#well‚ like. maybe its just the whole like. both used to be in the GSA and losing their wings thing. but Js wing loss thing wasnt anywhere
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moonverc3x · 1 year ago
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I was!!! so not expecting you to doodle anything!! bada bing double art return!! take the girlies sharing tea!!
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so sorry abt reblogging like. ALL of your Prisma content, but I LOVE her sm. the woman ever!!! give her a slice of cake or smthn!!!
WAHH Don't apologize, I appreciate the love for my girl!! Thank you so much for the art and kind words ;v; 💖
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Hands you art in return!!
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kingofmyheart-19 · 1 year ago
Alex POV
"Okay, so where are you taking me?" Mack asks.
"For me to know and you to find out." I respond.
She chuckles.
I reach over and grab her hand, intertwining them.
We continue driving and pull into the restaurant.
"Whoa." Mack says.
I smile and squeeze her hand, "I really love this restaurant and wanted to share it with you."
She stares at me, "Let's go."
We get out of the car and start walking in when I feel Mack grab my hand.
I smile and feel butterflies in my stomach.
"Hi, Miss Morgan, we have your table ready."
Mack pulls me to a stop, "Miss Morgan? So fancy."
I feel my face heat up, "Well. You know that I'm famous. I don't want that to scare you off, but it has its perks."
She smiles and shakes her head, "Doesn't scare me."
I nod and pull her along to our table that has an ocean view.
"Wow. This is amazing." She says.
"Well. I think you're pretty amazing, so only the best for you." I say.
She chuckles and shakes her head.
"So, how was your day?" She asks.
I smile, "It was good. We had training and then meetings. We have a big game on Sunday again against Portland. You'll be there?"
She smiles, "I think I'm your goodluck charm."
I chuckle, "You are. I scored and we won last week. Now you have to be at every game."
"I plan on it." She says.
I stare at her, "How was your day?"
She bobs her head, "It was good. It's like getting to the end of the year, so things are settling down. Mostly exams and papers. My students are like so ready to be done, driving me nuts a little."
I chuckle, "Do you remember being in high school? I couldn't wait for summer."
She smiles, "Oh yeah, I remember. It's just hard to keep my patience. Plus I have my GSA kids trying to plan an end of year thing."
"GSA?" I ask.
"Gay-straight alliance. Like a club for the kids. I'm the teacher sponsor for them."
I lean back, "Wow. That's so cool."
She smiles, "Well. I'd always wished that I had that growing up, so it only made sense to kind of give back. Make sure they feel supported, make connections."
I nod, "That makes sense. That's truly amazing, those kids are lucky to have you."
She looks down, "It's nothing, really."
I reach and grab her hand, "It is. It's impressive."
I watch as her ears turn bright red.
"Alright, food. Wait, actually, wine." I say.
"You trying to get me drunk?" She quips.
My eyes widen, "Uh, no? We don't have to have wine!"
She chuckles and squeezes my hand, "I'm just teasing. We can have wine. White wine."
"White wine. Okay." I say.
"Do you eat fish?" She asks.
"Yes." I deadpan.
She stares at me and turns bright red.
I chuckle, "You're adorable. Yes, I eat fish. All kinds."
"Okay. Great." She says.
'This girl is too cute.'
Mack POV
"That was delicious." I say and sit back.
"Glad you liked it." She says.
I grin, "The company was alright too."
She laughs, "Just alright?"
I look down and back up, "Company was wonderful."
"So wonderful that you'll get another glass of wine with me and watch the ocean out on the patio?"
I chuckle, "I think I can manage that."
"Okay, great. You go out there, I'll pay and get the wine."
I smile and head outside.
I lean on the railing and look out, then look down at the rings around my neck.
Babe, if you're there, just let me know.
I close my eyes and feel a wind blow harshly.
I smile, "Hi, babe."
I sigh, "You like Alex?"
I wait and feel the wind blow lightly.
I smile, "Me too."
I feel a hand on my back and startle.
"Hey. You okay?" I turn and see Alex.
I smile, "Yeah. A whole bottle? You really are trying to get me drunk."
She chuckles, "Maybe I am."
I shake my head, "You're something else."
"In a good way?" She asks.
I nod and lean in, kissing her cheek, "A really good way."
She grins and pours us both a glass, handing me one.
She sits next to me and rests her hand on my leg.
I lean my head on her shoulder, "I like this."
"I like this too." She says.
"So how does the World Cup work?" I ask.
I lift my head up and look at her.
"What do you mean?" She asks.
"Like explain it to me. I saw that there's eight groups of four teams."
She smiles, "Okay. So we do group play first, which means we play every team in the group. Top two teams advance out do the group to the round of 16, knockouts then you have to win to move on."
I nod along, "Oh wow. That's like a lot of games in a month."
She nods, "It takes a toll, emotionally and physically."
"I believe it. Does Charlie get to go? And your family?"
She smiles and nods, "My family always comes. My dad is literally like the team mascot."
I chuckle, "That's so cool. That they're supportive. It's in Australia and New Zealand?"
She nods, "Yeah, but it's going to be winter, like cold."
I chuckle, "You don't like the cold?"
She shakes her head, "California girl through and through."
I squeeze her side, "Well, we will have to toughen you up. East coast winters are brutal."
She looks at me, "You'll keep me warm."
I stare at her puppy dog eyes and smile, "Yeah, I will. I'm pretty good at building a fire too."
"Do you go back for the holidays?"
I nod, "Yeah. We usually go see Ally's family, they're in New York. We will probably do that again this year."
She nods, "Do you talk to her family a lot?"
I sigh, "Yeah. I mean Riley is their granddaughter. They've always been supportive and they're really great people."
"That's good, I'm glad they're supportive."
"Me too. It would've made the nightmare even worst if they weren't." I say.
I finish my glass of wine, "Shall we finish this off?"
She smiles and nods.
"Pour me a glass? I'll be right back." She says and I watch as she walks inside.
I pour her a glass and myself.
'Best night.'
Alex POV
I walk back out and stare at Mack.
'I'm so lucky.'
I hear the music come on and she looks up.
I walk over to her and hold my hand out, "I told you that I'd make you dance with me."
She shakes her head and I throw my head back.
"Please? Don't leave me hanging." I plead.
She sighs and takes my hand and I pull her up.
She laughs, "You like Taylor Swift?"
I pause, "It's not a like, it's a love."
She stares at me and shakes her head, "I like her music too."
I grab her hands and place them around my back.
We start swaying and I lay my head on her shoulder.
We sway until the music is over and I look up at her.
She's staring at me and I take a deep breath.
"Hi." She says.
I chuckle, "Hi."
"I really want to kiss you." She whispers.
I lean in so that my lips ghost over hers, "I really want you to."
She smiles and leans in, pressing her lips against mine and I swear the world was burning around us.
I pull away and open my eyes, seeing her eyes closed with tears falling down her cheeks.
I place my hands on her cheeks, "Hey. It's okay."
She opens her eyes and stares at me, "Tears of happiness, promise."
I rub my thumbs under her eyes and lean in, pressing my lips against hers, then pull back.
She chuckles, "You're something."
I nod, "I know. But I really like you."
She bobs her head, "I really like you too. Just be patient with me, okay?"
I pull her close and hug her, "I'll be as patient as you need me to be."
She kisses my head, "Thanks."
I pull away and she sits back down and holds her hand out.
She pulls me so that I'm sitting on her lap and hands me my glass.
"This is cozy." I say.
She grins, "It is, huh. Okay, so, is Portland good?"
I stare at her and chuckle, "Yeah, they're very good. They're pretty physical too. I usually need like a whole body massage afterwards."
Her eyes widen and I can see her whole face flushing.
I chuckle and put my hand on her cheek, "I'm not expecting you to give me one. But for future reference, how would Ally have rated your massage skills?"
She smiles and shakes her head, "I think she'd rate them pretty good."
I bob my head, "Good to know."
"So am I going to be worried about you at the game?"
I shrug and take a drink of wine, "Maybe, but I'll be okay. I always get back up. Or almost always at least."
Her eyes widen, "Almost always?"
"There's been a few times. But if you're going to be my biggest supporter, you're allowed to worry. But you'll know when I'm really hurt or when I just need a minute to breathe through it."
She nods, "Okay. You'll give me like a thumbs up or something?"
I chuckle and nod.
I finish my wine and watch as she does too.
"I don't want this night to end." She says.
I lean down and press my lips against hers.
"Me either." I say as I pull away.
I stare at her and try to read what she's feeling.
I rub her cheek, "I'm not going anywhere and we have time."
She closes her eyes and nods, "You're amazing."
I smile and press my lips against hers again.
"Well I think you're pretty amazing too. Ready to head home?"
She nods and I stand up, reaching my hand out.
She grabs it and I turn my hand to intertwine them.
I pull her through the restaurant.
"Goodnight, Miss Morgan."
I look at the hostess, "Goodnight, thank you!"
We get to my car and I open her door, closing it after her.
I get into the driver's seat and turn to look at Mack, who's staring at me.
"I used to always open the door for Ally. It was like our thing." She says.
I grab her hand and pull it to my lips, "Well now I'll open it for you. It'll be our thing."
She smiles and nods, leaning her head back, "I like that."
I smile and nod, starting the drive back to her house.
I turn on Taylor swift and start singing.
I look over and she's smiling.
"What? Am I bad at singing?" I ask.
She shakes her head, "I'm not telling you to shut up. I'm just smiling at you."
I reach and turn up the music.
"But she wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts, she's cheer captain, and I'm on the bleachers. Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find that what you're looking for has been here the whole time!" I sing loudly.
I look over at her and she's smiling widely.
"If you could see that I'm the one who understands you. Been here all along, so why can't you see? You belong with me!"
I turn down the music.
"You'll sing with me?" I ask her.
She chuckles, "I don't sing."
"You also said that you don't dance, but I already got my way with that." I say pointedly.
She shakes her head, "You did, didn't you?"
I nod, "Yup!"
She smiles widely, "I'll sing with you one day."
"I'm holding you to that, Mack!"
She squeezes my hand, "I know you are."
We pull up to her house and I sigh.
"What's wrong?" She asks.
I look at her, "I had so much fun. I'll just miss you until Sunday."
She squeezes my hand, "Well what if Riley and I saw you and Charlie tomorrow?"
I stare at her.
"Beach day?" She asks.
I smile and nod, "Absolutely. I have a light training and a meeting, but after?"
"That's okay. Riley and I are going to visit Ally in the morning, so that works out." She says.
I smile softly, "Okay. Beach date?"
She chuckles, "Beach date with our girls."
I lean in and wait until she meets me halfway and presses her lips against mine.
I move my lips with hers and can't help the moan that escapes me.
I pull away and lick my lips.
I open my eyes and see her smiling, "See you tomorrow, superstar."
"Night, Mack."
I watch as she gets out and walks to her door, opening and turning back towards me.
I blow her a kiss and she catches it.
I shake my head and laugh.
'Best date ever.'
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crying-gay-tears · 5 years ago
Brighter Than the Sun (3/?)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
A thunderstorm and existential thoughts keep the boys awake. 
Chapter 3: Questioning
Gon tossed in bed as a clap of thunder echoed in the air outside his dorm. It hadn’t woken him up--he hadn’t actually fallen asleep yet--but it was enough to shake the window in its frame. A few seconds later and his room was illuminated by a flash as lightning ripped across the sky. He counted in his head ‘1, 2, 3, 4, 5’... another thunderclap, another flash. Huh, so the storm was about a mile away then. He knew this was coming, the signs had been showing the last few days. Birds were flying low yesterday and there was a ring around the moon that night. He could smell it in the air as well. He was grateful it waited until Friday night to finally hit. It meant he could have a nice rainy Saturday indoors with no classes to interrupt. Another crack of thunder and lightning, and the rain finally started. He settled on his back and listened to the heavy pitter patter against the roof.
The room was dark aside from the dim blue light of the street lamp outside the window. It illuminated the rain flowing down the glass, casting fluid shadows that danced across the floor. He laid awake watching them, mind wandering.Usually when it stormed, it brought him a sense of calm and peace. On nights like these he slept like a rock; but for some reason, tonight he couldn’t seem to sleep at all. Maybe it was because this was his first stormy night spent away from Whale Island. He had definitely been feeling the differences that living in a city made in his daily life. Maybe he was a little homesick, and maybe the storm was just making that feeling grow.
He glanced up at the desk across the room. The bright red digits of his alarm clock glared back at him, letting him know it was well past 1am. Just as he moved to bury his face in his pillow, he heard a thud followed by some rustling on the other side of his bedroom door. Eager for a distraction from his own restlessness, he kicked his blanket aside and snuck out to the common room. He wasn’t sure what he expected to find, but Killua on the floor scrambling to scoop chips back into a bowl was not it.
After about two hours of tossing and turning in bed, Killua found himself in the common room, rolled up in a blanket on the couch with a bowl of cheese puffs and a baking show playing on the tv.
He was having trouble sleeping, which wasn’t really new, per se, but the thoughts running through his mind and keeping him from sleep certainly were. Earlier that day was the first meeting for the GSA, and Gon convinced him to go. Not that it took too much effort, Killua had been curious about it weeks ago when Gon first mentioned it.
The meeting was a little over an hour long, and Killua was on edge for most of that hour. There were a bunch of people there, all of them seemed nice enough, but it was still a bit overwhelming. He wasn’t even sure if he should be there in the first place.
They all introduced themselves with their name, pronouns, and sexuality if they were comfortable sharing. Killua waited with baited breath until it was his turn, then he quickly declared “Killua, he/him” and turned to Gon to pass the spotlight, who was carefree and confident when he spoke. ”I’m Gon! I didn’t really know what pronouns were before now, but mine are he/him! And I don’t know what to say about my sexualty, I’m here to hopefully figure it out!”
Killua was amazed the whole time at how easily Gon fit into the group, like they’d all been friends for years. He was starting to learn that that’s just how Gon was. He was comfortable with everyone he met and he navigated life with a confidence that stemmed from his own optimism.
Killua spent most of the time quietly observing. The group leaders talked about what it felt like for them when they realized they were queer. A few told their coming out stories, some of acceptance and some of isolation. They talked about the spectrum of sexuality and what each letter in the acronym was. Killua, who had entered the meeting assuming he was just going to be an ally, left that afternoon with the burning letter Q in his mind.
Questioning. Something about that word felt so comfortable to him. It felt like a word he could sit with for a while. Under the umbrella of questioning, he had the space to think about all the new perspectives he received during the meeting.
He assumed he was just an ally, but when he heard about all the things you could be besides straight… Ally didn’t feel like it really fit. And that was because straight definitely didn't feel like fit him anymore. To be honest, looking back, he wasn’t sure if it ever really fit him in the first place. But straight was what he always was, wasn’t it? It was never really something that got talked about directly, but it was always assumed. He’d only ever been asked about girlfriends, or girl crushes growing up. He’d been called a lady’s man by his parents’ friends, and he was always told he’d make a nice young lady very happy one day. It started to feel like being straight was kind of...expected of him? He never realized there was any other way to be.
But as overwhelmed as he was with the suffocating straightness, he was equally overwhelmed by the world of queerness that he had no experience with.
Straight didn’t feel right--and that was scary in and of itself--but he also wasn’t ready to declare himself as gay or bi or pan or any of the other letters. He just… wasn’t sure yet. So he was Questioning.
And boy was he questioning.
What did this mean? Would he have to come out to his family if he decided he was gay? Or bi? Should he tell them now that he was questioning? Or wait until he figured it out 100%? When would that happen?
He couldn’t imagine his family being too cool about it, not that they were cool about much to begin with. When did he start caring about what they think anyways? He’d gotten piercings, dyed and cut his hair, snuck out, and done pretty much anything to piss them off and free himself just a little bit. If being gay pissed them off, he shouldn’t care! But would he? Wait, when did he decide he was gay? He wasn’t! Was he?
His phone buzzing on the couch next to him snapped him out of his thoughts, and he jerked in surprise, sending his snack flying. He hissed as the bowl clattered onto the floor, spilling cheese puffs everywhere.
He was on his knees scooping them back into the bowl frantically with his hands when he heard a door creak open. Before he could react, Gon was standing over him, a strange smile on his face.
“Want some help?”
“Oh, no thanks I’ve got it.” He threw the last puff back into the bowl and dumped them all into the trash. “Sorry if the bowl dropping woke you up.”
“It’s okay, it didn’t wake me up, I couldn’t sleep anyways.”
“Did the storm scare you or something?”
“No, ” his brow was furrowed and his lips formed a small pout. “I usually sleep like well on stormy nights. I don’t know why I’m so awake right now. I was thinking maybe I’m homesick.”
“Ah” Killua flopped onto the couch, pouring more chips into the bowl.
“Is that why you’re awake? The storm scared you?”
He scoffed. “No, I just have a lot on my mind, I guess.”
“Can I join you?”
“Uh, yeah, sure”
He made room on the couch and Gon sat down next to him. When he started tugging at the blanket, Killua just stared in confusion. He kept tugging until, finally understanding, Killua pulled the blanket off of himself and spread it over the both of them. Gon scooted in closer and let out a contented sigh. Their arms and thighs were touching, and Killua was doing his best to remain calm. Were they supposed to be sitting this close? Gon was always kinda touchy feely, and Killua had never really had friends like this before, was this just what friends did? They were watching tv, that was normal. Was he just overthinking?
“So, what’s on your mind, Killua?”
He almost jumped out of his skin. “I..uh, what?”
“You said you had a lot on your mind, and if it was keeping you from sleep I thought you might wanna talk about it.”
“Oh, no... I’m okay, just thinking about school stuff, yknow, homework and whatever.”
Gon just chuckled in response.
“What’s so funny?” he huffed.
“Nothing, it’s just that you’re a terrible liar.”
Killua’s mouth fell open in surprise.
“I am not! I-”
“It’s okay, we don’t have to talk about whatever is bothering you.” He reached for another cheesepuff from the bowl in Killua’s lap. “It’s also okay if you’re scared of storms.” He smiled as he pushed the chip into his mouth.
“I’m not scared, Gon. Just couldn’t sleep. Seriously.”
“Okay, Killu, whatever you say. You know, storms used to scare me when I was younger. Mito-san always calmed me down with herbal tea and sometimes she’d sing to me. Did your parents ever do anything to help soothe you on stormy nights?”
“Well, no, not really. Not that storms ever scared me,” he side-eyed Gon, “but they’re not really the comforting type anyway so it wouldn’t matter anyway.”
“Oh?” Gon’s eyes were wide, not with judgement, but with genuine curiosity. “What are your parents like then? Tell me about them.”
Killua sighed. ”They weren’t really around much. Though I don’t think it’s because their jobs are super cool.“ Gon laughed and he pressed on.
“My dad is a criminal defense lawyer, just like his dad before him and his dad before him. My mom’s a criminal psychologist, so they make a great team. They both went to fancy colleges and come from rich families. All they really care about is maintaining social standing and images, and the family name, and of course money. They throw a lot of parties and dinners for clients and their colleagues, so I spent a ton of my life, including most holidays, stuffed into a stiff penguin suit with a fake smile speaking only when spoken to and never about what was actually on my mind.”
