#IQRUS worldbuilding
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tryingtimi · 2 years ago
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GENRE: Neo-Noir, Urban Fantasy, Thriller. CONTENT: Best Friends to Lovers, Ancient Conflict, Vampires vs Werewolves, Lone Wolf, Anti-Hero Protag. SETTING: State of Auris in the world of Aetherius. Decades before IQRUS happens. STATUS: Worldbuilding | Outlining. MASTERPOSTS: SNIPPET | CHARACTERS | WORLDBUILDING
Lonel has two secrets. One, he is the last of his kind since his mother was killed. Two, he is certain a vampire is to blame. These, however, are secrets he can’t tell anyone about. Vampires do not exist, and he can't be sure if his mind could be trusted anyway. Until one day, during his daily forensic cleaner job, he witnesses a scene that changes everything.
AURIS CITY ― The capital of Auris, where everything happens. HALL OF ECHOES ― The national museum of Auris. It's a place where every historical knowledge is stored, including mythical legends, and possible artefacts. THE CRIMSON SHADOW ― A famous club and bar for VIP members only. Only those can enter who were invited, and to get an invitation, you need to meet certain requirements. The regulars, however, can't say anything about it. They sometimes seem to not be able to. There are also rumours about occasional orgies, and that it's a strip club than anything else in actuality.
LONEL. A lone forensic cleaner who’s secretly helping the police while cleaning the crime scenes. He's a dangerous man with an obsession over his mother's death. Yet, for the things and people he cares, he cares deeply. pinterest | playlist SELYS DUMWERMER. Lonel's almost only friend, and superior as chief detective at the station. An eccentric gentleman with a mysterious, melancholic aura around him. pinterest | playlist ODENA SLYHER. A talented archaeologist, and member of the Hall of Echos. As much as she's interested in human history, she is still an expert on the subject of supernatural, and mythical beings. Lonel's childhood acquaintance as he would call her. She, however, rather prefers to be called a friend. pinterest | playlist LORD VOLERON DE NOMEUR. One of the richest men of Auris. He’s funding a lot of institutes and owns The Crimson Shadow as well. He’s not the governor, but some say he’s much more. pinterest | playlist
Will edit this post as I go and share more stuff. Made this when I had the biggest urge to write some Lonel stuff eh. Everything is subject to change.
Thank you for checking it out, loves! ♡
TAG LIST: @bloodlessheirbyjacques, @the-void-writes, @circa-specturgia, @dyrewrites
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tryingtimi · 3 years ago
Happy WBW! Tell 👏🏻 me 👏🏻 about 👏🏻 Everocean 👏🏻 . The bit you posted last week really piqued my interest. What sort of monsters are in there? What are the most recent theories about the "Rising"? Tell meeeee!
I try to leave spoilers out, but we’ll see how I can manage that in practice. Plus, fair warning; I'll link pictures of the monsters below which can be disturbing for some (probably most) of people. Keep that in mind, please.
So, as much as it might makes you think otherwise, the Everocean isn’t still water. The aquorian would confirm this fact, because they experience it everyday. I forgot to mention before, but in the Aquor Sector, the platform is always half-underwater, specially now when there's no higher to transfer. People travel between blocks, buildings on boats or the futuristic equivalent of it, just like in Venice. Most of their streets are flooded. Where they don’t need boat though, the water is still coats the ground. So they cannot go anywhere without safety boots if they still have their own legs and not a mechanic one etc.
Anyway, the water acts there like it would on a beach. It moves, slightly waves, but most of the time, that’s it. That’s the part of the Everocean where people can find/ fish some — mutant — but still eatable animals. Farther away from the platform, however, is where the monsters lurk.
We refer to them as monsters, but not every kind attacks people. Some of them just very strange. Also, there are three major types of them. Further info below.
