#c: pink minyard
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aceaaroniscanon · 7 years ago
neil: andrew, i’m so happy i could kiss you!
andrew: (nervous gay laughter) um……………. neat!
andrew: (lying face down on his bed) i can’t believe i said ‘neat’, aaron. ‘neat.’ nobody says ‘neat’ anymore! it’s the goddamn 21st century!! it’s not neat to say neat, but i said it anyway because i’m! a huge loser!
aaron: (idly turns textbook page) hey, don’t beat yourself up. everyone gets nervous sometimes. remember what happened when katelyn confessed to me?
andrew: didn’t you like, thank her?
aaron: (closes textbook to stare at the ceiling) i thanked her.
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fallingin-like · 5 years ago
november 21
push to talk by @alexjosten​ [requested by @nikothespoonklepto]
see which other fics i’m reviewing this month! / my review request post!
this is a delightfully engaging fic based on the game firewatch that follows neil as he spends a summer as a fire lookout, isolated except for radio communication with andrew, a fire lookout in the adjacent sector of the park. this is such an intense, fun, beautiful, and humorous fic.
i remember enjoying this so much as it came out, eagerly awaiting each new chapter. you drew me in so easily and deeply that i watched a whole playthrough of this game. i can fully appreciate how well you were able to translate the plot, gameplay, interactions between characters, and the stunning visuals so so seamlessly and have it aftg so well.
some parts that stood out to me:
”dusk settles on the trees like clay powder, dusting the evergreens with a red tint” woah this is such a gorgeous way of starting off this fic.
”the moon extends her helping hand to guide him out into a clearing. here, neil can see. but also, he can be seen” i love these descriptions, and our introduction to neil. 
”he ignores his sleeping bag and the strict instructions to camp at nightfall and continue during the day” ah yes, Neil I Do What I Want Josten strikes again, with little regard for what people tell him to do
”if he’s not careful, the black dirt beneath his feet could bleed crimson. the exact combination of colours he came out here to avoid” this is stunning. i am immediately drawn into this fic, wanting to know what or who exactly neil is running from, and where he’s going
”buttermilk rays whisk the shadows of leaves into a dance on the forest floor beneath his feet” !! buttermilk?? somehow that works so so well
”the irony of calling it that in his head isn’t lost on him, and he vows to avoid that comparison again” what a subtle detail, but so telling! i am pretty bad with reading tags a lot of the time, so this was a great introduction to raven!neil
”it’s as exposing as it is freeing. he can’t feel trapped when he can see for miles every way he turns” wow it’s still so early in the fic, but you’ve already done an exceptional job at justifying neil choosing to come here, to escape.
foxtrot tower is such a cute name! i love that it’s not something directly taken from the books, this name seems to fit this au so well. i know that you likely had the game as reference for the tower, but i really liked the way you describe it, you were able to establish the same tone that exists in the game, but you did it through words instead of visuals and audio, something that really impresses me
”glad to hear you’re literate enough to have read the dossier” ohmygoodness ANDREW
”andrew’s tone is playful. neil thinks it might even be flirtatious, but he doesn’t care enough right now to find out” as much as i enjoy oblivious!neil, i appreciate that this version of neil is more aware, he seems more in tune with things around him. it fits better with this story, with the isolation and only communication being through the radio
”the sky slips into a more comfortable pink, the sun laying down to rest amongst the mountains” am i ever going to get over your descriptions of the environment? i don’t think so
of course neil goes for a run, basically right after doing a super intense two day hike in one day
”andrew sounds agitated” I LOVE THIS
oh dang, neil’s panic is so sudden, i’m so immersed that i immediately felt nervous too
”it’s our job to watch the horizon, neil. it’s not my fault you’re on mine” oh this is so good
”neil doesn’t believe in coincidences. he believes in traps and ill intentions, because that’s all his life has been until now”  it’s honestly amazing how quickly the atmosphere of this fic has turned to something a little bit darker, kind of scary. we know neil as a runner, but the idea of someone finding him so soon and trying to lure him out? gives me chills
“he doesn’t realise his hands are shaking until he struggles to press the push-to-talk button” PUSH TO TALK I AM SO FOND OF FICS THAT INCLUDE THE TITLE OF THE FIC IN THEIR FIC. also shaky hands are my kryptonite
”he also takes the cleaver from the kitchen counter” NEIL I- I AM SPEECHLESS
”a small sensible part of his brain tries to convince him that there are much easier ways to kill him than leading him out in the middle of nowhere, in a forest that he told nobody from his past life that he would be living in, where he uses a new name that nobody knows” !! good to hear that neil has a sensible part of his brain LOL
”but underestimating his enemies and their taste for dramatics would be a mistake” neil of all people does have a good reason for being paranoid. i love that you have this separated as a different paragraph, i read it differently because of it and i think that it adds more gravity to the sentence
”there, he finds a lipstick-red tent, zipper teeth yawning open to reveal two pink sleeping bag tongues” the imagery!!! incredible
”he feels like a walking timebomb” yeah i am definitely nervous for neil
”’girls don’t do it for you?’ andrew’s curiosity has a hopeful slant” OHMYGOODNESS ANDREW
”andrew’s voice is a firm, solid reassurance” bless andrew
”neil never thought he’d be relieved to meet someone who didn’t like exy” i also never thought that. neil you are a changed man
ooh the backstory to the fireworks is so good! i was also thinking it was a little out of character, but this is the perfect reason that renee would let it slide!
