#well we'll have to see how far my current interest takes me
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Bottom of the Rainbow
Pairings: George Karim x gn!reader
Summary: after George gets mad at you for keeping a secret, you finally share your unusual hobby with him - searching for the ends of rainbows
Content: sunshine x grump, fluff, mentions of reader's dad (positive), first kiss
A/N: I'm back after nearly a year!! Another sunshine x grump fic, except George isn't really a grump so much as just himself 😅 inspired by but not a continuation of You Are My Sunshine. Thank you as always to my Georges for the support, especially Lisa for beta reading 🫶
Word count: 5.2k
Taglist: @neewtmas @marinalor @ettadear @honey-with-tea @mischiefmanaged71 (to be added or removed, just let me know!)
It was, as most people would describe it, a thoroughly miserable day, and you couldn't be more excited.
As far as the eye could see (which currently wasn’t far at all), London was draped in thick grey clouds, from which poured heavy lances of rain that lashed against the windows of 35 Portland Row like they were trying to break in. The house was quiet save for the dull drumming from the other side of the glass. Lucy was upstairs recording a cassette for Norrie, Lockwood was training in the basement, and George was… somewhere, so you had the living room to yourself. It was rather peaceful really, sitting in your armchair by the window, watching the movements of the sky.
The floorboard by the door creaked as George entered with a huff. So much for peaceful.
“If you're waiting for a client, you're wasting your time,” the curly-haired boy pointed out as he flopped onto the sofa. “We're not expecting anyone and very few people are daft enough to turn out in this weather on the off-chance we'll take their case.”
“Oh no,” you replied cheerily, “just waiting for the rain to die down.”
“Not a fan?” If only he knew. But that was just it, he didn't really know you at all. You'd been part of the same agency, living under the same roof, for 3 months now, and the two of you were still almost as distant as the day you started. Sure, you knew now how each other worked, the way you handled cases, but when it came down to your personal lives you'd found out very quickly how different you were from one another. He was so quick-witted and sardonic, while you didn't have a sarcastic bone in your body. Lucy and Lockwood were able to go toe-to-toe with him, but it was clear he was holding back because they were friends. You'd seen George talk to Kipps once. He was brutal. At least the others had some softness to them, which made you feel a little less like the odd one out.
“Hello?” George's voice brought you back into the room, and you realised you'd been staring out the window again.
“Sorry,” you mumbled. What was it he'd asked? Oh, not a fan of the rain. “I don't mind the rain, actually.”
“Well you live in the right country then.” He'd already picked up his book, and it seemed like he wasn't all that interested in your opinions on the weather or in continuing the conversation at all, so you allowed the room to lull back into the ambient quiet of the pattering outside.
George was quite engrossed in his book, but occasionally he would glance up and find you still watching the rain. What was the big deal, anyway? It wasn’t like it hadn't rained most weeks since you'd arrived, yet every time you gazed out the window like you’d moved to London from a desert. Still, at least you were peaceful with it, creating a companionable quiet for him to read or do research without having to engage in idle chatter. For all your chipper nature and relentless enthusiasm, you were surprisingly reserved. He respected that.
Suddenly, the quiet was broken by an excitable squeak from by the window. George lowered his book in time to see you leap to your feet, face glowing with a smile and the radiance of the sunlight which was finally breaking through the parting clouds.
“Back soon!” you called as you bolted from the room, and within seconds the slam of the front door rang out. Bewildered, George pushed himself up from the sofa and ventured into the hallway. There was an empty space on the shoe rack where your boots normally sat, and the coat rack showed the distinct absence of your yellow raincoat. He opened the front door with a frown, just in time to see a flash of yellow disappear round the corner. The bright pockets of blue that had appeared in the sky caused him to squint, so much so that he almost missed the colours brushed across one of the lower clouds. A rainbow, dipping behind a nearby house.
You returned about 10 minutes later, looking slightly out of breath and considerably less excited than you had when you left. George was back in his place on the sofa, and this time he barely even lowered his book as he addressed you passing the doorway. “What was that all about?”
“Oh,” you replied falteringly, “it was nothing really.” How odd, George thought.
The second time it happened, all four of the group were there. You'd been out for breakfast to celebrate a case well done, and the cafe had provided welcome respite from the rain. Soon enough you all headed for home, when the telltale streak of colour appeared against the vanishing clouds. George was only slightly less surprised this time by the delighted squeal from your end of the line, which was immediately followed by you breaking away in a jog.
“Don't wait for me, I'll see you at home!” you called over your shoulder as you picked up speed.
Lucy frowned. “Should we follow them?”
George was tempted. As much as it didn't really make much difference to him what you did with your free time, he had to admit he was curious where you kept running off to. Still, he shrugged and carried on in the direction of Portland Row and the other two eventually followed.
The coat hooks in the hallway were empty when the trio arrived home, distinctly lacking in yellow. You said you'd meet back here, but with how quickly you were moving they'd assumed you meant you'd get there first. By the time it reached half an hour since you'd gone off, an odd air had descended over the group, tinged with concern.
“Do we know where y/n was running off to?” Lockwood asked, breaking the silence. George had the beginnings of a suspicion, but he couldn't be sure, so he stayed quiet.
Lucy, meanwhile, was less calm. She stood by your chair in the window, peering out every time someone walked by. “Are we sure they're okay? Shouldn't we be going out and looking?”
“Lucy, it's barely gone 10,” George finally piped up. “It won't be dark for hours, they're not exactly in any danger.”
“You've seen the enemies we've made in the past,” she retorted. “You really want to take that risk?”
A bolt of worry shot through George; he tried his best to hide it but was less successful at hiding the way he almost leapt out of his armchair at the sound of a key in the front door.
You sighed as you kicked off your boots. All that for nothing. You'd even gone to all the effort of running with your kit bag, which wasn't exactly light, and it still hadn't been worth it. Sure, lots of the other times had ended up like this, but somehow it stung even more today. At least it seemed like everyone was off doing their own thing so you could sneak up to your room and have some time to yourself.
The living room door swung open, and you caught a glimpse of dark curls.
So much for that plan.
“Where have you been?” George asked sharply.
You groaned quietly, hoisting your bag up and heading for the stairs. “Not now George, please.”
The thud of a second pair of feet on the stairs made your heart drop even further. “No, no, hang on! You can't just run off like that. Do you not trust us or something?”
“Well that's what it feels like! We were-” he stopped for a fraction of a second, “Lucy and Lockwood were worried about you. Not even a hint of where you'd gone, what you were doing, how long you'd be…”
You'd reached your room by now, throwing your kit bag onto your bed and sinking down beside it. George lingered in the doorway, but he didn't let up.
“I was just… doing something.”
“Oh,” George scoffed. “So what was so important and secretive that you couldn't just tell us? Were you seeing someone?”
Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes. You tried to blink them away without him noticing. The last thing you wanted right now was to talk to anyone, let alone be interrogated or lectured by someone so cynical that they'd never understand your motivations. “No-”
“Then what?!”
“I was trying to find the bottom of the rainbow!” The words burst out of you in almost a yell, making the quiet that followed twice as loud. Your gaze was fixed firmly on the floor, and yet you were painfully aware of the look of confusion and judgement on George's face. Maybe if you kept staring at that one spot for long enough, he'd finally leave you alone. “That's why I didn't tell you,” you mumbled. “Because I was afraid you'd look at me like that.”
George stood, frozen, just beyond the threshold of your room. He knew he could be harsh sometimes, but his friends didn't usually mind and anyone who did was met with an even stronger retort. He was the way he was, and that had never been an issue.
Until now.
He wasn't sure which part he felt worse about - the fact you thought he was looking at you in some kind of way, or the fact that you were expecting it. The two of you weren't the closest, but you were friends, weren't you? At the very least, you were a team. You were supposed to have each other's backs.
“Sorry,” he started after what felt like an age. “I just… I don't get it.”
“It's nothing,” you sniffed. Hang on, were you crying? Because of him?
George hesitated a moment, weighing up the impact of crossing both a physical and emotional barrier, before stepping into your room. He glanced around, taking in your space properly for the first time. The pile of books on your desk, the faded music posters on the walls, the photos taped around the mirror. And you, seeming smaller than usual, curled into yourself on the bed, still not looking at him. His voice was soft when he spoke, surprising you both. “We wouldn't be here if it was nothing. Help me understand why it matters to you.”
When you still didn't speak, he thought perhaps he'd crossed a line. Perhaps you were finding the nerve to tell him to get out. He didn't normally do things like this, he had no idea what to expect. He was so busy considering whether to leave that he almost didn't hear you.
“It was my dad's idea.”
George turned his attention from the door and found your gaze on him at last. The slight tears on your lashes, the way you chewed anxiously at your lip, the absolute vulnerability of the moment stirred something in him. He swallowed the feeling. He knew your family were still around to some extent, you mentioned them from time to time, but it hit him that you never talked about them in depth, just a passing comment now and again. You never told him anything proper about them. Or maybe it was just that he'd never asked. “Is that him in the photos?” He gestured to the mirror. You nodded, then gave an extra nod towards the mirror in an unspoken invitation.
The pictures, a mixture of Polaroids and film prints, spanned well over a decade. An adorable short-haired toddler, a beaming child with their front teeth missing, a pre-teen who had clearly shot up out of nowhere, all the way up to you in your first agency training uniform. A couple of the shots were of you and your former teammates, but many of the rest featured an older man. The ones that didn't, George suspected, had been taken by him.
You watched George warily, waiting for whatever comment he was going to make next. The comment never came, and you realised that he was actually paying attention to what he was looking at. You quietly stood, your feet sinking into the rug around your bed, and joined him by the mirror.
“That was our first rainbow,” you murmured, pointing to a faded photo. The boy beside you jumped a little, having been too engrossed to notice your approach. He followed your finger to a photo of you, about 3 or 4 years old, grinning next to the boundary of a lush green field. Just beyond the fence, almost lost to the wear of time, was a thick streak across the sky touching down into the grass. The red and blue had sustained the worst fading, but it was still unmistakable. “We came across it by chance, and my dad told me it was special finding the end of a rainbow. He bought me a whole bar of chocolate on the way home, bigger than the ones mum usually let me have.” You pointed out a couple more photos of rainbows the two of you had found and the outcomes - a special dessert one time, a new pair of boots the next. “Even after I started training and found some on my own, something good would always happen. This one was just before I got my first grade.” It was on the far side of the mirror, so you had to lean to point it out. As you began to pull back, you suddenly realised how close you were standing. His face was nearer yours than it had ever been before, and you breathed in bergamot and cinnamon. George wasn't looking where your finger was either; he was looking at you, not the strange way he had before but a new, equally strange way. You felt your cheeks grow warm, and you quickly went and sat back on the bed, this time leaving a space.
“So that's it? You're going after them for the tradition, and to try and make something good happen?” George asked, his attention now fully on you.
You kicked your feet a little, scuffing them along the rug. “Sort of. It's nice getting the extra boost of luck, but recently…”
George came closer, and when you made no protest he perched in the empty space on your bed. He gave you a small, awkward yet encouraging smile. “Your dad?”
You pulled a face, your nose scrunching. George wanted to make a joke about it making you look like a bunny, fighting the urge to call it cute, but now wasn't the time. He let you speak instead. “I told him I'd write and send a photo when I caught my first London rainbow, but that was months ago. I've spoken to him since of course, but only by phone. The longer I leave it, the more I feel like I can't write without having found one. It doesn't feel the same.” There were tears in the corners of your eyes again.
“You'll find one sooner or later,” George said reassuringly. “It's England after all, you've seen how often it rains.”