Gon frowned, his eyes were intense and urged him to continue.
“They’re only ever involved with my life when they’re trying to control it. I had to fight with them for months to let me go to a college so far from home. They wanted me to go to my father’s alma mater and get a law degree and eventually run the firm with my older brother,” he rolled his eyes. “But they’ve never once asked me what I want to do, or how I want to live.”
“What do you want to do?”
Killua blinked in surprise. “I, uh… well, I’m not really sure yet,” he dropped his head, staring at the bowl in his lap, “I really don’t know. But I want the freedom to figure it out for myself. Without their pressure or judgement.”
“That’s more than fair. You’re your own person, you should be able to make your own decisions!” Gon’s brow was furrowed, his mouth set in a tight line, clearly upset with what he’d just heard. Killua couldn’t help but smile; it was nice to have someone on his side for once.
“How did you get them to let you come here?”
“I told them if they didn’t let me pick where I went, I wouldn’t go at all.” A devious smile spread on his face at the memory of his mother crying and father standing stone faced with his arm crossed as he held up his acceptance letter.
Gon giggled. “What a power move! Were you being serious? Or bluffing?”
“Well, I just kinda went for it during an argument with them and then stuck to my guns when they pushed it further. I hadn’t really thought about whether or not they would actually agree to my terms. If they’d said no I guess I would’ve taken a year off or something to piss them off, and see if that changed their mind. Luckily, they went with it, and they’ve been pretty quiet since I left. I imagine when semester grades start coming out they’ll be calling. They’ll probably also be on my ass when they find out I haven’t declared a law major yet. Or any major for that matter.”
“You should take all the time you need! It’s okay to not have everything figured out just yet.”
Killua looked at Gon for a moment. His amber eyes were burning into him, full of care and concern. Killua felt so seen and it was...really nice, actually. His heartbeat speeding up was kind of annoying, though.
“Yeah, thanks. Hopefully I figure something out soon though, I think it’ll be easier to tell them I’m not pursuing law if I actually have an alternative to present them with.”
“That makes sense. I still think you should be able to take all the time you need to decide. It’s only fair.”
Killua swallowed nervously around the lump in his throat. Those words held so much weight. He certainly had a lot to think about and decide for himself, and not just what his major would be. Time sounded like exactly what he needed. “Thanks Gon.”
“Of course Killua! I’m your friend, and I support you, even if your parents don’t.” He smiled at Killua and then looked away, his face suddenly falling. “You know, it’s funny, you came to college to make your own life away from your parents, and I came to college to get closer to my dad and to shape my life to be like his. Makes me wonder if I'm doing the right thing. It hurt that he wasn't around and I guess that's why I want to follow in his footsteps. I just...I want it to be so great that I understand why it was worth leaving me.”
Killua had no idea what to say, but before he could figure it out, Gon was speaking again, his expression back to normal.
“You mentioned your brother, what’s he like? Is he supportive? Is he happy following in your father’s footsteps?”
He let out a bitter laugh. “Illumi does whatever he’s told, and he doesn’t complain. They like to bring him up a lot when I’m going against their wishes. He’s their perfect son, and life would be easier for all of us if I were more like him. He doesn’t support me or whatever, but to be fair, I don’t talk to him much, so he doesn’t really get the chance to anyway.”
“Is he your only sibling?”
“No, there’s actually five of us. Illumi, Milluki, Me, Kalluto, and Alluka.”
“Wow, that’s so many! I’m an only child, I always wanted siblings growing up.”
“Heh, that’s funny, growing up I always wanted to be an only child.” He laughed, Gon did too, though he looked a bit concerned.
“Alluka is really the only one I can talk to and spend time with.She still listens to mom and dad, she’s younger than me and still under their thumb, but she’s smart and down to earth. She sees through their bullshit and doesn’t buy into the life they push on us. Kalluto is up mom’s ass, and Illumi is up dad’s, and Milluki only cares about their money and his stupid tech start up. So it’s nice to not be alone against them, she always looks out for me, and I do the same for her.”
“I’m glad you have each other! I hate the thought of you all alone against your whole family. Even though I’m sure you could handle it, it’s nice to have someone on your side.”
Killua’s heart flipped in his chest. Ugh, why does that keep happening?
“Yeah, I’m glad we have each other too. I worry about her now that I’m so far away though. I know she can handle herself, but my parents are the worst, and I was always the buffer.”
Gon looked...angry? But he didn’t say anything immediately. He seemed to be mulling things over. “I don’t mean any offense, but your parents sound really mean.”
“I mean, they’re not nice by any stretch, but they don’t hit us or anything. Controlling and judgemental for sure, but it’s mostly cold indifference.”
Gon paused, turning his head to look directly into his eyes. Killua gulped.
“Just because your family didn’t give you much attention or show you kindness and affection, doesn’t mean you don’t deserve those things!” he emphasized his point by squeezing Killua’s hand under the blanket.
Killua’s cheeks were suddenly on fire, no doubt turning bright pink, and he was grateful the only light in the room was from the tv.
“Thanks, Gon.”
He didn’t have the nerve to squeeze back, he also didn’t quite expect the twinge of disappointment he felt when Gon let go of his hand.
After that, they fell into a comfortable silence, the storm was still raging on outside, the bowl of cheese puffs now laid discarded on the floor, and the baking show they’d been watching was entering the semi final. Gon let out a long yawn, stretching his limbs and leaning into Killua’s side.
His proximity fried his brain. He was trying his best to relax, but he felt stiff from head to toe with anxiety. It wasn’t that he didn’t want Gon close to him, it was just so new. When he felt Gon’s head fall onto his shoulder and rest there, he thought his heart was going to beat out of his chest. He was suddenly aware of his breathing and every move he made. He didn’t want to move or do anything to disturb Gon, so he decided the best course of action was to just relax. He focused on calming his breathing, and after a while his heartbeat was a little less frantic, and his body a little less tense.
He wasn’t used to this. Not just the cuddling, but the soft touches on his arm when they spoke sometimes, the hand on his shoulder when Gon was laughing extra hard, or the high fives and sometimes hugs when Gon was excited... It all felt so foreign. But still, as strange as it was to him, he couldn’t help but lean into it. Gon’s gravitational pull was seemingly inescapable.
In this moment, with Gon laying against him, head on his shoulder, it actually felt kind of... nice to be close to someone. He was warm and cozy as their body heat mingled under the blanket, and Gon was soft and solid against him. It was comforting in a way he’d never experienced, and couldn’t quite describe. When he actually let himself enjoy the affection instead of overthinking it, it felt pretty amazing. Without even realizing, he slowly began to let his guard down.
With Gon next to him he was actually distracted from his anxiety thoughts long enough for sleep to creep it’s way in. He felt so secure and comfortable, and it made him a little angry that he was falling asleep, he didn’t want this moment to end. When his eyelids started to feel heavy he knew he couldn’t fight it anymore.
He whispered, “Gon, I’m getting pretty tired, I think I’m gonna head to bed.”
No response.
He tried a little louder this time, “Gon?”
He slowly craned his neck to the side and saw that Gon’s face was slack, and his eyes were closed. He was asleep. His first thought was to gently wake him up so they could head their separate ways and go to bed. But when he tried to move, he just didn’t have it in him. His second thought was that maybe it would be okay to just let himself fall asleep. To let himself fall into the warmth and comfort of the moment, and to let his head gently rest against Gon’s as he drifted to sleep. And so he did.
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cowboyjen68 · 6 years ago
Hey jen! so im a 14 year old femme lesbian. Due to my parents putting a LOT of pressure on me to get a good education, get married, etc. I've always kind of had an obsession with my future. I plan to go to college to be a nurse, I know where I want to move when im older, and have a few ideas on what college i want to go to, and ever since i discovered im gay ive kinda fantasized of getting married to a lady, adopting a kid, living in a small house, the whole thing. So because ive looked [1/?]
up to you for a while, and you’re the only older lesbian i’ve ever seen, is it naive to hope my future will play out like this? I know life doesnt ever like to make things simple, and i cant predict what will happen throughout my life, so it probably wont all just work out exactly as planned like some happy gay disney movie. But like, does my optimism just come from being young and having very little life experience? Does everyone go through this? [2/3
]Maybe I’m overthinking a lot, because its late and ive had a lot of caffeine, but you appear like such a mother figure and its difficult to be at this weird stressful age where im trying to figure myself when I have nobody to go to ask these kinds of odd questions. Sorry this is so long and i hope my rambling isnt too confusing! [3/3]
First, I am glad you recognize that your plans are hightly influenced by your parents, but you are self aware enough to replace the man in the “Suburban Dream” scenerio with woman whom you love.  All of this is possible. If you want to go to college, get a good job, marry, have or adopt a kid... you can. You can buy a small house and get a picket fence with one dog, two cats and a suburu in the driveway.  
You are young.. and you are optimisitic. Optimisim does not have to fade with youth.. look at me.. 
Lets start with college.  College is something I highly recommend IF if suits you and you have the means.  Even without a firm idea of how to use your degree, if can teach you communication, problem solving and social skills that will help you in life.  IT IS NOT for everyone. And that is okay as well.  Some people go right to a job they earn money at or that they want to try. I always tell my kids, work at a burger joint and become a lawyer, just live within your means and be happy.  Look at me, 25 years on a job that i loved and was quite good at, but the business management took my love and stomped on it.. now I happily work with nervouse dogs.. Yesterday a Yorkie tried to eat my shoe and it was fine by me. 
Now, career, Passion and drive for a career you love can  be punched around an awful lot in the real world. IF you start a college path OR  job you hate... start looking for something else. Don’t just quit.. have a backup plan.. muddle through classes until you can swith your major.. Slave away at the job until you have another, but there is no shame in not loving what you once thought you did. 
Marriage and Kids:  Marriage, for me was only a way to protect my kids and get Rita on good health insurance. I did not care if anyone, including the state validated our relationship. I knew the day we got married that I loved her, but we were better friends than lovers and I wanted to do what I could to make sure she was safe.  I shouldn’t have agreed to marry her and we both knew it, but our hearts were in the right place.  Marriage is what is fed to us by family, culture, society, media...on and on.. PLease proceed with caution.  Make sure that you are excited to marry because of the person.. not because of the idea. Be in love, have so much passion for them that all you think about is hearing about her day or kissing her when she is telling you about her day. Don’t be in a hurry.
  Kids are the same way.. DON”T adopt or have a child because of the romantic sound of being a lesbian mom. Yes, being a mother is great, my kids are now my friends and my kids.. it is wonderful.. BUT it was super fucking hard to raise them. Kids get a mind of their own around 3.. just be aware that kids are a huge unknown factor in life.  Be prepared to not have perfect angels nor devils, but a small human that is also trying to figure out life and make mistakes and your job is to sort of stand in their way until they can do things on their own..  
You are super young and clearly smart. You have time.. Just keep your mind open to new ideas and don’t follow a path because “it has always been the path”. Set goals and work towards the nurse degree by studying science and taking community college classes. That is awesome to have a plan.  Keep your heart and mind open enough to tweak things as you gain new insight about yourself and your plan.  You are motivated and have support, that is awesome.. use all that to your advantage.  Join your GSA or get involved in your community, whether it is gay pride or an animal shelter. Start to build a network of people. They can be great resources, for jobs, references and information to help you expand your world. 
And YES most of us go though this.. either having firm plans and worrying if they can come through OR having no idea what to do in the  future and feeling like we are floundering.. Both are normal. 
I am glad you reached out.. I am always happy to give some mom advice. 
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fruitful-blogger · 6 years ago
Flipping the Script (Part 2)
Part One | AO3
It's the first day of school, Gurls, and we gotta meet some of the other cast! Roman is also breaking the patriarchy as one does.
           “…and that, my good sir, is why the patriarchy is a disaster.” Roman concluded with a nod as he finally sat in his seat. The teacher and other students about were staring, some with open mouths, and others just. Befuddled.
           The teacher fell into the former category.
           “That was… eloquent, Roman.” The teacher coughed. “But I am very lost right now.”
           A student raised their hand. “What the hell does that have to do with Trigonometry???”
           Roman opened his mouth only for a hand to cover it. “No, no, no more.” The star athlete silenced his desk neighbor. “That was stupid enough the first round.”
           The darker of the two swatted the hand away. “I was just saying that the system in place has…”
           His reiteration was cut off with the bell alarm, a loud digital tone that yelled out through the speaker system. “Ok class we start the laws of sine and cosine tomorrow. Please do practice problems one and four in chapter 1.” The teacher told as he looked to Roman and Logan cleaning up. “And please, Roman, save the patriarchal debates for Civics. I’m sure Veronica would love it.”
           “Oh, I will!” Roman defended as his backpack was grabbed by its loop. He was easily pulled across the floor and out of the classroom, where he spun on his captor. “Rude, but also hella good timing. Great for the whole dramatic factor.”
           Logan groaned as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. “I just… it’s lunch. We’ve barely made it half the day, and you’ve already given me a headache. New record. Congrats.” He spun on his heal to walk away, but Roman was following him. “…you have lunch now too, don’t you.”
           “Yup! Besides, who would you sit with besides me? The other tennis guys?” Roman replied cheerily.
           “Maybe. They at least know the difference between duce and advantage.” Logan threw. “They also won’t somehow decide Tennis is a pathetic excuse for a sport.”
           “Hey, I like tennis!” Roman added as he skipped ahead. “It’s scoring system is crazy enough to confuse the masses, and I can stand behind that. My problem is with some of the more archaic rules that are somehow still a thing, like rules on women’s outfits.”
           Logan adjusted his glasses. He’d taken a quick shower after the work out and now wore his normal day clothes. Because it was the first day of school, he hadn’t gone straight for the basketball shorts and sweats (yet) and instead had a pair of jeans that were a bit wrinkled from being thrown in his bag and a navy button up with the top buttons undone, sleeves rolled to the elbow. He had a fitbit on as part of his training regiment with a beaten pair of trainers on his feet.
           Unlike the uncultured swine that Roman had seen on TV (and met in real life a handful of unfortunate times), Logan wasn’t the stereotypical meat-head jock. Yes, he loved his sport and a few others, but he was in no way blind of the outside world. He was a really good student – probably would have been on the same level as Patton if he wanted to apply himself to it, but he loved tennis through and through. Outside of tennis, he was also the sports editor for the school paper and also liked to debate (usually about healthy lifestyles).
           Roman liked that about his friends. While, on a surface level, they all seemed to fit nicely into the typical goth, nerd, prep, and jock categories, they weren’t just that.
           Like now, as Roman stopped by his locker, he saw the bubbly genius bound down the hall towards them. “LOOOOOOOGAAAANNN! ROOOOOOMMMAAAAAANNNN!” Patton called, but, unfortunately, crashed on arrival. Logan was able to avoid most disaster, though, by jumping out to catch the other junior before he rammed into a hall garbage can. “Woah! Thanks, Lo! I underestimated the friction my shoes would have on this part of the floor!”
           “No problem, Pat.” Logan smiled as he righted the teen. “Are you headed to the lunch room as well?”
           Patton held up his lunch box with a grin. It was a pretty pastel blue with a picture of the solar system on it (though Patton noted that it was proportionally inaccurate, but it made a good learning tool at times). “Yeah! Virgil had to swing by the office, but he’s headed there now, too! Do you guys have lunch this period?”
           “We indeed do.” Logan nodded as Roman tossed the last of the books in his locker. Logan rolled his eyes at the mess that was there as he crossed to his own that he’d left open. Most of the locker was taken up by his tennis bag, so he kneeled down to grab the books at the bottom, stacked in a little organizer to make the most of the room. When he stood, he also reached into the top nook to pull out his lunch.
           Roman nodded as he hiked up his bag. He’d brought money for lunch but, if the menu sucked, he’d try to trade around. Logan always packed healthy but in excess (he burned calories like crazy), but Patton always brought extra sweets to share. “We should head down ASAP. The tables always fill up so fast.”
           The other two nodded as they headed to the lunch room. Patton paused as they approached long enough to dig some ear plugs out of his backpack and put them in. Roman and Logan noticed but did not comment – this was simply a thing. Patton was a Hypersensitive Person. In a broad sense, it made him, well, more sensitive to the world in a variety of ways. He could walk into a room and instantly pick up on the micro-signals that others gave off, allowing him to better notice emotions and read the environment. He was very in tune with the needs of others because of it, but, sometimes, the stimuli became a lot and he needed to diminish it. For him, loud noise was usually a factor. He used to hide in the library a lot, but he’d gotten earplugs from Roman before a movie once (the goth had seen them at the store and figured it was worth a go), and he always carried them now to help.
           It was good timing as the noise doubled once they entered the cafeteria. Students of all grades scattered about, most with lunch trays but a few with sacks or pails of food. Nobody understood how it was established, but the freshman always seemed to coagulate at one end of the room by the lunch ladies, then the sophomores, juniors, and seniors would separate towards the back.
           “Hey, Logan!” Logan looked as a student waved their hand. “Get over here! We got a table!”
           Logan nudged Patton and Roman and pointed to the table, which was only a third filled. The three headed over and set their stuff down, the faces there mostly familiar to the three.
           Lauren was the one to wave them over. She and her boyfriend, Kai, were already seated there while another friend, Elliott, was scribbling away at a notebook. Elliott had a saved seat down next to them, but the rest were still open.
           “Salutations, Lauren.” Logan greeted with a nod before looking to Kai and Elliott. “Hello to you both as well.”
           “Hi again!” Patton waved as he plopped down.
           “Greetings my colorful friends! Except you, Elli. LOVE the dress.”
           Elliott looked up with a smirk. The non-binary teen had actually come into the fold thanks to Roman. They’d transferred to the school last year and, not really knowing anyone, just kind of decided to approach the first person who looked mildly interesting. That person had been Roman, who, upon hearing their pronouns, dragged them to the GSA meeting. Roman had introduced them to Logan, Patton, and Virgil, who introduced them to Kai and Lauren. Nowadays, the teen was usually with the couple. Lauren and Elliott bonded over food, and Kai loved to watch all the B-rated movies with the teen that Lauren hated. “Thanks, Ro. Felt like a no-pants day, honestly.”
           “It’s very pretty!” Patton complimented as he pulled out his lunch. Sure enough, about six cookies fell out.
           Roman only threw down his bag before snatching his wallet. “Guard my things with your lives.” He warned as the others waved him off, them all having already gotten food. Roman weaved through the rows to the lunch line, greeting a few fellow drama nerds that he remembered from last year. A few of the freshmen who noticed him approach seemed to shy back, but Roman got that. He sometimes looked a little scary and out of the ordinary, but he loved that about himself.
           Besides, anyone who spent more than five minutes with the guy knew how much of a bubbly theater geek he was.
           Roman got into line as he spotted a familiar face. “Remy! There’s my favorite sleep-deprived zombie.”
