#werewolf!harry x y/n
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avocadoguru · 2 years ago
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He was staring at her in a way no one had in her entire life. She couldn’t read anything in his eyes - not surprise, not fear, not malicious intent - nothing. (wolfrry, werewolf!harry, alpha!harry, ranger!y/n)
Lupus Noctis- Masterlist, Author’s Note & Warnings
Chapter 10 / alternatively, read on wattpad
Chapter 11 (word count: 8k) -updated July 3rd
Harry had never cared less about appearing vulnerable to someone else. The amount of times Niall had seen him cry and cling to Y/N whilst whispering sweet nothings into her ear was well out of his comfort zone. But it didn’t even occur to him to mind.
It was like no one else existed.
Y/N was all that mattered. Her frail state that he could barely look at the first two days. Niall had told him not to, but he’d climbed next to her in the hospital bed. When he realized his friend was worried for his own injuries and that it would not affect his human, he completely disregarded his admonishments.
And Harry was aware that Niall had saved his life. He was lucky for such a friend as him and he would tell Niall as much once he got his mind in the right place. Once his human was up and talking and smiling again. But until then, he would sit by her side and talk to her, holding her hand and caressing her face, petting her hair. 
His own wounds would heal. He was okay but in pain, as his body had lost an almost fatal amount of blood. But he wasn’t thinking about that. He wasn’t worried about himself. He could endure the pain, the healing. He could endure the aftermath, his anger.
He’d not made his friend’s job easy. Niall had had to operate on him right there, next to Y/N, because he simply would not leave her sight. At Niall’s practice in the city, he set up two beds. One for Harry and one for Y/N. Lester helped aid him as much he could because time was of the essence with Harry. He was aware Y/N was too far gone to save but he did what he could in order to clean her up and close the wounds. Keeping her stable only prolonged the inevitable but Niall wouldn’t live with himself if he didn’t at least try. He knew it was of no use but he could stop her bleeding and get her to safety. That was all he could really offer.
For Harry, though. He was strong and could heal. He’d lost too much blood but he was a werewolf and his body would repair itself at a rate a human’s body would never be able to. So he cleaned and stitched, and stapled Harry’s wounds and broke him the news about his human. 
“No. She’s still alive. That means something. She’s not gone.”
“Harry…” Niall spoke softly and slowly knowing his friend had to hear the truth as awful as it was, “She’s not going to recover. I just want you to be prepared for this. Currently, her heart is still pumping but it’s getting weaker as the hours pass. Her lungs aren’t working and we’ve connected her to a ventilator so she can breathe but that just means her body is unable to function properly.”
He refused to believe she was dying. He was looking right at her, leaning over her body, his hands grasping her limp ones. She was only asleep. She was only unconscious and her body needed time. Just a little more time.
Niall went home every night to sleep in his own bed but he stayed with Harry as long as possible and he always returned the following morning with food for his friend.
He was worried about Harry. Not because of his injury, but because he wasn’t sure if Harry would be okay when Y/N’s body finally gave up. He was sure Harry would lose it. He was worried he’d go and get himself killed. The muttered words, “If she doesn’t come back to me I’m going to kill every fucking person that was involved,” told him as much. Niall was worried he’d lose his best friend.
The more time went on, the more desperate Harry became. While at first he’d just sat next to her bed, he’d ended up crawled next to her by the crack of dawn. If he barely could take in the sight of her at first, he was now scanning every inch of her as if to memorize her better. Barely daring to talk to her at first, he was now whispering right in her ear. Not for fear of being overheard. Again, he couldn’t give less of a fuck about how he appeared to Niall, Lester, or any of the nurses who came in during the night to check on Y/N. But as to be as gentle as possible with her, as to not startle her in her slumber, for he knew she was only asleep. 
He did hope she could hear him. Because he had a lot he wanted to tell her. Things he was desperate to get out, for fear he maybe wouldn’t get the chance to later on.
It wasn’t ideal, this wasn’t how he wanted this to happen. But he couldn’t hold it in any longer. “My love, please come back to me,” he murmured in her ear, not for the first time, not for the last time. “Please, I want to look into your pretty eyes again. Wish I’d told you how much I love your eyes before. I get so lost inside your eyes. Would you believe it? Or would you scoff and look away, thinking I was taking the piss? I don’t think you ever knew how far gone I was. I never showed you what you do to me. Not just my body, but my heart. Was too afraid to. Like a fucking coward. I wish I could take it back, wish I could show you just how much you’ve meant to me all along. Wish I could’ve seen your eyes when I first told you I loved you, no, when I sobbed it, when Niall brought us in and finally left us alone after he poked at my injuries for what felt like hours. It’s not that I didn’t want him to hear, hell, I’ll shout it from the rooftops. Mountain tops. I’ll howl it to the moon. I just… I wanted your ears to hear it first. I love you. You’re my mate. I’ve known from the start. I wish I could’ve told you. I wish there’d been a better way. Wish I’d been braver. Anything. Anything but this. Anything but you in this bed. Anything but you so weak and in pain, and–”
Harry buried his face in the crook of her neck and allowed himself to sob once more. He’d not cried since he was an infant, as children do, but he could physically feel his heart breaking. It was unbearable. If he held onto her tight enough, she couldn’t leave him. Right? 
“Everyone left. My parents. My brother. Don’t leave me too. Not when I finally found you. Not when you finally know. Not when I know that… you love me too… I know you do. Tell me you do, Y/N. Please. Please open those pretty eyes, and move those pouty lips and tell me. I swear I’ll not want for anything ever again. And if you don’t… That’s… that’s ok, too,” he sniffled, pulling away a bit and wiping his tears away from her skin. “Just wake up. If I’m wrong, and you don’t want to see me again, if… if seeing me was too much, is too much… I swear I’ll understand. I’ll do whatever you want, I’ll get lost forever if that’s what you want. Just please… wake up. Please.”
On the morning of day three, Niall came in with bagels and fruit. And it was no surprise when he saw Harry sitting next to her in bed. After assessing the scene and finding that Y/N was still alive he greeted Harry, “Hey, morning.”
Harry turned to look at his friend and ticked his head in a nod before bringing his full attention back to Y/N as he continued speaking in whispers to her. Private confessions. Promises. Declarations. Apologies. Supplications. The sort of things one whispers to a loved one on their deathbed.
“Got bagels and some spreads. Some bananas and melon too. It’ll be over here if you’d like any,” Nialll placed the food on the table he’d been using to eat on next to the window. 
Harry was a little hungry. He hadn’t eaten all that much in the few days since the fight. He hadn’t really been that hungry. But his body was healing well and now it was asking for some sustenance. 
Lifting his head he turned to face Niall, “Yeah. I think I’ll eat,” he stood from his chair and walked to the table selecting his bagel and a packet of butter as Niall watched him closely, “What?”
“Just… I’m glad you’re eating first thing. That’s good news. You’re healing well I think-”
“I don’t give a fuck about me. I know I’m fine. That makes all this so much worse!” He gestured around the room.
Niall nodded, “Yeah. I know. I just mean, for me. You know? You’re my friend. I’m just glad, is all.”
Harry was chewing into the bagel as he nodded, keeping his eyes on his friend. Swallowing down his bite he looked across the room to Y/N then back to Niall, “You’re a great friend, Niall.”
Harry took his usual quick nap once he’d finished eating the bagel. He would stay up all night with his eyes on his mate to watch for anything. He refused to sleep since Niall wasn’t there to check on her. He couldn’t risk being asleep if anything happened to her and no one else could watch over her, even with an overnight nurse present in the practice in the doctor’s absence.
Niall hoped against hope that, somehow, she would wake up. That she would be okay so that his friend would also be okay. He knew it was just about impossible, but if she didn’t wake up Harry would get himself killed by trying to avenge her.
After the last patient had left and Niall was shutting everything down he heard Harry calling for him. Niall took a deep breath, imagining the worst as he turned into the room the pair were in.
But it was the opposite of what Niall had thought. The patient monitor was showing a stronger heartbeat and slightly higher blood pressure. He scratched his head as he looked at the vitals on the screen and immediately pulled his stethoscope over his ears and held her wrist as he placed the chest piece over her heart to check the stats for himself. 
He looked up at Harry who had an expectant, hopeful expression on his face.
But Niall was confused. How? He double-checked her heart rate and swallowed, “I… She’s getting stronger. But I don’t know what this means. Um, I should stay the night. We can take shifts-”
“No. You can sleep if you need to. I’m gonna stay right here with her,” Harry spoke as he looked over his human and took her hand into his, “You’re doing so good, Y/N.”
Niall put on a pot of coffee and continued monitoring her as Harry stayed by her side. But the night didn’t change her status. She still had a stronger heartbeat and that was good. But no improvements were notable by the time Niall laid down to shut his eyes for a bit. His friend was glued to Y/N’s side. 
After Niall had fallen asleep Harry paced the room a bit. His nerves were getting to him. She’d gotten stronger suddenly and Niall was surprised by that. The not knowing what was to come was hard. Harry was used to being in situations where he could pretty well foresee the outcome because he was the one calling the shots. But this was different. Y/N’s life hung in the balance and he had no way of forcing his hand in this. It was up to fate. To chance. 
When the sun slowly drizzled into the room, golden first light hues scattered over her face as Harry sat by her side. Even asleep she was beautiful. Even with a tube in her throat. With a bandage on her neck, scratches on her face. 
“Good morning, Y/N. Sun’s up. Where are you? Are you coming back today, my love?”
Seconds after Harry whispered his words the patient monitor sounded with an alarm and Harry stood up quickly to see what had caused it. Rapidly increased heart rate.
Niall was quick to jump out of bed and take over but before he could pick up his stethoscope she moved. Her neck turned and her brow furrowed and Harry inhaled a sharp breath as he watched his mate come back to life. 
Quickly snapping on his gloves, Niall carefully pulled the tube from her throat, “She’s breathing. Respiratory waveform is active. I may need to reintubate but she’s breathing!”
Harry didn’t know what Niall was talking about but he didn’t care. It was all good news to him. She was moving and wincing as the tube was pulled out. Once it was tossed to the side Y/N began to cough and her scratched throat and trachea sounded like she had laryngitis but Harry was smiling and his heart was pounding in his chest.
“Y/N!” He pulled her hand into his and squeezed as she slowly blinked her eyes open. When her vision cleared and Harry came into sight she startled and yanked her arm away from him, eyes wide and looking around the room. 
The smile fell from Harry’s face at her reaction to him but figured that was deserved. He was just happy she was with him. She was awake. She was alive.
Niall quickly adjusted the settings on the monitor so the alarms would stop and then he looked her over, “Y/N. You’re in my clinic right now. You’re recovering from an injury. Do you know who I am?”
She tried using her vocal cords but winced and coughed, “It’s okay. You don’t need to use your voice right now. You had a tube in your throat and you’ll be a bit sore and uncomfortable for a bit. Just nod or shake your head to answer.”
She nodded slowly and scrunched her face in pain.
“She’s hurting, Niall!” Harry spoke quickly. Her little body was in pain. He could tell.
Niall pulled an IV and inserted the appropriate amount of narcotic to put into her bloodstream to ease her pain, “I know, Harry. One thing at a time, man. She’s just becoming conscious.”
Harry could feel warm tears begin to fill his eyes and blur his vision but now that she was breathing, and looking around the room, he didn’t want her to see him falling apart. Now that she was back he knew he needed to stay strong for her. He quickly exited the room so he could let himself feel the sadness and joy heave from his body. He leaned into the wall and tilted his head back to look upward as he clutched over his pounding heart causing the tears to drip into his ears and on his neck. 
If Harry didn’t need Niall he’d have strangled him then and there when he re-entered the room after collecting himself and seeing Y/N was back asleep. 
“I had to sedate her! She was in too much pain!”
Harry kept it together upon hearing that. “But she will wake up again. Right?!”
“Absolutely. She’s… I can’t believe I’m actually saying this, but she’s on the mend. She’s getting better. It’s only uphill from here, man. Listen, I know you wanted to talk to her… but she was struggling, I could tell. Another round of IVs and she should wake up way smoother next time. Plus, she’s breathing all on her own! Look!”
And Harry was looking. He’d not taken his eyes off of her. Niall had better been right about this, otherwise he’d never forgive himself the mistake of stepping out for the brief moment she was awake. But he didn’t want her to see him fall apart like that. He needed to be strong for her. Needed to reassure her. Brighten her up.
He hoped he hadn’t missed his shot.
Niall decided to sleep at the practice again that night, knowing Y/N would probably wake up and he wanted to be there to give her proper medical care and make sure Harry didn’t accidentally smother her back into a coma. He kept that thought to himself, along with his other suspicions regarding her sudden, and quite miraculous recovery, at that.
Instead, he tried distracting his friend who seemed even more impatient for her to wake up than before, “She’s a fighter, your Y/N.”
Harry couldn’t help but smile at that, ungluing his eyes from her frame. He sat on a chair on the side of her bed when Niall was in the room, mostly so he could prod at her freely. 
Niall was very pleased with her vitals. She was almost fully recovered, judging by all her stats. The bloodwork had come back almost impeccable. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say it was a scientific miracle. It kind of was, in a way. But Harry wasn’t questioning it at all. Maybe to him it didn’t seem like such a miracle, with all the pleading he’d been doing for her to get better, it was like all his prayers had been answered. He didn’t have the medical knowledge to grasp the uniqueness of the situation.
“She always has been, you know. Brave little thing.” He told Harry how she had gone looking for him that night and found Niall at his apartment and how he knew she didn’t buy his story about taking over the lease. He’d called Lester the very next morning to tell him that Y/N was concerned about Harry being missing and Lester told him that she was in danger and he was on his way. Lester knew not to trust Harry’s pack. He knew something wasn’t right. He’d been around long enough to know what was what in that world.
“And then Lester said that as he was leaving the house and saying goodbye to Alma, Edward growled and pounced on him to get him to wait and that’s when he shifted back. No one expected it but it happened. So Lester, Alma, and Edward all made the trip together because Edward wanted to help. Then I tried calling her and texting her so I could warn her but by then it was too late. And that’s when I found her apartment door open and her purse left behind.”
Y/N had been smart to go searching for Harry. If she hadn't, Niall might have not known he was missing because it wouldn’t be uncommon for Harry and Niall to go a week or two without talking. And both she and Harry might be dead at that moment if not for Lester and Niall’s intervention. 
Lester’s sway amongst the leaders of the packs was wide-reaching. He threatened to call on reinforcements if Harry’s pack didn’t offer a trial (which they weren’t going to at first). So, as grim as the current outcome had been, it would have been worse if Niall and Lester weren’t there to help.
But it had all started with Y/N. She’d been worried about him, even mad that he’d gone missing, again. 
Eventually, Niall left the room to nap in his office and Harry was once more alone with his little human. Knowing she was definitely going to wake up again now made him focus on how he was going to fix this mess. He wasn’t foolishly assuming she’d forgive him and want him back, even though he did know that she loved him too. He’d seen it in her eyes when he was about to fight that scumbag for his life. 
Be that as it may, he knew that didn’t equate to her wanting him in her life necessarily. What she’d witnessed was hard to accept. What he’d kept from her was hard to come to terms with. And she was fragile now. She needed space, he knew. But he wasn’t going to leave her out of his sight no matter how much she opposed it. He was going to bring her back home and assure her he would give her space, the space she needed to figure things out whilst recovering safely. 
He didn’t trust her alone at her own place. Sure, he’d earned their freedom from the pack but there were still loose ends he needed to trim. Like Irina. Harry hadn’t forgotten about her and her complicity in all of this. She was going to have to pay, too. But that was for later. For now, he was focusing on Y/N and her safety, and he didn’t trust his former pack, especially Irina, not to try and get to them again. They were conniving, double-crossing fiends, and even after earning his freedom fair and square he was still expecting some sort of retaliation. 
His plan was for them to move away for good as soon as she made a full recovery. Granted she still wanted him, of course. He had no plan for the eventuality that she would kick him to the curb. He couldn’t even ponder that option. 
But Lester’s offer was all the more appealing now. And he knew she loved it there on his farm too. Maybe that could be their new home. Anywhere she wanted. As long as they were together.
Just then, he felt her stir, and he climbed off the bed gently and sat on the chair next to her bed. He didn’t want to suffocate her with his proximity. Didn’t want to give her the impression that he was assuming anything. But he still held her hand, he just couldn’t let go. He didn’t need the monitor to feel her heartbeat pick up and know she was waking up, and he saw Niall approach from the corner of his eye, his watch alerting him of the changes on the monitor.
“She might be a little woozy ‘cause of the higher dose of painkillers I gave her. So don’t worry about that.”
Harry nodded and squeezed her hand in his gently, “Y/N? Are you awake, kitten? C’mon. Open those pretty eyes for us.”
And open them she did. Fluttering eyelashes gave way for her lovely irises in which Harry had feared he’d never see his reflection again. 
Both men smiled widely at her compliancy and Niall brought a tall tumbler of water to her lips, “Need to lubricate your throat a bit, Y/N; have a sip, please?”
She looked up at him and gave the faintest of nods, and he took it as his cue to hold the straw steady as she puckered her lips around it and began drinking out of the glass slowly. She winced at first, taking the first few gulps, her throat sore no doubt, but she finished the glass in its entirety which prompted Harry to squeeze her hand once more and coo, “Good girl.”
Her heart rate picked up a bit at that and Niall gave him a sly smile, but Harry was too enthralled watching his little human to notice. She rested her head back against the pillow, the strain in her neck keeping her head up getting to her. Niall fluffed the sides of her pillows a bit to give her even more support and smiled at her, “You’re doing so well, Y/N. You’re recovering beautifully. Would you mind trying to talk to us a bit? I know it’s a bit uncomfortable and your throat must still be sore, but I know someone is dying to hear your voice again.”
Harry kicked his friend in the ankle at that. He had no business putting that kind of pressure on her and Niall got the message loud and clear, but she seemed to miss the interaction altogether and opened up her mouth to try and get some words out. “How…” she frowned at the sound of her own groggy voice, and tried clearing her throat but it came out the same, “How long was I…?”