You laughed, the tension leaving your shoulders as you wiped your eyes on the cuff of your sleeve. “Thanks, George. And thank you for, you know, understanding.”
“Just promise you won't run off on your own any more, okay? Take one of us with you.”
“I promise. I suppose it's safer that way.”
“Well there is that,” he smirked, “and you'll need someone to take your photo.”
It had been just over a week, and you were amazed by how much things had changed. You'd never been uncomfortable around George, you'd just accepted that the two of you were too dissimilar to be close, but now you found yourself wondering how you had ever thought that. You found yourself seeking out his company more often, even if you were both sitting in silence doing your own hobbies - last week, his presence had frustrated you, now you almost craved it. It seemed like he sought you out more too. On that first evening, he'd brought you an album full of pictures of his own family to reciprocate you sharing yours. If he was cooking and you were passing through to or from the basement, he'd either start a conversation that forced you to stay for a few more minutes or he'd ask for you to pass him one ingredient after the other until the meal became a joint effort.
One day, you found yourself accompanying George to the Archives to help with research. It hadn't been a successful day by any standard - someone had borrowed the book George really needed, and the article you were after had been badly damaged by an overeager junior Tendy's agent. The worst part was that you were both absolutely drenched from the downpour you'd arrived in. Thank goodness you both had coats, or it would have been an utterly horrible day, but they hadn't protected you from getting soaked from the waist down. Your boots had only just stopped squelching. The two of you called it a day after an hour of fruitless searching for other potentially useful materials, and you turned up your hood as you headed for the door in preparation. The soft grey of the clearing clouds that met you was a welcome relief, and you immediately started scanning the skies as you walked away.
You gasped in excitement at the vibrancy of the rainbow in the near distance. It was the clearest you'd seen in all your time in London. “George!” you called, already starting to head towards it. He hadn't spotted it, hadn't moved. Each second was too precious for you to wait. Without thinking, you grabbed his hand and ran towards the corner. He stumbled a bit at first and his grip tightened around yours, taken by surprise, but he quickly fell into a matching pace. Together you hurtled through the city, narrowly avoiding collisions with pedestrians and lampposts alike. You'd almost lost hope when at last you turned a corner and stopped dead in your tracks. George nearly ran into your back. The colours were fainter than they had been, but they were still clear as day where they fell just the other side of a large puddle. You let out a squeak, and if you didn't know better you'd swear the hand in yours squeezed its encouragement. What was for sure, though, was the way the hand pulled you back as you began to move forward. You frowned.
“Give me your camera,” George prompted.
“Oh, right.” With a hint of reluctance, you let go of his hand and pulled a slim disposable camera from your coat pocket. Once again, George stopped you. He directed you to behind the puddle, with the rainbow landing in front, before cautiously stepping into the road and lining up his shot.
“On three, jump. One, two, three!”
You jumped into the puddle with a joyful giggle, the droplets that flew up around you illuminated by the flash of the camera. George took another still photo in case the first one didn't turn out well before handing the camera back. Through the little window on the back, you could see the number 1. You raised the viewfinder to your eye.
“Whoa, what are you doing?”
“Well, I'm not getting this developed and wasting a perfectly good shot, but I don't want to wait until I find another rainbow to finish it off. Smile!”
George rolled his eyes exaggeratedly, but he was smiling in spite of himself, and you were smiling too as you pressed the shutter.
You weren't quite sure where you'd ended up, so you followed George who seemed to know a route home. It wasn't until you got to more familiar surroundings that you realised you'd been too giddy to notice exactly which way you were going.
“Isn't the house that way?” you pointed back over your shoulder.
George shrugged. “It is, but we're not going home yet. Lockwood and Lucy won't be expecting us back so soon, so we're going to Arif's for doughnuts.”
You blushed. You hadn't expected anything from George when you dragged him along, you were quite happy to wait for the usual moment of good fortune, but it was unexpectedly thoughtful that he'd paid attention to your tradition and considered this. While you were dragging your heels, clearly not wanting to push the boundaries of generosity, he bought you a rich chocolate doughnut with a salted caramel filling (the kind you'd secretly eyed up before but found too decadent to buy yourself) and a strawberries and cream one for himself. Stepping back out into the sunshine, you sat together on a small bench across the road to eat. The wood was a little damp from the rain, but without hesitation George laid his coat down and sat on one half. You were about to remark about him catching a cold as you squeezed yourself onto the other half, but the warmth radiating into your side caused the words to die in your throat. You nestled in a bit closer; if George noticed, he didn't say anything about it. You unwrapped your sweet prize and held it up, beaming when George touched his to it in a silent toast.
“That was… kind of fun, actually,” he said almost like he was surprised at having enjoyed himself.
“It was!” you grinned. “It was nice having someone to share it with again. And thanks for the doughnut.”
George thought for a minute. “So what's next, you write to your dad and then what? Look for the next one?”
“Exactly. I find it quite encouraging in a way, knowing that whatever happens, however bad things might get, there are always going to be more rainbows. It's got me this far.”
“Well I hope there's a bit of a break before the next one. I'm a researcher, I'm not used to all this running around.”
You blinked. Was he implying he wanted to join you again? And why did you hope that was what he meant?
Lockwood was draped across the sofa when you got home. He peered over the top of his magazine as you closed the front door.
“That took a while. Was it a productive session?”
You worried at your lip. You still hadn't told Lockwood or Lucy about your unusual hobby, and in the moment you felt a bit silly to have been running round and having fun when you hadn't done the work you set out to do. You glanced nervously at George.
“Sort of,” the other boy replied, giving you a reassuring look before turning to Lockwood. “Although I want you to know that if I ever get my hands on the agent who spilled coffee over that newspaper article I was telling you about, I will not be held responsible for my actions.”
“Y/n, I think you need to accompany George more often, we can’t afford to be blacklisted from any other establishments,” Lockwood winked at you.
“In that case,” George faked a scowl, “perhaps they ought to accompany me while I make us lunch so I don't set your kitchen on fire.”
You nodded, before glancing pointedly at Lockwood. It was time to come clean. “I'll be with you in a sec.” Thankfully, the curly-haired boy got the message, and left you to explain in your own time.
Everyone had been very supportive, much to your relief. Lucy had gone rainbow-hunting with you a few times over the following months, Lockwood a couple more, and on one occasion you'd ended up taking the whole team with you on the way back from an errand. It was fun getting to spend time and share your passion with them all, and now you had a whole new array of pictures being developed that you couldn't wait to add to your mirror, but you had to admit that your favourite were the times when it was you and George. You'd been out searching together again just before you collected your first photos, and it wasn't until you reread the letter to your dad before sending and noticed you'd dedicated an entire paragraph to talking about your coworker that you finally admitted to yourself why that was the case. Something good did always happen still, regardless of who you were with, but with him it felt different. He always put in that little bit extra. And gradually, you felt different. Before long you were analysing almost every interaction the two of you had - every late night conversation in one of your rooms, every time his hand grazed yours or he made the effort to give physical contact when you needed reassurance on a case (he didn't do that with anyone else, but that didn't mean it meant anything, right?). You tried not to read too much into it all, telling yourself that even if things had changed it was only because he felt obliged to keep an eye on you so you wouldn't run off again.
You'd now been with the agency just over 6 months, marking 3 months since you'd first run off and started this whole chain of events. Last night had been a particularly rough case, so you were letting off steam in the basement training area. The powerful beat of your music drowned out your grunts of frustration as you swung your rapier through the jets of air, and you yelped when suddenly you spun round to find not a white cloud but George. Clearly you hadn't heard him coming down the stairs. Time seemed to slow as you stumbled backwards, terrified of hurting him or worse, that you'd already done so. One of your feet caught on the other, and you felt the blade fall from your hand as you grasped for something, anything, to stop you from falling. A hand, warm and steady, wrapped around your waist. You gaped up at George in surprise. He seemed just as shocked, though whether that was because of his action or because in the heat of the moment his fingers had caught under your top and gripped the skin above your waistband, you couldn't say. Another blast made you jump, bringing you back to reality, and you frantically hid your blushes as the boy flicked off the training equipment and mouthed something, his words inaudible. You launched yourself to the stereo and paused your music. The silence was deafening.
“I take it you couldn't hear anything, then?”
You frowned, wondering what you were supposed to have heard. Had he been calling you? Then, out of the quiet, a sound emerged. A persistent pattering on the window. Rain.
“You need to come outside right now.” He offered you his hand. Blushing again, you took it, and he led you up the stairs and through to the hallway. You'd been so caught up in the moment that you hadn't realised he was wearing his coat until he took yours from the hook and helped you into it. Hoods up, you both stepped out onto the street. You glanced around. This had to be about a rainbow. But where was it? George gently placed a hand on your shoulder, moving you until you could follow his eyeline.
You gasped.
There in the distance, glorious against the grey clouds, was the most vibrant rainbow you'd ever seen. Above it, much paler but still noticeable, was a fragment of inverted colours. A double rainbow. Frozen in awe, you almost forgot the urgency of the situation, until George took your hand again and started running. Together you wove through the streets, occasionally calling directions or words of encouragement as you drew closer. The colours remained ever vibrant, a beacon of joy across the sky. You found yourselves in a small park, where the main arc of the rainbow touched down into the grass beside a wooden gazebo. Both of you were panting, but you no longer needed words to communicate; George simply held out his hand, and you passed him your camera. He couldn't help but smile behind it as you twirled through the rain with a laugh, feet sinking into the sodden ground, and gave the biggest grin he'd known you to have, even in the photos he'd seen. Then he came closer, turning the camera round and pulling you into his side as he snapped a photo of the two of you. Soon the adrenaline wore off and you were faced with the fact that you'd just run all the way here and it was still raining, so you climbed into the gazebo and slumped down onto a bench. George sat beside you, leaning his head back against a pillar.
“Can you believe that's the first time I've ever seen a double rainbow?” you sighed. The feelings were overwhelming. You'd barely believed you would ever have this experience, of course you'd always thought you'd share it with your dad but somehow being here with George felt like everything it needed to be.
“Seriously? That definitely deserves a celebration.”
You giggled, leaning playfully towards him.
“Does that mean doughnuts on the way home again?”
Something in his demeanour shifted and you worried you'd pushed things too far. His smile was smaller, wavering, and his hand went from almost brushing yours to playing with the hem of his coat.
“Sorry, you don't have to-” you began.
“No, it's… I meant something bigger, since this is such an important moment for you, like, um, like dinner?”
Why was he so nervous about that? It was a great suggestion! You loved nothing more than the times you spent cooking together and it was sweet that he'd realised how much it meant. “Sure,” you reassured him, “what shall we cook?”
He swallowed thickly, voice coming out low and cautious. “Actually, I meant could I buy you dinner?”
Maybe it was the clouds starting to clear. Maybe it was later than you thought and the ghost lamps were starting to come on. Maybe it was just your own obliviousness finally crumbling. Whatever it was, you looked at George in a whole new light, at the way he was watching you carefully and expectantly.
“George Casper Karim, are you asking me on a date?”
He hesitated. “That depends on whether you're saying yes.”
You moved closer and planted a quick kiss on his cheek. “Does that answer your question?”
George began to lean in, but then he stopped. You started to worry again that you'd done something wrong, until he took your hand and led you from the gazebo. It was just drizzling now, the droplets coating his dark curls in a fine mist and splashing onto your own hair as you stepped outside. The rainbow was still there, fading as the rain died away, and as you were drawn towards its colours George spun you into it, catching you by the waist and bringing his lips to yours. Your mind was filled with fireworks, interlaced with that cosy cinnamon scent which had grown so familiar. He felt and tasted as warm as the sun which was starting to re-emerge, and as his hand came up and settled on your chin, thumb stroking across your cheek, you decided that the photo he'd just taken of the two of you would be going in pride of place on your mirror.
