he told him about the stairs and he went "oh really?" haha
I thought about it and I honestly have no idea about the reference point for some people. I think maybe they go from that first adaptation? Maybe they think it's how he is in the book? Idk. It just weirds me out that I feel like some created some their own picture in their head and then judge everything from there throwing "thats ooc" left and right. Like this "Xiao Ge doesn't smile thing". Maybe it's because of the "Poker-face" thing, but do they know that "Men You Ping" doesn't actually mean that, it was just the closest thing you could come up with with english alternative to keep the nickname short (like I doubt it would read well if he kept calling him a bottle xD). Like according to Wu Xie since the very first book, his hubby can't even lie, so he's definitely not a poker face at all. He also gets pissed pretty easily and he likes to fool around sometimes too (like troll Wu Xie and Fatty obviously).
He's also not emo and not the "mysterious hero from some romance", not a stone and not a zooty. I don't know where this all came from tbh.
I can really debate 24/7 about this, but they're 100% Qilings, just slightly changed and softened accordingly to what they'd be like at this point of their relationship, if he did write it in (and I'm like pretty sure I'm right about this). It's the way they behave, how they act in certain situations, how they're with Wu Xie, how they're with other people, the right amount of sass and being done with everything, just the overall picture, the "you're an idiot, but you're my whole world". But also you know, that strange feeling that Wu Xie describes, like "when he's there, everything is suddenly alright" lol (just the magical safety vibe esp in SOP). I literally don't know how ppl who read the whole thing watched them and thought "thats not right". It's the fucking overall feeling of.. yes, i'm watching Zhang Qiling.
Just change the book's impending doom of tragical "you're my whole world, but I can't stay and there's no way for this to work" to "we actually have a future and I want to stay in our home with you" and that's basically Yuliang's and Junjie's versions (one on the way, one fully there by the end). But even if for some reason you can't accept this, I still don't get how some could hate it, cause overall they still have basically everything they need. Unlike others who are way off in my opinion, bc of the weird templates they are.
And about "Explore the fuck was that" (lol I'm gonna use this title from now on) seriously, no offense to this creation and everyone who liked it (no judging here for real, everyone likes what they like), I'm not gonna heavily diss anyone or anything, I don't really care for the thing, just telling the truth. No one who's participated in this thing have a fucking idea about the characters they're playing or writing about.
I mean, as a fan many things that were adapted from books, I already do not care for minor divergence or even bigger once, if it makes sense and you see the care and understanding of the characters, but sadly here it felt like no one cared. Like for example honestly if someone asked me what would you choose "watching wu xie and xiao ge but not 100% sticking to the plot" or "loosely watching the plot, but it's not wu xie and xiao ge", I'm gonna pick the first option.
And some will say that's it's only the writers/directors mistakes for not explaining or guiding actors etc, but to be honest it's not completely true, bc as we know many actors if they really care before taking on the role actually try to do a research about the character and read the material to understand what they're playing. Especially if it's such iconic characters of a franchise Сhina's been going crazy over for like a decade.
Like how the hell happened that Zhu Yilong for example while playing embodied all the Wu Xie's traits througout the whole book series from behaving exactly like young Wu Xie did in certain needed parts to going to the cold, strategic and rational old self in others, I mean, they could've just go with the "Restart" one, where not much happens and he could've played just that. But literally each time he did something, I was like "yeah, that's my boo". And that wasn't the part of this exact book, it was part of Wu Xie. Like the way he behaved, acted in some previous situations that you know its him. That's happening only when the actor knows who he's portraying.
Or Yuliang knowing and loving and feeling the character he plays, because he wanted to know and cared.
It's just strange to me, bc if they're not making it for the fans, then for whom do they even make it? For themselves? It's really stupid no matter how you look at it. Like your success depends on it, so what's the point in sinking your own ship I will never get.
I also do not get how could they just fail literally everything. Like casting was a miss already, but good acting and chemistry and putting character's soul in it could've make it great still, but they have literally none of anything, it's just fascinating to me. I just don't think I ever seen something like that, it's kinda funny.
But this is like once again just my opinion. Like everyone is free to think what they think, but maybe just stop yelling "OOC" without knowing the original character, cause maybe it's not really OOC. Like book Xiao Ge is not exactly what many ppl claim him to be really.