“A few days. Nothing major. Don’t worry about that. You’ve made a full recovery, so nothing to worry about whatsoever! You still have some scarring that will fade but I guarantee there will be no marks left to tell for them. And of course, you need to build your strength back, but at the pace you’re going, you should be on your feet as soon as tomorrow!”
Harry shot up his eyebrows to Niall’s statement as he watched him prod at her further, making her follow a small light he fished out of his breast pocket and then asking her more questions to assess her reflexes and awareness. Wasn’t that a bit too optimistic? He’d never heard of anyone making such a speedy recovery waking up from a coma. He didn’t want Niall to create false expectations for her.
“In fact, I’m discharging you today!”
Y/N was just as surprised as Harry to hear that she was going to be ok to leave so soon. She had no idea how long she’d been out of it exactly, but she disliked hospitals as much as the next person, so she was glad for it.
“Now… I know this is a sensitive subject, so I’m going to step out and leave you two to it, but I’m going to have to need you to tell me if you want me to send over a nurse to look after you for a day or two at home, or if you’re comfortable with nurse Harry over here,” Niall nudged over to his friend. “There’s really nothing special he needs to do, just make sure you take your meds on time and keep an eye on you, make sure you make no sudden movements, make sure you hydrate and feed yourself properly, you’re still going to need to sleep as much as possible so it’s easy to lose track of all that yourself.”
Y/N made to say something but stammered, trailing off and Niall took it as his cue to leave the room, but not before praising her for her recovery again, “You’re doing great, Y/N. I’m so happy to see you on the mend. Had us worried for a moment there, but you’re a fighter.” 
Harry watched his friend close the door behind him and then turned back to look at his little human and found her eyes already on him. He was still holding her hand, running his thumb over her skin in soft strokes all along, and he took one more look at the sight of her small hand in his before he removed himself in order to give her the space she needed to make the decision.
He looked back at her then and his heart soared at the sight. He didn’t know whether it was the drugs she was on, but the brazen look in her eyes and the way she didn’t shy away from his as she sometimes did had his own heart pounding against his ribcage. For the first time ever, he didn’t know how to approach her. She intimidated him. A feeling so foreign to him. He didn’t think anyone had ever made him look away, stare him down to the point where he had to break eye contact. Surely it was the guilt he felt, he reasoned. 
“Are you alright?” she whispered as to not strain her vocal cords. Her voice sounded more like her old self when she did that, she found.
Again, Harry felt his heartbeat pick up at her concern for him. “I am now. How are you feeling? Are you hurting?”
She shook her head slightly, “I feel fine. It’s like I just woke up from a deep sleep. But I remember the pain…” she winced at the thought, and Harry made to grab her hand in his again but stopped himself just short of.
Instead, she stretched her arm ever so slightly and grazed his hand with the back of her fingers. Both of them watched intently as their fingers intertwined. Harry couldn’t fight the urge to raise their conjoined hands to his lips and kiss hers. “I was so afraid I’d lost you,” he murmured against her soft skin, his brows furrowed and eyes shut tightly.
She understood all the different meanings to his statement and wanted to say the same. But she needed more time. She needed to clear her head a bit. But she also needed him, that she knew for sure. She didn’t want to go home without him. Not after she thought she was going to lose him, herself. No. She wanted him near. “So take me home, nurse Harry.” 
Y/N felt exhausted by the time Harry had brought her back to his house. He’d carried her all the way, to and from his car, and she could’ve sworn she felt his heart threatening to break free from his chest as she laid her head atop of it, in his arms. She’d never seen him drive that slow, avoiding every little pothole just so she could be as comfortable as possible for the small journey to his house. She knew they needed to talk and clear the air, but she didn’t have the energy for it quite yet. She was happy he was alive, and she allowed herself to bask in that feeling. 
She’d asked him to run her a bath, the sponge baths the nurses had been apparently giving her had left her sufficiently clean but she felt like she needed to really soak and preferably wash her hair too. Harry wasn’t too sure about that, though. He wanted to give her space, but this could be too dangerous for her still weakened state. He didn’t want to push it and suggest he get into the tub with her, but he told her he’d be standing by the whole time and wash her hair for her, and she agreed to it.
He tried looking away when she undressed, and he even helped her to an extent, but then he reasoned he needed to assess how her bruising and scarring was developing. He was pleasantly surprised to see her skin was barely tainted.
And Y/N was very aware of his eyes on her, on the way his blood quickened in his veins, could almost guarantee he’d stiffened in his pants at the sight of her bare body before him, but she couldn’t act on it as much as her own body was responding to their closeness. She needed time. Her body needed time, too, not just her heart and her mind.
He helped her climb into the tub and sink into the perfectly warm water and Harry sat on the floor next to it and leaned on the margin, looking at her through bubbles, content to have her safe in his presence. Content to know she wasn’t in any pain. He didn’t know how he’d gotten so lucky. It seemed like a miracle that she was awake, let alone able to do all this so rapidly. 
But he didn’t want to tell her how close he’d been to losing her. Didn’t want to tell her how worried Niall had been and adamant she wasn’t going to wake up. Didn’t want to tell her that he’d been prepping himself for losing her for good, telling her all he had weighing heavy on his heart.
They sat in silence, and it was perfect. She was there. She was alive and well. And she’d not told him to get lost. His heart was hopeful.
Eventually, he helped her wash her hair, sitting on the edge of the tub behind her. He was extra gentle, and she hummed deeply at how good it must’ve felt. He was happy he could make her feel better, in any way.
And later, when she let him dress her in one of his shirts to bed, his heart soared. He wanted so badly to kiss her, just a soft peck. Just to be close, and communicate how he felt. But he wouldn’t push it. Her hair was still damp but the look in her eyes had gone soft and hazy, and he knew her energy was running low. He gave her her meds and helped her in bed, and then stood there stupidly, unsure what to do.
“Are you not tired?”
He nodded. He was exhausted. He’d barely slept for all those days, and he was still recuperating himself from fatal injuries. Of course, being a werewolf, his recovery was expedited, but he still felt weak. Above his physical injuries though was his mental exhaustion. He’d worried so much for her that he was now feeling it all catch up to him. 
“Will you hold me, then? I know you’re injured, too, so only if–”
She didn’t even have time to finish that sentence before Harry was undressing and climbing into bed behind her. He’d kept his boxers on- again, boundaries. But he tentatively reached for her soft body and pulled her into his chest, holding her to him.
Her own hands grabbed on to his arm and she nuzzled closer against him as he spooned her, “I just know I couldn’t fall asleep without your scent all around me,” she mumbled, already so close to falling asleep.
He’d not had time to shower himself that day, so hopefully it wasn’t off-putting for her. But he’d get that done in the morning. As well as cook for them, his appetite was growing now that all was well in the world again. And, well, he’d have to do something about the erection he was trying to keep from pressing into her. He was determined to give her the space she needed and that meant keeping his urges at bay. 
He was so happy she was in his arms, he felt like crying from happiness. It was hard refraining from smothering her in his affections when she was right there, pressed against his chest.
“Oh…” she gasped softly. “Is that… are you purring?”
Harry froze and immediately stopped, “‘m sorry, thought you’d fallen asleep…”
“No, no. Don’t stop. I like it. Please keep doing it?”
Harry didn’t even have to force himself to, just hearing her asking him to purr had him doing so naturally. It felt incredible to be able to do so freely, after having to hide it from her for so long. His natural reaction to her proximity when he felt happy and warm and fuzzy. 
She giggled. Harry smiled widely at the feel of her trembling in delight in his arms, and it spurred him further, tightening his arms around her a bit more, still careful not to harm her in any way though. “This feels amazing…” she trailed off, drifting into unconsciousness. Harry agreed wholeheartedly.
Harry had woken her up at around 6am to give her her meds, then before she could drift back to sleep he told her he’d be stepping out very briefly in the morning to restock their fridge so he could cook something for them, as promised, making a point out of how he’d be back before she’d even wake up but in case she needed anything, anything at all, she was to call him ASAP. 
But she was feeling fine, in fact, she’d used the bathroom before going back to sleep all on her own, no need for him to help her to the ensuite, she was just very tired still.
So when she woke up later, she didn’t really need to go downstairs and check to know that Harry was not back yet. In fact, he’d probably just left since his scent was still lingering pretty heavily around her. Plus she couldn’t smell any cooking taking place.
Still, just to be sure, she got out of bed and decided to go inspect. She was feeling… surprisingly fresh and reinvigorated. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d woken up so well-rested. She couldn’t believe she’d suffered any injuries, she was feeling fine. More than fine. 
But she wasn’t gonna complain about it. She did feel hungry though, so she was hoping Harry would be back soon from grocery shopping and she was determined to convince him to let her help. She had a burst of energy and couldn’t imagine being made to lay in bed for one more day.
She still felt like this house had way too many rooms. Was way too big. Who needed all this space?! She liked it, she really did, but she much preferred the cosiness of her own home. That was probably what was wrong with it, this just felt like a house, not like a home.
It hadn’t been lived in all that long, to be sure. But still. Passing by a spare guest room she suddenly stopped in her tracks.
She furrowed her brows, following the overwhelming scent she was picking up on, coming from that room.
She’d expected it to be a laundry room with the kind of scent she was picking up on, but there were no hampers lying around the room. It all smelled of brand new furniture, except for one specific chest of drawers. 
Approaching it, she reluctantly opened up the uppermost drawer, on a whim. 
Her eyes rounded in shock. She gingerly picked one of the several pairs of panties. Not just any panties, but her very own. Her very own used panties. 
She dropped them back and took a step back, incredulous laughter escaping her lips that she then covered, still in shock. “...Holy shit!”
Maybe she should’ve found it repulsive, she reasoned, but to her dismay she found this was turning her on for some reason. She didn’t know what it was about her discovery, but it awakened something in her, something very… primal. 
But she didn’t really have time to contemplate this when she heard the faint sound of a car door. The huge, semi furnished house must’ve had quite the echo if she could hear him out front when she was on the other side of the house entirely.
Nonetheless, she decided to bring it up later, use it to her advantage somehow, the idea sending a thrill through her body.
For now, she needed to eat. She was truly ravenous. 
She made her way into the kitchen, just in time for Harry to emerge with the groceries. He was being very careful and quiet in his movements, but she noticed him rush to the kitchen after he’d entered the house, almost as if he knew she’d be there.
“What are you doing here!?”
She shrugged, “Waiting for you. I’m hungry, you said you’d be quick.”
Harry didn’t know whether to be annoyed or glad. He was happy she was feeling good enough to get out of bed, happy she was hungry, but he’d told her to take it easy. “I told you to call if you needed something!”
“Why? I knew you were probably on your way back, and I don’t exactly need anything. But you’re letting me help.”
Harry placed the groceries on the island, taking her in. She was quite sassy all of a sudden. Again, there was something about the way she was looking at him. Something was just… different. Like she was challenging him, more than before. She was never the meek and obedient kind, and that’s one of the things he liked about her, but now… she’d amped it up a notch. Or two.
And he liked it.
“Is that so?”
She nodded. “Are we making eggs benedict?”
Harry furrowed his eyebrows, his lips quirking up in a smile. “I am. You’re gonna wait on the couch all snuggled up.”
Y/N frowned, “But I’m tired of lying around! How long was I even out for, I feel like my muscles need a good stretch! Could we go for a swim later? Besides, you went for a jog yourself, don’t be selfish!”
Harry was taking all of this in, trying to process what she was saying. He wasn’t all that familiar with human recovery, but this sounded out of the ordinary, even to him.
“It was just a quick run before I headed out. I’ll have to check with Niall and see if he approves. He told me to make sure you take it easy.”
“Yeah, nurse Harry, I remember. But surely swimming isn’t too strenuous… I just wanna stretch my limbs a bit.”
Harry had a different idea as to how he could help her with that but he kept it to himself. For now. Especially with how he was certain he could smell hints of arousal on her. But he knew he couldn’t dream of pursuing that idea until they had a serious talk about what had happened. And he was waiting for her to initiate that conversation. For now, he had to burn off his pent-up energy by doing things out of character, like jogging. He would’ve skipped it had he known she’d be up so soon. For as long as he’d known her, Y/N had never been a morning person. And now especially, she should’ve been still in bed, recovering. But it was barely 9am and here she was, giving him lip that early in the morning.
“I just don’t know where,” she mumbled while she started unpacking the groceries. “Can’t exactly go back to the preserve…”
Harry furrowed his brows even deeper watching her unpack the groceries. His mind was racing, trying to make sense of it all. “How did you know I was planning on eggs benedict?”
Y/N shrugged, “Guess I had a hunch? Oh, crap. The hollandaise is dripping!”
Harry approached her side to inspect the jar, luckily not much had dribbled down the side of it, “Yeah, I opened it up to check if it was any good otherwise I’d have had to make it from scratch. The lid must’ve unscrewed on the way here��”
Part of him wondered if she’d smelled the sauce, and that’s what had given it away, but there was no way she could smell that tiny bit that had dribbled out of the jar. He could smell it now, of course, being as close as he was to the opened bag, but had he been able to get a whiff of it earlier he’d have secured the lid in place.
Y/N was having a hard time with him so close to her. He smelled delicious, all manly after his jog. She felt like burying her nose into his neck and forgetting all about breakfast. Suddenly she had a different appetite that needed sating. And then there was the tiny detail about him collecting her discarded panties…
No sooner did she finish even thinking about that, that Harry pulled away as if electrocuted and she watched him take a few tentative steps back. “What’s wrong?”
“I just remembered I’m long overdue a shower, I must reek. I’ll be quick, please don’t start without me, alright? Turn on the TV or something, sit.”
She rolled her eyes and watched him rush for the staircase. Fine. She’d wait. 
Harry had not allowed himself any reprieve since this whole nightmare had started. The first good night’s sleep he’d gotten was that very night, with Y/N safe and sound in his arms, in his bed. The jog earlier that morning was meant to help him blow off some steam, but Y/N’s proximity was making it very hard for him to ignore his urges, especially when he most definitely smelled hints of arousal on her.
He was determined to keep it in check for her sake, and aside from the fact that he really did need to shower, quite desperately so, he was also going to jerk off to clear his head a bit.
He came way too fast, and very hard since he’d not released in over a week. He couldn’t even remember the last time he’d gone so long without. Probably not since he’d first masturbated as a teenager, which was saying something. But it left him unsatisfied. He needed more. He huffed his frustration but then heard a loud knock on the ensuite door. He turned the shower off so he could hear her properly, “Y/N? What’s wrong?”
“You tell me! It sounded like you were in pain, are you alright?!” a very distraught Y/N could be heard from the other side. Harry frowned. Surely he hadn’t been that loud when he came. And the water should’ve muffled it. 
“Yeah… yeah, I’m fine.” He quickly grabbed a towel, placing it around his hips and holding it together in his fist as he emerged from the ensuite, taking in the distressed look on her face.
But her look of distress quickly morphed into something else. He could visibly see her eyes darken as she unashamedly scanned him head to toe, her hungry gaze following the path the water droplets were making on their way down his body.
She took a step closer, then, to his surprise. He was already hardening again just taking in her own body’s response to his. And Harry definitely noticed the way her eyes widened when they reached the way he was tenting his towel, even held snug around his hips as it was.
And he could definitely smell her arousal, too. She must’ve been dripping with how potent it was. Harry was in limbo, frozen in place waiting for her to do something, anything. He knew she desperately wanted him, just as much as he wanted her, but he wasn’t going to push her. Not when he knew there was so much to–
His throat went dry immediately when her eyes traveled back up to meet his. Her eyes. It couldn’t be…
“I, uh, I forgot something in the car! Be right back!” he stammered, clutching his towel tightly as he made his way downstairs in a rush, all wet and slippery on the marble floor.
He not only went outside, but surpassed his car parked out front, and instead circled the property all the way to the furthermost corner of the expansive garden. He’d made sure to grab his phone first from the kitchen island where he’d left it, and dialed Niall’s number as soon as he was as far away from the house as he could get, given his state of undress.
An amused voice sounded from the other end when Niall finally picked up, “So… did you figure it out, yet?”
Chapter 12
A/N: (@fkinavocado and @gurugirl here) What do you think this all means for Harry & Y/N? Did you vote correctly?
please remember to like & reblog if you enjoyed this, and most importantly, come share your thoughts on it with us here 💌
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gurugirl · 2 years ago
Ready for some Friday night wolfrry to get your weekend started?
Chapter 4 is going up in 5 hours 👀
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fkinavocado · 2 years ago
chapter 4 of wolfrry is going up TODAY, 10pm UTC! that's exactly 5 hours from now! ❤️
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gurugirl · 2 years ago
💦🤰💦 oh my god
I’m throbbing. Wolfrry breeding kink, the knot, the dirty talk 😵‍����😵‍💫
Deep Inside
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Wolfrry breeding, as popular demand.
Check out our Patreon for early access and exclusive writings.
Warnings: knotting, breeding kink, slight primal play, degradation if you squint
WC- 2.1k
Harry’s eyes stayed intently on her. Holding a little pup in her lap, cradled carefully on her thighs as she sat against the tree with her fingers stroking back wispy hair. He could hear the soft coos over the crackling fire, their weekly bonfire giving the Alpha pair a chance to bind with their pack and let them feel more secure in their leadership.
Y/N always had a soft spot for the pups, but this was a new baby. A new addition to the pack and the first bonfire for the little one. The mother was happy to hand Y/N her pup. It was a great honor to have the alpha female dote and care for your pup. No one would refuse that. There were whispers that the alpha female of every pack would grant blessings each time the pup was held by her, so no one in their right mind would hesitate to hand them over.
It was even more so with his mate. She was a natural with them. Gentle and soft and her demeanor strong enough to demand the respect she deserved, yet tender enough for the pups to trust and crave her presence. They followed her around and liked to show her their tricks and toys while she happy observed when she had the time. Babies were some of her favorite though.