#lockwood & co#george karim x reader#gn!reader#lockwood & co fanfic#lockwood & co x reader#save lockwood and co
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[ID in ALT] I've made posts before about Talia/Dick co-parenting Damian moments (will never happen but let me dream) and this came to me in a vision. Took me ages to finish for some reason 😭 and then even longer to post
#dc comics#dc#damian wayne#dick grayson#talia al ghul#batfamily#dc robin#nightwing#anyway. yes im a self-indulgent ''dick as damians secret third parent'' truther#like i DO think it's way more complex and nuanced than the schmoopy affectionate fan portrayal of it#they're brothers they're father and son they're partners they're the dynamic duo except only in past tense etc etc#but consider! I'm not immune to schmoopy affection in fanworks. it compells me despite itself#anyway it's technically not that crazy when it comes to dick and damian. they hug! often! at least they did#it's not as big a leap to these types of scenarios#also talia ''somewhat absent for complex reasons on both her and damians part but very loving and loved by her son'' al ghul#you will always be famous to me#son of the demon origin...bwahhh#anyway. someone made a comic kind of like this/like a post i made abt this topic#but way funnier bc dick and talia starting trying to beat each other up#so go look at that as well#anyway. it's been a somewhat difficult few weeks so I'm. desperately trying to take it easy#i got some reading with me (first vol of kevin smiths GA run that i found second hand and jaimes BB run vol 2!)#so we'll see how far i get through those. considering there's demons in my head telling me to re-read things (LET ME OUT!!!)#when i finish GA and BB i do plan on rereading robin 2021. as a treat to myself#it's a run I've really warmed up to as time went on#I'm keeping up w/ the current b&r run even though it is. admittedly very slow w/ some weird dialogue#i read it for the damian content more than anything. also nikas back so that's neat :]#idk I have a feeling that after absolute power shakes out we might get some more creative team switch ups#so if anyone at dc is interested in taking over the reigns on b&r...that could be very neat#mine
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May I suggest SNSD's Seohyun? Because she's definitely MILF (Maknae I'd love to f***) material. Especially because her outfit couldn't handle the fullness of her body, it had to give up on her somehow…
Or this could do as another option:
Heck you can make it even two related stories, which sounds even better! Cheers!
Sparkling White
(Seohyun X Male Reader)

"Who do we have here?"
Yoona walks up to you and gives you a hug.
"Hello, noona. Long time no see."
You should've known she would be here too. It's an award show for actors and actresses after all.
"Yes, a shame you're busy these days. The new set of videos you're shooting is really intriguing. Too bad I don't qualify."
She uses one hand to straighten your tie, while the other reaches down, grazing against your crotch.
"But I wouldn't mind a quick fuck later at my place."
"We'll see about that. Depends on how much she is gonna wear me out."
Yoona glances at the name on the door next to you.
"Oh, she's gonna wear you out alright."
Tugging at your tie, she makes you lean down. Yoona gives you a quick kiss, before moving her mouth to your ear.
"But I haven't had your cock in months."
You smile as you stand straight again.
"Well, your Onlyfans account is doing really well, even without me fucking you."
"This isn't about work. Just wanna have your dick."
Yoona's pout doesn't fit the filth that's coming out of her mouth.
"I'll text you when I'm done here."
Yoona's face suddenly lights up.
She walks past you on her way to get back to the main event.
You take out your camera and start the recording. After making sure that you showed who's dressing room this is, you knock on the door.
"Come in please!"
Her sweet voice makes you smile as you open the door. The two of you haven't had the pleasure of working together yet. But you've met her a couple of times before.
Seohyun' eyes light up when she recognizes you.
"Oh, hi!"
"Hello, Seohyun."
You point the camera at her as you talk.
"Like everyone else who makes an appearance, I wanted to surprise you. As you might know, I'm currently shooting a set of videos called MILF. Which means 'Maknae I'd love to fuck'."
Seohyun nods excitedly and smiles into the camera.
"After our last guest, Dreamcatcher's Gahyun, my subscribers voted for you. Seohyun, would you like to sit down and introduce yourself?"
"Of course."
She takes a seat in the chair she probably sat on before you knocked.
"Hi, everyone! I'm SNSD's maknae Seohyun! We are currently at the KBS Drama Awards. I was just about to join my bandmate Yoona at the main event, but I just got pleasantly surprised."
She ends her self introduction by wiggling her eyebrows at you.
"Perfect. A lot of people know you as a member of SNSD and an actress and of course you do have a couple of videos on your group's OF. But is there a reason to why you don't have your own account?"
Seohyun seems to think about your question for a second, before answering.
"I think I'm just not really an active person, you know? I do like to enjoy myself from time to time, but I never bothered with doing independent stuff."
"Interesting. That probably means that most viewers won't know much about your preferences or kinks when it comes to sex. Would you like to share some of those?"
Seohyun smiles at you, before responding. This short interview has always been part of your, so far 20 video long, series and the maknaes all seem to enjoy it.
"The first thing that comes to mind are blowjobs. I really like giving them. Especially when I get all sloppy and messy. I'm not a big fan of the really rough stuff, but the bigger the better."
She winks at you after her last comment, before she continues. Despite basically every legal idol doing OF, they usually don't watch each other's content. So you're happy to hear that Seohyun doesn't just know about your little series, but probably watched a couple of your videos already.
"I don't really have a favorite position, I think. I just like it when the man takes control. Throw me on the bed, bend me over, pick me up..."
Seohyun nods.
"That's what makes me wet."
"Now, I'd usually ask you another question or two, but I have to admit, you look amazing today. So why don't we trade places and get started?"
"Sounds great."
Seohyun gives you that sweet smile as she stands up. After sitting down, you realize Seohyun is already kneeling in front of you. You make sure the camera captures her your crotch as she unbuckles your belt and opens your pants. Once she takes your cock out, Seohyun gives the tip a kiss, before opening her mouth. You lean back a little as her lips wrap around your cock. The camera doesn't just film her sucking you off, but also shows off Seohyun's amazing cleavage.
The young woman quickly gets into it, visibly enjoying having her mouth full. Her tongue is pressed flat against the underside of your shaft and one hand is stroking your base where he lips can't reach.
"I have to admit-"
You groan as Seohyun takes your tip down her throat.
"I have to admit, you give amazing head."
"I'm just enjoying myself here."
She gives you a cheeky smile, before resuming her blowjob. You notice how she becomes a but sloppier as time goes on. Soon, your cock is drenched in saliva. Spit occasionally escapes the corners of her mouth. You zoom in on her full cleavage, the top of her tits now partially glazed with her own spit.
When she takes you further down her throat, you have to rest your arm on the makeup table next you. She really seems to know what she's doing. Her head expertly bobs up and down, her hand keeps stroking your base. As she looks up at you and the camera, you see the amused sparkle in her eyes. She knows how good she's making you feel and she's proud of it.
"Damn, Seohyun. If you keep this up, this will be a short video."
"Oh, no. We can't have that."
You almost let out a sigh of relief when she lifts her head off your cock.
"After all, this is about you fucking me and not about me making you nut down my throat."
Her words make you help her up, not wanting to wait any longer. Remembering what she said earlier, you bend her over the table, making her face the mirror behind it.
"You're gonna make me watch myself getting plowed from behind?"
Her naughty smile speaks volumes.
"Yeah, can't wait for that pussy of yours."
You reach under her dress and hike it up, until it's bunched up around her waist. Revealing her ass in the process, you give one of her cheeks a teasing kiss. As you align your wet cock with her pussy, you make sure the camera captures how you push into her.
Seohyun braces herself against the table as you start to fuck her. It quickly becomes obvious how much she's really enjoying watching herself. She bites her lip, moans louder and louder and even gives the mirror a lick while winking at the camera.
Your free hand is holding her waist as you thrust into her without a break. Her pussy is tightly wrapped around your length, her saliva from earlier enabling you to use her smooth walls at a steady pace.
"Yes, give it to me."
Seohyun sighs, her mouth hanging open as she takes your pounding.
"Give it to me hard."
You keep thrusting into her, pushing her against the table again and again. Looking at the mirror, you notice how her tits threaten to spill out of her dress. You watch her cleavage move in the rhythm of your thrusts. Your hands move from her waist to her tits, squeezing them through the dress.
"That feels good."
Seohyun closes her eyes as you keep groping her chest. She gets more into it, the longer you fuck her. You know the video is a little shaky, but no one will mind. It's Seohyun's pussy you're fucking. Everyone will understand.
"Damn, your big cock is gonna make me cum."
Her moan comes as a surprise to you. Sometimes, some of the girl fake an orgasm here and there, or take longer in general. But you can feel how Seohyun's pussy is already squeezing your cock, wanting to milk you dry. Her impending orgasm is definitely a real one.
"I'm gonna make you cum on it like a little slut."
You whisper into her ear, hoping the microphone on the camera got that.
"Oh fuck!"
Seohyun cums shortly after these words leave your lips. You focus the camera on her mouth, capturing how her lips quiver, how she moans your name, how her lust filled eyes stare back. And only you can feel how her pussy contracts around you. Her walls hug you tighter than ever before. Her saliva mixes with her juices, making her cunt a slippery slope.
"Fuck, I'm close too."
You don't know if Seohyun likes cream pies and you don't wanna ruin her dress.
"What do you say about me making you nut down my throat?"
Her teasing smile makes you chuckle.
"On your knees then."
Your cock leaves the warmth of her pussy, just so her lips can wrap themselves around it only a couple of seconds later. You know it's gonna be a short couple of seconds, but Seohyun is making them count. She sucks the juices off your length and takes half of your cock down her throat.
"Fuck. You're throat is something."
You're able to groan out a moment before you finally climax. You shoot your load down Seohyun's throat, just like she wanted. When you're completely done, you let her clean you up, before you pull out of her mouth.
After the formalities and ending the video, you and Seohyun give each other a hug.
"Thanks for coming by, it was an honor."
You reciprocate her warm smile.
"I had a lot of fun."
"I could tell."
You offer her your phone and she puts her number in.
"Does your company want the uncut version?"
"Probably, yes."
"I'll send it to you."
Seohyun gets on her tip toes and kisses you.
"Don't hesitate to call, if you're up for round two."
Hi, everyone!
Hope you enjoyed the story. It got a little longer than usual, but I really started to get onto the concept. There'll definitely be more parts of this theme in the future. And you can probably tell, who will be appearing in the next colour chapter.
Stay healthy!
#ask#anon#kpop#kpop smut#kpop girls#kpop gg#male reader#snsd smut#snsd seohyun#snsd#girls generation seohyun#girls generation smut#girls generation#seohyun#seohyun smut
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Summary: Aventurine wouldn't mind being your personal mannequin forever if it meant having you this close to him
Fem!reader who's a popular fashion designer all throughout the universe, currently just "friends" with aventurine here, more like sugar daddy tho- very self indulgent because I have my oc in mind while writing this lol
"Not that I'm questioning your process when it comes to your craft, but aren't you tired?"
"Hm nope, not at all are you?"
"I've handled far worse than just standing for a few hours, don't mind me friend, continue"
While that wasn't exactly a lie, it has been a couple of hours since Aventurine was made to be a makeshift mannequin for you, this was supposed to be a day to relax and take both your mind off work.
