#wfsn mention
alifeasvivid · 1 year
The On-Fire Dumpster that Is My WIP Folder
These are more or less in order of priority...
Chapter limits and word counts are for my own guiding reference and are not set in stone.
Thief of Spades Season 2 (30ish chapters in total, 75-80k words) (ukus, detective/thief AU)- found out it's gonna take a little bit longer than I thought to finish it up but BY GOD I WILL DO IT. Nobody remind me that it's already been 8 months since I updated it. I know. I don't wanna talk about it. T_T
A Closer Look (one-shot, 5-6k words) (usukus, human AU) - hung over punk Arthur/stranger on the train Alfred with a tattoo "fixation" I think I can actually get it finished fairly quickly and I'm really enjoying it because it's turning out to be the most "they're both switches" thing I've ever done... and it's got a title now! Woo!
The Benefits of Being a Marine Biologist (working title, 25k-50k words, one-shot, no chapters) (ukus, monsterfuckery or rather, faefuckery) - No I will not elaborate further. ;P
The Floor is Lava (10-12 chapters, 40k-ish words) (ukus, omegaverse) - it's hella cute I'm not gonna spend a million years on it though. It's a romcom, it's gonna be paced more like one.
Expectations (15ish chapters, 50k-ish words) (ukus, omegaverse) - I'm resurrecting this one cuz I've done so much work on it--almost none of that work being actually writing it but the ideas!! I have them! and I need more alpha!Arthur/omega!Alfred and this one's ~sexy~ where FiL is more cute and fluffy.
Special Secret Project (4-6 chapters, 20k-ish words) - No spoilers!
Three-Part Harmony (on-going) (frusuk, human AU) - I've got more ideas for things these three can get up to >.> no plot, just more smut
Untitled (one-shot) (Ame+Can/Eng, canonverse, smut) - America and Canada team up on England. He may or may not survive the experience.
Some things I haven't forgotten about/stuff I lowkey want to do but haven't mentioned; all of which I may never do but WE'LL SEE:
Temptation Acknowledged (MAYBE) (priest!Alfred x demon!Arthur; ukusuk) Fuck it I might continue this. I got thoughts. I got feels.
If It's You: the smut bit
More ftm!Alfred stuff--including some with more heterosexuality (aka Alice). (oh the overly personal self-indulgence)
@ukus-so-much-potential <-- this
The Right Kind of Trouble - that nyo!ukus human AU with burlesque dancer Amelia and bartender Alice
Immortal being/time traveler AU
Stay by Your Side - the EngSey period thing which may or may not (but probably may) devolve into Arthur x Alfred x Angelique because I can (if I can ever be arsed).
*warms my hands near the fire* Does it not burn so brightly?
I'm gonna live forever.
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I think that more people should write about Prussia and/or Italy Veneziano having sex in a church because religious symbolism and religious trauma!!
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disaster-fruit · 2 years
this is just personal taste i guess but i find it impossible to read smut featuring trans people using the opposite words (calling clits dicks and dicks clits etc). I guess for some people the real words can cause dysphoria but for me it just sounds patronizing and uninspiring and completely throws me off of it
why am i saying this? because any absolute rule you see on the internet about how to write trans people is not absolute at all.
Sometimes what one random trans stranger on the internet says is the best way to do it its the same thing that will make another random trans stranger on the internet immediately close the tab. And that's fine, none of them are wrong except by trying to force one standard or the other. So follow your instincts and make good art. that's the only rule.
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coralcatsea · 7 months
Arthur would absolutely enjoy indulging Alfred's oral fixation even outside of wfsn stuff.
I mean, Arthur likes cooking, watching people eat his food, and he gives Alfred food quite often (ice cream, chocolate bar, marmite) in canon.
He wants to spoil him and make sure he's cared for. 😤
And he enjoys watching those lips move. And those cheeks. And his throat.
He also just likes giving him things in general, and seeing the excitement on Alfred's face whenever he receives a gift (unless it's marmite 😩 but at least his pouty face is cute, too).
It's like getting the chance to feed a cute little duck. Except the duck is also handsome. 🤣
Not to mention it gives Arthur a good excuse for contact with those lips.
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gremlins-hotel · 10 months
i just had to get my blood drawn and calmed myself down during it by looking at your wfsn dilf cowboy alfred art and i feel like you deserve to know that
Wbbsfvfs 🫡 I’m glad he could help! Also I know I’ve never mentioned it here, but for my adult followers I do have @gremlins--motel if you ever wish to join me in being a degenerate.
