#I even talked to his brothers and the ones bf who doesn’t like me? I think he’s over it after like 2 years
eetherealgoddess · 8 months
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Sano Manjiro, Hanemiya Kazutora, Sanzu Haruchiyo, & Haitani Brothers x Reader
Characters are 18+
❦All I gotta say is NEVER try to leave these mfs❦
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Not fully proofread
✩Y/n is 18+. I picture her as a black female but you can see her however.
✩Some parts of the story may not be realistic or factual. After all, this is a work of fiction.
✩Although it's a dark 'romance,' I do not condone any of the behavior displayed.
✩Dark content such as: gore, violence, triggering topics, graphic scenes, vulgar language, explicit sexual content, etc.
✩There may be scenes that involve non con and/ or dubcon so don’t read if that makes you uncomfortable
✩That being said, this story is for 18+ only.
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Mikey: When you first got together, you honestly had no idea he returned the same feelings as you considering he always wore the same stoic expression whenever you were around. So focused on his family and friends he barely had enough time to spend with you.
Of course, you had no problem with this considering it was not only the beginning of your relationship but better for him to be stuck on family than other lovers. It only became a problem when he didn’t bother to make time with you at all. Not a hang out, date, nothing.
He barely texts and would leave you on delivered quite often. When you tried to initiate quality time, he would either have an excuse or ignore you. He never really showed you off and you doubt anyone would know about you if you hadn’t shown up to one or two meetings.
You wondered why he even accepted your proposal to be his girlfriend in the first place if he didn’t really want you. Finally, tired of everything, you decided to break up with him, face - to - face.
“You’re breaking up with me?” He questions with disbelief. “Yes, Mikey. I do have feelings for you, but this just isn’t working out like I thought it would.” You explained, disappointed with how things turned out.
“You can’t break up with me. I thought you loved me, Y/n. You can’t leave me.” His eyes narrow as he shoves you against the wall. Your eyes widen in shock as your back hits against the hard surface. “M-Mikey, what’s wrong with you? I thought this would be something you wanted!” His hands tighten around your shoulders, nails piercing through the fabric as you wince from the penetration of your skin.
“You’re mine, Y/n.” You had no idea what all he went through to get you to notice him. First, he had to get rid of your ex boyfriend. When threatening him didn’t work, his gang jumped him, beating him to a pulp. Hence the break up text. Honestly, if your ex hadn’t given in, it would’ve been his own death sentence. Next, was ‘accidentally’ meeting you just after the break up, catching you when you’re vulnerable enough to fall for any kind of attention. Third, getting you to chase him by the ‘hot and cold’ behavior. Giving you a little just to give you absolutely nothing in return so you keep yearning for him.
He was so happy when you asked him out, non stop talking about you to all of his friends and family. His plan worked perfectly, until now. “This doesn’t make any sense, Mikey!” You cried out in confusion and slight fear. “It’s not hard, Y/n. I love you and you’re my girlfriend.” He releases you with a smile, gazing at the concerned expression on your face. He gently grabs your hand. “I forgive you.” He brings your hand to his lips and leaves a peck. You begin to question his insanity as well as your own.
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Kazutora: “If you actually loved me you’d let it go!” He says, tears threatening to fall out of his eyes as he blocks you from slamming your bedroom door against his face. “If you actually loved me then you wouldn’t have cheated on me, Kazu!” You yell angrily as you wipe your tears. You cross your arms as you glare at your boyfriend who’s about to be your ex.
“I didn’t cheat on you! You’re overreacting! We didn’t even have sex!” You scoff. “So I guess I can just flirt with my exes and then complain about our relationship to them, huh?” He glares with tears in his eyes. “It’s your fault for not paying attention to me, Y/n. I wouldn’t have to ask for affection if you’d give me enough.” He crosses his own arms. You stare back in disbelief.
“Are you seriously trying to make excuses for emotionally cheating on me with your ex?” “It’s not excuses when it’s the truth. I just wished you loved me as much as I love you. You clearly don’t care about me otherwise you’d give me attention.” You hold your hands up. “I’m fucking done.” You say before walking out of the bedroom. His eyes widen as his heart begins to pound.
“Done with what?” He follows after you. “Done with you!” You growl as you grab the doorknob. Before you can open the door, you’re yanked back so roughly that you fall on your ass, staring at the man crawling on top of you and pinning you down as the tears spill out of his eyes.
“Y-you can’t leave me, Y/n. You won’t! I love you so fucking much! If you really loved me, you wouldn’t leave so don’t break my heart. I don’t know what I would do.” You stop yourself from crying with him, gazing at his pretty, pitiful face. No, I can’t fall for it.
“No, get off of me.” You hiss. You furrow your brows as his face becomes stoic with wide wet eyes. He wraps his hands around your neck, your hands grabbing his wrists as he shuts off your air supply. You struggle to breathe as you kick your feet, barely moving under him as you try to shove him off, to no avail.
“Baby, I don’t want to kill you, but if you don’t show me that we can work this out then I’ll have no choice. It’ll be so romantic, you and me. You die by my hands and I die right after so we can lie here together.” You immediately nod your head.
“W-we can!” You croak out, finally gaining a huge breath of oxygen once he releases you and wraps his arms around your body, hugging you tightly. You cough as the tears finally spill.
“Tell me you love me, I need to hear it please.” He cries against your shoulder, leaving a trail of kisses up your neck. “I love you.” He rocks you both as he kisses your forehead. “Good. Good. I’m so glad because I love you too.”
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Ran: You couldn’t believe how your boyfriend Ran would blatantly flirt with different people in front of your face. It didn’t matter if it was a cashier, waitress, waiter, your friends, his friends, anyone who was around he would begin to flirt with them as you watch angrily. What makes it worse is that, he doesn’t seem to care much when you react. He just gives you that sly smile and says, “You jealous?” Otherwise he’ll pretend he doesn’t know what you’re talking about.
At the beginning of your relationship, it didn’t matter so much considering you only just began dating and neither of you knew how serious it would turn out so you didn’t want to be ‘overbearing,’ even though deep down you knew that it’s not you overreacting but it just goes to show how little respect he has for you. Especially since you’re a year into the relationship, and you’re currently on a date with your boyfriend and apparently the waitress who just decided to sit in the same booth.
You missed the way his eyes would peek over to see exactly how you were feeling, finding delight in the fact that you were so bothered over his attention focusing on someone else. It was his own little experiment. Considering he loves attention, specifically from you, it really sends blood to his cock to see your angry face. The fact that you would get so mad that you would yell at him afterwards only turned him on. He gets off to seeing you angry, upset, whatever as long as it’s toward him. And you continuously take it because you can’t get enough of him.
Finally, you shoot up from the table and walk off, walking towards his car. He follows you, hopping into the driver’s seat as you sit with your arms crossed in the passenger’s seat. He begins to drive you to his apartment, holding back his smirk.
“I think we should break up.” His grip on the wheel tightened, his eyes narrowing before he glances at you. “No you don’t.” You turn to him. “You can’t tell me how I feel. Take me to my apartment. I’m tired of your behavior. You wanna flirt with everyone so bad then you can be single.”
There was a moment of silence, a pause of pondering as he stares at the road. This wasn’t a part of the plan. This has never happened before. Usually you let it go after an argument and you both make up in the bedroom. “We’re done, for good.” Something snaps in him, squinting his eyes as he slams on the brakes in the middle of the road, your body thrown against the seatbelt as your eyes widen. You grab onto the door as you look at him. “What the fuck, Ran?”
He then slams on his gas pedal and takes a different turn, taking the interstate and accelerating the speed as his foot presses the gas pedal. “RAN! SLOW DOWN!” You scream in terror as you watch his speed go from 40 to 100 within seconds, only continuing to go higher as he passes the cars, purposefully going lane to lane to make it worse for you.
“Not until you take it back.” You gasp. “Are you fucking crazy? You’re gonna kill us!” He chuckles before frowning and glancing at you. “Doesn’t matter if you don’t take it back.” “Ran, please!” You cry as you see his speed reaching 130. “Take it fucking back, Y/n.” He growls. “I take it back! I take it back! Please, just slow down! I-I made a mistake just, please!” Finally, he gradually slows down, hitting his brakes as you breathe heavily, body still trembling when he finally slows down to five over the speed limit.
“Let’s head home so we can rest, yeah?” You nod your head, gripping the seat as you look ahead.
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Rin: You’re so tired of the constant nitpicking of your flaws. You’re tired of receiving insults by the person who’s supposed to love every part of you. You have the understanding that obviously, just stating an opinion or giving critique to something is fine but when someone is just outright picking every single thing they can see wrong with you, it can be overwhelming.
Then when you try to leave they make you feel like you can’t live without them. How can you handle everything on your own when you can’t even handle little things. You’re a bit of a dimwit who can’t do things on your own so how would you be able to survive without the help of your generous boyfriend?
Rin makes you feel like you’re holding him back. He takes the time out of his day to help you out. To be there for you. How could someone like him go out of his way to help someone as low as you? Who else would deal with you. Who else would be there to help and protect you? Who else would be there to look after you because clearly you can’t look out for yourself.
Of course, your friends tell you how it’s all an illusion and he’s manipulating you. You believe them, but you believe him as well. Until, finally you decided that you didn’t want to feel like shit anymore. So you ask him to come to your apartment.
“Rin, I don’t like the way you make me feel. I love you, but I don’t think that this is working out.” One of his eyebrows raise as he leans back in his seat on the chair in the living room, taking a sip of his beverage and readjusting his glasses. “You think I like the way you make me feel? You think you can just use me and leave, Y/n?” Your eyes widen. “N-no! It’s not like that! I never used you.” “Oh? How did you get everything you own now? How did you get the clothes you’re wearing, the money in your bank account, the apartment you couldn’t afford if it wasn’t for me?” He smirks.
You could only stare as you pause in thought. Damn, have I been using him? But I never asked for any help and I was grateful and I truly love him. Have I been so mindless? So unaware? “You really hurt my feelings, babe. How could you do this to me?” He questions, his smirk turning to a stoic gaze. “Rin, it’s not like that, seriously. Look, I just want to be treated better. So we can’t be together anymore.” He sets the cup down, gripping the chair arms as he sits up in his seat, his arms resting on his legs when he releases.
“This isn’t over until I say it’s over. After all, you need me. You should be happy that I’m willing to stay with you after everything you’ve put me through.” “But-!” “Look, I’m going to give you some space to breathe and then we’re going to go on a date. It’s okay, Y/n. Really. I forgive you.” “Rin, I’m serious! I-I’m breaking up with you.”
You yelp as you duck your head just as the glass shatters from the cup, liquid oozing down the wall behind you. You look at him with your mouth agape. He stands up, brushing himself off with a bored look on his face. “I’m gonna pick you up at seven o’clock. Be ready for me, yeah?” He says, giving you a side eyed glance before walking to your front door and walking out, shutting the door behind him as you’re left gazing at the space in front of you in shock.
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Sanzu: “Sanzu, I can’t do this anymore. I-I’m not cut out for your kind of lifestyle.” Those were the last words you got to say before you found yourself hiding in the mess of clothes from your closet after you heard the glass shatter from one of the windows in your apartment. You thought a phone call would suffice considering you know how your former boyfriend gets so you could be at a distance.
When the line went dead, you knew that you might’ve fucked up. What you didn’t expect was for him to already be at your apartment. You had no idea why or when he came over but he had been hiding somewhere outside considering the shot rang only seconds after the call. Scared out of your mind, you could barely think, running to your closet knowing that you would be dragged out soon. You accidentally dropped your phone in the living room so you couldn’t call anyone for help.
Somehow you still love this pretty maniac, though you just couldn’t bear with the guilt of knowing that you’re with a murderer. You had only just found out about his body count recently when you got curious enough to look in his phone. At this point you would’ve rather had found him cheating, though you found old files and information on it, realizing that it was actually his work phone. You had no idea he works for Bonten.
He completely lied to you about his whereabouts and place of work. He acted normal, as if he had never killed anyone. How could he be okay with himself? How could you still want him? You fought yourself on whether or not you should pretend you didn’t know anything, which you tried, only for the guilt to eat you alive. Especially when you snooped in his office when visiting his home and saw the terrible ways he murdered the victims. Those same hands touched you every day.