But it seems that inspiration has struck the minute you laid eyes on a particular fabric store that just got a new stock on a handful of interesting designs, without a second thought you rushed in, your companion had looked away for one second and the next he sees that you've already made yourself comfortable shuffling through the many options to choose from.
As he made his way back to your side, the faint sound of you mumbling under your breath could be heard clearer and clearer, while he didn't quite catch all of it, he was able to piece some things, one of which you wishing you had your mannequin back at the boutique right about now.
"Hey, why not use me for a bit?"
While Aventurine obviously isn't a mannequin, he can sure act like one if you need it, and that you did so you agreed without putting much thought into it, making a mental note to make him a little something as thanks.
And now here you two were, in the middle of the store as you try to pin fabric with your hands on Aventurine's body, he expected this to happen after all he's not the type to willingly volunteer for something without it benefiting him in some way, but he was not prepared for how close you'd be.
Practically an inch away from him, chest against his as you maneuver the fabric in your hands all over him trying to come up with a design in mind, his nose catching a whiff of your shampoo as the top of your head was practically in his face, he's mastered the art of keeping a poker face but a couple hours of this, no one can blame the man for cracking as time goes on.
Luckily for him it seems you've finally finished whatever it was you were doing, he can't even remember even though you were talking about it earlier, his mind growing muddled with serotonin.
He managed to snap out of it as you call over a worker to place an order for your chosen items, and of course pay for it, Aventurine beat you to it though handing his card while softly smiling.
"It's on me"
"What? Aventurine I can pay for it myself, there's really no need to-"
"I insist, it's a treat for how much I enjoyed being your little helper"
Just as you were about to contradict him, insisting even more that you should be the one paying since he already helped you, the worker has already swiped his card handing it back to him and walked off to prepare your order.
You could only facepalm, this wasn't the first time that he has thwarted your attempts at paying for your own things, he's done it so many times you've lost count, and while it's a fact that all of it combined wouldn't make a dent in his wallet, you still couldn't hell but feel guilty.
Not for long though as you could feel a hand gently patting your head, peaking up at him you could see a soft smile on his face.
"You know the deal~" he said in a singsong way
You playfully rolled your eyes
"Yeah yeah, Just let me know when you're free and we'll hang out again"
It was weird to you at first how that was the only thing he wanted after spending so much on you, but overtime you've sorta started to understand it, and want it as much as he does as well.
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for the smoke & mirrors ask - have you had 16 yet?
"You do it! You're the leader!"
"I am not asking! Boulder, you ask."
"Actually, nevermind. This is stupid. I'll just use my hoses-"
"No! You are not spraying me in the face again, you almost broke my optics-"
"Oh shut up, you were fine!"
"Blades is correct, that level of pressure-"
"Stay out of this, Chase!"
"Seriously, guys, I don't mind asking-"
Cody sighs, lowering the lift all the way down before the rescue bots break out into an all out brawl. Five minutes of listening to them bicker and yet he still has no idea what they want.
"Hey guys!" he announces, and every helm snaps over. Cody is suddenly aware of the size difference. "Whatcha talkin' 'bout?"
The rescue bots' gazes flit between Cody and each other, seemingly having a silent conversation before Boulder pipes up and says, "We want you to wash our faces."
"Our faces," Chase repeats. "We would like you to wash them."
"Yeah, I heard," Cody says, giving them a lopsided smile. "I just wanna know why."
"Well, back on Cybertron you'd have to go to a detailer to get your face properly cleaned," Blades explains. "Lots of small seams, big servos, it's not exactly easy to do it yourself. But we figured, since your servos are so small...?"
None of the rescue bots are looking at him. Boulder is very interested in their hands, Blades is scuffing his feet, Heatwave is tapping a beat on his arm that makes Chase's finials flick in time.
Oh my god. Are they... embarrassed?
Cody coughs into his fist to stifle a laugh. His dad says it all the time: "For a race of advanced alien robots, they're just as bad as us."
"I can wash your faces!" Cody assures them. "Frankie'll be here soon, and she'll be happy to help too!"
There's clear embarrassment radiating off the bots, but Cody decides not to let them stew in it and runs to the storage closet to grab the supplies, fumbling with his comm link at the same time.
"Hey, Frankie," he says, pressing his cheek to his shoulder as he puts the car soap in a bucket with some sponges and towels. "How far are you?"
"Walking in now," her voice crackles over the comm line. "Why?"
"The bots asked for their faces washed, so we're doing that," he explains, grabbing a second bucket.
Cody shrugs, then realizes she can't see him. "Because they asked. Isn't that a good enough reason?"
Frankie sighs, but there's a smile in her voice. "I guess so. Coming down the lift now."
"Don't get off, we'll need some height." Cody carries his supplies out of the closet, past the bots who are currently greeting Frankie, up onto the lift beside her. He sets down their supplies and they divide them between each other, and Heatwave fills their buckets when prompted.
Boulder and Blades come forward first, sitting down and letting Frankie adjust the lift so they're at the perfect height.
Cody has been close to the rescue bots before. He sits on their shoulders, they carry him around in their hands, sometimes they sit him atop their helms! But he realizes that he's never been this close to their faces, and now he understands why they wanted this.
Boulder's faceplate isn't perfectly smooth, there are small grooves and seams and scratches and scuffs, there's little divots under their optics that almost look like tear ducts. Cody dips the sponge into the soapy water and starts on Boulder's cheek, but nearly drops it when the rumbling starts up.
Blades had slumped over immediately, leaning his chin onto the railing of the lift, and while Boulder was doing a better job of keeping themselves upright, twin rumbling rises from their chests, the unmistakable purr of an engine.
Frankie and Cody exchange looks, not wanting to ruin the moment. Like cats! Frankie signs excitedly, and Cody can't help but grin, because they are.
There's a shocking amount of dirt on Boulder's face, so it takes almost two hours to get the towel to come out clean when he wipes it across their cheek. Blades has fully fallen asleep.
Heatwave's tapping his arm impatiently while Chase has busied himself with a book, but his tapping foot is giving him away as well.
"All done!" Cody announces, clapping his hands together, and Boulder blinks sleepily, before giving him a big smile.
"Thank you!" they say brightly, standing up shakily and picking up Blades with them, making room for the other two.
Chase takes a spot in front of Frankie as Heatwave sits in front of Cody. He leans onto his hands to brings his face close enough for Cody to reach it.
Heatwave looks exhausted already, and far worse for wear than Boulder did. It almost seems like there's dark circles under his optics, there's dirt crusted into the scar on his cheek and in the seams of his jaw, and there's a dent just below his left optic.
He's asleep in minutes.
All four rescue bots' engines purr in time.
#this one got away from me#they are such cutie patooties#also frankie and cody know sign because with all the shit doc greene gets into there's no way that man is not hard of hearing#also sign language is so cool and I would love to learn it#transformers rescue bots#tfrb chase#tfrb boulder#tfrb heatwave#tfrb blades#cody burns#frankie greene#woosh answers#smoke and mirrors au#thanks for the ask!!#s&m ask game
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SR Ortho Shroud - Apprentice Chef Vignette
"Master Chef"
[Cafeteria – Judging Venue]
Master Chef ― Ortho Version ~Let’s Make Loco Moco 1~
―A short while before cooking begins
Ortho: ―Energy inspection complete. All functions, including the cooking and processing units, are operating normally.
Ortho: Everything activates without a hitch, great. I tried to make my exterior look similar to my brother's outfit when he took the class, does it look weird at all?
Azul: It looks fantastic on you, Ortho-san. However, I never expected to see you take an interest in cooking… I'm a little taken aback.
Ortho: It's only recently piqued my interest. Sometimes I hear my classmates swapping kitchen horror stories, you see.
Ortho: When someone said, "cooking is way too high level for newbies," it suddenly made me want to try to win against it… Which resulted in this gear being developed.
Azul: I see. And if you are to do a trial run of that gear here, the Master Chef course would be the best opportunity to do so.
Ortho: Exactly! I knew you'd get it, Azul-san.
Ortho: Not only can this gear cook food, but it's built with many other functions to manage proper nutrition or count calories and the like.
Ortho: I plan on getting the expert chef to check out my functions and test out what all would be useful for cooking!
Azul: I can see you're raring to go. Then, I'll wish us both luck.
Ortho: Yeah!
Ghost Chef: We'll have you make the "Loco Moco" dish for us today, Ortho-kun.
Ghost Chef: First, we'll have to prep the onions that'll be mixed into the hamburger meat. Do you know how to mince?
Ortho: Okay, I got this!
Ortho: ―Begining cooking procedures. Activating the Cooking Gear's Food Slicer Unit.
[whirrr… fsshhh…!]
Ortho: First, I need to adjust the shape so it will be easier to prepare. I need to swing vertically over the onion and… slice it in half!
Ortho: Great, looks like my knife is sharp enough! Umm, since this is for mixing in with hamburger meat…
Ortho: ―Executing command: "Target ingredient: Onion / Processing Method: Mince / Configuration: 3mm Squares"
Ghost Chef: W-Wow… The onion was finely chopped up in no time flat…!
Ortho: …Whew, I've finished with the onion. Will these be sufficient?
Ghost Chef: Y-Yeah, it's cut expertly, but… What exactly is that round blade that came out of your glove…?
Ortho: I took an industrial-grade cutter and downsized it so it could be used in cooking.
Ortho: It releases water as it cuts. This removes the necessity to clean both the blade and the ingredient.
Ghost Chef: You've sure come up with something interesting. But this is just too far removed from traditional cooking methods… Hmm.
Ortho: Different tools shouldn't cause any deviation from the recipe, though… Or should I have used a knife?
Ghost Chef: Well, I guess for your case, you have to cook like that… So I'll make an exception this time.
Ortho: Yay~! Okay then, I'm ready for the next part of the class!
Ortho: ―Activating Heat Sensor Camera. Calculating the temperature of the stir-fried onions… 38.2°C. Current temperature is 41°C lower than last measurement.
Ortho: According to my database, the best temperature range to continue cooking at after letting the dish simmer down is between 38~44°C. Chef, can we continue with the next step?
Ghost Chef: Sure, that's fine. So, next, take the ground meat, onions, and spices to form your hamburgers.
Ortho: Understood! ―Executing Command: Deploy Hand-Coating Gloves.
Ghost Chef: Woah! And now suddenly there are gloves attached to your hands. Is this another one of your technological applications?
Ortho: I'm using something similar to shrink wrap for this. It'd be pretty tough to do maintenance if my joints got dirtied.
Ghost Chef: Ah, that I can understand. It's just like how it's troublesome to have to wash everything that climbed up inside of an eggbeater.
Ortho: I thought as much. In the future, I'd like to equip some functions that would handle this effectively, but… This time, I want to try to knead it by hand
Ghost Chef: And why is that?
Ortho: It sounds like when my brother took this course, he didn't like this specific task.
Ortho: So I thought it'd be good to know the source of his stress, so I could factor that into the eventual kneading function…
Ortho: Hmm, maybe he didn't like how it felt when he touched it? Probably means if I can automate this task, everything'll be solved!
Ghost Chef: Sounds like you've figured out your answer, Ortho-kun.
Ghost Chef: By the way, your brother is Idia-kun, right? Has he changed at all since taking the course?
Ortho: Hmm, I don't think anything changed. He still doesn't really care about food at all…
Ortho: …Oh yeah! Maybe I can use this Cooking Gear to help improve his eating habits.
Ghost Chef: Eh!? You made all these functions without actually knowing what you'd use it for in the first place?
Ortho: Ehehe, so actually… I just made this because I wanted to "win at cooking!" So I didn't really have a particular use for it in mind.