Harry couldn’t help but selfishly enjoy the sight. Her fingers playing with the chubby cheeks and tickling the little soft tummy, making the baby giggle with joy. Little pudgy fingers grasped her fingers, which Y/N brought to her own mouth to feign eating them with a comical noise. The pup let out a squeal of comical delight, kicking his little legs at the motion.
“You’re incredible, aren’t you? Strong little wolf.” Harry approached quietly, not a sound made as to not disturb his love or the pup in her grasp. “Yes. You are. So strong and fierce, but you must never forget to have a gentle heart underneath the warrior walls. Okay? Your mate will thank you for it. You are to be kind… generous… sharp as a whip.” The baby gurgled in reply, making Y/N laugh. “Mhm… exactly.” Her finger tapped the little nose, watching it scrunch up. “But you see… your Alpha is trying to pretend he isn’t watching me play with you. It’s very distracting for me.”
Damn. He had been caught. A light chuckle left his chest, arms crossed as he emerged from his shadowy hiding spot and leaned against the tree to look down at the baby. The giggles stopped, a wide eyed look taking over the face- but no discomfort. His little legs kicked again, hand raising up as if to point before looking back at Y/N.
“Yes. That is your alpha. The strongest wolf in all of the lands.” She whispered. “One day you will fight beside him to take care of our pack. Maybe you will have another passion as well!” She squeezed his feet. “But he will make sure you are protected until you can protect yourself. Your father, him, all the pack. You are safe!” She cooed, making Harry’s heart grow a few sizes.
“His mother is looking for him.” He murmured to her, looking at the pup. She was, but Harry was feeling very interested in something else right now. “We are needed inside for a moment, my love. Let’s return him and then we can take care of the issue inside.”
Harry’s energy was big today. Y/N had a feeling she knew why he was crowding her space as they walked inside, excitement stinging her spine and warmth flooding her stomach. His hands had held her hips as he shuffled her towards his office, kicking the door shut behind him as his dark eyes took her in. He was hunting her.
“You know what it does to me.” He whispered, pressing her against the front of his desk. “What it calls to when I see you cradling pups that way. When you… lay there and allow me to watch you do the things I’ve been dreaming about for ages.” He dragged his nails over her sides, catching slightly on the material of her long dress. It was a gauzy material, one of his favorites from how it flowed behind her and made her the ethereal vision she always deserved to be admired as- but he was hating any barrier at the moment.
“It’s tradition, Alpha.” She was baiting his wolf,’knowing damn well what she was doing with those soft eyes and gentle voice. Fingers brushing through his long hair and tugging a bit at the little snares it had gotten,’making him growl. “I’m whispering blessings to babies. Shouldn’t that please you?” Her head tilted to the side, her calculating gaze hot and heavy as she leaned back slightly. “I always try to please you.”
“And you do. You do it so well… but I think it should be time that you do that to our pups.” He grunted, fingers bunching up the thin fabric and pulling it up. “You should be full of me, bred properly like the good mate you are. You should show everyone how taken you are, how good you take my cock. Stuff you full of me, my knot, our children….” He pulled the fabric above her hips. “I need it. I’m done waiting.”
He had been patient. They’d played around- but he was tired of waiting. Y/N was too, or she would have stopped him. But she was wet, dripping down her thighs at his words and the walk back. She had been well aware of his gaze and what it meant. He was going to fill her up to the brim with his cum and make it stick this time, and she ached for it.
“Then stop waiting.” Her finger traced his lip, a little gasp escaping as he caught the tip with his teeth and growled. “Take what you want.” Y/N finished the job, pulling the dress over her head and letting it fall before turning from his grasp and bending over the desk. She knew exactly what she was doing- giving him a mounting position and breaking his last straw.
It didn’t take long for her to feel the bare tip of his cock pressing inside of her. A pathetic whine left her throat, gripping the desk as she felt her cunt begin that stretch she loved oh so much. His prick sliding inside of her inch by inch, his hot breath washing over her back as he pressed wet kisses to her shoulder blades. Lettin mg every little bit of his cock fill her up until his balls were rested snug up against her and she began to squirm, a weak thrust up trying to get him to move.
“Stop.” He snarled, biting down on her shoulder in warning. “Lay there and take my cock like the good bitch y’are.” His voice was so deep, so rough, it had her eyes rolling back into her head. The man was everything to her, every little thing he did making her feel even more desperate. “Got to make sure you’re stretched. You’re soaked but it’s so tight…” he ground into her, curling his hand back around her throat as he arched her up.
“Oh my…. Fuck.” Y/N whispered, panting as she felt him pull out to slam back in, making her jolt over the desk. She never tired of the feeling of his cock taking up every bit of space inside of her body. “I love your cock, Alpha. I love it, I need it. Gimme more? Give it.” She tired to push back against him again, her cunt sweet and soft around his aching length. Harry loved being inside of her and feeling how she reacted to him.
“I’m going to give it all to you, you filthy little thing. Teasing me by being so sweet with the little ones… finally need to give me our own. Need to give you some to grow.” He grunted, beginning his brutal pace. He was on a mission to knock her up, to get her full and make it stick inside of her. It was time to start the breeding process and her body reacted beautifully.
Y/N was pliant under her, whimpering and whining as Harry did what he did best. Aggressive and hot, she let him handle her in the way he needed. Every single movement and bite had her floating, submitting to the Alpha the way the gods intended for her to do. His cock was thick and long, curved just right to hit the spot that had her cunt leaking down his balls. The feral sounds filled the office, her nails scratching marks into the priceless desk while he fucked her rough. His growls were against her ear, soaking up each and every noise his mate made as his cock wrecked her.
“There- there, alpha. Please stay right there, it’s gonna make me cum.” She pleaded, working through the squeal she had met out when he has shifted his hips just so. His filthy mouth was the cherry on top of the rough fuck that brought out the animalistic side of them.
“Just lay there and let me fuck you” he panted into her ear, the vibration of his words making her shiver. “You’re such a good little bitch. Laying out and letting your alpha use your hole the way it’s meant to be used.” He nuzzled against her neck thrusting into her at the deep pace she had begged for. It was a nasty mess in the room. Anyone inside the hall could smell it if they walked past, the scent of their sex and desperation clinging to the walls. The sounds were echoing through the room, the grunts and growls and her sloppy cunt being wrecked by his cock, Y/N unable to keep quiet with her little whines.
“My perfect little mate. You were made for me. Made t’have my children. I want to watch you swell with them… taste your breasts when they leak. I want to make you a mother, my love.” He slurred against her neck, feeling the beginnings of his knot. “M’gonna stuff you full of my knot and my load, make it stick. Get you pregnant and bred up for me the way you should stay. Gonna do it over n’over until it takes. I can’t stand it anymore.” He needed to have her pregnant. It didn’t feel like a want but a need.
“Please, alpha. Please breed me, I want it. I want it so bad, I want our babies, I want…” she sobbed out in pleasure and desperation. “Want to feel full. Want you to own me. Please, please- I feel it.” She said frantically. “I feel your knot, give it to me. Give it to me, put it in, knot me. Breed me, Harry.” She snarled, her nails digging into his wrist as he held her throat. He owned her, yes, but she owned him too.
A roar of pleasure hit the room as Harry caved to his mate’s requests. His knot catching and flaring inside to lock them together as she came all over his cock, her body convulsing slightly under him as she sobbed out his name. She was so full, so overwhelmed as she felt his body cover hers and rock inside as the ropes of cum continued to fill her.
“Give it, Harry. Give me all of it.” She whimpered, a tear dragging down her cheek. “Give me all of your cum. I want it to catch. Want your babies inside of me. Give me the pups.”
“It’s there, my love. It’s there. My perfect little breeding bitch.” He sighed, the pleasure still shooting through him as his cum shot into her in its heavy ribbons. Y/N shuddered under him, feeling every single throb of his cock as she was filled. It was one of her favorite feelings and Harry loved to give it to her.
“I love you. It’ll stick. M’gonna make sure you’re pregnant.” He turned her face to catch her lips, groaning happily into her mouth as her cunt milked his knot for all it was worth. “It’s coming soon. Don’t worry.”
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cruel-seduction · 20 days ago
Run, baby, Run. (Werewolf theo au)
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Werewolf!theo au (u can read it as standalone)
word count - 3.5k+
Summary - You still remember the first time Theo ruined you—how you kicked, screamed, pretended you didn’t want it, even as your body betrayed you, dripping, pulsing, aching for more. But this time, he’s giving you a choice: run. Try to escape. If he catches you, and you know he will, there’ll be no mercy. He’ll have you spread out on the bed, wrists pinned, legs forced wide as he takes his time—sucking, biting, fucking you into delirium, making you come again and again until your mind shatters and the only thing left is the filthy, desperate need to be owned by him
Contains - spit but not theo it's reader instead, cnc idk man what this is called, fingering, smut, degrading, and I genuinely don't know which is bad or not so contain some really bad stuff also soft dom theo who knows how to mock someone.
a/n - Hello, my certified cutie red flags. I proofread it in my phone while I was in metro. I felt very embarrassed. I am ovulating. Wolf theo is a need not a want.
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The ache between your thighs still hasn’t faded.
You shift uncomfortably as you walk, your muscles sore, your body betraying you with every step. It’s been a week, but you can still feel him—his weight pressing you into your own mattress, the brutal drag of his cock stretching you open, his teeth sinking into your skin as he whispered against your throat, “Mine.”
You had fought him that night. Hard. You had clawed at his arms, shoved against his chest, even slapped him across the face so hard your palm stung—but all he did was fucking smile. Like he was amused. Like your resistance meant nothing. Like the bond had already decided for you.
And maybe it had.
Your fingers tighten around the silver chain around your neck, the protective talisman hanging just above your collarbone. A worthless thing. A useless, desperate attempt to convince yourself that you still had a choice in any of this. You had bought it from a vendor in Knockturn Alley the day after he had ruined you, the old witch promising that it would keep werewolves at bay. But deep down, you knew better.
Nothing could keep him away from you.
And the worst part?
Some sick, twisted part of you didn’t want it to.
No. Fuck that. You shake your head, forcing the thought away, shoving it deep into the recesses of your mind where all your shame lives. You didn’t want him. You didn’t. He had forced you—pinned you down, taken what he wanted, told you that the mark he left on your skin bound you together in a way that you could never undo. It wasn’t real. It was just the bite. Just a trick of biology, some ancient, primal magic designed to make you want him.
That’s all it was.
And yet, every night since, you had lain awake in your bed, pulse racing, breath uneven, skin prickling with the memory of him. Waiting.
For what, you don’t know. For him to come back? For him to break down your door again, to pin you to the mattress and make you forget why you ever fought him in the first place?
Your jaw tightens as you force your feet to move faster, your bag slung over your shoulder as you take the lonelier route home. You had done it without thinking. Without realizing. Maybe because you were avoiding the crowded streets, or maybe—no, no.
You’re just being paranoid.
But then you see it.
A blur of movement—just beyond the edge of your vision.
Your breath catches, your heart slamming against your ribs. A shadow flickers between the buildings, something too fast, too smooth, too wrong. You freeze, eyes darting toward the alley up ahead, and for a second, you swear you see a pair of glowing red eyes staring back at you before vanishing into the dark.
Every instinct in your body screams at you to run.
You spin on your heel, but before you can take a single step, a hand shoots out from the shadows—rough fingers curling around your wrist, yanking you into the alleyway. You barely have time to gasp before you’re shoved back against the brick wall, a firm body pressing into yours, familiar heat searing through your clothes.
Then, a low chuckle.
"Missed me, babygirl?"
Theodore fucking Nott.
Theodore chuckles, low and amused, his breath fanning against your cheek as his fingers tighten around your wrist, pinning you firmly against the rough brick.
Then his gaze flickers down, and his smirk stretches wider.
“Oh, sweetheart.” His voice is drenched in condescension as he plucks at the silver chain around your neck, the so-called protective talisman glinting under the moonlight. “This is adorable. Really.”
You don’t move, don’t breathe, just stare at him as he slowly lowers his head—deliberate, teasing—until his lips brush against the pendant. His mouth parts, the warmth of his tongue flicking over the metal as he hums.
You flinch, the cold silver pressing between his teeth—nothing happens. No burning flesh, no pained hiss, no forced retreat.
Just him, smirking against your throat like the cruel bastard he is.
Your stomach drops.
Bitch, you were supposed to protect me.
Theo laughs like he can hear the exact moment realization dawns, his grip sliding from your wrist to lace his fingers through yours, effectively trapping you. “Did you really think,” he murmurs, voice dark, sinful, mocking, “that some cheap trinket would keep you safe from me?”
His nose brushes against your jaw, inhaling deeply, voice turning rougher, huskier, as he exhales against your skin. “You should’ve let me die that night. Should’ve walked away, left me bleeding in the dirt.” His lips ghost over your pulse, sharp teeth grazing just enough to make you tense. “But you didn’t.”
His tongue flicks against the mark on your neck, and heat rushes through your veins like poison.
“Now you’re mine.”
The words send a violent shudder down your spine, but you force your lips to curl into a smirk despite the way your stomach twists. “Possessive much?” you taunt, trying to inject as much venom as you can into the words. “Is that because I was the only woman desperate enough to touch you? Or did mummy not hug you enough as a child?”
The dig is sharp, brutal, and you see it hit—just for a second, a flicker of something dangerous sparking behind his golden gaze.
But then—fuck.
His smirk only deepens.
“Careful,” he purrs, his voice a lethal promise, pressing his knee between your thighs just enough to make you feel how quickly this could turn against you. “Don't speak too much” His grip tightens as he leans in, his lips nearly brushing yours.
Your pulse slams against your ribs as his face lowers, his lips brushing yours—just a ghost of contact.
He kisses you.
It’s not soft. It’s not kind.
It’s punishment.
A slow, wicked claim, his tongue sliding against yours, his teeth dragging over your bottom lip like he’s already imagining what you’ll sound like when you beg.
You gasped against the dirt, your lungs heaving as Theo’s weight pressed you down, his lips slanting over yours in a kiss that was more battle than intimacy—teeth grazing, breath searing, the brutal press of his tongue forcing its way between your lips. You bit him. Hard. The sharp tang of copper flooded your mouth, but all it did was make him groan, his hips grinding down, pressing the thick length of his cock against you through the barrier of your clothes.
“You bite me again, dove,” he murmured darkly, dragging his lips to your jaw, to the tender skin just beneath your ear, “and I’ll put that pretty mouth of yours to better use.”
You scoffed, spitting blood to the side as your hands shoved against his chest. It was useless. He didn’t even move—didn’t even flinch—just smiled that lazy, arrogant smirk that made you want to rip his face off.
“You keep acting like I want this, Theo,” you hissed, your nails raking down his forearms, but he caught your wrists easily, pinning them above your head with one hand. “I’d rather throw myself to the real wolves than let you touch me again.”
His golden eyes gleamed, his mouth curling wickedly as he wedged his thigh between yours, forcing them apart. “You mean the same way you threw yourself at me last time?” His free hand dropped, palming you through your clothes, fingers pressing between your thighs, slow and taunting. “Because if I remember correctly, you were shaking—so fucking desperate, I barely had to touch you before you came all over my cock.”
You arched, snarling, trying to buck him off, but it only made things worse—only made you feel the steel-hard press of him even more. He was so big, thick and pulsing against you, and your traitorous body clenched at the memory of being stretched wide, ruined around him.
It had been a week. A week of trying to convince yourself you hated every second of it. A week of lying awake, thighs pressed together, still sore, still marked, still aching—because the worst part was, your body had already decided. It didn’t care what your mind wanted. It only cared about the mark.
He knew it, too. Could smell it.
He dipped his head, inhaling deeply against the crook of your neck before letting out a low, knowing chuckle. “Mmm. That’s cute, dove,” he purred. “That little act. That little scowl.” His lips brushed against your throat, hot and teasing, just barely there. “But I can smell it. I can smell how wet you are for me.”
Your stomach twisted. “Fuck you.”
His teeth dragged against your pulse point, his grip on your wrists tightening. “That’s the plan, sweetheart.”
And then he tore your blouse open—just ripped it down the middle like it was nothing, like the fabric was no stronger than tissue. The cold air bit at your skin, at your breasts covered through a bra, your nipples pebbling against the thin clothes before Theo’s mouth descended, closing around one, sucking hard through the clothing barrier.
You whimpered.
No. No, no, no.
He hummed in approval, laving his tongue over the sensitive bud before dragging his teeth over it, sharp and teasing. “Still pretending?” he taunted, his voice muffled against your skin. “Still acting like you don’t want me to ruin you again?”
You did the only thing you could think of. You spat in his face.
It was a mistake.
His expression darkened, amusement flashing into something far more dangerous. His fingers dug into your jaw, forcing you to look at him. “Tsk. Still got some fight in you, huh?”
He leaned down, licking the spit from his lips, from the corner of his mouth, his voice low and taunting. “Good. Makes it more fun when I finally break you.”
You glared at him, panting, your body betraying you, slick pooling between your thighs even as you scowled up at him. “You’ll never break me.”
His grin was wicked.
“Careful,” he murmured, dragging his free hand down your stomach, past the waistband of your skirt, slipping beneath the soaked fabric of your panties. “Keep running that mouth of yours, and I might have to find a better use for it.”
You shuddered as his fingers slid through the wetness pooling between your thighs, circling your clit once—once—before pulling away.
You hissed, frustrated.
He laughed.
“Oh, baby,” he crooned, licking up the side of your throat, savoring the way your breath stuttered. “You’re gonna beg me for it.”
You gritted your teeth, eyes burning with fury. “I would kill myself before I beg for you.”
His smirk was cruel. Amused.
“Oh, dove.” He released your hands, standing over you, cracking his neck like this was nothing but a game to him. “You are fun.”
And then he took a step back.
Your breath hitched.
“Run, baby,” he murmured, his voice dripping with satisfaction. “Run. Let’s see how far you get.”
A slow smile curled over his lips, his golden eyes burning.
“Go ahead. Run.”
His voice dropped, dark and sinful.
“The chase only makes it sweeter when I catch you.”