You jolt as you hear the door to your room being kicked off of its hinges. Before you knew it, the closet door swung open revealing the pretty man in all his madness, an angry look on his face. You scream as he shoves all the clothes off of you and snatches you out by the bicep, gun still in one of his hands.
“SANZU PLEASE!” You scream as he throws you on the bed. He crawls on top of you, setting the barrel of the gun to your head while his other hand wraps his fingers around your throat.
“Shh, shh. It’s fine. It’s okay. Just breathe.” He cooed as you listen, breathing heavily as you try to calm down, not wanting to get shot. “You’re so beautiful like this, Angel. Stop crying, okay?” You whimper as you try to hold in your cries, anxiety high as you stare into his crazed eyes. “That’s my good girl.” He smiles.
“You’re gonna keep being good for me, yeah?” You nod your head frantically, tears still falling as you continue to hold in your whines. You wince as the gun cocks, his finger against the trigger. “You didn’t say what I think you said, right? You’re not breaking up with me?” You shook your head. “N-no I’m not, I just freaked out. We’re still together, I swear!” He nods as he removes the gun, though with the weapon still in his hand, he pulls you up by the face and gives you a passionate kiss. Moving his lips against yours as you fearfully kiss him back, his tongue entering your mouth to explore as saliva drips down your chin. He pulls back and leans his forehead on yours.
“It’s good that you know who you belong to.”
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amsznn · 7 months
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warnings: none, just fluff!
⭑ you better have tylenol, and a whole bunch of patience if you’re with this boy.
⭑ so much energy and expects you to be on the same level as him.
⭑ sometimes he’ll tone it down if you’re having a bad day or if you just need some quiet time.
⭑ at the end of the day, he’s so exhausted that he doesn’t even say goodnight, just knocks out.
⭑ you and chris are cuddled up on his bed, enjoying each other’s presence when you decide to ask his opinion on something.
“chris what do you think about this hoodie?”
chris: 💀😴
you: 😐
⭑ BLANKET HOGGER. doesn’t matter how big or how small the blanket is, you’ll be left shivering while chris is bundled up with 50% of the sheets dragging on the floor.
⭑ on nights where he doesn’t immediately tap out, he’s resting his chin on your head while one hand is playing with your hair and the other caressing your arm while yapping your ear off.
“if you were a chicken, what kinda chicken would you be?”
“chris i swear to god.”
⭑ needs to be touching you in some way. And it’s not always sexually. small touches like, playing with your ears, hand on your thigh, or just playing footsies under the table, contact is his fav.
⭑ whenever he’s in disagreement with his brothers about something he makes sure to throw you into the mix and ask your opinion cus lets be real, you almost always agree with him.
⭑ randomly jabs your side to tickle you whenever there’s a moment of silence between you two.
⭑ asks your opinion on designs for his brand before launching anything. also makes sure you get at least one of every item he’s designed.
⭑ don’t think he’s the jealous or protective type. but if someone is making you uncomfortable he’ll definitely tell them to back off.
⭑ the media found out about you two on accident 💀.
⭑ chris was streaming one day and forgot to tell you but it was too late when you walked into his room unannounced in your grammy pj’s ready to knock tf out when chris let out a loud “ohhhhh shitttt..” when you realized that you were fucked.
⭑ you looked at chris and chris looked at you before you both shrugged your shoulders and went on with what you were doing, honestly not giving af atp.
⭑ comments flooding about who you were, tiktoks posted about you two with dating rumors, had to wait until the next day when chris posted on his story the both of you in skin care hello kitty masks facing the mirror with his arm around your shoulder and you leaning up to give him a peck on the face.
⭑ yeah, yall broke the internet.
⭑ you were featured in the next podcast with you and chris properly talking about your relationship.
⭑ after that chris would post you any chance he got. from cute insta stories, to goofy tiktok trends, he just wanted the world to know about his amazing gf.
⭑ PDA PDA PDA PDA. in the back of the triplets vlogs that you sometimes feature in, fans can spot you and chris in the background hugging with chris sometimes attacking you with kisses.
⭑ just a clingy guy tbh.
⭑ whenever you wake up from one you and chris’ shared afternoon naps to go find something to eat in the kitchen, chris makes his way to you like 2 minutes later and wraps his arms around your waste peeking over your shoulder so he can also have some of what you’re making.
⭑ loves going out and seeing things that remind him of you, but when he’s about to buy it and the store says “we don’t take apple pay” he’s upset for the rest of the day talking about “what fucking store doesn’t take apple pay”
“what kinda guy forgets his wallet…”
⭑ he ends up ordering it for you online 💀
⭑ overall a cute silly guy who just loves to love on you.
A/N: i want him. im posting sm cus theres soo many things in my drafts guys, imma try to even my posting days out though, bare with me <3.
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kifkay · 5 months
Winx & Specialists Dynamics that are so Precious to me
it makes sense that in the show, winx and their non-boyfriend specialists don’t interact much. but!! i’m very insane about codependent found families, and I want them all to love each other. so here’s my take on some tet-a-tet dynamics:
rare pairings:
Musa & Timmy: childhood frenemies. they used to go to the same middle school on Melody, and as type-A tweens do, had an intense, “you’re the only person I match myself to” kind of rivalry. they lost contact after Timmy moved away, chilled out considerably, reconnected in Alfea and had a wonderful banter-filled friendship since. because of how fast they slotted back into a friendship, some of their classmates genuinely thought they were siblings.
Tecna & Riven: got up from a rough patch. from “I dislike you but we both love Musa, so we have to be civil” to “you have more depths to you than I expected” to “now that I understand you, I can’t help but admire certain things about you” to “bitch, you are the only person who is as weird and clueless as I am, ARE YOU READY TO GO TO THE ARCADE AND ANNIHILATE KIDS FOR SHITS AND GIGGLES”
Flora & Brandon: little sister, older brother vibes. of similar temperaments and views, they enjoy spending time over a cup of tea — talking about everything and nothing. it’s therapeutic, almost.
(no one in the group knew that Brandon and Flo were good friends. once, when the two had to team up during a mission, Bloom couldn’t even finish saying: “it would be a good opportunity for you to get to know each ot-“, before the specialist-fairy duo were re-creating the most complicated and choreographed hand shake ever. jaws were on the floor.)
Aisha & Brandon: they are sporties, and they like doing sport things together! they don’t talk aside from exchanging brief encouragements and advice while out, preferring to spend their time in companionable silence. sorta like those dads who never talk to their buddies, but somehow have the strongest and longest bonds ever?
Helia & Bloom: artist besties. Bloom drags Helia out on picnics, where they practice observational drawing (and tiktok trends that Bloom desperately wants to reenact but none of the winx are good at arts); Helia responds by taking her out to see art museums in Magix. it’s a fun dynamic of Bloom being the bubbly gold retriever, and Helia being her black cat.
Tecna & Sky: they didn’t have much of a relationship until year 4. somehow, they both got really, intensely into weaponsmithing and built a joint workshop. they found that they enjoy working alongside each other and value each other’s insights. sky goes to tecna when he needs frank, un-sugarcoated advice, and tecna accompanies sky on hikes and other spirited adventures, for “bonding activities” (because he told her she doesn’t get out of her comfort zone enough). it’s a relationship of deep mutual respect.
Sky & Stella: childhood friends. they knew each other as children and enjoyed playing together (which is how Stella also knew Brandon pre-Red Fountaine). at least, until Stella was unofficially banned from Eraklyon because shenanigans, and they lost contact. they still jokingly call each other “My Lady” and “My Lord”.
Stella & Nabu. Both are flirty and extroverted people, who enjoy the spirit of showmanship. They have a friendly rivalry going of who can fluster the villain of the week the fastest.
canon bf-gf dynamics (dating in canon, open to interpretation otherwise):
Bloom x Sky: liked each other since the first meeting; bonded over being the friend group moms. (on unrelated note: bloom gentle parents her friends, while sky goes all exasperated cig mom on his team and repeats things like: “you better go to sleep right now, or so help me Dragon I will take away your Owl pilot privileges-“)
they are not the most outwardly affectionate couple of the winx, yet they are so wordlessly devoted to each other. sky will follow bloom to the ends of all dimensions, when she gets a calling from powers as mystical as she. bloom will always believe in him and see him as his own man, unlike the many who see him only as his father’s son. they were entwined by fate, long before one had met the other; yet, there’s the trust, the respect, the faith so strong — that could have only come from friendship forged and tested by fire.
Stella and Brandon: the hottest power couple; sole reason behind 60% of all student fairies/specialists/witches queer awakening.
they banter all. the. goddamn. time. these dorks are speaking a whole different language.
they are also most comfortable in each other’s company, being able to be their genuine, less polished selves. stella and brandon are both performers bred and born, playing the roles of a noble princess and a knight. it’s nice, to have a safe reprieve from all that acting.
Aisha and Nabu. their love was one that sneaked up on them. their distance, set by a discomfort at the idea of an arranged marriage, bridged as they transitioned from being reluctant comrades to friendly rivals to unwilling friends to best friends to “if someday the moon calls you by your name, don’t be surprised — because every night I tell her about you”
Tecna and Timmy: partners in crime, ride or die, sunny faith in each other — even when the other person doesn’t believe in themself. I have a whole post about them, go read that ;)
Flora and Helia: they are so. they are. they-
icons. the most romantic couple, the one that sets the standards, the one that gives their friends advice. they are extremely attentive to each other’s needs and tender with each other’s feelings.
flora can recite helia’s poems in her sleep, and trace his drawings with her eyes closed. helia brings mielle presents every time he stops by. flora has tea with helia’s dad every other tuesday; she keeps note of every time helia and saladin are supposed to meet up, to be able to whisk helia away after and distract him from his troubles. helia knows how to care of flora’s plants, and sends her lovingly assorted gift baskets semi-regularly.
Musa and Riven. their relationship is push and pull, is joy then sorrow.
it’s all in a drag of a cigarette, in the vortex of a starless night, in the hoarse laughter. “of all the people in the world, why did it have to be you?” she’ll say and smile.
“ I’m afraid we’re doomed, lover,” he’ll reply, faux-casually, and smile back. both of them will know it’s the truth.
their relationship was not built to last, not for the lack of love or try. maybe they were too similar — both headstrong, unbending, bleeding hearts. maybe they were just different enough not to understand their hurts. nevertheless, it was not built to last — but neither of them would ever bring to regret it. love prevails, no matter in what form in comes, or something like that.
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zuko and katara have genuinely SUCH an interesting dynamic and relationship to explore when you don’t have a bitch in your ear trying to tell you they should kiss.
like there’s nothing objectively wrong with shipping zut4ra but i CANNOT find any proper duo content of them that isn’t romantic or romantically implied and it annoys me. no i don’t think they would work. no i don’t think Katara would give up her man for that guy of all people. no I don’t think Zuko would be romantically interested in Katara. yes i do think that reducing all of their feelings towards each other into ‘romance’ oversimplifies and undermines the depth of the platonic relationship that they actually do have in established canon. yes whatever I’m sure there’s something sweet about a boy trying to get a girl to forgive him by helping her get revenge on the guy that killed her mom but don’t you think that it’s actually much more profound if there are no romantic ulterior motives whatsoever and it’s actually just a demonstration of the lengths Zuko will go to because he cares deeply about his friends and their feelings and what they think about him and he wants Katara to like him and he’s genuinely sorry that he broke her trust by warming up to her slightly before betraying them and to make sure she knows that he was being sincere and he actually was touched by what she said he tries to find a way for her to heal a wound that he knows tears her apart and it’s a wound he wishes he could heal in himself. and he does it because he’s trying to earn her forgiveness, not her love. he’s trying to earn himself the right to look her in the eye, not to hold her hand. he’s trying to amend for the mistakes of his people for nothing but the better of others.
and when Katara offers to heal him in the cave, it’s not because she’s fallen head over heels at all, or even in the slightest. she’s the first to see the light in him, and she sees a boy who’s been hurt by the fire nation in a similar way to her. she recognises that if she can convince him to come with her now, the gaang is up by a firebending teacher and a friend at best, and down an enemy at least at worst. for a moment she sees him for who he is and what he’s been through and it’s not because she likes him. the thought doesn’t even cross her mind, it’s just in her nature as a person to be caring and understanding and she has the help she can tell he needs, so she extends a hand.
and when they face Azula together? Katara was the first to reach out when it was almost the right time, and she’s the one who’ll be there to help him see it through. When he takes a bolt for her, isn’t it more profound that he jumps in front of the bolt not out of romantic love, but because Zuko is the kind of person who would put himself in mortal danger for anyone he cared about? Because his heart’s too big and because he’s seen those he love get hurt too many times to stand there and let them take it?
anyway I’ve spent too much of this post refuting romance but not actually expressing what it is i do like about their platonic dynamic but it’s late and i don’t have the words. so i’ll just say it’s such in that it would be really funny if Zuko instead dated Katara’s brother. and they yap together and she gives him a list of interests and he tells her embarrassing date stories. they also yap a lot about Aang because like. Zuko’s bff and Katara’s bf he’d probably come up a lot. also Maiko’s platonic shit-talking exes/close friends dynamic solos their romantic dynamic but that’s a discussion for another day ^-^
ship name censored because I don’t intend for any negativity to actually intrude upon certain shipping spaces lmao. i’m rarely opinionated but i don’t really care tbh i just wish there was more platonic stuff out there or i saw less romantic stuff el oh el
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titaswrld · 2 months
gryffindor characters modern! AU
according to me….
