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orange-foxes · 5 months ago
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The Minyard-Josten Rivalry
💥 Secrets and Honesty by fullyvisible (43k, series: Part 1 of 3)
Neil and Andrew aren't on the same professional teams, but that doesn't mean they're any less together. When a photograph gets taken out of context, they decide to go with it, as long as they're both having fun. And they are. Right?
💥 The Crooked Kind by youreyestheyglow (10k)
Neil went pro a year ago--and not on Andrew's team. The problem: they're private people, and when the press takes their declarations of hate at face value, Andrew and Neil find themselves unwilling to end the rumors.
💥 Minyard-Josten: A Rivalry For The Ages by dustbottle (4k)
After four years of playing together at Palmetto State University, Neil and Andrew end up on different professional teams. Neil is the new striker for the Atlanta Hawks; Andrew is goalie for the Boston Rebels. This is the story of their so-called rivalry. Three guesses as to who starts the rumours. (Spoilers: It’s Neil.)
💥 Captured moments by simplydevotedtoyou (9k, series: part 3 of 3)
Neil has finally made it to pros, joining the RedSock Lions in Chicago. Andrew however is with the Houston Hornets. When Andrew is asked about how he feels about seeing his ex team mate on an opposing team, he makes a comment which starts the supposed 'rivalry' between the ex team mates. What the majority of people don't know is that Neil and Andrew are in fact together and have been since college, well that is until someone releases photos of them which show that the whole rivalry wasn't 100% real. or Neil and Andrew are both too stubborn to let the other have the last word.
💥 The Truth Behind It by wematch (3k)
Neil finally makes a Twitter account the year after he leaves the Foxes. His PR has been nagging him about making a social media account since he joined the team but ultimately he uses it to annoy Andrew. Of course things escalate and the rumours of a rivalry between the two form, that is until Neil clarifies everything.
💥 Reputation by lemonicee (8k)
The rise and fall of the Minyard-Josten Rivalry. Usually when Neil starts shit in a post-game press interview, he does it on purpose. This time, he really just meant for it to be a joke. “How do you feel about the possibility of ending up on a team with a former Fox teammate?” is the next question. “Great,” Neil answers, sincere. “I would love to play with Matt or Kevin again.” “What about Minyard? Would you sign with Atlanta?” Neil says, “Andrew? He’s a nightmare.” He knows it’s a joke. His team knows it’s a joke. Andrew will know it’s a joke. The press does not seem to know that it’s a joke.
💥 Rivalry? by loverloverlover (3k)
"In their first pro-game against each other last year, Andrew had greeted him with a middle finger and his signature two-fingered salute. Neil had shot back a mockingly flirty wave, but no one else saw the affection behind their gestures—only the taunts." OR Andrew and Neil are on different professional Exy teams, and after being apart for months, their teams are finally playing each other. In true Neil Josten fashion, something goes wrong.
💥 Minyard vs Josten ;) by introvertedtiger (2k)
ever since Neil and Andrew had gone pro and started playing AGAINST each other, the media thought they hated each other. in reality they’ve been married for two years and Neil’s getting bored of the rivalry and is finally ready to change the name on his jersey.
💥 The societies we despise by This_Witch_Writes (5k)
Technically it all started because of two cats. Andrew’s phone number had been leaked and he was waiting on a new sim card. So when Neil saw the cats, one black and one ginger, play fighting beside the Chicago Bean, he had tweeted the picture to him instead of texting it. An innocent enough tweet on the surface, tagging Andrew and adding the caption “us”. To Neil, Andrew and their family, an obvious and even uncharacteristically sappy statement of long-held affection. To exy fans on the internet, a declaration of war.
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dresyreads · 4 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: All For The Game - Nora Sakavic Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard Characters: Neil Josten, Andrew Minyard Additional Tags: Social Media, Twitter, Post-Canon, other foxes are mentioned, Minyard-Josten Rivalry, but not really, Domestic, professional exy players, press duty Summary:
Neil finally makes a Twitter account the year after he leaves the Foxes. His PR has been nagging him about making a social media account since he joined the team but ultimately he uses it to annoy Andrew. Of course things escalate and the rumours of a rivalry between the two form, that is until Neil clarifies everything.