Your pulse hammered in your ears as you bolted into the trees, your lungs burning with every frantic breath. You frantically took the safety pin from your pocket and tightly secure your blouse Although it wasn't much help but still it helped. The cold night air bit at your skin, the remnants of Theo’s touch still lingering on your throat, your lips, your body—fuck, you could still feel his fingers between your thighs, the phantom sensation of his teasing touch making you stumble.
But you didn’t stop.
You couldn’t.
You pushed yourself harder, darting through the dense forest, your bare feet scraping against jagged roots and damp earth. Your torn clothes clung to you, your exposed skin prickling as the wind lashed against you like cruel fingers. You didn’t know where you were going—all you knew was that you had to run.
Had to get away.
Even though deep down, you knew it was useless.
He was faster. Stronger. Could smell you.
But that didn’t mean you were going to make it easy for him.
You veered left, sprinting toward a crumbling structure barely visible through the darkness. The silhouette of an abandoned church loomed before you, its tall, cracked steeple reaching toward the sky like skeletal fingers. The wooden doors hung off their hinges, creaking as the wind whispered through the hollow space.
You shoved inside, your breath ragged, your body trembling. The scent of damp wood and old decay filled your lungs as you pressed yourself against the cold stone wall, trying to calm the frantic beat of your heart.
The only sound was your own breathing.
Had you lost him?
You squeezed your eyes shut, willing your body to stop shaking. Just a minute. Just one minute to rest—
The world tilted.
Your vision blurred at the edges.
Your body gave out.
You barely registered the sensation of falling before darkness swallowed you whole.
A slow, rhythmic sound echoed in the distance. Your head felt heavy, your body sluggish as you fought to regain consciousness.
Drip. Drip.
Your fingers twitched. Your breath hitched.
Something was wrong.
Your wrists—
You tried to move them, but they didn’t budge.
Panic shot through your veins as your eyes snapped open.
You were on a bed.
The room was dimly lit, the flickering glow of candlelight casting long shadows across cracked walls. The air was thick with dust, the scent of old wood mingling with something else—something deeper, darker.
Your gaze darted around wildly—until you found him.
That bastard.
He was leaning against the doorway, arms crossed, watching you with that same arrogant smirk, his golden eyes gleaming with amusement.
“You fainted, baby.” His voice was syrupy sweet, mock concern dripping from every word. “Didn’t eat enough today?”
Your pulse pounded in your ears. “Theo—”
“Too bad,” he interrupted, taking slow, deliberate steps toward the bed, his smirk widening as he tilted his head. “Guess I’ll just have to fuck you until you faint again.”
Your stomach clenched.
You tugged against the restraints, glaring. “You—”
He crawled onto the bed before you could finish, one hand bracing beside your head, his body pressing over yours, caging you in. His scent surrounded you—dark, heady, intoxicating.
His lips found your neck in an instant, open-mouthed and hungry, sucking and biting, leaving bruises in his wake. His breath was hot against your skin as he dragged his tongue over your pulse, his teeth scraping just enough to make you shudder.
“Missed you, dove,” he murmured, his voice low and taunting, vibrating against your throat. “Did you miss me?”
You clenched your jaw, your body betraying you as a shiver ran down your spine.
He chuckled, slow and wicked.
“You did.”
His hand slid up your torso, slow and deliberate, fingers tracing the swell of your chest before closing around your breast through the thin lace of your bra. Your shirt had been discarded somewhere in the room—ripped away in his frenzy, leaving you breathless, exposed. You opened your mouth to yell, to curse him, but before the words could form, his lips crashed against yours.
He wasn’t kissing you. He was consuming you.
His tongue pushed past your lips, claiming your mouth the way he had already claimed your body—relentless, possessive. You fought it, pressing against his chest, but his grip only tightened, his body pinning you beneath him, caging you in. He was going to do what he wanted, and you both knew it.
His fingers found your nipple, rolling it between his thumb and forefinger before giving it a sharp pinch. You gasped, your lips parting in surprise. He took it as an invitation—his tongue slipping deeper, stroking against yours, tasting you, teasing you. The kiss was all teeth and dominance, messy and desperate, and wrong—so fucking wrong.
And yet, the ache between your legs was undeniable.
Heat pooled in your stomach, liquid and heavy, and you hated it. Hated the way your body betrayed you, how your thighs clenched together in search of friction, how the damp fabric of your panties clung to your skin.
Theo pulled back, breaking the kiss just enough to drag his lips down to your jaw, then lower—to the soft curve of your throat. His breath was hot, uneven. Hungry.
“Needy, are we?” His voice was a low growl against your skin, laced with amusement.
You clenched your jaw, refusing to give him the satisfaction of an answer—but when his teeth sank into your neck, sharp and unyielding, a moan tore free before you could stop it. Your body arched involuntarily, the sting of his bite blooming into something unbearable, something electric.
His mouth soothed over the mark almost instantly, tongue laving over the sensitive skin as if in apology, but you knew better. He wasn’t sorry. He was branding you.
When he finally pulled back, his lips were red, wet, pupils blown so wide his irises were barely visible. He looked ruined—like a man on the edge of his sanity, held together only by the need to bury himself inside you.
His gaze dropped lower, watching the rapid rise and fall of your chest, taking in the way your nipples strained against the lace of your bra. His fingers curled into the fabric.
You knew what was coming.
The sound of lace ripping filled the air.
That fucker.
“That was expensive,” you seethed, shooting him a glare.
His lips curled into a smirk, completely unfazed. “I’ll buy you another one.”
You scoffed. “I don’t need your charity. And I sure as hell don’t need your soothing words while you’re assaulting me.”
He chuckled darkly. “So, what? You just need my dick then?”
You opened your mouth to snap back, but the moment you did, his lips latched onto your left breast, his teeth grazing your nipple before sucking it deep into his mouth. A strangled noise caught in your throat—half a curse, half a gasp.
That bastard.
His tongue swirled around the peak, flicking, teasing, tasting, while his hand slid to your other breast, rolling the neglected nipple between his fingers, tugging and twisting until you were writhing beneath him.
“Fucking insufferable,” you hissed, trying to shove him away.
He didn’t budge. Not even a little.
His other hand drifted lower, palm pressing against your stomach before moving between your legs. His knuckles brushed against the damp fabric of your panties, and he groaned, deep and low.
“Fuck,” he murmured, lips still latched onto your breast. “You’re soaking, baby. You act like you don’t want this, but your pretty little cunt is telling me otherwise.”
You clenched your thighs shut, but he only chuckled.
“Aw, don’t get shy on me now.” His fingers slipped beneath the waistband of your panties, brushing against your slick folds, deliberately avoiding your clit. His lips dragged up to your throat again, sucking, biting, leaving bruises in his wake.
You gasped, half in frustration, half in something far more humiliating.
“I hate you,” you spat.
His smirk was against your skin. “You’re gonna love me by the time I’m done with you.” He again took his hands out of you panties like right now all his focus was on your breast.
Sucking, biting—his mouth was relentless, devouring every inch of your skin, branding you with his teeth and tongue. His lips latched onto one nipple while his fingers twisted the other, switching between them with cruel precision. Every flick, every sharp nip, sent a fresh wave of heat pooling low in your stomach. Your breath came out in ragged gasps, hands fisting into the sheets, torn between pushing him away and yanking him closer.
By the time he finally pulled back, your breasts were swollen, reddened from his assault, saliva running down your stomach in slick, glistening trails. Your thighs clenched involuntarily, and that bastard noticed. Of course he did.
A knowing smirk curled at his lips as he dragged his fingers down your body—slow, deliberate—before pressing them between your legs.
You jerked. "Don’t—"
"Don’t what, baby?" His voice was a mocking purr, fingers brushing over the damp fabric of your panties. "Don’t touch what’s already mine?"
You sucked in a sharp breath, willing yourself to stay composed, to ignore the unbearable heat curling in your gut. But then he pushed your panties aside and slid a finger into you—no warning, no mercy.
A strangled cry left your lips.
Theo groaned, low and satisfied. "Fuck. You're tight." His breath hitched as he pushed deeper, his knuckles pressing against your entrance. "This little cunt is choking my fingers, baby. You needed this, didn’t you?"
You bit down on your lip, refusing to make a sound, but the burn of the stretch mixed with the humiliating wetness coating his fingers had you shaking.
He curled his finger, dragging it along that sensitive spot inside you, making your back arch despite yourself. "Ohhh, look at that," he cooed. "You’re clenching so hard. Trying to milk my fingers already?"
"Go to hell," you spat, breathless.
He chuckled, dark and low, before shoving a second finger inside you.
A broken moan slipped from your lips before you could stop it.
"Yeah?" Theo pressed his forehead against yours, eyes blown black with hunger. "Then can I take you with me, sweetheart?”
His thumb found your clit, rubbing slow, lazy circles—just enough to drive you insane, not enough to give you what you needed. You hated how your hips jerked up, how your body begged even when you didn’t.
"Poor thing," he crooned, pressing a kiss to your cheek, deceptively soft. "You’re fighting so hard, but look at you." His fingers pumped in and out of you, dragging against that perfect spot, pulling slick, obscene sounds from between your legs. "Listen to yourself. You’re soaking my fucking hand."
Your breath hitched. "Shut up."
"Aww, baby, don’t be shy," he taunted. "You’re the one making all these pretty little noises."
He twisted his wrist, angling his fingers just right, and pleasure slammed through you like a live wire. Your mouth fell open in a silent gasp, your brain short-circuiting.
Theo stilled.
Your vision snapped back into focus, only to find him staring at you with something feral in his eyes—something almost reverent.
He looked wrecked. Obsessed.
Like you were a god he was desperate to worship.
His lips hovered over yours, breath fanning against your skin, but he didn’t move. He just watched—like he was committing this moment to memory. The way your lips parted. The way your body trembled. The way you gave in.
Then his smirk returned, cruel and knowing.
"Ohhh, that’s it, baby," he murmured. "That’s the spot, huh?"
You clenched your jaw, trying to pull yourself back from the edge, but your mind was slipping, unraveling with every slow, precise stroke of his fingers. Words failed you. Thoughts scattered.
"You were talking so much shit a minute ago," Theo mused, dragging his tongue along the shell of your ear. "What happened, baby? Can’t form a single coherent thought now?"
Your fingers dug into his shoulders. "I hate you."
He only smirked, shoving his fingers impossibly deeper, swallowing the desperate cry that tore from your throat.
"That’s cute, sweetheart," he murmured, lips brushing against yours. "But you’re gonna be screaming my name when you cum."
And fuck, you hated that he was right.
Your cunt ached—stretched around his fingers, abused by the relentless pace of his thrusts. The pain licked at the edges of your pleasure, sharpening it into something almost unbearable. Every time his fingers curled inside you, they dragged against that spot that made your vision white out, made your body convulse against him despite the screams in your mind telling you to fight.
But fight what?
The pleasure? The way your body betrayed you? The way his voice—low, taunting, dripping with amusement—curled around you like a noose?
"That’s it, baby," Theo purred, his free hand tweaking one of your nipples, rolling it between his fingers. "Cry for me."
Tears welled in your eyes as the unbearable coil in your stomach tightened, twisted, ready to snap. You shook your head violently, choking on your own breath. "No—No—"
He pinched your clit sharply, and the scream that tore from your throat wasn’t one of protest. It was pure, raw need.
"No?" Theo mocked, his voice saccharine, dripping with fake sympathy. "Then why’s this little pussy clenching around my fingers like she doesn’t want me to stop?"
You couldn’t answer. You couldn’t breathe. Your stomach tensed, your thighs shook, and your mouth opened into a silent, shattered cry as your orgasm hit—a violent, electric explosion that wracked your entire body.
It stole the air from your lungs. The world disappeared, your mind reduced to nothing but raw sensation—pure, devastating pleasure. You fisted the sheets so tightly your knuckles burned, your back arching into him, chasing the last tremors of your release.
Theo didn’t stop.
He kept his fingers inside you, fucking you through every aftershock, prolonging the pleasure until it hurt. Your sobs turned breathless, broken.
"There she is," he cooed, his voice like silk over razors. "Look at you. Fucking coming all over my fingers like you were made for this."
A breathless laugh slipped from your lips, shaky and dazed. Half-laugh, half-sob. What the fuck were you doing?
You barely registered when he pulled his fingers out, bringing them to your lips. You hesitated and just then you felt sting. He fucking slapped your oversensitive cunt. Your eyes rolled from the pleasure. Then he whispered in your ears slowly to suck his fingers. His voice so fucking deep that you left control over your body. It was like you can't control it anymore. So you sucked them clean—slowly, deliberately—never breaking eye contact.
"Good girl," he murmured, voice dripping with satisfaction.
You shivered, your body still thrumming, over-sensitive and raw. Your breath came in quick, shallow gasps, trying desperately to ground yourself—to think.
But then Theo was moving.
He pushed your legs apart, settling between them like he belonged there, dragging his lips along your inner thigh. "You’re not done yet, sweetheart."
Your head lolled to the side, a weak whimper spilling from your throat. "Theo—"
He chuckled darkly. "Theo?" His teeth scraped over your sensitive skin, his breath hot against your thigh. "No, baby. For now?" He pressed a lingering kiss to your soaked cunt, smug and reverent.
"I’m your fucking god."
And when he dragged his tongue through your folds, you believed him
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Taglist - @empath-bunny @gipsonnikki @emptyachingblue @syymplypotter @a-little-funny @chimchoom (comment/Dm to get added)
© This work belongs to me. I do not allow repost or translating my work. If I found you doing something like that you will be blocked and reported.
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girllblogging777 · 6 months ago
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↳ mattheo riddle x werewolf!reader (requested drabble)
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mattheo was leaning against the doorway, arms crossed, watching you pace the room like you were about to tear it apart. he had that stupid smirk on his face, the one that always got under your skin, and he knew that too.
"you know it's almost the full moon, right?" you snapped, not even looking at him. you were trying to keep it together, but the pull of the moon was making everything worse, you swore you could feel your blood boil.
"yeah, i know, wolfie," he said casually, the nickname rolling off his tongue like it's nothing. "that's why i'm here."
you stopped pacing, turning around to face him, feeling your frustration rise even higher. "what, so you can watch me lose control?"
for a second, the smirk dropped. mattheo stepped forward, his eyes locking onto yours, more serious than usual. "no," he said, voice quieter now. "i’m here because you don’t have to go through it alone. i get it."
you blinked, taken aback by the softness in his words. you weren’t expecting that. not from him. he was close now, close enough that you could feel the warmth of his body, his fingers just barely brushing against yours like he was waiting for permission to touch you.
"don’t call me wolfie," you mumbled, feeling the tension ease just a bit.
he chuckles under his breath, finally letting his hand slip into yours. "yeah, sure. no promises though."
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
tag list (comment if you wanna be added) @tateshifts @redeemingvillains @helendeath @jolly4holly @larmesdevanille @dexoq @shiftingwithmars @shiftingwithleah @fbvreadingblog @moonlightreader649 @bellatrix-lestrange5 @sp7-mr @sunkissedscribbles @chelawrites @myunperfektstorys @iris-qt @yikesitslush @clar2aa @deadsnakey @deadghosy @slut-for-fictional-men @romantasyreader28 @witchsrecs
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easterbonnet · 16 days ago
Big Bad Wolf
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f!muggleborn!reader x prof! remus lupin (both of age)
{{ after introducing remus to the world of muggle literature, y/n is surprised as to what she finds awaiting her... little red riding hood inspired // lana del rey - big bad wolf }}
CW: student teacher relationship, flirting, prey-ish?, touching each other, mention of hard on, suggestive
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. . .
Once upon a time, there was a sweet little girl, and that girl's name was Y/n. Everyone who saw her liked her, but most of all, her DADA professor. At 10:15am on a Monday morning, between her classes, Y/n snuck a visit to her favourite teacher, Professor Lupin. That's right, she decided to hop, skip and jump into the wolves den. It went as follows...
A fresh batch of sprightly first years were lined up nervously outside the defence against the dark arts classroom, awaiting to be let in. As Y/n, a good few inches taller then them, strolled by, they looked up at her, clearly impressed by her boldness, as she entered the door without a knock.
Immediately, she noticed the room was a gloomy-looking grey, half of the draped blinds were drawn, with only a few windowpanes letting the sunshine through. In the corner, Remus was sat rather undisturbed on an old wooden chair. Her benevolent professor instantly looked her way as she entered, announced by the creaking of the door's brass hinges. "Good day to you, Y/n", he said resting his chin on his palm, drumming his fingers on his stubbled cheek.
Smiling politely at the harmless man, she walked over to where he sat, her black Mary-Jane’s rapping the cold floors.
In one polished movement, Lupin tapped his wand toward the windows; the curtains drew back and the windows opened consequently. Suddenly, an aurora of natural light spilled over the desks and furnishings. Y/n watched the twinkling dust dancing in the air, then looked back upon her professor, whom was now accentuated by said light. His eyes had a glint in them she did not see before, and his hair looked extra grey today, if that were possible.
"I don't believe you can hear how beautifully the birds are singing, listen.", he tilted his ear toward the open windows on the other side of the room as a sweet, high-pitched melody drifted through them.
A moments silence lay heavily between them as they savoured nature's pure song, yet Remus’ eyes never left her effeminate form. In fact, they traced over the smoke-coloured cardigan she wore, as well as her noir skirt and matching, sheer tights.
With the bird’s quaint chirping as her soundtrack, Y/n glanced over at the small circular table on Lupin’s left side, "I see you're finally getting into my recommendations", she nodded toward a modern-looking book perched on the wooden table, it stood out amongst the dusty antique books he was usually adorned with. She knew he'd taken her muggle book recommendations to heart.
The man smiled up at her and crossed his leg over the other, rested his ankle against his knee, exposing his knit socks, "Now now don't get cocky, I wasn't too fond of this one", his slim, lengthy fingers held up the novel, the title read 'little red riding hood'.
Having read the fairytale many times in her childhood, Little Y/n approached the situation cautiously, "... and why are you reading a children's book, may I ask?" Her brow was raised with inquiry and she folded her cardigan-clad arms across her chest, whilst she tried to decipher his labyrinth of a mind.