Ghost Chef: Well, I guess that's a good enough reason to start. Also, even if it is an afterthought, I'm glad that you have a goal to strive for now.
Ortho: Yeah. Alright… Now I have to start improving this gear so I can make food that my brother'll want to eat!
Master Chef ― Ortho Version ~Let’s Make Loco Moco 2~
Ghost Chef: While we wait for the hamburger to cook, you can prepare the toppings. We'll garnish with cabbage and mini tomatoes for this dish.
Ghost Chef: The cabbage needs to be shredded, so… Are you able to adjust your cutting size in 0.1mm increments?
Ortho: By design, I should be able to. I would like to test it for myself, so could you tell me the specific size you're looking for?
Ghost Chef: Then, if you can, slice at 1.6mm.
Ortho: Got it!
Ortho: ―Executing command: "Target ingredient: Cabbage / Processing Method: Slice / Thickness Configuration: 1.6mm"
Ghost Chef: Woooah, very good! It was surprising when I first saw all this, but now it's really nice to see how quick and accurately you can cut.
Ortho: Simple tasks like these are a machine's strong point, after all! …Okay, I'm done! I wonder how the hamburger is coming along?
Ortho: ―Activating Heat Sensor Camera. Frying pan is holding steady at 16°C. Hamburger internal temperature: 34.5°C.
Ghost Chef: That's a pretty handy function, too. You don't need to take the lid off the frying pan to check how it's cooking, so there's no drop in temperature.
Ghost Chef: …Ah, oops. I let myself get a little too distracted watching your really neat functions.
Ghost Chef: Normally, it would take more time to prepare the toppings, but you're moving along smoothly.
Ortho: Ah! Then, while we wait for the hamburger to cook, can you explain to me more about the toppings?
Ortho: Cause toppings are kind of like power-ups from a video game, right? You don't really need them but it's better to have them.
Ortho: That's why I bet if I could know which toppings are the most filling, I could make my cooking even more efficient.
Ghost Chef: Hmm, that's a difficult question. It can vary depending on what you have on hand, and what you feel like using.
Ghost Chef: For example, I wanted to make sure there was nutritional balance, so this dish uses vegetables as a topping.
Ortho: If we were to remove the vegetables from this recipe… The vitamin intake would be reduced by 75%. It really would lose that nutritional balance.
Ghost Chef: In the past, I would serve it as a salad on the side, but there were so many kids who wouldn't even touch it, because they didn't want veggies.
Ortho: I get it, you revised the process fundamentally to help resolve your problem. I think that's a very reasonable method.
Ghost Chef: Haha, thank you. Yes, I'm glad I changed it up like this.
Ortho: Changes, hm… If I want to be able to add that as a possible function to the Cooking Gear, I'll have to gather a lot more data.
Ortho: If I can learn to swap out ingredients, it might help in dealing with my brother's bad eating habits.
Ortho: The more I learn about cooking, the more I can see all sorts of possible challenges, just like in a video game.
Ortho: ―And finally, I set the egg on top… Done! It's made to look like the dish I saw as the top hit in an image search.
Ghost Chef: Nice, you've plated it so beautifully and deliciously. I guess it's time for you to take it to the judging venue, then.
Ortho: Okay! I can't wait to see how the judge will react~
[Cafeteria – Judging Venue]
Leona: Ughh… What a pain. Why do I need to be a judge for this Master Chef thing…?
Ortho: Sorry to keep you waiting! Oh, I see you were the one to order this dish, then.
Ortho: Here you go, this is the Loco Moco you requested! Please, enjoy!
Ortho: I want to use your assessment of the dish to help improve my Cooking Gear, so please be as candid as possible.
Leona: …Hey. Why're there vegetables in this loco moco? There wasn't any last time I ordered it.
Ortho: I heard this was a change made to help people eat their veggies. Great, right?
Leona: …Tch, way to do something completely unnecessary.
[bite, chew, chew, chew…]
Ortho: I followed the recipe exactly as it was written, so there shouldn't be any issues with the flavor… What do you think?
Leona: The hamburger and the gravy sauce taste fine. But because of all the veggies you threw in there, it shouldn't even get a single point.
Ortho: Ehhh, why!? I made sure to follow the recipe and throw in the right amount, size, and cooking time for all the ingredients!
Leona: Why should I care? All that matters is the judge's opinion, yeah? The recipe means nothin' if it don't suit my taste.
Ortho: …So without considering any of the general judging criteria, this dish "doesn't taste good" to you?
Leona: Basically. But hey, maybe you coulda gotten high marks if you'd just left the veg out like it's always been made.
Ortho: By adding the vegetables, it gave the dish a better nutritional balance. But Leona-san would have preferred no vegetables…
Leona: Geez, can't believe you'd just ruin a good meal like that. Since the judging's over, I'm outta here.
Ortho: Ah, he left… I can't really understand how someone could say a dish that satisfies nutritional needs "doesn't taste good."
Ghost Chef: Leona-kun must really hate vegetables, if he couldn't get past even this small addition.
Ortho: Ah, I should have asked why he hates vegetables to help me with figuring out how to change up recipes!
Ghost Chef: Ortho-kun… Are you actually happy with that result?
Ortho: Yes! The more data I can gather on any issues, the better I can improve my Cooking Gear!
Ghost Chef: Well, I guess I'm glad you're not sad after hearing that, but… Why does that make you that excited?
Ortho: Leona-san was already unhappy with the dish even before tasting it. That means he had already decided it wouldn't taste good just from looking at it.
Ortho: The challenge rating just shot up, now that I have to keep an eye on visual aesthetics, taste and nutrition… Of course that gets me super pumped up!
Ortho: I might be a long way away from being able to tackle my brother's bad eating habits, but… I'll definitely do my best to make my Cooking Gear even better!
Requested by Anonymous.
#twisted wonderland#twst#ortho shroud#leona kingscholar#azul ashengrotto#twst ortho#twst azul#twst leona#twst translation#twst masterchef#mention: idia
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🎄✨𝓐𝓭𝓿𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓢𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼 𝓝𝓻. 𝓢𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷✨🎄
𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓽: Baking Cookies
𝓐𝓵𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓷𝓪𝓽𝓮: RF, Grayscale, Mob and Butcher
𝓣𝔂𝓹𝓮: Short Story (No warnings)
𝓞𝓹𝓮𝓷 𝓽𝓸𝓭𝓪𝔂'𝓼 𝓭𝓸𝓸𝓻!
A delicious smell filled the kitchen. The scent of freshly made cookie dough, ready to be rolled out and cut into adorable Christmas shapes.
Gray was already inspecting your cookie cutters, while RF spread a thin layer of flour on the kitchen table. You were currently taking out the first of two batches of dough, after it chilled in the fridge.
You transferred the dough from its bowl onto the table, before turning to RF with a grin. Ever since you learned that he knew a bit of German, you loved to bamboozle him with it.
"Kannst du mir bitte das Nudelholz geben?"
As expected, he blinked a couple times, trying to process what you said. Gray chuckled, knowing this little game of yours, only fueling your grin.
"Yes, of course." After a hot minute RF had figured out what you meant and handed you the requested rolling pin.
"Thank you!" Still grinning, you dusted it and the ball of dough with some flour as well and rolled it out into a thin sheet.
Gray waited patiently, kneeling on a chair, so he could reach over the table. Meanwhile RF readied a baking tray with baking paper.
The three of you chatted calmly, cutting out the cookies together and moving them to the baking tray.
However, the pleasant scent and quiet chatter attracted the attention of two devious individuals...
Mob and Butcher lingered in the hallway, observing the kitchen from around the corner. They did their best to remain unseen and so far it was working.
Butcher's stomach churned quietly.
"Man... What would I give for a few of these cookies...", he mumbled with a pout.
Mob shushed him with a wave of his hand. He was trying to focus, plotting the perfect plan to snatch a few.
"Patience, Butcher. If you listen to me, we'll both have cookies at the end of this..."
This piqued Butcher's interest and he nodded, intruiged. "Alright. Whatever you say, boss."
Mob smiled in satisfaction. Recruiting Butcher was easy. That concluded step one of his plan.
Step two was to be patient until the cookies were baked. While the two waited, they continued to watch RF, Gray and you, their mouths watering. Mob used the time to teach Butcher his role in the plan...
You smiled and offered Gray a small piece of dough to try, which he accepted with a small smile of his own.
It was pure torture for the two onlookers.
Eventually the first batch of cookies finished baking and was set aside on a countertop to cool off. Mob smirked. Time for step three.
Just as instructed, Butcher barged into the kitchen, claiming he needed urgent help with something upstairs.
Of course you were always willing to help, just as Mob expected. You dropped everything to follow Butcher. RF followed the two, not wanting to leave you alone with him.
So far everything was going exactly after Mob's plan. Now only Gray needed to leave the kitchen with them, but RF gently told him to watch over the cookies, just in case.
Gray frowned, but nodded.
Mob also frowned as he watched from his hiding spot in the living room. This wasn't part of his plan. But that was okay. He wasn't the boss of an organized crime group for no reason. He could handle this.
Once Butcher, RF and you had disappeared up the stairs, he cameout of his hiding spot and sauntered into the kitchen with an easy going smile. Gray glanced at him shyly.
"Hello Mob...", he said quietly.
"Hello Gray," Mob greeted him back, "Can I have a moment of your time?"
Gray fiddled with the hem of his cardigan nervously and nodded. Mob smiled a little more.
"I seem to have misplaced my can of hairspray. Would you mind helping me search for it?"
Gray softly shook his head. "I'm sorry, but I can't leave the kitchen. I'msupposed to watch the cookies here..."
Mob tilted his head. "We'll just close the door, how does that sound? Then no one else can smell the cookies nor see them, so they'll be safe.", he offered to Gray.
Gray thought about it for a moment. Reluctantly, he agreed. "O-Okay..."
Mob smiled wider in satisfaction. He places a gentle hand on Gray's back and leaves the kitchen with him. "I think I last saw my hairspray in the bathroom upstairs, but I'm not sure.", he lied.
Gray nodded quietly, trudging up the stairs. Mob pretended to follow him, but gradually fell behind without Gray noticing.
At some point Gray rounded a corner and was out of sight. Mob stopped and waited for a moment. Then he quietly turned on his heel and snuck back to the kitchen. No one saw him enter and no one would see him exit.
He grabbed a plate from a cupboard and shoveled about half the tray's worth of cookie's onto it. He left quietly, closing the door again, just like him and Gray had left it. This way he directed all suspicions away from himself. Mob quickly hid the plate of cookies at the agreed location for the rendezvous with Butcher later on.
Then he went back to Gray, an excuse for his short absence already on his tongue.
No one would find out who stole the cookies or where they went.
#welcome home#wally darling#welcome home puppet show#Advent Series#Day 17#rf wally#grayscale wally#mob wally#butcher wally
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Homestuck: Beyond Canon Upd8 for November 11, 2024
Don't mind me.
Just gonna lie here while I do the Homestuck liveblog thing.
I am going to give a heads up. If my next migraine treatment brings me a bit more back in line, I'll be doing VLogs again. I have a bigger video project planned, but it's not Homestuck related. I'll be posting the updates here though, so you'll still know when I blog an upd8. Then you'll all get to see my haggard and aged face.
We begin with the monthly news upd8 from James. Except no! It is in fact an upd8 from Miles! James fades into the background, and apparently Miles will be our flattering correspondent from now on.
It looks like Miles is putting potential spoilers in the news post, so I might have to be careful in the future. Of course these might be jokes. We'll have to see.
