#werden as auxiliary
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FUTUR I: How To Form The Simple Future Tense In German
“If someone needs to express themselves about an event that has not happened yet, how do they make it possible in German?” This is one of many questions that beginners who are learning the German language often find themselves asking. Well, this expression can be made in several ways such as with the adverbs of time and temporal prepositions of TeKaMoLo as well as the Futur I. Content in this…
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#Futur ! with Modalverben#Futur 1 formation#Hauptsatz Futur 1#Nebensatz Futur 1#simple Future Tense German#werden as auxiliary
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(1) Das Briefgeheimnis sowie das Post- und Fernmeldegeheimnis sind unverletzlich.
(2) Beschränkungen dürfen nur auf Grund eines Gesetzes angeordnet werden. Dient die Beschränkung dem Schutze der freiheitlichen demokratischen Grundordnung oder des Bestandes oder der Sicherung des Bundes oder eines Landes, so kann das Gesetz bestimmen, daß sie dem Betroffenen nicht mitgeteilt wird und daß an die Stelle des Rechtsweges die Nachprüfung durch von der Volksvertretung bestellte Organe und Hilfsorgane tritt.
(1) The secrecy of correspondence and the postal and telecommunications secrecy shall be inviolable.
(2) Restrictions may only be imposed on the basis of a law. If the restriction serves to protect the free democratic basic order or the existence or security of the Federation or a state, the law may stipulate that the person concerned shall not be informed of it and that the legal process shall be replaced by review by bodies and auxiliary bodies appointed by the people's representatives.
Article 10 of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany
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Ok so I've been wanting to ramble a tiny bit about universal translators for a while so here ya go. It's a bit incoherent but hopefully someone will find it interesting.
So of course they're translating a huge range of languages, but even if you compare two relatively similar Earth languages, they bring up some interesting questions. Let's take English and German (and bear in mind I am not a linguist):
In English, we tend to have all the verbs near the start of the sentence/clause, even in past and future tenses i.e. 'I had been sleeping in my bed.' or 'I will go to the restaurant.'
In the German past perfect tense, the auxiliary verb is the second 'idea' or 'part' of the sentence/clause and the past participle is at the end of that sentence/clause i.e. 'Ich habe in meinem Bett geschlafen.' In the future tense, using the verb 'werden' and the infinitive, it's the same: 'Ich werde ins Restaurant gehen.'
This means that, in German, as an English speaker, sometimes you have to read/listen to the whole sentence first, before properly translating it, because one of the verbs is in a completely different place to where it is in English (and vice versa).
Now, a universal translator translates as someone is speaking, but there would be a significant delay, right? Because the sentence structures are different (and we're talking about English and German here, imagine English and Vulcan) there would have to be a reasonably large delay for the translator to get the message across in a normal way to the other person. I mean, it has to wait for basically the time it takes to say a sentence as well as however long it takes to actually translate (but I imagine that would be pretty quick).
I don't really know what all this is meant to mean/says about universal translators, I guess just that it must take longer than it seems on Star Trek and it would still be a pain having people who speak radically different languages working together on a ship (which is a shame).
In Doctor Who, the TARDIS' universal translator is psychic. In the words of the 9th Doctor: "a telepathic field that gets inside your brain- translates." So I reckon there doesn't need to be a delay there because the words/idea is in your head so the translator can work with that?
I have no idea how it works in Star Trek, I haven't watched all of the tv shows and films so maybe it gets explained more, but it doesn't seem psychic. Idk, maybe it is, in which case the same applies.
The other thing I find interesting is how it would basically be a massive AI but I think I'll talk about that in another post.
#star trek#doctor who#long post#text#txt#sci fi#science fiction#universal translator#linguistics#sci fi language#language sci fi#the future#future#ai#translator#translators#universal translators#i am so sorry#reading this back its worded so badly#fuck it we ball
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2023/03/18 En el jardín había muchas fotos con momentos relevantes en la vida del genio español y su esposa. También hay otras construcciones auxiliares con más objetos que pueden llegar a considerarse obras de arte.
In the garden there were many photos with relevant moments in the life of the Spanish genius and his wife. There are also other auxiliary constructions with more objects that can be considered works of art.
Google Translation into French: Dans le jardin, il y avait de nombreuses photos avec des moments importants de la vie du génie espagnol et de sa femme. Il existe également d'autres constructions auxiliaires avec plus d'objets qui peuvent être considérés comme des œuvres d'art.
Google translation into Italian: Nel giardino c'erano molte foto con momenti importanti della vita del genio spagnolo e di sua moglie. Esistono anche altre costruzioni ausiliarie con più elementi che possono essere considerati opere d'arte.
Google Translation into Portuguese: No jardim havia muitas fotos com momentos importantes da vida do gênio espanhol e sua esposa. Existem também outras construções auxiliares com mais itens que podem ser considerados obras de arte.
Google Translation into German: Im Garten gab es viele Fotos mit wichtigen Momenten im Leben des spanischen Genies und seiner Frau. Es gibt auch andere Hilfskonstruktionen mit mehr Gegenständen, die als Kunstwerke betrachtet werden können.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Në kopsht kishte shumë foto me momente të rëndësishme në jetën e gjeniut spanjoll dhe bashkëshortes së tij. Ka edhe ndërtime të tjera ndihmëse me më shumë sende që mund të konsiderohen si vepra arti.
Google Translation into Armenian: Այգում կային բազմաթիվ լուսանկարներ՝ իսպանացի հանճարի և նրա կնոջ կյանքի կարևոր պահերով։ Կան նաև այլ օժանդակ շինություններ՝ ավելի շատ իրերով, որոնք կարելի է համարել արվեստի գործեր։
Google Translation into Bulgarian: В градината имаше много снимки с важни моменти от живота на испанския гений и съпругата му. Има и други спомагателни конструкции с повече елементи, които могат да се считат за произведения на изкуството.
Google Translation into Czech: V zahradě bylo mnoho fotografií s důležit��mi okamžiky v životě španělského génia a jeho manželky. Existují i další pomocné konstrukce s více předměty, které lze považovat za umělecká díla.
Google Translation into Croatian: U vrtu je bilo mnogo fotografija s važnim trenucima u životu španjolskog genija i njegove supruge. Tu su i druge pomoćne konstrukcije s više predmeta koji se mogu smatrati umjetničkim djelima.