           The figure turned, revealing glasses indoors upon his face. “EEEYYY It’s my favorite gay!” Remy threw as he tossed an arm over Roman’s shoulders. “Gurl, where have you BEEN all day? Like I had the trippiest morning in Mr. S’s class. I swear I thought the starbs guy finally spiked my drink.”
           Roman snorted as they got into line. “Gurl, that’s just Mr. S. You should know that by now.”
           Remy was a senior who was also the president of the GSA and on student council (if only to get the administration to put a Starbucks in the cafeteria). He was as flamboyant as they got, but he also was the king of gossip. He knew it all, even things people didn’t know about themselves. When Roman, a baby goth gay, and Patton, a nervous genius gay, had graced the hallowed doorway of the GSA that first time, Remy had adopted them on the spot.
           “Still, he nearly blew up the classroom! On the first day! That HAS to be a new record.” The teen threw as he grabbed a tray. “And don’t get me STARTED on Dot. I love that woman, I really do, but do you know what she did today? She let her pet MAN EATING PYTHON out in the wild of our halls!”
           Roman couldn’t help but laugh. “Python??? Dude, it’s a foot long, max, and she calls it Fluffy.”
           “Gurl, who’s telling the story? Anyway, apparently one of her kids wanted to hold it. TO HOLD THE BEAST! AND SHE LET THEM!!!” Remy paused to turn to grab a burger as he passed, gaining a few confused (and concerned) looks from the lunch ladies.
           Remy went on about this crazy ‘escaped demon snake’ until they paid and got back to the table. Remy decided to grace the juniors with his ‘gorgeous’ face, even as he could have sat in the senior section.
           When they got to the table, though… there were two Virgils staring each other down and hissing at one another???
           Roman had to stare and blink a few times.
           “What the hell?” Remy spoke.
           “Language!” Patton chided, not taking his eyes off the book in front of him. “And we seem to have an imposter! Virgil A came over here and started having lunch with us, but then Virgil B came in and noticed us. They’ve been hissing at one another since then.”
           “Well when I came back from the office to see this JERK…”
           “You mean when I came back from the office only for this PRAT to walk in…”
           Roman sighed as he looked between the two before grabbing both their wrists. They both yelped as they nearly fell, but Roman allowed their sleeves to fall. “This one is Virgil.” He lifted the arm that belonged to the later Virgil.
           “How can you even tell???” Logan asked, stumped. “I’ve been throwing questions at them for ten minutes!”
           “Ok, it has not been that long, but still.” Kai threw as he looked between the two.
           Roman grinned as he showed off the light pen marks on Virgil’s wrist that looked vaguely like a swirly. “I drew this earlier today when Virgil was distracted. He tried to clean it off, but you can still faintly see it.”
           Virgil blinked before grinning, turning to his double ganger. “Yeah, ‘Virgil,’ looks like your costume isn’t so perfect after all.”
           “Dang it.” He said as his voice shifted. He hissed a little before shoving his hands in his pockets and glaring at Roman. “Had to ruin me, didn’t you?”
           Roman shrugged. “Sorry, Dee, but good effort.”
           The person huffed as they fell into the chair open, shedding the preppy jacket and messing up their hair. They also took a moment to dig out some make-up wipes from their bag and an extra shirt. The purple polo was removed to reveal a black tank, which was quickly covered by the yellow flannel, left open. He used a few wipes to remove the contouring make-up, and soon a plum discoloration on the left side of his face was revealed.
           Demetrius, or Dee, was a bit of a wild card when it came to South Hamilton High. He was beloved by almost all the teachers (especially the biology teacher and her snake – he loved the snake to bits) because he was a good student and relatively trustworthy… until he pulled out his make-up bag. He was renowned for his ability to transform himself and others, and he just loved to pull harmless pranks.
           Virgil snorted as he sat. “Finally some anarchy does me good. No, you cannot use that as a platform for me to get the school spray-painted black or something.” He threw as he saw the look on Roman’s face.
           “Uhg, you suck.” He huffed as he dramatically downed his milk.
           Remy plopped down next to Dee as he nudged the dude. “Gurl, you will not BELIEVE the gossip I have.”
           “Oh, no, you should overhear what Samantha told ‘Virgil’ today…”
           “Stop impersonating me! I have a reputation!” Virgil threw with a hiss. Virgil and Dee had some mysterious past that they never really talked about, but they often butted heads whenever nearby. Really, a teacher’s pet and a prep would usually at least function in the same general vicinity, but Virgil and Dee where not that. It didn’t help that Dee and Virgil shared enough similarities that Dee only had to break out the contouring to get them to look identical as opposed to the wigs and lifts of most of the staff.
           “SHHH I have some important gossip about Samantha right now, Virgie.” Dee waved off as he turned back to Remy.
           Remy and Dee were besties over their shares in the gossip empire of not only the school but most of the town. “Don’t tell me it’s about Todd again.” Remy threw as he bit into a fry. “Seriously, that girl needs to dump his ass.”
           “Oh, but that’s the best part! She didn’t, but he did!”
           Remy choked. “No.”
           “OMG SPILL!”
           Virgil groaned as he lay his head on the table. “This is only the first day what the fuuuu….dge. Fudge.” He amended as he noticed Patton’s stare. They may be in high school, but Patton kept their language clean.
           “Well, now that THAT is figured out,” Logan turned back to the group. “How is everyone’s first day been so far? Because, honestly, I’d rather be home watching TV. It’s the same drivel they all give every year.”
           “Pretty much.” Virgil shrugged. “Although Patton correcting the teacher this morning was entertaining.”
           “Well, I had to clarify that Hades wasn’t originally the villain of the Persephone story!” Patton nodded to himself. “The book was far out of print, and more recent evidence shows the potential influence of male translations of many of the stories.”
           “Down with the Patriarchy!” Roman, Lauren, and Elliott all said at once. Roman went to high five both.
           Patton nodded, still reading, as Logan rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone to scroll through some sports news. Virgil attempted to keep his composure as he ate, even as half the table began to chant “Down with The Man! Down with The Man!”
           Roman led the charge on that last one.
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sliceocheesecake · 7 years ago
23:36 and im only just making my first post for this blog.
Let me talk about my queer history so far.
I was part of my high school's gay-straight alliance for all 4 years, and throughout most of those years, I was trying to find myself a label. I had the unhealthy mindset that orientation was a certain thing, that it couldnt change over time. So, I never really came out to our gsa as a whole. Some people here and there, but not everyone, which was really only about 7 people. I came out at 14 to an at-the-time friend about being not-straight, that I'd had crushes on both boys and girls (mind you, this was before i knew people existed past the binary). And in turn, they were supportive. Respected what I had to say.
Around this time, I was also starting to find my personal outward appearance. This meant expanding the kind of clothes I wore, and that included wearing clothes marketed towards the opposite gender. I played around with my pronouns to see what I was comfortable with and found that I didn't dislike being referred to as the opposite of my birth gender, but it wasnt an 'aha!' moment.
Time passed and I was 15 and I found some new words. Asexual was the first one. I didnt know if it applied to me because hey, little old me had never thought about sex, much less done it. 'How could I know?' but imagining myself in that kind of physical situation? No thanks, not for me. General touch is iffy at best.
Non-binary came about decently similar. It was a new word that I didnt think I could really use until I actually thought about my experience with gender.
As a small child, I was everywhere. I took karate from 4-6 years old and I loved it so much. I was the fastest biker out of all my cousins and I was reckless, always wanting to be involved in all of the stupid stuff they did. Who could get closest to the neighbors aggressive dog without being bit and who could steal from the ice cream man. But I also loved getting my nails painted and getting new clothes. I went to a private school for my pre-k and kinder years and I wore both the 'male' and 'female' uniforms whenever I wanted. And I'll be honest, I was adamant about being called a tomboy during elementary school. And since I didn't know any better word for how I felt, I stuck with the label until 10th grade. Finding the word, and the ability to use they/them for myself was wonderful. But again, I kept it to myself.
It wasnt until more recently that I voiced my thoughts. 17 years old, and I was out to really close, and also lgbt, friends. I could talk about who I found attractive and how I was feeling with more than just myself and it felt awesome.
Then I thought, hey... My sisters are chill with my friends, let me come out to them. And I did. Now I could be more honest about myself at home. But then I got into an argument with my mom, over not shavings legs of all things (and let me tell you, the main reason for hairy legs is that i am severely near-sighted and shaving in the shower was just an accident waiting to happen. And i didn't have time to set aside to do it when I could wear my glasses). And I told her how I was non-binary. Well, she took that decently. Stopped commenting on the clothes I bought and from which section I bought them. Hell, now I ask her for advice as to which styles look better on me.
And all was good... Until another argument happened. The at-the-time friend had come out publically and, deciding to question why I was still friends with them for reasons other than being not-straight, my mom said that I was going down the wrong path. That I was going to fail at life if I stayed friends. Well, defences came up and I thought it was the perfect time to come out to her about also being not-straight. Woo boy, was she unhappy. She thought I was just saying it to get attention. That I wanted to be just like my friend. Since then, and having broken(?) off contact, and therefore influence, with that friend, she came to realize that I was serious and is finally getting with the program. She's been more vocal about her acceptance of lgbt+ people. Even got into a near fight with her brother when he mentioned rather having a dead son than a gay one. Now, she let's me speak of all sorts of good-looking people without a pout on her face. Watches shows with queer characters with me pretty regularly. Its getting better and changing times and aging is mellowing her out.
My dad is slightly different. I haven't exactly told him, but i feel he has the impression. He just accepts that I'm different. He has the whole, be respectful and work hard and live your life, sort of vibes.
Skip some time, and now I'm in college. It's local and surprisingly, has a gsa (small uni in a town with a LARGE christian uni and therefore plenty of churches). I was a part of it for the first semester, but i showed few and far between. I dont know what I have, could be shyness, could be some level of an anxiety disorder, but being around people i didnt see regularly (and I mean in classes), my heart would racing the entire meeting and Id practically run out in the end without so much as a goodbye. But I'm open about my queerness there, as much as I can be at least. I'd actually come out to some fellow musicians during a rehearsal after the director had made a joke about closets.
"Don't just rehearse at a rehearsal! Perform! Dont be that one nice outfit you only take out once! Come out of the closet!"
I turned to the people next to me and said "What if I've already come out of the closet?"
And I'll tell you, I have never been prouder in my wording than in that coming out situation. What can I say, I love jokes.
Yes, I have some regrets in how I came out to my mother. If I could stop it, maybe she wouldn't have had a reason to doubt me. But maybe I wouldn't be where I am now, out and proud to the people around me.
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box-0f-cats · 7 years ago
SEXUALITY & COMING OUT:1. How do you define your sexuality? Bisexual 2. What pronouns do you use to identify yourself? She/her 3. At what age did you first suspect that you are sexually attracted to other girls? 134. At what age did you come to terms with your sexuality? 155. Did you have an “aha I like girls” moment or was it more of a gradual realization? Gradual realization6. How did your sexuality make you feel before you came out? Nervous, embarrassed, emotional 7. How did you become comfortable with your sexuality? Surrounding myself around people who were comfortable with it8. At what age did you first come out?139. Who was the first person you came out to? How did they take it? My mum, not very well. She saw texts on my phone10. Do your parents know about your sexuality? Yes11. How out are you? The whole way12. Do you now identify as something different than when you first came out? No, although people presume I'm a lesbian alot13. Was anyone surprised when you came out or did people seem to already know? I don't think anyone already knew 14. Has coming out lost you any friends?Yes 15. How soon after meeting someone do you usually tell them about your sexuality? That depends on the person 16. How difficult do you find it to sympathize with straight women? Not very17. Have you ever wished you were completely straight? Only before i came out 18. Agree or disagree: Everyone is at least a little bit gay. Disagree 19. If you are not a lesbian, about what percentage of the time do you find yourself attracted to other girls? I think about my girlfriend 24/720. Do you think it is possible to be a true 50/50 bisexual, or is the percentage always skewed towards one gender? I think it depends on the person21. How often do you find yourself trying to sneak a peek or stare at a cute girl? Every time I'm on skype 22. How accurate is your gaydar?Pretty accurate RELATIONSHIPS & DATING:23. What is your current relationship status? Basically a married old couple24. What is the longest relationship you’ve been in? Are you still with that person?4 years, no25. Do you remember anything about the first time you kissed another girl? Yes26. Are you a virgin? If not, what gender did you lose your virginity to? No, male27. What is your ideal first date? Somewhere you can talk, doesn't have to be expensive but somewhere/something that you both enjoy going/doing28. What personality trait are you most attracted to? Trusting29. How flirty are you? Not very, more sarcastic 30. Would you ever want to get married, if not already? Yes31 Do you want have children someday? Maybe32. Would you ever want to give birth?Maybe33. How often are you asked if you have a boyfriend?a lot34. Have you ever liked or dated a girl with the same name as you? Yep35. Have you ever been on your period the same time as a girlfriend? Yep36. Have you and a girlfriend ever been mistaken for sisters? Alot37. Have you ever been in a long distance relationship? Yes38. Have you ever dated a guy? Yes 39. Has a girl ever dumped you for a guy? Yes Have you? No 40. Has another girl ever hit on you? Yes41. Have you ever had a crush on a straight girl? No 42. Have you ever had a crush on a woman who’s significantly older than you? Yes43. Would you ever date a trans woman? I haven't ever thought about it44. Have you ever had a profile on a LGBT dating website or app? No45. Where do you think is the best place to meet a potential lover? In my case.. here or at a festival..46. Do you consider yourself a hopeless romantic?PHYSICAL APPEARANCE:47. Have you ever cut your hair super short? If not, would you ever want to? No, only when i cant be arsed with straightening my hair48. Is your nose pierced? No49. What is your opinion on septum/bull nose piercings? I love them50. Do you have any tattoos? If so, of what and where? Yes, a plane with a love heart, on my forearm51. How muscular are you? Very little 52. Are you or have you ever been a tomboy? No53. Have you ever been told that you don’t look gay, or that you’re too pretty to be gay? I've been told i don't look gay54. Have you ever been mistaken as a dude?NoFASHION STYLE:55. Do you wear skirts and dresses? If so, how often? Nope56. Do you wear high heels? If so, how often? Sometimes, when going out for drinks57. How much jewelry do you typically wear? A necklace 58. How much makeup do you typically wear? Only when going out for drinks 59. How often do you wear a bra? Everyday60. How often do you wear flannel?not often61. Have you ever worn a suit? No62. Do you wear any shoes such as combat boots, Doc Martins or Timberlands? No63. Do you carry a purse? No64. Do you wear any hats such as snapbacks or beanies? Sometimes 65. Have you ever worn any men’s clothing? Yes66. Have you ever dressed in complete drag? No67. Have you ever shared clothes with a girlfriend? Yes68. If you want to get married, do you think you will wear a dress? YesENTERTAINMENT:69. Who is your favorite LGBT celebrity? Ellen70. Have you ever watched The L Word? Yes71. Have you ever watched Will & Grace? Yes72. Have you ever watched RuPaul’s Drag Race? No73. How well do you feel LGBT women are portrayed on television? Not often, if they are it's hidden alot 74. Do you listen to any LGBT musicians (i.e. Tegan & Sara, Melissa Etheridge, Chely Wright, Elton John, Sam smith, George Michael, Adam Lambert)? Not really75. Do you watch any LGBT YouTubers? Yes 76. Do you have a favorite LGBT themed movie? No77. Do you have a favorite LGBT themed blog or website? No78. Do you read any LGBT magazines? No79. Have you read any LGBT themed literature? If so, do you have any recommendations? No80. Is there such a thing as “good” lesbian porn? I'm sure there is, out there somewhere, not directed by a manTHIS OR THAT:81. Boobs or butts? Depends on the person82. Beer or wine? Beer83. Ellen or Portia? EllenBEING (SOMEWHAT) RANDOM:84. How much do you like cats? Not lots85. Have you ever been to a gay bar or a gay club? Yes, once 86. How many LGBT friends do you have? Not a lot87. Do you have any LGBT relatives? Yes88. Have you ever used any words (or variations of) such as lesbian, queer, gay, or homosexual as a password? No89. How outdoorsy are you? I do like to be, but I'm not often90. Have you ever driven an SUV, Jeep, or pickup truck? No91. How many rainbow items do you own? None92. Have you ever celebrated National Coming Out Day (Oct. 11)? No93. Have you ever participated in the National Day of Silence? No94. Have you ever attended a GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) type of club? No95. Have you ever attended a PFLAG (Parents & Friends of Lesbians and Gays) meeting? No96. Have you ever attended a gay or lesbian wedding? Yes97. Have you ever been part of a softball team? No98. Do you skateboard or longboard at all? No, i used to skateboard99. Do you play any video games? Not oftenFROM 1-10, HOW ATTRACTIVE ARE:100. Muscular women? I don't look at sizes or muscles/ femininity to decide how attractive someone is101. Women who wear glasses? 10102. Women who are covered with tattoos? 10 103. Women who are covered with piercings? 10104. Curvy/plus-sized women? Question 100105. Women with short hair? 10106. Highly intelligent women? 10107. Tall women (i.e. around 1.83 meters/6 feet or taller)? 10108. Masculine/butch women? See 100Just because someone has tattoos, glasses ect doesn't make them attractive, although i am extremely in love with someone who has both - Looks are nothing without personality GETTING SERIOUS:109. What does equality mean to you? I believe in equal rights, women and men should have equal values and be able to do so without being judged 110. Do you consider yourself a feminist? No 111. Do you eat meat at all? Most meat112. Are you religious at all? No113. How do you feel about the terms “woman crush” and “girl crush”? It doesn't bother me114. How do you feel when platonic female friends refer to each other as girlfriends? It kind of annoys me115. How do you feel when people use the word gay to mean things such as stupid, dumb, boring, or idiotic? It's kind of annoying, if used by someone that's homophobic. Otherwise it doesn't bother me116. Are you comfortable with terms such as lezzie, lesbo, dyke, homo, or tranny? Those words annoy the life out of me117. What are your views on gender identity and bathroom use? If you identify yourself as a female, regardless of surgery you should be able to use female bathrooms118. Do you have any opinions on LGBT people in the military? No, it should be allowed just like any heterosexual man or woman.119. Have you ever been called a gay slur? Yes120. Have you ever been queer bashed? Yes121. Have you ever been discriminated against because of your sexuality or gender identity? If so, please explain. No122. Does it really get better? Yes123. Americans: How did you feel on June 26, 2015?124. How accepting of LGBT people is the city/community you live in? It has its moments 125. Have you ever tried to “pray the gay away”? No126. How annoyed are you with how heteronormative society is? 127. What LGBT stereotype do you most disagree with? 128. Is there anything about the LGBT community that you wish you knew before coming out? No129. What advice would you give to a girl who is struggling to figure out her sexuality?130. What advice would you give to a girl who is struggling to come out? Just wait until you feel like you're ready. Not to be afraid of everyones response
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stonermurphy · 8 years ago
*kicks down door* You should talk to me about NB Connor because NB Connor is the best.
um yes of course i’ll talk about my fave NB kid in the world?? 