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This type lurks the closest to the surface. They live above the Sunborder, which is the point where sunlight still reaches down and the soldiers doesn't need their Deep Sight to see. Most of these creatures won't attack, they just float around, creepily still. Their appearance is strangely humanoid sometimes, but scientists couldn't confirm if they are very advanced mutated people or not. They also called in a million names by the Deep Corps' members, but the most common is Surfreak (bad wordplay because they're closest to the surface), or Frightlings. This last one refers to the fact that if someone bothers these creatures, they'll rush off inumanly quickly. There are also a lot of variations of them. D-rated Surfreaks can possess some aggressive traits and attempt to bit you for example. But they are still not that harmful and can easily be dealt with by the trained soldiers. People also has not too much knowledge about them, because they usually too quick to catch, so there was very little chance to thoroughly study them. However, Corps' memebers reported that they feel funny around these creatures, a little lightheaded and unsually cheerful.
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Dreadspawns – as the Corps' members call them, are more dangerous though. You can find them below the Sunborder only. They're brutally distorted creatures and very rarely not predators. Scientists could study them still, because they can be killed (even if it's difficult) by their better fighters, so they have some interesting knowledge of them. Their body temprature is low, close to 0, but it never reaches it. The surface of their bodies are so durable, they can be only cut by laser. Their scales or skins also has a quiet odd texture, it reminded some of the scientists of some kind of metal. These studies were denied and banned, of course, because it's just ludicrous. Which is why, the official files does not contain this humbug. Either way, Dreadspawn are less humanoid-like, and they also attracted to bright light, the same way as nymars. Deep Corps' members' reports also say that their head feels weird around these creatures, their skin slightly itches and they have a common unease.
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These creatures are the biggest predators on Aestherius. People has no exact numbers, because no-one could ever fully measure the size of any of the Grosslings. One report said that a soldier wasn't even as big as this kind of beast's pupil. They also the only kind of monster that has no effect on the Corps' members that could indicate their closeness. Their devices even get perplexed only when they're inside the creature. Which happens rather often, if the members meet a Grosslings. They usually need to escape from there. The beast's body temprature, however is known in a sense, that it's way below the freezing point. That's why the Corps' got the Frost-Vision which can sometimes help members to spot the creature before it swallows them sneakily. Grosslings' cannot be killed by humans, though, because their skin doesn't get cut by laser, neither harmed by any other weapon humanity possesses at the moment. They also has very strange body structure, because the members say that they usually can't decide whether they escaped through it's mouth, backside or any other body part. Grosslings' insanely attracted to light. Personal files say that the members call them Grosslings and joke with them a lot as a cooping mechanism, because they couldn't deal with their existence and experiences anyway.
PHEW! And now the about the Rising.
Most recent scientific theories are veguely about that humanity fucked up the ecosystem and everything melted away, then every toxic stuff mixed with it and made it mutagenetic. But, this one failed when everything that could melt, melted away and the water still rose higher. So, now, the most popular theory is that humanity sinned so badly that God released all Hell and the water comes from there. There are also supporters of a movement that wants to focus on finding out how they can kill Nymars, because they believe those monsters behind the Rising.
This one is still a little wacky, because I need to work on it more, but yeah. Kinda this is how things are right now.
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tryingtimi · 3 years ago
You may have talked about this already in some other ask, but can you tell us about the Divum Council? What is its purpose? Who's on it? How is it structured?
*grabby hands* Gimme.
Actually no, I've got no chance to talk about it yet, so thank you for this ask! <3
Honestly, the Council is very incomplete yet, and will probably change things about it later, but here's what I've got already.
The Divum Council's original purpose is to bring balance in the Sectors, smooth out the chaos after every Rising, keep the "heavenly" order in place and strive to get Ionera safe. It's members always were the most competent people, each in different fields. They've been chosen from fields that kept Ionera going and “alive” if you will, not every one of them a politician from the start. Even though they fast to adapt to that position. However, the representative of the lower Sectors soon became a Caelus Sector folk, since being the member of the Council meant that you get some advantage you could take. Coming out from the dirt was one of them. This lasted for a while, and so all the members were chosen from the Caelus Sector only. But when the circumstance did not change for a very long time, in fact it got worst in the lower Sectors, people got upset. There were little riots here and there, protestors started to camp around the Terrana Sector (only there because the Aquor Sector was never a hopeful place, so people there rarely made an effort to change on things. “Why bother, it won’t help anyway” kind of mindset is the default there.) and when they loudly planned to get into the Caelus Sector, the Council stepped in. They needed to keep the order after all, so they gave people what they wanted. That’s how Dane gets into the Council, he’s gonna be the first lower Sector representative who truly came from there after some decades now.