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description: silly modern! AU head canons of the main gryffindor characters :)
pairing: harry, ron, fred, george, ginny and hermione x reader
contains: mentions of substances, alcohol and weed. mentions sexual acts (i think…)
|an: bored and decided i’d made something a little silly. literally just my thoughts lolll don’t take this too seriously
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modern AU! harry potter who…
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— definitely has a flip phone and refuses to be on any form of social media bc he thinks it’s awful for you
— i think being around his friends who do have social media would give him the spiel on most things tho
— oh he loveeesss house of dragon omg
— only listens to 70s 80s 90s music and some jazz tbh
— i feel like he’s just very old fashioned and he’s happy that way
— such a loving and caring bf since he’s hardly ever even touched the internet he’s pure lol
— def a lil goofball he’d say a little slang term the twins taught him and repeat it back to you…”harry who taught you that…”
— don’t ask him to do no substances i think he’d be kinda against them..not a smoker…occasional drinker.
modern AU! ron weasley who…
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— is a stoner! thru and thru. i think he’s a bong rip typa fellow but a blunt or a joint would do it too. doesn’t strike me as a cart of eddie guy.
— big female rap supporter imo…def into latto and maybe dabbles into some meg that’s his girlll lol
— definitely a twea/seltzer guy oml cannot take shots is my hc
— heavy on the lowk himbo boyfriend
— not stupid at all but not super street smart i fear, more of a book smart type of guy.
— super cute and adorable bf overall, he’s a big boy. for sure.
—armmmmssss…. gymrat imo he loves to blow off steam at the gym
—i feel like isn’t a social media person as well…has an insta but doesn’t post on it nor have a lot of followers..no tiktok maybe twitter
—luv him but he was def on drakes side of the beef…definitely a champagne papi
—kinda a video game nerd imo but he’s definitely into the sports ones like FIFA
— buys you n him the crumbl cookie lineup every week and you review them tg in the car pretending to be those tiktok crumbl reviewers😭🫶 (he’s so cute)
modern AU! hermione granger who…
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— is 100% on booktok
— do not ask her about the summer i turned pretty or bridgerton unless you wanna listen to her talk for hours.
— don’t play with her and noah kahan…
—or taylor swift
— or chappell roan..
—she’ll have a cute little mixed drink or perhaps a seltzer but do not give this girl no shots she don’t want none!
— her and colleen hoover….
— brings her digital camera everywhere and is most def the camera girl friend….”hermione pls send me the pics from last night”
modern AU! ginny weasley who...
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— does not play about female wnba players at all.
— don’t even mention paige bueckers…that’s her girl.
— is a party animal just like her brother.
— loves her chappell roan too.
— always on social media u cannot get this girl off her phone. she’s like an ipad kid u couldn’t rip it out of her cold head hands.
— such a good girlfriend, definitely so protective over her s/o, especially on social media.
— “ginny why’d you respond to every comment under my post complimenting me with ‘& she/he mine..so’…”
modern AU! fred weasley who…
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— definitely asks u “english or spanish?”
—definitely goes to too many parties…like at a function every weekend he loves the party scene.
—treats his girl RIGHTT i would compare the relationship to don toliver and kali uchis, flowers all the time, handsy. posting/supporting his girl allll the time
—“i❤️mygf” typa fellow, all his posts on socials are her! all his stories, his highlights and his posts.
— also a weed demon, doesn’t strike me as a beer or seltzer guy but ooooo that liqah….
— dress to impress demon. his gf definitely got him to play it and he got hooked and now he’s a fashion maven.
modern AU! george weasley who…
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— is every girls dream man…im talking flowers, boo baskets, burr baskets, easter baskets, omg you say the word and he’s massaging your feet and feeding you grapes.
— always posting his girl just like his brother she’s on his absolutely everything and he has a highlight for her.
— type of guy to post those tiktoks of his girl on his account appreciating her all the time and the comments are like “omg on his account too!” and it’s so cute and adorable.
—isn’t much of a party guy like his brother…will go to a few but i feel like it’s not his thing at all and he’d rather be hanging out with friends instead of at a big function with strangers.
—literally the ken to your barbie and yes he took you to see the movie and yes he got into costume with you. and he did it happily.
— always hanging out with his girlfriend and wouldn’t want it any other way.
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httpsserene · 1 year
ʟᴇᴛ’ꜱ ɢᴏ ɢᴏʟꜰɪɴɢ ᴡ/ ʟɴ4
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📖ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: maybe you shouldn’t be late to any event you go to, or bare minimum don’t make any bets you know you’re not going to win. having no hand-eye coordination is not great when you’re being forced to play golf.
📖ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: i think i’m funny. one or two dirty jokes. and reader does have a lil injury (nothing bad). not edited at all 😎
📖ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: the doc says 900 words?? it feels longer idk
📖ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: lando x black!fem!reader (it’s mainly twitch trio focused-alex,george & lando)
📖ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: smau
📖ꜱᴏᴜɴᴅᴛʀᴀᴄᴋ: swang • rae sremmurd
ᴘʀᴇꜰᴀᴄᴇ: i’d like to remind everyone that the people asked for this hellscape! you 🫵🏽 asked for it. it’s long, like LONG. anyways: max is definitely the type of dude to use the cat emojis. my bad to my charles girlies, he did not make the cut for this 😔 i had to get rid of like three or four ig posts and stories to make this all fit into one tblr post, and none of that had charles content 🫠. also, the plot damn near ran away from me, but it’s barely there—it’s kinda more friend focused than lando x reader until the end! uh there’s one part in here that was inspired by tik tok comments, y’all will know which one 😅 inspired by the fact that my brother hit me with a golf club when i was a child 🙂i think i’m pretty funny so i hope you guys find this funny asl, otherwise what did i do this for?
if you want me to post the outtakes lmk
send me some requests or talk to me pls 😅
want to be on a tag list? tell me in my inbox &lt;3
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liked by lilymhe, mercedesamgf1, and 4,100,123 others
georgerussell63: off to a terrible start for golf day. my girlfriends “wife” is crashing the party, and my mates gf is already -4 after two holes 🙂
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lilymhe: light work 💪🏼 no reaction🥱
user: not his girlfriend’s wife ☠️
➥ user: who does he think keeps carmen’s bed warm when he’s not at home???
alex_albon: welcome to watch mojo! and today we’re counting down our top 10 times our gf’s ditch us for each other 🤨
➥ user: and?
➥ user: what else are they supposed to do alexander 😀
y/ninstagram: put some respeCK on my name princling, or next time i see u its on sight 😡 im aiming the golf club straight at you
➥ georgerussell63: you can’t even hit the golf ball in under three tries, or aim anywhere near the holes
➥ georgerussell63: i think i’ll be fine
➥ y/ninstagram: 😟😐 i'll remember this george william russell, ur asking for it
carmenmmundt: george failed to mention that he’s +3 already
➥ georgerussell: like, literally nobody asked you to say that 😒
➥ landonorris: drag him !!! he doesn’t get to say shit about our wife 😤
➥ carmenmmundt: *my wife
➥ user: lmfaooo im 💀
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liked by y/ninstagram, carmenmmundt and 3,431,543 others
alex_albon: ladies and gentlemen, introducing: *my* girlfriend 🤤✨
tagged lilymhe
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y/ninstagram: we MUST stay focused sisters
y/ninstagram: gawd damn‼️ wifey could hit me with that golf club any day
➥ carmenmmundt: fuck the club, i’ll let her run me over w the cart🥴
lilymhe: next hole, i’ll show you guys what a proper stoke is 😏
➥ lilymhe: since our bf’s seem to underperform…on the golf course obv
➥ user: AYOOO?!!
➥ carmenmmundt: okay 😇
➥ y/ninstagram: why r my thighs wet rn
alex_albon: i’m at a loss for words
➥ landonorris: this is literally your fault
➥ georgerussell63: can’t believe you mate 🫤
➥ alex_albon: how is this MY fault??! whattddiddiddoo
lilymhe • 5hrs ago
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y/ninstagram: idk y ur complaining? the cart is parked. on its side, but it’s parked😊
carmenmmundt: i think we’ve punished ourselves
alex_albon: should’ve left her ass at home like i said 😒
francisca.cgomes: idk even know why y’all let her drive the cart😨
y/ninstagram • 4 hrs ago
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maxfewtrell: ur joeeee kingggg. ur joe king 😐
francisca.cgomes: i wouldn’t even trust u with the scorecard—but pop off !!! girl boss shit
danielricciardo: SO I HAD TO, GRIND LIKE THAT TO SHINE LIKE THIS 🗣️🗣️‼️💯
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liked by maxverstappen1, oscarpiastri, and 3,862,431 others
lando.jpg: “i have the highest score out of everybody here! +26 up on y’all hoes!” - y/n
tagged y/ninstagram
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➥ maxfewtrell: SHE SOUNDS FIRE 🔥 ON MUTE ‼️💯
➥ alex_albon: no talent ✅ JUST STRAIGHT ASS 💯💯🗣️🗣️🔥🔥
georgerussell63: THIS IS FIRE 🔥 PUT IT OUT ‼️
y/ninstagram: y u hurt me 😪
➥ carmenmmundt: i think you’re underrated, honestly &lt;; 3
➥ y/ninstagram: aw ty carmie :)
➥ carmenmmundt: I HOPE IT STAYS THAT WAY 🥶🥶‼️‼️🙌🏻🙌🏻
➥ y/ninstagram: bee-eff-eff-aur: be FUCKING for real 😒
y/ninstagram • 3 hrs ago
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maxverstappen1: i don’t want to laugh—man who TF am i kidding 😹😹😹
alexandrasaintmleux: how THE fuck did u manage to give yourself a concussion??!
carlossainzjr: pobrecita😪 how 😭 terrible 😭 can you tell lando to come over when ur done
carlossainzjr: hello
carlossainzjr: niña i can see you reading my messages
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liked by carlossainzjr, mclaren, and 6,234,765 others
landonorris: thank you for all the wishes about y/n (not u carlos, you’re in time out). she only has a mild concussion, and verbally assaults me when i wake her up every two hours 😒 to make sure she’s alive 🤗
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landonorris: god forbid i stop her from dying 😱
➥ carlossainzjr: heyyy be nice to her she’s in another world right now
➥ landonorris: u r not slick sainz. don’t expose our affair to my gf when she’s injured
➥ carlossainzjr: she won’t even remember this 🥺
➥ user: sir👁️👄👁️, this is a wendy’s drive through
➥ user: they know this on the internet 4ever right…?
lilymhe: this girl swung the club, missed the ball, and let go of the damn club no follow through
➥ carmenmmundt: it hit the ground and ricocheted back at her
➥ alex_albon: and she got knocked on the forehead hard asl
➥ georgerussell63: the noise it made was hilarious 😂 y’all should’ve been there
➥ user: geORGE WILLIAM????