ahjdgajhgdjhga this is WAY longer than i thought it would be so headcanons are under the cut 
they’ve always loved doing gender conformingstuff from a very very young age, like painting their nails, wearing skirts,growing their hair out long, etc.,,, theres a ton of pictures of a rly littleconnor murphy running around in skirts and pigtails with their nails paintedall different colors,,, even still they HATED being called a girl, almost asmuch as they hated being told to ‘man up’ and ‘act like a boy’
zoe, their trans girl sister, came out when shewas 6 or 7, causing a lot of jealousy and resentment from connor. Jealousy becushe wished he could be as confident in one gender over another as she is but insteadhe just hates them both,,, and resentment becus their parents know how tohandle zoes situation waay better than they did connors (connor doesnt realizethat’s only because their parents had learned from their experience with them)
after zoe came out they stopped dressing up asmuch,, they didn’t feel comfortable dressing as girl when they weren’t one whenzoe was actually trying to live her life as a girl. They ended giving all their‘girly things’ to zoe as hand-me-downs and even let larry take them to get ahaircut
they realize they’re gay when about 13 or 14,,, havinggrown up hearing a lot of stereotypical homophobic rhetoric (not from theirparents specifically) they half believed the gay men dress up as womenstereotype and chalked up their gender issues to having issues with beinggay. They try their best to put out oftheir head how badly being called a boy or a girl makes them feel and focus onbeing comfortable with liking boys
when they started really go through the thick oftheir mental illness they grew their hair back out (mostly out ofdepression and an unwillingness to get things done) and started painting theirnails again (chipped black that would stay on for weeks,, never the freshlypainted rainbows from when they were young) and went back to questioning themselfon the daily. Im talking staying awake at night thinking “am I actually agirl?? no definitely not being seen as a girl sucks,,,, but I don’t think im aboy?? definitely not a girl and maybe not a boy what the fuck does that mean??”(they know they could probably google shit but their paranoia makes them tooworried someone will find out what they were googling and ask them about it andthey absolutely could not handle that conversation)
after their failed suicide attempt they spendthree weeks in the psych ward where they’re asked whether theyre comfortablewith their gender and sexuality and they lie through their teeth. They’re notcomfortable, they’ve never been comfortable, but theyre not about to tell thatto a strange. Saying theywere comfortable and happy with themselves in that regard felt like a punch inthe gut.
when they get home they have a whole list ofcoping skills and a ‘protection plan’ in place and theyre almost excited to seethings change for the better. they get meds, they get a therapist, and thingsare still really really rough but theyre actually trying now,,, and they wantso bad to rebuild their relationship with their family (mostly zoe, they knowwhat they’ve done to her and have no plans to forgive themself for it even ifshe eventually by some miracle does)
in an effort to actually work towards recoverythey try to figure themself outa bit and go back to doing their hair up and painting their nails differentcolors,, they even go so far as to get themselves some skirts and dresses fromgoodwill (only ever worn when the rest of the murphys are out of the house) andinstead of worrying about what those things mean they let themselves just enjoythe things they used to enjoy so much
zoe notices. she notices how hard they’re tryingnow. she notices how much less frequent their outbursts and episodes are. shenotices them specifically trying their best to be nice to her, to be a goodolder sibling. she notices how relaxed they look when theyre painting their nails, when theyre justfocusing on themselves instead of the world around them. she notices theyre a lotmore like the person she used to know. she also, thank god, notices thesick-to-my-stomach look connor gets when someone confuses them for a girl, andthe hesitation to correct them and say they were a boy. zoe notices all thesethings and they all point her in the direction of wanting to help her sibling,wanting them to know who they were.
·Her absolute first move is to drag connor along totheir high schools GSA,, having already asked alana (the genderqueer lesbian president)to make the subject of the next meeting a discussion on nonbinary genders. shesreally super confident they just need some things explained to them and thenthey’ll at least be on the right track.
Connor gets EXTREMELY overwhelmed at the idea ofso many fucking genders,, like they already hated the two and now theres so somany more for them to rifle through and figure out don’t fit them either. They kindof panic and leave in the middle of the meeting, not wanting to hear any more thanthey already did,, zoe chases after them and they absolutely pour their heartout in one long garbled paragraph that they barely breathe through before zoejust kind of pats him on the back like “you know its totally fine to just,, nothave a gender. Like that’s how a lot of people use the overarching nonbinaryterm, to just mean ‘genderless’” and that,,, genuinely calms them down. likeall those terms were so MUCH but just not having to deal with gender at allsounded SO appealing
and that’s kind of just?? It?? Like they knownow that gender doesn’t really HAVE to be a thing for them at all and they decidethat’s absolutely how they want to live their life so they straight up do,, being gay is the only thing that connects them to gender in anyway and tho that takes time to come to terms with on its own they really are genuinely happier now that theyre not left wondering whether theyre a boy or a girl
they still dont wear skirts or dresses in public anymore, but theyre fine wearing them around zoe and eventually theyre fine wearing them amongst their other friends as well (didnt take too long considering alana evan and jared arent cis either),, not to mention the shift in mood that came with their friends referring to them with they/them pronouns and gender neutral language 
the end, connor is living their best life with friends and a sister who absolutely support them for who they are and are more than happy to help them through their rough days becus theyre willing to the same for all of them as well thank you 
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aceaaroniscanon · 8 years ago
Maybe something about Andrew's deaf ear
okay, now that the issue of The Ginger Peach Thief is out of the way, sj is now assured that y’all are ready for some Serious Shit. before everything, i would just like to give @still-waiting-for-godot a big s/o for this because really, this was what got pre-nicky talks going on.
(previous post)
here’s a list of facts:
andrew joseph minyard has been deaf in one ear since he was thirteen. aaron michael minyard has bad eyesight due to blunt force trauma to the head since he was thirteen. 
according to the police reports, phil higgins, foster parent, and andrew doe, foster child, were out on a drive for the day when a car side-swiped them, passenger-side to driver-side. 
according to the accounts from aaron minyard, he and tilda minyard were on the way home from a doctor’s appointment.
the medics found bruising on aaron that were there prior to the event, along with tilda’s dead body. andrew doe was found unconscious with multiple fractures to his right side and a concussion that cost him the hearing on his left side. phil higgins was the only person who got out of the wreckage, in shock and conscious.
the police found prescription drugs inside the minyards’ car, in a bag sitting safe between the driver’s and passenger’s seats for an illness neither minyard had. there was also a smashed bottle of whiskey in the back that had almost cost aaron more than his 20/20 vision, had the authorities arrived later than they did.
with that, phil higgins was left with two identical twins and no idea about if aaron had any relatives left to care for him. higgins used to work for social services, but even he didn’t know what to do with this whole mess.
the state police decided to televise the issue at hand, sending out a notice to whomever aaron’s legal guardians were now.
nicky hemmick was still in senior high when he came upon both estranged twins on their separate hospital beds, fresh off an international flight from stuttgart, wearing a hot pink tank top, in front of his conservative catholic parents, both of which were signing his cousins’ papers.
nicky was quick to protest. there was a minor incident inside that hospital room. higgins pulled nicky aside to ask why nicky was so against his own parents taking in his cousins.
nicky explained his current situation, why it had happened. he explained why letting andrew and aaron grow up in that kind of environment would kill any possibility of a soul they had left, especially aaron.
and well, higgins has had around a year of experience with andrew, knew why all the other foster homes had kicked him out, knew the real reason why andrew had been quick to get himself kicked out in all of these foster homes. he also knew that if he handed andrew over to these hemmicks, there was going to be a bigger casualty than just aaron.
nicky is then backed by higgins to take custody of his cousins, being eighteen and legally allowed to do so.
beyond this list of facts, tutoring goes well with neil and andrew. andrew gets looser and looser with facts about his life as neil’s personality unfurls its sails and takes andrew to places he did not think to go before
andrew finds himself seated with renee, aaron, neil and kevin during lunch more regularly now
he finds himself wearing his hearing aids during tutoring sessions at home more often than not
he finds himself sitting in with renee during GSA meetings, if only to keep neil moving (then finds himself coming earlier and earlier until the whole group absorbs him as a member. he tells himself it’s not permanent)
he finds himself seated at the bleachers by the open field, watching neil hatford run drills with his teammates, his hands a little sweaty
he finds neil, at 3 AM, asleep in the guest bedroom after spending the friday night more and more often.
neil starts talking more during sessions. he proposes one of the stupidest but logical games andrew has ever heard of.
neil: you share an anecdote and i share an anecdote. literally, that’s it.andrew: what’s your game, hatfordneil: to get you talking
smooth, neil. real smooth.
andrew does not get into it
he does.
he once went into reiterating an event that made neil laugh so hard, he was crying and andrew figured out, finally, why he was so into this game in the first place.
neil takes a turn for the personal though. neil is on andrew’s bed, typing away at the latest book report on andrew’s laptop. andrew is by his desk, going through neil’s bio tests to see if he could test neil on something when neil asks his question
neil: i want to bargain on our game. in exchange for whatever you need, you have to answer my questionandrew: what are you willing to give meneil: hm, my family background?andrew: heavy. what questionneil: what caused your deaf ear?
and well, how the fuck is andrew supposed to answer that?
answer: with the truth
he keeps it impersonal. neil barely reacts, and goes back to work.
andrew considers telling him without prompting, and thinks, okay maybe it’s not just because i think he’s hot
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rfassholes · 8 years ago
Um, if you feel comfortable and have the time, could you write one where how the RFA + Saeran and V react to MC coming out as ftm trans? I understand if it's outside of your comfort zone and it's totally fine if you don't want to do it. Thank you.
Just so you all know: I will most likely never turn down a LGBTQ+ request, because I am proudly a pansexual, and I’m maybe 96% sure that I’m not cisgender. Requests like this don’t make me uncomfortable whatsoever, and I’m happy to write things like it! These will also be in different situations like MC coming out after they’ve been dating and MC coming out to them before they transition outwardly. I’m also going to give warnings for one slur, a panic attack, and dysphoria. Stay safe, nerds.
Also! I promise that I’ll V and Saeran later, but they’re not in this post for the time being. Soon, though!
Yoosung: (Set at the party, no eye issues, though)
Okay, yeah, he would probably know someone in person that wasn’t cisgender in real life
If he left the dorm outside of classes
But internet friends were much easier to talk to for him so he probably knew someone that was trans
You were trying to convince yourself that it was all going to be fine while getting ready
Even if you couldn’t properly come out, he most likely wouldn’t question your choice of suit over dress to the party
While the chat room was under the impression that you were a girl, including Seven because you weren’t properly out yet, you were going to present yourself as who you are now, not who you were born as
You had just arrived when Jaehee and Zen greeted you, and they were slightly surprised that you were MC, but you were just using this as fuel
“Could either of you tell me where Yoosung is?” “Right here!” he said as he practically popped up in between the other two hosts, “Who might you be?”
Wiping your palms on your slacks before holding out a hand to shake, you spoke determinedly “I’m MC, Yoosung, hope this isn’t that surprising, me being a guy and all”
You flashed a quick smile, partially out of greeting and partially for how your name sounded rolling off your tongue
“O-oh? No, it’s not surprising. Wait, no! I didn’t mean that in a bad way, of course. I just, yeah, okay, I’ll stop talking” “It’s alright, I know what you mean. I wasn’t exactly open about everything in the chat room”
By this point, Zen had already been whisked off by a guest and Jaehee was attending to some problem that came up
Yoosung just nodded a bit trying to figure out what to say
“I’m really sorry that everyone kept referring to you as a girl and misgendering you. I promise I won’t in the future! Is he/him alright?”
You brightened up instantly and nodded while letting out a breath you weren’t aware of holding
“So is this,” you gestured to yourself, “Alright? I just don’t know since I’m not a girl and you’re probably not int-“ “I don’t care about that, MC. Well, I care about how you feel about yourself, but I don’t care how you dress or what name you use. Wait! O-obviously, it more than that, but you know what I mean. It doesn’t matter to me what gender you are, ‘cause I fell for MC, the person, not MC, the strictly-a-girl.”
This was far more than you could ask for and you kept saying thank to which he just replied with “It’s all okay. You don’t need to thank me for not being a jerk”
The two of you went around the party together with you introducing yourself as the coordinator and him as your boyfriend
When you went off to talk to others, he would tell everyone who you were if they asked
“Yoosung, who did you greet at the door?” “Jumin, that’s MC, my boyfriend” “MC is a-?” “Yep, and I’ll fight you if you say anything bad” “I was not going to, and I have my guards anyways. I was only confused, not being a douche” “Oh, okay! Could you maybe have some of your guards kick any guests that act homophobic or transphobic out?” “Most definitely. Yoosung, you should go by MC. They look quite bored”
Yoosung was already walking away before he gave a “Thanks, Jumin!”
The both of you continued walking around the party before you had to leave for the day with Yoosung making threats to anyone and everyone that gave the two of you odd looks
Later in your relationship, Yoosung started taking you to GSA meetings that his campus held if you wanted to go
Would also go to pride with you if you wanted
Introduced you to some of his online friends that were also trans
Forever introduced you as his boyfriend or later, his husband as long as you were okay with it
Zen: (Set already in a relationship and transitioned. Warning for a censored slur in the sixth bullet point)
When you had first came to his home when he got hurt, Zen had no clue that you weren’t a girl, but he didn’t care
He honestly thought it was Seven just playing a joke when you first came onto the messenger
Flash forward to the two of you now, sitting on the couch eating popcorn while yelling at the idiots in a horror movie he was in a while ago
“Okay, but that dialogue was written horribly, Zen” “You should’ve seen the set directions, that was worse” “How do you top ‘I really hope that Ouija board wasn’t real, because I dropped my knife’ while you were alone? Your character was just speaking in the third person! And then they got fucking mangled, and that was just poor foreshadowing” “Yeah, true”
The conversation went on until it switched over to gossip about the actors working on his current set
“Has anyone gotten fired yet?” “Yeah, there was this PA that called the costume designer a t****y, and she was out of there faster than light. Ugh, that disgusted me. Delgado, the designer, is a really good person, and he sure as hell didn’t deserve that”
You bristled slightly at that word, and it made you uncomfortable that it came from his mouth
“I know you were just quoting, but could you please not say that word?”
Zen looked slightly confused and went on to speak “Yes, of course. Is there a particular reason? Not, not that I need one; I’m just curious”
Leaning back into the couch, you thought a bit about what you were going to say
You hadn’t told him for fear of rejection, but he just spoke well of a colleague that he implied was trans, so it couldn’t be too bad
Sitting back up to properly look at him, you spoke with a note of uncertainty, “Yes, actually. I’m transgender, female to male. It’s why Seven thought I was a girl, since he only looked at my medical records. I haven’t legally changed anything yet, since I didn’t have the money to” “MC! I’m so so sorry for saying that word! I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable at all. I should’ve known not to in front of my own boyfriend”
Perking up a bit at ‘boyfriend’, you exclaimed, “Really? You’re completely fine with it?” “Yes, of course, I am. There’s no reason for me to not be. I work in the entertainment industry, and I’ve been acquainted with people of all sorts. It doesn’t bug me if your driver’s license has an F instead of an M as long as it doesn’t bug you”
You could have thanked him a whole bunch, you just rushed to hug him instead
When you pulled back after a minute or two, you looked at him questioningly
“Do you think the press will talk about it a lot if I out myself?” “They always talk, but I’ll make sure that it’s not negative” “Thank you, maybe I can say something next time you have an event I get to attend” “That sounds great, MC. You’re an amazing boyfriend that’s incredibly brave!” “Zen, I’m just existing” “Which can be really hard”
In the future, he started advocating for trans positive organizations and donating as much money as he could to any shelters
Would have you help him make sure everything was worded correctly and speak with him
“There’s no reason for me to speak over you, MC, but I sure as hell will speak with you”
Surprised you with the forms and money to change everything you could legally on your anniversary
Started saving up money for you to get any surgeries or start T if you wanted to
Jaehee: (set in a relationship where MC hasn’t come out yet, but has been passing as male)
She came home from work ranting about an incident that happened with an intern earlier that day
“I can’t believe how they could say something like that, MC!” “Who, where, and what. I wanna hear this now” “There was this new kid starting his internship today, and he walked into my office as if we were friends, and started talking bad about another coworker. It wasn’t just ‘Oh, she eats loudly’ or ‘She taps her desk a lot’. No, he called her, and I quote, ‘a pedophile just waiting to happen’ since she ‘looks like a transgender pig.’ How do you have the audacity to say things like that when you’re working for such a prestigious company?”
Jaehee was still going off while your head was buzzing with second-hand anger
You fumed without thinking if you were cutting her off “What the actual fuck? Did you report them? Please tell me you decked that dickhead. I want to personally file a complaint, and get them so screwed that they won’t be able to go home without wanting to cut out their tongue”
She stopped to listen to you, staying quiet because she hasn’t seen you this fired up about her work issues in a while
“MC? MC, is everything alright? If you’d like to know, I already told Mr. Han directly, and they’ve been fired and most likely expelled from the school they were attending. I was going to slap him, but someone from HR was walking by the door”
You stopped short, starting to go over what she said in your head
“What do you mean if I’m alright? You should be asking your coworker!” “You just seem like this is affecting you greatly” “Well, yes, its showing me that I can’t be respected in a workplace” “What do you mean? You can always be respe-oh”
“Wait, did I never tell you?” “If we’re thinking the same thing, no” “I could’ve sworn that I told you” “Well, I don’t care about it, so don’t worry about it” “Alright” “Alright”
Now you felt like an idiot
You were sure that you came out to her a while ago
She never really brought it up much after that
If you chose to bind, she’d always make sure you were doing it safely
Jaehee would send you articles about laws getting passed and about pride events that were near you
Would also send you lists of foods that lowered estrogen and increased testosterone
Definitely would not hesitate to slap the next person that made a remark
She may’ve would up sitting in a meeting with Jumin on how you can’t hit people and to tell him first to take care of it nonviolently
Jumin: (route spoilers, set when MC is staying with him along with the party and hasn’t come out to anyone yet or transitioned)
Jumin had left you a dress to wear to the party and you were still pacing around the room
You were trying to convince yourself that you only needed to play the role of MC The Woman for a little bit longer
It helped to think of it as you playing someone else than having worse dysphoria, but you just wanted to be seen as MC
Thinking back to when you first talked on the messenger, you winced at the memory of everyone insisting you were a girl even when you said you weren’t
It wasn’t necessarily Seven’s fault, you just weren’t out and couldn’t pass as male or change anything legally
Turning back to the dress, you got the courage to change into it, thinking that it was only a few hours
While you couldn’t wear a hat to tuck in your hair, you could still pin it up to make it look shorter, so you spent some time in front of a mirror and used a bunch of bobby pins to get all of your hair as close to what you had pictured
You were trying your best to still feel masculine even if you had to wear a sports bra instead of a proper binder if you chose to bind
Once you arrived at the party and found Jumin, you tried to hide your discomfort as best as possible until he called you his princess
While it was sweet and he just didn’t know, your throat still felt dry and you excused yourself to go to the restroom
You winced again when you walked past the sign for the women’s washroom and tried to stifle a panic attack that was rapidly getting worse after you locked the door behind you
A few minutes later, there was a soft knock at the door, not like one of someone that actually needed the restroom, so you opened it just expecting to see a cleaning staff member or something
Jumin was standing there trying to play off how worried he was
“MC, I came to check on you, since you’ve been here for nearly half an hour. Is everything alright? You look panicked when I was talking with you, and I assumed that I said something wrong” “To be honest, I’m not okay at the moment, and yes, it was something you said. Don’t worry, tho-“ “MC, I have to worry if you’re not okay, especially so if it’s my fault. Could you please explain what’s going on, so that I can help?” “You didn’t know anything about it’s alright” “It’s not alright. It was ignorance, so could you please tell me what it was so that I can fix it?”