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iamstillacat · 2 years
About this blog & About me
My main blog is @sometimecatsometimenot
If there’s something about me that you don’t like or can’t stand with, please do not interact with me and please BLOCK me immediately
I made this blog solely for Hetalia TurGre (aph/hwsTürkiye x aph/hwsGreece) “darker” historical related headcanons and arts.
Please BLOCK, or at least avoid interacting with this blog if you don’t like the ship and its contents.
Although there will be no obvious NSFW stuff here, this blog may contain contents with : Violence, mention about wars, things I cannot figure out yet but they’re definitely not suitable for kids.
So I will give this blog 18+ and minors please refrain from interact.
I have been posting TurGre headcanons and arts in my main blog @sometimecatsometimenot which mostly depicted the ship in their delight side. However, as someone who like historical Hetalia and usually read history, I feel that only the delight side cannot complete the whole picture of their relationship, because the truth is this two guys have one of the most complicate relationship of the entire world, and the most of the relationship aren’t that delight. That is the reason why I make another blog for putting headcanons and arts that depict the gloomier and darker side of their story.
For history and other information, I only rely on English sources because it is the only language I can understand beside my mother tongue. Although I also read the source from both sides (which many times have different viewpoint/ description for the same event) they are also English sources, which may give less or different detail from the sources written by local languages.
✨However, for my arts and headcanons, they will be written/depicted with a mixed of the knowledge I got from the sources and my own fangirling dramatic bollywoo’dism emotional bittersweet fantasy interpretation, so please keep in mind that it will never be an accurate historical interpretation here. Some of my interpretation will be much different from Hetalia canon and many other headcanons. However, I am also inspired by many fanfics which I keep the concept and theory that I felt right from them in my mind.
— About me
I am
South-East Asian | Fujodanshi | Asexual / Authochoris-romantic | Furry Artist (both SFW&WFSN kink arts) | She/her, He/him, They/Them, it, that cat thing, whatever that’s not rude is find. I don’t know my gender, I cannot figure it out, so I stop caring about it.
Pro-shipper | Pro-fiction | Ship and let ship | Saying No to harassing/cyberbullying/witch-hunting people over their fiction preferences |
Leftist | Atheist | Humanist | Anti-royalism | Anti-monarchism | Anti-authoritarianism | Anti-ultranationalism | Anti-dictatorship | Anti-harassment | Pro-choice | Pro-democracy | Saying No to human-right violation, racism, sexism in any form |
Primary fandom : HETALIA
I first entered Hetalia fandom since 2008 and after my absence since 2018 I came back to the fandom again in 2021. My interested are about 60% Historical/cultural/political Hetalia and 40% whatever cool Hetalia.
My OTP : TurGre - Sadık (hwsTürkiye) x Herakles (hwsGreece) 🧿 They are also my most favorite characters. I mostly prefer this ship with historical/cultural-relate story/AU. I also love their human or fantasy AU as well.
Other favorite ships : Ranneshi (hwsNetherland x hwsIndonesia), Gerita, GerPru, Spamano, USUK (Supposed to say hwsAmerica x hwsEngland), Dennor, RusSme or Amerus, SpaPort or PortSpa
I like to define my ships by Japanese style definition : fixing Top (left) x bottom (right), and I rarely reverse characters’ position of my favorite ships. However, I have no NOTP, and I do not hate any ship.
I do not hate any Hetalia characters.
I rarely make WFSN art/fic of Hetalia, and if I happen to make one, I won’t post it here. However, I have no problem with seeing or reading WFSN art/fic at all.
Secondary fandom : Genshin Impact
I rarely speak about Genshin Impact here but I would like to mention it here anyway. I am AR55 who live in the fandom mainly for Arts and Fics. My energy is too low to advance my career in the game.
My favorite ship : HaiKaveh or KavehTham, CynoNari, Capitaru, ZhongChi
My other side of life
I am a freelance artist in a furry website who have ever done art commissions of both SFW and WFSN kinky stuffs. I have paused working on any WFSN art commission for a while since I have had very less mood to do.
I randomly watching Movies & series but I rarely get into their fandoms.
I like watching films from India - mostly famous films of Bollywood and Tollywood.
I had temporary been into SPN family, Fannibal, OPM (One punch man) fandom. I watch every Star wars life-action movies and most of life-action Series of the franchise. I love Disney & Dreamworks animation.