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
what do you think dwarf music sounds like? i'm rereading the first book and dex talks about how dwarven(?) music is awesome
oo that's an interesting question! I love the details of various species in fantasy books, and there's a few trends throughout kotlc that I think we can draw upon to take a guess at this one. So I don't remember the specific wording of this line by Dex nor if he gave any other details about dwarven music (I'm going to guess no but I haven't checked at all)
however! we know that Shannon has taken inspiration from the ways the species are most well known and used that for her own world. That was phrased strangely so let me give an example. In Lord of the Rings, the elves have a certain aesthetic (graceful, blonde hair, blue eyes, etc. not all of them are like that, but she used it as inspiration) that she used to adapt to her own elves, modifying what most of us think of when we hear "elf" into something that is recognizable but her own.
using that same logic, we can assume that dwarven music, whatever that sounds like, has roots in "traditional" dwarven music. for me I think of heavier bass sounds, a focus in rhythm, and bawdy vocals if there are vocals at all. There may be clinking or high pitched metallic sounds as well. Overall, reminiscent of time in the mine, time underground. Again, we're going very traditional here.
However, you may recall that Shannon's dwarves are incredibly different from traditional dwarves. They're more like child-sized moles with a sensitivity to sunlight. We can see a connection to traditional dwarves in the way they dig (mine) and spend a lot of time underground (mines) and are covered in hair (dwarven beards). But those are very vague connections, so I'd assume Shannon's dwarven music would also have that really vague connection.
I think what would transfer over is a focus in rhythm and the deep, reverberating sounds. Shannon's dwarves don't mine, so I don't see a reason for those metallic sounds to stick around. But those are just the traditional elements I'd expect to see. There'd likely also be something additional or an adaptation to represent these mole-like dwarves. If we take inspiration from the way the gnomes kind of sing the language of nature (unsure how else to describe it), I think the dwarves might incorporate the sounds of the underground into their music. Okay now I need to figure out how to explain this because I have a specific idea in my head. Have you seen those videos of people who hook up wires/rods to different plants/things and then it translates into sound? Like they stab a mushroom and listen to the noise of the mushroom? (linked). That kind of thing for the underground sounds.
It would set Shannon's dwarves apart in the way their mole-like appearance and tendencies do while also being reminiscent of traditional dwarves and what influences their music.
but then again this is all my personal theorizing!! there may be small details scattered throughout the books that give more insight into what dwarven music actually sounds like that I can't remember right now. I'd be curious to hear it tho!! would love to make some daydream scenarios to some dwarven music, as strange as shannon's dwarven music would probably be
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
Hi I hope you're fine! Can you make the reaction of the brothers to a Mc who managed to overtake Salomon and made 100 pacts, the 100 th being ... Diavolo himself ?! (idk if it is really possible) Thank you love on you
I don’t really know if it’s possible either but I gave it a go anyway! I love this concept tho because MC, being the powerhouse they are, now has absolute control of 100 demons one which is actual prince of hell. Idk why I find that funny tbh.
I hope you’re well too and that you enjoy reading these HCs!
The Brothers Reacting to MC who made 100 pacts:
-*Surprised pikachu face*
-I’m sorry, w a t?
-Not only did an average human,with no magical capabilities whatsoever, beat a spectacular sorcerer in the span of just one year and managed to make 100 pacts before him
-But they also made a pact with Lord Diavolo as a grand finale??? (MC knows how to leave DevilDom with class holy shit)
-If you look closely enough, you can see Lucifer’s wheels spinning inside his head
-And here he thought you were going to get eaten in the first few days
-He needs to sit down for a few moments, his fucking logic has decided to take a walk
-He really went 0-0
-And on one hand, he’s totally impressed and actually very proud of their little exchange student
-But on the other hand, when tf did you have the time to make 100 pacts??
-You talked with at least 92 other demons and didn’t get murdered?
-Are all humans this hard to kill off or it just you?
-Taking aside his confusion and the way he worries like a middle aged parent, he’s actually pretty boastful about your situation
-Pride on another level, I’m telling you
- Pretty smug about it to Solomon too which is concerning because he isn’t really supposed to have favourites in the exchange program
-But he totally does
-“MC, you’re full of surprises aren’t you? You’re ability to adapt here is very impressive. Just don’t get too reckless, I don’t want you getting hurt.”
-Aw your tsundere and arrogant boyfriend actually really cares about your well being
-“But I’m still your first man, right?”
-Literally the first thing that leaves his mouth when he finds out
-Doesn’t matter how many pacts you make, he’s always going to insist he’s your first and therefore your best pact of them all
-He may freak out a bit at first because he doesn’t like the idea of you possibly chatting it up with other demons but he’s pretty chill
-Until you tell him about Lord Diavolo
-“Guess who just made a pact with Lord Diavolo!!”
-“Is it someone famous?”
-He’s a bit scared because the price you have to pay to be in a pact with Lord Diavolo is pretty damn high
-But if you keep insisting you will be fine, his worry will subside
-He’s a bit smug, like Lucifer, knowing you beat a powerful sorcerer in a non existent contest that he just made up in his mind
-Like “In your face Solomon, MY HUMAN got to make 100 pacts before you had the chance. Haha what a loser.”
-I feel like the brothers sometimes wish to just abandon Mammon somehowere so they don’t have to deal with this
-Dude doesn’t care how many pacts you have or with who as long as you remember ‘he was your first man.’