You nodded but asked if you could go sit at a table instead of standing in the bathroom and he laughed just a bit before sitting you down and then sat himself across from you
“I haven’t been completely honest in the chat room about myself, since it seemed impossible to change any of your views of me. To be flat out about it, I’m not female, but I can’t change anything about it right now” “Could you elaborate?”
Jumin looked slightly confused but you could still see how sincerely he wanted to listen to you and help but you kept your head down when you spoke
“I’m trans, Jumin. Transgender. I haven’t been able to come out because of my family, so everything Seven reported was about the MC that’s not quite MC. I can’t really present myself as male yet, but anything that’s put together with femininity makes me feel dysphoric” Dysphoria, that’s the uneasiness that accompanies when you don’t identify with your assigned physical characteristics, yes?”
Jumin wasn’t a dumbass, he just didn’t have lots of real life experience with transgender people
He’s read lots of studies and put rules in place to protect employees, but he’s never had someone close to him trust him with their own experience with it
You looked up and nodded to say yes and were going to speak again when his eyes widened slightly
“MC, I give you my sincerest apologies for making you wear that dress. I had no idea, and I thought you would look good in it. My intentions were not to make you feel bad, and I can-“ “Jumin, it’s okay” “No, it’s not, MC. You’ll have to go around this party for the next seven hours feeling uncomfortable. We can go back to my home if you’d like so you can change” “Jumin, it’s-actually, yeah, that sounds good. Are you sure it’s alright, though?” “Of course, my prince”
That one word made all the difference and you looked at him ecstatically and he gave a small smile to your reactionWhile you were in the car, he started asking you about your transition
He didn’t know that it would’ve been rude to just ask someone, but you answered all of them so that he could understand as much as possible
“I haven’t been able to change my name yet” “How come?” “Haven’t had the money” “…MC” “Yes?” “Would you like to get it fixed?” “Well, yeah, but-“ “We can take care of it tomorrow” “Al-alright”
He tried to ask in a roundabout way if you had had any surgery but you understood what he meant and told him you didn’t
If you wanted to, he called his doctor then and there to recommend someone so that you could schedule it
“I don’t mean to be lewd, and please forgive me if this is out of line, but is that why you’re wearing a sports bra? I feel like that would be very uncomfortable”
His question made your face feel a little hot but you nodded instead of answering verbally
Once you had gotten to your room, you were trying to go through your things to find something that looked formal enough
Jumin walked by the doorway holding a garment bag while you were trying to organize everything
“MC? Is a suit alright? I’m sorry that it’s one of mine, but it didn’t seem like you had much”
Thank any deity right now
However, since it was one of Jumin’s suits, you know what that means?
Matching boyfriends
Once you had gotten back to the party, all eyes were on the two of you
Especially since the other RFA members hadn’t seen either of you at all since you had both stayed out of public spaces as best you could at the beginning
When you were walking around together, he was introducing you to everyone as his boyfriend
Oh, right, that press conference
He had honestly forgot when he was worrying about you, but he was still prepared to answer all the questions
After he had announced that the two of you were involved romantically, he stopped answering the rest of the questions about you and walked over
Jumin had continued to propose to you that evening and Seven tried to yell “Does Jumin Han is gay?”
All he got was a glare and an answer from Jumin of “Grow up. For your information, Jumin Han does MC.”
And with that, you were leaving red-faced
Once you had gotten into the car for the umpteenth time that day, Jumin burst out laughing
You were slightly surprised at the outburst but laughter was taking you too
“Okay, but you realize that that’s what’s going to be everywhere in the chatroom tonight, right?” “I don’t care” “Okay, but you also lied” “How so?” “Because we haven’t, y’know, done anything yet” “Key word: yet” “Okay, bu-wait, what?” “Shit, I didn’t mean to say that aloud” “So would you like to?” “I mean, only if you’re comfortable with it, my prince”
The sight of a red-faced Jumin was something to cherish
Scratch that, Jumin later that evening was something to cherish
Seven: (set where he still comes to the apartment but not under the circumstances of his route , MC that can pass but isn’t completely out)
You had taped over some of the cameras in the apartment when you noticed them the first few days you were there
Yes, it was for your safety, but it made you wildly uncomfortable
So when Seven asked about it in the messenger, you just said that and he said he’d just stay with you then if he couldn’t watch you
Not bothering to force yourself to be feminine, you had changed and picked up the apartment for when he was to get there
Hey, if someone was to be a dick about it out of the members, it wasn’t going to be Seven
You were kicking your clothes under your bed as Seven let himself in so you yelled out
“Wow, didn’t even knock,” you walked into the main room and saw a Seven staring at you, “Everything alright?” “Yeah, yes, your pictures just don’t do you justice”
Smirking in reply, you moved some stuff on a desk to the side when you noticed he had a few laptops with him
“Can I put my shit there?” “What else would I put there?” “Fair point, but I’m going to ditch work for a bit” “Can you do that?” “Why not?” “I wouldn’t want you to get killed by some company that assigned you something” “I just want to watch shitty movies with you right now if that’s alright” “Blanket fort?” “Blanket fort.”
Seven was wrapped up in a random throw blanket and talking trash about the effects or acting every other minute
You made him shut up when a male character was having a flashback and it showed them as a girl when they were younger
Even though the movie was trash, this one scene of representation had you nearly crying
“MC? Is everything alright? I didn’t see a cat or dog die?” “No, no, it’s just-did you even watch that bit?” “Well, um, I was paying more attention to you to be honest” “Dork” “True” “Anyways, it was showing that the character was transgender, and it just, it just really meant a lot to me” “Wait, really?” “Mhmm”
Seven looked almost as excited as you now and he asked you to replay it, and this time, you were watching him rather than the film
“Okay, I know the special effects look like they’re from 2006, but that’s one of the only characters I’ve ever seen that were loudly and proudly trans!”
He was now rambling about how amazing this was and you ending up zoning out his words and just looking at him
His words died down and he started to apologize
“No! Seven, it’s alright. You’re allowed to get excited. I was just thinking about something” “And that would beeee?” “Well, I’m just glad that you’re accepting” “Why wouldn’t I be? You’ve seen that I enjoy to cross-dress. It’d be shitty of me to be transphobic.” “Well that’s good” “Why would you say that?” “ ‘Cause I’m a guy, but you knew me as a girl” “Coolio, do you want popcorn, MC?”
Wait what
“Uh, yeah, thanks, Seven!” “Not what you were expecting?” “Not quite” “Well, I never cared about it, but-oh, fuck” “What’s wrong?” “MC, I am so sorry. I can’t believe that I-“ “Seven, explain” “I told you that you were a girl that first night you messaged us even though you said you weren’t, and I’m an idiot” “It’s alright, but can you get popcorn now?” “Yeah, I just feel really bad about it”
You were still sitting wrapped in your duvet while he was still talking to you from the kitchen thinking about how considerate and calm he was about it
He came back with the bowl and you spoke seemingly randomly, “Hey, Seven, do you wanna date?”
Error: Seven just dropped the bowl and now popcorn’s everywhere
“S-sorry! I’ll pick it up!” you grabbed the bowl and started getting as much of the mess cleaned up as you could, “That was idiotic to ask, Seven. I’m sorry, too. You can leave it made you uncomfortable”
Seven dropped down beside you to clean it up and that’s when you realized he was almost as red as his hair
“Don’t apologize. I was just taken aback. However, I quite would like to have you as my boyfriend” “Wait, really?” “Yeah, I bet you’d be a great boyfriend” “But?” “But my job has me kind of screwed. After I get out of it, could we maybe go out then? I just don’t want my boyfriend getting hurt, because he’s connected to me”
Now you were the one to be surprised and as red as a tomato
“Yeah, that’d be good, Seven. I’m willing to wait as long as you need” “Thank you, MC! Wait, can I still use that name?” “Yeah, it’s fine” “You’re sure?” “Mhm” “Alright, future boyfriend, MC”
You were both smiling dorks leaning on each other continuing to watch the movie and make remarks
When the credits rolled, he turned to you after grabbing his phone
“Hey, MC?” “Yeah?” “Can we take a picture?” “Sure”
Seven flipped the camera then put his arm around you to bring you closerWhile the flash was going off, he kissed your cheek and were startled slightly but just smiled more
You were, once again, bright red as he was grinning and setting it as his profile picture in the messenger
“Can I send it to the chat?” “Sure, you dork, but it’s your fault if Zen starts ranting” “That’s the best part, though” “True, make sure you send it, though, so that I can keep it” “Sure thing”
You both fell asleep sprawled in the blanket fort and woke up to several missed calls and a bunch of unread texts
In the future, Seven finally left his job and was able to actually date
He never failed to use your pronouns and always said my boyfriend whenever he could
Alrighty! If there’s anything inaccurate, make sure to tell me, and I’ll change it. I hope that you liked this, but I know that I probably made a few mistakes. Keep in mind that I’m going to write V’s and Saeran’s soon, too! Sometimes I just cant come up with seven different scenarios, but I’ll try my best to get the other two up when I can. Again, please tell me if there’s anything I should add or delete. (Including warnings!) I hope you all have the days you deserve; much love, nerds!
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hellyes-tommccamus · 8 years ago
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Mutant X [TV] (2001-2004)
S01E06 “The Meaning of Death”
Sci-fi/action Tom McCamus plays a main role in season 1
This is a really interesting episode about contagious disease, immortality, allegiances and betrayals.
In this episode we get to properly visit the New Mutant Underground, which from the establishing shots seems to be connected to the underground train network. Brennan goes there to see Rick (Christopher Davis) who introduces him to a married couple who are staying there. Todd (Kevin Jubinville) has super speed while Jerri (Gina Sorell) has x-ray vision. Jerri does the oh-so-overused checking Brennan out with her x-ray vision. X-ray vision = naked people, right? I really don’t know where this trope originated, but it is completely wrong. X-ray vision would give her a good view of his bones, but she’d see straight through his skin as well as his clothes. And don’t get me started on the dangers of x-rays. Such a power would be undoubtedly lethal to the holder, as well as anyone who spent too much time around them.
But the unfeasible invasion of privacy is cut short by Rick having a seizure and his wind power goes out of control. This is an interesting concept: what happens when a New Mutant gets ill, and how do powers interact with long term health conditions?
Back at Sanctuary, Adam is treating Rick in the lab. He is still unconscious but nevertheless wearing the Lab Underwear. Adam tells Emma that Rick’s powers are completely out of control. Emma worries that it might be a contagious disease.
Despite Renfield losing neither his life or Mason’s favour last episode, there is a new second in command at the GSA. Charles Marlowe (Anthony Lemke) reports to Mason about New Mutants with powers of ice and suggestion wreaking havoc with out of control powers. We learn a couple of new things about Mason. He isn’t interested in ichthyology (which is indeed the study of fish). Also not so interested in the lives of normal humans, seeing deaths as a way to clamp down on New Mutants. Or is it an example of his irrepressible positive thinking?
Adam has by now deduced that the illness is contagious and using powers accelerates its spread. He has identified it as cladosporium, which he correctly defines as a common airborne spore. But cladosporium is a genus, of which there are about 40 species. It’s hard to believe that a whole genus could suddenly be causing such devastating effects. I’d have suggested choosing the rarest one and blaming that, but OK I can accept that maybe having to say multiple five syllable words might not work for TV. Adam says it is harmless to most humans (correct) but causes uncontrolled mutation in individuals with a genetic aberration, which less than 1% of New Mutants possess. Now I’m not going to harp on again about “uncontrolled mutation” being used as a phrase to describe powers going awry rather than diseases like cancer. I’m more interested by his use of the term “genetic aberration”. It sounds more of a term Mason would use to describe New Mutants, not Adam. Perhaps it is the remains of existing aberration which was why those individuals were “treated” at Genomex, or a mistake by design? Or maybe some big screw up Adam found years later. Anyway, lets have some math. Adam says this aberration is in less that 1% of New Mutants, so for argument’s sake I’m calling that 0.5%. We already know there are at least 3 victims, so that means there are at least 600 New Mutants. The disease is highly infectious once it takes hold on one who is susceptible, then passing from New Mutant to New Mutant. At no point does Adam say that this is a theory, he speaks with certainty. He has seen this happen. I imagine under laboratory conditions, otherwise it would have wiped out huge sections of the New Mutant population. Adam doesn’t know how to cure it, so it clearly wasn’t cured before.
At the safe-house, Brennan is in the uncomfortable position of being in quarantine with the married couple. Brennan repeats what Adam said about using powers triggering the disease after exposure. Todd seems to go a bit strange for a moment, while it seems Jerri is one of those irritating hypochondriacs.
Shalimar and Adam go to visit a New Mutant who has been having trouble with her powers lately. Shalimar is wearing a very sci-fi silver PVC suit, which they refer to as a hazmat suit. She presses a button and a completely invisible helmet shimmers into existence around her head. Adam jokes about it being a fashion statement. Hey, at least this show knows how to poke fun at itself!
Alice, the sick New Mutant, is lying in her apartment, and she says it’s too late. Everything is smouldering already. Marlowe shows up at that moment (seriously, do they have the same informant who tells them things out of devilment?) Adam says there is nothing he can do, but then doesn’t move and asks her what he can do. Not the smartest thing to do. But at least he and Shalimar get out of there. Marlowe goes over to her. Outside, it appears to be some kind of industrial unit. Strange place to send New Mutants to live. Alice literally explodes into flames. I’m not entirely sure why there is an explosion here. Presumably she is a pyrokinetic, so I could understand her bursting into flames, but did someone leave the gas on? But more interestingly, Marlowe is a bit dirty but not burnt or missing any body parts. And I like how Adam instantly jumps in to protect Shalimar from the explosion, even though she’s a super powered New Mutant and he’s a normal human. Shows how much he cares for her.
It’s quite rare for Adam and Mason to have a scene together, but when they do it’s always interesting. There is such a held back animosity between them while they keep up the facade of civility. Adam reminds Mason that if all New Mutants are wiped out, he will lose his reason for living. Which from what we have seen, is tragically, likely true. Marlowe tries to discourage Mason, but he agrees to work with Adam.
Adam now somehow has information that the disease is going to spread to the majority of New Mutants in 20 hours. Although this is not explained, I guess he just quickly ran an infectious disease simulator? I guess it’s intended to show that there is an extreme urgency in dealing with this contagion. Emma is wearing one of those hazmat suits. Sexist? Maybe. But it’s a cool outfit and now it’s the future why is our fashion not more like that and not just plain awful?
At the safe-house, Todd is getting cabin fever. Brennan is trying to read a book but Jerri keeps using her x-ray vision to see through his clothes. Meanwhile, Emma tries to calm down Rick by projecting images of him floating in the clouds. I’m not sure if this was properly thought through or if it was intended to look like he’s ascending to heaven?
The disease has already claimed many victims and Adam is taking care of them alongside the medical team at Genomex in a very colourful and technologically advanced medical lab. I’m a bit disappointed this disease passes from New Mutant to New Mutant after initial infection, as this prevents me from using my formula to extrapolate the total number of New Mutants.
Marlowe comes to talk/taunt him while creepily touching an unconscious patient’s head and face. Adam knew Marlowe before and tells Shalimar that he has changed. They talk about his invulnerability and how it may be affecting him psychologically, which is interesting. Any power, no matter how impressive or useful, is going to have a psychological effect.
Marlowe grabs hold of a dying patient, fighting off the medical staff who try to help, to talk to her. Adam confronts him and tries to get him to leave. He does, but the patient is already dead. Adam despairs. He doesn’t know what to do.
Back at Sanctuary, Emma is struggling to keep Rick stable. She unwisely switches off the holographic chamber he is being kept inside and his out of control powers slam her against the wall, knocking off the invisible helmet of her hazmat suit. Send those back for a refund and go back to the old style, eh? Jesse phases through the wall to help her, and now both of them have been exposed to the disease.
Todd tries to escape from the safe house. Brennan uses his street skills to his advantage to pick pocket his wallet. His wife sees a picture inside it of him with another woman. What a strange relationship they must have if she has never seen him take his wallet out! But no wonder he wasn’t really bothered by his wife checking out Brennan.
Back at Genomex we see Adam doing some science! And not good science either. He pipettes some clear liquid into an almost full test tube with some suspicious neon green stuff floating on the top. He’s holding the test tube right at the bottom and when he turns round to talk to Shalimar it’s overflowing. Yes, bubbling and overflowing test tubes might look nice and sciencey, but if that happens in real life you’re wasting specimen/reagents and causing contamination. We see another scientist with a digital pipette. Those deliver much more precise amounts of liquid. Adam passes the other scientist a completely full beaker of neon green liquid - more poor science. Overfilling beakers leads to spillages, and guess what, more contamination. Not exactly filling me with confidence for disease control here.
Adam goes to deal with Marlowe, who shamelessly admits that he’s asking questions to those on the edge of death. Adam gives him another telling off and demands to know why he’s behaving like this. Marlowe tells him how his wife and child were killed in a car crash while he survived because of his power. Even though he caused the crash himself, he blames Adam for giving him those powers.
Emma and Jesse talk. Emma says she feels fine but she looks anxious. Then she, seemingly involuntarily makes Jesse think he is being strangled by a snake, then collapses. Yep, she’s got the disease. Jesse tries to pick her up but he goes intangible and drops her. He’s got it too. Well, they were warned about exposure.
Marlowe goes to see Mason, mostly to complain about Adam. It’s interesting that while Mason usually does the pacing around, this time he stays still and Marlowe wanders around agitated, messing with things in Mason’s office. We learn a few things about the past, which Marlowe must have been involved in as he knows all about them. Adam and Mason had a partnership 20 years ago (which fully supports my theory that they were best friends in the 80s). Mason is oddly supportive of Adam and says he wouldn’t mind being invulnerable himself. Marlowe says he should have got Adam to give him the power, and he says that wasn’t what Genomex was about back then. So what was it about? I’m thinking he means they only manipulated the DNA of foetuses and not adults back then. There is a lot of vagueness in this show, which allows for imagination and debate.
Adam and the Genomex medical crew are having a nightmare with the patients exposed to the disease, who are rapidly dying. Interesting to note that there is no sign of powers going out of control at Genomex. I’m going to go out on a limb and say they were probably more prepared in that aspect and fitted them with sub dermal governors to avoid any injury or damage to the lab.