"Thought I'd start at the beginning, didn't I?" he smirked, tapping the top of the closed book he'd now laid back down on the table prudently. Lupin loved winding her up when he was in this kind of mood, especially on topics like this, it was his way of making light of the dark that he so lived with.
Thoroughly entertained, he watched her squirm at his self-deprecation and the somewhat taboo subject of his werewolf nature. "Speak up, I promise I won't bite", he goaded.
Professor Lupin's grin was telling her a very different story and so she remained voiceless, watching him curiously, her eyes narrowed faintly.
"No takers? fine..." he took in a parting breath and got up out of his chair, guiding his hands to her elbows. He lead her to the door, knowing it was about time she got to her next class, and he started his, even if all he wanted was to carry on this game of cat and mouse…
"Though, I will say,” he continued, now smoothing his palms across the backs of her cashmere-covered arms, “-can see why some geezer named Grimm wrote them..." he playfully nibbled her neck before soothing the faint marks with a lick and a kiss.
Y/n felt the prick at her skin and closed her eyes, almost forgetting she was late for Snape’s potions class, the moment lasted a tender few minutes. Remus' ambrosial scent eased her intruige toward his stirring behaviour.
Y/n gradually opened her girly eyes and looked into the prematurely aged ones of her teacher just inches away, his un-manicured eyebrows framing them melodically. "Actually, now I’m seeing you in the light...”, she said examining him. “I’ve just noticed…what big ears you have" she smirked quoting the twisted fairytale, toying with her professors ear, pulling on it jokingly.
Lupin chuckled deeply in his chest at the unexpected turn, a noise she believed to be a panacea to all her woes. His eyes crinkled at the corners before taking her hand in his, lovingly, "All the better to hear you with, my dear", he whispered, making the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end.
"And, oh sir, what big hands you have!" she continued the jest, portraying a feigned shock expression and marrying up his palm with hers. His scarred hands were nearly double the size of hers and his nails, whilst short, came to a point.
"All the better to grab you with", Remus had a wicked look on his face, and attacked her with playful squeezes to her waist and behind. The pair burst into immediate squeals and giggles, with Remus' devilish laugh in the background. Y/n tried to free herself from the teacher's merciless tickles but he was too large to let that happen.
After they'd caught their breath and stopped laughing, Y/n chewed on her lip, making her pout as pink as her rosy, flushed cheeks. By the expression she pulled, Remus knew she’d had a sudden idea...
Peering at his roguishly handsome face, her hand slid down his veiny forearms, skating over the pale hairs on his arms, and across his lap until she placed it over the bulge in his tweed trousers. "My my professor, what a big-"
Remus let out a sort of cough-choke-splutter, "Andddddddd I think it's time for you to get to class now little missy. Don't want you to be late now, do we?" he caught her wrist and pulled it away, heading over to the door again, amused by her forwardness.
The girl gave an over the top pout but followed him obediently, "Come on sir, we both know it’s true-" she wheedled.
He tapped the end of her nose, she could see a slight bashful crack in his prey-like demeanour, "C'mon Little Red, get moving or the Big Bad Wolf's gonna eat you all up". As soon as he said that he knew it would tempt a shameless grin from her, "Ah, I forgot, you'd like that wouldn't you", his thumb brushed her rounded bottom lip as he eyed it hungrily. His little student was just too good at tempting him.
"You know me so well Sir" she threw him one last bedabble look, then practically skipped out the door.
The wolf watched, hands in his pockets, running his tongue over his canines... “Don't you forget, Little Red, the sweetest tongue has the sharpest tooth.”
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malfoysanctuary · 19 days ago
Only Ever Him
Remus Lupin x Reader
Summary: No matter how heavy the world feels, Y/N always finds her way back to Remus—and he wouldn't have it any other way.
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The Gryffindor common room glows with the soft flicker of candlelight, the fire crackling in the hearth, casting golden hues across the space. The usual evening chaos hums around them—first-years whispering about upcoming exams, Sirius loudly challenging Peter to a game of wizard’s chess, and James dramatically recounting a Quidditch play to anyone who will listen. But none of it matters.
Not to Y/N.
Because the moment she steps through the portrait hole, her eyes find him—her person.
Remus is curled up in his favorite armchair, a book balanced on one knee, his other leg draped lazily over the armrest. His sweater is slightly oversized, the sleeves pushed up to reveal forearms marked with faded scars, a testament to battles he never speaks of. His sandy brown hair falls across his forehead in a way that makes her heart ache, and when he looks up, those warm amber eyes land on her like he’s been waiting all evening just to see her.
He has.
Y/N doesn’t hesitate, crossing the room without a second thought, maneuvering between sprawled-out Gryffindors until she reaches him. Remus doesn’t need to ask—he simply shifts, allowing her to slip into the chair beside him, his arm coming up instinctively to drape around her shoulders. It’s a habit now, the way she tucks into his side, the way his fingers immediately start tracing absentminded patterns against her arm.
James watches from his spot on the couch, a smirk tugging at his lips.
“Y/N, you can’t keep running to Remus every time you have a problem.”
She barely acknowledges him, letting out a soft sigh as she rests her head against Remus’ shoulder. She feels him press a kiss to the top of her head, a silent greeting, a quiet reassurance.
“Yes, she can.”
His voice is firm, protective, as if the very thought of her not turning to him is incomprehensible. His hand tightens ever so slightly against her arm, and Y/N smiles, closing her eyes as she lets the world fade away around her.
James rolls his eyes but grins. “Hopeless, the both of you.”
Remus doesn’t argue. Because if loving her this way—completely, unwaveringly, without question—makes him hopeless, then so be it.
They end up in his dorm later that evening, curled up on his bed beneath a pile of blankets. The curtains are drawn, wrapping them in a world that belongs only to them, where time slows and the worries of the day melt away.
Y/N traces lazy patterns against Remus’ chest, her fingers dancing over the soft fabric of his sweater, feeling the steady rise and fall of his breathing. He’s warm, always warm, and when she nuzzles closer, he tightens his arms around her, pulling her flush against him.
“Bad day?” he murmurs, voice thick with sleep and something deeper—something that has always been meant just for her.
She hums. “Long day.”
Remus shifts, pressing a kiss to her temple before trailing his lips down to her cheek, then her jaw, a silent reminder that she’s safe, that she’s his. “Want to talk about it?”
“Not right now.”
“Alright.” He doesn’t push, never does. Instead, he just holds her tighter, fingers slipping into her hair, rubbing slow, soothing circles against her scalp.
She exhales, letting the tension drain from her body, letting herself sink into him completely. There’s something about Remus—something steady, something unwavering. No matter how the world shifts around her, he is constant. A lighthouse in the storm, a home she never has to second-guess.
“You always come to me,” he murmurs, his voice barely above a whisper, more thought than statement.
Y/N pulls back just enough to meet his gaze, her fingers brushing along his jaw. The candlelight flickers against his features, casting soft shadows, but his eyes—his beautiful, tired, love-filled eyes—are bright.
“I always will,” she promises.
And she means it.
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ltsokaylove · 1 year ago
A !young! Remus Lupin x reader
Summary: Your not feeling well, and Remus takes care of you ^^
Major fluff, no trigger warnings :))
Gender neutral reader :D
Its almost lunchtime and you still haven't left your bed, well except to run to the bathroom when you got nauseous. But other that that, you got no other exercise. Unfortunately, that means you also hadn't left your room, which left you absolutely starving.
You were just turning over in bed, trying to get comfy even in your restless state, when a worried Remus (gently) busted through the door.
His face immediately softened once his eyes rested on your pale, sickly looking state. "Oh honey, what happened?" he slowly sits on the edge of your bed, feeling your forehead with the back of his hand.
Most of the tension in your body dissipates as you feel the softness and gentle warmth of his skin on your forehead. "M' sick," was the only reply you could muster in your sweaty, hungry, pain filled state.
He chuckles softly, "I really couldn't tell," he hands you a thermos cup from the messenger bag at his side. "Hot tea, I figured you were sick when you weren't at breakfast, its waffle day, your favorite," he kisses your head gently before helping you sit up.
You slowly sip the tea praying it will help rid you of your blaring headache and incredibly sore throat. While you were slightly disappointed about waffle day, you knew you probably wouldn't be able to keep it down anyways.
"Thanks," you reply softly as you sip the tea. There's a perfect combination of the flowery taste of the tea itself and sweetness of the honey he no doubt mixed in.
He grins standing as he begins to take stuff out of his bag and set it on the wide nightstand sitting next to your bed. He sets cough drops, water, ibuprofen and your favorite chocolate on your nightstand.
You have to clamp your jaw shut so it doesn't fall open at the genuine kindness of your boyfriend. "Remmy..."
He smiles, "Want some chocolate? I absolutely know you haven't eaten all day and that's not good, especially when your sick and dehydrate," he adds emphasis on 'not good' and 'dehydrated', to show how much he's worried.
"Alright," you gingerly try to take it from his hands but he grins mischievously before breaking off a piece and lifting it up to your lips. You roll your eyes and try not to smile as you bite into the chocolate, the lovely flavor of it spreading across your tongue.
He takes everything back from your hands and returns it to the nightstand before flipping the light off and climbing into bed with you.
"Remus, you have classes," but your words are muffled as he pulls you into his chest.
"Shh you're sick, I could care less about classes. Plus I'll get the homework from James later".
You eventually sigh, and lovingly roll your eyes at his antics before leaning into him, your arms wrapping around his waist. You're genuinely surprised that the chocolate didn't make you sicker. But in his arms you feel completely content. Maybe you'll get some sleep after all?
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cherry-pop-elf · 11 months ago
Big Bad Wolf
Dad! Remus x Reader
It’s the full moon, and Harry came running to you for advice and help. Lupin went missing, and Harry is scared that someone’s going to get hurt. Or worse. Expelled His dad will end up shot. So, as the romantic partner to the boys father you go and help him. You both just hope to find him before someone else does
Warnings 18+, Horror, Gore, violence, fear, Whump, character death ((deserved)) happy ending
Writing Commission’s Are Open
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“Dad-?! Dad!” You were startled awake, by the sounds of Harry. You were spending a few days, at Hogwarts, with Lupin. As his romantic partner it was permitted, but it sure did startle students to see someone who wasn’t their teacher in the classroom. Such as you, having fallen asleep at his desk. You were waiting for Lupin, but it seems sleep caught you first. Until now.
“Have you seen dad-?” Harry asked, as he hurried towards you. A bottle in hand, with a worried look. You did not like where this was going. You really hope that was not a full bottle of wolfsbane. As if that was needed right now. You sat up quickly and straightened up.
"He said he needed to run and talk to someone really quick, and asked for me to stay here until he came back." Now that you said it out loud, it made you very suspicious. You had a bad feeling about this. A very very very bad feeling. It seemed the feeling was mutual, and no words were needed. The two of you were soon running out of the classroom, and straight outside. Wands out.
"Great, just great-" You huffed, as the two of you were now roaming around the grounds. A worry of what happened with Remus, and if the Dementors would come your way. You made sure to hold Harry's hand, and he did not refuse it. He had a uncomfortable run in with the Dementors after all, as if he wanted another.
"Should we ask Hagrid for help?" Harry asked, as you pondered. That could be very helpful. He was a monster keeper of sorts, and more people looking could reduce casualties. Fang could help as well, but Hagrid was not the best with secrets. Still.....You had a werewolf boyfriend on the loose, and one not on potions.
"I will go talk to Hagrid; you go to the Shrieking Shack. Maybe he went there by habit?" Seems like Hermione was really rubbing off on him, because that made perfect sense. You recall a few times you could hear him, when locked in his designated room, about a shack. Along with his night terrors, and school days.
The plan was set, and Harry explained to you how to get there. Most likely knowing, in case of emergencies. The two of you would split, and Harry hurried to Hagrid's Hut. You stayed, until he made it. Just to be sure. Once he had entered the home, you would hurry to the tree, it was terrifying, but you had to. For Remus.
You had to army crawl, and enter with a few scrapes, but you managed. You hit the knot in the tree, and was able to slip through the roots. Through the dirty cavern, and across the rocks. It was a journey, but you managed. You would push at the wooden boards, and soon had your head in the shack. The stench of blood heavy in your nose. He was here.
"Moony?" You whispered, as the world went still. Even the wind seemed afraid to speak. You were terrified, but someone had to be there for him. You swallowed your biile, and forced yourself into the house. Onto your knees, wand in hand, before properly standing.
Deep breaths, that made you gag, in a vain attempt to try and calm yourself. You knew this when he told you what he was. He didn’t want you to sign up blind. He didn’t want to feel like he trapped you. The moment he told you, you tried to study all you could. Meaning you carried your own vile of wolfsbane. Small, but hopefully enough to soothe.
As you tried to follow the stench, you couldn’t help but hear something. It was someone. Someone gagging, and coughing. Seeming to be….No. No no. You had hope the blood you smelled was that of a wild animal, but no. It was of someone.
You wanted to barge in, and see if you could save them, but that could cause issues. Like him turning on you. Instead, you kept your steps quiet. Just coming closer, as the figure kept gasping and wheezing. Begging. What made your blood run cold was what the person said.
“Remus, please….You would have done the same in my place. You would ha-“ Before there was silence. Silence, as bones were snapping. Crunching, and being devoured. They were dead, and you knew that you couldn’t do anything to have prevented it. You tried to reason, at least.
Finally, you were at the door. Given quite the sight to behold. This sickly looking beast, chowing away on a dead body. Beyond recognition, except for an arm. Said arm having been torn off, and slammed into the wall near the door frame. You narrowed your eyes, as you saw it was missing a finger. Clearly before the attack, as the numb was healed over.
Before you could wonder who the figure was, you suddenly felt something bite at your leg. Not in a means to attack. It was so gentle, you almost didn’t notice. A attempt to grab your attention. It succeeded, as you looked down to a black dog. Shaggy, skinny, and struggling to pull you away from the door. A means to get you away.
Seems it acted too late, as the nawing of flesh was silenced. Just the eerie sounds of blood falling on wood, as the werewolf looked over. Blacken eyes focused on you, as it growled. Clawed, and mangled, fingers were soon on the floor. Cautiously approaching you, only for the dog to block its path. Guarding you.
You didn’t know what to do. Do you run? Do you stay? Do you move slowly? You can only read so many books, before you face a real deal. Nothing prepares you for a real life experience. Was he staring at you because he recognized you? Was he no longer hungry? Was he aware of your scent, and wouldn’t harm you?
So many thoughts, only to be silenced by an ear rattling howl. That said that, and you were trying to run for your life. The shaggy dog quick to defend you, and jump at Remus. Buying you time, as you tried to think of where to go. Leave the building? Back into the hole? You didn’t know. Before you could make a choice, the rotten wood broke under you.
Crashing through you went, only for your leg to snap in the process. You screamed in pain, and that alerted Remus to you. You tried to fight through the pain, as you held your wand up. Trying to defend yourself, as Remus tore through more of the wood. Leaving splinters to rain down on you, as you laid in the broken old living room.
“REMUS-! PLEASE-!” You sobbed, as you didn’t want to hurt him. Blood pooled around you, as the torn muscle was shreds around your shattered bone. So much pain, panic, and despair. Was this the end? Dispite it all, all you could think of was how this would affect Remus. The guilt he would hold, when the moon rises again. Only to see you dead in his teeth.
Seemed that would only be a nightmare, as he was slow to approach you. Sniffing you, before looking down at your leg. Giving it a lick, and whine. As if trying to help you. If you weren’t so delirious from pain, you would find it sweet.
“Fuck, you look like shit.” A voice spoke to you, as Remus seemed to curl around you. Using himself a pillow, for you to rest on. Just feeling his ribs, and hearing his strong breathing and heart. It was soothing, and let you catch your breath. Long enough to register where the voice came from.
A man was soon standing infront of you, in a Azkaban uniform. With long, black, shaggy hair. With a beard to match, against his gaunt face. So skinny, yet so alive. Shaggy black hair, just like shaggy black fur. That’s when it hit you.
“Padfoot….” You choked out, when you weren’t crying from pain. The name made him smile, and you could see life in his hollow eyes. It warmed his heart so much, knowing Remus told you about him. That he was still spoken so positively. That Remus didn’t believe the verdict. He knew better.
“That’s me. Now be quiet, and take advantage of Mooney having a full belly.” He hushed you, as he would begin to try and help with your leg. He would take his torn shirt off, and forced you to bite into it. Trying to make you quiet, as he popped the bone into place. Making you scream into the fabric, as you held Remus tighter. Suppose in that feral brain of his could register his mate was hurting, and soon was nuzzling his face against yours. Using his nose to wipe your tears away.
“There. Worse of it is over. Now how about-“ Before he could finish, the sound of the basement door was opening. Before Sirius could do anything, you grabbed his pant leg. Trying to get him to stay. The pain, however, made you feel to weak. Your vision was blurring, as you curled up against Remus. It was all to much, and soon…..You blacked out.
Morning came, and it was unwanted. The sunlight on your face, and making you groan. “Five more minutes-“ Was your reply to the beast, before a chuckle was a reply. A chuckle you knew very well. A laugh that made you fight the sun, and open your eyes. Remus.
“Morning, pup.” He smiled, as he set his book aside. His scared up hand was quick to help brush the sleep from your eyes, as you took in the world. Such as how your leg was propped up, and that all the blinding white was from the medical wing. Another comforting sight was that Padfoot was in another medical bed. Being treated, and not sent to Azkaban.
“Lots of questions, I know. I’ll keep it short. I had made an attempt to go check on Sirius, last night, only for the two of us to stumble upon a familiar rat. We chased him for so long, we didn’t register the moon. Suppose it was a good thing we didn’t. A lot of good has now been done, with him disposed.” Despite what seemed like good news, there were tears in his eyes. Like he lost an old friend. Suppose you’ll ask about that later. Now, you needed rest.
“I can’t believe you came chasing after me.” He tsked, as he was already using a cold rag on your face. Helping you cool off. “Suppose Harry is to blame. I could have hurt you. I would never forgive myself if I had infected you to. I could have-“ He went on and on, before you held his hand. Forcing him to stop, as you smiled.