-Of course you of all people would be able to attain such a significant achievement
-You were his human after all
-No matter what you do, he will be even more smitten with you than before
-“That’s cool. Will you pass me my headphones.”
-“Wait....you did whAT?”
-You’re telling him that he barely has the courage to step outside the House of Lamentation but you can go right ahead and start making pacts with demons like it’s nothing???
-Did he just get beaten at life by a normie?? His normie even??
-He’s really panicking because the shit you’d have to deal with when making that kind of bond with Lord Diavolo is apparently very terrifying and he’s scared something bad will happen
-Pacts also mean markings on your body, so his whole jealousy thing kinda sparks here
-Because ‘it’s not fair you have all these people’s pact marks on you while mine is barely visible!”
-Even though his is like, really obvious too???
-Other than that, he just feels like you’re gaining EXP and getting stronger, like a video game character which is cool
-I want him to show up whenever MC gets in a new pact and just shout ‘Level Up!’ at the top of his lungs lmao
-He doesn’t have that much of an opinion on Solomon, besides his cooking, but he’s impressed and a bit scared that you can outdo a human like him in something as dangerous as this
-Lololololo, Solomon got wrecked by a human normie what a noob XD XD #badassnormie #solomoncanteven #gameoversorcerer
-The brothers seem pretty adamant at rubbing the salt into Solomon’s wounds, can we get an f in the chat for our white haired wizard boi
-He knew that humans were capable of a lot of things but what the fuck?
-How is that even possible???? What is the likelyhood of a random human managing to make 100 pacts???
-He is probably the most unsettled because he relies on probability and logic to get him through his day to day life
-And that shit don’t make no fucking sense
-He’s not agitated, just very shocked
-And then he realises the potential threats you’ve been exposed to considering all the demons you’ve had a chat with
-So now he’s just thanking Lord Diavolo that you weren’t eaten alive by some lower level demon scum
-Don’t be surprised if he asks you how you went about when you started making pacts with demons
-You were always a bit of a special case and you certainly stood out from the very beginning but this was something completely different
-For a human like you, that is a very respected achievement you’ve unlocked
-Satan figures that since you made pacts with him and his brothers, you would try to do so with Lord Diavolo too
-But he actually accepted?? You just kinda gave up part of your soul to the demon prince and now you have full control over him???
-It’s amazing how easily you could make demons of all things to trust you
-He respects that and also appreciates your tactical approach to this as well
-It’d be pretty easy to summon a demon to get your ass out of danger if the need arises
-He has no idea what you do to him but it’s strange he would rather let you ramble on about the backstory of every pact you made in the past year than read his collection of books
-Wrath certainly isn’t the only thing in his heart right now
-His partner beat his ex fuck-buddy at making a pact with Lord Diavolo
-Asmo knew you were special ever since that retreat at Lord Diavolo’s palace when you managed to summon him with such power
-But he definitely wouldn’t have guessed you would be capable of something like this
-Your bravery when it comes to this sort of thing endears him a lot
-He will probably want to see all of your pact marks now (haha you’re in danger)
-Unlike his brothers, he knew damn well why you had managed to make around 100 pacts in just one year
-Demons aren’t used to anything genuine or with good intent
-So, it makes sense they would be attracted like magnets to you and your approachable, kind nature
-After all, demons can’t deal with temptation very well
-Solomon is cunning and ominous, not that different from anyone else down there and it’s a fact the brothers don’t even trust him that much
-But Lord Diavolo?
-“MC honey you hit the jackpot! Tell me every little detail!! What happened? How did the topic of a pact come up?”
-He’s not worried about you overall
-Not because he doesn’t care but he believes that if you can survive for a year with the seven avatars of sin and also convince 93 other demons to make a pact with you, then you can handle whatever Lord Diavolo throws at you
-He probably buys a bunch of revealing clothing you can show off all of your marks because they look ‘fabulous’
-It’s the only think he’s gonna talk about for a while because how many other humans can say they have control of the prince of Hell???
-Asmo also acknowledges that Diavolo must have trusted you a lot for him to agree to this which he thinks is incredible
-He will definitely listen if you have any stories on the pacts you made because he finds them very thrilling and he loves the sound of your voice!!