This blog is mainly for my Hetalia and me ranting and rolling around🙂🌀🙃🌀🙂🌀🙃🌀😊✨. There will rarely be posts about anything from other fandoms. Anyway, every lovely one who would like to follow me is welcome!! 💕💕
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fireandspiceland · 2 years
okay so Arthur kisses Ludwig they start out slow and gentle earning an approving him from Francis who’s eyes are fixed on them he tells Arthur to take off Ludwig’s shirt for them to see his body and Arthur flips him off but still complies taking his time to undo each button and touch the revealed skin without ever breaking the kiss. Ludwig almost forgot about Francis presence by the time Arthur slips the shirt off his shoulders and climbs into his lap feeling Ludwig’s erection already straining his trousers he rolls his hips and hears both Ludwig and Francis moan when he rubs his soaked panties against Ludwig’s clothed cock. Francis’ voice is a little hoarse when he asks not orders Arthur to please undo Ludwig’s trousers next and he gasps and slips one hand down to stroke himself his pants already long gone when Arthur pulls down Ludwig’s briefs just enough to allow him some relief by revealing his cock.
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fireandiceland · 3 years
I am still not over the comedic potential of the Aroras being such polar opposites about Lukas. The potential. Mads is like "Hey, we should go out as a group!" a while into dating Lukas, long enough that Freja is getting annoyed with Mads being so whipped. She knows her brother disagrees with her, but they both agree to be civil. Of course they trust each other as far as they could throw one another and the entire dinner becomes a spy game to outmaneouver each other. Frej is wingmanning and keeping his sister in check, Freja is trying to ruin it for Lukas and make Mads stray and undercutting her brother. DenNor is oblivious if at times confused. Ráfi and Trygve see what is going on and lean back to enjoy the shitshow, occasionally meddling without even the Aroras knowing to keep it interesting/save the dinner from doom. Just. THE SHEER POTENTIAL. Hope that distracts you from YOUR shit family meeting.
It’s funny that you mention Lukas, because I got a second ask (on anon) about him that I might have to answer on my wfsn blog. But pssssht 🤫
Ahhh yes you know how to distract me. Freja trying to imprint Lukas with the thought about how annoying and childish Matthias is while Frej is basically selling him to Lukas like a piece of cake. The are like the angel and the devil on Lukas’ shoulders that he didn’t ask for 😂😂
I’m also once again thinking about DenNor breakup with Lukas insisting he’s doing fine and Matthias going out to drown his sorrow in alcohol just to end up crying on the dance floor. And bonus points if Frej and Freja also convince Lukas to throw himself out there and he enters the club to watch a crying Matthias being dragged off the dance floor by security, Ráfi running after them and Trygve finishing their drink before following them outside. A+ DenNor energy. It’s not DenNor if it doesn’t have immensely stupid sadstuck moments. 🥺💕🥰
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fireandspiceland · 2 years
Okay Iceland is trying to leave the house in a super slutty outfit.
Think like a completely mesh t-shirt, a choker, and booty shorts. And throw in some amazingly edgy makeup.
How do you headcannon each of the Nordics react?
Do they let him leave like that?
Do they love that he’s expressing himself?
Does Norway try to give him the “I’m not letting you leave the house dressed like that” talk?
 Does he try to fight back?
The mental image I have for this is hilarious I wish I could draw good enough to show you! but since I can't plase imagine Ice in a slutty e girl emo techwear kind of outfit, trying to seak out of the Nordics’ house (where he stays for some unrelated reason):
Finland spots him from the living room and they stare at each other for a moment, before Fin does that locking his mouth and throwing the key away gesture followed by a thumbs up to the outfit and make up and a wink at Ice who exhales with relief and motions a quick "thank you" at Fin before he continues his way to the front door. He’s the caring kind of parental figure, but at the same time he knows that Ice is capable of taking care of himself (which Iceland is forever grateful for even if he doesn’t show it all the time). So, why not let that boy have some fun?
If he was alone, Sweden would maybe stop Ice or AT LEAST ask him about the outfit or where he’s headed too. If he approves of the outfit or not - I don’t know and I don’t think he would mention it. He just wants to know where any of his kids (if you can Ice even call that) are going to and how and when they’re coming back home. It’s not about being controlling or mistrusting for him, he just takes the father role he plays for Ice (and sometimes all the Nordics rip) serious and it gives him security to know about their whereabouts. But he already saw Finland giving Iceland the sign of approval, and doesn’t interfere with that.