”the stars are withering in the purpling sky” i could cry because i love your writing so much
the easygoing banter between andrew and neil is so great, their conversation is interesting and flows really well
”he’s almost home” it amazes me and really shows something about this version of neil that he’s so quick to call this tower his home
”i know i needed to do this, but i am not sure i am ready to be so alone” woah break my heart why don’t you? this hits really close to home,, how dare you make me feel emotions
”i usually take a more straightforward approach” andrew never lies, but this is the truest thing he has ever said
”they’ll probably never meet, because neil intends on spending the rest of his summer without meeting another soul, andrew included” hmmm why do i have the sneaking suspicion that this will not be the case?
”neil’s not sure what grindr is but his face heats up all the same” this sentence is a MOOD (except i do know what grindr is)
”andrew’s response is sharp like a blade. ‘why? because one of the girls called you scarface?’ neil feels himself flinch” hhh i am secretly a very big fan of scenes that include neil’s scars, so you got me here
”andrew keeps neil company on the hour hike up to the north of his sector, but his usual commentary seems a bit strained today” uhH what’s going on, i’m getting scared
ohmygoodness, neil leaving andrew pictures and a sweatshirt? so so so cute
”he imagines the fear they felt when they saw him holding it wasn’t too unlike the fear that used to paralyse him when his father, or lola, would threaten him back home” woah this is good
i would bet that allison was the one to write that letter haha i can imagine that renee is likely kind of shaken by the incident, otherwise she might not have let allison leave it behind
andrew is such a good companion for neil, calming him both by his presence and by logically explaining what could have happened to the tent. he’s an anchor
”he feels like the cleaver he had attempted to defend himself with on his first day now carries a foreboding aura” YEAH I’M GETTING PRETTY NERVOUS TOO
woah so interesting to learn about neil’s backstory and his reason for not going pro “his offers to join pro teams curled up like dead leaves in a fire” dang, referencing both his burns and his new job? so good
oo that subtle way of mentioning andrew’s memory
i am so emotional, andrew is just so so good. makes me feel all the feelings ;-;
”andrew sounds like a bristled up cat tail” CUTE!!
i am dying to know what is going on in andrew’s head, during this conversation, when he left his tower to see neil, and really, just throughout this whole fic
woah i really like the way that you had neil describe his asexuality. it’s something that i recognize in myself and i like the way that you handled it.
them drawing each other?? peak cute. i want that to happen to me (have someone who doesn’t know what i look like try and draw me)
”neil waits for him to say more. he doesn’t. oh. that’s why. ‘heh’” LOLOL
you know what, i actually,,, only recognized the name draco malfoy LOL
ANDREW PRETENDING THAT HE DOESN’T ACTUALLY KNOW AARON OH MY GOODNESS. I CANNOT BELIEVE HE PRETENDED TO GET HIS NAME WRONG. “i look like him. but hotter and better dressed” ANDREW HOW GOOD TO YOU DRESS YOU LIVE IN THE MIDDLE OF A FOREST. this whole section is hilarious and really helps lighten the tone and keep things playful
”’why would i wear that?’ andrew’s response is too quick and defensive” *unintelligible screaming*
”neil gets into the routine of falling asleep next to his radio, talking to andrew deep into the night, far past his ability to keep his eyes open. they take turns drifting off mid conversation…” this is the softest thing ever
”considering neil’s job is to prevent forest fires, there’s a certain irony in how beautiful the park is when painted the colours of flames” oh (like a good oh)
”his heart tumbles from his chest and falls to the bottom of the ravine. he doesn’t understand why it was so close to the railings of his ribcage in the first place” this is so so beautiful even though it’s describing something so sad. makes me feel achy
drunk andrew. how is it that you, alexjosten, seem to know everything that i love in a fic?
”neil’s cabin floods with light. how real is neil josten without nathaniel wesninski filling his shell? with a snap, it’s gone.” uh this is so incredible, i love how you split everything up into its own paragraph, their conversation so similar to the storm. ugh i can’t get enough
”still, neil feels the change: the undeniable part of him where his branches have been torn asunder and his bark has been scorched away to expose his core” every time i think that this sentence is the best, and every time you blow me away again. i can’t describe how this sentence makes me feel
the scene of neil rescuing allison and renee fills me with adrenaline, it’s so intense
having the girls recognize neil was like being trapped in a nightmare, there was nothing i could do but read on and see how it ends. dajsflks. but also i really hope that neil got back his jacket and sweater lol
dang, how does andrew know kevin?
andrew’s gifts for neil are so cute. i am here just freaking out!!!!
“you sweet, sheltered city child” oh my goodness adorable
”you’re going to go nuts when i tell you what a caterpillar turns into” ANDREW
honestly, i’m a little surprised that neil wasn’t supplied with bear spray
”’andrew, i don’t think they’re coming for me.’ ‘of course they’re not.’ neil’s heart sinks. ‘they’re not?’ ‘i am’” KFAJSDFJPOJAFD THIS GLORIOUS INTERACTION WILL FOREVER BE WITH ME
”we had your face on a dart board in the break room” AHHHH
”the only consolation is it smells of the andrew who just walked two hours to rescue him from the side of a cliff, and then spent another two hours carrying him here” i don’t even know what to say
wait andrew knew who neil was the whole time oh my goodness
THE GAME IS ANIMAL CROSSING. this is now and forevermore considered canon! 
