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ghost-town-story · 1 year ago
FebruarOC Day 14: Nymar
(Combining with the ockissweek prompt "rain")
The change in weather happened gradually. First was the wind, as it picked up from a steady breeze into surging gusts. The sails rippled and snapped against the changing air currents and Kess’s skirts whipped around her ankles, leaving stinging lines along her legs with every particularly violent gust.
Not long after she noticed the wind picking up, Kess saw clouds gathering on the horizon. White at first, they grew grey and dark as they sailed towards them, and Kess swore she could see the occasional flash of lightning within their depths.
“Storm’s coming.”
Kess startled and whirled around. Nymar grinned at her as he slid down the rigging to land on the railing. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” he added, hopping to the deck next to her.
“It’s alright,” Kess said, turning her gaze back to the horizon. In her brief glance away, the distance between the clouds and the ship had been halved. “Does this mean we’re close to the Sea of Storms now?”
Nymar laughed. “We passed into the Sea of Storms a few hours ago,” he explained. “We just got lucky and got a grace period before the storm started. It happens sometimes.”
“Does Taz know?” Kess asked.
“Mhm.” Nymar leaned against the railing, looking so casual Kess might’ve thought they were sailing into a safe harbor, not the most dangerous waters known. “I took him belowdecks once the wind picked up and told him to lay down. With any luck, he’ll sleep through the worst of it.”
Kess winced in sympathy. Taz had only just gotten over being seasick on calm waters, and sailing into a storm wasn’t going to be good for him. “How long should it take for us to get through, do you think?” she asked.
“Depends,” Nymar shrugged. “For one, we don’t know if we’re trying to sail straight through, or if the place we’re looking for is somewhere in the middle of that storm. If we do end up going straight through, with a good wind it’ll be just a few hours.”
“And if we don’t get a good wind?”
Nymar gave her a wry smile. “Could be a couple days. But let’s hope not for Taz’s sake.”
Kess worried at her lower lip. “Are you sure this is a good idea?” she asked. “Every sailor I’ve heard talk about the Sea of Storms has said even sailing near is courting death, and we’re trying to go through.”
Nymar snorted. “No offense dear, but no Aslerean sailor can hold a candle to a Catatian pirate. And though you do have a point and most pirates also avoid the Sea of Storms, there are three people who have successfully crossed it, several times each. My father, my sister, and me.” He counted each of them off on his fingers as he said them. “So, since you have both me and Nerissa here, I think we should fare alright, don’t you?”  
The wind howled across the deck, tangling in Kess’s skirts and bringing the dark clouds directly overhead. Overhead, the sails made a cracking sound. Nymar didn’t even flinch.
Kess reluctantly conceded his point. “I trust you,” she said. “It’s just… a little unnerving.”
“So was the Labyrinth,” Nymar pointed out. “So all you need to do is find that courage again.”
“Easier said than done,” Kess sighed.
Nymar gave her a sympathetic smile, but he was interrupted by a shout from one of the pirates in the rigging. “Stormborn!”
“Yo,” Nymar called back.
“Cap’n wants you at the helm with her before the storm hits,” the pirate yelled.
“Got it.” Nymar pushed himself off the railing, but faced Kess briefly. “Get belowdecks,” he said, lowering his voice. “You’ll be safer there, and I’m sure Taz will appreciate the company.”
“Okay,” Kess agreed, but she caught Nymar by the sleeve as he made to turn away. “Mar.”
Kess tried to look as serious as she could. “Be careful.”
Nymar grinned, but when Kess didn’t waver, something in his face softened, going from cocky to caring. “I’ve done this before,” he said. “Plus, Taz would kill me if I did something stupid, if Issa didn’t get to me first.” He pulled her close to kiss her on the forehead. “But I’ll be extra careful just for you, okay?”
Kess closed her eyes and resisted the urge to cling close to him. “Okay.”
Nymar didn’t let go immediately, having none of Kess’s self-restraint as he tucked her hair behind her ear. Only after another call of “Stormborn!” did he let go, looking as reluctant as Kess felt. “Stay below,” he said. “I’ll come get you if anything happens.”
Kess nodded. Nymar shot her one last, reassuring grin before he turned and headed down the ship towards his sister. Kess watched him until the first few drops of rain splashed onto her face, encouraging her to heed his warnings and head for relative safety.
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bambina-daydreamer · 3 months ago
nylander graduating from nymar school of falling
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tryingtimi · 3 years ago
Happy WBW! Tell 👏🏻 me 👏🏻 about 👏🏻 Everocean 👏🏻 . The bit you posted last week really piqued my interest. What sort of monsters are in there? What are the most recent theories about the "Rising"? Tell meeeee!