Google Translation into Danish I haven var der mange billeder med vigtige øjeblikke i livet for det spanske geni og hans kone. Der er også andre hjælpekonstruktioner med flere genstande, der kan betragtes som kunstværker.
Google Translation into Slovak: V záhrade bolo veľa fotografií s dôležitými momentmi v živote španielskeho génia a jeho manželky. Existujú aj ďalšie pomocné konštrukcie s viacerými predmetmi, ktoré možno považovať za umelecké diela.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Na vrtu je bilo veliko fotografij s pomembnimi trenutki v življenju španskega genija in njegove žene. Obstajajo tudi druge pomožne konstrukcije z več predmeti, ki jih lahko štejemo za umetniška dela.
Google Translation into Estonian: Aias oli palju fotosid olulistest hetkedest Hispaania geeniuse ja tema naise elus. On ka teisi abikonstruktsioone, kus on rohkem esemeid, mida võib pidada kunstiteosteks.
Google Translation into Suomi: Puutarhassa oli monia valokuvia tärkeistä hetkistä espanjalaisen neron ja hänen vaimonsa elämässä. On myös muita apurakenteita, joissa on enemmän esineitä, joita voidaan pitää taideteoksina.
Google Translation into Greek: Στον κήπο υπήρχαν πολλές φωτογραφίες με σημαντικές στιγμές από τη ζωή της Ισπανίδας ιδιοφυΐας και της συζύγου του. Υπάρχουν και άλλες βοηθητικές κατασκευές με περισσότερα είδη που μπορούν να θεωρηθούν ως έργα τέχνης.
Google Translation into Dutch: In de tuin stonden veel foto's met belangrijke momenten uit het leven van het Spaanse genie en zijn vrouw. Er zijn ook andere hulpconstructies met meer voorwerpen die als kunstwerken kunnen worden beschouwd.
Google Translation into Norwegian: I hagen var det mange bilder med viktige øyeblikk i livet til det spanske geniet og hans kone. Det finnes også andre hjelpekonstruksjoner med flere gjenstander som kan betraktes som kunstverk.
Google Translation into Polish: W ogrodzie znajdowało się wiele zdjęć przedstawiających ważne momenty z życia hiszpańskiego geniusza i jego żony. Istnieją również inne konstrukcje pomocnicze z większą liczbą elementów, które można uznać za dzieła sztuki.
Google Translation into Romanian: În grădină au fost multe fotografii cu momente importante din viața geniului spaniol și a soției sale. Există și alte construcții auxiliare cu mai multe obiecte care pot fi considerate opere de artă.
Google Translation into Russian: В саду было много фотографий с важными моментами жизни испанского гения и его супруги. Есть и другие вспомогательные конструкции с большим количеством предметов, которые можно считать произведениями искусства.
Google Translation into Serbian: У башти је било много фотографија са важним тренуцима из живота шпанског генија и његове супруге. Постоје и друге помоћне конструкције са више предмета који се могу сматрати уметничким делима.
Google Translation into Swedish: I trädgården fanns många bilder med viktiga ögonblick i livet för det spanska geniet och hans fru. Det finns även andra hjälpkonstruktioner med fler föremål som kan betraktas som konstverk.
Google Translation into Turkish: Bahçede, İspanyol dehası ve eşinin hayatındaki önemli anları içeren birçok fotoğraf vardı. Daha fazla eşya içeren ve sanat eseri sayılabilecek başka yardımcı yapılar da vardır.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: У саду було багато фотографій з важливими моментами життя іспанського генія та його дружини. Є також інші допоміжні конструкції з більшою кількістю предметів, які можна вважати витворами мистецтва.
Google Translation into Arabic: في الحديقة كان هناك العديد من الصور مع لحظات مهمة في حياة العبقري الإسباني وزوجته. هناك أيضًا منشآت مساعدة أخرى بها المزيد من العناصر التي يمكن اعتبارها أعمالًا فنية.
Google Translation into Bengali: বাগানে স্প্যানিশ প্রতিভা এবং তার স্ত্রীর জীবনের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ মুহুর্তগুলির সাথে অনেকগুলি ফটো ছিল। আরও আইটেম সহ অন্যান্য সহায়ক নির্মাণ রয়েছে যা শিল্পের কাজ হিসাবে বিবেচিত হতে পারে।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 花园里有许多西班牙天才和他的妻子生活中重要时刻的照片。 还有其他辅助建��,项目较多,堪称艺术品。
Google Translation into Korean: 정원에는 스페인 천재와 그의 아내의 삶에서 중요한 순간이 담긴 사진이 많이 있었습니다. 예술 작품으로 간주될 수 있는 더 많은 항목이 있는 다른 보조 구조물도 있습니다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: בגן היו תמונות רבות עם רגעים חשובים בחייו של הגאון הספרדי ואשתו. יש גם קונסטרוקציות עזר אחרות עם יותר פריטים שיכולים להיחשב כיצירות אמנות.
Google Translation into Hindi: बगीचे में स्पेनिश प्रतिभा और उनकी पत्नी के जीवन में महत्वपूर्ण क्षणों के साथ कई तस्वीरें थीं। अधिक मदों के साथ अन्य सहायक निर्माण भी हैं जिन्हें कला के कार्यों के रूप में माना जा सकता है।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Di taman terdapat banyak foto dengan momen-momen penting dalam kehidupan jenius Spanyol dan istrinya. Ada juga konstruksi tambahan lainnya dengan lebih banyak item yang dapat dianggap sebagai karya seni.
Google Translation into Japanese: 庭には、スペインの天才と彼の妻の人生の重要な瞬間を写した写真がたくさんありました。 芸術作品と見なすことができるより多くのアイテムを備えた他の補助構造もあります。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Бакчада испан генийинин жана анын жубайынын жашоосундагы маанилүү учурлар камтылган көптөгөн сүрөттөр бар болчу. Көркөм чыгарма катары каралышы мүмкүн болгон дагы башка көмөкчү конструкциялар дагы бар.