Marlowe is waiting for Adam, mostly to taunt him again. Adam says something that is very true, that scientists work for years to cure diseases. While the race against time to cure a deadly disease is a popular storyline, the most realistic ending is “most people died, some survived because their immune systems somehow fought it.” Marlowe once again tells Adam he blames him for his family’s deaths, and Adam tells him he wouldn’t have survived if he hadn’t manipulated his DNA. This is the first time we actually hear a reason for the genetic manipulation which is completely understandable. Genetic manipulation to cure disease is an incredible scientific breakthrough. So perhaps that is the answer to what Genomex was about 20 years ago. Curing diseases in sick children. A noble cause for sure. I think it’s important to note that genetic manipulation doesn’t actually automatically trigger mutant powers in the real world, but we never hear about the Children of Genomex who were cured but didn’t end up with powers. Which makes me think there was some other experiment being carried out at the same time, which Adam claims no knowledge of.
Marlowe tells Adam that he’s supposed to kill him after he finds the cure. I think that’s Marlowe’s anger talking as Mason only told him that they were going to claim the cure for themselves (and as Adam is using their labs and human resources in a collaborative sense, I wouldn’t even call that stealing) and also, why tell him before he’s found the cure? Well that’s how you end up being kicked in the head by a scientist who’s a secret martial artist.
Adam sees Marlowe regrow a tooth he knocked out and hypothesizes that his cellular regeneration holds the key to the cure. Cellular regeneration is both completely scientific and fascinating. While the average human’s ability to regenerate is nowhere near Marlowe’s capabilities, it is still remarkable.
It’s an interesting idea, but honestly, I can’t see how using the power of regeneration can stop uncontrolled mutation. I’d have put my money on some kind of chemotherapy.
Adam says he needs to extract the particular DNA strand (ugh) that causes the regeneration. But he doesn’t have the tools to do that. Really, Chief Geneticist? Really? Pretty sure you’ve been doing that for over 20 years. Anyway, Adam wants to bring him back to his own lab.
Meanwhile Shalimar has been to collect Emma and Jesse, who now join the rest of the infected patients in the Genomex lab.
I have to laugh at Adam’s plan. Isolating the “DNA strand” then converting it to binary and transmitting it to all New Mutants via the Genomex satellite (why do they have this?) Sending code by microwave, OK maybe, but it would only be useful to someone with a receiver who would then be able to read the code. Difficult to believe it would have a biological effect. Microwaves generally cause mutation and cell damage, which isn’t really what we want more of here. And how exactly is he going to target only affected New Mutants? If we’re to believe that it will affect genetic code, it’s gonna affect normal humans too. And really, do we want more deaths or New Mutants?
Extracting the DNA strand consists of scanning Marlowe with the lab scanning device. And quite shockingly, Marlowe is not wearing the Lab Underwear, calling into question their use at all. Maybe he (quite understandably) refused. And maybe that’s why it looks like it hurt.
Adam does some pseudo scientific waffling about comparing the cladosporium sequence to the binary code and keeping the bacterial level under ten (what?)
Marlowe smashes a glass and it pleased with being able to bleed. It seems Adam completely extracted his New Mutant power (something which proved fatal to Shalimar’s boyfriend a few episodes ago).
At the safe house, Brennan makes a hilarious discovery that both Todd and Jerri are cheating on each other with GS Agents.
Mason isn’t happy that Adam has left to develop the cure and threatens to start removing life support from patients if he doesn’t return. He does, and Mason tries to stop Marlowe from uploading the cure, presumably he wants to keep it and use it selectively or as a bargaining chip. But Marlowe has a gun. Mason tells his guy with a gun to shoot Marlowe, and Marlowe allows this to happen. Because death is what he wanted.
Adam’s plan may not have held up scientifically, but it does work. He’s still understandably quite upset about the New Mutants who died. But in the treatment of disease, there are always going to be those who die in the process of finding a cure.
0 notes
vaskiina · 8 years ago
Video SEO Expert – Video Marketing Services SEO – Video SEO Company
Below is the Video Transcript.
G’day folks its Tony hear from the video marketing group now the reason why I’m making this video is basically it’s about video SEO expert ok I’m i have been running the video marketing group since I think it’s been October september-october last year and of course i have a lot of members now and a lot of people are interested in how to improve the rankings of the video in both YouTube and Google obviously a lot of guys or local marketers and they’re trying to get these videos racks well I’m understanding this and obviously trying to write my own videos i have put together a very very large collection of video SEO services ok gigs for you know improving the rankings of videos or boosting a website up in the Serbs are or even boosting I local google business map now I’m just let me share my screen with you here ok so here’s a video marketing group ok and as you can see I’ve got you know eight members and got some very very big ser guys in here some faces you recommend obviously i’m not going to scroll through the whole list but there’s some very big guys and here obviously jumping in from time to time and helping answering questions but this is a very very strong community and obviously it’s all about video marketing you know making videos video production ranking videos all that kind of thing ok and obviously this is the group that i found it ok so anyway so that’s the video marketing group and then I put all of my gigs on concrete used to be called source market but now it’s called conquer and as you can see here reviews and one bad review ok so if you click on any one of these gigs you will see that i have I . seven percent positive writing and obviously some steps here I you know there have been a couple of orders which I didn’t get to him actually currently here and a strike Iran are working holiday and over the christmas break I I didn’t deliver on time on some of them so that’s why i have some percentages here but basically I have a lot of nice specific gigs so we’ll just go through them and you can see landscape is plastic surgery handyman shipping containers you know foreign language like if you’re doing German stuff concrete chiropractors auto detailing accident turning roofing attorney lawyers kitchen remodeling I mean there’s a whole heap of gigs here so no matter what you’re trying to do I’ve probably or what niche that you’re in I probably have I gig or a service that can actually help you improve the ranking of your video boost the website or the google map ok so now if there’s a particular niche that I don’t have then this is the gig that you would order it’s called the seven-step video power punch and I’ll just actually go over the gig ok so it’s $ and you can order either a thousand blogs or you can upgrade with another $ to the , plus and as it says here this gig is for anyone who wants to improve the video ranking boost a map listing power up their parasites sides or boost the website safely okay so step one is I’m actually going to either create an article or do a video embed on hi powerful authority tumblr blogs ok that’s actually the first step and these are all you know tumblers that have been hand-picked for the excellent metrics and and obviously have a good back linking profile the next step is that I’m going to and this is primarily for youtube videos I’m going to take the YouTube URL and also include a link back to your channel or the playlist and i’m going to embed that on PBS okay and these pbn Tsar basically made up of high quality ho minds that are all socially connected through all the different ifttt networks like each actual pbn has its own ifttt network and as it says here there’s a large geographical spread for IP diversity ok so I’m and because of the I’ve Tina works you also get a lot more in beds and good quality social backlinks now I’m once I’ve done that now I’m going to take your keywords and i’m going to put those keywords into spin tax and now i’m going to create what’s called the Tier one campaign normally you’ll get somewhere between three to five hundred links on a tier-one campaign ok so I’m if you’re I roofing contractor and you know your video title is you know roofing contractor and whatever the city is then I get the idea that that’s kind of like the main keyword that you going after so I’m going I’m going to take my roofing contractor blogs and i’m going to use your keywords i’m going to link out to your video out to your website and i’m probably going to weigh their own bed the video or embed the playlist or embed your google business map and i’m going to create a tier-one campaign all right now just let me show you what i mean by that and
ok as you can see here this is the money site so i always do three links so if you give me two URLs like say video URL and a website URL well then each blog post is going to have three links one or two will go to the video once the website or the other way around ok and this and in this blog module here there might be or blogs and this one – in this and so on ok I’m and so these blogs are all linking directly to the money site or to the URLs that you’ve provided and of course there’s all these social shares and Mike’s ok so that’s called the Tier one campaign i’m just going to move this over here and so what I’m going to do after that is I’m going to take that batch let’s say it’s tier links I’m now going to create approximately twenty campaigns and i’m going to create batches of links so in other words all these tier links i’m going to break them into batches of and then i’m going to back link all of those tier links and i’m going to use that will do that with this diagram here so now here the money site becomes the tier link ok and then there’s to blogs and here which would like the tier two and then there’s to blogs and here which is the tr-b linking to the tier and so on ok and this is obviously tr but of course i’m doing campaigns so and i’m going to be doing campaigns across the niche so for example let me just grab a gig here now we said before roofing I’ll just get rid of these things in the background there we go come on roofing gig ok so he is all of the blog categories ok so now i’m going to do with campaign using metal roofing blogs and these metal roofing blogs are going to link back to the first batch of tier links and i’m going to do wrote residential roofing like take those residential roofing blogs and they’re going to link back to the second batch of tier links and i’m going to do that throughout like roof replacement ok so each one of these categories have blogs the theme for that category so if i go over to here you can see all the blog categories and the number of blogs in each category so for example if i went to a roofing contractor ok so you know maybe the first one the tier was roofing contractors so now we’ve got the category roofing company so if there’s blogs all theme for a roofing company and so these roofing company blogs are going to link to you know the tier links same with recent roofing estimates roofing prices roofing services and basically all the different categories to do with roofing ok roof coatings roof cleaning you know so I’m you know your tier links and now we’re going to be back linked from blogs across your niche and these are this is very important because these are obviously all relevant to the niche so if you’ve got blogs about you know residential roofing and they’re linking to some two tier links which are on blogs all to do with roofing company will obviously it’s relevant and this is what Google’s looking for that don’t want to see links coming from a flower shop or a bicycle shop linking to a roofing blog or roofing website so all of this is relevant that’s why these gigs are very very powerful okay then what’s gonna happen is that these gigs are going to be sent to a proprietary indexing system which actually uses the google webmaster submit tool so not every link is going to be indexed but you don’t want all the links to be index because that actually wouldn’t be natural but just because it isn’t index doesn’t mean that Google can’t see it ok and then what I’m going to do is I’m going to put everything into a Google Drive folder so you’re going to see you know before and after shots from majestic like here’s the here’s the video metrix before i started is the metric since i started ok maybe I should give you an example of that I’ll just go into my Google Drive folder wrong folder your guy still the wrong folder maybe this one yeah there we go ok so this this one so here’s an order that i did so PB ends so you can see here’s the PN’s and this is the metrics before i started and here’s the metrics since i started okay or since I finished rather let’s have a look at another one just looking for a gig that I’ve done recently like one of the bigs and as you can see I’ve got a lot of different clients here and actually let’s let me go into here manage sales completed ok so let’s have a look at this one alright here’s the PN’s so I PB ends is the metrics before i started his the metrics after i finished okay and so I show the PBS don’t show the actual PN’s but I obviously give you some idea that you know the works been done and he is all the links so here is all the tier links that i created ok so that there was you know links and then here’s all the tier two links actually linking to the tier links and of course you can click on any one of these but when i send you the links i actually take away the ability to you know copy and download because i don’t want people spamming these links so i don’t want them like hitting them with GSA or anything like that all right now so anyway so in summary are and here’s another important point is that when i do the i’m actually using a mix of ninety percent Jack generic anchor text that’s completely safe ok I’m not over optimizing now so what you’re getting is getting powerful in beds on high authority tumblers and PBS and have trust flow citation flow and domain authority then you’re getting em beds on each at and nice relevant backlinks on web two point I which you know a role good quality word to point I recognize and indexed by Google and of course those links a tiered the social shares there’s like those views and of course then I provide a report are in a Google Drive folder to show you that the work is all being done ok so you know a lot of these gigs as it says here this gig is amazing out video want from than you to number one in a two-day period we’ll be using again without a doubt you know so i have a lot of success stories like that of course I’m not perfect as you can see you know I do have some negatives I’ve got one negative review but basically i have five star reviews and many people are adding my gigs as their favorite I’m i think the the second step video power punch i’ll just go back to that one now this is had star reviews and of course not everybody leaves a review some people just can’t be bothered or whatever but like this gig has been you know it’s been favorited by people so people aren’t going to create a favor if they didn’t think there was any value in the service and you know so you know I put these gigs together to try and help people you know to obviously rank their videos you know I I don’t promise to rank because i’m just working with what I’ve got but you know I there’s enough power here to really improve the ranking of your video boosts the website google map so I you can always see all the categories that i have here you know maybe one of these big gigs is a bit out of your price range i do have cheaper gigs and it’s just a matter of you know going through and checking all of these out you know and of course I’m happy to answer any questions okay so you know other people will say that there are video marketing expert but you know they probably don’t have detailed gigs like I have here my gigs are primarily designed for anybody looking to improve their video ranks ok and of course i have over million blogs i’ll just show you that I’ll just go to one of my accounts I have three servers with VPS and that’s how am i able to create so many blogs and obviously serve many customers so as you can see i have ,, sorry ,, , blogs ok so I definitely have the blog’s needed to power up pretty much anyone in any niche and you can see all of the gigs are here so these these are primarily local video marketing gigs ok because these are all niche specific these are these are basically you’re , plus gigs so you know you can always do a search for buy backlinks video SEO services video expert in fact i’ll just go into google called need oh and google encoding sorry so there here you see buy backlinks video SEO services video in beds so you can find me this way and then you would just click on this and then you can have a look at the different blogs and if you’re into local video marketing then of course you can click on you know one of these gig links ok if you’ve got any questions then you know make sure you come over and join the video marketing group and i can add you I don’t add anybody unless they actually request to be added or you can always you know right to me on conquer conquers actually it’s kind of like a but it’s better and it’s free to set up an account and you can always write to me here and I’m happy to answer any questions so anyway I’m pretty sure I’ve covered everything that I do you know if you just after some basic boosting maybe you want to you know give your channel boost I mean I’ve got all sorts of different gigs maybe you’re doing the Meo maybe you’re working in you know different foreign languages I’ve got all sorts of things and of course i’m adding to them all the time so anyway I’m going to just drop this down a little bit and I’ll stop stop share and that should come back to me yeah so anyway so of course you know i could say yes I my video SEO expert but I think if you you know look at what I just put together and shown you the different gig shown you the video marketing group I’m you know you can decide yourself if you know if you you know you can decide whether you think I know what I’m doing when it comes to improving the ranking of the video ok now if you do have any questions please feel free to leave a comment below and i will get back to you if you found this video helpful and useful of course give it a light give it a share and you know go to the links i’m actually building out the SEO video hero.com website that you can also check out the video marketing Goodall come over and join the group ok anyway have a great day and thanks for watching my video.
This video, https://youtu.be/ByTEhbdZxds, can also be seen at https://www.youtube.com/user/198922.
0 notes
bambi-kyuun · 8 years ago
Video SEO Expert – Video Marketing Services SEO – Video SEO Company
Below is the Video Transcript.