The Divum Council is basically works as an autocratic association dressed in fake democracy. All the representatives has a say in things, they hear them out, they vote, but at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is what the current Astin wants and/or agrees on. Icharo, as every one of his ancestors, is only appeares at the end of a meeting (in holografic form) if he even shows up and not just sends someone/ something to deliver his “suggestions” *ahem* orders. The Council members soon learn to know their place and that inside the Council's building, Icharo can kind of hear and see everything, so they need to be careful what they say. But overall they very much okay with this situation when our story starts. They have the highest luxury on Ionera, each of them owning a separate platform in the Caelus Sector which is only theirs, they get the cleanest food etc. There's no reason to complain.
Oh, yeah, the Council also supervises and chooses who should go to the restoration facility, which is a thing that they – or more like Icharo – formed when the population hit a ridiculously low number. To keep humanity up, they can't let this number drop even lower. Therefore, the Council banned every object, device, anything that could be used to hurt someone else and thrown the idea of prisons out of the window. Ionera needs functional people, so that's how this facitlity were born. No-one really knows what happens in there tho. What people heared about it, is that criminals get help to change into someone who can be put back into society and be a useful member of it again. After some months or years, people can go out, live their life again. They're fine, they're social, they even gained some faith maybe?
Who knows, Dane never met any Restored. But when he does, he soon finds out that something is very strange about them, the same as with the Divum Council.
So here it is hehe! It was great to talk about it, thank youu again! <3
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tryingtimi · 3 years ago
Fluffy Facts Tag Game
Thank you for the tag @kjscottwrites ! <3
It was sitting in my drafts for forever now, but here we go again. I'll make one for IQRUS this time.
Little kid Dane has lost his right leg the same day he and Adran lost their parents. Adran, his big brother was the one who saved him from having the same fate as their parents. After the catastrophe of the flooding, he carried the completely ruined Dane in his hands to the nearest place, where he could get some help to take care of his injury, since they came from the lower Sectors, so they couldn’t get into a hospital. Dane was still in shock for days, did not talk for months, so Adran looked after the best trashmech on the field, bullied him into teaching him just enough to make Dane a prosthetic, hoping he will get him back with that. When the new leg was presented to Dane, he just looked at it for a moment, blinking, then a shadow of an emotion appeared on his face for the first time in a while, when he said "That's... a left leg too."
Dane and Adran's relationship as a whole intends to be adorable in a sense that Adran takes care of Dane like no-one else. He would do anything for his little bro to be happy. Literally. Dane also (of course) wears that bad prosthetic Adran made him. He would need to switch it to a new one, but he won't. Ever.
Auva is also a fluffiness factor with her strange mind. She sees everything from a very different perspective, and the human mind is pretty much a strange thing for her.
Thaddeus, Adran's friend and brother-in-arm has two kids, one of them is a little one, the other is a teen, so I intend to put some "great dad" moments into the story. Just a sprinkle of it.
Zev, the trashmech who taught Adran and helped to make that prosthetic and Dane has a very touching relationship, because he is kind of a father/uncle figure for him. Dane always asks for advice from Zev.
I don't have any mindspace to tag people today, so if you read this, you were tagged, okay? I would love to see your fluffy facts. This is a open tag. As open as it can be. Do it and tag me, it's so fun <3
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tryingtimi · 3 years ago
Happy WBW! Can you tell me a little bit more about each of the sectors in your IQRUS WIP? Do you have maps or like a general idea of the layout of each? What's a fun fact about each area?
Heyo! <3
I love talking about the Sectors, and I also got an ask about it the last time, so here’s a link to that. This time, I'll focus more on its aesthetics then, and give you some visuals. Even tho I don't have actual maps yet, I plan to make a 3D model of the Astin Tower in the future, but it's hell of a project, so I'm really preparing myself for it lol.
Enough talking now, here are the aesthetics from pinterest (none of this is my art ofc):
The Aquor Sector Fun fact: If you happen to fell asleep on a landfill – which is rather common because everyone wants to be the first one to get to the newly arrived batch of trash tech stuff in the morning –, then you most likely will lose a well-functioning mechanical arm or leg or basically anything that can be detached from you. People will steal the good stuff even off of the living.