➥ georgerussell63: i’m mad we didn’t get it on video smh 😔
taglist: @saintslewis @cherry2stems
© httpsserene 2023
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xokohaneazusawa · 2 months
hello i have a bllk request!
can i request isagi, bachira, chigiri, nagi, reo, kuni, the itoshi brothers and barou with a socially awkward gf/crush who (kinda) hates kids?
like reader doesn’t HATE hate kids, but is like scared of them. kids are actually scary especially gen alpha 💀. how tf are these little gremlins watching skibidi toilet with a straight face just a short clip of it literally made me and my friends so uncomfortable we couldn’t continue 💀.
so more like she can watch kids from afar, and if she saw one in public, she wouldn’t throw a rock at it or call animal control. but talking to them? interacting with them?? HELL NO SHE CANT DO THAT.
it’s kinda like how we see zoo animals. best admired from afar, and if she ever gets stuck in an empty room with them, she’s screwed. as if talking to adults and teenagers wasn’t scary enough, their school just had to pick an orphanage/children’s hospital to volunteer at. she’s hiding in the corner watching her bf/crush deal with the like 7-year olds (maybe younger, who btw, were most likely bullying her just now.) wondering why and how people could stand those little gremlins.
(better still, if they go back to his place after the school volunteering activity and his parent(s)/sister jokingly mention grandkids/nieces/nephews and she’s like “ew i hate kids” or smth like that, but maybe more discreet idk how to tell even my own parents i hate children, let alone my (nonexistent) bf’s parents 💀)
once again it’s not that she actually hates kids, but sees them as a different species and can’t deal with them because they scare her, and sometimes bully her. 💀
ik you probably have a lot of requests but i kinda need SOME way to overcome my crippling fear of children.
i hope you like this idea tho and i really love your writing 🫶🫶🫶
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Ngl this is actually so me, I love this idea so much- But the best part is the fact that I actually worked with kids for almost 2 years, and my friends club has us interacting with kids too... (I tried to do most of the characters but I had no ideas for some of them, but you can always re-request with the ones that I missed and the second I think of some ideas I'll def write it!!)
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Isagi Yoichi -> Do we not remember when that one kid stopped him after the u-20 match.. Bro is good with kids, so luckily he can save you
-> He will slightly chuckle at you when you show up to this place where the children (gremlins) are at you slightly freak out, and he will laugh at you even more when your awkwardly standing in the corner because your way to freaked out to actually go talk to any of these kids
-> Has to keep reminding the kids not to laugh at you, and that your just not the best socially
-> Eventually tries to find you one of those kids who are also standing away from everybody else for you to interact with, both of y’all have something in common, you hate the other kids!
-> He will very much get confused on this skibidi toilet bullshit (who isn’t, tbh-) but he’ll sit through it so they can be entertained while he tries to make sure that your still alive in the corner
-> If you actually started talking to the kid that he sent your way he’ll be kinda proud, I mean obviously it’s not the other 10 kids he has with him, but it’s a step in the right direction!
-> If not he gets it, I mean what he’s watching with them right now is downright terrifying, so why wouldn’t the minds who consume it also be terrifying
-> Later on when you two finally end up heading back to his house he tells his parents about how you two were volunteering with children and when they offhandedly mention that it would be nice to have grandchildren in the future he can only laugh.
“Yeah.. Unless I can get (Name) to stop hiding in a corner when they see a child then maybe..”
Reo Mikage
-> He grew up as an only child and I’m assuming he didn’t have a bunch of friends when he was growing up so I don’t think he would be the absolute best with kids, but still better than others
-> The kids will be a little confused when he starts trying to teach them about business and economics saying that this was the age he started learning about running a business
-> They might end up gravitating towards you since you’re just kinda confused along with them, trying to explain to him not every kid grew up with their future of running a family company.
-> Will totally laugh when he sees how freaked out you are with these little (gremlins) kids trying to get your attention and asking if your any more fun than Mr.Business (Which they had nicknamed Reo) -> Will eventually learn and get them to leave you alone, after almost 10 minutes of you trying to hide behind him or anywhere else in this room so they can’t talk to you
-> Ends up helping them instead with other things like reading and math stuff, not the brain rot of skibidi toilet (thank god)
-> That night you two had ended up going out to dinner with his parents as they wanted to have a nice sit down meal while they talked about what was possibly coming up in the future, including your future with Reo, and kids. He smiled and took your hand in his.
“After today, I don’t think we’ll have to worry about an heir to the Mikage Corp for quite a while of time”
Kunigami Rensuke
-> BRO HAS TWO SISTERS, One older and one younger, Man knows his way around kids, for sure. I take no criticism on this.
-> Is actually so good with kids, you now are speculating that he’s actually a single teen dad with like 2 kids or something that he just hasn’t told you about. He’s that good (it’s actually scary)
-> He will not let them watch skibidi toilet, another man who is respectable and makes sure they are doing educational stuff
-> Also makes sure they stay away from you for the most part, just because he knows that you don’t like having all those kids near you, but he may or may not send one over your way that he thinks that you’ll actually get along with
-> He wants to see what you would be like if you actually interacted with a kid, it’s his future brain thinking
-> That also brings up to the day that his parents (and his sisters) have asked you both about having children in the future, he would just chuckle and ruffle your hair a little
“Unless I would be the only one communicating with the little one then I don’t see us having kids for quite a bit of time.”
Sae Itoshi
-> Worst person to have around kids. I mean did you see how he treated his own little brother, smh. (DROP WHAT HAPPENED IN SPAIN, AND MY LIFE IS YOURS)
-> Does not know how to act around kids, just basically lets them do whatever as long as they aren’t bothering the two of you
-> To bad kids don’t listen all that well and he basically has to keep glaring at them from where he is sat at the only bigger table in the room with you, because these kids keep trying to get your attention since they know Sae isn’t gonna give them anything, which sucks for you
-> Attempts to try something once he realizes that you're actually pretty horrible with kids, let's just say the soccer he tried to play with them didn’t go all that well.. And you may or may not have had to get over your fear a little since a bunch of crying kids kept coming over to you
-> To which he figured that this wasn’t the way to go about it so he just put on some random movie he remembers from when he was a kid, too bad it was one of the ones from his flight to Spain when he was younger and it was all in Spanish. (It’s okay, they had fun trying to figure out what the hell it said, and it kept them entertained for quite a bit of time.)
-> Once the whole future and children conversation came up with his parents, he could only roll his eyes.
“Yeah, no thanks. (Name) and I couldn’t handle one of those gremlins, even if it looked or acted like us.”
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ma1dita · 6 months
okay I dont wanna seem annoying but it's 10:53pm and the ideas r coming in but I already sent an ask in so do whichever u want first 😭
bf!Luke when he's sick headcanons? (can be in an au where they're js normal ppl or can be them at camp, your choice !! 🫶🏼
a/n: LIVVVVV i truly believe that if this man was sick with an SO that would take care of him he would be the biggest bitch alive just because he can
at camp:
it starts with a sniffle, luke trying to be oh so brave about it until he can’t ignore the sneezes that sound like they could shake the earth and all of cabin 11 (if you think those kids barely got sleep in general, you should see them get mad at luke’s dumbass going ACHOO for the 47th time that night)
so they rightfully complain to you to go get your man and drag his ass to the infirmary, because the cabin counselor he is loves taking care of others but throws a fit when they tell him to get checked out by the apollo kids talking bout “i don’t get sick, i’m too cool to get sick! heroes don’t get—”
yeah so he has the flu
one stern look from you sends him packing towards the infirmary, dragging his feet in the dirt and complaining the whole way
he puts up a fight the whole time, swatting the healer’s hands away to the point they want to tie him to the bed, and luke doesn’t like not winning
“luke just listen to the fucking healer and you’ll be out of here faster.” “bedrest! they want me to be strapped down here forever, babe, you know i don’t like not moving for that long! though if you were the one tying me down…” *sniffles innocently*
a cold towel smacks him in the face
you end up nursing his nasty germ-riddled ass back to health in a corner of the infirmary that you have to make your own for the next week and a half. 
but if you ask him, he felt fine after a few days—he just likes being taken care of by you
im bored lets do modern hcs too:
in this universe he’s still a little shit but at least you two live together in a cute little city apartment
luke’s laid out on the couch wrapped up in some of your coziest throw blankets as he scrolls through old reruns of friends, laughing at chandler’s humor because i imagine it to be a lot like his own (of course, if rick let him be funny instead of traumatized and an antagonist)
you’re making chicken noodle soup in the kitchen and the smell wafts through the air of your apartment even if he’s so congested his voice sounds funny when he talks
i think you guys would have two cats, brother and sister—absolute menaces, pouncing on him in turns trying to resuscitate their dad from his lifeless form on the couch to throw their little mouse toy around
that or a really big senior dog who sleeps at his feet and turns its head every time luke makes a funny noise
oh he’s still annoying in this one trust—you gave him a little silver dinner bell to ring if he needs you since you’re working from home in the other room but the problem is this man always needs you
ring. “babe!’ ring. “baby!” ring ring. “love of my life, absolute goddess among—*wheeze* humans, can you come here a second?”
“what’s up, honey?” “oh i just needed to see your pretty face. feeling better already!” 
you toss a pillow at his head and get back to your meeting.
when it’s over though, you join him in his little blanket fortress and he lays on your chest, sniffling and smiling as he pulls you into a kiss and thanking you for existing
you get sick after but it’s worth it. sort of like payback
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55sturn · 7 months
Hey!!!! Do you think you could do a husband/dad Matt headcanons???
BF!MATT who was so nervous to propose, he takes you back to the place you had your first date in boston, it was not your first official date overall, but it was the first one you had in his honetown after you met his parents a year prior, the same night his mom gave him her engagement ring.
the two of you were sitting on a bench at some park late at night, just talking about everything and cuddling, and he just blurts it out because he can’t wait any longer, he’s not on one or anything, just sitting there beside you.
“marry me.” “w-what?” “i’ve got a ring in my pocket right now and i’ve had it for a year, i’ve carried it around for a year straight because i’ve been wanting to ask you since the second my mom gave me the ring the night you met her. you are the person i want to spend my life with, my family adores you, i adore you, there’s no better match for me, so marry me?” “you’d be an idiot if you think i’m saying no.”
and the second you two get back to his parents house, he’s waking up his brothers and telling them you said yes.
FIANCÉ!MATT who doesn’t want a big wedding, but he is willing to give you whatever you want because he has already and will forever dedicate his life to making you happy.
FIANCÉ!MATT who settles for a small-ish wedding with close friends and family in the backyard of his parent’s cape cod house.
FIANCÉ!MATT who decides chris and nate are going to be his best men and he asks nick to get ordained so he can play an equally as important part in the wedding.
HUSBAND!MATT who the second you two are officially husband and wife and in your way for your honeymoon, he’s doing the cheesy movie scene and carrying you through the door way.
HUSBAND!MATT who is such an acts of service husband, like he’s doing everything you want and ask for.
HUSBAND!MATT who 100% gets cheesy mr and mrs. monogrammed mugs and dishes for you both.
HUSBAND!MATT who cries when he finds out your wedding gift to him, which, with the help of his family, is his own vacation home in vermont.
HUSBAND!MATT who gifts you your own house to raise a family with him in.
DAD!MATT who knows you’re pregnant before you even tell him, he tracks your periods and everything and has your cycle memorized so when he sees that your box of tampons/pads is unopened underneath the sink two weeks after your period was due, alarms are going off in his bed because he’s sure you should’ve used majority of them by now.
DAD!MATT who and picks up a couple tests for you, and places them on the table in front of you and you’re shocked that he’s aware because you had only just started suspecting that you were pregnant.
DAD!MATT, who the second you see the positive test, is pulling you into such an intense kiss, one so full of love and passion that you have to pull away to breathe and then you’re joking “be careful a kiss like that is what got us here.”
DAD!MATT who when you guys find out the gender, you also find out that you’re having two twin girls and is so unbelievably happy.