“Then you won’t be so lonely on those full moons, would you?” He wanted to be frustrated with you, but that would be rather hypocritical. So, he just gave a defeated sigh. With a smile. “I have a type, it seems….” Was added, as Harry was soon to enter the wing. Along with his friends. Hermione, and Ron. All needing answers about why an escaped convict was in the medical wing.
Remus would give a sigh, as you scooted over. As best as you could, so he could sit with you. The trio was soon on the neighboring bed, sitting together, while keep quiet for Sirius to sleep. A snuggle into Remus’s lap, and he took a deep breath. Knowing you were there to support him.
“It all started, when three little Gryffindors thought it was wise to become unregistered Animagi….”
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pascaloverx · 11 months ago
To Begin Again
Summary: You're a new teacher at a large and influential school. It's a risky step for you, as you've been running from your ex for almost two years. But when Dumbledore asks you to take on a class at the renowned Hogwarts, you can't refuse. However, your life as a newly arrived teacher won't be easy. Especially when the other teachers don't seem eager to make friends. Or rather, two teachers in particular: Sirius Black and Remus Lupin.
Author's Note: Welcome, dear readers. Please leave your comments if you enjoy fanfiction. This fanfic takes place almost in the real world (with the addition of werewolves) and is not a wizarding fanfic. There will be some differences and changes in things from the Harry Potter story or other fanfics in the HP universe, but I promise to do my best writing this fanfic. There will be a love triangle coming in this fanfic.
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You open your eyes, feeling a strange pain in your head but relief in your back. You're lying on a very soft bed. But you don't recognize the place; it seems to be someone else's room. There's more light in the room, fewer scattered books. The furniture looks expensive, all in a dark tone. You try to get up from the bed, but you end up staggering. Once again, your body is back on the bed. You think it might be best to go back to sleep until someone shows up. It's exactly at that moment that Sirius enters through the door. He carries a cup and is watching you almost without making any noise.
"How long are you going to keep watching me?" You ask while still lying in bed. Sirius laughs, and you feel relieved that you've broken what could have been an awkward moment between you.
"Is that how you're going to talk to the man who saved you from death twice? I thought you'd know how to be more grateful." Sirius responds as he leans his body against the desk in the room. You sit up in bed, after some effort, and stare at Sirius. He's wearing new, elegant, dark clothes.
"If you're expecting gratitude from me, you'll have to wait until I'm in a better mood. My head is a mess. Did you bring me here?" You wonder how you ended up in Sirius's room. Then you wonder where Remus is. Did you hallucinate meeting someone named Remus? And if he does exist, why did he leave you with Sirius?
"Remus and I. It was teamwork. We didn't want you to get hurt anymore. Before you ask, Remus and I are very close. When you're Lupin's problem, you're my problem too." Sirius then hands you the cup. There's what seems to be herbal tea inside, and you don't waste time asking whether you should drink it or not. You quickly ingest the tea, and almost instantly, you feel relief from the pain in your head.
"I'm grateful and offended at the same time. What do you mean, problem? I'm not a problem for either of you. In fact, I find it rather rude of you to refer to me as a problem." You say as soon as you finish the tea. Apparently, you managed to rise and stand up immediately after getting angry with Sirius. He seems to have a talent for irritating you.
"Hey, hey, hey princess. Relax. I didn't mean to offend you, but let's just say taking care of you was an inconvenience. Remus had to go teach, but today is my day off. A day away from the little ones." Sirius says, smiling slyly. You look into Sirius's eyes and wonder how he can be someone's teacher.
"You're a bit childish for a teacher. Not that I'm saying you're not qualified to teach, but..." you say, being suggestive. You notice he's no longer smiling, which is a pity. His smile is beautiful. As beautiful as he is.
"I'll forgive you for the attitude and offer to take you to the room where you should be going to teach. Right now." Sirius says, somewhat arrogantly, and pretending to be modest. At least, that's what it seems like he's doing.
"How? I just arrived, I can't just already have to teach, can I?" You had no idea that there would already be a class waiting for you. Things at Hogwarts seem to happen too quickly.
"McGonagall doesn't mess around. Apparently, you'll be substituting for my esteemed friend Lily Potter. Her health is fragile at the moment. But enough details. Let's go. The brats are eager to meet you." Sirius says, almost excitedly. Then he puts his hand out in front of you as if he wants you to take his hand. And you hold his hand, which is as cold as winter. But soft; very soft. And then he guides you, holding your hand with some firmness.
"Shouldn't I meet with this McGonagall or Dumbledore? Am I just going to arrive and start teaching?" You speak as you practically run through the corridors behind Sirius. He seems focused.
"McGonagall is busy dealing with a student who locked herself in the bathroom, and now everyone can hear her moans, and many students are nervous about it. As for Dumbledore, he's traveled to a meeting between some influential school directors in London. He won't be back for a few weeks. But trust me, you're in good hands." Sirius says, almost breathless as you're both almost running everywhere. Oh dear, how will you manage to teach after sprinting through almost the entire school at this speed?
"Tell me we've arrived. My feet can't handle climbing another staircase. At this rate, you'll have to carry me." You say, letting go of Sirius's hand for a moment and catching your breath.
"Nice way to flirt with me, but we've arrived. You're new here, they probably tried to intimidate you. I hope you survive. Take good care of my godson. See you later, Y/N." Sirius says quickly, with a playful smirk on his face, and then he disappears. How does he manage to be so fast?
Summoning courage, you enter the classroom. It's a room with an old-fashioned style, furniture made of the finest wood, and several students who look at you as if you've committed a crime.You compose yourself as you walk to the teacher's desk. It's a large desk, with a big book on top of it and a attendance list. You look at the class and notice that the boys who were fighting when you arrived are your students.
"So, students. I'm your substitute teacher. I'll be taking over this class until the previous teacher can return. I hope you'll receive me with the same respect that I'll give to you." You speak in a steady tone, neither too loud nor too soft.
"You hear that, Potter? Now you won't be privileged with high grades just for being the teacher's son. Finally, all of Hogwarts will discover what a loser you are." The boy, whom you believe to be called Draco, speaks almost across the room, addressing the dark-haired boy.
"You continue to delude yourself with your nonsense, Malfoy. If you put half as much effort into studying as you do into trying to belittle me, you'd probably be smarter." Potter speaks, and you just observe them with a serious expression.
"You know what? I think you two need to learn to put your energy into something other than taunts and senseless aggression. Malfoy and Potter, pair up and be the first to do today's class activity. For the other students, pair up as you prefer and start drawing. Today's task for everyone is to draw an animal that represents you as a pair. The best pair will earn extra credit. I suggest that Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Potter showcase their skills if they truly want to measure intelligence." You walk around the room as you write the task on the board and listen to the students forming their pairs. Everyone except the two mortal enemies. Apparently, they really don't want to do this task together.
"Teacher, with all due respect, it's not possible for you to believe that Draco Malfoy and I will do well in this task." Potter says as he adjusts his glasses on his face. He speaks assertively, and you look at him, trying to decide what to respond to him.
"Even though Potter is a fool, he's right. Not to mention that you've just arrived here and are already treating the two of us differently. It's not fair that the others can choose their partners and we have to stay together." Draco speaks, all full of himself, as if he's making a beautiful defense of why he's being unjustly treated. You chuckle lightly.
"I'll be clearer. You're going to work together, you're going to do a good job, and all of this in harmony. Otherwise, neither of you will receive a grade. Now, save all that energy for the beautiful drawing you're going to make. I'll be sitting at my desk waiting to evaluate you and all the other obedient classmates you have." You say, sitting in the comfortable chair designated for the teacher and opening the book on the desk. Malfoy and Potter must have realized that you wouldn't change your mind and decided to pair up. You took attendance, finally discovering that Potter's name is Harry, that the smart girl who draws beautifully is Hermione Granger, and that the boy she's paired with, who spends most of his time distracting her, is named Ron Weasley. Time passes quickly, and soon you're collecting the class's drawings to evaluate later. Draco and Harry did a great job together, but that didn't stop Malfoy from threatening to call his father to the school if you forced him to be near Potter.
"How was your first day?" Remus asks as soon as all your students leave the room for recess, and you stay behind to organize some things.
"A madness. Seriously, I thought my night was a mess, but waking up in Sirius's room in the early afternoon and then coming to teach was insane. Not to mention that the students I separated from a fight this morning are my students. And I think both of them will end up hating me by the end of my time here. And I lost my suitcase. But don't let me overwhelm your ears with my nonsense." You say, feeling lighter when you finish speaking, as if a weight has been lifted off your chest. Remus seems somewhat enchanted by your moment of venting. Or maybe his eyes always look too friendly? The smile is charming too.
"I can try to solve some of your problems. Harry is like a nephew to me, not to mention he's Sirius's godson. I can talk to him about this situation with Malfoy. As for your suitcase, it might be with me. I was walking through the forest a little before I found you in my room, and I saw this strange suitcase there. It was dirty with blood, so I preferred to clean it first, but I can take you to the suitcase. And then, of course, you can have a coffee with me." Remus says in a very sweet way, which leaves you a bit enchanted. For some reason, you feel that being near him is refreshing or comforting, something like that. You can't quite explain it yourself. You feel the impulse to hug him, which is quite strange. But you manage to control yourself.
"I can't refuse an invitation like that, especially when you offer me a solution not only to one but to two of my problems. Lead the way to the cafeteria because I'm dying for a cappuccino." You say, walking with Remus, who is walking quite calmly. Then you go together to the cafeteria, and you feel like you might enjoy your time at Hogwarts, even if it's short-lived.
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avocadoguru · 2 years ago
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He was staring at her in a way no one had in her entire life. She couldn’t read anything in his eyes - not surprise, not fear, not malicious intent - nothing. (wolfrry, werewolf!harry, alpha!harry, ranger!y/n)
Lupus Noctis- Masterlist, Author’s Note & Warnings
Chapter 11 / alternatively, read on wattpad
Chapter 12 (word count: 9k) -updated September 6
“So… did you figure it out, yet?”
Harry didn’t even have time to find it funny, “Why wouldn’t you have said anything to me? This is… What do I do? Does she know? She wouldn’t know yet, would she? I don’t think she knows… Niall, I don’t know how to handle something like this!”
Harry’s emotions were high. And for good reason. What he’d just seen had him shaken. And it also meant that she’d been turned against her will by a psychopath. He was glad he’d murdered James but this would always be a reminder of what had happened and who had done it.
He had been curious about a few little things. The first was obviously the speed at which she’d recovered and then there was her sudden spunk. Her heightened sense of smell was peculiar when she picked out that he was to be making eggs benedict, which should have tipped him off right away. How had she guessed? The sauce wasn’t something that most humans could pick out from a small leak in a jar in a bag full of other more fragrant groceries. 
“What happened that made you realize?”
“I saw her eyes turn golden. Just wish you’d said something.”
Niall had a hunch about her sudden natural reparative abilities, but he couldn’t be 100% sure at the time.“Harry, you have to understand, man. I didn’t say anything because it was either I was wrong or I was right and you’d figure it out anyway. It was better not to say anything if by chance she was just recovering in a way that doesn’t normally happen in humans. Sometimes things do happen that don’t make sense medically. I figured it was better to just wait and see.”
Harry paced, all the way to the furthermost corner of his expansive garden, outside of Y/N’s earshot. His towel tied tight around his waist as he ran his hands through his damp hair, “You could have at least given me a heads up. What do I do?”
Niall breathed out a laugh, “How should I know? I’m a medical doctor! I’m not cut out for emotional therapy. I’ve never dealt with anything like this. But you’ll figure it out.”
“I know. I just… how do I tell her?”
“Harry, again, I don’t know. We’re talking about a human that has been turned and I’m not familiar with all of this. It’s very unconventional. This kind of thing only happens in extremely rare cases and never in my life have I met a human that’s been turned. I’ve heard about it, just never known someone that it happened to. How has she been acting? What caused her eyes to change?”
Harry cleared his throat and looked up at his house, remembering to keep his voice down, “She’s been… very ready to do stuff. Awake. Wants to go for a swim. Is hungry. Um… a little bit bossy with me even.”
Niall hummed into the receiver, “Bossy… and what happened to have her eyes change?”
Harry could almost hear the cheek in his voice, “She was… I think maybe just excited. She’s been in a really good mood since I came back with groceries a bit ago.”
“Right… a good mood. Well, it’s doctor’s orders to take it easy on her. She might be… well… able to tolerate more, but… she’s still recovering. And so are you.”
A scoff fell from Harry’s lips, “Fine. No advice for me then?”
“Sorry, man. Never dealt with anything like this before. As you know, it’s exceptional that anyone would survive being bitten and getting turned. I just think that’s remarkable… The way you’ve been adamant she’s your mate, all this time. She really is your mate. Only your true mate could’ve survived turning for you.”
Y/N was onto Harry. She knew that he wasn’t running out to his car just to get something. Sure he ran out the front door but the way he reacted to her standing so close to him was a little out of character. Perhaps, she decided, that he was trying to “behave” and not push her into anything intimate. That made sense. She was still recovering from what she was told were deadly injuries. But that in itself was a mystery to her. She felt fine for the most part. 
She’d unpacked the groceries and left out the ingredients to make the eggs benedict when Harry was in the shower. But getting interrupted by the way he had groaned and then, the thing that had started to become a big question at the front of her mind, was his scent. It was his natural musk but she could smell him from all the way downstairs in the kitchen while he was in the shower. It was his groan, however, that had her feet carrying her upstairs to check on him. Just to see. 
She didn’t know why he’d suddenly become so timid with her. Why he was shying away from her. It was subtle but she noticed it. 
When he came back inside, dawning only the towel he tucked around his waist he slowed his movements as he saw her standing there with a knowing look on her face.
“What happened?”
Harry tilted his chin up to feign more confidence than he was feeling in her presence suddenly. It was as if he was looking at her with new eyes. She was like him now and her senses would pick apart the subtlest changes, “I thought I’d left the butter in the car. Wouldn’t have wanted it to melt.”
Y/N narrowed her eyes at him as he walked past her into the kitchen, “But you didn’t go to your car.”
Harry clenched his jaw and stopped in his tracks. It was going to be difficult to pretend he didn’t know what was going on but he wanted to wait a little longer before telling her in hopes of her figuring it out herself. Or, in any case, he needed to figure out a way to ease her into this. He didn’t want her to freak out, or be by herself when she did figure it out. But he needed time to process it himself; all he knew was that he couldn’t just blurt it out to her out of nowhere. 
He hated to have to go right back to keeping secrets from her again, especially such a huge one, and especially something that affected her directly. By some miracle he didn’t lose her, she was still there with him by choice, he just couldn’t handle losing her for good if she took to the news badly. Which she had every right to… just as much as she’d had every right to be as upset with him as she’d been just a little while back. He thought back then that he’d lost her for good. And now he had to prepare himself for the possibility of having his heart broken all over again.
The way he handled this was crucial. A wrong move and he could fuck it all up forever. He needed to tread carefully.
He looked at her with squinted eyes, “How do you know I didn’t check the car?”
Y/N paused. She had been feeling like her senses were somehow heightened. Her hearing, her sense of smell… She pondered his question as he continued walking into the kitchen. Looking at his broad shoulders and his back had her wishing he hadn’t run off when he did. 
“It’s kind of weird, you know… I’ve been, like, experiencing these weird things. I can hear so clearly and my sense of smell is…” she thought back to the panties she found but decided to keep that bit of information until the time was right, for later, “and I don’t know what it is. Maybe it’s all in my head? I feel like maybe I should call Niall…”
Harry watched her carefully as she mulled over everything and he pulled out two eggs from the carton before she continued, “So when I couldn’t hear the car door, I guess I just assumed…” She scoffed, hearing herself out loud. She sounded like a nutcase. Of course she wouldn’t be able to hear the car door all the way from upstairs. “Sorry. I’m being weird. But… right now I’m actually starving so if that butter made it alive let’s eat.”
Harry had Y/N heat the hollandaise while he prepared the rest of the ingredients. But she was clearly still mulling over their interaction upstairs. He noticed her eyes dragging down his bare chest and stopping at his crotch repeatedly. And he could tell she was not only hungry for food but she also had a bit of an appetite for something carnal as well. 
He cleared his throat when he turned to find her leaning on the island and watching him, “Gonna burn the sauce.”
Her grin was playful and Harry felt his blood heat up as she spoke, “Turned it off already. The lid will keep it warm.” She didn’t remove her gaze from him. She was making it very clear what she wanted and he wondered if she was aware of what she was doing or not. 
As much as he’d have loved to have bent her over the kitchen island and take care of his girl the way she needed he couldn’t allow that. Not until they at least had a real conversation. About what she’d seen. About how she was feeling. 
When she began to walk toward him she realized it was like something was just drawing her to him. She wanted to… what did she want? Breakfast was nearly ready and she was very hungry, and yeah, she wanted to eat but what she really wanted was to bite him. Just to nip his shoulder or his neck. His pecs. She didn’t know why her urge was so strong but the moment she was close enough to touch him Harry stood up straight and he looked away from her sultry gaze, “Uh, I’m just gonna go and get dressed and then we’ll eat.”
Breakfast was tasty. It was nourishing and filled her belly, mostly. She felt like she could eat more but Harry’s scent and his hands and his lips were distracting. And the way he kept keeping her at arm’s length had her feeling even more insatiable for him. She knew he was doing it because he was worried about hurting her but she was going to explode if he didn’t do something. 
Turning to face his pretty girl he nearly gave in right then and there, seeing the ravenous look in her eyes. He could practically read her mind, that’s how loud she was thinking those dirty thoughts. And he wanted to give in, he wanted to kiss her, hold her, feel her body against his. Taste her… He shook his head as he got off the stool and pulled himself away reluctantly, grabbing their dirty dishes.“Let’s go for a swim. Like you wanted. I think I know a great place. Secluded. Not in the preserve.” Harry rinsed the dishes as he spoke. He could feel her eyes burning into his back but he needed to keep moving, keep his thoughts from wandering too far. Distract her if he could. He felt he could use a swim himself. Get out some of his pent-up emotions and energy.
