#whaddya know writing about your universes helps you develop them
endorphinmachine · 5 years
Hehehehebehehehehe can you please tell us about your ocs in general,,, I'm very inch rested in them
uhhhh ummm!! i'll start with the caraway brothers!!
the younger brother, elliott, was (is) possessed by a demon that's out for blood all the time all the time, and when stephen, the older brother, tried to exorcise it with his stupidly limited exorcism knowledge, he accidentally created a Bad Gateway which 1. bonded elliott and the demon together virtually irreversibly 2. trapped elliott in basically hell where he spent the next five years and 3. blinded stephen But also gave him a sort of esp where he can sense spiritual auras
so five years pass and stephen adjusts to the trauma of having supposedly killed his brother, opens a cool witchy shop that sells witchy stuff and also does exorcisms, and makes friends with this couple mide and della. mide has a special interest in the occult and works at stephen's shop, and della does IT for a living but is also stupid good at making jewelry
and elliott. he manages to find a hole torn through reality and the hell realm™ by some absolute batshit demon and escapes through there. fine and dandy right? BUT he's still possessed which leads to complications especially when it comes to trying to get help. eventually he meets mide and della and they clean him up, get him a binder, etc. eventually, eventually, he makes it to stephen. then some shit happens that i don't have planned out in the slightest, elliott is exorcised but not without a cost, the brothers reunite, shits good
in ivy (neptrys and marya) there are two main reigons: the north (based more around agriculture and codependence) and the south (based more around technological advances and independence)
neptrys is a weaver (seamster? spinster?) from the south. he has this cool awesome power called seeing dead people and everyone thinks he's freakish for it. he ignores it the best he can until he's basically witchhunted for it and has to run until he meets marya.
marya is an absolute bastard let me tell ya. she's a skilled fighter from the north and always has something witty (terrible considering the circumstances? maybe. witty? always.) to say or do, but she's definitely had her share of bad times. first of all, she has amelia where her left arm should be, so she was treated as a defect in a culture that values uniformity. the only reason she wasn't cast out is because an amputee offered to raise her (he's where she got her training too!). eventually, she decided to break off from the north and explore the world. here she met neptrys and shenanigans ensued.
the wind rider's story is the least developed so far but trust me i'm working on it.
so this girl by the humble name of sachiko fucked up big time. you know when you take your eyes off where you're going (say, looking at a paper airplane go or whatever) and you suffer because of it? yeah. she literally walked right into an active experiment by a scientist (let's call him doctor shittyhair because both those terms apply) who needs to brush up on his definition of ethics. she's zapped the fuck out and wakes up without fingerprints and slightly different skin. eventually, she realizes she can solidify air where it stands! awesome right? some limitations apply such as:
-the air has to be moving for her to solidify it
-it only stays solid as long as she's touching some part of it, then disperses back into a gas
-to make more complex machines (say, nerf gun) she has to know what the thing looks like and how the parts of it interact
-air is air, and the only property she can manipulate is state of matter. density, combustibility, etc all stay the same. so no air gunpowder
after a while of experimenting with this neat new power, she decides to become a vigilante known as the wind rider (she personally would have preferred wind runner, but fans make the rules). eventually, she falls into cahoots with " three" other heroes: mira, known as the blue angel (she hates this, but again, fans make the rules), saoirse (no name because they aren't popular), and javon. he's the photographer.
mira has a device in her heart made by doctor shittyhair that both keeps it beating and gives her neat techy powers. her eye (otherwise completely blind) gets xray vision, and yeah neat neat and all but gives her a massive headache, and she gets some real neat miku colored wings that get her 60 mph at full speed (not a speed recommended for everyday use)
saoirse isn't a vigilante, they would rather act behind the scenes. their power is volatile as all hell and can change as much as the english language but: any word they read the definition of out of a dictionary may or may not become reality in one way or another. when used to heal, side effects include amnesia and waking up in odd situations.
javon is the cameraman. he gets pics of criminals these three fight. it's not the most glamorous of jobs in a group like this but shit if it's not important. he's the guy that saved mira's life (and also her brother. that's pretty important) by stealing doctor shittyhair's modified pacemaker and doing some wack as Shit surgery.
haruka is sachiko's older sister. she's fascinated by this motherfucker called the wind rider, and joins this doctor shittyhair associated group that would also like to know who she is for less innocent purposes. upon joining the group, haruka makes sachiko think she was killed and some mystery woman with a scar on her cheek (this is what haruka) is the murderer. this makes a huge mess later on when ruka figures out that the group is shit and makes an effort to escape. but she lives, sachiko lives, things are good.