I try to leave spoilers out, but we’ll see how I can manage that in practice. Plus, fair warning; I'll link pictures of the monsters below which can be disturbing for some (probably most) of people. Keep that in mind, please.
So, as much as it might makes you think otherwise, the Everocean isn’t still water. The aquorian would confirm this fact, because they experience it everyday. I forgot to mention before, but in the Aquor Sector, the platform is always half-underwater, specially now when there's no higher to transfer. People travel between blocks, buildings on boats or the futuristic equivalent of it, just like in Venice. Most of their streets are flooded. Where they don’t need boat though, the water is still coats the ground. So they cannot go anywhere without safety boots if they still have their own legs and not a mechanic one etc.
Anyway, the water acts there like it would on a beach. It moves, slightly waves, but most of the time, that’s it. That’s the part of the Everocean where people can find/ fish some — mutant — but still eatable animals. Farther away from the platform, however, is where the monsters lurk.
We refer to them as monsters, but not every kind attacks people. Some of them just very strange. Also, there are three major types of them. Further info below.
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This type lurks the closest to the surface. They live above the Sunborder, which is the point where sunlight still reaches down and the soldiers doesn't need their Deep Sight to see. Most of these creatures won't attack, they just float around, creepily still. Their appearance is strangely humanoid sometimes, but scientists couldn't confirm if they are very advanced mutated people or not. They also called in a million names by the Deep Corps' members, but the most common is Surfreak (bad wordplay because they're closest to the surface), or Frightlings. This last one refers to the fact that if someone bothers these creatures, they'll rush off inumanly quickly. There are also a lot of variations of them. D-rated Surfreaks can possess some aggressive traits and attempt to bit you for example. But they are still not that harmful and can easily be dealt with by the trained soldiers. People also has not too much knowledge about them, because they usually too quick to catch, so there was very little chance to thoroughly study them. However, Corps' memebers reported that they feel funny around these creatures, a little lightheaded and unsually cheerful.
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Dreadspawns – as the Corps' members call them, are more dangerous though. You can find them below the Sunborder only. They're brutally distorted creatures and very rarely not predators. Scientists could study them still, because they can be killed (even if it's difficult) by their better fighters, so they have some interesting knowledge of them. Their body temprature is low, close to 0, but it never reaches it. The surface of their bodies are so durable, they can be only cut by laser. Their scales or skins also has a quiet odd texture, it reminded some of the scientists of some kind of metal. These studies were denied and banned, of course, because it's just ludicrous. Which is why, the official files does not contain this humbug. Either way, Dreadspawn are less humanoid-like, and they also attracted to bright light, the same way as nymars. Deep Corps' members' reports also say that their head feels weird around these creatures, their skin slightly itches and they have a common unease.
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These creatures are the biggest predators on Aestherius. People has no exact numbers, because no-one could ever fully measure the size of any of the Grosslings. One report said that a soldier wasn't even as big as this kind of beast's pupil. They also the only kind of monster that has no effect on the Corps' members that could indicate their closeness. Their devices even get perplexed only when they're inside the creature. Which happens rather often, if the members meet a Grosslings. They usually need to escape from there. The beast's body temprature, however is known in a sense, that it's way below the freezing point. That's why the Corps' got the Frost-Vision which can sometimes help members to spot the creature before it swallows them sneakily. Grosslings' cannot be killed by humans, though, because their skin doesn't get cut by laser, neither harmed by any other weapon humanity possesses at the moment. They also has very strange body structure, because the members say that they usually can't decide whether they escaped through it's mouth, backside or any other body part. Grosslings' insanely attracted to light. Personal files say that the members call them Grosslings and joke with them a lot as a cooping mechanism, because they couldn't deal with their existence and experiences anyway.
PHEW! And now the about the Rising.
Most recent scientific theories are veguely about that humanity fucked up the ecosystem and everything melted away, then every toxic stuff mixed with it and made it mutagenetic. But, this one failed when everything that could melt, melted away and the water still rose higher. So, now, the most popular theory is that humanity sinned so badly that God released all Hell and the water comes from there. There are also supporters of a movement that wants to focus on finding out how they can kill Nymars, because they believe those monsters behind the Rising.
This one is still a little wacky, because I need to work on it more, but yeah. Kinda this is how things are right now.
