#whale corpses
spookygibberish · 3 months
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Funeralworms comprise a genus of Juggernaut characterized by a heavily-built, serpentine form, the absence of eyes, a single pair of broad, paddle-like forelimbs, and a prominent array of individually articulated, crushing jaws. They are employed in the disposal of organic materials, the production of high quality fertilizer, and the reclamation of Ibis tissue from corpses. The latter function earning them a central role in Bibat funeral rites, hence the name.
In Bibat, it is believed that Ibis tissue, while a powerful creative force in life, is equally capable of corruption, especially when touched by death. It is therefor not adequate to bury the Ibistouched, since Ibis tissue, if allowed to decompose, has the potential to render the earth fallow and breed illness. By consuming the Ibistouched dead, Funeralworms collect the Ibis tissue from the flesh, freeing it from corruption, purifying it, and accumulating it in their bodies to be returned to the Oracle System. It is mandatory that the corpses of all dagnyds, Sansin, Thrones and Throne-children both headless and unbodied alike, be fed to the Funeralworm. This is not a necessary funeral rite for those who are not Ibistouched, but the devout often choose to have it preformed upon their death. If a funeralworm is not available, cremation is an acceptable alternative.
Funeralworms are semi-aquatic dagnyds that reside entirely in special pools (bymūt)constructed for their housing. At their least elaborate, bymūt are little more than shallow ponds dug into clay soil, but they are often encircled by a low, stone fence with an offering platform at one end, and a chamber for dung collection at the other. These pools are usually located several kilometers from areas of habitation, although many larger cities have grown to encircle bymūt that were originally constructed a more acceptable distance away. These tend to be the most elaborate of their kind, ending up with bespoke temple complexes erected around them. As the functions of the Funeralworm are deeply linked to Bibat customs, their husbandry is entirely handled by Sansin, though the service they offer is a public one.
The design of the bymūt is necessary for the survival of fully mature funeralworms, who are not only so large as to be incapable of freely moving over dry land, but risk being crushed beneath their own weight without the support of water. Newborn funeralworms, at about a meter and a half in length, are the most mobile of their kind, and often attempt to escape their bymūt to explore. This is usually permitted (with supervision), as such young individuals have limited processing capacity, and rarely exist in a context where the sole burden of waste management relies on them. Many Sansin are sympathetic to the plight of the Funeralworm, and see little purpose in restricting the movement of a creature which never approaches agile at any age, and for most of its decades long life will be confined to a single small pool.
Despite a life spent entirely in water, Funeralworms are entirely air-breathing, and are not particularly good swimmers. They are protected from flooding by the high fat content of their bodies, which renders them buoyant and unlikely to drown. The greatest risk floods pose is temptation. Rising water allows Funeralworms the opportunity to travel freely from their bymūt, and many die after becoming stranded once the water level recedes, especially those which are particularly old and heavy.
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spontaneously starts scribbling him Differently Every Time
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the-final-sif · 1 year
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Hi, I saw a very dumb image and got pissed off because it was incorrect about sperm whales and also just kinda rubbed me the wrong way by implying that things don't live at the bottom of the ocean & really far down and I wanted to stand up for my marine life pals. So here's a corrected image with some extra bonus context.
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dougielombax · 8 months
The ongoing impact of Brexit is like a political whalefall.
Except instead of the dead remains of a blue whale, it’s the bloated, swollen, fat carcass of some infernal creature not fit for this world, leaking oil and excrement, irradiated into oblivion, occasionally belching smoke, constantly pouring out blood-soaked disease ridden currency, setting rivers on fire and polluting the fuck out of the entire surrounding area leaving it irreparably damaged and riddled with disease for generations.
While groups of feral fascists occasionally show up to worship it despite its visible danger to public health and well-being.
With NO ecological or scientific benefit whatsoever.
Hazmat crews trying to manage the contamination and contain it. And so on.
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canniballisme · 3 months
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merakiui · 1 year
ooh, Mera!!! any tips to seduce Jade?
In the context of TMDG (because Jade is so seduced in the fic), I think it boils down to a few key things that will leave Jade absolutely smitten:
✧ have the same crazy energy as him. You're passionate about and obsessed with Floyd (wrong eel in Jade's humble opinion), while (unbeknownst to you) Jade is very infatuated with you. The two of you are so unhealthily obsessed, so in a way it's like a mirror reflection. And Jade likes that sort of energy. You always liven up a room because you're so genuinely, painfully you. Also, he just likes being able to tease you when you're in the middle of monologuing about why Floyd is so perfect lol.
✧ engage in the weird flirt-banter Jade likes to have with you. Is he flirting? Is he threatening? Is he foreshadowing????? Is he plotting something???????? You can never know, but ooooo does it get his blood pumping when you snap back with your own witty retorts. Similarly to how Floyd gets hyped for a fight or a challenge (if he's in the mood), banter leaves Jade an excited wreck, especially if you can't come up with anything good and so you default to: "stupid, sly eel" or "asshole eel" or any insult placed before eel. He thinks you're so cute when you're insulting him.