G’day folks its Tony hear from the video marketing group now the reason why I’m making this video is basically it’s about video SEO expert ok I’m i have been running the video marketing group since I think it’s been October september-october last year and of course i have a lot of members now and a lot of people are interested in how to improve the rankings of the video in both YouTube and Google obviously a lot of guys or local marketers and they’re trying to get these videos racks well I’m understanding this and obviously trying to write my own videos i have put together a very very large collection of video SEO services ok gigs for you know improving the rankings of videos or boosting a website up in the Serbs are or even boosting I local google business map now I’m just let me share my screen with you here ok so here’s a video marketing group ok and as you can see I’ve got you know eight members and got some very very big ser guys in here some faces you recommend obviously i’m not going to scroll through the whole list but there’s some very big guys and here obviously jumping in from time to time and helping answering questions but this is a very very strong community and obviously it’s all about video marketing you know making videos video production ranking videos all that kind of thing ok and obviously this is the group that i found it ok so anyway so that’s the video marketing group and then I put all of my gigs on concrete used to be called source market but now it’s called conquer and as you can see here reviews and one bad review ok so if you click on any one of these gigs you will see that i have I . seven percent positive writing and obviously some steps here I you know there have been a couple of orders which I didn’t get to him actually currently here and a strike Iran are working holiday and over the christmas break I I didn’t deliver on time on some of them so that’s why i have some percentages here but basically I have a lot of nice specific gigs so we’ll just go through them and you can see landscape is plastic surgery handyman shipping containers you know foreign language like if you’re doing German stuff concrete chiropractors auto detailing accident turning roofing attorney lawyers kitchen remodeling I mean there’s a whole heap of gigs here so no matter what you’re trying to do I’ve probably or what niche that you’re in I probably have I gig or a service that can actually help you improve the ranking of your video boost the website or the google map ok so now if there’s a particular niche that I don’t have then this is the gig that you would order it’s called the seven-step video power punch and I’ll just actually go over the gig ok so it’s $ and you can order either a thousand blogs or you can upgrade with another $ to the , plus and as it says here this gig is for anyone who wants to improve the video ranking boost a map listing power up their parasites sides or boost the website safely okay so step one is I’m actually going to either create an article or do a video embed on hi powerful authority tumblr blogs ok that’s actually the first step and these are all you know tumblers that have been hand-picked for the excellent metrics and and obviously have a good back linking profile the next step is that I’m going to and this is primarily for youtube videos I’m going to take the YouTube URL and also include a link back to your channel or the playlist and i’m going to embed that on PBS okay and these pbn Tsar basically made up of high quality ho minds that are all socially connected through all the different ifttt networks like each actual pbn has its own ifttt network and as it says here there’s a large geographical spread for IP diversity ok so I’m and because of the I’ve Tina works you also get a lot more in beds and good quality social backlinks now I’m once I’ve done that now I’m going to take your keywords and i’m going to put those keywords into spin tax and now i’m going to create what’s called the Tier one campaign normally you’ll get somewhere between three to five hundred links on a tier-one campaign ok so I’m if you’re I roofing contractor and you know your video title is you know roofing contractor and whatever the city is then I get the idea that that’s kind of like the main keyword that you going after so I’m going I’m going to take my roofing contractor blogs and i’m going to use your keywords i’m going to link out to your video out to your website and i’m probably going to weigh their own bed the video or embed the playlist or embed your google business map and i’m going to create a tier-one campaign all right now just let me show you what i mean by that and
ok as you can see here this is the money site so i always do three links so if you give me two URLs like say video URL and a website URL well then each blog post is going to have three links one or two will go to the video once the website or the other way around ok and this and in this blog module here there might be or blogs and this one – in this and so on ok I’m and so these blogs are all linking directly to the money site or to the URLs that you’ve provided and of course there’s all these social shares and Mike’s ok so that’s called the Tier one campaign i’m just going to move this over here and so what I’m going to do after that is I’m going to take that batch let’s say it’s tier links I’m now going to create approximately twenty campaigns and i’m going to create batches of links so in other words all these tier links i’m going to break them into batches of and then i’m going to back link all of those tier links and i’m going to use that will do that with this diagram here so now here the money site becomes the tier link ok and then there’s to blogs and here which would like the tier two and then there’s to blogs and here which is the tr-b linking to the tier and so on ok and this is obviously tr but of course i’m doing campaigns so and i’m going to be doing campaigns across the niche so for example let me just grab a gig here now we said before roofing I’ll just get rid of these things in the background there we go come on roofing gig ok so he is all of the blog categories ok so now i’m going to do with campaign using metal roofing blogs and these metal roofing blogs are going to link back to the first batch of tier links and i’m going to do wrote residential roofing like take those residential roofing blogs and they’re going to link back to the second batch of tier links and i’m going to do that throughout like roof replacement ok so each one of these categories have blogs the theme for that category so if i go over to here you can see all the blog categories and the number of blogs in each category so for example if i went to a roofing contractor ok so you know maybe the first one the tier was roofing contractors so now we’ve got the category roofing company so if there’s blogs all theme for a roofing company and so these roofing company blogs are going to link to you know the tier links same with recent roofing estimates roofing prices roofing services and basically all the different categories to do with roofing ok roof coatings roof cleaning you know so I’m you know your tier links and now we’re going to be back linked from blogs across your niche and these are this is very important because these are obviously all relevant to the niche so if you’ve got blogs about you know residential roofing and they’re linking to some two tier links which are on blogs all to do with roofing company will obviously it’s relevant and this is what Google’s looking for that don’t want to see links coming from a flower shop or a bicycle shop linking to a roofing blog or roofing website so all of this is relevant that’s why these gigs are very very powerful okay then what’s gonna happen is that these gigs are going to be sent to a proprietary indexing system which actually uses the google webmaster submit tool so not every link is going to be indexed but you don’t want all the links to be index because that actually wouldn’t be natural but just because it isn’t index doesn’t mean that Google can’t see it ok and then what I’m going to do is I’m going to put everything into a Google Drive folder so you’re going to see you know before and after shots from majestic like here’s the here’s the video metrix before i started is the metric since i started ok maybe I should give you an example of that I’ll just go into my Google Drive folder wrong folder your guy still the wrong folder maybe this one yeah there we go ok so this this one so here’s an order that i did so PB ends so you can see here’s the PN’s and this is the metrics before i started and here’s the metrics since i started okay or since I finished rather let’s have a look at another one just looking for a gig that I’ve done recently like one of the bigs and as you can see I’ve got a lot of different clients here and actually let’s let me go into here manage sales completed ok so let’s have a look at this one alright here’s the PN’s so I PB ends is the metrics before i started his the metrics after i finished okay and so I show the PBS don’t show the actual PN’s but I obviously give you some idea that you know the works been done and he is all the links so here is all the tier links that i created ok so that there was you know links and then here’s all the tier two links actually linking to the tier links and of course you can click on any one of these but when i send you the links i actually take away the ability to you know copy and download because i don’t want people spamming these links so i don’t want them like hitting them with GSA or anything like that all right now so anyway so in summary are and here’s another important point is that when i do the i’m actually using a mix of ninety percent Jack generic anchor text that’s completely safe ok I’m not over optimizing now so what you’re getting is getting powerful in beds on high authority tumblers and PBS and have trust flow citation flow and domain authority then you’re getting em beds on each at and nice relevant backlinks on web two point I which you know a role good quality word to point I recognize and indexed by Google and of course those links a tiered the social shares there’s like those views and of course then I provide a report are in a Google Drive folder to show you that the work is all being done ok so you know a lot of these gigs as it says here this gig is amazing out video want from than you to number one in a two-day period we’ll be using again without a doubt you know so i have a lot of success stories like that of course I’m not perfect as you can see you know I do have some negatives I’ve got one negative review but basically i have five star reviews and many people are adding my gigs as their favorite I’m i think the the second step video power punch i’ll just go back to that one now this is had star reviews and of course not everybody leaves a review some people just can’t be bothered or whatever but like this gig has been you know it’s been favorited by people so people aren’t going to create a favor if they didn’t think there was any value in the service and you know so you know I put these gigs together to try and help people you know to obviously rank their videos you know I I don’t promise to rank because i’m just working with what I’ve got but you know I there’s enough power here to really improve the ranking of your video boosts the website google map so I you can always see all the categories that i have here you know maybe one of these big gigs is a bit out of your price range i do have cheaper gigs and it’s just a matter of you know going through and checking all of these out you know and of course I’m happy to answer any questions okay so you know other people will say that there are video marketing expert but you know they probably don’t have detailed gigs like I have here my gigs are primarily designed for anybody looking to improve their video ranks ok and of course i have over million blogs i’ll just show you that I’ll just go to one of my accounts I have three servers with VPS and that’s how am i able to create so many blogs and obviously serve many customers so as you can see i have ,, sorry ,, , blogs ok so I definitely have the blog’s needed to power up pretty much anyone in any niche and you can see all of the gigs are here so these these are primarily local video marketing gigs ok because these are all niche specific these are these are basically you’re , plus gigs so you know you can always do a search for buy backlinks video SEO services video expert in fact i’ll just go into google called need oh and google encoding sorry so there here you see buy backlinks video SEO services video in beds so you can find me this way and then you would just click on this and then you can have a look at the different blogs and if you’re into local video marketing then of course you can click on you know one of these gig links ok if you’ve got any questions then you know make sure you come over and join the video marketing group and i can add you I don’t add anybody unless they actually request to be added or you can always you know right to me on conquer conquers actually it’s kind of like a but it’s better and it’s free to set up an account and you can always write to me here and I’m happy to answer any questions so anyway I’m pretty sure I’ve covered everything that I do you know if you just after some basic boosting maybe you want to you know give your channel boost I mean I’ve got all sorts of different gigs maybe you’re doing the Meo maybe you’re working in you know different foreign languages I’ve got all sorts of things and of course i’m adding to them all the time so anyway I’m going to just drop this down a little bit and I’ll stop stop share and that should come back to me yeah so anyway so of course you know i could say yes I my video SEO expert but I think if you you know look at what I just put together and shown you the different gig shown you the video marketing group I’m you know you can decide yourself if you know if you you know you can decide whether you think I know what I’m doing when it comes to improving the ranking of the video ok now if you do have any questions please feel free to leave a comment below and i will get back to you if you found this video helpful and useful of course give it a light give it a share and you know go to the links i’m actually building out the SEO video hero.com website that you can also check out the video marketing Goodall come over and join the group ok anyway have a great day and thanks for watching my video.
This video, https://youtu.be/ByTEhbdZxds, can also be seen at https://www.youtube.com/user/198922.
0 notes
askralts · 8 years ago
Video SEO Expert – Video Marketing Services SEO – Video SEO Company
Below is the Video Transcript.
G’day folks its Tony hear from the video marketing group now the reason why I’m making this video is basically it’s about video SEO expert ok I’m i have been running the video marketing group since I think it’s been October september-october last year and of course i have a lot of members now and a lot of people are interested in how to improve the rankings of the video in both YouTube and Google obviously a lot of guys or local marketers and they’re trying to get these videos racks well I’m understanding this and obviously trying to write my own videos i have put together a very very large collection of video SEO services ok gigs for you know improving the rankings of videos or boosting a website up in the Serbs are or even boosting I local google business map now I’m just let me share my screen with you here ok so here’s a video marketing group ok and as you can see I’ve got you know eight members and got some very very big ser guys in here some faces you recommend obviously i’m not going to scroll through the whole list but there’s some very big guys and here obviously jumping in from time to time and helping answering questions but this is a very very strong community and obviously it’s all about video marketing you know making videos video production ranking videos all that kind of thing ok and obviously this is the group that i found it ok so anyway so that’s the video marketing group and then I put all of my gigs on concrete used to be called source market but now it’s called conquer and as you can see here reviews and one bad review ok so if you click on any one of these gigs you will see that i have I . seven percent positive writing and obviously some steps here I you know there have been a couple of orders which I didn’t get to him actually currently here and a strike Iran are working holiday and over the christmas break I I didn’t deliver on time on some of them so that’s why i have some percentages here but basically I have a lot of nice specific gigs so we’ll just go through them and you can see landscape is plastic surgery handyman shipping containers you know foreign language like if you’re doing German stuff concrete chiropractors auto detailing accident turning roofing attorney lawyers kitchen remodeling I mean there’s a whole heap of gigs here so no matter what you’re trying to do I’ve probably or what niche that you’re in I probably have I gig or a service that can actually help you improve the ranking of your video boost the website or the google map ok so now if there’s a particular niche that I don’t have then this is the gig that you would order it’s called the seven-step video power punch and I’ll just actually go over the gig ok so it’s $ and you can order either a thousand blogs or you can upgrade with another $ to the , plus and as it says here this gig is for anyone who wants to improve the video ranking boost a map listing power up their parasites sides or boost the website safely okay so step one is I’m actually going to either create an article or do a video embed on hi powerful authority tumblr blogs ok that’s actually the first step and these are all you know tumblers that have been hand-picked for the excellent metrics and and obviously have a good back linking profile the next step is that I’m going to and this is primarily for youtube videos I’m going to take the YouTube URL and also include a link back to your channel or the playlist and i’m going to embed that on PBS okay and these pbn Tsar basically made up of high quality ho minds that are all socially connected through all the different ifttt networks like each actual pbn has its own ifttt network and as it says here there’s a large geographical spread for IP diversity ok so I’m and because of the I’ve Tina works you also get a lot more in beds and good quality social backlinks now I’m once I’ve done that now I’m going to take your keywords and i’m going to put those keywords into spin tax and now i’m going to create what’s called the Tier one campaign normally you’ll get somewhere between three to five hundred links on a tier-one campaign ok so I’m if you’re I roofing contractor and you know your video title is you know roofing contractor and whatever the city is then I get the idea that that’s kind of like the main keyword that you going after so I’m going I’m going to take my roofing contractor blogs and i’m going to use your keywords i’m going to link out to your video out to your website and i’m probably going to weigh their own bed the video or embed the playlist or embed your google business map and i’m going to create a tier-one campaign all right now just let me show you what i mean by that and
ok as you can see here this is the money site so i always do three links so if you give me two URLs like say video URL and a website URL well then each blog post is going to have three links one or two will go to the video once the website or the other way around ok and this and in this blog module here there might be or blogs and this one – in this and so on ok I’m and so these blogs are all linking directly to the money site or to the URLs that you’ve provided and of course there’s all these social shares and Mike’s ok so that’s called the Tier one campaign i’m just going to move this over here and so what I’m going to do after that is I’m going to take that batch let’s say it’s tier links I’m now going to create approximately twenty campaigns and i’m going to create batches of links so in other words all these tier links i’m going to break them into batches of and then i’m going to back link all of those tier links and i’m going to use that will do that with this diagram here so now here the money site becomes the tier link ok and then there’s to blogs and here which would like the tier two and then there’s to blogs and here which is the tr-b linking to the tier and so on ok and this is obviously tr but of course i’m doing campaigns so and i’m going to be doing campaigns across the niche so for example let me just grab a gig here now we said before roofing I’ll just get rid of these things in the background there we go come on roofing gig ok so he is all of the blog categories ok so now i’m going to do with campaign using metal roofing blogs and these metal roofing blogs are going to link back to the first batch of tier links and i’m going to do wrote residential roofing like take those residential roofing blogs and they’re going to link back to the second batch of tier links and i’m going to do that throughout like roof replacement ok so each one of these categories have blogs the theme for that category so if i go over to here you can see all the blog categories and the number of blogs in each category so for example if i went to a roofing contractor ok so you know maybe the first one the tier was roofing contractors so now we’ve got the category roofing company so if there’s blogs all theme for a roofing company and so these roofing company blogs are going to link to you know the tier links same with recent roofing estimates roofing prices roofing services and basically all the different categories to do with roofing ok roof coatings roof cleaning you know so I’m you know your tier links and now we’re going to be back linked from blogs across your niche and these are this is very important because these are obviously all relevant to the niche so if you’ve got blogs about you know residential roofing and they’re linking to some two tier links which are on blogs all to do with roofing company will obviously it’s relevant and this is what Google’s looking for that don’t want to see links coming from a flower shop or a bicycle shop linking to a roofing blog or roofing website so all of this is relevant that’s why these gigs are very very powerful okay then what’s gonna happen is that these gigs are going to be sent to a proprietary indexing system which actually uses the google webmaster submit tool so not every link is going to be indexed but you don’t want all the links to be index because that actually wouldn’t be natural but just because it isn’t index doesn’t mean that Google can’t see it ok and then what I’m going to do is I’m going to put everything into a Google Drive folder so you’re going to see you know before and after shots from majestic like here’s the here’s the video metrix before i started is the metric since i started ok maybe I should give you an example of that I’ll just go into my Google Drive folder wrong folder your guy still the wrong folder maybe this one yeah there we go ok so this this one so here’s an order that i did so PB ends so you can see here’s the PN’s and this is the metrics before i started and here’s the metrics since i started okay or since I finished rather let’s have a look at another one just looking for a gig that I’ve done recently like one of the bigs and as you can see I’ve got a lot of different clients here and actually let’s let me go into here manage sales completed ok so let’s have a look at this one alright here’s the PN’s so I PB ends is the metrics before i started his the metrics after i finished okay and so I show the PBS don’t show the actual PN’s but I obviously give you some idea that you know the works been done and he is all the links so here is all the tier links that i created ok so that there was you know links and then here’s all the tier two links actually linking to the tier links and of course you can click on any one of these but when i send you the links i actually take away the ability to you know copy and download because i don’t want people spamming these links so i don’t want them like hitting them with GSA or anything like that all right now so anyway so in summary are and here’s another important point is that when i do the i’m actually using a mix of ninety percent Jack generic anchor text that’s completely safe ok I’m not over optimizing now so what you’re getting is getting powerful in beds on high authority tumblers and PBS and have trust flow citation flow and domain authority then you’re getting em beds on each at and nice relevant backlinks on web two point I which you know a role good quality word to point I recognize and indexed by Google and of course those links a tiered the social shares there’s like those views and of course then I provide a report are in a Google Drive folder to show you that the work is all being done ok so you know a lot of these gigs as it says here this gig is amazing out video want from than you to number one in a two-day period we’ll be using again without a doubt you know so i have a lot of success stories like that of course I’m not perfect as you can see you know I do have some negatives I’ve got one negative review but basically i have five star reviews and many people are adding my gigs as their favorite I’m i think the the second step video power punch i’ll just go back to that one now this is had star reviews and of course not everybody leaves a review some people just can’t be bothered or whatever but like this gig has been you know it’s been favorited by people so people aren’t going to create a favor if they didn’t think there was any value in the service and you know so you know I put these gigs together to try and help people you know to obviously rank their videos you know I I don’t promise to rank because i’m just working with what I’ve got but you know I there’s enough power here to really improve the ranking of your video boosts the website google map so I you can always see all the categories that i have here you know maybe one of these big gigs is a bit out of your price range i do have cheaper gigs and it’s just a matter of you know going through and checking all of these out you know and of course I’m happy to answer any questions okay so you know other people will say that there are video marketing expert but you know they probably don’t have detailed gigs like I have here my gigs are primarily designed for anybody looking to improve their video ranks ok and of course i have over million blogs i’ll just show you that I’ll just go to one of my accounts I have three servers with VPS and that’s how am i able to create so many blogs and obviously serve many customers so as you can see i have ,, sorry ,, , blogs ok so I definitely have the blog’s needed to power up pretty much anyone in any niche and you can see all of the gigs are here so these these are primarily local video marketing gigs ok because these are all niche specific these are these are basically you’re , plus gigs so you know you can always do a search for buy backlinks video SEO services video expert in fact i’ll just go into google called need oh and google encoding sorry so there here you see buy backlinks video SEO services video in beds so you can find me this way and then you would just click on this and then you can have a look at the different blogs and if you’re into local video marketing then of course you can click on you know one of these gig links ok if you’ve got any questions then you know make sure you come over and join the video marketing group and i can add you I don’t add anybody unless they actually request to be added or you can always you know right to me on conquer conquers actually it’s kind of like a but it’s better and it’s free to set up an account and you can always write to me here and I’m happy to answer any questions so anyway I’m pretty sure I’ve covered everything that I do you know if you just after some basic boosting maybe you want to you know give your channel boost I mean I’ve got all sorts of different gigs maybe you’re doing the Meo maybe you’re working in you know different foreign languages I’ve got all sorts of things and of course i’m adding to them all the time so anyway I’m going to just drop this down a little bit and I’ll stop stop share and that should come back to me yeah so anyway so of course you know i could say yes I my video SEO expert but I think if you you know look at what I just put together and shown you the different gig shown you the video marketing group I’m you know you can decide yourself if you know if you you know you can decide whether you think I know what I’m doing when it comes to improving the ranking of the video ok now if you do have any questions please feel free to leave a comment below and i will get back to you if you found this video helpful and useful of course give it a light give it a share and you know go to the links i’m actually building out the SEO video hero.com website that you can also check out the video marketing Goodall come over and join the group ok anyway have a great day and thanks for watching my video.
This video, https://youtu.be/ByTEhbdZxds, can also be seen at https://www.youtube.com/user/198922.
0 notes
collegetale · 8 years ago
Video SEO Expert – Video Marketing Services SEO – Video SEO Company
Below is the Video Transcript.