-Again, he doesn’t need human souls, just a mirror, some skin products and drama to survive
-And you, if I had to guess
-The calmest our of the seven about it
-You made a bunch of pacts? Cool, it just shows how strong and independent you are
-Which made him respect you even more to be honest
-He flinches a bit when you tell him about Lord Diavolo because he knows that the prince isn’t the type to agree to anything without being given something in return
-Even if he knows you can handle yourself, he will be right there beside you to help you out
-Also, uh, don’t tell Belphie about the pact thing Diavolo. He might blow a fuse
-You guys work out together sometimes and he is usually utterly mesmerised by all the pact marks you have on your body
-He kinda wishes you would have asked him or one of his brothers to come along with you when you made your pacts
-Just in case things went wrong
-He regrets a lot of things that had happened until now, but one thing he absolutely cherishes is the pact you made with him
-Beel is aware that his brothers think the same and if you think you can deal with the pressure of having some many demons under control, then he won’t nag you too much about being careful
-As for the Solomon thing, he doesn’t have much to say
-I mean, yeah, he is a sorcerer and you’re just a human but if you could make a pact with Lord Diavolo in such a small time frame before he even had the chance to?
-It means you’re just as special as he is
-And definitely a better cook
-ok maybe humans aren’t as stupid as he originally thought them to be
-Making pacts with so many demons is something that takes strength and intelligence, so props to you
-He would never admit it, but you being able to do all this shit without batting an eyelid is seriously restoring his love for humans and their culture
-might take a while tho
-He also wonders when you had the time to make so many bonds, considering he spends most of the day with you at RAD and at home
-Eh, he was probably asleep
-His view of you before the incident did a full 180 degrees
-This sort of thing in DevilDom is something worth praising, especially for an average human like you
-And ‘I guess you don’t look all that bad with so many pact marks on your body *angy boi blush* but I still like mine best!’
-It might be best not to mention the Lord Diavolo thing, otherwise his brain might snap in two
-But turns out, he seems pretty relaxed about it
-Too relaxed, I would say
-“Hey do you think you could use your pact with Lord Diavolo to do something that would tarnish his reputation and maybe embarrass Lucifer while you’re at it, idk.”
-Ah, so that’s what it was
-He’s such a mischievous, spoiled brat
-“No Belphie shush.”
-“I’m just saying-“
-Despite him hating humans way less nowadays, he still holds somewhat of a grudge against them
-Old habits die hard I suppose
-Especially for Solomon whom he never liked in the first place
-He finds it very amusing when he figures out you just beat Solomon at his life’s work in under a year
-He has a good chuckle about it but never actually brings it up in front of him
-Because he knows you’re gonna flick him over the ear for it
-Belphie is the youngest sibling and therefore the spoiled child, can’t change my mind
(Ok so poor Solomon, I kinda want to give him a hug now lol. Hope I didn’t make these too repetitive or short. Thank you for reading!)
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stanharu · 4 years
beastars episode 24 thoughts!
this post got kinda long i have Many Thoughts on this one
Overall I had fun watching this ep but I could really tell it was rushed and there was so much that got cut, which makes me super sad. our fears about the finale having pacing issues due to all the added scenes & rearranging were confirmed & it rly sucks, but i'll elaborate more on that in a bit.
this week's ep covered the end of chapter 92, chapters 93-97, and included small bits of chapters 98 & 99.
so the ep starts with the ED and the latter part of the tunnel scene with ibuki and louis. i liked the visual effect they used to show that they were in the dark. louis' voice acting was also On Point. for the most part i think this scene was done pretty well but I can tell it's being rushed also. I really wish we got more buildup and narration instead of just jumping straight to ibuki telling louis to shoot him. the way it is in the anime feels less impactful imo.
also im sad we didnt get to see this in the anime
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before i move on, i wanna talk a bit about louis and his relationship w/ the shishigumi and ibuki. i feel like in the anime quite a few of the lil moments that really endear you to the shishigumi and also ibuki were either cut or kinda glossed over, which is strange to me considering how much effort and care went into the ED. it's very emotional and good but i feel like maybe anime onlies are missing out only seeing the anime and the MV. but idk.
legosi and riz's fight was quite rushed as well. there's so much narration and dialogue missing from it and that really rubs me the wrong way. It wasn't all bad but compared to the manga I just don't think it's as good. I will say tho that I really liked the sequence w legosi and the moths. I thought it looked really nice and was pretty well done.
also i liked how the backgrounds had some anti-yahya graffiti, its a nice touch imo
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it says "high quality horse meat"
I was happy to see legosi do the "tell me more" pose but I'm honestly disappointed that the anime took out the whole exposition about why legosi did it. like i feel like without that it's just legosi being weird when he has a reason for it!!! This is just one example of the anime taking out crucial narration during the fight.
I also think it's kinda weird how they changed how louis shows up at the fight. im not sure how i feel about riz just charging at him like that, but i liked how legosi kicked him before they ran lol.
i dont have much to say about pina's small scene but I did wanna say that during my first watch thru of the ep i was too distracted trying to read the graffiti behind him that i didn't notice him getting his phone out of the dumpster and calling the cops lmao
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it says "devour yahya"
and now... here we are... the predation scene.
overall i thought it was pretty well done but, like the rest of the ep, i could tell it was also being kinda rushed. some important beats werent given enough time to really sink in, and there's a few bits of narration taken out of this part as well that i find disappointing :^(
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tho i did like how the anime called back to this scene in s1 when legosi mentions utilizing his strength.