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hapnm · 4 years ago
اليكم التوب 5 …أعلى الرياضين دخلاً في عام 2020
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jaghoub · 6 years ago
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ptvsport · 2 years ago
Cafu: This Brazil has what it takes to be World Champions
Cafu: This Brazil has what it takes to be World Champions
It’s an unclouded mild morning in the Qatari capital and Cafu, the last Brazilian captain to lift the World Cup, is smiling brighter than the desert sun outside.  The national team director is pleased with the performance of the boys. “Right now, there’s only one difference between the 2002 team and this; we are world champions, and this one is about to be world champions,” said the legendary…
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llwelleyn · 3 years ago
Me, looking back over my OCs that are in romantic relationships: my GOD, do I love height differences
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rirajofficial · 4 years ago
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ghost-town-story · 1 year ago
*realizes we’re just over a week away from NaNo* *panicking noises in the distance*
It’s almost NaNo time! And I’ve seen other people doing polls like this, and since Astral is totally not buried beneath my floorboards right now, I thought it would be fun to hop on the bandwagon!
*slight caveat that I will inevitably be wip hopping, but this poll will decide which wip I’m gonna try to focus on the most
So without further ado,
And since none of these have a formal intro yet, have some brief attempts at summaries below the cut lol
Knighttime Dreams
For as long as she can remember, Remi has dreamed of a magical world every night. But the line between dreams and reality begins to blur when she meets her best friend from the magical world in real life.
Title Not Found
Follows Kessandria (Kess), Tasmir (Taz), and Nymar (Mar) as they each try to escape their fates, only to find themselves pulled together and tangled up in something far greater than any of them could have imagined.
Magic School Shenanigans
Baaasically what it says on the tin lol. I don’t have a different way of describing it without going on for ages
Unnamed Superhero WIP
Unnamed Superhero WIP has 2 story lines. The first is centered around Isabelle, a college student and wannabe hero, and Stella and Julian, twins who own the local cafe and seem to be hiding secrets. The second follows Izzy’s hero alter-ego, Despereaux, and his encounters with the necromancer Revenant.
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goransulaimani · 4 years ago
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وێنەی ئەستێرەكانی تۆپی پێ بە قەڵەوی !!! Image of football giants they are so fat صورة عمالقة كرة القدم هم سمينون جدا #cristianoronaldo #nymar #messi #lewandowski #dijk https://www.instagram.com/p/CGCGoaoMH_E/?igshid=1jzmjtj632w7e
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latinotiktok · 2 years ago
Nymar and R'nldo start darting bc they jelly Messi doesn't care about them. #sad
awful! the worst people you know started dating
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tryingtimi · 3 years ago
Happy Worldbuilding Wednesday! Having read your intro for Iqrus, I'd love to know more about the type of monsters that dwell in the Everocean
Ahaha, it's so late, but HAPPY WBW too!! And thank you so much for the ask @aalinaaaaaa! <3
Since it's a eldritch horror kind of story, the pics I'll include may be disturbing for some people (sometimes even for me, don't look at them too long love, okay? for the sake of a peaceful goodnight sleep), so I'll leave them here under a cut, after a brief description.
So, in world, they call them nymars for a reason I will come up with later. For now, I just like the sound of it lol. I've planning to mix deepwater animals with each other and intend to include some alien elements to them. Also, most of the nymars are huge, like leviathan huge and they have a body temprature which reaches the freezing point or it can even go below that. That's why the Deep Corps soldiers has a Frost Vision function in that implant they use to see in the water. Nymars are sometimes called city eaters too to give emphasis on their size and indicate that they are predators. They are also attrackted to bright light and can't be killed by humans. Or at least no-one ever did killed any yet.