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imagineproduce101 · 7 years
Picture Perfect Ch. 4
You buy Woojin a meal to express your gratitude, and you two get to know each other along the way.
special thanks to @wannaonescenarios for helping me w writing pls check her out her blog is amazing and her bf!aus are the best thing on this planet i squeal every tiem
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
“Thanks for the ride, Baejin!” You smiled widely at your classmate, waving to him as you quickly got out of his car. As a gesture of gratitude, you’d offered to buy Park Woojin meat, and the only restaurant that his company allowed him to go to, due to their specialty in keeping paparazzi away and maintaining privacy, was all the way across the city, so you’d asked Jinyoung to drive you there.
The restaurant had a modern look to it, with sleek black walls and hardwood floors. Each booth was partitioned off, and you were quickly led by a waitress to where Woojin was already sitting.
You greeted him a bit awkwardly, not really knowing what to say. “Did you have to wait a long amount of time?” You asked him, taking a sip of your water.
“Ah, no,” Woojin shook his head, “I just got here.”
“That’s good,” you grabbed a menu, looking at it, “I wonder what’s good here? You’ve been here before, right?”
“Ah, yeah,” Woojin pointed to one of the pictures on the back of the menu. “The marinade they use for the bulgogi is really good, and our manager really likes their pajeon, if you like that.”
“You like the bulgogi?” You asked, scanning over what else they offered. “Let’s get that, then…” You pursed your lips, wondering what else was good. At least the prices weren’t awful, in comparison to what you’d been expecting from such a fancy place. “Are you okay with non-marinated stuff?”
“Yeah, that’s fine,” Woojin shrugged, setting his own menu down. Out of nowhere, a waitress popped up, notepad in hand.
“Hi! Welcome to One Grill, may I take your order?” She asked politely, pen ready to start scribbling.
“Yeah, can I get one order of Bulgogi, two of Galbi, one of Jumulleok, and one of Samgyeopsal please?” You asked the waitress, handing her a menu.
“Oh, actually, you wanted bulgogi, right?” You checked with Woojin, who just nodded, mouth slightly open in awe at the sheer amount of food that you had ordered. “Yeah, actually two orders of bulgolgi.”
Once the waitress had left, Woojin started laughing. “You really think we can eat that much?”
“Uh, yeah,” you grinned, “I eat a lot. Plus, you should eat a lot too! I’m paying.”
“I wish I could,” Woojin responded wistfully, “but the managers have me on a diet right now.”
“Seriously?” You gaped at him, “To lose weight? You’re in shape, though, that makes no sense.”
“That’s the life of an idol, I guess,” Woojin shrugged.
“Being an idol sounds difficult,” you mused, “long practices, trying so hard to debut. Honestly, I really respect people who pursue such a difficult dream like that.”
“Whaddya mean?” Woojin asked as he took a sip of his soda.
“My dream is fairly straightforward, to be honest,” you confessed, moving a piece of kimchi around on your plate with your chopsticks, “finish college, apply for a job, work, retire. But for people like idols, achieving their dream is so much harder and takes so much more effort.”
“Really?” Woojin looked up at you, “I mean yeah, I’ll admit that being a trainee and now an idol has been really difficult, but I also think that even the act of getting into a good university is equally challenging, let alone succeeding and finding your dream job.”
“I guess,” you mused, “but for me, since I want to be a photographer, it’s less hard work and more just putting the time in.”
“I don’t think you should be down on yourself for being dedicated and committed to something,” Woojin said firmly, “if you’re trying hard to chase your dreams, acknowledge that.”
“Wow, you should pick up inspirational speaking on the side,” you joked, watching as the waitress carefully set the plates of meat onto the table. “I can cook, so don’t worry about it.”
“Ah, thanks,” Woojin smiled, clearly more comfortable than when you’d first arrived.
“No, don’t worry about it,” you waved a hand, going to grab the tongs, “seriously, thank you for the camera. It’s way too expensive, I’ll have to take you to like, twenty more dinners in order to pay you back.”