Google Translation into Malay: Di taman itu terdapat banyak foto dengan detik-detik penting dalam kehidupan genius Sepanyol dan isterinya. Terdapat juga pembinaan tambahan lain dengan lebih banyak item yang boleh dianggap sebagai karya seni.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Цэцэрлэгт Испанийн суут ухаантан болон түүний эхнэрийн амьдралын чухал мөчүүдийг харуулсан олон гэрэл зургууд байсан. Урлагийн бүтээл гэж үзэж болох илүү олон зүйл бүхий бусад туслах байгууламжууд бас ба��даг.
Google Translation into Nepali: बगैचा मा स्पेनिश प्रतिभा र उनको पत्नी को जीवन मा महत्वपूर्ण क्षण संग धेरै फोटोहरु थिए। त्यहाँ थप वस्तुहरू सहित अन्य सहायक निर्माणहरू पनि छन् जुन कलाको कामको रूपमा मान्न सकिन्छ।
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਬਾਗ ਵਿੱਚ ਸਪੇਨੀ ਪ੍ਰਤਿਭਾ ਅਤੇ ਉਸਦੀ ਪਤਨੀ ਦੇ ਜੀਵਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਮਹੱਤਵਪੂਰਣ ਪਲਾਂ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਬਹੁਤ ਸਾਰੀਆਂ ਫੋਟੋਆਂ ਸਨ. ਹੋਰ ਚੀਜ਼ਾਂ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਹੋਰ ਸਹਾਇਕ ਨਿਰਮਾਣ ਵੀ ਹਨ ਜਿਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਕਲਾ ਦੇ ਕੰਮਾਂ ਵਜੋਂ ਮੰਨਿਆ ਜਾ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: په باغ کې د هسپانوي جینیس او د هغه میرمن په ژوند کې د مهمو شیبو سره ډیری عکسونه وو. دلته نور مرستندویه ساختمانونه هم شتون لري چې د ډیرو توکو سره چې د هنر کار ګڼل کیدی شي.
Google Translation into Persian: در باغ عکس های زیادی با لحظات مهم زندگی این نابغه اسپانیایی و همسرش وجود داشت. همچنین سازه های کمکی دیگری با آیتم های بیشتر وجود دارد که می توان آنها را به عنوان آثار هنری در نظر گرفت.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Di kebon aya seueur poto sareng momen penting dina kahirupan genius Spanyol sareng pamajikanana. Aya ogé konstruksi bantu lianna kalayan leuwih item nu bisa dianggap salaku karya seni.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Sa hardin mayroong maraming mga larawan na may mahahalagang sandali sa buhay ng henyong Espanyol at ng kanyang asawa. Mayroon ding iba pang mga pantulong na konstruksyon na may higit pang mga bagay na maaaring ituring na mga gawa ng sining.
Google Translation into Thai: ในสวนมีภาพถ่ายมากมายที่มีช่วงเวลาสำคัญในชีวิตของอัจฉริยะชาวสเปนและภรรยาของเขา นอกจากนี้ยังมีสิ่งก่อสร้างเสริมอื่น ๆ ที่มีสิ่งของมากมายที่สามารถพิจารณาได้ว่าเป็นงานศิลปะ
Google Translation into Urdu: باغ میں ہسپانوی باصلاحیت اور اس کی بیوی کی زندگی میں اہم لمحات کے ساتھ بہت سے تصاویر تھے. مزید اشیاء کے ساتھ دیگر معاون تعمیرات بھی ہیں ��نہیں فن کے کام کے طور پر سمجھا جا سکتا ہے۔
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fyi the verbs that use "sein" as an auxiliary are the verbs of motion (gehen, fahren, fliegen, laufen, fallen) and being/states (sein, werden, bleiben, wachsen, sterben). all other verbs use haben.
(mostly there are verbs that English also used to use "to be" with to form the past perfect, but reading a bunch of Shakespeare to get an ear for when to use "to be" and when to use "to have" probably isn't an efficient use of your language-learning energy)
signed up today at the Volkshochschule for German classes and it’s 4 hours a day 3 days a week 😅 starting tomorrow 😅😅
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Tuesday 23.. February 1836
6 50
11 ¾
no kiss my cousin came very gently just after I got up damp small rainy morning F36 ½° at 7 55 - siding my study table till 8 50 when went down to breakfast in 35 minutes - out with Mr. Washington at 9 40 to level for the new line of meer-drift - with him and Holt levelling so as to shew Mawson where to begin cutting out the meer, and sitting out and levelling the new line of meer-drift till left them about 11 ¼ (after which they levelled for the line of drift from the engine pit to the old mytholm goit to take off the upper bed water) - with Mark Hepworth levelling soil brought from Northgate - soiling over the transverse hill up to near the present entrance doors - then with Robert Mann + 3 till dinner time - they had taken up 6 or 7 thorns and a goodish ash-tree - came in with Washington about 12 ¼ some while with A- then ¾ hour in my study looking into German Grammar – A- off to Cliff hill about 2 and back before or about 4 - from 2 to 4 ¾ with Robert Mann + 3 planting the thorns and ash tree in the corner of Park farm field just above the cascade bridge - and planted one the largest and best and a handsome thorn in the glen above the bridge and in the Wheat field - Frank carted the thorns and one of Mark Hepworth’s cart brought us a load of soil - rained more or less all the morning and all the afternoon from about 3 pm pretty smartly that the men were wet and went away at 4 ¼ - I was wettish but sauntered about seeing the effect of the thorns etc - found A- had her Bouldshaw tenant and the coal-man with him wanting to buy the Bouldshaw coal - she said she had had a much better bid than theirs - would not say what - they to call again in a fortnight to say if they would give more - A- had Mr. Parker between 5 and 6 about Haigh’s lease –
I had dressed - taken off all my wet things and had Mr. Husband about the meer - had literally forgot to let him know about the levelling - he wants 10 carts at Northgate on Thursday - he is to come to me about 10 am that day to see about how the meer is set-out - said Mr. Harper talked of coming in a month - I said he must send the section of the meer - I could not put off beginning the meer for a month - dinner at 7 - coffee - A- did her French - my father went to bed at 7 ½ that A- and I did not see him - in fact, we had not intended going into his parlour tonight - our rencontre last night too disagreeable - Marian came in to say she thought my father not well - tried gently to excuse myself from going in to see my father in an evening Miss Inman’s being there making it too disagreeable to all parties - Marian was all wrong about it - not hurt but ‘annoyed’ - said it was ‘an insult’ to her (Marian) - I excused myself as well and calmly as I could - thought I (and afterwards said so to A-) it will be best to get out of the way - a few minutes with A- and my aunt - then went up to see my father for 10 minutes in his bed - said he was not poorly but could not get warm all the day so came to bed Marian was there the 1st part of the time and seemed calmer - A- and I sat talking till near 9 - I said if we went abroad I thought of Germany - wrote all but the 1st 2 ½ lines of today till 9 20 - then writing out the German auxiliary verb Werden till 10 10 at which hour F36 ½° and fair - rainy day - very rainy afternoon
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i always feel like german's methods of forming complex tenses ought to be more straightforward to me than romance languages' methods but that truly, truly is not the case
Eine Umgebung also, in der es für den Kollegen zu einer Gefahr hätte werden können, sich zu outen... (FAZ)
the fact that to say ‘could have become’ you have to say, like, ‘would to be able to become’ is SO extremely not intuitive to me. (like yes the english is also three words but as a native speaker i conceptualize ‘could have’ as a single unit. whereas hätte können is just like. evil bastard frankenstein construction. WHY is it not, like, *hätte gekonnt or something.) also it does not help that werden is an auxiliary verb in its own right half the time but is NOT here. DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT TO BE, WERDEN. YOU CAN’T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS. >:|
anyway i picked this article 2 try and read by going on FAZ and trying a sports one and then remembering i don’t care abt sports. or like. there are specific subtypes of sport i care about but Sports News is truly like. ‘we are excited to try and win. we will do that by trying to play well.’ etc. so then i switched 2 the one with rainbow sox.