Norway is the one who catches Iceland right at the door and basically pulls him back inside at the collar of his very fragile shirt. He’s also the one Ice had to be wary of, cause he knows the others usually don’t take that much of an interest in his private life. Well, Denmark sometimes does.. but back to Norway. The problem with Norway is that he WANTS to give Iceland the talk you mentioned above and he HATES the very little choice of clothes, BUT he’s nothing better. Probably worse. And Iceland knows. Therefore he ends up giving him the glare of disapproval and forces at least a jacket onto Iceland (that will be off again in no time but still) while doing Sweden’s job of telling him not to come home to late, to call if anything happens and to please use protection when he [*insert Iceland blushing and gesturing wildly to make Norway shut up*].
That is until Denmark shows up in the hallway to check out what Iceland is grumbling about. Ice should be used to the embarrassement of Denmark complimenting his outfit in completely outdated terms ("You look so hip! Totally rad, Icey!") but he still wishes Norway would just ground him on the spot to save him from Denmark now offering, no insisting, on joining Ice and taking him to wherever he is headed. It's not that he doesn't appreciate the interest or a free ride, but UGH which kid teen immortal being with the body of a teenager wants their EMBARRASSING uncle to join them when they tried to sneak out of the house unnoticed??
In conclusion: rip Iceland. They support him as good as they can, even if it's not what Ice wants most of the time, but he's grateful for his family and even if he complains sometimes, he wouldn't have it any other way cause it only shows they care about him. Also none of the others dares to mention it, but they all know he got that slutty streak from Norway. 😘
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fireandspiceland · 3 years
26 with itager please?
Send a ship and a number ask game
26. “Forget the bed… let’s do it right here.”
The quote is a great choice for them!
-> In this essay I will explain why skirts are a superior outfit choice for boys. office sex (my beloved), Italy is a little shit.
“Germany!” Italy's cheerful voice broke through the silence that had been hanging in the room for hours.
“Mhm?” Without looking up from the report before him, Germany acknowledged the other's presence and flipped the page after licking his thumb.
Italy huffed. “Do you still have to work?” His voice sounded slightly defeated at the disinterest his boyfriend showed.
“I’m about to be fin-.. nish.. wha- I-Italy!" For a moment Germany was speechless. Only the sound of his ballpen dropping onto the desk got him to focus again. "What are you wearing?!”
“A skirt!” Italy had walked over to the desk, standing next to it now, close to Germany. With a laugh he twirled around, the short pleated skirt lifting up a little and playing around his thighs. "Lots of men in my country wear them now! Do you like it?"
Germany had to forcefully pull his eyes off Italy's creamy thighs. Was he just keeping an eye on them to pull it down again if the fabric lifted enough to leave Italy indecent or because he waited for exactly that moment? He didn't even know.
Italy looked at him expectantly, sitting on the edge of Germany's desk with his legs crossed. "Germany?" Italy giggled about the other's mental absence.
At his name being called Germany snapped out of his daydream, blinking a few times before looking up into Italy's eyes. A hint of mischief lay behind the usual carefree expression he wore. „I.. uhm.. y-yeah. You look.. cute, Italy.” With every word Germany's cheeks turned more red and his voice went a little more quiet.
Fortunately for him, Italy acted as if he didn’t notice how nervous Germany had suddenly become. Within the blink of an eye he had turned around and was now leaning forward to take a look at the documents Germany had been reading. “What are you even working on so late?”
Germany heard the question, but didn’t respond to it. He had hardly acknowledged the words at all, being busy staring at where the skirt ended right in place to cover Italy’s ass. The way Italy bent over the desk, basically presenting himself to Germany got the other man’s wheels turning. Should he say something? Should he look away? Act natural? Ask Italy about his thoughts on the report on his desk he was scanning through?
“Oh?” Italy sounded surprised, but not displeased when Germany’s calloused fingers touched the sensitive back of his thigh.
To his own surprise Germany found his hand on Italy’s thigh, his thumb merely a centimeter beneath the skirt. With his face turning even redder than before, Germany quickly pulled his hand away, but it was caught at the wrist by Italy.
The mischievous spark in Italy’s eyes came through again when he turned around and placed Germany’s hand on his bare ass. He giggled at the way Germany’s eyes widened when he noticed the lack und underwear.
Germany averted his eyes, not being able to look into Italy’s, but he didn't resist to lightly run his fingers over the smooth skin presented to them. “I- Italy.. You.."
With a lopsided smile, Italy reached out to cup Germany's cheek and force his look upwards. He swayed his hips lightly, making Germany automatically reach his other hand out to keep him still, but Italy only stepped closer and put one foot onto Germany's desk chair, right into the spot between his legs.