DAD!MATT who wanted to do a big surprise when you guys’ visit his family back in boston but matt being matt, he accidentally tells them so casually in the middle of dinner that his mom chokes on her water and is like “wait what?”
DAD!MATT who is buying every tiny pink thing he sees, you’ll tell him that the babies don’t need another pink pacifier because you’ve already got a drawer full and he’s like “i don’t care i’m buying it for them.”
DAD!MATT who, just like chris, had his brothers help put all the furniture together while you’re out because matt doesn’t want you do anything heavy lifting.
DAD!MATT who is extremely overprotective of you.
DAD!MATT who will not hesitate to bitch someone out in public if they stare at you funny.
DAD!MATT who had to-go bags in the car before you found you were pregnant, they were packed and ready the moment you agreed to try for a family.
DAD!MATT who, the girls are born, is an emotional wreck, he’s just so in awe and love of what you did, of the fact that you carried and made life. he doesn’t acknowledge his part in it because he’s like “you did all the hard work.”
DAD!MATT who is wrapped around his daughter’s fingers.
DAD!MATT who struggles to say no to them all the time.
DAD!MATT who is so protective of all his girls.
DAD!MATT who raises them to not take any disrespect because he girls deserve the best.
DAD!MATT who also sets the standard for what kind of partner the girls should be with.
DAD!MATT who is so supportive everything they choose to do.
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sturniyolos · 21 days
can u please do a fic or blurb or like headcannons for !singer reader x chris sturniolo? (i love ur writing omg)
You asked & you shall receive 💖. [thank you for the compliment I love you baby]
Singer!Reader x Bf!Chris
Mentions of SFW + NSFW.
- When you told Chris about your plans for an upcoming world tour, this man was already prepared. He had people measuring you for different costumes, already had stadiums on the phone, and even had an RV ready when you guys were still in the US.
“The agency and I are thinking about starting a world tour, but I’m still undecided.” You tell Chris, unsure of how he would feel. You didn’t know if he wanted to come or if he just wanted to stay back with his brothers.
“Are you fucking kidding me? Ma, this is huge for you. I gotta start packing and film pre-made videos. I’ma start calling people, aight?” Chris exclaims, picking you up and kissing your face all over.
“Chris, it’s not official. We were just thinking about it, alright?” You say, grabbing his phone from him to make sure he doesn’t spoil anything as this isn’t the first time Chris told the world about a secret you were planning.
“I’m just sayin’ baby, if you need people, you know who to find.” Chris says, pointing at himself. You scoff and roll your eyes playfully.
- One day at soundcheck, you were feeling a bit overwhelmed. You were on a time crunch and your staff was making you feel more stressed out. Chris in the stands was noticing how you were messing up lines you never mess up. How you were losing your balance and how you kept fiddling with the mic stand. He decided he had enough seeing you like this.
“Y/N, c’mon. We’ve been doing this for almost 30 minutes, let’s get going alright?” Your manager states. You must admit, you were giving everyone a hard time— making the audio guy replay the backtrack maybe 30 million times. You just didn’t know why you kept messing up your favorite note that you did. You started to feel anxious and that’s what made you get less and less confident. You see Chris in the audience chairs stand up. You already felt like shit making everyone’s day longer, and you felt more like shit when [you thought] Chris was over your shit too.
“Hey, I think everyone should take a 15. It’s been a long morning, alright?” Chris grabs your mic and speaks into it while interlocking your hand with his. You look up at him, silently thanking him.
“I don’t think so, she hasn’t gotten-.” Your manager starts to speak.
“Alright, 15 starts now. Be back by 11:30 everyone.” Chris says in the mic, while putting it back in the mic stand. Chris and you make your way backstage as you sit on the couch.
“I don’t know what’s happening, I’m sorry you had to see that. I just don’t-.” You start, almost on the verge of tears.
“Hey, hey. Take a deep breath and relax, okay? You have so much time to prepare. It’s better you take your time and be here all day rather than cramming everything together and not be happy with the performance, aight?” Chris states, holding your check into his hand.
You start leaning into his hand, holding his hand that was on your cheek.
“What would I do without you?” You say, looking into his eyes.
“The real question is, what would I do without Ms. Popstar.” Chris says, leaning in for a kiss.
After Chris’ pep talk, you became more confident and fixed your corrections asap.
- At your concerts, you had intermissions. This is when you would interact with fans, read different posters, or even answer questions. Chris loved being backstage when you got ready, but once you were on the stage, he loved being in the audience. He loved you spotting him and would getting butterflies in his tummy when you smile or even blow a kiss at him.
“Thank you, everyone!” You state into the mic, the audience yelling in return.
“While we do a 15 minute intermission, I want to see the different posters yall made so can we see them please?” You ask the cameraman, and everyone putting up their signs as fast as possible. You try reading the ones in front row first, and you notice Chris holding a sign.
“Can we please have a zoom in on this front row right here?” You state, smiling as you wait for the cameraman to zoom in on the poster.
You read the poster as Chris is smiling on the side of it. Everyone in the stadium is screaming and even laughing. You start laughing into the mic, making everyone record.
“This guy in the audience is really cute. My manager will have you backstage with me later.” You state, blowing a kiss at him.
As the cameraman is still on Chris, he looks at the camera and blows a kiss at you. You can never get tired of this man.
- As you were writing in your songbook for your new music, Chris was in your bed, bored and horny out of his mind. He couldn’t deal with the fact that your in the smallest shorts known to man, paired with a crewneck cut on the neckline.
You were writing in your songbook. Erasing after writing after writing after erasing. You hear small footsteps making your way from behind you. You start to feel small kisses on your neck, getting deeper everytime a new kiss begins.
“C’mon baby, I-I’m busy.” You state, rolling your head back as he gets deeper into the kiss.
“Ma, you been here all day.” Chris says, making love bites into your neck.
Chris starts to trail his hand down your waistband of your shorts,
“You really want me to stop?” Chris whispers in your ear, knowing your answer already.
“N-no, please.” You say, easing his hands into your underwear.
“You want me to stop, but you’re soaking?” He says, smiling while doing so.
“Come’ere, I’ll take good care of you.”
You never ended up finishing that song.
- After concerts, you’d be so exhausted and so overworked, but you would never turn down sex with Chris. But this man will never let you do the work, he always wants to make you feel good, even if he doesn’t even cum. He gets pleasure on making you feel good.
Chris lays you on your shared hotel bed. He kisses you deeply as he chokes you softly. You moaning as a result.
“C-Chris, I’m so tired. Please.” You say, in between kisses.
“Did I ask if you were tired?” Chris asks, rubbing his thumb on your bottom lip.
“No, but I don’t want you to be doing all the w-“. You start, but he stops you.
“So, if I didn’t ask, why you worried about it, hm? Let me make you feel good, you did so good today mama.” Chris exclaims, kissing down your neck, to your chest, to your pretty thighs.
Chris starts taking off your bottoms, looking up at you for your okay. You nod as he continues. He begins placing kisses on your clothed cunt, you moaning as a result. He starts pulling down your underwear, leaving your cunt exposed. He pushes your legs against him, so your knees are in a triangle-like shape.
He starts licking your soaking hole, looking up at you. You throw your head back, moaning curse words over and over.
“You like that?” Chris asks, slowly inserting his long, slender fingers into you.
You couldn’t even answer, the pressure being too much and moans were the only thing coming out of your mouth.
“I know ma, I know. You’re being so good, you know that?” He asks, while licking and slurping your pussy even faster.
“Ch-hris, I’m cl-fuck.” You state, putting your hand over your mouth.
“Let me hear you baby, give it to me. Cum in my mouth, you deserve it.” Chris states. And that was your breaking point. As you finish, Chris is still eating you out, trying to get all the juices you have and leave you empty.
You look down as you see Chris wiping his mouth, and make his way to you.
“Sweet as always.” He says, kissing you.
- Right before you got on stage, you and Chris got into a little argument. The argument was so small, yet you were being petty like always. After the concert, you and Chris were just bickering back and forth. One thing led to another, and now your back is arched with Chris fucking you mercilessly.
“Yeah? You wanna act like a brat? Be my fucking guest.” Chris exclaims, grabbing your hands and placing them behind you.
“F-fuck, Chris. Oh my God.” You yell, unable to take his cock anymore.
“C’mon baby. We don’t wanna ruin that pretty little voice, huh? You’re gonna take this shit.” He says, whispering into your ear.
“Imagine what your fans would think about their favorite singer being a brat who likes being used. You like that huh?” Chris asks, pulling your hair so your head goes up from the pillows.
“Chris, p-please. You’re too b-big, fuck.” You state, putting your hands behind you to touch his stomach, trying to make him stop.
“Ion give a fuck mama, take it.” He whispers in your ear, fucking you even faster. The sounds of you struggling, to skin clapping, to Chris’ groaning was all that was heard in the hotel room.
“Gonna fucking cum inside you. Yeah, you want it? You want everyone to know you’re a cumslut, yeah?” Chris says, kissing down your back.
“Chris, I’m sorry fuck.” You say looking back at Chris, making dead eye contact with him.
“No. We gon stay here all night to you learned your lesson, yeah?” Chris states, flipping you guys over so you’re in missionary.
Long story short, the next day when you did your concert, you had to sit in a chair for the duration of it.
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spaceagebachelormann · 10 months
hii can i request headcanons of how finnick odair would be as a bf? maybe if ur also a victor
finnick odair and victor frankenstein as bfs !
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✧ warnings: spoilers for thg and frankenstein maybe?
✧ additional info: erm i didn’t know if u meant i could do victor if i wanted 😔 so i js did anyway cause i will use any excuse to write for someone from that masterlist!! if u did mean i could put victor if i wanted ily and pls send more victor reqs i barely get any for classic monsters in general <3 erm aleo i haven’t watched thg in ages so finnick might be ooc
✧ m.list — nav.
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ೃ༄ finnick odair
he’s very sweet and calm and overall js like amazing to be around and have as a bf <3
despite the fact bro is majestic and could have 6 girlfriends or boyfriends or whateverfriends if he wanted he’s very loyal and respectful of u
doesn’t even dare to look at anyone else while with u
also very willing to take things slowly if that’s what u prefer
it’s honestly what he prefers too
yk because of everything the capital put him through
he js prefers taking his time to get to know u before anything
but he will take u on the cutest dates ever even before reaching first base
will wrestle ur date preferences out of u. not literally. by that i mean he tricks u into telling him what u would wanna do then surprising u
he’s also like so soft and nice with everyone but with u it’s like 10x more
bro can be literally screaming at someone if needed at one moment and then braiding ur hair for u the next
also he’d LOVE braiding ur hair
u don’t even have to ask he js puts ur head on his chest and plays with it
also he’s still v flirty with u for funsies
esp if u get embarrassed easily
he thinks it’s funny (cute) that’s why <3
and i feel like he’s oddly good at singing
like he js taught himself how to sing once because he was bored and needed smth to do
so he was like “yk what imma learn to sing”
and holy fucking shit is he good at it!!
his voice in general is rlly calming
and he knows it is so he likes reading to u and singing to u or js talking to u and literally anything where he can use his voice
i don’t think he’d be very huge on pet names but he’d def call u honey more than anything (cause this is gn)
ik because im his gf actually!! /j
and shit like beautiful and gorgeous if ur fem don’t tell me he wouldn’t yk he would
and he loves kissing ur face
also if ur fem or js have lipstick he’d let u leave lipstick marks on his face <3
i rlly feel like he’d wanna be with someone who he knows well and feels like he can trust
especially if he’s known them for a few years
and he genuinely doesn’t care abt looks!!
go get urself a finnick odair
and his food is genuinely the most scrumptious shit u will ever taste
ೃ༄ victor frankenstein
ugh this bitch
he’s definitely very loyal to u and wouldn’t even think about other people but he’s kinda. neglectful.
he doesn’t do it on purpose and always makes up for it but there’s long periods of time where he’s sorta cold and rude to u and distant
but he feels bad after and always makes it up to u
he also would wanna be with someone who he’s known for awhile, but that’s because his dumbass would realize his feelings rlly late
but based on his canon AND fanon love interests he seems like he’d want someone who’s rlly compassionate and nice
unfortunately he might care abt looks
erm anyway!!
probably just calls u by ur name but will throw in a my love here and there if he’s in a rlly good mood
because he’s sorta neglectful he doesn’t rlly kiss u a lot because he’s never actually near u alot
but when he is he likes kissing ur shoulders and forehead and hands and wrists n shit
he’s like cold to everyone else but soft with u <3 (when he’s actually with u)
and he’d love it if u got along well with his family and henry and elizabeth
especially his brothers
and would love it if ur nice to justine because typically people wouldn’t be nice to her cause she’s a maid (/lh ily justine u deserved better)
pls let him yap to u
sometimes he js wants to rant abt his day or ideas to someone and would love it if u sat there and listened
and if u let him yap after he makes his creation and it starts slaughtering everybody he’d love it if u were understanding
after elizabeth dies he becomes 12x more protective of u to the point where he won’t even let u be alone by urself cause he left elizabeth alone for 5 mins and she died (they’re js friends here obv)
his love language is gift giving <3 he likes making u little handmade gifts everytime he sees u
also quality time. whenever he can he likes going on picnics and walks
he’s also not the best at comforting but he’s a very good listener and will let u rant to him
his presence in general is comforting
i’m laughing my ass off at this but he wakes u up to show u bugs in the middle of the night
“victor wtf is that” “goliath beetle :)” “put it back before i make u move in with it.”
he also has the most entertaining days for no fucking reason and has a crazy story to tell u all the time
and his hands are fucking freezing. that’s all bye ily
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eetherealgoddess · 8 months
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Sano Manjiro, Hanemiya Kazutora, Sanzu Haruchiyo, & Haitani Brothers x Reader
Characters are 18+
❦Damn, you’re putting ppl at risk without even trying to❦
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Not fully proofread
✩Y/n is 18+. I picture her as a black female but you can see her however.