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The Terrana Sector Fun fact: There are places that you can find only if you're a Restored or if you've been invited there by one. That fact that you've found the place is basically your ticket to get in there. Also, some people think the caelusian are gods, so there's a church for them here.
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The Caelus Sector Fun fact: Some augmentations contain harmful tools hidden inside. It's a kind of open secret which people will discuss shadily during social gatherings. ;)
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tryingtimi · 3 years ago
Happy STS! If you haven't written about this already I would love to know more about these different sectors and what they entail
Thank you for the ask! <3
The Sectors are one of my favorites in the story, so I'm glad I can talk about them.
Ionera has three Sectors as I listed in the intro: Aquor, Terran and Caelus. The Aquor Sector is the lowest one, which is the closest to the water, therefore it's naturally the most endangered one too. If a Rising comes, aquorian the first ones to suffer the consequences. They also have access only to barely eatable food that definitely has a mutagenetic effect, so people in this Sector usually wear clothes that hides every body part, including their face, so they don't display where the mutation started to change them. Only their eyes are visible usually. People here also tend to get augmentations frequently, since a little too much food or clumsier platform lifting during a Rising and the mutation gets advanced enough to make a limb useless. And useless means death here. This Sector also became the trash container of Ionera, since the landhfill is here too. Everything that's defective, demaged or too aged goes to this Sector. Aquorian also doesn't really an educated lot, since surviving eats their time up mostly, so if they somehow get a decent job at a higher Sectorn that can only be something like cleaning a lowly bufet's floor or picking up trash tech stuff and deliver to the landfill. Also, there's a lot of trashmech out there, mostly taught by themselves. It's a very hopeless, depressive and dirty place with a folk that doesn't welcome other's from higher Sectors.
The Terrana Sector however, is in a better condition. This is where the avarage life happens. There are schools, decent jobs, more eatable food in here, people don't need to constantly stay alert what's happening with the Everocean. The occaisonal wave's sounds are quieter here even. The Rising rarely gets up this high, but it can still reach the platform sometimes. Thanks to the Divum Council, Terrana's society is very divers and cohesive, welcoming the Restored back like a family and it's uncommon to have riots or any upheaval around here. Or at least, that's the picture the Council like to advertise. What's sure is that terranan are the common people, having almost as common life as we have, mostly. The members of the Deep Corps also recruited from here too. The mutation level is way lower here than at the Aquor Sector, but it's still high enough for people to have a fashion that hides most of the body. Augmentations are more higher quality here, people even can get some by public funding, like the members of the Deep Corps and their families for example. In spite of being in relatively good condition, Terrana is still a place where people can't really get higher from. If you were born to a terranan, you'll most likely stay a terranan. Even though, there's a conception that was spread across the Sector, which say if you work hard enough (meaning: taking samples and studying them, then handing the results to the professors to send them to the Caelus Sector), you can get into the highest Sector and making your family a comfortable life etc.
The Caelus Sector is directly below the top, therefore it's the highest from all. People here are kind of act like they're gods on the Olympus. They live in luxury compared to the other two Sector. The explanation were always that; scientists, engineers and everyone who keeps Ionera going needs a safe place to concentrate on their work and making people's life better. So, to not distress them, they became the elite. I would probably compare their attitude to the meth's in Altered Carbon (the Netflix series, not the book). Most high-tech labs are here, besides the research, the food-water cleaner and the restoration facilities. There are also separated platforms here, "little islands" as some of them call it which are owned by the welthiest and the members of the Divum Council. These two things usually comes together. The fashion contains very loose, very showing clothes, people display their skin and their augmentations which wouldn't be necessary here, since no Rising can get this platform, but they still do them. Usually from rare and/or more nice material than you can find in any other Sector and they also even has decorations that matches the people's clothes in the current day or something. So more fashion ans status symbol, than function of course. Caelusian also act like they're saviors. They'll say they do augmentations as a gesture of compassion towards the lower Sectors and some other similar bull. Also, they even change their hair and eye color with some gene modification (because there's no things for hair dye anymore, so they just straight out do this instead). So, the Caelus Sector has only white haired, very blue eyed folk which makes them pretty odd and not in a good way. Aquoran calls them basically aliens. And our main boy Dane needs to change his hair and eyes to these too when he gets into the Council.