”half of andrew’s sandwich is in his mouth, and he kind of looks like a hamster” adorable!
okay okay jean and jeremy being the two trading letters? so so good.
the last chapter was amazing, i loved the way that you wrote the interactions between andrew and neil, they fit so well together. i also appreciate that you deviated from the game and had them meet! it is infinitely more satisfying. this was such an easy fic to read, everything felt right. i love your characterization of both of them. to have andrew treat neil the way that he did, knowing who neil was? amazing
also, can i just say that the moodboards that you include at the beginning of each chapter are amazing? they really helped with establishing the tone of the fic.
this fic is so intense, i was constantly amazed by how i was so fully immersed in it. everything that neil felt, i felt. your descriptions were gorgeous and i could not get enough of them. there were so many small details, sentences that were pure gems, that rereading this was just as, if not more, enjoyable than the first time. i really cannot put to words how much i loved reading this. thank you so so much for writing it!
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vlctorvale · 7 years ago
top 5 words; top 5 characters; top 5 colour combinations
ok that’s a lot kfjdkf gimme a sec
top 5 words
1. sprezzatura
2. saudade
3. vicious
4. smoke
5. thorns
top 5 characters
1. andrew minyard
2. neil josten
3. victor vale
4. isabelle lightwood
5. julian blackthorn
top 5 color combinations
1. black and white (sorry i’m a basic bitch)
2. pink and aqua
3. green and pink
4. pale pink and gray
5. dark blue and gold
ask me my top 5 anything
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waestlandbaby · 7 years ago
So apparently I reached 1k without even noticing (you guys are great, I love you all ❤) which honestly, thank you to everybody who is following this humble little blog. This means a lot to me so I've decided to reward you guys with a little game, please play along?
1k Moodboards:
Send me a letter (theme) and a number (character/ship/team) via message or askbox and I'll make you a moodboard from it. You can send it anonymously if you want.
A. Random
B. Red
C. Blue
D. Yellow
E. Green
F. Pink
G. Grey
H. Black
I. White
J. Orange
K. Purple
L. Pale
M. Dark
N. Happy
O. Minimalist
P. Alternating colours (you choose the colours)
Q. Magic au
R. Hogwarts au
S. Lgbtqa+ au (you choose)
T. Alternative teams au
U. Punk au
V. Nerd au
W. Different sport au
X. Mobster au
Y. De-aged (will not so shippy edits with this theme)
Z. Other (you choose)
1. Neil Josten
2. Andrew Minyard
3. Kevin Day
4. Aaron Minyard
5. Nicky Hemmick
6. Dan Wilds
7. Matt Boyd
8. Renee Walker
9. Allison Reynolds
10. Seth Gordon
11. David Wymack
12. Abby Winfield
13. Betsy Dobson
14. Jean Moreau
15. Riko Moriyama
16. Ichirou Moriyama
17. Thea Muldani
18. Jeremy Knox
19. Alvarez (Sara?)
20. Laila Dermott
21. Katelyn
22. Kaylie Day
23. Eric Klose
24. Nathan Wesninski
25. Mary Hatford
26. Twinyards
27. The Monsters
28. The Upperclassmen
29. Andrew/Neil
30. Dan/Matt
31. Allison/Seth
32. David/Abby
33. Aaron/Katelyn
34. Nicky/Eric
35. Andrew/Kevin
36. Kevin/Neil
37. Andrew/Kevin/Neil
38. Allison/Renee
39. Allison/Dan/Renee
40. Jean/Jeremy
41. Laila/Alvarez
42. Jean/Renee
43. Kevin/Aaron
44. Kevin/Thea
45. Kevin/Jeremy
46. Kevin/Jean
47. Kevin/Thea/Jean
48. Kevin/Jeremy/Jean
49. Neil/Jean
50. Andrew/Roland
51. Matt/Dan/Allison
52. Matt/Neil
53. Matt/Kevin/Dan
54. Renee & Andrew
55. Ichirou/Stuart
56. Other Ships (sorry if i forgot any really obvious ones 😂 ((will not do riko/anybody because I can't knowingly pair him with anyone and be okay about it)))
57. The Foxes
58. The Ravens
59. The Trojans
60. Other Teams (you choose)
61. Riko's Perfect Court
62. USA Olympic Team
63. David & Kevin
64. Betsy & Andrew
65. David/Kaylee
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gabtapia · 3 years ago
Thanks for tagging me C 💙
Prince Wilhelm (young Royals)
Andrew Minyard (all for the game)
Neil josten (all for the game)
Ty Blackthorn (TSC specifically TDA)
Alex Claremont-Diaz (RWRB)
Henry Windsor (RWRB)
August Landry (One last stop)
Wes (one last stop)
Matt Boyd (all for the game)
Peter parker ( Spiderman no way home)
@thomastaircompassrose @azrielsblade @queen-born-out-of-fire @dark-artifices-only @lucie-blackthorns @tiredassbibliophile @pink-party-dino
10 characters tag game
add ten characters you fell in love with in 2021, whether you liked them before this year but really fell for them now or just met them, and tag 10 (or more, if you want) people
My 10 characters I feel in love with in 2021:
Wilhelm (Young Royals)
Simon (Young Royals)
Henry (Red, White and Royal Blue)
Alex (Red, White and Royal Blue)
Leyla (New Amsterdam) such a badass
Kai (New Amsterdam) freaking knew they were trans but him talking about it? Yes pls
Luisa (Encanto) she is so amazing and her song slaps
Mobius (Loki) I already love Loki hehe
Lev (The Last of Us Part 2) I just love him so much and when I saw the gameplay again I fell such a strong urge to protect this child
Marina (Professor Layton movie) she is so adorable her and Luke are just the cutest
Thank you so much for the tag @eyeofthedrgn 💜💜💜 (the first four are like yours haha)