✩Some parts of the story may not be realistic or factual. After all, this is a work of fiction.
✩Although it's a dark 'romance,' I do not condone any of the behavior displayed.
✩Dark content such as: gore, violence, triggering topics, graphic scenes, vulgar language, explicit sexual content, etc.
✩There may be scenes that involve non con and/ or dubcon so don’t read if that makes you uncomfortable
✩That being said, this story is for 18+ only.
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Mikey: You had been confused as to why your boyfriend, Mikey’s behavior had become passive aggressive. Ignoring you and refraining from communicating even when you’re in his presence. You’d call and after a couple rings, it’d go to voicemail. You’d text and he’d purposefully read it, just to leave you on read. Confronting him is no use considering every time you do, he never explains himself, continuing to give you the same glare as he had been for a while. Finally, you return the favor by not contacting him, sick of being dismissed.
Surprising you, he showed up to your doorstep. Once you let him in, he gives you a mix between a look of sadness and anger. “How could you flirt with that guy and ignore me like that?” Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What guy? I didn’t flirt with anyone and it was you who kept ignoring me.” You rebutted as you crossed your arms. “It doesn’t matter, anyway. The problem has been taken care of.” He shrugs before walking to your couch and sitting on it, patting the seat next to him. You follow, leaning into him as he wrapped an arm around you.
“I still want to know who you’re talking about. What problem?” His hand runs up your arm and gives it a tight squeeze. “Your coworker.” You take a pause of contemplation before realization hits. “Ah, Mikey I have to talk to my coworkers. You should’ve told me that’s what you’ve been so upset about.” You say before giving him a comforting peck. You spend the afternoon in each other’s arms once all is forgiven.
The next day you show up to your job at a retail shop, eyebrows furrowing when you see the manager and employees gathered around each other, murmuring. You walk up to them. “What’s going on?” One of your coworkers turns to you as the rest continue talking. “You haven’t heard? Isamu passed yesterday.” You gasp. “Isamu? What happened.” “Apparently he was found wounded in his home. They’re investigating it as manslaughter.” Your eyes widen. It’s insane to think of someone you had talked to only a few days ago, being pronounced dead, especially by murder.
“What guy? I didn’t flirt with anyone and it was you who kept ignoring me.” You rebutted as you crossed your arms. “It doesn’t matter, anyway. The problem has been taken care of.” He shrugs… The memory invades your mind. During your work day, you couldn’t stop replaying what Mikey said. As well as the timing of everything, so you confront him after stopping at his apartment unannounced after work.
“Did you do it?” “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “Isamu, did you kill him?” You whisper the last part, still in disbelief. “No, why would you ask me that?” You furrow your eyebrows. “You shouldn’t worry your head about problems that don’t exist anymore, Y/n” You pause in contemplation before allowing him to pull you in. You shower before you decide to spend the night with him, still shaken up by your co-worker's death and a killer on the loose. As Mikey hugs you from behind while you bask in the warmth of his arms and the blankets, your eyes shoot wide open. “The problem has been taken care of.” “You shouldn’t worry your head about problems that don’t exist anymore.”
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Kazutora: “Do you like him?” Your boyfriend asks as you walk hand in hand from the booth with a stuffed animal in your arm. “Like, who?” He gives you a side eyed glance before stating, “That man back there.” “The guy who worked at the booth?” He doesn’t respond, keeping his head straight ahead. You stop walking and turn to him. “Kazu, we have to listen to the rules at the booths.” “Yeah, but you did more than listen.” You sigh. “I just needed clarification on one of the rules which is why I asked him to repeat himself. That’s all, babe.”
“I didn’t like the way you looked at each other.” You look at him with disbelief. “l literally make eye contact with everyone I’m talking to because that’s what you’re supposed to do.” “He clearly wanted to do more.” You hold back from rolling your eyes, knowing your boyfriend gets insecure from time to time and overthinks. “Is there any way I can prove to you that I want you and not him?” You ask while caressing his hand with your thumb.
“You can kiss me.” He smiles. You chuckle before leaning in and meeting his lips with yours. He used his other hand to wrap around the back of your neck gently pulling you closer. You move back once he tries to use tongue, warmth in your face in embarrassment at the people who passed by. You continue your walk to the apartment you shared, getting ready for bed. You lie down as Kazutora tells you he’s going to grab some water right before you fall into a deep slumber. Instead, he grabs some gloves before passing the kitchen to the front door, heading straight for the carnival.
When he reaches the booth, he walks behind it, motioning for the guy to get closer. He snatches him by the shirt and throws him on the ground, glancing up to make sure nobody can see behind the booth. He covers the surprised man’s mouth and pulls out a switchblade. Before the guy could react, Kazutora swings the blade down, penetrating the man’s stomach. He repeats as the guy yelps against his hand, attempting to push him off by grabbing his shoulders. He continues his assault as the man becomes quieter and weak. Once his body was limp and lifeless orbs sat still, he stood up, wiping the blade off and shoving it into his pocket. He takes his gloves off and shoves them in his pocket as well before walking off as nothing happened.
You were still asleep when he arrived, smiling and kissing your forehead before he got ready for a shower. Once he finished, he eased into the sheets and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close as he kissed up your neck, purposefully waking you to have a passionate night.
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Ran: You wince as Ran’s arm tightens around your waist, nails piercing your skin through the fabric of your shirt, though a smile on his face as you continue to converse with the old friend who’s telling him about your old endeavors. “Yeah we were pretty crazy in school.” You nod nervously, attempting to speed the conversation. Once finished, you both say your goodbyes as you and Ran walk off. “H-hey, you okay?” “Yeah.” Your eyebrows furrow as you eye the stoic expression. “Are you sure, babe?” He turns to give you his infamous smirk. “Why wouldn’t I be?” You sigh in relief, still a little suspicious, though willing to let it go if he claims to be fine. “I’m just making sure, your grip seems to tighten back there.” “Oh, sorry about that. I didn’t notice.”
“So you’re okay with us hanging out again? Like old times?” A pause of silence causes anxiety while you wait for his answer. “Of course.” You smile as you lean into him more while you walk. You give your kiss goodbyes as he drops you off at your apartment. Once the door is closed, he walks away, pulling out your phone as he contacts the old friend via message. He tells him to meet him at a cafe, in which the guy complies thinking it’s you. Once the friend is there, he looks around in confusion, searching for you outside of the building. Before he can walk inside to check, he’s grabbed by the shoulder, an arm reaching around his shoulders and walking with him towards an alleyway.
His eyebrows furrow at the baton in your boyfriend’s hand as well as the close eyed smile on his face. Before he knows it, he’s shoved to the dirty ground into a puddle of water. “What the hell?” Before he picks himself up, the object slams down on his shoulder before it’s slammed against his stomach. Attempting to pick himself up once more, he rolls over, face becoming wet with sweat and grime as he yelps and grunts, coughing up blood. Another hit though on his back causes him to drop back down, along with a scream of pain.
“Cancel your date with my girlfriend and delete her number.” “D-dude, it wasn’t a da-!” Another hit lands, this time to his face. He continues to hit him over and over until he’s limp and lying still in his own puddle of blood. “I’ll kill you if I have to do it myself.” The friend slowly grabs his phone while trembling and sends you the message, canceling plans and deleting your number. “Block her on everything.” He complies before finally giving into the darkness. Ran smirks before walking to his apartment to drop his stuff off and clean himself up, heading to your apartment after.
“Oh! I was wondering where my phone went. Thanks babe.” You smile happily. He gives you a kiss before you invite him in for a romantic night of cuddles and love.
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Rin: He couldn’t help but eye your phone’s screen as he caressed you from behind, watching as you text back and forth with your step brother. “When did he join your family?” “Only recently when mom and his dad married. Why?” “Just curious.”
The next night, your new step brother comes to visit. A dinner made as you all sit at your family’s table. Rin watched with a stoic expression as the step brother would flirt and make jokes, occasionally gripping your thigh as you laughed uncomfortably, nobody but Rin seeming to notice the weird behavior. Sometimes the newcomer would even glance at your boyfriend whenever he would act out.
Once the dinner was over, you all decided to stay the night with your parents, you and Rin getting your old room while your brother stayed in the guest room. When everyone was asleep, Rin snuck out of the room and walked into the guest bedroom. Using a cloth he balled up, he shoved it into the sleeping brother’s mouth and hopped on top of him. He punched him, waking him up with wide eyes. Before the guy under him could attack, Rin pulled out the gun he brought without your knowledge and set it to the man’s head.
“You gonna flirt with her again?” The man shakes his head. “What about touching her thigh?” He shakes his head frantically, fear causing him to tremble under your boyfriend. He pulls the gun back as he flips his hair and readjusts his glasses. “Good. I thought I’d have to kill you in her parents' home. That wouldn’t have been a good look for me.” He smirks before hopping off of the scared man who pissed himself. “You should take care of that. It stinks.”
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Sanzu: His eyes narrow while he watches you at your job, bartending amongst all of the dirty scum that hang around you. He regularly sits at a table where you can’t see him, watching as your personal guardian angel. You have no idea that your boyfriend hangs out at the place you work for hours. You have no idea that with every man that flirts with you is another name to his list of people to terrorize. You have no idea that he just caught someone trying to touch you, the security you called having to throw the drunk out of the bar without even knowing he threw him to a shark.
You had no clue that Sanzu had grabbed the man and pulled him into his car. You had no knowledge of the warehouse he brought them to. You also didn’t know that he ties them up and acts out different torture methods, killing them in the process. You couldn’t have known about the pile of bodies he’s chopped and burned. There’s no way you know about the clean up process as well as the shower he takes to wash the blood away once he reaches home.
You just go about your nights normally, cheerfully conversing with people as the parties go on. At the end of the night you clean up and go home to your lovely boyfriend who greets you with a sweet expression. Excited for your nightly cuddles and maybe even love making you get ready for bed, snuggling into his arms at night, unknown to the cycle that repeats the next day.