in conclusion, depressing that after a nonzero amt of german study i as a multiple-letters-in-LGBTQ-person know literally zero relevant terminology. like. literally keine Ahnung how i would explain anything abt my admittedly totally fussy gender identity/sexuality situation auf Deutsch. not that i spend a lot of time articulating it auf Englisch either but like. there IS in fact a difference between not using the words and not HAVING them. [yes bc i’m a fuckin nerd this did in fact send me off on a tangent thinking abt guy gavriel kay’s book tigana. probably i would find certain aspects of that book sexist at this pt and also WHY were alessan and baerd not fucking, homophobia tbh, but. #formative nonetheless.]
anyway. this sure has been a post lmao. yr welcome ig???
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The Nature of the German Verb

In this post we will talk about some of the typical characteristics of the german verb and the things you need to know. Of course there’s a lot to cover when it comes to german verbs but we will go through some of the basics.
Now let’s begin to look at the german verb!
Base form and conjugation
German verbs change depending on who does the action. There is a base form that you use when saying “to” do something. You know how we say “I run” and “she runs”? Yeah German does something similar — just a lot more complicated. Let’s look at the German verb “to say” (zu sagen):
It changes for who is doing the action. Not only that but the plurals (”wir” and “sie”) and the formal (Sie) all look the same to the base form. First person singular (”ich”) ends with “e”, second person singular ends i “st”, and third person singular (”er/sie/es”) as well as third person plural (”ihr”) ends in “t”.
Auxiliary verbs and modal verbs
When we use more verbs than one there will most likely be a main verb and an auxiliary or modal verb. But what are they?
Auxiliary verbs, or helping verbs, are used to express the main verb’s tense, mood, or voice. A modal verb is a form of auxiliary verb, though instead it indicates modality — it explores possibility, ability, opportunity, and more.
That is one of the significant differences, but also the fact that modal verbs are there for grammatical purposes and does not really carry any meaning on their own, while auxiliary verbs do in fact carry meaning (it is helping the main verb after all). In European languages though, these two are in many cases indistinguishable from each other so don’t be surprised if you mix them together.
Some of the most common auxiliary verbs are: können (to be able to) dürfen (to be allowed to) sollen (shall) müssen (have to) möchten (would like to)
The most common german modal verbs are: sein (to be) haben (to have) werden (to become)
In German when you use an auxiliary or a modal verb, the main verb stays in it’s base form while the second verb gets conjugated instead. Let me show you.
“Ich bin gegangen” : I have walked (e.i “bin” is a modal verb) Sein takes the conjugation accordingly. “Ich muss backen“ : I have to bake (e.i “muss” is an auxiliary verb) Müssen takes the conjugation accordingly.
So far this all sounds pretty easy, right? The verb, modal verb, or the auxiliary verb is just a bit different, right? Let’s just move on to the tenses.
What are tenses? Tenses tells us the action’s location in time, when something happens. English has three. German has six, where 2 is finite and 4 are compound tenses (meaning they use auxiliary verbs to be expressed):
Present tense [Präsens] Simple past tense [Präteritum] --- Future tense [Futur I] Present perfect tense [Perfekt] Past perfect tense [Plusquamperfekt] Future perfect tense [Futur II]
Let’s take a look at how this will actually play out with the verb we’ve already looked at; “sagen”.
In the chart we see the finite tenses (purple) and the compound tenses (blue). And when we look at the blue we see where the conjugation happens (the word marked orange).
So- let’s take an example. What if we wanted to say “You [singular] will have said”? you [singular] : du will have said : werden gesagt haben
And conjugated: “Du wirst gesagt haben” ________________
Another example: “I have said” I : ich have said : haben gesagt
And conjugated: “Ich habe gesagt” ________________
And a last example: “They said” they : sie said : sagten
And conjugated: “Sie sagten” ________________
Now that we’ve learned about the different tenses that verbs can take, let’s look at what different verbs there actually are and what their difference is.
Strong & weak verbs
There are two types of German verbs, weak and strong (and mixed, but we’ll get to that).
Weak, or regular, verbs have a predictable pattern they follow when their tense changes. In simple past [Präteritum] these take on the ending “-te” and their past participle form — when they’re in any of the compound tenses — have the ending “-t“.
Strong, or irregular, verbs are conjugated more unpredictably. When their tense change, their stem-vowel also change so it almost looks like a whole new word. When a strong verb is in any of the compound tenses, it also receives the ending “-en“. In fact, the easiest way to know if a verb is weak or strong is to look at it in the compound tense; “-t” = weak, “-en” = strong.