Work continues on the planned [S] page and more Beyond Canon merch. We won't be getting an upd8 for December, but they will be running the Patreon. The next upd8 looks like it might be as late as February.
That's all unfortunate. But I fully support if the team wants to take a well earned holiday.
Tavvy has decided to join Yiffy on an adventure. This can't possibly end well. His attempts at being her lackey have so far landed him mostly in trouble. And there's a heap of trouble brewing on the soon to be battlefield.
Yeah that's not happening.
Heh! Harry brought the trail mix.
Oh wow. And oh no!
OH NO!!!
That can't possibly count as Heroic though. Getting sniped while performing a purely tactical role is not a hero's end. Still, Rose is probably glad the kids aren't seeing that.
And button.
Interesting view to cut to.
Again, I don't think this will count as Heroic for anyone. But a lot of people are about to die. And let's not forget, none of the trolls currently outside for the Plot Point are God Tiers. This is bad. This is really bad. This is the kind of moment that calls for an extreme, deus ex machina, like the Plot Point has the potential for.
But we're not getting to see it yet.
Edit: @vriedi reminded me that Meenah is a God Tier. Though this does make me wonder, what happens when a dead God Tier dies?
Orange curtains.
Okay! Legitimately fantastic Psyche Out. They actually got me pretty good there.
Okay, we have a new troll it I think.
gavageCunctation is messaging Vrissy. Though that doesn't necessarily tell us much, except that a new player may have entered the drama.
And they're "negging" Vrissy. So this troll clearly sees themselves as a "player" too.
We've got a "game" that's about to be played. A game being run by a TC. Now Gamzee is dead, but that doesn't mean he didn't setup something before Vriska killed him. Still, it's likely these are two completely new troll kids.
We've got a new AA too. So we might be seeing more troll descendants. After all, they used cloning to kick things off. This troll is typing in purple, but blood typing may not be universal anymore. I do find it interesting that we're continuing the nucleotide pairs though. They could have gone for a different motif. Maybe they're trying to symbolize that these are potential paradox clones for a new session?
AA is apparently our chronic auspistice for this group. And potentially our Seer, though we've had fake-outs on that before.
And our actual cliffhanger ending is this new GC's computer exploding.
So yeah. Something has to happen for a lot of our beloved characters to not bite it. I'm also curious how Rose's vision of future events can come true if Jane has unleashed her weapon. But I mentioned last time that Rose is playing a dangerous game here. I don't think any of our God Tiers are in trouble, and I'm pretty sure the Plot Point is fine.
I'm wondering if this is how Calliope ends up sacrificing themself, if Rose was even correct there. Either way, this a dark ending for the year on a community that's already seen some dark endings.
*Returns to flop*
#live blogging#liveblogging#live blog#liveblog#homestuck#homestuck liveblog#homestuck upd8#homestuck spoilers#homestuck 2#homestuck 2 upd8#homestuck 2 beyond canon#homestuck 2 spoilers#homestuck beyond canon upd8#homestuck beyond canon spoilers#homestuck beyond canon#hs#hsbc#hsupd8#hs upd8#hs spoilers#hsbcupd8#hsbc upd8#hsbc spoilers#hs2 spoilers#hs2#upd8#upd8 spoilers#update spoilers#update#beyond canon
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My memory is terrible so I wanted to do a breakdown of my stuff every once in a while. Might be monthly, might be whenever I feel like it.
QL - Currently Watching
🇹🇭23.5 [11/12] - This show is not working for me anymore. Of course I'll finish because there's only one more episode but honestly I don't really care if any of them are together and that's a problem.
🇯🇵25 Ji, Akasaka de [5/10] - I'm so normal about this show. The way this show is using the show within the show is really smart and the editing is very good. I'm actually looking forward to see how the 'rival' will shake things up, which is odd for me.
🇰🇷Boys Be Brave [2/8] - So far so good. Gi Seop is obvisouly not the best boy but there's something about his energy on screen that is compelling to me. I really liked that Jin Woo was honest about his feelings and I like the 'I love you but I don't like you' dynamic a lot. The second couple gave me some ODS vibes so I'm bracing for some angst. [Finished will write it up at the next round up]
🇯🇵Living with him [6/8] - Filler episode with not a lot of new information, but I did enjoy the supermarket scene. I continue to delight in Kasuhito's expressions.
🇰🇷Love Is Like a Cat [2/12] - I'm waiting to binge this one. Didn't like how this started and the rhythm just isn't working for me. [Finished]
🇹🇭My Stand-In [1/12] - Pretty is pretty. But I don't trust Thailand with high concept so I have reservations. I hope I'm wrong. I liked the first episode so we'll see.
🇹🇭Only Boo! [7/12] - Well the Shone thing was what I feared and I don't think it really fit with this show at all but now it's over and I'm ready to forget it ever happened. Moo continues to be an absolute delight to watch and I'm looking forward to seeing a more relaxed Kang. The sides are pure torture. Payos sweetie, you need to confess or let it go cause I can't take it anymore.
🇹🇭We Are [8/16] - I'm enjoying the friendships in this a lot, it all feels very natural when they are together. I'm not super invested in any of the couples, although they're all doing a good job. I'm having a good time with Tan/Fang (Aou is so fun to watch) and hopefully I will have a good time whenever the show decides to give me Chain/Pun. I also think some of the actors have really improved, I was really impressed with Satang specially.
QL - Finished
🇹🇭1000 Years Old - I wrote before that this one wasn't really my thing and obviously the finale didn't really change that. The different lifetimes I think could've been explored earlier and would probably make this a bit more interesting to me. It's not like there was too much going on to use the time for that but it is what it is. Also the whole thing with the vampire girl/wife, it was so unexplored that I didn't really get why all of a sudden I should care about her at all. All in all, it started fun but halfway through it lost me a bit and now it's over. Bring on the next vamps.
🇹🇭Deep Night - This one surprised me a bit. There was a refreshing amount of good communication and they gave the people what they wanted, poly and older lesbians. I wish there were more acrobatics and the editing was weird in places but overall it's an entertaining show.
🇰🇷Gray Shelter - This is weird one. Because I feel like I have to fill in the gaps myself and that just shouldn't be the case. I enjoyed the actors a lot, and Lee Jae Bin presence on screen kept me engaged for most of it. There is definitely potential here if they had the time to explore all the different elements. But this runtime it's just not enough to fully flesh out these characters and the complex issues it wants to tackle.
🇯🇵Love is Better The Second Time Around - Started great but lost itself by the end. I don't think it needed that external conflict by the end with the brother and the mother because they weren't on firm ground to begin with. If I were to make a list like this one by @lurkingshan I don't think Myiata and Iwanaga would make it there. Iwanaga was amazing to watch though. He pretty.
🇯🇵My Strawberry Film - One pining gay boy does not a bl make. With that said, even as a drama there's nothing interesting here.
🇹🇭To Be Continued - Meh. It was fine. I wish I had more of the side couple because Gumbie is adorable. Midway this was getting into The Promise territory, and while it's not that bad, and I guess the reason for the separation is a valid one, I don't think Achi being the 'bad guy' for most of the show actually makes sense.
🇹🇼Unknown - The last two episodes were a bit of a letdown if I'm honest. I have nothing to say about the first 10 episodes. Incredible. The character growth is so well done, and the family scenes feel very grounded. Just all around outstanding work from the whole cast, but specially Kurt and Chris. I think Kurt showed Yuan growth so well and I'm in awe of Chris' acting all the way through. Even with the little stumble at the end this show and these characters will stay with me for a while.
Rose Watches OJBL


Junjou (2010) - Second chance romance. I liked it. It's a nice watch, nothing particularly outstanding or new about this one, although that's not really fair considering it's more than a decade old, but alas I've seen other versions of this particular type of bl. Nevertheless I liked the characters, specially Tozaki,
Athlete (2019) - The visuals were the best part for me. There are several things I like in this, the main actor does a really good job imo and I truly enjoyed the bar scenes. But it doesn't all come together for me. I don't have a problem with the ending as much as how we got there.
Other - Watched
This was a slow month for me. I started a new job and some other stuff happened so I haven't really been in the mood to watch new stuff. Mostly comfort watches and rewatches. Oh I did watch Heartbreak High S2. It was good.
That's it for right now. My ask box is always open. Wishing you all a wonderful holiday tomorrow💜
#rosy watchlist#1000 years old#23.5 degrees#at 25:00 in akasaka#living with him#Unknown the series#boys be brave#my stand in the series#only boo the series#we are the series#athlete 2019#junjou pure heart#to be continued#gray shelter#my strawberry film#deep night#love is better the second time around#multi bl#Rose Watches OJBL#rose rambles
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A/N: Well, for some reason Tumblr doesn't have many works with demon!MC, so I decided to try to write my own, I hope you like it :3
- No.
- MC, please think again. I assure you, this pact will benefit both of us! - that annoying sorcerer won't leave you alone.
He's been trying to get you to make a pact with him for quite some time. You don't want that. Which, in fact, led to your current situation. You're desperately trying to get away from the sorcerer somewhere far away, and he's still following you.
- I said no. Look for some other demon to make a pact with them.
It seems suspicious to you that such a powerful sorcerer is persistently trying to make a pact with you. You don't have such a high rank and you barely match the level of the fallen brothers, so why would he do that?
Solomon already has 72 demons under his control, so what would change if you joined this list? If he wants a pact with you just because you're closely related to the seven brothers, then he won't get it.
- MC, listen, I don't just want to make a pact with you. I see great potential in you! If we combine our knowledge and abilities, we can achieve a lot! Besides, we will certainly be able to learn something new from each other! - he was hoping to convince you with that sweet talk and friendly smile.
Oh, Diavolo, this man is really testing your patience.
That's it, you've had enough.
You stop abruptly and turn to face him. "Listen, I'm flattered by your desire to make a pact with me, but I doubt we'll be able to learn anything from each other. Besides, you overestimate me. I'm not that strong, and I don't want to be overshadowed by a human."
Now that he finally had your attention, he took your hand in his and gently ran his thumb over your knuckles.
- You're being too hard on yourself. You have your strengths, and I have my weaknesses. If you're still not sure, then how about showing off our skills to each other?
You wanted to object, but first you decided to weigh the pros and cons. In the end, you decided that a show of force wouldn't hurt and would perfectly show who you'd be connected to if you did decide to make a pact.
- Okay, I'm interested. But after this show, my decision will be final. Either we make a pact or not, it's up to me. Is that clear? - you took your hands out of his hands.
Solomon nods his head. He understands your conditions perfectly and will be ready to fulfill them, even if everything turns out not in his favor.
- Great! Now it remains to decide exactly where we would like to do this.
Both of you turned your heads at the same time towards the old dark forest not far from you. There is almost no one there, except for some rarely passing animals, plus it is far from the busy city.
Just perfect.
- Huh, I think great minds think the same way, - you laugh and start moving towards the forest first.
Solomon didn't mind that you were leading him. It didn't take you long to get to the middle of the forest, where you are surrounded only by earth, rocks and some sticks. You are accompanied by a light cool wind that makes the hairs on your skin stand on end, because you were not wearing enough warm clothes.
He noticed that you were shaking a little, so he immediately took his coat and draped it over your shoulders.
- Are you cold? - he was smiling as he put his coat on your shoulders. "I wouldn't want you to freeze. You still need to demonstrate your abilities, MC."
You fell into a stupor for a while. You didn't expect such gentlemanly behavior, especially from him.
- What about you? You people are more fragile. A little breeze won't kill me. Take care of yourself, wizard - you tried to give him back his coat.