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saetoru · 2 years
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「 SYNOPSIS 」 ⋮ kaeya and diluc don't have much in common, even if they're brothers
☰ pairing ⋮ diluc ragnvindr x reader x kaeya alberich
☰ length ⋮ 2.1k words (it was meant to be longer but i was struggling ok)
☰ contents ⋮ nsfw and 18+ content, fem! reader, cheater! reader (rip), you cheat on diluc with kaeya </3, neglectful bf! diluc, slightly lovesick! kaeya, business/modern au, NOT canon-compliant/accurate, they are implied to be biological brothers (ik kaeya was adopted but go w it), strained familial relationships, semi public sex, office sex, slight teasing, unprotected sex, creampie, pet names (princess + baby), diluc walks in </3
☰ notes ⋮ cat got me to officially really play genshin finally. now i am sick over kaeya and diluc. especially diluc SOBS but i started writing this when i was more into kaeya so this is a big rip for diluc my baby </3
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“you know, i’d never leave you alone in an outfit as cute as this if i were diluc,” kaeya grins, sliding his hand up your skirt, eyes glinting in amusement as he feels the wet patch on your underwear. he hums, pressing hot kisses along your neck, making you whimper at the attention.
attention. it’s funny, you think—just how much a little attention can change so quickly.
kaeya is nothing if not persistent, he has his eyes set on you one way or another—and truth be told, it’s probably the one thing he has in common with his brother. from the way they walk and talk, to the way one has crimson locks while the other sports blue, you think if you ask anyone, they’d say kaeya and diluc are the last two men anyone would expect to be brothers. they’re just too opposite, couldn’t be any more different if they tried…and something tells you they never have to try. 
you’ve heard less than kind things about the blue-haired nuisance (as diluc likes to say) from your boyfriend—diluc isn’t tightly knit with his brother, and he doesn’t exactly try to hide it. he comes into your office on more than one occasion with a scowl on his face and heavy breaths heaving from his chest as he tries to calm himself down, mouth running faster than you can comprehend the words as he vents about his sibling with rather…colorful words. 
but still, kaeya doesn’t seem that bad in your eyes, even despite the image your boyfriend paints of his brother. you think diluc exaggerates things sometimes. sure, kaeya is a little immature and has a track record of being a tad bit unprofessional at times, and it may be true that he has a natural gift for popping blood vessels and making your head ache with his nonsense—but kaeya is also kind under the facade. 
at least, that’s what you’ve come to learn.
he brings you coffee fresh from the pot—he brews a new batch himself because he knows the longer it sits, the worse it tastes. he replaces your pens when you’ve used them through—and he even gets the fancy brand you like, even if a little costly. sometimes, you almost feel bad listening to your boyfriend vent about a guy who treats you so well.
but then again, maybe that’s why you like kaeya in the first place—he treats you so well.
when was the last time diluc came into your office seeking you out for you? when was the last time you were something other than a person to vent to? when was the last time he noticed you because he craved you?
you can’t answer the question honestly. and then there’s the fact that he’s stiff outside the office too. he’s kind, sure. he’s respectful and treats you as an equal, he swipes his credit card and gives you what you want on more than one occasion—he does it without hesitation, too. he doesn’t look at the numbers when it comes to you, which should make your heart soar…right?
but he doesn’t answer your texts on time, and he’s too busy for dates to be a regular occurrence, and he’s just so invested in inheriting the family business. it’s my job as the next in line, he always tells you with a kiss on your forehead when you’re disappointed that he’s got no time for you, someone has to pick up the slack kaeya doesn’t. 
and then you’re left to wonder…maybe all the things you thought attracted you to diluc are actually every reason to choose kaeya instead.
kaeya skips meetings to hang out in your office (though he’s often a distraction) and he spams your phone with random messages (though it’s a bit obnoxious) and he never puts other things before you (though you’re sure it’s more because he simply doesn’t care for a lot of things in general.)
so now you’re here, pressed against the desk of your own boyfriend’s office, underwear soaked and pussy dripping as his brother teases your clit with the pad of his thumb. 
“you’re dripping,” kaeya purs, chuckling as you whine from the barely-there friction of his finger, “and it’s all for me. ‘sn’t that something?”
“k-kaeya…diluc ’ll be here any secon—”
“you really want me to stop?” he feigns shock, fingers retreating from where you need him most in an instant.
no, you realize, you’re wrong—kaeya has a lot more in common with his brother than anyone realizes. the way they both have you ready to sob for it while barely doing anything at all is proof enough that they’re siblings.
“no!” you gasp, pushing your hips back and chasing his hand, trying to rekindle the friction—even as minimal as it is. he snickers behind you, chest pressed against your back as he kisses your neck. his hand smooths over your ass, squeezing firmly before you feel something hard poke you from behind. “please,” you whimper, “need it—need you.”
he likes the sound of your voice so desperate—it makes him just a little satisfied that he finally has something his brother doesn’t. that he has something that he’s taken, not just given second hand.
diluc doesn’t deserve you. kaeya comes to this conclusion the first time he notices your sad eyes when his brother brushes you off to stay extra after work. he would never do that, he decides—he would skip meeting after meeting if you so wished that of him. he could make your eyes light up, he thinks, or at the very least—tear up from pleasure instead of pain.
“need me where, hmm?” he teases. his cock is hard—aching and swollen in the tight confinement of his pants, begging to be released so he can sink into the glistening folds of your cunt. but he’s waited a long time for this—so he decides to take his time with you, at least for a bit. what’s a little extra after waiting so much already?
“i-in me,” you plead, “please, need you to fuck me. need to cum,” your lips are almost pouting, lashes almost wet from the tears threatening to cling to them. 
gone is the shame. gone is the remorse that you’re cheating on your boyfriend with his brother in his own office. gone is any semblance of reason and self-control as soon as kaeya slips up your skirt and tugs the flimsy fabric of your underwear aside—he decides he doesn’t have the patience to fully take it off. somewhere in the process, he’s seemed to have freed his cock, the wet, fat tip pressing against your clit before dragging up and down along your entrance as he gathers your slick and smears it along his length. 
you whimper and he grunts, the slight shoot of pleasure running up your spine, enough to make you choke back on a needy whine. he grabs your hips tightly, and your hands grip the edge of the desk to brace yourself as he slowly pushes past your dripping folds, inching into you slowly with a throaty groan. good, you feel so good, and he’s not even fully in you yet. 
how can diluc keep his hands off of you for longer than five minutes, let alone ignore you for more than half the day? kaeya can’t understand it. he’s parched, thirsty for it, thirsty for you—like a man desperate for water as the summer sun glares down on him with scorching heat, bubbling up his throat with carnal desire. 
he thrusts his hips with a swift motion, too impatient to keep any self-control left. you mewl, back arching up to push down on his cock, feeling him curve deeper into you. the thick veins running along his length drag along your walls, making your eyes blur from the sensitivity.
“that’s it, princess,” he groans, “shit, such a tight fuckin’ pussy. ‘s not fair he gets all this to himself,” he spits, slamming his hips into you harshly, mercilessly, unforgiving as he rightfully claims what should be his. 
you should be his—right from the start you were meant to be his. 
“so deep,” you gasp, and he lets out a strained chuckle, breath fanning against your skin and making you shiver. “feels…feels so good,” you pant. 
“yeah? you feel that?” he angles his hips to hit the blunt head of his cock against your sweet spot, perfect and precise‚ like he knows you without even trying. “feel me? ‘s like i was made for you, huh? take me so well, princess, squeezin’ me in—’m barely able to move,” he groans. “fuck—fuck, you’re so good.”
“kaeya, please,” you sob, “faster.”
your voice cracks as it says his name. it makes the thin thread tying him to sanity snap almost immediately. 
and that’s all it takes for his hips to piston his thick girth in and out of your dripping cunt, animalistic in his pace. the mess of your slick and his pre cum coat your thighs and his crotch as he slaps his balls against your ass, and you can hear the smacking of skin against skin—the wet, squelching sound of his cock bullying into your pussy and filling up the room with the sound of your betrayal. 
except it doesn’t feel like a betrayal—it feels like you’re choosing yourself for once, like you’re putting yourself first over a man who doesn’t think about you twice. it feels so right—so how can it be wrong? 
kaeya’s voice is raspy against your ear, pretty and deep yet holding just a hint of whininess with the labored pants that spill from his throat. his hands are bruisingly tight against your hips, you’re sure they’ll leave marks from his nails digging into the flesh. his cock slips in and out of you harshly, curving into you so deep, you swear you can feel him in your throat. 
and then you wonder, what would it be like to have him down your throat? how would he taste on your tongue? how would he sound with your head between his thighs?
the image itself is enough to rip a high-pitched mewl from you, cunt sensitive and throbbing, aching to relieve the pressure slowly building up in a steady ache. you’re close, so close—you can taste your release just seconds away as you reach the precipice of your high. 
“‘m close, so close—g-gonna cum,” you moan, “for you—gonna cum for you,” you say so sweetly, like nectar flows from your lips. kaeya has almost half a mind to turn you around so he can suckle your lips like fruit off the tree—forbidden, yet still the height of his desires. 
“cum for me, princess,” he groans, hand coming up so his thumb can roll over your clit in harsh circles, “wanna feel you—can you cum for me? let go, baby.”
and that’s all it takes for you to let out an ear-shattering squeal—surely the whole floor has heard you by now if they haven’t already. you can't bring yourself to care, and kaeya can’t bring himself to shove down the satisfaction. your walls spasm around him, making him whine as his own orgasm rips through him in tidal waves. 
you can feel his cock twitch with every thick rope of cum he paints your walls with, fucking his load deep into your womb like you’re his to mark. he’s sensitive—lets out a whimper into your neck as he cums, makes your skin rise with goosebumps at the sweet sounds he makes in the height of his pleasure. he’s perfect, you think—and you’re hit with the realization as he breaks for you that you want him.
as wrong as it is, you want kaeya just as bad as he wants you. 
“fuck, baby,” he groans as he finishes, “you’re something else, y’know that?”
you let out a tired giggle, feeling his body lightly slump over yours as he kisses the back of your neck. 
“yeah i been told here and there,” you tease. “but you can tell me agai—”
the door opens and cuts you off, and before you can even fully comprehend what’s happened, two red and horrified eyes are blinking at you in shock before landing on a pair of smug eyes behind you.
“oh, hey,” kaeya says with a smooth voice, lips curling into a smirk as he eyes diluc casually, “that’s a first. your meetings usually never end early.”
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© hanmas do not plagiarize, repost, translate to other sites, or recommend on platforms outside tumblr such as tik tok
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indigobsessed · 1 year
I’ll come back.
pairing : min yoongi x reader (established relationship)
summary : your boyfriend, yoongi, just ended his final tour the other day. who wouldve known not even 24 hours later that his enlistment notice came out and you, his loving girlfriend, found out before he tells you about it.
genre : angst, fluff, a bit suggestive and yoongi being a comforting bf.
rating : SFW
warnings : mentions of military enlistment, crying, slight swearing
wc : 635 words.
a/n : ahh!! first (and last maybe..) post???:&/£/£ i hope you’ll enjoy this :) i’ll do a navigation soon hehe. other than that, im so sad that d-day tour has ended and yoongi’s leaving soon ugh :(. for references, you can check out the d-day vlogs, clips, etc :) not proofread, i think.
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“MIN YOONGI!” You burst through the door of his studio after clicking on his passcode aggressively by muscle memory. Your boyfriend turned around his studio chair, staring at you with a puzzled look.
You stood at the door, your eyes filled with angry tears with your phone in hand, showing the military notice. That was until he realised about what he was going to tell you when he comes back to your shared home.
“Oh baby-“ He quickly got up to hold you, but you pushed him away quickly. “Don’t. Touch. Me.” You hissed. Yoongi sighed, knowing that you, his ever loving girlfriend of three years would take a while to fully take it in.
He slowly got up and closed the studio door behind you. Yoongi took your hand and lead you to sit down on his studio couch. You were still silent, not until Yoongi took you into his arms as you let out your tears. “I know, jagi, I know.” He soothed you, rubbing your back in small circles. Your tears staining his grey shirt.
“You promised to tell me Yoongi. I can’t believe I found out like this.” You sobbed out. “I thought we agreed to not keep secrets from eachother.” You continued, your voice shaky.
“Baby, listen to me. Look at me.” Yoongi called out to you in a stern yet soft voice. You pulled away, looking at him with tear-stained cheeks. He looks just as hurt as you. “We talked about this, I know that. But fuck, my love I didn’t even know how to tell you that it was coming soon. I just ended my whole tour yesterday.” He explained. “You didn’t give ARMYs a whole day, Yoongs.” You argued. “You didn’t even give me a day too. I knew it was coming but Yoongi, you didn’t have to remind me.” You continued.