“This is fine,” Woojin replied quietly, giving you a slightly timid smile. He sighed deeply, raking a finger through his dark red hair. “If we’re being honest, sometimes I feel like everyone treats me like I’m made of glass, since our group has gotten so much recognition. You’re the first person to not act like that, and it’s like a breath of fresh air.”
You shook your head, amused, “I’m just thankful. But you really are an artist, just the way you speak is so lyrical.”
“And you?” Woojin asked, fixing you with an intense look, “do you see the world through a camera lens?”
“Me?” You were surprised—no one had ever asked you that before, so you’d never been forced to think about it. You thought about what he’d said, studying the intricate details of his face. It wasn’t a perfect face, by Korean standards, but there was something charming about it that made you want to whip out a camera and capture the boyish charm he held. “I guess I do see the world through a camera lens, always trying to find that perfect angle or light.”
“Have you ever found it?” Woojin’s gaze was heavy, laced with an unfamiliar connotation.
“The perfect angle?” You sighed, loading up a plate with the cooked meat. “I don’t think so. I think if I did, I would know.”
“How long have you been into photography?” Woojin asked, spooning rice and meat into his mouth.
“Since high school,” you responded, “my dream has been to work for a magazine and travel the world, taking pictures of beauty. I feel like there’s so much in the world that I just want to attempt to capture. I’ve been developing my portfolio, but I’m missing a lot, especially nature.”
“Nature?” Woojin cocked his head in confusion.
“Yeah,” you pulled out your phone, pulling up the folder that had a copy of the pictures you’d been curating as your growing portfolio. He scrolled through them, nodding appreciatively. “When I apply for jobs, I use this to show off my skills, but I don’t have many pictures of nature, which I feel like I need. I just don’t know where to go.”
Woojin handed your phone back to you, studying your face quietly for a beat. “You know, if you want, I can show you this park I always go to,” he offered, shrugging nonchalantly, “it’s really peaceful and quiet, and I go there when I want to clear my mind. You could try starting there.”
“Really?” You asked, perking up, “are you sure? If that’s your like, sanctuary, I don’t want to disturb anything.”
“Somehow, I don’t think you would,” Woojin responded with a small smile, “just text me what days would work for you, I know Seonho mentioned you have a pretty large workload from uni. We’re in between albums right now, so I have a lot of free time.”
“Wow, thank you,” you shook your head, stunned. “I feel like you’ve given me so much, I don’t know what to say.” Woojin just shrugged.
“This is nice,” Woojin responded quietly, obviously a bit embarrassed, “I don’t get much down-to-earth interaction with other people my age, other than my members. It’s nice to just sit and talk.”
“Speaking of your members, what happened to that asshole manager?” You asked, “sorry, it’s probably kind of rude of me to ask, but I seriously hate that guy.” Woojin grinned, snickering.
“Honestly, none of us like him,” Woojin informed you, “we were all glad that you got him to look so bad, since it means we have a better chance of getting rid of him. He’s been putting a lot of pressure on us to lose weight—he’s why I’m on the diet—and he’s been saying really rude things to Donghyun-hyung and Daehwi.”
“Ah, I can’t tell anyone this, right?” You asked, frowning. Woojin shook his head. “Man, if Seonmi knew someone was hurting her precious Daehwi, it would be world war three on that manager.”
Woojin chuckled at that, “I wish that could happen. He’s such an asshole.”
“Right?” You groaned, shaking your head, “man, I could talk shit for days.”
“Yeah, so I’ve witnessed,” Woojin smirked as you buried your head into your hands.
“Hey, I’ll have you know, normally I’m not that vocal,” you defended, “he was just being really rude to Seonmi, and that’s the one thing that gets me pissed off.” Woojin nodded.
“I understand that,” he replied, “if someone says something negative about me, I brush it off, but if someone has something to say about one of my members, I get pretty defensive.”
“You know, you’re actually a pretty chill guy,” you mused, stuffing a meat and lettuce wrap into your mouth. “I kinda thought you’d be stuck up from what I’ve heard about idols, but you’re really down to earth,” you explained around your mouthful of food. Woojin laughed.
“I’m glad to have passed the (y/n) test, then,” he replied, handing you a napkin.
“So, about that park idea,” you began, pulling your phone out to start planning. Woojin did as well, and soon the two of you were discussing the details of your next plans.
:)))))))) hope u enjoyed will update soon pls anticipate gracias 
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