Ex. gehen, ging, gegangen : “gehen” is a strong verb wandern, wanderte, gewandert : “wandern“ is a weak verb stehen, stand, gestanden : “stehen” is a strong verb sagen, sagte, gesagt : “sagen” is a weak verb
So far so good. But then there’s also mixed verbs. And well... they are just what they sound like; mixed. An in-between of the strong and weak verbs. How do they look then?
Mixed verbs, or irrational weak verbs, still have the weak endings “-t” and “-te”, but they are not regular, they still have vowel changes.
Ex. wissen, wusste, gewusst kennen, kannte, gekannt denken, dachte, gedacht
You see? The simple past still ends in “-te” BUT the vowel changed. Same thing in past participle; it ends with “-t” but still has a vowel change.
~ Summary ~
— German verbs conjugate according to the subject (who executes the verb). — When a sentence use more than one verb, there will be a main verb together with either auxiliary verbs or modal verbs. — When a sentence use more than one verb, the auxiliary verb will take on the conjugation while the main verb will stay in it’s base form. — Tenses express the verb’s location in time. — German has 6 tenses: present tense, simple past tense, future tense, present perfect tense, past perfect tense, future perfect tense. — There are strong and weak verbs: to easier be able to know if a verb is strong or weak, look at the verb in any of the compound tenses since; “-t“ = weak “-en” = strong — Mixed verbs still end with “-te“ and “-t“ like weak verbs, BUT they still have a vowel change and are therefore still unpredictable.
#german#learning german#german langblr#deutsch#deutsch lernen#deutsch langblr#the nature of german#german verb#deutsche verb
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𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐍 … + 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐟 / 𝐙𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐍 … + 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐟
🙂 Leer Nederlands ! / Learn Dutch ! / Apprenez le néerlandais ! / Lernen Sie Niederländisch ! / Imparate l’olandese !
🙂 Hulpwerkwoorden, modale (hulp)werkwoorden, modale verba : auxiliary verbs, modal verbs / verbes auxiliaires, verbes modaux, auxiliaires de mode, auxiliaires de modalité / Hilfsverben, Hilfszeitwörter, Modalverben / verbi ausiliari, verbi modali, verbi servili
Wil je met me dansen? : Do you want to dance with me? / Veux-tu danser avec moi? / Willst du mit mir tanzen? / Vuoi ballare con me?
Ik heb geen zin om te dansen. Ik wil (het) niet : I don’t feel like dancing. I don’t want to. / Je n’ai pas envie de danser. Je ne veux pas. / Ich habe keine Lust zu tanzen. Ich will nicht. / Non me la sento di ballare (Non ho voglia di ballare). Non voglio.
Zal je met me dansen? : Will you dance with me? / Danseras-tu avec moi? / Wirst du mit mir tanzen? / Ballerai con me?
Eens kijken ... In 2025 zullen we met elkaar dansen : Let’s see … In 2025 we will dance together / Voyons un peu … En 2025, nous danserons ensemble. / Mal sehen … Im Jahre 2025 werden wir zusammen tanzen. / Vediamo un po’… Nel 2025 balleremo insieme.
👉 Pinterest : willen ... + infinitief / zullen ... + infinitief
👉 Diaspora : willen ... + infinitief / zullen ... + infinitief
👉 Doctissimo : willen ... + infinitief / zullen ... + infinitief
#willen#zullen#dutch verbs#nederlandse werkwoorden#werkwoorden#verba#verbs#vervoeging#conjugation#verbes#dutch grammar#nederlandse grammatica#grammatica#spraakkunst#dutch#learn dutch#dutch language#nederlands#dutchblr#dutch langblr#néerlandais#dutch studyblr#langblr#niederländisch#grammatik#olandese#grammaire#grammar
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Auxiliary AU: Der Feuerteufel - Part 1
Auf Empfehlung von @sehr-wohl-die-herrschaften
Es gibt so viele Szenen in dieser Folge, die ihre Auxiliary Version verdienen, also danke für die Idee
Spotify-Timestamp: Track 1 0:44 bis Track 3 0:47 (Achtung, die Soundqualität ist echt nicht so fantastisch bei so alten Folgen, also macht nicht den selben Fehler wie ich. Kopfhörer sind hier nicht die beste Wahl.)
Peter und Jelena radelten nebeneinander die Straßen von Santa Monica entlang. “Ich hoffe, dass der Laden wirklich so gut ist, wie du versprochen hast”, sagte Peter. “Justus wird nicht gerade erfreut sein, wenn wir zu spät kommen.” “Also wirklich, Peter, so langsam solltest du wissen, dass mir das relativ egal ist”, gab Jelena zurück. “Glaub mir, der Laden ist echt klasse. Eine Freundin von mir arbeitet da. Roxanne. Die wird dir bestimmt eine gute Maske empfehlen können.” Wenig später bogen sie auf eine staubige Einfahrt ein und parkten an der Hauswand eines Ladens, der am Hinterhof lag. Schon das Schild über der Tür und die Schaufenster sahen aus wie der Eingang einer Geisterbahn. Peter staunte nicht schlecht. “Wir haben es doch eilig, oder? Jetzt komm rein!” Jelena zog ihn am Ärmel zur Eingangstür herein. Jetzt war Peter komplett sprachlos. Die Masken sahen täuschend echt aus. Das schwache Licht und die leise Hintergrundmusik im Laden verstärkten diesen Effekt nur noch. “Habe ich zu viel versprochen?” “Absolut nicht”, murmelte er. Jelena grinste. “Also gut. Sieh du dich ruhig um, ich suche nach Roxanne.” “Ist gut.” Da lachte Jelena. “Keine Angst, nichts hier ist echt.” “Ich habe keine Angst!” “Ja, klar. Ist notiert.” Grinsend lief Jelena davon in Richtung eines dunklen Vorhangs. Peter sah sich weiter in dem Laden um. Zombies, Hexen und Figuren aus Gruselfilmen starren ihn von allen Seiten an. Vor allem eine