“That sounds great, actually,” she grinned and lifted herself up to sit on the counter next to where he was washing the dishes, “I feel like I need to move and exert some energy. A little exercise would be good I think. A swim.”
The drive to the new spot wasn’t as quick as it would have been if they’d driven to the preserve and parked and hiked up to their special hidden oasis. But they both knew they couldn’t go back there. Maybe ever. Y/N stopped herself from initiating conversation the whole drive there, and she could tell Harry was holding back, too. She just wasn’t quite ready to address all of that; she at least wanted to go for this swim first. That would hopefully make her feel a bit better. She felt absolutely fine apart from the fact she felt she didn’t fit into her own skin. She was aching to move, burn some energy off, and she suspected it was due to the fact that she was sexually frustrated.
Y/N decided to google her symptoms to pass the time quicker on their drive to this new, secluded place Harry had suggested. She was not quite understanding the way she was able to smell everything so clearly. She typed in sudden heightened sense of smell into the search bar. Scrolling through the various results and webmd articles she landed on something that might explain the strange phenomenon. 
Synesthesia could be the answer. It wasn’t uncommon for people that had gone through life-threatening injuries. She wasn’t 100% sure that was what was causing her to smell and hear things she would have never been able to before but at least it was some kind of answer. Something to ask Niall about when she did finally talk to him about all this.
Harry parked his car off the road and tucked away behind large pines and in the grass. It was miles from the preserve and in an area where the mountains were not protected or worked by the rangers. Some of it was privately owned land that hadn’t been touched in decades. 
“The swimming cove is a spot I used to come to when I had time to waste and wanted to venture away from the preserve.” Harry spoke as he grabbed her bag from her, putting it over his shoulder and began walking toward the fence that clearly meant the area was off limits. 
The overgrowth of vines and grass indicated that no one had been in these parts in a very long time. Which put Y/N at ease. She followed him, scaling the fence easily and trekking through the acreage close behind.
The upward hike was off trail and cumbersome but once they began making their way down into the valley from where they’d hiked Y/N saw the ridges of the mountain and a level area below with a ravine.
“Your sense of direction is astonishing,” she commented as they carefully trekked down toward where they could hear the water flowing, “But I guess that makes sense, doesn’t it? You’re a…” she stopped just before she could say the word. She still had to get used to that idea. That he was a werewolf. Part human, part beast. 
Harry turned to look at her, stopping his pace suddenly as he raised his brows at her, “A werewolf? Is that what you were going to say?”
Nodding her head she shrugged, “Yeah. I wasn’t sure if you wanted to be called that. Or… I don’t know. Is it okay to say it?”
The gentle smile that took over his features told her it was, though he didn’t respond to her question with words. 
Looking down to the sandy portion of the ravine Harry pointed, “Just there. It’s beautiful once you see it from the ground. Come on.”
Y/N was wearing her hiking boots while Harry was in his signature chelsea boots, making the descent to the cove look like child’s play. She was now hyper aware of why he was so good at hiking and trekking and staying steady even in such posh shoes. Everything that had suddenly come to light about what he really was had answered so many questions for her. 
But the moment they were standing in the wet sand before the cove where the ravine led, all her thoughts about what Harry was had vanished. Another breathtaking spot with not a single human soul to be seen.
Harry placed their bags on the rocks to keep them dry and began to take his boots off as he watched Y/N curiously. He had been careful not to allow her to over exert herself but she was easily keeping up with him and she seemed fine. She was fine. Her heartbeat was steady and strong, her body had barely broken out in a sweat and she had a wide smile on her face as she looked around.
“Harry, this is… it’s perfect!” She was eager to move her limbs in the cool water. Feel the weightlessness take over and play around with Harry.
She looked over at him as he was undressing, taking his clothes off, his boots already on the rocks next to the bags. So she followed suit. Taking her own boots off and peeling her pants down her legs. 
Harry was already jumping into the water by the time Y/N had stuffed her shirt onto the pile of clothes. Looking down over her body she did see the awful scar. The wound was healed but the remnants of what had happened was obvious. She hesitated to remove her bra as she brushed a hand over the raised skin.
“Everything okay?” Harry called to her. She looked out toward him, handsome with wet hair as he came in closer to her. 
“Yeah. Just… saw this and…” she ran her fingers from the top of her clavicle downward over the scar to under her breast, “I guess I feel lucky to even be alive. Here with you.”
She kept her eyes on his as she unhooked the back of her bra and removed it. 
Harry watched her as she bent down and took her panties off. He was already hard just seeing her bare body but the scar across her chest kept him in check. She was still recovering. Still figuring out what was going on. 
The somber moment was suddenly over the minute she jumped into the water next to Harry and began to laugh. The water was frigid but it felt fantastic. Normally she would feel discomfort but right now her body was adjusting to it just fine, feeling invigorated and alive.
Stretching her limbs in the water she ducked her head under to swim closer to Harry and grasped his wrist.
Harry pulled her up and she tugged his arm around herself. Both grinning ear to ear with the closeness. He was just glad she was feeling playful. That she wasn’t upset or hurt by what had happened. At least in that moment she wasn’t. He knew she’d have lots of questions for him. Knew they needed to have a conversation but for now the light hearted moment was the only thing he could focus on. And her warm skin against his.
She was more than just playful though. She was horny and Harry knew it. Having her naked in the cool water of a private cove in the mountains was risky. Because he was turned on too. And he knew he was asking for trouble with this scenario. It evoked memories of their time together at the oasis in the preserve.
He could resist her for only so long. She was laying it on thick in his house during breakfast and now with his clothes off and his obvious erection it would be even harder to resist her. 
Harry pulled his arm away and began to swim backwards, gliding through the water smoothly, putting some distance between himself and the girl. 
“Where are you going?” She laughed and began to swim toward him slowly.
Harry shook his head and feigned innocence, “What do you mean? Just swimming is all,” he bit the inside of his cheek to tamper the playful grin on his face.
Instead of continuing after him she decided she’d lure him to her. She ducked under the water again, kicking her feet out and splashing as she maneuvered under the water before surfacing, bouncing out just enough that her breasts were visible to him. 
She watched him closely as she pushed herself back and stretched her arms to float at the surface. The tranquility of having her ears tucked under the water, muffling all the sounds that surrounded them, and floating in the mountain chilled water on her back was just like being back at her oasis. She smiled to herself and peeked an eye at Harry. To her delight, he was already watching her closely.
His eyes were clearly taking in her soft breasts with tightened nipples perking above the water. She wouldn’t tease him too much but she wanted his hands on her. Wanted his attention. Wanted him to give in to her. She knew what he was doing. Knew he was trying to keep his distance because she needed to heal. But that just made her want him more. His gentlemanly and thoughtful attempts to keep her healthy and the way he was doing it because he cared for her. Denying himself something she knew he wanted as a way of protecting her. 
Harry decided to peel his eyes from her body and float on his back too. He needed to straighten out his thoughts and get his mind out of the gutter. He closed his eyes and tried to train his dirty thoughts away. He knew his body was calling him to take care of his natural urges with his mate. And now that she was like him… she was very likely made exactly for him in every way. 
But he couldn’t just act on his desires. He didn’t want to hurt her and he was sure if they did have sex she’d display even more evidence of being like him and that could scare her. If she somehow dropped her fangs in the middle of her orgasm or her claws came out while he was pounding into her – yeah, his thoughts weren’t helping. All of that sounded absolutely delightful and he’d love to feel her fangs puncture into his skin, or have her claw up his back and chest. 
“Harry,” he heard her voice speak his name and he popped his eyes open, dropping the lower half of his body back into the water and letting his toes scrape along the rocky sand.
She saw the way his erection was bobbing just above the water every time his chest inhaled and he floated upward the tiniest bit. And then his eyes on hers were dark. She could almost hear his heart pounding in his chest, not unlike her own wildly pumping heart.
Something in her decided to cut the shit. She was feeling bold. Feeling like he wanted exactly what she wanted and as nice as it was to be cared for and protected by him she wanted him to fuck her. She wanted him to hold her in his arms and to give himself to her once and for all. 
“Stop this,” she spoke matter-of-factly as she swam around his body. “I can see clearly how affected you are by me.” 
Touching his shoulder she moved her finger down over his tattoos and to his pecs, thumbing at his nipple and watching his eyes, “I’m okay. Really. You don’t have to keep holding off and denying yourself, Harry.” She moved herself in front of him and draped her arms over his shoulders.
Without another thought, Harry’s hands moved down to her waist as he pulled her in closer to him, “I want you healthy is all. And I think we have a lot to talk about.”
Nodding her head she agreed. That was true. They needed to talk. But something inside of her needed something physical. She needed it to uncloud her brain and give her some kind of clarity. She couldn’t explain it, she just knew she needed it. More than a talk. As important as that was, she was sure she wouldn’t ever be able to focus on anything he told her if he didn’t fuck her first.
“Yes. We will talk. But I don’t know how to explain the way I feel in this moment, how much I need you.” She bit her lip and pushed her hips to his, his cock firm on her thigh, “It’s kind of painful actually.”
Harry could feel her warm against his prick as he looked down to see her breasts grazing against his chest. Painful? Yes, perhaps she was feeling that natural physical urge to release just like he was. That’s how it was for his kind, though he was used to it. Used to the pain of holding off and not allowing himself to indulge right away. She was not used to the way it felt. The ache that wasn’t just from being horny. It was something deep and raw. A biological and natural instinct his kind, their kind possessed. 
He knew the pain well. Knew it could be pushed down and she’d be okay. But she was new to all this. And even with the water around them he could smell how intensely she needed him. Needed him to soothe her. And he was the only one that could provide that for her too. He knew that even if she masturbated she wouldn’t be fully comforted. It would pacify her for a bit. Maybe an hour but she wouldn’t be fulfilled. She wasn’t going to feel better until he took care of her. But he needed to be careful. 
“I think you need to recover first, kitten.” Harry let the little nickname he’d given her so long ago slip out. Or maybe he’d done it on purpose. There was something about her that was feeding into his own urges. She was drawing them out of him with just her eyes. The change in her was so deep and it tangled with his own impulses and senses that he could barely think straight. He was more drawn to her than he’d ever been and he knew it was because of the change. Because she was like him now. His perfect match. 
“Harry,” she spoke softly as she kept her eyes on his, a hand moving over his warm chest, “I trust you. I know you would never hurt me and I can tell you need it too. You need me just as much.”
She could just sense his need. And it wasn’t just the fact that he had an erection. She knew it before all that. She felt it back at his house. Something between them had shifted and it was as if she could anticipate his needs without him having to tell her or show her.
His teeth ached to kiss her and to bite her. A carnal and spiritual feeling overwhelmed him. His willpower was incredible but there was only so much he could take. He was as weak as any man and her wolf was luring his out to play. Perhaps he could be gentle. She needed him. She needed him. 
He grasped the back of her head and his lips found her mouth. The kiss was hot and electric  and wild. She lifted a thigh up to his hip and he used his free hand to keep it in place, pasting their hips together.
The whimper that fell from his mouth had her grinning and feeling powerful. She grasped onto his shoulders and let the weightlessness of the water aid her in lifting her other leg to wrap around his hips. Harry groaned and brought his other hand down to keep her thighs held up in place.
Their naked bodies were in sync as he began to walk her out of the water and to the small spot where the sand met the craggy rocks. He’d take care of her. Make love to her gently and soothe her ache. Soothe his own ache. 
Their mouths never parted as he walked out of the water and carefully placed her down into the sand, his knees falling into the granules as he put himself between her thighs. With her legs open he could smell her in a way that was overwhelming. He groaned and licked into her mouth before parting from the kiss with a gasp.
The scar on her chest and over her neck had him filled with jealousy and hatred. He was glad he’d killed James for even placing a finger on his girl. His lips pressed over her scar just above her breast and she ran her fingers into his long hair as he pecked wet kisses along the skin that had been forever marred. 
“I’m going to make it better,” he whispered between kisses, “Make you feel whole again. Give you everything you need. Show you what it means to be mine…”
She closed her eyes and threw her head back as his mouth worked upward slowly and over the skin on her neck. His tongue laved softly and his lips grazed over the sensitive spots that were still healing. She had never felt such need before in her life. Sure she’d been horny before and had never been more turned on by anyone the way she was with Harry. But this was different. Something else was at play and she didn’t have the mind to dwell on it. She only knew that she needed him.
“Please…” she breathed out her plea as his warm mouth soothed her flesh and his nose nudged at her jaw.
“Hurts doesn’t it?” He continued kissing every inch of her scar as he pushed her back down into the sand, “I’m the only one that can make it better.”
She knew it was true. Whatever was happening in her could only be quieted by him.
Nodding her head she spread her legs further, hoping he’d put her out of her misery and fuck her into oblivion, “Harry, please…”
He looked down over her soft body and the scars, and felt emotions rise in his heart. He hated James even in his death, but he was beyond grateful that she was still his. That she was alive. He would worry later about the guilt and the real issue at hand. His own urges and her excruciating need were beckoning to be dealt with immediately. He could practically feel the ache in her body. Her tummy was emanating heat and he felt bad that she was in such pain. She wasn’t used to this level of arousal and need yet. She would learn to deal with it eventually but for now he would give her relief.
Her cry of pleasure was loud, echoing off the rocks of the cove that surrounded them as he placed his mouth on her throbbing pussy, already pulsing and clenching and dripping. 
The sting of her fingers pulling at his hair had him growling into her with delight. He could tell she was urging him in harder but he was going to resist doing anything hard or painful. That would come later. When he was certain she was ready for it. 
His tongue was wide and flat as he tugged it up and down her slick cunt. She was so wet he was certain he couldn’t possibly lick it all up and the flavor was just like before but now it tasted truly nourishing to him. He held her thighs apart gently as he dove into her like she was a meal. Licking and sucking at her bits. 
She writhed and moaned, her hips lifting off the sand and bucking into his face making him nearly lose his grip on her thighs. She was strong. He shouldn’t have been surprised but he was still getting used to the notion that she was like him now. 
“Fuck… yes…” she cooed loudly as his scalp was on fire from the way she was yanking his hair.
Harry didn’t lift his mouth to chuckle or respond and taunt her like he wanted. He needed to make her come so he kept his lips at work on her pussy.
When he began to kiss her clit and pull at it with the smallest nip she squealed and cried out his name as her thighs attempted to close around his head. He held her down but he didn’t want to hurt her so he moved his palms up to grip the underside of her knees to keep her legs pressed down.
She continued bucking as her muscles tensed and her moans grew louder. His nose and mouth and chin were shiny and sticky with her as he rubbed his nose into her clit and stuck his tongue into the opening and past her little muscle, the slick gushing noises the only  background sound to her gasps and soft pants.
Harry was feeling his own cock leak and throb. Just tasting her and knowing how good he was making her feel was putting him on edge. He swallowed down her arousal and took a gasp of breath before putting his face back into her cunt for more.
She’d never felt it like this before. Something far more intense was happening in her body and she didn’t know if it was because it was her first orgasm since she nearly died or just knowing that Harry was a werewolf and he was probably enjoying the taste of her in a way she never realized before. That all those times he’d told her how much he liked her scent and her taste, he wasn’t just saying it to make her feel good, he actually meant it. Or just knowing that he was a werewolf in general… probably all of the above. 
When her orgasm snapped over her body she tightened her grip on his hair he grunted into her pussy in pain, but it didn’t stop him from lapping at her and sucking her clit. She was shaking so hard and pulling at his hair so tight that he was having a hard time moving his mouth over her the way he wanted. Instead, she was moving his face over her soft crease and clit the way she wanted. 
Her cries were loud. It almost sounded as if someone was hurting her. Like she was wailing in pain and anguish. Harry understood that this was because of her intense need to release. Her first release as a werewolf by the hands of her lover. Her mate. He rolled his eyes into the back of his head in ecstasy of his own. He’d not come but he could. His own cock was neglected and hot and if he allowed it, he’d come all over himself and the sand below. But he wanted to come inside of her. He wanted to feel her around him and he knew she was going to want it. 
The part of him that wanted to wait and to talk first was already a distant memory left back in his kitchen. His instincts and his wolf had taken over at that moment.
He felt her release his hair as she sighed, wiggling underneath him.
Y/N grabbed at him, pulling him up and over her, “Want you inside me, right now. Do it while I’m still pulsing around nothing.”
Harry was beyond trying to fight this, eating her out had driven him over the edge. He was determined to give her everything she wanted and luckily for him, it was exactly what he wanted as well. The way she’d clawed at him to get him on top of her made him feral, he wondered if she was realizing the amount of force she’d just exerted in doing so, but he couldn’t dwell on it for too long, not when he looked down at her and she looked like she was going to howl with how much she wanted it. 
She yanked him against her lips and devoured his mouth, licking her arousal off of him and humming profusely, and in turn, Harry didn’t waste a single moment longer before sinking himself into her juicy cunt. The cry she let out was akin to an injured wolf’s and he knew he wasn’t hurting her, she was just giving in to her natural instincts now. That of letting him dominate her completely. 
He pulled back a bit to watch her and when she opened her eyes and her golden irises flashed at him he groaned loudly, allowing his own to take over. Her mouth fell agape and she reached to push his hair out of his face to take him all in better while he slowly but steadily fucked into her. “Harry… your eyes. They’re beautiful. You’re beautiful. You’re exactly who and what you should be, I’m so damn lucky,” she rolled her eyes to the back of her head in ecstasy and Harry thought his heart was going to burst at the amount of love he felt for her. 
He didn’t know how it was possible he now loved her even more than before, but being wanted and loved for exactly who he was turned out to be a lot more important to him than he’d thought it would be. He thought he could hide this side of him from her forever and be fine with it, and he’d have done it gladly to keep her. But having it all out into the open and her so accepting of it was something he’d never even allowed himself to hope for. 
Well, almost everything out into the open. And god, was she beautiful too. She’d always been, of course, but now that she was like him it did things to him he couldn’t even explain. And it looked so right, so natural. Like she was always meant to be a werewolf. He couldn’t wait to watch her discover everything and come into her own completely. He only wished she’d accept it and embrace it fully.