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whatindarnation · 1 year ago
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matching sunglasses & wedding rehearsals | april 1 2022 #photooftheday #weddings #wematch #dmmmjg
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codename-adler · 2 months ago
here u go :)
This Roommate Bullshit by likearecord
An Ocean on the Rooftop by attfna
Only You by wematch
paper mâché stars by makebelieveauuthing, nerdzeword and @justadreamfox
to know a man by moonix
fragile by likearecord
flashes of intimacy by @mostlymaudlin
coffee & crosswords by tomat0head
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if i ask for fave aftg fic recs preferably on the softer side of the spectrum (but im not picky) would yall send some my way
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lilithof7990 · 5 years ago
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Naturally a redhead, but dyed my hair black to match my doggo. 😝🐺 #wematch #twins #dogsoftwitter https://t.co/AsZ1Kp0qaH https://www.instagram.com/p/CEsIlGTFXP5/?igshid=34pj9k4mcgi4
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yablahblah · 5 years ago
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ジェームズ 先輩、かっこいい!(*´꒳`*) 📸: @jennifehx #linestore #linejames #wematch (at Line Friends Store Times Square, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3r2U5RAR_0/?igshid=l4s7q6gpanrc
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ladyfurbton · 6 years ago
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Parenting goals
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hoshi-neko-hikari · 1 year ago
“Wet them wace. This is theiw wematch.” Hikari said. She just wanted to have fun on the ride.
Chika was beeping the horn on the car repeatedly.
Raiden was neck and neck with Haru.
Hikari’s Trip to Florida (open rp)
Hikari was super duper excited for her summer trip to Florida. The sun, the amusement parks, the food, the gift shops. She heard they just opened the new super mario world to the Universal Studios as well, so she was sure to go to that during the trip.
Oh, there was so much she wanted to do! She couldnt decide what to do first!
Will you join her on her fun filled vacation?
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Tagging: @weirdgayenby @rxnowned-vxmpire-hxnter @yourdarlingneighbor @ravensroleplays @gorefieldsworld @puppy-boy-toby and anyone else who wants to join
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steviecarpediem · 6 years ago
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Me and Brodie at the game kickin some hawks flavor. #wematch #gohawks (at State Farm Arena) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvNcajpgMOM6uQyUW6KxaXD_Fk1xQ8A3ZFrWso0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=lns5kpsnox89
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littlemahmah · 3 years ago
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Here’s a couple of my supportive colleagues as we keep ourselves awake and patient during a day field trip to the big city to visit Playland for the day! 4 fancy coach busses, a couple wheelchair taxis, 203 kids, 14 adults, a couple ferry rides, too many sugar donuts, and lots of laughs! Photo credit @allisonadams20 #wematch #teaching #clipboard #didyoucheckin #fieldtrip #12hourday #thankyouteachers #almostover #anotheryear #handmeanotherbag #ibroughtwetwipes (at Playland Vancouver) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfY7OMqrUbL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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orange-foxes · 5 months ago
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Social Media
📱 The Truth Behind It by wematch (3k)
Neil finally makes a Twitter account the year after he leaves the Foxes. His PR has been nagging him about making a social media account since he joined the team but ultimately he uses it to annoy Andrew. Of course things escalate and the rumours of a rivalry between the two form, that is until Neil clarifies everything.
📱 Catfish by likearecord (22k)
There’s very little Andrew likes less than being tricked, but not knowing things does make the cut. He stands, throws his messenger bag over his shoulder, grabs his coffee, and stomps over to slide into the chair across from the guy. He looks up at Andrew with a flash of calculated flight or fight in his eyes, but he quickly smooths this over and affixes a look of polite interest on his face. “Can I help you?” “Are you on Grindr?” Andrew asks. Bluntly.  “Uh,” the guy says, looking more confused. “I don’t know. What is it?”  “It’s a hookup app gay men use.”  “Oh,” he says, frowning. “No, I’m definitely not on that.”  “Because you don’t do gay men?”  The guy shrugs. “Because I don’t do hookups.”
📱 Funky Happenings with the Fox Family by dobbypussypopper (29k)
naughtygayweedcrime: did I rlly just see neil say woke naughtygayweedcrime: what a surreal timeline we live in dumbfool: allison is trying to teach me how to meme so I can get hip naughtygayweedcrime: bless your poor soul davidwymack: sometimes I regret living davidwymack has muted exyllent, damnwilds, + 7 others for 30 minutes
📱 The societies we despise by This_Witch_Writes (5k)
Technically it all started because of two cats. Andrew’s phone number had been leaked and he was waiting on a new sim card. So when Neil saw the cats, one black and one ginger, play fighting beside the Chicago Bean, he had tweeted the picture to him instead of texting it. An innocent enough tweet on the surface, tagging Andrew and adding the caption “us”. To Neil, Andrew and their family, an obvious and even uncharacteristically sappy statement of long-held affection. To exy fans on the internet, a declaration of war.
📱 Reputation by lemonicee (8k)
The rise and fall of the Minyard-Josten Rivalry. Usually when Neil starts shit in a post-game press interview, he does it on purpose. This time, he really just meant for it to be a joke. “How do you feel about the possibility of ending up on a team with a former Fox teammate?” is the next question. “Great,” Neil answers, sincere. “I would love to play with Matt or Kevin again.” “What about Minyard? Would you sign with Atlanta?” Neil says, “Andrew? He’s a nightmare.” He knows it’s a joke. His team knows it’s a joke. Andrew will know it’s a joke. The press does not seem to know that it’s a joke.