Sorry if you've already been tagged but tagging @macang-world @yoonsdelights @verarin142 @existentialcrisis-servedhot @ladyauroraborealis @thosearehisfish @randomsmilingpotatoes @gaypoetprince @tamaraheartz @purplehoodiesimon
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foxesrefuge · 8 years ago
I got tagged by @andrewminyarrr and @requiemofkings. Thank you so much, I love yoooooou TT_TT
Rules: tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better
Nickname: Alex, Sasha Zodiac sign: Scorpio Height: 5,3 Last Thing You Googled: Mosul news Favourite music artist: there are way too many but my heart will always beat faster for the neighbourhood Song stuck in my head: right at this moment it’s I’m still feelin’ it by Mistah and F.A.B. Last Movie you watched: uff when was the last time I’ve watched a movie. I’ve marathoned Hannibal (<333333) and Skam just recently (<333 what a combo) What are you wearing right now: the ugliest shit u can imagine Why did you choose your URL: I was thinking about a save place to hide, kinda came up with this but I don’t like the url at all XDDD Do you have any other blogs: my main blog  What Did Your Last Relationship Teach You: that I am confused af and it’s all about the soul and deep connection with another person Religious Or Spiritual: spiritual Favourite Colour: oooooh uh black and white(ik ssh) for sure, very light pastel pink Average Hours Of Sleep: hahahhahaha what is sleep Lucky Number: // Favorite characters: oooh dang there are so many uhh okay, currently: •Will Graham • Kageyama Tobio (hq characters in general) • Dazai Osamu • everyone form ATLA (<33333) • Jim Hawkins • Stiles Stilinsky • Andrew Minyard • Akatsuki (ma bois TT_TT) • Suigetsu • Sai • Yato (<<<333333) • and my heart beats faster for the bad guys in general How Many Blankets Do you Sleep With: 1 Dream Job: actress
man 20 are too many, everyone has done this by now but I’d love to know you guys better: @c-valentino @sheerpoetry7 @robincross @magickko @50-points-for-ravenclaw @miniwave333 @kvday @le-chat-noah
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sixinchrainbowheels · 8 years ago
so you’ve heard of the cheerleader!neil au where he used to cheer (if you’ve never heard of it check it out here) but are you ready for
the au where he never stopped
alternately titled the vixen!neil au
- he’s a good cheerleader, okay. gOOD. the vixens’ coach knows it. his high school coach knows it, despite how much he tries to hold back. 
- he pretended to not know how to do a back handspring at the first practice. 
- he tried so hard. 
- then he realized they wouldn’t let him on the team without one and miraculously learned it. 
- neil josten is Not Smooth
- he never stops pretending not to know things
- his coach never stops being Tired of His Shit
- anyway, he’s scouted by the Vixens’ coach at a Millport game where they’re doing halftime- since it was just a halftime performance where no one would care he mAY have done some killer tumbling passes in the spur of the moment
- cue high school coach groaning in the background
- anyway my son here gets somewhat forcibly recruited in a similar situation to Wymack’s attempt but involving abnormally sharp stilettos and an attempt at suffocation via pom-poms
- his reasoning is basically “yeah ok i shouldn’t be in the spotlight but hey i’m not playing exy. no one will suspect a thing. this is literally cheerleading.”
- i mean really, no one cares about competitive cheerleading except cheerleaders. this is a great plan.
- also, he’s somewhat in the exy loop and knows that kevin is at palmetto state. neil is so glad he isn’t going for exy. that would be terrible. he can’t even IMAGINE how awkward it would be to be on a team with that guy he was with that one time his dad sliced up a guy in front of them
- that would be awful
- so yeah neil’s a vixen now
- the only guy on the team r i p
- she loves him and shows it through forcing him through ten laps every time he fucks up
- as it turns out he’s a pretty Okay flyer but like…not the very best so he doesn’t do it often 
- but his tumbling passes
- oh his tumbling passes *sigh*
- kinda like this
- he can do crazy stuff ok like he starts out with like half speed and these freaking summer practices are bringing it uP
- so eventually school starts and of course people see him, the one guy on the team, and many assume he’s either banging half the team or gay
- he does nothing about rumors about him unless directly confronted, in which case he usually brings out the “i don’t swing” spiel
- the one time someone tries to make fun of him is the most likely time for it- the girls dragged him out shopping. he’s in a pink convertible with like, 10 girls and an obscene amount of shopping bags
- they picked him up after practice with “get in loser we’re going shopping”
- he didn’t actually get in, one of the larger-built back bases picked him up and just threw him in like he weighed nothing
- but anyway someone yells some generalized “you’re gay lol” type insult at him
- and these girls are on him in a s e c o n d
- the poor guy needed 15 bags of ice for all the burns
- afterward they were talking and some girls were talking about how apparently they were too affectionate and people thought they were dating and one was like “maybe it’s because i have a big L E S B I A N CRUSH ON YOU” in a very sassy, janis ian way and everyone laughs and poor neil is so confused and they were like “what? you don’t get it?”