G’day folks its Tony hear from the video marketing group now the reason why I’m making this video is basically it’s about video SEO expert ok I’m i have been running the video marketing group since I think it’s been October september-october last year and of course i have a lot of members now and a lot of people are interested in how to improve the rankings of the video in both YouTube and Google obviously a lot of guys or local marketers and they’re trying to get these videos racks well I’m understanding this and obviously trying to write my own videos i have put together a very very large collection of video SEO services ok gigs for you know improving the rankings of videos or boosting a website up in the Serbs are or even boosting I local google business map now I’m just let me share my screen with you here ok so here’s a video marketing group ok and as you can see I’ve got you know eight members and got some very very big ser guys in here some faces you recommend obviously i’m not going to scroll through the whole list but there’s some very big guys and here obviously jumping in from time to time and helping answering questions but this is a very very strong community and obviously it’s all about video marketing you know making videos video production ranking videos all that kind of thing ok and obviously this is the group that i found it ok so anyway so that’s the video marketing group and then I put all of my gigs on concrete used to be called source market but now it’s called conquer and as you can see here reviews and one bad review ok so if you click on any one of these gigs you will see that i have I . seven percent positive writing and obviously some steps here I you know there have been a couple of orders which I didn’t get to him actually currently here and a strike Iran are working holiday and over the christmas break I I didn’t deliver on time on some of them so that’s why i have some percentages here but basically I have a lot of nice specific gigs so we’ll just go through them and you can see landscape is plastic surgery handyman shipping containers you know foreign language like if you’re doing German stuff concrete chiropractors auto detailing accident turning roofing attorney lawyers kitchen remodeling I mean there’s a whole heap of gigs here so no matter what you’re trying to do I’ve probably or what niche that you’re in I probably have I gig or a service that can actually help you improve the ranking of your video boost the website or the google map ok so now if there’s a particular niche that I don’t have then this is the gig that you would order it’s called the seven-step video power punch and I’ll just actually go over the gig ok so it’s $ and you can order either a thousand blogs or you can upgrade with another $ to the , plus and as it says here this gig is for anyone who wants to improve the video ranking boost a map listing power up their parasites sides or boost the website safely okay so step one is I’m actually going to either create an article or do a video embed on hi powerful authority tumblr blogs ok that’s actually the first step and these are all you know tumblers that have been hand-picked for the excellent metrics and and obviously have a good back linking profile the next step is that I’m going to and this is primarily for youtube videos I’m going to take the YouTube URL and also include a link back to your channel or the playlist and i’m going to embed that on PBS okay and these pbn Tsar basically made up of high quality ho minds that are all socially connected through all the different ifttt networks like each actual pbn has its own ifttt network and as it says here there’s a large geographical spread for IP diversity ok so I’m and because of the I’ve Tina works you also get a lot more in beds and good quality social backlinks now I’m once I’ve done that now I’m going to take your keywords and i’m going to put those keywords into spin tax and now i’m going to create what’s called the Tier one campaign normally you’ll get somewhere between three to five hundred links on a tier-one campaign ok so I’m if you’re I roofing contractor and you know your video title is you know roofing contractor and whatever the city is then I get the idea that that’s kind of like the main keyword that you going after so I’m going I’m going to take my roofing contractor blogs and i’m going to use your keywords i’m going to link out to your video out to your website and i’m probably going to weigh their own bed the video or embed the playlist or embed your google business map and i’m going to create a tier-one campaign all right now just let me show you what i mean by that and
ok as you can see here this is the money site so i always do three links so if you give me two URLs like say video URL and a website URL well then each blog post is going to have three links one or two will go to the video once the website or the other way around ok and this and in this blog module here there might be or blogs and this one – in this and so on ok I’m and so these blogs are all linking directly to the money site or to the URLs that you’ve provided and of course there’s all these social shares and Mike’s ok so that’s called the Tier one campaign i’m just going to move this over here and so what I’m going to do after that is I’m going to take that batch let’s say it’s tier links I’m now going to create approximately twenty campaigns and i’m going to create batches of links so in other words all these tier links i’m going to break them into batches of and then i’m going to back link all of those tier links and i’m going to use that will do that with this diagram here so now here the money site becomes the tier link ok and then there’s to blogs and here which would like the tier two and then there’s to blogs and here which is the tr-b linking to the tier and so on ok and this is obviously tr but of course i’m doing campaigns so and i’m going to be doing campaigns across the niche so for example let me just grab a gig here now we said before roofing I’ll just get rid of these things in the background there we go come on roofing gig ok so he is all of the blog categories ok so now i’m going to do with campaign using metal roofing blogs and these metal roofing blogs are going to link back to the first batch of tier links and i’m going to do wrote residential roofing like take those residential roofing blogs and they’re going to link back to the second batch of tier links and i’m going to do that throughout like roof replacement ok so each one of these categories have blogs the theme for that category so if i go over to here you can see all the blog categories and the number of blogs in each category so for example if i went to a roofing contractor ok so you know maybe the first one the tier was roofing contractors so now we’ve got the category roofing company so if there’s blogs all theme for a roofing company and so these roofing company blogs are going to link to you know the tier links same with recent roofing estimates roofing prices roofing services and basically all the different categories to do with roofing ok roof coatings roof cleaning you know so I’m you know your tier links and now we’re going to be back linked from blogs across your niche and these are this is very important because these are obviously all relevant to the niche so if you’ve got blogs about you know residential roofing and they’re linking to some two tier links which are on blogs all to do with roofing company will obviously it’s relevant and this is what Google’s looking for that don’t want to see links coming from a flower shop or a bicycle shop linking to a roofing blog or roofing website so all of this is relevant that’s why these gigs are very very powerful okay then what’s gonna happen is that these gigs are going to be sent to a proprietary indexing system which actually uses the google webmaster submit tool so not every link is going to be indexed but you don’t want all the links to be index because that actually wouldn’t be natural but just because it isn’t index doesn’t mean that Google can’t see it ok and then what I’m going to do is I’m going to put everything into a Google Drive folder so you’re going to see you know before and after shots from majestic like here’s the here’s the video metrix before i started is the metric since i started ok maybe I should give you an example of that I’ll just go into my Google Drive folder wrong folder your guy still the wrong folder maybe this one yeah there we go ok so this this one so here’s an order that i did so PB ends so you can see here’s the PN’s and this is the metrics before i started and here’s the metrics since i started okay or since I finished rather let’s have a look at another one just looking for a gig that I’ve done recently like one of the bigs and as you can see I’ve got a lot of different clients here and actually let’s let me go into here manage sales completed ok so let’s have a look at this one alright here’s the PN’s so I PB ends is the metrics before i started his the metrics after i finished okay and so I show the PBS don’t show the actual PN’s but I obviously give you some idea that you know the works been done and he is all the links so here is all the tier links that i created ok so that there was you know links and then here’s all the tier two links actually linking to the tier links and of course you can click on any one of these but when i send you the links i actually take away the ability to you know copy and download because i don’t want people spamming these links so i don’t want them like hitting them with GSA or anything like that all right now so anyway so in summary are and here’s another important point is that when i do the i’m actually using a mix of ninety percent Jack generic anchor text that’s completely safe ok I’m not over optimizing now so what you’re getting is getting powerful in beds on high authority tumblers and PBS and have trust flow citation flow and domain authority then you’re getting em beds on each at and nice relevant backlinks on web two point I which you know a role good quality word to point I recognize and indexed by Google and of course those links a tiered the social shares there’s like those views and of course then I provide a report are in a Google Drive folder to show you that the work is all being done ok so you know a lot of these gigs as it says here this gig is amazing out video want from than you to number one in a two-day period we’ll be using again without a doubt you know so i have a lot of success stories like that of course I’m not perfect as you can see you know I do have some negatives I’ve got one negative review but basically i have five star reviews and many people are adding my gigs as their favorite I’m i think the the second step video power punch i’ll just go back to that one now this is had star reviews and of course not everybody leaves a review some people just can’t be bothered or whatever but like this gig has been you know it’s been favorited by people so people aren’t going to create a favor if they didn’t think there was any value in the service and you know so you know I put these gigs together to try and help people you know to obviously rank their videos you know I I don’t promise to rank because i’m just working with what I’ve got but you know I there’s enough power here to really improve the ranking of your video boosts the website google map so I you can always see all the categories that i have here you know maybe one of these big gigs is a bit out of your price range i do have cheaper gigs and it’s just a matter of you know going through and checking all of these out you know and of course I’m happy to answer any questions okay so you know other people will say that there are video marketing expert but you know they probably don’t have detailed gigs like I have here my gigs are primarily designed for anybody looking to improve their video ranks ok and of course i have over million blogs i’ll just show you that I’ll just go to one of my accounts I have three servers with VPS and that’s how am i able to create so many blogs and obviously serve many customers so as you can see i have ,, sorry ,, , blogs ok so I definitely have the blog’s needed to power up pretty much anyone in any niche and you can see all of the gigs are here so these these are primarily local video marketing gigs ok because these are all niche specific these are these are basically you’re , plus gigs so you know you can always do a search for buy backlinks video SEO services video expert in fact i’ll just go into google called need oh and google encoding sorry so there here you see buy backlinks video SEO services video in beds so you can find me this way and then you would just click on this and then you can have a look at the different blogs and if you’re into local video marketing then of course you can click on you know one of these gig links ok if you’ve got any questions then you know make sure you come over and join the video marketing group and i can add you I don’t add anybody unless they actually request to be added or you can always you know right to me on conquer conquers actually it’s kind of like a but it’s better and it’s free to set up an account and you can always write to me here and I’m happy to answer any questions so anyway I’m pretty sure I’ve covered everything that I do you know if you just after some basic boosting maybe you want to you know give your channel boost I mean I’ve got all sorts of different gigs maybe you’re doing the Meo maybe you’re working in you know different foreign languages I’ve got all sorts of things and of course i’m adding to them all the time so anyway I’m going to just drop this down a little bit and I’ll stop stop share and that should come back to me yeah so anyway so of course you know i could say yes I my video SEO expert but I think if you you know look at what I just put together and shown you the different gig shown you the video marketing group I’m you know you can decide yourself if you know if you you know you can decide whether you think I know what I’m doing when it comes to improving the ranking of the video ok now if you do have any questions please feel free to leave a comment below and i will get back to you if you found this video helpful and useful of course give it a light give it a share and you know go to the links i’m actually building out the SEO video hero.com website that you can also check out the video marketing Goodall come over and join the group ok anyway have a great day and thanks for watching my video.
This video, https://youtu.be/ByTEhbdZxds, can also be seen at https://www.youtube.com/user/198922.
0 notes
andres233 · 8 years ago
Video SEO Expert – Video Marketing Services SEO – Video SEO Company
Below is the Video Transcript.
G’day folks its Tony hear from the video marketing group now the reason why I’m making this video is basically it’s about video SEO expert ok I’m i have been running the video marketing group since I think it’s been October september-october last year and of course i have a lot of members now and a lot of people are interested in how to improve the rankings of the video in both YouTube and Google obviously a lot of guys or local marketers and they’re trying to get these videos racks well I’m understanding this and obviously trying to write my own videos i have put together a very very large collection of video SEO services ok gigs for you know improving the rankings of videos or boosting a website up in the Serbs are or even boosting I local google business map now I’m just let me share my screen with you here ok so here’s a video marketing group ok and as you can see I’ve got you know eight members and got some very very big ser guys in here some faces you recommend obviously i’m not going to scroll through the whole list but there’s some very big guys and here obviously jumping in from time to time and helping answering questions but this is a very very strong community and obviously it’s all about video marketing you know making videos video production ranking videos all that kind of thing ok and obviously this is the group that i found it ok so anyway so that’s the video marketing group and then I put all of my gigs on concrete used to be called source market but now it’s called conquer and as you can see here reviews and one bad review ok so if you click on any one of these gigs you will see that i have I . seven percent positive writing and obviously some steps here I you know there have been a couple of orders which I didn’t get to him actually currently here and a strike Iran are working holiday and over the christmas break I I didn’t deliver on time on some of them so that’s why i have some percentages here but basically I have a lot of nice specific gigs so we’ll just go through them and you can see landscape is plastic surgery handyman shipping containers you know foreign language like if you’re doing German stuff concrete chiropractors auto detailing accident turning roofing attorney lawyers kitchen remodeling I mean there’s a whole heap of gigs here so no matter what you’re trying to do I’ve probably or what niche that you’re in I probably have I gig or a service that can actually help you improve the ranking of your video boost the website or the google map ok so now if there’s a particular niche that I don’t have then this is the gig that you would order it’s called the seven-step video power punch and I’ll just actually go over the gig ok so it’s $ and you can order either a thousand blogs or you can upgrade with another $ to the , plus and as it says here this gig is for anyone who wants to improve the video ranking boost a map listing power up their parasites sides or boost the website safely okay so step one is I’m actually going to either create an article or do a video embed on hi powerful authority tumblr blogs ok that’s actually the first step and these are all you know tumblers that have been hand-picked for the excellent metrics and and obviously have a good back linking profile the next step is that I’m going to and this is primarily for youtube videos I’m going to take the YouTube URL and also include a link back to your channel or the playlist and i’m going to embed that on PBS okay and these pbn Tsar basically made up of high quality ho minds that are all socially connected through all the different ifttt networks like each actual pbn has its own ifttt network and as it says here there’s a large geographical spread for IP diversity ok so I’m and because of the I’ve Tina works you also get a lot more in beds and good quality social backlinks now I’m once I’ve done that now I’m going to take your keywords and i’m going to put those keywords into spin tax and now i’m going to create what’s called the Tier one campaign normally you’ll get somewhere between three to five hundred links on a tier-one campaign ok so I’m if you’re I roofing contractor and you know your video title is you know roofing contractor and whatever the city is then I get the idea that that’s kind of like the main keyword that you going after so I’m going I’m going to take my roofing contractor blogs and i’m going to use your keywords i’m going to link out to your video out to your website and i’m probably going to weigh their own bed the video or embed the playlist or embed your google business map and i’m going to create a tier-one campaign all right now just let me show you what i mean by that and
ok as you can see here this is the money site so i always do three links so if you give me two URLs like say video URL and a website URL well then each blog post is going to have three links one or two will go to the video once the website or the other way around ok and this and in this blog module here there might be or blogs and this one – in this and so on ok I’m and so these blogs are all linking directly to the money site or to the URLs that you’ve provided and of course there’s all these social shares and Mike’s ok so that’s called the Tier one campaign i’m just going to move this over here and so what I’m going to do after that is I’m going to take that batch let’s say it’s tier links I’m now going to create approximately twenty campaigns and i’m going to create batches of links so in other words all these tier links i’m going to break them into batches of and then i’m going to back link all of those tier links and i’m going to use that will do that with this diagram here so now here the money site becomes the tier link ok and then there’s to blogs and here which would like the tier two and then there’s to blogs and here which is the tr-b linking to the tier and so on ok and this is obviously tr but of course i’m doing campaigns so and i’m going to be doing campaigns across the niche so for example let me just grab a gig here now we said before roofing I’ll just get rid of these things in the background there we go come on roofing gig ok so he is all of the blog categories ok so now i’m going to do with campaign using metal roofing blogs and these metal roofing blogs are going to link back to the first batch of tier links and i’m going to do wrote residential roofing like take those residential roofing blogs and they’re going to link back to the second batch of tier links and i’m going to do that throughout like roof replacement ok so each one of these categories have blogs the theme for that category so if i go over to here you can see all the blog categories and the number of blogs in each category so for example if i went to a roofing contractor ok so you know maybe the first one the tier was roofing contractors so now we’ve got the category roofing company so if there’s blogs all theme for a roofing company and so these roofing company blogs are going to link to you know the tier links same with recent roofing estimates roofing prices roofing services and basically all the different categories to do with roofing ok roof coatings roof cleaning you know so I’m you know your tier links and now we’re going to be back linked from blogs across your niche and these are this is very important because these are obviously all relevant to the niche so if you’ve got blogs about you know residential roofing and they’re linking to some two tier links which are on blogs all to do with roofing company will obviously it’s relevant and this is what Google’s looking for that don’t want to see links coming from a flower shop or a bicycle shop linking to a roofing blog or roofing website so all of this is relevant that’s why these gigs are very very powerful okay then what’s gonna happen is that these gigs are going to be sent to a proprietary indexing system which actually uses the google webmaster submit tool so not every link is going to be indexed but you don’t want all the links to be index because that actually wouldn’t be natural but just because it isn’t index doesn’t mean that Google can’t see it ok and then what I’m going to do is I’m going to put everything into a Google Drive folder so you’re going to see you know before and after shots from majestic like here’s the here’s the video metrix before i started is the metric since i started ok maybe I should give you an example of that I’ll just go into my Google Drive folder wrong folder your guy still the wrong folder maybe this one yeah there we go ok so this this one so here’s an order that i did so PB ends so you can see here’s the PN’s and this is the metrics before i started and here’s the metrics since i started okay or since I finished rather let’s have a look at another one just looking for a gig that I’ve done recently like one of the bigs and as you can see I’ve got a lot of different clients here and actually let’s let me go into here manage sales completed ok so let’s have a look at this one alright here’s the PN’s so I PB ends is the metrics before i started his the metrics after i finished okay and so I show the PBS don’t show the actual PN’s but I obviously give you some idea that you know the works been done and he is all the links so here is all the tier links that i created ok so that there was you know links and then here’s all the tier two links actually linking to the tier links and of course you can click on any one of these but when i send you the links i actually take away the ability to you know copy and download because i don’t want people spamming these links so i don’t want them like hitting them with GSA or anything like that all right now so anyway so in summary are and here’s another important point is that when i do the i’m actually using a mix of ninety percent Jack generic anchor text that’s completely safe ok I’m not over optimizing now so what you’re getting is getting powerful in beds on high authority tumblers and PBS and have trust flow citation flow and domain authority then you’re getting em beds on each at and nice relevant backlinks on web two point I which you know a role good quality word to point I recognize and indexed by Google and of course those links a tiered the social shares there’s like those views and of course then I provide a report are in a Google Drive folder to show you that the work is all being done ok so you know a lot of these gigs as it says here this gig is amazing out video want from than you to number one in a two-day period we’ll be using again without a doubt you know so i have a lot of success stories like that of course I’m not perfect as you can see you know I do have some negatives I’ve got one negative review but basically i have five star reviews and many people are adding my gigs as their favorite I’m i think the the second step video power punch i’ll just go back to that one now this is had star reviews and of course not everybody leaves a review some people just can’t be bothered or whatever but like this gig has been you know it’s been favorited by people so people aren’t going to create a favor if they didn’t think there was any value in the service and you know so you know I put these gigs together to try and help people you know to obviously rank their videos you know I I don’t promise to rank because i’m just working with what I’ve got but you know I there’s enough power here to really improve the ranking of your video boosts the website google map so I you can always see all the categories that i have here you know maybe one of these big gigs is a bit out of your price range i do have cheaper gigs and it’s just a matter of you know going through and checking all of these out you know and of course I’m happy to answer any questions okay so you know other people will say that there are video marketing expert but you know they probably don’t have detailed gigs like I have here my gigs are primarily designed for anybody looking to improve their video ranks ok and of course i have over million blogs i’ll just show you that I’ll just go to one of my accounts I have three servers with VPS and that’s how am i able to create so many blogs and obviously serve many customers so as you can see i have ,, sorry ,, , blogs ok so I definitely have the blog’s needed to power up pretty much anyone in any niche and you can see all of the gigs are here so these these are primarily local video marketing gigs ok because these are all niche specific these are these are basically you’re , plus gigs so you know you can always do a search for buy backlinks video SEO services video expert in fact i’ll just go into google called need oh and google encoding sorry so there here you see buy backlinks video SEO services video in beds so you can find me this way and then you would just click on this and then you can have a look at the different blogs and if you’re into local video marketing then of course you can click on you know one of these gig links ok if you’ve got any questions then you know make sure you come over and join the video marketing group and i can add you I don’t add anybody unless they actually request to be added or you can always you know right to me on conquer conquers actually it’s kind of like a but it’s better and it’s free to set up an account and you can always write to me here and I’m happy to answer any questions so anyway I’m pretty sure I’ve covered everything that I do you know if you just after some basic boosting maybe you want to you know give your channel boost I mean I’ve got all sorts of different gigs maybe you’re doing the Meo maybe you’re working in you know different foreign languages I’ve got all sorts of things and of course i’m adding to them all the time so anyway I’m going to just drop this down a little bit and I’ll stop stop share and that should come back to me yeah so anyway so of course you know i could say yes I my video SEO expert but I think if you you know look at what I just put together and shown you the different gig shown you the video marketing group I’m you know you can decide yourself if you know if you you know you can decide whether you think I know what I’m doing when it comes to improving the ranking of the video ok now if you do have any questions please feel free to leave a comment below and i will get back to you if you found this video helpful and useful of course give it a light give it a share and you know go to the links i’m actually building out the SEO video hero.com website that you can also check out the video marketing Goodall come over and join the group ok anyway have a great day and thanks for watching my video.
This video, https://youtu.be/ByTEhbdZxds, can also be seen at https://www.youtube.com/user/198922.
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