#marya (oc)
masochismustango · 2 months
Messy older and newer sketches ‘cause why the hell not actually?~
I’m in hospital - to answer your possible questions in advance I am pretty fine, just wanted to relax a bit staying outta society - and I’ve been sleeping days on end, sooooo have some unfinished pieces and simple/kind of study doodles I like the most c:
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sarcophagid · 9 days
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& Then a weird girl appear
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ethereal-maia · 4 months
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Marya Hendriks from the Six of Crows duology by Leigh Bardugo
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sugar-and-pearls · 8 months
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Marya Sand, the fifth daughter of Oberyn Martell and one of the (now) nine Sand Snakes, who spends her days sailing between Dorne and Essoes.
I am so pleased with how this turned out, its so nice to be able to see her outside my mind's eye. Commissioned done by the talented @murmel-malt
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sneakydraws · 11 months
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Comes back from the dead with zoom lecture doodles
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dancingwillows · 1 year
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brave and true.
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ppenguinpperson · 4 months
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drew my ocs in tptm girls' outfits !! it was fun :) nastya and nina would like their outfits the most i think..
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aphroditestummyrolls · 8 months
✨engagement series✨
HI ❤️❤️❤️ this is an idea I’ve had sitting in my drafts for ages, and I’m finally breathing some life into it. This is the first time Mikhail DeVries and his fellow merchlings meet the fabled Mr. Fahey.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” Karl insisted, taking him by the arm yet again and pulling him down the corridor, round the corridor into the parlour. Mikhail just blinked owlishly at the trail of purple rug under his feet. Purple. “Mickey?”
It was a childhood nickname, one that shook him out of his slack jawed silence.
“It’s-it… yeah.” He sounded stupid to his own ears, and his friend snorted a laugh at him.
The parlour was even more staggeringly decorated than the front hall. If Gekkehuis was red before, this might just kill the old bastard. Mikhail was feeling a bit faint himself.
It was absolutely unheard of. It was… it was insane. Yet, there it was. What was once a sombre place of business was now a colourful explosion of brocade silks and pinstripes, reupholstered cushions and a merrily dancing hearth. But, mounted above the sleek, lacquered wood of the mantle, there used to be a particularly ostentatious portrait of Jan himself.
It wasn’t there any longer.
Instead, there was a slightly smaller golden frame, filigreed and gleaming. Inside it, there was an oil portrait. It was the austere, soft lit style of formal merchant council portraits. In it, a young Kerchman sat in the traditional, mercher black suit, at 45 degrees of profile. Yet, it was the most illuminated portrait Mikhail had ever seen— as if it had been painted in spring sunshine, or someone had turned up the lamps inside the canvas. His skin was supple and flushed with warmth, a spatter of light freckles high on his cheeks. His dark auburn hair seemed more coppery than usual, curling artfully over his forehead.
This young man wasn’t the odd part of the painting. He was just a beautiful Kerch youth— Mikhail recognised Wylan immediately.
The odd part of the painting was the second man— a tall, wiry Zemeni man in a blue suit and a brash orange tie the colour of jurda blossoms. His handsome face was caught in an eternal grin, like he had a secret far too delicious not to share. A secret he appeared to have just told to Wylan, judging by the twinkle of his wide brown eyes. He looked out at the viewer as if he was trying very hard not to laugh. Jesper leant against the back of Wylan’s chair, one of his multi-ringed hands resting on Wylan’s shoulder. His pale, thin hand was posed to hold it in place just over his heart.
Well, Mikhail blew out a long breath, none of us will ever hear the end of this one… he thought, a little impressed despite himself. Wylan, you’ve certainly put your foot down.
To have a formal portrait commissioned? No one on the council even had their own wives included in their portraits, let alone a cohabitating boyfriend.
“Can you believe it?” A familiar voice came up to whisper in between them. He turned to see Antony Boer, his usually implacable expression wide eyed. He sniffed derisively. “They aren’t even engaged.”
Karl rolled his eyes. “Well, I think it’s brave. And look at the artistry! We must ask Wylan who he commissioned it from, they’ll be the most in-demand ar—!”
“I just don’t want to hear all the bluster from the fossils at the council meetings.” Mikhail griped.
“You won’t have to wait for a council meeting.”
A new voice— a rich baritone he’d never heard before— sent him jumping out of his skin. He nearly dumped his champagne all over his suit.
Jesper Fahey was grinning. That portrait is a magnificent likeness, Mikhail thought begrudgingly.
“The moment Gekkehuis sees it, he’ll be starting a whisper-campaign about tradition and propriety, or something or other.” The Zemeni man sipped his drink, and glanced knowingly at them with storm grey eyes. “Wylan’ll be thrilled you’re here— c’mon, let’s hunt our little merchling down, shall we? Unless you’d rather join the whisper campaign.”
That had Mikhail swallowing his tongue. Maybe he didn’t trust this interloper, but the last thing he wanted was to hurt Wylan.
Thanks for playing ❤️✨
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shellyseashell · 9 months
updated witches guild lore! first of all they are no longer called the witches guild because it’s a boring name. they are now called the deviltry, which means reckless mischief, witchcraft, wickedness. they do a few things:
- they run the arcade and dragon hall (facilier backs them) and also probably the witch academy to some extent. they are powerful.
- they control magic deals. people will come to them for help, and if they can make a good bargain, they’ll help. they’ll only screw people over if they’re particularly awful by isle standards. usually, it’s a facilier and magnus making the deal.