✧ know little things about him. Though he doesn't like being transparent, he is immensely touched when you remember certain details about him (details he would have thought were easily forgettable because you're so focused on Floyd and everything he is). So when you bring up the mountain lovers club or his interest in mushrooms and you show genuine curiosity for these hobbies of his? Oh, he wants to marry you right now!
✧ you sort of have him wrapped around your finger. He's like a big, scary guard dog who is collared by his overwhelming attraction to you (metaphorically, of course, but then he wouldn't mind it in the literal sense) and if you were to tug on his leash he'd come padding forwards. He's just so whipped for you, and there's something enticing to Jade about this fragile human having so much power over him. He would kill for you, sacrifice everything for you, drop everything and elope with you, carve out his heart to please you. So why do you continue to chase after Floyd? :(
✧ be yourself and don't hold back. Jade likes unfiltered, shameless you. The you who treats failure like it's the end of the world when it was really just one small blunder. The you who is so wrapped up in an uncertain romance. The you who eats his cooking and grades it accordingly, lowering the score when he annoys you out of petty childishness. The you who is so easy to please when he puts on Floyd's voice. Every part of you captivates. Even the sides of you that are ugly and not the healthiest, he loves those just as much.
✧ there's so much more I could write, but just know he is in love with you and doesn't want you to change for the world. <3
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qliphothtako · 7 months
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the devil with sunset-colored hair
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enbycrip · 7 months
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shadowsayshi · 6 months
thinking about the potential of whale falls in the soul eater universe ...
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spider-artdump · 7 days
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something tumblr loves to do is recreating the big bad straw man vegan because it's easier than reevaluating your beliefs and god forbid changing your habits, again and again and again and ag
#oh yes this is about the vegan to ecofasc post#so we are ecofascists because we do not support animal abuse???#get this. veganism is For the animals. first and foremost.#they are not objects. we do not own them. they do not exist to benefit us humans. we are not entitled to their bodies.#yes! i too used to say oh i could never go vegan. but it's not about me. it's about them. i dont want baby chickens to be ground to death#i dont want cows to be raped again and again just so i can drink milk from their udders wtf#i dont want whales and dolphins to be sentenced to a lifetime inside a tank with no contact with their kin#i dont want another ryder lying on the streets of new york because he was exploited so tourists could prance around#i dont want beagles or rats or monkeys suffering inside laboratories getting experiments done on them#animals do not exist so we can abuse them#i loved fried chicken too much and my favorite food was sushi and i didnt see animals as beings#and all i see now is the mass suffering that we cause and im ashamed and i wish people on this goddamn website understood#because when i was at the supermarket someone made a joke pointing to the dead bodies of baby turkeys frozen and wrapped up in plastic#and they thought it was funny and i would've thought so too before. and now it's just . a fridge with corpses. and we had no right.#and it's victims you're making fun of. it's not vegans.#now go post in support of all other social movements. as long as they're human-centered of course#vegan#boohoo to anyone and everyone getting mad at this or saying i missed the point . i did not .#the only time carnists reblog vegan posts is when said post puts veganism in a bad light. pleather or quinoa or almond milk or ???#oh but dont you dare compare humans to animals!! why the fuck not . antivegs will be the first ones to say animals eat other animals.#im so tired so fucking tired and it's this tumblr toxic troll behavior whenever veganism is mentioned
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zephyrfuse · 2 years
pearl and marina's wedding in dlc cause everything's in white (half joking) But also the bleached coral vibe to me resonates strongly with the "white = death" thing in japan. As a japanese american i just think of "wedding funeral" and i'm gonna weirdly stick with that.
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17gz · 10 months
my ultimate flex + copium for spending 150k on animation college is seeing wip scenes for army of the doomstar back in 2022 because of my professor that worked on it
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dougielombax · 26 days
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Fucking WHAT????!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah it’s real!
Could somebody report his ass to the NOAA for this?
Maybe the US Fish & Wildlife Service too.
Maybe any other relevant agencies.
I’ll drop some links for anyone wishing to do so as well.
Here they be.
Pretty sure this violates the US Endangered Species Act and a few other laws too.
Hopefully something comes from this.
This shit is messed up!
*WHALE JUICE?????!!!!!!!!!!*
No I don’t care that it was already dead!
And I don’t care if the brain worms told him to do it!
This is VILE!
The ableism, antivax fuckwittery and suspicious death of his wife, and endorsing Trump was bad enough.
But this is insane!
This is like some serial killer shit!
What is it with this guy and messing around with dead animals?
And where is the head now? What, does he have it stored somewhere?!
Sickening shit!
Feel free to reblog I guess?
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canniballisme · 3 months
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Kizami Yuuya x Mochida Satoshi x Kishinuma Yoshiki
Corpse Party
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