This is what I have on them yet, but they'll be developed further as I write. Now, here are the reference pictures, plus a constantly updated pinterest link for more reference:
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canonkiller · 4 years ago
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dragonborn :)
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nymsonlinecottage · 4 years ago
Nymmer, aNYMously, Nymbus, Nymars/Nymmars, Nymby
Anon.. the way I was actually considering Nymbus for my name at one point- 😭😭
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llwelleyn · 3 years ago
Not me rereading some fics and crying because of the angst
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444names · 2 years ago
mongolian names BUT excluding "j"
Alikh Alinaa Altai Altak Altar Altarga Altargal Amagmar Amargal Amarmes Amgalchir Arbaa Arbanba Argargal Arghan Argharan Argii Arsagnam Avirbal Ayugerkid Ayugha Baasuk Baataa Baatkh Badav Badawa Badoria Badra Balagdai Balan Balchlui Baldasan Balsan Bansuk Batai Bataiv Batan Batanchin Batangal Batar Batara Bataraa Batargat Batbasan Batbo Batbotaa Batchuk Batdoi Batkhar Batnai Batsan Batsogt Battumuk Bayagnai Bayam Bayaman Bayambar Bayamdav Bayamid Bayamuren Bayarav Bayartan Bazan Bekun Beren Berenebaa Birbaa Birmar Bodav Bodavaa Bodoragan Boldar Boldba Bolden Bolmon Bolunkh Boluu Borch Borchak Bosolden Bukan Bukhakh Bukhanche Bukhba Bukhbaa Bukheg Buluu Bumes Byagdon Byamdin Byamedel Byamsukh Byamutbaa Byango Byasurind Chambyn Chileg Chimidyr Chirbe Chirbei Chirmes Chonghul Chotov Chuchuli Chulan Chulgar Chului Chunbal Chuun Chuyilan Dagvaa Dambuu Damdigt Damir Dasai Dasaiha Dasan Dasar Dasga Dasgal Dashda Dashin Dashka Dashkan Dasun Dasurev Dasuu Davaadran Davaatan Davadorig Davan Demba Demuga Demur Demutuli Dobunba Dobuun Dorban Dorbayar Doria Doril Dugagchun Duger Dugii Edigt Edingey Enebal Enkha Enkhag Enkhal Enkhambuu Enkhanbaa Enkhanyar Enkhbal Enkhbar Enkhech Enkhegui Enkhukh Enkhuluu Enkhuu Enkhuy Erdel Erden Erdend Erdendo Erdendoi Erdeneg Erdenegu Erder Erderba Erderen Galagmid Galagvaat Galbal Gandar Gangal Gangey Gansuren Geran Ghagma Ghagsar Gombyn Gomor Gurbei Gutakh Guyagagh Guyamar Guyamdig Guyugun Houlange Houluu Houluyar Huluu Inasurend Jagch Jagmir Jamaata Jambar Jambatar James Jarav Juchir Jurberen Jurelga Kasaihar Kasara Khagvaa Khagvash Khangen Khonbayar Khond Khorbayar Khota Khotai Khotov Khoybaa Khuchlui Khukhuu Khula Khulgey Khuluk Khunkh Khuren Khuun Khuundoi Khuyagsai Khuyus Kitbal Kitbatai Kuzhulun Lambal Lamdin Lkhadan Lkhag Lkhagun Lkhakhun Lkhar Lkhbaa Lkhbosh Lkhsan Lkhukhan Lkhuu Lkhuuren Lkhuyukh Luvsaik Luvsangey Luvsur Magda Magdash Mamsrai Mangke Megey Menba Menebil Minbaa Minny Monbaa Monbadrak Monban Monbat Mondambaa Monden Muhee Muher Muheren Muherev Muherkhba Muhuyar Mukhulgal Mukhuluu Mungalan Mungke Munkhbaa Munli Muugerden Muunkh Myamdin Namba Nambal Namsurnaa Narakhan Narke Narkhan Natar Natkhul Nayam Neren Ninbaat Ninsun Nogbalsai Nyagnai Nyamba Nyambyn Nyarslar Nymanzraa Nymar Nymargh Ochan Ocheg Ochira Ochlun Ochuu Orgal Orgalagun Osogoo Otgon Otgotarga Otgoulgey Oyugu Pureetsur Purel Purelgal Purenebaa Purevniz Purga Purin Qachin Qasan Qorchid Qorchlun Qorileg Qutar Qutchivaa Qutumen Ragham Ragva Saikhuun Sambei Sambo Samunbo Serenebaa Serke Shadora Shanbat Shrigen Sodar Sosogotan Ssimar Ssimen Subei Subol Subold Suboloren Subotov Suhechira Suheg Suhun Suhuun Sukhaat Sukhazan Sukhebaa Suktara Surbaa Surel Surene Sureneba Surevdon Sureveene Surevsukh Surtar Tabat Tegelgel Tegmar Tegund Temugui Temuk Temukhan Temukhba Temulik Temului Temuluk Temuren Teren Tildan Tileg Tilingal Toldbal Tolden Tombat Toukh Touluugh Tseger Tsegmar Tsendba Tseram Tserendar Tsergal Tsergii Tserke Tsevniz Tsogbaa Tsogtsan Tsogtsogo Tsoldan Tsoria Tulagu Tulamba Tulgal Tulgel Tulik Tului Tumbatu Tumbuun Tumederke Tumun Tumutugui Turel Turen Turev Tuuren Tuyar Tuyasan Ulagma Ulambaa Ulambun Unebtsan Uneter Uneterel Urtai Urtartar Uyagalch Vachi Vachilin Yabaat Yaban Yabar Yabata Yekter Yekun Yerderen Yesukh Yesurev Yishdav Yishi Yisukh Yonbattur Yongel Yongke Yunkhba Yunli Zayagh Zayan Zayar Zoria
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