He was snapped out of his reverie when she nipped at his neck and that only made him drive into her more urgently. Noting it had stung a bit too much, his eyes landed on her mouth and he could see her pointy canines pinching her plump lower lip, a bit of blood coating it.
The sight made him almost come then and there, making him moan and slow his pace a bit to regain focus. As much as he wanted to drag it out and go at it for hours, he needed to milk another orgasm from her and hopefully satiate her craving for a bit, because this was rapidly escalating and getting out of hand. She was completely giving into her natural instincts; and if she noticed any of the signs she was presenting she’d freak out and that was not the way he wanted her to find out.
He flipped her over as though she weighed nothing, not having to hide his natural strength from her anymore and began pounding into her in earnest. He was close, so close, and he knew she was too with how she moaned and whimpered and called out his name repeatedly. But he didn’t want to knot into her just yet, he first needed to explain that to her, plus this wasn’t really the setting for it, he wanted to be able to cuddle with her like that in his expensive bedding back at home, not on this rocky terrain that was sure to leave some bruises on her as it was. He knew she could take it now, he’d of course never have allowed it had she still been just human, but even so, she was recovering, and he didn’t want her feeling any discomfort. 
“Please come inside me, Harry. I don’t care. I need it... I can’t explain how much–fuck, how much I need it.”
She needn’t have worried, she wasn’t in heat (yet), so it wasn’t risky like that, but of course she’d worry about getting pregnant. Yet another reason why he needed to find a way to tell her, to avoid all the unnecessary worry on her part. For now, though, he was going to enjoy spilling into her warm cunt, because he needed it just as much. His eyes caught glimpse of her hands she’d rested her smushed cheek against, and her sharp nails were on display. Her much sharper nails. He couldn’t wait for her to claw at his back using them soon, but right now he needed to make sure she didn’t notice them. He grabbed her by her elbows and pulled her back against him, holding her hands behind her back with one arm and snaking the other to her front, finding her clit as he kept thrusting into her from this new angle.
She was already on edge and it only took her a few moments to reach her peak, crying out and letting her head fall back against his shoulder. The sight of the mark on her neck that she probably didn’t even notice wasn’t lost on him though, that was something that would always taunt him, knowing it was someone else’s bite that marked her. But he could claim it as his now, because she was, she was his. It was his cock she was pulsing around, his arms she was falling back into, his name she was whimpering- and so he allowed himself to bite over her mark as he finally gave in to his most primal urge- that of claiming her completely, while he let go and finally filled her up to the brim.
She didn’t even feel the sting of it, she was that far gone; if anything, it was pleasurable for her- as it should be. And for Harry? It was the hardest he’d ever come in his life. His fangs deep into her delicate neck and his cock even deeper into her perfect pussy, she was made just for him, and now she was his in every sense of the word.
With breaths heaving and soft gasps, Harry kept her tight against his chest. He wanted to tell her everything. Wanted so much for her to know what he was thinking. What had just happened to her. What she could expect and that it would only get better and better. If she thought that was intense…
And it was. She didn’t know how to describe the ecstasy, the relief… But it was more than just physical. Everything in and around her felt lighter and more lovely. She was happier than she’d ever been, she felt. She had a sudden urge to run and play; something she hadn’t felt in many years. It was as if being with Harry, everything just made more sense.
With a laugh she wiggled out of his arms and ran back into the water, diving in and swimming out toward the middle, only emerging with a sharp inhale for breath when her lungs needed air.
Harry couldn’t help but look at her in awe. His heart throbbed in his chest with love for her. 
“Come on! Get back in!” Y/N shouted and began to glide through the water.
Shaking his head with a laugh he walked back into the icy water and then dove under to meet her in the center of the small cove. 
She kept her eyes on the water, waiting for him to emerge but she felt his hand on her ankle before she saw him. With a yelp, she laughed and ducked under to pull at him.
Harry wrapped his arms around her body and pushed them both upward to the surface together. The lighthearted moment suddenly halted as they kept their gazes locked. Y/N moved her arms over his shoulders and drew her face in close to his, brushing their noses together, “I’m so glad I’m here with you. I’m glad I’m alive. I’m glad you’re alive. I don’t know what I would have done. I thought I lost you and that’s the last thing I remember before…” she paused, feeling herself get emotional she swallowed her tears, “It just feels like… destiny to be here with you.”
He could feel and hear her heart beating in her chest and he knew she could feel his do the same. It was as if his whole life had all been leading him to this moment. He knew that this woman was his mate. He’d always known it. Maybe ever since the first night he laid eyes on her in the woods all that time ago. Despite the fact that she had a gun pointed at him, there was just something about her. Something that he knew was different. He belonged to her before he ever met her. 
“I’m so glad you’re here too. That we’re here together,” he looked down at her beautiful face as he continued, “I was ready to kill everyone when I thought you weren’t going to make it. Niall said there was no hope. That it was… too late for you,” he inhaled a shaky breath remembering the state she was in just days ago.
“Tell me about what happened. Everything I don’t know about, before, and after the fight. I want to know what happened.”
Harry began to describe the day he was taken and how he’d been outnumbered. He told her why it’d come down to that, about James’ and Irina’s involvement, the way the elders didn’t listen to him having already made up their minds and weren’t going to give him a fair trial.
But with Y/N’s quick thinking and by her reaching out to Niall a chain of events was set off that actually helped matters. 
“Lester is a pack leader too, as you know now. The Pack of the Western Plains. He has connections all over. He’s very well respected. So, with his resources he made it so that there was a trial at the very least.”
“And Eddie too? He was there.” She said, remembering the events of that day. 
“Yes. He was finally able to shift back into his human form. Because of you,” Harry brought a hand up to her face and gently brushed his knuckles over her temple.“I expected that no matter how the trial ended there would be a fight to the death. And I was certain that no matter how many drugs they’d given me or that they’d left me without food and water that I would be able to do away with James rather easily. But I was weakened. Significantly. It’s the only reason he even had the chances he did. It’s why he got in a few good tears. Had I been in my normal shifted state he would have never been able to penetrate my skin and I would have killed him within the first thirty seconds. And he knew that. So did everyone else.”
“They all let you fight like that? Did your pack not respect you as their alpha?”
Harry sighed and nodded, “They never respected me. They were always very rigid in their beliefs. They preferred the old ways of doing things. Most packs nowadays are more open and lenient. There are still strict rules we have to follow but tolerance is practiced these days. Not my pack… my old pack.” 
“Are you worried they’ll come back and try to hurt you?” 
Putting his arms around her low back protectively he pressed his forehead to hers, “I am. I’m worried they’ll try to hurt you too.”
“Even though you’ve given up the pack? And you won the fight?”
“Yes. I wouldn’t put it past them. I’ll do anything I can to protect you,” Harry paused and leaned back to look at Y/N again, “Which is why I think it would be good for us to visit Lester and Alma at the farm for a while. Get away from here for a bit. Just until we can get our bearings and heal.”
The smile on her face gave Harry relief. He wasn’t sure she’d be up for it, but she’d been surprising him since she woke up from her coma. 
“That sounds like a really good idea. I’d love to spend more time with Eddie too.”
His heart continued to lob in his chest wildly. She was more than perfect for him in every way. He couldn’t contain his joy to have her in his arms, “He’d love that. Edward is very fond of you. And he was there, at Niall’s practice. With all of us while you were in that bed. He was devastated.”
Y/N nodded and felt awful about putting anyone through such distress. She knew it wasn’t her fault but she could imagine what it would have been like to watch a friend or lover unconscious in bed and not know if they’d come out of it or not.
“... And you? How did you deal with me being in that bed?”
Harry shook his head and let his eye contact falter for a moment as he thought back to how completely ruined he felt, “Felt like I would die if you didn’t make it. Like I couldn’t breathe or eat. I talked to you all day. Kept myself close by your side and encouraged you to wake up. Made sure you were comfortable in the bed even though I knew you couldn’t really feel anything. I didn’t know what to do. Niall kept telling me it was impossible–” Harry inhaled a sharp breath and tried to calm his emotions but his eyes began to fill with tears with just the memory of how utterly hopeless everything felt. 
“Hey,” Y/N moved her hands to cup Harry’s face, “I’m right here. And I’m very much alive. We both are. I’m not going anywhere. You saved me.” 
Swallowing his tears he blinked and forced the smallest smile, “And you saved me. If it weren’t for you I would be dead right now.”
Y/N leaned in to kiss the gorgeous werewolf. She couldn’t believe she’d gotten so lucky to have him in her life. That he wanted her. She only felt more connected, in tune with him. It was as if the accident had altered something in her soul. She was changed. She figured it was love.
Harry pinched her hip softly and pulled away from the kiss. He couldn’t help it. He needed to be honest with her. He’d told her his truth when she was asleep but now that she was wide awake and in his arms he knew he had to say it that very moment or he’d suffocate, “I love you, Y/N.”
Her lips parted at his admission and she was suddenly aware of her body against his and the way his heart was rapidly throbbing in his chest at the same pace as her own. She felt as if she’d heard him say it to her before. That this wasn’t the first time. 
She gripped his biceps tight and felt herself shiver at the intensity of his bright green eyes. He loved her. He truly did and she felt it deep in her spirit. Without a doubt, he loved her.
“Harry, I love you too. So much,” she gasped as he squeezed her tight to his chest and felt him purring against her own. The comfort that brought to her was consuming. She sighed and held him tight, her cheek smushed into his shoulder.
Everything around them was dizzy and soft. She was safe in his arms. She was safe with her lover. 
When he pulled back a bit and let his head fall back, inhaling sharply and then howling loudly, Y/N gasped in excitement and couldn’t hold back her tears of joy. She smiled widely looking at Harry in his element, expressing happiness freely and it made her own heart flutter. He looked back at her, his wide smile matching her own, the echo of his wolfish howl still resounding in the cove, and she’d never seen him look happier. 
She’d done that. Just by loving him. 
The sudden vibrating in her own chest startled her. She looked up at Harry whose eyes were wide as he looked down at her. 
“Harry– what…?” She looked down at her bare body, putting a small bit of distance between herself and Harry. The vibrating stopped suddenly as she put a hand up to her chest and looked into the crystal water surrounding them and reflecting the sky above and both their faces. 
But then she stilled completely, the ripples on the surface cleared away and she focused on the features of her face, being mostly drawn to the bright golden irises staring back at her in the reflection of the water.
In stunned silence she looked up at Harry before looking back into the water again.
He knew it was only a matter of time. He just hadn’t expected it to happen like this.
A/N: (@fkinavocado and @gurugirl here) The long awaited update is here! Thank you for sticking with us! 
please remember to like & reblog if you enjoyed this, and most importantly, come share your thoughts on it with us here 💌
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gurugirl · 2 years ago
CHAPTER 4 IS UP - Happy Friday!
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fkinavocado · 2 years ago
wolfrry chapter 4 is UP lovelies!!! ❤️❤️🐺
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iloooooooveeeemarauders · 5 months ago
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Why the heck do I think that Remus Lupin would love ice facials? 😭
Like after a full moon, he would just sit and let y/n massage his face with ice? 🧊
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Pls someone write this for me 🥺
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deansapplepie · 1 year ago
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Marchweres Day 4 - 5
Prompt: Cursed, Finding out
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: non-sexual nudity, werewolf shifting, mentions of being sick, bruises and cuts, probably ooc Remus lil angsty but ends fluff. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
A/N: I’m only writing for Daryl Dixon since last year, but there are ages that I have an idea about Remus and Sirius’ sister, but the idea is not this story I’m publishing now, but maybe they can be in the same world and that can be just the start. Remus is 20 in this one, therefore that’s why I’m using Andrew Garfield to represent him. I hope in the future I can bring “old” Remus here.
Not proof read.
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It was dark times, the dark lord and his followers were unstoppable, killing and torturing muggle born and half-blood wizards and witches. You were part of the Order of The Phoenix and very often you’d need to reunite with all the others to talk about the next plans or missions.
The last thing your older brother wanted was for you to be involved in this, but both of you were already deep on it, being children of pure blood wizards that agreed to everything the dark lord was doing… Gods, you even had cousins that were death eaters. Being a Black wasn’t easy, specially when you were everything your family despised. At least you could stay at home, opposite as Sirius that was kicked out by your parents. There were still Regulus, but he was one of them… or at least you thought.
You pretended to not be involved in any of this, that you were in neither sides. You tried to be discreet so yours parents wouldn’t suspect. You were 18, had just gotten out of Hogwarts a year ago, your brother and his friends being 2 years older than you, the last years in Hogwarts were a little bit tedious to be honest. They were also your friends, and you missed their chaos all around the school, but now you could see them more often… specially because of the order pf the phoenix meetings.
Speaking of it… you noticed that he wasn’t in the last reunion. Remus wasn’t there, and by what you knew he wasn’t sent in any mission. You even asked Dumbledorre just to be sure, and he answered you with a smile and a mischief in his features that he didn’t. As soon as you got home you sent Remus an owl, asking if he would be home, you’d pay him a visit. The truth was, you had a crush on him, since you were 11 and as you got older is just became bigger and bigger, besides being one of your dearest friends, he always refused your investments and you never really understood. Of course he went out with other girls, but he never dated any of them, he looked you with so much tenderness that you thought it was impossible he didn’t like you back like you wished. But he didn’t. Remus looked at the world like this, he was someone so smart and good, and it was clear he struggled with something, but even like this he always looked at the world with love.
Some hours later you received an answer from him, a simple answer.
‘Don’t come, I’m sick.’
Did he really believe it would stop you from going to see him? Now, you NEEDED to see him. Why being all by himself, if he could have someone taking care of him? You changed your clothes, found some chocolate you had stored in your room and then apparated to his small cottage in the middle of the woods. His reclusion was too much sometimes, but that was your opinion and if he was happy like this, what were you supposed to do.
You walked to the front door and knocked on it. It was taking a while for him to open it and you were almost entering the house to see if he was good.
“What are you doing here?” You got startled by the angry voice that was normally so calm and contained.
“You said you are sick. I came to check on you.” You held the bag with chocolates firmly in your hands.
“I told you to not come…” he said greeted teeth.
The sky was getting darker and darker, soon the moon and the stars would appear.
“You shouldn’t be alone when you’re sick.”
“You shouldn’t be…” He started to say, but was cut by a wince of pain.
“Rem… what are you feeling? How can I help?” You touched his arms in comfort for his pain.
Another grunt of pain, he nearly snarled and stepped in your direction making you walk backwards. He put his hand in the door behind you. The moon was now high in the sky, a beautiful full moon, it would have been nice to appreciate it with him if he wasn’t feeling bad.
“You shouldn’t have come!” He looked in your eyes , a hint of insanity on it… his face, it looked different. His nose seemed more pronounced than the normal, his ears more pointer… “Leave.”
“Rem, I don’t… understand.” You were scared, what was happening. If you didn’t know any better…
“LEAVE!” You were static, you had never seen him this aggressive. He wasn’t like that.
He pushed himself away from you, going to the middle of the patio. You couldn’t move as you watched him curve himself in pain as his body changed.
“Go! Go inside!” You didn’t move, you couldn’t as you watched your friend turning into a werewolf.
When the change finished and he howled at the moon, was the moment you woke up from your trance. You turned around and opened the door getting in. You locked the door behind you and observed as he disappeared into the woods.
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You didn’t notice when you fell asleep… you kept sat by the window observing the darkness worried about him. You glanced at the sky a few times observing the moon and the stars, and at some point you fell asleep.
You woke listening to soft knocks on the door. You opened your eyes, the morning light blinding you. When you looked around you and noticed you were not home, you came back to your senses. ‘Remus’, you thought.
You ran to the door, opening it as quickly as you could. When you opened you were faced with an exhausted naked Remus, he had some cuts on his skin and you couldn’t care less the man you loved was naked in front of you, your priority was to take care of him. The look on his hazel and eyes were heartbreaking, you tried to get to him and help him inside, but he entered without your help avoiding contact with you.
Before you could say anything to him, he started to talk. “Are you happy now that you know my secret? You couldn’t stay away when I told you to. Now you know I’m a monster! Someone cursed with lycanthropy, a danger to everyone around.”
“Remus… you’re not a monster.” You said, taking a blanket from the couch and wrapping it around him. “You’re just Remus. This isn’t something you choose because you’re evil, I don’t know the story, I just found out, but I know it was probably an accident.”
“Aren’t you disgusted? Aren’t you afraid of me? I could hurt you.” He observed while he studied your face. Now that man speaking sounded more like your Remus, he wasn’t angry anymore, at least not as much as he was before. He seemed relieved, calm… sorta worried, but just Remus.
“I would never have any of these negative feelings towards you. I know you since I was eleven, we’ve known each other for years. I know you aren’t evil. You’d never hurt me, till the last minute you were trying to tell me to go to safety.” You got closer to him, your hands cupped his face while you saw all the bruises and cuts he had. You ran your fingers through his hair and he closed his eyes at such tenderness. “Do the boys know?”
“Yes.” He confirmed and opened his eyes. “Don’t fight them, I asked them to not tell you.”
“You shouldn’t. If I knew, I could have been preparing Wolfsbane potions for you. It would be a little better for you of you could keep your human mind when you changed. You know I’m good at it, I can do it.”
“I’m sorry, I was afraid you’d be scared of me and wouldn’t want to be my friend anymore.” He trembled a little effect of his shifting and the long night he had.
You directed him to the sofa and made him sit. “I’d never not like you or be scared of you.” You stood in front of him and caressed his cheek. “Take some rest, I’m going to make something for you to eat. If you eat everything, I may give you the chocolate I brought for you.” You smiled at him and curved to give him a kiss on his face. His heart skipped a beat, he had had a crush on you for ages, but even with your brother telling him he should make a move and date you, he’d never put you on that risk, not even now that you knew everything. For him, having your sweet friendship was already enough…
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mdni banner by @cafekitsune
Cute paw divider by @lazyneonrabbitt
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