Maske fing seine Aufmerksamkeit ein. Er ging gerade näher heran, um sie sich genauer anzusehen, als er plötzlich eine kalte Hand an seinem Nacken spürte. Er zuckte zusammen und sprang vor Schreck fast an die Decke. Da hörte er ein allzu bekanntes Lachen und wurde knallrot. Er sah leicht verärgert in die Augen seiner Freundin. “Lass den Unsinn, Jelena!” “Schon gut, schon gut… Ich mach’s nicht wieder.” “Ich hätte es Wissen sollen.” “Hättest du wirklich.” Da fiel ihm auf, dass neben Jelena noch ein zweites Mädchen stand, woraufhin er noch röter wurde. “Peter, darf ich vorstellen: Roxanne Elfman”, sagte Jelena. “Roxanne, das ist mein lieber Kollege Peter Shaw.” “Freut mich”, sagte Roxanne lächelnd. “Mich auch”, meinte Peter verlegen. Er versuchte, das Thema zu wechseln. “Du arbeitest also hier, Roxanne?” “Ja. Der Laden gehört Kathy Goldenberg, der einzigen Masken-Fachfrau in Santa Monica. Wo wir von Arbeit sprechen: Seid ihr auch beruflich hier?” “Nein, diesmal nicht”, sagte Peter. “Dann würden wir womöglich alle vier hier auftauchen. Nein, nein wir sind privat hier. Ich brauche eine gruselige Maske.” “Für Halloween?” “Ganz genau. Jelena hat mir von dem Laden erzählt und mich direkt her gezerrt.” “Das sieht ihr ähnlich.” Bevor Jelena etwas zu ihrer Verteidigung sagen konnte, ertönte das Klingeln der Ladentür und ein Mann trat ein. “Ah, Mr. Moore!”, stieß Roxanne erfreut aus. “Wie schön Sie zu sehen!” “Hallo, Roxanne. Schön von dir bedient zu werden.” “Wer ist denn das?”, flüsterte Peter. “Aaron Moore”, antwortete Jelena leise. “Roxanne himmelt ihn an. Er schreibt Gruselgeschichten, soweit ich weiß.” Die beiden Detektive lauschten leise der Unterhaltung zwischen den beiden. “Ist Mrs. Goldenberg nicht da?”, fragte Mr. Moore. “Ähm… Die kommt in einer halben Stunde wieder”, antwortete Roxanne. “Morgen ist es soweit, nicht wahr? Morgen erscheint doch ihr neues Buch! Ich freue mich schon.” “Ich schreibe keine Bücher, Roxanne, das sage ich dir jedes Mal. Es sind Heftchen.” “Ach, für mich sind es Bücher. Ihr letztes hat mir auch wieder sehr gut gefallen.” Mr. Moore lachte zufrieden. “Nicht nur dir.” “Und was heißt das?”, fraget Roxanne verdutzt. “Haben Sie wieder sackweise Fanpost bekommen?” “Das wäre ja okay, aber diesmal ging die Verehrung meiner Werke über einen schlichten Brief hinaus. Jemand hat mein eigenes Grab angezündet.” “Wie bitte?” Mr. Moore seufzte und sah Peter und Jelena an. “Vielleicht solltest du erst deine Kundschaft zu Ende bedienen, bevor ich dir die Geschichte erzähle.” Roxanne erschrak etwas, so als hätte sie die beiden schon vergessen. “Oh. Ah ja, stimmt. .... Hast du dir denn schon eine Maske
ausgesucht, Peter?” Peter war ganz verwirrt, aber er schaffte es doch, seine Gedanken wieder zu sammeln. “Ja, ich… Ich nehm diesen… diesen Zombie hier.” Wahrscheinlich war er sich gar nicht sicher, ob es überhaupt ein Zombie war, das die Maske darstellen sollte. Aber sie sah gruselig aus und deshalb sollte es diese werden. “Gut. Das macht 11.20$.” Peter zog kurz die Augenbrauen hoch. “Das ist nicht gerade wenig für einen Halloween-Spaß.” Trotzdem zog er sein Portemonnaie hervor. Roxanne und Jelena kicherten leise. “Was sagst du denn, wenn wir einen Deal machen”, schlug Jelena vor. “Wenn du es schaffst, Justus mit dem Teil zu erschrecken, zahle ich die Hälfte. Das ist es mir locker wert, unserem Ersten eins auszuwischen.” Peter grinste. “Klingt gut.” “Viel Spaß damit”, sagte Roxanne lächelnd. Sie winkte den beiden Freunden hinterher, als sie den Laden verließen. Peter verstaute die Maske in seinem Rucksack und schon saßen sie wieder auf ihren Fahrrädern, auf dem Weg zur Zentrale. “Sag mal”, meinte Peter zögerlich. “was hältst du eigentlich von dem Gespräch zwischen Roxanne und diesem Mr. Moore? ‘Sein eigenes Grab angezündet’, was soll das heißen?” Jelena zuckte mit den Schultern. “Keine Ahnung. Fragen wir doch Justus. Der freut sich sicher. Vielleicht ist er dann auch nicht mehr sauer, dass wir zu spät sind.”
#die drei ???#die drei fragezeichen#peter shaw#jelena charkova#auxiliary au#fanfiction#der feuerteufel
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FUTUR II: Formation & Use Of The German Future Perfect Tense
It is one thing to attempt to make expressions in the future and another to know the exact way to do that. With the German language having two types of future tenses which are both formed with the auxiliary verb werden makes it even more confusing when deciding whether to use the Futur I or Futur II since both can make an assumption which is either certain or uncertain. All of this you’ll get to…
#Futur I vs Futur II#Futur II#Futur II Formation#Futur II Use#Future Tense German#Perfect Future Tense German
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German grammar
Futur II – assumptions
Assumptions about events in the past can be expressed with adverbs or with the Futur II. Futur II is built with the auxiliary werden + Partizip II + haben/sein.
Assumptions with the Futur II
Da wird sich Ihr Leben ziemlich verändert haben (Your life will have changed a lot)
Ihre Freunde werden neidisch gewesen sein (Your friends will have been jealous)
Assumptions with adverbs
Da hat sich Ihr Leben wohl ziemlich verändert (Your life has changed quite a bit)
Ihre Freunde waren vermutlich neidisch (Your friends were probably jealous)
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Driveway and Outer Building, Ground Floor
So, here are the “Before” photos taken over the weekend. I’ll roll them out over the coming week.