- long story short, neil has like twenty new outfits and a disgusting amount of eyeliner and vixen movie night became a thing and the season hasn’t really even started
- he eventually meets the Foxes when Dan and the Vixens’ captain decide they don’t have enough camaraderie and the first fox-vixen get together is arranged in the basement of fox tower
- the foxens
- neil babbles about exy for ages and all the foxes are surprised about how much he knows
- the vixens are not
- they put up with him for the entire summer. when it wasn’t cheer it was exy. always one of the two.
- wow did you see nationals? I can’t believe how well mason’s flyer pulled off that triple- “NEIL” you guys were at last year’s third game? andrew minyard was so- “nEILLLL”
- anyway, he’s a bit awkward around kevin because you know that thing but kevin doesn’t recognize him. it’s great. he talks strategy for ages; he’s been watching their games and has been dying to chat about ways to improve on what he’s seen of the team or strategize
- kevin is surprised at first but he ends up talking animatedly about exy. kevin’s a good guy, and he respects the work the cheerleaders put in, but he wishes neil played exy because he knows w a y more than the surface amount kevin expects from most cheerleaders and that’s p useful
- andrew is there, not really in a conversation, but he lurks on the outside of neil and kevin’s and pays attention because this boy is Pretty and Interesting
- matt also pays attention and ends up in the conversation after a little while because he’s supportive of the vixens’ only male cheerleader and he has to make sure neil knows this
- the other monsters ask around about neil (because let’s be real, they’d be intrigued by the one guy on the team, and nicky is certainly not letting such a cute one get past him)
- they end up getting the information that a) this guy is on the top of pyramids and b) boy can freaking tumble like a god
- nicky may mention neil on top is definitely not the worst idea he’s ever heard
- they relay this to andrew, who is kinda curious but refuses to acknowledge that because andrew minyard does not experience anything like interest dammit he is a cold and calculating midget
- so the next game the foxes has is against a really terrible team and by halftime they’re up like 8-2 it’s ridiculous
- andrew decides he’ll stay near the court for halftime and see the vixens’ show
- everyone notices but no one says anything because he has knives
- kevin stays too because this boy better have a good excuse for cheering instead of playing exy
- the routine is everything you’d expect and more: over-the-top, sassy, mind-bendingly fast paced, but N E I L
- andrew just stares
- he knew the vixens were good but s h i t
- he has to fight to keep his jaw from unhinging during neil’s tumbling passes like how does he move that fast how does he rotate like that hOW WHAT
- kevin’s in a similar state but he knows he can use this. the way neil’s jumping and flipping with minimal use of his hands??? imagine implementing that. imagine. revolutionary. 
- since the show doesn’t take all of halftime, kevin and andrew sneak into the locker room when it’s done
- they were Not Subtle
- wymack would have actually killed them if they weren’t winning by such a large margin
- anway after they win kevin pulls andrew aside
- “you saw what he was doing. please tell me you know where i want to go with this.”
- of course kevin has every intention of forcing neil to teach them how to do this crazy shit
- kevin does a little research and finds out when neil will be heading to fox tower after practice and using his “i’m kevin motherfucking day” charm he gets neil to help him learn how to tumble at nightly practices
- neil forces him to swear not to give out his name when people start asking where he gets this stuff, because like that would be Bad.
- it’s an uncertain, shaky thing, but it starts happening
- andrew starts joining because kevin wears him down (that’s not the only reason)
- the season goes on and oh no! the ravens are in our district now
- but get this
- it’s only about kevin.
- they didn’t notice neil. he’s a fucking cheerleader. no one important notices or cares
- there was no morning show fiasco, so seth is still alive!!!
- they got seth some professional help for the good of the plot and he’s been recovering from...everything and getting better at not getting carded every two seconds and communicating
- so no, they don’t win,
- but kevin ties it at the last second when he’s backed up by a backliner and he does a f u c k i n g aerial over her head and scores.
- riko’s face.
- literally everyone’s face.
- neil is cheering his heart out he is so proud 
- after the game, kevin tells the other foxes about neil and his tumbling and they start hanging out with him more because they couldn’t have won without him, and they can learn a lot
- the season goes on, neil gradually becomes okayish, he gets the love he deserves from the foxes and vixens and andrew
- neil starts teaching the foxes his cool tumbling stuff:
      - renee turns out to be fantastic at it, graceful and flexible queen she is
      - dan and nicky are pretty average, they’re learning
      - matt and allison... try 
      - seth and aaron don’t even try and never show up to night practice because let’s be real, it’s seth and aaron
- but hey, andrew’s really improving (probably because of the extra attention neil’s giving him) 
- he’ll mess up and neil will be like “you need to-” and andrew’s like “SHUT UP I KNOW” and neil grins because he totally doesn’t
- spotting someone’s tumbling is pretty up close and personal
- everyone ships it quietly and these idiots are so oblivious
- when andrew lands his first back handspring everyone cheers and he fails to not smile just a little
- they consume so much ice cream in celebration and alcohol
- of course this stuff takes time and by now the season is near over
- they have their trojan game and they work their butts off (even if USC has only ten players) because they don’t want to have to use their trump card yet and they manage not to, though renee almost does when the trojans score on her
- they move on and oh my god it’s the ravens
- they manage to not whip out the crazy shit until the second half, but then everything gets insane
- the first time they do it is when andrew and kevin make eye contact when riko has the ball and kevin knows he can’t stop him
- he gives andrew a nod that he meant to be subtle but he was too excited so it ended up as a very sharp upward jerk of his chin in the vague direction of riko
- andrew would have rolled his eyes but there was no time
- neil would have too if he wasn’t about to explode on the sidelines
- andrew flings himself back at an angle that would have been ridiculously dangerous if he hadn’t been practicing, slams the ball, and springs with his hands back upright
- the stands go wild.