📱 likes: exy by djhedy (32k)
Allison: ok look I have an idea Neil: oh no Allison: you’re not going to love it Neil: I already said oh no Allison: we should sign you up to tinder! Neil: …how do you leave whatsapp
📱 all that i’ve been dreaming of by bazookajo94 (5k)
Exy fanboy Neil Josten stumbles across roleplaying Twitter accounts. Lonely and curious, he requests one for literally any of the players from the professional exy team Palmetto State Foxes. Someone calling themselves rp_aaaaaminyard03 responds. Andrew Minyard, bored with life, the universe, and everything, makes a fake roleplay account on Twitter. He is roleplaying himself. He is rp_aaaaaminyard03.
📱 In Which Neil Josten is a PR Nightmare by CoverYourEyes (14k wip)
Eve was not the best person in the world. Sometimes she didn’t hold the elevator open when she saw people rushing to catch it from the other side of the lobby. Cutting the line at Starbucks was a semi-regular action. But Eve did not deserve to be Neil fucking Josten's publicist. ********** Or, the one where Neil does what he wants, picks fights with reporters, discovers Twitter, breaks the internet, and really shouldn't be allowed out of his house. Andrew does nothing to discourage him.
📱please tell me it's just the fandom freaking out by OneSweetMelody
Neil Josten @neiljos10 Sadly @ajminyard isn’t too excited about that face off Neil Josten @neiljos10 Maybe @ajminyard will learn how to block an offside bouncer before then. Or any shot.
📱 Talk All Night for Nothing by ipromisetostaywild (20k)
Andrew Minyard is a vlogger on YouTube, doing quite well for himself despite the fact that he never shows his face to the camera. He may just change his no-face policy, however, after meeting a certain vlogger who wants to do a collaboration. OR Andrew edits other people’s videos, makes his own, & becomes totally smitten with a blue-eyed boy.
📱 We Never Go Out Of Style by dancingongasoline (28k)
“Allison is pretty famous around the younger celebs,” Renee said when she saw Andrew’s eyes linger on the mass of people slowly filtering into the room. “There’s a lot of people here; didn’t think it was this anticipated.” Andrew murmured, leaning closer into Renee’s side. The woman hummed, her eyes straying from row to row. “It’s probably because Neil is gonna walk.” Andrew had heard that name before. Neil Josten. Or Neil is a supermodel at the height of his career, and Andrew is a famous actor from the Marvel franchise.
📱 We'll Make It Happen by honorarystar (2k)
“Why would I want to share pictures of my personal life with strangers though?” Neil slumped down in his seat on the lounge couch. He wished that he had waited for Andrew instead of getting to practice early. This could have been avoided. “It’s Instagram. Who cares?” Allison was looking at Neil like he was the insane one for not grasping this concept.
📱 POV: Your best friend is Neil Josten by NeilsStrawberries (3k)
Allison Reynolds is not only a talented Exy player and renowned fashion designer, but also an extremely famous blogger. A little while ago, she started a new trend: POV: Your best friend is Neil Josten. * Or, a sequence of videos recorded by Alliso
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rickandtammy · 3 years ago
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#wematch #dreamteam #powercouple https://www.instagram.com/p/CboJPunug9q/?utm_medium=tumblr
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eatrunworkplay · 3 years ago
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Life is pretty sweet, especially when your new house slippers match your dog! And yes, I said “house slippers” - admit it- you have a pair too! 😆 @sorelfootwear #goldenretriever #golden #sorelfootwear #houseslipper #myfavorite #lovemydog #itsadogslife #wematchylikethat #wematch (at Haymarket, Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbnSwDEuFZB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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shellypagemusic · 3 years ago
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🎶 I met a lot of amazing musicians on my last ship! Here we have the iconic @frankieminceyiii looking suave as ever. Check out what he’s up to and follow his musical journey! - - #musiciansofinstagram #talentedpeople #bbkingbluesclub #redsuadeshoes #wematch #formalattire #galanight #sequindress #sparklydress #formaldress #classysuit (at Somewhere At Sea) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZU2iNwPAOP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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daybsofly · 4 years ago
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...but its still my favorite #drink and #idgaf #tequila #itsnasty #imnasty #wematch 😝 https://www.instagram.com/p/CQxHQ58Lz1y/?utm_medium=tumblr
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partof-shan · 7 years ago
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#cow and #cat they #match • • • #somehow #wematch #illustration #drawing #black #white #yellow #friendship
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