“I know, all these 3 years of being with you and you’ve been there with me throughout everything and I can’t thank you enough. But I’ve let my postponement go on for too long, I have to go at some point too. The sooner I go, the sooner I come back remember?” Yoongi comforts you. Trying his best to calm you down.
You nod, understanding his explanation. “I know it’s my fault for not letting you know any sooner too. I know that it’s not easy to take in.” He rubs your arms. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m so sorry.” Yoongi apologised while peppering kisses on your cheeks.
Memories of the couple during Yoongi’s world tour flashes through your mind. The day out in Chicago, the small holiday in Phuket and diving. Shared kisses, meals and smiles. And intimate moments during the night. It all felt like a fever dream to you.
Tears streaming down your cheeks once more, trying your best to accept that time doesn’t freeze as you wish. “I feel like it’s just yesterday since you told me that you were going on tour, Min.” You said softly, cracking a soft smile at the memory. Both of you hugging and knowing that this will be one of your biggest memories with him. “I remember going on the flight to your first concert location. You were so excited to see your fans.” You giggled as Yoongi smiled apologetically to you.
“I’ll miss them so much too, jagi.” Yoongi spoke out. “And I’ll miss you the most too.”
Yoongi leaned in to kiss you on the lips softly.
“Promise me you’ll come back, or we’re gonna have issues.” You grumbled. It made Yoongi laugh softly.
“I’ll come back. To you, to my brothers, and to ARMYs. Safely.” He reassured you as he placed another comforting kiss on your lips.
He’ll come back safely. As he promised. He is a man of his words after all.
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wonderingpanda · 1 month
MM/Tales Mikey and his S/O. being "improv bf and ballet gf"?
Improvisational Ballerina
Tottmnt!Mikey x Ballerina!Reader
Ok, I had no idea if that post was going to get out there but it did so that’ll you guys! I have 3 other request to work on at the moment and I love them all so thank you, keep it coming! I tried to stick to clichés mostly as I really wasn’t sure how to write this but I hope I did well so please, enjoy!
You and Mikey first met in dance
It seemed like a fun elective and most of his improv friends were doing it so he figured, why not?
Upon entering the classroom, you were one of the first people he noticed
You were just sitting there, doing some personal stretches before warm-up, and all he could think was
“Damn, that girl can bend like spaghetti! Or pizza I guess. Mmmm I love pizza. Shoot, now I’m craving pizza! With a golden crust and gooey, delicious cheese…”
“Mikey! We’re about to start dude.” He was so deep into his own thoughts his friend had to snap him out of it. Wouldn’t be the first time either
“Oh yeah totally, I’ll be right there.” And as he moved to go find a spot, he couldn’t help but notice you gazing over in his direction. Interesting… very interesting
As time went by he kept being drawn to you. He noticed you in the halls, at lunch, but most of the time he’d be caught looking over at you during dance
Eventually, the class had to split into groups and each work on a group piece to present. Turns out, you guys had quite a few mutual friends and ended up being dragged into the same group together
Mikey, ever the extrovert, immediately took the opportunity to introduce himself and you guys got to talking
He found out you were mainly there to do ballet. Also contemporary (as that was the main focus of the class) but mainly ballet
Also apparently the school has a dance team, sick!
He did get to hear all about the ballet classes you take out of school and all the pain joy that rehearsal brings
In all honesty, you love it, it just requires a lot of physical strength
From that day onwards, you guys kept talking and hanging in class, then out of class, then out of school
It was awesome and Mikey couldn’t be happier, he had found a new close friend
As you two hung out more, some feelings started to grow
Nothing really changed much but close contact like high-fives and hugs became increasingly heart-racing
Even sitting next to each other was enough to raise your heart rates
Also villains might of seen you two hanging out every now and then so there may have been some kidnappery that left you in need of saving
But it’s fine, you’re fine
Everything’s fine
It was actually after one of those daring rescues that he finally asked you out, after an attack on the school
He had originally planned to do a dance with your friends and make it a big gesture
But after that fight, he didn’t want to take any chances and possibly leave it too late
So, once everyone was safe and everything, he immediately ran to you
Y/n! Are you hurt or anything? Don’t worry Mikey, I’m fine. Okay cos I kind of have something to ask you. Sure, what is it? Will you go out with me?
He said it, straight up just like that
You said yes, obviously, but it wasn’t your answer he was super worried about
He just wanted the chance to let you know how he felt
And so, you two were quickly recognised as a couple around school
A theatre kid and a ballet kid, two performers each with unique styles that somehow mixed perfectly
Now, you had known who Mikey and his brothers were long before you two even first talked
I mean, the whole school knew about them; it wasn’t any big secret
But you’d never really talked to them in-person before not until they started teasing Mikey about his crush on you
Then they had to help save you and from there friendship was inevitable
Seriously, you can’t just ignore someone after they’ve helped save you… multiple times
And believe me, it doesn’t matter that you two were dating now, they still loved teasing Mikey about it
So sometimes you had to take extra measures to ensure payback was efficient
But don’t worry they still have their shells on, for now
However, there was one close friend of Mikey’s whom you struggled to get comfortable with
While I hate to say it, you and April didn’t get along easily
Being a ballet kid sometimes came with a bad rep and for someone like April, who had been picked on by so many people (including the ballet kids), trust wasn’t always easy to instil in others
You did manage to become friends though. Yes, some of the ballet people you hung out with weren’t the best and yes, you may have laughed along with their cruel jokes to try and fit in but that was the past
Also, surprisingly, April is super forgiving and chill so everything’s good between you two now
As for how you and Mikey are as an actual couple, well…
There’s running through halls
MIKEY, DROP THE GLITTER BOMB! But Donnie made it just for meeee! That doesn’t-no-stop-get back here you turd! TURD!? What kind of an insult is that! Mikey! Catch me if you can!
Crying to movies
Why’d they have to kill the dog! I don’t know. I loved that little guy. *sniffle* I-I know *simultaneous sobbing*
Mikey teaching you improv
So the idea is we go around in a circle and keep a steady rhythm. And you keep that rhythm by using hand gestures and yelling ‘wah’? Exactly! Ok… just wondering, how does this relate to improv? I don’t know. I guess it’s cos it makes you think on the spot. Right.
And you teaching Mikey ballet
Come on, stretch! Ahhh! Stretch! I-I can’t! Yes you can! Now STRETCH! Aaaoooww!!!
Oh, and sometimes you have to be a bit strict with him
Mikey loves chaos and has been raised on it but you’ve been taught to follow the rules so much that not doing so almost seems terrifying
So if, on the odd occasion, Mikey is trying to hide something from you it’s ok
He’s not cheating, just breaking the law
He loves attending your concerts and follows no laws of theatre etiquette which can be embarrassing but also adorable
You, on the other hand, found it almost life-changing to go to one of Mikey’s improv nights
The audience interaction and goofy scenes made it all so thrilling and exciting
And while you do have friends who had been doing improv for ages, you’d never actually attended one of the shows before
But your bf is the exception, forever and always
You still haven’t met his dad as you refuse to enter the sewers and Splinter still struggles with coming out in broad daylight
And your parents are yet to hear of your relationship as you have no idea how they’d feel about you dating a mutant turtle
They do, of course, know of your friendship but perhaps you’ll wait a bit before breaking the news that it’s a little more now
And the shots they’d make you take just for kissing him, the thought is draining
Besides, it can’t be that dangerous to kiss a turtle… can it?
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And don’t worry, I didn’t forget about the precious mutanimals
They know of you but you are yet to meet, you’ll talk eventually though
Overall, your relationship is messy, chaotic, thrilling and partially secretive
But it feels right
I hope I did good. Also, I’m an ex-ballet kid and a current theatre kid so I found this hilarious to write. And I do mean ex-ballet kid, I haven’t done proper classes in years so apologies if I got some stuff wrong. Anyway, as usual, please have a lovely day/night wherever you are!✨
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britcision · 2 years
Alright I’m on a Dead On Main kick but I’m also permanently in house “Danny Should Adopt Connor For Proper Clone Parenting”
So let’s combine those for crack purposes!
Timelines are fake and so are trees
Jason and Danny are both technically younger than Connor’s supposed to be, and both actually older than Connor is
There’s some fight in Gotham big enough to justify both Superman and Superboy showing up, Red Hood’s willingly working with the bats, mass hysteria
Jason Todd knows more than enough about forcing a working relationship with shitty parents enough to have Suspicions about how Man and Boy are interacting
He knew them before he died and knew it was a bad relationship then, it’s clearly no better
But it’s shooty shooty guns time so we’ll get to that later
Eventually he has to call in the bf because the JL are getting their asses kicked and Danny shows up and joins the fight
Even he can spot the tension and he and Jason exchange Big Gay Looks
But as the fight goes on, Connor’s pinned
In Big Danger, going down, Superman’s closest and doesn’t even glance twice
Just turns away
In comes Danny with the steel chair and if some flying fragments of goon nearly hit Supes, well, pure coincidence
Danny helps Connor to his feet and they get back into it, Connor gets to be in on the big plan which is Get Danny To The Middle
One ghostly wail later, that’s it that’s the fight
Everyone’s wondering what happened, how all the baddies disappeared, Danny gives Connor a pat on the shoulder
“I’m retired kid, and couldn’t have done it without you, so do me a favour and you take this win”
Danny’s gone, Connor’s confused, Jason INSTANTLY backs him up
If Bats is wondering who the unknown fighting alongside them was, well, Superman’s making his biggest constipated faces about congratulating his clone
Jason promises to explain everything if Connor comes by for coffee, Connor has no social life so post debrief they go and pick up enough for 3
Connor’s a little surprised cuz yeah, Jason’s different from when he was Robin, but way less angry and violent than Dick’s led him to believe
Jason explains it’s because of his new bf Danny, the explainer in this case
They get back to Danny in his human form, he’s all gushy and happy to meet Connor cuz whether he went to space or not Connor is technically an alien
Connor gets very quiet about his dna donors
Danny gets Instantly Suspicious and remembers that moment in the fight
Jason rats out the incidents he knows about where Superman’s been a shit
Connor insists we are Not Talking About This It’s Fine
Danny stares him in the face
“Hey wanna meet my clone? Her name’s Danielle, her creator made her try to murder me to replace me. She’s my sister and best friend and I love her dearly and You’re My Clone Now Too.”
Connor, befuddled, is instantly adopted by Dani as well because Clone Sibling, who cares about genetics
Jason tells Connor they’re always like this, but yeah, if he doesn’t wanna put up with Supes’ shit he can go his own way
He doesn’t even have to go full Red Hood style, but they’ll take care of him if he wants to break off on his own
Connor doesn’t believe Supes would ever allow this and would kill Connor the second he showed any hesitance
Danny goes Full Eldritch Horror
“Oh hey I don’t think I formally introduced you, Connor this is my boyfriend Danny, the King of the Infinite Realms, you just watched him melt a guy who was kicking Clark’s ass. What were your concerns again?”
And that’s how Connor ends up adopted by his friend’s baby brother and his eldritch boyfriend, complete with happy family jokes
Jason and Danny both call him their baby incessantly and Connor will never admit he kinda loves it, not least for the faces Dick makes
Superman does predictably kick up a stink about Connor not living on base, Batman can’t control Jason but Jason isn’t a world ending threat
Jason smiles extremely sweetly and demonstrates exactly what a world ending threat looks like by texting Danny, who shows up again in full Eldritch Horror
And then Danny texts JAZZ and the Justice League learn the true meaning of fear from a 6’9 redhead therapist who went to the Harley Quinn school of “Sit Down And Shut Up While I Read You For Filth”
Danny pinky swears not to end the world if the JL leave Jason and Connor alone, they can even still be on call for the league and MAYBE so will Danny
If they’re extremely lucky
Constantine assures them this is The Only Way Fucking Hell Superman What Did You Do
The only hiccup in the happily ever after is Dick deciding this makes him Connor’s uncle and being insufferable about it
Danny agrees and it only makes it worse
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