- the vixens cheer their throats hoarse.
- the ball goes straight to kevin
- the next one is when kevin pulls the same aerial he used last time, but it gets blocked because nothing really works twice on the ravens
- from there it’s down to the now-very-gymnastic foxes versus the insane hardcore that is edgar allen
- some highlights:
     - someone tries to do a battering ram thing at dan and she does a toe-touch over him
      - kevin does seven more aerial shots; four of them make it in
      - andrew pulls out the stuff only one other time but when he does neil almost cries
- the final few seconds of the game:
      - riko fires high-speed at the goal and andrew s m a s h e s it down the court, directly at the raven’s goal.
      - the goalkeeper is surprised yet still gets it, but just barely; he hits it out of pure reflex without aim and it goes right at kevin. with one second left kevin passes to seth (who is very surprised) but he rebounds it into the goal and his Redemtion Arc™ is Complete as he encapsulated in a group hug
- after the game, everyone celebrates together, seth is happy, neil is happy, neil finally mAKES A DAMN MOVE
- and wow look at the news:
“BREAKING: Edgar Allen striker Riko Moriyama’s suicide?”
- and everyone lives happliy ever after
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actuallyjosten · 8 years ago
Get to Know me tag Meme
I was tagged by @eivri (thank you!!)
tag 20 people you’d like to get to know: (ignore this if u dont wanna)
@letrikobeking / @kirawalshii / @constantlyvexedaf / @reneewalkerofficial / @allisonreynoldsofficial / @allisongaynolds / @dorkabeth / @anxiousandgay / @thewarlocksbitch / @pynchinsky / @andrewsknives / @ghostzzy / @everythingsdifferentupsidedown / @nickyhemmick / @rikomoriyamaa / @nowthatsheaven / @hauntedmonmouth / @diivinations
this is only 19 but close enough
name: meredith
nickname: mer/mery
gender: female
star sign: aquarius
height: exactly one (1) minyard tall (5′0)
sexual orientation: bi
hogwarts house: ravenclaw :)
favourite colour: any pastel colour (particularly blue and purple and pink tho)
favourite animal: if bees count then that.
average hours of sleep: weekdays ~ 5hrs / weekends ~ 10hrs
number of blankets i sleep with: 3-4 i love being consumed in warmth its great
cat or dog person: DOGS 100% WITHOUT A DOUBT @passy fight me
favourite fictional characters: so soso so many (andrew minyard, renee walker, philip shea, ronan lynch, ADAM PARRISH, jude and noah sweetswine, and dude the list is wayyy too long)
favorite bands/singers: okay so Li introduced me to a lot of really cool bands and artists (THANKS FOR THE PLAYLIST OMG) so i’ve lately been listening to glass animals, jon bellion, oh wonder, cemetary sun, the xx, amber run, the shins, frank ocean, smallpools, alt-j, raleigh ritchie, bon iver, etc but also LORDE B/C I LOVE GREEN LIGHT???
dream trip: i rlly want to go to Spain?? theres a school trio next year but i cant go b/c i need the money to go away for uni :((((
dream job: children’s lawyer.
when was your blog created?: August of 2016
current number of followers: 71 (rlly want to hit 100)
what made you decide to make a tumblr: i’ve had a Tumblr before but i started to hate that blog so i decided to restart with a completely new account and am so so so happy i did. but before that was because I wanted to share and see more content of things i was interested in, mainly books.
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aceaaroniscanon · 7 years ago
HS AU Halloween Special - Post-HS Andreil Roadtrip
We’re still asking for prompts, but here’s a little test run from our old AU.
A clatter sounded out from down the unlit hall, the torchlight barely piercing through the darkness. It lit up the ground at his feet, at the very least, showing tufts of grass between cracks in the tiles.
Something wet hit his shoulder, seeping through his shirt and making him shiver. Out front, the sign had said that this was a hospital, back in the day. Now it barely seemed like the usual clinical buildings, looking like it housed more dead and dirty things than the contrary.
That was Andrew, still bumbling round the entrance. Neil had told him he was just going to look for a less mosquito-infested place to pee, but considering the state of this place, it wasn’t much worse for wear.
Footsteps, coming towards him.
“I’m leaving you, asshole,” came Andrew’s contrary words. Neil huffed, smiling into the darkness. Even if Neil had left the keys in the ignition, Andrew wouldn’t have left for the life of him.
“Have fun explaining it to both my mothers, Coach, Kevin, and Dan, love,” he muttered to himself. Though Kayleigh and Mary wouldn’t have been surprised if he’d died exploring an abandoned old hospital to piss, they would’ve at least sent Uncle Stuart, and how Andrew hated doting Uncle Stuart.
The footsteps came closer and closer, and now that Neil thought about it, maybe it wasn’t coming from the entrance.
He whipped around, swinging his torch wildly. He swore that the roaring in his ears couldn’t have possibly been his own heartbeat.
Andrew kept talking and walking. His voice was getting closer and closer, which was a relief because Neil was definitely not scared out of his wits. “Why couldn’t you just pick a tree and piss. No, you just had to go into the stupid, foreboding abandoned building that’s falling apart and standing right next to the fucking corn field.”