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also this part where louis is remembering ibuki had me like😭
I also really liked seeing louis cry. I was crying too sjdflskjdflsjkdf. i thought that scene was really good, its prolly my favorite part of the ep tbh. getting to hear the whole predation scene voiced made me kind of a mess lol. i really liked louis' expressions throughout this whole ep too. studio orange used their whole louis expression budget on these last 2 eps lmao.
seeing legosi instantly get all beefed up was great too. he looked a little ridiculous but i kinda loved it lol. he's so huge and poofy. i love him.
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big pomeranian
anyway, im also sad they took out louis' line about being reduced to a flashback character lol. instead he tells legosi "be a hero" again which... im not sure about that change. i liked the part with riz thinking back about tem tho. tho imo the way riz realizes he's in the wrong feels pretty sudden. again adding to how rushed the whole ep feels.
before i move on again i just wanna say legosi looks so cute. even all puffed up and covered in blood. how does he do that
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baby boy baby. i wanna ruffle his cheek floofs.
i think one of the things im most disappointed about from this whole ep was how the fight got wrapped up. i really like how the cops show up and totally shift the tone in the manga jslkdfjskljdf. im also really sad we didnt get this interaction
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tthe anime really took out most of the sillier moments from the finale, which makes me pretty sad to think about. i know the anime and manga have different tones but pls let the boys be silly sometimes!!
the next part where legosi and louis finally establish their friendship was really cute tho ❤️ even tho it was pretty different i enjoyed it a lot.
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the wrap-up for this arc and this episode gave me whiplash sdjlfkjsdf. it literally speedruns thru legosi's predation conviction, being released, louis & haru's graduation, and legosi deciding he's going to drop out of school. that is SO MUCH AT ONCE. also i was holding out hope that legosi would have his new years call with haru after the fight instead but that didnt happen!! so it just got cut!!! kinda mad about that tbh. legosi and haru having a lil scene at the very end made up for it a lil bit but that's still one of haru's few moments in this arc that's just not included.
we didnt even get the part wher legosi learns he can't marry haru bc of his conviction.
ive been really hoping for a season 3 announcement once this season ended. with all the background allusions to yahya, the added plot point of someone stealing elephant tusks, and sebun and melon's lil cameos in this season, it seemed to me that studio orange was kinda teasing a 3rd season. but now, with the dismissive way the anime ended, and paru's note from earlier today, im less sure about the possibility of a 3rd season. i'd still like to see the rest of the series animated, but i guess we'll just have to wait and see if more anime is announced in the future.
if we do get another season in the future i just hope that we swing back around and actually address the things that got completely glossed over in the last couple minutes of this episode instead of charging forward w/o touching them again.
i really think the finale for this arc should've been two episodes at least. not including the tunnel scene. i think then things wouldn't have felt so rushed. people have been saying this season really would have benefitted from at least 1 extra episode and i cant help but agree. some have even suggested a whole 24 episodes just for this arc, but i think that this arc couldve been done properly with 12 or 13 episodes if there was some better prioritizing on what to include and what to cut.
like i dont mind not getting the parts about legosi's family if they can be addressed somehow in a future season (or if theres no more future anime seasons thats a plot thread that doesnt have to be worried about). i could have lived w/o seeing sheila & peach's chapter animated if it meant more time for the focus of this arc. and was the kangaroo red herring really necessary?
adaptation wise, i dont think this season was as good as the first. i still think it did fairly well, but i know that it could have been much better. ive been excited to watch this season with my friends once the dub releases, but now im wondering if i should just tell them to read the manga instead. sighs idk. perhaps it comes thru better as a bingewatch, or perhaps im being a bit too harsh. idk. at some point ill do a rewatch and see how i feel about the season as a whole, but that wont be for a while.
if you've read this far, thanks for reading my ramblings!! it's been fun to make these posts every week and im gonna miss getting new episodes every week.
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It worked! Sorry to bug you with a message! But I'd like to request a cake now!
So, about me. I have an actual name but I don't think I've heard it in months😃, instead I have a bunch of nicknames! (Rion, ri, oreo, onion, o, etc), I'm actually nb so I chose that name, however I 100% consider naming myself Arson💀My pronouns are they/them and I'm about 5'5, I have short, fluffy brown hair that I usually dye the front blue. I'm Asian hispanic, but I really don't look like either- my favorite foods are either really spicy and salty or sweet. Not the overwhelming chemical sweet tho, like a natural sweet flavor. My personality type is infp, and ig when I first meet people I can be shy (that's an understatement, I was mute for the first week of school🕳🏃‍♂️) but once I get to know people I can be pretty chaotic (once again, arson). I'm not a 100% demon spawn though, I don't really like making scenes in public and I probably will cry if I do- but I still have fun lol. I'm also the person who copes with severe mental health issues using humor, to an alarming degree 😔 I'm the therapist friend when really I'm the one who needs therapy. I also have a social battery that can die at random times, so I really like/need friends who can handle random mood changes of me going from energetic to silent in seconds. Academically, I'm really book smart, I'm a tutor, but my grades don't reflect it. I tend to procrastinate a lot and avoid studying, usually I catch myself last minute or trust memory on tests, but every now and then there's something that tanks my grades. I'm not very athletic, but I still try to play sports. I enjoy the feeling when I do something right, but the rest of the time I usually beat myself up for messing up.