Huh it was so great to write this out, thank you! <3 I probably left out a lot, but if you're interested in anything else in them, then shoot!
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tryingtimi · 3 years ago
Happy Worldbuilding Wednesday! Having read your intro for Iqrus, I'd love to know more about the type of monsters that dwell in the Everocean
Ahaha, it's so late, but HAPPY WBW too!! And thank you so much for the ask @aalinaaaaaa! <3
Since it's a eldritch horror kind of story, the pics I'll include may be disturbing for some people (sometimes even for me, don't look at them too long love, okay? for the sake of a peaceful goodnight sleep), so I'll leave them here under a cut, after a brief description.
So, in world, they call them nymars for a reason I will come up with later. For now, I just like the sound of it lol. I've planning to mix deepwater animals with each other and intend to include some alien elements to them. Also, most of the nymars are huge, like leviathan huge and they have a body temprature which reaches the freezing point or it can even go below that. That's why the Deep Corps soldiers has a Frost Vision function in that implant they use to see in the water. Nymars are sometimes called city eaters too to give emphasis on their size and indicate that they are predators. They are also attrackted to bright light and can't be killed by humans. Or at least no-one ever did killed any yet.
This is what I have on them yet, but they'll be developed further as I write. Now, here are the reference pictures, plus a constantly updated pinterest link for more reference:
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tryingtimi · 3 years ago
Happy WBW! What is your favourite setting from the Metalsea Project?
Happy WBW!! <3 Thank you for the ask!
One of my favorite setting in Project Metalsea is not exclusively just in that story, but I guess this is a little bit complicated and I haven’t really talked about it yet. But I try to talk about it in a way that makes sense. Also, it’s the biggest spoiler for any of my story lmao, but also a fun bit (and my also biggest favorite thing about my stories) and I would literally share everything about my wips, so I just leave here under a cut hehe
So, I planned to connect my stories by having a kind of place in reality (between time and space, something like that) where these creatures live that can step into another realities/ travel to one world to another and can directly contact The Three Gods of Everything. These creatures not exactly lesser gods, but that’s the best way we could comprehend what they are. I named them zaphrin.
Things happen between the Gods and so the zaphrin needs to interfere with the life of mortals in their own different realities. Which means they will appear everywhere, but (and this is why they are my favorite) their original form and place is not comprehensible for mortals. Just like with Cthulhu for example, zaphrin would make them mad by only appearing before them (not on purpose tho), so their appearance differ in every story because characters can only see them as something they already know very well and comfortable with it. Which means, if the cast of Metalsea meets a zaphrin, then the draar character will see them as a draar person, but the driadlin will see them as a driadlin. They will also see the place of zaphrin's different too, the draar similar to a draar enviroment, the driadlin similar to a driadlin enviroment etc.
However, Project Metalsea is one of the stories where one of the characters would get a glimps (for the first time) from their real form and the real look of their place. But the zaphrin will ask that character to not use this ability because it can still make some demage in the character’s mind if they're not careful, since they’re still mortal.
I could talk about them for ages, but they're still not fully finished. The only thing that is sure about them is what I wrote down and that some zaphrin will show up in every one of my works hehe
I hope they're makes sense lol Please tell me if something is off! <3
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tryingtimi · 3 years ago
happy wbw!! what's your favorite setting detail for IQRUS?
Happy WBW! <3 Thank you so much for the ask!
My favorite is probably the fact that the mutagenetic aspect of the water was the reason why augmentations and the whole cyberpunk culture was invented in the world. There's a point where the mutation can be so advanced that an arm for example becomes useless and so they can switch it up with a robotic one. However, not everyone will do it, only if their livelihood depends on it, because it's very pricey. This need, unintentionally, created a new profession. Trashmech are mechanics in the Aquor Sector, who couldn't get a job in higher sectors, and collect parts of thrown out or defective androids from the landfills to make augtmentations by themselves. They will not be as professional and they most likely will be at least a little faulty (like robotic legs that won't straighten flawlessly if you want to stood up, but get stuck when you're in a half-sitting position and you need to smack a good one on it to get it working again). But, they will be cheaper and that's better than nothing.