Andrew’s footsteps stopped, but something—or someone—else kept getting closer. Neil winced as Andrew blinded him with his little keychain torch. Neil grimaced and pointed his light at Andrew’s face, his pink hair turning shockingly white in the blinding light.
Neil put his light away, glancing around warily. “Glad you could join me.”
There was a frown in Andrew’s voice as he said, “If we get murdered in here, I’m going to kill you first. Now, go piss on the nearest wall so we can leave.”
“So bossy,” Neil huffed, but his feet were turning towards the general direction of the entrance. The footsteps that had been approaching him followed.
Voice lowered, Neil said, “We need to go.”
Andrew sighed, “No, you need to go. Then, we leave.”
“Andrew, I’m serious. We’re not alone.”
That shut Andrew up, and Neil would’ve made a joke of it, if the thing—the person— hadn’t taken another step towards them in the dark.
Without thinking, Neil grabbed Andrew’s wrist and ran for the entrance. The skid of their shoes on the cracked tile masked the sounds of the footsteps, but Neil didn’t care just yet.
He hoped to God neither of them tripped.
Andrew dropped his keychain but neither of them stopped until they could see the car’s headlights in the misty evening.
They were both panting as they reached the car, fumbling with the doors as they jumped in. Andrew turned the key and stepped on the gas, sending dirt flying behind them and propelling them into the misty night.
Once Neil’s heartbeat had finally settled, he laughed. Andrew gave him a look, but his shoulders lost some of its tension at the sound.
“I told you so,” Andrew said, barely heard between Neil’s panicked laughter.
Neil grinned. “Yeah, yeah you did. But I wasn’t going to risk getting shit on by fae because I pissed on a gnome or something.”
“So you wanted to piss in an abandoned hospital instead?”
“How could I have known it was haunted?”
“It’s an abandoned hospital, of course it’s haunted.”
Neil let his next words settle between them, knowing that Andrew would keep debating this until he got tired. Andrew, in turn, let it stay there.
No words were said until Andrew finally found the main road and was going 75mph. “There’s an empty bottle in the cooler in the back, if you still need to piss,” he said.
Neil took a deep breath, then sighed. “I don’t need to go anymore.”
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imnyard · 8 years ago
I was tagged by @injesgahfa (thankss for tagging me ily)
Rules: tag 20 followers you want to get to know better
Name/nickname: Milena; mimi by my family, mil, milé by some
Gender: female
Star sign: virgoo
Height: 170cm, which is apparently 5.6 ft
Sexual orientation: straightt
Hogwarts house: ravenclaw
Fave colour: pale lilac, pale pink, pale blue
Fave animal: felines in general look at them so sensual and clever 
Average hours of sleep: around 6 but i need 8
Cat or dog person: caaaats
Favourite fictional characters: too many... andrew minyard, gansey, ronan lynch, charles macaulay, neil josten, francis abernathy, patch, adam parrish, sasuke uchiha..............
Number of blankets I sleep with: one why would you need more ¿
Fave singer/band: the neighbourhood, troye sivan, nekfeu, halsey, the 1975, ed sheeran
Dream trip: either to japan. or all around the us, i’ve only been to nyc. or the rest of europe i haven’t seen yet. or australia. honestly the whole world.
Dream job: a lawyer to make some good in this world. or a writer to make some good in this world. i’ll just be a lawyer who writes novels. and i’ll make some good in this world.
When was this blog created: a few years ago but i‘ve never really used it until now 
Current number of followers: 123
When did your blog reach its peak: now in 2017 bc i properly started using it
I tag: @monmouthmanufacturing @rvnclawss @c-h-a-i-n-s-a-w @gangseeey @lihgtsabers
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deadpoetdyke · 8 years ago
thanks to @milevenlovechild for tagging me <3
rules: tag 20 followers you want to get to know better
Name: rachel Nickname: rae, rachel kay Gender: female Star Sign: virgo Height: 5'7 Sexual Orientation: confused but definitely thinks girls are nice  Hogwarts House: gryffindor??? idek  Favorite Color: pastel pink and dark green Favorite Animal: cat Time Right Now: 11:06 Cat or Dog Person: cat person Favorite Fictional Character: andrew minyard or baz pitch (do you sense a theme)  Favorite Singer/Songwriter: troye sivan, beyonce, twenty one pilots, ed sheeran, declan mckenna, dodie clark, the 1975 Dream Trip: london or new york city  Dream Job: writing for the new yorker When Was This Blog Created: September of 2015  Current Number of Followers: 728 What Made You Decide to Get a Tumblr: i wanted to be a Kool Kid Why Did You Pick Your URL: dan is the living embodiment of rose gold and for the //a e s t h e t i c//
dude ill tag like 3 people @good-old-vodka-aunt @sleepyhowelter @the-senpai
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aceaaroniscanon · 7 years ago
h ey theres been a drought of hs au and im severely lacking kevin + neil being bros content so,,,,im begging
“he knocks, right?”
this question was aimed at the door. neil glanced at his closed door and shrugged. andrew didn’t like that shrug.
neil looked back at andrew, “privacy isn’t a huge trend here. or in london either. why?”
footsteps were muffled behind the closed door, but the walls were thin enough to sound out kevin’s chuckles. neil said he was probably watching something dumb. not that andrew really cared.
knocking sounded out. neil made a soft sound and pushed to stand. “and bob’s your uncle.”
andrew gave him a look, but said nothing. britishisms were the least of his problems.
neil put a hand on the knob. “what is it?”