And now just random facts 😃👍
My favorite color is yellow, not the bright eye sore shade that makes you want to throw up, but the nice softer, light shade. And I like anything that comes with that color! (Sunflowers, flowy sundresses and flip flops, summer activities, burning concrete, warm rain, etc). Nobody knows my music taste, it changes weekly, however I usually come back to mitski/cavetown or summer themed songs a lot! I enjoy playing music, but I have the curse of being a fast learner so that usually leads to be being bored and learning a new instrument at any given chance. And my birthday is a weird date that fucks with zodiacs so I can be considered either a leo or cancer, my personality changes a bunch, so take your pick lol. (Though emotionally I tend to be cancerous, I just express it and show it in a way a leo would) And someday I wanna be a long term traveler, or a florist. Just a job that makes me happy :). And I guess if I had to classify my aesthetic it would be bloomcore or soft grunge. I like wearing big sweaters and if I could I would wear a bunch of butterfly clips in my hair and wear mom jeans. (I would also wear man crushers, I mean, platforms if I was confident)
Aaaannnnd that was really long sorry!
To sum up, I'm just a bipolar bitch with depression and anxiety 👍
Thanks a bunch for just taking the time to read this!
Romantic Matchup
Bokuto Koutarou
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How Y’all Met
I’m getting a classic summer love vibe from this matchup 👀
Ok so I just Hc that Bokuto LOVES flowers
So he would always just go to the local flower shop to look at them
Pls hes to precious I cant-
But anyways you we’re working a summer job at the flower shop
And you grew fond of our little owl boy
You would always talk to him whenever he visited
He just made your job that much more enjoyable :)
So one day you stopped him right before he left and told him he could pick a bouquet of flowers if he wanted
He BEAMED at you and picked a bouquet of flowers he always looked at whenever he came
But what shocked you was instead of walking out with them
He gave them to you!
He then went on talking about how he really liked you but didn’t know how to tell you
At this point he was just rambling
So you laughed and asked him if he would like to go to the ocean with you after your shift
He agreed and you swear you saw stars in his eyes
After your shift you met up with Bokuto and went to the beach
You guys literally spent ALL day there!
And even some of the night 👀
Being the gentleman he is offered to walk you home
And when you two got to your house he asked you to be his s/o
What They Love About You
Ok starting off with a strange one
He loves the fact that your favorite color is yellow 💛
He just thinks it fits you so well 😊
He loves that you have to ability to turn your trauma into humor
Now I’m ngl...
Ye found it extremely concerning at first 🥲
But once you explained it was like a coping mechanism for you
He was super supportive!
He LOVES your aesthetic!
He thinks it’s so cute
And once again he thinks it fits you 👀
He appreciates the fact that your smart
If he doesn’t understand something in class
He’ll just go to you!
And honesty going over the material with him has helped your understanding as well 👀
Bokuto s grades:📈
Your grades: 📈
Favorite Things To Do Together
Oml he loves summers with you
Any summer activity
Ice cream
Flower meadows 👀
Summer night drives
The whole shtick
But when it’s not summer
He loves doing classic seasonal activities
Fall - Jumping in leaf piles, coffee dates, preparing for Halloween, etc
Winter - Snowball fights/Making Snowmen, Christmas movie marathons, hot cocoa/ baking, etc
Spring - Dancing in the rain, picnics, gardening etc
It’s a vibe year round with bf Bokuto
Random Hc
His favorite season is summer
And his second is winter
Ik...polar opposites
He TOTALLY gets your mood swings
Although they may not be the same as his
He still understands them and respects them
Every year on your anniversary he buys you the exact same bouquet he gave you at the flower shop
Speaking of the flower shop 👀
He got a job there with you the following summer
So you guys basically spent most of your days together
Bokuto is REALLY bad at dark humor
But for some reason he still tries 😭
It’s either TOO dark
Or not dark at all 💀
(We’re gonna go with your cancer zodiac 😂)
When Cancer and Virgo make a love match, a strong, down-to-earth relationship with staying power is the happy result.
This is a relationship with great potential to get better and better over the passing years.
Both Cancer and Virgo are goal-oriented and disciplined.
They are sincere and devoted to one another and share a strong sense of purpose.