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tryingtimi · 3 years ago
tell me more about your villains and their relationships/ feuds with the main characters >:D
@bloodlessheirbyjacques ✨(:
Ah, villains, my favorites.
It's a tough one, because there's a villain from the start, but there will be another one as the story develops? Whatever, I'll tell it anyway. In this story, the villain that we know about is Icharo Astin (surprise surprise) who will get in touch with Dane when he wins his place into the Council. Dane holds already a grudge against Icharo when they first "meet" because he thinks he doesn't care about the people and that makes things worst that he only shows up as a hologram in every meeting. However, Icharo will slowly convince Dane with some sweet talk that they just waited for the right person to deal with the problems Dane is concerned about. He start to become a kind of father figure for him. Dane will eat his shit talk up like it's candy, until meetings and votings come and he will be shoved into the corner every single time. Also some very wierd stuff starts to happen in the world that can be led back to Icharo. So from that point, Dane will be shaken up and he will start to investigate with Auva after Icharo adn the weird stuff. And the another villain is very, very close to one of the brothers from the start. :D
Phew, so many MC's. But I'll stick to those that actually has anything to do with the villain other than just wanting to stop him because he does bad things lmao. So, our main villain is Troghrun who has a very personal past with Darmon. I'll talked about this in that one Darmon post, so I won't make this long. He feels deeply betrayed since he figured out the real plan of Troghrun, but most importantly, he profoundly grieves the partner and friend he lost in him. This makes things a little hard at the beginning, but slowly he need to accept that nothing has left from the man he knew. Syonehlia also meets him when she is captured and imprisoned (when Darmon is still on Troghrun's side) and she just gets lectured about how much of a lesser being she is, who needs to be cleansed etc. So her relationship with him isn't much, but mostly is that she wants him to admit he had been wrong all along. Also, there will be a character, who will listen to some of Darmon's talk about Torghrun's plan and will decide to take his side, because that character will find Troghrun's goals resonable. The rest of the cast will not meet him in person for a very long time, so idk. Their relationships with him needs some more work hehe
Now, I just need to learn how to write a complelling villain :')
But thank you for the ask @bloodlessheirbyjacques! <3 Loved to talk about my villains.
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aschlindartroom · 3 years ago
Oh my gooooosh. I love love love love this dynamic. <3 There's sort of a Mulder/Scully vibe to them, it seems-- a stark rationalist butting heads with a believer/devotee type.
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Also, the Auva spoiler!! That definitely puts a cool spin on things.
Happy Blorbo Blursday! You asked me about one of my ships, so tell me about one of yours! What is one of your favorite WIP ships? How did they meet? How do others see them?
It took me a little while, but here it is. Thanks for this question! <3
One of my fav is probably Dane Cohren x Auva Knox in IQRUS.
Tiny worldbuilding detail for better understanding. Water flooded the world a long time ago, and since then the water level is constantly increasing. People live on platforms that attached to one gigantic tower that can transfer these platforms higher, when a flooding comes again. It’s necessery because monsters appeared in it and touching the liquid results in mutation. Not necessarily major mutation, but their skin becomes slimy, or scaly, or membrane sarts to grow between their fingers etc. Lovecraftian deep water creature mutation you know. Depends on how much time the person spent touching the water. So, the lowest plaform (they call these sectors) is basically in constant danger and most of his people got some mutation from previous flooding, when the trasfer of the platform was too slow or something. The population drastically decreased, and the highest platform almost reached the top of the tower, so very soon, there’s gonna be nowhere to go.
Dane is one of the main characters, who freshly got his PhD, and is applying to be the representative of his and the lowest sector in the Divum Council. Auva will be his supervisor, and kind of his partner in their department. They both want to solve this water problem and raise some awerness in the highest sector, so they can change the lower sector’s life into a better one and, well, keep life up at all. Their start is pretty good, because they have the same goal and they try to achive that in the best possible way. They’re great at working together. But, as they begin to getting to know each other, they realize how much they differ and everything gets a little bumpy. Dane is a very down-to-earth person with a lot of emotional baggage and trauma. He likes to focus on his goal, and he’s a man of science and logic. Unlike him, Auva is a very open-minden personality with the itch to understand human nature, so she’s more focused on people. She also loves to question Dane’s stubborn resentment towards belief. They’re debating constantly, but never argue actually. Which is an important aspect, because Dane talks about these stuff only with his brother and it never ends peacfully from his side. They also always question each other, keeping the other one checked on the right motivation, morals and everything.