The last thing you need is for him to poke you in the face what a sissy you are for the rest of the day.
The sorcerer, also stubborn, forced you to keep his coat with you. "I want you to know that I'm not like other people. Besides, the turtleneck suits me fine," he fiddled with the fabric around his neck.
Well, if he insists, then who are you to refuse?
Now that you have reached the perfect location, you have a large empty space at your disposal.
You turned your head towards him and tilted it slightly. "So, are you starting or am I?" you're flexing your fingers in preparation for the demonstration.
Solomon laughed and rolled up his sleeves to his elbows. "Come on, please, demons go ahead."
- Wow, look at the gentleman, - you smirked.
At first, you stretched your hand out and felt the breeze passing through your fingers. You put your middle finger and thumb together and started concentrating. Magic began to crackle in the air. When a ball of magical energy formed in your hand, you turned all your attention to one object.
You looked at a large boulder and sharply reduced the sphere, after which you sent this small ball to the boulder. In just a second, a rather powerful explosion occurred. Strong air currents formed, as well as debris of different sizes, which began to fly in different directions. Some even flew in your direction.
- MC! - Solomon grabbed your arm and tried to pull you away, but you didn't even move.
You looked at the wreckage and clenched your hand into a fist. The stones stopped abruptly in the air and began to fall to the ground under the influence of gravity, forming small craters.
Since the danger has passed, the sorcerer has released your hand. He breathed out a sigh of relief and looked at you worriedly. "You could have been hurt, you know? It's good that you have a great reaction."
- I know my abilities and I wouldn't do this if I wasn't sure of my own safety. But it's nice that you're worried about me when you should be thinking about yourself.
He chuckled as it was his turn to show his strength. He will prove that he is worthy to make a pact with you.
- Let's see if you'll keep thinking I'm weak. Oh, and by the way, you're not getting seasick in the air, are you? - he asked with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
- No. Why-
You didn't have time to finish and understand what was going on, because you suddenly flew into the sky. The only thing that could soften your fall is the edges of the trees.

Solomon was next to you in a second, but he was much better at floating in the air than you were. Watching you awkwardly hanging in the air, he covered his mouth, trying to hide a chuckle. - Well? Are you having fun?
You stared at him, kicking your legs in the air. "What do you think? You just shot me like a projectile from a catapult! And without any warning!"
- You'll get used to it soon, but for now let me help you, - he flew up to you and took your hands. He began to guide you, and now your flight has stopped being so erratic.
It took your breath away to realize that you were so high above the ground. "You don't send everyone you meet flying, do you? Because it's a great way to make enemies."
- Don't worry, I'm not that reckless, - he smiled and gently lowered you both down. "I only do this with those who are really interesting to me and with whom I want to become closer."
You fell silent, feeling his gaze on you. "Solomon, - you haven't called him that for quite a while, - if you want to make a pact with me just because I know my brothers well, then you don't have to continue. I don't like being used."
He seemed to be taken aback by this response. "Is that why you've been rejecting the pact all this time?"
-... Well.. Why else would you sign a contract with me?..
Solomon gently took your hand. "MC.. Pacts are not something you will make with someone for no reason. What I want from you means more to me than strength or power."
Your feet finally touched the ground, and you were speechless after such a subtle confession. You can't even look at him.
- It looks like I'm making things too complicated, - he noticed your stunned state. "According to our agreement, I will accept any decision you make. Pact or not," he lowered his head and looked away, preparing to face rejection.
Before he left, you grabbed his arm and stopped him.
- The pact. I want to make a pact with you.
#obey me#obey me nightbringer#om! shall we date#obey me shall we date#omswd#obey me solomon#demon!mc#obey me mc#obey me solomon x mc
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2025 Writing Goals
...Did I do one of these last year?? I...genuinely can't remember. But! I'm doing one this year--mostly to organize my own thoughts, haha, but I guess also to give people some updates, if anyone's interested in that?
But, uh, 2024 was...a year. The long and the short of it is: I am very burnt out. Most of that is due to my job, but other things have factored into it, too. (There were. So many animal emergencies this past year.) Because of that, I'm going to try to tailor my goals to be...a bit gentler. In theory.
As for the individual stories...
The Age of Fairytales (And Other Assorted Myths)
This is...probably officially going on hiatus, unfortunately. I don't particularly want it to, but I think it probably needs to. I've been struggling to write chapters a lot more than expected, and have been stressed about getting things out in a timely fashion, which is. Not particularly how I want to interact with fandom, and I don't want the story to suffer because of it. Some of this I think is due to the writing style (the myths specifically, which are different from my normal style), but most of it is from the aforementioned burnout. I don't think I was actually ready to have a regularly updated fic again, even if I thought I was (How was three months not enough time?? has been running circles around my head.), and probably should've stuck with my original plan of trying to write everything out, and then starting to post it.
That said, there's a reason it's going on hiatus, and isn't cancelled or anything, and it's because I still really like the idea. So for the moment, it might be going on the backburner, but hopefully I'll be able to bring it out and do more with it in the future.
(Also, like. Feel free to ask me about any lore stuff? Because I really, really want to talk about it, I'm just currently finding it difficult to put it into story format.
...I suppose I could also just make a lot of general worldbuilding posts in the meantime, too, which would be. Significantly easier. ...I'll have to see on that one.)
On My Heart
I really want to get back to working on this one; it's probably going to be my main "traditional" story. That said, I don't have a set goal for this; basically, I just want to make "decent progress" on it, haha. I'm going to try and take it easy and hopefully get at least some content that I'm happy with! (The beginning I already have, at least, feels pretty solid; now I just have to build onto that.)
I have four one-shots that have been sitting half-completed in my documents that I'd really like to finish at some point, which are:
coda: A Fallen Stars one-shot, covering the first year after the end of the story.
Children of Ozymandias: An AU where the Union Leaders (plus Player and Elrena) all remain together after the fall of Daybreak Town, examined through the eyes of people who don't have much relation to Keyblade wielders.
Touch of Midas: Hoder character study.
Ghosts of All We've Known: Ven-centric story looking at his connection to Scala, his buried memories of Daybreak Town, and his complicated thoughts about Eraqus and Xehanort and their past in Scala.
Of these, "Ghosts of All We've Known" is the one I most want to complete; I really like both the idea and what I've written so far, so hopefully I'll be able to finish that one this year, at least. "coda" also has a pretty good chance of being completed, just because, like...that's what I tend to work on when I'm feeling stressed, haha. So we'll see which of those two gets finished first!
(I would like to finish the other two sometime, as well, but...we'll stick with easy goals for now, and see how I'm feeling once those are done.)
And, uh...those are basically my plans for this year! I'm going to try very hard to just...kind of take things a bit easier. Keyword: try.
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So, obviously, this blog is still on the back burner for now. As I've said, this is a place for me to post about Spider-Man when I feel like posting about Spider-Man, not a formal project with any sort of schedule. But I figured I'd mention that I'm not following a new run of Spider-Man. People always say that you shouldn't worry too hard about knowing the entire continuity when it comes to superhero comics, and instead just jump on board for any run that seems interesting to you. So I'm finally taking that advice!
I am, of course, talking about the new run of Ultimate Spider-Man from writer Jonathan Hickman. I know people have spoken highly of Hickman's other work, and there was a lot of hype for this new take on Peter Parker (especially given how much people are hating the current 616 run), and this seemed interesting to me. A version of Peter who's married with children, who only becomes Spider-Man as a grown-ass man? Yeah, sure, I'm down.
Only the first issue is out currently, but I'm liking this more mature, world-weary take on the cast pretty well so far - particularly Uncle Ben, who's alive in this and gets so much focus in this first issue that I almost thought Hickman was going to do something truly insane and make Ben an elderly Spider-Man lmao. And it's a good thing I like the characterization, because Peter doesn't actually become Spider-Man until the very end of the issue. But I'm definitely down to see where Mid-Life Crisis Spider-Man goes, even if the rebooted Ultimate Universe continuity stuff that leads to Peter becoming Spider-Man mostly goes over my head.
I won't be talking about that series too much on here, but maybe every now and then I'll have thoughts on an arc or a particular moment or something. We'll see.
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2024 AO3 Wrapped - For Writers
Taking a page out of @frownyalfred's bag and am compiling the stats that are most interesting to me (from various wraps I've seen) rather than using any one set template. I'm also going to stick to published stats because I've written chapters for Like the Cryptkeeper that have not published yet, in addition to a few WIPs I've gotten stuck in.
Works Published: ~12
Includes two works started in an earlier year but finished this year and one work started this year but not yet finished. Read all twelve-ish here.
Chapters Published: 18
The majority of my fics were single-chapter one-shots. Not all, though.
Words Published: 45,970
Hits: 29,829*
Comments: 649*
Kudos: 4,817*
Bookmarks: 1,230*
These last four stats I find interesting from a statistical perspective but also maddening, and I'm hoping one of you out there knows a trick. Because these three numbers are wrong.
Firstly, they include all hits/comments/kudos for Hey, Sister, but I wrote and posted half of that in 2022, so some of these are 2022 stats. Same goes for Nowhere Safer, which first posted near the end of 2023 but concluded in 2024! Augh.
And secondly, if I filter my stats down to 2024, it only shows me hits, comments, and kudos given to fics from 2024. My 2024 fics are little babies. Not only are they new and therefore less well-known, but they're also significantly shorter than, for example, The Return and Nature & Nurture.
AO3 is an archive. My older fics are FAR more popular than my shiny new fics! I WANT MY ACCURATE STATS. /endrant
Top Relationship: Dick Grayson & Jason Todd (3)
Shocking. Genuinely stunning. This wholly comes down to me getting really interested in some of the relational mechanics between Dick and Jason and churning out a bunch of fics for Whumptober about exactly that. ("A bunch," I say. Three. I mean three.)
Top Tag: Grief/Mourning (4)
If I exclude the Whumptober tag, grief/mourning was my #1. I'm not sure why.
Fic With Highest Stats:
Because I don't know how to properly segment Hey, Sister or Nowhere Safer, I'm going to present stats with and without that those involved. Stuff with multiple BatKids likely would have done really well even without the multi-year spread, but I can't prove it.
Hits: Hey, Sister (or Nowhere Safer or Like the Cryptkeeper)
Kudos: Hey, Sister (or Nowhere Safer or Open Line)
Comments: Like the Cryptkeeper
Bookmarks: Nowhere Safer (or Open Line)
Fic I'm Proudest Of:
I'm always proud of all of my fics but I am particularly proud of:
Like the Cryptkeeper because it's been a bit since I've done a fic longer than two chapters (we'll see how proud I am if I stall on my current chapter for much longer)
The morning and what came after because it was deeply angsty and made me cry
Searchlight Burning because @audreycritter said it was one of the best "Bruce returns to Gotham pre-Batman" fics she's ever read and I want to die with that on my tombstone
Fic I Wish Received More Attention: Searchlight Burning
Y'all are allergic to Alfred fics and it's such a pity.
WIPs Still Sitting In Drafts: 3.5
lol. Okay so of actual "things I actually attempted or am attempting to write" drafts, as opposed to just ideas, I am sitting on:
The rest of Like the Cryptkeeper
A mega-angsty little thing I've been poking at for a couple years
A Dick & Jason fic I started for Whumptober and got stuck on
An Alfred POV for The Rain Again that I started, had to back out of when it wasn't right, and if I ever use again will need to be for an entirely new scenario—hence the .5
Given Or Received Gifts: 3 received, 0 given
More indicative of my pre-Whumptober writing slump than anything else
Learn Anything New?