Germany gulped and coerced himself into not letting his gaze wander down to where the skirt was now lifed enough to give him a good look beyond it.
"Do you like my skirt, Germany?"
Italy's voice was now more sultry than playful. When the sentence ended his leg was bent and instead of his foot there was now his bent leg resting on the chair, his knee pressing against Germany's crotch.
It took Germany a moment to muster up an answer, his throat felt dry as he rasped out the words, but when Italy crawled on his lap, straddling him and surprising him with a kiss, he thanked god he was able to say anything. He pulled Italy closer, holding him tightly out of reflex, and drew a little giggle from him that was muffled by their kiss.
Italy hardly left them any room to catch their breath. Lips being caught between teeth, tongues going from a shy touch to playing with each other, fingers making quick work of getting Germany's dress shirt undone.. Italy knew every step he had to take with his boyfriend by heart. Once the shirt was not gone but at least open, he went from kissing his boyfriend's lips to the side of his mouth, jaw, earlobe, neck, collarbone, leaving little marks wherever he could reach while reaching for the fly of Germany's trousers.
The almost strategically placed kisses on his upper body left Germany panting. He almost wanted to protest and suggest they continue later, but then his hands slipped further up and between Italy's buttcheeks and he noticed a familiar kind of sticky wetness. In the same moment Italy palmed the growing bulge in his trousers and Germany closed his eyes, shutting out the thoughts about the work he still had to finish that night. It could wait.
Italy’s kisses turned more fierce and bruising when Germany experimentally inched his index finger closer to Italy’s stretched hole. He could feel Germany tense up a little when he realized this wasn’t really about showing off the latest fashion trend his country’s people came up with. The goal has been something else from the beginning and Italy nearly purred in his ear when he asked if work could wait until tomorrow.
Germany slowly nodded his head, having nearly missed the meaning of the question directed at him. With skilled movements Italy had Germany’s trousers undone and his briefs down enough to free his hard cock from its confines.
Italy gave it a few slow strokes, making Germany shudder and moan. “Italy..” Another shuddering breath escaped Germany as he dipped his finger into the wet heat of Italy’s hole, making his cock twitch underneath the skirt. “Let.. let’s go to bed for the night.”
Italy pulled away from Germany’s neck to look at him. His eyes were darkened with desire, lips a little wet and his cheeks flushed from nibbling Germany’s skin. “Forget the bed.. let’s do it right here. Do you still have the lube I brought last time you were overworking?”
Considering the situation for a moment, Germany ended up nodding his head at the topmost drawer on his desk. “Yes, of course.”
Italy smirked at the answer and leaned back to fetch it from the drawer, trusting his boyfriend to hold him so he won’t slip off his lap and the chair. Once he had Germany's cock slicked up Italy scooted closer. With one hand on Germany’s neck, pulling him into a heated kiss, and the other holding Germany’s cock in position, Italy descended himself onto it.
The stretching he had done before coming to Germany’s office paid off now that he could easily take Germany’s length. He still hissed at the slight burn, but it wasn’t in pain. Steadying himself with both hands around Germany’s neck he began to move, slow rolls of his hips that made Germany kiss him deeper as if begging for more.
When he had found his pace, Italy broke the kiss, instead holding Germany’s head close so their foreheads were touching. He listened to the little noises Germany made every time he slightly adjusted his position, pinched his nipples or tightened his grip on the back of his head. Every moan and gasp only spurred on his own arousal, but he hadn’t realized how close he was until he felt Germany’s hand sneak under the skirt to stroke his cock with every bounce.
“Germany.. you don’t have to-“
“Please come with me, Italy!”
Italy couldn’t deny Germany if he was pleading like this and picked up his pace a little as Germany kept stroking him. A waterfall of sweet nothings fell from Italy’s lips as he listened to Germany’s moans getting louder, his breathing getting heavier. Every bounce he did on Germany’s lap was met with a desperate thrust as they both got closer and closer to the release they were chasing.
Germany was first to come but Italy followed suit, hot waves of pleasure making both of them cling to each other as they rode out their high. After the bliss had worn off, Germany slowly blinked his eyes open. He looked at his desk that was covered in documents and files, but then Italy lifted his head to look in his eyes and work was long forgotten again.
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fireandspiceland · 2 years
First time anon
This is a bit of a long shot, but I do believe that America had his first time with France, "To teach him how to be "independent" apparently
Russia either had it with Poland, China or Mongolia because history
Heyo welcome back :) I need you to know that I love frus and idk if you’ve seen this short fic but god does it make me want to get taken apart in all the best ways by France *cough* -what? do I love it. It’s not a fluffy cute first time but it works so well in my opinion I’m really here for France being Americas first time.