No lightweight love here: These two were not really built for flings!
Cancer and Virgo deeply admire one another: Virgo respects Cancer’s quiet strength and dedication while Cancer appreciates Virgo’s keen adaptability and intelligence.
These lovers may get off to a slow start, but over time, bonds will only grow stronger.
The Cancer-Virgo love match prides itself on common sense and strong principles over fluff and inconsequential or fleeting connections.
They enjoy the material comforts of life, but they will only feel good about their bounty if it has come as a result of honest hard work.
There could be tiffs if Virgo becomes too critical for Cancer’s easily bruised feelings; Cancer needs to understand that it’s just Virgo’s nature to point out what they observe, that it’s not a personal attack.
A Virgo may bristle at their Cancer mate’s stubborn streak, but it’s a trait that a patient and understanding love partner like Virgo could come to appreciate.
Also, Virgo’s urge to serve suits Cancer’s affectionate, nurturing nature well.
Their dedication to working toward the same goals.
Both partners in this love match enjoy a stable home life and nice things, and Virgo truly enjoys helping Cancer along the way to achieving their goals.
Their shared goals and desires make theirs a highly compatible love match.
Overall Aesthetic
Bloomcore 🌸
Bloom - Jesse
This Side of Paradise - Coyote Theory
Flaming Hot Cheetos - Claire
Mystery of Love - Sufjan Stevens
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t-rina · 4 years
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Star Trek Enterprise rewatch
2x4 Dead Stop
First aired: 9 October 2002
Synopsis by Netflix: After the encounter with the Romulan minefield, Enterprise is severely damaged and Trip fears the worst.
Synposis by Ash: Still severely damaged, Enterprise finds a repair station that has a mind of its own.
They still can go to warp 2 tho
It would take them a decade to reach jupiter station 😳
They are sending out a distress call!
Malcolm is still recovering!
DID PHLOX JUST SAY THAT???? (see screenshots at the beginning of this post)
Archer’s room is still squeaking
Tellarites responded to the distress call :)
They went to a repair station
Nobody seems to be home
Whoops what happened 
They were being scanned
And the station adapted to the ship and its crew!!!! That’s so cool!!!!
So there are no people on the station but the station knows what's wrong? Cool. Cool cool cool.
“Everything is in English”
Yup, the station seems automated
For a station so sophisticated it’s pretty dumb for not being able to understand “Who am I speaking with?”
The station has recreational facilities 
Ok but it’s a bit sketchy
Who are they paying? What are they going to do with the payment?
So not REALLY recreational facilities xD 
They have a molecular resequencer!!!
Trip gets his catfish :)
Great, that station basically now knows EVERYTHING in the Enterprise’s database
Malcolm is healed :)
They fixed the squeak in the floor xD
Archer, you’re a human, you don’t need to suppress your emotions
I agree, this seems a bit too perfect 
I said it before and I’ll say it again: Travis is BUILT
ok wtf? Something is very strange 
Nuuuu what happened to Travis?
Archer is pissed
Archer, control your temper
Hoshi says goodbye to Travis ;w;
Poor Hoshi 
alien abduction!!
Trip arguing with the computer 😂
They outsmarted the station
Oh and here we go
So many people!! All abducted I assume
They found Travis!
And Enterprise is now… captured by the station?
At least they’ve got Travis back
Oh and they are blowing up the warp plasma which was the payment for the repairs
Greeeaaaatttt they destroyed the station… what about all the people who were captured there?
They broke free
Travis has a new breakfast date with the captain :)
Rating: 3/7
overall a nice episode but i was pretty pissed about how they handled the situation, that they blew the station, which was super duper sophisticated up like it was nothing? and the people on there? even though many of them probably wouldn’t be able to survive?
I hope they will continue this story line, if not, i will be angry.
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imarealtragedy · 4 years
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Summary: You have been given the best news of your life, receiving a scholarship in a prestigious school was everything somebody could ever ask for, expecting to adapt to you new life in Fukurodani Academy, you take the risk and move to Japan. But what you never expected was to be in this position, underneath the arms of everyone's favorite ace, Bokuto Koutaro.
Pairing: Bokuto Koutaro x Fem! Reader
Warnings: none? Fluff? Idk
Y/n: your name
Y/f/s: means your favorite sport.
Word count: 1,211
A/N: this is my first fic ever, so sorry if the story lines all over the place so I would appreciate any type of feedback you guys have to give for me to improve. English is not my first language so if there is any grammar mistakes let me know too! It doesn't have that much plot if I'm being honest because I'm still learning to arrange my writing ideas lol. Anyways let me know what you guys think! :)
If you guys want to me write about someone else and of another category like angst or smut, let me know too.  <3
You met Bokuto when you were 17, you decided to spent your last year of high school in Fukurodani, truth is you didn't even know what you were doing there, one day you suddenly got an opportunity for a scholarship in Toyko, the next you were on a plane on the move to one of Japans most prestigious schools. To say you were excited was an understatement, you were ready for a fresh start, a new country, a new school, new friends, and overall new opportunities  that would totally open paths to make something with your life.