Starting with the 1st Floor - which is really only the outside area and auxiliary building - you can see there is room for improvement.
We currently believe that the outer building will be taken down and rebuilt. This building was likely built post war and not part of the original house. It is not protected by the historical preservation ordinance. We will learn more about it in the near future.
The driveway will be torn up and repaved. We currently envision having a strip of green area down the center, underneath where the cars are driving through. This would have low ground-covering plants that don’t need much sun and that can be driven over.
There is a stump that is interfering with the water drainage and needs to be extracted.
The new outer building will turn into a studio for me. We currently envision having a stairway built into it on the North side where the cars are parked. The stairs will lead directly up to the terrace. The small cellar will be excavated and its usefulness will be assessed. The current access door is broken and we would not be able to get it shut again if we opened it. I’ll get pictures of that later.
We are currently planning to build a terrace over the entire outside area. Front to back. We have discussed the possibility of our neighbor building a terrace out from his half of the house over the driveway out to where the carport will be. I will be posting some design ideas later that illustrate that more clearly.
In addition, the neighbor wanted to reinstall a door that leads to the large cellar underneath the house. We have given him permission to put that back in. It would be to the left where the current main entry door is and would lead down into his cellar.
Auffahrt und Außengebäude, Erdgeschoss
Hier sind die "Vorher" -Fotos, die am Wochenende aufgenommen wurden. Ich werde sie in der kommenden Woche herausbringen.
Beginnend mit der 1. Etage - die eigentlich nur der Außenbereich und das Nebengebäude ist - können Sie sehen, dass es Raum für Verbesserungen gibt.
Wir glauben derzeit, dass das äußere Gebäude abgerissen und wieder aufgebaut wird. Dieses Gebäude wurde wahrscheinlich nach dem Krieg gebaut und ist nicht Teil des ursprünglichen Hauses. Es ist nicht durch die Denkmalschutzverordnung geschützt. Wir werden in naher Zukunft mehr darüber erfahren.
Die Auffahrt wird abgerissen und neu asphaltiert. Wir stellen uns derzeit einen Streifen Grünfläche in der Mitte vor, unter dem die Autos fahren. Dies hätte Pflanzen mit geringer Bodenbedeckung, die nicht viel Sonne benötigen und überfahren werden können.
Es gibt einen Stumpf, der die Wasserableitung stört und extrahiert werden muss.
Das neue Außengebäude wird für mich zu einem Studio. Wir stellen uns derzeit vor, auf der Nordseite eine Treppe einzubauen, auf der die Autos geparkt sind. Die Treppe führt direkt zur Terrasse. Der kleine Keller wird ausgegraben und seine Nützlichkeit bewertet. Die aktuelle Zugangstür ist kaputt und wir könnten sie nicht wieder schließen, wenn wir sie öffnen würden. Ich werde später Bilder davon bekommen.
Derzeit planen wir den Bau einer Terrasse über den gesamten Außenbereich. Von vorne nach hinten. Wir haben die Möglichkeit besprochen, dass unser Nachbar eine Terrasse von seiner Haushälfte über die Auffahrt zum Carport bauen kann. Ich werde später einige Designideen veröffentlichen, die dies deutlicher veranschaulichen.
Außerdem wollte der Nachbar eine Tür wieder einbauen, die zum großen Keller unter dem Haus führt. Wir haben ihm die Erlaubnis gegeben, das wieder einzubauen. Es wäre links, wo sich die aktuelle Haupteingangstür befindet, und würde in seinen Keller hinunterführen.
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Langblr Diary Challenge - Day 7
Today (02/10) I wrote about a one shot manga I read in German called Sabrina. I wrote 58 words.
Ich habe der Manga gestern gelesen. Diesen Manga ist sehr kurz, sie hat nur sieben Seite. Der Autor ist Tsunomu Nihei, der Autor von Blame. Sabrina ist eine Horror Geschichte über ein Mädchen, wohl Sabrina und ein seltsam Mann. Die Geschichte hat mir gefällt und der Zeichenstil gefällt mir auch. Ich empfehle den Manga, ob du Horrorgeschichten magst.
New words:
Seltsam - weird
Wohl - probably
Empfehlen - to recommend
New words from the manga:
werden - auxiliary indicating "will" or "going to"
abschneiden - to cut off (separable verb)
Ich werde es abschneiden müssen = I'll have to cut it off
sache - thing
zuvor - before
The link for the manga: here
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End Auxiliary Confusion! A Guide to German Auxiliary Verbs
Assistant action words are a noteworthy syntactic element in both German and English. The three crucial German language partner activity words are sein (to be), haben (to have) and werden (to transform into). These action words are somewhat "helping action words" that can give the perspective or the setting of a particular sentence.
It's amazingly basic to know which of these action words to use, in such a case, that you use an improper one, it can cause a lot of confusion.
The more than three partner activity words are all in all sporadic. What makes an action word conventional or flighty is undoubtedly to some degree out of the degree of what we're talking about as of now, yet for our inspirations, it suggests that there may not be a natural guide to seek after as you conjugate them. You kind of essentially need to hold and practice the different structures.
Luckily, it's definitely not hard to do this with Lingua-Sphere.
As ought to be self-evident, haben and werden are fairly easier to manage than sein. Unfortunately, sein is likely the weirdest activity word to conjugate, and it's one of the most used activity words in the language, which is the explanation you believe a to be of it as a fledgling German language speaker.
Lingua-Sphere gives German language learning classes in Pune. With a gathering of steady instructors learning gets simpler. The timings are entirely adaptable and as per you, the clusters are directed by the tests held by the Goethe Institute.
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Notes for a Future German
The German language is currently spoken by about 90 million people, primarily in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Due to the late unification of the German state and some high-octane political idiocy, what little colonial empire German-speaking countries had in the 19th and 20th centuries had entirely ceased to exist by 1945, so German is not now in any sense a "global language" in the same way as English, French, or Spanish. It does, however, possess a long written history, has been the native tongue of numerous influential writers, artists, poets, and philosophers, and currently is the tongue of one of the most influential members of the European Union. Moreover, it is itself a historically diverse language that has maintained a greater degree of dialectical diversity than languages like English due the political history of central Europe. "German" is in fact a collection of dozens of regional dialects, papered over by a standard register which serves as an interlanguage for, say, Bavarians and East Frisians to communicate. The greater West Germanic dialect continuum, however, runs from the Austrian Alps, to Switzerland, to the North Sea, and west to the swamps of the Netherlands--and, once upon a time, as far east as what is now Kaliningrad.