Oh and she also has an aspect that messes with Dane’s morals, ideals, his head in general, but that is a huge spoiler (but I mentioned in one wbw already I think lol), so I’ll just leave here under a cut.
How do other’s see them is a veeery good question and I really love it! Most of the people see them as two equally competent person who can work together efficently. But those who know Dane will think it’s weird how long Auva can stay by his side without either a rejection or getting frustrated by his comments on scientific stuff and straight up just quit. Those who know Auva will be only very interested in Dane, beacuse they will see the changes on Auva – this one’s explanation is under the cut too!
She’s not human. She is literally a kind of “higher” being, but not a god. So, how she percieves the world is very different than any other character’s and actually that’s why she is that interested in human nature. Also this is one of the reason why she and Dane works. She geniuenly wants to understand Dane, and by questioning a lot of things, she forces him to think outside his bubble. In the end, they kind of help each other become more human, I guess.
And those who know Auva are similar beings too, so they are fascinated or threatend by Dane. But they collectively amazed, how more human Auva gets to act by getting close to him, so they just stand around him and basically start to study him, when she introduces him. They throw some random questions at him, try to figure out how his influence works etc.
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tryingtimi · 3 years ago
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Taglists for the WIPs in the individual posts. To sign up for any of the taglists, please fill out this form. I will also share snippets and crumbs from projects other than these three as well. Those will be tagged with timis other stories, but I'll make them a masterpost someday for organisation purposes. ♡
〄 METALSEA SERIES settled with this one for now
When Cronyl, the exiled young driadlin man tries to fight against a fairly corrupt kingdom alone in a reshaped world that no longer bears humans on its back; an unexpected Turn of the Metalsea happens to upset everyone's plans — and life itself on both half of the planet it holds together. Confused and disoriented, Cronyl teams up with the people who he stumbles upon in the chaos and they begin to wander together, revealing more and more secrets about their roots and the world they thought they knew.
genre: epic fantasy, adventure, with a sprinkle of romance pov: past-tense, third person limited, also a lof of character (i think i have at least 5 MCs) setting: fairly typical high fantasy, but i try to come up with as much original stuff as i can — hopefully original races for example, also a little bit steampunkish later in the story status: slowly starting the first draft — when i can finally stop worldbuilding plus note: i plan this to be a series of 4 or 5 books, because i can't write short stuff if i happen to start writing tag: #Project Metalsea
◉ IQRUS temporary title, sometimes I call it Project Icarus
A slowly growing, great gap separates the two borther, Dane and Adran Cohren, when they begin to fight againts Aetherius' otherwordly horrors on the brink of human extinction.
genre: sci-fi, fantasy, eldritch-lovecraftian horror or thriller (not sure yet), probably a little grimdark pov: past-tense, third person limited, more than one character pov setting: cyberpunkish, futuristic, deepwater stuff and a fair amount of bullshit science status: outlining and drafting plus note: i know the description is very vague but i couldn't write one without too much worldbuilding (yet), so i'll make it up some later, maybe when the individual post is up already tag: #IQRUS
☏ LONEL settled with this one for now
Lonel has two secrets. One, he is the last of his kind since his mother was killed. Two, he is certain a vampire is to blame. These, however, are secrets he can’t tell anyone about. Vampires do not exist, and he can't be sure if his mind could be trusted anyway. Until one day, during his daily forensic cleaner job, he witnesses a scene that changes everything.
genre: neo-noir, thriller, urban fantasy pov: past-tense, third person limited setting: Wolf Among Us and 1960s-esque city with full of crime and all. status: brainstorming and outlining plus note: i need to come up with a better summary, but all in all this is it. everything is subject to change, especially since i may or may not want them to be vampires or werewolves but something a bit more unique, even tho the base concepts are the same. tag: #Project Lonel
TIMISRECS. I reblog works from here to keep others' works I enjoyed in one place. TIMISHELPSAVES. The URL says all. I reblog writing advice, helpful tips and such from here.