It was such a relief to finally feel like I got a little bit more of a handle on Dick. I didn't expect that this year.
I noticed while drafting Cryptkeeper that Jason was being VERY sweary in a way I don't usually write that felt appropriate and inappropriate for the setting at the same time. I finally realized my own internal distinction that he tends to stick to lesser swears when communicating verbally, while his own internal monologue will have a lot more f-bombs.
I love the "Batkids trust Bruce enough to crawl into his bed after a nightmare" but it's a trope that only ever squared with me in an uncomplicated way for Dick. I didn't see Jason falling into it without hesitation even as a younger kid and I really couldn't see Tim doing it, except for maybe much, much, MUCH later. I liked being able to solidify the uncomfortable middle ground for myself in Nowhere Safer.
It's not new knowledge that getting Jason and Bruce to talk honestly to each other is a difficult thing, but MAN has Cryptkeeper really driven it home. Yikes.
2025 Aspirations Or Goals:
Finish Like the Cryptkeeper.
Beef up some of my other pairings. I do want to keep writing my most delicious faves, but I'd like to explore some different combinations.
Tied to that, I'd like to build out my own understanding of some other characters within the Wayne universe. Steph and Duke remain a cipher to me, but so does Kon and Jon and Lois. I don't know that I would write more about them, but understanding them is at least more in that direction.
Tied to that, I'd like to find more new-to-me authors to read. My fic reading has fallen off a cliff for various reasons, but it's always a thrill to find talented writers who tackle the Fam in a cogent and engaging way.
Not necessarily specific to 2025, but I've never officially collaborated on a fic with anyone. That might be fun.
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day off
Dude was in town for thanksgiving. it was supposed to be all of us but one of my nephews came down with walking pneumonia, which is apparently what all the kids are getting, so we didn't get the family thanksgiving. but dude came out, and programmed the thermostat in my cabin. i still think i'm going to mostly keep it shut off though. i'm getting low on propane and it's worrying me that it'll run out in the middle of the night sometime. it is 20F today though. and I have finally, with help, got my loom all ready and have started to weave the project i got all the stuff for last Christmas.
so i'm hanging out out here even though i could go inside and not be having to heat this space. so i'm like, not heating the space, even though it's slightly uncomfortable. it's up to 50F at the moment so i can't complain too much, the sun is out.
anyway-- I spent some time out here yesterday too and I got a bunch of work done both on the weaving and on the writing. I'm close to having enough of a first draft of the first bit of the tall ships solarpunk bisexuals novel that any of y'all who've expressed interest in reading will have something i can share with you soon. i just need to figure out where i'm heading.
i was going to put up more of the aubreyad fanfic too at some point but it's been so busy and then i just don't have any executive function. it's been rough.
oh also i got cellulitis again. i noticed a weird zit on my leg and in daylight i was like oh. that's an infection. what the fuck. never any broken skin but it managed anyhow. so i just immediately went to urgent care on friday morning when everyone else was meeting up to shop or whatever, and they were like oh well done for coming in this early, and gave me doxycycline. so i'm avoiding dairy for 8 hours a day now but you'd be surprised how much cheese you can eat around that restriction. i'm managing.
i also have to avoid sun but that takes zero actual effort this time of year. only a week of this left. the actual infection site looks fine but i'm of course giving it no quarter. i'm annoyed because i got several little cuts in my hands during all the hell of turkey processing and i was so good and so careful and none of THEM got infected so WTF. ugh.
I guess this season I'm thankful for doxycycline.
now, back to the solarpunk tall ship bisexuals, which keeps taking plot turns i had not anticipated and is not going where i expected. i think i'm also rambling too much but. y'know! we'll see.
the current scene that's rambling on far too long features the main non-sailor character realizing that she's inadvertently taught her nine-month-old to (in sign language) call the computer "daddy" because her father has been away at sea long enough that the child only remembers looking at pictures of him on the computer, and so now she requests screentime by making the sign for father. It is more or less her first word.
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TMAGP 9 Thoughts: Name Dropping
This one was a big one. I was hoping some of this would happen later if only for my own amusement. Of all the episodes thus far I think there might be have the most foundational elements to the wider narrative in it.
Spoilers for episode 9 below the cut.
We'll start at the start although I don't have much to say about this pre-incident banter. It's mostly stuff that I think is for humour rather than narrative relevance. Such as the questions have a classic 7 point scale, but instead of neutral in the middle neutral is an extreme and trauma is the other one. Dead creatures, blood transfusions, and why? are all similar there. It's fun dialogue but I don't think there is much to say beyond that.
The case itself is a really great one. Might be my favourite so far. It's a Magnus Institute statement, opens with some interesting titbits, is TTRPG related, has a fun hook, and a satisfying conclusion. Hard to fault it anywhere.
So lets get to the fun stuff. The Magnus Institute framing isn't really of interest to me right now. This isn't anything particularly unexpected and doesn't give us any new information about the Institute itself but does hint at some of their methodology. The statement is part of artefact's assessment, and preceding the statement itself the artefact is given some viability ratings. No viability as subject, low as agent, and medium as catalyst. I've seen some people interpreting this as being about the statement giver but as this is the "Statement and Research assessment for artefact CD137" I think that's a misinterpretation. Especially since this post-statement and the statement giver dies. Those terms aren't explained here but if I had to take a stab at it I think subject is probably about further research, agent is it's utility as a weapon, and catalyst is likely related to rituals or avatars. The recommendation is a referral to "referral to Catalytics for Enrichment applicability assessment. "Enrichment" here could be a euphemism for turning someone into an avatar of sorts, or be a little more literal as an actual catalyst for some sort of experiment or ritual. I think the ritual idea is maybe more on the right lines as alchemy is a large motif of this series.
There isn't much to say about the statement itself. The dice could be the same ones mentioned in Episode 4: Taking Notes. That episode wasn't written by Jonny or Alex, while this one was, but I feel that sort of detail is something they'd feel comfortable adding in. Although I think it's more likely that the old man himself was part of the direction.
"Externals Liaison" being "gofer" so far is pretty great, and Nigel Dickerson is a pretty spot on name for that sort of British TV personality. Can't wait to hear about how they eat children.
Alice still being into Sam and jelly of Celia is cute, and it's great to see more of Teddy. I'm pretty sure he's going to play a larger role in all of this than it seems so far. Going to dig through the ruins of the Magnus Institute might also mean that episode 10 will be a no-incident episode too. Those things usually happened at the start and end of seasons for TMA but it seems pretty appropriate for TMP right now.
Overall, great episode.
Starting with this post I'm going to include a link to my Google sheet containing all the current cases, their CAT#'s, R#'s, DPHW's, etc. It contains about as much information on each as I think is reasonable, including who narrates it, a link to its episode, and any other relevant notes, as well as headers for incidents we didn't hear. Additionally it also contains the Klaus sheet (German and English) and links to it when a incident matches. It will be updated each episode after the episode is publicly available.
Incident/CAT#R#DPHW Master Sheet
DPHW Theory: 3354 is fairly standard for this sort of thing, I think. I expected H to be a little higher in general but not by a lot. The only very high score we've seen for H involved a lot of compulsion, and the higher scores are harder to escape from than this one seems to be.
Splitting CAT# and R# theories into two separate things now. As you may or may not have seen I wrote a fairly extensive theory on what I think R# means so it makes no real sense to group them.
CAT# Theory: CAT3 is a nice new data point. Not many CAT3's so hopefully this will help elucidate that. But as of yet I don't have a solid theory about how that could work. The other CAT3's were Transformation (Eyes) -/- Trespass, and Transformation (Full) -/- Dysmorphic which have the obvious overlap of transformation but that doesn't have a lot of overlap with Dice (Bone) -/- Fate particularly. There is the subsection of bone here which you could say is linked to the more physical manifestations of those two incidents but the Tria Prima idea I talked about here isn't something I think holds up well. So if CAT3 is something along the lines of the physical I don't think it'll be quite like that.
R# Theory: RB isn't particularly interesting in a general sense. It supports my theory reasonably well and so isn't too surprising. Which means there is little to talk about there. However, I do think it's a really good nail in the coffin for some of my other ideas. Which is encouraging now that I'm thinking about it in very different terms.
Header talk: Dice (Bone) -/- Fate is somewhat interesting. Dice (Bone) is incredibly specific in a way that bothers me. So far sections have been reasonably broad. A violin ends up in Collection, other objects in Agglomeration, Architecture deals with seemingly all buildings, but this section is just for dice? I can't be the only one that thinks that's far more specific than what we've seen before. It's also another very strange crosslink. I'm still not entirely sure what to make of those. I may have mentioned briefly that my current framework for crosslinks is viewing them as vectors. i.e. they're the way in which the supernatural is able to manifest. That holds up with Fate but it's still a bit strange in general terms.
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Today I had the first delivery from our new fruit and veg service. We got this adorable book included as a gift and I can't wait to get stuck in and have a read through. 25 years worth of food related meditations and ideas? Fuck yes. I love finding others who are deeply interested in food, it's always a joy learning more about aspects I was otherwise unaware of. His specialty lies in farming and sustainable agricultural policy so it should be a good read.
The bulbs I planted last year are starting to come up in the front of the house as well which has been really fun to watch. I'll be the first to admit I didn't really do as much research as I should have, but in theory, I should get waves of blooms from now until maybe May/June-ish? We'll have to wait and see.
I also seem to have started a bit of a movement on our road which is unexpected but very exciting. There's quite a few young families close by and what started as me dropping off dinner for the family over the road, then turned into them bringing over some divine honey in thanks, which then turned into me making an absurd number of muffins, making use of said honey, and as I had so many I took some over to the original family, but also to my neighbours on either side of our house. There's now a back and forth taking place between about 5 houses, where once a week someone rings the doorbell and turns out there's someone with a plate of goodies, or some secondhand kids clothes or some such. It's lovely. Currently enjoying some fluffy bread rolls that one of my neighbour's counsin had leftover (he's a baker and has excess bread after closing some weeks).
I'm planning how to carry on this momentum and I'm debating whether or not a take a book, leave a book mini library might be worth setting up. We have 2 primary schools, one at either end of the road, so I think there would be people who would appreciate being able to grab free kids books I'm sure. Maybe I'll set out a box, I'm not sure. Still debating the logistics honestly.
This is all in part due to the one resolution/ideal I set for 2025. If I see something, and have the thought "someone should do something about that", I will within reason, try to be that someone. It's turning out quite well so far, and it's nice after a decade living in London, to actually know my neighbours and stop to chat with people on the street as we go about our days.
Finally, T got paid a day earlier than expected so I've been out and stocked up the house. I've got £40 worth of meat that should last us the month, packed in the freezer, including some beef shin which I'm planning to stew at some point in the slow cooker. I managed to source the majority of the food from local businesses this week which I'm pleased with. I'm going to see if next week when I have to do a top-up shop I can completely avoid Aldi.
I actually found myself getting a little emotional about it today. 10 years ago I was living tiny studio flat with T, and we were stealing food and toilet roll from work to supplement the weekly shop which cost us £15 a week max. We had to frequently sell books, films, our iPods just to get money together to keep the electricity on. Now I can spend £40 in one day, just on meat, and I know we'll be good for it. I was able to buy Z new trainers earlier this month and I was able to get good quality shoes and I didn't need to move money into my account or pay on my credit card. It's taken us a while but we've come bloody far. Worth shedding a few tears I think.
#homemaker#homemaking#sahm#personal#nontrad homemaker#nontrad housewife#kitchen witch#witchcraft#motherhood#cottagecore#community#community building
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