German's certainly not going anywhere--it's not one of those half-pickled languages like Irish, nor is it solely the language of a single small country like Lithuanian. But there is no global gravitational pull, like the international registers of English, to unite any far-flung German dialects that might remain, so it's reasonable to imagine new varieties might find themselves seeded wherever a large number of German speakers congregate, and are isolated from their fellow Teutophones for a couple of centuries.
Let us imagine, oh, say, a Berlin-based gang of transhumanist artist types founds a commune on one of the moons of Jupiter a hundred and fifty years hence; fiercely pursuing a kind of techno-socialist utopianism, they largely isolate themselves from the rest of the Solar System, allowing their language to develop on its own for a time. Although they are drawn from many backgrounds, the language of a narrow majority of the group is German, albeit a form influenced by the Berlin dialect--Missingsch, with some Turkish, Arabic, and English spice sprinkled on top. What kind of language might we anticipate?
1. Selected sound Changes
The reference language here is Standard German, with some unique Berlin features. Berlin is known for its pronunciation of "ich" [ɪk], instead of Standard German [iç]. Other important changes include the monophthongization of [au] > [u:], [aɪ] > [i:], replacement of final [s] with [t], reduction of final [r] (also common in Bavaria), initial [g] > [j], loss of a dative/accusative distinction and a bunch of other little changes. Our Future German won't be based entirely on Berliner German, but it will partake of some of these features, sometimes inconsistently.
Future German sound changes:
The complete loss of final [r], with compensatory lengthening of vowels, a la Received Pronunciation.
As in Portuguese, vowel-nasal pairs become long nasalized vowels.
Merger of [s], [ʃ], [ç] > [s]. Fortition of final [s] > [t]; metathesis of final -st > [ts].
As in Berliner German, all diphthongs are simplified, taking on the quality of their second element: [ɔʏ] > [y:], [aɪ] > [i:], [au] > [u:]. Moreover, the vowel system is reanalyzed: a chain shift shuffles the vowel system slightly, and every vowel acquires a phonemic rounded and unrounded, as well as phomemic short and long, variant, as part of the development of a system of vowel harmony (see below). The new unrounded vowel pairs are i/i:, ɤ/ɤ: (from former ʊ/u:), a/a: (former ɔ/o:), ɛ/ɛ: (former a/a:), and e/e: (former ɛ/e:). The new rounded vowels are u/u: (former ʏ, y:), o/o: (partly corresponding to former ø: and ʊ/u:), ɒ̈/ɒ̈:, and ø/ø:. Note that the pair ø/ø: corresponds to the rounded form of both e/e: and ɛ/ɛ:, and u/u: to unrounded i/i:.
Voiceless consonants of the form VCV are voiced. Voiced consonants are lenited to the corresponding fricative, as are voiced initials in unstressed words like "der, die, das." [f] > [h] > ø; [t] > [θ]; [p] > [f]; [k] > [x] > [h]. NB that that final change also affects all original occurences of [x].
Unstressed final syllables of the form Vm/Vn become syllabic nasals.
Triple consonant clusters lose their middle element. Double consonant clusters where both elements are a stop or fricative assimilate their second element. A stop or fricative assimilates a following nasal into a nasal vowel.
A system of vowel harmony develops, possibly under the influence of Turkish, which causes all vowels in a word to be either rounded or unrounded, indicated using the umlaut diacritic.
2. Selected grammar Changes
As expected, this future variety of German greatly simplifies its morphology. In fact, possibly under influence from bilingual Turkish speakers, it loses nominal gender entirely, including in the pronoun system. A distinct inanimate pronoun (from the neuter) is maintained for objects. Case, already reduced to nominative/oblique in Berliner German, is lost entirely, with the oblique forms (morphologically speaking, the Standard German dative) winning the day.
The phonological reduction of the pronoun system has a side effect, though: the old nominative pronoun becomes a personal suffix of the verb. Moreover, the syntax transitions from an SVO system, with emphasis on placing the verb in the second position, to a VSO ordering, where instead the verb must always come first--even in subordinate clauses, which in Standard German are SOV. Questions are indicated via the interrogative tag "mu," which follows the verb.
Personal Pronouns
1st person - mii, ɤɤt (enclitic: ee-, vii-)
2nd person - dhii, siz (enclitic: dhɤ-, siz-)
3rd person animate - ĩĩ, ii (enclitic: ee-, zii-)
3rd person inanimate - et, ii (enclitic: et-, zii-)
The old definite article becomes the suffix -dɛ; the corresponding indefinite suffix is -ii. The negative "kein-" is lost entirely.
3. A few example sentences
Examples are given in Standard German, English, and then Future German; some minor phonological simplifications are undocumented. With such short examples, it’s hard to get a real sense of how this language would work, but I think this gives a nice taste of the phonological flavor. I’m actually assuming that, except for as described above, the grammar would be rather conservative--not unlike, say, Icelandic, which has diverged considerably from the phonology of Old Norse in places, but retains most of the grammar.
Weißt du, wie man diese gerät benutzt? Do you know how to use this device? Dhɤviitz mu benɤt vii mãã dhiiz yereth bẽɤth?
(NB elimination of the dummy subject here) Es gibt viele Orbitaljäger, die sich nähern. There are many orbital fighters approaching. Jiv yege viil daneern sih.
Schalten Sie die Hilfsenergie zu den Schilden um! Reroute auxiliary power to the shields! Seelth ɤn ilsẽẽrgiide tsɤ silddh!
Wenn du die Railguns nicht in den nächsten fünfundvierzig Sekunden reparieren kannst, werden wir entdecken, ob wir das Vakuum atmen können. If you don't get those railguns working in the next forty-five seconds, we're going to be breathing vacuum. Vẽẽ dhɤhãã refariirn nee in nesse ũũdhvïïssï zehɤɤdh, viiẽddhe ɤv vïïhoo athmẽ vahɤɤde.
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