- magic training. i personally think a good amount of magic is available on the isle, but even if it’s only a little, people are going to learn and train. they have the most magical info, largest range of magical abilities on the isle due to numbers. safe is subjective on the isle and around magic but it’s at least good training.
- they keep the ultra powerful demon villains like chernbog, zhan tiri, and chatana in check through whatever means possible. outright fighting, strict deals. whatever. this can also act as protecting specific people from them, as plenty of the more magical villains try to build armies to get revenge on auradon and not everyone wants that (this is actually why the gang was founded, but explaining that more is mim lore saved for a fic)
- they terrorize frollo. sometimes they outright fight his men, sometimes they help claudine, sometimes they trash the church. sometimes they help cj and/or ivy burn it down.
as they control a good amount of land, they have a good amount of people under their protection/control, but official members who carry out duties include:
- magnus mim (leader, oldest mim grandkid, founded the gang)
- maddy mim (second in command, magnus’s younger sister)
- freddie facilier (third in command)
- celia facilier
- yzla
- iduna (elsa’s daughter)
- marya rasputin (and maybe one of her sisters before she died if I have my timeline right)
- zevon
- cj hook (honorary member, but she hangs around often enough she might as well be a member)
their main backers are facilier, elsa, and yzma when she decides she knows english. their closest allies are the lost revenge and hallow’s eve (a gang made up of the halloween town citizens) due to the faciliers and mims having family in each respective gang. through the lost revenge, they have an alliance with the sovereign dread. they’re willing to make alliances with other gangs, if they can make a good enough deal. they’re most reluctant to ally with mal’s gang since she and the mims hate each other, but sometimes her help is needed.
also, the faciliers always rig the arcade games. magnus doesn’t, but no one believes him.
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tarot-the-silly-one · 2 months
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victorian clothes are fun and i know a normal amount about them :)
marya belongs to @penguin--person
betty, marrianne and kyro belong to @mayyak
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notebookviolet · 3 months
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Closet Closed
Silly little Wife ~ More on my Patreon :
Arthur (Mine) Marya @mizaryroku
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ladyniniane · 9 months
Snippets of my current WIPs
I was tagged by @lilias42 and @mwezina to post a snippet of my current WIP. Thank you✨!
-Marya has just discovered that a long lifespan comes with her powers and that she may live for centuries, unchanged.
Le rebord de la baignoire appuyait sur le bas de la nuque de Marya en un rappel constant de ses inquiétudes. L’eau remua lorsqu’elle s’agita, un clapotement rompit le silence. Alanguie, masquée par un paravent de vapeur, elle avait perdu la mesure du temps. Si cela se trouvait, une éternité avait passé. Ce qui était tout à fait approprié, quand on y pensait. Ses mains en coupe recueillirent le liquide. L'eau fila entre ses doigts. Les années couleraient désormais ainsi. Elle remplit de nouveau ses paumes avant de les vider. Un siècle. Puis deux. Puis trois. Puis quatre.
The edge of the bath pressed against the back of Marya's neck as a constant reminder of her worries. The water stirred as she moved, and a splash broke the silence. Languid, masked by a screen of steam, she had lost track of time. If anything, an eternity had passed. Which was quite appropriate, when you thought about it. Her cupped hands scooped up the liquid. The water trickled through her fingers. From now on, the years would flow like this. She filled her palms again before emptying them. A century. Then two. Then three. Then four.
-Here is a snippet of my untitled Fire Emblem Three Houses WIP. It's a sequel to my main project, expanding the story of a secondary character. Here, Ismene has just joined house Gautier as an apprentice physician and she's meeting with the margravine for the first time.
Orsolya lui fit signe d’approcher. Ismène prit d’abord son pouls. Ses gestes étaient précis mais légers et jamais intrusifs. S'approcher de la margravine lui fit oublier sa réserve. Elle était dans son élément. Sa concentration et son professionnalisme invitaient sa patiente à lui faire confiance malgré son manque supposé d'expérience. Les jambes de la margravine n’avaient rien d’anormal. Peut-être était-ce une douleur circulatoire ? (...) Orsolya haussa un sourcil.   — Êtes-vous vraiment une apprentie ou avez-vous déjà exercé ?   — J’ai déjà pratiqué avec mon maître à la campagne, ma dame. 
Orsolya beckoned her to come closer. Ismène began by taking her pulse. Her gestures were precise but light, never intrusive. Approaching the margravine made her forget her reserve. She was in her element. Her concentration and professionalism encouraged her patient to trust her, despite her potential lack of experience. There was nothing wrong with the margravine's legs. Perhaps it was circulatory pain? (…) Orsolya raised an eyebrow. -Are you really an apprentice or have you practised before? -I used to practise with my master in my home village, my lady.
I tag @violets-in-her-arms-writes, @queenfredegund, @lumeha, @intricatecaprice, @tockamybeloved @sinniel and whoever wants to do it!
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sugar-and-pearls · 3 months
Happy Father's Day, so this is for Oberyn
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dancingwillows · 1 year
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daughter of dust, where did you go?
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ppenguinpperson · 4 months
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the rest of my pafl ocs:] tho marya's not a stalker mutant Or a scientist, shes Is just some guy and i think thats awesome ❤️
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maryamaycry · 16 days
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My Sky OC ʕ ⊃・ ◡ ・ ʔ⊃ her name is Hima!!
My lovely pookie!!
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