“you two decent in there?”
“why do you care?”
“dad got takeaway but hey, since you don’t seem to want any...”
neil wrenched the door open, revealing a hunched down kevin with a shit eating grin on his face. neil gave kevin a not-soft punch, then kevin waved at andrew inside the room.
“you staying for takeaway?”
andrew shrugged. “what’d he get?”
kevin squinted down at his phone. “mcdonalds.”
“i’m staying.”
“oh. cheers, yeah? don’t make out in there.”
neil scoffed, “you’re so british.”
“piss off.”
“you too.” and with that, neil shut the door and went sat back down on his bed so that andrew can pull him closer.
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aceaaroniscanon · 8 years ago
7 hs au with the twins!!
“In my defense, I thought this would go a lot more smoothly.”// send us prompts!
a continuation to this
aaron startled when a tote bag dropped by his feet. he looked up to see his brother, gazing in at the office. aaron rolled his eyes. glad to see someone had priorities.
“hatford’s in there with coach wymack. none of them believed me when i said it was my idea so the coach is presenting the boys will be boys account,” aaron explained as he went through the tote bag. it was his gym clothes. or andrew’s. it was a toss up at this point.
andrew gave him a look. “and how many brain cells died and told you it was a good idea to fill condoms up with water and throw them at jocks?”
aaron shrugged. “in my defense, i thought it would’ve gone a lot more smoothly. you know, if the math teacher wasn’t on sight and hatford had any impulse control.”
“he doesn’t.”
“how was i supposed to know that?”
the door to the office slammed open, startling the lady by the desk. kevin looked fresh from the shower, and incredibly flustered. his eyes landed on the twins, then narrowed.
“where’s neil?”
andrew said, “get in line, day. i have some words with him too.”
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aceaaroniscanon · 8 years ago
prompt 5 hs au i love my heathen children
“Pass me the sledgehammer.” // send us prompts!
andrew fixes his goggles, the hardhat he wears loose around his skull but still tight enough to keep it from falling into his eyes. aaron stands beside him, smiling, small and triumphant and maybe a little evil. andrew doesn’t want to question it, so he picks the sledgehammer up from where it’s leaning up against the wall despite his uneasiness.
the wall they aren’t about to smash in to make the living room bigger.
“are you sure this is okay?” andrew asks, just in case. nicky left for his shift no less than 30 minutes prior, and aaron had procured basic construction materials out of his closet nearly as soon as their guardian had left the premises.
“of course i’m sure” aaron says, cocky, and andrew really doesn’t trust this, but it’s aaron. aaron has never led him astray before, and andrew really wants them to be brothers despite knowing each other for a year and a half at most, so he doesn’t hesitate when aaron says, “now, pass me the sledgehammer.”
turns out, nicky didn’t actually mean ‘tear down the wall’ when he told aaron he wished the dining room was bigger a few days ago. when nicky gets home from his shift that night, he bypasses the living room where his two twins are covered head-to-toe in drywall and dust. his gaze travels from the huge gaping hole in the wall, two 17 year olds completely responsible for their actions, back to the wall, and says, “we’re dealing with this tomorrow.”
he heads off to bed and aaron shrugs, turns to andrew, and gives him a 1000 watt smile that screams don’t worry about it. andrew is inclined to trust him, even if they get a lecture the size of texas tomorrow morning.
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aceaaroniscanon · 8 years ago
“Come on, give me one good reason not to jump in the lake.”// send us prompts!
“don’t do it.”
“you’re such a wimp.”
“if you do it, i’m gonna leave your ass here and drive back to civilization and book a flight to california myself.”
“andrew. give me one good reason why i shouldn’t jump into this lake.”
neil jumped away when andrew aimed a slap to the back of his head, then laughed as andrew chased him around the car.
“it’s beyond freezing. we still have to get to another fucking laundromat, if you heathens even have those in europe, and i am not going to save your ass from hypothermia like you think i would.”
neil pouted, then ran around the car again, laying his head down the cold, damp roof of the car. andrew glared at him from over it, looking more beautiful than the misty waters behind him. “but then who’d help you dye your hair pink again?”
“fuck you. get in and start driving.”
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aceaaroniscanon · 8 years ago
1 + hs au
1. “Your hair is so soft.”
send us a number, an au, and a pairing!
british daytime shows weren’t so different from american ones, andrew thought. the same white women interviewing celebrities in some ass-backwards seating arrangement that required them to have to face the crowd instead of each other. game shows were no different either. the cartoons were the same too.
he felt someone prying the remote from his hands, and he opened his eyes. he had no recollection of ever shutting them. he snatched his hand back, and the fingers combing through his hair continued.
neil sighed, “andrew, the clicker. you’re half-asleep already.”
“it’s a remote,” andrew corrected, then pointedly started changing channels again. “and i’m only half-asleep because you keep doing that to my hair. ”
neil tugged a bit at his hair, then patted it down, continuing to comb through it. this time, andrew could feel his eyes grow heavier.
“can’t help it. it looks so nice, and your hair is so soft.”
“thanks, i was born with it.”
there was shifting, then the press of neil’s lips-- andrew would know what they were with his eyes closed-- against his temple. “i’m glad you were,” neil muttered against his good ear.
andrew relinquished his hold of the remote. it remained a remote. neil turned the channel to a soccer game.
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