I know close to nothing about Russian history so I’ll trust you on that one! Also now I’m wondering who china’s first time was, he’s been around for so long 👀
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alifeasvivid · 3 years
Favorite Ukus AUs and fanfic ideas?
Actually I like canonverse for ukus the best. Side note: I think we do the characters a disservice by never referring to them by their country names--they do have actual canon characterizations and I think it's easier to lose that if we just call them Alfred and Arthur all the time. I think that's where the dynamic flows best.
That said, I'm down for any omegaverse in which England/Arthur is the alpha (unless it's pregnancy stuff LOL) OR where they are both omegas. And omegaverse + period drama? Unf.
I think ukus works especially well in most period drama stuff. Pride and Prejudice au? YES PLEASE. Someone jump on that right now.
I've got a cardverse ukus idea that I'm into, it's mostly based on tarot traits of the King and Queen of Swords
A lot of domestic stuff where Alfred's just kind of cute and fun and Arthur's like "I must protect and care for this actual golden retriever puppy even though I’m more of a cat person."
Pirate England and captive America I mean come on (also good for human au's)
Alfred being a.......... whore of some level of professionality and Arthur being the dipshit who falls in love with him. I had this major Moulin Rouge! inspired au for a time
I'm very fond of my Trust au where they're married and stupidly cute but also Arthur likes to do really kinky shit to Alfred and Alfred's super into it.... it's BDSM but it's also tender and lovey-dovey
@sherlockscones fae au where Arthur captures a naive Alfred when he asks Alfred to give him his name
@irisoflunadreams the sharpshooter au in which England is a total badass and America gets schooled and then they do sex
...and of course, Thief of Spades
Basically if Alfred’s being cute and Arthur’s melting over it OR if Alfred’s being a little shit and Arthur’s Not Having It, OR if Alfred’s being cute and Arthur’s Not Having It (but secretly melting) OR if Alfred’s being a little shit and Arthur’s weak to him anyway I’m happy.
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alifeasvivid · 3 years
After reading Vase I have a few questions
1.How long has Alfred been with Arthur?
2.So does Arthur hypnotized Alfred everytime, Arthur want to have sex with him?
3.I wonder what happen after Alfred woke up?
LOL umm... well those questions are better than "what the fuck is wrong with you?" XD
1) Awhile? I came up with this with @pastelsugar6w6 and basically the idea is Arthur is a vampire who just kinda moves around in society, but he meets Alfred at a party where Alfred is a servant to this other Lord (who is not a vampire) and they strike up conversation, Arthur finds Alfred endearingly uhh stupid because he starts toying with Alfred, making all these innuendos about his true nature, but Alfred mistakes all of it for Arthur lowkey confessing that he is gay... to which Alfred is like "same." and as it turns out, Alfred isn't actually all that stupid and Arthur finds him sorta captivating. So Arthur convinces the Lord to hand over Alfred's contract and Alfred becomes Arthur's "servant" aka... whore and Alfred is fully on board for this of his own free will. Arthur is kind of obsessed with Alfred's blood because it's so yummy his own personal brand of heroin *shot* and so he hesitates to turn Alfred, but he does so eventually. In that particular scene, they've probably been in their arrangement for at least a few months.
2) No. He definitely doesn't. Most of the time, Alfred is fully awake and aware. The hypnotism is pre-negotiated consensual non-consent/dubious consent.
3) Uhhhhhhh he's likely gonna be pretty sore, even with Arthur's magicks XD and even if he doesn't wake up very sore, Arthur does intend to give him a good pounding, as mentioned in the fic, so.... that's probably what will happen XD
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alifeasvivid · 3 years
Hi!! Ok, so I don't know if it would be okay to do this, so Im asking first. I have a question related to your latest post, but its kind of Nsfw. It's just that I genuinely don't understand a concept that you mentioned there, and I tried looking it up online but that didn't help very much. So, I was hoping that I could ask you what that concept means, but I don't really know if that is allowed and I really don't want to make you feel uncomfortable, so Im asking first. Is it okay if I make you a kind of Nsfw questions related to your post?? Thanks!!
As long as you are 18 or over, I’m pretty much good with any ask that is sent in good faith and not a troll. LOL
For everyone’s reference, my nsfw posts are always always tagged wfsn or wfsn-ish if it’s more mild or just contains smutty ideas.
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