Your first week on the premises was a little bit hectic, of course you were the new girl and everyone wanted to know who you were, and where you'd come from, during the end of that week, you had your first interaction with Bokuto, he began by letting you know how he was the captain of the boys volleyball club, and if you ever needed help around school being new and all didn't hesitate to look for him or Akaashi.
Akaashi was a quite guy, someone who liked to keep his thoughts inside his head, he was calm, compossed and he radiated confidence. One of the reason both of you became acquaintances very fast, was because the to of you shared the some amount of classes together, even tho you were a third year, you still needed to catch on assignments you had not taken before. Bonding over either games, food or classes you two started hanging out often whether it was at lunch or after school, and that sometimes included seeing Bokuto every once in a while.
You didn't know how to describe your relationship with the ace, it wasn't weird to be precise but you weren't best of friends either, he had a bright personality making him shine everytime he entered the room you on the other hand were a little bit more reserved, don't get me wrong that didn't mean you couldn't get wild everyonce in a while and make yourself noticed when you needed to, but that wasn't very often. That was your biggest difference with Bokuto, you sometimes found him annoying and he sometimes thought you were a stuck up bitch, but despite those issues you still found yourself attracted to the ace and oh boy you were doomed, not only did Akaashi knew about your little crush but he always tried to make you pursue it.
You never really wanted to that though, between him not having time for anything but volleyball, you didnt have that much time to spare either. Ever since your first month in the prefacture you have proposed yourself to become the best female (y/f/s) player in Japan, that's why you were given the scholarship for Fukurodani in the first place to make the team win nationals and make a name out of yourself.
That day soon came, your team had finally made it to (y/f/s) National Finals, days prior to your final match the boys had let you know that they've already won volleyball nationals and they were counting on your team to make the Academy the best in Tokyo. You were in the dressing room getting your shoes on remembering the words of your friends "we are counting on your team", thinking of that didn't ease your nerves at all, you were already on edge because your future depended on this win, not only yours to be exact but all of your teammates as well. The boys came in to show their support at the match, the pressure was on you, you wanted to make everyone proud, your teammates, your friends, your parents who were even watching the stream of your match, today was the day you were going to make yourself and the team known to the whole country.
Five minutes before your game, you spotted a spiked gray haired boy approaching you, seeing one of the persons you loved the most before your match made you feel safe and ready for taking on this challenge
"Hi y/n, how are you feeling?" He said as he took a sit next to you on the bleachers
"Im fine Kou, just a little bit nervous that's all" you chucked as you play with the end of your jersey, feeling anxious about the game ahead of you.
"Your games starting soon so I need to move to the other side, but I just wanted to tell you, that I'm so proud of you, I know we haven't been that close at all these year, but believe me it's been amazing to see your overcome yourself and become an outstanding player, you've always have been" the ace said with a little bit of shyness in his voice, he had always admired  y/n from afar as they didn't hang out as often as they did when they met, but he knew he would always had a soft spot for her in his heart.
Y/n stood up and gave a kiss to the ace forehead and said, "Thank you Kou, hearing that from the best ace in Japan, makes me feel special, I'm so proud of you too Koutaro, you inspire me the most every day"
The ace stood up of from his seat with a frown on his face before leaving and said "But I'm not the best ace in Japan y/n"
"In my heart you are and always be Bokuto Koutarou" you said as you ran off to the court, before the match started.
Your statement left Bokuto perplexed but at the same time eased his mind and his worries about whether you felt the same way about him as he felt for you.
Only 5 minutes left on the clock and neither team has scored a decisive point, the pressure was on, the moment you got the ball you knew this was your moment to help the team win this game. Making your way through your opponent's defense, you started thinking how you were going to score, if you were going to make, if you were going to get blocked, if you had enough time to even make a play, but the moment Bokuto yelled "you can make it y/n, I believe in you" you knew this was your shot and you were going to make it, 10 seconds left on the clock, you shoot the ball and all you hear before the timer gets to zero is "Let's go Fukurodani!"
The screams of your teammates and the audience make your senses go wild, making you turn to see the score, you've won, you made your team win, your team had won nationals!! You were utterly shocked, sitting on the floor smiling to yourself, when you saw the ace running towards you, before you could've even noticed he tackled you to the ground murmuring on your neck over and over how proud he was of you and how good you were, the moment he looked up to meet your gaze, you smiled to him and hugged him back, laying on the gym floor, hugging over your victory, that's how you found yourself trapped and strangely comfortable underneath the arms of everyones favorite ace Bokuto Koutaro.
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