#timisramble | #get to know timi | #timis general worldbuilding
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tryingtimi · 2 years ago
What are your writing goals for 2023?
Hey, dear, thank you for the ask! <3 I'm usually not too big on setting goals at new year btw, but I've planned to do a lil list this time, so it's the perfect opportunity for that. Although, I'm taking the liberty to include some art goals in general.
Starting and finishing the first draft of IQRUS
writing at least 500 words a day
Sketching up the main locations of my WIPs
Clearing out my drafts – answering worldbuilding, OC questions and finishing up every prompt
Posting a wordbuilding and character masterlist
Sharing some original artwork about my world and OCs in an in-world "travel journal" or encyclopedia style
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tryingtimi · 3 years ago
Good timezone, Timi! If you're still keeping a taglist for IQRUS, may I be added to it? The worldbuilding sounds intriguing 🙏
Good timezone, Apple! 🥺 (why is this the sweetest greeting)
I do keep a taglist and I’d love to add you, thank you for your interest! 🥺❤️
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tryingtimi · 3 years ago
Happy Blorbo Blursday! You asked me about one of my ships, so tell me about one of yours! What is one of your favorite WIP ships? How did they meet? How do others see them?
It took me a little while, but here it is. Thanks for this question! <3
One of my fav is probably Dane Cohren x Auva Knox in IQRUS.
Tiny worldbuilding detail for better understanding. Water flooded the world a long time ago, and since then the water level is constantly increasing. People live on platforms that attached to one gigantic tower that can transfer these platforms higher, when a flooding comes again. It’s necessery because monsters appeared in it and touching the liquid results in mutation. Not necessarily major mutation, but their skin becomes slimy, or scaly, or membrane sarts to grow between their fingers etc. Lovecraftian deep water creature mutation you know. Depends on how much time the person spent touching the water. So, the lowest plaform (they call these sectors) is basically in constant danger and most of his people got some mutation from previous flooding, when the trasfer of the platform was too slow or something. The population drastically decreased, and the highest platform almost reached the top of the tower, so very soon, there’s gonna be nowhere to go.
Dane is one of the main characters, who freshly got his PhD, and is applying to be the representative of his and the lowest sector in the Divum Council. Auva will be his supervisor, and kind of his partner in their department. They both want to solve this water problem and raise some awerness in the highest sector, so they can change the lower sector’s life into a better one and, well, keep life up at all. Their start is pretty good, because they have the same goal and they try to achive that in the best possible way. They’re great at working together. But, as they begin to getting to know each other, they realize how much they differ and everything gets a little bumpy. Dane is a very down-to-earth person with a lot of emotional baggage and trauma. He likes to focus on his goal, and he’s a man of science and logic. Unlike him, Auva is a very open-minden personality with the itch to understand human nature, so she’s more focused on people. She also loves to question Dane’s stubborn resentment towards belief. They’re debating constantly, but never argue actually. Which is an important aspect, because Dane talks about these stuff only with his brother and it never ends peacfully from his side. They also always question each other, keeping the other one checked on the right motivation, morals and everything.
Oh and she also has an aspect that messes with Dane’s morals, ideals, his head in general, but that is a huge spoiler (but I mentioned in one wbw already I think lol), so I’ll just leave here under a cut.
How do other’s see them is a veeery good question and I really love it! Most of the people see them as two equally competent person who can work together efficently. But those who know Dane will think it’s weird how long Auva can stay by his side without either a rejection or getting frustrated by his comments on scientific stuff and straight up just quit. Those who know Auva will be only very interested in Dane, beacuse they will see the changes on Auva – this one’s explanation is under the cut too!
She’s not human. She is literally a kind of “higher” being, but not a god. So, how she percieves the world is very different than any other character’s and actually that’s why she is that interested in human nature. Also this is one of the reason why she and Dane works. She geniuenly wants to understand Dane, and by questioning a lot of things, she forces him to think outside his bubble. In the end, they kind of help each other become more human, I guess.
And those who know Auva are similar beings too, so they are fascinated or threatend by Dane. But they collectively amazed, how more human Auva gets to act by getting close to him, so they just stand around him and basically start to study him, when she introduces him. They throw some random questions at him, try to figure out how his influence works etc.
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